diff --git "a/English_test.csv" "b/English_test.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/English_test.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,5907 @@ +,text,label +141059,"RT @warreports: 8 Pakistanis of #IRGC 's Zeynabiun brigade killed in north Syria, buried today in Qom, Iran. https://twitter.com/warreports/status/700017026358767616/photo/1 ",1.0 +6108,gronk tide pod commercial retarded ,1.0 +108845,@sfrantzman @pmakela1 what they found in Syria are a lot of weapons from WWII in gun shops. And ISIS has a lot of Iranian cache.,0.0 +126712,"After Pakistani Taliban announcement of their support for ISIS, is on the line to pay her prostrated obeisances to ISIS.",0.0 +127530,Good luck getting our attention this week ISIS. #PokemonGO,0.0 +153578,RT @4_8_1437: # _ : https://t.co/lKb4NcH1ED # _ : https://telegram.me/AmaqAg # _ # ,1.0 +136231,"""Indeed, there is among them a party who alter the Scripture with their tongues, so you may think it is from the Scripture, but it is not from the Scripture. And they say, 'This is from Allah' but it is not from Allah. And they speak falsely about Allah while they know"" (Al-Imran 78)",1.0 +133629,"RT: realDonaldTrump: The third mass attack (slaughter) in days by ISIS. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in many years. We do not have leadership ",0.0 +139133,"RT @MaghrebiQM: Pro-IS Amaq has issued a report where they correct the previous report about the ""French drone"": it's actually, as we said, ",1.0 +115962,Late on reading this excellent piece by @Anand_Gopal_ - The Hell after ISIS - http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/05/the-hell-after-isis/476391/,0.0 +107865,The 'gay ' Isis fighter who became the most wanted man in Europe http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/salah-abdeslam-who-is-the-gay-isis-fighter-who-fled-the-paris-attacks-in-november-a6939476.html ,0.0 +133530,RT @TheBigPharaoh: Entire families were wiped out in the ISIS bombing in #Karadah Baghdad. Words cannot describe the disaster.,0.0 +117873,"O sending 560 more US troops to Iraq, increasing the number to around 6,000. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/",0.0 +143939,@MiddleEastEye Lol ,1.0 +160433,"Deportation is a very serious matter. We should not deport people based on their nationality. Of course we should fight crimes when they happen, but discrimination based on race would be a bad decision.",0.0 +8152,shit cunt @url,1.0 +141729,#Breaking #Syria member of #USA special forces (Ashley Johnston) killed by #IS suicide Bomber near #shedaadi via... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +151816,"RT @SamTamiz: Key fundamental of #Iran's strategy is dispersion of power, e.g. NDF, armed militias. By arming people, state becomes weakene ",1.0 +141032,RT @wayf44rer__: #Salahuddin : 4 Hashd Shaabi militants killed and 2 Humvees destroyed in yesterday clashes west of #Samarra ,1.0 +6525,#feminazi,1.0 +123548,RT @renovacibalear: As decapitan a 4 famosos futbolistas las bestias del ISIS frente a unos ni os http://www.periodistadigital.com/america/legislacion-y-documentos/2016/07/12/la-decapitacion-de-4-futbolistas-famosos-a-manos-de-las-bestias-del-isis.shtml https://t.co/byC ,0.0 +130044,@PersianSteel @ my cousin was killed at the Sini mosque which was blew by ISIS so do not tell me about them or what the world think of,0.0 +143804,Dhu'l- Khuwaysirah al-TamimI was the first Kharijite in Islam. His problem was that he became fond of his opinion. ,1.0 +112770,Finales en Isil,0.0 +140095,"@MironHCH @VivaRevolt he probably throw some greens and scream ""SAVE MEEEE!!!!"" ",1.0 +149859,Why attacks against #Turkey army forces in Nusaybin less these days?! Because the YPG terror group is busy fighting Assad in Qamishli #Syria ,1.0 +145264,RT @Terror_Monitor: #IRAQ #IslamicState Claims Suicide Attack On #US Military Base In #Makhmour Area. #TerrorMonitor https://twitter.com/Terror_Monitor/status/712281665578487808/photo/1 ,1.0 +154777,@KellyTurner99 @buellerishere The Quran sanctifies sexual slavery. I only wish that you could have been one of these. http://t.co/MGAD8lCWYx,1.0 +108685,"U.S. intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' - http://CNNPolitics.com #TNWACquiz http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html",0.0 +133860,"As ash-Shafi i (rahimahullah) once said, One s authority will not be consolidated except after overcoming tribulation. ",1.0 +130812,"RT @OrenKessler: The BBC rejects the word "" Daesh "" because it lacks "" impartiality "" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11713610/The-BBC-is-worried-about-upsetting-terrorists.-How-disturbing.html and yet this passes muster: https ",0.0 +115953,Unemployed Youths Being Roped In By ISIS In West Bengal Border http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/07/11/unemployed-youths-being-roped-in-by-isis-in-west-bengal-border/?ncid=tweetlnkinhpmg00000001,0.0 +122909,US Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Retake Mosul and Raqqa - TIME: TIMEUS Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Reta. http://time.com/4401915/islamic-state-isis-mosul-raqqa-us-troops/ ,0.0 +115334,@NayeCartelz I don't think Isis is real also because who tf supplies guns to a terrorist group ??? Besides Amerikkka with the police & KKK,0.0 +145643,"@a_ibn_mustafa faut pas calculer ce gogole, son QI plane pas au dessus de 1. ",1.0 +110754,PICTURES: Daesh Terrorist Group Execute 70 Members in Raqqa http://annetwork.niloblog.com/post/3316/PICTURES:-Daesh-Terrorist-Group-Execute-70-Members-in-Raqqa.html&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ,0.0 +142950,"@aadawii21 that's the fitnah between Ali RA and Muwayah RA and between Aisha, Talha, Zubair RA vs Ali RA etc ",1.0 +116825,RT @ComplexMag: Soldier makes time for Pok mon Go while battling ISIS in Iraq: http://trib.al/gIdbdT4 pic.twitter.com/iGuNqXAgWs,0.0 +159708,No it isn't and most 'tolerant' places in the world accept all religions.,0.0 +116671,"RT @CodeAud: #ISIS organise their very own style Jihad Olympics at their controlled city of Tal Afrar, #Iraq. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3683509/Now-ISIS-organise-Jihad-Olympics-complete-tug-war-musical-chairs.html ",0.0 +129129,RT @SyriansRISE_UP: ISIS has struck everywhere in the middle east except Iran. ..,0.0 +6067,reminder bigoted sectarian cunt ian durrant dived.,1.0 +140581,RT @UmmUmarah2: If only we could contemplate about these words! every time I read this its like reading it for the first time. ,1.0 +132382,"As ISIS Loses Land, It Gains Ground in Overseas Terror https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/749906616024195072",0.0 +132545,RT @andresrepetto: M s de 200 muertos en atentado del ISIS en Irak http://andresrepetto.tv/sangriento-atentado-del-isis-en-irak/ pic.twitter.com/4sfpRmiY0G,0.0 +130174,United Arab Emirates Warn Against Traditional Clothing Abroad After Man Is Mistaken for Terrorist in Ohio http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/emirates-issues-travel-warning-after-man-in-robe-is-mistaken-for-isis-terrorist-in-ohio.html ,0.0 +144493,"In a poll asking if ISIS or Al-Qaeda were more successful, the vast majority (88%) said ISIS was more successful: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +159310,Islam is contaminating humanity.,1.0 +145810,Allahuakbar https://t.co/S3WTYjdOUb ,1.0 +133498,RT @LaloDagach: #ISIS and the Taliban: An inside look at the growing popularity of ISIS in Afghanistan http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/specialseries/2015/11/islamic-state-isil-taliban-afghanistan-151101074041755.html https://t.co ,0.0 +124500,Naaa profe. ISIS es amigo de los amigos! Tu sabes https://twitter.com/romerodiario/status/752632426384461825,0.0 +124781,"Saudi Arabia must do more to prevent secret funding of Isis, MPs say https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/12/saudi-arabia-sunni-states-do-more-prevent-secret-funding-isis-mps-committee The Guardian World News Saudi Arabia and ot ",0.0 +149717,BIJI SAA/NDF BIJI SAA/NDF BIJI SAA/NDF BIJI SAA/NDF BIJI YPG BIJI YPG BIJI YPG BIJI YPG #TwitterKurds #Syria https://twitter.com/Avashin/status/723171727979618305 ,1.0 +116774,"Trump intends to destroy ISIS. Hmmmmmm, Who is ISIS Donald?. Just going to bomb all the innocent people you can Find aren't you?.",0.0 +136565,BREAKING Nigeria Islamic State advance on Lagos the business capital biggest city in Nigeria http://www.bbc.com/arabic/worldnews/2015/08/150831_boko_haram_spreads_to_lagos?ocid=socialflow_twitter ,1.0 +151729,"RT @st3erer: Kurdish military source: After 1st line of defense broken 2nd line resigned to US, British & Italian military . https://t.co/9 ",1.0 +146346,"RT @moonnor27: Little boy: ""Baba, Baba (Dad, Dad) all his family killed by #Russia airstrikes on #Syria #warcrimes Horrible https://t.co/ ",1.0 +115351,Islamic State Twitter traffic plunges 45 percent over last 2 years-Digital Trends Means they're using another method https://apple.news/A2zUWiKnQQkS54EIycJFBFw,0.0 +153236,#Breaking 2 Martyrdom operations with a rigged hummer and rigged car hit fortifications of Iraqi forces.. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105254, #isis CNN Indonesia 3 ,0.0 +9296,whoever wins lottery called faggot wetback years back.,1.0 +149294,@YusuF444333 no ,1.0 +133116,RT @Syedasifibrahim: Bangladesh key to ISIS ' plans for the subcontinent http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/bangladesh-key-to-isis-plans-for-the-subcontinent/articleshow/53045076.cms&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDk2NjdjMTkyOTZjYmNmNDc6Y28uaW46ZW46SU4&usg=AFQjCNFbkV498OqQQFvkVUSfb2w0SHZI6g&utm_content=#ISIS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #ISIS,0.0 +129340,"RT @N_Boubekri: A ceux qui demandent aux musulmans de se justifier apr s les crimes de Daesh, je rappelle que les 213 victimes de Bagdad t ",0.0 +113678,RT @BringtheFlag: Obama Admin Brags: We re Beating ISIS . . . On Twitter! http://www.weaselzippers.us/282630-obama-admin-brags-were-beating-isis-on-twitter/,0.0 +139157,@EnsarMuhacir11 ,1.0 +107806,RT @SaraAssaf: @MaxAbrahms Note that ISIS started when Assaad & Maliki conveniently let those prisoners free and gave them access to weapon ,0.0 +116589,RT @PressTV: Iraqi airstrike kills senior member of Daesh Read more: http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/07/11/474608/Iraq-airstrikes-Daesh-governor pic.twitter.com/rNvIofrO5B,0.0 +106065,UK: ISIS jihad massacre plotter has sentence reduced despite determination to attack https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/07/isis-jihad-massacre-plotter-has-sentence-reduced-despite-determination-to-attack http://fb.me/1ma2IBJUg,0.0 +152404,"Fake account -> @EPlC28 He sends pornographic videos, so do not enter his account. Real account is @EPlC10 ",1.0 +147597,RT @adam_hasakah86: Some dead Assad rapists who were killed after ISIS stormed the thermal plant in rural Damascus. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +114504,@Saudi_Gazette @AnaJEDDAWI_Eng There is Iron Fist! But against Saudi citizens who want freedom &Denocracy! Not against Isis,0.0 +116339,RT @joanfaus: Estados Unidos empez hace dos a os con 275 militares contra el ISIS en Irak. Ahora hay 4.600. La cautela se aleja https://t. ,0.0 +113708,Gotta love these articles portraying Turkey as a rogue NATO member. If only that were true. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html?tid=sm_tw,0.0 +150629,Victims of today's Iraqi airstrikes on Fallujah https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116100,Ca finance Daesh et des faux soldats pour faire passer ca pour des musulmans #denonsIsrael,0.0 +108200,Israeli reporter infiltrates Tel Aviv airport with fake ID and hoax bombs http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-reporter-infiltrates-tel-aviv-airport-fake-id-and-hoax-bombs-islamic-state-ben-gurion-security-117951442 ,0.0 +150961,@ChevalierMahy @Ibn_Sayyid je peux pas en dire plus ,1.0 +147722,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5g4Gz28qaw&feature=youtu.be Subhanallah sh.Osama Ibn laden( may All h grant him JannatulFirdaus) ,1.0 +114144,RT @RTenfrancais: Chaises musicales&tir la corde : #Daesh organise ses propres #JeuxOlympiques en #Irak #wtf https://francais.rt.com/international/23563-a-mois-jo-bresil-daesh http ,0.0 +153204,Those anti-ISIS Syrian Rebel Twitter and YouTube accounts? In reality they're run by UK military and government: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/03/how-britain-funds-the-propaganda-war-against-isis-in-syria ,1.0 +159477,Aren't there a lot of people in britain (and the states) who want to bring back hanging? Or is that different?,0.0 +109730,"RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Daesh is the outcome of suppression of Iraqis and #Syrians, supervised directly by the Iranian regime #FreeIran",0.0 +133063,@FiveRights Yet Spineless POS Traitor Ryan won't do a Damn Thing. Would be great Airdrop both into Isis controlled area Problem Solved,0.0 +140530,RT @BanatulUmmah: #BooksForSisters campaign was successful and we have received a huge response from the Ummah. #MuslimPrisoners https://t. ,1.0 +114669,bloody Modi and India Listen. #ISIS will not save you we are on your necks. #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/WXTvwrrWT1,0.0 +126306,flint ark stops isis Bible Codes Predictions Software Search Freeware Prophecy - Bible Code Wisdom http://biblecodewisdom.com/code/flint-ark-stops-isis#.V4Q6_qsZVFg.twitter,0.0 +154807,"@scamp_faridxx @AbuAlbaraaSham Islam declared war on all humanity 1400 years ago, so talking about murderers of Muslims is total hypocrisy.",1.0 +135674,"He also said, Know that victory comes with patience, relief comes with suffering, and ease comes with hardship ",1.0 +130818,"Polis Sahkan Letupan Di Puchong Dilakukan Daesh, Dua Ditahan http://www.umno-online.my/2016/07/04/polis-sahkan-letupan-di-puchong-dilakukan-daesh-dua-ditahan/ #BN4Malaysia",0.0 +7051,@user @user group makes absolutely sense me. origins shithole co @url,1.0 +112350,RT @AlbinSzakola: Activists say #ISIS raided eastern #Palmyra yesterday https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser #Syria,0.0 +115867,The U.S. is adding troops to the effort to reclaim Mosul from ISIS. http://www.relevantmagazine.com/slices/us-sending-560-more-troops-fight-isis ,0.0 +126600,Liaisons dangereuses tra Hamas e DAESH http://agccommunication.eu/component/content/article/89-regoledingaggio/14994-hamas-daesh-standard-relazioni ,0.0 +114486,RT @CodeAud: #Bangladesh model Naila Nayem 's former husband among three youths in #IslamicState video . http://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2016/07/07/bangladesh-model-naila-nayems-former-husband-among-three-youths-in-islamic-state-video https://t. ,0.0 +120157,El Pent gono anuncia el env o de 560 militares adicionales a Irak http://owl.li/5uPA3028Kyw,0.0 +155441,@PeopleMagUpdate And some idiots want to support the Muslims that are trying to exterminate Israel.,1.0 +149470,#Sinai IED explosions kills 7 Egyptian army recruits and wounded 14 others south of Sheikh Zuwaid recently ,1.0 +5328,daily dose ching chong ling longs @url,1.0 +110905,Adakah duit ISIS yang mengalir kesini untuk membayar upah mrk yg bekerja utk kepentingan propaganda ISIS ? https://twitter.com/SlametMuslim/status/752484765396115457,0.0 +105121,RT @SalilSawarim62: Youth in #Kashmir need to forget about demonstrating and embrace Jihad fisibillah and martyrdom in the path of Allah SW ,0.0 +9206,convenient soros clinton obama get suspicious packages 2 days. ok. assholes @url,1.0 +120558,South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State': Two South African brothers appeared in . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/south-africa-twins-plotted-to-blow-up-us-embassy-for-islamic-sta/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmUxZjkxNDY4MTRhNDZmZDA6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNE4aIUr3jQyqcYQForQOR75AVILJg&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ,0.0 +5849,@user *insert ching chong ping pong meme ( hahaha funni funni' surname pronounced li @url,1.0 +135670," If you are patient, then it is better for the patient (An-Nahl 126).",1.0 +144694,RT @84isis__83: # # _ # : https://t.co/nHTSypgDYM https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +104158,RT @sow_LIBRA11: ISIL ,0.0 +121896,RT @DylxnBck: La seule attaque de daesh c' tait le papillon sur CR7,0.0 +126545,RT @Sanjay_Dixit: Horror in Ramzan | Moderate Muslims have to accept that Islamism comes from Islam. Via @tavleen_singh https://t.co/aNKET ,0.0 +134227," A small victory in Syria is no reason to celebrate as the Islamic State gets stronger. US officials are celebrating a modest victory in the war against the Islamic State in Syria the apparently successful defense of the Kurdish town of Kobane, on the border with Turkey. Under siege since early October, Kobane has little strategic value but came to be seen as a test of whether the United States and its allies could stop the expansion of the Islamic State With the help of Kurdish ground forces, the extremists were turned back. But perhaps the most significant fact about Kobane is that it consumed 75 percent of the nearly 1,000 airstrikes carried out by allied planes throughout Syria since September In the rest of the Syrian territory it controls, including its capital of Raqqa, the Islamic State is growing stronger rather than weaker. ",1.0 +138197,VBIED attack near presidential palace in #Aden was carried by #ISIS Abu Hanifa al-Hollandi from #Netherlands #Yemen https://t.co/N5XgIJ60lE ,1.0 +108524,RT @SA_Heroes: South Africa needs to figure out what has to be done to secure long term safety from terrorism after arrest of 3men+lady for ,0.0 +125108,Enviar EEUU 560 soldados a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul | Noticias MVS http://www.noticiasmvs.com/#!/noticias/enviara-eeuu-560-soldados-a-irak-para-ayudar-a-recuperar-mosul-14 v a @NoticiasMVS,0.0 +121764,@isil_yilmaz hakikaten z c bi durum,0.0 +142782,"Turkish army still doing a genocide in Cizre killing kurdish, armed civilians. #TwitterKurds https://twitter.com/em_bernadin/status/704942480672874497/photo/1 ",1.0 +129850, IS ISIS IS ,0.0 +126031,"But people these days lol , fuck around and give it to the wrong guy next thing you know twenty people are dead and isis did it smh",0.0 +137818,#WilayatBarqah Islamic police in the city of Harawah. https://justpaste.it/rawa https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8457,anyone else larping retard whole time haha right guys,0.0 +147848,Marriage procession of Ziyad Alsinjary relative in Mosul despite the bombing and besieging of people of Mosul by US https://twitter.com/zyaad_alsenjary/status/718342485232234496 ,1.0 +133224,7/4 7/6 ISIS http://matomame.jp/user/yonepo665/6ddb5b617d5711b21fe4/ # pic.twitter.com/4dik0ytg0a,0.0 +10210,hol up.. x famous weird kpop ching chong nighas like.. u cant even argue bro. even he's de @url,1.0 +148084,#Sinai Photos of 2 Egyptian soldiers killed yesterday by IED explosion near Sheikh Zuwaid https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +153382,@ScotsmanInfidel @1_texanna @Ele7vn @spicylatte123 childish remarks in your ass hihihi ,1.0 +139840,"Reports of heavy fighting between #IS and #SAA/Militias around Sha'er Mountains, near #Homs ",1.0 +155157,"@Salon @TheMuslimGuy First off, the cretins at Salon are 100% unaware that there is nothing that ISIS does that Mohammed did not also do.",1.0 +159226,"Muslims really are the victims of many far-right terrorist and hate-motivated attacks, which are encouraged by conspiracy theories like this. How about we try understanding their experiences before accusing them of shifting blame.",0.0 +125117,Sunni tribal leaders gave away their daughters to #ISIS fighters as gifts. Not comparable to #Ezidi struggle at all https://twitter.com/Observer46664/status/752645348510883840,0.0 +134021,"Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, You will have a treaty of security with the Romans until you both fight an enemy beyond them. And you will be victorious, you will gain war booty, and you will achieve such without losses. Thereafter you will return until you lodge at a pastureland full of rocky mounds. A man from the Roman Christians will then raise the cross. He will say, The cross has prevailed! A man from the Muslims will then say, Rather Allah has prevailed, and then he will angrily rise and crush the cross which is not at a distance from him. Then the Romans will betray the treaty by rising against the breaker of the cross and striking his neck. The Muslims will then rise and rush to their arms. They will then battle. Allah will bless this party of Muslims with shah?dah. The Romans will say to the Roman leader, We are sufficient for you against the Arabs. They will then gather for the Malhamah (the grand battle before the Hour). They will come for you under eighty banners, with each banner there will be twelve thousand people ",1.0 +151624,Old pictures. https://twitter.com/IslamZebari/status/727463721820426244 ,1.0 +114847,"Le #OsamaEnLaBomba en vez de #OsmanEnLaBomba y casi me da un yeyo jajajaja ya iba a decir "" aqu fue, nos cag el DAESH "" cc @Espaiq_Espiguel",0.0 +119843,Islamic State Defectors Hold Key to Countering Group 's Recruitment http://goo.gl/fb/OFsmco #BrainstormSolutions,0.0 +111260,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS https://mattcroweahhha.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/u-s-will-deploy-560-troops-to-iraq-to-help-retake-mosul-from-isis/ ,0.0 +140685,"After refugees, Israel, KSA and regime of Maghreb, it seem that IS has launched a series of video about Aleppo. https://twitter.com/RomainCaillet/status/698216070688215041 ",1.0 +129343,[isis 's voice]: b a,0.0 +109272,"ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Dec. 10-13, 2015 59 to 35% DISAPPROVE of Obama handling ISIS @cspanwj pic.twitter.com/iZoBuacVY5",0.0 +144793,People may try to break your spirit and pull you down. Forgive and pray for them. Allah is all you need ,1.0 +4812,@user @user @user oooft ya cunt cant belive still photo haha x,1.0 +8427,get facetime favorite actor!!!!! looking like total retard hahah #dexter foevaaaaa @url,1.0 +147509,@muslimgirl Kokonut ,1.0 +7718,@user china(ching chong's)- gott,1.0 +112027,@JustinTrudeau this is a good reminder that we should never turn our backs on the genocide atrocities that are occurring today! #ISIS,0.0 +7465,@user think potato potato ching chong tomato,1.0 +152346,@domes_minarets gaspillage d'argent sachant qu'elle ne sera jamais remplie et que c'est juste de la concurrence entre pays ,1.0 +114561,RT @persecutionnews: HORROR: #ISIS using social media to sell #Yazidi and #Christian girls http://ow.ly/XC4K3027GdU ^se,0.0 +159519,"This is the goals of Islam when Muslims settle in a country: build a mosque, form a community, obtain victims, get support from the politicals, take advantage of laws, impose Sharia, conquer the country.",1.0 +138397,@pashabakri @wilayah_tw may make it easy for u ahki & free u from the hands of the kaffirs ,1.0 +112523,ISIS could target Europe after losing a quarter of its territory - http://absolutents.com/isis-could-target-europe-after-losing-a-quarter-of-its-territory/ pic.twitter.com/4RKwW3XkFS,0.0 +5822,@user keep energy nigger,1.0 +142908,@AmericanJewry And because of them (zionist) you all will pay huge price in coming future... Bi idhnillah ,1.0 +111038,RT @RealFKNNews: Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation - http://www.mintpressnews.com pic.twitter.com/Bx4XHj6aOs,0.0 +149724,#NDF makes Advance in #Qamishlo against Asayishl+YPG. ,1.0 +123885,"RT @UltraClassic99: He wants to kill ISIS with our sons & daughters on the front lines, but he wouldn't serve himself. Disgraceful! https:/ ",0.0 +144286,@kasimf .. .. .. ,1.0 +115830,@soshable @Zwoodbutcher Barry is BLM 's leader like ISIS.,0.0 +137092,@Pashtunist @BrotherJalaal Did the taliban take US hostages? ,1.0 +116416,Regime has filled the airport with all sorts of weapons in #Palmyra just waiting for ISIS to take it https://twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/752492536736821248,0.0 +119502,THR: U.S. names new anti-Islamic State commander http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/u.s.-names-new-anti-islamic-state-commander/article/2596149 (WASHEX),0.0 +160080,That intolerance and hatred is one of the biggest problems our country faces .,0.0 +6832,lol. go full retard kids. @url,1.0 +133000,RT @LiarNumber1: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia The world should take action against India harbouring nurseries of ISIS in Asia https://t.co/zQ9Gr ,0.0 +115797,RT @Pynnha108: #Rojava: Reports of large numbers of Daesh entering Syria from Turkey at #Jarabulus / #Jarablus - rt @roj4_r #Manbij https:/ ,0.0 +9289,@user need apologize. i've called everything mother fucker orange twat waffle.. ,1.0 +144905,"Earlier you all thought NZ would score 200, they scored 140 only, then you thought AUS would chase it in just 15 overs, they lost. #Fixing ",1.0 +139110,RT @osamahfakih: Explosions of weapon depots in Alhafa rocking the city due to #Saudi-led coalition airstrikes #Sanaa #Yemen ,1.0 +111782,"Pic near my destroyed house in #benghazi U accuse us #daesh ! Fuck u all , fuck hafter , fuck world ! pic.twitter.com/oEthWkppMp",0.0 +105928,@matisse_lelubre ouais mdr tqt c' tait pas Daesh,0.0 +153073,#AmaqAgency Approximately 70 killed and dozens wounded after a martyrdom operation in #Baghdad's Sadr City. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116081,"RT @TamalDas8: Kashmir Pro terror voices are so pathetic, it seems they want ISIS chief to be invited by UN for discussion! #UnitedAgainst ",0.0 +133635,RT @hopi_domingo: http://pocopocohead.blogspot.jp/p/blog-page_376.html 2014/08/28 http://japanese.irib.ir/iraq/item/48014 http://t.co/iFyk28 ,0.0 +130426,RT @straycat2012: ISIS 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGhWBiIeozA 19 ,0.0 +122520,#Iraq: This heroic man 'hugged ' an #ISIS terrorist. And it likely saved hundreds of lives.http://www.upworthy.com/this-heroic-man-hugged-a-terrorist-and-it-likely-saved-hundreds-of-lives?c=ufb1 #Balad,0.0 +130227,"Baghdad attacks kill 126, including 25 children ISIS claims responsibility https://youtu.be/fjcAL_5lN08 via @YouTube",0.0 +111131,ISIS Terbitkan Koran Propaganda untuk Rekrut Teroris di Asia Tenggara http://bit.ly/29J99sg #RLNews,0.0 +104185,"RT @kush07: Do you think I am wrong in calling BIMBO @RanaAyyub the "" Official "" ISIS / ISI Spokesperson? Can we tolerate this? https://t.co/ ",0.0 +114273,RT @BKanad: Unemployed Youths Being Roped In By ISIS In West Bengal Border http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/07/11/unemployed-youths-being-roped-in-by-isis-in-west-bengal-border/?ncid=tweetlnkinhpmg00000001 How long wil this Govt with Central Forc ,0.0 +130883,RT @Rowaida_Abdel: Death toll continues to climb: 142 killed in Baghdad bombing claimed by ISIS. Praying for those souls during the last d ,0.0 +132241,Estado Isl mico mata a 180 personas en una helader a en el centro de Bagdad http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2788364/0/muertos-atentado-coche-bomba-bagdad-irak/ #Daesh,0.0 +121040,@apt1403 @kathyslaughter Those always talking about war: #GOP and #ISIS,0.0 +5618,@user one horrible fucking twat thing.,1.0 +120452,RT @Ransoms_Note: Obama watched ISIS be born & grow & did nothing Obama watched BLM be born & grow & did nothing Now both of progeny have p ,0.0 +151363,RT @AylinaKilic: BREAKING NEWS Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) claims responsibility for Thursday's #Bursa suicide bombing which killed one ,1.0 +140990,They wanted to revolt against Bashar and they ended up being slaves to the Tawaghit and their puppet agents. Well done! (11) ,1.0 +107642,RT @St34lthHunter: New Daesh acct Jacked https://twitter.com/qwexztryu1 IP data viewable pic.twitter.com/nftzwFDEXC,0.0 +117479,"NCTV: ISIS terroristen "" veelvuldig "" via vluchtelingen-stroom naar Europa - Terrorisme Monitor https://terrorismemonitor.nl/isis-terroristen-veelvuldig-vluchtelingen-stroom-naar-europa/",0.0 +122253, http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html ,0.0 +107323,RT @NickOBrien999: ISIS has launched a newspaper to recruit Southeast Asian fighters http://time.com/4400505/isis-newspaper-malay-southeast-asia-al-fatihin/ via @TIMEWorld,0.0 +8908,imagine part race god must put place bc constantly acting collectively retarded,1.0 +8591,@user ain't fat retarded... xd,1.0 +113457,"With Egypt 's blessing, Israel conducting drone strikes on ISIS in Sinai http://www.timesofisrael.com/with-egypts-blessing-israel-conducting-drone-strikes-in-sinai-report/",0.0 +122550,"@OnlyTruthReign I'm sorry, who 's killing cops or civilians bc of religion?? ISIS is, sure. Didn't know that 's what we were discussing",0.0 +155114,@_enzk @SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch The mess was there long before the US. The entire history of Islam is murder http://t.co/n0oXQ2kkUb,1.0 +119388,Enfaite Daesh y nous ont envoyer EDER .,0.0 +127981, ISIL ISIS http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2142425380733783001 # # # ,0.0 +130719,RT @RitaPanahi: Remember this video if you find yourself being dismissive about latest Islamic State attack in Baghdad. https://t.co/qE68K ,0.0 +115450,RT @prosapolitica: Quem sabe assim fica mais para os petralhas que gostam de dialogar com o ISIS entender. pic.twitter.com/W09vS5bUQP,0.0 +108246,"RT @Myth_busterz: Dear Bigot @RamkiXLRI Cops arrested #ISIS extremist Sri #RamKumar, who had hacked techie to death~#JusticeForSwathi https ",0.0 +137048,@Bajwa47online https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8827,@user @user lmao silly pet negro think massa gonna let disrespect misses?? biscuits ar @url,1.0 +159743,"You can criticize Islam for eveything, but please be objective. You can ask any Muslim person, and (s)he will tell you that Islam is highly misunderstood. What you state are all stereotypes about it and not an objective truth!",0.0 +112956,Beredar Video ISIS Mengancam Perang ke Indonesia dan Malaysia: http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5783a4dadc06bdc85a8b4569/beredar-video-isis-mengancam-perang-ke-indonesia-dan-malaysia ,0.0 +135391," For whomever Allah wants well, He gives him fiqh (comprehension) of the religion, and there will not cease to be a group of Muslims fighting upon the truth, defeating whoever opposes them, until the Day of Resurrection ",1.0 +115363,"Ese cinismo de justificar la tibieza contra ISIS en Siria mientras se criminaliza a los refugiados se al ndolos como yihadistas, bien, eh?",0.0 +154655,@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime There was no Muslim golden age. Those states were always slave states.,1.0 +105296,RT @JohnWight1: The full horrors of Isis are only just coming to light - and the ongoing battle is far from over http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-syria-palmrya-russia-forces-journey-down-roman-road-to-barbarity-a7129406.html,0.0 +140913,RT @RamiAlLolah: WOHA! Huge convoys of tanks & armored vehicles seen heading from #Kuwait to north #Saudi early today.. #Syria https://t.co ,1.0 +155433,"RT @riwired: There is no ""moderate Islam"" Islam is #Islam. #Sharia is Islam, no difference. @itsomar99 @VileIslam @BasimaFaysal http://t.co ",1.0 +138836,"@Annabbii non je connais pas, je regarde c'est quoi l ",1.0 +8250,hi everyone letting know okay white #auspol,0.0 +112321,http://ninofezzacinereporter.blogspot.it/2016/07/isis-decapitati-4-calciatori-sono-spie.html?m=1 pic.twitter.com/3vnIzOTZIL,0.0 +8435,@user @user dealing 3rd world shithole countries?,1.0 +117033,The Telegraph - US to send 560 additional troops to Iraq to fight Islamic State http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/us-to-send-560-additional-troops-to-iraq-to-fight-islamic-state/ ,0.0 +120097,U.S. Gears Up to Retake Mosul by Sending 560 More Troops to Iraq http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/07/us-will-send-more-than-500-troops-to-iraq.html?mid=twitter-share-di via @intelligencer,0.0 +153505,ISIS supporters are all getting angry because someone is impersonating Brit ISIS Jihadist Qaqa Biritani: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +131690,"Coba kemaren jet Russia gak ditembak jatuh, mungkin ruang gerak isis gak bakal sampai ke turki kaya sekarang http://fb.me/4vMbAC4F8",0.0 +144832,"18. The Islamic State declares Takfir on members of the Taghout (Tyrant) military and their police officers, intelligence and ministers. ",1.0 +128665,"RT @NordineSaidi1: 213 morts dans l attentat revendiqu par Daesh #Bagdad. mais ce n'est que Bagdad, pas #Bruxelles, ni Berlin,. https ",0.0 +145616,Support @AFullaan34th @AFullaan34th @AFullaan34th ,1.0 +6192,type ball playing nigger dont want around yo daughter nah @url,1.0 +139178,"#KhilafahNews #IslamicState #IS #Khilafah #NEWS |Daily Khilafah Report| Tuesday, 2nd of February https://justpaste.it/r3f8 ",1.0 +140699,#BreakingNews #Reuters: #Syria|n rebels have received surface-to-surface missiles as part of backing anti #Assad rebel groups ,1.0 +6757,@user know fellow spic,1.0 +127401,Daesh crime at Prophet 's Mosque comes 11 years after Al-Qaeda 's http://www.arabnews.com/node/951886#.V4RIEzXVgpM.twitter,0.0 +146842,RT @sakirkhader: Horrific aftermath footage of today's heavy #Syria|n regime airstrikes on the rebel-held village of Deir al-Asafir. https: ,1.0 +137344,Haidar Al Abadi: 2016 will be the year in which we defat #ISIS. Today is the 1.01.2016 and more than the half of #Ramad is recaptured by IS ,1.0 +113807,#Dateline Video: New veterans caucus could fix torpor on ISIS http://www.nbcnews.com/video/rachel-maddow/57143445 #ActivismRocks #AAAW,0.0 +108563,haww RT Satti_teamIK: India is also a part of countries who are backing up ISIS so who is terrorist???? #KashmirWe pic.twitter.com/4GZyHk3fDO,0.0 +136828,Hasakah: The Islamic state has been able to capture 15 criminals of the Kurdish units in the battles of Mount Abdul Aziz until the moment. ,1.0 +141912,..... Attentions................ our Admin #usmani previous account removed by fb without any reason so here is... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +132110,@TimesNow Mile sur mera tumhara. .To ISIS ka bane sahara. Gaddar! !,0.0 +144510,"In 2013, 2014 and 2015, Nusra supporters spoke of the wisdom of allying with the very groups who now condemn them: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +160107,"Except for Muslims, both Jesus and Easter are very important so they do not really have a problem with Easter.",0.0 +144632,@MaghrabiArabi https://t.co/pBNK8SqGqE ,1.0 +154731,@asem_1994 I'm not concerned with single events. I'm concerned with 1400 years of Islamic murder and barbarity that shows no sign of ending.,1.0 +7165,question: walking thousands miles get away shithole country shithol @url,1.0 +140534,"US: Obama, Abe, and Park to meet in Washington to discuss pressure on #NorthKorea, acc. to reports. - @YonhapNews http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2016/02/11/35/0301000000AEN20160211009500315F.html ",1.0 +108021,"@detikcom ISIS itu Gerombolan Perampok. Anda salah judul, seharusnya "" Sebahagian Wilayah Irak dan Surya dirampas ISIS. . """,0.0 +137321,@two_umm yes exactly..thanks for the translation. I thought the ukht undrstands it @_UmmSayfullah_ ,1.0 +125890,Barbaric Jihadists trading white Yazidi Girls like cows. Time to deliver a brutal response. http://tacticalinvestor.com/isis-selling-young-girls-as-sex-slaves-to-heathens-from-saudi-arabia-turkey/ pic.twitter.com/i5YbJS1Hq9,0.0 +118238,"RT @thibbbbbbb: Les moustiques, Daesh et les Portugais c'est les trois plus grosses fils de puterie au monde",0.0 +145744,@AlHibbin selon certaine rumeur oui ,1.0 +152490,@btt_ar 2/2 https://justpaste.it/u02v #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +121777,"RT @chrisgeidner: Whoa, boy. Tennessee: https://www.buzzfeed.com/talalansari/campaign-flyer-faux-arabic-welcome-mat-isis-flag?utm_term=.vcqEynl1DK by @talalnansari pic.twitter.com/vaRVivmLHG",0.0 +103888, Hell NOOOO ! Slate: We should consider limits to free speech because ISIS http://viraltemperature.com/hell-noooo-slate-we-should-consider-limits-to-free-speech-because-isis/ ,0.0 +111757,"Irak Segera Bebaskan Mosul dari IS: Mosul, kota terbesar kedua Irak, sudah dikuasai IS sejak Juni 2014. http://www.beritasatu.com/dunia/374139-irak-segera-bebaskan-mosul-dari-is.html ",0.0 +126995,@Ali_Kourani the regime is no better than isis lol,0.0 +159543,Apart from all the scientists that are also muslim?,0.0 +134944,"{O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as awliy? ; they are awliy? to one another. And whoever of you takes them as awliy? , then he is of them} [Al-M? idah: 51].",1.0 +129124,RT @Madan_Chikna: A Christian couple was stopped by ISIS members and asked to recite Quran verses Christian couple recited Bible verses. ,0.0 +8210,@user @user @user says refugees never committed terrorism us. @url,0.0 +130737,RT @DXXMIEN: Un drame effroyable #Bagdad en Irak 213 morts et 200 bless es cette nuit attentat perp tr par DAESH je n'ai pas les mots..,0.0 +118775,Gentiloni: abbiamo ottenuto molti risultati della lotta a Daesh https://youtu.be/pFw3Ho3TK3s via @YouTube,0.0 +147434,RT @RamiAlLolah: Massive #ISIS VBIED has just struck Assad's army convoy near Dumair airbase east Damascus #Syria ,1.0 +136684,May Allah protect you from all bad people https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +142849,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Exclusive #Video #Tunisia|n army exchanging intense gun fire with unknown armed groups in #BenGardane https://t.co/dMnixC ,1.0 +131125,"RT @cuckservative: Former elite member of Saddam 's Republican Guard, Sam Hyde, aka 'The Menace of Mosul ' suspected in #Baghdad bombing. htt ",0.0 +126840,ICYMI: #CJTFOIR strikes near Al Baghdadi destroyed an #ISIL bunker MORE: http://ow.ly/Qrtj3027Sso @RoyalAirForce pic.twitter.com/ZJkRXyFCiQ,0.0 +120130,RT @NivetteDawod: Falluja after Isis: a city of ghosts and graffiti https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/09/falluja-isis-shia-iraq ,0.0 +155399,@sweden I think Daesh are rejected because they are an embarrassment. But they follow the Quran and Sunnah to the letter.,1.0 +145581,Support GENERAL FALLUJAH @GENERALFALLUJ35 @GENERALFALLUJ35 @GENERALFALLUJ35 ,1.0 +140076,"They look so innocuous here, but they destroy lives and livelihoods and will do so for years to come. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +6398,@user @user i've binned tinder off. fed mongy women matching loosing voices... ,1.0 +152076,#AmaqAgency a Martyrdom Op destroys Assadist positions in Albu Nasir Street in #Tahtuh https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +140450,"@khateebalumawi so unfortunate, so many muslims let US use them then throw them, even those who claim to save muslims ",1.0 +139594,"RT @bm21_grad: This went 0 to Nazi real quick. Then again, what did I expect from a group called ""European solidarity"". Salma today https:/ ",1.0 +159450,Really? Hundreds of millions of people?,0.0 +105665,"RT @baborlelefan: @baborlelefan bien pensance de merde. Ici au moins jdis c'que jveux. Caca, viol, daesh. (Bite).",0.0 +105096,Escalating ISIS threat in Southeast Asia: Is the Philippines a. - WKMG Orlando http://www.clickorlando.com/news/international/escalating-isis-threat-in-southeast-asia-is-the-philippines-a-weak-link ,0.0 +121945,Internationale Fahndung nach 15-j hriger Deutscher | Linda unterwegs zu ISIS http://www.bild.de/regional/dresden/isis/linda-aus-sachsen-auf-weg-zu-isis-46750750.bild.html?wtmc=twttr.shr,0.0 +159959,You are clearly not speaking on behalf of me.,0.0 +145371,RT @AbuIzzadin: They fight against the Haq but they should know we are no longer in a position of weakness a new dawn as broken...... http: ,1.0 +131831,"We face ISIS and wahabi scum in our home countries, and when we leave in search for a peaceful life, we face islamaphobes. #life",0.0 +8065,watched slender. worst retarded fucking movie ever seen life,1.0 +154211,"@ardiem1m @Alfonso_AraujoG @MaxBlumenthal @oldkhayyam Yeah, being anti Zionist is pretending to have an excuse for being anti Semitic.",1.0 +120674,RT @TheTweetOfGod: Nothing disproves My existence quite like ISIS.,0.0 +149388,"RT @Deen0verDunyaa: Ibn Hazm: ""If you advise someone on the condition that they have to accept it, then you are an oppressor."" [al-Akhl ",1.0 +108949,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://goo.gl/fb/vJr941",0.0 +125710,@Tvn##LaSorpresaParaAurora #NoMasSeriesA ejas #tvn por Isis p danle plata aFarkas o mejor v ndanle el canal,0.0 +149278,RT @Hamas_Mujahid_: https:// ,1.0 +140252,#Saudi King to visit #Moscow next month.. #Russia ,1.0 +130456,""" ISIS is made up of Muslims who want our freedom "" - GOP Please Rep Party, join us in the 21st century and reality. https://twitter.com/jaymohr37/status/749904446394474497",0.0 +123318,@Jawad_spam_isis ,0.0 +147592,RT @Jazrawi_Saraqib: Alqaeda is allied to fsa secular US dogs in dar3a fighting Muslims Anyone that supports FSA against muwahidin falls i ,1.0 +127967,Turkey could let Russia use its Incirlik air base to fight Islamic State http://tass.ru/en/world/886250 pic.twitter.com/u3EV4C0Fvy,0.0 +106928,RT @C_T_R_R_C: Pentagon Chief in Baghdad for Talks on ISIL Fight http://english.almanar.com.lb/adetails.php?eid=277616&frid=23&seccatid=24&cid=23&fromval=1#.V4N1LVnEkZo.twitter,0.0 +5580,@user stop faggot hate,1.0 +122282,"Dr Zakir Naik says "" ISIS is Anti Islamic "" How can he inspire ISIS Terrorists?? #SupportZakirNaik #IStandWithZakirNaik #DontBanPeaceTv",0.0 +145469,#IfIWerePresident immediate declaration of allegiance to Dawlah and attack cow worshippers. ,1.0 +117878,#Raqqa #Syria #ISIS http://www.raqqa-sl.com/?p=3264 pic.twitter.com/xQUtrpXA2C,0.0 +130543,@GrahamBlog America has it Wrong. it is sill fighting Bin Laden War Not the Islamic State Terrorism War http://ciwarsclimateconflict.blogspot.com/2016/07/america-has-it-wrong-it-is-still.html,0.0 +136630,Al-Shabab takes control of two towns in Somalia http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/09/al-shabab-takes-control-somali-towns-150905125816273.html https://twitter.com/AJENews/status/640180129721921537/photo/1 ,1.0 +129600,I never cover my picture with national flags. This is why. These attack are the one the world cares least about https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +126766,#news_web_tech US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat - The U.S. government 's campaign to counter ISIS ' social media . http://ow.ly/sfWY502j4jG,0.0 +154607,@rico_hands @semzyxx @NAInfidels @owais00 Following example of their prophet Muslims are still commonly marrying children. No one else is.,1.0 +9038,@user @user sound retarded??,1.0 +131818,RT @MetroUK: Sick Isis recruitment video shows child soldiers executing 'spies ' http://trib.al/9vRWedY,0.0 +143713,#YEMEN Ansar Al Sharia Destroyed Music CDs In #Hadhramout. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +138693,@MarwanDZ92 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-O147LJWgA ,1.0 +114684,"I told u! I never heard #ZakirNaik supporting #ISIS. This is what he said when asked about them. Rest, ALLAH knows. https://youtu.be/HNoHk5BVumo",0.0 +122630,http://fb.me/sVZ7tgV2,0.0 +5119,@user @user @user can't believe spic n span van survived wearing make @url,1.0 +128374,A brave young man that had a bright future ahead Heroic Emory student refused terrorists ' offer to leave Dhaka cafe http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3672538/How-heroic-Emory-student-spurned-ISIS-terrorists-offer-leave-besieged-Dhaka-cafe-stay-die-two-female-friends-17-innocent-hostages.html ,0.0 +153409,@spicylatte123 ,1.0 +150310,#AmaqAgency 4 civilians killed in #US airstrikes on #KafrGhan https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +152586,2 Aljazeera Journalists sentenced to death in #Egypt ,1.0 +138241,"Very rare, Kurdish atheists seen doubting their faith in the US white men: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +6672,im fag scream fag whisper u want tingles go asmr channel faggot_dying.painfully thanks,1.0 +127768,"@BarracudaMama They dont need twitter Isis has him, DOJ, HRC.",0.0 +108166,#4Corners ISIS is just proof science is no longer needed to prove there is no God!,0.0 +150709,Saudi reform plans flirt with social change http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0XN2F0 ,1.0 +150337,RT @Paradoxy13: #Syria WTF? Reports that a US drone struck an IDP camp in the Harem area in north rural #Idlib today killing at least 3 & i ,1.0 +126904,RT @korantempo: ISIS Nyatakan Perang Melawan Malaysia dan Indonesia http://m.tempo.co/read/news/2016/07/05/118785670/isis-nyatakan-perang-melawan-malaysia-dan-indonesia,0.0 +6477,mass murdering mongoloid i've always done pretty well ladies. always comment bedroom ey @url,1.0 +126714,Israel Engaging In Drone Strikes Against ISIS In Egyptian Territory Egypt Could Not Be Happier http://ow.ly/W2Mo502j3vG,0.0 +126518,"@WSJ Blood in Benghazi, blood in Iraq, blood in Syria, blood in Ukraine, al-Baghdadi (ISIS) released by State in 09. Everywhere.",0.0 +140321,Peshmerga solider Reading the holy Qur'an before attacking ISIS Positions. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +150330,"RT @twdwln: Diyala Two days ago three Sunni brothers were killed by Shia militias. Two brothers were abducted first, the Shia militias to ",1.0 +139487,RT @mustafaklash46: Bismillah. Follow Support https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +111179,Medical student who joined Isil becomes first British female killed in air strike in Iraq http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/medical-student-who-joined-isil-becomes-first-british-female-kil/,0.0 +151569,Islamic State took control of Telskuf town north of Mosul today after clashes with US-backed Peshmerga ,1.0 +119192,@_meiah_ @metpoliceuk I have been threatened by this men #Daesh #Isis,0.0 +134808,"{Have you seen he who has taken as his god his own desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah? Then will you not be reminded?} [Al-J?thiyah: 23].",1.0 +118315,"@AdviceMuslim @LashkarETaiba You mean 100 million muslims moved astray with bodies like LET, JUD, HIZB, QAIDA, ISIS .list goes on and on",0.0 +124542,We need to stop ISIS. Then we can call them WASWAS. #hahahah,0.0 +117108,RT @theglobalist: The Creeping Pakistanization of Turkey -- #Turkey will have to learn to live with #ISIS : @aykanerdemir https://t.co/dWEv ,0.0 +8816,@user see negro ye still halfway sunken place smh,1.0 +126715,RT @Newsweek: What comes next if Libyan forces manage to oust ISIS in Sirte? http://www.newsweek.com/libya-sirte-isis-rival-factions-civil-war-fragile-government-479274 pic.twitter.com/o8cXATzciZ,0.0 +142578,RT @wwayf44rer: #Baghdad / Graphic photos from #Sadr district today https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +151704,No; they didn't (until now at least). #Syria https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/727785630793670656 ,1.0 +6679,@user @user lmaoooo armo spic,1.0 +136819,: | # | ,1.0 +130090,Two ISIS Suspects Detained At Istanbul Airport: Report http://www.ndtv.stfi.re/world-news/two-is-suspects-detained-at-istanbul-airport-report-1427764 pic.twitter.com/lwjusKDMvH,0.0 +131902,"RT @Samanth_S: "" Even if the discontents are local, the allegiance is now global. "" My @NewYorker piece on the ghastly Dhaka attack: https:/ ",0.0 +153021,ALLLLLLLHUUUUUUUU AKBAAAAAAAAAAAAAR #Russia #Syria #ISIS ,1.0 +113744,@Bodhisattva_1 ISLAM is the religion of ISIS,0.0 +127060,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3834819812 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=731427345614045184 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=737248274416082944 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +159423,"We must not believe the liberal and political elite. Islam is no good, its complete evil, and an ideology of war and it was always like this. All Muslims are bound to fight against us, and that is what they do through deception and violence.",1.0 +154817,@biebervalue @greenlinerzjm Here is the Quran telling women not to leave their house. http://t.co/KlxIwZF7md,1.0 +135855," They think the factions have not yet parted, and if the factions do come [again], they would like to betake themselves to the Bedouins, asking about your news [from afar]. And if they remained with you, they would not fight except very little (Al-Ahzab 20)",1.0 +118260,Isis keeps on growing strong. It seems to me that somethings wrong. Our president don't care a bit. Their is something wrong with this.,0.0 +127630,Few HEROS in Malaysia-Y Malaysian Malay Muslim boys age7-15 watch YOUTUBE@cybercafes-WORSHIP IS/DAESH as HEROS with weapons? #ToyRUs,0.0 +116451,U.S. sending advisers to help #Iraq army push on #Mosul: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZR0LT pic.twitter.com/eMGJGOHjcG,0.0 +108981,"RT @gujratsamachar: NSG , ISIS - - - - - - - -> http://gujaratsamachar.com/index.php/articles/display_article/brother-an-nsg-commando-sister-may-have-joined-isis-says-kerala-mom - . https ",0.0 +130545,RT @RussiaConnects: Making nice:#Turkey may let #Russia use #Incirlik air base to fight #Daesh -@MevlutCavusoglu http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160704/1042387419/middle-east-russia-turkey.html ht ,0.0 +117476,@MattNavarra lets hope it lands on ISIS in syria,0.0 +138402,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Russia #Lavrov and #USA #Kerry in the first moments of #Geneva talks tomorrow.. #Syria https://t.co/TFhDyU1c5Z ,1.0 +150922,"@support__7220 indeed when some are dead, even the animals are relieved. ",1.0 +107689,#Focus +++ ISIS-Terror im News-Ticker +++ - Syrische Rebellen greifen von Regierung kontrolliert. http://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/islamischer-staat/isis-terror-im-news-ticker-syrische-rebellen-greifen-von-regierung-kontrollierte-viertel-in-aleppo-an_id_5717682.html #Nachrichten,0.0 +145731,#AmaqAgency Difficulties Faced by Locals Travelling to #Qayyarah City after US Aircraft Struck the Main Bridge https://t.co/UBcRS1ASee ,1.0 +5636,@user @user leave move 'shithole' country africa maybe rwanda.,1.0 +132657,"RT @carolinagirl63: While Obama fiddles, Vladimir Putin to send Russia 's largest warship to Syria to destroy ISIS once and for all https:// ",0.0 +154741,"@harun_yahya Islam declared war on all humanity 1400 years ago and this piece of dog manure, Oktar, is talking about others intimidation.",1.0 +119317,Only make sure - they must not return #IslamicState #Muslims #Islam https://twitter.com/HKupdate/status/752571803906826240,0.0 +109141,RT.@Maryam_Rajavi We demand banning of all cooperation with IRGC&its militia in #Syria& #Iraq under the pretext of fighting Daesh #FreeIran,0.0 +107080,ISIS Comes to Gaza http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai #mcgnews pic.twitter.com/6geBAsPSUQ,0.0 +126183,"@thisizNiTrO hahahahahahahha, 'dit t'zeza do tvijn, do te ju dalim ne endrrat e juaja ' luani e kta e kan thon ket ' sen, qe menojshim isis",0.0 +8752,white person ask could say spic .........,1.0 +130902,"Grenade attack on #Malaysia nightclub was linked to #ISIS, police confirm http://time.com/4392586/isis-malaysia-grenade-attack-nightclub-moved-puchong/ ",0.0 +110107,ISIS link: 21 missing from Kerala; Vijayan takes up issue in Assembly http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/isis-link-21-missing-from-kerala-vijayan-takes-up-issue-in-assembly-116071100318_1.html,0.0 +152078,RT @Nidalgazaui: MASSACRE caused today by US Airstrikes in #Tal-Afar near #Mosul... https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/728330294026227712/photo/1 ,1.0 +130704,ISIS Claims Responsibility For Baghdad Blast That Killed Over 200 People http://goo.gl/fb/CvwRXj,0.0 +6897,twitter account gets put hold call racist cunt cmon twitter,1.0 +105098,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://fb.me/80nnUsCuG",0.0 +153527,Ahrar ash-Sham disassociate themselves from Al-Qaeda figures like Abu Khalid Al-Suri and denounce Salafist Islam: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +147841,How can kufar defeat an enemy (#IS) who asks Allah before batle for victory and ends with thanking Allah for victory https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +107514,ISIS members meeting at McDonalds? Do you want fries with that? #4Corners,0.0 +159209,"Muslims learned the corrupted skill of playing the part of the victim, accusing other culture for the violent doctrines that are expound in their main books.",1.0 +144535,RT @RamiAlLolah: WOHA! Extraordinary footage for the #Iraq|i army aircraft downed by #ISIS in #Hawija near #Kirkuk https://t.co/wjmnLOCh3z ,1.0 +144636,"Uncircumsized old geezer forgots, who are really doing crimes against humanity on each country they interfere.. https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/710456315391266816 ",1.0 +122655,"RT @CantlieUK: After 1326 days held captive by ISIS, we haven't forgotten you John Cantlie. And we won't give up either. Fact.",0.0 +122524,http://www.barenakedislam.com/2016/07/11/islamic-state-isis-devout-muslims-behead-five-professional-soccer-players-after-declaring-the-sport-to-be-unislamic-warning-graphic-images/ DO YOU Prefer THIS https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/752449043326988289,0.0 +121427,Anybody know wheret o find the video of americas test kitchen defecting to #isis,0.0 +148563,RT @khorasan15_01: Such a Beautiful pic <3. Keep it coming Bi'ithnillah! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +152824,RT @markito0171: #Syria #Idlib After airstrikes on Binnish town now Rebels shelling besieged Shia enclave Kefraya & Fuah with dozens of roc ,1.0 +124067,Few Europeans in 10 nations polled say Muslims in their countries support groups like ISIS http://www.pewglobal.org/2016/07/11/negative-views-of-minorities-refugees-common-in-eu/#muslims-seen-as-distinct-but-not-necessarily-extremist pic.twitter.com/gwkGTeFMxy,0.0 +109620,"A war on ISIS, or as a service.",0.0 +115875,RT @rightwingertoo: ISIS Publicly Beheads Four Soccer Players After Declaring Sport Anti-Islamic http://www.weaselzippers.us/282687-isis-publicly-beheads-four-soccer-players-after-declaring-sport-anti-islamic/ via @WeaselZipp ,0.0 +106720,"RT @Jazibmoutawakil: ' Google ' MOE google bombing with #ISISchan It 's not what #ISIS currently is, but it 's wha ",0.0 +148961,RT @sparksofirhabi5: The biggest benefit of trials & tribulations https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/718911552859021316 ,1.0 +143723,RT @yenisafakEN: #Turkey begins serial production of domestic #rifles #MPT-76 http://www.yenisafak.com/en/technology/turkey-begins-serial-production-of-domestic-rifles-2431278 https://twitter.com/yenisafakEN/status/707652955936174080/photo/1 ,1.0 +105433,@Rezhasan @htTweets #AskRezual Is there any difference between #Wahhabism & #ISIS? Both seem same to me have puritanical ideology.,0.0 +149299,"Welcome to the age of ISIS, where the Kuffar lose their heads when they hear the sound of Takbeer. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +127738,Trying to make a difference by killing someone is your answer u might as will have had joined ISIS.,0.0 +139395,"But the baqiya fam never gives up,its like they are also set on auto-restore and ar immediately back. The online-jihad continues. 2/2 ",1.0 +150146,# # # https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160641,So 1.6 billion people could be terrorists?,0.0 +142661,RT @RamiAlLolah: Aim is #Baghdad? #ISIS is now on a big offensive from #Tarmiyah (north) and Abu Ghraib (west) towards the #Iraq|i capital.. ,1.0 +135224," Say, Which thing is greatest in testimony? Say, Allah, a witness between me and you. And this Quran was inspired unto me, that with it I might warn you and whomever it reaches. Do you really testify that there are other gods with Allah? Say, I do not testify. Say, There is only one god and I am innocent of what you associate with Him in worship (Al-An am 19).",1.0 +113415,#Siria: circula informaci n asegurando que ISIS ha sido capaz de alcanzar Palmira de nuevo. No confirmado.,0.0 +122413,RT @ACmideast: READ by @Eljarh: A Defeat for #ISIS in #Sirte Will Bring More Challenges for #Libya http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/a-defeat-for-isis-in-sirte-will-bring-more-challenges-for-libya https://t.co/lom ,0.0 +127556,@imanlagi http://isis.liveuamap.com/en/2016/11-july-alzawahiri-on-isisbaghdadi-they-are-preoccupied-with,0.0 +155337,@klassydaisy You are lying. What does ISIS do that the prophet Mohammed did not do? There are over 100 Islamic terrorist groups. #Islam,1.0 +136691,RT @freealeppo1985: # _ # # _ http://t.co/U7J ,1.0 +116047,"British Think Tank: Islamic State Continues to Lose Territory in Iraq, Syria http://www.iraqoilreport.com/daily-brief/british-think-tank-islamic-state-continues-lose-territory-iraq-syria-19316/ ",0.0 +119915,http://isis.trendolizer.com/2016/04/obama-apologizes-to-isis-for-comments-by-trump.html...congrats hopey changey voters 2012 for making history. . ISIS is the group that wants to kill in lieu of party affiliation,0.0 +116103,Pentagon to send more troops to Iraq: Extra forces expected to help Iraqis retake Mosul from Isis http://on.ft.com/29HGfdH,0.0 +119728,UK-trained navy officer who joined Isil turns supergrass after arrest by Kuwaiti authorities http://iamdamnsam.com/ #wtfnews,0.0 +104457,"RT @fuckoffcoldplay: In 2016 we've got ISIS, Brexit, beloved celebrity deaths by the truckload and the thing that finally sends Britain ins ",0.0 +122753,"@amrightnow @deep_beige "" ISIS losing is not an option "" does that mean that isis shouldn't lose? I'm confused",0.0 +113731,"http://www.xvideos.com/profiles/isis-taylor#_tabVideos,videos-best",0.0 +113313,RT @RudawEnglish: Five new camps to embrace anticipated flow of refugees from #Mosul http://rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/110720161 pic.twitter.com/htv40n6dOd,0.0 +139093,@ISISolizer I don't believe this 100% its not true. ,1.0 +107402,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 ",0.0 +153360,"RT @MilitaryTimes: U.S. military operations in Iraq expand on paper, but not on the ground http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/war-on-is/2016/05/11/iraq-operations-expand-paper-but-not-ground-yet/84234620/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= https://twitter.com/MilitaryTimes/status/730532404172099584/photo/1 ",1.0 +117486,@isil_j @alpaltinors Her zaman diyorum g zel elbise g zel kuma tan olur. Bu lkenin kuma bozuk bir bok olmaz bu insan profilinden. ..,0.0 +151857,This is why lots of muslims join ISIS ranks till today. Because whole world doesn't care about genocide on muslims https://twitter.com/itsmenanice/status/728006574329880577 ,1.0 +139198,"RT @MaghrebiQM: You can see here the location of the al-Seen airbase, east of Damascus https://twitter.com/IraqSyriaMaps/status/675049421378297857/photo/1 ",1.0 +140056,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Russia supplies #Assad with extra lethal weapons (Mi-35m) while #USA Kerry calls #Syria|n rebels to cease fire.. https:// ,1.0 +135359," Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are believers (At-Tawbah 13).",1.0 +117563,@WeNeedTrump obamas plan of Marshall law is coming. Arm urselves America ..headed 2 Islamic state. We must stop him pic.twitter.com/QO9sd8CXI3,0.0 +119363,"RT @NUCSSH: "" . Islamic State is indeed getting weaker as an organization but is more dangerous internationally. "" -@MaxAbrahms https://t.co/ ",0.0 +128439,wow the fight against Isis is in full effect good job guys pic.twitter.com/dxChlOJwCX,0.0 +144277,"The US lied about killing Umar Shishani as it wanted to track Metadata and ""chatter"": https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/03/analysis_of_yem.html https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +124806,"#SERIOUSLY, Willfully Ignorant Wheaton .@wilw I think I read ISIS hangs beta male C-list "" celebrities "" last! #AbjectMoron #2 #MolonLabe ",0.0 +116758,"Fulani Herdsmen have killed over 1,600 Nigerians in 2016 alone. More than ISIS and Boko Haram terrorists Our president & d world look on!",0.0 +121625,"ISIS via WhatsApp: Blow Yourself Up, O Lion - ProPublica HT Danny Postel! https://www.propublica.org/article/isis-via-whatsapp-blow-yourself-up-o-lion?utm_source=pardot&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailynewsletter",0.0 +106609,Israeli drones bombed ISIS terrorists in Sinai https://behindthenewsisrael.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/israeli-drones-bombed-isis-terrorists-in-sinai pic.twitter.com/jSI8dwTPz3,0.0 +6658,@user another twat talking thinking know everything lol @user probably knows mot @url,1.0 +146555,RT @24Aleppo: @24Aleppo #ISIS is forcing prisoners to digging trenches and tunnels within the preparations for upcoming battles near of Eup ,1.0 +149713,Today: IS attack on Baiji/ Haditha road killed at least 30 #Iraqi Forces and Destroyed a big Number of Vehicels. ,1.0 +9156,hey @user learn live without @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @url,0.0 +115488,RT @occhidiguerra: I kamikaze dell'#Isis in Europa dal Caucaso: http://www.occhidellaguerra.it/kamikaze-dellisis-in-europa-dal-caucaso/ pic.twitter.com/h3m0GbUFuj,0.0 +145876,RT @Nidalgazaui: Todays #US airstrikes in #Mosul Destroyed a Milk Factory.... https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/713101309310795776/photo/1 ,1.0 +110563,RT @tteegar: ISIS-Borders-Healthcare-NAH! Courts focus-#Netflix Next on docket-ripping off mattress tags->fed crime I'm screwed https://t ,0.0 +7412,@user twat!! anymore questions ?,1.0 +151139,USA have destroyed Iraq/Afghanistan. Russia is destroying Syria. Arab tyrants kill their own people All are your enemies #SaveAleppo ,1.0 +107000,ISIS seeks to broaden reach with Malay-language newspaper Al Fatihin http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/isis-seeks-broaden-reach-malay-language-newspaper-al-fatihin pic.twitter.com/IMBjbK3w1f,0.0 +8075,negro must forgotten hes tv criticize attack black people..... coon!? @url,1.0 +154261,"@nine11inreverse Another race baiting idiot. If it were about ""brown men"" I would hate Hinduism and Buddhism and Tao. But I only hate Islam.",1.0 +117906,"RT @KenSimonSays: Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html #Trumpets t ",0.0 +105857,"RT @itsUlysse: Le message de Daesh raisonne dans ma t te "" la finale de l'Euro sera une boucherie "" . C'est mort je ne vais pas la FanZon ",0.0 +141205,RT @Nidalgazaui: UNBELIEVABLE PHOTO: Dirty Cannibal US-Backed Shiite Militants eats the head of an inconnect Sunni Civilian in #Iraq https ,1.0 +127423,El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa http://fb.me/3RVXz9IWt,0.0 +146933,French mischief makers tied up girls used dogs to destroy their dignity. https://twitter.com/7layers_/status/715816313042681857 ,1.0 +112844,"RT @MinorityRights: Iraq 's Religious, Ethnic Minorities Disappearing Due to ISIS Violence and Global Inaction https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2016/07/07/iraqs-religious-ethnic-minorities-disappearing-due-isis-violence-global-inaction/ via @ ",0.0 +115063,RT @YasminaHdt: Donc les gens ont brav la menace de Daesh pour aller l Fanzone et voir leur pays perdre sur un but d'un gars inconnu pt ,0.0 +109097,French men who joined ISIS in Syria go on trial in Paris - http://dailylivingadvisors.com/french-men-who-joined-isis-in-syria-go-on-trial-in-paris/ pic.twitter.com/FDDspsJYus,0.0 +106494,RT @FranCifelli: This is what MOST of us would look like if ISIS was ever dumb enough 2 come here we will decimate them instantly~ ~ https: ,0.0 +111511,L'Irak bombarde un convoi de Daesh contre l'avis des tats-Unis http://www.voltairenet.org/a192688 [R seau Voltaire],0.0 +111836,"Social outcasts are ideal #lonewolves due to their isolation, initiative, and lack of empathy http://ow.ly/jmb13026I3i",0.0 +152224,By our istishhadi brother Abu Mujahid Al-Ansari https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +159815,I do not think Muslim people are trying to 'win' anything. It is only intolerant individuals like you trying to make this an us and them competition.,0.0 +117692," P source: airstrikes from Rabia (Syrian-Iraqi border) to Sinune in N-Shingal, ISIL convoy destroyed, many killed",0.0 +144456,"RT @OptaJim: 15 - This is @henrygayle's 15th score of 50+ in T20I history, no player has more in the format's history (B McCullum also 15). ",1.0 +115025,"RT @FeernandezSabri: Ya lo agende viernes 15 Isis, s bado 16 cumple de 15 ",0.0 +113806,US will send 560 more troops to Iraq to set up a retaken air base for the #Mosul offensive: http://triblive.com/usworld/world/10772644-74/iraqi-troops-forces @AP via @TribLIVE #ISIS,0.0 +140382,US Secretory of State John Kerry came close to revealing his true thoughts when he was accosted by 2 Syria aid works https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20160210-exodus-and-betrayal-how-a-syrian-nakba-was-created/ ,1.0 +154353,@LifeInKhilafah What's to understand. The Daesh have passed a law that people cannot leave Raqqa or Mosul because they are sewers of terror.,1.0 +145833,RT @iraqithakoo: Amaq: Difficulties Facing Locals after #US Airstrikes on #Qayyarah Bridge. #TheCatch #Misadventures #PrayForNigeria https: ,1.0 +134138,"The Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, The strong believer is better than the weak believer, and there is good in both ",1.0 +135370," Abdur-Rahman Ibn Samurah ? narrated that Uthman came to the Prophet ? with one-thousand dinars when he was preparing the Army of Usrah and dropped them in the Prophet s lap. Abdur-Rahman said, I saw the Prophet ? looking at the money as he said two times, Whatever Uthman does after today will not harm him ",1.0 +148776,"RT @7layers_: Muslims are confused, takfiring Mujahideen to please western society with hashtags like #NotInMyName, since when is your name ",1.0 +109419,@emetotoast so is it like an ISIS execution or smth,0.0 +120905,Daesh se apodera de la zona oriental de Palmira durante unas horas. https://reporte24.net/2016/07/daesh-se-apodera-de-la-zona-oriental-de-palmira-durante-unas-horas/ pic.twitter.com/QtgVLSCZeR,0.0 +123168,RT @Autogenz: @sn0wba111 probably it was not ISIS missile pic.twitter.com/iyEVBBc970,0.0 +109720,Anonymous hacking group exposes US and UK tech firms 'hosting ISIS websites ' http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/529065/Anonymous-hacking-group-exposes-US-and-UK-tech-firms-hosting-ISIS-websites ,0.0 +142419,"When Muslims children killed by so-called ""precision bombing"", Amarnath busy analyzing supporters https://twitter.com/AmarAmarasingam/status/703665717221019648 ",1.0 +143457,RT @MilkSheikh2: Sahwat are now seeking the protection of Russia against IS https://t.co/XziBiHVubp ,1.0 +149880,RT @Nidalgazaui: Aftermath of Regime Mortar Shelling on #Qamishlo. Killed a Number of Women and Children. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/723240698045169666/photo/1 ,1.0 +106273,"RT @syedsulaiman92: #AsaduddinOwaisi Comments On #ISIS, Supporters | ISIS Blot On #Islam https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h4qJo4ikJfo&itct=CBkQpDAYCCITCMi6_Y3-6s0CFQSgvgodwMYHQlIqQXNhZHVkZGluIE93YWlzaSBhZ2FpbnN0IElTSVMgaW4gbG9rIHNhYmhh&hl=en&gl=IN&client=mv-google @asadowaisi",0.0 +125385,White lady called me ISIS for saying BLM https://twitter.com/arealarsonist/status/752648931511824384,0.0 +138716,"At least 50 people killed and dozens injured in double blast near Shia shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, south of... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +126578,RT @amrightnow: The Real Trump Isis You Will Go Up In Smoke When it Clears U Will Be Gone https://youtu.be/2_5b98GrlPE #trump #1A #2A https://t. ,0.0 +120640,The war that caused every conflict since > Carter: U.S. will send 560 more U.S. troops to Iraq http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/11/carter-us-use-air-base-recapture-mosul/86935966/ via @USATODAY,0.0 +130988,"RT @NewDelhiTimesIN: ISIS bombs Baghdad, killing almost 120 people and wounding over 200 http://www.newdelhitimes.com/isis-bombs-baghdad-killing-almost-120-people-and-wounding-over-200123/ pic.twitter.com/ePZ2XSDPXN",0.0 +128753,RT @Mustafa_salimb: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about #Iraq https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +117945,"RT @IraqiSecurity: #Iraq 's MoD @khalid_alobeidi met with his and counterparts today. Military support, Mosul battle discussed. https: ",0.0 +148652,"""Speak good or remain silent"" ~ Rasullullah ",1.0 +150207,"Russian Military Buildup Near Aleppo, Syria, Threatens Truce, Kerry Warns http://www.warbreaking.com/2016/04/russian-military-aleppo.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ",1.0 +120968,"Wil did not condemn BLM after Dallas, or ISIS after Orlando. He only condemns groups that don't hurt people. https://twitter.com/wilw/status/752583729067925504",0.0 +141201,@NusantarWitness #FSA sources ,1.0 +146973,RT @ImranIbnFareed4: BACK FROM SUSPENSION #RETWEET | #SHOUTOUT | #FOLLOW https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +124042,@KLSouth @nypost Has it occurred to anyone that the chaos he 's creating within the country makes it easier 4 him to deliver U.S. to ISIS?,0.0 +104419,IS http://time.com/4400505/isis-newspaper-malay-southeast-asia-al-fatihin/?xid=tcoshare,0.0 +128921,"RT @AriziArleta: "" Ya since 7/11 I haven't been scared of airport,isn't that when ISIS came "" -roro bio major,premed,3.8GPA, president of hono ",0.0 +6799,@user ching chong sing along,1.0 +129153,"RT @Lexialex: "" Hi police? One of them radicals wearing an ISIS uniform is standing outside talking to ISIS on his cell in English "" https:// ",0.0 +133077,http://eexponews.com/facebook-bloqueia-outra-mulher-chamada-isis-por-causa-de-seu-nome_5071892449853440 - Facebook bloqueia outra mulher chamada Isis por causa de seu nome pic.twitter.com/p44NGpaAlo,0.0 +125549,RT @haywood_chan8: @hale_razor that said a lot about a man who has no clue about foreign policy & without a plan to fight #ISIS. #VoteTrump,0.0 +132210,RT @guardian: UAE tells citizens to leave robes at home after businessman held as Isis suspect in US http://trib.al/RSBrpjP,0.0 +142305,RT @saqrquraysh_: https://t.co/z8NlVAglL3 ,1.0 +139065,RT @wayf44rer_: #Sinai : Army recruit Farid Abu al-Futouh was killed today by an IED near Karam al-Qawdis south of Sheikh Zuwaid https://t. ,1.0 +9024,4 sleep nigger might sick @user @user @user,1.0 +142063,"@noutankibaaz if all else fails to make her submissive, bt they want to make laws for women, that there is an argument, they'll call law ",1.0 +119612,"The Lord Chief Justice for England and Wales, John Thomas, said that Khan was determined to fullfil Islamic. http://fb.me/wjb86kZx",0.0 +106581,"Prospered with Obama? Black Lives Matter, ISIS, Tree Huggers, Socialism, Communism, Gun Dealers, GOP in 2010 & 2014, Transgenders, Illegals.",0.0 +106368,Gen. Michael Flynn: I Was Fired for Calling Our Enemies Radical Islamic Jihadists http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/michael-flynn-isis-memoir/2016/07/10/id/737937/?ns_mail_uid=64664059&ns_mail_job=1677305_07102016&s=al&dkt_nbr=okc2iwyt via @Newsmax,0.0 +106257,RT @BCUPressOffice: Lack of trust stops Muslim parents telling police about children travelling to Syria http://ow.ly/UW6A3027iQI https://t. ,0.0 +131489,Muslim 's ugly encounter leads to apology http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/03/us/ohio-false-isis-report/index.html #Sydney #News #Aus,0.0 +129039,RT @MailOnline: Giant 24-stone bodybuilder announces he will fight alongside Iranian military taking on ISIS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673252/Iranian-Hulk-fight-ISIS-Syria-announcing-plans-join-Iranian-forces.html https: ,0.0 +146235,"Peshmerga Official:""They (ISIS) can't fight face to face anymore"". Let away airsupport and tell again. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/anti-forces-push-retake-mosul-us-help-981708752 ",1.0 +154562,"@AMohedin Okay, so we understand that the Quran makes striking a woman an option and that the woman must obey the man.",1.0 +140437,#ISIS #WilayatArRaqqah #Raqqah #AlHayatMediaCenter #Top10Videos #Video They Are the Enemy so Beware of Them #4 https://t.co/Ihio63QXOP ,1.0 +142875,RT @TheCJN: A recently-obtained letter from #ISIS member suggests its ties with #Hamas are stronger than anticipated http://www.cjnews.com/news/international/your-daily-spiel-for-wednesday-march-2 ,1.0 +153374,RT @Adamhasak46: 30 KILLED yesterday and 14 today after a series of sudden raids on YPG in rural Shaddadi. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +124710, Es invencible el Estado Isl mico? https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212782-estado-islamico-siria-irak-invencible #ISIS pic.twitter.com/YgE119Vzzc,0.0 +105295,Daesh m rdar nu ven barn med Down Syndrom och andra funktionsvariationer. Ska n gon s ga stopp n gon g ng? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3358840/How-depraved-ISIS-Group-s-Sharia-judges-order-children-s-syndrome-disabilities-killed-chilling-echo-Nazis.html,0.0 +119353,@nationaljournal @HotlineJosh International meeting for ISIL in France 6/30/14 http://www.voltairenet.org/article184507.html,0.0 +144828,"15. The Islamic State declares Takfir on all parties based on communism, secularism and liberalism. ",1.0 +113250,RT @PaulNewmanMusic: No one covered the Muslim anti-Isis march that took place in London last week http://fb.me/79sfqJn8N,0.0 +135347,"Allah's Messenger said, ""Verily, in Jannah there is a tree which a mounted rider could pass under its shade for one hundred years without traversing it""",1.0 +138145,RT @maaj19: https://twitter.com/maaj19/status/691881119323668480/photo/1 ,1.0 +130822,"RT @TweetMiliter: Ayo bangun! Ini angkatan lautmu, isis nyata, china pun nyata",0.0 +5061,@user think jack hobbs fairly mongy though.,1.0 +104714,bom tava uma noite otima ate eu descobrir o que pokemon go e agora apoio o isis parabens aos envolvidos por me transfomar num radical isl ,0.0 +139645,#IRAQ a US Chinooks and Blackhawks landing near #Mosul Dam today. #Iraq https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +148518,"@YunusGhareeb @asadanbari6 @OumDujana Or in mesail dhahirah if person lives in desert, away from knowledge, truth, muslims and scolars. ",1.0 +136722,"RT @EyeOnMilitant: #YEMEN #Houthis Claim To Have Storm 4 #Saudi Military Bases In #Jizan, Captured Al-Qamar Village : al-Masirah TV . http: ",1.0 +155186,"@Qoloob4 @Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Yes, there is even more rape in Muslim countries but it is not reported.",1.0 +135634," Say, Is it other than Allah I should want as a lord while He is the Lord of all things? No soul does evil except against itself, and no one shall bear another s burden. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you concerning that over which you used to differ (Al-An am 164).",1.0 +9539,@user bye nigger lol,1.0 +132130,RT @Gabrymalvagia: 3 giorni di lutto nazionale in Iraq per strage ISIS che ha provocato 200 morti. #BaghdadAttack,0.0 +147304,Bashar Assad's forces are using Chlorine Gas (a banned WMD) against advancing ISIS forces in Deir Az-Zour: https://twitter.com/jisrtv/status/717290751332376576 ,1.0 +160162,"I support China, they forced Muslims to eat pork and drink alcohol. This is how you do it!",1.0 +111182,Obama Admin Brags: We re Beating ISIS . . . On Twitter! http://www.weaselzippers.us/282630-obama-admin-brags-were-beating-isis-on-twitter/ #Mo #tcot #sioa #muslim,0.0 +147307,Commander from US-supported FSA is killed while fighting the US-supported YPG. Fighting and dying for US interests: https://twitter.com/CombatChris1/status/717359132261486592 ,1.0 +115061,U.S. to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Operation http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-deploy-560-troops-iraq-mosul-operation/,0.0 +124865,@USA_Gunslinger isn't Hamas fighting Isis ? And we know who Isis is right ? pic.twitter.com/wGhtKPUPIa,0.0 +5859,@user @user let's revisit shall we...she brought liberals brought feminazi's @url,1.0 +131830,"RT @Aungaungsittwe: @zesty_politics ISIS cannot be Muslims, their actions proved that they are enemies of #Islam and Muslims",0.0 +134453,"{Say, If you possessed the depositories of the mercy of my Lord, then you would withhold out of fear of spending. And ever has man been stingy} [Al-Isr? : 100]",1.0 +122305,EU DESPLEGAR M S SOLDADOS EN IRAK PARA REFORZAR LUCHA CONTRA ISIS http://www.lanigua.com/2016/07/11/eu-desplegara-mas-soldados-en-irak-para-reforzar-lucha-contra-isis/ pic.twitter.com/ehBoKTeMcj,0.0 +122103,RT @thelollcano: seen more black men killed on live TV than i seen ISIS execution videos but yall still convinced people across the world o ,0.0 +106165,"RT @aronlund: Islamic State shrinks faster & faster: lost 14% of territory 2015, 12% in first half of 2016 http://press.ihs.com/press-release/aerospace-defense-security/islamic-state-caliphate-shrinks-further-12-percent-2016-ihs https:// ",0.0 +154281,"@PhilipMills8 @PsychBarakat @jncatron Outside the Israel conflict, Hamas still beheads gays, does honor killings, throws opponents off roofs",1.0 +139170,"RT @scent_of_musk: Notice the difference: One preaches tawheed, implements, & sacrifices. The other just preaches & dresses like a fed. htt ",1.0 +144197,"If you are having a bad night tonight,guess what,you ain't the only one.Jabhat Al Khusra is having it worse . ",1.0 +154806,@BDSSupporter And here is the list of Jewish Nobel Laureats. They contribute about 400 times as much as Muslims. Muslims contribute hate.,1.0 +150913,Iraqi Forces Suffer Losses after Attacks on Baiji Haditha Highway #AmaqAgency https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +139209,RT @RamiAlLolah: #ISIS claims responsibility of an IED attack west #Algeria resulted into killing two soldiers; and wounding 4 others.. ,1.0 +6027,white folks fights public last dangerously long. like 10 minutes. nigger like see fights break ou @url,1.0 +9933,despicable #zionazi bastards. nn#bds #freepalestine #freegaza #idfcowards #satanyahu #zionists #israel @url,1.0 +144122,RT @NusantarWitness: just to reminds what white phosphorus effects on people #Palmyra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8GwOd45ipc ,1.0 +131095,Butuh waktu lima tahun untuk memperbaiki struktur bangunan di kota tua Palmyra yang dirusak atau dihancurkan ISIS. http://nationalgeographic.co.id/berita/2016/03/pakar-purbakala-suriah-yakin-palmyra-bisa-diperbaiki-dalam-lima-tahun ,0.0 +7899,retarded honor @url,1.0 +108834,Peshmerga catch 7 ISIS militants disguised as refugees http://rudaw.net/mobile/english/kurdistan/100720161#sthash.MoSIeNXh.uxfs via @sharethis #tcot #DonaldTrump,0.0 +116513,@k_kiidd @PaperWoIf mejor cantemos el tema de isis,0.0 +7853,@user @user got nothing raghead.,1.0 +131299,Clemente come Kasparov nella nuova edizione di Unglorious Bastards Isis Edition https://twitter.com/cjmimun/status/749913638144737280,0.0 +111174,RT @mestrate: War against ISIS-Iraq: U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS : Ash Carter http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html ,0.0 +112197,RT @irukatodouro: @kotekiqjin ISIL ,0.0 +155495,"@semzyxx @NAInfidels @owais00 Furthermore, you cannot identify a single verse of the Quran that limits the age of marriage of a girl.",1.0 +147365,RT @MohammadiRashid: Photos more than 6100 #ChildrenofSyria killed by Assad's regime painting long is 33 meters Part 1 https://t.co/1BlEZ7p ,1.0 +150186,RT @TheHackersNews: Unknown Hacker Installed a Secret Backdoor On #Facebook Server to Steal Accounts Password http://thehackernews.com/2016/04/hack-facebook-account.html https ,1.0 +126966,RT @barisanasional: FELDA akan mengenakan tindakan tegas terhadap peneroka sekiranya didapati terlibat dengan kumpulan militan Daesh https: ,0.0 +148101,Breaking Alqaeda Islamic justification for allaying with US to kill Muslims in northern allepo Very Islamic https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +106039,Twins due in the dock under anti-terrorism Act over alleged links to Islamic State http://ow.ly/6iRE3027a7m. http://fb.me/1jrVM08KA,0.0 +118503,"Le FN menac Cahors (Lot) : Daesh et les voyous, alli s objectifs du PS ? http://www.citoyens-et-francais.fr/2016/07/le-fn-menace-a-cahors-lot-daesh-et-les-voyous-allies-objectifs-du-ps.html?utm_source=_ob_share&utm_medium=_ob_twitter&utm_campaign=_ob_sharebar via @citoyenneFrance",0.0 +111826,gn i love ot4 zayn & my other idols amore steph cait ree tricia rea rinrin fibi isis haslie zh6 +yslm ssqii LTPH and mutuals,0.0 +152782,When you Realize that your 1m$ bomb couldnt stop me from laughing #US #Syria https://t.co/gDxEmmGn8k ,1.0 +125178,@peddoc63 No everyone should stop turning their backs and face the truth weather Obama is right or wrong we must stay together or Isis wins,0.0 +109957,"This guy has to be a RWNJ, who else speaks this kind of poison except ISIS. https://twitter.com/SkyNewsAust/status/752473075124277252",0.0 +125334,"@Bradcalhoun @dunno_someguy Gun Owners could never take over US Govt 20,000 ISIS members took over/displaced 2,000,000 Syrians Which is it?",0.0 +108219,http://agendaofevil.com/Videos/Viewer/PLXQAUc4t9sQ37vVrtvJoIPCfR0tcCJBHV/mtj3M_Bb0z8 Captured #ISIS Fighter on How He Was Betrayed,0.0 +144220,@7layers_ @injustcef Yes its true akhi we need to get rid of Arab Zionist first ,1.0 +151867,@WW3ISkoming @MousaAlomar ,1.0 +148540,RT @NaseemAhmed50: Islamic State saves the world from a large number of Iranian Rafidi war criminals. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/719916851069849601 ,1.0 +105016,@SGi_Joke @LoL_France filez moi l'addresse de vos bureaux que j'les envoie a daesh bande de sous merde attard s,0.0 +128488,"@timesofindia who ultimately wins. Not Isis, not Islam, nor locals only a white sheikh exploiter far away..",0.0 +5129,@user ahahah wtf u he's @user pax messaging cunt @url,1.0 +155422,@obsurfer84 Wrong Jewish tribe microbrain. The Jews of Khybar had nothing to do with Mohammed.,1.0 +147242, .. # ,1.0 +132236,Student Hacked to Death by ISIS Told Her Father: We will be killed one by one. [VIDEO] http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/student-hacked-death-isis-told-father-will-killed-one-one-video/ via @RightWingNews,0.0 +145893,so called #Nusra allies targetted by #jordan ; but #Nusra signed truce for peace with #Jordan https://t.co/FbQHBBSNF0 ,1.0 +106194,RT @nathalie9209: L'#EI / #ISIS recule sur le terrain et dans les esprits de ses adeptes . JDC JDR #Fuyons https://twitter.com/courrierinter/status/752341764304957440,0.0 +147038,RT @Ibn_Haneefah: My previous account @_ishfaqahmad was suspended. Follow me on this account and spread my account. Jazaka'Allah. ,1.0 +126753,"Worst part, Rollins could say he loves ISIS and these IWC pricks would still cheer him.",0.0 +112529,"As Islamic State loses ground, civilian attacks to go up: report http://www.reuters.com/video/2016/07/10/as-islamic-state-loses-ground-civilian-a?videoId=369217791&videoChannel=-13668 via @Reuters",0.0 +137844,RT @InstantReporter: @amnesty: Kurdish fighters destroyed thousands of Arab houses to drive Arabs out in #Iraq. #Mosul #Twitterkurds https: ,1.0 +6729,@user ones sexually assaulted illegal aliens/dreamers? #confirmkavenaughnow #askingforafriend,1.0 +126523,Judicial Watch: FBI Scrambles After #ISIS Report %u2013 #BB4SP http://bb4sp.com/judicial-watch-fbi-scrambles-after-isis-report/ #PJNET,0.0 +122134,Que horror. .. Dios mio .. q acabe el ISIS https://twitter.com/periodicovzlano/status/752609933510774784,0.0 +131343,RT @Nibble4: #OwaisiWithISIS Owaisi Bros are ISIS agents in INDIA. The world shud recognise this.. https://twitter.com/TimesNow/status/749489862512775168,0.0 +126738,.@IndyPolitics: Isis 'struggling to raise money thanks to coalition air strikes ' http://ow.ly/CO4M502j3Q8,0.0 +141857,Clearly city outskirt https://t.co/vexQDsfCw6 ,1.0 +145339,RT @leithfadel: ISIS is literally on the border of Israel now. https://twitter.com/leithfadel/status/712440549567954944/photo/1 ,1.0 +112979,U.S. to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul offensive - http://informationexclusives.com/u-s-to-send-more-troops-to-iraq-ahead-of-mosul-offensive/ ,0.0 +6648,story fucking retarded,1.0 +137189,@Nutsflipped_z_1 @Avuxeni_ how do you know? pls dont tell me you were there! ,1.0 +121736,"Obama Administration Lives in "" Alice in Wonderland Fantasy World "" When it Comes to ISIS -. http://fb.me/4GkgoZ16d",0.0 +131855,10 ITALIANI SGOZZATI DALL ISIS COME BESTIE E L ITALIA PIANGE PER I RIGORI http://fb.me/4HycS3fWF,0.0 +114991,See also http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/markaz/posts/2015/04/3-berger-intelwire-shabab-isis https://twitter.com/TimListerCNN/status/752529890608545792,0.0 +151098,There is no Place for new Bodies in #Aleppo's Main Graveyard... https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/726101648414744577/photo/1 ,1.0 +146270,RT @rebel_real: @Uncle_SamCoco @7layers_ @WarReporter1 Disgusting war criminal @IraqiSecurity is celebrating #ISF war crimes again https:// ,1.0 +153185,#AmaqAgency IslamicState fightwrs assault #Jurayishi and #Tarrah highway north of #Ramadi dstroying 3 Iraqi forces https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +148440,@YunusGhareeb @mozlemgurl Show the evidence that I'm a liar or don't accuse me. ,1.0 +110429,@AbuAyyub313 (And Russia.) Unless of course Assad/ ISIS etc. actually are intertwined.,0.0 +4719,@user rather clear thinknnhe'd rather chinaman would different reason,1.0 +134680,"Ibnul-Qayyim ? said that if the laws of Islam are not implemented somewhere, it is not D?rul-Isl?m [Ahk?m Ahl adh-Dhimmah].",1.0 +106154,RT @RizviUzair: Saudi Prince and international investor al-Waleed bin Talal visits the injured ISIS commander in a hospital https://t.co/Y9 ,0.0 +116131,ISIS doesn't believe in real Islam! Yeah their leader has a PhD in Islamic studies but Huffington post said so,0.0 +6484,inserjit..... aka uber driver.... ur fat cunt suck clit,1.0 +155231,@DawlatnaMansura The next step in warfare is the ground drone. A robot that will walk up to the Jihadi and blow out his brains.,1.0 +137982,RT @RamiAlLolah: Local activists in #Hasakah claim a #Russia|n officer allegedly killed in #ISIS suicide attack in #Qamishli. Not confirmed ,1.0 +135651," Remember the blessing of Allah upon you and His covenant which He made with you, when you said, We hear and we obey (Al-Maidah 7).",1.0 +117343,RT @TimesofIslambad: Egypt policemen killed in Sinai bombing claimed by ISIS - https://timesofislamabad.com/egypt-policemen-killed-in-sinai-bombing-claimed-by-isis/2016/07/11/ pic.twitter.com/7ukbmfIkop,0.0 +110313,"RT @AusLoafer: Yes Brandis, Islamic state didn't exist in 03.. the complete self-interest by the US during reconstruction literally create ",0.0 +145689,RT @Pasha_al_Iraqi: ,1.0 +155001,"@dankmtl And as this moron Palestinian clearly explains, most of them are now Egyptians and Saudis and Jordanians. https://t.co/8cmfoOZwxz",1.0 +5101,@user hes burning funko pop like mongoloid,1.0 +153129,@ThatCoffeeTho @fiqhalwaqi @Chief_MarshallR Dans une vid o un membre appel d j les milices de Misrata rej l'EI https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/730538875614052353/photo/1 ,1.0 +152262,"RT @Nussra_E: Ask any person from the families of captives, and the captives themselves: Who s the person you wish to see tortured, forced ",1.0 +140766,#PhotoReport #ISIS #WilayatNinawa Aspects from the work of the service center-reforming of the public street al-Salam neighborhood in 1/2 ,1.0 +151820,RT @RamiAlLolah: #USA B-52 bomber backs Popular Mobilization Shiite militias near Debis north Baiji #Iraq #ISIS h/t @ts_onliht132s https:// ,1.0 +5412,@user suck spic balls ,1.0 +127880, Ser ISIS expulsado de Mosul luego de 'la madre de todas las batallas'?: La operaci n para liberar a Mosul c. http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2016/07/11/sera-isis-expulsado-de-mosul-luego-de-la-madre-de-todas-las-batallas/ ,0.0 +107980,"GENIOS We might be winning the war against ISIS, at least on social media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 #AnaGenaro pic.twitter.com/dUIoENLLWX",0.0 +142607,RT @AQpk: Dramatic video of #Assad-controlled state TV crew coming under opposition #FSA attack in #Daria #Syria https://twitter.com/yaceeno/status/703303217644494849/video/1 ,1.0 +129913,@enzoiacopino Caro Presidente se continuano sembra siano i mostri Circeo di Dacca qui c ' Isis e poi Bin Laden era un poraccio?,0.0 +8406,okay aku mengaku diri aku hensem - random kiddo otw became faggot.... hahahaha ... wish level @url,1.0 +107204,Egipto Isis + Sharm El Sheikh 11 d as desde 1115 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928871&idagencia=33546-3478e11186e2f9c965fa1ac48381b02f&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +154926,@drewmistak The content of the Quran and Hadiths give Islam a bad name.,1.0 +122446,"This Man Sacrificed Himself, Saved Dozens By Hugging ISIS Suicide Bomber http://terrorism.trendolizer.com/2016/07/this-man-sacrificed-himself-saved-dozens-by-hugging-isis-suicide-bomber.html",0.0 +8737,65 year old uncle went celebrate granddaughters birthday last night got mongy broke nose ahahah,0.0 +109455,Daesh au lieu de ns prendre la tete allez au states c'est cool https://twitter.com/iyaadmkm/status/752269504877563904,0.0 +122616,Je rejoins daesh https://twitter.com/gussguss77/status/749707494121963521,0.0 +116136,31 #Daesh/#ISIS loyalists fighting for the Islamic State of #Iraq killed in ongoing ops in East of #Afghanistan https://www.khaama.com/31-isis-loyalists-killed-in-ongoing-operations-in-east-of-afghanistan-01452,0.0 +160393,"Rape=jihad. Muslims are rapists that are everywhere in the UK. When they were not here, there wasn't the problem of rape.",1.0 +140862,RT @ScotMikey1111: Reports by regime media that #SAA now controls Jib al-Kalb in E. #Aleppo (an #ISIS territory) are untrue. ,1.0 +116411,@NewBlackPanthr1 teaching HATE! New American ISIS! Come out the shadows cowards! pic.twitter.com/j5wYGmdPTd,0.0 +152725,#AmaqAgency #Breaking Martyrdom Op hits Popular Mobilization gathering in #Baqubah's #Shaftah area in #Diyala. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118869,Yup they do. ANd when #trudeau yanked out 6 Jet fighters from Syria he showed the world how we all defeated ISIS??? https://twitter.com/nativekittens/status/752575086125867008,0.0 +129066,RT @AbdMalekHussin: Daesh cuma sekumpulan militia upahan. Tak ada kaitan dgn agama. Cuma gunakan agama agar orang jahil menyokong untuk mel ,0.0 +115947,RT @smormor1: You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-wahhabism-saudi-arabia_b_5717157.html v a @theworldpost,0.0 +154816,@Bruciebabe @MaxBlumenthal Jews lived on 40% of the Arabian peninsula before the prophet Mohammed started exterminating them.,1.0 +142369,"Two weeks ago, SDF arrested about 150 tribesmen in Raqqa province refused to fight ISIS under its banner. #TalAbyad ",1.0 +143354,"RT @moustiklash: New video from Amaq 2 armored vehicles burned during assault by Dawlah in Hamidiyah, Ramadi https://vid.me/zxHP https ",1.0 +126193,ISIS Horror: Extremists Execute 25 Spies By Dissolving Them In Pool Of Nitric Acid http://www.inquisitr.com/3116084/isis-horror-extremists-execute-25-spies-by-dissolving-them-in-pool-of-nitric-acid/ - #atrocity #terrorist #Iraq,0.0 +132834,The Biggest Wepn of ISIS is its IEDs Explosives 4 same hs bn provided by Indian Companies India Resp 4 #DhakaAttack #BangladeshSnubbedIndia,0.0 +5145,appear mad bomber van cleaned spic-and-span got arrested?,1.0 +120352,Full Movie: http://www.9cams.com/watch/view Like if you like it & Retweet if you don't Redhead Wife Isis Taylor with Tatto pic.twitter.com/6Qcil6lo1b,0.0 +118564,Islamic State claims nearly 600 suicide attacks in first six months of 2016 http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/07/islamic-state-claims-nearly-600-suicide-attacks-in-first-six-months-of-2016.php @LongWarJournal pic.twitter.com/6o5WhbwMRi,0.0 +132055,Russia to send Admiral Kuzetnov warship to Syria as Putin prepares to destroy ISIS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673423/Russia-send-Admiral-Kuzetnov-warship-Syria-Putin-prepares-destroy-ISIS.html @rarasathie_,0.0 +6639,benefit anyone fucking shithole country god,1.0 +152522,RT @Nidalgazaui: Faylaq Al Rahman and the #Syrian Army Fought alongside each other in Eastern #Qalamoon Against #IS and Recaptured the Ceme ,1.0 +140101,# _ unidetified gunmen took down senior #Iraq SWAT element in his house. Incident occured in Sulemanyiah province. ,1.0 +139592,RT @BrunFree: Syrian rebels are losing Aleppo and perhaps also the war https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syrian-rebels-are-losing-aleppo-and-perhaps-also-the-war/2016/02/04/94e10012-cb51-11e5-b9ab-26591104bb19_story.html?postshare=3501454694351786&tid=ss_tw ,1.0 +110673,"RT @DeadmanMax: That 's not to say Islam is not enshrined and privileged in Iraq 's constitution now, b/c it is, effectively rendering Iraq a ",0.0 +105558,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://ln.is/www.indiatimes.com/n/Wame6 # via @indiatimes",0.0 +134423,"Muhammad Ibn Ka b al-Quradh? (rahimahull?h) said, {And perform rib?t} against My enemy and your enemy until he abandons his religion for your religion ",1.0 +118533,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=750113645439381504,0.0 +4904,@user shut retard,1.0 +118965,"RT @MarinaDLuna: Ellas, las guerrilleras Kurdas, fueron las primeras en alzarse solas del mundo, contra el terrorismo de ISIS #YPG https:// ",0.0 +124698,I HOPE ISIS USES THE FUCKING POKEMON TO KILL US.,0.0 +8775,@user @user @user armo spic lmao fuck i'm done ,1.0 +137207,RT @Abduhark: ISIS seized three neighborhoods in southern Damascus from the rebels and is going to hand them to the regime in return for a ,1.0 +105188,ISIS has launched a newspaper to recruit Southeast Asian fighters http://linkis.com/Zncyr via @TIME,0.0 +8550,@user ching chong?,1.0 +127769,Pentagon asks for $20 million for solutions to detect & defeat ISIS drones http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2016/07/08/pentagon-needs-more-money-counter-islamic-state-drones/86867452/ pic.twitter.com/dEkARVeZa7,0.0 +150503,RT @MousaAlomar: Assad's gift to Obama for restoring Assad's legitimacy again From Aleppo today..Obama; you are disingenuous and liar https ,1.0 +123567,@taylorswift13 no st ts. T5 or 5t ye5. I love you. they are trying to do Isis crime5 and blame my family to remove my old3r broth3r from,0.0 +115878,"If you want to understand the Middle East, ISIS and Mission this is a must read @marzaatar https://imeslebanon.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/mission-in-a-world-gone-wild-and-violent-challenging-the-monochromatic-view-of-islam-from-a-silent-majority-position/ via @wordpressdotcom",0.0 +5171,@user @user agree let ukrainian refugees better,1.0 +104924,RT @AJEnglish: [Blair] needs to be chastised. He needs to make a very open & formal apology Ali Allawi tells @AJUpFront https://t.co/FO ,0.0 +120498,Daesh crime at Prophet 's Mosque comes 11 years after Al-Qaeda 's http://www.arabnews.com/node/951886/saudi-arabia pic.twitter.com/UoVYlWoGyn,0.0 +150645,RT @RT_com: ISIS-aligned hackers leak confidential info on 43 US State Dept employees https://www.rt.com/usa/340943-isis-hack-state-department/ https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/724900238092308480/photo/1 ,1.0 +124467,ISIS is shook pic.twitter.com/9mRyBO0AhA,0.0 +130994,The worst Isis attack in weeks is the one the world probably cares least about http://fb.me/1mvUBpZNM,0.0 +146278,"RT @Prswitness: their best special forces there.With them 1000s of Assad militias, Iraqi-Afghani-Pakistani shiite militias. Still #IS is li ",1.0 +150966,@islamonde_info le YPG n'est pas list terroriste c'est le PKK qui l'est ,1.0 +109071,RT @Jha_Sudhar: ISIS item gal #barkhawithterrorists #BurhanWani pic.twitter.com/a2LQmjGJHh,0.0 +144083,RT @wwayf44rer: Video of huge destruction in civilian homes of #Palmyra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXHpy4xdVmA ,1.0 +119296,RT @twright55: #US to help Iraq army push on #Mosul: #Carter http://www.reuters.com/video/2016/07/11/us-to-help-iraq-army-push-on-mosul-carte via @Reuters,0.0 +132064,"Turkey ready to work with Russia in fight against ISIS, but no . - http://stateofglobe.com/2016/07/04/turkey-ready-to-work-with-russia-in-fight-against-isis-but-no-mention-of-incirlik-base-ankara/ - #Global #News pic.twitter.com/5M16tyJG3m",0.0 +144933,Can anyone explain for me the reason why JN fans worship al-Alwan latley like a Rawafidh who worship humans? ,1.0 +146125,RT @Conflicts: UPDATE: At least 22 killed in Aden suicide bombing: Yemeni official - @AlArabiya_Eng ,1.0 +123448,"I don't see how killing innocent people, regardless of what other family members do is okay. And I don't understand how that would stop Isis",0.0 +136392,"Furthermore, ash-Shafi i r said, And it is not forbidden for them (meaning the Muslims) to burn or ruin it (meaning their wealth) until they become either Muslims or Ahl adh-Dhimmah, or until some of their wealth which the Muslims are able to bear and carry away falls into their hands it is not permissible to burn that because it has become the property of the Muslims, and they can burn anything aside from it which cannot be carried (al-Umm).",1.0 +115532,"#Oil and #ISIS: If we hadn't needed one, the other wouldn't exist http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/7/10/1545289/-Oil-and-ISIS-If-we-hadn-t-needed-one-the-other-wouldn-t-exist #Iraq #Syria",0.0 +105909, - ISIS http://www.sofokleousin.gr/archives/308299.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter pic.twitter.com/KcGv36s6u1,0.0 +104112,".@TheKnowledge Isis terroristsare still buried in muslims cimetary, therefore they do represent islam.",0.0 +142731,I wonder how many Islamic scholars would come out in support of ISIS had they not been afraid of imprisonment? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116680,@JT_Velez entra al isis facha,0.0 +142271,"RT @7layers_: Nasim Saleh, a notorious child killer who butchered many children in #Homs, killed in #Khannaser by #ISIS https://t.co/40jGxu ",1.0 +106199,I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/mywouiwRueI?a NEW WEAPONS RUSSIA - RUSSIA ATTACKING TURKEY AND ISIS IN SYRIA WAR,0.0 +127747,@MMFlint I spent a year in Mosul in 2004. Was NOT surprised at Va Tech shootings. Expected IEDs. No IEDS. Why? Explosives CONTROLLED.,0.0 +148671,#Syria: girl in Maarat al-Numan holds up a sign which reads ''Jabhat al-Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa killed my father''... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +148047,"@24Aleppo If your page is English, what's the point of ""Daesh"" instead of ISIS/ISIL? You have an international audience. ",1.0 +113296,"@nytimes let 's not forget who funded ISIS in the beginning, lost control and now can't stand being kicked in the arse by what they created",0.0 +116215,".@KimJ1011 Thanks! Here 's 33.3% off New "" We're Gonna Knock The Hell Outta ISIS "" + offer of $25 Mug for only $9.95 http://TeeChip.com/Mounsey?cp=33",0.0 +160591,"So more than 95% are fighting extremism and spreading peace and tolerance, there are extremists in every group.",0.0 +155538,"@congressman_aly @jessicaelgot There is no such thing as Islamophobia, just as there is no such thing as Naziphobia.",1.0 +119406,Isis Aquarian 's On Hollywood 's Notorious Source Family http://fb.me/8jSb2dM2U,0.0 +147194,@alniinawaa2 @qatilyamujahid7 @RPG7sniper Naam akhi ,1.0 +148749,"RT @Barbe_Courte: Sous les Ommeyades que fut construites trois merveilles architecturales islamique Damas, J rusalem et Kairouan. https: ",1.0 +153557,RT @AmnestyOnline: Today Daraya civilians awaited 1st aid since 2012 siege. But it went horribly wrong https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/syria-aid-delivery-to-besieged-daraya/ #Syria https ,1.0 +133100,CHARLES MIRANDA in Istanbul and staff writersNews Corp Australia Network - from @News_com_au http://www.news.com.au/world/istanbul-airport-terror-attack-turkish-police-probe-foreign-islamic-state-link/news-story/05cd9d14a1a02ac91a6a11e0d69ac4d3 ,0.0 +154337,@WithTrish @JRehling Not nearly to the extent that they went insane over a Mohammed cartoon.,1.0 +147927,Saudi wants to build a path from Egypt to Saudi It's like opening the path for Islamic state lol ,1.0 +145417,"@hacs44 our site is currently under maintenance, it will be back up bi'idhnillah ",1.0 +140329,#ISIS Terrorgroup allows a child to blow up 3 spies inside a car in Raqqa Province #Syria. ,1.0 +104066,His call against ISIS is a sectarian rant - Barelvi Sufi v Salafi. Barelvis support Shari'a and Umma as much as ISIS https://twitter.com/prasannavishy/status/752424156839317504,0.0 +118550,"@brendanjharkin "" Let 's give money to isis so we can burn their flag. "" Okay lads",0.0 +160660,"Unfortunately, hate can be found in all walks of life. It is no more prevalent in Muslim communities.",0.0 +114964,@laraAhmad1995 @Mosul__ ( ) ,0.0 +128475,RT @CraigCons: ISIS kills other Muslims in Baghdad during Ramadan. That proves one thing: ISIS doesn't care about Islam or Muslims. It care ,0.0 +110502,RT @felh01: daesh ? c'est comment.,0.0 +105822,Watch it live: http://www.9cams.com/watch/view Like if you like it & Retweet if you don't Isis Taylor with Tattoo Wearing pic.twitter.com/BRmc4WdHgy,0.0 +124354,"@lexdesmar ziggs is great life, isis approved",0.0 +139942,What will you be when you grow up? Young #Syria|n girls from Zaatari #refugees camp in #Jordan.. https://t.co/xYFSjG7lZx ,1.0 +130853,RT @Independent: Isis 'commandos ' massacre at least 22 people in hostage crisis at cafe http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bangladesh-dhaka-attack-isis-islamic-state-gunmen-killed-death-toll-hostage-crisis-restaurant-cafe-a7115261.html pic.twitter.com/4LbcQqK4Ea,0.0 +136693,RT @ayyx3: Subhan All h its amazing how we can love and care for brothers and sisters even though we haven't met them because its f sab li ,1.0 +145836,RT @sparksofirhabi4: Sharee'ah & Shar'iyyah https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/713123160032481280 ,1.0 +154897,"@DavidRomeiPHD @ALWiss5 Anything an American does defines America, anything a Muslim does is an aberration? Idiot!",1.0 +140919,RT @RamiAlLolah: Graphic! Horrific footage from #Aleppo today. #Russia|n war criminals have gone too far with their crimes.. #Syria https:/ ,1.0 +116908,"Think about it, #ISIS is supposedly Islamic rebels who only attack Islamic countries, while leaving the Jewish country alone. #JewMediaLies",0.0 +145945,RT @_b1vrnas1ha_: F n $U RT @Abu26H7 Ur Respected Akhi @Abu26H7 @Abu26H7 ,1.0 +132235,"'no hashtags, no Facebook profile pictures with the Iraqi flag, no Western newspaper front pages of victims ' names ' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html",0.0 +131032,RT @jeffmas1: 'ISIS jihadis ' with night-vision equipment arrested at Turkish airport http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673360/Two-ISIS-jihadists-carrying-night-vision-equipment-arrested-Turkish-airport-week-45-people-killed-hit-suicide-bombers.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +6776,@user @user cunt send belt back.,1.0 +121993,#Mosul Entertainment Campaign by the Diwan of Preaching and Mosques for the Children of Martyred Immigrants http://goo.gl/6ZNVlk,0.0 +105170,RT @Conflicts: BREAKING: ISIS release footage of the shooting down of a helicopter near Palmyra that killed 2 Russian pilots. https://t.co/ ,0.0 +126603,Why Does ISIS Only Fight Israel 's Enemies? And Why Do They Have So Much In Common? http://fb.me/2QjzCGn31,0.0 +112790,"Only 4 are M-16s, but yes #ISIS is operating with #American arms. https://twitter.com/sfrantzman/status/752455853635239936",0.0 +129551,"Why don't we stand with Turkey, like we did with Paris and Orlando? http://ow.ly/3qjV100d3f5",0.0 +111340,Pregnant Kerala woman 'joins #ISIS along with husband - http://www.khaleejtimes.com/international/india/kerala-pregnant--woman-along-with-husband-joins-daesh,0.0 +125139,heroes died to fill gitmo Where is your reporting ON all killer Obama ISIS creating releases Pretend trump did it https://g.co/kgs/vSFemt,0.0 +136832,Deir ezzor: More than 30 syrian regime forces have been killed in addition to 40 injured & 15 missing in the past 3days battles with the IS ,1.0 +142120,Shia jihad against #syrian unbelievers sunnies according to latest khumeni Fatwaah https://t.co/oDadKrxXQ9 ,1.0 +121378,RT @snowcalmth: O_O Internationale Fahndung nach 15-j hriger Deutscher | Linda unterwegs zu ISIS http://www.bild.de/regional/dresden/isis/linda-aus-sachsen-auf-weg-zu-isis-46750750.bild.html?wtmc=twttr.shr,0.0 +140124,#Turkey MFA summons #USA ambassador John Bass over US Spox Kirby's comments on #PYD #YPG.. #Syria #TwitterKurds ,1.0 +159166,The world would be a better place without such ungrounded sayings and misdirected hate.,0.0 +124485,Als eenling aanslag pleegt vanuit #racisme/polarisatie oogpunt zal de media toch de link leggen met#ISIS. Verwarde geldt alleen v. Blank NL,0.0 +126689,"Government discovered that a huge part of the refugees are people from ISIS pretending to be refugees, so we let a bunch of terrorists in.",0.0 +150756,#WilayatAlAnbar An aspect of the #Ribat of the #soldiers of the #Khilafah at night in the #city of #Rutbah https://justpaste.it/tp25 ,1.0 +138049,@Bint_Dutches2 ,1.0 +150436,"RT @chris1reuters: Militants, guards clash near #Brega port #Libya, #oil commander wounded http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-libya-security-idUKKCN0XK0DC #OPEC #IslamicState http ",1.0 +116358,"@MartialAce @thedavidbyer yep. Raiola is the Isis of transfer agents, can't deal with radicals.",0.0 +109865,@MrPolyatheist @tufailelif when will these idiots get it-- there 's no dif between ISIS/Taliban/LeT etc..they r just clones of each other.,0.0 +103958,RT @vibhask1: & UP 2 94% 17 ISIS ,0.0 +159925,There are centuries old Islamic communities in Europe.,0.0 +132563,RT @Ladyelle_MHL: Turkey yesterday. Baghdad today. #ISIL #ISIS is still growing stronger. More hashtag prayers.,0.0 +144212,RT @News_Executive: UPDATE: The US embassy in #Ankara #Turkey warned 2 days ago of a potential terrorist attack in the city. https://t.co/c ,1.0 +141055,RT @Nidalgazaui: #BREAKING REPORTS OF SECOND BOMB ROCKED #ANKARA AGAIN. ,1.0 +146043,RT @BassamJaara: .. ,1.0 +150809,RT @PetroleumEcon: The honeymoon is over for investors in Kurdish oil https://t.co/b4PAaMxbac https://twitter.com/PetroleumEcon/status/725385826612301824/photo/1 ,1.0 +8166,florida shithole country,1.0 +120917,RT @verge: We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/11/12149510/pokemon-go-fighting-isis-kurdistan?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter pic.twitter.com/Qeu1H6ABzo,0.0 +113013,RT @keywestcliff2: #Obama Our Black Panther Muslim ISIS Chief in USA. #VoteTrump pic.twitter.com/zy1mZvJGkw,0.0 +107681,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://goo.gl/fb/p6vjqc",0.0 +126437,"EL TEAM ISIS VOLVI Y ESTAMOS EN PELIGRO, R PIDO LLAMEN AL CHAPO. pic.twitter.com/4JAJraCCpa",0.0 +123172,ISIS Comes to #Gaza By Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai,0.0 +111626,RT @KendrickLmar_: A New Video Released By ISIS Names NEW US Targets http://theplanetcom.com/021e398f6777c1 ,0.0 +114111,"Photo report : Horses in Al-Mayadeen, #DeirEzzor. #IslamicState #ISIS #Syria Full album: https://justpaste.it/w5bx pic.twitter.com/Kisbmnrglc",0.0 +108894,Human Lives Matter. I guarantee those are NOT local or state cops. Thats NWO action right there. during ISIL attacks pic.twitter.com/VFJyUgtSFg,0.0 +127053,RT @ojiakagbuagu: # Nigeria kill #Biafrans like isis pic.twitter.com/AT9sQeTnBW,0.0 +140119,RT @WarfareWW: #Russia has started the preliminary trials of new Bumerang 8x8 armoured fighting vehicle https://twitter.com/WarfareWW/status/697112148011569152/photo/1 ,1.0 +125521,RT @DRovera: #Libya - Anti-#ISIS offensive in #Sirte may spell the end for fragile unity government http://europe.newsweek.com/libya-sirte-isis-rival-factions-civil-war-fragile-government-479274?rm=eu https://t.co/ ,0.0 +9217,feminazi,1.0 +122346,RT @TimesofIsrael: American Jewish leaders appear on Islamic State hit list http://www.timesofisrael.com/american-jewish-leaders-appear-on-islamic-state-hit-list/ ,0.0 +120528,Un pti malin qui veut se joindre isis. Vous avez son 06 @Place_Beauvau @PoliceNationale pic.twitter.com/5GG316EYhr,0.0 +119111,@BPC_Bipartisan @NicholasDanfort Easy to debunk. PKK announced self-rule in towns and dug trenches blocking roads/services. ISIS didn't.,0.0 +148593,RT @RamiAlLolah: @Veritas__Media @usme71 People are asking; ISIS is recycling more and more old stuff into 'newly' released reports; what i ,1.0 +109466,"#ISIS Rise in #Bangladesh, Serious Danger for This #South_Asian Country http://en.alalam.ir/news/1837428 pic.twitter.com/62VMl8TT70",0.0 +153131,"RT @ThatCoffeeTho: Walid Shaqmani, leader of a prominent FajrLibya/Misrata militia, killed by IS in the ongoing clashes near Sadada https:/ ",1.0 +114193,Ex-marine hunts for Pokemon and ISIS fighters in Iraq http://nypost.com/2016/07/11/ex-marine-hunts-for-pokemon-and-isis-fighters-in-iraq/ pic.twitter.com/lWJ9ldOLkf,0.0 +148503,#AmaqAgency #Damascus IS Forces Advance on Positions of al-Qaeda Fighters in #Yarmouk Camp https://t.co/HAeF5iCxQr https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZSL2QZqfL42NlwkfQDkdJ1ufOYohaNjDBV ,1.0 +126993,http://fb.me/5bxV6PhNw,0.0 +127656,ISIS PHOTOSHOP? Terrifying image of cop being killed goes viral http://goo.gl/fb/ibvr5O #IHateTimWaterman,0.0 +152256,"When the death of Al-Nakhai (a Tabi'i) drew near, he was sorely troubled in spirit, and being spoken to about it, said: ",1.0 +119699,RT @intelwire: My latest: ISIS cracks open a new propaganda genre -- drama http://www.worldgonewrong.net/2016/07/the-isis-after-school-special.html,0.0 +117107,RT @fbnewswire: Ex-US marine fighting #ISIS in #Iraq captures a #Pokemon https://www.facebook.com/FBNewswire/posts/1117917498246370 pic.twitter.com/WAIdvme509,0.0 +120510,"RT @anonzeus3: https://twitter.com/m_homsy4 id=752550433881591808<< Isis supporting account back from suspension, pls re-suspend @safety https:/ ",0.0 +153695,@KamelNasrEldien Islam is about as perfect as Nazism.,1.0 +123165,"if Isis high jack this plane, I won't be scared, the spirit of harambe will protect me, on god.",0.0 +139369,RT @scent_of_musk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG3eMYGHiSU&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop ,1.0 +105669,Mi-25 Rusia ditembak jatuh di Palmayra oleh ISIS. Dari mana TOW yang dimiliki ISIS? Dulu pamer konvoi Toyota 4X4 http://indonesia.rbth.com/news/2016/07/10/isis-tembak-jatuh-helikopter-di-tadmur-dua-pilot-rusia-tewas_610291,0.0 +111945,Is the Iranian 'Hulk ' going to fight #IS group? Not even close! http://observers.france24.com/en/20160711-hulk-iranian-fight-isis-islamic-state-debunked-not-even-close #Iran pic.twitter.com/CwDufR8G5V,0.0 +126380,Maybe if we introduced ISIS to #PokemonGO they would spend their time trying to get enough candy to evolve charamander and not terrorism.,0.0 +144370,@RevolutionSyria Indeed we can't see it ,1.0 +138506,"#IslamicState #WilayatHalab #Caravan_Of_Martyrs "" Abu Mahmud Assaraqibi "" May Allah accept and be pleased with him . https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +154251,@cdnKhadija @johnnygjokaj @98Halima @BilalIGhumman @rfrankh53 Tell me something that ISIS does that Mohammed did not do.,1.0 +104982,"ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria 's 'migrant hunter ' http://fb.me/2lIpugLCI",0.0 +121606,We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://news.24hoursapp.com/p/pxwvMm1iAA/rpAK pic.twitter.com/WveLnkvHTE,0.0 +120291,Muslim parents wouldn't report their children if they joined ISIS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684340/Some-Muslim-parents-NOT-report-children-travelled-Syria-join-ISIS-don-t-trust-police-claims-new-study.html #ISIS #DAESH,0.0 +111053,RT @PSMnewsmv: Breaking: U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS - Pentagon chief Carter pic.twitter.com/biWtYbmrej,0.0 +115801,"RT @Nussaibah: Iraqi forces retake Qayyara airbase south of Mosul, which will be strategic staging ground for Mosul offensive https://t.co/ ",0.0 +144762,@HafydaAldawla jazakallah khair ,1.0 +127679,RT @abrahamgmr: @AlfredoJalifeR_ Ukrainian hackers discover that the ISIS videos were filmed in a TV studio CIA http://zonnews.com/shock/7078-ukrainian-hackers-discover-that-the-isis-videos-were-filmed-in-a-tv-studio-cia.html,0.0 +107863,RT @abdullah_0mar: LDF and UDF in Kerala are responsible for the Muslim youths getting attracting towards ISIS. Kerala is the new Hub. http ,0.0 +137452,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Iraq|i army soldier activating (Pre-Fleeing Procedure) during intense battles near #Haditha.. #Anbar #ISIS http://t.co/sv ,1.0 +154232,"@JM_Yturralde No, they showed you the good face of people. There is no good face of Islam.",1.0 +121621,Iraqi forces on their way to Mosul retake #Qayyarah airbase from #Daesh. #coalitionprogress pic.twitter.com/hANknkcRnE,0.0 +109894,"Double game? Even as it battles ISIS, Turkey gives other extremists shelter - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html?ftcamp=crm/email//nbe/FirstFTAmericas/product",0.0 +131795,@rupasubramanya SITE is a very dubious agency & it has been busted for spreading lies! http://www.globalresearch.ca/who-is-behind-the-islamic-state-is-beheadings-probing-the-site-intelligence-group/5402082,0.0 +153863,"@jihadi_11 @Shami_IS_back Hopefully the followers of the slave trader, and pedophile prophet, Mohammed.",1.0 +140104, .. # # https://twitter.com/kasimf/status/697023860319875072 ,1.0 +113616,"Pokemon Go comments: Hitler, ISIS, and the finer points of both the Star Wars rebellion and Palestine- http://toucharcade.com/2016/07/07/use-this-map-to-find-pokemon-go-pokestops-and-gyms/#comments Wowza.",0.0 +144804,@AnakSabil08 wa iyyaki ukhti ,1.0 +9857,@user ching chong lets go play big bong ping pong thx k bye,1.0 +150122,RT @WarReporter1: A picture of Ramadi after US and Saudi Arabian airstrikes helped Shia/Iranian militias drive ISIS out of the city: https: ,1.0 +111972,RT @S_wemeet: Please report Isis account https://twitter.com/WELPP8890 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=752483262795223040 # _ _ _ #opice ,0.0 +141736,"#Shadadi again A VBiED and a ""suicide op"" attacks on #PKK positions in outskirts f the town. 16 US elements killed. #ISIS militants claims ",1.0 +10119,5 best tv seriesnni watch lot tv. probably watamote. care i'm faggot shit good.,1.0 +118985,#Hawaii Obama Administration Ramps Up Fight Against ISIS. http://nyc.epeak.in/863_2188029,0.0 +141157,How pathetic & racist! Magazine from #Poland splashed a graphic depiction of the rape of #Europe s women by migrants https://t.co/btzG08XPAx ,1.0 +4694,maybe i'm retarded,1.0 +108935,ISIS decapit a 4 jugadores sirios del equipo Al-Shabab. Los acusaban de ser espias de los kurdos. #LocuraTotal http://www.unminutohoy.com/internacional/item/18266-estado-islamico-decapita-a-cuatro-famosos-futbolistas,0.0 +111605,The additional forces will aid in fighting the Islamic State group,0.0 +107999,"@abuaardvark I'll do a favour to you: Check out "" What the hell is Taliban, Al-Qaide and ISIS and who r their founder fathers, backers? "" etc.",0.0 +116471,RT @AlalamChannel: #Philippines #Army Kills 40 #ISIS -Linked #AbuSayyaf Terrorists - http://en.alalam.ir/news/1837507 SH pic.twitter.com/OYExa5tIAa,0.0 +114534,#Iraq: US SecDef Ash Carter heads to Baghdad to discuss support for Iraqi military to retake #Mosul from #ISIS: http://www.frontierca.com/public_html/sd/uncategorized/nato-summit-in-warsaw-discusses-european-unity-stance-on-russia/ ,0.0 +136170," When My servants ask you concerning Me, then indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [with obedience] and believe in Me that they may be rightly guided (Al-Baqarah 186).",1.0 +148031,@islamic_front https://twitter.com/IQsunni/status/718478626216419328/photo/1 ,1.0 +108729,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET: The US Government is takin. http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/#ftag=CAD590a51e #Tech,0.0 +9607,denola grey guy na faggot,1.0 +9968,@user @user @user oh shut twat.,1.0 +127475,"Los rebeldes de Occidente, el Estado Isl mico, decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa - RT https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas ",0.0 +144980,"@VentiloMorocco j'aurais pr f rai un tweet du genre "" la d cadence de l'art occidental"" ",1.0 +129306,#Siria: Israel bombardea al EAS en el sur. Ni un solo ataque contra Liwa Shuhada Yarmouk o Harakat al Muthana (ISIS) https://twitter.com/AFP/status/749887048727851008,0.0 +107133,"Dituduh Mata-mata, Empat Pesepakbola Suriah Ini Dieksekusi ISIS Gan ! ! http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5783727a5c779876568b4569/dituduh-mata-mata-empat-pesepakbola-suriah-ini-dieksekusi-isis-gan?goto=newpost",0.0 +119648,#AllLivesDidntMatter when Lebanon has to deals with Isis but no one gives a shit.,0.0 +118296,"RT @anonintel_adm: ISIL 's Secret Prison, Mass Grave Found in Libya: A secret prison and a mass http://en.alalam.ir/news/1837522 #Anonymous https:// ",0.0 +117978,#Noticias #Mundo #EEUU enviar m s tropas a #Irak para combatir a ISIS http://lagazzettadf.com/noticia/2016/07/11/ee-uu-enviara-mas-tropas-irak-combatir-isis/ pic.twitter.com/DJKnpvaBCy,0.0 +118495,Ayotte slams Obama on handling of the Islamic State group: Seeking to keep national security a focus of her http://www.fresnobee.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article88832807.html ,0.0 +118918,@harajyuks yes because the isis muslims believe all other muslims are heretics who need to be killed.,0.0 +127465,RT @OgSafetyPins: REACTING TO 5SOS ' GIRLS TALK BOYS https://youtu.be/_QcMhjiet8Q Go watch it guys! ! -Isis,0.0 +120850,RT @Lanasbicht: @thiccchiccchloe Isis> u,0.0 +142278,"RT @amnesty: US dollars spent to aid #SaudiArabia in bombing, killing & starving of civilians in #Yemen. http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/press-releases/united-states-selling-weapons-to-saudi-arabia-that-are-killing-civilians-in-yemen https://t. ",1.0 +129743,Kuwait Gagalkan Rencana Tiga Serangan ISIS http://internasional.metrotvnews.com/dunia/wkB8dVDN-kuwait-gagalkan-rencana-tiga-serangan-isis ,0.0 +128479,"Strage Isis anche a Bagdad Cristiani d'Irak nel mirino, tanti bimbi tra i 167 morti http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/strage-isis-anche-bagdad-cristiani-dirak-nel-mirino-tanti-1278799.html #forzaSilvio #conSilvio #forza ",0.0 +149285,RT @Defence_blog: Mi-28NE modern attack helicopter was spotted at the new Russian air base in Syria http://defence-blog.com/news/mi-28ne-modern-attack-helicopter-was-spotted-at-the-new-russian-air-base.html https://t.co/JH ,1.0 +129261,"RT @laniemon: dunno why people are so surprised over the puchong attack revelation, there 's chatter about it before http://www.vocativ.com/318842/new-isis-video-reveals-training-camp-for-young-asian-boys-in-syria/",0.0 +137526,RT @vali_nasr: An excellent account of rise of #ISIS @JobyWarrick Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS https://www.amazon.com/Black-Flags-Rise-Joby-Warrick/dp/0385538219/187-8059550-5006348?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_F.XKwb1RR0XSC ,1.0 +111448,RT @kennym8635: WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN THE MIDDLE EAST; KEN O'KEEFE: ISIS - MONSTER CREATION OF USA https://youtu.be/cn_S2VAE6Zw,0.0 +120530,RT @Chinookpilot6: Gen. Michael Flynn: I Was Fired for Calling Our Enemies Radical Islamic Jihadists http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/michael-flynn-isis-memoir/2016/07/10/id/737937/ via @Newsmax,0.0 +141415,RT @RamiAlLolah: #BreakingNews #ISIS denies media reports #Shaddadi fall to #YPG terror group says extreme clashes still going on in the co ,1.0 +146497,RT @Hamas_Mujahid_: AlQassam Commander and other militant killed by Israeli Forces in #Gaza https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126051,@nycmia @MailOnline the officer that demoted him is to be considered a traitor. BLM ISIS a terrorist organization.,0.0 +142527,This is line with the doctrines mentioned in The Management of Savagery. Spread your enemy thin and to exhaustion: https://twitter.com/KhateebDimashqi/status/704050862876971009 ,1.0 +110071,@kevinthedrinker Nobody is advocating Sharia law for the UK apart from fundamentalist extremists & terrorists like ISIS. @wubwubldn,0.0 +148460,RT @55Umm_C: Bismill h... Assalam alaykum wa rahamatull hi wa barakatuhu ,1.0 +124708,"@LilyBaileyUK anybody, including Isis should be able to come and go as they please. What 's wrong with the U.K. Government #smh",0.0 +117779,#ISIS: C mo naci la banda yihadista y qui nes los combaten http://www.clarin.com/mundo/nacio-banda-yihadista-combaten_0_1610239095.html v a @clarincom pic.twitter.com/V1HDUMftz9,0.0 +152610,"4. So this poses the question, has Ayman Zawahiri renounced Jihadist teachings to ""raise the word of Allah above all""? ",1.0 +159412,Did you read the next line? It literally says the punishment and that the person who commits that 'is to be treated like a fornicator'.,0.0 +128470,US #DroneProgram Fuels Support for Daesh - Ex-State Department Official Mathew Hoh: http://sputniknews.com/world/20160702/1042322203/usa-drone-daesh-fuel.html?utm_source=short_direct&utm_medium=short_url&utm_content=bA4k&utm_campaign=URL_shortening via @SputnikInt,0.0 +7897,recall democrats saying shithole countries exist. yet thousands people proving wrong. @url,1.0 +118836,"'Are Daesh militants unstoppable?', http://bit.ly/29JjMLA",0.0 +145812,@Syrianvictims ,1.0 +108625,Theresa May: ISIS doesn't present Islam http://fb.me/LlTPZOEO,0.0 +152361,A'amaq Aftermath of US Airstrikes on the Markets of Qayyarah Town in Southern Nineveh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN_8AaJGFEk&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +131368,RT @SocJustWorrier: SJW: The KKK were Christians & they killed blacks. All Christians are bad. ISIS kills everybody. Islam is the religion ,0.0 +118707,@__Mezmerize__ @Plagiste4you tu parles des membres de Daesh ? Je veux pas de probl mes moi ,0.0 +143776,@Abdsayf971 ,1.0 +106342,US Defense Secretary Carter in Baghdad to discuss plans to retake Mosul from ISIS. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/ash-carter-baghdad/index.html ,0.0 +115961,US to Send More Troops to Iraq to Help Shape Battle for Mosul http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/us-to-send-more-troops-to-iraq-to-help-shape-battle-for-mosul #vanepolitics #vane,0.0 +134206,"{And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will be fitnah on earth and great corruption} [Al-Anf?l: 73].",1.0 +107101,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html pic.twitter.com/feKzSEmnfy",0.0 +116813,"of the kurds in fight of ISIL , we had put challnge there, listen PKK and PYD, yu have the boarders sides to the entrance in limit there",0.0 +117242," SEALDs,ISIS",0.0 +9424,sen ching chong ever talk black asian violence? @url,1.0 +137877,#shaheedneverdies ,1.0 +144287,RT @WorldConflictNe: Latest:3 Russian soldiers killed by Islamic State in battles near Palmyra https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +127085,RT @silver_stacker: @MousaAlomar reported for being an isis supporter. Isis must die. Russia will kill USA trained isis terrorists,0.0 +141523,@thisisgulsah Waiyyaki ,1.0 +108072,"RT @ptiitc0eur: Ca se trouve cest Daesh qui a prier pour la victoire du Portugal , avouez , ca ca fait plus mal qu'une bombe ",0.0 +149731,RT @WarReporter1: @WarReporter1 A reminder of what the US did when they deliberately attacked civilians in Mosul University: https://t.co/U ,1.0 +106241,Kebenaran is/islamic state/khilafah islam.. Di madinah syam negri yg diberkahi. . pic.twitter.com/mlerHuR7Mr,0.0 +127261,Israel Engaging In Drone Strikes Against ISIS In Egyptian Territory -- Egypt Could Not Be Happier - Daily Caller http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/11/israel-engaging-in-drone-strikes-against-isis-in-egyptian-territory-egypt-could-not-be-happier/ ,0.0 +8409,@user @user maybe ####'s knifed !!!!!nnjesus voted mongol ??,1.0 +139246,Since when Muslims clap in the mosques..?! Looks like this is Sheikh Abu #Kerry al-Amriki's very recent fatwa.. #ObamaMosque #USA ,1.0 +134188," Al? Ibn Ab? T?lib (radiyall?hu anh) said, Allah s Messenger (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) was sent with four swords: a sword for the mushrik?n, {And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the mushrik?n wherever you find them} [At-Tawbah: 5], a sword for Ahlul-Kit?b, {Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Book [fight them] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled} [At-Tawbah: 29], a sword for the mun?fiq?n, {O Prophet, fight against the kuff?r and the mun?fiq?n} [At-Tawbah: 73], and a sword for the bugh?t (rebellious aggressors), {Then fight against the group that commits baghy (aggression) until it returns to the ordinance of Allah} [Al-Hujur?t: 9] [Tafs?r Ibn Kath?r].",1.0 +110273,RT @Dangerouslytal: Bush made ISIS inevitable. He destroyed the Iraqi state and military and the only institutions left were religious. #qa ,0.0 +150518,RT @wayf44rerr: #Sinai Citizen Jalal Muhammad Abu Quri'a was shot dead today by Egyptian forces west of Rafahh ,1.0 +128107,Iraq: Death toll from Islamic State-claimed bombing climbs to 142 http://ow.ly/vpIU5022C2T,0.0 +122729,""" Sembri uno dell'isis "" . ( per via della barba) Io invece, ti faccio ingoiare i denti.",0.0 +125162,"RT @pulsionparcial: Que el Rey de Espa a est sentado escuchando el discurso de nuestro presidente, en el d a del Bicentenario, es evoluci ",0.0 +129345,RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: ISIS is at war with Islam.,0.0 +107548,Congressional Research Service - The Islamic State and U.S. Policy (27. juni 2016) https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R43612.pdf,0.0 +140788,#ISIS #WilayatSalahuddin | Pounding the Rafidhi army barracks with Katyusha rockets west of #Beiji 1/2 #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +120602,RT @SurvivorMed: Survival News 030716 http://snip.ly/uoc1s #life #survival #isis,0.0 +105120,RT @dogboner: Just got this in the mail and haven't stopped laughing at the isis welcome mat pic.twitter.com/vnQjdl8w9c,0.0 +5843,eminem apologising saying faggot apu written simpson's snowflakes winning,1.0 +7119,@user course. dishonest leftist moron outright terrorist sympathizer would fall u @url,1.0 +130610,El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200: La explosi n de . http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2016/07/04/actualidad/1467620125_084875.html# #esINT #terrorismo,0.0 +153194,#Breaking Killing and injuring apostates of Hadi's militia in a Martyrdom operation on their headquarters. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105058,@iruirukiyo @asuraarado ( ttp://nazr.in/WvW ) ( ttp://nazr.in/WvX ) ISIS ,0.0 +138225,"It should not be ""YES WE CAN President Obama""; it should be ""Go fuck yourself President Obama"" #USA #Syria #Geneva https://twitter.com/hadeelOueiss/status/692795805128900610 ",1.0 +129121,#Ankara could let Russia use its Incirlik airbase to fight ISIS Turkish FM https://www.rt.com/news/349413-turkey-russia-incirlik-airbase/,0.0 +130503, #Noticias Las noticias que debes conocer a esta hora: Lo ltimo que sabemos sobre el atentado de ISIS en Ba. http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2016/07/04/las-noticias-que-debes-conocer-a-esta-hora-4/ ,0.0 +109179,Pentagon Chief Ash Carter Holds Talks in Baghdad on Anti-ISIS Fight http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Iraq-conflict-US-diplomacy/2016/07/11/id/738010/ ,0.0 +138994,He was one of the biggest Hamas commanders and one of the biggest schoolars After Ahmad Yassim in #Gaza (Hamas... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +9084,ughhh wanna eat cunt ,1.0 +133333,RT @HechosAM: Atentado en una zona comercial de #Bagdad dej 213 muertos y 200 personas heridas; #ISIS se adjudic el ataque https://t.co/5 ,0.0 +132828,RT @brett_mcgurk: We will never relent and those responsible for recent attacks -- and all #ISIL leaders no matter where found -- will be b ,0.0 +120110,@TIME ISIS took over the #GOP?,0.0 +142433,RT @Nidalgazaui: #Breaking An US-Made Iraqi Army Abrams tank destroyed Moments ago in northern #Ramadi. ,1.0 +129402,RT @p_vanostaeyen: al-Arabiya infograph: Ramadan 2016 attacks by The Islamic State thus far pic.twitter.com/TR9XQUsFle,0.0 +121617,ISIS Twitter traffic plunges 45% in the past two years amid US efforts http://whatyouknow.rocks/isis-twitter-traffic-plunges-45-in-the-past-two-years-amid-us-efforts/?utm_campaign=11919&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitter,0.0 +130496,"RT @SayedModarresi: #SelectiveSolidarity is simply astounding! ISIS slaughters 120 Shias in Baghdad, and not a peep of condemnation from an ",0.0 +124579,@Mosul__ . ,0.0 +111263,RT @trenderhub: The Secret History Of The Terror Group ISIS Documentary Watch Now: http://ow.ly/HPHv300pQrZ #trenderhub #trending # ,0.0 +154451,#Islam is designed to be a crushing of the human spirit with laws that only provide one outlet - the brutalizing of non Muslims.,1.0 +116009,"Eire 85: "" We hate three things: the Republic, the EU, and the so-called Islamic State. "" Welcome https://www.instagram.com/p/BHunEPRARu9/",0.0 +134807,"{You will never find in the sunnah of Allah any change, and you will never find in the sunnah of Allah any alteration} [F?tir: 43].",1.0 +106345,"RT BBCWorld: So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January, defence cons http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36762874 ",0.0 +146866,@Twitter @safety @support this account is doing TOS VIOLATION @alamrikiya_001 Suspend it please Thx ,1.0 +141949,#London police have confirmed the hostage situation in #Leicester Square is not terror related via @AbraxasSpa #UK ,1.0 +135443,"The Ikhw?n said in an official statement, The Muslim Brotherhood sees all people as carriers of good, qualified to carry the trust and be upright upon the truth. The Muslim Brotherhood does not busy itself with takf?r of anyone We, the Brotherhood, always say, we are callers not judges. For this reason we never think for a moment of coercing anyone into another creed or religion [Bay?n lin-N?s].",1.0 +140053,"RT @sakirkhader: A message from a #Syria|n doctor working in a field hospital in rebel-held Talbiseh: ""We're not afraid for #Russia."" https ",1.0 +139649,RT @warrnews: #IRAQ a US Chinooks and Blackhawks landing near #Mosul Dam today. #Iraq https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +138350,@Mundafen2 non mais justement il montre ca pour tre pris au s rieux et que les gens se rendent compte de leur d sespoir. ,1.0 +125593,@AnonFenixMr ISIS COD345454 SUPPORT,0.0 +136925, |# | 12 11 ,1.0 +108865,"RT @SwarupPhD: This is not a story, but real news. News abt many such Islamic converts joining ISIS Jihadis emerging in Kerala https://t.co ",0.0 +117389,RT @GabrielaAv1809: El Estado Isl mico decapit a cuatro miembros de un equipo de f tbol en Raqqa http://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2016/07/11/el-estado-islamico-decapito-a-cuatro-miembros-de-un-equipo-de-futbol-en-raqqa/,0.0 +106899,RT @em_bernadin: Confession from an ISIS member arrested in Antep: I worked for the M T /ANF http://www.anfenglish.com/news/confession-from-an-isis-member-arrested-in-antep-i-worked-for-the-mit #TwitterKurds https:// ,0.0 +132699,#ISIS Uses #Ramadan as Calling for New #Terrorist Attacks http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/ramadan-isis-baghdad-attacks.html @nytimes,0.0 +155535,@dankmtl 1400 years ago my ass. That was the beginning and it has never stopped. It is an ingrained part of Islam.,1.0 +114749,"Dallas victim 's heartbreaking last words before he left for work http://www.cbsnews.com/news/dallas-police-ambush-fallen-officers/ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PIGS AND ISIS, I FEAR PIGS MORE",0.0 +105115,RT @SalilSawarim62: Bi'idnillah #IslamicState will avenge the blood of the martyrs in #Kashmir #IS https://twitter.com/AListRap/status/752432080458379264,0.0 +106564,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html ",0.0 +134794,"{And L?t said to his people, Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds? Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people } [Al-A r?f: 80-81].",1.0 +151848,#WilayatAlAnbar #Detonating an #IED on #Rafida #Hashd's #vehicle in Ath-Thamil #region #Ramadi https://justpaste.it/txdj #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +153597,#WilayatNorthBaghdad Nearly 40 apostates frmRafidi Mobilization in three Inghimasi Op in #Balad North of Baghdad https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +6765,@user im retard,1.0 +109646,IS loses 12% of territory since January - IHS: The jihadist group Islamic State lost 12% of the territory it . http://pwzn.a.boysofts.com/UEX,0.0 +150020,RT @IslamZebari: #Peshmerga Forces stand ready to help YPG Forces in west Kurdistan as soon as Mr. @masoud_barzani gives the order. https:/ ,1.0 +143225,Approx 15 member f #Iraq army killed in latest suicide operation conducted by single bomber west f #Samrra https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160202,What have Muslim people done to you? Would you like to be on their place and be repatriated? These are serious words and one cannot say them without thinking of consequences!,0.0 +8317,youngboy ain't herpes & slick retarded i'd ready sit him.,1.0 +126789,@saphiquement Layla Pourquoi #isis ob ir aveugl ment leurs dirigeants extr mistes? Lisez ici: http://simpleislam.weebly.com/scholar-en/scholar-fr,0.0 +159637,So race hate started when Westerners could not tolerate other people who had different beliefs?,0.0 +140349,"RT @almunajjid_En: 2/3 then the result would have been such and such ; rather, you should say: This was decreed by Allaah and Allaah does ",1.0 +150192,#Photo Pilot of the SAA downed jet Azzam Eid from Hama who was captured by #ISIS after ejected from his jet.. #Syria https://t.co/sCMrfFqoAn ,1.0 +5999,@user thanks cunt ,1.0 +134566,"{Say, Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. [He commands] that you not associate anything with Him and that [you] be good to [your] parents} [Al-An ?m: 151]",1.0 +155357,@RTUKnews An Islamist human rights group? LOL. Now there is a contradiction in terms.,1.0 +108491,"Voz de Am rica EE.UU. usar base iraqu en ofensiva por Mosul Voz de Am rica El secretario de Defensa de EE.UU., http://www.voanoticias.com/a/irak-bagdad-ash-carter-estados-unidos-qayara-base-aerea-iraqui/3413110.html ",0.0 +146003,Asad killed 400000 Syrians FSA kills Asad Syrians FSA and allies allow US to bomb Syrians Syrians are a disgraced nation No honour ,1.0 +152633,#IS covoy looks more active in out side syria even https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +150799,"@andalusigranada #Jihad is waged by humans. #IS soldiers are not better then the Sahaabah at, let's say for example #Hunayn ",1.0 +143850,@spacejihadi akhi your not suppose to advertise this on Twitter because the kuffar shuts it down. ,1.0 +111546,Per un certo #Occidente il #socialismo peggio dell #Isis e del #razzismo? http://ancorafischia.altervista.org/un-certo-occidente-socialismo-peggio-dellisis-del-razzismo/,0.0 +122318,(IBD) So Why Can't Barack Hussein Obama Admit ISIS Beheaded Christians? http://www.investors.com/islamic-state-beheads-egyptian-coptic-christians/ - pic.twitter.com/zffhmlzNsK 169,0.0 +127513,RT @yehenaracamelia: Few HEROS in Malaysia-Y Malaysian Malay Muslim boys age7-15 watch YOUTUBE@cybercafes-WORSHIP IS/DAESH as HEROS with we ,0.0 +153298,RT @Nidalgazaui: Kurdish Sources claims that the #Turkish Army hits and Destroyed a Mosque with Tank Fire in Nusaybin #Turkey. https://t.co ,1.0 +154869,@awdnewsgerman @Raqqa_Sl Chomsky is a racist. Islam created ISIS.,1.0 +127709,Isis 'struggling to raise money thanks to coalition air strikes' - http://listauthor.com/isis-aposstruggling-to-raise-money-thanks-to-coalition-air-strikesapos/ ,0.0 +5257,@user @user @user @user say tag right denilson spic,1.0 +107970,#AmaqAgency YPG Fighter Captured during an Attack by Islamic State Fighters North of #Manbij http://goo.gl/DDVU0k,0.0 +132468,#BangladeshSnubbedIndia Now Bengladesh Govt knows who has links to ISIS and exposes Indian media lies pic.twitter.com/wkIFfhNbeE,0.0 +131214,RT @robdriguez08: Daesh dispone de un grupo espec fico para preparar atentados en Espa a http://www.abc.es/espana/abci-daesh-dispone-grupo-especifico-para-preparar-atentados-espana-201607031955_noticia.html v a @abc_es,0.0 +111240,Medical student who joined Isil becomes first British female killed in air strike in Iraq http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/medical-student-who-joined-isil-becomes-first-british-female-kil/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter,0.0 +141298,Kashimiri youth emulating the strategies of Dawlah... https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +119859,@truthbeatsall she voted to bomb Syria. It has not slowed Isis or shown any positive results but people are dead,0.0 +130240,"RT @NegarMortazavi: Iraq: ISIS bombs in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad kill 126 people including 25 children, police says. https://t.co/wna ",0.0 +153389,@ScotsmanInfidel @1_texanna @spicylatte123 @Ele7vn not like a pig like you lol ,1.0 +145683,@Kronykal Nothing of that would have happened if your F16s had stayed safe in their bases instead of tearing people apart in airstrikes. ,1.0 +119016,RT @debkafile: Egyptian general killed by ISIS IED in N. Sinai http://www.debka.com/newsupdatepopup/17055/Egyptian-general-killed-by-ISIS-IED-in-N-Sinai ,0.0 +108680,RT @zaksnow: Vos Daesh qui tiennent pas leur promesse ces fucboys,0.0 +137319,@_UmmSayfullah_ LOL sorry ,1.0 +140541,@Qarass_news un lien stp ? ,1.0 +8748,@user that's trump called shithole 3rd world countries wonder why?,1.0 +116435, http://www.khaama.com/taliban-worried-as-isis-loyalists-attempts-to-expand-foothold-in-afghanistan-01449 # _ #Opomari #Omariop pic.twitter.com/PC93wqAEel,0.0 +147671,Follow and support our sister @AnakSabil_07 @AnakSabil_07 @AnakSabil_07 @AnakSabil_07 @AnakSabil_07 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +107852,RT @SOFREP: Virginia man charged with attempting to help ISIS by identifying targets in Washington D.C. https://sofrep.com/58729/virginia-man-charged-attempting-help-isis-identifying-targets-washington-d-c-terrorist-attacks/ https://t. ,0.0 +132489,RT @Canine_Rights: Gen Michael Flynn knows ISIS & Islamic Rebels were supported by Obama & Hillary as apart regime change plans https://t ,0.0 +154667,@DianH4 If Muslims ever produced a decent leader the world would be overjoyed to accept him.,1.0 +117022,while fighting Isis pic.twitter.com/dKVYlP7euk,0.0 +5290,@user @user awe retarded....,1.0 +118341,"RT @TrishIntel: .@trish_regan : "" What 's stopping us from getting ISIS? "" Gen. Bob Scales: "" Politics! "" #Terror",0.0 +143325,"Hamas blamed Iran for lying about financial aid to Hamas, claiming they have not received any Iranian funding. ",1.0 +142307,BiithniAllah that well change soon by #IS https://twitter.com/Abdussamad_AIF/status/703300749711818753 ,1.0 +5815,like conspiracy theorist alt-right terrorist cunt gives fuck palestinians.,1.0 +5065,@user good anhur man bad luck zhong kui mid retard,1.0 +112374,Muslim man saves hundreds of lives by hugging ISIS terrorist wearing suicide vest before explosion https://themuslimvibe.com/muslim-current-affairs-news/middle-east/muslim-man-saves-hundreds-of-lives-by-hugging-isis-terrorist-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion ,0.0 +137986,"Breaking:#Paris Hayat media releases ""Kill Them wherever You Find Them"" f m nt wrong https://justpaste.it/quaq #ISIS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +109928,"RT @UrchinSpock: . "" Kerala journalist joins ISIS? "" writes shrI @vickynanjappa http://vickynanjappa.com/2015/08/04/kerala-journalist-joins-isis/ "" #ISIS #Kerala #JihadiCommiNexus",0.0 +151018,"BREAKING: Russia, U.S. agree 'regime of silence' in #Syria from midnight on Friday: RIA http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-russia-usa-idUSKCN0XQ0US - @Reuters ",1.0 +141218,@Js8twitto23 on peut utiliser le terme scientifique pour les sciences humaines et sociales et pour la religion pour dire savant/chercheur ,1.0 +6460,@user country turning shithole. desperately need political change,0.0 +126609,RT @gerfingerpoken2: (IBD) ISIS Warns Obama 's #Chicago: 'We're In Your Streets ' http://ow.ly/gGV6301s9JB @IBDEditorials #PJNET 999 https://t ,0.0 +153123,RT @Chief_MarshallR: #Libya | Clashes between #ISIS and #Misrata forces near Al Sadadah bridge. Injuried reported - media https://t.co/L3Sd ,1.0 +144053,#BreakingNews #Turkey's army artillery is shelling positions in north #Syria now.. ,1.0 +119575,RT @lauryou1907: Shia in the Gulf wake up & countries with diplomatic links with #Saudi Arabia should also be blamed for this Wahhabi-Takfi ,0.0 +118304,"RT @danialanwer1: Dear Indians, Doval was the same guy who went to Iraq for a meeting with ISIS and then Bangladesh Attack happened. Wake u ",0.0 +153996,@discerningmumin Killing people because they believe differently than you and express that is not an excuse for murder except among Muslims.,1.0 +155097,@MaxBlumenthal @Ajzionts Max Blumenthal's Muslim friends busy raping Christian girls around the world. http://t.co/liSKP9U8Uq,1.0 +138541,RT @syriahr: #SOHR Casualties in clashes at #Homs and #Hama and raids on the countryside of #Idlib https://t.co/ulUJYh3Hhs https://t.co/EMI ,1.0 +117039,US to send 560 additional troops to Iraq to fight Islamic State http://l.kull.fr/1524758/http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/us-to-send-560-additional-troops-to-iraq-to-fight-islamic-state/ ,0.0 +136488,@IbnNabih1 @KhalidMaghrebi_ @MuwMedia @Polder_Mujahid So we will translate it then inshallah let us knw if anybody is available for the subs ,1.0 +106463,US Defense Secretary Carter in Baghdad to discuss plans to retake Mosul from ISIS. http://cnn.it/29xtSxg pic.twitter.com/NSsSyJTpP7,0.0 +159272,What makes Islam any less valid than any other religion?,0.0 +109444,@htTweets @Rezhasan #AskRezaul where does ISIS get their funding from? How hard is it to control that? And why isn't it yet stopped?,0.0 +103851,RT @KabirTaneja: Anti-ISIS volunteer fighting with the Kurds. things are getting strange on planet Earth. #PokemonGO https://t.co/ARdBQ4 ,0.0 +142389,It's time for Ban Ki Moon. https://twitter.com/kurdeanatolya/status/703545433969262592 ,1.0 +140698,RT @BatInfo147: #Raqqa Application de la pr scription divine HAD sur le voleur dans la ville de #Raqqa https://t.co/0Txj774Iwq https://t.c ,1.0 +126241,"#AllLivesDidntMatter when you contribute to the creation of ISIS, but turn away the people fleeing from ISIS.",0.0 +138908,RT @FredericJacobs: Great explanation about how SGX works by Srini Devadas & Victor Costan from @MIT_CSAIL. http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/086 ,1.0 +116963,ISIS 's next target is Assam! ! ! ! ! ??! ??! ?? Hell noooo,0.0 +123239,RT @anonzeus3: https://twitter.com/TMedia546<< Turdmedia regular suspended daesh account pls re-suspend @safety pic.twitter.com/P8FDSBMggC,0.0 +137084,RT @Raqqa_SL: 5-the Strange thing is all the world want to fight #ISIS but not even 1 country Dare to send 1 soldier to fight #IS on the gr ,1.0 +149946,2/3 of #Syria has gone to both Kurdish/Alawites 'minorities' The majority was left with 2 options: Live in the desert OR in refugee camps.. ,1.0 +130978,El atentado de ISIS en Bagdad dej m s de 200 muertos http://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2016/07/04/el-atentado-de-isis-en-bagdad-dejo-mas-de-200-muertos/ pic.twitter.com/QSLLeRSo7h,0.0 +104781,Gaming and social ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose the Twitter battle. http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/#ftag=CAD590a51e http://pcguys.eu,0.0 +8459,@user @user getting it. fact retard used insult @url,1.0 +7900,@user listen cat soup @url,1.0 +112345,""" So tell us, how did you discover where ISIS 's secret headquarters was? "" "" Well, I was tracking down this Bulbasaur on my phone "" #PokemonGo",0.0 +8177,@user remember threw fork called spic love memories,1.0 +7999,@user 40 lakh people illegal immigrants hard believe unimaginable immigrants ent @url,0.0 +110171,#news : : . http://www.manoramaonline.com/news/just-in/ak-antony-about-kerala-isis-connection.html #MalayalamNews,0.0 +104206,RT @South_bulding: Hier en fanzone y avait rien du tout c' tait bien s curis . Si chaque fois que Daesh menace tu restes chez toi t'a plu ,0.0 +104004,"Bangladesh terror attack victims ' nationality realeased, ISIS terror continues http://loanbkhata.loan-ask.com/2016/07/11/bangladesh-terror-attack-victims-nationality-realeased-isis-terror-continues/ pic.twitter.com/Ue8VbgedPt",0.0 +119276,To think Obama and Hillary created ISIS just makes me sick ..,0.0 +134586,"The Prophet ? said, This matter will remain amongst Quraysh, even if only two of them remained ",1.0 +154279,@essel1 I haven't seen Jews go on killing rampage against holocaust deniers. Violence is Islam's answer to everything http://t.co/VmKNWn1aW4,1.0 +139863,"KSA wants to send 150 000 soldiers in Syria, how many will fight against Assad ? https://twitter.com/THE_47th/status/695898685788434432 ",1.0 +142205,"#HowIndiaSupportsISIS ISIS uses Oxygen to respire... 1, India also uses Oxygen to respire...2; From 1st & 2nd, India supports IS. ",1.0 +154536,RT @KenRoth: Women from Pakistan's Christian and Hindu minorities are particularly vulnerable to forced marriage to Muslim men. http://t.co ,1.0 +125265,@YourAnonNews I wonder- make an Daesh version that gives up their exact GPS location? just a game. pic.twitter.com/xjR1curE5h,0.0 +117121,See ISIS 'caliphate ' shrink http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html #Philadelphia #News,0.0 +125487,Campaign for Mosul in Iraq to get 560 more U.S. troops: Hundreds of American troops are heading to Iraq in th. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/11/campaign-for-mosul-in-iraq-to-get-560-more-us-troo/ ,0.0 +104404,RT @haaretzcom: WATCH: Footage emerges of Russian helicopter shot down by ISIS militants in Syria http://htz.li/5ZI https://t.co/x9pd ,0.0 +105388,RT @inconiito_: Daesh ils ont tellement tait perturb par ce match qu'il ont oubli d'entr en jeu,0.0 +107297,http://politiek.tpo.nl/2016/07/11/nctv-isis-maakt-veelvuldig-gebruik-vluchtelingenstroom/,0.0 +110733,AP: Islamic State's Twitter traffic drops amid US efforts - Huron Daily Tribune #twitter https://dragplus.com/post/id/36765386,0.0 +124443, @skynewsarabia ,0.0 +149842,"@Qarass_news ils faut quand meme dire qu'il es tassez maladroit dans ses propos, force de vouloir parl de tous on tombe dans le ravin ",1.0 +125037,Isis toda pequenininha @apegocaisis pic.twitter.com/QDPEXYn799,0.0 +131142,RT @mossdogmusic: Baghdad was bombed today. 95% of Iraqis are Muslim. This isn't Muslims vs. Christians. It 's Daesh vs. everybody else.,0.0 +160652,The opposite of oppression is choice the vast majority of Muslim women in Britain have choice.,0.0 +116221,"Islamic State using drones armed with explosives, spy cameras http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-07/armed-drones-used-by-islamic-state-posing-new-threat-in-iraq",0.0 +120281,EU desplegar m s soldados en Irak para reforzar lucha contra ISIS pic.twitter.com/WbJwkc9zlh,0.0 +117477,#ISIS bomber hits a group of #YPG fighters with an explosive-laden vehicle on the southern outskirts of #Manbij. #IS pic.twitter.com/qfcDd7ZvQS,0.0 +107633,Egipto Isis + Hurghada 11 d as desde 1015 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928859&idagencia=45144-aa55cd463f798c0fa3d7badfa82662a3&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +136966,RT @RamiAlLolah: In a new video; #ISIS executed a SAA soldier from #Jableh by letting a tank passes over his body alive.. #Syria https://t. ,1.0 +126268,RT @Ian56789: In 2002 ALL Western mainstream media promoted the Neocon War with Iraq which created ISIS Now they want war w Russia https:// ,0.0 +132425,El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200 http://fb.me/4ywXlmghY,0.0 +107357,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html via booboodigital",0.0 +118036,"RT @KhalafYezidi: #StopYazidiGenocide Date: Aug 3, 2014,,Yazidis Civilans hiding from IslamicState Terrorists http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx https ",0.0 +159432,Muslims have nothing to contribute to our society.,1.0 +129747,Syrian Warplanes Hit Two more ISIL Bases in Western Raqqa http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950414000260,0.0 +127257,Isis bout to come in here and start recruiting people to liberate us from the govt.,0.0 +133545,Daesh dh masuk Msia.,0.0 +131334,Giant Weightlifter Dubbed Iranian Hulk Announces He Will Battle ISIS http://fb.me/49sfuHRLW,0.0 +125802,Isis Kali Quintana Salas -_- chocas! ! http://fb.me/544YU0kTY,0.0 +117641,RT @ComplexMag: Soldier makes time for Pok mon Go while battling ISIS in Iraq: http://trib.al/gIdbdT4 pic.twitter.com/Fygt8DlX5p,0.0 +128636,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3222206322 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3174745295 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3081900754 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +132992,@realDonaldTrump three of them that were killed were Muslims I'm pretty sure they could recite some Koran ISIS doesn't discriminate,0.0 +125192,@nazarulbarney ahahahah budak Isis dengkil tu ,0.0 +5003,think (late) immigrants africa likely succeed america black americans.,1.0 +131047,#RegioneUmbria TERRORISMO: ALLARME: I SERVIZI SEGRETI DICONO CHE SIAMO NEL MIRINO DELL'ISIS. OCCORRE http://www.consiglio.regione.umbria.it/informazione/notizie-acs/terrorismo-e-allarme-i-servizi-segreti-dicono-che-siamo-nel-mirino-dellisis #Umbria,0.0 +120907,@DovLieber @TimesofIsrael you don't know that. More likely Egypt begging Israel. Egypt is bust and I don't think they can handle isis,0.0 +9786,@user best part someone called mongoloid!,1.0 +129207,RT @terrorism_info: British #ISIS suicide bomber #AbuHurayrah al-Britani 'blows himself up ' #Iraq http://terrorism.trendolizer.com/2016/07/british-isis-suicide-bomber-abu-hurayrah-al-britani-blows-himself-up.html https://t.co/JKpH ,0.0 +125141,ai que saudades da isis puta que pariu,0.0 +149495,Assad bombs civilians at a vegetable market in Maarat Al-Numan. Syrian rebels had a truce with Assad in this area: https://twitter.com/alferqa13/status/722369356924116992 ,1.0 +150687," Verily, those who brought forth the slander are a group among you . ( 24, 11-21) ",1.0 +137313,@IbrahimH_ lairs ,1.0 +125170,"Merah,Nemouche,Coulibaly,Kouachi sont la France ce que Daesh, Ben Laden sont l occid, d fabric "" propres "" de leurs usines socialo politi ",0.0 +150141,https://justpaste.it/tjoo #khilafahnews ,1.0 +160244,"Judging from your comment here, if you have been refused service it is likely because of hateful conduct, not the colour of your skin.",0.0 +159826,The only thing Muslims are trying to 'win' is the right to exist free from discrimination and dehumanising hate like this.,0.0 +109558,@IndianExpress ISIS will drag you out of you houses they are watch that you are killing innocent kashmiris,0.0 +117018,#ISIS Comes to #Gaza: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai#.V4PXxE2sTSY.twitter,0.0 +128222,For those of you of you who are still ignorant enough (yes am speaking to the Far Right) to assume ISIS is Islamic http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36696568,0.0 +145240,"RT @billroggio: Ayman al Zawahiri s brother released from Egyptian prison - Mo Z, he's baaack http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/03/ayman-al-zawahiris-brother-released-from-an-egyptian-prison.php by @thomasjoscelyn ",1.0 +7641,would mum think twat proper curse word? oops!,1.0 +152801,"RT @WarReporter1: Christian militia forms a force of 100,000 soldiers to fight ISIS in Iraq: http://christiandaily.com/article/babylon-brigade-iraqi-christian-fighters-quote-bible-to-justify-fight-against-isis/51295.htm https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +151981,Refugee camp near Jordanian border https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +144060,West #Anbar witnessed #ISIS largest VBIEDs attacks today.. Reports of mass causalities among #Iraq|i army and Shiite militias.. ,1.0 +104344,RT @alhurranews: .. # # http://www.alhurra.com/a/carter-in-baghdad-ahead-of-mosul-operation/314296.html,0.0 +134710,"Hope for them what Hind Bint Utbah ? hoped for her son Mu ?wiyah ?, For Ab? Sufy?n ? looked to him while he was crawling and said to his son s mother, Indeed this son of mine has a large head and he deserves to rule his people. So Hind said, His people only? May I be bereaved of him if he does not not lead the Arabs altogether ",1.0 +8906,@user funny mention splodes came second mongoloid shot twice rocket launcher,1.0 +138444,Ain Eessa west: #State claims of killing 13 #PKK militants in latest statement release. #Iraq https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +141715,A former member of Ahrar ash-Sham (AAS) defects to the Islamic State and gives his testimony against AAS: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105018,"RT @LowlandsSN: UPDATE: 31 #Daesh rebels were killed in military operation in eastern #Nangarhar province, #Afghanistan, #Kot @ https://t.c ",0.0 +121715,Thinking of travelling to join ISIS? Persephone explains what life would really be like for a girl. https://amp.twimg.com/v/2b346ab3-8355-48da-852e-5ca07e3b1afd,0.0 +138242,White men intervene to correct their faith and remind them of the good the US brought upon them: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +137781,"RT @MiddleEastEye: Drugs, gambling, and secret wives: The lives of Saudi Arabia's royal family revealed http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/film-set-reveal-secret-lives-saudi-arabias-royal-family-1503896297 https://t.c ",1.0 +115302,RT @omarbula: Islamic State 's First Jihad in Malaysia: Grenade Thrown into Latin-Themed Nightclub - Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/07/05/isis-first-malaysia-attack-ramadan/ ,0.0 +116277,RT @VeilleurV: Le Pentagon demande 20 M$ suppl mentaires au Congr s pour contrer les drones de l'#EI http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2016/07/08/pentagon-needs-more-money-counter-islamic-state-drones/86867452/ via @defense_n ,0.0 +132633,Killl Every ISIS https://twitter.com/correio_dopovo/status/749928093763137536,0.0 +149596,"RT @TheArabSource: Syrian government, opposition reach agreement to let people out of besieged towns https://t.co/kho120t0oJ https://t.co/5 ",1.0 +148754,"#Sinai IED explosion targeted Egyptian army armored vehicle south of Sheikh Zuwaid, 5 recruits killed and wounded ",1.0 +9621,@user @user @user kno leftist women far biggest domestic threat country. nearly 3/4 @url,1.0 +109760,golf ISIS disease religion debt war The Kardashians #WhiteInventions,0.0 +145048,I just got News That my fellow Journalist has Been Suffering for HIV complications for the Last several months @leithfadel get well soon ,1.0 +155465,@ZorazZora @zackbeauchamp And Muslims have much higher statistical crime rates in non Muslim countries than the non Muslims.,1.0 +121102," - "" "" PART I http://anfenglish.com/special/isis-c pic.twitter.com/tolOnEO9cK @anfenglish ",0.0 +112513,"Gizmodo: We might be winning the war against ISIS, at least on social media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 pic.twitter.com/nvKegrgoc4",0.0 +107947,Les moustiques vous m ritez tous un attentats de Daesh ,0.0 +150532,#Breaking #IslamicState #Somalia | #Detonating an #IED on a #Military #Vehicle of the #Crusader #African #Forces in #Mogadishu ,1.0 +128660,The worst Isis attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about http://fb.me/1nQs74UpG,0.0 +142147,"@ummsaffiyya je pr cise que c'est faux, le type ne fais que troller ",1.0 +148893,"RT @JihadmalSabiq: #Baghlan: DandGhori Area Liberated Completely By #Islamic_Emirate Lions, Here Was 3 Bases And 11 Posts. #Omari_Op https ",1.0 +124735,American #Jewish leaders appear on #ISIS hit list http://israelnonstop.com/american-jewish-leaders-appear-on-is-hit-list/,0.0 +151775,RT @Mr_Ghostly: Prisoners in besieged #Hama central prison film Assad's shabiha gathering outside. @putintintin1 @Conflicts https://t.co/M6 ,1.0 +120792,CNN is ISIS 's partner in crime. literally [WATCH-via RedactedTonight] http://yt2fb.com/watch-cnn-help-isis-plan-their-next-attack-2/,0.0 +142790,@fukuyamazigh tu as vu leurs r actions ? ,1.0 +6540,@user be. because: i'm faggot. like dick. hard?nyou dancing around sa @url,1.0 +152945,ISIS attack and kill 70 Shi'ites in Baghdad: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +114637,@CloydRivers Did you know that ISIS targets more eastern countries and people daily than any western attacks? or are you just fear mongering,0.0 +146477,RT @AfghanRace: If Afghans Were Honest With Each Other Part. 2 https://twitter.com/AfghanRace/status/714511993684758529/video/1 ,1.0 +133630,"@michael_r_smith Yes, shock & awe has always worked. #Isis #cdnpoli #bush @nspector4",0.0 +126576,RT @OhyuFancyHuhFB: RT @JonCarrBruh: When ISIS said they not killin black people pic.twitter.com/2XQcJrVe8G,0.0 +4763,full grown man fancy dress halloween? wank stain. certified twat.,1.0 +136087,"At-Tilims?n? also said, Our stance towards all parties is that of freedom and respect of other views. So why would I prohibit for people what I permit for myself? Is it freedom to prevent the people from holding their own personal views? [Al-Mujtama Magazine].",1.0 +127253,Obama Spares ISIS Oil Facilities to Save the Environment! - American Thinker - http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/11/obama_spares_isis_oil_facilities_to_save_the_eaarth.html - pic.twitter.com/WfA4jiVI9W 270,0.0 +106607,Will ISIS be pushed from Mosul as it was from Falluja? http://goo.gl/fb/hKl9zM,0.0 +111379,vous croyez vraiment que si Daesh voulaitt vous faire saut il vous aurez pr venu?,0.0 +8755,@user giving state gov money would retarded.,1.0 +124756,"RT @LongLiveChris__: Feel cause behind closed doors they do support in believe in the "" ISIS ideology """,0.0 +127011, ,0.0 +135794," O you believe, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and thus lose courage and then your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient (Al-Anfal 45-46)",1.0 +123299,RT @NextDoorArab: Pictures reportedly show the aftermath of LNA airstrikes on an #ISIS convoy approx.40K south of #Ajdabiya #Libya https:// ,0.0 +119829,Pentagon To Scrap A-10 Warplane The Islamic State Fears @IBDEditorials #IBDEDitorials #PJNET http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/air-force-a10-may-be-scrapped/,0.0 +122359,RT @CyDogood: Missouri Muslims Fear For Their Safety After Politician Sells Fake ISIS Hunting Permits http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/07/05/3795460/missouri-isis-hunting-permit/ via @thinkp ,0.0 +140982,"Signing an agreement with PKK to give away Mare to the atheists, who will not apply any Sharia, forbid Salat and close mosques? Yes. (3) ",1.0 +109174,Palabras para mil a os del ISIS @lavanguardia http://www.lavanguardia.com/cultura/20160711/403102329404/philippe-joseph-salazar-ideologia-mensaje-terrorismo-islamista-isis.html ,0.0 +123611,RT @seraphimsun: @taylorswift13 no st ts. T5 or 5t ye5. I love you. they are trying to do Isis crime5 and blame my family to remove my ,0.0 +133664,Some say #IslamicState attack in #Jordan border area aimed to increase IS popularity within society @AaronMagid http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/07/isis-attack-jordan-message-syria-policy.html ,0.0 +118286,"RT @curdistani: Accrdng to Pro Erdogan columnist who was saying "" I am #ISIS in Kobane "" ; Syrians flee because of hot weather& drought https: ",0.0 +9575,mongy cunt ashley young keep fist bumping everyone grow mate,0.0 +135775,"Imam Ahmad ? was asked about women going out for the two Eids, to which he replied, I do not like that. Ibnul-Mubarak ? said, I dislike that women go out these days during the two Eids ",1.0 +132919,#BangladeshSnubbedIndia The world should take action against India harbouring nurseries of ISIS in Asia pic.twitter.com/MmsyKvFFEG,0.0 +108242,Isis WORST NIGHTMARE Known As ?THE ANGEL OF DEATH? Found DEAD - funeez http://vaurl.com/l/34Cetn?av9C,0.0 +131728,RT @berfinkarakilic: PTDRRRR attendez stop y a des gens qui ont accus Emre Mor de soutenir Daesh pcq'il portait une casquette avec une cr ,0.0 +116669,RT @jbrezlow: ISIS was reportedly planning to attack France w/ 600 kilos of explosives. Goal was disrupt the #EURO2016 tournament: https:// ,0.0 +159252,"Any person of (any) faith would understand that our responsibilities towards tolerance, peace and justice is paramount. If you have a faith I am shocked that you would question it.",0.0 +7272,keep mind im negro open mind got screen door lajshshsnnsnsndndnnxncnxnxnxnx nah birdman mightve point,1.0 +132420,"More than 200 people dead from terrorism, but it 's ok, they are brown so their lives are worthless http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/baghdad-bombing-213-dead-in-islamic-state-claimed-blast/7568264",0.0 +106230,Eh jespere daesh y vont tniquer ta mere sombre pute https://twitter.com/marion_m_le_pen/status/751776519538745344,0.0 +137875,RT @kamalkaroum: #syria #assad #un @RevolutionSyria @un https://twitter.com/kamalkaroum/status/690113088088064000/photo/1 ,1.0 +154074,"@StrangerOnFire @onzelfzuchtig @Raqqa_Sl Until we fight the war on Islam in earnest, we will never know where it gets us.",1.0 +112711,@missihippisi payla t m yaz can m.,0.0 +137524,RT @thevictoryseri4: The IS soldier accused of executing his own mother responds: #ISIS #IS #Syria https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +114584,"RT @WashingtonPoint: Turkish undercover officer Ahmet Berker got shot 3 times by ISIS militant at Istanbul airport is out of coma, awaken h ",0.0 +137388, ,1.0 +143896,#Infographic How many times #ISIS senior leader al-Shishani killed and by whom? #Syria #Iraq #Libya https://t.co/Y6ZkmXx803 ,1.0 +134955,{Is it the law of j?hiliyyah they want? And who is better than Allah in judgment for a people of certainty?} [Al-M? idah: 50].,1.0 +122293,"@thekingsfifth @eshaLegal Except the US is not actually at war w/ ISIS, which is a military force occupying a lot of land.",0.0 +118339,Good news! It 's interesting how our laws/security are not able keep up with technology #comodu https://www.engadget.com/2016/07/10/isis-twitter-traffic-reportedly-plummets/,0.0 +8844,blue way. sick shithole republicans country. @url,1.0 +124753,Mass grave and secret ISIS jail found in Libya - http://absolutents.com/mass-grave-and-secret-isis-jail-found-in-libya/ pic.twitter.com/iMwJlRgO9i,0.0 +114155,South Africa Charges Twins Over Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy and Join ISIS http://www.hotbeak.com/sports/nba/2016/07/11/tim-duncan-a-timeline-of-a-legend_s_209186034.html pic.twitter.com/CINW5Fdxjf,0.0 +154165,@DianH4 Perish slowly my ass. Slavery lasted longer in the Muslim world that anywhere else. And your hero is trying to bring it back.,1.0 +126278,Campaign for Mosul in Iraq to get 560 more U.S. troops #Iraq #bhive http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/11/campaign-for-mosul-in-iraq-to-get-560-more-us-troo/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmQ4OTEyZTJjMjIzMDY4NmE6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNHZATi8k2u1Dx8CqEQyQtu9zvspvg ,0.0 +120245,#Daraya : MOC halted Southern Front attacks against the Regime which allowed them to send forces north and enable ISIS to keep the SF busy.,0.0 +146637,#IslamicState Propagandist Distributed Graphics Inciting #BrusselsAttacks Style Attack In #GERMANY https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +136687,"Where are Muslims where ared the real #IS #MUJAHDEEN, what a shame so disappointed https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +115424,"A un mois des JO du Br sil, Daesh organise ses propres jeux (IMAGES) https://francais.rt.com/international/23563-a-mois-jo-bresil-daesh",0.0 +155136,@MoonNor27 The Shia militia are terrorists that are only slightly better than ISIS. Look at the Shia militia in Yemen.,1.0 +150247,RT @bavagujar: ,1.0 +119267,RT @irelloleo: Flash info : Daesh revendique l'attaque au papillion sur Ronaldo pic.twitter.com/5V01pSTX1r,0.0 +130886,RT @DonDiMucci: Der Irak bombardiert gegen den Willen der USA einen Daesh-Konvoi http://www.politaia.org/sonstige-nachrichten/der-irak-bombardiert-gegen-den-willen-der-usa-einen-daesh-konvoi/ (Bravo),0.0 +159216,"Maybe hostile, discriminatory comments like this aren't helping.",0.0 +137114,May Allah protect this brother please Dua for him https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8563,@user stop lil faggot,1.0 +149551, # _ : https://telegram.me/joinchat/CmBTOT4z1McqFECPVMximA ,1.0 +143178,RT @Free_lance_jour: #BreakingNews #IS in Salahudeen Martyrdom operation on Shia militant gathering West of Samara City eliminated 15+ htt ,1.0 +129350,"RT @potkazar: Hadi Centre, Baghdad Before & After #ISIS - 300 Killed & wounded :( pic.twitter.com/KU8xlWB4Vs",0.0 +120637,@KarmaCounts @MsNemah ISIS isn't real. ISIS isn't real --- THEN who the fuck took credit for the Orlando shooter?,0.0 +9504,@user @user already stuck daca. enough animals shithole countries al @url,1.0 +113097,"RT @leithfadel: And for the record: I view Jabhart Al-Nusra, ISIS, Ahrar Al-Sham, and Jund Al-Aqsa the same. I don't want peace with jihadi ",0.0 +126080,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://fb.me/Tar0cGRd",0.0 +134722,"This was preceded by a report from the New York Times on 14 October 2014 titled U.S. and Russia Agree to Share More Intelligence on ISIS. In the report, they state, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that the United States and Russia had agreed to share more intelligence on the Islamic State, as he sought to lay the basis for improved cooperation with Moscow. Kerry made it clear that he would welcome expanded cooperation with Putin after a meeting here with Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister. Noting that 500 or more Islamic State volunteers may have come from Russia, Kerry said that he had proposed that the two sides intensify intelligence sharing on the militant group and other terrorist threats, and that Lavrov had agreed. Opening the door to cooperation in Iraq, Kerry said Lavrov had agreed to explore whether Russia could do more to support Iraq s beleaguered government as it battles the Islamic State including by providing weapons.",1.0 +130680,Malaysian police confirms #ISIS responsible for a blast at a Puchong nightclub in Selangor last week.,0.0 +122406,#Mundo El f tbol va contra el Islam! Por eso el ISIS decapit a estos jugadores http://epmundo.com/el-futbol-va-contra-el-islam-por-eso-el-isis-decapito-a-estos-jugadores/ pic.twitter.com/D6jJmMvZ9J,0.0 +105261,Kurdish Women Fighting ISIL Send Solidarity to BlackLivesMatter. http://epeak.in/456_2182655,0.0 +124675,Stating the obvious. More than half of the Isis foreign fighters are Saudi youth playing Osama bin Laden and worst. https://twitter.com/guardianworld/status/752639496173211648,0.0 +132677,RT @FarrukhKPitafi: If Indian media can't tell apart ISIS & ISI it needs to see a doctor. Pls don't blame Pak for your missing pituitary gl ,0.0 +113919,@media519 - ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose #Twitter battles http://goo.gl/fb/KdLMC7,0.0 +130877,US-Backed Militias Face Second ISIS Counter Attack: Official: Syrian militias backed by US-led air strikes ha. http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/us-backed-militias-face-second-isis-counter-attack-official-1427798 ,0.0 +8907,@user @user send refugees back! send illegal alixns back. hostile peop @url,1.0 +119103,@aravi2dharma @Farhan222 Blaming doesn't bring anything. I can bring Gujarat ..muzzafarnagar. ur sick hindu rashtra no better than Isis.,0.0 +131053,RT @globalnews: Death toll from Islamic State-claimed bombing in Baghdad climbs to 149 http://globalnews.ca/news/2801453/death-toll-from-islamic-state-claimed-bombing-in-baghdad-climbs-to-149/ ,0.0 +146096,"Massive #IS inghimasi op in south-#Baghdad led to 60 Shia militia killed,100 wounded & a high-ranked officer killed https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +111184,"RT @Riskmapintel: Isil Transfers Suicide Bombers From #Syria To Europe Through #Azerbaijan, #Cyprus, https://www.riskmap.com/#/m/4193592/ https://t.co/ ",0.0 +146813,"RT @klakishinki2: If the takfir is for the benefit of their hizb they make it, if it harms their hizb, then they adopts irjaa'. ",1.0 +148457,If you can't see this clear kuffur.! how can we differentiate you with them? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126971,Kapan ISIS nyatakan perang Melawan Israel ? @saididu @temponewsroom,0.0 +145846,"@Pasha_al_Iraqi akhi, the link is not working. ",1.0 +143366,RT @RamiAlLolah: #USA air-forces plane made an emergency landing near #Erbil.. #Kurdistan #Iraq https://t.co/aYL5iSkB9t ,1.0 +8636,someone get faggot @url,1.0 +143886,"@_qariban lol it's no breaking news, breaking will be when it won't be suspended ",1.0 +122360,Picture from the green brigades joint training camp with ISIS in Syria. pic.twitter.com/EzhSU6soCB,0.0 +125451,http://fb.me/5u8f4iQ0I,0.0 +6631,wtf. i'd booted straight oncoming car i'd seen twat @user @url,1.0 +113371,India should not naively assume its beyond the reach of ISIS. Better to be proactive: http://linkis.com/OoAwF via @tufailelif,0.0 +111286,Filtraci n: Ex politicos Irakies financiaban al ISIS https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/leaked-former-iraqi-politicians-bankrolled-isis-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss,0.0 +145858,RT @AlBawabaEG: #Court_resumes trial of #Ansar #Al_Sharia militants http://www.albawabaeg.com/70980 https://twitter.com/AlBawabaEG/status/674554113401552896/photo/1 ,1.0 +7870,@user laura callinf nigger come bully,1.0 +155469,"@congressman_aly No, the money comes from Muslims around the world who want a caliphate and the domination of Islam by force.",1.0 +145747,Cyber Caliphate Army announces new collective IS hackers called Sons Caliphate Army https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +7916,could go one #shithole countries right?nyeah alabama. rikers middle fina @url,0.0 +140549,@Qassami_Marwan he is burning of rage ,1.0 +121439,RT @Smalltalkwitht: ISIS beheads four soccer players after declaring the sport ANTI-ISLAMIC via Pamela Geller - This . https://t.co/2TGBU ,0.0 +131332,"VIDEO: #Isis, dall'Iraq all'Arabia lunga scia di attentati http://video.sky.it/news ",0.0 +123801,RT @Trump_Videos: Guess who funded ISIS? You are correct - the West (aka United States aka Hillary & Obama) @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/u ,0.0 +140931,RT @ThomasPierret: Kurdish PYD seizure of A'zaz corridor is probably most widely accepted (worldwide) campaign of ethnic cleansing in recen ,1.0 +111856,Par contre ceux qui disent Ouais daesh que des paroles elle est o votre boucherie je sais pas quoi vous tes vraiment d bile,0.0 +132609,@ArvindKejriwal ISIS ,0.0 +154953,"@congressman_aly It's not just a few Muslims, it's more than half. http://t.co/URibpAnTcs",1.0 +146027,RT @Baqiyah_Khilafa: #AmaqAgency #IslamicState #WilayatDijlah |Destruction of Hummers belonging to Iraqi forces in #Makhmur south-east ,1.0 +117459,Report: Electronic jihad grows in sophistication -- Defense Systems http://ow.ly/zb4C30265jI,0.0 +125019,@MikePFahey They also tend to support ISIS.,0.0 +145841,RT @sparksofirhabi4: When the hypocrites try and cross over the bridge on Judgement Day https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/713125283965116416 ,1.0 +110083,The West did not create ISIS. #qanda,0.0 +135382,"It is wajib (obligatory), due to the hadith of the Prophet that, ""When you see the crescent of Dhul-Hijjah and one of you wants to sacrifice, he must abstain from cutting his har and nails.""",1.0 +113351,RT @ReportUK: Europe next? ISIS loses whopping quarter of its territory sparking more attacks on west https://reportuk.org/2016/07/11/europe-next-isis-loses-whopping-quarter-of-its-territory-sparking-more-attacks-on-west/ https://t.co/ ,0.0 +104177,RT @iWezzy__: -bon l' tat d'urgence et daesh a avance pas on fait quoi? -n nufar. -quoi? - a devrait s' crire avec un f https://t.co/GwZ ,0.0 +140672,First #photo of the pilot after ejected after his jet downed by #ISIS in #Bengazi #Libya https://t.co/ANzqtjF6e6 ,1.0 +106987,"Terror arrest Next thing you know SA becomes ISIS enemy Next thing we become subjects of the "" foreseen "" terror attacks by the US ",0.0 +4947,me: h-nnmy mom : know faggot disappintment,1.0 +6715,tana mongoloid headline @user im going,0.0 +154878,@FarooqSumar @NafeezAhmed @MaxBlumenthal Now the Muslim Arabs are using the Palestinans as their spear point to complete the extermination.,1.0 +113367,RT @NahBabyNah: ISIS Publicly Beheads Four Soccer Players After Declaring Sport Anti-Islamic http://ln.is/www.weaselzippers.us/epOEm #WakeUpAmerica,0.0 +133638,"RT @TimesofIsrael: Sarona gunmen were inspired by Islamic State, Shin Bet says http://www.timesofisrael.com/sarona-gunmen-were-inspired-by-islamic-state-shin-bet-says/ ",0.0 +127786,"RT MiddleEastEye "" Pentagon chief in Baghdad for talks on ISIS fight http://ow.ly/Wevh3027hSo pic.twitter.com/uzGbkKdFfy """,0.0 +121501,@josesosaok @Besiktas http://www.ibtimes.com/will-isis-attack-italy-islamic-state-targeting-st-peters-basilica-rome-milans-2192223 {,0.0 +129888,During holly month Ramadan ISIS terror attacks killed 1450 people mainly Muslims victims!,0.0 +108294,"RT @burke_jason: Janes: Isis lost 12% territory in 2016, 16% in 15. more significant is revenue down from $80m monthly to near $50m. https ",0.0 +116788,"US to send 560 troops to Iraq, to set up logistics and fire-support for Mosul offensive at newly retaken Qayara base http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZR0LT",0.0 +144068,"@WarReporter1 by ""forcing"" this ceasefire on them. Soon after the ceasefire started, USAs dogs started operating in north Aleppo ",1.0 +9571,u2066@user : might surprised bomber probably illegal immigrant shithole @url,1.0 +135024,"His sentiment was echoed by adh-Dhaw?hir?, who said, Shaykh Hasan al-Bann?, may Allah have mercy upon him, was without a doubt a pioneering symbol of the Islamic movement. Allah blessed him with martyrdom. We ask Allah to accept it from him and to accept from him the rest of his righteous deeds. Allah alone knows the extent of love and respect that I have for him in my heart Shaykh Hasan al-Bann?, may Allah have mercy upon him, also planted the seed of jih?d in the modern Islamic movement [Al-His?d al-Murr]. He also said, I dedicate the reward of this work to the im?m, the reviver of the Islamic reawakening Hasan al-Bann?, who took the youth from the realm of recreation and play to the battlefields of jih?d [Shadh? al-Qaranful?t].",1.0 +136533, https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +147212,You claim you love Allah and His Messenger S.A.W but how truthful and sincere are you? THE STORY OF ABU BAKR R.A-... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +105575,RT @KocilaMakd: Comment j ai quitt l enfer de #Daesh : St phanie* m a racont son p riple de deux mois pour fuir #Raqqa https://t.co/vIK ,0.0 +141827,RT @RamiAlLolah: #BreakingNews #Russia|n cruise missile landed on #Assad's army forces in #Safira. Mass causalities reported among soldiers ,1.0 +131719,Times blows it again. Orlando was an anti-gay hate crime. ISIS Uses Ramadan for New Terrorist Attacks http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/ramadan-isis-baghdad-attacks.html ,0.0 +134592,"In summary, this discussion should help you understand the had?th of the Prophet ?, If bay ah is given to two khulaf? , then kill the second of the two, and the had?th, Fulfill the pledge to the earliest ",1.0 +144480,@2fast2igor We all know that sometime breitbart do some propaganda but this dosn't mean that Kurds are not attacking somtime Assyrians ,1.0 +104013,ISIS link: 21 people are missing from Kerala http://www.rediff.com/news/report/isis-link-21-people-are-missing-from-kerala/20160711.htm,0.0 +134875,"Al-Qurtub? states in his tafs?r of this ?yah, Az-Zajj?j said, Allah ? ordered His Messenger ? to wage jih?d, even if he has to fight alone, because He has guaranteed for him support. Ibn Atiyyah said, This is the apparent meaning of the wording, but nothing has been narrated about fighting being obligatory upon him alone at any point in time without it also being obligatory on the Ummah. So the meaning and Allah knows best is that the wording addresses him, while it is a lesson for everyone individually; that is, the statement to you, O Muhammad, and every individual from your Ummah is, {So fight in the cause of Allah; you are not held responsible except for yourself}. And for this reason, it is incumbent on every believer to wage jih?d, even if he has to do so alone. And in that regard is the statement of the Prophet ?, By Allah, I will surely fight them even if I m alone [Reported by al-Bukh?r? from al-Miswar and Marw?n], and also the statement of Ab? Bakr when the apostasy occurred, And if my right hand were to oppose me, I would wage jih?d against it with my left hand. ",1.0 +121977,"RT @cnni: At least 40 people were killed in an ISIS attack on a Shiite shrine in Iraq, officials say http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/08/middleeast/iraq-isis-attack-shiite/index.html https://t.co/j ",0.0 +125540,We Talked To The Guy Who Played Pokemon Go On The Frontline Against ISIS https://www.buzzfeed.com/hayesbrown/we-talked-to-the-guy-who-played-pokemon-go-on-the-frontline ,0.0 +128770,The worst #ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/?tid=sm_fb #Baghdad,0.0 +7295,pread faggot internet... frre sharerepostretwittmake famous @url,1.0 +126619,"@_RukaNep ISIS commies, all of them.",0.0 +141256,"RT @DailySabah: Footage shows PYD/YPG declaring war on Turkey in Syria's Amude, hometown of Ankara bomber https://t.co/mcmDuyHcqm https://t ",1.0 +140120,RT @Nidalgazaui: The Children of #Aleppo... No words... https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/697114197314945024/photo/1 ,1.0 +129446,"Without love and compassion for ALL, we're screwed. Hate only feeds fear and fear feeds terror. #BaghdadUnderAttack https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/",0.0 +5285,@user bother we're close stuff people constantly make ching chong jokes hj @url,1.0 +132371,"Tw RT FarhanKVirk: Guys, Grab your keyboards and start trending #BangladeshSnubbedIndia as Indian links to ISIS ha pic.twitter.com/z9voUVMpeX",0.0 +149044,"A: ""My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh & his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people"" (66:11) ",1.0 +160584,"Isis bride supported Isis and now that Isis is defeated, she wants to pass on our side. She does not have any rights! Let her die!",1.0 +10138,@user @user @user @user king pls forgive mean laugh mongoloid,1.0 +7557,@user twat make sure add beans degenerate,1.0 +132819,"RT @malhilli: A relative from #Baghdad told me #Daesh bombers who killed 120+ yesterday were disguised with refugees from #falujah, shaving ",0.0 +104442,RT @bm21_grad: Video of Russian Mi-35 being shot down by ISIS near Palmyra pic.twitter.com/2lRu3ONJgv,0.0 +109659,@xahjaved you are an #ISIS sympathizer if you think #Ahmadis are apostates. Simple.,0.0 +135160," There has already been for you an excellent example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah. We have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone (Al-Mumtahanah 4).",1.0 +150222,@RaisingHopeAust @MaghrebiWS1 people have to submit not their likes & dont likes ,1.0 +142986,"@unitedfreak888 Yes they say he didn't support rebellion against ruler, they say so even for Ibn Taymiyyah & Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab ",1.0 +110750,"RT @ThePhotowagon: Read & weep, wrong side of humanity: Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of #Isis in #Syria and #Iraq htt ",0.0 +127926,"@cronin_stephen Woman who can hardly afford to get food lest she is shot by ISIS, asked why George Christensen was re-elected.",0.0 +128039,RT @Osi_Suave: That Isis bomb in Baghdad ripped through a shopping district as families gathered after breaking their fast. All 131 kille ,0.0 +135175, Verily We revealed the Reminder and verily We shall preserve it (Al-Hijr 9).,1.0 +153685,@BinMaymun @stevoiraq I don't trust ISIS or the Shia militia. Both want to force their sick religion on people. #Tikrit,1.0 +117155,"You Won't Like It, But Here 's the Answer to #ISIS this piece does not address poss of nuclear weapons acquisition http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/9008462.html?utm_hp_ref=politics&utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_857653&",0.0 +139608,RT @Jihadology_Net: New video message from The Islamic State: And Had Enough of the Falsehood Wil yat alab http://jihadology.net/2016/02/04/new-video-message-from-the-islamic-state-and-had-enough-of-the-falsehood-wilayat- alab/ htt ,1.0 +113643,"#ISIS #Twitter traffic drops after US government efforts, per @AP report. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/21c9eb68e6294bdfa0a099a0632b8056/ap-exclusive-islamic-states-twitter-traffic-plunges ",0.0 +124854,BLM is a prime source for ISIS recruiting. They'll be one on the same soon enough. https://twitter.com/_hankrearden/status/752609758415237120,0.0 +123293,"RT @dna: Arrested ISIS suspects tech-savvy, used secure encryption email: NIA http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-arrested-isis-suspects-tech-savvy-used-secure-encryption-email-nia-2233629 ",0.0 +119191,The US is sending hundreds more troops to Iraq to retake Mosul: https://news.vice.com/article/560-us-troops-will-be-sent-to-iraq-to-help-iraqis-retake-mosul via @vicenews,0.0 +154570,RT @dstfelix: to be clear white boys singing abt hanging niggers got them police protection. black ppl chanting Black Lives Matter got them ,1.0 +113944,U.S. to deploy 560 more troops to Iraq to prep for upcoming battle for ISIS-held Mosul. http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-deploy-560-troops-iraq-preparation-mosul-offensive/story pic.twitter.com/cefRc85Lh4,0.0 +104205,"RT @gracerz: Ridiculous. I hope all goes well for them. RT The REAL story of our son, 'Jihadi Jack ' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3682602/The-REAL-story-son-Jihadi-Jack-Middle-class-parents-tell-jail-hell-son-20-joins-ISIS.html via @MailOnline",0.0 +146533,RT @wwayyf44rer: The car behind was used by Abu Khubayb ash-Shami as car-bomb during the initial conquest of #Ramadi https://twitter.com/wwayyf44rer/status/714554140672847872/photo/1 ,1.0 +138293,#AmaqNewsAgency #Video glimpse of first semester exams at #Mosul University's faculty of medicine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXq67Vv4Rsg&feature=youtu.be #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +129621,RT @firstpost: #IslamicState trying to demonise entire Muslim community: #AsaduddinOwaisi tells Firstpost http://www.firstpost.com/india/islamic-state-trying-to-demonise-entire-muslim-community-asaduddin-owaisi-tells-firstpost-2872108.html https://t ,0.0 +136419,"""But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from desire, then indeed, Jannah will be his refuge"" (AN-Nazai'at 41-40)",1.0 +148009,Centcom confirms they bombed their allies Alqaeda in idlib Bomb them in idlib and aid thema in allepo https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/718465997011881985 ,1.0 +121533,ISIS Leader Admits We Are Being Funded By The Obama Administration http://ln.is/www.youtube.com/iTyqZ via @YouTube,0.0 +139954,@Jazrawi_Aden please working link ,1.0 +140666,@darren_dazmav Iranian flag missing ,1.0 +147337,"This infographic shows that ISIS killed over 1070 Assad soldiers in Palmyra (1 tenth of Assad's force of 10,000): https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +154395,@ummayman90 And you can't use the culture excuse because Mohammed claimed to be guided by Allah and that he was creating a culture. #Islam,1.0 +126191,RT @ElMister137: Terribles im genes de lo que #ISIS es capaz de hacer :'( pic.twitter.com/OzOA03SNKn,0.0 +106643,RT @KhatijahFatima: #IndiaISISandBangladesh Many blame Saudis or Iranis for creating ISIS. Thats BS. ISIS is a Mossad/RAW joint BlackOps to ,0.0 +148857,@Charles_Lister Is that kebab sandwiches ,1.0 +131441,Give RG a sword &let him lead d fight agnst ISIS\Taliban etc.Shd keep him busy&doing somthing constructve 4 a change https://twitter.com/News_Our/status/749861255632949248,0.0 +8384,camera quality snap retarded take cool photo actually comes trash ,1.0 +117726,RT @JohnFromCranber: CIA Head: ISIS as Dangerous as Ever. ..As #Obama Downplays Threat http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/16/politics/john-brennan-cia-isis/ WHO DO YOU BELIEVE? #tcot h ,0.0 +114835,"@Yourboy197010 overthrow their government. What Obama, McCain, and others missed is that SFA started sending those weapons/fighters to ISIS",0.0 +107103,So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January. http://linkis.com/DzSY6 via @BBCWorld,0.0 +113725,RT @BI_Defense: Video of the moment a Russian helicopter is downed by ISIS in Syria via @TheAviationist http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-helicopter-downed-by-isis-2016-7 https://t ,0.0 +110084,We now bomb Syrians who are fleeing from both Daesh & Assad. oh & vilify them for it. #qanda,0.0 +138812,"#WilayatSalahudin Incinerating a rafidi army bulldozer after targeting it with a guided missile near #Saddat_Samarra'a , praise be to Allah. ",1.0 +113983,RT @AviMayer: BREAKING: South African authorities arrest four individuals who planned to attack the U.S. embassy and Jewish institutions an ,0.0 +112852,RT @genocideisonu: Blair should meet Nadia. Her eyes would tell of the bloody legacy of that ( Iraq ) decision. > http://ow.ly/JuSI3027MYQ ,0.0 +140264,Grad rockets looks beautiful when weather is cloudy and time is evening. #Haditha latest. #ISIS #Iraq https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +122209,"Fuerzas iraqu es liberan base a rea de Qayyarah, cerca de Mosul Las fuerzas iraqu es han arrebatado una. http://fb.me/4NpskXuR4",0.0 +159685,"Why do you think Islam is evil? The major beliefs in Islam encourage liberty, equality, and life. For instance, they teach people to respect for the lands and all creatures.",0.0 +147840,The moment so called Mujahideen of 'Al-Qaeda Organization (Nusra Front)' and Ahrar al-sham openly nullified the... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +112096,"Comparing #blacklivesmatter to black on black crime is like saying yeah, ISIS kills Americans, but Americans kill Americans everyday ",0.0 +109139,"US sending advisers to help Iraq army push on Mosul: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4826876,00.html #news",0.0 +122497,@Harringtonkent You'd think theBlack community was #ISIS - tho (far too often) caught unarmed - given theRate white cops #KILL with impunity,0.0 +6566,mohammed bappare stop disgracing dabbling field u idea. north remain retard @url,0.0 +131689,Who were the attackers? http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/04/asia/bangladesh-attackers-isis/index.html #MukernasPKB,0.0 +143797,@2222_Dreamland ???? ,1.0 +137500,"@maisaraghereeb it to him, whether they are young or old, whether he loves them or not, then he is humble. Whoever refuses to accept ",1.0 +108947,"Campaigner Nadia - "" My time kidnapped by ISIS was horrific but now I hope Britain will help "" http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/sex-slave-hell-isis-horrific-8381935 pic.twitter.com/RYIaHCi3He",0.0 +104429,RT @_newzindia: NSG IS #newzindia @keralacm #keralamissing http://newzindia.com/news/kerala-woman-along-with-his-husband-joins-isis,0.0 +110246,"Two more pics of Cuspert wearing the French jacket, both from spring '15 in Raqqa. He did not wore it on later pics. pic.twitter.com/Xz6CVur434",0.0 +160343,Because throw away comments on reality TV are always true? I think you need to be less trusting and check your sources.,0.0 +124293,@JustinTrudeau You are doing nothing to stop ISIS. Tweeting about it isn't going to stop them.,0.0 +132974,RT @AtiqBeenRahim: Did Prophet Muhammad Warn us of ISIS? http://fb.me/1do3fR6ua,0.0 +136546,@anti__terrorist: #WilayatAlJazirah Harvesting comb honey from beehives https://justpaste.it/nfkk https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +5734,@user @user @user well say wants immigrants blue eyes call us shithole countr @url,0.0 +148994,"@Ibn_Sayyid Mieux vaut viter ce genre de sondage, la question est mal formul . ",1.0 +143808,#YEMEN Ansar Al Sharia/#AQAP Money Distribution Program In #Mukalla. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +108082,"U.S: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting': Recent raids against ISIS targets have given the U.S. intelligence . http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html ",0.0 +154683,@zh_ha89 Had nothing to do with Islam. Mohammed's first wife was a rich merchant before Islam.,1.0 +104826,RT @PSSPROS: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET: The US Government is taking the . https://t.co/ ,0.0 +141504,@IbnElHijaz @kasimf Just Shut up https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105789,"RT @logisticsnews: "" US to help Iraq build base for push on Mosul: Carter "" http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZR0LT&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjAyZGMwZGVhNjQ5ZTY3OWY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNHK-TI19u0VPsTF4r0B3K9n0d6xBQ #logistics #news",0.0 +140174,Here is Shia militias group #kataib_hizbula made by iran sponsored by America and Israel.. using amarican abraham... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +121550,RT @AgendaOfEvil: http://agendaofevil.com/Videos/Viewer/PLXQAUc4t9sQ3ZHuKwahcOl-NRnn8jsWOR/erfda0v_2xk #BBC 's Adnan Nawaz speaks to Tarek Fatah | #ISIS Lone Wolf #Kills Canadian Soldier,0.0 +9069,@user @user @user @user absolutely! like guns like libs like immigrants... undocumented!!,1.0 +137813,#WilayatKarkuk | Distributing an-Naba newsbulletin to citizen in the city of Hawijah. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143589,"@hasan9ali Before that its a great series of vicious battles, many many battles ",1.0 +151366,Anti-immigrant AfD says Muslims not welcome in Germany http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-afd-islam-idUSKCN0XS16P ,1.0 +128848,#Asia Malaysia 's police confirm Islamic State link to nightclub grenade attack http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/malaysia-s-police-confirm/2928984.html ,0.0 +159767,The proportion of Muslims unemployed is no more than that of non-Muslims (add a link to UK employment statistics).,0.0 +139256,Made in #ISIS.. #Syria #Iraq https://t.co/DjuHEsYVXj ,1.0 +138592,"He was answered by the Islamic state group you hate, on #Kerma front in #Falujah. https://twitter.com/malcolmite/status/693544630713982977 ",1.0 +142923,@MachineA_Laver ahahhahahhahahha r ponse epic ,1.0 +130967,RT @snarwani: Ugh. HRW. Twitter responds to Ken Roth 's sympathy for Russian-speaking ISIS terrorists https://yallalabarra.wordpress.com/2016/07/03/compilation-of-tweets-responding-to-ken-roth-justifying-the-actions-of-russian-speaking-isis-terrorists/ #Syria,0.0 +140078,3 #Assad army tanks killed/wounded after got hits of SPG9 rockets while 5 soldiers killed in vicinity f #Maheen https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +136120,"Allah's Messenger said, ""The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. He does not wrong him, betray him, or scorn him. Taqwa is here,"" and he pointed to his chest three times. ""It is evil enough for a person to scorn his Muslim brother. The whole Muslim is haram for another Muslim: his blood, wealth, and honor""",1.0 +146957,"Birabbek, what's good about a banner signing statements taking US as allies against Muslims near the Tawhid banner? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +141096,"Erdogan: It should be known that #Turkey will not hesitate to use its self-defense right anywhere, any time, in any case. ",1.0 +116597,"Islamic State 's online army is a Russian front, says German intelligence https://intelnews.org/2016/06/20/01-1921/ via @intelNewsOrg",0.0 +129978,Ma quali potrebbero essere i reali obbiettivi Isis in caso di un eventuale attacco terroristico in Italia? 1) il. http://fb.me/1mTS4tmWZ,0.0 +120262,@KevinPascoe What 's wrong with voting for airstrikes against ISIS after they supported the Paris and Tunisia attacks? Regards,0.0 +6875,thought couldnt ching chong eyes proved wrong.,1.0 +5434,@user turn around @user go back come give natives back @url,1.0 +6917,@user irony trump calling countries shithole countries never ceases amuse me.,0.0 +109842,Via @DanLamothe: Seizure of key air base near Mosul raises prospect of U.S. escalation against #ISIS. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/ ,0.0 +113420,RT @janimine: Germany: Muslims recruit openly for Islamic State on Berlin train https://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/12/germany-muslims-recruit-openly-for-islamic-state-on-berlin-train ,0.0 +160126,"Uhm, Maths.",0.0 +127914,"RT @TheRahulMahajan: Are we selectively sensitive? #ISIS kills 28 in Dhaka, the world condemns.The next day they kill 167 in Baghdad, nob ",0.0 +104949,@TIME isis are all impostors!,0.0 +147721," : "" 9001"". # https://t.co/ROOnInLkTw ",1.0 +146381,RT @zaidbenjamin: #Iraq | Anger among tweeps after al-Jazeera reporter was perceived justifying the suicide attack on soccer game. https:// ,1.0 +126123,None of that happened sweetheart where are you getting your sources from the Islamic State? https://twitter.com/alyasirysara/status/752658720207704064,0.0 +149885,RT @Maestrouzy: I think it's time we stop looking at people based on how much they can benefit us and start considering how much we can ben ,1.0 +8338,call illegal aliens undocumented immigrants!! @url,1.0 +121571,RT @hxhassan: How ISIS is doing there http://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/isils-long-game-is-revealed-by-syrias-south How the US-led coalition is doing there http://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/the-us-has-only-one-good-option-in-syrias-conflict,0.0 +122884,@Stephfurly whens ur next flight we wanna know - isis,0.0 +132901,@realDonaldTrump and Baghdad bombing toll has hit 213 deaths by isis and no country mourns them unfortunately.Quraan is far away from them,0.0 +124306,@WSJ idiot Obama can stop the attack of Isis in the us but there on the FBI list every time so what can he do for this problem nut go hide,0.0 +139105,Wreckage of #Lebanon army drone #ISIS claimed it shot it down over west #Qalamoun.. #Syria https://t.co/eFOVYguFUy ,1.0 +109374,Gov't Media Say ISIS 4th of July Threat: 'Is the Real Deal ' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZnIKfpMvhM #nuclear #threat #ISIS #falseflag,0.0 +116585,NY Times (USA) U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html @nytimes #News,0.0 +107893,Sheriff Clarke: BLM and ISIS Will Soon Join Forces To Take Down The Nation - Truth And Action -. https://tmblr.co/Z1iivj297pUe0,0.0 +135292," This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved Islam as the religion for you (Al-Maidah 3). He ? also said, Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam (Al Imran 19). He ? also said, And whoever desires other than Islam as a religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers (Al Imran 85).",1.0 +105763,RT @teleSURtv: Ej rcito sirio recupera territorio que el #Daesh intent retomar | http://www.telesurtv.net/news/Ejercito-sirio-retira-a-terroristas-de-zonas-cercanas-a-Palmira-20160710-0008.html pic.twitter.com/oYhw8pmnT6,0.0 +125771,Offensive report e Falloujah : Daesh prend 20 000 enfants en otage https://francais.rt.com/international/21529-offensive-reportee-falloujah--daesh ,0.0 +120349,"dec que no somos hermanos, porque si vivi ramos todos juntos ya nos hubieran donado a ISIS",0.0 +160562,"Since 2000, the number of suicide bombings by Muslims = 5284; by non-Muslims = 0. One of the fact about Global Terrorism no one wants to deal with.",1.0 +125264,The stupid jackass does not know it was Bush??? http://fb.me/8CPUriwCn,0.0 +4683,many mdsz's classical golden scenes cut stupid retarded shitty idea going @url,1.0 +130322,"U.S.-backed militias face second Islamic State counter attack - official, monitor: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian . http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-manbij-idUSKCN0ZK0SI ",0.0 +109921,RT @UrchinSpock: Kerala Media is heavily Leftist and Talibanist. Communists always supported #JihadiTerror against Hindus & India. No wonde ,0.0 +133496,RT @Phil_andering: Enough is enough. Who do U think is the best candidate 2 deal with #ISIS? I can't C @realDonaldTrump being effective htt ,0.0 +116165,"RT @BorshaSrijony: Dr Zakir Naik says "" ISIS is Anti Islamic "" How can he inspire ISIS Terrorists?? #DontBanPeaceTv #SupportZakirNaik",0.0 +126344,@SurimumE he 's got more chance of being beheaded by daesh and jabhal nusra than assad.,0.0 +110540,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html - @TSH_News,0.0 +122342,""" U.S. sending 560 more troops to Iraq as Mosul push intensifies "" . http://www.armytimes.com/story/military/2016/07/11/iraq-us-troops-deploy/86938318/",0.0 +133874,"(Hud: 37) ""And construct the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration and do not address Me concerning those who have wronged; indeed, they are [to be] drowned""",1.0 +124961,Giuliani: ISIS Cld be Defeated in 6 Mths if #Obama Wanted to http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/07/02/rudy-isis-could-be-take-out-in-six-months-if-the-united-states-wanted-to/ #OBAMA DOESN'T WANT TO #tcot pic.twitter.com/3JUKYCS0Wz,0.0 +4975,dave roberts certified retard,1.0 +128661,RT @kennagq: ISIS is bombing the shit out of Muslim countries. Would be irresponsible to continually blame muslims considering they're al ,0.0 +110114,RT @amiraminiMD: #ConservativeBecause it 's nice to have something in common with ISIS and the Taliban when it comes to denying women- and L ,0.0 +152502,RT @Malcolmite: Confirmed: Syrian Rebels capture Khan Touman in Aleppo. These are the Iranian fighters who didn't do so well... https://t.c ,1.0 +153326,"RT @hjkdpod: Two #IS SVBIEDs targeted #ISF barracks and locations in Hamdiyah, #Fallujah. Killing and wounding 20 Iraqi troops. https://t.c ",1.0 +109778,"That 's not to say Islam is not enshrined and privileged in Iraq 's constitution now, b/c it is, effectively rendering Iraq an Islamic state.",0.0 +115980,RT @kiran_patniak: How Bomb Making Materials From India Reach ISIS GreatGameIndia Exclusive http://greatgameindia.com/how-bomb-making-materials-from-india-reach-isis-greatgameindia-exclusive/ via @GreatGameIndia,0.0 +122604,@JustinHowe The Shazam--Isis double-bill on Saturday morning was just about as good as it gets for a nine year-old.,0.0 +107422,RT @SebGorka: 'Iranian Hulk ' Joins Anti-Islamic State Fight in Syria http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/07/09/iranian-hulk-joins-anti-islamic-state-fight-in-syria/ ,0.0 +118588,When ISIS are about to pull a masterclass pic.twitter.com/fJ2mBldm7M,0.0 +6038,globalistsndrug dealers criminals rapistsnthese animalsnshithole countriesnamerica firstnvery fine @url,1.0 +138047,https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=mcWfEEZMg8g&app=desktop ,1.0 +105217,ISIS made the pokemon app. All of you are ISIS supporters for playing it. I hope you get droned. and I hope your dog gets droned too.,0.0 +148821,| Clashes between Islamic State Fighters and Syrian Regime Forces in the Surroundings of #Dumayr Airbase in East... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +108448,IS. Wilajat Raqqa opublikowa fotoreporta z kolejnej egzekucji szpieg w pic.twitter.com/37SvQRzbtI,0.0 +131002,Militants involved in Bangladesh siege studied at Monash University: reports http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/islamic-state-attackers-may-have-studied-at-monash-university/7568364 #terrrorism,0.0 +7271,comedian & retarded @url,1.0 +132767,- RT FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia The world should take action against India harbouring nurseries of ISIS pic.twitter.com/f4gqRSMApU,0.0 +125438,"RT @la_patilla: El sustancioso mercado que, seg n Isis Ochoa, se hac a en redes estadales con Bs. 250 (Video) http://www.lapatilla.com/site/2016/07/07/el-sustancioso-mercado-que-segun-isis-ochoa-se-hacia-en-redes-estadales-con-bs-250-video/ ",0.0 +134075,"""And this blessed march will not stop until we drive the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes-Picot conspiracy [It Will Remain in Iraq and Sh?m]. And the march of the muj?hid?n will continue until they reach Rome, by Allah s permission ",1.0 +132317,@bainjal swati the real presstitutes u never blame owasis for helping ISIS agent legally bcoz u r presstitutes u r earning from presstitutes,0.0 +149238,RT @sparksofirhabi3: The first person to enter Jannah is Muhammad https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/721084154897702913 ,1.0 +134326, Hijrah will not cease as long as there is jih?d ,1.0 +119578,RT @Traaaww_: @LovelyKissPrint you needa make this video with isis https://twitter.com/thejurpp/status/646387420204802048,0.0 +136915,@AbuIzzadeen2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq7P_W5WDY4 ,1.0 +4825,@user @user yeap....spic wet.,1.0 +146927,@WarReporter1 Here is the rest of the conversation where they complain girls ignore them in favor of ISIS: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8653,@user cba shes like chinese dont speak ching chong,1.0 +7456,@user @user @user african nation's far shithole countries!! one got female pres @url,1.0 +117853,Dindinha ama muito essa pequena Isis..,0.0 +112136,RT @ANI_news: Hyderabad case: ISIS suspect Fahad had procured 9 Aircel preactivated sims frm promotional temporary stall at Charminar bus s ,0.0 +103983,RT @SheikhHaram: When you send ISIS your mixtape pic.twitter.com/XcCCtX2lm7,0.0 +111352,@Kiwikawaiii agasssss LOL. jejaga khabar angin mengata kn isis target dkt the zone..karang haaa tk pasal2 ekeke,0.0 +137080,"so sad news, Muslims killing each others when our Enemy is watching happily.... May Allah unite our Muslims brothers https://twitter.com/BbreakingNnews/status/670993583479111682 ",1.0 +9006,@user @user oh hell.. wish treated kavanaugh way treat illegal aliens...,1.0 +159314,Far right extremism is just a nasty stain on humanity.,0.0 +151678,The kind of stories we are hearing from Saudi prisons about how they treat political prisoners is shocking: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +112398,RT @trappedsoldier: ISIS https://twitter.com/AlalamChannel/status/752396507337355264,0.0 +107053,"1. Important piece by @JobyWarrick: "" Double game? Even as it battles ISIS, Turkey gives other extremists shelter "" https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html",0.0 +140778,#ISIS terrorist with one leg fight against PKK in Raqqa Province. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +133867,"(Hud: 25-26) ""And We had certainly sent N?h to his people, [saying], Indeed, I am to you a clear warner. That you not worship except Allah. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a painful day. ",1.0 +113074,RT @NomyPti: #SackDoval he is destroying regional peace in South Asia and the entire middle east! #ISIS pic.twitter.com/15wsvSAizN,0.0 +143289,Mostly everybody was calling me a clown and a pro #ISIS when I said this last year. It's too late to act now.. https://twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/705506723612721153 ,1.0 +148609,@ElPashtunCat mostly because they get help/supplies from KSA/USA/Turkey but anyway this debate is extremly complexe ,1.0 +141673,#BreakingNews Extreme huge clashes reported in Jamaa neighborhood near center of #Baghdad #Iraq https://t.co/iOR9sbTj9z ,1.0 +152665,F @nightwalker_138 @nightwalker_138 @nightwalker_138 ,1.0 +134871,"In the book Al-K?f?, the R?fid? al-Kulayn? titled a chapter with the following: Chapter: When the Im?ms Emerge They Will Rule by the Laws of David and the Family of David. He then reported that Ja far as-S?diq said, When al-Q? im [the Mahd? ] from the family of Muhammad emerges, he will rule by the Law of David and Solomon. ",1.0 +114328,From the @FreeBeacon U.S. to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Operation: The United States will . http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-deploy-560-troops-iraq-mosul-operation/ ,0.0 +142412,RT @Tuuryare_Africa: BREAKING: Heavy exchanges of gunfire started in Suuqa Holaha area in North of #Mogadishu - Residents. #Somalia. ,1.0 +5394,@user lol. called twat you? :d,1.0 +159008,"To be fair, the OFSTED report is more concerned with lack of enforcement and less about focussing on the practice of any particular faith.",0.0 +137199,"@scottienhughes @realDonaldTrump He will do nothing ,only talk about what USA ppl want to hear, they can't defeat #ISIS. ",1.0 +131774,Now they've made him angry: Iranian Hulk to fight ISIS in Syria http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673252/Iranian-Hulk-fight-ISIS-Syria-announcing-plans-join-Iranian-forces.html @MailOnline,0.0 +124823,"Twitter already said that all of your ISIS "" countering "" was bullshit. You're known for targeting wrong people. Fakes. @WauchulaGhost @POTUS",0.0 +132358,RT @TheRealistz: WE ALL KNOW THAT ISIS AIN'T MUSLIM. THEY ATTACK MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND KILL THE INNOCENT DURING THIS BLESSED MONTH.WAKE UP Y ,0.0 +124520,RT @MohamedGhilan: I also learned that ISIS doesn't allow anyone educated in Islam to stay in the city. Those guys are sent to the front li ,0.0 +114753,[index] Cs kken az ISIS netes n pszer s ge: Az internetes frontvonalon nyer sre llunk. http://index.hu/kulfold/2016/07/11/csokken_az_isis_netes_nepszerusege/ ,0.0 +149207,Aftermath of Iraqi army shelling on al-Firdaws Mosque in #Fallujah yesterday https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160390,Have you thought about the consequence child rapists might cause?,0.0 +119410,RT @AgendaOfEvil: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CitizenWarrior/~3/xSBPmP9x9A0/do-you-know-why-isis-kills-people-in.html Do You Know Why #ISIS #Kills People in #Europe and #America?,0.0 +112857,"RT @Stormtroepen: Co rdinator veiligheid dienst geeft nu toe, dat er ISIS strijders onder vluchtelingen zitten.Hadden we in september 2015 ",0.0 +151930,RT @RamiAlLolah: HUGE!! #ISIS seized from Shaer: 20 tanks T55/T62 9 122/130mm artillery 1 57mm artilery 1 Konkurs 2 Kornet #Syria https://t ,1.0 +114894,RT @svhoorn: Iraakse militie bij wie ik ben zegt dat er bij een net veroverd vliegveld onder Mosul honderden gevangen van IS gevonden zijn.,0.0 +124621,REPORTAJE | Ruqia Hassan: la mujer a la que mataron por contar la verdad sobre el ISIS http://www.eldiario.es/theguardian/Ruqia-Hassan-mataron-contar-ISIS_0_473503088.html v a @eldiarioInt,0.0 +6730,@user @user corporate 'rawk' magazines retarded little boys imagine remember thirt @url,1.0 +118828,RT @arjun_eklavya: I wish ALL THE BEST to 'kafir Muslims (converts) ' from kerala who went to join ISIS They wud really enjoy the stay! http ,0.0 +5787,cannot understand usa let dangerous leftist soros sit everyone knows behind @url,0.0 +136214,"""This Dunya is not bu diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Akhirah, that is the life, if only they knew"" (Al-Ankabut 67)",1.0 +141331,@khanasori147 are you sure brother ? because newspaper say he was killed in air strike ,1.0 +4723,@user sigh.. said spic..,1.0 +118558,RT @WashTimes: Islamic State rapidly losing ground in #Iraq and Syria: report http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/11/islamic-state-rapidly-losing-ground-iraq-and-syria/ #IslamicState #ISIS #Syria https://t. ,0.0 +150701,"An Islamic State (ISIS) photo report showing its Zakat Office distributing Zakat (charity) in Sirte, Libya: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +145796,#US #Russia #Shia Militias you name it All helping #Assadist in the battle for #Palmyra against the #IS https://twitter.com/ThatCoffeeTho/status/713133441819287557 ,1.0 +155242,"RT @PopeSweetMusic: @rbassilian @ProudPatriot101 @Protoshiv the question is, is there hope for a peacful coexisting islam. No. The answer i ",1.0 +150741,RT @PalmyraPioneer: #Assad says That #USA is the main cause of what is happening in #Syria And here they are today celebrating with them ht ,1.0 +107627,"Islamic State Lost Quarter of Territory in Syria, Iraq http://inserbia.info/today/2016/07/islamic-state-lost-quarter-of-territory-in-syria-iraq/ pic.twitter.com/1F95Ar4AHR",0.0 +133174,RT @fadjroeL: wuih Turki perang terhadap ISIS nih om @tifsembiring https://twitter.com/AbuThoriq/status/749904693162233858,0.0 +143303,#Turkey closed Bab al-Hawa border crossing until further notice.. #Syria ,1.0 +136520,@abuyaqub6: RT @Alwalawalbara12: May Allah punish every shiite ! https://twitter.com/AlArabiya_Eng/status/637795638063722497 ,1.0 +120204,"@ManikPandita @SethShruti As long as they r occupational,committing crimes in my motherland,exploiting our resources dey r no lessthan ISIS",0.0 +140150,#USA extended their support to the unstoppable sectarian Shiite militias in #Iraq with multiple M1 Abrams tanks.. https://t.co/N3BfX7Fb2N ,1.0 +140000,Obama says Mideast countries must lift up their citizens http://www.warbreaking.com/2016/02/obama-says-mideast-countries-must-lift.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ,1.0 +143855,RT @M3t4_tr0n: #US-led Coalition began a 10-week training program for Kurds with new weapons and equipment - #Iraq #Syria https://t.co/F1 ,1.0 +7136,help fast chinaman @url,1.0 +133263,"With Baghdad slaughter, ISIS shows it 's down but not out http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/with-baghdad-slaughter-isis-shows-its-down-but-not-out/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter pic.twitter.com/bk4VNmsecs",0.0 +160563,"Terrorism and targeting the general public with bombs, assault rifles or any other means is horrific, there is no excuse but lets be clear when a white man does it its called mental illness regardless of what groups he belongs to; when a black man does it its called terrorism.",0.0 +151481,Nothing is more frightful on the Ummah from whims and desires than #Irja ,1.0 +151028,@_SalmanHashimi @Adamhasak48 I wouldn't be surprised if the other VSO did warn YPG. VSO are essentially Western puppets now. ,1.0 +127295,RT @Sodmg_michel: Daesh c'est des bluffeur bande de salope,0.0 +108107,ISIS fighter has a bizarre way of hiding from enemy helicopter http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/isis-fighter-tries-hide-enemy-8396742#ICID=sharebar_twitter,0.0 +5262,@user secret instagram that's main your're white girl say nigger you' @url,1.0 +107838,RT @hasibeva: Daesh va attaquer pour la finale de l'euro ?,0.0 +5993,ha looks like ching chong china man,1.0 +144485,#Kurdistan of #Iraq closes border crossing with Malikiyah in #Syria.. ,1.0 +107655,RT @Aabekosar: Read this news link to know how much deeply Indians are involved in terrorism #IndiaISISandBangladesh https://t.co/dNndzUlp ,0.0 +142269,"RT @PresosMusulmane: Make du3a for sister Maryam, 22, a revert of Spain. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +130694,#Rojava: Syrian #Kurds provide safe haven for thousands of Iraqis fleeing ISIS - ARA News http://aranews.net/2016/07/syrian-kurds-provide-safe-haven-thousands-iraqis-fleeing-isis/ via @twitterapi,0.0 +128276,"ISIS bomb Baghdad. This isn't the West vs Muslim, this is radicals vs the world. Unite against extremists #oneworld #endthehate",0.0 +130701,"In all seriousness, rather than convicting/sending to jail. maybe we should start publicly hanging or stoning any #ISIS sympathizers.",0.0 +153876,"@Habibiline @Jihadii8 Not to mention crushing poverty, endless violence, and legal forced marriage of 8 year old girls.",1.0 +132447,RT @RamiAILoIah: What a nickname: Abu Turab the Terrorist (al-Irhabi) who struck YPG terror group with a VBIED in Manbij #ISIS #Syria https ,0.0 +5914,girl go dress like mongol pencil halloween since used #2 nnlouder people back!!!!!,1.0 +146445,"RT @Charles_Lister: Hearing worrying reports that opposition forces in northern #Syria may be preparing to resume hostilities, after decidi ",1.0 +124547,RT @Kaynoush93: j'ai 54 points de retard autant aller daesh,0.0 +160638,Any individual may become a terrorist. Religious beliefs do not play part in this.,0.0 +139549,Corrupt #Kenya-n officials sell IDs then take you to court. 4 Somalis fined Sh5.5m @ over travel documents https://t.co/IVErsF5d1j ,1.0 +140748,"@koonyyo j'ai mis un petit coeur , je gagne quoi ? ",1.0 +111692,Israel and Egypt working together in Sinai against ISIS. (We need a leader like Bibi),0.0 +133427,Meanwhile in the Middle East: The worst #ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +137537,@__Kebab_ayran__ Asslamalikum akhi how r u what a surprise you r also here i following you for DM follow back akhi ,1.0 +119272,"RT @CJTFOIR: Near Mosul, #CJTFOIR strikes destroyed an #ISIL weapons cache MORE: http://ow.ly/2bCw3027MwA @USEmbBaghdad #military https://t. ",0.0 +4759,@user 6/28/2018. four illegal aliens accused kidnapping raping two teenage sisters 13 1 @url,0.0 +137628,@AKAOMAR160 only that carton pic looks better :-) ,1.0 +117109,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://fb.me/812tAnA8w",0.0 +143304,Sarout just released one of his favorite chants: Jannah Jannah.. #Syria # _ # https://t.co/q3GHhunu2y ,1.0 +134126,"{O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient} [Al-Anf?l: 45-46].",1.0 +147850,"Nobody will know their names, or see their faces, or know their history, nobody will make hashtags for them. ",1.0 +128101,"Islamic State 's Ambitions, Allure Grow As Territory Shrinks - NDTV: NDTVIslamic State 's Ambitions, Allure Gro. http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/islamic-states-ambitions-allure-grow-as-territory-shrinks-1427707 ",0.0 +138795,"RT @AbuHurairah_39: #KhilafahNews Saturday, 30th of January 2016: https://justpaste.it/r0bu https://justpaste.it/KhilafahNews #WorldNews #BreakingNe ",1.0 +149063,@ramiallolah vso r just dog ,1.0 +107684,"HERE IS AN IDEA, LET THE KKK FIGHT ISIS. WHAT A PERFECT MATCH..KKK WILL HANG ISIS AND ISIS WILL CUT OFF HEADS OF KKK https://twitter.com/Trump_Videos/status/752251485866500096",0.0 +143363,RT @RamiAlLolah: Will be a joint operation with #Saudi.. #USA warns #Hezbollah #Israel is staging a war in south #Lebanon.. https://t.co/KR ,1.0 +135773,"Allah ? said to the wives of the Prophet ?, So do not be soft in speech, lest someone with a disease in his heart becomes desirous (Al-Ahzab 32)",1.0 +147486,RT @BlogsofWar: Al Nusrah Front confirms al Qaeda veteran killed in US airstrike http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/04/al-nusrah-front-confirms-al-qaeda-veteran-killed-in-us-airstrike.php ,1.0 +118977,#Atlanta Obama Administration Ramps Up Fight Against ISIS. http://nyc.epeak.in/863_2188029,0.0 +108274,Please report new #ISIS @telegram account Use the in-app tool or send them this pic via email: abuse@telegram.org pic.twitter.com/8Q6uWdBQAR,0.0 +154400,@RaniaKhalek @MaxBlumenthal @NickKristof Good. By marching on Israeli checkpoint the women were obviously trying to create a confrontation.,1.0 +131401,"#Strage #Isis #Baghdad sapore ancora pi amaro. Sono colmo di rabbia, uccisi 25 #bambini. Da cristiano, padre, uomo, lo trovo inaccettabile",0.0 +123020,@KanchanGupta @IndianExpress A father admited his son had met Zakir Naik several times before joining ISIS.Beware of serial blasts in India,0.0 +112840,Two officials speak to Iraqi counterparts about upcoming campaign to retake Mosul from ISIL http://www.worldbulletin.net/iraq/174830/us-canadian-defense-ministers-arrive-in-baghdad #Kabari,0.0 +146499,"@7layers_ If you think that is bad then it was even worse in late 2014 when ""Dr"" Widad Akrawi was passing off Swedish children as Yezidis. ",1.0 +130722,RT @cnnarabic: # : 3 # http://arabic.cnn.com/middleeast/2016/07/04/kuwait-terror-cells-isis-captured pic.twitter.com/iagusUoKRb,0.0 +141435,RT @RamiAlLolah: NATO will never defend an Islamic member.. NATO is a key contributor in destabilizing Turkey and dividing it.. #Turkey mus ,1.0 +104469,RT @dotapp: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ ,0.0 +153824,RT @RavenHUWolf: Islam's War On Women Continues. Islam continues to show how they value women... http://t.co/6Uefi2sGBZ http://t.co/AL1emSK ,1.0 +103856,Islamic State group 's Twitter traffic has plunged 45% in two years: US administration: The Islamic State grou. http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/isis-twitter-traffic-has-plunged-45-in-two-years-us-administration-324565.html ,0.0 +142530,100 #Assad soldiers and militants taken from #Khanasir in cages to #Raqqah.. Expect an #ISIS Tabqa II massacre soon.. #Syria ,1.0 +113443,About the Iraq war being over. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/,0.0 +150550,RT @Luxfero_99: Amaq publishes video of Turkish Artillery Fire. near Dabiq http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.511188&lon=37.306223&z=15&m=bh https://twitter.com/Luxfero_99/status/724308254130495488/photo/1 ,1.0 +140578,"@lightpenetrated @tawheed4all or any other sahaba, we should not use it specifically for Ali, or Hussain or Hassan ",1.0 +153121,"#AmaqAgency 10 Syrian regime soldiers killed, in addition to a tank and a 23 mm artillery cannon destroyed... #Homs https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +109478,#prensalatina Promete EE.UU. ayuda militar a Iraq para expulsar al EI de Mosul: 11 de julio de . http://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php @prensalatina,0.0 +131363,"Sir @narendramodi We need 2 fight back, killing of an Indian girl #TarishiJain In #DhakaAttack means India too is under the scanner of ISIS",0.0 +136442," Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone (Al-Mumtahanah 4).",1.0 +7306,@user look clever fair. twat.,0.0 +144803,@ak47dawakafiri @ummu_hurayrah__ jazakkallah khair ,1.0 +149587,"@Azz10nee2 it didn't gain much coverage, of course. But I did see a few maps on Arabic accounts when IS controlled parts of it ",1.0 +129917,"My Internet site: http://ideas4thefuture.org taken over by Isis , police interview with me at Mid Day",0.0 +123155,@universeofame @lignesNetU_SNCF ya 1 ligne direct toulouse-raqqa? ca minteresserait,0.0 +148256,20 Muslims killed by US coalition airstrikes https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +104872,US to help Iraq build base for push on Mosul: Carter Reuters http://wnn7.com/us-to-help-iraq-build-base-for-push-on-mosul-carter-reuters/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter #WNN7,0.0 +148554,"RT @MaghrebiWT: Let's rephrase it: ""Majority of 3,500 Arab youth surveyed in 16 countries don't want to go to prison because of a poll"" Sou ",1.0 +123504,RT @Stratfor: Attacks during Ramadan reveal much about how the Islamic State operates. http://social.stratfor.com/xmBa3028zeM pic.twitter.com/JM3VUO1CEc,0.0 +150259,"@01sak_ @Uncle_SamCoco yeah, I remember this video ",1.0 +143740,O kuffar the great warrior of the sky. Come down to fight. Hell fire awaits you. ,1.0 +141928,"A'amaq News Agency, a media outlet embedded with ISIS soldiers, shows the aftermath of ISIS' conquest of #Khanaser: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +146202,@jeje55556 100% ,1.0 +137527,"RT @thevictoryseri4: Abu Kiyan Al Feyli,the name of the Shiite terrorist who cut off the ear of a Sunni detainee.He is in Badr terror grp h ",1.0 +151029,"Over 250 civilians killed in a week, and still some people rely on the West to help them. When did it ever help? https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/725998569539379200 ",1.0 +130833,RT @Jerusalem_Post: 'ISIS inspired terrorists in Tel Aviv 's Sarona shooting ' http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Three-Palestinians-indicted-for-shooting-at-Tel-Avivs-Sarona-market-459450 #ArabIsraeliConflict https://t.co/DQ9P ,0.0 +118138,Sa critique daesh mais si il y aurait eu une explosion le match aurait t d caler et la peut tre la France aurait gagner daesh>euro2016,0.0 +4931,@user delete feature retarded anyways... would someone delete something payed for? like @url,1.0 +122678,@wittmann1488 ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service! pic.twitter.com/Xbq4abfWHW,0.0 +116374,""" Sons used to visit Zakir Naik "" The #ZakirNaik angle in the Keralite reverts suspected to have joined the ISIS http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/kerala-sons-used-to-visit-zakir-naik-says-father-of-missing-men-2905990/?utm_content=buffer4c974&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer",0.0 +108477,Egipto Isis + Sharm El Sheikh 11 d as desde 1115 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928871&idagencia=45486-df381d74659d8a3d1887a4cfc6886882&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +151581,#Sinai Reports of casualties after Egyptian army armored vehicle was targeted by an IED west of al-Arish ,1.0 +124326,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives :( http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html via @indiatimes",0.0 +148876,RT @Ibn_Sayyid: Des familles enti res d cim es Raqqah par les bombardements russes qui visaient un march bond de civils. https://t.co/i ,1.0 +115455,"@andieiamwhoiam @EvrythingsaNail OH JIHADI OBAMA WILL BE THERE AND HIS SPEECH WILL BLAME US AND OUR GUNS, NOT CRAZY HEADED PEOPLE, OR ISIS.",0.0 +121220,@DirtyDard @LiquidHbox They aren't Christian in the same sense that isis is not muslim. They cherry pick bits and pieces to fit their needs,0.0 +146974,"@Uncle_SamCoco If you can do it, do it please for the sake of Allah. RT much appreciate. May Allah rewards you ",1.0 +148892,"RT @nwarikoo: In its mag, ISIS lists Muslims in U.S. it wants killed. Photo includes Nihad Awad of CAIR, Hamza Yusuf, Suhaib Webb. https:// ",1.0 +116162,South African Twins Plotted To Blow Up US embassy -Police http://theticktimes.com/afr-info/south-african-twins-plotted-to-blow-up-us-embassy-police #Police Africa #SouthAfrica #ISIS #Terrorists,0.0 +129009,"RT @HistoriaYoutube: @HistoriaYoutube Rusia quer a apresar a este terrorista, pero Austria le concedi el estatus de refugiado. Se uni a I ",0.0 +103853,"RT @LindaSuhler: "" ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has made. "" Donald J. Trump #Trump2016 #ImWithYou https ",0.0 +113623,"@_abu_asim its ok, now #daesh will fight with their bare hands. and buttocks",0.0 +110139,What a sacrifice. May Allah give this man the highest of paradise. Ameen #isis #jihad #muslim #Hero http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html,0.0 +129312,RT @FlorianFlade: Der schwerste IS-Anschlag seit langem - und kaum jemanden interessiert es https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ #daesh #iraq #baghdad # ,0.0 +119525,Mass grave and secret ISIS jail found in Libya: The grim discoveries were made in the Lybian city of Sirte wh. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684840/Mass-grave-secret-ISIS-jail-Libya-Three-abused-prisoners-dire-condition-discovered-pile-bodies-held-months.html ,0.0 +160629,"And views like that, that lumps all Muslims together, pretends they are less than human pushes them a tiny bit closer.",0.0 +159203,"When we welcome Muslims in our country we welcome paedophiles, rapists, halal, corruption, terrorism, polygamy, sharia.",1.0 +152800,#IS Shots down Regime Helicopter in #Huwaysis #Homs #Palmyra. ,1.0 +151706,They say this is only just the beginning US plans to do much more destruction to retake Mosul https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +112390,RT @AlFayth: International coalition killed 28 #ISIS west of Qayyarah,0.0 +6495,@user @user @user countries civilised others lolhave seen shithole @url,1.0 +112740,"@Obama_Clock Obama 's turning racist! He calls marchers "" Black Lives Matter "" , but can't call Isis "" Radical Islamic terrorism "" ! Favors last one",0.0 +107596,Hyv juttu: Islamistitutkija: Ven j ja #Syyria'n hallinto j rjestiv t Euroopan #pakolaiskriisi'n. #Isis http://yle.fi/uutiset/suomessa_vieraillut_islamistitutkija_jopa_isis-johtajat_pelkaavat_henkensa_edesta_omia_tshetsheenitaistelijoitaan/9004093,0.0 +105758, #Daesh https://twitter.com/smdaqualities https://twitter.com/tuphgmai https://twitter.com/kk_dabeq #OpISIS,0.0 +147748,Qatari mouth price defending the interests of his master https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister/status/718204641280786432 ,1.0 +140342,"@9a9b3a710bfb47e @altarefe_en subhanallah, alhamdulillah, Allah u Akbar ",1.0 +119091,ISIS vs Al Qaeda: Qaeda leader release audio and said Bagdadi is not World leader of Muslims.,0.0 +159303,"Hijab means Islam, Islam means woman and child oppression, rapism, intolerance, chauvinism. I do not like hijab and everything else that follows!",1.0 +9252,faggot fighting female smh sad af lmao @url,0.0 +111169,RT @Tempi_it: Turchia combatte l'Isis e d asilo ai terroristi http://www.tempi.it/turchia-scizofrenica-combatte-isis-ma-offre-asilo-politico-ai-terroristi-islamici pic.twitter.com/EkYED2sOa1,0.0 +141350,Merciful among themselves - Aspect of the distribution of food aid to poor Muslims Album http://shortwiki.org/42745 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +147476,@annaabbi Jaish Al Islam c'est plut t KSA oui ,1.0 +133954,"Before you make your trip, keep in mind the following hadith of the Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam), If you were to rely upon Allah as He should really be relied upon, Allah would provide you like He provides the birds. They fly in the morning hungry and return full at night ",1.0 +141401,RT @wayf44rer__: #Anbar : Reports 3 Abrams tanks and a number of vehicles were destroyed today in the area of #Ramadi ,1.0 +142166,@RomainCaillet https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118826,"EE.UU. enviar 560 soldados m s a Irak para ayudar en la reconquista de Mosul - http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20160711/eeuu-enviara-560-soldados-mas-irak-para-ayudar-reconquista-mosul/1369575.shtml, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/3572?s=tnp",0.0 +146484,RT @Nidalgazaui: At least 40 #Shiite Militants and #Iraqi soldiers killed in #IS VBIED attack in #Bagdad... ,1.0 +141004,"@Fidaee_Fulaani have Dawlah warned to seek help from Kuffar and tawagheet, which it only led you to the path of humiliation? ",1.0 +8420,@user oh i'm sure she'll get along shithole countries ambassadors. especially color. @url,1.0 +148597,@Jazrawi_Alrai A A A A A ,1.0 +127215,Makes you wonder who is behind ISIS 's existence in Libya in the first place! https://twitter.com/nbenotman/status/752665517845020673,0.0 +127134,El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas pic.twitter.com/Ig2VPf71GS,0.0 +130941,Entire families killed in #Baghdad. #IslamicState http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36701882,0.0 +123085,"RT @NoticiasdeLibia: General: "" No hay estrategia contra ISIS en Libia "" - http://xn--cnnespaol-r6a.com http://goo.gl/fb/wpD203 #Libia",0.0 +134047," Our war with Kurds is a religious war. It is not a nationalistic war we seek the refuge of Allah. We do not fight Kurds because they are Kurds. Rather we fight the disbelievers amongst them, the allies of the crusaders and Jews in their war against the Muslims. As for the Muslim Kurds, then they are our people and brothers wherever they may be. We spill our blood to save their blood. The Muslim Kurds in the ranks of the Islamic State are many. They are the toughest of fighters against the disbelievers amongst their people ",1.0 +146447,RT @AlkhaleejOnline: : # _ 128 # https://t.co/paOo6w7wyv | # https://twitter.com/AlkhaleejOnline/status/714511644252999682/photo/1 ,1.0 +130157,RT @gasoui: Comment l'Etat islamique diffuse sa propagande sur internet http://www.challenges.fr/monde/moyen-orient/20151006.CHA0188/comment-daesh-diffuse-sa-propagande-sur-internet.html pic.twitter.com/4UakGEM3PM,0.0 +136953,RT @markito0171: #Syria Report from Jaish al Fatah assault toward #Hama city https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUnFBJJR8Ss&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/657316293729734656/photo/1 ,1.0 +123249,ISIS is going to leave bombs at PokeStops,0.0 +105907,C'est demain ! Les myst res d'Isis Forcalquier http://fb.me/4I2Lp3fZ3,0.0 +119178,"Menhan AS Tiba di Irak, Siapkan Penumpasan ISIS - http://berita.suaramerdeka.com/menhan-as-tiba-di-irak-siapkan-penumpasan-isis/ pic.twitter.com/ItrRO4uS8A",0.0 +133487,crooked lebron will never be able to handle the complexities and danger of isis - it will just go on forever. we need change!,0.0 +159270,"Islam is just a pagan cult, that disguises itself as a religion.",1.0 +6243,ta said wanted chinese food girl kept repating ching chong told racist said @url,1.0 +149345,| Footage of the Battles between Islamic State Forces and Shiite Militias in #Aleppo s Southern Countryside... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +6420,@user yeah cunt. going far bites. needed,1.0 +145332,Mosul University after the US Coalition bombed it. ISIS claimed the Brussels attack was in retaliation for this: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +141616,Breaking: Egypt: #Sinai Number of army men killed in #ISIS assault west of Bair-Abbad. ,1.0 +147890,@halabinasser1 ASL et Al Nusra non ? ,1.0 +7906,legit annoying often explain retard never play hots holy shit,1.0 +113428,Moment ISIS jihadis speed towards Iraqi tanks and detonate truck http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684270/Terrifying-moment-ISIS-jihadis-speed-Iraqi-tanks-detonate-truck-packed-explosives-battle-Fallujah.html ,0.0 +108100,"U.S: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting': Recent raids against ISIS targets have given the U.S. i. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html #MiddleEast",0.0 +120365,#AllLivesDidntMatter and still doesn't matter when over 5000 Kurdish Yezidi girls were abducted by ISIS and most still are in captivity,0.0 +139434,@MaghrebiQM Still waiting for airstrike support aganist Assad troops and supplies for starving cities . ,1.0 +152427,@PeigneACheveux hahahahaaahhahahahahhahah michmich ,1.0 +132412,RSS-ISIS DNA pic.twitter.com/sKqrizqP84,0.0 +115391,Hope it won't be like the discussion on Ndtv the other night where the central argument was India has no ISIS issue https://twitter.com/TarekFatah/status/752509835896381440,0.0 +108263,RT @misscherryjones: Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul: http://bigstory.ap.org/7f14f191e84d45439c9fb971d01c979c&utm_source=android_app&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share,0.0 +109532,"Daesh full of disaffected, bored, unemployed dropouts playing medieval goodies & baddies. Way to get your virgins dude.#4Corners",0.0 +9848,@user @user wonder long till retarded chinese starts flocking tweet start ching-cho @url,1.0 +131685,RT @PodemosVitoria: Nuestra solidaridad con las v ctimas del atentado de Bagdag. Pedimos una vez m s que se deje de vender armas desde Occi ,0.0 +6103,@user epic tweet1,0.0 +150867,RT @Nidalgazaui: HUGE 3 #Turkish Army Tanks Destroyed by #ISIS ATGM Missle in Northern #Aleppo. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/725686027579461632/photo/1 ,1.0 +120622,RT @replyua: ISIS #Replyua http://replyua.net/news/usa/33780-ssha-napravit-novye-voyska-v-irak-chtoby-otbit-ataku-isis.html pic.twitter.com/b93aRFifSe,0.0 +145118,"#Iran #Russia Mobilize Everything but Allah will Aid his Soldiers ""LiLlahi Daruukum yaa Junudal khilafah"" ",1.0 +129593,RT @kikko_no_blog: ISIL ISIL ISIL ,0.0 +141760,Moussa al-Omar tweeted: Khanaser is slaughtered silently. :P https://twitter.com/MousaAlomar/status/702094395546402816 ,1.0 +129474,"RT @arawnsley: In which an ISIS fighter demonstrates key points from the classic Monty Python sketch "" How Not To Be Seen. "" https://t.co/nHD ",0.0 +152454,@Ukht_Lina100 yeah ,1.0 +4773,@user @user would break heart. america advanced ins many ways conversely retarded w @url,1.0 +122167,RT @QuintusCurtius: This gives an idea of what Syrian & Iraqi army have to deal with from ISIS. Take a good look at the mentality. https:/ ,0.0 +138090,#Syria|n opposition and #Assad's regime in the first day of #Geneva talks.. https://t.co/qqKTtLo0R2 ,1.0 +148889,RT @alamriki_omar: Jihad is the way to success. No ransom will save the unbelievers from the punishment. ,1.0 +114601,La violencia nace del miedo a las opiniones contrarias. El sinverg enza debe ser apartado de ni os y enviado al Daesh con cruz tatuada,0.0 +115375,"@MrTickle3 @MarkAnthony_GB ISIS is abhorred by Muslims worldwide, including Muslim governments and overwhelming majority of Saudi-Arabians!",0.0 +144517,"RT @wwayf44rer: Sinai Egyptian army M113 APC was targeted today by an IED explosion near al-Tawil village, east of al-Arish ",1.0 +135050,{And whoever avenges himself after having been wronged those have not upon them any cause [for blame]} [42:41].,1.0 +135576, So they kill and are killed (At-Tawbah 111).,1.0 +104250,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET: The US Government is taking the battle against terrorism.,0.0 +111881,"I am thankful for people like this, who made the awful things about this planet a bit less awful, even at a. http://fb.me/7pxWqTqGj",0.0 +138987,A Shakespeare drama: Abu Humam Buwaidani / Abu Yahia al-Hamawi / Abu Mohammad Julani fight #ISIS under command of Suheil al-Hassan..! #Syria ,1.0 +160145,That is a sweeping statement to make for someone with such a flawed knowledge of how these disease spreads.,0.0 +125987,#Ohio Kerry Meets With Saudi Officials Regarding ISIS | TRUNEWS. http://nyc.epeak.in/856_2191023,0.0 +127544,The Islamic Ideas Behind ISIS http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/the-ideas-behind-isis,0.0 +122219,ISIS is losing territory http://www.lifezette.com/faithzette/isis-losing-territory/ pic.twitter.com/f9jrz9CIWG,0.0 +140689,RT @BatInfo147: #Sinaa #Rapport_Video R colte des op rations militaires durant Rabi' Ath Than 1437 https://archive.org/details/7ASAD4S https://t.co/C ,1.0 +121779,RT @donal_cahalane: We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/11/12149510/pokemon-go-fighting-isis-kurdistan,0.0 +137472,"2/3. Said Moses to his people, ""Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah... ",1.0 +129184,@Kurd_iq @Mosul__ ,0.0 +117081,"@RimalBeach ahhhh, another #daesh paedophile! Hello paedo!",0.0 +126698,Living With ISIS - Documentary 2016 https://youtu.be/TnPpz9MfbJ8 via @YouTube,0.0 +127606,Mid-Life ISIS,0.0 +119135,Lws at isis saying they wanna use me.Little do they know i will ruin them.,0.0 +151452,RT @Nidalgazaui: #IS Advance in North #Aleppo against #Rebels Recaptured Dudiyan and several other Villages. ,1.0 +8504,build movement idea ok hate muslims mexicans people shithole countries suc @url,1.0 +129078,RT @Maximecharon: Attentat qui a eu lieu pour la fin du #Ramadan. Encore une preuve que Daesh n'a (vraiment) rien voir avec l'Islam. #I ,0.0 +107433,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 via Gizmodo #tech #news",0.0 +109835,#ISIS recruiting in Southeast Asia? Predicted by @implproject for a year now. http://time.com/4400505/isis-newspaper-malay-southeast-asia-al-fatihin/ #CVE,0.0 +151418,#WilayatNinawa #Harvesting #olives in #Mosul #city https://justpaste.it/tuic #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +125528,@PrisonPlanet BLM are the same as ISIS. Mercenaries we armed & funded to plunge a country into civil war. How is that working for Syria?,0.0 +145931,@BrunFree I was sarcastic man.. loooool.. ,1.0 +116064,RT @Mousaium: The Veil of Isis http://www.gnosticmuse.com/the-veil-of-isis/ pic.twitter.com/LBCTbSvMhJ,0.0 +104625,@hussain_rain @Mosul__ ,0.0 +143487,"Allahu Akbar, look how beautiful this grandpa is that conducted the Istishhadi operation, may Allah accept him, Amen https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +134019,"Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, A k?fir and his killer will never gather in Hellfire ",1.0 +107040,RT @Gregada06167791: ISIS Has Launched a Newspaper to Recruit Southeast Asian Fighters #opISIS #Daesh #daeshbags http://time.com/4400505/isis-newspaper-malay-southeast-asia-al-fatihin,0.0 +119880,"RT @iHeartMiko: whites be like: "" blacks murder themselves daily & get mad bc cops kill them "" so. americans kill americans, so let ISIS ",0.0 +139066,RT @Abu_Laptop47: You're kidding yourself if you expect me to forget this. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143329,"@FidaeeFulaani Here's what to say: if so-called ""precision airstrikes"" led people to strongly support Dawlah, imagine what carpet bombing do ",1.0 +104875,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://ow.ly/RasI502h7ko,0.0 +115398,RT @FCOArabic: # http://ow.ly/UfZy301OF77 https:/ ,0.0 +115528,Quem sabe assim fica mais f cil para os petralhas que gostam de dialogar com o ISIS entender. pic.twitter.com/3iXcSvHBgo,0.0 +127566,@DysonChad stop associating fringe elements with a larger group. that 's the same logic that leads people to hate Muslims for acts of ISIS.,0.0 +7313,@user wrote brain cells retard fucking blind lmfao i'm done,1.0 +145795,@Sakker__ Wow so you saying that the man who is attacking american soldiers in this old video is Abu Faruq ????! ,1.0 +109373,"U.S: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html #Amman #CNN #News",0.0 +120272,RT @FFBanList: CELTIC ISIS - Finally proof! pic.twitter.com/2OLLeASE7v,0.0 +133842," Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiyallahu anhuma) narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, Indeed every man is a shepherd and every shepherd is responsible for his flock. So the imam of the people is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock. ",1.0 +109911,"RT @Deeyah_Khan: via @Iqra_ifm Muslim Man Hugs #ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives: https://t.co/zMF1 ",0.0 +114720,[[ #Axeliito_x3 ]] South Africa Charges Twins Over Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy a. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html { # H PR ST T T },0.0 +129082,"RT @malhilli: The young Ruqayya Hasan,her brother Hadi & her dad,blown to pieces by #Daesh in #Baghdad yesterday Why? #pray4iraq https:// ",0.0 +5624,@user brand new van that! shiny spic span.,1.0 +108778,"RT @Jeff_Neil525: OUR DEBT WENT FROM 8 TRILLION TO 18 TRILLION. OBAMA STARTED ISIS, SO HOW DOES HE HAVE A 52% APPOVEL RATING? https://t.co/ ",0.0 +150723,RT @Nidalgazaui: Watch the full Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3ElTvF52I&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +8987,@user happy birthday negro!!,1.0 +135019,"As-Salawi said, The journey of Abu Bakr Ibn Umar to the desert was in Dhul-Qa dah of the year 453AH. When he arrived there, he mended its affair, put it in order, and gathered a great army with which he invaded the Sudan and seized around ninety areas thereof. ",1.0 +126815,UAE tells citizens to leave robes at home after businessman held as Isis suspect in US https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/04/uae-tells-citizens-not-wear-robes-businessman-held-isis-suspect-in-us ,0.0 +9185,@user predicted joke even made it. get good material fucking mongoloid,1.0 +160071,95% of British Muslims feel a loyalty to the UK and contribute over 31 billion pounds to the UK economy. They look like a valuable part of the community to me. (statistics from MEND.org.uk),0.0 +127064,US sending 560 more troops to Iraq as Mosul push intensifies http://www.wsfa.com/story/32412870/us-sending-560-more-troops-to-iraq-as-mosul-push-intensifies,0.0 +153431,@kafirkaty @ScotsmanInfidel @spicylatte123 @sassysassyred haha I will see your crying face pig ,1.0 +108489,@Riskmapintel If Isis were normal human beings they'd just fucking surrender. Any civilian deaths are there fault.,0.0 +5719,percentage immigrants almost never higher @url @url,1.0 +129590,RT @SavageNation: Gains ground in overseas terror. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/isis-terrorism.html ,0.0 +108619,RT @margot_barre: Daesh ils ont que d'la gl jmattendais a un attentat hier la,0.0 +148373,#BreakingNews 3 Assad's army fighter jets badly damaged in Dumair AB after the fighter jet shot down by #ISIS crashed near by them #Syria ,1.0 +134093,"(Al-Fath: 10) ""So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself.""",1.0 +119537,"Mosul Offensive Will Create More Refugees, Displacement, and Humanitaria. https://youtu.be/XYqkIkEQd6I via @YouTube",0.0 +4738,get they're dead communist literally retard mode,1.0 +134548,"A major crusader think-tank the Carnegie Endowment wrote on 24 March 2015, The West currently sees the Nusra Front as a threat. But Nusra s pragmatism and ongoing evolution mean that it could become an ally in the fight against the Islamic State. Instead of putting Nusra and the Islamic State in the same basket, the West should look beyond the Nusra Front s ideological affiliation and encourage its pragmatism as it seeks an end to the Syrian conflict. ",1.0 +151376,@drerdogan_001 @infinitdimensi1 @_SalmanHashimi Thanks. Its a good thing she triped over and exploded. It's better than killing other people ,1.0 +107989,ISIS and Israel http://drcpsingh.blogspot.com/2016/07/isis-and-israel.html,0.0 +113350,@NED_Isis .. ?( ) ( ),0.0 +131409,"RT @modsya: Mana dia ISIS sympathizer? Tu dkt puchong tu, depa la yg letupkan. Nak sokong lagi? Juburrrr",0.0 +145487,RT @ghnimah2: #PhotoReport #IslamicState #WilayatAlFallujah | Aspects from the distribution of #Zakat in #Fallujah. https://t ,1.0 +138149,#BreakingNews First #video footage of the crashed #Egypt|ian F-16 jet on the runway of airbase near #Ismailia https://t.co/ZUfw6UqqHg ,1.0 +149679,Destruction of 3 vehicles & 5 rafidhi soldiers killed by detonating explosive device in al-Jelam north Samara yday https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143552,Dawlah attacking Peshmurga positions in the village Shandukhah. https://vid.me/tmEa https://archive.org/details/tlfr08032016 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118634, . # . ,0.0 +110063,ISIS speed towards Iraqi tanks and detonate tank during battle for Fallujah http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684270/Terrifying-moment-ISIS-jihadis-speed-Iraqi-tanks-detonate-truck-packed-explosives-battle-Fallujah.html ,0.0 +118186,@amrightnow isis has more passion about there hate of americans than americans have l;ove for there country we are deaf dumb and mute,0.0 +139358,"@Fidaee_Fulaani his words before execution, ""Jabha ash-Shamiya is fighting IS under the banners of Crusaders"" https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +137531,"I have 44 new followers from USA, and more last week. See http://tweepsmap.com/!NaseemAhmed50 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +150798,"@andalusigranada Even if they would have been in disarray during a particular combat situation, it wouldn't have been anything unimaginable ",1.0 +7453,@user mexican faggot always ruining shit,1.0 +131650,RT @KatjaTheo: A British student 's journey into jihadism http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3671824/Unmasked-Gun-toting-Jihadi-bride-maker-grooms-British-girls-ISIS-fighters-Syria-student-London-father-successful-businessman.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +120028,Als geschiedkundigen slaan onze antiterreurexperts bepaald geen gek figuur. http://joostniemoller.nl/2016/07/hoe-tweet-duits-ministerie-sluizen-opende-isis-eu/,0.0 +150683,#Syria - Heartbroken Syrian mother mourns loss of her daughter killed in yesterday's regime strike on #Aleppo https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +148632,"RT @SamTamiz: #Iran's Army said it sent 65th Airborne Brigade to #Syria, but casualties show it also sent 258th Special Forces & 388th Mech ",1.0 +118342,Their not all refugees that 's the problem all over isis mixing with them rapists pedophiles we can't do anything https://twitter.com/DavidJo52951945/status/752566119916048384,0.0 +143724,RT @SputnikInt: #Kurds cooperating with Russia in #Syria - @CENTCOM https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/707284797991718912/photo/1 ,1.0 +122356,@FoxNews **VOTE TRUMP**-HE WILL LET YOU DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST OBAMA'KILLARY GANGS & ISLAMCI ISIS-TRUMP KNOWS COPS CANT BE EVERYWHERE**,0.0 +110269,@NED_Isis ! ! ~?,0.0 +137402,RT @AC360: . @realDonaldTrump campaign claims showing video of #Morocco border while talking #Mexico in ad was intentional https://t.co/s7ze ,1.0 +138601,. ,1.0 +7776,ching chong chang im tired,1.0 +6132,white guy really called spic,1.0 +124423,RT @kruidenboterha3: # _ http://www.dashhash.com/2015/04/isis-elctronic-army/,0.0 +160336,"We cannot take our dog for a walk, because a local Muslim can be offended by this action.",1.0 +154579,@azmoderate @JoeWSJ You are talking bullshit. The information is clear that the majority of Muslims are not moderate. http://t.co/whdlCI8aXZ,1.0 +145759,"Map showing the ""Hudna"" (truce) Syrian rebels have with Assad allowing Assad to free up resources to attack Palmyra: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +144272,@hajar_cantlie @DriftOne103 @dieinurage30_ @atruaz38 @Usood_Ul_Qitaal @_blvrnasiha JazakAllah Khair ,1.0 +115154,ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Is A Jewish Mossad Agent [French Reports] http://fb.me/4ToREooSN,0.0 +110023,EXCLUSIVE - Hamas Foiled Large-Scale Islamic State Attack on Gaza http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/07/10/exclusive-hamas-foiled-large-scale-islamic-state-attack-gaza-government/ ,0.0 +144453,Chris Gayle thinks he is playing in IPL. ,1.0 +147773,Allaahu akbar beautiful words. https://t.co/7e8wKuaZb6 ,1.0 +104408,@Di_ajen9 @kompascom oyo kpla bin ngomong doang. .kan lbh baik ada isis langsung pateni. ya bu cantik.,0.0 +144324,@MousaAlomar http://www.chechensinsyria.com/?p=23819 ,1.0 +146822,"@rashidunWaleed damn u probably on the follow list so not my fault, just block me ",1.0 +126601,RT @Namevindi: Ross Kemp shot at by ISIS sniper while filming new documentary series http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/ross-kemp-reveals-shot-isis-8371651#ICID=sharebar_twitter #Kurdistan,0.0 +130670,RT @WhiteGenocideTM: @realDonaldTrump It looks like Trump was right again. Hillary & Obama DID create ISIS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UM1VILYe6Q,0.0 +132913,"Hancurkan ISIS, Putin Kirim Kapal Perang Terbesar Rusia http://internasional.metrotvnews.com/eropa/VNnx7jOk-hancurkan-isis-putin-kirim-kapal-perang-terbesar-rusia pic.twitter.com/wXuS1kt83g",0.0 +150473,The United Cyber Caliphate hacked into the U.S. State Dept website and posted info on at least 50 employees #UCC #CyberJihad ,1.0 +137612,"@slh_btr15 Shabaab aren't sahwaat, look for another term. ",1.0 +8123,@user he's mentally ill sick twat. # ynwa,1.0 +139071,RT @electrospaces: Canada stops sharing data with Five Eyes partners until it can fully prevent domestic metadata being shared: https://t.c ,1.0 +149191,RT @RamiAlLolah: Reports groups of al-Qaeda-linked Nusra and Ahrar fighters have pledged allegiance to #ISIS in Yarmouk camp south Damascus ,1.0 +142608,#ISIS Spoils of War against Haftar troops in #Benghazi. https://twitter.com/ashraf3951/status/704334332274601984 ,1.0 +109232,"Il est temps que le Maroc forme son puissant Renseignement l'intelligence conomique, ces rigolos de daech ne. http://fb.me/4VKVZa94k",0.0 +105107,RT @taslimanasreen: These missing boys from Bangladesh joined ISIS! pic.twitter.com/6IQ0yFtw4a,0.0 +114007,ISIS Shoots Down Russian Helicopter Killing Two Pilots [WATCH] - Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/71559/isis-shoots-russian-helicopter-killing-two-pilots-watch/ via @binalerts,0.0 +115129,"Tw Finally, India has been internationally exposed as the primary handler of ISIS. #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/HLeQAUvhqR",0.0 +138294,#AmaqNewsAgency #Video shows aftermath of airstrike by coalition plane on a mosque and school east of #Fallujah. https://archive.org/details/1FaMo2 ,1.0 +154844,@FatimaFatwa @eS3udi @Just_Nafisa @JRehling Exactly. ISIS follows the Quran and Hadiths to the letter.,1.0 +143875,@TheIraqWitness I'm only to notice that many FSA are joining SDF ? ,1.0 +135422," And fight them until there is no fitnah and the din is for Allah. But if they cease, then there is no aggression except against the tyrants (Al-Baqarah 193).",1.0 +151850,#WilayatAlFallujah Repelling a failed attempt by #Rafida #army & #Sahwas of apostasy to advance towards SE #Fallujah https://justpaste.it/txd9 ,1.0 +150142,"RT @AP: BREAKING: Authorities: Killer of 8 in Ohio believed to be at large, should be considered armed, dangerous. ",1.0 +119914,"RT : ISIS wants us dead & we damn near have a race war on our hands. But on the bright side, y'all love catchin ' those Pokemon #superca",0.0 +130152,Daesh bombing kills 151 in Iraqi capital http://en.dunyatimes.com/article/Daesh-bombing-kills-151-in-Iraqi-capital-2RbmCPfN.html ,0.0 +105802,RT @l0l93: Al-fatihin isis / #Southeastasia https://t.co/MJmD3ls ,0.0 +127087,El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa http://ow.ly/qACR502j5ID,0.0 +139587,Amaq agency: #IS foiled an Assad regime attempt to attack the hills near Mahin near #Homs. #SAA attack was >> https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116964,Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul.. Related Articles: http://www.ooyuz.com/geturl pic.twitter.com/ppSZnGzKMU,0.0 +122112,"BLM protest in Denver. One sign says, "" Police = ISIS. "" sigh. Smh. This is why there will be no progress.",0.0 +9492,@user dont tell smart manager becoming mongoloid start banning people subs one @url,1.0 +139407,RT @Buzzriet: After todays cut of north #Aleppo by the Shia axis. Rebels must prevent a siege of Aleppo and defend the red circle https://t ,1.0 +130619,"@nytimes Hey ISIS, NYC is a gun free zone filled with rich white liberal JEWS! Police are being dismantled, Good Hunting!",0.0 +111033,"NSG commando sister converted n in ISIS http://www.jagran.com/news/national-nsg-commando-sister-missing-after-marrying-new-is-convert-in-kerala-14298498.html#sthash.whOaiTmm.uxfs&st_refDomain=&st_refQuery= v v disheartening, disappointing, but not 'unfortunate', as theres a method",0.0 +7454,made another faggot cum wants play cup pong,1.0 +131877,@M_Lekhi instead of doing drama . give proper reply to isis . attack them,0.0 +6268,landon romano gayshawnmendes battle title worst faggot,1.0 +114175,#ndtv @pmoin Seven Indian companies supplying components to ISIS: Report - The Economic Times http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/seven-indian-companies-supplying-components-to-isis-report/articleshow/51142301.cms ,0.0 +5533,@user il va emmener quelques migrants avec lui ?,1.0 +141230,@bomber___cat ahhahahaha ,1.0 +136663,@FujioMaiko akhi give me a link of nasheed that featuring in Return of gold dinar. ,1.0 +118712,UK navy officer who joined Islamic State becomes supergrass after arrest by Kuwaiti . - http://wakamag.com/uk-navy-officer-who-joined-islamic-state-becomes-supergrass-after-arrest-by-kuwaiti-authorities/ pic.twitter.com/22NMi64n7Z,0.0 +141918,@snuggledrip Is it on Telegram or somewhere else? ,1.0 +107536,Carter: U.S. will use air base to recapture Mosul - http://forctr.com/carter-u-s-will-use-air-base-to-recapture-mosul/ pic.twitter.com/lockHp6eUS,0.0 +124358,Enemy of my enemy is my friend ? Isis. Amerikkka hates blacks and Islamic terrorist groups,0.0 +152087,Jaish Al Fateh Captured an Iranian Shiite Militant in Southern #Aleppo. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +7010,@user @user leftist little research & stop told think left @url,1.0 +147995,Inshallah https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +112195,"RT @GaritaGre: ESTREMECEDOR MAPA MUESTRA LA EXPANSI N DE #ISIS Y SUS PR XIMOS OBJETIVOS https://youtu.be/mVG0bzKqE9w #DAESH "" Y HABR TERROR "" LUC ",0.0 +151925,"@Stevedavis1924 I think their definition of a High Value target is someone who organises external operations, or an online recruiter ",1.0 +9335,@user good job tho honestly. retarded friends terrible play with.,1.0 +151965,RT @Arab_News: #Bangladesh #Islamist leader to hang for #warcrimes http://www.arabnews.com/news/bangladesh-islamist-leader-hang-war-crimes https://twitter.com/Arab_News/status/728278110781755397/photo/1 ,1.0 +151044,"#AmaqAgency Colonel Marwan Abu Shawqi, Head of Aden City Traffic Police has been killed by #IslamicState Fighters https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +106053,"We're fighting ISIS, but ISIS wants to overturn the Government. #Trump2016",0.0 +9656,sister literally said james charles faggot.nn...nnwho talking,1.0 +133886,"Hudhayfah (radiyall?hu anh) said that when the heads of Najr?n as-Sayyid and al- ?qib came to Allah s Messenger (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) for mub?halah, one said to the other, Do not perform it, for by Allah, if he is a prophet and curses us, we will never prosper, not us nor our descendants after us ",1.0 +111501,RT @renu_18: #IamNawazSharif And I am a puppet of ISIS ! ! pic.twitter.com/gCgwnwvLgn,0.0 +147167,"RT @MiddleEastEye: ""The problematic role of the PA as a sub-contractor to the Israeli occupation"" http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/palestinian-intifada-six-months-six-observations-1867885210#sthash.1WiyMNFA.dpuf https://t.co/sUTw ",1.0 +103996,RT @AmarUjalaNews: ! #ISIS #Terror http://www.amarujala.com/india-news/kerala-woman-along-with-husband-joins-isis,0.0 +120779,@occileto2 Haha j'ai remis celui de Daesh en bas,0.0 +119679,Dear Hardcore police go fight isis. since yall mr get bad,0.0 +8029,really worry whole life say spic cracka nigga fag accident dont & thats pc reme @url,1.0 +128359,#ISIS Problema principale non l'indottrinamento fanatico religioso di per s quanto la predisposizione del discente a seguirlo ciecamente,0.0 +110645,The right man for the job. This is the general set to oversee the biggest battle yet against the Islamic State https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/08/this-is-the-general-set-to-oversee-the-biggest-battle-yet-against-the-islamic-state/ #ISIS,0.0 +6028,@user violent variety faggot,1.0 +151695,"Flour mills, a pharmaceutical factory, auto repair shops and other workshops have been bombed, with civilian casualties, all over Mosul. ",1.0 +109459,#ISIS influence on the decline as #Terrorists lose #Twitter battles http://ow.ly/tulw3027wzb http://ow.ly/PkwFL http://ow.ly/XTsPi,0.0 +136772,@shammlly12 @WilayatNinawa very sory.i was just tasked to do it.its for our group.please forgive me.. ,1.0 +124922,ISIS http://emerald.fantena.net/54323153 pic.twitter.com/vmj94pI7s1,0.0 +137845,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHovEXc11KY&feature=youtu.be #Abdelbariatwan talk's about #IslamicState #ISIS must see. ,1.0 +108428,Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul http://www.phatznewsroom.com/carter-us-will-use-iraq-city-base-retake-mosul/ pic.twitter.com/D1G7qablkb,0.0 +103857,RT @husainhaqqani: Security chief says Number of #Pakistan citizens held in #Saudi for #Terrorism reaches 42 http://saudigazette.com.sa/saudi-arabia/security-authorities-vigilance-stifles-daesh/,0.0 +134140,{[This is] so that Allah may distinguish the wicked from the good} [Al-Anf?l: 37].,1.0 +115876,RT @OnlyNik13: ))0)0)0 pic.twitter.com/Ymo8kLtPMk,0.0 +154245,@AAlwuhaib1977 Kiss my ass. I don't read books by Muslim bigots written to promote their fascist murdering genocide of humanity.,1.0 +141541,"And be patient, [O Muhammad], for the decision of your Lord, for indeed, you are in Our eyes. #Quran 52:48 ",1.0 +115160,@SheriffClarke I think BLM and ISIS alliance already happened. 80% of Black inmates convert to Islam. BP is Muslim run. Already connected!,0.0 +143812,"A couple of days ago, #IS released a video on Zakat & charitable activities in Wilayat #Homs https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzDfYDgHCcAPNEJsQmJ1dVEwS00/view https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +108121,"RT @CraigCons: Here 's the introduction of my next article. Unfortunately, ISIS fails miserably at reflecting Muhammad 's example. https://t. ",0.0 +146537,"31 pro-regime combatants killed today in clashes near Mount Jubayl, south-east of al-Qaryatayn, eastern #Dimashq ",1.0 +132299,RT @KenRoth: Sometimes ISIS pretends not to kill Muslims but in Baghdad that claim rings pretty hollow. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/middleeast/isis-muslim-countries-bangladesh.html https://t.c ,0.0 +154969,@MaxBlumenthal Too stupid. Hamas is a murdering terrorist group that forces Islamist oppression on everyone the can.,1.0 +142766,"Breaking: A covert operation in south west of #Tikrit organised yesterday. 21 govt soldiers are being nominated dead, 1 Abraham tank too. ",1.0 +155185,@WitnessToAllah The poor women do it because they marry a Muslim man and are pressured into it. Men do it in prison. It's a criminal's relig,1.0 +121260,"RT @Mlgonzsac: En alerta 4, estamos protegidos? Lo est n FFCSE? http://gaceta.es/noticias/riesgo-ataque-nuclear-isis-europa-alto-09062016-1526 https://twitter.com/mlgonzsac/status/743454300479848448 pic.twitter.com/nuoeZV2yy6",0.0 +159853,"Islam has nothing to do with western culture and as soon as the west will understand, this religion will be defeated.",1.0 +8495,see @user presenter sit next fit bird thinking we're looking him...nnhe's cuntnn#hesacunt,1.0 +141462,@incitefear @ibnKS777 @IbnElHijaz @bintKS777 thanks -_- monkey brother ,1.0 +8357,@user never twat lol,1.0 +151212,An Injured Baby in #Aleppo Today... # _ https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/726153279407837184/photo/1 ,1.0 +121178, ESTO ES ISIS O VENEZUELA? Cabeza de un hombre aparece en monumento (Imagen fuerte) http://ow.ly/toLy3026r7d pic.twitter.com/6086MSvS6Q,0.0 +148753,RT @AJABreaking: | : # ,1.0 +130566,ISIS growing footprint in Asia - http://dailylivingage.com/isis-growing-footprint-in-asia/ ,0.0 +150158, # : https://justpaste.it/tjio https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +7606,alicen emily & real life retarded swear funny,1.0 +150693,Situation map in N Aleppo. US-funded FSA and Ahrar (VSO) redirected thousands from Idlib to Aleppo at US request: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118277,RT @JTAnews: U.S. Jewish leaders briefed after Islamic State kill list includes Jewish names http://www.jta.org/2016/07/11/news-opinion/united-states/u-s-jewish-leaders-briefed-after-islamic-state-kill-list-includes-jewish-names ,0.0 +114347,"George Raju, Indian Ambassador Supporting "" Khazali Network "" while Doval Supporting ISIS #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/hh6J45toEe",0.0 +159534,"Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.",1.0 +134215,"Also, my beloved brothers for the sake of Allah, I d like to make mention of the issue of those who left Jabhat an-Nusrah while their names are known to Jabhat an-Nusrah s I l?miyy?n (media personnel), especially in the northern countryside of Halab. There s been more than one case where a brother arrives, leaving Jabhat an-Nusrah and coming to join the Islamic State, and his name is immediately handed over to the Free Syrian Army. Consequently, they [the FSA] make things difficult for his family, or his father is thrown in prison, or they threaten to kill his family. Why? Because he joined the ranks of the Islamic State. Many of the leaders in Jabhah try to scare their fighters saying, They [the Islamic State] will kill you. They will do this. They will do that so they can prevent them from coming here [to the Islamic State]. So I advise everyone in Jabhat an-Nusrah, and in particular those young men whom I trained, to join the ranks of the Islamic State, because it is upon the truth, for it implements the Shar? ah of Allah, carries out the hud?d, and enjoins good and forbids evil.As for when I was in Jabhat an-Nusrah, I did not see implementation of Allah s Shar? ah, nor did I see justice between an am?r and an ordinary member.",1.0 +138087,LCCSY: #YPG terror group kidnapped 7 teen girls aged between 12-14 years in Abu Rasien in Ras al-Ayn in #Hasakah.. #Syria #TwitterKurds ,1.0 +105617,https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iraqi-mans-heroics-prevents-isis-suicide-bomber-killing-civilians/,0.0 +154994,"@watan71969 @geeky_zekey And looking at your page, I can see that you are in the business of photoshopping images, Islamist cocksucker.",1.0 +142233,"Come on UAE, bang Bangla. #BANvUAE ",1.0 +130702,RT @rcallimachi: 2. This is at least the 19th attack claimed by ISIS in Bangladesh since Sept 2015.,0.0 +135941,"Allah s Messenger ? said, Whoever clings to something is left to it ",1.0 +119891,"Isis: Sudafrica, 4 arresti, piano attacchi http://fb.me/4Byztnypr",0.0 +132477,"Now O is contributing to terrorism directly. One of guns used in Nov 13 Paris attack came from "" Fast & Furious. "" http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/breaking-isis-terrorists-used-obamas-fast-furious-gun-paris-attack/",0.0 +132624,RT @RudawEnglish: Russia may carry out anti-ISIS airstrikes from Turkey 's Incirlik http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/turkey/04072016 via @RudawEnglish,0.0 +136548,@FollowTheHaQQQ: #IslamicState Wilayet #Sinai Coming Soon https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +144241,"""Putin withdraws from #Syria"" hashtag is ranking first in #Twitter worldwide trends: # _ _ _ ",1.0 +128971,RT @HeatBoner: We see the scourge of terrorism daily @KDTrey5. So on this July 4th do what the founding fathers would do. Don't let ISIS wi ,0.0 +159402,What do you think it is then?,0.0 +139984,"RT @Pachaconsumer: Remaining and expanding, with the will of Allah (SWT) https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +130272,"Perempuan Mak Comblang ISIS, Sosok di Balik 'Pengantin Teroris ' https://today.line.me/id/article/19dbdceb44ee0806a54d863ec7cad7bbe2e61708a281e433da1b248308afbce4",0.0 +154024,@UmarMal You Muslims should kiss our ass for buying your oil. If we didn't you'd be riding camels and the population of the ME would be 1/3,1.0 +137108,@baqiya101 Aslamalikum akhi I am back plz give me shout out JazkAllahkhair ,1.0 +144676,RT @xaviservitja: 1/3 #AmaqAgency informa q #EstatIsl mic mata 5 soldats d #R ssia d ls #Spetsnaz (SOP) n batalla prop #Palmira #S ria http ,1.0 +109636,RT @KALASH_SABIL: #BreakingNews #IraqiForces liberated the airport of #Qayara south of Mosul from ISIS Control. # _ _ https ,0.0 +108613,"Those who believe jihadists r lovelorn, innocent lil boys pl get out of d country, move to Islamic state for a de primera mano experience.",0.0 +115998,"RT @JohnWHenriksen: RT pse Inept war on Islamic State spurs poetic Marc to bump off #HomegrownMuslimTerrorist himself, in #TheRainbow, ht ",0.0 +108835,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2886775012 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2825325135 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2791387282 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +149185,"Ikhwan icon Erodgan meets with Iran president & agrees to fight ""terrorism Jihad"" & strengthen ties. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +112706,Coalition jets hit #ISIS #daesh targets inside #Manbij city https://www.facebook.com/IBORofficial/videos/1862035980748496/,0.0 +149028,Must See!!! https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +139957,#ISIS gains more ground in #Libya.. https://t.co/tBShWM5x1x ,1.0 +125663,Fuck off and your isis beard that i love https://twitter.com/hishamrage/status/752185885161058308,0.0 +105123,RT @Vardesque: Isis https://twitter.com/futboidan/status/752261341780389888,0.0 +8466,retarded > @url,1.0 +141602,Azawin and Adlah close villages to #Shadadi town is retaken by #ISIS troops. Note: Shadadi is still in black flags hands almost. ,1.0 +121730,No s c mo hacen para viajar todos los d as en el subte yo me tomo un por mes y me quiero morir decapitado por el isis,0.0 +5803,@user @user @user tamilnadu all. even good immigrants suffer self-centere @url,1.0 +147293,RT @RamiAlLolah: #YPG terror group confiscated a UN shipment of medical supplies heading to north Aleppo countryside & blocked a food shipm ,1.0 +111709,"#Punish him if he 's #Anti National, says father of #Tirupur 'ISIS http://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/Punish-him-if-hes-anti-national-says-father-of-Tirupur-ISIS-operative/2016/07/09/article3520373.ece pic.twitter.com/yZv7eN0Dgl",0.0 +123337,here is Obama in 1998 it says alot why he not aganst isis and rasic grops because he from them http://fb.me/2WRrc8wZj,0.0 +108063,Aku rasa Isis ni baca Qoran terbalik,0.0 +120560,"@LionforKuraudio @MsNemah lmfao y'all dumb. ISIS isn't even real, do your research. your grandparents were probably KKK tho.",0.0 +4891,@user gonna happen retarded traders get etf approval,1.0 +108510,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=92285336 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=435364827 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3302689561 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +147125,#YPG terror group has killed a young boy who was protesting peacefully yesterday & guess why: He demanded to return back to his home 1/2 ,1.0 +117613,http://www.newsmarg.com/news/kerala-cm-terror-have-no-religion-not-good-to-blame-one-community-25139 #ISIS #Terrorism,0.0 +108903,Well he will join ISIS In about a week and be killing folks. Good one POTUS https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/752454309510459392,0.0 +7592,sabrina claudio would call nigger face stop listening music,1.0 +152779,UPDATE: One of the 4 Seriously Injured Civilians in Germany Died moments ago #Munich by a stabbing attack. ,1.0 +127241,Syria - Wahhabi vs Terrorists - ISIS vs FSA (Rebels) http://ouo.io/WALGha #7news #realnews,0.0 +155280,@Don_Omar_Ar One of the vile things about Islam is that it murders people for exercising their freedom of speech.,1.0 +134883,"{Allah said, Then indeed, it is forbidden to them for forty years in which they will wander throughout the land. So do not grieve over the defiantly disobedient people } [Al-M? idah: 26].",1.0 +124394,UK-trained navy officer who joined Isil turns supergrass after arrest by Kuwaiti authorities http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/uk-navy-officer-who-joined-isil-turns-supergrass-after-arrest-by/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_term=Autofeed#link_time=1468265101 pic.twitter.com/UEcKofNHeG,0.0 +123309,RT @Stratfor: Attacks during Ramadan reveal much about how the Islamic State operates. http://social.stratfor.com/xmBa3028zeM pic.twitter.com/x1xlmLRNo4,0.0 +154559,@dancohen3000 @MaxBlumenthal Wheras the Arabs really are behaving people and you scum are ignoring it.,1.0 +111702,Defense Secretary Ash Carter makes secret visit to Baghdad overnight-announces increase in U-S troops to fight ISIS in Iraq.,0.0 +124689,#Syria|alBadiya|#FSA Southern Front|#FSA Muhammad Abdo Martyr forces clashes w/Daesh at Tal Makhul https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/syriaalbadiyafsa-southern-frontfsa-muhammad-abdo-martyr-forces-clashes-wdaesh-at-tal-makhul,0.0 +5295,@user act tiresome. literally accomplished nothing efforts thwart nazi cunt. @url,1.0 +144102,@CoolDabiq3 @TRENDlNG_NEWS Some links: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/devel-faq/ and: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/xfce/ ,1.0 +110341,RT @LadyAodh: ISIS places assassination contract on Bulgarian immigrant catcher http://whitegenocideproject.com/isis-places-assassination-contract-on-bulgarian-immigrant-catcher/ #whitegenocide #Trump2016 https:// ,0.0 +119732,# : # #ISIS #mawsil pic.twitter.com/DdUPBBUDw0,0.0 +154791,@Lithobolos @PoliticalAnt @ZaibatsuNews So when are you going to admit that the Quran is wrong. I'm waiting.,1.0 +145668,"@Kronykal I hope you don't expect me to be convinced with published polls where answering ""I support IS"" gets you right to jail. ",1.0 +139263,@Raqqa_sl1 it's swine flu ,1.0 +146244,Russian destroys the so called historical sites in Palmyra in desperate attempts to help dictator Assad to retake... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +105223,"RT @ZAHIR_GAZIPUR: @htTweets Support Zakir Naik not ISIS. Without real prove , We can't say anybody is terrorist. But You can lie like you ",0.0 +148786,RT @arabthomness: #Syria: Furqat Sultan Murad (#FSA) rebels tortured a Kurdish medic to death after suspecting him of supporting #YPG https ,1.0 +127279,#Shameless #shamelessamerica #isis Knowledge empowers site:India or #Alqueda enemy of Pak http://womenspowerbook.org/can-pakistan-terrorism-alqueda-karachi-india-binladen.htm#.T1-uWnkjU9Q pic.twitter.com/tQ026BzyPx,0.0 +144717,"RT @Charles_Lister: W. #ISIS actions declared genocide , we should begin to consider #Assad regime role in killing x95 more civilians: htt ",1.0 +145434,@MousaAlomar ,1.0 +106218,ISIS must be happy to know Peace TV ban coz it called them Anti-Islamic. Which side are u on? #DontBanPeaceTV,0.0 +148463,RT @syriahr: #SOHR Mystery surrounds the fate of pilot whose warplane was dropped by #ISIS in #Dumayr https://t.co/SGQgPwStL2 https://t.co/ ,1.0 +133396,RT FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS fo pic.twitter.com/sPpVELp9JT,0.0 +152249,Yesterday he says agreed to give Palmyra.. Today the Islamic state releases pictures of the battles near Palmyra. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128019,"RT @f4izalhassan: Our own people behind the Puchong bomb explosion. Our own Malaysians, planned to attack us, using DAESH platform. Whyyyyy ",0.0 +114675,Seizure of key air base near Mosul raises prospect of U.S. escalation against ISIS http://republicbuzz.com/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis pic.twitter.com/e3didqehYD,0.0 +116765,RT @Kuvalayamala: Kerala and Islamic State: Cong and Left both love radical fundamentalists via @firstpost http://www.firstpost.com/politics/kerala-and-islamic-state-cong-and-left-both-love-radical-fundamentalists-2886286.html,0.0 +146147,"RT @Baqiyah_Khilafa: ""What Can you do with me ? Because I'm not limited to this Dunya I'm Living For Al Akhira ~ SHEIKH ANWAR AL-AWLAKI [Ra ",1.0 +111420,RT @iloveBU2016: pic.twitter.com/jUWO0vY2mG,0.0 +107579,RT @DailyCaller: Men Accused Of Assaulting Patrons At Philadelphia Eatery: We Belong To ISIS [VIDEO] http://trib.al/T4PI9un https://t.co ,0.0 +124617,"Saudi Arabia must do more to prevent secret funding of Isis, MPs say - the guardian https://apple.news/AaWQObFrRTG-gZnyk6RR-ww",0.0 +123996,Wait so Isis really not killing black people ,0.0 +144821,10. The Manhaj (methodology) and Aqida (creed) of the Islamic State is the Manhaj of Ahlu al-Sunnah wal-Jama a ,1.0 +148878,French aircraft over #Fallujah this afternoon https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +121901,RT @Syedasifibrahim: Defeating ISIS Through Civil Resistance? https://www.usip.org/olivebranch/2016/07/11/defeating-isis-through-civil-resistance&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDk2NjdjMTkyOTZjYmNmNDc6Y28uaW46ZW46SU4&usg=AFQjCNF6o330rcREgw4Gi2LFdfEQAAwYyw&utm_content=#ISIS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #ISIS,0.0 +131904,Facebook blocks another woman named Isis because of her name https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/07/04/facebook-blocks-another-woman-named-isis-because-of-her-name/ pic.twitter.com/ekZEtCaMiQ,0.0 +143405,RT @Nidalgazaui: Civilian Death tool from the US lead Coalition against #ISIS nears 1000 Death Civilians. In #Syria and in #Iraq. ,1.0 +8555,always wanted nigger like never tech make happen,1.0 +122326,US Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Retake Mosul and Raqqa - TIME http://time.com/4401915/islamic-state-isis-mosul-raqqa-us-troops/ ,0.0 +138476,"RT @Nidalgazaui: One of the many victmis today in the refugee camp, #Idlib, #Lataika which was bombed today by #Russian forces #Syria https ",1.0 +109521,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' - Recent raids against ISIS targets have given the U.S. .:. http://fb.me/7bQkz65Dq",0.0 +141730,@alkaraki10 no today ,1.0 +123595,BAHAYA RADIKALISME ISIS & SYI AH TERHADAP AGAMA & NEGARA http://www.darussalaf.or.id/aqidah/kajian-ilmiyah-islamiyah-bontang-bahaya-radikalisme-isis-syiah-terhadap-agama-negara-05-syaban-1435-h24-mei-2015/ pic.twitter.com/UtuxK8m8o3,0.0 +124143,as vezes eu so queria ter a beleza da isis,0.0 +137334,Takbeeerr https://twitter.com/ajplus/status/682929031524823040 ,1.0 +121307,Enviar EUA 560 soldados a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul http://ow.ly/vRKW3028kQP pic.twitter.com/EVQ5bDEx3k,0.0 +115055,@laraAhmad1995 @Mosul__ F16,0.0 +133475,RT @TimesNow: Suicide car bombing claimed by Islamic State group kills at least 75 people in a Baghdad shopping district https://t.co/Tp9jv ,0.0 +124957,"U.S. Will Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq to Help Retake #Mosul From #ISIS, via @nytimes http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share",0.0 +105681,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/07/11/world/middleeast/ap-ml-united-states-iraq.html pic.twitter.com/Hs9Omf9OeW,0.0 +7689,must real shithole country carry arms religious ceremony @user,1.0 +120233,EU desplegar m s soldados en Irak para reforzar lucha contra ISIS http://presencianoticias.com/2016/07/11/eu-desplegara-mas-soldados-irak-reforzar-lucha-isis/ pic.twitter.com/sY8uALKDEj,0.0 +122310,Hoe een Tweet van een Duits ministerie de sluizen opende voor ISIS in de EU http://joostniemoller.nl/2016/07/hoe-tweet-duits-ministerie-sluizen-opende-isis-eu/ Merkel: #wirschaffendass #ISlam import,0.0 +143335,RT @moustiklash: BREAKING! 70 Nusayri killed in an attack by Dawlah this morning on hills in the outskirts of Ithriya NE of Hama!! https:// ,1.0 +134296,"He (radiyall?hu anh) also said, We almost committed kufr in a single morning if not that Allah saved us through Ab? Bakr as-Sidd?q (radiyall?hu anh) [",1.0 +115785,"Pelajar Johor Di Mesir, Jordan Tajaan MAINJ Bebas Aktiviti Daesh Mutalip: ISKANDAR PUTERI, 11 Julai Lebih. http://bit.ly/29JVocB",0.0 +5487,orchestrated feminazis! christine ford feminazi lawyer mx katz ranking feminazi @user @url,1.0 +149649,The implementation of Allahs Sharia in #TalAfar. Cigarettes confiscated & burned. Expired food burned. #Sharia https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +111243,ISIS has reached the vicinity of Palmyra city,0.0 +137930,RT @sayed_ridha: #IS take control of Baraghida & Al-Bel after clashes with Turkish backed Islamists/rebels in north #Aleppo https://t.co/KL ,1.0 +140160,RT @Eire_QC: #BREAKING: Assassination attempt on Bashar Al-Assad at his mom funeral. #Syria https://twitter.com/LesNews/status/697190928256274432 ,1.0 +5069,r shithole countries cuz american & european imperialist capitalism helped make so...+ failing war @url,1.0 +106844,"RT @Mohammed_Lori: "" "" What allah akbar really means ! ! # #ISIS # _ # _ https://t. ",0.0 +107188, #Daesh https://twitter.com/account/suspended https://twitter.com/hgfddgjjjjg https://twitter.com/zxcfdz1 #OpISIS,0.0 +109704,RT @PhucBHO: @SheriffClarke Connect the dots. liberal progressive commies and their useful idiots #BLM #ISIS seek to destroy white western ,0.0 +146853,RT @TruthRev113: Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem 22 Jumada al-Akhirah 1437 Hijri ,1.0 +134413,"{Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater} [?l Imr?n: 118]",1.0 +6836,bruuuh spic cant even watch damn everton/crystal palace game cause spectrum nut shit @user @url,1.0 +137195,RT @SputnikInt: Former US marine: 'death and destruction we caused in #Iraq created #Daesh' http://sputniknews.com/us/20151223/1032206074/former-us-marine-death-destruction-iraq-daesh.html?utm_source=short_direct&utm_medium=short_url&utm_content=at2b&utm_campaign=URL_shortening https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/679663413572825088/photo/1 ,1.0 +120823,RT @DopeLikeBlaze: Every cop ain't crooked. Just like every Muslim ain't Isis & Every black man ain't a ignorant thug.,0.0 +147891,RT @RamiAlLolah: Leaked photo for a #Syria|n VSO mercenary during initial deep 'vetting/inspection' process by a #USA Pentagon expert https ,1.0 +143641,"Too those calling themselves ""Monotheists"" and tweet those who joke about the religion of Allah Tfoo on your faces especially ""Baqiya"" Gals ",1.0 +103916,@PplOfIndia isis .. ,0.0 +114854,RT @BarracudaMama: Obama Administrastion Says ISIS Is Losing Ground On Twitter http://bb4sp.com/obama-admin-isis-losing-ground-twitter/ pic.twitter.com/lND8gm9FKA,0.0 +9214,@user shut farmer. clearly retarded,1.0 +138216,I dont remember hearing about Islamic state group soldiers protesting against low wages: https://twitter.com/nrt_english/status/692011084618801152 ,1.0 +117304,"Comment se fait-il que les pro-Assad reculent face aux combattants d'#ISIS, l'appui a rien #RUS serait-il moindre ? https://twitter.com/MENA_Wars/status/752488025960177664",0.0 +155057,@semzyxx @NAInfidels @owais00 But Muslims are dying to live under Sharia and to bring back all the vileness and barbarity of their prophet.,1.0 +160397,How many Muslim rapists are there? How many Britain rapists? Compare the numbers and make a conclusion for yourself!,0.0 +119360,Greatest support to our dear sister! ! The best tennis player in the whole of Raqqa! And soon the world! ! xx https://twitter.com/bint_italiya/status/752561611097903105,0.0 +110348,RT scoopwhoopnews: Kerala CM now says 21 people have gone missing amid reports of them joining ISIS pic.twitter.com/3TZ4q5oBIP,0.0 +6427,@user way reason come terms #antiwhite political correctness retards. @url,1.0 +107801,"RT @ceut: "" sticking up for ISIS "" ? Congratulations! You win award for stupidest interpretation of one of my tweets this morning https://t.co ",0.0 +150468,@_NewsStream_ Which one of the articles in that link mention it? Is there a specific paragraph? ,1.0 +137672,#YPG/PKK Militants in civilian clothing..ready to fight #Turkey & bomb it's civilians like in #Istanbul #SultanAhmed https://twitter.com/cdersim3/status/688403458664312832 ,1.0 +6496,@user definition shithole country,1.0 +132315,@ronnyford1 @Portosj81J Interesting. ISIS says they will use migrants to seed terrorists around EU. EU INCREASES the migrant flow!,0.0 +119431,RT @maddiewright612: Isis kidnaps you* https://twitter.com/lalaurenjordan/status/752528632011231233,0.0 +160429,Sounds like falsely-informed anti-migrant sentiment sparked by biased media coverage.,0.0 +118392,"ketika teman-temanmu mikirin soal obama, brexit, isis dkk dan kamu cuma bisa mikirin; 'hidupku sendiri apa kabar? udah beres?'",0.0 +160501,"The Qur'an condemns rape, the fact that a few people ignorant of the teachings of the religion do that does not taint an entire religion.",0.0 +106758,Obama pulling out of Iraq led to ISIS. It must suck being stupid. https://twitter.com/BRios82/status/752359126387138561,0.0 +105468,Pentagon chief in Baghdad for talks on IS fight https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2016/7/11/pentagon-chief-in-baghdad-for-talks-on-is-fight #ISIS,0.0 +7992,@user shut ur dog retard,1.0 +131631,"RT @sarveshAkaruan: ISIS , , ",0.0 +114611,Ever think Isis could magically disguised as a cop in our country of America and try too make the real cops look bad ?,0.0 +146103,RT @OutKufrLawz: When u grow up in turkey with gov influence + smoking crack u tend to become like Abu Idris... https://t.co/VqWu99aXIR ,1.0 +136358,"""Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Tagut, though they were ordered to disbelieve therein, and Shaytan wants to lead them far astray"" (An-Nisa 60)",1.0 +138077,Lots of Muslims have never read a Hadith and have very basic knowledge of Halal and Haram!! ,1.0 +116599,ISIS Gelar 'Olimpiade ' Libatkan Bocah 5 Tahun http://global.liputan6.com/read/2549691/isis-gelar-olimpiade-libatkan-bocah-5-tahun via @liputan6dotcom pic.twitter.com/ZgkT5y49oj,0.0 +120961,@FBI @YouTube sure reconstruction criminals face not face for political targeting of superior office 's desire #isis #hezbollah,0.0 +130797,"RT @MewanDolamari: PHOTO: Iranian Hulk to fight #ISIS in #Syria, planning to join Iranian forces http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673252/Iranian-Hulk-fight-ISIS-Syria-announcing-plans-join-Iranian-forces.html #Iran #ISIL https ",0.0 +137548,RT @RamiAlLolah: She's flying in heaven now but early today was killed by war criminal #Putin in #Sarmada #Idlib today #Russia #Syria https ,1.0 +139383,RT @warrnews: BREAKING: Saudi military spokesman tells AP kingdom ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight Islamic State... https://t. ,1.0 +159650,"You cannot be racist towards an ideology. You can, however, be discriminatory and intolerant towards the people that follow it.",0.0 +159664,"You sound a bit paranoid mate, I do not think Muslims feel the same way.",0.0 +143339,#Assad's army continue bleeds more soldiers.. 70 reportedly killed in a large scale #ISIS ambush/attack in #Ithriya northeast #Hama.. #Syria ,1.0 +125306,PASTI - abu sayyaf sudah Baiat ke ISIS https://twitter.com/NINJACAPKAMPACK/status/752549288136192006,0.0 +121331,War News Updates > Video Captures The Moment An Islamic State Car Bomb Explodes As It Approaches A Column Of . http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2016/07/video-captures-moment-islamic-state-car.html ,0.0 +104326, NSG IS #newzindia @keralacm #keralamissing http://newzindia.com/news/kerala-woman-along-with-his-husband-joins-isis,0.0 +123218,http://vestnikkavkaza.net/articles/Is-ISIL-a-bigger-threat-or-are-the-Kurds-for-Turkey.html http://fb.me/5GydlT65T,0.0 +111553,@HillaryClinton @washingtonpost better the enemy you know then the one you don't know oh wait we do know Isis,0.0 +8842,@user kindergarten too. kids ran said ching chong made slanty eyes foolish @url,1.0 +145203,"RT @JulianRoepcke: #Update 30 killed, 80 injured in #BrusselsAttacks so far, security officials say. #Brussels ",1.0 +150588,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHNmUAslvlc&feature=youtu.be Our sh.Ahmad Jibril (Hafidhahull h) ,1.0 +139998,#Breaking #Saudi army spokesperson : we will only fight #ISIS not Assad regime and shia militias ,1.0 +103974,RT @DivaKnevil: French journalist goes undercover with #IslamicState terror cell #France http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/undercover-with-an-islamic-state-terror-cell/7583246,0.0 +130382,"#BreakingNews Turkey proposes cooperation with Russia in fighting ISIS http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4824004,00.html ",0.0 +103994,05am e a Isis n o acorda q tipo de pessoa essa,0.0 +126983,#Noticias El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa: Los yihadistas ejecutaron. https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas #Mundo,0.0 +145974,Islamic State Wilaya Alanbar Tour of Islamic State city of Rutba https://justpaste.it/sl9m https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +104557,"RT @ZiaWeise: As Turkey battles ISIS, it gives other extremists shelter: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html ",0.0 +139190,"RT @MaghrebiQM: For the past week, there has been frequent clashes between #IS and Assad forces around Brigade 128th in Qalamoun.. ",1.0 +127894,I FUCKING HATE ISIS,0.0 +115387,Top: See ISIS 'caliphate ' shrink: ISIS is struggling to hold on to territory in Syria and http://goo.gl/fb/yt2oV5,0.0 +136786,@_croxetti_ @11_HaqqPrevails @ProJ32 @Somaliyyah we cant blame them akhi.. human inteligence or maybe they know better than us ,1.0 +140774,#PhotoReport #ISIS #WilayatArRaqqah | A Nursery in #Tabqa city https://t.co/xiJlIlUCYd #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +112700, Comment j ai quitt l enfer de #Daesh : St phanie* m a racont son p riple de deux mois. http://linkis.com/qXWFV via @StevenJambot,0.0 +109732,@kashoksingh @narendramodi There were anti India slogans and Pakistani and ISIS flags flown. Don't u hv ne shame to write it. Did u hv any..,0.0 +153138,khudair Matar Al-Issawi was also killed during dismantling Explosive canisters near alfhailat area #Iraq https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +142312,RT @criticalthreats: Washington Post: Saudi Arabia is reeling from falling oil prices. And it could get much worse. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/saudi-arabia-is-reeling-from-falling-oil-prices-and-it-could-get-much-worse/2016/02/25/0dee71a6-d1e2-11e5-90d3-34c2c42653ac_story.html ,1.0 +136854,RT @Khaled_Siddique: EVERY MUSLIM NEEDS TO RT THIS NOW! Public react to hearing Qur'an for the first time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbOLQ71HhPQ&feature=youtu.be http://t. ,1.0 +135383,"The Prophet said, ""No deed is better than the deeds in these days."" They said, ""Not even jihad? He said, ""Not even jihad, except for a man who puts his soul and wealth at risk then returns with nothing.""",1.0 +110337,Terrifying moment ISIS jihadis speed towards Iraqi tanks and detonate truck packed with. - Daily Mail https://apple.news/AGyghGjbfQqiHi3pmkVKGyA,0.0 +152422,"You can clearly see that ISIS and Assad are working together.. Just look at what's happening in Deir Azzor, Damascus and Homs. ",1.0 +108299, ISIS ISIS ,0.0 +124098,"War News Updates: U.S. Intelligence: Islamic State Not Desperate, Just 'Adapting ' http://ow.ly/mh0P3028KOc",0.0 +114839,Tw Head of isis Abu Bakr is actually Bhola Prasad fr Patna he did his bcom from Patna uni we HV his marklist. #SackDoval,0.0 +160148,"Yes, except that HIV is more common among Christians and its not a contact disease.",0.0 +126176,RT @AfarinMamosta: US airstrike hit ISIS fortifications inside #Manbij earlier today. pic.twitter.com/dWQV0E1Z0T,0.0 +147011,Block this filth PiG>>@RK_U2 ,1.0 +150170,# _ # 720: https://t.co/rrR0FY4mO8 1080:https://t.co/5aa1xfVmov ,1.0 +104249,RT @mShahedHasan: #ISIS has come to kill the #Muslim & destroy #Islam. It must be investigated that who run ISIS ! pic.twitter.com/YqGpKsVfz0,0.0 +112827,RT @theosint: But now Telegram is using exactly those processes to take down ISIS channels. https://twitter.com/p_vanostaeyen/status/752211263237812224,0.0 +110785,RT @forediaman: penyebab susah tdr krn? http://forediaman.com/penyebab-susah-tidur-dan-cara-mengatasi-susah-tidur #ExIndoHitz30 #InfoMudik #ZonaSKJ Mapolresta Solo ISIS #MUTERIN https://t. ,0.0 +153591,@_Phosphenia Hey ! You have some ebook of Arabic language on Kalamullah indeed but if you can get teacher you will learn better and faster ,1.0 +159845,British Muslims contribute 31 billion to the UK economy and you'd call that a threat?,0.0 +132021,RT @DrMarcusP: Washington condemns ISIS terrorist attacks in #Baghdad but says nothing when the same group terrorise #Damascus. Contemptibl ,0.0 +148388,"RT @AssetSourceApp: #Isis fights hard to preserve last stretch of Turkish border, recapturing 12 villages. Read today's #Syria update. http ",1.0 +4804,@user @user waste graceful white filthy refugees.,1.0 +138482,AQAP in #Yemen (Alqaida) destroyed a very old shrine in #Yemen today. ,1.0 +126675,"@briantcairns @ggreenwald they tried that with the 'OMFG he 's comparing Israel to Daesh "" nonsense from 2 wks back. And failed",0.0 +154840,Will any of the media talking heads ever broach the subject that #Islam is incompatible with free speech and democracy? Are they PC cowards?,1.0 +128540,El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200 http://elpais.com/internacional/2016/07/04/actualidad/1467620125_084875.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#?ref=rss&format=simple&link=link pic.twitter.com/iKVlvrMKdr,0.0 +118528,"RT @zaksnow: "" Rejoindre Daesh pour les nuls "" https://twitter.com/ntmcflurry/status/752490346093785088",0.0 +140096,@WeaboIsNEET they want it look to be professional but nationalism is making their video so lame. ,1.0 +139411,@MuawiyahDK wow ,1.0 +4902,@user boys boys.....until feminazi mothers beat toxic masculinity them.,1.0 +104579,RT @iitmweb: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ ,0.0 +106826,RT @SarahJReports: ISIS controlled territory shrunk by 12% in the first 6 months of 2016 says global analysis & intelligence firm IHS https ,0.0 +152058,People in 2007: IS is creation of Iran. in 2010: IS is creation of USA. in 2014: IS is creation of Assad in 2089: IS is creation of UFO ? ,1.0 +148942,RT @sparksofirhabi5: Never make dua for a dead Kafir even if its from your own family https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/710958690682150913/photo/1 ,1.0 +111345,RT @ABCPolitics: Carter announces 560 more troops to Iraq to help stage battle to retake Mosul from ISIS http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-deploy-560-troops-iraq-preparation-mosul-offensive/story https://t. ,0.0 +121278,RT @EzidiNaKurden: Islamic State destroy a Yezidi temple #StopYazidiGenocide #StandforYazidiWomen pic.twitter.com/TSHHECt8Lu,0.0 +143051,"@Aadawii21 @_IshfaqAhmad 5: the so called ""defector"" died in the rows of Dawlah from american drones. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +141309,RT @AbuMaryam_16: The Tragedy that still haunts us today .Revenge will be served even if it takes a while https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings #Muslim ,1.0 +114528,#AtNotWar http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-deploy-560-troops-iraq-mosul-operation pic.twitter.com/iobhHj71ED,0.0 +113830,"Twitter, presenza Isis crollata del 45% http://dlvr.it/LmlHX2 pic.twitter.com/2DGZyiHrbJ",0.0 +117067,@Raqqa_SL esta cuenta publica casi en vivo todo lo que pasa en el Estado Islamico. Material fuerte.,0.0 +159437,Try running the NHS without them and other migrants!,0.0 +140634,RT @Terror_Monitor: #PAKISTAN Twin Homemade Grenade Attacks In #Karachi - Report. #TerrorMonitor https://twitter.com/Terror_Monitor/status/698040200182652928/photo/1 ,1.0 +147555,#AmaqAgency #Breaking Islamic State fighters take control of the Arubah checkpoint seperating #Yalda from the... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +143657,RT @vicenews: Refugees are being forced to sell sex to survive https://news.vice.com/article/female-refugees-are-being-forced-to-sell-sex-to-survive-southern-africas-drought?utm_source=vicenewstwitter&utm_medium=vicenewstwitteruk https://twitter.com/vicenews/status/707211116796051456/photo/1 ,1.0 +110847,"@rey_lowe Do your homework, BUSH created ISIS and he 's the FIRST President 2B charged w/ War Crimes. Congratulations pic.twitter.com/o03vDF17QS",0.0 +134248,"{Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them might? But indeed, might belongs to Allah entirely} [An-Nis? : 138-139].",1.0 +110304,RT @Conflicts: BREAKING: Defense Secretary Ash Carter says the U.S. will send 560 more troops to #Iraq to help retake #Mosul - @Reuters,0.0 +121286,"The Islamic State carries out 80 to 100 suicide attacks in a month in Iraq and Syria, an average of 2 to 3 a day. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/opinion/is-the-islamic-state-unstoppable.html ",0.0 +152301,"RT @RobotNickk: #Putin's war crimes in #Syria show the West to be morally just like him, but unlike him weak and incapable of bold and deci ",1.0 +160654,So answer hatred with hatred?,0.0 +126695,@resendiz_isis @paultrv_ http://twitter.com/alfredo108108/status/752667201723772928/photo/1,0.0 +149553,"A group from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Ranao, Philippines, joins ISIS: https://news.siteintelgroup.com/Jihadist-News/jihadist-reports-group-from-milf-in-ranao-philippines-pledging-to-is.html https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +122472,"You, playing Pokemon go: duhh what is isis Me, reading the new yorker: My friend, it is not only individual officers, it is a system you see",0.0 +121839,RT @eelvparis14: Combien de d c s avec votre partenaire @LafargeGroup financeur de Daesh et plus gros emetteur de GES? https://t.co/2GQwalA ,0.0 +132911,RT @Deanofcomedy: The death toll is now higher than the ISIS attack in Pairs: Bombing Kills More Than 140 in Baghdad http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/baghdad-bombings.html ,0.0 +5984,socially retarded! @url,1.0 +129367,Bangladesh faces an uncertain new reality after the Dhaka attack http://time.com/4392553/bangladesh-dhaka-attack-isis-terrorism-holey-artisan-bakery/ by @nkreports via @TIMEWorld,0.0 +116406,"@gdlancast We don't believe you. Islam, Muslim, Moslem, Isis? What 's the difference.",0.0 +110477,RT @CBCAlerts: US to deploy 560 more troops to Iraq in push to recapture key city of Mosul from Islamic State militants.,0.0 +138021,@RamiAlLolah @moataagency no news even 4m #ISIS offices regarding such happenings as far v knw. Dnt b a kid if sch happened tht wd b a trend ,1.0 +111791,@memneon memneon Why isis criminals think they're religious? Read here: http://simpleislam.weebly.com/scholar-en,0.0 +120939,"RT @kanekos69: ISIS , ",0.0 +105269,Have 17 people from Kerala joined ISIS? Here 's what we know http://huff.to/29qWU5L pic.twitter.com/ZkdIP0GHrG,0.0 +120086, Te provoca pasarle la lengua?. Video: http://xbubis.com/eres-capaz-de-seguir-el-ritmo-de-isis-love/ pic.twitter.com/nhe2ahmLfm,0.0 +106558,Carter: EEUU usar base iraqu en ofensiva por Mosul http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/MOR_GEN_ESTADOS_UNIDOS_IRAK_SPUS- ,0.0 +123799,Menhan AS Tiba di Irak untuk Bahas Upaya Kalahkan ISIS https://www.islampos.com/288151-288151/ pic.twitter.com/CTSsBdpZVW,0.0 +114885,@laraAhmad1995 @Mosul__ ,0.0 +7406,let's get weeb ching chong anime melonpan read @url,1.0 +126885,The fight against ISIL requires tough laws http://merdeka-online.com/home/the-fight-against-isil-requires-tough-laws/ http://fb.me/18hwMfrwD,0.0 +9458,@user see issue putting twat sort role model?,1.0 +148661,"In the west, you are free to shout and the police force is free to gas you. https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/720165243108900864 ",1.0 +151739,#AmaqAgency 3 Kurds were killed yesterday by an IED #Qahtaniyyah City https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +132744,#BangladeshSnubbedIndia Now Bengladesh Govt knows who has links to ISIS and exposes Indian media lies pic.twitter.com/JTKqBoQPDh,0.0 +6697,keep energy faves getting called ching chong dog eaters f*gs. tf gonna laugh @url,1.0 +125867,RT @indiatvnews: Four Kalyan youths who joined #ISIS were also inspired by #ZakirNaik http://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india-four-kalyan-youths-who-joined-isis-were-also-inspired-by-zakir-naik-338571 #IndiaTV,0.0 +122115,"With the country at war with each other, guns an epidemic & ISIS on the march, the next threat is going unnoticed: pic.twitter.com/mBFeJkZO2a",0.0 +154246,@DianH4 By showing your love of a genocidal animal like Baghdadi you have given the reason why Islam must be exterminated.,1.0 +142105,#Aamaq: 32 #Assad army thugs killed in #ISIS VBIED attack near #Khanasir while they attempted to approach the town this afternoon.. #Syria ,1.0 +126859,RT @YahooNews: ISIS twitter traffic has plunged 45 percent in the past two years amid US efforts https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ap-exclusive-islamic-states-twitter-traffic-plunges-065629391.html https://t.co/Qz5Pd ,0.0 +159656,Ah logically and well argued. Not!,0.0 +136373,"From among them is the statement of the Prophet g, Whoever kills a person who s been given a covenant will not smell the fragrance of Jannah, and indeed its fragrance can be found from a distance of 40 years of marching ",1.0 +140669,#Libya #Ammaq #ISIS shot helicopter and searching for pilot ,1.0 +146023,Pro #Assad pages mourn General Shaban al-Awja Commander of SAA 64 artillery brigade killed by #ISIS #Palmyra #Syria https://t.co/OXWyspK2ui ,1.0 +138328,"RT @Zeropoint164: @maisaraghereeb Lets see what happens bro, Whether people get a chance to Breath peacefully or Not. ",1.0 +128193,RT @Trump_Videos: USA supply 1000 Stinger Missiles to Saudi. Saudi supply 1000 Stingers to ISIS. Who is guilty here? Obama is corrupt! http ,0.0 +126426,"Western State escapee intrigued by Islamic State group, planned to blow up state building: A patient accused . http://jftb.a.boysofts.com/2rfd",0.0 +105085,"RT @akhbar: "" "" .. # _ http://www.alaan.tv/programs/news-and-info/alwatan-alyaum/156612/saudi-arabia-isis pic.twitter.com/pJe1Yk1Lhg",0.0 +113055,"#cuba US Promises Military Assistant to Iraq to Expel IS from Mosul: 11 de julio de 2016, 09:35Baghda. http://tinyurl.com/z2o6hpn #newx",0.0 +5664,hate spoiled twat ugh.,1.0 +8819,quit asking dumb fucking questions sales.nnif going ask worlds basic fucking retard @url,1.0 +155254,"@tommydevlin1974 What is ""mainstream"" about him? Forgetting murdered Christians, closed universities, murdered doctors, women locked at home",1.0 +109828,RT @nazimul2: Banning peacetv! For what? For clarifying that isis is anti Islamic. #Dontbanpeacetv,0.0 +151069,"This is what Obama, Putin, Assad wants to see... #Aleppo https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/726068198437732352/photo/1 ",1.0 +104690,ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Calls for Destruction of Kaaba Stone - http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/isis-leader-calls-for-destruction-of-kaaba-stone/ via @Shareaholic,0.0 +159756,Job applicants with non-Muslim names are 3 times more likely to get a job interview than those with Muslim names. Remind me again why it is that they struggle to find work?,0.0 +126443,"@Chea_Kenyon @johncusack And the little maniac Kim, egocentric dude Putin, Fop Trump . ISIS growing, Yea, we're in safe times alright",0.0 +160346,Women and girls are harmed by Islamic that were allowed to enter in our country by our government.,1.0 +141718,RT @InstantReporter: #YPG/#SDF has suffered huge loses in #Shaddadi in #Syria. IS recaptured the whole city & and a number of villages arou ,1.0 +138851,. @kasimf ,1.0 +133377,RT FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS fo pic.twitter.com/x0j1Y9jxrf,0.0 +160152,"Why are you so rude to other people? I do not know how they offended you, but you are offending them fore sure.",0.0 +113335,Will terrorists be the end of altruism? https://www.aei.org/publication/will-terrorists-be-the-end-of-altruism/ @AEIfdp #Terrorism #ISIS #BlackLivesMatter #Police,0.0 +6497,@user hey hey hey. watch it. got spic kids. . nn(no offense @user @user dads racist bastard).,1.0 +160122,Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?,1.0 +141557,"The Prophet said: Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise."" [Bukhari] ",1.0 +125852,RT @janimine: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/11/17/russia-pounds-isis-with-biggest-bomber-raid-in-decades.html From Russia With Love. 25 B,0.0 +145065,"The military commander of Jabhat Al-Nusra in Daraa dies whilst fighting ""pro-ISIS"" rebel group. He ignored SAA: https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/711886970906152960 ",1.0 +152777,Heavy Clashes Between #ISIS and #SAA near al-Mahr Oil Fields. #Homs #Palmyra ,1.0 +4863,let rot shithole chose. never ever ever let near country @url,1.0 +116657,"@DaKeanes Some parties are however, very guilty of killing children. Islamic State, for instance, or Bashar Al Assad in Syria",0.0 +145721,"RT @AbuMaryam_16: #Muslims in the #IslamicState celebrating the Revenge Attack on #Brussels wat they see as an ""Eye for an Eye"" https://t.c ",1.0 +149069,"I'm not engaged with any group nor organization, gust follow my soul and my soul follows the Islamic state. You need to detain my soul. ",1.0 +120639,Chilcot: Intelligence reports confirm Iraq war created ISIS http://ln.is/www.rt.com/uk/umSFM,0.0 +124450,RT @Telegraph: UK-trained navy officer who joined Isil turns supergrass after arrest by Kuwaiti authorities http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/uk-navy-officer-who-joined-isil-turns-supergrass-after-arrest-by/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_term=Autofeed#link_time=1468265101 https:/ ,0.0 +159521,"Is it facts or just your imagination? I do not agree that they aim to take control of us. Maybe they are trying to build their society inside our country, but you are hypothesizing too much,.",0.0 +110327,RT @ZakyMallah: ISIS is watching #QandA tonight and are indulging in heavy laughter what the West have created removing Saddam Hussien. Wel ,0.0 +134053,"Ras?lull?h (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, Know that there is much good in being patient in the face of what you dislike, that with patience comes victory, that with suffering comes relief, and that with hardship comes ease ",1.0 +106210,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/07/11/world/middleeast/ap-ml-united-states-iraq.html | New York Times,0.0 +160594,"Is this where you got your facts, do read the rest of the article? Https://",0.0 +145724,@IfriquiAli plz read this article about him. http://www.smh.com.au/good-weekend/musa-cerantonio-muslim-convert-and-radical-supporter-of-islamic-state-20141205-121c8s.html ,1.0 +130273,RT @LeoneGrotti: Perch #Isis manda 8 kamikaze in un giorno in un piccolo villaggio #cristiano del #Libano? http://www.tempi.it/isis-otto-kamikaze-villaggio-cristiano-libano https:/ ,0.0 +8078,@user lol cunt,1.0 +139535,"#KhilafahNews #IS ~~~~NEW LINKS~~~~ ""Daily Khilafah Report"" https://justpaste.it/KHILAFAHNEWS1 https://justpaste.it/ArchiveKhilafah #archive ",1.0 +147805,Ahrar as-Sham fighters give thanks after they liberate Al-Rai village from Shariah law and impose secular democracy: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +129922,Baghdad bombing death toll rises above 200 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/baghdad-bombing-213-dead-in-islamic-state-claimed-blast/7568264 via @ABCNews,0.0 +137993,"RT @MixedRaceAkh: Subhan'Allah, see how Allah saves kid from near death experience. https://twitter.com/OreoAkh/status/690696928431099904 ",1.0 +125042,"@LawrenceReid08 only people who wanted the UK to leave the EU: ISIS, Putin, and Trump.",0.0 +139857,"@EwanIsmael No need to get excited, it's just to make things easier in finding them on maps or finding info. @DrPartizan_ ",1.0 +129927,"Hati2 ngetwit. Anda kritik ISIS, tetap akan dilabel sebagai pendukung ISIS. Ini jaman sahaliyah. Era #JungkirBalik",0.0 +116382,YouTube pulls American CounterJihad video. Watch it here. http://counterjihad.com/censored-youtube-uses-anti-isis-policy-to-pull-counterjihad-video-watch-it-here/ It 's a good video! pic.twitter.com/hmB0B0wXOD,0.0 +148461,RT @TimesofIslambad: US urges Pakistan to use influence over Taliban for Peace Talks - https://t.co/yPwBOw8UQF https://twitter.com/TimesofIslambad/status/719626810007244800/photo/1 ,1.0 +120753,"Contrary to its own propaganda, the Islamic State uses the "" oppressive "" US dollar for almost everything. http://fb.me/41S5xJAxh",0.0 +120954,#ISIS really knows what he 's talking about Let 's be clear: MOST of #Hillary Foundation donors are #Muslims ! ! pic.twitter.com/I45KK660v7,0.0 +7949,guess make mongoloid version tmnt nso one would offended #trashanimation #riseofthetmnt,1.0 +118675,RT @The_NewArab: Islamic State territory shrinks 12% since start of 2016 http://trib.al/lygy7eW pic.twitter.com/pMJ50cuqYF,0.0 +124062,"Defeating ISIS: Who They Are, How They Fight, What They Believe by Malcolm Nance Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27882860-defeating-isis",0.0 +133561,Report: 2 IS suspects detained at Turkey 's Ataturk Airport: A Turkish news agency says two suspected Islamic State http://www.wtoc.com/story/32366786/report-2-is-suspects-detained-at-turkeys-ataturk-airport ,0.0 +143491,"@HamdoDelic @studies_center This is in border near Golan high, there is no IS presence, but FSA. You see UN sign on the wall... ",1.0 +112394,".@viraniarif: by welcoming #refugees fleeing ISIS, showing that Canada is tolerant and welcoming, counters terrorist narrative",0.0 +160374,"Muslims terrorize our women and they will always do it, e.g. In Oxford today. They are nasty men that sexualize children.",1.0 +140861,@Uncle_SamCoco I remember very well Aki now let the traitors die in their Rage ,1.0 +136694,"@_UmmHussain MASHA'A ALLAH you have made an important step for this life and the #hereafter, may Allah honors us with #Hijjrah& #Shahada ",1.0 +131181,@CNNnews18 ISIS is a global threat.Why not the mighty US swoop on thieir bases?,0.0 +122067,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=746251335859744769 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=746161128619704321 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=746117110166753280 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +159958,I want them here?,0.0 +117188,"Hillary created Isis, asks for support of terrorist Organization #BLM, was let off the hook by the #FBI for numerous High Crimes,On the take",0.0 +129980,"Debating on IBN 7 @ 5 to 6 pm, issue - Owaisi 's legal support to ISIS accused.",0.0 +125786,We Talked To The Guy Who Played Pokemon Go On The Frontline Against ISIS http://theworldbulletin.com/2016/07/12/we-talked-to-the-guy-who-played-pokemon-go-on-the-frontline-against-isis/ pic.twitter.com/8jIYlGYlaC,0.0 +149503,RT @sparksofirhabi4: Circumstance for migration for the sake of Allah https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/722542061522677762/photo/1 ,1.0 +151460,Video of Afghan Children killed by US Troops/ Bombs https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +122532,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=736596591763697664 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743585084213706752 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=730844349827809281 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +133834," The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify by Allah s permission until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq ",1.0 +111982,"RT @DonnellEvont: Killed By Police - 2016 LOOK AT THIS,cops will kill nearly 5,000 in 5yrs,Isis doesn't kill than many Americans. https://t ",0.0 +144069,@Klashinki Yes that it was all about. Basically converting the FSA into a ground force against ISIS while leaving Assad+YPG alone. ,1.0 +114165,"Levantarte y te enteras que t profesor de ISIL, Pierre Jaramillo, falleci . Que en paz descanse.",0.0 +141103,#Israel stealth strikes and the #Russia|n S-400 system in #Syria.. https://t.co/izth66GeFx ,1.0 +114751,US officials: The Islamic State 's Twitter traffic has plunged 45% since 2014 http://www.businessinsider.com/islamic-states-twitter-traffic-plummets-2016-7 #ROIMentor,0.0 +128749,RT @friendlii_ghost: Terrorists ISIS verse ,0.0 +106283,ISIS chan http://tinamini.com http://dlvr.it/LmdyWC,0.0 +115281,A soldier played Pok mon Go while fighting ISIS in Iraq http://www.businessinsider.com/soldier-plays-pokmon-go-while-fighting-isis-2016-7 via @BI_Defense,0.0 +129284,"RT @fahadonfire: What is going on this week? First an attack in Turkey, then Bangladesh, then Iraq, now Saudi Arabia? ISIS is trying to ",0.0 +139438,"RT @YemenPostNews: Save #Yemen CHILDREN: Saudi launched 1000s of banned cluster bombs on #Yemen cities threatening 100,000s children. https ",1.0 +137284,Most of Alshabaab leaders/Talibans ar more of Nationalist than Religious otherwise they wld've been part of the Khilafah and unite the ummah ,1.0 +132406,"RT @Metro_TV: Hancurkan ISIS, Putin Kirim Kapal Perang Terbesar Rusia http://internasional.metrotvnews.com/eropa/VNnx7jOk-hancurkan-isis-putin-kirim-kapal-perang-terbesar-rusia pic.twitter.com/4ddr01vInu",0.0 +154329,@zaidbenjamin Daesh really go to extremes to stage their propaganda material.,1.0 +135176," You shall follow the way of those before you, span by span, cubit by cubit. Even if they entered a lizard s hole, you would enter it also. His companions asked, Do you mean the Christians and the Jews? He said, Who else? ",1.0 +104197,Ayrault au Liban pour dire dans la presse que Daesh et Bachar c 'est la meme chose. #Connard,0.0 +152033,RT @F4Sham: The spoils ISIS got from their Sha'ir gas field offensive is equivalent to the capture of a whole armored brigade ! https://t.c ,1.0 +129926,RT @Akashtv1: ISIS in Indian Subcontinent https://twitter.com/Swamy39/status/749038928674435072,0.0 +112254,RT @Neal_Dewing: I'm 100% opposed to criticizing Obama for sending troops to fight ISIS. It 's the right thing to do. The decision has my un ,0.0 +118715,@JaniBetancoirt That is a sign of weakness and ISIS knows it! He said the war was over! We should go full force or not at all!,0.0 +154854,@Qoloob4 @Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime There are zero lies that westerners create. It all comes from your own Quran and Hadiths.,1.0 +115019,"RT @FranRojo12: Domingo 21:42 hs, observaci n: Isis Disco va a reventar el pr ximo viernes 15.",0.0 +120517,Or ISIS. https://twitter.com/ProfJeffJarviss/status/752591909672083457,0.0 +110883,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=740500377532047360,0.0 +138455,@Nidalgazaui totally untrue... Pics speak f themselves. Come on ,1.0 +150717,#AmaqAgency #IslamicState Fighters take Dudiyan Village https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105659,RT @FarisVerratti: @liliadacostaa a t'entendre le Portugal c daesh cousine calme toi,0.0 +118027,"@POTUS I AM SURE that you are TACTICALLY CORRECT putting fresh 600+ pair x boots into MOSUL; BUT when IS vermin flee, CHASE 'EM TO HELL! ! ! !",0.0 +10075,@user well china get wrecked mongols japan repel mongol assault (twice) china @url,1.0 +109358, 900 http://1000ya.isis.ne.jp/0900.html,0.0 +140996,"with fierce resistance and dozens of fighters sacrificing themselves, and here you have factions with support (17) ",1.0 +117452,Russia Awaits Kremlin Reaction to Islamic State Downing of Helicopter | News https://lnkd.in/edAxHuN,0.0 +150728,"RT @Rita_Katz: #ISIS' Amaq vid shows weapons-""some #US-made""--seized as spoils from #FSA in #Azaz #Aleppo to bash US' rebel support https:/ ",1.0 +154712,@hassanrahman11 @ToAllahWeReturn Need I say more? Destroy Islam before it destroys us. http://t.co/g8YR2PWlrp,1.0 +139486,such massive suspension spree again. ,1.0 +155511,"@semzyxx @NAInfidels @owais00 As you can see for yourself, pedophelia is illegal in Israel, but is legal in Muslim countries. Outlaw Islam!",1.0 +9521,@user really one kys faggot kids huh,1.0 +123414,"Nada Murat, viktim e p rdhunimeve nga ISIS. Ndihm : Na largoni nga ai ferr http://fb.me/4LjsWuTg9",0.0 +159661,Our country is fighting a war against Islam for a thousand years.,1.0 +129589,Une femme bannie de Facebook cause de son pr nom https://fr.sputniknews.com/insolite/201607041026370136-facebook-femme-bannie-isis/ pic.twitter.com/sRkFpQNUwn,0.0 +150234,@MaghrebiWS1 Ghir moujoud hamdolilah ,1.0 +128281,Look at the leader 's name. More proof that the Empire was right? http://m.todayonline.com/world/asia/malaysia-police-confirms-isis-involvement-puchong-grenade-attack ,0.0 +112296,MEED: Isis loses 12 per cent of territory http://www.meed.com/sectors/government/isis-loses-12-per-cent-of-territory/5006136.article #RT #news,0.0 +118089,"las maras is a terrorist group from honduras,have isis manuals, danger is isis can subcontract with them https://twitter.com/iAmFreedomMan/status/752562226356117506",0.0 +117288,ISIS rats were killed by Kurdish forces in Gwer fronts 2015 http://vid.staged.com/u0Ms #PJNET #Military #2A #Patriots pic.twitter.com/Uf5zYyJnWQ,0.0 +128801,RT Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility - CNN: CNNBaghdad bombing kills at least 20. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/baghdad-car-bombs/ ,0.0 +146930,@michaeldweiss nonsense. these cowards do not have balls in fact ,1.0 +106456,4 ISIL 2 ,0.0 +144488,@Omar1IQ ,1.0 +139882,"RT @THE_47th: . @arabthomness in Mayer, Aleppo too. But this time they placed it atop a Sunni mosque. Bcz fuck not being sectarian https:// ",1.0 +129080,"Foreign passengers, a global stage: Why #IslamicState targets airports, writes @ddotacharya http://www.firstpost.com/world/foreign-passengers-a-global-stage-why-islamic-state-targets-airports-2871798.html pic.twitter.com/wR5XLQQfWl",0.0 +146194,RT @MaghrebiHD: Watch how the Sahawat of N-Aleppo are making Takbir when US airplanes fly over their heads to help them. https://t.co/GKIEa ,1.0 +110133,West supported Saddam Hussein to attack Iran #qanda #ISIS pic.twitter.com/o2xwOen78u,0.0 +155559,"RT @Protoshiv: @rbassilian @ProudPatriot101 Who you call radical muslims are ones following quran to the word, While so called moderates co ",1.0 +120776,""" I survived ISIS, I survived beheadings, I survived Assad "" @BBCDocs #Exodus @UNICEF_uk #RefugeesWelcome #WithRefugees",0.0 +128932,"RT @HISTROIKA: @FGunay1 Ramzan Kadyrov was right when he said #ISIS are just "" bandits who have grown beards "" .",0.0 +133725,"Kalau betul la ISIS bom Movida Puchong, okay la tu tempat haram kan. Kah3",0.0 +120772,#Mundo El f tbol va contra el Islam! Por eso el ISIS decapit a estos jugadores http://epmundo.com/el-futbol-va-contra-el-islam-por-eso-el-isis-decapito-a-estos-jugadores/ pic.twitter.com/EWWZPvj74G,0.0 +105303, #refugeesgr https://spasmenoparathyroblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/greek-fascists-like-isis/,0.0 +129351,Iraq. Autobomba Isis fa strage di bambini: almeno 125 morti http://www.articolotre.com/2016/07/iraq-autobomba-isis-fa-strage-di-bambini-almeno-125-morti/ via @ArticoloTre,0.0 +113585,"From supporting TTP to BLA to ISIS, India is involved in all kinds of terror activities #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/JfPjODFbjh",0.0 +151200,#AmaqAgency #Breaking 2 Iraqi forces hummers and barracks burned down during an infiltration operation https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118901,South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State ' http://news360.com/article/359650153,0.0 +160513,The value we should all abide by is respect and oppose ignorance.,0.0 +118825,RT @ComplexMagLife: This soldier is playing #PokemonGo while battling ISIS in Iraq: http://trib.al/fOS4Fxt pic.twitter.com/hmfaXpoGgh,0.0 +112952,ISIS ' Twitter traffic reportedly dropped 45 percent in 2 years https://www.engadget.com/2016/07/10/isis-twitter-traffic-reportedly-plummets/ | https://twibble.io pic.twitter.com/A6Yho6ouUj,0.0 +138955,Chemical weapons as well as genetically modified infiltrators designed to destroy the whole race. But it's ok as long as it's for mosquitoes ,1.0 +9459,@user imagine killing fcking ar 15 fcking lil faggot,1.0 +151792,What is the greatest pleasure in Jannah? Seeing Allah ( ) and knowing that Allah ( ) is happy with you and will never be angry with you. ,1.0 +150026, 217 ,1.0 +133769,Kebiadaban orang Islam yang saleh lagi tawakal.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3664509/Twins-stabbed-mother-death-injured-father-brother-tried-stop-joining-ISIS.html .,0.0 +109280,"The Koch brothers will spend $200 billion on the 2022 World Cup $200 billion a soccer event, yet very little to fight against ISIS.",0.0 +105382,Anonymous hacking group exposes US and UK tech firms 'hosting ISIS websites ' http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/529065/Anonymous-hacking-group-exposes-US-and-UK-tech-firms-hosting-ISIS-websites #WebHosting,0.0 +109428,"Video: Walmart refused Confederate flag cake, but makes ISIS cake http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q7ePFollQQE https://eripiosolutions.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/video-walmart-refused-confederate-flag-cake-but-makes-isis-cake",0.0 +124104,@Pynnha108 @raglanhall1808 After Daesh insurgence Erdogan clan become rich buying cheaper oil and selling by twice the price bought,0.0 +9760,@user fuck joe.....thats retarded notion,1.0 +148542,RT @iskandrah: #Palestinian Universities Condemn #Israel s Violations of Right to #Education http://imemc.org/article/students-affairs-council-of-palestinian-universities-condemns-israels-violations-of-right-to-education-in-al-quds-university/ via @imemcnews https:/ ,1.0 +140410,@NaserElDawla nope. The one who gave it is the one who sits at the corner in same picture. ,1.0 +127434,"RT @gerfingerpoken: (IBD) Pentagon Wants 2 Scrap A-10, Plane #ISIS Fears Most - #PJNET - @IBDeditorials http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/air-force-a10-may-be-scrapped/ - https:// ",0.0 +125901,"RT @jingerjarrett: My latest article from Inquisitr. Please like, share and comment. #Inquisitr http://fb.me/3RAsARs0K",0.0 +115723,Isis needs to stop crashing my pokemon servers fuck,0.0 +115084,"ISIS via WhatsApp: Blow yourself up, O Lion http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/isis-via-whatsapp-blow-yourself-up-o-lion/ pic.twitter.com/o9MGxKW9Ct",0.0 +111723,@STWuk when do isis take responsibility for their own actions?,0.0 +113547,@NBCNightlyNews meanwhile the US does nothing to stop ISIS!,0.0 +136727,@ibnu_noran8 @etdz101010 @Haditha21 @WilayatHalab @Abu_adamm idont care ,1.0 +122040,"Where does @FoxNews get these "" expert "" commentators? Just heard Gen Tom Mcinerney say ISIS will be DEFEATED by the end of the year. #NUTS",0.0 +154345,"@tti1947 The Sahara and the Arabian peninsula are different places, microbrain.",1.0 +10105,@user @user @user @user @user @user fucking retard right ? run @url,1.0 +152772,ISIS reportedly executes 7-year-old boy for cursing while playing with friends LAIRS LAIRS LAIRS | Fox News | http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/05/09/isis-reportedly-executes-7-year-old-boy-for-cursing-while-playing-with-friends.html ,1.0 +9014,@user @user punt feminazi's uprights let's get kavanaugh confirmed.,1.0 +108268,RT @ariefbudz: Om @Srigalapagi koq dukung isis sih? siapa isis aja kayanya msh samar2. ngancem sana-sini tp diam aja sama zionis. jelasin ,0.0 +109999,"Economie : Cette m thode qui rivalise avec Daesh, Faut il autoriser la purge pour faire concurrence a l'Etat Islamique ?",0.0 +112905,"RT @SlametMuslim: Bagi yg punya kepcer2 twit Tofalemon yg berat kpd ISIS dan radikalisme, mohon dikumpulin di tagar #Barbuk cc @NINJACAPKAM ",0.0 +123006,Did any of these 'Islamophobes ' send 'Islamophobic ' tweets after Islamic State bombed Brussels? #racistbritain pic.twitter.com/qcHR1J42iJ,0.0 +8572,@user bitch though. went full retard. @url,1.0 +122898,RT @elcomercio: Siria: #EstadoIsl mico decapita a tres futbolistas en Raqqa http://elcomercio.pe/mundo/oriente-medio/siria-estado-islamico-decapita-cuatro-futbolistas-raqqa-noticia-1916054 pic.twitter.com/fSUp0Q3BeM,0.0 +137547,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Infographic #Iraq|i army loses in battles against #ISIS in one month: More than $100M so far.. https://t.co/ujVLvLPTik ,1.0 +111515,ISIL militant 's jail sentence reduced due to good conduct in Turkey http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=101468&NewsCatID=509 via @HDNER,0.0 +142726,Fully equipped #Russia|n army soldier guarding aid distribution center in the occupied #Latakia countryside #Syria https://t.co/xNif4oamhw ,1.0 +107177,This filmmaker is pretty brave to infiltrate & film undercover #ISIS @4corners,0.0 +130232,#polisonline Islamic State claims responsibility for bombs that killed almost 120 in Baghdad http://www.polisonline.com.ng/2016/07/04/islamic-state-claims-responsibility-for-bombs-that-killed-almost-120-in-baghdad/,0.0 +129842, ISIS ! # http://kaigai.ch/1955914495cee18df2b5f46024e89f4d pic.twitter.com/j9LnlEfnsL,0.0 +135178," By the One in whose Hand is my soul, very soon shall the Son of Mary descend in your midst, being an equitable judge. He shall break the cross, kill the swine, and put aside the jizyah. Wealth shall flow until no one accepts it, and until a single prostration will be more beloved than the world and all that it contains ",1.0 +129482,RT @Terror_Monitor: #SYRIA #IslamicState Releases Pictures Of Ongoing Battles In NW Of #Manbij City. #TerrorMonitor pic.twitter.com/9CzGsLfjb5,0.0 +126469,"@Rock_Rogers Reparative therapy will be covered under TrumpCare,if it doesn't work off to front lines to explain their rights to ISIS.choice",0.0 +129336,@Mosul__ 70 10 !,0.0 +125612,ISIS http://news.antenav.com/?p=18971 pic.twitter.com/Vhd8e6Ad5s,0.0 +117215,RT @driekusvierkant: bedankt Shell voor het mogelijk maken van ISIS https://twitter.com/nschotte/status/752536489569943553,0.0 +159718,"Hmm, now what other religion does that sound like?",0.0 +139856,@DrPartizan_ Thank you :) ,1.0 +144640,"@tomjery46 yes very poor fielding, akhir parhoosi kis key hai ",1.0 +110242,RT @Allahis1andonly: It 's not ISIS. Rather it is AISIS= Anti Islamic state in Iraqi and Syria.,0.0 +122364,RT @keemstarkin: ISIS IS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR POKEMON GO SERVER ISSUES,0.0 +125193,It Turns Out That I've Been Training to Fight ISIS My Entire Life! #food4thought pic.twitter.com/9PWf9vUQme,0.0 +106743,"BREAKING: ISIS Released Kill List Just Minutes Ago, 13 States That Are Being Targetted http://departed.co/breaking-isis-released-kill-list-just-minutes-ago-13-states-targetted pic.twitter.com/SRD79rmFO2",0.0 +139653,#IRAQ #WOW #ISIS Captured #kodila from peshmerga under heavy #USA air Strikes ,1.0 +133875,"The Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said: On the authority of Imr?n Ibn Husayn (radiyall?hu anhum?) who stated that Allah s Messenger (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said: The best of my Ummah are those of my generation, and then those who follow after them, and then those who follow after them. Imr?n said: I do not remember whether he mentioned two or three generations after his generation. Then the Prophet added, There will come after you, people who will bear witness without being asked to do so, and will be treacherous and untrustworthy, and they will vow and never fulfill their vows, and obesity will appear among them. [Al-Bukh?r? #3693 and Muslim #6638]",1.0 +139552,"RT @IdrissSihamedi: Quand dans le pays de #Charlie ne pas serrer la main aux femmes est scandaleux, mais la tromper est acceptable. https:/ ",1.0 +155201,@AAlwuhaib1977 @dankmtl @PeaceNotHate_ the abuse that Christians who are stuck living with violent Muslims endure.,1.0 +106159,RT @BlogsofWar: Iraqi Forces Say Recapture Airbase on Way to Mosul http://www.voanews.com/content/iraqi-forces-say-recapture-airbase-on-way-to-mosul/3411529.html ,0.0 +123954,Sorry to interupt your little chat. But where will you turn when ISIS has lost the war? You know they will do you? https://twitter.com/AboMoaeyaa33/status/752629176239329284,0.0 +151336,The ISIS Diwan (Office) of Preaching and Mosques releases an infographic explaining it's recent achievements: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +133839,"Abdullah Ibn Amr narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, Indeed a man s iman (faith) becomes worn out within him just as a garment becomes worn out, so ask Allah to renew the iman in your heart. ",1.0 +152675,RT @a714149: 4/ The proof for this is All h saying; https://t.co/RbEXAqrvLv ,1.0 +135044," The FBI had communications intercept, they had aerial surveillance, they had almost certainly human resources on the ground in Syria, says Global Post boss Philip Balboni in the program, the media agency Foley worked for. So there was without doubt a lot of information available to them. Nothing, in the entire period of time that Jim was alive, did a single piece of information come back to us. But the thing that really infuriated Diana and John Foley was the threat that was delivered by a member of the national security council on a conference call with other hostage families. ",1.0 +152383,RT @ProJ000_: FOLLOW! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +146979,#LT Mea culpa 1/2 https://twitter.com/SimNasr/status/715959106415276033 ,1.0 +137568,@9_11Musliimah So-called progressive kaffirs are soft. No wonder their weak minds cannot stomach our videos. ,1.0 +124944,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743039841026347008 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743743106374205441 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743738604543840257 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +125536,"It 's getting hot in here, so hot, so take off all your skin. #Daesh #OpISIS http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=792_1468249492 pic.twitter.com/YnmHxnkCA9",0.0 +124121,RT @VOA_Extremism: US to Send More Troops to Iraq to Help Shape Battle for Mosul http://www.voanews.com/content/us-defense-secretary-in-iraq-to-discuss-next-moves/3412053.html,0.0 +129623,"RT @Arguments: Recemos por las v ctimas del atentado del #ISIS en Bangladesh. De momento, 26 personas han muerto #PrayForPeace https://t.co ",0.0 +133703,RT @michaeldweiss: ISIS Seems to Tailor Attacks for Different Audiences http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/middleeast/isis-muslim-countries-bangladesh.html ,0.0 +150218,RT @ProJ000_: #ISIS is a huge drain on US financial resources. Yet All that money spent has only ever increased insurgency. https://t.co/gh ,1.0 +112664,#SackDoval Doval planned all the attacks by ISIS we see today pic.twitter.com/yeqsw6wcAF,0.0 +107622,"RT @GhassanDahhan: On Turkey 's support to Al-Qaeda in Syria, and the fine line between Muslimbrotherhood and Takfiri groups. https://t.co/2 ",0.0 +119672,Legacy of Obama 1 ISIS 2 Racial violence 3 Middle east turmoil.. 4 Rise and Rise of China 5 Pakistan fingering USA.. 6 Iran..,0.0 +123644,Islamic State Defectors Hold Key to Countering Group 's Recruitment http://www.occuworld.org/news/3314623,0.0 +112300,RT @France24_en: Is the Iranian 'Hulk ' going to fight #IS group? Not even close! http://observers.france24.com/en/20160711-hulk-iranian-fight-isis-islamic-state-debunked-not-even-close #Iran pic.twitter.com/xW5wTmk3FH,0.0 +116735,"So Tasmina Malik is the new Prime Minister That 's the PM, London Mayor, Labour leader, BBC DG all current members of Islamic party ISIS",0.0 +138897,RT @MaghrebiQM: and their petty condemnation of Assad's crimes. Did you know that KSA airplanes striking IS-held areas coordinate with regi ,1.0 +114724,"RT @MrLachris: As Isis strikes, al-Qaida plays the long game in Islamist supremacy struggle http://trib.al/GGsAZxf",0.0 +118444,#Malaysia 's home ministry warns of stern consequences for distribution of #ISIS publication: http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/07/11/home-ministry-warns-action-against-distribution-of-is-newspaper/ ,0.0 +138447,"RT @striv3r_: Nusra terrorists are sending a clear message, anyone who surrenders they will be cut-off and smeared as fools . https://t.co/ ",1.0 +106866, 1hr . ISIS .,0.0 +113935,RT @hoodhMz80: #IslamicState just published some photos of the horses in the stables of #Wilayat_Khair pic.twitter.com/BId8r0b9l7,0.0 +138752,RT @AJEnglish: Opinion: ISIL's move into Afghanistan was part of a strategic expansion into Asia. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2016/01/isil-grand-plan-asia-160127081907611.html - @tomthehack ,1.0 +113174,Oh my God! Damnit ISIS! They have infiltrated every arm of the gov't & @saint_wayne called it! https://twitter.com/shomahkhoobi/status/752510685741932545,0.0 +7638,nigger @url,1.0 +131594,Review I wrote in Saturday 's @irishexaminer on #ISIS #ISlam & politics of the #MiddleEast:http://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/artsfilmtv/books/book-reviews-isis-a-history-andislamic-exceptionalismhow-the-struggle-over-islam-is-reshaping-the-world-407946.html,0.0 +115519,A soldier played Pok mon Go while fighting ISIS in Iraq http://www.businessinsider.com/soldier-plays-pokmon-go-while-fighting-isis-2016-7 #ROIMentor,0.0 +147260,@WarReporter1 2/2: similar to the Mobile Guard used by the Muslim General Khalid Ibn Walid to cause enemy attrition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_guard ,1.0 +116271,RT @Malcolmite: Those remaining civilians will support anyone defending them even if they're al Qaeda or even ISIS,0.0 +111363,South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS - New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html ,0.0 +104438,Ala ISIS. Type thuggery. https://twitter.com/deray/status/752317272526430208,0.0 +136930, | # | # _ # ,1.0 +154753,@New_Babylonia This is propaganda. The Shia militia are religious fanatics and fascists just like ISIS - only slightly less extreme.,1.0 +159731,Sexism and homophobia aren't exclusively Muslim. You only have to look at the church to see that.,0.0 +4982,#feminization #coercedfem #faggot #sissification #sluttraining watch clip @url @url,1.0 +112709,"US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to help fight so-called Islamic State (IS), Defence. http://linkis.com/KougN via @jornalistavitor",0.0 +105129,"It only seems to breed stronger hostility. BLM, ISIS, Black panthers, don't want bridges. https://twitter.com/libertyworld/status/752422556859133957",0.0 +130307,"RT @1Obefiend: While we argue about washing dishes, ISIS killed many in Baghdad and Bangladesh. I'd take washing dishes over death any day.",0.0 +146802,RT @Independent: 'I'm from Palmyra. Assad is no better than Isis' http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/im-from-palmyra-and-i-can-tell-you-after-what-ive-seen-that-the-assad-regime-is-no-better-than-isis-a6961681.html https://twitter.com/Independent/status/715526390209241088/photo/1 ,1.0 +7290,thought less presidential.nhate attacks encouraged cuntand he's giving baseba @url,1.0 +138849,Egyptians under the age of 40 are now prevented from entering #Sinai while Israeli tourists are allowed to travel to the peninsula. #Egypt ,1.0 +9001,@user @user what's mongy man @url,1.0 +123343,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=742516402901356544 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=735388341215088641 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=4441501283 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +108969, : ISIS http://www.paraxeno.com/24070/afacia-stin-paraxeni-chora-apokalipsi-panousi-i-ipourgi-ke-i-tacia-proti-fora-aristera-ichan-proegkrisi-apo-tis-ipa/ pic.twitter.com/Dmu8FYCKjt,0.0 +8136,@user @user they're illegal aliens immigrants. get straight!,1.0 +112186,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=747111456626315265,0.0 +104012,"RT @tufailelif: In Mail Today (May 27), I examine six sources of jihadist threat to India and the ISIS video http://epaper.mailtoday.in/821864/mt/Mail-Today,-May-27,-2016#page/12/1 https: ",0.0 +114890,RT @warnerlamar: Supports demilitarizing the police and ending the war on drugs #FeelTheJohnson https://reason.com/blog/2015/11/19/gary-johnson-isis-refugees-syria-terror,0.0 +106570,"@labelee_isis You've already enrolled in the #AmexBestBuy offer. If this is an error, please contact @AskAmex",0.0 +6904,going try come faggot? ged education helpful. i'll read quick funny,1.0 +4689,@user @user go back shithole country grab pussy,1.0 +144966,RT @MddmVdmm: 4. They went there i.e. Mudug & Nugaal from southern somalia with 3 boats. so somehow the western kuffar gvts got the word ,1.0 +128141,ISIS growing footprint in Asia - http://anerst.com/isis-growing-footprint-in-asia/ ,0.0 +132565,"120+ killed by ISIS bombing. "" The street was full of life last night & now the smell of death is all over the place "" http://www.courant.com/nation-world/ct-iraq-bombings-20160703-story.html ",0.0 +148644,"RT @PalmyraRev1: Destroying mosques, and messing with it and then burn her. These are #SAA and his militia. Bilal mosque in #Palmyra https ",1.0 +129916,RT @ultrescatalunya: #Aneualpinultras Cauen ltims raigs de llum mentre ens aprop a Isil. Belles estampes del nostre cam per acabar dia ht ,0.0 +132782,"With Baghdad slaughter, ISIS shows it 's down but not out http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/with-baghdad-slaughter-isis-shows-its-down-but-not-out/ ",0.0 +137112,RT @MuslimPrisoners: Plz write2 our dear brother & friend: Mohammad Salah Uddin A3862DN HMP Belmarsh London SE28 0EB #FreeMuslimPrisoners h ,1.0 +139519,#Breaking #Amaaq_news #ISIS destroyed Three #regime tanks with #ATGM in #aleppo ,1.0 +120494,Pentagon Asks for More Money To Counter ISIS #Drones | @DOD http://www.scoop.it/t/remotely-piloted-systems/p/4066238266/2016/07/11/pentagon-asks-for-more-money-to-counter-isis-drones ,0.0 +122948,@GenFlynn Your defeat ISIS et al strategy is great! Now please explain from the heart your about-face on abortion. #prolife SO important,0.0 +152306,Saudi policeman shot dead in Mecca area after Islamic State raid: SPA agency http://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-security-idUSKCN0XX12U ,1.0 +134948,"{Indeed you have a good example in Ibr?h?m and those with him, when they said to their people, Verily we are innocent of you and what you worship other than Allah. We reject you and there has come between us and you enmity and hatred forever, until you believe in Allah alone } [Al-Mumtahanah: 4]",1.0 +142261,"RT @1ikhl5: New video message from The Islamic State: ""The Shaykh Ab amzah al-Muh jir Military Training Camp - Wi https://t.co/brnTZok9VV ",1.0 +9540,tots godwin _ hilarious mongoloid @url,1.0 +137507,RT @thevictoryseri4: Breaking #News the #US spy that lead to the killing of sheikh Harith alnadhari have been coght by #AQAP security branc ,1.0 +129697,RT @preferente: #turismo Espa a refuerza la seguridad en zonas tur sticas ante la amenaza del Daesh http://www.preferente.com/noticias-turismo-destinos/espana-refuerza-la-seguridad-en-zonas-turisticas-ante-la-amenaza-del-daesh-260982.html ,0.0 +131280,"RT @PoliticalShort: @CaptYonah you won't hear about it in American papers. But here are details, gruesome stuff http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3671369/American-student-20-people-hacked-death-Bangladesh-ISIS-terrorists-spared-recite-Koran-armored-troops-moved-in.html",0.0 +137263,@HarunMaruf Confirmed: #Qoryoley fell into the hands of Alshabaab today after maqhrib.Amisom and SNA withdrew their forces @OmarKhattabHaru ,1.0 +107378,I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/G-oJ1TgoFcs?a How Donald Trump would confront ISIS,0.0 +124889,@AmyMek ill rape the fuck out of u u fucking bitch and il fucking kill u u whore i bet u to say that shit infront of isis u dirty slut,0.0 +159161,The world would be a better place without prejudice and hate mongers. Why not do something that could really help children and support .,0.0 +112942,Presidente Rohani: Ir n permanecer junto a Irak y Siria ante el terrorismo - http://htv.mx/O4H #ManoZurdaDeHierro,0.0 +116448,ISIS High Ranking Member Killed in Salahuddin Airstrikes http://annetwork.niloblog.com/post/3323/ISIS-High-Ranking-Member-Killed-in-Salahuddin-Airstrikes.html&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ,0.0 +5617,@user @user people shithole countries come here? trump reporte @url,1.0 +122691,Republicans are a bigger threat to freedom in American than ISIS. https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/752535862211178496,0.0 +107832,ISIS Twitter traffic 'dives 45 per cent in two years': Islamic State 's Twitter traffic has fallen dramaticall. http://www.itpro.co.uk/public-sector/26898/isis-twitter-traffic-dives-45-per-cent-in-two-years&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmZmZWI0YTM3ZmE2YjZiYzM6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNHiUEC3DD3ESFytdu84f1WJawxP9Q ,0.0 +112538,xx: rt: RT jangojadoon: After 10 years we will be ashamed of coz of his connection with ISIS #SackDoval he is only pic.twitter.com/5yb8bjJ1wx,0.0 +142314,Join our Telegramm Group https://telegram.me/joinchat/A-1WAgCqKenUKDsMQxr3Lg ,1.0 +122314,@Hikarii_Ne cuando te vea te dir soy Isis,0.0 +150824,@saladinisback1 So Bangladeshi Jihadists must have easily switched sides to ISIS as they did so at a time when AQ was in terminal decline ,1.0 +150920,"Erdogan: Send the Tanks! IS: 1,2,3 - Boom! Erdogan: Send more Tanks! TAF: 0_0 NOPE! ",1.0 +124920,"@wocmani not threatening, ask anyone if thieves are pieces of #shit. Even moslems who give Hillary money. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1169502/ISIS-cuts-thiefs-hand-industrial-paper-guillotine.html",0.0 +129801,RT @VOAPashto: : . https://t.c ,0.0 +154578,@Mohammed_UK_ The Badr brigade doesn't liberate anyone. They are simply a different flavor of Islamofascists.,1.0 +142816,The group of #ISIS Turkish fighters who reportedly attacked #YPG terror group near Tishrin dam.. #Turkey #Syria https://t.co/PryVzOonwO ,1.0 +123930,Cand le gars de daesh a dit jvous reserve des surprise pour l'euro mdrr je crois kil parle de la victoire du portugal #victoir #Portugal,0.0 +122307, https://sponsoredtweets.com/ U.S. to help Iraq with key ISIS operation - The additional forces will be sent to estab. http://ow.ly/Ckew502iBQD,0.0 +109610,Report: #Daesh has lost 12 per cent of area under its control in six months https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20160711-report-daesh-has-lost-12-per-cent-of-area-under-its-control-in-six-months/ #Syria #Iraq pic.twitter.com/NLbgyiyVxz,0.0 +119209,@abudujana996 @KhateebDimashqi Yes I know that but they Copy ISIS 's message all the while condemning ISIS. Absolute hypocrites,0.0 +145200,"RT @Islamistheway14: Munafiqeen gonna pop up again most likely and start condemning, how dare you filthy munafiqeen? How dare you? How dare ",1.0 +124989,We need to stop ISIS. Then we can call them WASWAS. #ROFL,0.0 +111617,Will ISIS be pushed easily from Mosul? @CNN http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/iraq-mosul-isis-conflict-explainer/index.html ,0.0 +118441,"Former Marine hunts for Pokemon, Islamic State in Iraq | @politiCOHEN_ @dcexaminer http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/ex-soldier-hunts-for-pokemon-islamic-state-in-iraq/article/2596144#.V4PjhkxhVhI.twitter pic.twitter.com/jDGskJDDqi",0.0 +104494,""" Whl Islam n Christianity offer a destination,Hinduism offers a journey of discovery,with destination not guaranteed.http://swarajyamag.com/politics/owaisis-anti-isis-call-is-welcome-but-does-not-break-the-spell-of-islamism#",0.0 +111416,RT @jdistaso: .@KellyAyotte gives scathing criticism of Obama adm strategy vs ISIS #nhsen #nhpolitics #WMUR,0.0 +123574,Soldier Makes Time for Pok mon Go While Battling ISIS in Iraq http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2016/07/soldier-pokemon-go-battling-isis-iraq http://twitter.com/Complex_News/status/752627423607418881/photo/1,0.0 +129820,RT @EDLLONDON: ISIS child soldiers seen 'executing Afghan National Army members ' in sickening new footage from terror group https://t.co/5 ,0.0 +110088,"Got rid of Saddam, introduced ISIS. Was it worth it? No. #qanda",0.0 +147323,#SAA repelled #IS assault in Western #Homs. ,1.0 +129855,ISIS Berhasil Merebut Kembali Manbij?: ISIS telah memukul mundur pasukan yang dipimpin oleh http://goo.gl/fb/NdacWs,0.0 +160657,"If we ignore what fundamentalists of other faiths practice in relation to LGBT and Women's rights, are we not also guilty of double standards?",0.0 +138980,For me; the Kurds should stuff a suppository in their assholes and not only Panadol pills.. #Syria #TwitterKurds ,1.0 +7086,youre still nigger @url,1.0 +7960,somebody teach retarded ass apply falsies,1.0 +141976,UN hires wife of Assadist Terrorist to assess mental Health of the people displaced by Assad. https://myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/25/world/middleeast/syrian-ministers-wife-named-to-assess-mental-health-of-the-displaced.html?smid=tw-share&_r=5&REFUSE_COOKIE_ERROR=SHOW_ERROR ,1.0 +9240,vision banged tbh shame cunt decided throw drink can't take joke ,1.0 +126700,RT @smallwars: NYT: South Africa Charges Twins Over Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy and Join ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html ,0.0 +132939,RT @CounterJihadUS: Forget ISIS. Billions hold Islam as undeniably supreme. Sharia is the real threat. http://counterjihad.com/isis-footnote-real-threat-islamic-supremacism/ https://t.co ,0.0 +123352,Menhan AS Tiba di Irak untuk Bahas Upaya Kalahkan ISIS: MENTERI Pertahanan AS Ashton Carter melakukan kunjung. https://www.islampos.com/288151-288151/ ,0.0 +104795,Que il vois le futur lui j'esp re daesh y mettent une bombe dans son bus,0.0 +143349,Follow for latest news https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +140636,#Russia's peace envoys to #Darayya #Damascus today.. #Syria https://t.co/GJfcsPphRU ,1.0 +127432,"Oru ponnukku vara danger eh ,innoru ponnu nala mattum dhan, Girls friendship- ISIS oda danger aana vishayam #LadiesSpecialist",0.0 +132630,Iraqis Mourn the Deaths of Over 200 killed in Baghdad ISIS Car Bombing http://makeahistory.com/index.php/general-real-time-news/26791- pic.twitter.com/6dvhJ9tTzY,0.0 +114283,@hektorgdrs fai esplodere il mio cuore d'amore proprio come fa l'isis,0.0 +7637,@user sharpen faggot,1.0 +131277,"After Islamic State 's defeat, sectarian fears rise in Iraq s Fallujah https://en1kurdipost.wordpress.com/2016/07/04/after-islamic-states-defeat-sectarian-fears-rise-in-iraqs-fallujah",0.0 +7325,hey man full offense fucking shabbat like double gun zone fucking twat @url,1.0 +125551,Kurdish Women Fighting ISIS Send Solidarity to BlackLivesMatter http://fb.me/76nMftzWf,0.0 +126510,Isis 'struggling to raise money thanks to coalition air strikes ' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-struggling-to-raise-money-thanks-to-coalition-air-strikes-a7131856.html,0.0 +114361,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=1197590095,0.0 +151248,@AbouAndalouss un lien vers la vid o svp ? ,1.0 +5922,nice people without judgment. cunt sweet asshole laugh @url,1.0 +141714,A former member of Bashar Assad's army (SAA) defects to the Islamic State and gives his testimony against SAA: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +131951,@kunfaaya This is why all Muslims get bashed by bhakts on any terror attacks by ISIS..,0.0 +150679,"#Iraqi Army launched Offensive on Mahanah and Kabrouk villages near #Makmour, #IS. #Mosul ",1.0 +122744,"O Muslim! Before Joining ISIS, Just Eat SEVEN Dates First! http://www.liveleak.com/view #atheist #atheism",0.0 +145328,@MaghrebiHD welcome back ,1.0 +129051,[EM] Los 'desplazados ' frustrados del Daesh http://www.elmundo.es/espana/2016/07/04/577a158bca4741e8498b45d6.html ,0.0 +128757,"@Batboat77 I do get your point. You blv ISIS are careful with their attacks on Sunnis. That 's not the case. In Mosul,for example, it was 1/3",0.0 +138409,2 muslim men jailed after being reported to police by 2 MUSLIMS for being extreme. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3422789/Ginger-extremist-jailed-three-years-setting-stall-London-s-Oxford-Street-drum-support-ISIS.html via https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dailymail.online ,1.0 +143814,#IslamicState Zakat office delivers food baskets+financial aid to the poor families in remote areas in #Homs. #Syria https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +150042,@afren_kha Jazakallahukhair ,1.0 +111342,#persbericht ISIS haalt Russische helikopter in Syrie neer: [ Maandag 11 juli 2016 | CIDI ] ISIS haalt Russis. http://www.nieuwsbank.nl/inp/2016/07/11/P013.htm ,0.0 +160388,"Do you think making children suffer will make a religion, Islam, or our world better? I think rape would create hate, anger, and fear, which would make things worse.",0.0 +141590,"We have sent you to the entire mankind to give them good tidings, and warn them; but most people do not understand this."" #Quran 34:28 ",1.0 +9218,mom turning called dog dumb retard,1.0 +114364,ISIS tactical change not an evidence of desperation. CNN. #security http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html?utm_content=buffere1bbc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer,0.0 +128489,"As #ISIS Loses Land, It Gains Ground in Overseas Terror http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/isis-terrorism.html - And all in the name of religion - #terrorism",0.0 +160683,"So you are suggesting Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the Sudan oppress women, but somehow you know better than every white woman who is a Muslim and feel entitled to make public judgements about them. See what I am getting at?",0.0 +155166,@ilhaam673 Just because I have no religion does't mean that I don't want to stop Islam from murdering. http://t.co/9KTe08yrfk,1.0 +6618,@user shit watch twitter get locked saying faggot word #victoryroyale,1.0 +113090,"the homies was a part of ISIS ?, ok.",0.0 +121710,Is Pikachu in ISIS? https://twitter.com/USMC/status/752602019341361152,0.0 +132938,And now Baghdad. during the holy month of Ramadan http://fb.me/1nXGsTTDm,0.0 +120865,"RT @EnglishAlwaght: Somber Eid Spirit in Iraq, as ISIS Terror Attacks Killed over 330 http://alwaght.com/en/News/60335 #PrayForIraq #IAmBaghdad http ",0.0 +146336,"ISIS benefits from the fact that the world has worked against the Sunnis of Syria and Iraq, and went to bed with Putin, Assad and Iran. ",1.0 +146682,"RT @MuslimPrisoners: Make dua for Md Mohsin Ameen (Abu Qittal) He ""pleaded guilty to terror"" #FreeMuslimPrisoners http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/656998/Briton-admits-trying-to-recruit-for-Islamic-State-UK-ISIS h ",1.0 +159984,"Many Muslims feed the homeless, offer shelter, work in hospitals, schools and keep the country going. Maybe we should invite more?",0.0 +146562,"RT @Freedom_speech2: With the Aid of all Shia Militias from Afghanistan, Iraq, Hezbolat which were more than 15000 foot soldiers with the a ",1.0 +134902,"An example of this is Shababah Ibn Sawwar al-Fazari (d. 206AH). When he adopted some of the bid ah of irja, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ? abandoned taking knowledge from him and said, I did not write from him due to his irja (Al-Mizzi: Tahdhib al-Kamal).",1.0 +113107,I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/F731zYtotVU?a 8 People Who Regretted Joining ISIS BIGTIME,0.0 +109289,RT @nanachin1974: http://parstoday.com/ja/news/japan-i12289 (2016 07 11 18 57 ) ISIS ,0.0 +137392,@ElWalaaWalBaraa SubhanAllah but this kufr media spreading false news only ,1.0 +125232," "" ( ) ISIS "" http://tmblr.co/Z3Eads1cBPkQ- _",0.0 +149389,RT @RevolutionSyria: In memory of the over 200 peaceful protesters massacred by Assad regime on 18 April 2011 in #Homs #Syria https://t.co/ ,1.0 +151974,#Caliphate_News #IslamicState #WilayatNinawa #Photo #Report 5: #Mosul educational #hospital https://justpaste.it/tyt4 #health #medicaladvice ,1.0 +123653,ISIS http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2142477196526711801 # #ISIS # # ,0.0 +155223,@jukes303 It's basically an empty excuse that leftists and Muslims use for their anti US bigotry.,1.0 +135780,"Abu Hind al-Bajali said, We were with Mu awiyah while he was on his bed, and he had closed his eyes. So we mentioned hijrah to one another. One of us said, It has ceased. Another of us said, It has not ceased. Mu awiyah awoke and said, What were you talking about? So we told him, and though he did not often narrate hadith from the Prophet ?, he said, We were once talking in front of Allah s Messenger ? and he said, Hijrah will not cease until tawbah (repentance) ceases, and tawbah will not cease until the sun rises from the west ",1.0 +147478,@annaabbi oui la base ,1.0 +128519,RT @ammateri: #ISIS are not Muslims so you know. Even a radical Muslim respects the Holy Month. ..,0.0 +155106,@MaxBlumenthal Every border that Islam shares with every other religion is bloody. But we are suppose to believe it's the Jews fault.,1.0 +128243,RT @abasinfo: #Iran 's Intelligence Ministry releases pictures from two #ISIS members arrested in #Tehran. pic.twitter.com/UwYsw0V5by,0.0 +159454,"This may dissapoint you.but every single individual is contributing to a society in one way or another, regardless of their race or religion.",0.0 +7312,war offensive speech retarded counterproductive war drugs. tend co @url,1.0 +128375,Death toll in Baghdad from Isis bomb attack rises to 165 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/baghdad-bombing-attack-isis-iraq-death-toll-latest-news-car-terror-a7118546.html ,0.0 +108423,"Yes, I too have the same que. Your ans. doesn't ans q tho! ISIS is still preparing to attack Israel? Not convinced. https://twitter.com/Rezhasan/status/752460817463992320",0.0 +151309,14 YPG terror group militants killed & injured in an #ISIS suicide attack by Abu Mudar al-Ansari in Qamishli #Syria https://t.co/f1PG5tBo1Q ,1.0 +112043,South African Suspected terrorists planned on bombing the USA Mission as well as Jewish institutions http://mybroadband.co.za/news/general/171481-south-africas-suspected-terrorists-may-be-linked-to-isis-heres-what-they-planned-to-blow-up.html,0.0 +146976,"Mea culpa, la femme prononce bien cette phrase mais d nonce le si ge de l'arm e et l'inaction des pays arabes ",1.0 +137182,ISIS unveil the Philippines as their new breeding ground for jihadis http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3368646/ISIS-unveil-Philippines-new-breeding-ground-jihadis-latest-propaganda-video-featuring-secret-Filipino-jungle-training-camp.html via @MailOnline ,1.0 +139477,RT @MaghrebiQM: 2/2 .. in the same day - KSA officially saying they're ready to fight IS in Syria with ground troops with the US Coalition. ,1.0 +125590,"RT @Real_JeffWeaver: "" HRC touts her foreign policy experience,neglecting to mention her policies led to the birth of Isis "" Bernie Sanders #N ",0.0 +123785,""" Ta grosse t te a t victime de daesh "" https://twitter.com/InesNavy/status/752608006366498816",0.0 +129875,Bangladesh Faces an Uncertain New Reality After the Dhaka Attack http://goo.gl/fb/QyBUiM,0.0 +106363, #Daesh https://twitter.com/abedelaziztaha https://twitter.com/itismesalman16 https://twitter.com/coledr151 #OpISIS,0.0 +160140,This is a poor/non-existent understanding of epidemiology. Perhaps a little research on the spread of disease is called for.,0.0 +108154, pic.twitter.com/468qkaPVTq #ISIS #ISIL #Deash #ISIS ,0.0 +125370,"RT @MazMHussain: "" They pretend to be Muslim, but they just teach people to blow themselves up and tell you you re going to paradise. "" https ",0.0 +127297,RT @Putinizer: BREAKING: ISIS JUST DELIVERED A MASSIVE BLOW TO RUSSIAN FORCES | USA Politics Today http://putin.trendolizer.com/2016/07/breaking-isis-just-delivered-a-massive-blow-to-russian-forces-usa-politics-today.html https://t.co/Q5O ,0.0 +140817,#TalMaksoor close neighbourhood to #kuwaires base is taken by #ISIS . Not confirmed officially. ,1.0 +115112,"RT @ReactBrasil: @heyisis - Escorpi o meu amor, pq est assim? - Eu sou de Isis - Deus me livre, vamos terminar",0.0 +139611,"Why? First was defended by 500 men, second was defended by 500 factions. ",1.0 +9075,tweet,0.0 +116177,"RT @DissentMag: "" If Syrians haven t been heard, it 's not for lack of trying. "" @im_PULSE on the trouble with most coverage of Syria: https:/ ",0.0 +126686,Develan el misterio: qui n le dio a ISIS las camionetas Toyota? - V a @deautos - http://www.clarin.com/deautos/Develan-misterio-camionetas-Toyota-ISIS_0_1448255325.html ,0.0 +114502, ISIL ,0.0 +118753,"RT @AzStudies: ISIL transfers suicide bombers from Syria to Europe through Azerbaijan, Georgia http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=101451&NewsCatID=509",0.0 +110249,RT @lovethatloaf: They got rid of Saddam Hussein. And created ISIS. #qanda,0.0 +128008,MOVIDA Puchong incident officially the first ISIS attack in Malaysia. Can we stop talking abt basuh pinggan now? pic.twitter.com/QjTTH0dOCE,0.0 +123081,"RT @JPenerangan: Letupan bom Puchong angkara militan DAESH, dua ditahan - KPN",0.0 +151859,@vfdg5y5r ,1.0 +111870,"ISIS: 126 attacks, 23 countries, 1,730 killed @CNN http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/17/world/mapping-isis-attacks-around-the-world/index.html ",0.0 +128737,A suicide bomber attacked a crowded shopping area as the streets were filled with families http://goo.gl/fb/YmxPq7,0.0 +152981,#WilayatSalahuddin https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +111454,@TimesNow went to join peaceful organisation called Isis,0.0 +154681,@biebervalue @greenlinerzjm Liar! Katjia was a business woman before there was Islam. Mohammed worked for her and had no choice about it.,1.0 +7914,@user @user leftist terrorist forgot obliterate guy's social media accounts like @url,1.0 +133056,#BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS for Bangladesh pic.twitter.com/5AvAh1DioB,0.0 +107687,RT @thalhah3: #ALHAYAT #SELECTED10 Ten Videos Selected From The Wilayat Of Islamic State https://justpaste.it/w4o6 pic.twitter.com/hGAbjojOuv,0.0 +5229,get schwacked faggot. @user,1.0 +124777,DAESH TUE LES NNOCENTS! CE N'EST PAS L' SLAM PAS DU TOUT! SLAM EST UNE REL G ON DE PA X! ECOUTEZ-NOUS LES MUJAH DES! LES JEUNES MUSULMANS!,0.0 +112766,"RT @gerfingerpoken: (IBD) Barack Hussein Ignored #ISIS Intel For A Year, Watched It Grow - http://www.investors.com/obama-given-detailed-intelligence-on-isis/ @IBDEditorials https:// ",0.0 +149271,#Dimashq One Nusra member defected to #IS yesterday with his weapon in Yarmouk Camp ,1.0 +125024, a serait coom qu'il y ait pas d'attentat charles de gaulle demain hein @ daesh,0.0 +121281,"ISIS via WhatsApp: Blow yourself up, O lion https://www.propublica.org/article/isis-via-whatsapp-blow-yourself-up-o-lion/?utm_campaign=bt_twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social",0.0 +150925,"""Pentagon disciplines 16 for deadly attack on Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan"" http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-pentagon-hospital-airstrike-20160428-story.html ",1.0 +122132,TIME: U.S. Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Retake Mosul and Raqqa http://time.com/4401915/islamic-state-isis-mosul-raqqa-us-troops/ ,0.0 +128128,bomb isis and take the bacha bazi,0.0 +7570,@user sjsksk love twat,1.0 +111525,RT @USATODAY: U.S. coalition forces will use logistics hub to wrest control of Mosul from ISIL http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/11/carter-us-use-air-base-recapture-mosul/86935966/ (Photo: AP) https:// ,0.0 +152308,RT @prince_Sam_11: #ALQAEDA beating protesters in #Syria #Marreat-Alnoman https://twitter.com/putintintin1/status/728597932291796992 ,1.0 +135384," Allah testifies that there is nothing worthy of worship except Him, as do the angels and those with knowledge (Al Imran 18)",1.0 +137252,"@LaDonnaRae53 This is how you think or want to think. But you are wrong. But you as a Jew are cursed, known for lying and manipulating ",1.0 +144205,@MarwanTunsi__ I wonder why she was wearing leopard-skin underwear to battle? Isn't that for a Saturday night out? ,1.0 +129229,@The_Arsenal_98 @SerialWUM This filthy Gypsie. Benghazi ISIS AW ass kisser! Brexit. she 's going back to Libya! https://twitter.com/nana_alaouie/status/749759155183976448,0.0 +159079,These 8 criminals are all Muslims because their victims are always white or Non-Muslim!,1.0 +152304,Abu Mujahid Al-Ansari. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8413,faggot fucking sellout iq pebble brain autistic slut,0.0 +112074,RT @saul42: #Putin to the West; I know who created ISIS. So don't you lecture me http://tacticalinvestor.com/putin-to-the-world-i-know-who-created-isis/ pic.twitter.com/MStsRmarln,0.0 +136906,"New photos of #IS Soldiers from Jolo island,Mindanao Philipines.hostages be killed if demands not meet https://twitter.com/WhiteCat_7/status/654349818580611072/photo/1 ",1.0 +113302,US announces 560 more troops for Iraq as Mosul battle looms http://www.independent.ie/world-news/us-announces-560-more-troops-for-iraq-as-mosul-battle-looms-34873771.html ,0.0 +149032,@DrPartizan_: South Kurdistan's Counter Terrorism Unit undergoing training https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +132043, # # #isis #isil http://www.7roid.com/ucgenri/sairinron_001 @ucgenri ,0.0 +125831,Only one man can take on ISIS pic.twitter.com/m4y4j9i1Xf,0.0 +150172,@dhjxjdjsjshxhx @MaghrebiWS1 @WindOfVictories @AbuBlock LOL I'm dying ,1.0 +141207,Huge angry crowds in-front of #Cairo Security Directorate after a police officer killed a Taxi driver.. #Egypt https://t.co/mCYkOzUsxD ,1.0 +140003,"Grad rockets fell on #Assad's stronghold #Qardaha; Two killed; several others injured, sources report.. #Syria ",1.0 +129874,"The litmus test, via @SirZaidHamid / @RealZaidHamid_ https://thefgr.com/isis-nothing-islam-litmus-test/",0.0 +7469,glad johnson beat lobov hate little midget cunt,1.0 +10017,accent funny fucking retard,0.0 +133505,"With Baghdad slaughter, ISIS shows it 's down but not out https://habervizyonu.com/2016/07/04/with-baghdad-slaughter-isis-shows-its-down-but-not-out/ pic.twitter.com/ihH6nlMP6C",0.0 +126615,"So Rudy Giuliani basically said ISIL terrorists aren't a big deal, right? Good point. #BlackLivesMatter",0.0 +116474,RT @kiran_patniak: 7 Indian firms among those in Islamic State supply chain: EU study! ! http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/7-indian-firms-among-those-in-isis-supply-chain-says-eu-study/,0.0 +154955,"@Assiye61 I already read the entire Quran. It is a piece of filth, hatred, violence, sexism, and bigotry.",1.0 +9557,like china disgusting ching chong country @url,0.0 +151210,#Centre_M diatique_Alhayat Le nach d vid o Sang pour Sang En langue fran aise #KhilafahFR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEre37zU3dA&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +107487,ISIS Hyderabad men were making chemical bombs http://www.sundayguardianlive.com/investigation/5666-isis-hyderabad-men-were-making-chemical-bombs,0.0 +6725,@user case forgot retard @url,1.0 +129759,RT @HandofGOD7: People died in #IstanbulAttack because EU protected this 'refugee ' from extradition to Russia. It 's lethal. https://t.co/HV ,0.0 +105315,"RT @Alex75f: J'ai tap "" daesh Lisbonne "" sur twitter. Ce monde me d go te.",0.0 +5738,@user avi fucking gay pls take u retard,1.0 +110807,#SupportZakirNaik #DontBanPeaceTV I Support Dr. Zakir Naik on ISIS issue reason- VDO&News https://www.facebook.com/khaleelahmedhm/videos/10207978659918244/ https://www.change.org/p/press-council-of-india-indian-media-stop-the-vilification-campaign-against-dr-zakir-naik,0.0 +151367,RT @wayf44rerr: Dozens airstrikes hit as-Sukhna town today since the morning leading to large destruction in civilian homes ,1.0 +132510,"RT @AntiMedia: Hacker Hijacked ISIS ' Twitter, Made it Proudly Gay for Orlando http://theantimedia.org/hacker-isis-twitter-accounts-gay/ pic.twitter.com/Dh6R8FmfHn",0.0 +140624,RT @NorthernStork: Hezbollah media post exclusive pics taken inside Menage airbase taken by YPG indicate the two militias coordinating. htt ,1.0 +146218,"Those who follow the news know that we are heading to it. Rebels in N-Aleppo & Daraa, Regime in DZ & Palmyra, & more cooperation to come. ",1.0 +159632,"Islam teaches only hate! Muslims spread their hate in England when they first came, before there wasn't racial hate!",1.0 +107620,"We might be winning the war against ISIS, at least on social media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 pic.twitter.com/W7DNc8Ag52",0.0 +104211,Gen. Michael Flynn: I Was Fired for Calling Our Enemies Radical Islamic Jihadists http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/michael-flynn-isis-memoir/2016/07/10/id/737937/ #Newsmax via @Newsmax_Media,0.0 +113423,Russia bombs Syria 's Palmyra after fresh IS advance http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-bombs-syrias-palmyra-after-fresh-advance-islamic-state-ruins-unesco-bashar-assad-prison-hafez-1791383193 #Islamic,0.0 +142545,"RT @ismailmahsud: Latest attacks in #Sinai #Egypt leaves one captain, an intel police officer and many soldiers dead. #SheikhZoid etc https ",1.0 +146386,RT @KhateebDimashqi: Says here that KSA preparing to strike Al-Qaeda in Yemen https://t.co/8u27VhsliV ,1.0 +130019,"RT @PremShuklaBJP: Debating on IBN 7 @ 5 to 6 pm, issue - Owaisi 's legal support to ISIS accused.",0.0 +108942,L Isis le rapisce il figlio: Lo rivuoi? Convertiti https://angolodelgiornalaio.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/lisis-le-rapisce-il-figlio-lo-rivuoi-convertiti pic.twitter.com/PnWtNOlk5c,0.0 +147628,#ISIS #WilayatSalahuddin Targeting #R fidai Army barrages west of the city of #Beiji https://justpaste.it/t1mc https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +148943,RT @sparksofirhabi5: The popular support is scum! https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/711330906846400512/photo/1 ,1.0 +139773,"further more, most of those who used to be called ""Wahabis"" have not remained the same threat they used to be ",1.0 +125626,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=722930607525904384,0.0 +127407,The United States is under attack from terrorism on two fronts. #ISIS from outside. #BlackLivesMatter from within.,0.0 +113378,@NED_Isis . . .,0.0 +9885,@user come back wear shirts look like nanas carpet mongy cunt,1.0 +8271,@user negro sheldon cooper ...... without quirks course,1.0 +126188,RT @NavyTimes: Pentagon asks for more money to counter ISIS drones http://owl.li/PIhI502ewUL,0.0 +6938,@user devon one spergy spergs. faggot threaten dox 14 year old kid bec @url,1.0 +108241,"Hey ISIS, don't bring a knife to the gunfight. Merica. (Vine by @CloydRiversPics) https://vine.co/v/OOFn015A5mL",0.0 +7435,i'm ur motivation twat @url,1.0 +110398,Is this another #USA invasion of #Iraq? Iraq generals know US created #Daesh & continues to arm & support them. https://twitter.com/AlArabiya_Eng/status/752481212233580544,0.0 +144312,"@wail75p c est plus pratique pour sociabiliser avec les locaux aussi, c'est un choix de style ,d adaptations mais aussi r fl chit ",1.0 +115373,#Pentagon sends hundreds more #troops to #Iraq after strategic take-over of #QayyarahAirBase. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/,0.0 +141964,RT @DidyouknowVS: tears dropped from my eyes when i saw my #Syrian #refugees #sisters are facing this. where is ummah? #Syria #Iraq https:/ ,1.0 +135014,"As-Salawi said, Residing there were a Rafidi people called the Bajaliyyah, which is in attribution to Ali Ibn Abdillah al-Bajali, the Rafidi Abdullah Ibn Yasin and Abu Bakr Ibn Umar fought them until they conquered the city of Taroudannt by force, killing many of those therein. Those who remained of them returned to following the Sunnah and the Jama ah. ",1.0 +128354,RT @TeestaSetalvad: Today we see that ISIS terror has no boundaries 131 Killed in Iraq: ISIS Targets Fellow Muslims Shopping for Eid https ,0.0 +153181,#Breaking #IslamicState #NorthRamadi https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +115193,"RT @YearOfRat: Kerala is under 'peaceful & equality for all ' educated leftists, what are they so angry about that they join ISIS? https://t ",0.0 +146681,@_sakkora_ the man on your PP and the man who is reading Quran is different if I'm not wrong . ,1.0 +105883,"RT @_No2GOP: Conservatives claim "" #Obama Supports ISIS. "" Hmmm. #PresidentObamaNotBarry pic.twitter.com/g6ZPpy8NAD",0.0 +111194,La enga osa crisis del Estado Isl mico http://mundo.sputniknews.com/firmas/20160711/1061806128/daesh-creacion-aniversario-crisis.html v a @SputnikMundo,0.0 +154534,@Alkanz @nslwin Islam is and insult to all mankind. Time to insult the disgusting religion back. http://t.co/doUt0qrmUi,1.0 +115365,"RT @RaiNews: Bangladesh: "" Terroristi di casa, manovrati da Pakistan "" http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Bangladesh-Dacca-Terrorismo-Isis-Daesh-Pakistan-8c4aafa9-de3f-4b17-a81b-7353e59573a2.html",0.0 +108161,"K-INDEMAND NEWS U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://ow.ly/fH1X502hiGy",0.0 +122178,"Amputated heads, lashings and electric shocks: Activists reveal ways Isis prisoners are http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/amputated-heads-lashings-electric-shocks-activists-reveal-ways-isis-prisoners-are-tortured-1570086 pic.twitter.com/8rpYZYmYw8",0.0 +149959,"Israeli Judge: Why you stabbed Soldiers with a knife? He replied : ""My financial situation is bad to buy me a gun https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/723512235256098822/photo/1 ",1.0 +106877,RT @anfenglish: Confession from an ISIS member arrested in Antep: I worked for the M T http://www.anfenglish.com/news/confession-from-an-isis-member-arrested-in-antep-i-worked-for-the-mit pic.twitter.com/llBCIAsTeS,0.0 +121829,Five cops killed in Dallas. ISIS running wild. Senate Democrats on floor attacking climate skeptics. http://junkscience.com/2016/07/wow-senators-to-expose-web-of-denial-blocking-action-on-climate/ ,0.0 +147727,@Gobelet_Jetable @SinaiViaDamas https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/718199361113612290/video/1 ,1.0 +113340,Mr.Trump is strong protectinist who save internal trade and oil product with strong US dollars fighting against ISIS Terrorism,0.0 +126819,Carter: EEUU usar base iraqu en ofensiva por Mosul http://noticias.anotao.com/link/us/20160702190936/www.elnuevoherald.com/noticias/mundo/article88838882.html#storylink=rss,0.0 +139613,"After the regime started to advance, #IS counter-attacked by cutting the Athriya/Khanaser road twice >> ",1.0 +141811,"RT @ScotMikey1111: #Khanaser had been in the hands of #SAA for two years now, so you can count on plenty of spoils been taken by #ISIS toda ",1.0 +112114,RT @waheedgul: Ajit Devil is a known sympathizer and financier for ISIS #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/1jWQkKk1CI,0.0 +127128,@PatDollard sounds like ISIS,0.0 +125115,pic.twitter.com/xfgNLUUB0d http://www.barenakedislam.com/2015/11/18/syrian-ambassador-says-more-than-20-of-refugees-pouring-into-the-eu-like,0.0 +124637,"RT@hmncrss .@GeronimoSalina1 Mosul Offensive Will Create More human beings, Displacement, and Humanitarian Disaster #HumanCrisis",0.0 +116236,Intense video shows the moment a Russian helicopter is downed by ISIS in Syria http://uk.businessinsider.com/russian-helicopter-downed-by-isis-2016-7?yptr=yahoo&ref=yfp,0.0 +107685,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3178982814 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3174480148 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3078035028 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +106817,U.S. Says Liberating Qayara Part of Secret Anti-ISIS Plan http://goo.gl/fb/2ZNvKu,0.0 +154611,"@unteenable 1/3 of the religion is ready to murder apostates. There are no ""moderate Muslims"" http://t.co/rHENXNvhbO",1.0 +154880,@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos @ZaibatsuNews So ISIS beheads because their prophet beheaded . ISIS rapes slaves because their prophet raped them.,1.0 +5985,@user @user stupid twat needs give back freedoms others fought for. stupid pos. h @url,1.0 +137278,RT @lion_faisal: Assad killed nearly half million people but no one takes action against him #SmallCoffinsAreHeaviest #PrayForSyria https: ,1.0 +122470,"RT @xlgary: Your Pok mon team affiliation can't save you from a real life actual ass whooping. Much less, ISIS. Wake the hell up.",0.0 +123852,RT @PeriodisLatino: As decapitan a 4 famosos futbolistas las bestias del ISIS frente a unos ni os: Los yihadistas del autodenomi. https: ,0.0 +146939,"@CucumberGarlic @ShamiRebel The Hadith (mis)quoted by ShamiRebel was talking about the Khawarij from Iraq during Ali's (as) time, not today. ",1.0 +7451,@user carries like might beat piers morgan twat decade award,1.0 +143781,#EGYPT #ISIS Releases Pictures Shows #IED Attack In South #Sheikh_Zuaid Of #Sinai. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +108367,""" L'euro 2016 sera un bain de sang.. "" J'suis d u la j'avais placer bcp d'espoir en vous @Daesh",0.0 +149926,Do you think that the Fight Between YPG and Assad is Just and play to get the #YPG inside the Genver negotiations? ,1.0 +104367,"RT @ummramlaajibade: Nothing is Islamic about ISIS. It a set up of d Jews, why is ISIS not attacking Israel. https://twitter.com/Alhamdhulillaah/status/750106528817053696",0.0 +111618,"ISIS Scum Opens Fire On Troops, Makes One Fatal Move Then Is OBLITERATED By A US SNIPER! . http://fb.me/DgvjnJ5i",0.0 +134711,{And We gave him judgment while he was a boy} [Maryam: 12].,1.0 +103889,RT @Emdupuy: Lire et relire Patricia Lalonde sur l'importante question du recrutement & embrigadement des enfants par Daesh : https://t.co/ ,0.0 +108085,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://ow.ly/XODo502hii1",0.0 +104041,Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul.. Related Articles: http://www.ooyuz.com/geturl ,0.0 +112266,US to send 560 more troops to aid Iraq 's anti-ISIS fight http://www.dailystar.com.lb//News/Middle-East/2016/Jul-11/361463-us-to-send-560-more-troops-to-aid-iraqs-anti-isis-fight.ashx #Middle_East,0.0 +137894,@ismailmahsud #homs # https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +134228," The president promises ISIS will be destroyed. Instead, it is only spreading Coalition forces did finally beat back ISIS in the key border town of Kobani It reportedly took 75 percent of all the air strikes launched there so far to accomplish it. And despite that one glimmer of hope, the Islamic state vows to recapture the town as it scores successes elsewhere The Islamic state s territory has grown in the last five months despite all of the coalition air strikes. ",1.0 +146122,RT @Conflicts: BREAKING: #ISIS claims #Baghdad suicide bombing attack at football stadium - @Rita_Katz https://twitter.com/Conflicts/status/713432172112257024/photo/1 ,1.0 +123607,RT @MarkDice: BLACK LIVES MATTER TERRORISTS ARE MORE OF A DANGER TO AMERICA THAN ISIS. DON'T #FreeDeray. INDICT THE SCUM. SEND HIM TO GI ,0.0 +8868,@user shut ur whore mouth poor ass faggot,1.0 +142963,"With death of Waleed, the new Umayad ruler called Muhammad bin Qasim, Qateeba, Tariq bin Ziyad back, ",1.0 +105620,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ ,0.0 +123751,Of course this man is brave and selfless and full respect and honour to him. But read this article for another. http://fb.me/JefMp69a,0.0 +130725,@RussiaConnects I will against the #ISIS in #Homs and East #Palmyra!,0.0 +112629,RT @NicholasDanfort: Two maps from my @BPC_Bipartisan colleague Jessica Michek showing Turkey 's conflicts with ISIS & the PKK: https://t.co ,0.0 +148867,"RT @IslamicPicQuote: ""O you who believe! Let not some people among you laugh at others,"" -Qur'an [49:11] https://twitter.com/IslamicPicQuote/status/719836765297778688/photo/1 ",1.0 +4720,baby knows potus #mongoloid,1.0 +138959,@app33mu113 je suis moi meme tomb dans le pi ge -__- ,1.0 +7464,ching chong ding dong @url,1.0 +123808,"@jason_hamil Good luck man, I know you'll do well. Gunna miss ya. Go get those ISIS bitches .",0.0 +119347,It 's not ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and sirya) it 's A-ISIS (Anti Islamic state of Iraq and Sirya) pic.twitter.com/msidGdSCcV,0.0 +140458,RT @Fidaee_Fulaani: I know lot's of brother felt sad for the fall of Minnigh to heretic PKK/PYD.. Sacrifices of brothers that led to the r ,1.0 +8297,@user @user @user @user liberal fantasy. lincoln would never dye hair dyke blue @url,1.0 +110580,"RT @SlametMuslim: Jadi intinya begini lho. jelas kalo Media ISIS Media Islam Yg ngomong sebaliknya, ngobyek jd Jubir ISIS. Setuju? http ",0.0 +130167,"Rest in peace to all those who tragically suffered in Baghdad,Dhaka and Istanbul. Once again shows that ISIS are hurting Muslims the most",0.0 +138862,35 25% # https://t.co/tTYzijbJLq ,1.0 +141570,Happy to see u sis follow @_lionessNaS1ha ,1.0 +132217,RT @INFOen140: #ISIS public mapas de su presunto alcance global y del nivel de peligrosidad de algunos pa ses pic.twitter.com/CP2gax5Pvr,0.0 +159903,How can you say this about 1.6 billion people?,0.0 +160175,Aren't places of worship about far more than just prayers?,0.0 +132620,Sen. John McCain on Islamic State: 'What we need to do is go to Raqqa and kill them. ' (VIDEO) http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/2016/07/sen-john-mccain-on-islamic-state-what.html#.V3pIafNhsh8.twitter,0.0 +153502,#ISIS Abu Mohammad al #Iran|i made his VBIED attack against pro Iran Shiites near Fallujah & killed many.. #Iraq https://t.co/yyXTmFYmHT ,1.0 +140052,RT @RamiAlLolah: Graphic! #Russia|n war criminals do not spare even those who fled #Aleppo: We were hit with two rockets.. #Syria https://t ,1.0 +117325,'Er waren rond Nieuwjaar 1200 aanrandingen in Duitsland ' en mogelijk Isis sympathisanten en Nederland sluit grenzen NIET #asielzoekers,0.0 +4991,@user @user @user @user @user @user raghead! free speech @url,1.0 +139657,***INTERVIEW MIT SHEIKH AL MUHAYSINI*** Teil 1 von 10 AUF DEUTSCH https://t.co/Kp8Wu8HXrR https://t.co/TfEhXTUcm3 ,1.0 +9456,put phone down. nif noticed country mourning ; yet again. orange twat. n@url,1.0 +146903,@IdealDeSanta @Qonaqkend Dred Vallz https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/715887650989862913/photo/1 ,1.0 +151826,@iQ_i92 Some accounts says both ,1.0 +108720,ISIS Terrorists Down Mi-25 Chopper by US-Made Missile near Palmyra http://fb.me/1cs0VwDqH,0.0 +110951,0bama has a hard time understanding ISIS killing infidels; NBP wanting to kill whites; but Dylann Roof 's motives are clear to him. #tcot,0.0 +110547,""" South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS "" by SEWELL CHAN via NYT The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html #news #articl ",0.0 +148215,"Syrian rebels fighting ISIS on behalf of the US and Turkey are now referred to as ""Vetted Syrian Opposition"", or VSO https://twitter.com/OIRSpox/status/718079372897419265 ",1.0 +8880,every say keyboard retarded,1.0 +147215,"RT @ShaykhAhmadGems: Time is days, days are your life & life is like a road, it will either take you to Jannah or Jahannam wal-Iyaathu Bill ",1.0 +149870,@canaanitelord Good one @alurdun_ ,1.0 +153461,@PiccoloDaimaoJr @spicylatte123 @kafirkaty @ScotsmanInfidel @sassysassyred you are a rat I just have to put my feet on you hehe ,1.0 +104357,Was really surprised to learn that Daesh learnt all their urban warfare tactics from an old beta max tape of caddy shack ,0.0 +105306,ISIS has launched a newspaper to recruit Southeast Asian fighters http://linkis.com/VoSZf via @TIME,0.0 +159626,How can you say that about an entire faith?,0.0 +148192,@AbuMohamed_01 @Jazrawi_Saraqib Jazak Allah Ghir akhi 3ziz ,1.0 +126795,"FBI director: "" ISIS will attack PRico "" haha never https://twitter.com/caribnews/status/752667585401921536",0.0 +131000,"ISIS "" "" ",0.0 +128727,@MaximeDsch pq tu viens bsm gros daesh,0.0 +133869,"(Hud: 38-39) ""And he constructed the ship, and whenever an assembly of the eminent of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him. He said, If you ridicule us, then we will ridicule you just as you ridicule. And you are going to know who will get a punishment that will disgrace him [on earth] and upon whom will descend an enduring punishment [in the Hereafter] ",1.0 +148286,RT @_NewsLeak_: BREAKING NEWS The aftermath of horrific airstrikes on #Raqqah by the Global Coalition https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143248,@gaurangparikh22 Justice shall prevail soon by the permission of Allaah ,1.0 +151748,May Allah accept them Ameen ,1.0 +113979,RT @dawnwhitehand: George Brandis Yes Islamic state didn't exist at the time - thats the point! We helped create it! #qanda @vanbadham #aus ,0.0 +110767,RT @Kurdistan_dd: Islamic State thugs are furious over this picture. Good! Drink up everyone! pic.twitter.com/A5fA7TJjvw,0.0 +109755,@RealMisterAli islamic state in iraq and syria ,0.0 +129205,"Bangladesh Faces an Uncertain New Reality After the Dhaka Attack: For years, Bangladesh has presented a parad. http://time.com/4392553/bangladesh-dhaka-attack-isis-terrorism-holey-artisan-bakery/ ",0.0 +138456,"Last year, 20 ISIS fighters were captured by Nusrah and after it was confirmed by a Sharia court that they were... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +115993,""" ISIS scanners "" Oh boy",0.0 +108369,RT @GMA: JUST IN: A 25-year-old man from Virginia arrested on charges of attempting to provide material support to ISIS. https://t.co/dOx5y ,0.0 +136731,@Haditha21 @ibnu_noran8 @etdz101010 @WilayatHalab @Abu_adamm i dont.block me if you want u fool ,1.0 +120554,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/ pic.twitter.com/bFlpm5U9Tr,0.0 +134149,"Allah s Messenger (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, Whoever harms an ally of Mine, then I have declared war against him [Sah?h alBukh?r?].",1.0 +125724,Europeans fear that refugee influx raises terror risk: Pew survey | #refugeecrisis #migrantcrisis #ISIS https://www.yahoo.com/news/europeans-fear-refugee-influx-raises-terror-risk-survey-221837131.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw,0.0 +138755,RT @wayf44rer_: (9) He then decided to see for himself. He realized that fighters were being used as cannon fodder for FSA ,1.0 +119646,@QueenKefa U idiot of course this is not real islam Real islam is ISIS,0.0 +110764,@DubaiNameShame can you just buy isis flags now? is there a shop? http://twitter.com/PayPerKay/status/752486939127848960/photo/1,0.0 +137884,"#ISIS militants blown up forces gathering in #Sinai Organisation is getting unexpectedly stronger, wider out there. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +117100,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html #Trumpets take note.",0.0 +111197,Islamic State trying to expand foothold in Southeast Asia: Report http://ow.ly/wbWQ502hy2S,0.0 +125113,RT @KAIGAIch: ISIS # http://kaigai.ch/f29400042148e8b9c3632d6f513d9789 pic.twitter.com/Gr45dC0wvi,0.0 +117421,HAHAHAHA FUCK ISIS WTF pic.twitter.com/o6jGZls2hV,0.0 +116570, ISIS 3 http://jp.reuters.com/article/south-sudan-sdf-idJPKCN0ZR19T ,0.0 +130759,"@Shiv_sahyadri I'm not a religious bigot like you. Ashoka did massacre his coreligionists, hence not different than isis @pushpajain26",0.0 +116936,Syria: ISIL Terrorist Group Executes more Members in #Raqqa http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950421000552 #GOP pic.twitter.com/la26wGeALi,0.0 +6925,im 3rd floor omg heard someone calling another person nigger omg everything okay,1.0 +111579,RT @SATodayNews: Twin brothers in JHB court facing terrorism http://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/gauteng/twin-brothers-in-jhb-court-facing-terrorism/ via @SATodayNews #ISIL #Terrorism #SouthAfrica #Islami ,0.0 +113586,NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: US to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq in Preparation for Mosul Offensiv . https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/238357/ via @instapundit,0.0 +136900,New Release by #AlFurqanMedia soon: Audio Message by Sheikh Abu Mohammad al-Adnani ,1.0 +125671,"ISIS wants us dead & we damn near have a race war on our hands. But on the bright side, y'all love catchin ' those Pokemon critters.",0.0 +7470,#democrats defend illegal aliens support sanctuary cities create racial divide back fund pp tissue @url,0.0 +117939,"NYTimes US: U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS: The announcement, made by Def. http://adf.ly/1c8CNl",0.0 +113101,Seizure of key air base near Mosul raises prospect of U.S. escalation against ISIS http://ln.is/washingtonpost.com/OEKjo,0.0 +105572,RT @TheQuint: This man 's hug saved thousands in Iraq. http://www.thequint.com/world/2016/07/11/man-hugs-isis-suicide-bomber-before-explosion-saves-several-lives ,0.0 +116693,#Syria #ISIS https://twitter.com/Heresay1/status/752551940123418624,0.0 +159050,"Surely it is our 'actions' that make us criminals, not whichever faith we folow, whether than be by choice or tradition or culture?",0.0 +143562,saudi leader #NorthThunder # _ exercises (2) https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +150746,"RT @GlennKesslerWP: Nope, ISIS is not selling Libyan oil. Four Pinocchios! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/25/trumps-false-claim-that-isis-is-making-a-fortune-on-libyan-oil/ ",1.0 +143693,@tomjery46 lol yeah ,1.0 +130771,"RT @Free_Media_Hub: "" U.S.-backed militias face second Daesh counter attack - official, monitor "" - http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN0ZK0SH",0.0 +153666,@abunaseeha2 Have they told the tribe yet that their daughters would become whores for sexual jihad?,1.0 +125273,Why Isis got me in a group chat ,0.0 +155174,"RT @OmprakashSewa: Under Love Jihad, Muslims lure young Hindu girls & then force them to convert to Islam. Romeos then go 4 their next prey ",1.0 +145104,@Dhul_Qarnayn1 @ggmm1g please unfollow me ,1.0 +9898,@user @user there's always handful twat waffles!,1.0 +136439," So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And let them not disquiet you who are not certain [in faith] (Ar-Rum 60).",1.0 +9303,@user i'm retarded. know u referring lol still. he's still baby & still halloween u need chill.,0.0 +116646,RT @Soryba1: Et voici l'envoyer de Daesh qui a termin le boulot pic.twitter.com/Qt0Cft1kJ3,0.0 +138927,#AlQassam militants launch huge event to Recruit new young fighters in #Gaza. ,1.0 +123091,Pasukan Afghanistan mengklaim tewaskan 31 militan ISIS https://infowarta.com/pasukan-afghanistan-mengklaim-tewaskan-31-militan-isis/ ,0.0 +7922,@user @user @user @user @user someone retweets jokes calling sad twat ,1.0 +128082,"RT @LebaneseProblem: This week, ISIS has attacked: Baghdad Istanbul Dhaka All 3 cities are Muslim majority. It is Ramadan. YET MORE PROO ",0.0 +7340,@user stupid cunt.,1.0 +147255,RT @Nidalgazaui: #IS repelled attack of 5 US Black Hawk helicopters and warplanes with anti-aircraft fire in #Makhmour area. https://t.co/R ,1.0 +147735, ( ): - - # ,1.0 +136649,@Jazrawi_Ouud I thought this was the beginning of their suffering in the facing of death @zaheralali00 ,1.0 +7216,@user line thinking dylan said crazy nigger hurricane thin @url,1.0 +111362,Muslim parents would NOT report children if they traveled to Syria to join ISIS - Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684340/Some-Muslim-parents-NOT-report-children-travelled-Syria-join-ISIS-don-t-trust-police-claims-new-study.html ,0.0 +7439,yeah thats going help! talk retarded. want swarm violent morons storm j @url,1.0 +107925,"RT @AmbJohnBolton: #ISIS has a manipulative & skillful approach to radicalizing people on social media. Until we can tackle this issue, US ",0.0 +131479,"Baghdad bombing: More than 200 dead in Islamic State-claimed blast, officials say http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/baghdad-bombing-213-dead-in-islamic-state-claimed-blast/7568264 via @abcnews",0.0 +154196,@ExposeFalsehood @arabthomness Mohammed was illiterate and superstitious and Islam's backwardness is catching up to it's Jihadis.,1.0 +140918,"Conversation between #jaishalthuwaar (SDF) Commander and #Syrian army Commander (Call themselfes ""Brother"") https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +131408,RT @JonTyson: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/?tid=pm_pop_b,0.0 +118710,ISIS needs to be exterminated from R planet ~ Their evil is spreading like a wild fire ~ Extinguish it now 4 all ~ ~ https://twitter.com/sassysassyred/status/752573309263319040,0.0 +111207,RT @PozeBaroze: ISIS issues instruction to murder children with disabilities in areas under their control in echo of the Nazis https://t.co ,0.0 +126013,http://mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/paris-terror-attacks-isis-release-6841011 wipe them out. Fast and swift,0.0 +6583,@user who's cleamson retard?,1.0 +108427,RT @Abouyamany: pic.twitter.com/468qkaPVTq #ISIS #ISIL #Deash #ISIS ,0.0 +136057," Indeed, there is among them a party who alter the Scripture with their tongues so you may think it is from the Scripture, but it is not from the Scripture. And they say, This is from Allah, but it is not from Allah. And they speak lies about Allah while they know (Al Imran 78).",1.0 +138430,#Caliphate_News #WilayatHalab Cubs & Flowers of the Calophate- Education in Akhtar n city. https://justpaste.it/qzvo https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128974,"When the Nazis decided to try and conquer the entire world, we went to war with them. When Isis does it nobody bats an eye. #ReligionOfPeace",0.0 +112876,"RT @malhilli: The Shrine of Sayid Mohammad, son of Imam Hadi (a) is visited by millions annually in #Balad. It was attacked yesterday by #D ",0.0 +154051,@zh_ha89 You just proved that you are stupid. I just showed you the Hadiths where Mohammed calls women stupid and you still deny it.,1.0 +137841,"RT @Omar_Madaniah: ! ""# "" https://twitter.com/Omar_Madaniah/status/689772846978068480/photo/1 ",1.0 +154510,@urgedharry @nyazpolitics @greenlinerzjm If you actually knew about Islam you would know how violent and barbaric http://t.co/cMU60pvE0s,1.0 +137900,Current Situation Map of Wilayat Kheyr.#IS closing in on the assadists. https://t.co/BLIoEH0YuZ ,1.0 +129805,RT @VULGOROMANCE12: Daesh dispone de un grupo espec fico para preparar atentados en Espa a http://www.abc.es/espana/abci-daesh-dispone-grupo-especifico-para-preparar-atentados-espana-201607031955_noticia.html v a @abc_es,0.0 +105555,Daesh huye de Mosul hacia Siria mientras avanza Ej rcito iraqu - http://htv.mx/O2z,0.0 +112625,RT @hus_kay: Qui a pas eu son bac la ? Je recrute pour daesh,0.0 +145743, ! ! ! ,1.0 +137421,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Iran|ian ambassador in #Saudi reportedly left a while ago on-board an Iranian navy aircraft carrier.. https://t.co/VLDlZl ,1.0 +151558,RT @GroupAnon: Tor and VPN users labeled as criminals will be hacked and spied by FBI under new law http://www.techworm.net/2016/05/tor-vpn-users-labeled-criminals-hacked-spied-fbi-new-law.html ,1.0 +151311,"Significant development. #ISIS reportedly gained more ground on Bashiqa mountain near Mosul, Aamaq reporting now.. #Iraq ",1.0 +154120,@AnasMechch @peymaneh123 The problem with the Middle East is that there seem to be no good guys to support. They are all Islamolunatics.,1.0 +123635,"RT @NbaOvaHoes_11: I don't see how killing innocent people, regardless of what other family members do is okay. And I don't understand how ",0.0 +151785,RT @PrinceOfFreakz: Look how close #IS is to #VSO stronghold: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143454,"RT @DOCTORATLARGE: Today's a holiday. Why don't u guys to go to a hospital, see doctors working 24 7 to save people, & beat them up if they ",1.0 +6265,@user shut negro,1.0 +146782,jazakhallah khair akhil kareem https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +103959,Andrea Leadsom 's tax return . was prepared by ISIS Accountants,0.0 +106244,"bernamadotcom: Tindakan Tegas Terhadap Pengeluar, Pengedar Akhbar Daesh - Nur Jazlan http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v8/bm/ge/newsgeneral.php pic.twitter.com/bVgVxQJVoQ",0.0 +108782,RT @SlametMuslim: SURAT TERBUKA KEPADA ORMAS ISLAM SOAL PENCATUTAN NAMA PROPAGANDA ISIS #Manjanik http://chirpstory.com/li/321414,0.0 +130177,BBC - 270 3 http://www.bbc.com/japanese/36700608 ISIS ,0.0 +122371,IT WASN'T ISIS BRO? https://twitter.com/bakerboy24711/status/752600757271011328,0.0 +160614,If we end up with a hard border I hope we do not find out.,0.0 +151737,"The interview originally arabic 3 parts. For English speakers, part 1 has already been published from #alhayat https://twitter.com/BlogsofWar/status/727684977555587072 ",1.0 +148202,@ektrit Wise decision.. ,1.0 +117702,#Daesh recruiters keep an eye out for #criminals http://en.arabstoday.net/news/worldnews/daesh-recruiters-keep-an-eye-110716175923 @arabstodayEN,0.0 +149605,"RT @wayf44rerr: #Sinai 11 y. ord child, one woman and one man were killed by airstrikes south of Sheikh Zuwaid yesterday ",1.0 +120619,ISIS (IS) - NAVER http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2142193729408390001 ,0.0 +117265,"@secgen Ban Ki Moon is blind,deaf and mute on US-UK creation of ISIS by war on Iraq? Silent on violence in US? https://twitter.com/CNNnews18/status/752557719748435968",0.0 +141548,@ismailmahsud @ismailmahsud suspected notice being by #ISIS says we'll continue our attacks. Sunnah ppl protection. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +142818,The #ISIS Air Defense Battalion of #Ninawa.. #Iraq https://t.co/h85Aq917xn ,1.0 +105679,RT @peterson__scott: Falluja after Isis: a city of ghosts and graffiti by @martinchulov https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/09/falluja-isis-shia-iraq ,0.0 +154890,"@Amyloukingery Love it when these idiot national leaders claim that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and not one has read the Quran.",1.0 +4716,living real white got soul still spic !,1.0 +128532,RT @ulil: Nabi Muhammad sudah meramal dg detil ciri2 kelompok ISIS 1400an tahun lalu http://ln.is/huffingtonpost.com/Z4qkh via @HuffPostRelig,0.0 +118455,RT @kogaENT: Photo: Four footballers beheaded in Syria by ISIS http://fb.me/1dXpkOBYA,0.0 +126760,@CSCleve Christena Cleveland Why ISIS blindly obey their leaders? Read here: http://simpleislam.weebly.com/scholar-en,0.0 +108446,"Pakistan mein agar saaray Singles ko jama kiya jaye, Toh ISIS se bhi bara Network khara ho sakta hai.",0.0 +126242,Brought them home long enough for #ISIS to take hold then sent 'em back. https://twitter.com/Barry_O44/status/752643571107237888,0.0 +128563,#ISIS reached in Iran too. due to some reports an ISIS member arrested in central #Tehran.,0.0 +152247,RT @TaziMorocco: BREAKING: #Assad Forces are commiting a massacre in #Hama Central Prison. #Syria ,1.0 +140795,@warrnews So obvious... Cheap propaganda... Trash... ,1.0 +132905,RT @ElPoliTwico: .@DiarioTalCual TERROR Atentados suicidas d ISIS deja 125 muertos en zona comercial d Bagdad http://ow.ly/OMRZ301SDjo https ,0.0 +117559,RT @Pashtunist: Deputy chief of Daesh Khorasan Muslim Dost condemned the recent aggression of Daesh against civilians in Kot district of #N ,0.0 +138147,RT @sparksofirhabi4: Don't be the one who abandons the Qur'an. Do you want the Prophet to be a witness against you on Judgement day? htt ,1.0 +125471,#TechNews US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat - The U.S. government 's campaign to counter ISIS ' social media prese. http://ow.ly/GOOU502iR4r,0.0 +9894,@user games till faggot,1.0 +6454,well job job activist ally immigrants lgbtq community...,0.0 +117246,RT @JohnMahr23: Breaking--- Careless Hillary says she is for women but she has NOT denounced an ISIS woman slave app @HillaryClint ,0.0 +155077,@MaxBlumenthal @RaniaKhalek There was no Shujaiya massacre. The place was full of Blumenthal's terrorist friends and their weapons.,1.0 +133245,RT @911USA1: ISIS abducts 150 Christians! America what are we going to do about it? #RT http://www.allenbwest.com/allen/isis-abducts-150-christians-parades-captives-in-cages-does-anyone-have-a-strategy-for-defeating-isis-besides-me-video #STOPIslam #MakeDCListen #W ,0.0 +113283,"Most of the new troops will be devoted to the build-up of the Qayara air base, about 40 miles south of Mosul, and include engineers, .",0.0 +154288,@halalcunty @biebervalue @liamxkiwi @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws Half of Saudi women are beaten at home because the Quran permits it.,1.0 +127554,@Italians4Trump black lives group has strong ties to black panthers who have ties to Isis. Wake up you lib stooges,0.0 +124724,"Saudi Arabia must do more to prevent secret funding of Isis, MPs say http://twib.in/l/dbEeKnzykdEd pic.twitter.com/6yzoLu7tn8",0.0 +152143,"RT @Ibn__Al_Farooq_: ""It was morning and everything was normal until all of a sudden the planes started to drop the bombes on our houses"" h ",1.0 +145829,"RT @MaghrebiHD: I wonder how idiots who were saying ""Assad gave Palmyra to IS"" feel when they see SAA/Russia/Iran/Hezbollat going all out t ",1.0 +143915,"Kuffar be like, if you hate this country then leave. Well my brothers have tried and your democracy has locked them in cages. ",1.0 +149562,RT @Serif_Imamagic0: Is the Syrian crisis will continue for another five years? ,1.0 +151250,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oED6xzX5K8&feature=youtu.be THE BATTLE OF THE MAHDI #WORLD #WAR ,1.0 +117742,Un estudio revela el territorio que ha perdido el #ISIS en los 6 primeros meses del a o. #Siria #Irak http://www.diarioturco.com/mundo/un-estudio-revela-el-territorio-que-ha-perdido-el-isis-en-los-seis-primeros-meses-del-ao-h2819.html,0.0 +130614,RT @Syriabetween: #ISIL Withdraws from Key Height in #Homs http://fb.me/45owTJI3I,0.0 +122968,RT @Kate3015: Saudi twins suspected of killing their mother who opposed them joining ISIL. Good to see calls for debate https://t.co/njoTh ,0.0 +110684,I hope #ISIS doesn't know about #PokemonGO http://usuallyclassy.weebly.com/home/i-hope-isis-doesnt-know-about-pokemon-go #PokemonGoChallenge pic.twitter.com/23ZNESjepQ,0.0 +153651,"HUGE At least 300 Irani IRCG Soldiers were killed in Khan Tuman, Southern #Aleppo 50 of them were big Commanders- Reports ",1.0 +142828,The istishhadiyon may Allah accept them. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +154099,"If ISIS has nothing to do with #Islam then why doesn't it attract Jews, Himdus, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, Christians. Why only Muslims?",1.0 +124746,US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat http://www.technewsworld.com/story/83682.html pic.twitter.com/JrzyKMkgvJ,0.0 +152399,"@kingemirb Yes I know but in the future, this will make big problem ",1.0 +130215,RT @tinsense: Only a confident Hindu Rashtra with clear ideology can counter & defeat ISIS & Co. Else let 's be ready for the history to be ,0.0 +128902,you can find a lot of ISIS talking through Omegle,0.0 +160372,"Muslims are guilty in the sexual exploitation of children. Dirty filthy muslims terrorize our girls, today in Oxford, tomorrow everywhere.",1.0 +147705,RT @Jazrawi_Saraqib: All I can say is Islamic state won today Alhamdulillah Alqaeda and ahrar exposed as fighting under US command against ,1.0 +136911,AlhamduLILLAH!!! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +109566,Probably Pinarayi can influence his friend #Madani 2 influence #ZakirNaik 2 influence #Saudi then #ISIS ! https://twitter.com/thenewsminute/status/752442393689894913,0.0 +134410," ISIS will have taken more towns, more territory, consolidated more gains and really become, unfortunately, the kind of country we don t want to see over there, declared retired Lieutenant Colonel Bill Cowan on Fox News in October 2014.",1.0 +148729,@usme71 ,1.0 +141817,Significant developments in #Sabratha tonight.. Reports of #ISIS major progress there.. #Libya https://t.co/MbhGJYLCZc ,1.0 +8738,@user @user @user @user saying nauru shithole? criticizing @url,1.0 +135307, Islam has been built upon five matters: Worshiping Allah and disbelieving in anything [worshiped] besides Him ,1.0 +149275,RT @Hamas_Mujahid_: Our #Hamas Mujaheeden just 50m away from #Israel closest Checkpoint near #Gaza #Israel Border Crossing. # https:// ,1.0 +111785,There will be an immediate Humanitarianin need in northern #Iraq as Iraqi and U.S. military prepare to retake the city from ISIS,0.0 +150648,"Edging the U.S. deeper into a conflict that Obama once thought he had left, he authorized an additional 250 soldiers to embed with the PKK ",1.0 +123860,"RT @smallwars: U.S. intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' @CNNPolitics http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html ",0.0 +142600,Two more tanks of #Iraq army get burnt in eastern #Fallujah struck by thermal rockets. ,1.0 +152445,RT @dkimball12: Civilians and fighters celebrate victory is #Aleppo by parading SAA prisoners. https://twitter.com/dkimball12/status/728702200537559042/video/1 ,1.0 +127047,RT @badly_xeroxed: #FSA #Southern_Front Alwiyat Saif al-Sham | battles vs. #ISIS Yarmouk Basin Rif W #Daraa: https://youtu.be/T_TwamdCf7s https: ,0.0 +145910,"RT @SkyNews: Explosion heard during police operation in Brussels borough of Schaerbeek, local media reports https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/713349058555994112/photo/1 ",1.0 +113412,"I wonder the overlap between those receiving threats, and those on the ISIS hit list the FBI isn't discussing. https://twitter.com/CounterMoonbat/status/752513265146572800",0.0 +127728,Daesh il disait il allait r server une surprise pour la finale de l'Euro j'crois qu'il parlait du but d'Eder.,0.0 +110819,South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html?partner=rss&emc=rss,0.0 +132488,Dua Tersangka ISIS Ditahan di Bandara Istanbul - Republika Online http://internasional.republika.co.id/berita/internasional/global/16/07/04/o9sf8a328-dua-tersangka-isis-ditahan-di-bandara-istanbul #bandara,0.0 +123773,Will ISIS be pushed easily from Mosul? http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/iraq-mosul-isis-conflict-explainer/index.html ,0.0 +105662,US Defense Secretary Carter in Baghdad to discuss plans to retake Mosul from ISIS. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/ash-carter-baghdad/index.html pic.twitter.com/DBvLjbhxVX #Break ,0.0 +108978,@DonVitelTone si sii.. ya se donde mandarte al.de Isis,0.0 +107745, ISIS 35 : 60 - News Today Time http://fb.me/D0rlKP2R,0.0 +153017,@wordsburning2 @__alfresco__ Oooops ,1.0 +130918,ISIS Berhasil Merebut Kembali Manbij? http://goo.gl/fb/CXa8oH,0.0 +105611,@ashrefkaroush @Mosul__ ,0.0 +153571,@PeigneACheveux C'est cause de Guillaume le conqu rant il la export le fonc qui fut utilis jusqu'au 15 me si cle en Angleterre ,1.0 +153407,@kafirkaty @sassysassyred @ScotsmanInfidel you have nothing to do huh editing pics ,1.0 +136208,"Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said, ""Allah's Messenger was sleeping on a mat. When he awoke, it left marks on his side, so we said, ""O Messenger of Allah, if only we took a cushion for you!' So he said, 'What do I have to do with the Dunya? I am only in the Dunya like a rider who took shade beneath a tree, then went away and left it""",1.0 +116187,"Latest case in Virginia of Haris Qamar, he chose to join ISIS. His parents confiscated his passport and did what they could to prevent him.",0.0 +113572,"#Libya discovers mass grave, secret prison amid ISIL fight http://www.islamedianalysis.info/libya-discovers-mass-grave-secret-prison-amid-isil-fight/ pic.twitter.com/xTSDewktcj",0.0 +145312,Enough Said https://twitter.com/shamirebel/status/712363637302812672 ,1.0 +104310,Carter: US will use Iraq cybercity as cyberbase to retake Mosul,0.0 +138373,"#IslamicState #WilayatSayna | Liquidation of the apostate police "" Mriziq Mohammed Marzaq AlBaeir "" , who works as a ""sentry"" 1/2 ",1.0 +154474,@ingyusarms I've spent more time studying and thinking about religion than you've been alive. I understand Islam perfectly.,1.0 +9444,@user french retard,0.0 +124009,"Dear St.Benedict, please pray for the world,& end of isis,terror,wars,abuse,poverty, we nd the nations to gather! ! ! https://twitter.com/DioceseofTulsa/status/752519490638909440",0.0 +142905,Such amazing artwork! #Photos #Zaatari: The #Syria|n refugees camp in #Jordan via @Fouadhallak89 https://t.co/Va0gkiBOlR ,1.0 +110186,Trump said he would bomb the $&~t out of Isis,0.0 +125023,@Fradgie ANTIS Getting frantic so desperate do not know which way to turn now seeking help from ISIS but sent letter to Bagdad not OXFORD,0.0 +107208,So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January. http://linkis.com/qiC1U via @BBCWorld,0.0 +135972,"Likewise, Umar Ibn al-Khattab ? wrote to Abu Musa ? saying, Kill every sorcerer and soothsayer ",1.0 +124867,"RT @carlajo1947: BREAKING: #FBI ARRESTS #ISIS OPERATIVE LIVING IN WASHING, D.C. READ & RT. https://twitter.com/JaySekulow/status/751518988786626560",0.0 +117397,"Implicar com a Isis, bonz o kkkkkkkkk",0.0 +128171,RT @nycjim: Many children are victims of car bomb in Baghdad. 131 dead; ISIS claims responsibility. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/iraq-baghdad-bombings-kill-23-160703045945293.html https://t.co/W ,0.0 +155176,"@dankmtl And the number of Christians in Israel is increasing, while in all Muslim countries it is shrinking.",1.0 +123184,@_010_isis Reported all #3 is a runner ,0.0 +148815,"RT @DanieleRaineri: Training camp of the Islamic State in eastern Libya, Camp ""Sheikh Abul Mughirah al Qahtani"" https://twitter.com/DanieleRaineri/status/720310200012378113/photo/1 ",1.0 +144755,#CoalitionProgress #CoalitionProgress https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +159993,Accepting people from all walks of life is not an illness.,0.0 +131027,<3 http://fb.me/1lGqL5R4K,0.0 +131672,RT @MedborgareX: Synd bara att resten av den muslimska familjen inte ocks spr ngdes i luften. #isis #islam #migpol http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vast/3-aring-lekte-med-handgranat-dog?cmpid=del:pd:ny:20160704:3-aring-lekte-med-handgranat-dog:nyh,0.0 +139445,@24Aleppo not from Assad/Russian airstrike ? ,1.0 +129762,RT @ThatCoffeeTho: Well-educated elite is becoming a rule among Islamic State soldiers these days. https://twitter.com/Conflicts/status/749848749825003520,0.0 +145765,#ISIS Munkith Shukri al-Obeidi (aka. the sniper of #Fallujah) was camp Bucca prisoner & #Iraq|i army most wanted 'terrorist' in Anbar.. ,1.0 +134155,"Likewise during his khil?fah, Ab? Bakr (radiyall?hu anh) gathered a number of his advisors from amongst the Sah?bah and consulted them about the case of a man found guilty of committing sodomy. The one who had the most severe position was Al? (radiyall?hu anh) who said, This is a sin that no nation had committed before except for one nation, and you know how Allah dealt with them. I view that we should burn him alive. So the Sah?bah agreed with his position, and Ab? Bakr wrote to Kh?lid ordering him to burn the man alive",1.0 +134767,"{O Prophet, why do you prohibit [yourself from] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking the approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful} [At-Tahr?m: 1]",1.0 +123207,RT @nohilary: When you call your grandpa and he starts ranting on Hillary Clinton and how she 's apart of ISIS pic.twitter.com/q2TIwp9FXi,0.0 +140721,RT @DanieleRaineri: A Libya-based facilitator served as the primary money and weapons facilitator for Juaythini s activities in Gaza http ,1.0 +151962,RT @7layers_: Kurdish insurgents have started targeting #Iran's Revolutionary Guard. http://www.businessinsider.com/iran-facing-a-wide-scale-armed-uprising-2016-5 ,1.0 +104953,#Virginia Man Charged w/ Attempting to Support to #Daesh/#WashingtonDC targets for video promoting lone attacks @TheJusticeDept #terrorism,0.0 +137051,@Bajwa47online #KhilafahNews ,1.0 +115045,More US Troops to Deploy to Iraq Before Mosul Offensive: In surprise trip to http://abc7news.com/news/more-us-troops-to-deploy-to-iraq-before-mosul-offensive/1421767/ #news | http://abc7news.com,0.0 +137864,RT @HaythamSayfadd1: Muft s issued fatw s for Mussolini that 'Umar al-Mukht r & those with him were Khaw rij & to be killed. https://t.co/7 ,1.0 +128009,RT @Primal: @soncabral Iraq officials: Bombs kill 83 people in Baghdad http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/03/iraq-car-bombs-terrorist-attacks-islamic-state-baghdad/86651544/ via usatoday,0.0 +113516,"RT @ArkansasFred: Chewbacca Mom: "" I will destroy ISIS. """,0.0 +139644,RT @Paradoxy13: Not one damn MANPADS do we have to protect ourselves! Not a single one in the entire country! #Syria ,1.0 +131091,#ANDRIKASEP Ledakan Granat di Selangor Ternyata Juga Terkait ISIS. http://internasional.kompas.com/read/2016/07/04/17112661/ledakan.granat.di.selangor.ternyata.juga.terkait.isis ,0.0 +106520,RT @Homer2bart: Example of sweeping statement. Owaisi is speaking against ISIS since long. He was even threatned online https://t.co/Dh41Ad ,0.0 +118539,@Raqqa_SL i want to join,0.0 +6153,nigger lion heart wish god forward ever back ward never man say.,0.0 +131936,RT @Orangeone4: Hey #ButcherofBenghazi YOU BUILT ISIS! https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/749701475350286341,0.0 +139284,"@Fidaee_Fulaani in that video he explains a bit the misinformation in Muslims that always got saw ""dark side"" than ""light side"" of Dawlah ",1.0 +132588,#Kuwait Foils Isil Attack Plot During Ramadan https://www.riskmap.com/#/m/4022443/ pic.twitter.com/4QrLv2kIt7,0.0 +143573,~10km southwest of #Baiji; #ISIS showered #Iraq|i army base with 200 mortar rounds in #Seneia. Major loses reported. https://t.co/bDxKkruGfI ,1.0 +155525,@MaxBlumenthal Here are the verses from Quran and Hadith proving genocidal aim of the Muslim biggots. http://t.co/pF8iwpdb1d,1.0 +138928,RT @TRACterrorism: Niger Delta Militants Attacks another On Oil pipeline In Bayelsa #Nigeria http://www.thygathered.com/2016/01/niger-delta-militants-attacks-another.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter https://t.co/NxXgkBaL ,1.0 +143497,Allahu Akbar #AmaqAgency Martyrdom operations hits Kurdish units near Mt. 'Abd al-'Aziz west of #Hasakah. ,1.0 +123334,RT @YusuF667777: #Mosul Entertainment Campaign by the Diwan of Preaching and Mosques for the Children of Martyred Immigrants https://t.co/2 ,0.0 +126230,"Tabish Khair: 's book Jihadi Jane Book review: Jihadi Jane, the Women who love ISIS | http://TwoCircles.net http://twocircles.net/2016jul11/1468193756.html#.V4Q4xhj0XnI.twitter",0.0 +137746,"@leithfadel And message is:""You can't kill me, because i always run away, escape like a coward."" Photo is from this summer, quite hot, sunny ",1.0 +117612,RT @ianbremmer: How do Muslims feel about ISIS? pic.twitter.com/e5BX5LE1IC,0.0 +116901,RT @MossadNews: Satellites Show Hundreds of Makeshift Islamic State Oil Refineries in Iraq http://fb.me/18ND9D3qi,0.0 +155288,"@MiddleEastEye If you want to understand ISIS, understand Islam. They are exactly the same.",1.0 +146625,RT @cand_i1: Photo report : The fighting in Bab Shelo area west of Sinjar between #IS & Kurdish militias. https://justpaste.it/srw0 https://t ,1.0 +139182,RT @IkhwanSyriaEn: Military map of #Syria during the period (1/2014 - 1/2016) via @giphy https://twitter.com/IkhwanSyriaEn/status/694514161716436992/photo/1 ,1.0 +155119,"Our journalists watch ISIS burn a man in a cage, and they respond with the same tired cliche about ""hijacking the religion"" BS! It's #Islam",1.0 +148591,RT @RamiAlLolah: #ISIS huge VBIED rocked VSO mercenaries positions in Qasajic village in northern Aleppo countryside #Syria https://t.co/gC ,1.0 +129479,WHERE ME CHILOTT? >>> Death toll in Baghdad bomb attack rises to 165 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/baghdad-bombing-attack-isis-iraq-death-toll-latest-news-car-terror-a7118546.html,0.0 +155262,@MaxBlumenthal @mehdirhasan @tnr Mohammed loved robbing caravans and looting for a living. ISIS robs and lots for a living.,1.0 +108966,"Carter, in Iraq, announces preliminary plan to retake Mosul from ISIS http://owl.li/JD4a502hlng",0.0 +134426,"Ibn Qutaybah (rahimahull?h) also said, {And perform rib?t} for Allah s cause. And the linguistic basis of mur?batah (rib?t) is a bond: That these people bind their horses and that those ones bind their horses at the frontier post. Each prepares for his counterpart. So the presence at the frontier posts was named rib?t ",1.0 +121461,"When the UK parliament voted for the bombing of ISIS,they never thot about the ordinary people that lived there #Exodus",0.0 +117741,We talked to @JobyWarrick about his new book on Islamic States 's origins. http://ow.ly/xK7A3027t04 pic.twitter.com/OwmjQCDSo4,0.0 +117176,RT @PorkyCrusade: ISIS Organizes Its Own Jihad Olympics In Syria http://www.weaselzippers.us/282761-isis-organizes-its-own-jihad-olympics-in-syria/ via @WeaselZippers,0.0 +131856,Aumentan a 180 los muertos en un atentado reivindicado por ISIS en una zona comercial de Bagdad http://www.eldiario.es/internacional/muertos-atentado-bomba-comercial-Bagdad_0_533346690.html v a @eldiarioes,0.0 +114882,@TheArabSource what was he doing with daesh near oil tankers.! ?,0.0 +126574,RT @Idahograybeard: ISIS Publicly Beheads Four Soccer Players After Declaring Sport Anti-Islamic http://www.weaselzippers.us/282687-isis-publicly-beheads-four-soccer-players-after-declaring-sport-anti-islamic/ via @WeaselZipp ,0.0 +112958,x: rt: RT waheedgul: Ajit Devil is a known sympathizer and financier for ISIS #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/XWwdKZuVqt,0.0 +128712,Dazebao News - Iraq: piu ' di 200 morti in attentato. L Isis rivendica http://www.dazebaonews.it/mondo/item/42865-iraq-piu-di-200-morti-in-attentato-l-isis-rivendica.html ,0.0 +159406,"What, a faith of hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life?",0.0 +146403,The US and its crusade coalition are bombing Muslims living under Islamic State 24/7 and the destruction of lives... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +145463,RT @TRACterrorism: #Brussels attacks update: #Laachraoui killed during airport explosions; man on the run still unidentified #Zaventem http ,1.0 +139217,"RT @LaysalGhareebM: After years of war the children still smile, resilient to what dictators throw at them https://twitter.com/RajaOmarFarooq/status/675509798260113408/video/1 ",1.0 +112882,RT @kuvvar: ISIS & Liberal adalah bersaudara dlm membangun Islamophobia ISIS membuat teror dg wajah islam Liberal mencitrakan teror tsb te ,0.0 +7512,#newprofilepic ching chong 100 @url,0.0 +133488,RT @BeautyofDamon: We don't blame Christianity when we find out about many Catholic priests molesting little boys. Why blame Islam for ISIS ,0.0 +126102,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=4817906060 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=729256824898228224 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=749893700373712896 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +121923,"RT @MahirZeynalov: Even as Turkey ramps up its campaign against ISIS, it continues to protect others viewed by West as terrorists https://t ",0.0 +146891,#Hamas Propaganda Video about their killed fighters and Suicide Bombers in #Gaza War 2014 https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +150833,Israeli official: #IS-affiliate s use of chemical weapons a red line #TremblingJews http://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-official-is-affiliates-use-of-chemical-weapons-a-red-line/ ,1.0 +107490,@TofaLemon @sahaL_AS klo ada nuansa Syariah lngsng kelan tuduh ISIS dan TERORIS. Klo yg gk sungkeman lebaran sama mamaknya dia diem,0.0 +140623,@FreeingSyria your remote control revolution is finished. not its AQ and #ISIS time.. Gurrela warfare ,1.0 +133881,"(Maryam: 75) ""Say, Whoever is in error let ar-Rahm?n lengthen for him an extension [in time] until, when they see that which they were promised either punishment or the Hour. They will come to know who is worst in position and weaker in soldiers""",1.0 +116070,"via @Iraq_Alerts Ian Reifowitz: Oil And ISIS: If We Hadn't Needed One, The Other Wouldn't Exist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ian-reifowitz/oil-and-isis-if-we-hadnt_b_10928140.html #Iraq",0.0 +146520,RT @nasertamimi: # # _ _ _ # _ _ _ # _ _ _ . ,1.0 +145565,"@Annabbii Non l je vais couter la vid o d s que j'aurais le temps, de tout facon Aldo cite toujours des ref ",1.0 +159487,"That is what biased news reports would have you believe, but violent incidents are committed by people of all faiths, muslims just get reported on more.",0.0 +118548,""" Rejoindre Daesh pour les nuls "" https://twitter.com/ntmcflurry/status/752490346093785088",0.0 +143889,#AmaqAgency 4 members of Fajr #Libya killed and 8 others wounded in assault by Islamic State fighters on Bu Qarayn checkpoint west of #Sirte ,1.0 +111418,@WalshFreedom @slarimer Rudy Giuliani is a disgrace; he 's using BLM to profile all blacks the way Donald Trump uses ISIS to tag all Muslims!,0.0 +159645,Do you think maybe race hate actually started in England when we began colonising other nations and treating people of other races as sub-human?,0.0 +153967,@CamilleHughes16 @anthfieg1 @_Watch_Observe_ How many times do I have to tell you that most Muslims are extremists. http://t.co/n4sK0jFvmf,1.0 +118330,RT @allisonnfarrell: tay thinks her mom is Isis @taylllor_ pic.twitter.com/iLTlr1VCp3,0.0 +7335,u look like dyke @url,1.0 +126854,RT @ish10040: OBAMAS LAST 6 MONTHS SOROS FBI COMEY LYNCH JEH JOHNSON BLM PANTHERS BAPTIST MINISTER ISIS SYRIAN REFUGEES LA RAZA https://t. ,0.0 +115106,RT @bootymath: getting drunk with ISIS and the CIA lol this is tight lmao i didn't know y'all was cool haha,0.0 +131668,RT @SafiraLeaf: Mr al-Menhali 's experience in the US was deeply regrettable. We are pleased that city officials met him & apologized https: ,0.0 +131709,RT @nerinaazad: I D 3 havaliman n daha hedef g sterdi! http://www.nerinaazad.com/news/actual/isis/isid-3-havalimanini-daha-hedef-gosterdi pic.twitter.com/JRXhWtxY83,0.0 +125199,RT @mayankjain100: A Gurkha Hindu Soldier chopped and killed 3 ISIS terrorists single handedly just with a. http://fb.me/4DFsvh0pp,0.0 +9133,@user @user guy retarded man. i've saying over. thinks niggas open @url,1.0 +6247,people please stop using word mongo?? yeah sounds funny short mongoloid real @url,1.0 +139768,"They can't tolerate this part of Islam as it makes Islam powerfull & subjugates them, they want to curse this part of Islam ",1.0 +131264,Gruesome Islamic State clip captures CHILD jihadi brutally murdering two helpless captives http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/685899/Gruesome-Islamic-State-daesh-child-jihadi-brutally-murdering-prisoners-ISIS http://fb.me/sY5khUks,0.0 +122698,RT @amrightnow: #greta @DanScavino You Don't Know Yet-They Got ISIS Right Where You Said 5 mo. Ago http://freedomoutpost.com/just-8-miles-outside-texas-border-this-islamic-camp-exists-guess-who-they-are-aided-by/ https://t.co/CjU ,0.0 +115573,RT @Mojahedineng: #Iran #News U.S. to send 560 more troops to #Iraq before Mosul push: Carter https://www.mojahedin.org/newsen/48201 https://t.co/3uNAt3qK ,0.0 +6151,disruptive thing bitcoin retarded shit bitcointalk.,1.0 +134527,"{Then, do those who have plotted evil deeds feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not perceive?} [An-Nahl: 45].",1.0 +108044,"We will bomb the Qatar World Cup, ISIS warns FIFA | Local | News | Qatar Day http://fb.me/t7q82Cer",0.0 +111196,ISIS Works For Israel UNDENIABLE PROOF 1/2 http://randpaul.trendolizer.com/2016/07/isis-works-for-israel-undeniable-proof-12.html pic.twitter.com/9CxOkxCfN5,0.0 +152349,"#AmaqAgency Martyrdom operation with explosive belt hits Iraqi forces checkpoint in #Ridwaniyyah, west of #Baghdad https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +106952,@hanabipapa ISIS POP ,0.0 +107520,Will the new 'lone wolf attack ' strategy make it difficult for security agencies to track terror cells? #AskRezaul @Rezhasan #IslamicState,0.0 +145349,"@whoamidude They seem to use the term ""security detachment"" for operations in non-Wilayat territories like Belgium or Bangladesh. ",1.0 +154456,@truaemusic @mattybboi83 @Number10gov Islam cannot be reformed because it's vileness is too deep in the religion.,1.0 +131335,"New post: "" Russia to send Admiral Kuzetnov warship to Syria as Putin prepares to destroy ISIS "" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673423/Russia-send-Admiral-Kuzetnov-warship-Syria-Putin-prepares-destroy-ISIS.html ",0.0 +155482,@ldstarr18 @AC360 Islam is worse than the Nazi party ever was.,1.0 +144184,"Today's demonstration in ""Sharia ruled"" Ma'arat Al-Nu'man, JN got humiliated & kicked out. People smoking freely. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +121058,@Cameron_Cagle when it comes to ISIS and other terror groups. Enough 's enough,0.0 +149348,"We are starting new project (Asia defense . twitter,facebook & youtube account) .. if any one is interested inbox... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +9657,anyone else make wah ching ching chung choo ching chong noises try copy kung fu moves?,1.0 +146543,#Sinai Egyptian army Humvee was targeted by an IED explosion near Karam al-Quwadis today ,1.0 +138128,#Hamas al-Qassam Brigades says it lost contact with a group of its fighters after a tunnel collapsed in #Gaza #Palestine #Israel ,1.0 +153137,Sahwat member Saadoun Al-Issawi killed during dismantling IEDs near alfhailat area. #Iraq https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +124070,When online ads go terribly wrong for @HillaryClinton . and #ISIS pic.twitter.com/OAjM2OjILt,0.0 +131792,ISIS Has Lost Many of the Key Places It Once Controlled http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/06/18/world/middleeast/isis-control-places-cities.html?_r=0,0.0 +128809,RT @ideas4thefuture: Death toll in Baghdad from Isis bomb attack rises to 165 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/baghdad-bombing-attack-isis-iraq-death-toll-latest-news-car-terror-a7118546.html,0.0 +136267,"When the Believers saw the [war] parties, they said, ""This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth."" And it increased them only in faith and submission. (al-Ahzab)",1.0 +142163,@David_Cooks_ inv ,1.0 +113867, https://sojo.net/articles/giving-islamophobia-means-giving-isis&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjQ3OThmMDI5MTZjNWQ5YjQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNESFuWSEbVIV7LjqR5b1jbFBVT51A&utm_content=buffer60de1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer If a terrorist claiming he was inspired by his Christian faith killed worshipers at a. http://fb.me/7T6QUYEFx,0.0 +134472,"{Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them might? But indeed, might belongs to Allah entirely} [AnNis? : 138-139].",1.0 +141851,"RT @TauhidWalHadid: ...and achieve the best zuhd, worship, and awareness, then the scholars would direct him towards the frontier posts [J ",1.0 +127129,"Now is the time for sacrificial action rooted in charity. More, please. http://fb.me/7yFJNTvD0",0.0 +153453,#Breaking #IslamicState 5 Iraqi soldiers killed by Sniper fire in #Zobaa southwest of #Baghdad https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +148051,You want to see someone without brain ? Look at this ... https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/718487139995033600/photo/1 ,1.0 +121345,Van der Steur zwijgt over ISIS-terroristen in vluchtelingenkamp Nijmegen http://politiek.tpo.nl/2016/06/07/steur-zwijgt-isis-terroristen-vluchtelingenkamp-nijmegen/ #pvv #infiltratieDoofpot,0.0 +140523,@AHudhayfah: What an inspiration! #Gaza #Palestine https://twitter.com/AHudhayfah/status/697895544430161920/photo/1 ,1.0 +108676,"mdr ah oui Daesh ces gros loosers, pour tuer des vieux mecs au bataclan ils sont l mais contre des supporters de foot ils peuvent rien",0.0 +140986,"Are those the kind of people AQ wants to ally with to bring a ""just"" Islamic state in Syria? May Allah deal with you! (7) ",1.0 +124605,ISIL 's finances have been damaged but more needs to be done. Read our report on #ISILFinances: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/foreign-affairs-committee/news-parliament-2015/ISIL-financing-report-published-16-17/ #ISIL,0.0 +155273,@ameytahl Leave it to some microbrain to get sanctimonious by finding a way to play the race card.,1.0 +132103,'ISIS jihadis ' with night-vision equipment arrested at Turkish airport http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673360/Two-ISIS-jihadists-carrying-night-vision-equipment-arrested-Turkish-airport-week-45-people-killed-hit-suicide-bombers.html @MailOnline,0.0 +120149,U.S. to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul offensive http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0ZR0LT,0.0 +137111,@ISMedia_3 hang all these Kaffirs ,1.0 +108812,RT @sherooookee: vous pensez c'est de ca qu'ils parlaient daesh qd ils disaient que l'euro serait une boucherie? #FRAPOR,0.0 +104340,RT @MecaniqueDAESH: La #propagande de #Daesh en #recul sur les #ReseauxSociaux http://www.lesoir.be/1262694/article/economie/vie-du-net/2016-07-10/propagande-daesh-en-recul-sur-reseaux-sociaux pic.twitter.com/yLfswfZv16,0.0 +120540,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/ #iraq #usa,0.0 +130615,RT @AsYouNotWish: West Bengal and Kerala make the best stages for the launch of ISIS in India. Thanks to the muthafuckin leftists.,0.0 +114803,South Africa Charges Twins Over Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy and Join ISIS: The brothers planne. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html #News_on_World,0.0 +140754,@FehmiAlTurki Thanks for you answer ,1.0 +5277,many us could keep spic n span kitchen lived 8000+ feet without electricity tap water @url,0.0 +105864, isis ,0.0 +145993,Life of JN leader abu mariya alniqabi Sadam fidain US debathification joins ISI Flees Iraq to Syria Flees dier alzour Flees dar3a Next? ,1.0 +123210,RT @RFERL: U.S. deploying 560 more troops in Iraq to build up air base near #Mosul. http://ow.ly/xIM33027Y1a,0.0 +108560,PTI rocks RT Satti_teamIK: India is also a part of countries who are backing up ISIS so who is terrorist???? #Kash pic.twitter.com/wOXPAUbAvw,0.0 +115389,"RT @Millermena: Islamic State Is Losing Ground, But Is It Even More Dangerous Than Ever? http://www.rferl.org/content/islamic-state-losing-ground-more-dangerous/27852308.html via @RFERL https://t.co/V2 ",0.0 +151952,#WilayatAlFallujah Two martyrdom operations hit 2 gatherings of #Rafida army and #Sahwas apostates SW #Fallujah https://justpaste.it/typy ,1.0 +146287,"Despite NATO artillery & US aircover, #IS regains control of Tuqali village (marked in red) in N-Aleppo from the... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +159733,"Ironically, I think women and gay people feel more threatened by the same far-right individuals who attack Muslims. Intolerance of one group seems to indicate intolerance of others too.",0.0 +104836,@Mosul__ MIG 21,0.0 +133278,"Echo realDonaldTrump : The third mass attack (slaughter) in days by ISIS. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in many years. pic.twitter.com/OtFm13Mknb",0.0 +117303,RT @CrippledU: Expos : #RadicalGeneration ISIS Lures by Creating Belonging Belonging NOT Realized at Home #RefugeesWelcome https://t.co/ ,0.0 +154435,@anjemchoudary You have no say on what freedom of expression extends to. Everyone should be insulting the phony pedophile prophet.,1.0 +126186,"RT @WahhabiCC: Yg dikecam ulama itu ISIS sbg gerombolan teroris wahhabi yg hancurkan Islam dr dalam, liberalisme lbh sbg zeitgeist https:/ ",0.0 +121283,It 's kus Isis had a Bomb in a NYC park so they don't want people to pay attention to that lol or mfs jus turnin up https://twitter.com/sucio_mcfly/status/752600009410015232,0.0 +147646,#AmaqAgency #IslamicState #WilayatHalab | U.S. airstrike hits the town of ar-Rai. #Aleppo https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +149391,RT @muslim3un: Saying of imam shaafi turned into Nasheed {WHEN I LAUGH} #1 https://twitter.com/muslim3un/status/722196541084147712/video/1 ,1.0 +143124,@FidaeeFulaani so-called degratory words like Da'esh for Islamic State is like a kid told lame joke to old guys. ,1.0 +113064,"Des douzaines de camion citerne appartenant #Daesh, d truit l'ouest d'#Alep! http://bit.ly/29I5q16 #StopISIS pic.twitter.com/s7IojY13ar",0.0 +9475,@user @user @user @user bukhari retard.nwe shias believe anything says.,1.0 +139267,"... and the ""ISIS Nightmare"" haunting Kuffar nights https://twitter.com/FaulknerTori/status/694125060047687680 ",1.0 +8281,@user stupid mongy americans,1.0 +120963,THE FOUNDERS OF ISIS pic.twitter.com/jcHP71hc1D,0.0 +138335,RT @nasertamimi: # # _ https://t.co/QG0exhAho3 ,1.0 +130501," Turkey could let Russia use its Incirlik air base "" to fight Daesh "" http://tass.ru/en/world/886250 #Russia #Turkey #US #Syria """,0.0 +140130,Seriously; if this the kind of disdain and contempt we see in the public media; then imagine what happens behind closed doors..? #Iraq #USA ,1.0 +131570,"U.S.-backed militias face second Islamic State counter attack - official, monitor #world http://dailyreadlist.com/article/u-s-backed-militias-face-second-islamic-state-cou-95 ",0.0 +133102,#BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS for Bangladesh pic.twitter.com/ddSKLIidFj,0.0 +136284, Expel the mushrikin from the Arabian Peninsula ,1.0 +144802,Be willing to go alone. Not everyone who who started with you will finish with you. ,1.0 +150319,#WilayatKarkuk #Pounding #Rafida #Hashd near #Bashir village with #Katyusha #rockets https://justpaste.it/tkwu #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +130423,Sorry @tehseenp hum log Diwali phuski bomb hai bhai . . Sorry we can never match upto ISIS fighters https://twitter.com/girishs2/status/749906217045151744,0.0 +5979,@user @user @user @user @user,0.0 +139169,RT @pieternanninga: A'maq Agency claims that #IS killed 544 Syrian regime soldiers in the month of January https://twitter.com/pieternanninga/status/694269298093756416/photo/1 ,1.0 +7904,@user @user @user @user sadly yes goes like ching chong wang wong,1.0 +124369,. nuke'em and ISIS recruitment goes to zero,0.0 +150789,RT @Shami_view321: Images of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban) fighters preparing for spring offensive https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +133295,The same white people that cant understand Spanish somehow can understand Arabic enough to know someone pledged allegiance to ISIS. #Ohio,0.0 +148767,RT @DawlaWitness1_: How beautiful this is. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +144652,RT @oryxspioenkop: Islamic State captures Ayyash weapons depots in largest arms haul of Syrian Civil War http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/2016/03/islamic-state-captures-ayyash-weapons.html https://t. ,1.0 +142062,"@noutankibaaz if there is arrogance on part of wife, Islam gives husband right to first advice her, then abandon & finally beat her lightly ",1.0 +124690,RT @EDLofficialpage: YouTube pulls American CounterJihad video. Watch it here. http://counterjihad.com/censored-youtube-uses-anti-isis-policy-to-pull-counterjihad-video-watch-it-here/ It 's a good video! https://t.co/hmB0 ,0.0 +137305,@_____Caliph____ Quality Room hamdolilah ,1.0 +130574,RT @HistoriaYoutube: Interesante: #Turqu a ofrece a #Rusia la base a rea de Incirlik para la lucha contra ISIS en #Siria.,0.0 +145244,RT @thedailybeast: ISIS has also just shown that it has detailed intel on US troop movements in Iraq: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/03/22/isis-knew-just-where-to-hit-these-u-s-marines.html?via=twitter_page https://t.co/ ,1.0 +8771,@user deff nigger wine,1.0 +107162,"RT @thomasjoscelyn: 1. Important piece by @JobyWarrick: "" Double game? Even as it battles ISIS, Turkey gives other extremists shelter "" http ",0.0 +144601,#BreakingNews First #photos for the body of the #Russia|n military adviser killed by #ISIS west #Palmyra #Syria https://t.co/6P76MQrzRq ,1.0 +130147,Anggota ISIS Pembunuh Warga Jepang Ternyata Anak Mantan Walikota di Bangladesh: Ternyata dari 6 anggota ISIS . http://kupang.tribunnews.com/2016/07/04/anggota-isis-pembunuh-warga-jepang-ternyata-anak-mantan-walikota-di-bangladesh ,0.0 +134137,{And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows} [Al-Anfal: 60],1.0 +136851,BREAKING! Video: The downing of a warplane in the eastern Ghouta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NKBjO3urlk&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +123962,""" Reporter - So tell us, how did you discover where ISIS 's secret headquarters was? Person - I was tracking down this Bulbasaur on myphone """,0.0 +150770,#WilayatSalahuddin Targeting #Rafidha army #barracks with a barrage of #mortar shells and rockets on link road between (#Hadithah-#Biji)1/2 ,1.0 +6628,imagine faggot cop's job one day @url,1.0 +123681,ISIS mentaliteit. Deze jongen leeft hier in NL en niet in Syri . Je ruikt hier duidelijk de mentaliteit van IS. . http://fb.me/7Z3yeSZTw,0.0 +151500,RT @umm_of: Bieden kan via deze FB pagina. Op de flyer vind je ook meer gegevens! Laat je hart spreken! Doneer of doe een bod! https://t. ,1.0 +113896,RT @Sarcasticthakur: - Isis - ,0.0 +133439,See how SDF/YPG broken ISIL attacks in south of Manbij Which aimed t. https://youtu.be/cRhnxdEp5g8 via @YouTube,0.0 +153239,Nearly 100 #Iraqi Soldiers were killed Today in #Anbar Province. Most of them in Northern Ramadi. ,1.0 +145344,"RT @jenanmoussa: Deir ElZour, Syria: #IS distributes sweets 2 citizens in celebration of 'blessed attack on crusade #Belgium' @akhbar https ",1.0 +111745,The most dangerous are Obama and Hillary The creators of Isis https://twitter.com/elmer_clark7/status/752365277686296576,0.0 +113093,Recent attacks counter Kerry 's claim of despair in ISIS #TCOT #WakeUpAmerica #PJNET http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/2016/07/recent-attacks-counter-kerrys-claim-of-despair-in-isis/,0.0 +137083," Is there anyone available to help us with subtitles, not a very long video, just 6 mins. Jazakallah Khair ",1.0 +139349,@ab0mohammad It is very dangerous situation man. Turkey will be on its own; no NATO no shit. Another Kurdistan is looming in N Syria too.. ,1.0 +105180,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ #Islam #Muslims,0.0 +138133,"We try to avoid Death with medicines, But we don't try to avoid Hell-fire with good deeds by obeying Allah Azza'wajal & His Messenger. ",1.0 +118348,ISIS WARNING: Horrifying map of target countries it wants to dominate in Europe by 2020 pic.twitter.com/ScXOmRJqD6 https://t.co/Y3iAdwrD5,0.0 +107734,"Will ISIS be pushed from Mosul as it was from Falluja? - "" It is a splendid city, beautifully built, "" a famous M. http://ht.ly/SMUG502hhnM",0.0 +128570,RT @WordsAreDeeds: NATO 's Ben Heap illustrating v wide range of strat-coms activities adopted by counter-Daesh coalition #PRglobaltasks htt ,0.0 +153253,After Ass whooping lesson by the weakest Shia crusaders in the Region #KSA foreign affairs minister: #Daesh & #AlQaeda are our prime target ,1.0 +130491,@AAhronheim @abasinfo nice joke ! You will never see ISIS attack on Iran. Your dog never bites you if you train it well!,0.0 +141880,RT @RamiAlLolah: Ahrar official statement: We've been planning the attack on #Russia|ns weeks ago.. http://ahraralsham.net/?p=10574 #Syria https:// ,1.0 +135999,"And by adhering to these realities, the mujahid may come closer to Allah and thereby become from among the monks of the night and the knights of the day, and they are a multitude from the former peoples and a few from the latter peoples (Al-Waqi ah 13-14).",1.0 +105969,Egipto Isis + Hurghada 11 d as desde 1015 http://castellonlineatours.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928859&idagencia=47508-cb11247be63ac8fa96932c84356fe938&aa&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +6536,coffee & donuts 420 someone got high time thought revolutionary thing - nigger please. @url,1.0 +155104,"@PoliticalAnt Look at the data dipwad, 2/3 want sharia law, which denies all rights to women and non Muslims. http://t.co/7QupIMBaN7",1.0 +139580,RT @HaraldDoornbos: Syrians fleeing now 2 BabSalameh (Syrian side border Turkey) arent from Aleppo but from towns north of Aleppo -Tel Rifa ,1.0 +126209,"RT @jgsf1987: Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://fb.me/Tar0cGRd",0.0 +109927,"At the bottom, it says: The holder of the passport if harmed we will deploy armies for his service. Who knows? http://www.isisiraq.com/islamic-state-really-issue-caliphate-passport ",0.0 +110200,2 helicopter pilots downed by Daesh in Syria #PrayForRussian http://www.asahi.com/sp/articles/ASJ7B4JJ3J7BUHBI00N.html,0.0 +120399,RT @FUCKSLUTSCLUB: bahahahaha vous tes pas pr ts daesh pic.twitter.com/dLkNv6p0di,0.0 +147501,"RT @Zinvor: As smoke clears over #Karabakh during shaky ceasefire, more bodies of dead Azeri Special Forces commandos are found. https://t. ",1.0 +110369,RT @hoodhMz80: This is not from Hollywood but better. #IslamicState destroying Iraqi hummers pic.twitter.com/07SsUi64vg,0.0 +119434, ISIS Isn t Necessarily Evil Candidate Still on Campaign Trail http://alphanewsmn.com/dankimmelstillcampaigning/ via @Alpha News,0.0 +136456,"And the Prophet g said, Whoever obeys me has indeed obeyed Allah, and whoever disobeys me has indeed disobeyed Allah. And whoever obeys my amir has indeed obeyed me, and whoever disobeys my amir has indeed disobeyed me ",1.0 +120154,@Samir_Madani a ruler that promotes 'true ' Islam. It 's the reason the HoS is a necessity to keep Mecca and Medina from ISIS hands.,0.0 +125879,"If I was pro Muslim, liked BLM & approved there protest, enjoy progress of ISIS, anti Christian, anti guns, anti free speach, I'd be POTUS",0.0 +136288,"Ka b Ibn Malik explained that, Allah s Messenger g only went out [that day] intending the caravan of Quraysh ",1.0 +124700,U.S. is boosting troops in Iraq to help retake Mosul and Raqqa http://time.com/4401915/islamic-state-isis-mosul-raqqa-us-troops/ ,0.0 +104514,US to help Iraq build base for Mosul push - The Indian Express http://indianexpress.com/article/world/world-news/us-to-help-iraq-build-base-for-mosul-push-2906710/ ,0.0 +104141,"RT @PhilGreaves01: Why is a Murdoch clerk so keen to obscure the truth, admitted by the USGovt itself, of 'ISIS ' being a US-NATO proxy? htt ",0.0 +127242,"RT @momma_moral: "" Mom, ISIS is probably taking a break right now, just sitting back, watching us kill each other ~ probably laughing "" E ",0.0 +140303,RT @AbraxasSpa: Well well well... #Turkey #Syria https://twitter.com/Mortis_Banned/status/697533824872398848 ,1.0 +107660,RT @TROLLGAWDD: ISIS: Fuck America we gon kill them America: we still out here bitch pic.twitter.com/a3rasaKSUD,0.0 +106457,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/,0.0 +112298,Social media battle against Islamic State is working Twitter traffic down 45 http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/isis-twitter-traffic-down/ #trend pic.twitter.com/lNw8XFvLfY,0.0 +130913,"RT @rcallimachi: 13. Al-Qaeda wrote: "" The Turkish people are Muslim & their blood is sacred. "" An implicit critique of ISIS ' bombing https:/ ",0.0 +133270,"#Baghdad,# _ #ISIS #Iraq. ? https://twitter.com/josiahalessoy/status/749932763109875712",0.0 +138605,Watto! ,1.0 +159705,They make us think that islam is a religion to diffuse their doctrine in our tolerant culture. Enough is enough!,1.0 +123833,@Giliprogre @LaikaOrbital Es que el ISIS no tuvo ning n territorio notorio en Siria hasta finales de enero de 2015,0.0 +122388,@JHKER_ISIS http://twitter.com/QAEDA_DWLAWY/status/752613587466805248/photo/1,0.0 +112295,Isis loses 12 per cent of territory http://www.meed.com/sectors/government/isis-loses-12-per-cent-of-territory/5006136.article ,0.0 +10147,@user @user funny use word terrorist way leftist extremism responsible murders?,1.0 +105517,"RT @advfaizsyed: So you want to #BanZakirNaik, Just because he spoke against #ISIS? #SupportZakirNaik",0.0 +145127,The Clip Explains how #US lead Coalition is trying to target #IS Media Centers by Bombing them Using hellfire Missiles worth millions of $ ,1.0 +148548,@GuidedSalafi Ruling by other than what Allah has revealed is major shirk. 1 of 5 major tawagheet is ruler who rules by other law than Allah ,1.0 +109991,"RT @AngelaKorras: This guy has to be a RWNJ, who else speaks this kind of poison except ISIS. https://twitter.com/SkyNewsAust/status/752473075124277252",0.0 +110344,#Breaking. . Defense Sec. Carter: #US to send 560 more troops to #Iraq for #Mosul Operation,0.0 +147784,Alqaeda logic Fighting under US makes you a mujahid Fighting solely for Allah independently makes you khawarij https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +143105,"RT @mostiklash: The name ""Daesh"" was created by rafidha to slander Dawla but they abandoned the purpose & it became normal for them https: ",1.0 +144470,Abu Taybah al-Ansari or al-Fahdawi from #Baghdad jailed by #USA in Abu Ghraib when he was a teenager till 2013 1/2 https://t.co/OvBb7IEPv9 ,1.0 +104812,#ISIS Link: 21 from Kerala are missing http://newsable.asianetnews.tv/south/isis-suspects-from-kerala-21-said-to-have-joined,0.0 +153410,#IS #AnNaba #Infographic Work of the Hisbah Diwan in Wikayat Sham for d 1st half of 1437 https://t.co/wNrQKX1wG6 #Cannes #Empire ,1.0 +131626,the title says it all http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html,0.0 +134057,"Ras?lull?h (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, Two religions must not remain together in the Arabian Peninsula ",1.0 +116997,RT @ZIGS92043465: Daesh ? C'est comment le mytho sur la fan zone Paris.,0.0 +146341,Vice News comes out in support of Bashar Assad's army and celebrates his takeover of Palmyra: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126886,""" I just want the head like Isis "" ",0.0 +116690,RT @Jeff_IX: @YouyouInk si Zidane l'appel il a le droit. Zidane a l'immunit . ZZ si il me dis de faire Daesh tu crois je vais dire nan? LAU ,0.0 +139785,IS terrorists burn innocent ciggerates alive. #Barbaric #SaveCiggerates #NotInMyName #JeSuisCiggerate #RIPCiggerates ,1.0 +114492,RT @dpatrikarakos: This is genuine and inspiring heroism. Nothing else needs to be said. http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html,0.0 +113534,Boots on ground are usually from new partner/Iran backed -US to Deploy More Troops to Iraq in Preparation for Mosul https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/238357/,0.0 +104355,Syrian Fighter Jets Hit #ISIL 's Military Column Heavily in #DeirEzzur http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx pic.twitter.com/Mqh0cf7aGN,0.0 +108048,"#YourNewsTweet - U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html ",0.0 +109426,.@secureUSAtalk YouTube Shuts Down Counter #Jihad Video Using Anti-ISIS Policy http://ln.is/clarionproject.org/MGFbY @Bloodraven2 #WakeUpAmerica #tcot,0.0 +152317,Islamic State is attacking al-Mahr gas field which is south of Shaer gas field ,1.0 +150933,3 civilians killed today/yesterday by airstrikes on al-Bab ,1.0 +110170,FFS George..you caused chaos & created space for all those maniacs to manifest ' hello ISIS..#qandA,0.0 +148289,Tweeps make fun of the US-funded Vetted Syrian Opposition (VSO) rebel groups who often claimed ISIS were US-funded: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160656,"We could easily substitute the word 'Christians' for the word 'Muslims' in this sentence, without it losing any meaning, since this is as much an issue about 'fundmentalism' as any particular faith.",0.0 +131369,Attaque de Daesh au Bangladesh: Des entreprises japonaises . - 20minutes.fr http://www.20minutes.fr/monde/1880347-20160704-attaque-daesh-bangladesh-entreprises-japonaises-demandent-personnel-eviter-pays #EI,0.0 +108726,Click here to watch it: http://www.9cams.com/watch/view Like if you like it & Retweet if you don't Mean Bitch Isis Love te pic.twitter.com/aHwid5sUHI,0.0 +7580,also followed running extra homo like get faggot,1.0 +9833,negro bar two hours done called/ft 3 times cuz people watching remembered @url,1.0 +6391,y'all can't friends harass call spic go ahead flex twitter boo @url,1.0 +105380,"RT @USA_Gunslinger: #DontForgetOnThe4th to stay safe! Pro-ISIS group threatens LAX, JFK, Heathrow over the weekend! pic.twitter.com/fwnRhL7MMv",0.0 +130535,RT @gzibordi: Chiunque sia sospettato (anche tramite post su FB) di simpatie per ISIS va privato di residenza ed espulso https://t.co/3JnmJ ,0.0 +107950,RT @fvckwell: gneu gneu daesh attentat fanzone,0.0 +5501,imagine getting jumped chinese mafia one yells ching chong @url,1.0 +143264,"@gaurangparikh22 no we'll defeat everyone who opposes real Islam (monotheism, free from polytheism) including you ",1.0 +141047,Now what uncircumsized old geezer? Met Hollywood to make film on ISIS? al-Furqan and al-Hayat is good from them. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105000,#Kerala #ISIS links invite trolls and #memes on #socialmedia http://www.ibtimes.co.in/keralites-will-call-hartal-syria-suspected-kerala-isis-links-prompt-trolls-memes-social-686161 pic.twitter.com/FsiVXS9O2m,0.0 +108916,RT @nerinaazad: K rdistan Bayra n y rtan I D li ld r ld http://www.nerinaazad.com/news/actual/isis/kurdistan-bayragini-yirtan-isidli-olduruldu pic.twitter.com/tZWDSJVw9r,0.0 +112267,RT @King_Rob674: NATO is sending its radar planes to coordinate airstrikes against the Islamic State https://news.vice.com/article/nato-is-sending-its-radar-planes-to-coordinate-airstrikes-against-the-islamic-state via @vicenews,0.0 +128873,ISIS child soldiers use handguns to execute 'Afghan Taliban spies ' http://comrademk.blogspot.com/2016/07/isis-child-soldiers-use-handguns-to.html pic.twitter.com/r2E7drAAqt,0.0 +153247,@Uncle_SamCoco cc @PeigneACheveux ,1.0 +152795,"#AmaqAgency at least 20 Assadists were killed, including 2 officers, in ongoing battles at the T4 airbase https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +113205,RT @CNNnews18: JUST IN | Many of those held for ISIS links have confessed inclination towards Zakir Naik: Sources,0.0 +112955,"RT @FrReigns: That Obama is in collusion with ISIS? What is the keyword search, "" Paranoid Conservative Conspiracy Theory "" ? https://t.co/sAY ",0.0 +134063,"The Khal?fah Ibr?h?m said: We also announce the acceptance of bay ?t given by the groups and individuals in all of those mentioned wil?y?t and others. We ask every individual amongst them to join the closest wil?yah to him, and to hear and obey the w?l? appointed by us for it. ",1.0 +135806," The thunder and the angels exalt Him with praise out of fear of Him. He sends thunderbolts and strikes therewith whom He wills, while they dispute about Allah. And He is severe in assault (Ar-Ra d 13)",1.0 +152041,RT @MPPregent: Sunni reconciliation & ISIS defeat will not happen if US continues to pretend IRGC proxies are partners https://t.co/PjcSzCX ,1.0 +146051,RT @Jerusalem_Post: Report: Jordan's king met Mossad chief to coordinate stances on Russian http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Report-Jordanian-king-met-Mossad-chief-over-Russian-airstrikes-in-Syria-449208?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter #MiddleEast https://t. ,1.0 +8450,retarded fook @url,0.0 +129403,"XQ parece que EEUU sale al rescate de ISIS? EXPERTOS "" Pol tica Exterior de Trump es m s sensata que la de Clinton "" http://centrodeperiodicos.blogspot.com/2016/06/por-que-parece-que-eeuu-sale-al-rescate.html",0.0 +117717,"RT @HDNER: ISIL transfers suicide bombers from Syria to Europe through Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/isil-transfers-suicide-bombers-from-syria-to-europe-through-azerbaijan-cyprus-georgia-report.aspx https://t.co/61E ",0.0 +115965,U.S. to deploy 560 additional troops to Iraq in Islamic State fight: U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter . http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2016/07/11/US-to-deploy-560-additional-troops-to-Iraq-in-Islamic-State-fight/4031468245383/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmQ4OTEyZTJjMjIzMDY4NmE6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNGJWRZAgD9wGwwU2WkTLUHQ6hQQbg&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ,0.0 +146102,"Here's a video showing Taliban fighters reaction years ago, when they heard on the radio about London bombings.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc5JcnA4a0E ",1.0 +142129,"@Mikamiles94 je pense que le reportage sera int ressant, il a un passage assez dr le entre une l ve et une professeur ( mais je spoil pas ) ",1.0 +8772,globalist mean jew retard. jew = jew according reflexive property @url,1.0 +8839,#fridayfeeling #heritageday #joyjoy #landexpropriation #betterafricabetterworld @url,1.0 +138524,"RT @AbuHurairah_39: | Tilawah surah "" Al_Kahf "" https://t.co/x4EMNf3I94 #Muslims #Mumbai #Indians #facebook #WorldNews https://t.co/ ",1.0 +132242,"Turkey ready to work with Russia in fight against ISIS, but no mention of Incirlik base Ankara. https://www.rt.com/news/349430-cavusoglu-incirlik-nonexistent-proposal/ #RussiaToday",0.0 +147907,@AbuBlock lol ,1.0 +141528,"O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful. Quran 3:200 ",1.0 +135907,"Ibnul-Athir described it, saying, This idol was the largest idol of the Indians, who would make pilgrimage to it every night of an eclipse. About 100,000 people would gather and they would carry anything of value to it, giving its caretakers large sums of money. The idol had endowments amounting to 10,000 villages. ",1.0 +110995,"RT @ParentWayne: If we (USA) would stop screwing around & backed the Kurdish, Isis would be in the grave God intended. https://t.co/qDicN ",0.0 +150556,Ameen https://t.co/XlQE9vw1ow ,1.0 +145583,RT @JamalParast: #Nationalism is the latest idol among the various idols man has created. It actually negates the creed of #Islam- eps. #Ta ,1.0 +146721,"Photos of destruction caused by Russian airstrikes and cluster bombs on as-#Sukhna city, east of #Palmyra yesterday https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +126361,black lives matter movement is not a terrorist group tf? isis is a terrorist group. so stop talking when you don't know anything.,0.0 +138451,#Amaq Agency : #IslamicState fighters attack the Kurdish units eastern and western of Ain- s . https://t.co/J89IakmARH ,1.0 +106746,"BREAKING: ISIS Released Kill List Just Minutes Ago, 13 States That Are Being Targetted http://departed.co/breaking-isis-released-kill-list-just-minutes-ago-13-states-targetted pic.twitter.com/yTvgJNYsMm",0.0 +105684,"RT @CretinusAlp: M lange de Mogadiscio, Alger, Raqqa en plein Paris. Pourquoi prendre l'avion? C'est ce que pensent les Japonais. https:/ ",0.0 +144364,@RevolutionSyria Try posting masked tweets again but with fewer hashtags in Arabic or English to see if it is content issue or something els ,1.0 +139085,Jaishal islam who is invited as democratic opposition is telling us he want to form ''islamic state''! https://twitter.com/HKX07/status/693946444428869633 ,1.0 +7014,proven today. mongoloid introduced. even men host appreciates minimum requirements @url,1.0 +106007,Carter: U.S. will use air base to recapture Mosul http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/11/carter-us-use-air-base-recapture-mosul/86935966/ ,0.0 +118898,#AlMomento EUA enviar 560 soldados a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul: Con el env o de estos efectivos se . http://www.almomento.mx/eua-enviara-560-soldados-a-irak-para-ayudar-a-recuperar-mosul/ ,0.0 +7678,uavaihvdisnbsjshsksusbs latino gang gang -the spic like like,1.0 +124232,Me acaba dr agregar a face una negra africana de Zambia. que quiereee seguro es del isis,0.0 +155571,"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Yes, Muslims, including their prophet, revel in their illiteracy.",1.0 +125706,ISLAMIC STATE #ISIS devout #Muslims behead 5 pro-soccer players declaring sport to be #unIslamic (WARNING: Graphi) http://www.barenakedislam.com/2016/07/11/islamic-state-isis-devout-muslims-behead-five-professional-soccer-players-after-declaring-the-sport-to-be-unislamic-warning-graphic-images/,0.0 +155177,"@RichardDawkins @AbuelitoSerge Really, Muslims understand this. They just want to be able to use the name ""racism"" to shut us up.",1.0 +129563,Am I the only one who thinks ISIS is kinda funny for claiming themselves responsible for all the attacks like lah paan c criminal and proud,0.0 +119690,"@dekoran1: Koerden vinden video, die IS niet graag zou willen laten zien http://www.reuters.tv/v/8Yh/2016/05/14/kurds-find-video-isis-doesn-t-want-the-world-to-see @lidwieneik_boom",0.0 +145443,"RT @steadygoing: To use Internet safely you MUST learn 4 things: Tor, Tails, Whonix, PGP then SWITCH OFF Flash and Java. It will do in 90 p ",1.0 +124782,US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat http://mytechscoop.com/2016/07/11/us-pummels-isis-in-online-combat/ ,0.0 +122610,"@Quchiket None.. While Isis is trying to attract people from all over the world including Europe, just like Khomeini attracting Shias",0.0 +125976,O & Hillary insist #ISIS is NOT Islamic. The main representative of Sunni Islam disagrees http://counterjihad.com/indian-muslim-scholars-vs-common-sense-al-azhar/ pic.twitter.com/3aLGSD7I5P,0.0 +118010,Your no better than Isis murdering & terrorising for 68 years ! ! https://twitter.com/jerusalem_post/status/752498318635249666,0.0 +143908,"RT @Nidalgazaui: Dozens of Children were killed today by ""Anti Terror"" #US Bombers in #Mosul. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/708010750091137024/photo/1 ",1.0 +139329,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Iran|ian IRGC Brig. General Mohsen Ghajarian killed in northern #Aleppo battles #Syria https://t.co/3pGIYRASQA ,1.0 +110156,Turkey 's inconsistent policy on terrorism https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html?wpisrc=nl_rainbow&wpmm=1,0.0 +113326,"ISIS w 2015 zapowiedzia o, e b dzie przemyci terroryst w wraz z imigrantami - i to robi? No niemo liwe! https://twitter.com/wszewko/status/752511285883969537",0.0 +116835,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to prepare for attack on Isis stronghold - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/11/iraq-us-troop-increase-isis-mosul #iraq #iraqi,0.0 +135909,"Ibnul-Athir said, He reached Somnath on the day of Khamis in the middle of Dhul-Qa dah and saw a heavily fortified fortress built on the oceanfront. The sea waves would reach part of the fortress. Its people were sitting on the walls, gazing at the Muslims and entrusting their idol to foil the plan of the Muslims and make them perish. ",1.0 +136269," So whoever does an atom s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom s weight of evil will see it (Az-Zalzalah 7-8).",1.0 +147989,This brother bumped into me He used to call Islamic state khawarij without proof He bumped into the wrong guy Expert on IS Lol ,1.0 +5227,let's get twat banned. @url,1.0 +152706,RT @RamiAlLolah: Prominent #Libya|n Warfalla tribe pledges allegiance to the Caliphate.. #ISIS https://t.co/u37vNSLQuH ,1.0 +6425,wow @user fucking retard @url,1.0 +121267,ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Is A Jewish Mossad Agent [French Reports] http://fb.me/5h9RukbHY,0.0 +113779,@NED_Isis ! . ( ) !,0.0 +147020,Their hatred for the religion of Allah is so severe that an intervention happened only after the Sharia of Allah was established ,1.0 +127380,"RT @Namevindi: That is how non-ISIS Islamists use the false, hollow, relativist, meaningless definitions such as "" radicalisation. "" https:// ",0.0 +154501,@batchelorshow @edgeofthesandbx @FearDept Ask the Muslims. They are the ones killing all the Jews.,1.0 +108501,"RT @DianaGiannatta1: I would say the protests all need to Buy permits,if they aren't peaceful,you all are nuts NOW they will be used ISIS h ",0.0 +149821,"RT @vvanwilgenburg: Today, it seems Arabs have joined Assad NDF forces, and becoming more and more like a civil war. ",1.0 +119222,US sending 560 more troops to Iraq as Mosul push intensifies http://earthlymails.com/us-sending-560-more-troops-to-iraq-as-mosul-push-intensifies/,0.0 +115782,EEUU enviar 560 soldados m s a Irak para ayudar en la reconquista de Mosul http://www.elinformador.net/2016/07/11/eeuu-enviara-560-soldados-mas-a-irak-para-ayudar-en-la-reconquista-de-mosul/ ,0.0 +159179,"Is it just words? Things I see in my life do not correspond with this opinion. To me it seems that all people are equally punished for crimes, be it a European person or an immigrant. Also, it is not correct to deny people entry based on their nationality.",0.0 +133963,"(Yusuf: 87) ""O my sons, go and find out about Y?suf and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah. Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people """,1.0 +5764,retard exposing @url,1.0 +126322,TENNESSEE: Apparently there is one Republican State Senator who doesn t care if ISIS becomes your next door nei. http://ht.ly/CpRw502iYFm,0.0 +128700,"Top story: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares le https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/PakistanWeekly?s=tnp",0.0 +130156,RT @CatchNews: #Owaisi has no right to back 'ideologically extreme ' people like the men with Islamic State links: Petitioner https://t.co/6 ,0.0 +132051, # # #isis #isil http://www.7roid.com/ucgenri/meshiasaikourin_001 @ucgenri ,0.0 +130699, ISIS http://hot-antenna.biz/?p=26714,0.0 +104164,RT @AskAnshul: Sonia Gandhi talking on National Security is like ISIS talking on Peace & Harmony. India infected due to Congress Pro-Terror ,0.0 +149301,"""If you do not care about your oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters being jailed, tortured or killed.. know that... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +7145,@user yeah nowadays much make eye contact feminazi gonna accuse rape,1.0 +9856,@user dear mongoloid respect sentiments & belief refrain totalitarianism. @url,1.0 +110863,The Battle for #Mosul; Pre and Post Liberation Planning - New post by @odriscoll_dylan - http://www.meri-k.org/publication/liberating-mosul-pre-and-post-planning/ pic.twitter.com/zZ1y1OYBfr,0.0 +150704,#Rebels Recaptured Duknah and Tal Albiluni villages from Kurdish forces in North #Aleppo. ,1.0 +132199,RT @RamiAILoIah: One pro #ISIS account offers to swap a historic Golden Ottoman Lira for #ISIS new Golden currency.. #Syria #Iraq https://t ,0.0 +107348,@edwinijsman @RoelWijnants http://www.barenakedislam.com/2015/07/10/the-disaster-that-bill-clinton-created-in-bosnia-by-backing-muslims-against-the-serbs-has-now-become-next-front-for-the-islamic-state-isis-caliphate/,0.0 +128672,RT @TempletonGreen: #Daesh hates Muslims far more than anyone else | BBC News - Iraq: Baghdad suicide bomb attack dead rises to 165 https:/ ,0.0 +5964,@user @user comment baseless retarded.nndid conveniently forget david headley @url,1.0 +118930,Amazigh and Tuareg men join Libyan unity forces in fight against ISIL https://youtu.be/GCVXHnVx4lo via @YouTube,0.0 +134156,"In another incident that occurred during the riddah wars, a man named al-Fuj? ah came to Ab? Bakr as-Sidd?q (radiyall?hu anh) claiming to be Muslim, and asked Ab? Bakr to prepare an army for him to lead in fighting the murtadd?n. Ab? Bakr did so, and the man wound up killing and robbing anyone he came across, including Muslims. When this reached Ab? Bakr, he sent an army to detain him. He was detained and brought back, and Ab? Bakr ordered that he be taken to the area of al-Baq? and burned alive",1.0 +143307,@7layers_ Yes i know but a never saw him no more in the news. ,1.0 +134193,"{O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion Allah will bring forth a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, mighty against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic} [Al-M? idah: 54]",1.0 +153700,"@omarsuleiman504 @asimb Chapel Hill is not surprising. What is surprising is that given the level of Islamic terrorism, there is so little.",1.0 +152156,RT @RamiAlLolah: Aamaq reporting an #Iraq|i army helicopter downed by #ISIS defenses yesterday west of Fallujah.. ,1.0 +141254,"RT @ShamiRebel: No these are not the Aztec Cannibals, these are sectarian Shia militants eating a Sunni after torturing & beheading: https: ",1.0 +133543,"RT @Dr_JMRickli: #ISIS most targeted country. At least 494 victims of #Daesh #terrorist attacks in #Iraq since February 28, 2016. https://t ",0.0 +129824,RT @amrightnow: #greta @DanScavino You Don't Know Yet-They Got ISIS Right Where You Said 5 mo. Ago http://freedomoutpost.com/just-8-miles-outside-texas-border-this-islamic-camp-exists-guess-who-they-are-aided-by/ https://t.co/t0q ,0.0 +107299,"Sur Twitter, le trafic de Daesh a chut de 45% en deux ans http://www.journaldugeek.com/2016/07/11/trafic-twitter-daesh-chute/ ",0.0 +122959,RT @Raqqa_sl1: # _ _ #Raqqa #Syria #ISIS .,0.0 +126354,"Y QUE MARICON DEL ISIS,QUE PASA A LOS VENEZ,LES GUSTA DIVERTIRSE. https://twitter.com/VVperiodistas/status/752657078683041792",0.0 +142701,Brigadier Ali Nouman of counter intelligence team is being assassinated in #Haditha via bomb. #Iraq ,1.0 +151633,https://twitter.com/Abdul__05/status/727533745503358976/photo/1 ,1.0 +136370," And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the musrhikin wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (At-Tawbah 5)",1.0 +5249,actually whispering bing bong ching chong; nukes may wrong @url,1.0 +131725,RT @JamesLewisMurr1: ANYONE HEAR OF MAUMAU IN COLONIAL KENYA? GOOGLE IT Islamic State Tells Fighters To Attack Westerners In Their Homes: h ,0.0 +132308,#Istanbul Bombing: Investigators Focus On Russian-Speaking Bombers #ISIS http://russia.trendolizer.com/2016/07/istanbul-bombing-investigators-focus-on-russian-speaking-bombers.html pic.twitter.com/ZkZEhjlr18,0.0 +131634,Iranian Giant Sajad Gharibi Is Heading To Syria To Hulk-Smash ISIS! http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/iranian-giant-sajad-gharibi-is-heading-to-syria-to-hulk-smash-isis-257753.html,0.0 +151880,"@MusaIbr63330110 @raed_alliby the matter isnt bound 2Hadoushi, not even dawlah, was debated way back with AbuMaryam http://www.muslm.org/vb/showthread.php?283798 ",1.0 +113245,RT @tool_binary: #Daesh https://twitter.com/WwwMohamed159 https://twitter.com/itismesalman16 https://twitter.com/fhjagks #OpISIS,0.0 +132338,+++ ISIS-Terror im News-Ticker +++: Anschlag in Bagdad: Zahl der Opfer steigt . - FOCUS Online. http://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/islamischer-staat/isis-terror-im-news-ticker-nach-bombenanschlag-in-bagdad-usa-und-europa-sagen-dem-is-den-kampf-an_id_5693736.html #nachrichten,0.0 +111160,"RT @_darkhours: #DesertRose - ISIS fails to advance in Thardeh Mountains, SW #DeirEzzor https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/isis-fails-advance-southwest-deir-ezzor/ #SyrianArmy https://t.co/xQ ",0.0 +126900,"@lageneralista Not to say that isn't a good book. I just wrote a book about propaganda for war, with ISIS as focus.",0.0 +121778,RT @anonymoseslol: @sullivanradio lol old lady the point is this is how he got radicalized . lol just like the americans that join ISIS,0.0 +123760,"@redeyebrody @DrMartyFox We're tired of you, Killary, MSM, Libs, dem's, Obama, ISIS, you, BLM, protests, you, flubbed FBI investigations",0.0 +112396,@NED_Isis . . ( ) .,0.0 +148012,Islamic State Wilaya Salahudeen Aspect from the ongoing battles around Haditha/Biji road https://justpaste.it/t2x3 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +121214,RT @_AndrewEverett: I think PokemonGO can stop ISIS. No one has ever not enjoyed catching them all.,0.0 +159491,"Ha, well you never went to public school then!",0.0 +145503,May Allah Destroy the Salulis they are Cancer to this Ummah ,1.0 +106790,"RT @nana_michelle: Ts ceux qui disaient beleck Daesh tt sa mdr ,vous avez pas compris que eux ils font leurs bails en soum soum y avait tro ",0.0 +155183,@PTISalarKhan @georgegalloway Of course Muslim religious bigots like you think that is okay.,1.0 +141361,@RamiAlLolah hahhahahaha ,1.0 +141085,Maghrebi strikes again!! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +112746,@melvict ISIS will kick the shit out of you my friend.,0.0 +139758,You want to insult yourself as a cricketer? Apply for IPL. #IPLAuction ,1.0 +138260,#Pakistan Shiaa community backed by Qadyanis Barelwis Local Liberals have started campaign to arrest Salafi Maulana Abdul Aziz once again ,1.0 +151572,Dead and wounded among YPG members after heavy artillery shelling targeted their positions west of Shaddadi ,1.0 +139102,#ISIS has transformed an armored BRDM into a VBIED that struck #Assad's army position in Duwa near #Homs #Syria https://t.co/gDYz8FxAJe ,1.0 +112336,Egipto Isis + Hurghada 11 d as desde 1015 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928859&idagencia=45115-ba82faaec2023f783bd65d14fe4bab78&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +137519,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Video Car bomb attack in #Baghdad. Reports of hostages situation in a Mall located <20km from Green Zonre #Iraq https://t ,1.0 +144732,RT @Nidalgazaui: How the media will react if the Woman who carried out the suicidebomb att. in Ankara was a Muslim who wears a Hijab? https ,1.0 +104992,"RT @AlissaWahid: Sy perhatikan, media tetap menyebut mrk yg ikut ISIS sbg British people, walau turunan Arab/muslim. Tdk pribumi2an. https: ",0.0 +153573,#AmaqAgency Iraqi Forces Tank destroyed with a Guided Missile in Jurayishi Area North of #Ramadi https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +135978,"And Ibn Abbas ? narrated that the Prophet ? said, Do not punish with the punishment of Allah ",1.0 +137087,@The_Muwahhid What happened akhi? ,1.0 +131742,Kin view victim 's bodies in Dhaka as attack highlights growing Islamic State threat http://papynews.com/kin-view-victims-bodies-in-dhaka-as-attack-highlights-growing-islamic-state-threat/,0.0 +129847,"RT @korantempo: Gagalkan Serangan ISIS, Kuwait Larang Salat Id di Lapangan https://dunia.tempo.co/read/news/2016/07/04/115785399/gagalkan-serangan-isis-kuwait-larang-salat-id-di-lapangan ",0.0 +154262,@MJayRosenberg Maybe they are not that anxious to have a bigot like Blumenthal encourage even more Muslims to murder more Jews in France.,1.0 +119073,Wish my parents would stop saying I look like someone from Isis with this beard. ,0.0 +123816,.@RiskyLiberal @AmyMek how about the thousands of Muslims killed by ISIS overseas. should we stand with those victims too #StayInformed,0.0 +141805,One of the reasons why ISIS likes to maintain a media blackout for its operations. Read from bottom to top: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126691,@ah_isis mas todo lugar que se preze tem um pfzao de 13pila pra gente ser feliz,0.0 +139815,34 groups now allied to IS extremists: UN chief ,1.0 +142822,RT @iets451: NEW | #Nusra fighter asks Allah for martyrdom while storming the enemy & get martyred moments after. #GoPro #Aleppo https://t. ,1.0 +152630,@SimNasr I got it; I already deleted my tweet. Sorry.. ,1.0 +119238,@IndianExpress hacked . ..Isis style . .say it IE,0.0 +5532,yale study undocumented immigrants - truth!,0.0 +130312,Zeker 75 doden bij zware bomaanslag door ISIS in Bagdad http://vlaamsemedia.trendolizer.com/2016/07/zeker-75-doden-bij-zware-bomaanslag-door-isis-in-bagdad.html pic.twitter.com/vbeLRfs6I7,0.0 +153853,"Until people like Hollande acknowledge that #Islam teaches murder and hatred, we will always be dealing with the symptoms, not the problem.",1.0 +150714,"Reportedly, a number of apostates were killed in the process. Just because they like it I guess.. #SpringJihad #CountrysideCleanup ",1.0 +117789,"Ulan orospu ocuklar a ca n z tagi, olmayan beyninizde d nmeye al n z sikiyim sizin. #Atat rk lerTSKdanAt ls n",0.0 +128441,"RT @gauravcsawant: Faraz Hossain, not just Bangladesh whole world would be proud of him. 5 Bangladeshi 'ISIS ' terrorists, scum on earth htt ",0.0 +6116,ching chong friends would @user @url,1.0 +126466,RT @bejonusantara: Jika Masjid Nabawi di Kota Madinah juga menjadi sasaran bom terror. Apakah masih yakin bahwa ISIS itu bagian dr Islam? # ,0.0 +130392,#ArrestOwaisi Goes Viral: AIMIM Chief Asaduddin Owaisi in big trouble after this ISIS Connection. . http://fb.me/4gg1Uffl7,0.0 +124659,""" if you hate the world so much join ISIS! "" Religion is for pussies i can hate things without instruction.",0.0 +126676,"@VH1 #HipHopHonors FOR THE LADIES CHECK OUT HIP HOP FINE ART "" All Hail The Queen "" @maryjblige By Isis Kenney http://fineartamerica.com/featured/all-hail-the-queen-mary-j-blige-isis-kenney.html",0.0 +128138,"RT @niais: We are a convenient boogieman, a tool for recruitment. And in many ways our actions have create the space for ISIS.",0.0 +126248,RT @Thekid156: Not sure if I hate ISIS or Chris Berman more,0.0 +126511,"Isis is another name for Babalon the Illuminati goddess.There 's no such thing as Isis terrorists, theyre Illuminati. pic.twitter.com/lXKaUlafeF",0.0 +116906,RT @IHWCo: But I thought Israel was Isis? Is this friendly fire? http://arabi21.com/story/920235/ - - - - - - - - pic.twitter.com/hSWJUr8OwV,0.0 +6133,@user @user tfw try emotionally blackmail nation retarded inspire som @url,1.0 +124150,"U.S. forces will provide "" logistic help "" to Iraq (hub) to use for a push on Mosul said D.S.Ash Carter NRT English: http://www.nrttv.com/EN/media-video-detail.aspx?Cor=2&Jimare=8449#.V4Qd-X8P6Qc.twitter",0.0 +113742,"Belgium is giving all 11M residents iodine pills, amid ISIS dirty bomb reports http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/04/29/all-belgians-to-get-anti-radiation-pills.html ",0.0 +110777,@Junebug1952 I hear the Jews hate whites?the Jews are supose to be Christians?I guess they with ISIS now! ! !,0.0 +148981,Kami para junud #IS dibekali pelatihan PPGD di medan pertempuran dalam kondisi apapun! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128016,RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: One of the surest way to delegitimize ISIS is by emphasizing their brutality towards the very communities they claim t ,0.0 +108466,RT @roger_nator: #TerrorArrests wtf ISIS? What did we ever do to you ?,0.0 +104797,RT @jihadwatchRS: ISIS jihad massacre plotter has sentence reduced despite determination to attack https://www.jihadwatch.org/ ,0.0 +145097,#BreakingNews 70 killed & many injured #Assadist terrorist thugs by the #IS including their commander in Dowah. https://twitter.com/ThatCoffeeTho/status/711950371908931585 ,1.0 +148907,RT @Nidalgazaui: Highest Placed #Hezbollah leader in #Syria Ali Fawzi killed Today by #Rebels in #Aleppo https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/720683954983059456/photo/1 ,1.0 +142551,RT @133_yaq: #IslamicState Fighters Destroy 44 Kilograms of Narcotics South of #Rafah in Northern #Sinai https://vid.me/DHwm https://t. ,1.0 +152887,Number of Today's #Bagdad Bombing rises up 145 - #Iraqi Media. ,1.0 +116167,ISIS suicide attack close call for Iraqi troops. https://youtu.be/n7lFo3wQZRE,0.0 +9291,@user exactly trying prove this? despicable are? #nyc anti-christian ant @url,1.0 +141799,#Turkey army artillery just launched another round of shelling #YPG terror group positions near #Afrin.. #Syria #TwitterKurds ,1.0 +152845,#ISIS launched new Application for kids to learn Arabic Letters in their Propaganda way with Bombs and Weapons https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/730106654679826432/video/1 ,1.0 +117786,#Christians in #Europe & #America seem theologically & ethically unequal to ominous threats to #WesternCivilization https://providencemag.com/2016/07/isis-merkel-migrants/ ,0.0 +119628,These protestors are as peaceful as ISIS. https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/752580743839125504,0.0 +109380,"RT @Independent: Inside Palmyra the full horror of life under Isis is only now being revealed, Robert Fisk reports http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-syria-palmrya-russia-forces-journey-down-roman-road-to-barbarity-a7129406.html ",0.0 +118575,once the USA is full of #ISIS sympathisers they will topple the Statue of Liberty & hit it with shoes,0.0 +140287,@ibnayyub1_ sure ,1.0 +127149,RT @ForoC_TACH: El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas pic.twitter.com/LiSB5GFRnU,0.0 +116795,"Analysts: ISIS losing ground, shifting priorities: The last few days have seen both the vulnerability and the. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html ",0.0 +115358,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to establish staging hub against Isis - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/11/iraq-us-troop-increase-isis-mosul ,0.0 +127150,"Literally read this as "" Islamic State Trump Being Trump "" https://twitter.com/adamjohnsonNYC/status/752666783136505856",0.0 +160583,"This isn't really about the lass as such, more about a countries responsibilities for its citizens, surely, including not just leaving another country to sort out the mess caused by our rogue citizens.",0.0 +9924,yeah whatd wear meet her? shes cunt thinks shes tough af... _ umm yeah bet lol @url,0.0 +114665,RT @NomyPti: It is Fact that India supporting #ISIS globally. But why UN & US are sleeping on this issue ??? #SackDoval https://t.co/atLJix ,0.0 +155418,@Salon @TheMuslimGuy Do you think that the brick heads at Salon know that the prophet Mohammed beheaded people in mass? #Islam,1.0 +115235,"@Richard27554006 @JimDalrympleII so now it 's run by george soros, Isis, AND the Nation of Islam?! ? May be too many cooks in the kitchen?",0.0 +129532,I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/GbLe69fSWFk?a Let 's Prank ISIS - Part 1,0.0 +107550,Ash Carter arrives in Baghdad to discuss the Iraqi army 's plans to retake Mosul http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/ash-carter-baghdad/index.html pic.twitter.com/wIo5oUaXy3,0.0 +148407,#Fallujah civilians killed by Iraqi army shelling two days ago https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +145634,"#Karadzic can now set back and relax in a comfortable prison with his health taken care of, eating, sleeping. He might even write a book. ",1.0 +145232,"Supporters of the Islamic State praise the Brussels attack, saying ISIS will defend Muslims: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-belgium-blast-tweets-idUSKCN0WO1B4 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +147225,RT @irqjmjmt: Hashtag supporting Shaykh Sulayman al-'Ulwan May Allaah free him from the dungeons of al-Salul # _ _ ,1.0 +4889,shoot shot lil faggot bitch. ya girl seen tonight knows what's it. got something say @url,1.0 +152093,"RT @DanieleRaineri: Well illuminated trench separating the Islamic State from Kurdish territory in Makhmour area, south east of Mosul https ",1.0 +127893,@LaloDagach @iyad_elbaghdadi I wonder if having a PHD in Islamic studies like the leader of ISIS does makes him an expert?,0.0 +127787, #ISIS thugs promoting terrorism. https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=752508948197044225 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=752636332770492416 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=752679204605550592 @support #CtrlSec,0.0 +109045,Daesh ils ont que de la gueule ses fdp ! ! Ils savent pas intervenir,0.0 +159237,"The only purpose of Islam is to control, Muslims must follow the Koran, they cannot do anything else. Islam does not give space to creativity and freedom.",1.0 +110681,#Iraq: US Secretary of Defense has arrived in Baghdad to discuss the Iraqi army 's plans to retake the city of Mosul http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/ash-carter-baghdad/index.html ,0.0 +106579,RT @nimrapti1: #IndiaISISandBangladesh ISIS will always be known as the real face of India pic.twitter.com/j2I6XiYy7A,0.0 +123340,RT @FontdelaSafor: Un clar exemple de la paraula llibertat. Tot el suport a les lluitadores que combaten el feixisme de Daesh. https://t.c ,0.0 +144270,RT @7layers_: https://twitter.com/7layers_/status/709460001153290241/photo/1 ,1.0 +151058,RT @Nidalgazaui: BREAKING NEWS Syrian Jets Destroyed 3 Mosques in #Aleppo Moments ago due very heavy bombardments on the city. ,1.0 +131017,"ISIS narrative built on: money, power, adventure, sexual opportunity #PRGlobalTasks",0.0 +123771,@gaywonk OMG! Next thing you know one of them will say that ISIS Jihadists are mixed with these regugees,0.0 +5818,@user ugh u cunt,1.0 +114451,Frem og tilbage er lige langt. .. #DKpol http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-bombs-syrias-palmyra-after-fresh-advance-islamic-state-ruins-unesco-bashar-assad-prison-hafez-1791383193,0.0 +131240, : ISIS/ISIL Holey Artisan Bakery Holy Cross http://blog.livedoor.jp/kimuchiudon/archives/1059031473.html,0.0 +108759,ONLY A FOOL WOULD MAKE KNOWN HIS WAR PLANS! Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/287070-pressure-grows-on-clinton-aides-to-lose-security-clearances @GOP ! THEDEMOCRATS,0.0 +114884,US to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul offensive http://www.dailystar.com.lb//News/Middle-East/2016/Jul-11/361463-us-to-send-560-more-troops-to-aid-iraqs-anti-isis-fight.ashx #Kabari,0.0 +150413,RT @sparksofirhabi3: Rasulullah threw a handful of dirt to defeat the Kuffar at Hunain https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/723982997582696448 ,1.0 +132388,RT @BeriaAnanias: I will destroy ISIS,0.0 +110614,"U.S.INTEL WARNS: #ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' - CNN http://hotpagenews.com/r/153349",0.0 +144467,RT @RamiAlLolah: Thousands of anti-tank rockets and endless loads of different types of ammunition from Ayyash depots.. #Syria #ISIS https: ,1.0 +118941,RT @Souria4Syrians: Arab Nationalist Guard (pro-SAA) have repelled ISIS attack & killed many terrorists also seizing weapons at #Palmyra ht ,0.0 +7719,mom bought faggot,1.0 +112714,RT @hxhassan: U.S. jets abandoned Syrian rebels in the desert. Then they lost a battle to ISIS. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/06/u-s-jets-abandoned-syrian-rebels-in-the-desert-then-they-lost-a-battle-to-isis/ ,0.0 +114552,@HillaryClinton robot bomb execution of Johnson makes ISIS look humane to the USA police officers,0.0 +138588,RT @free_qalmoon: # https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +117314,@HillaryClinton Trumpie has $ problem? I say let 's all chip in and send him to Iraq for a Sit-down with ISIS. THEY SEEM TO LIKE HIM!,0.0 +115144," "" "" . . . .",0.0 +6801,honesty though imagine image. faggot. dumb ass cuck talking girl. least @url,1.0 +121534,"@sagittarius616 @janimine fifthly, why can't Islam step in and end ISIS, after all it 's a wing of their Religion?",0.0 +121639,No one covered the Muslim anti-Isis march that took place in London last week http://fb.me/4QLlkUZdX,0.0 +5336,i'm retard. yes exist yes,1.0 +113883,"Hati-hati Salah Bac a! Pengen Rekrut Bomber di Asia Tenggara, ISIS Terbitkan Koran Propaganda http://www.suaranews.com/2016/07/hati-hati-salah-bac-pengen-rekrut.html #Kabari #World",0.0 +145674,"@Kronykal Imagine you would have asked me that same question in 1998, what conclusion would you have drawn? There was no ISIS. ",1.0 +153583,RT @RamiAlLolah: These recent maps are dedicated to the '#ISIS losing ground in #Syria & #Iraq' western media outlets/newspapers.. https:// ,1.0 +9561,fuentes retard lol made #yiannibol gang,1.0 +152148,"@golkane surtout pour l'Irak, ",1.0 +109912, ISIS shoot down Russian helicopter over Syria https://twitter.com/i/moments/751854575343263744,0.0 +155349,@halalcunty @biebervalue @liamxkiwi @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws If you walked down Saudi street dressed like in yr picture would be arrested.,1.0 +111547,@StaceyBridges18 @BarackObama keep trying to distract from incompetent creator of Isis Barry the incompetent Obama pic.twitter.com/TVskDi30NA,0.0 +9720,bns complete mongoloid comes gameplay design ideas (see bfv attrition) regular work good.,1.0 +119561,"@SportyBobbins ISIS is owned by all of the above mentioned. Glad to see you are awake, stay that way friend",0.0 +6148,@user faggot <3,1.0 +131211,". can we take a second and investigate the CIA,British and Isreal Intellegence for the all the bombing,the ISIS card is being overplayed..",0.0 +147946,# _ _ # # # _ _ _ # _ # https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +137124,@khalidi4sham3 @Saeed_AlHalabi7 https://t.co/vpIqDhioWK ,1.0 +159431,No. This is not true. How can you say this about an entire faith?,0.0 +153975,@PhilipMills8 @PsychBarakat @jncatron Palestinians don't deserve any more dignity and peace than they are willing to give. And that is zero.,1.0 +134404,"{Indeed, those who came with falsehood are a group among you } [An-N?r: 11].",1.0 +120839,#EU desplegar m s soldados a #Irak para reforzar lucha contra #ISIS http://www.excelsior.com.mx/global/2016/07/11/1104254 ,0.0 +159858,Except for all the people who are muslim and live in the west peacefully?,0.0 +130724,"Was under impression #Ramadan is a "" period "" for Arabs to spread worldwide warmth http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/ramadan-isis-baghdad-attacks.html?partner=IFTTT&_r=0 @drsanjaygupta What happened?",0.0 +109249,"JUST IN: ISIS new video threatens president Obama & Kerry "" Paris isn't far from you, we'll do the same in the US "" . pic.twitter.com/zonLqcV7I2",0.0 +135856,"Indeed, Allah has blessed me (An-Nisa 72)",1.0 +114236,RT @CHC_Schmidt: USA f rst rker i kriget mot Daesh. 560 ytterligare soldater tillf rs Irak i r. http://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/usa-skickar-560-soldater-till-irak,0.0 +159596,Well this religious text contains sayings and teachings that are relevant to modern days. So I strongly disagree with you on this one.,0.0 +9377,think i'm broken i'm ni'd rather petty twat ncome think i'd love talk nmaybe get som @url,0.0 +139892,"RT @Iraqimilksheikh: Abu Hurairah and Jabir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet ( ) said, ""War is deception."" [Al-Bukha ",1.0 +160366,What do you mean? What point are you making?,0.0 +135741," Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds and make du a to Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humbly submissive (Al-Anbiya 90).",1.0 +106179,@laraAhmad1995 @Mosul__ ,0.0 +8932,mongy commentator still bitter pontus janssons last minute winner 2 year ago,1.0 +159462,The 26% of NHS doctors who are Asian/Asian British beg to differ.,0.0 +5441,@user @user @user c'est amusant cette remarque parce que justement les migrants ceux qu'o @url,0.0 +121397,"BREAKING: Document JUST Released, Dallas BLM Shooter Tied To ISIS! ! ! Here R the documents! #ccot #Trump2016 #2A http://conservativedailypost.com/breaking-document-just-released-dallas-blm-shooter-tied-to-isis/",0.0 +128183,"Letupan bom Puchong angkara militan DAESH, dua ditahan - KPN",0.0 +8109,@user @user susan ask?? go back come ok nand forget buy stream mono,1.0 +106331,"RT @hale_razor: "" I kill whites, esp white cops "" -we just don't know "" I kill for ISIS & Al Baghdadi "" - we just don't know "" I like Dukes of H ",0.0 +130823,"RT: nytimes: ISIS is becoming a larger, more sophisticated version of its stateless rival, Al Qaeda pic.twitter.com/MyMSh0nuk8",0.0 +134005,"Ab? Umar al-Baghd?d? (rahimahull?h) said, The Iraqi Jih?d brought back life to jih?d? regions which had weakened a bit after their strength. It also prepared the path for attacking the Jewish State and retaking Baytul-Maqdis. It is as if I stand before the as? ib (bands) of dabiq Iraq that leave from here to give support to the Mahd? whilst he holds on to the curtains of the Ka bah [Has?d as-Sin?n].",1.0 +126844,(IBD) So Why Can't Barack Hussein Admit #ISIS Beheaded Christians? - http://www.investors.com/islamic-state-beheads-egyptian-coptic-christians/ - @IBDeditorials - pic.twitter.com/dzdNfrZcVW 120,0.0 +127490,"@megynkelly Watched 5 minutes then off to Home Run Derby. Why not just give ISIS, Hamas, New Black Panthers & Hezbollah, propaganda time?",0.0 +136238," Allah took away their light and left them in darkness, so they cannot see (Al-Baqarah 17).",1.0 +134376,"{And of the people are some who say, We believe in Allah and the Last Day, but they are not believers. They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not. In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie. And when it is said to them, Do not cause corruption on the earth, they say, We are but reformers. Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not. And when it is said to them, Believe as the people have believed, they say, Should we believe as the foolish have believed? Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not} [Al-Baqarah: 8-13]",1.0 +151196,"New #Syrian Army Destroyed an #ISIS VBIED before it reachs the target in Eastern #Syria, #Tanf. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/726145924226027521/photo/1 ",1.0 +146392,There is somehow a mistake. They are either referring to the strike occurred on 26th or maybe a new one. Hope they clarify it. #ISIS #Iraq ,1.0 +119707,"@usnews #ISIS Obama is not happy with 7 years and 7 months of poverty, nonsense wars and despair of its people! He wants more death soldiers!",0.0 +120537,Soldier Makes Time for Pok mon Go While Battling ISIS in Iraq http://uk.complex.com/pop-culture/2016/07/soldier-pokemon-go-battling-isis-iraq via @complex_uk,0.0 +117229,There 's probably an Isis soldier who is pumped because he just caught a pikachu,0.0 +7970,also joo - saying (it's okay white) promotes -->white<-- supremacy.,1.0 +148633,RT @alamriki_omar: Never forget your brothers & Sisters in captivity.May Allah Subhanu free them all. https://twitter.com/MuslimPrisoners/status/719842580343730176 ,1.0 +151321,@drerdogan_001 I see. Thanks. Erdogan is pathetic. ,1.0 +123987,"RT @healthuever: Petition to stop immigration & close UK borders until ISIS are defeated passes 100,000 & will go to Parliament https://t.c ",0.0 +130142,Two foreign ISIL suspects detained at #Istanbul airport http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=101204&NewsCatID=509 via @HDNER #UFO4UBlogEurope #Turkey #Atat rk,0.0 +118273,Egypt has officially given access to Israeli airforce to strike the Islamic State in Sinai. Reminder: It happened many times in the past.,0.0 +120882,"Well, yes, that 's why, but they *began* calling it that 13 years ago. . http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0 pic.twitter.com/8uku6kA46u",0.0 +124129,@Suthen_boy @barbra2074 Hamas is fighting Isis just like Iran and Russia . pic.twitter.com/eWGdbRefuF,0.0 +150680,Rebels repelled SAA assault on #Kabana Village in #Lataika for the 15th time. And killed dozens of Soldiers. ,1.0 +107822,RT @smallwars: Reuters: U.S. sending advisers to help Iraq army push on Mosul: Carter https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-defense-chief-arrives-baghdad-unannounced-visit-071213901.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=tw,0.0 +111512,"@QuilliamF Muslims speaking up against ISIS, necessary to counter extremism success and promote #pluralism #MyIslam https://twitter.com/QuilliamF/status/752488577691516928",0.0 +136639,"@BintRosie34 because they don't want to accept the sharia because they know they can't spread their stupid religion, practice publicly (1) ",1.0 +122671,#Turkey using #migrant-crisis to avert attention from abuse/ Both #Erdogan & ISIS abuse #Merkel OpenEntry manifesto http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/687806/Merkel-Turkey-leader-migrant-crisis-attention-rights-abuses-Erdogan,0.0 +110009,RT @DGisSERIOUS: Are they storming Mosul? https://twitter.com/lizzkatherine_/status/752286449261613056,0.0 +121487,"@realDonaldTrump and how did these guns get into the hands of Isis ,thx to Obama and holder for the donations https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/111493251340566528",0.0 +118951,Syria based handler directed Hyderabad ISIS module over encrypted email - Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/Syria-based-handler-directed-Hyderabad-ISIS-module-over-encrypted-email/articleshow/53160433.cms #hyderabad,0.0 +123246,"RT @3OllI_kh: #AllLivesDidntMatter #ISIL got the solution, it 's in the caliphate,where no discrimination and the holy Quraan rules https:// ",0.0 +115778,RT @TikaDarkbone: That msg from Isis . I love all my friends,0.0 +127350,Not only is Trump running for POTUS He 's also running for sheriff of the US AND he 's going to save us from ISIS #LawAndOrdercandidate,0.0 +119638,"No greater love: Muslim embraces ISIS suicide bomber, killing himself and saving dozens of lives @AleteiaEn http://aleteia.org/blogs/deacon-greg-kandra/muslim-at-iraq-shrine-embraces-isis-suicide-bomber-killing-himself-and-saving-dozens-of-lives/?ru=47d0756eb45e889ab5ed62566f95d010",0.0 +126913,Finding ways to look even more ISIS-y in hicksville pic.twitter.com/HrAMVE2Nhy,0.0 +151144,#Sinai Egyptian army M60 tank was targeted by IED explosion on the road between Joura checkpoint and airport south of Sheikh Zuwaid ,1.0 +5042,@user dudes started pulling eyes back started yelling ching chong once. outraged,1.0 +114615,A #Map depicting the axis from which #ISIS forces were able to infiltrate into #Palmyra city *Clashes near Airport* pic.twitter.com/q9fyOd2Fdl,0.0 +106626,RT @AnaJuliaMena: #Espa a RSS Agregaci n ABC: El gobierno afgano anuncia la muerte de 31 miembros de http://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-gobierno-afgano-anuncia-muerte-31-miembros-daesh-201607110440_noticia.html #cuba https:/ ,0.0 +104809," @HaizamAmirah: "" Fue imprescindible la invasi n de Irak para que hoy tengamos Daesh "" http://www.lasexta.com/programas/mas-vale-tarde/entrevistas/amirah-fernandez-fue-imprescindible-la-invasion-de-irak-para-que-hoy-tengamos-daesh_20160707577e8cf64beb28bc5892bed7.html pic.twitter.com/yVLinwXWIy",0.0 +106546,RT @SarahJReports: Over past 18 months ISIS has lost territory at an increasing rate global analysis & intelligence firm IHS https://t.co/e ,0.0 +129453,Iranian Monstrosity about to fight against #ISIS Expect Big tears when IS sends him to hell pic.twitter.com/8NfUPeCoCD,0.0 +104671,U.S. to help Iraq build base for push on Mosul: Carter http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/biVjAjodwek/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZR0LT via @skinnergj,0.0 +135061,"We are certain of our victory in both this world and in the Hereafter, insh? all?h, for our truthful Prophet g has promised us, A party of my Ummah will continue to fight in obedience to the command of Allah, crushing its enemies. They will not be harmed by those who oppose them. They will remain in this condition until the Hour overtakes them ",1.0 +137882,RT @Alhamdhulillaah: Love Love Muhammad Love Qur'an Love Islam ,1.0 +149828,Poor 5th Guy hahahahaha... In the Moment when he cames the IED Detonated ,1.0 +121648,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/#.V4QFc7LO6Ls.twitter,0.0 +107756," NSG , IS http://mtonline.in/TadajZ/kcf via @mataonline",0.0 +105160,@Jotaderos Para cantarlo en un Karaoke y que entre una patrulla de Daesh.,0.0 +110504,""" South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS "" - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html #world #news",0.0 +9574,@user ain't going nowhere.hes soup taker worst kind.,1.0 +133610,RT @HasHafidh: Kuwaiti interior ministry foil ISIL plots across the country - they were planning to attack several Shia mosques in Hawally ,0.0 +106533,Pentagon chief in Baghdad for talks on anti-Islamic State fight http://tribune.com.pk/story/1139384/pentagon-chief-baghdad-talks-anti-islamic-state-fight/ #pakistan,0.0 +125046,Soldado decidi jugar Pok mon Go mientras luchaba contra ISIS http://www.publimetro.com.mx/tecno/soldado-decidio-jugar-pokemon-go-mientras-luchaba-contra-isis/XeSpgk!XiUcZ_mv9SARBZsSdCJcCg/ pic.twitter.com/SP0XIfzQ6X,0.0 +146330,RT @Freedom_speech2: #IS martyrdom seekers who infiltrated Ayn issa Air base killed this pilot of the Safavids (sabah farhan jaduri) https: ,1.0 +118900,#ISIS transfers suicide bombers from #Syria to #Europe through Azerbaijan-Cyprus-Georgia http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/isil-transfers-suicide-bombers-from-syria-to-europe-through-azerbaijan-cyprus-georgia-report.aspx?pageID=238&nID=101451&NewsCatID=509 pic.twitter.com/Ai29LgRJyD,0.0 +127267,Retweeted RT en Espa ol (@ActualidadRT): El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa. http://fb.me/5BIzb6Xfm,0.0 +136472,ENGLISH TRANSLATION: 'A MESSAGE TO THE TRUTHFUL IN SYRIA - SHEIKH ABU MUHAMMED AL MAQDISI: https://justpaste.it/MESSAGETOTHETRUTHFULINSYRIA https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +130441,Open invitation to ISIS by the back door Glad I voted #Brexit & thanks to all other #Brexiters too Austria wants Out https://twitter.com/DavidJo52951945/status/749837145620217856,0.0 +146832,@IHWCo thx mo ,1.0 +107615,Revealed: How ISIS got most of their weapons from the countries now bombing Syria - including Britain. http://fb.me/1duL7SaGn,0.0 +118419,@digby56 swap America for Daesh and it 's a recruiting slogan for lone-wolf terrorists #ohwaititwasalready,0.0 +120651,RT @USIP: New from @MariaJStephan: How #ISIS could be defeated with the help of civil resistance - http://www.usip.org/olivebranch/2016/07/11/defeating-isis-through-civil-resistance,0.0 +10192,@user get ur head fixed first mongol,1.0 +148016,#ISIS has released a video showing the assassination of director of General Investigation Bureau in #Riyadh #Saudi https://t.co/uDVGNlHlCM ,1.0 +6493,@user sick cunt,1.0 +142698,RT @LeilaShami: Aleppo: with a pause in the bombing people again take to the streets calling for the fall of the regime https://t.co/OsVV5K ,1.0 +6449,least he's consistently cunt #trump #pittsburgh #unfittobepresident #unfitforoffice @url,1.0 +112636,@NED_Isis ? ! ! ( ) ?,0.0 +154883,RT @riwired: .@HillaryGuess That pleased Hitler. Grand Mufti provided Hitler w/ armies of Muslim soldiers from Europe. #Tszarnev @VileIslam ,1.0 +118213,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743993443379187713 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743996873074171904 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=1556857087 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +148735,@morochuif https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/720310009247051776/photo/1 ,1.0 +131135,RT @Jitoh: ISIS ,0.0 +110396, . http://malayalam.webdunia.com/article/kerala-news-in-malayalam/isis-relation-in-kerala-116071100056_1.html http://fb.me/4LhjOZdxQ,0.0 +124657,"RT @lwoodhouse: @MazMHussain Critical corrective to the ostensible "" anti-imperialists "" at Counterpunch etc who claim FSA=ISIS &Nusra https: ",0.0 +130475,"But, kill lists are culled from hacking activities. #ISIS might as well pull random names out of phone book.",0.0 +7667,yep writing clearly wall. people come shithole countries shithole attitudes polici @url,1.0 +120133,"RT @DudeInDistress: #LiberalBecause unlike conservatives (e.g. ISIS) I support LGBT rights, women rights and secular values.",0.0 +160180,"Christianity isn't exactly 'indigenous', given Jesus was born in Bethlehem!",0.0 +111892,A #hacker from #Kosovo has pleaded guilty to providing material support for the #IslamicState http://ow.ly/CEkn3026FTN,0.0 +136374, Whoever kills someone from Ahl adh-Dhimmah ,1.0 +150908,RT @WarNews24_7: #Disgusting! #Shia crimes against innocent #Sunnis https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/700420093830959104 ,1.0 +144059,"@WarReporter1 The main beneficiary will be Assad, who is needed to ensure a ""terrorist-free Syria"". This is US' way of covertly helping him. ",1.0 +106902,Politologas: artimiausiu metu galime tik tis dar daugiau ISIS atak http://viena.lt/2016/07/11/politologas-artimiausiu-metu-galime-tiketis-dar-daugiau-isis-ataku/,0.0 +114106,RT @SacredTweetz: #Fatwa by Shaykh Afifi al-Akiti refuting the #Salafi #Jihadi methodology. #RefutingISIS @refuting_isis https://t.co/MNvn ,0.0 +128956,"The son of the woman from Sweden, who joined ISIS, was killed while playing with grenade http://ria.ru/syria/20160704/1458085915.html pic.twitter.com/oU0efyUTUo",0.0 +108605,@Rafidein A Basrawi should lead Mosul and a Maslawi should lead Basra. Diversity and all that,0.0 +8085,@user says homo orders chilli chicken wraps goes costa. thats gay get faggot,1.0 +129924,RT @OPINIONLATINA: Bangladesh Faces an Uncertain New Reality After the Dhaka Attack http://time.com/4392553/bangladesh-dhaka-attack-isis-terrorism-holey-artisan-bakery/ ,0.0 +137179,"RT @AEJKhalil: In #Syria, babies are born to die.. #Russia airstrikes on #Idlib Dec 20 https://twitter.com/AEJKhalil/status/678567294918893568/photo/1 ",1.0 +126764,"@ABCPolitics Hey! What happened to "" ISIS is desperate and isolated? "" Was that another lie from @POTUS and his administration?",0.0 +149092,"RT @emran_getu: Did you know, Erdogan went to the grave of Thedor Hezl, founder of zionsim & payed His respect by laying wreath? https://t. ",1.0 +159861,"I'd agree that there are 'fundamentalist' elements of various religions that are incompatible with 21st century Western values, but this is because 'successful' religions are not 'mono-cultures' but faiths that adapt, change and borrow from the local cultures in the countries in which they are practiced.",0.0 +145411,RT @wikileaks: Hillary Emails: Egyptian military had covertly moved into eastern #Libya by early 2011 https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/6524#efmBj3BkHBqoBsFBsGBweBwrB0L https://t.co/ ,1.0 +145908,RT @safeteay: Support Follow and Retweet Abutariq Almuhajir @abutariq038 Aisha Khansa @Aishakhansa1 ,1.0 +125589,RT @Anon_Force: Message to fellow #Americans #ISIS doesn't need to enter the #USA ISIS is among you & living with you. Its all blackwater& ,0.0 +134707,"{And had he not been of those who exalt Allah, He would have remained inside its belly until the day they are resurrected} [As-S?ff?t: 143-144].",1.0 +123428,Mass grave and secret ISIS jail found in Libya - http://webdrove.com/mass-grave-and-secret-isis-jail-found-in-libya/ pic.twitter.com/TAfLadDh3I,0.0 +148586,@khorasan15_01 In Shaa ALLAH ,1.0 +143285,"@vivarevolt @arflon128 Shaykh Nasir al Fahd also considers them so, as did imams of Najdi dawah ",1.0 +135192, For I the Lord do not change (Malachi 3:6).,1.0 +126067,Presidente Rohani: Ir n permanecer junto a Irak y Siria ante el . - Hispan TV (S tira) (Comunicado de http://goo.gl/fb/krgiMK #Irak,0.0 +143986,RT @Hamas_Mujahid_: The Mujahid Commander who was martyred by #IDF he hide in a house and killed at least 3 #Israeli soldiers in #Gaza. htt ,1.0 +7670,@user another sellout compromised negro celebrity cow-towing white daddy....,1.0 +118224,@isil_arican biz cicile derdik. Onuda ekleyelim oraya :),0.0 +125815,RT @ConstanceQueen8: US To Deploy 560 More Troops To Iraq Prep For Upcoming Battle Against ISIS https://twitter.com/ABC/status/752519481528909825,0.0 +8215,@user horse racing faggot,1.0 +153202,"Turkey is preparing to ""clean the syrian border"" from the IS presence ( Erdogan). https://twitter.com/LOrientLeJour/status/730714481974775809 ",1.0 +110716,RT @kaze84493451: ISIS 40 G20 http://ameblo.jp/wake-up-japan/entry-12096711306.html,0.0 +114587,"Daesh, guerres, crises, famines, catastrophes naturelles . Tout est de la faute du Portugal",0.0 +141420,"That awkward moment, when you support FSA with flag on profile, but you praise Assad regime proxy at the same time. https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/700761845326434304/photo/1 ",1.0 +152339,#AmaqAgency #IslamicState Fighters take Abu Qarin w of #Sirte after a Martyrdom Op and 2hrs of fighting leaving +30 Fajr Libya fighters dead ,1.0 +123835,@rmm8081 I'm innocent I not isis I feel upset about that to you isis aren't muslims,0.0 +141428,Targeting the apostate PKK in silos Acharkrak village east of Ayn Issa region with Grad missiles. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160642,To the minister: start counteracting terror and crisis caused by Islam! Stop burying your heads in sand.,1.0 +117784,"this is getting crazy! "" A soldier played Pok mon Go while fighting ISIS in Iraq "" #business #feedly #gaming http://www.thisisinsider.com/soldier-plays-pokmon-go-while-fighting-isis-2016-7",0.0 +118653,Great news. Manbij Military council (MMC) & their Civil Assembly organizing healthcare 4 civilians in post-daesh era https://twitter.com/4rj1n/status/752465669589966848,0.0 +131889,Muslim man falsely accused of ISIS ties http://www.wptz.com/national/muslim-man-falsely-accused-of-isis-ties/40347600 pic.twitter.com/nSoFjz0OU5,0.0 +140939,"RT @ragipsoylu: While Turkey's allies turning their backs on Ankara, it might be a good time plan writing on Turkey's Sevres syndrome. Turk ",1.0 +159142,"The world would be a better place without your intolerance, it only creates a divided, toxic society.",0.0 +142318,RT @Str4nnger79: And did that work out for ya ? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +114745,"As US top priority should be destroying #ISIS, GOP 's top priority should be DEFEATING #HILLARY. But GOP BigMoney HEARTS #WallStreet Hillary.",0.0 +128123,RT @CAIRNational: #CAIR: Emirates Issue Travel Warning After Man in Robe Is Mistaken for ISIS Terrorist in Ohio (NY Times) Julia. https: ,0.0 +142500,"@WarReporter1 I dont think that Arab tribal leader had a good night. One minute he's in bed enjoying a coffee, the next, he's being beheaded ",1.0 +150380,#WilayatHims Burning #Nusayri army's #BMP #eastern #Tadmur after #targeting it with guided #missile https://justpaste.it/tm7g #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +146558,"@Tanveertwitt bat sahih per mullaon ki jaga halwaion ka laqab behtar hai, mulla tu muqadas lafz h jis ki toheen ye khud hen ",1.0 +140551,LOOOOL! Secure #Azaz?! I am sorry but we are not 19-years old dumbs to believe your crap.. #Syria https://twitter.com/arabthomness/status/695242086099128320 ,1.0 +147704,We are to show unity for the sake of Allah and Rasullullah NOT play in2 the hands of our enemies with us bickering on social media.. ,1.0 +148045,@24Aleppo You want to join the club too? https://twitter.com/IQsunni/status/718478626216419328/photo/1 ,1.0 +116414,"RT @rafu007: Petition Govt of #India: Ban #PeaceTV of Zakir Naik, Arrest #ZakirNaik https://www.change.org/p/ministry-of-information-and-broadcasting-govt-of-india-ban-peacetv-of-zakir-naik-mentor-of-dhaka-terrorists-arrest-zakir-naik http://www.banwahhabisminindia.com #ISIS",0.0 +159978,Muslims are ruining our religious statues. Why should we support such criminals and build mosques for them? Why does the government want to accept more immigrants?,1.0 +152822,"Abu Ishaq Al-Isfaraini spent twenty-seven years in visiting Syria, Egypt, Hijaz, and the cities of Isfahan, Harran, Herat, and Naisapur. ",1.0 +140014,we recommended all of our page fans must send your friend requests here (https://t.co/I72apQzO39) .. we... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +154168,@obsurfer84 Defensive sword? ROFLMAO. The Muslims defended themselves all the way to France and India.,1.0 +136138,"Ibn Taymiyyah said, ""This could be understood as absolute resemblance, which would be kufr, and less than that is thereby haram. It could also be that the ruling is based on the resemblnce itself, whether it is in their kufr, or sin, or some slogan of theirs. Regardless, the tahrim is due to resemlance"" (Iqtida as-Sirat al-Mustaqim)",1.0 +141013,@AEJKhalil why u supported sdf against Isis? ,1.0 +4794,u see colonialism right?? i'd blast writing vmin getting lost mongol shobhajatra ppl w @url,0.0 +147342,PT: This is ironic since Ayman Zawahiri and the Caucasus Emirate declared Haleem as an AQ scholar. Yet AQ themselves killed 3000 on 9-11! ,1.0 +127618,@MsiaChronicle Few HEROS in Malaysia-Y Malaysian Malay Muslim boys age7-15 watch YOUTUBE@cybercafes-WORSHIP IS/DAESH as HEROS with weapons?,0.0 +9256,2nd & 22 eddie fucking dumbass retard gran decides run bubble screen. fire dumb ass.,1.0 +116593,[CNN] See ISIS 'caliphate ' shrink http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html ,0.0 +155167,"@alihadi68 @rudoren @nytimes Hey, at least he doesn't murder people for apostacy and blasphemy like your tribe of scum.",1.0 +128050,RT @doubledittos: 'You Cannot Win Like That': Peters Rips 'Apologist-in-Chief ' Obama 's ISIS Strategy http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/07/02/ralph-peters-obama-using-drones-against-isis-collateral-damage,0.0 +109060,RT @MetaphorMirror: RT @AP: Defense Secretary Ash Carter says U.S. will use Iraq air base to retake Mosul . http://bigstory.ap.org/article/7f14f191e84d45439c9fb971d01c979c/carter-us-will-use-iraq-city-base-retake-mosul https ,0.0 +106376,So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January. http://linkis.com/7V5Qo via @BBCWorld,0.0 +116486,I hope this helps steer niggas away from isis .. like I hope this kills all hope of a violent uprising. it 's all about magic baby,0.0 +117049,"RT @PresidentRamsey: America 's biggest threat isn't ISIS, the national debt, or gun violence. it 's the division among our citizens. Above ",0.0 +106157,"Don't go by what Arnab says, labelling Zakir Naik a 'terror mastermind ' is ridiculous http://www.dailyo.in/politics/zakir-naik-dhaka-attack-isis-islam-muslims-bangladesh-osama-bin-laden/story/1/11637.html #ZakirNaik",0.0 +123720,#Mundo El f tbol va contra el Islam! Por eso el ISIS decapit a estos jugadores http://epmundo.com/el-futbol-va-contra-el-islam-por-eso-el-isis-decapito-a-estos-jugadores/ pic.twitter.com/JPdym1IqWx,0.0 +8114,ok thought proper human i'm actually mongoloid,0.0 +5506,neophyte nigger: nonsupervisory yet roving,1.0 +150893,#ISIS Claims to have Destroyed #Iraqi Army US-Made M1 ABRAMS Tank in Southern #Fallujah. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/725708235693502465/photo/1 ,1.0 +8039,@user @user little raghead leprechauns running round studio?,1.0 +143504,#BreakingNews #YPG terror group has reportedly attacked a #Turkey army post near #Syria|n borders. Intense clashes erupted near #Qamishli.. ,1.0 +140895,Infographics by al-Naba' newsletter detailing D results of battles in Maheen district against Nusayri's #IS #ISIS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +138844,and their petty condemnation of Assad's crimes. Did you know that KSA airplanes striking IS-held areas coordinate with regime airplanes? ,1.0 +133526,#Bangladesh key to #ISIS plans for the subcontinent http://ow.ly/iDd5301U0W0 pic.twitter.com/x8XCCnfGoy,0.0 +140688,RT @BatInfo147: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +117751,RT @ProvMagazine: #Christians in #Europe & #America seem theologically & ethically unequal to ominous threats to #WesternCivilization https ,0.0 +121499,Islamic State conflict: Nato surveillance planes to help US-led coalition - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36755639,0.0 +110833,RT @Mediabeast3: Carter Announces 560 More US Troops to Iraq: Defense Secretary Ash Carter says the U.S. will send 560 more tr. https://t ,0.0 +119919,#Japan News Carter says U.S. will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul http://ow.ly/kwzh502ip4O,0.0 +152637,amazing uprising https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +130803,RT @TKryptx: Ivy League student went to Syria to join Daesh - then begged U.S. to extract him https://www.sott.net/article/321352-Not-so-useful-idiot-Ivy-League-student-went-to-Syria-to-join-Daesh-then-begged-US-to-extract-him ,0.0 +136941,AlhamduLiLLAH #Khilafah is Back https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +134134,"Adh-Dhaw?hir? said, My position concerning the laymen of the Sh? ah is the position of the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah2 , and that is that they are excused due to their ignorance. As for those of them who take part with their leaders in their cooperation with the crusaders and their aggression towards the Muslims, their ruling then is the ruling of a faction resisting the laws of Islam.3 As for those of their laymen who have not taken part in any aggression towards the Muslims, nor fought under the banner of the global crusade, our approach with them is to make da wah, expose the realities, and clarify the extent of the crimes committed by their leaders against Islam and the Muslims [al-Liq? al-Maft?h al-Halqat al-?l?]",1.0 +139049,He deserves the support.. https://twitter.com/BeyondTheLevant/status/693859440932556805 ,1.0 +130329,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3298075361 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=32930711 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3198225738 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +4715,opposed using word retard retarded would think ok use word libtard?!,1.0 +123752,"A parish priest in my area compared the Good Samaritan to a Good ISIS terrorist. The problem is, ISIS will never do such a thing.",0.0 +114442,ISIS ww,0.0 +147165,#USA-backed war criminals #YPG bulldozers attacked people of Hawl force them to leave #Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJfqYBY5aoM https://t.co/wYJhLgCfIR ,1.0 +149263,"#Hamas Propaganda Video, #Gaza... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +123212,"US will send 560 more troops to Iraq for long-awaited battle to recapture Mosul from ISIS, Defense Secretary Ash Carter reveals",0.0 +146167,"RT @MaghrebiHD: Every time they (supposedly) kill an #IS local commander, they brand him ""ISIS n 2 leader"". You'd think IS only has n 2s, n ",1.0 +124683,Isis se acha a branca cara kkkkkkk,0.0 +9489,worthy negro spiritual #carterv @url,1.0 +136517,report JN tells their fighters they won't participate in mari battle against Islamic state under any circumstance https://t.co/pe6... ,1.0 +115409,"Warning of stern action against producers, distributors of Daesh newspaper http://celebrity.richensblogs.com/2016/07/warning-of-stern-action-against-producers-distributors-of-daesh-newspaper/",0.0 +123349,Enviar #EU 560 soldados a #Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/internacional/333075-enviara-eu-560-soldados-a-irak-para-ayudar-a-recuperar-mosul pic.twitter.com/TgwlAQF1XZ,0.0 +117226,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=749035040814792705,0.0 +7938,@user @user yeah sat front retard,1.0 +145733,"Both the regime and rebels are fighting the Islamic State, and at the same time they're negotiating to unify their efforts. ",1.0 +136252," You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers, their sons, their brothers, or their kindred. Those He has decreed that there is faith in their hearts, and He supported them with a spirit of His. And We will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. Those are the party of Allah. Unquestionably, the party of Allah are the successful (Al-Mujadilah 22).",1.0 +118666,@simongamer987 this is why isis is scared,0.0 +143815,"#pt ""Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish worship and give in charity & enjoin kindness"" - Quran. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +4834,i'm gay i'm faggot shut fuck up.,1.0 +146323,RT @FoxNews: . @OliverNorthFNC: We ve relied for so long on signals intelligence that no longer works because of encryption. https://t.co/ ,1.0 +124478,US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat http://www.technewsworld.com/story/83682.html ,0.0 +146002,"RT @7layers_: Arab-armies are a joke; If it wasn't for the US & #Russia helping their dictator-puppets, #ISIS would have taking over the wh ",1.0 +117627,Turkey airport attack in Istanbul blamed on ISIS with up to 50 dead http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3664710/Two-explosions-gunfire-Istanbul-s-Ataturk-airport-cause-multiple-injuries.html ,0.0 +153948,"RT @jemfleming: @riwired @GOP @VileIslam 'When the Muslim population in a region reaches a certain.. point, the agitation begins..' http:// ",1.0 +146231,"RT @khilafahlover1: SHOOTOUT,,,, https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +137221,@MaghrebiMWss The fat bastard baghdadi lost the mubahala ,1.0 +145237,@WarReporter1 I apologise for being unable to censor names with straight line. I don't know how to select straight lines on my paint program ,1.0 +6554,@user @user @user people want stay shithole countries live in.. @url,1.0 +142670,"19 #YPG terror group female fighters reportedly captured by #ISIS and taken to #Raqqah, pro revolution activists report #Syria #TwitterKurds ",1.0 +10201,thing faggot i'm hot,1.0 +129779,RT @alwasatengnews: Army announces launch of new mission to free the Sabri and Souk al-Hout areas of #Benghazi from #ISIS. #Libya https://t ,0.0 +7025,dude straight cunt. @url,1.0 +115903,RT @NietAaien: Mensen die beweerden dat met de #vluchtelingen stroom #ISIS strijders mee reisde werden weggezet als xenofoob. Maar ze hadde ,0.0 +116266,RT @JewhadiTM: Moment ISIS jihadis speed towards Iraqi tanks and detonate truck http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684270/Terrifying-moment-ISIS-jihadis-speed-Iraqi-tanks-detonate-truck-packed-explosives-battle-Fallujah.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +109187,Canap convertible Isis: 389.90 au lieu de 1622.60 (76% de r duction) http://dlvr.it/LmgtlY pic.twitter.com/Jl1Hr9sMt6,0.0 +148950,RT @sparksofirhabi5: The freedom of Islam https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/715298658783199232 ,1.0 +117749,.@amyasherk @ed_hooley We have the leader of ISIS. pic.twitter.com/AkN4ZHUB5j,0.0 +116662,"Yo, why as South Africa are we messing with ISIS though?! ? ! Like it 's not our fight yo.. Now them niggas gon focus on us! ",0.0 +105044, ISIS - http://kobajun.chips.jp/,0.0 +131959,Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility - CNN via World - Google News - . http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/baghdad-car-bombs/ ,0.0 +127308,"@UnHolyFamily I'm ashamed of Isis or whatever they are , they don't represent our culture or our religion",0.0 +124066,@Trump_Videos @realDonaldTrump I've been saying this for 2 years. I'm happy others found out Obama is the leading Terrorist of ISIS.,0.0 +126099,Un soldado en Irak combate a ISIS y captura Pok mon al mismo tiempo http://trendsespanol.com/2016/07/11/un-soldado-en-irak-combate-a-isis-y-captura-pokemon-al-mismo-tiempo/ pic.twitter.com/8KI0P5fzqu,0.0 +106042,RT @ImranELSS: Muslim parents don't report children who travel to Syria because they don't trust the police http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/syria-civil-war-british-muslims-travel-isis-counter-terrorism-police-birmingham-a7129736.html,0.0 +116607,#onsent See ISIS 'caliphate ' shrink: ISIS is struggling to hold on to territory in Syria and Iraq -- but will. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html ,0.0 +109149,"Last night #ISIS could sneak into Easrern neighborhood in #Palmyra, withdrew after they had broken many houses without any reaction by #SAA",0.0 +111895,#CyberJihadists use #DarkWeb forums for learning the basics of #hacking from #ISIS cyber help desk http://ow.ly/VfrF3026FTb,0.0 +155043,"@halalflaws @haroonstyles @AMohedin @islamdefense @greenlinerzjm Islam allows men divorce by saying I divorce you, three times, not women.",1.0 +133397,Iranian Hulk to fight ISIS in Syria after announcing plans to join Iranian forces http://tinyurl.com/zx2ngwo,0.0 +128160, ISIS ISI #Bhagdad #DhakkaAttack,0.0 +9181,rickety old lady came park saw retard swing listening sleeping sirens,1.0 +120404,@pzf @TigersfanOU #blacklivesmatter is worse than isis,0.0 +137779,@The_Jihadi Eudhubillah. Are you calling me faggot? ,1.0 +108025,NCTV: ISIS maakt veelvuldig gebruik van vluchtelingenstroom http://politiek.tpo.nl/2016/07/11/nctv-isis-maakt-veelvuldig-gebruik-vluchtelingenstroom/ @lidwieneik_boom,0.0 +138671,South #Rafah : #Egypt army vehicle blown up by #ISIS .State influence is growing up ferociously in country. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8779,ceo racist sumbag boss sand nigger,1.0 +107733,Obama administration: ISIS is losing ground on Twitter http://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-administration-isis-is-losing-ground-on-twitter via @cbsnews,0.0 +137564,"@leithfadel For you, shiia filth, bastards of mut'a marriages, progress is to know who is your father? Are you progressive, Leith? ",1.0 +9263,drug prohibition made chicago shithole made usa shithole country. forcing law @url,0.0 +141016,did you feel safe to give it (Tel Rif'at) to atheist YPG/PKK that known their enmity to Islam rather islamic State who strive for Shari'a? ,1.0 +112301,More US Troops to Deploy to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Offensive - @ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-deploy-560-troops-iraq-preparation-mosul-offensive/story ,0.0 +140176,For your information Pic is from 2004 .. #shia_militiaman beheading Sunni civilians in the presence #USA... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +133913,"The Prophet s statement, And on the earth will remain the worst of the people [to the end of the had?th] refers to the period after Allah sends the pleasant breeze and it causes every person who has so much as the weight of a mustard seed of faith in his heart to pass away. Then there will remain only those who have no good in them whatsoever ",1.0 +141376,#AinEssa #Syria #PKK positions experienced Grad rockets which is every hour happening there. #Kurds twisted u hear! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +9408,annoying twat face? k thanks.,1.0 +142134,@BrunFree Thank you @ArabCenter_ar ,1.0 +140291,RT @ibnhernan: We say Bi'ithnillah. Saudi says Bi'ithnil-Amreeka https://twitter.com/AlArabiya_Eng/status/697521709881040897 ,1.0 +154257,@recoveringlibrl Free them to do what? Cut off the heads of gays? Honor killings? Child marriage? Exterminate Jews? Throw ppl off buildings?,1.0 +111163,RT @iraqicts: According to Intel From the directory of Intel&Sec #Air_forces air strike #ISIS HQ&kill dozens in #Karabila W #Anbar https:// ,0.0 +130785,"Islamic State, Al-Qaeda and India: Global terror is here, stop being smug http://www.firstpost.com/politics/is-aqis-and-india-global-terror-is-here-time-to-remain-smug-is-over-2871886.html",0.0 +129448,RT @ELBINAWI: Twitter response to Ken Roth 's sympathy for Russian speaking ISIS terrorists thewallwillfall https://elbinawi.wordpress.com/2016/07/04/twitter-response-to-ken-roths-sympathy-for-russian-speaking-isis-terrorists-thewallwillfall,0.0 +140959,RT @wayf44rer__: #Homs : Aftermath of Russian air raids on homes of civilians in #Palmyra https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +115108,"RT @USEmbassySyria: July 2 - 8, Coalition forces conducted 171 airstrikes against #ISIL targets in #Syria & #Iraq. #DefeatDaesh https://t.c ",0.0 +104988,'You're a dead man': Undercover with an Islamic State terror cell http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/undercover-with-an-islamic-state-terror-cell/7583246 via @ABCNews,0.0 +142237,"@itsmyownworld2 with Saudi help too in Iraq, but directly speaking it's US ",1.0 +126041,I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/FDL1I8tpMFI?a AS Dan Sekutu Lancar Serangan Udara Terhadap Daesh,0.0 +136130,"An-Nawaw? ash-Sh?fi ? said, It is okay for the mourning widow to go out to run errands during the day But she must return to her home and sleep there ",1.0 +122816,ISIS Comes to Gaza.http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai pic.twitter.com/EoTTt9W7gl,0.0 +159973,Have you ever spoken to a mulsim?,0.0 +8606,legit shithole country. @url,1.0 +137322,@two_umm Russian @_UmmSayfullah_ ,1.0 +141911,Pictures are now starting to emerge of the massacre of Assad soldiers which occurred after ISIS took #Khanaser: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +145482,RT @AlMuhajiroun2: Na neema ya Allah (swt) bado tumeka hapo Afrika Mashariki! Allah hu Akbar! ,1.0 +109082,"@minicnair Mini-chechi, we duped even the ISIS pic.twitter.com/HYUsRNeFPJ",0.0 +145308,2 #Israel|i fighter jets violated #Egypt|ian airspace and now flying over Rafah & Sheikh Zuweid in #Sinai #ISIS ,1.0 +148756,RT @ajmurgent: # | : 8 # # # # ,1.0 +145475,RT @DeirEzzor24: #ISIS captures positions in the Industrial neighbourhood from #Assad forces; dozens killed from both parties https://t.co/ ,1.0 +141906,"RT @Nidalgazaui: #BREAKING HUGE #ISIS claims: Killed more than 220 #SAA soldiers in just 48h, near #Khanaser #Hama. ",1.0 +9113,@user that's awful. i'm sorry happened. banter last refuge cunt.,1.0 +106642,NCTV: ISIS maakt veelvuldig gebruik van vluchtelingenstroom. Terroristen vroegen mogelijk ook asiel in Nederland aan http://politiek.tpo.nl/2016/07/11/nctv-isis-maakt-veelvuldig-gebruik-vluchtelingenstroom/,0.0 +128197,RT @franifio: Sigh. If only ISIS grasped that we are all merely atoms clinging to a rock hurling around one of billions of stars in a majes ,0.0 +147959,#ISIS #AmaqAgency #Damascus #ISIS fighters take control of Arubah checkpoint #CVESymposium #DeirEzzor https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +108368,RT @Eliaaaa__: La vie Daesh ils on fait dla mala moi j'ai toujours pas vue la boucherie hyn,0.0 +134207,"{O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are allies of one another} [Al-M? idah: 51]",1.0 +113647,RT @MsJulieLenarz: Guess what that is? Burqas left behind by women reaching #SDF territory after escape from #ISIS tyranny. #freedom https: ,0.0 +149590,"Child Abdul-Muhaymin was killed today by airstrikes on #Raqqa, originally from Deir ez-Zor https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +107802,"ISIS could unleash terror attacks on Europe after losing quarter of its land, experts say http://fb.me/77f7lsAn7",0.0 +125166,ISIS Muslims behead 5 professional soccer players after declaring the sport to be unIslamic pic.twitter.com/5XWCC8Pq9S,0.0 +114562,"RT @LMK_78: Bonnee journee a tous sauf a ceux qui ont peur d'aller a la fanzone pour "" daesh """,0.0 +130311,"(EN) U.S.-backed militias face second Islamic State counter attack - official, monitor http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-manbij-idUSKCN0ZK0SI #berita_IN",0.0 +105692,GM:Together in coalition to defeat Daesh.We share efforts in the peace process in Syria & for Lybian stabilization. pic.twitter.com/GBoCEbN2ff,0.0 +143509,"They are implying about the killing of ""aid workers"" that had ""covenants"" while they falsely gave theirs to Muslim & later killed them. ",1.0 +110973,@RealDavidCarter yeah imagine bombing iSis eh? ,0.0 +153263,"RT @CNNTURK_ENG: BREAKING Explosion in a car reported in Istanbul's #Sancaktepe district, near military barracks. https://twitter.com/CNNTURK_ENG/status/730758125448527872/photo/1 ",1.0 +105042,RT @likebIuejade: les portugais allez dormir demain ya daesh dans votre pays,0.0 +5438,@user know aint talmbout spic @url,1.0 +149740,https://t.co/lmUxU8Ri4e ,1.0 +140359,Here is the interview Guardian conducted of Mosul residents after IS conquered it https://t.co/xMBzQYHoeY ,1.0 +111157,"RT @DailySabah: US will send 560 troops to Iraq to step up campaign against Daesh in Mosul, Sec. Defense Ash Carter says https://t.co/4Rluj ",0.0 +150077,"RT @tati56555: KSA # # ""UCC"" # https://t. ",1.0 +118960,"RT @sarawifnoh: Venmo categories the word "" Persian "" in their flagged group, along with ISIS, Osama, and terrorist. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU V ",0.0 +147877,"RT @Newslnfo: Proud,Exited,Thought he achieved the purpose of life by mocking & replacing with kufr. Went2hell >3Hrs https:// ",1.0 +120344,RT @Grand_Infidel: ISIS Publicly Beheads Four Soccer Players After Declaring Sport Anti-Islamic http://www.weaselzippers.us/282687-isis-publicly-beheads-four-soccer-players-after-declaring-sport-anti-islamic/ via @WeaselZippe ,0.0 +142791,@fukuyamazigh https://twitter.com/Chemseddine_/status/704793545077555200 ,1.0 +122313,Rotella gets Daesh encryption on record https://www.propublica.org/article/isis-via-whatsapp-blow-yourself-up-o-lion. My most recent take @NRO on same issue: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/433696/panama-papers-national-security-agency-surveillance-value,0.0 +9230,@user @user included basic good grammar retard,1.0 +140712,"We'll bring back the 1st and 2nd battles of Fall jah,and I swear Nah wand will return. So grope your necks, Safavid R fidah #Caliphate_New ",1.0 +117259,RT @WorIdstarVidz: When ISIS said they not killin black people pic.twitter.com/FYODf5utRV,0.0 +104543,Trump May Choose Pro-Russian General Who Predicted Rise of Terror as his VP http://sputniknews.com/us/20160711/1042743767/trump-flynn-obama-russia-daesh.html,0.0 +151252,#Breaking #AmaqAgency #IslamicState #WilayatNinawa |#U.S. #aircraft #bomb 4 #petrol #stations in #Mosul. #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +154041,@RaniaKhalek @MaxBlumenthal @Phan_N What about Muslim blasphemy laws. They lead to lynch mob murder. Let's stick to important stuff.,1.0 +113758,"RT @rev_entertain: "" ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET "" http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ #tech #feedly #fre ",0.0 +133191,7/4 7/6 ISIS http://matomame.jp/user/yonepo665/6ddb5b617d5711b21fe4/ #news #japan pic.twitter.com/WCOvs8F4vx,0.0 +124762,"RT @Syricide: While spores of the #ISIS cancer spread across the globe, #NATO continues to beat its tin drum on #Russia 's border. https://t ",0.0 +149540,"@WarReporter1 2/2. By ignoring US massacres, they are in effect approving it. This is because they only condemn one side in the conflict. ",1.0 +9929,@user @user @user lose mongoloid playstyles smh gonna trash m2 today,1.0 +115444,"RT @Gianluca_1970: It 's not that #ISIS is losing ground, they left to get here. #WakeUpAmerica #Trump2016 #Obama traitor https://t.co/mw2h ",0.0 +8900,@user idiot tory soup taker denial. go research irish regiments .,1.0 +160651,Sounds more like the Catholic church to me .,0.0 +151371,"RT @DailySabah: BREAKING PKK offshoot TAK claims responsibility for Bursa attack, says bomber detonated before reaching target https://t. ",1.0 +155340,RT @Mola_Tiz: Palestinians accepted the 2state solution.one for Hamas and one for ISIS. http://t.co/kPVBxc6MJx,1.0 +159918,Do people who make such sweeping statements based on hate and ignorance belong in our civilisation then?,0.0 +112203,ISIS Terbitkan Koran Propaganda untuk Rekrut Teroris di Asia Tenggara http://goo.gl/fb/Xqjypt,0.0 +136612,Al jazeera source of recruitment for IS?! You know the same chann ,1.0 +139250,@xaaajiga ,1.0 +143159,"RT @KenanRahmani: Behold: resilience of Syrians who continue to protest against Assad. This today, in Dumayr, rural Damascus. #Syria https: ",1.0 +5623,would play (excuse me) retarded/stupid people feel comfortable? nah. treat everyone accordingly.,1.0 +110533,"RT @Cerebrus_: #ISIS & #AAP: Eligibility is the same: No brains required. Goals are the same: Destroy all humanity, use religion. https:// ",0.0 +105327,@Mosul__ ! ,0.0 +120180,"Double game? Even as it battles ISIS, Turkey gives other extremists shelter - http://goo.gl/alerts/WJHtB #GoogleAlerts",0.0 +106481,@hussain_rain @Mosul__ ,0.0 +159693,Stop Islam spreading? Why so negative? People of different religions travelling between the countries is a normal phenomenon - wanting to learn more about different cultures etc. I do not think this should be perceived as taking over countries and nations?,0.0 +122398,#Mundo El f tbol va contra el Islam! Por eso el ISIS decapit a estos jugadores http://epmundo.com/el-futbol-va-contra-el-islam-por-eso-el-isis-decapito-a-estos-jugadores/ pic.twitter.com/H01lTdmy7W,0.0 +136590," : "" "" ",1.0 +120502,isis are literally heroin addicts with tanks,0.0 +132631,@toromimoso70 se creen que porque son enormes no les va a pasar nada. Y no saben que meterse con ISiS es descuartizamiento asegurado.,0.0 +141131,RT @studies_center: Drone assassin Obama to stand trial for crimes against humanity on the Day of Resurrection https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +145035,@leithfadel hahah you are a dog who doesn't understand anything so just wait for clips like what happend in tabqa ,1.0 +148223,"RT @WorldWarTerror: Outside of twitter, there is little support abroad for groups like Ahrar. They're not making English-subtitled anti-ISI ",1.0 +6548,@user @user @user fucking retard npc. 97/3? poll showed odds calculation @url,1.0 +125602,"In much the same way as "" moderate "" Muslims denounce ISIS, but still want to see Sharia law replace the US Constitution and judicial system.",0.0 +150490,Oh I'm sure the effects of daily airstrikes by US is much more severe and devastating than this. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +119554,"DebkaFile ISIS starts sending suicide bombers to Europe via Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia: July 11, 2016, 9:26 . http://www.debka.com/newsupdate/17054/ISIS-starts-sending-suicide-bombers-to-Europe-via-Azerbaijan-Cyprus-Georgia ",0.0 +109997,El 'Hulk espa ol ' quiere unirse a las tropas espa olas para luchar contra el Daesh. http://atres.red/gajajsy pic.twitter.com/wllFWNtQE4,0.0 +110611,#TrayectoEnLaRed EEUU ayuda a Iraq a establecer base militar para expulsar terroristas de Mosul: Estados Unid. http://diariodigital.com.do/2016/07/11/eeuu-ayuda-iraq-establecer-base-militar-expulsar-terroristas-mosul/ ,0.0 +7856,@user think twat @url,1.0 +126992,ICYMI Trump still says he has a secret plan to defeat ISIS that we aren't allowed to see,0.0 +125927,RT @trillteacher: Tims face when he.. -Got drafted -Won his 5th ring -Divorced his ex & got with a dime -Defeated ISIS #thankyoutim https:/ ,0.0 +142953,RT @omashkavash16: This is the video of targeting the munafiq aidh alqarny in the philipines https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +106931,Turkey 's national intelligence identified #ISIS groups before terror attacks http://www.aryenhaber2.com/haber/4578/turkeys-national-intelligence-identified-isis-groups-before-terror-attacks pic.twitter.com/43OSasrQ7K,0.0 +113914,"RT @Aabekosar: #SackDoval, this devil made trips to Syria & Iraq. His aim was to hire ISIS mercenaries who now blowup in Muslim countries..",0.0 +9144,reys evil ass coming spoil fun: nigger.,1.0 +133034,Kuwait detains Daesh suspects planning attacks on Shiite mosque http://www.dailysabah.com/mideast/2016/07/04/kuwait-detains-daesh-suspects-planning-attacks-on-shiite-mosque ,0.0 +119704,Police fail to stop 3 UK schoolgirls joining ISIS despite social media clues RT UK http://ln.is/www.rt.com/uk/234675/BIsDt,0.0 +139482,"RT @MaghrebiQM: More naive are people who believe their statements &still hope for good coming from them. Believe me, wake-up moment will b ",1.0 +5777,@user ching chong right back ya,1.0 +149100,"...because he does not recognize them. Every detail of this state, even from the minute ones, is based on the methodology of the Salaf. ",1.0 +110869,VIDEO of #ISIS fighter trying to hide from helicopter with bizarre camouflage attempt MUST be seen WATCH! http://whoradio.iheart.com/onair/simon-conway-42296/isis-fighter-tries-to-hide-from-14893487/ @WHORadio,0.0 +153423,@kafirkaty @jailamx @spicylatte123 @sassysassyred @ScotsmanInfidel you mad pig ,1.0 +154978,@substerrr Muslims want to be able to abuse other while at the same time pretending to be victims.,1.0 +104951,"We did not ask after money and supporters, but we can't beat ISIS.",0.0 +106938,#TerrorArrests wtf ISIS? What did we ever do to you ?,0.0 +140112,"The grp of Sh.Abdiqadir mu'min ar few,in difficult situation-hunted by Shabaab & Dawla ignored them & left them at the mercy of shabaab. #IS ",1.0 +107641,Pentagon chief in Baghdad says U.S. to help Iraq build base for push on Mosul https://en1kurdipost.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/pentagon-chief-in-baghdad-says-u-s-to-help-iraq-build-base-for-push-on-mosul,0.0 +105240,RT @Terrorismo_: #Daesh utiliza el hastag #Sanfermin2016 para difundir nuevo video. #propaganda #narrativa http://www.navarra.com/articulo/sanfermin/terroristas-isis-san-fermin-sanfermines-video-propaganda/20160709120113055040.html https:// ,0.0 +142960,"One of the Umayad rulers (perhaps) Waleed conquered Spain(Andhlusia) , Hindh, Africa, Turkmenistan at the same time. ",1.0 +140723,"@LeBienheureuxIV @BiladFransa pas officiellement ma connaissance, un peu comme Liwa Shuhadad Yarmouk . ",1.0 +4844,@user @user shithole countries ring bell? good genes? birtherism fine people sides,1.0 +122797,ISIS suicide bomber cornered and beaten by brave crowd in mosque: https://apple.news/AJRUoTJuqPYyKbET5dslSSw,0.0 +136243, We will come to what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed (Al-Furqan 23).,1.0 +134494,"Abu Nadrah ? (d. 108AH) said, The Muslims used to consider that speaking about a blessing was part of being grateful for it. ",1.0 +145692,RT @RamiAlLolah: Footage from #ISIS-linked #Aamaq inside #Palmyra & ancient sites surrounding the city: No SAA #Syria https://t.co/0Yw4JLtr ,1.0 +130028,@minhazmerchant @BishwaNathSingh Killing must stop soon irrespective of period. ISIS must give up killing of people if they are Humans,0.0 +132486,RT @Zaman_France: La Turquie propose la Russie une coop ration contre Daesh https://www.zamanfrance.fr/article/turquie-propose-a-russie-cooperation-contre-daesh-22436.html pic.twitter.com/QgDAAYTfMq,0.0 +118702,@USATODAY . Make sure there are no ISIS survivors.,0.0 +6920,someone remove mongy jude corrie makes wanna smash telly ,0.0 +107927," Fuerzas iraqu es liberan base a rea de Qayyarah, cerca de Mosul #Iraq #Oriente_Medio http://www.almanar.com.lb/spanish/adetails.php?eid=132834&cid=66&fromval=1&frid=21&seccatid=23&s1=1",0.0 +115856,"RT @Sam777rt: @The_Trump_Train They want to take our police. And "" our guns "" . And then bring the savage ISIS to kill and rape us. ISIS is i ",0.0 +109549,"Jurnalis Perancis : "" Selama 6 Bulan Menyusup Ke ISIS, Aku Tak Melihat Islam. Hanya Para Pemuda. http://fb.me/81cytRbL1",0.0 +129895,"#Kuwait MOI foils #Daesh plots and arrests five militants, the youngest of whom (top middle) was 18 years old pic.twitter.com/Ki3LFMNbTf",0.0 +135542,"""Verily the criminals shall be in the torment of Jahannam forever. It will not be abated for them, and they will be miserable therein. And We did not oppress them, but they oppressed themselves. And they will call out, ""O Malik! Let your Lord finish us!' He will say, 'You shall remain'"" (Az-Zukhruf 74-77)",1.0 +154774,@adimuliapradana It is the Muslims that don't follow the Quran and Hadiths that are peaceful. Those who follow it are always violent. #Islam,1.0 +124007,ISIS w w # #ISIS pic.twitter.com/6RaUmszoGZ 7:37,0.0 +129334,"RT @NadiaMuradBasee: #BaghdadAttack is another heinous crime that is added to #ISIS account, this group is absolute evil. My heart is with ",0.0 +145050,Please send your support Messages to @leithfadel who is having a hard time due to his HIV Complications his DM is open get well soon bro ,1.0 +142577,RT @wwayf44rer: Destruction of #Ramadi https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +159836,Evidence please?,0.0 +106490,RT @iitmweb: ISIS link: 21 missing from Kerala; Vijayan takes up issue in Assembly - Business Standard http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/isis-link-21-missing-from-kerala-vijayan-takes-up-issue-in-assembly-116071100318_1.html ,0.0 +114746,More US Troops to Deploy to Iraq Before Mosul Offensive - ABC News - http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-deploy-560-troops-iraq-preparation-mosul-offensive/story #war #blowback #tlot #MLGA,0.0 +131542,"In our country misguided youths join Roadies & Splitsvilla, In Muslim countries they join ISIS. It has nothing to do with religion.",0.0 +147132,Narender Modi has been given highest civilian honour award by Kingdom of saudia arabia. ,1.0 +7146,@user @user big retard ,1.0 +159438,Provide positive news story regarding Mulsims.,0.0 +149633,RT @sparksofirhabi5: The ones who gloat when the believers are being harmed https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/722895374654963714/photo/1 ,1.0 +138360,More Shi'a is not Islam: Iranians now allowed to marry their adoptive daughters when they reach 13. ,1.0 +8821,...but shithole countries? @url,1.0 +139835,probably 2/3 of the soldiers will defect to IS. :) https://twitter.com/intlspectator/status/695917495014699008 ,1.0 +149517,"RT @zuzamikulova: The child Hisham Yahya Al Baik,who died w his father in the regime bombardment on Ma'arat Al Numan in #Idlib #Syria https ",1.0 +153135,#Breaking https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +106173,Meet the activist who fled Syria after secretly filming life under ISIS http://nytlive.nytimes.com/womenintheworld/2016/07/06/meet-the-activist-who-fled-syria-after-secretly-filming-life-under-isis/,0.0 +152237,Everyone has their own responsibility to learn the Din. Besides Dawla can't help you much if you're in Darul Kufr. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126351,New post: ISIS http://le-japon.net/?p=169508,0.0 +138938,"RT @Paradoxy13: According to reports the explosions were caused by IED bombs in 2 seperate locations in Baramkeh, #Damascus ",1.0 +119124,ISIS launches bizarre Olympic-style games for youngsters in desperate image clean-up http://www.newschicken.com/isis-launches-bizarre-olympic-style-games-for-youngsters-in-desperate-image-clean-up/,0.0 +142928,@mustaklash60 notice that Zahran Alloush has said that Shaykh Maqdisi and Sheikh Abu Qatada are both dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=tVvojCMPC9g&app=desktop ,1.0 +116893,"RT @Isham_AlAssad: Terrorist group created by @CIA and #Mossad-#israeli killed +210 civilian people & +200 wounded in #Baghdad, #Iraq. htt ",0.0 +116306,"Senior Saudi Imam of Mecca: ISIS ideology comes from our books, our principles https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2016/01/30/saudi-imam-of-the-gran-mosque-in-mecca-isis-ideology-is-from-salafism-from-our-books-from-our-principles-we-follow-the-same-thought/ #Brexit pic.twitter.com/q6w2FH30YR",0.0 +108430,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul - New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/07/11/world/middleeast/ap-ml-united-states-iraq.html #iraq #iraqi,0.0 +107304,"Sur Twitter, le trafic de Daesh a chut de 45% en deux ans http://www.journaldugeek.com/2016/07/11/trafic-twitter-daesh-chute/ #geek",0.0 +146115,"RT @TAbugharsa: Refusing to be interviewed by a Muslim after endorsing massacres against Muslims Yeah, Shocker! https://twitter.com/DailyO_/status/713377293364690945 ",1.0 +116962,@ilkellectuell Raqqa Hat ras ,0.0 +111823,I liked a @YouTube video from @peacehouseus http://youtu.be/XhRRhAJOED8?a ISIS Thinks All Lives Matter,0.0 +106563,@MoscowTimes . food sanctions against Daesh?,0.0 +145299,RT @hatuiore: AQ killed touists in: -ivory coast beach -mali hotel -called 4killing of all russian civilians JN members confused https://t ,1.0 +131654,"@narendramodi What precautions are taken to prevent ISIS in India.As we have seen ISIS module is found in Hyderabad, what results should",0.0 +128847,RT @PayamTv1: Hezbollah official has expresed concern about the threat posed by Daesh and al-Nusra Front terrorists to Lebanon 's northeaste ,0.0 +137946,#WilayatSayna The soldiers of Khilafah in the state of Sinai. https://justpaste.it/qg3n https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +111177,Not again http://fb.me/t1hPNRSH,0.0 +142581,"RT @Malcolmite: 1- YPG lost a crucial battle to ISIS in Tel Abyad, cried & created conspiracy theory that Turkey were helping ISIS. ",1.0 +7893,attacked raped immigrants eur,1.0 +160373,"Such over-simplifications are an insult to those victims of perpetrators from non-Muslim backgrounds.which, statistically, is still the majority.",0.0 +129821,"RT @BBCBreaking: Islamic State says it carried out attack on cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh - statement via self-styled Amaq news agency https:/ ",0.0 +121630,I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/pJoU4Hl3VFU?a ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ) Documentary 2016 - After war,0.0 +119213,"Meanwhile @HarjitSajjan denies Islamic State genocide, pulls our F-18 out of combat. You have blood on your hands. https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/751106261865885696",0.0 +105729,RT @wheelertweets: #NATO takes over EU #OpSophia w/story that #ISIS expanding in #Libya. @HRW calls it militarization of migrant crisis htt ,0.0 +149643,Detailed report about the battles that took place southeast of Palmyra. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +106418,RT @AyishaBaloch: #IndiaISISandBangladesh India already has control of BD govt. now its sending ISIS to BD Bangladesh,0.0 +115584,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=749595687206154240,0.0 +150748,"RT @Alhamdhulillaah: The beauty of Sujood is such that you whisper silently in to the ground, and it's heard up in the Heavens https://t.co ",1.0 +7368,u absolute mongy dongy doo face,1.0 +129604,Bangladesh Attack Is New Evidence That ISIS Has Shifted Its Focus Beyond the Mideast http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/asia/bangladesh-hostage-standoff.html ,0.0 +138231,#BreakingNews #ISIS says #Turkey army sustained minor injuries after #IS attacked a mines sweeper crossed briefly into #Jarablus #Syria ,1.0 +7832,||: ain't even hour ready get faggot killed,1.0 +104502,In Kurdistan oggi sar una giornata di guerra contro ISIS pic.twitter.com/jDocK2m3KD,0.0 +160570,The vast majority of Global Terrorism is about politics and land not faith. One fact you do not seem to want to deal with.,0.0 +136013," Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Jannah. They fight for Allah s cause, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Tawrah, the Injil, and the Quran. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment. [Such believers are] the repentant, the saihun (At-Tawbah 111-112)",1.0 +106414,@foxandfriends See he crosses next door to Libya joins ISIS and jump starts his career. Thanks Obama,0.0 +153510,#AmaqAgency #IslamicState Fighters retake #Yahmul from retreating VSO Mercenaries https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +9573,obesedyke cant,1.0 +111902,@news24tvchannel ISIS ,0.0 +148525,British spies in Yemen responsible for many drone killings: https://news.vice.com/article/britains-covert-war-in-yemen-a-vice-news-investigation https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +133349,RT FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS fo pic.twitter.com/24uRglvfe3,0.0 +148789,RT @sparksofirhabi5: When a new land is opened by the Muslims https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/720362096878202880 ,1.0 +133757,"@realDonaldTrump U exhibit AntiSemite views, like ISIS/Al Qaeda. #FloridaTurkeyBangladeshTrumpConnection true? Folks r saying no coincidence",0.0 +146502,@xDimpleZ @7layers_ How? Strong military. The Soviets and China built up military strength while Muslim leaders built up their gold palaces. ,1.0 +120040,RT @joshua_landis: New Syrian Army leader accuses U.S. of treachery. Says NSA penetrated by ISIS https://tcf.org/content/report/suppose-america-gave-proxy-war-syria-nobody-came/ by @AbuJamajem htt ,0.0 +7210,good news i'm afraid feminazi man hater,1.0 +145716,@IssaBarbarossa @Aquila2407 il n'a pas assez de Waqi'i c'est vident ,1.0 +150121,RT @htrddjt: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +132730,RT @PoliticalShort: They were hacked to death for failing to recite verses in the Koran by ISIS jihadists. Explains why @POTUS is silent ht ,0.0 +133890,"Allah said, ""I am according to my slave's expectations of Me. If he expects good of Me, then it is for him; and if he expects bad, then it is for him""",1.0 +127416, NGO ISIS Al Qaeda ,0.0 +8032,ggs @user talk shit lose retard,1.0 +133973,"(Al-Anfal: 36) ""Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved unto Hell they will be gathered.""",1.0 +150965,#WilayatAlFurat #CaravanOfMartyrs #Brother Abu #Turab ar-Rusi (May Allah accept him) /files/justpaste/d298/a11522435/p-11892zf2.jpg ,1.0 +4707,@user fuck mongy bin dipper,1.0 +107789,Saudi youth in their 20s being targeted by ISIS http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/11/Saudi-youth-in-their-20s-being-targeted-by-ISIS.html ,0.0 +121129,We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/11/12149510/pokemon-go-fighting-isis-kurdistan / via @verge,0.0 +140495,"Ecoutez La Radio Al-Bayan de l'#EI 24h/24 7j/7 [Des Anasheed, Dourous, Rappels, Quran les flashs Infos] https://t.co/i4KNcYnn9a ",1.0 +115772,RT @ChrisBkn_: J'suis sur Daesh aussi ils tait pas pret pour la victoire du portugal flm de rafal j'crois,0.0 +139201,"RT @MaghrebiQM: 50+ killed, 20 vehicles destroyed after a huge #IS attack on Iraqi army/Shia militias N-E of #Fallujah (Al Jazeera) https:/ ",1.0 +107996,RT @CrispinBurke: Fighting #ISIS. in Afghanistan. http://fb.me/4HdEUL8qk,0.0 +106059,#Nanotech News: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://quandu.pieceoftheworld.org/archives/163455 ,0.0 +120209,"ISIS decapita a un equipo de futbol y a su entrenador https://noticias.terra.cl/mundo/isis-decapita-a-un-equipo-de-futbol-y-a-su-entrenador,940d83e0aede50fc6454f8137cdd9351pppo5l2a.html pic.twitter.com/yuWzcdVUYf",0.0 +141058,RT @BarzanSadiq: #BREAKING #Turkish security accuses #PKK #Ankara bombing. ,1.0 +123146,The U.S. Fight Against ISIS in Iraq http://bit.ly/29JcFG6,0.0 +106800,How Islamic is Islamic State? Shiraz Maher 's new book investigates http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/2016/06/how-islamic-islamic-state-shiraz-mahers-new-book-investigates,0.0 +5051,@user obviously cunt even know teams history,1.0 +126283,Yes ISIS was created by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in the late 90s not by America or Israel https://twitter.com/bibizamrut/status/752661131634900992,0.0 +137222,@MaghrebiMWss You're a liar he praised JN and said they are his brothers fighting to raise the word of Allah ,1.0 +159574,There seems to a confusion between 'citizenship' and 'faith' - you cannot really dump a load of people on some far away coast just because they share the same faith as the majority of the other people who live there.,0.0 +6665,already back 80s scientists warned us would huge #invasion shithole countries @url,1.0 +116708,Da leggere: #isis il fenomeno delle donne combattenti #schiavit https://twitter.com/raqqa_sl/status/752549416666628100,0.0 +148803,@Metammorph Le sud de la Tunisie c'est un peu la Libye du Maghreb non ? ,1.0 +114083,@GonzalittoCarp Jajajaj mandame a los del isis mostroo,0.0 +151075,RT @WarNews24_7: Reports that 300 #ISIS Militants (Spec Ops) Arrived in #Dabiq in North #Aleppo. Note: Spec. Ops ,1.0 +135366,"She said, I said, O Messenger of Allah, I have nothing except what az-Zubayr placed in my house [of what he gave her]. Should I give some of it [in charity]? He said, Give and do not horde things, lest Allah keep things from you ",1.0 +118935,HAHAHAHAHA poor Isis! .. Hang in there girl! :-P https://twitter.com/isisAnchalee/status/751422815140585472,0.0 +136760,This guy thinks im that dumb to reveal my identity to someone like him whom i dont know! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +138977,RT @MiddleEastEye: ISIS and al-Qaeda are just a reflection of the failure of Arab regimes http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/viewing-yemen-and-syria-anti-terror-prism-1764246475 https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/693886914789777408/photo/1 ,1.0 +111398,"RT @daeshhun: ISIS loses 25% of ground in 18 months, could step up civilian attacks - report https://www.rt.com/news/350453-isis-defeats-territory-lost/#.V4ObXeVhMaw.twitter pic.twitter.com/OkICJXYIEm",0.0 +120870,#nosjournaal #isis #wtf #bvd Dus er zijn mogelijke terroristen met de vluchtelingenstroom zijn meegekomen. ECHT WAAR? WAT N NIEUWTJE!,0.0 +109845,"US intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' - CNN http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html ",0.0 +105176,ISIS has launched a newspaper to recruit Southeast Asian fighters http://linkis.com/nEddF via @TIME,0.0 +123105,"So much evil happening in the world. BH insurgency, Benue massacre, ISIS, racist killings,happenings in Iraq, Syria, Bosnia etc God help us ",0.0 +160424,"Migrants, like those from Pakistan, benefit the UK massively, and migration does not increase the occurrence of crimes like rape, in fact crime rates stay the same or go down, in areas with high immigration:",0.0 +112028, ,0.0 +160088,What type of problems will this solve?,0.0 +104775,RT @Blondow21: daesh surcot hein,0.0 +124065,RT @4rj1n: Coalition airstrikes against ISIS positions in Manbij town earlier today. Video: @SurNusaybin #TwitterKurds #Syria https://t.c ,0.0 +153704,@_Jihad10 @Rayandawlah_ Muslims have these delusions about producing Algebra. But many others beat them to it. http://t.co/AsMiQZFvAG,1.0 +140292,Remember the kid from #UK in #ISIS video? He executed 3 spies in a new video by blowing them up inside a car #Syria https://t.co/X2jWsWZ0sM ,1.0 +141798,@DidyouknowVS source? ,1.0 +133028,Dhaka massacre: Militants involved in siege may have studied at Monash University Malaysian campus - ABC Onli. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/islamic-state-attackers-may-have-studied-at-monash-university/7568364 ,0.0 +128254,RT @janimine: #UK: Muslim Navy officer #AliAlosaimi who trained at top #British college joins ISIS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3578888/Navy-officer-trained-British-college-joins-ISIS.html ,0.0 +144941,"@MusaIbr63330110 It begun after the so called ""IS criticism"" that his students and son told was fabricated and counted release the original ",1.0 +110212,It 's not ISIS. Rather it is AISIS= Anti Islamic state in Iraqi and Syria.,0.0 +150626,"RT @twdwln: Despite the siege and destructive airstrikes, life in #Fallujah al-'Izz goes on and it's not starving https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +136424,"Among that which is reported from Ali Ibn al-Husayn r is that he would teach his child, telling him, Say, I believe in Allah and disbelieve in taghut ",1.0 +106195,"De enigste oplossing is #grenzen dicht en #Europa uit, #isis lacht zich kapot om de na viteit van het continent. https://twitter.com/teletekst/status/752442492784631808",0.0 +149591,"RT @InfosFrancaises: ATTENTATS BRUXELLES: Najim Laachraoui, un des kamikazes de l a roport, aurait travaill 5 ans l a roport /VTM https ",1.0 +115305,Opposition captures an ISIS-affiliated cell members in Idlib 's Binnish (Orient-news) http://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/117196/0/Opposition-captures-ISIS-affiliated-cell-members-in-Idlib,0.0 +144149,RT @RamiAlLolah: #USA M142 HIMARS attack was carried from #Jordan to support #Syria|n tribes to take Tanf border crossing from #ISIS https: ,1.0 +121095,RT @cusois: Queue for toilet #ISIS #IS #daeshbags pic.twitter.com/EfRVEAKjeo,0.0 +147019,#Nusra/ Ahrar and other Rebels Offensive on #Syrian Army Positions near Strategic #TelEiis Town in Southern #Aleppo. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +117241,RT @Reporte24ES: Daesh se apodera de la zona oriental de Palmira durante unas horas https://reporte24.net/2016/07/daesh-se-apodera-de-la-zona-oriental-de-palmira-durante-unas-horas/ pic.twitter.com/WtSfuaaKtV,0.0 +115339,"RT @RitzyBacon2: Philadelphia they said: "" Don't mess with us, we belong to ISIS. http://www.dailywire.com/news/6792/philadelphia-muslims-attack-restaurant-goers-michael-qazvini #MAGA #tcot #ccot #pjnet https://t. ",0.0 +122277,"@MaxMaxsilva1946 @Backstorymom1 Avoided constitutional duty,no vote on SCOTUS nominee, authorization war #ISIS restoration Sec.5 votersRIGHT",0.0 +114461,RT @Darkstarwatch: Former US National Guardsman Charged for #ISIS Terror Plot http://goo.gl/RGGGvW pic.twitter.com/9Wc5iMa40h,0.0 +9141,werent ravens wouldve quit watching nigger felon league years ago,1.0 +6372,@user another mongy twitter account shaun report racist remarks jus @url,1.0 +135766, Abide in your homes (Al-Ahzab 33),1.0 +112730,RT @reyfelizymas1: #Rumor Estado islamico #Isis reclama ser el autor intelectual de la catimba que le dieron los Serbios a PR en #repechaje ,0.0 +146938,RT @HeartHasStereo: Less people know Muslims in Fallujah besieged by 'Muslim' Brotherhood at the southern of the city https://t.co/thV6arRt ,1.0 +104315,"RT @BilelAffelay: Daesh bcp de promesses pdnt l'Euro mais y'a rien eu, on dirait 2010 qd a promettait forlan et luis fabiano a l'OM",0.0 +145805,True that! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +133755,@realDonaldTrump ISIS attacking Muslims who'd a thunk it Donny. Maybe you'll get it now ISIS is a terror org not a Muslim org,0.0 +124461,Finish us off lads @ISIS https://twitter.com/bbcsport/status/752638370354860033,0.0 +154916,@Saudi_Castro @donttreadonme65 @zaki_safar Your goat is calling you terrorist. She is horny.,1.0 +122078,Retweeted EP | Venezuela (@periodicovzlano): #Mundo El f tbol va contra el Islam! Por eso el ISIS decapit a. http://fb.me/1gaNy6MnD,0.0 +160235,Photo? Evidence? Did you report them? Or just another internet myth.,0.0 +111192,"RT @KALASH_SABIL: From ISIS 's pages,the bottom of pic is written:Yazidis children in the care of the Islamic state #StopYazidiGenocide http ",0.0 +119714,RT @thecadencelux: If you @ me some sketchy ass foreign shit and 'isis ' is one of the words in all that. BLOCK.,0.0 +123060,"RT @blicqer: Mosul Offensive Will Create More Refugees, Displacement, and Humanitarian Disaster https://www.youtube.com/watch @TheRealNews",0.0 +131972,RT @ABCMundial: 200 muertos es el saldo de los atentados de ISIS en Bagdad @ABCMundial http://abcmundial.com/noticias/mundo/sociedad/9909-200-muertos-saldo-atentados-isis-en-bagdad/ pic.twitter.com/w9wMgCjCqo,0.0 +150304,YPG pigs & Assad dogs in Qamishli Shiites militia rats & Peshmerga assholes in Tuz Oh God this is too much good news to handle. #Syria #Iraq ,1.0 +7755,chuck person: eccojam a1 @url #opn #toto @url venue play africa toto @url,1.0 +112174,Just like isis the blm thugs are part of his big plan 2 bring down America. https://twitter.com/debramax/status/752359041393913856,0.0 +147502,though not confirmed yet. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +111003,"@realDonaldTrump I'm confused. So is defeating #Isis just a "" simple "" matter of will as you've suggested in past or "" complex "" ? @greensteel23",0.0 +104506,"RT @DubaiDerma: Ms. Jennifer Dewavrin from Isis Pharma - FRANCE, testimonial for Dubai Derma 2016 Exhibition Mark your Calendar. https:/ ",0.0 +116802,"RT @ernie2269: #ObamasDoubleStandard claims success over ISIS, experts say he is really full of it - http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/07/10/obama-claims-success-over-isis-experts-say-he-is-really-full-of-it-363161 ",0.0 +131765,RT @MailOnline: Pictured: Grinning ISIS terrorists who hacked 20 innocent victims in Bangladesh attack http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3671586/Pictured-grinning-ISIS-terrorists-hacked-20-innocent-victims-including-westerners-death-spared-recite-Koran-Bangladesh-attack.html https://t.co ,0.0 +119471,RT @sassysassyred: #ISIS and Mohammed ISIS emulates Mohammed #ISisISLAM http://ln.is/www.youtube.com/ooQxL,0.0 +130949,Baghdad bombing: Death toll rises to 165 in single Isis attack on Iraqi capital - http://chromobile.net/baghdad-bombing-death-toll-rises-to-165-in-single-isis-attack-on-iraqi-capital/ ,0.0 +131835,The sad truth! The worst Isis attack in weeks is the one the world probably cares least about http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html,0.0 +9334,left incisor can't faggot #kek,1.0 +128615,"RT @smigol73: se lo Stato non mai la soluzione. ISIS et similia ce li teniamo. "" http://orizzonte48.blogspot.com/2016/03/qualcosa-e-cambiato-essi-sono-tornati-e.html?spref=tw via @LucianoBarraCar https://t. ",0.0 +111761,"RT @LucioQuincioC: Ojo no fue #ISIS : Efecto Maduro : ingresan 150 cadaveres a la morgue "" Hugo Chavez "" de Bello Monte este fin de semana.y ",0.0 +147893,"What an insane theory ""ISIS=Assad"", those who think that, forget that FSA has sign ceasefire with Assad. https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/718419477084434432/photo/1 ",1.0 +135507,"Aishah narrated that Allah's Messenger said, ""Through his good character, the believer will reach the levels of one who prays all night and fasts all day.""",1.0 +112317,for the ex-pm isil was a gang of angry boys.. and not terrorists.. so him being jailed is news.. https://twitter.com/NewsForTurkey_/status/752504051393179649,0.0 +119836,"Fox News..A Police Officer Shot & More People Too In St. Joseph, Michigan.! Didn't Isis Call For Home Grown Terrorist To Kill The Police.???",0.0 +149715,#IS killed Spec Ops. SWAT solider in Eastern #Fallujah. #Anbar https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/723177365808025601/photo/1 ,1.0 +160542,"Rapism and extremism are indeed problems of the modern society, but does it mean that they are attributed to Muslims only? This is a much broader problem, we should deal with it, but no need to be chauvinist and accuse Muslims.",0.0 +122286,"Bangla Desh attack is evidence that ISIS has shifted its focus beyond the Middle East, http://ow.ly/KfJ53027Mmo",0.0 +144420,"@abuhuthafairaqi The Imams in the West are hypocrites&cowards, where i live you have the freedom of even supporting IS,yet they dont speak ",1.0 +142778,"RT @ilm_aml: This Hasan al Basri quote gets me every time, SubhanaAllah https://twitter.com/ilm_aml/status/636346482501779456 ",1.0 +111619,"@hoodhMz80 Its a great news for ISIS fanboys. They captured ONE and make a video of it. Man how poor, you are losing and everybody sees it.",0.0 +116257,@iyad_elbaghdadi is there an amateur isis too? And pro-am?,0.0 +135137," Verily those who committed riddah, going back after the guidance had become clear to them, it is Satan who tempted them (Muhammad 25).",1.0 +109485,"RT @_unicornslut: Y'avait pas eu un message de daesh qui disait "" l'euro 2016 sera un bain de sang "" ?",0.0 +123450,BLM is Diet Black Power bankrolled by whites. REAL Black empowerment is labeled as terrorism and compared to ISIS. {{-_-}},0.0 +147791,Irony: Salafist Saudi Arabia is using its vast resources money and airpower to defend the Alawite Bashar Assad against ISIS Salafists. ,1.0 +130003,"What folks don't understand is that the brand of the religion that ISIS, AlQaeda, Boko Haram etc practise has been in existence since the ti",0.0 +136011,"The top Ikhw?n? leader Is?m al- Ary?n said, The Ikhw?n consider constitutional rule to be the closest to the rule of Islam. They do not prefer any other system to it, especially as emphasized by the fifth conference statement by Hasan al-Bann? Why do some people insist that Islamists are enemies of democracy? This is a false accusation. We are the first callers to and implementers of democracy. We will defend it to the death [Liw? al-Isl?m Magazine].",1.0 +144134,RT @RamiAlLolah: BIG! #BreakingNews #Syria|n's army Commander of Central Region Brigade General Ali Amar killed in battles with #ISIS east ,1.0 +138322,#BreakingNews #Syria|n opposition changed their mind and now are on their way to attend #Geneva talks.. ,1.0 +159149,"It wasn't Muslims protecting Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter, how many more public figures will we find? It wasn't Muslims turning a blind eye to those in the Church in Ireland or the Vatican. Let's route out child abuse everywhere and not just scapegoat.",0.0 +117299,"@JudoMeBad @TalibKweli True. It 's just that ISIS actually deserves the "" terrorist "" moniker.",0.0 +110501,Estados Unidos usar Qayara como base para arrebatar Mosul al Estado Isl mico @lavanguardia http://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20160711/403113667885/qayara-base-mosul-estado-islamico-estados-unidos-carter-iraq.html ,0.0 +130881,RT @beingrichard: Another dreadful but timely reminder of neverending death & destruction Bush & #Blair 's illegal invasion unleashed. http ,0.0 +144816,"7a. The Islamic State does not declare Takfir neither on those who disagree with it nor those who revile it, (...) ",1.0 +125149,"RT @XwinuWelat: #JihadiJulian and the lovestory of Ahrar, Daesh and Islamic Front! #Twitterkurds pic.twitter.com/Xraq0395Jf",0.0 +133582,RT @Linkiesta: L Isis non esiste. @fcancellato http://www.linkiesta.it/it/article/2016/07/04/lisis-non-esiste/31049/ pic.twitter.com/akI0oynY25,0.0 +6848,@user i'd rather speak german espanol raghead.,1.0 +105937,"RT @AliTheAnsari: Muslim man hugs ISIS suicide bomber before he explodes, saving hundreds. They won't make a fuss about this though. https: ",0.0 +138543,@MiddleEastEye picture is unrelated. ,1.0 +104089,RT @el_pais: El secretario de Defensa de EE UU visita Bagdad por sorpresa para abordar la lucha contra los terroristas del ISIS https://t.c ,0.0 +8951,@user @user chinaman said.,1.0 +138550,Subhanallah. .A snake latches onto body inside the grave. May Allah protect us from the punishment of the grave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zckXeu3NXQ&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +152804,RT @Conflicts: SYRIA: ISIS affiliated news agency reports that a helicopter has been shot down in the Homs countryside. https://t.co/Z0in9 ,1.0 +104146,#Stockholm #Goteborg #Malmo ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/#ftag=CAD590a51e ,0.0 +146642,@GENERALFALLUJ40 aameen ,1.0 +141561,"RT @TRefugees5: SubhanAllah, nonviolent account suspended yet AGAIN for no reason whatsoever! Retweets and shoutouts please, jazakAllahu ",1.0 +107827,Iranian Hulk denies he said he wants to fight ISIS in Syria http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2016/07/09/iranian-hulk-denies-he-said-he-wants-to-fight-isis-in-syria/,0.0 +136137,"Allah's Messenger said, ""Whoever resembles a people, then he is from them""",1.0 +152138,RT @Ibn__Al_Farooq_: They bomb day and night and the world is silent this is what a massacre looks like they're all civilian #coalition htt ,1.0 +4747,@user @user mongy american probably,1.0 +4644,@user cunt embarrassment club,1.0 +139753,"RT @mustafaklash46: = he meant; ""Daesh, regime, Russia & Iran are all different faces of the same coin as they are all fighting....against ",1.0 +113510,.@msnbc and @cnn would you give a platform to pedophiles and isis to show an opposing view to child molestation and foreign terrorists?,0.0 +116368,"@Gdad1 @TheLostJoJo ISIS, trading the legion of doom for deserter bergdahl, iran deal, gov. corruption, Clinton money from big banks & M.E.",0.0 +132568,RT @FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia The world should take action against India harbouring nurseries of ISIS in Asia https://t.co/Agbki ,0.0 +10033,guess happens allow people shithole countries invade country.we become shithole @url,0.0 +7504,i'm rated r retarded,1.0 +135504,"An-Nawwas Ibn Sam'an said, ""I asked Allah's Messenger about piety and iniquity, so he said, 'Piety is good character and iniquity is what is concocted in you heart, which you dislike people to discover.""",1.0 +131881,ISIS http://ln.is/pantip.com/topic/m7H3n 2 ,0.0 +121114,U.S. sending 560 more troops to Iraq as Mosul push intensifies http://www.capecodtimes.com/news11/20160711/us-sending-560-more-troops-to-iraq-as-mosul-push-intensifies @capecodtimes,0.0 +147826,@alamriki_omar and this fool dying for America. They have nothing to say to Allah. They sealed their own fate https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +139145,#AnsarAlKhilafahMedia ~~~Be As They Are~~~ [Multi-language Nashid] https://justpaste.it/BeAsTheyAre_ #IS #Khilafah https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +112177,"Defense Secretary Commends Iraqi Forces, Announces New Accelerants to Combat ISIL in Visit to Iraq https://dailydefensenews.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/defense-secretary-commends-iraqi-forces-announces-new-accelerants-to-combat-isil-in-visit-to-iraq",0.0 +111582,RT @ITLunch: Islamic State Twitter accounts get a rainbow makeover from Anonymous hackers https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/17/islamic-state-twitter-accounts-rainbow-makeover-anonymous-hackers #Anonymous #Hacking #Tech ,0.0 +139154,"My followers are in Maldives(80%), USA(6%)... Get your map too: http://tweepsmap.com/!NaseemAhmed50 https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +109484,"Promete EE.UU. ayuda militar a Iraq para expulsar al EI de Mosul: 11 de julio de 2016, 07:17Bagdad, 11 jul . http://ln.is/www.prensa-latina.cu/kaJdO",0.0 +111901,"RT @LucioQuincioC: Ojo no fue #ISIS : Efecto Maduro : ingresan 150 cadaveres a la morgue "" Hugo Chavez "" de Bello Monte en lo que va de mes, ",0.0 +143267,@Mundafenn4 @Abou_Zayn https://t.co/DwewOmlxLn ,1.0 +123753,No. We are making no progress against ISIS. http://fb.me/5HXN3WDJC,0.0 +130713,Who 's behind the #Istanbul airport attack? - @Metin4020 http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/06/turkey-syria-istanbul-airport-attack-isis-kills-dozens.html pic.twitter.com/2H5bNy5ead,0.0 +115513,"RT @UKagainstDaesh: #Daesh can't hold land: facing civilian resistance, has lost territory in Benghazi, Ajdabiyah & Darna & is being pushed ",0.0 +143016,"@eplc22 I still think Romans means Christians & not Turkey because one of the Hadith indicates after victory, muslims & Romans ",1.0 +150312,RT @__alfresco__: If you're not on the list... you're khawarij https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +144219,RT @RamiAlLolah: Prominent #Jordan|ian Islamist politician Laith Shubeilat: #ISIS is the only force capable of attracting the Muslim youth ,1.0 +125560,"@ErinBurnett - ISIS wear bomb, U.S. livid. Dallas PD strap C4 on robot, blows up trapped, injured man; thats OK. Vengeance was there's..",0.0 +132314,RT @indy100: Bangladesh 's prime minister: Isis has nothing to do with Islam http://indy100.independent.co.uk/article/bangladeshs-prime-minister-isis-has-nothing-to-do-with-islam--ZkPJzep7HW pic.twitter.com/34v0crP6dY,0.0 +136834,@HadiAlabdallah stop saying daesh and drop ur nationalism flag and mentality and give bayah to the dawla islamiyah.. ALLAH yehdik ,1.0 +121982,ISIS punishes escapees in the most gruesome ways imaginable http://nypost.com/2016/07/11/isis-punishes-escapees-in-the-most-gruesome-ways-imaginable/ via @nypost,0.0 +126115,ISIS http://japanese.irib.ir/news/latest-news/item/60163- ,0.0 +159421,"So, you say that highly educated Muslim doctors, researchers, teachers are brainwashed lunatics? Sorry, but you got this so wrong.",0.0 +107553,"2/ Local leaders "" repenting "" and pledging allegiance to #ISIS, as masked & armed #ISIS operatives look on pic.twitter.com/VK9tSc5gQQ",0.0 +126393,I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/pkyGqFm9c58?a We must Fight ISIS: Paris Attack Speech President Reagan/George Bush Motivational,0.0 +5291,@user i'm even offended anymore jkfsd like jokes literally went typed ching chong unironically,1.0 +131385,Nuevo atentado de ISIS en Bagdad: se estiman m s de 130 v ctimas fatales http://www.diarioveloz.com/notas/162801-nuevos-atentados-isis-bagdad-se-estiman-mas-130-victimas-fatales pic.twitter.com/idrzMG5dKc,0.0 +117755,"World: Analysts: ISIS losing ground, shifting priorities: The last few days have seen both http://goo.gl/fb/PwOi3H",0.0 +147045,"@bintpaladin may b u r luking about tajweed, i guess ",1.0 +138736,"RT @apb_is: #IslamicState Dawah & Mosques Department: Religious seminars for the public in Sirte, #Libya https://justpaste.it/qzhs https://t. ",1.0 +134382,"One of the Murji ah said in front of Ayy?b asSikhtiy?n? (rahimahull?h d. 131AH), There is only kufr and ?m?n, implying there was no hypocrisy. Ayy?b said to him, Go and read the Qur ?n! Every ?yah that mentions hypocrisy, then I fear it applies to me! ",1.0 +147033,RT @_NewsLeak_: NUCLEAR SECURITY SUMMIT #US unleashed chemical weapons on Sunni's living in Fallujah. Consequences of #democracy https:// ,1.0 +6981,@user going add jew hater bio? gonna go full retard put nazi?,1.0 +159496,I do not remember seeing many of the shootings in america being perpetrated by a muslim shooter.,0.0 +132031,"RT @DannyNis: So far, 3 attacks inside #Israel have been inspired or partly inspired by #ISIS (Dec15 Dizengoff, Oct15 Beer Sheva CBS)",0.0 +5576,@user @user laymen:nnbeing shithole country rife violence crime corruption @url,1.0 +123690,British Forces ' Latest Weapon Against ISIS - Blasting Bollywood Songs On All Frequencies. - Click to Read http://capitalnews.pk/2016/06/02/british-forces-latest-weapon-isis-blasting-bollywood-songs-frequencies/ ,0.0 +110616,Islamic State Shifts Strategy http://www.rubincenter.org/2016/07/islamic-state-shifts-strategy/ via @gloriacenter,0.0 +145087,Jihadists speak about the death of the Nusra commander in Daraa who they accuse of having misplaced priorities: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +154895,"@sibelo76 Yes, all that Islam is making ISIS so loving. Idiot! http://t.co/qJXDS8FMyW",1.0 +148785,@ShamiRebel My I ask you serious question ? because I don't understand your position ,1.0 +153332,RT @7layers_: #Iran plans to execute 30 Sunni Kurdish clerics solely bc of their faith without a word of protest from coward Saudi https:// ,1.0 +7515,get comfortable around gonna think ass retarded,1.0 +123419,Some Muslim parents would NOT report children if they go to Syria http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684340/Some-Muslim-parents-NOT-report-children-travelled-Syria-join-ISIS-don-t-trust-police-claims-new-study.html via @MailOnline you mean most,0.0 +120765,RT @ElAragueno: Isis pierde 12% de su territorio en Siria e Irak - http://elaragueno.com.ve/mundo/isis-pierde-12-de-su-territorio-en-siria-e-irak/ ,0.0 +128206,"RT @BasimaFaysal: UK police determine that disliking ISIS is racial hatred against Muslims. So, don't. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/07/01/muslim-offended-fck-isis-flag-police-calling-incitement/ https://t. ",0.0 +125159,Diario Textual - El Estado Isl mico decapit a cuatro miembros de un equipo de f tbol en Raqqa http://ow.ly/WQih502iPn9,0.0 +142603,Please share our new Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ALWAYS ACTUAL ACCOUNTS: FACEBOOK AND TWITTER https://justpaste.it/muhajirun1 ,1.0 +111623,Carter: U.S. will use air base to recapture Mosul http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/11/carter-us-use-air-base-recapture-mosul/86935966/ via @USATODAY,0.0 +151765,Peshmerga claimed Yesterday to have killed nearly +100 #IS Terrorists in Northern #Mosul. ,1.0 +144629,RT @MaghrebiEng: Amaq publishes a video showing the Russian military adviser killed in the fighting near Palmyra & equipment (1/3) https:// ,1.0 +148934,"RT @islamicStrength: What the Almighty has given, nobody can take away and what He has denied, nobody can give, so call out to Him Alone ",1.0 +147404,Assalam o Alaikum Follow these akhi you will not regret it @Jazrawi_Saraqib ,1.0 +7297,@user one days one illegal aliens r going bring deadly disease kill half c @url,1.0 +153462,@1_texanna @kafirkaty @spicylatte123 @Ele7vn @jailamx @sassysassyred @ScotsmanInfidel show it to your dad ,1.0 +130101,"About Media & Journalism: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world pr https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/2857?s=tnp",0.0 +133980,"And in the had?th that was reported by Ab? D?w?d and others, If you deal in ?nah (a form of rib?), follow after the tails of cattle, and abandon jih?d, then Allah will give humiliation mastery over you and He will not remove it from you until you review your religion ",1.0 +106101,Recorded at Telekinesis Studios. Shout Out to Kaey Notorious http://www.datafilehost.com/d/69a19219 http://fb.me/1dvhnf02K,0.0 +8373,dave roberts full fucking retarded,1.0 +145701,@LevantineWD @IssaBarbarossa BAH OUI c'est bien connu les occidentaux on pas raser falloujah et kaboul avant l'EI . ,1.0 +143117,RT @7layers_: The US killed 4 million Muslims since 1990 but somehow they convinced the Muslims that throwing a rock back is terrorism -The ,1.0 +131811,ISIS makes People to Pray.,0.0 +140173,#WoW interesting reports revealing all shia militias from #iraq to #lebanon are funded by #israel and #USA ,1.0 +120290,I figured out how to defeat Isis. A Muslim mom with sifinja skills.. Genius right? pic.twitter.com/7RB61AM5CU,0.0 +155568,"@BDSSupporter No, I'll put you there, because being nothing contributes more to mankind than Muslims.",1.0 +143839,@Omaar_nor probably member of 75th regiment of Ranger which were involved during Somalia war ( 1993-11995). ,1.0 +119903,"DTN Iraq: Counter-ISIL Strikes Target Terrorists in Syria, Iraq: U.S. and coalition military forces continued. http://www.investorsiraq.com/showthread.php ",0.0 +110812,U.S. forces will help the Iraqis establish a logistical springboard for their offensive on Mosul #SecDef #trooptalk pic.twitter.com/4sWIUGYBor,0.0 +6782,@user i'm tryina eat twat taco.,1.0 +6731,worse thing faggot coming social fascist coming demanding @url,1.0 +118742,RT @NahBabyNah: South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State': http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/south-africa-twins-plotted-to-blow-up-us-embassy-for-islamic-sta/ ,0.0 +117182,Obama Sends Another 560 Troops To Fight ISIS In Iraq http://ln.is/www.weaselzippers.us/inTP8 #WakeUpAmerica,0.0 +153658,#Breaking #IslamicState || 3 Martydom bombers detonate their xplosive belts || #SuperheroDay #Castle https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +125652, go (^^) # GO #ISIS # ,0.0 +126174,ISIS nights out = this https://twitter.com/safrognews/status/752543063784976384,0.0 +135407,"For this reason, the Prophet ? enjoined upon the Muslims much tahlil (saying la ilaha illallah ), takbir (saying Allahu akbar ), and tahmid (saying alhamdulillah ) in these days, as in his ? statement, There are no days that are greater according to Allah or on which a deed is more beloved to Him than these ten days, so make much tahlil, takbir, and tahmid in them ",1.0 +141776,@RamiAlLolah His head will be taken off soon so where is Assad to help. ,1.0 +128389,RT @NovackAustin: DO NOT GO ON THE STRIP TOMORROW ISIS HAS THREATENED TO BOMB IT http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/28/isis-threatens-las-vegas-san-francisco-site-specif/ pic.twitter.com/a2DUs8zL4M,0.0 +110247,Sickening.. #4Corners #ISIS,0.0 +119798,@GoDreamer For God sakes you can't even spell therefore I call you out as an ISIS member,0.0 +109452,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://ht.ly/OqD0502hntb",0.0 +120492,Muslim pundits said #SydneySiege jihadist didnt have ISIS flag. It WAS 1 of his 'demands ' (He only had shahada flag) https://twitter.com/AgendaOfEvil/status/752590867529994241,0.0 +7384,@user wouldnt surprised find 3rd party. make movies kind plot. raghead plac @url,1.0 +114977,RT @taslimanasreen: Swami Sadananda from Dhaka 's R K mission left BD for India. He had got death threats from ISIS.Shame on BD for not pro ,0.0 +124916,"U.S. intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html via @CNN",0.0 +118767,"En Irak comme en Afghanistan, la coalition est amen e renforcer sa pr sence au sol. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/",0.0 +106415,"Lebih seribu pelajar Johor di Mesir dan Jordan, tajaan Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor, bebas aktiviti Daesh. - Jawatankuasa Agama Johor",0.0 +107967,RT @anchanjp: ISIS CIA https://www.youtube.com/watch ,0.0 +130274,"RT @DavidParkuh: Overheard opinion on the Toyota Hilux "" if it 's good enough for ISIS it 's good enough for me """,0.0 +113363,https://www.rt.com/usa/327404-usa-helped-create-isis-marine/,0.0 +153190,#AmaqAgency #Breaking At least 30 Iraqu soldiers killed in addition to the destructionof a BMP. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +154325,"@scamp_faridxx @AbuAlbaraaSham Yeah, it's called caring about human life, idiot - something a genocidal Daesh would'nt understand.",1.0 +125740,"Ian Reifowitz: Oil And ISIS: If We Hadn't Needed One, The Other Wouldn't Exist #isis https://dragplus.com/post/id/36775354",0.0 +113817,"Virginia: Muslim Arrested for ISIS Support, Wanted to Kill US Soldiers: Qamar tweeted his praye. https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/virginia-muslim-arrested-for-isis-support-wanted-to-kill-us-soldiers/ #islamophobia",0.0 +9236,@user @user @user since slipped retard zone absolutely idea terroris @url,1.0 +107570,RT @MuzikEkspresCom: 37 y l sonra yeni alb m ile bulu mak yle g zel ki. I l Y cesoy s yle i konu umuz . http://www.muzikekspres.com/isil-yucesoy/ @isi ,0.0 +112132,"@ladybug_lady200 No, ISIS isn't founded by Israel. You're one of those that don't like Israel, huh?",0.0 +117620,my friend named his puppy isis pic.twitter.com/BICSukkDki,0.0 +111719,RT @Stormtroepen: Duitsland is 80.000 vluchtelingen kwijt. ISIS strijders? Niemand weet het!,0.0 +130655,"well. IS/Daesh has been in Malaysia for a while now, or at least IS sympathizer / ideology supporters.. but this is first realised attack.",0.0 +105623,"Unemployed youths being roped in by ISIS, JMB in WB border districts http://www.deccanherald.com/content/557192/unemployed-youths-being-roped-isis.html",0.0 +115345,.@XavierUniv Student pleads guilty in ISIS Terror Plot. Whatever happened to being a Jesuit school Xavier?! ? http://local12.com/news/local/student-pleads-guilty-in-isis-terror-plot,0.0 +115841,@AliAmir21 are u joining isis? Lol,0.0 +131502,"Attackers: 'Normal, regular guys ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/04/asia/bangladesh-attackers-isis/index.html #Christian #News",0.0 +106610,Another historic temple gone forever - #ISIS - please stop this madness. https://twitter.com/ReutersTV/status/741309374996598784,0.0 +146544,"#Sinai IED explosion targeted Egyptian ""explosives expert"" between Karam al-Quwadis and al-Kharouba, who was trying to dismantle IED ",1.0 +133702,OK folks time to boycott MSNBC as well. now calling Trump the ISIS candidate. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/07/01/msnbcs-nance-donald-trump-is-the-isis-candidate/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social,0.0 +155499,@dankmtl But no Muslims stop any other Muslims from carrying out their genocide. They only aid and applaud them.,1.0 +104771,"Pregnant Kerala woman, who converted to Islam recently, suspected to have joined ISIS with hubby http://indiablooms.com/ibns_new/news-details/N/22263/pregnant-kerala-woman-who-converted-to-islam-recently-suspected-to-have-joined-isis-with-hubby.html via @indiablooms",0.0 +140521,"RT @Paradoxy13: Basma al-Homsi, from #Daraa, #Syria, killed by #Russia|n airstrikes today https://twitter.com/Paradoxy13/status/697889641278607360/photo/1 ",1.0 +107616,isis ptn faut jtannonce un truc . ..,0.0 +142486,RT @WarReporter1: Famous Al-Qaeda preacher Hani Sibai (also known as Hany Youssef) wins battle to gain British citizenship: https://t.co/Bm ,1.0 +121069,Churches in the U.S. better get used to this! Michigan Church Website Defaced with Ominous Jihadi Message from ISIS http://pamelageller.com/2016/04/michigan-church-website-defaced-with-ominous-jihadi-message-from-isis.html/#sthash.EfPfLDux.dpuf,0.0 +147992,@antiISISnot just make another account and read her tweets lo ,1.0 +115229,#Urgent #Amaq #Islamic_State pic.twitter.com/tg4XdEiQl5,0.0 +153162,RT @_SalmanHashimi: Breaking: After Al Qa'ida fled from #Mukalla the Islamic state performed martyrdom operations this morning against UA ,1.0 +141612,"RT @Mountainneeiiio: Death toll 58 in todays bombing in Al Zahra district of Homs.... A stronghold of Regime,IS accepts responsibility... h ",1.0 +114733,J.A.Mora Tebas: hay que desarrollar contranarrativas dirigidas a los j venes que neutralicen las del Daesh http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/docs_analisis/2016/DIEEEA46-2016_Yiyad3.3_RetornoCombatientes_JAMT.pdf @ieee_es,0.0 +113230,RT @TheTruth24US: U.S. to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul offensive https://thetruth24.info/2016/07/11/us-to-send-more-troops-to-iraq-ahead-of-mosul-offensive/ ,0.0 +113504,RT @IndiaTodayFLASH: Hyderabad case: #ISIS suspect Fahad procured 9 Aircel pre-activated sims from promotional temporary stall at Charminar ,0.0 +119086,"@labelee_isis You've already enrolled in the #AmexCartersOKB offer. If this is an error, please contact @AskAmex",0.0 +107004,"Check out this article! U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html Article posted at. July 11, 2016 at ",0.0 +155218,@hansthecat But Islam hates free speech.,1.0 +123842,#AllLivesDidntMatter when ISIS started selling women into slavery pic.twitter.com/DSfKOm8wqF,0.0 +108031,L'aviation am ricaine abandonn l'opposition syrienne aux mains des soldats de DAESH. http://reseauinternational.net/laviation-americaine-a-abandonne-lopposition-syrienne-aux-mains-des-soldats-de-daesh/ via @reseau_internat,0.0 +108640,"ISIS Shoots Down Helicopter in Syria, Killing 2 Russians http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/world/middleeast/russians-killed-syria-isis-helicopter.html ",0.0 +129313,Dodental aanslagen #Bagdad loopt op naar minstens 213 http://www.nu.nl/isis/4287621/dodental-aanslagen-bagdad-loopt-minstens-213.html via @NUnl #Irakesevlag op #paleis #Dam,0.0 +128515,Turquie: deux membres pr sum s de Daesh arr t s l'a roport d'Istanbul http://www.bfmtv.com/international/turquie-deux-membres-presumes-de-daesh-arretes-a-l-aeroport-d-istanbul-1000724.html pic.twitter.com/YXIACjX8nP,0.0 +148039,Telegram channel: http://telegram.me/maghrebi2 ,1.0 +144196,RT @M3t4_tr0n: Ahrar ash-Sham has released a video claiming to have shot down a #Syria|n warplane over the skies of #Hama. (2/2) https:// ,1.0 +5413,@user looks spic span want go,1.0 +151571,6 airstrikes hit as-Sukhna town today in the night and the morning ,1.0 +152865,"RT @ForeignPolicy: Anwar al-Awlaki s life after death is a lesson in the difficulty of stamping out radicalism, writes @ScottShaneNYT https ",1.0 +145058,"RT @ajreid: This is NOT Mehmet Ozturk, suspect in Istanbul bomb y'day. This is Mohammed Zana: http://www.terorarananlar.pol.tr/detaylar/Sayfalar/mavi.aspx https://t.co/2Qtytpx0 ",1.0 +113007,"RT @ReutersIndia: #IslamicState lost quarter of its #Iraq, #Syria territory in 18 months - IHS http://in.reuters.com/article/mideast-crisis-iraq-syria-idINKCN0ZQ0FY https://t.co/87HywzE ",0.0 +133211,"RT @JawaabUK: Though the Bangladesh attack targeted foreigners, most victims of ISIL 's terrorism are Muslim. #PrayForBaghdad https://t.co/4 ",0.0 +151406,#WilayatBarqah A glimpse at the #work of #Zakat & #Charity center in #Bin_Jwad city https://justpaste.it/tulg #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +148923,@aid_britani They were screaming all these revolutionary slogans while attacking ISIS not realising that only US and Assad benefits. ,1.0 +159150,"Stats show Muslims are more likely to be victims of crime, not perpetrators. This kind of sentiment is false only serves to fuel hate crime against Muslims.",0.0 +154428,@hal2012 @GerardGeorges4 @PentagonPresSec But certainly exterminate all terrorist and jihadi groups.,1.0 +131485,"ISIS, I have two words for you "" Suck It ! "" DX #StayStrongSaudi",0.0 +149082,"Tahukah kalian? Koalisi salibis dan musyrikin mulai berselisih paham, akan hebatnya taktik perang #IS, mereka guncang akan benarnya Al Haq ",1.0 +119834,@RossKemp the kurdish peshmerga fight daesh for humanity and people of all faiths pic.twitter.com/Z7p0dxHjeg,0.0 +154781,@discerningmumin Islam has never been a resistance to oppression. It has always been source of oppression to both believers and non believer,1.0 +112320,US to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq in Preparation for Mosul Offensive - ABC News - http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-deploy-560-troops-iraq-preparation-mosul-offensive/story via @ABC,0.0 +132087,"RT @EarleTony: 126 personas masacradas por una bomba en Bagdad, incluyendo 25 ni os. ISIS orgullosamente se adjudica el atentado. Ni os! ! !",0.0 +146357,RT @RamiAlLolah: #ISIS tried to create their own anti-aircraft system in #Palmyra. Succeeded or not is better than begging. #Syria https:// ,1.0 +145233,"RT @WarReporter1: Supporters of the Islamic State praise the Brussels attack, saying ISIS will defend Muslims: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-belgium-blast-tweets-idUSKCN0WO1B4 http ",1.0 +104940,"Sy perhatikan, media tetap menyebut mrk yg ikut ISIS sbg British people, walau turunan Arab/muslim. Tdk pribumi2an. https://twitter.com/Independent/status/752429577998311425",0.0 +149742,RT @WaelEssam77: B-52 .. https://twitter.com/oirspox/status/723121136813252608 https://t.co ,1.0 +127248,"The War Against ISIS Is Succeeding, at Least on Twitter - VICE http://www.vice.com/read/isis-twitter-winning-vgtrn #Islam #Muslims",0.0 +146619,"RT @Oded121351: #Egypt- #ISIS claims targeting army jeep near a KFC restaurant in al-Arish, #Sinai https://twitter.com/Oded121351/status/715196611891183616/photo/1 ",1.0 +6149,@user exactly!! like he's baby small fact situation. clearly dyke i'm still mad lol,1.0 +106680,RT @baspaternotte: NCTV: ISIS maakt veelvuldig gebruik van vluchtelingenstroom. Terroristen vroegen mogelijk ook asiel in Nederland aan htt ,0.0 +144333,PTs: Let's not forget that Hani Sibai's family were recently granted UK citizenship. Did he strike a deal with UK? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +108036,So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January. http://linkis.com/0BpNb via @MrLachris,0.0 +127806,@ShaunKing Isis,0.0 +125316,I wanna warn yall about this guy hes possibly an isis supporter. He preys on young American girls and plans to. http://fb.me/1mcXePlqf,0.0 +145860,RT @AlBawabaEG: #Egypt tries 23 jihadists of #Ansar #Al_Sharia group http://www.albawabaeg.com/80850 https://twitter.com/AlBawabaEG/status/704644984620785664/photo/1 ,1.0 +129868,RT @psychotherapy2u: Good news #ISIS senior commander Abu Aisha has been confirmed killed. He was an evil beheader. To hell with this rat h ,0.0 +145918,Western media promoted icon; sectarian #Iraq|i Shiite militant Abu Azrael promises to raise his flag on Kabaa #Saudi https://t.co/aTzwxq63Hf ,1.0 +151130,"@cedikme NATO just liek Russia are the ennnemies, NATO have killed 4 millions of muslim http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/unworthy-victims-western-wars-have-killed-four-million-muslims-1990-39149394 ",1.0 +140464,@ikhanasori Indeed but some people still don't understand this ,1.0 +112095,"The ' Classic "" Judgement Day is also still bubbling under so long as most of Pakistan supports ISIS & the Norks have nukes.",0.0 +116540,RT @pinselpoetin: @MowesFriederike Die Kindersoldaten des ISIS (Deutsche Doku) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvkWSZq8gI8&feature=share,0.0 +135490," Whoever does not show gratitude for what is little, has not shown gratitude for what is much. And whoever does not thank the people, has not thanked Allah. Mentioning Allah s blessing is a part of gratefulness, and to abandon doing so is from ungratefulness. The Jama ah is a mercy, and discord is a torment, ",1.0 +9996,@user cant listen nigger music,1.0 +135533,... the faces of Ahlus-Sunnah and the Jama ah will brighten and the faces of the people of bid ah and division will darken (Tafsir Ibn Abi Hatim).,1.0 +148183,@LCarvalhoSe @NewsRepublic Sure if you pray for Muslims too ,1.0 +135720, There is not upon the weak or upon the ill or upon those who do not find anything to spend any blame if they are sincere to Allah and His Messenger. There is not upon the doers of good any cause [for blame]. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (At-Tawbah 91).,1.0 +150842,@davidbien3 Tanks are On Turkish-Syrian Border ,1.0 +152103,group hug . https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116618,ISIS MARTINS BIAGGIO,0.0 +105239,RT @ThinkZingThing: Our own #ISIS : Indian Secular Intellectual Sisters https://twitter.com/mvmeet/status/685709608120369152,0.0 +139040,"These statistics have been compiled the Muata Agency, all of these casualties have been caused by IS ",1.0 +126868,#RTA El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa. Los yihadistas ejecutaron a tr. https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas pic.twitter.com/kg3wSppeEU,0.0 +151840,"@st3erer one person whose name I forgot described takfiris as amoeba, because they always keep dividing ",1.0 +6235,queen latifah missy elliot king diana typa stem dyke energy,1.0 +107919,"We might be winning the war against ISIS, at least on social media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 pic.twitter.com/RZ794yg0jd #IT #Developers",0.0 +147442,@lan_atharan @Qarass_news Moi je suis l https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/717792866362376192/photo/1 ,1.0 +5555,evolved monkeys ....why decide stay monkeys......nare retarded mofos @url,1.0 +133262,RT @RTenfrancais: Quand le #Hulk iranien s'appr te combattre #daesh aux c t s des forces syriennes >>> https://francais.rt.com/international/23228-hulk-iranien-rejoint-rangs-larmee https://t. ,0.0 +137918,#WilayatAlBarakah Repairing the power lines in the city of Shaddadi. | https://justpaste.it/qqnf https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128481, Abadi Daesh Baghdad,0.0 +129113,"@wmk185 isis is wahhabism en wahhabism is ook de moslimbroederschap, hizb ut tahrir, al qaeda etc denken en doen hetzelfde",0.0 +139448,Reports of fierce gun fire being exchanged between #Turkey army and #ISIS fighters near #Jarabulus #Syria ,1.0 +160419,Another citizen of Pakistan raped a woman. We should take all the Pakistan citizens to their homeland.,1.0 +124433,US puppet in middle east continue to use US bombs & planes to kill & maim children while completely ignoring ISIS https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/740218594634649600,0.0 +141029,@AppleSUX whatever you clown ,1.0 +5974,takes guts stand rights appear retarded.,1.0 +146803,This Carlos is amazing man. Incredible ,1.0 +138471,RT @AbuNaseeha_03: Make sure to check the Hashes >> https://t.co/JwZG0ZDmDq https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +122901,Brutality of ISIS brings wave of condemnation from. http://newsmasterapp.com/article/i6305935099259535876?app_id=1106 pic.twitter.com/HimLOdIKK2,0.0 +113889,"The religion of peace. "" Since declaring its caliphate in June 2014, the self-proclaimed Islamic State has. http://fb.me/K9uNOUS8",0.0 +129011,Now they've made him angry: Iranian Hulk to fight ISIS in Syria http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673252/Iranian-Hulk-fight-ISIS-Syria-announcing-plans-join-Iranian-forces.html ,0.0 +9211,@user even shadilay active lol faggot,1.0 +127466,"RT @anaya1singh: #AgarModiPMHota , ISIS 1",0.0 +160543,"As you said, it is extremism which does not represent the majority of Muslims. We do not want more fear or hate speech in our life. We could help people know the true Muslims by reading the facts and conversing with your Muslim neighbors.",0.0 +119040,"RT @todayinsyria: The widow of an #ISIS terrorist has avoided jail, despite being caught on her way to #Syria http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3669314/Islamic-State-war-widow-Fatima-Elomar-avoids-jail-despite-caught-way-Syria-four-children-supplies-terrorist-husband.html https ",0.0 +127452,"Revealed: How ISIS got most of their weapons from Britain, US and France http://fb.me/1m8HaVKuD",0.0 +111528,Pour ceux qui ont oubli que la France tait en guerre: eux s'en souviennent tr s bien. #Daesh #EI https://twitter.com/erhab_kuffaar/status/752472831326314496,0.0 +132431,@MurtazaGeoNews @AnsarAAbbasi yeah they said they were some internal militants not even isis !,0.0 +139353,RT @RamiAlLolah: #Photos #Turkey army has established many new roads crossing into #Syria. Indications for imminent military move.. https:/ ,1.0 +105159,RT: reuters :U.S. to help Iraq build base for push on Mosul: Carter http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZR0LT pic.twitter.com/TxkXhrwQPa,0.0 +5715,trailer curse la llorona called wetback spic. watching trash.,1.0 +159619,Fgm is not only practised by Muslims. It is a cultural practice regardless of anyone's religion.,0.0 +140140,The Islamic State Is Running Out of Time in Somalia https://t.co/B9Y3HyLJcS via @sharethis ,1.0 +138315,RT @elizondogabriel: BREAKING: UN says 7 yr old girl allegedly forced into oral sex on French troops in exchange for bottle of water and co ,1.0 +113837,RT @mxryjholland: @fizfizfiz if we can differentiate between the westboro baptist church and true christianity then we can do the same w is ,0.0 +120212," If all we hear in media is Marxist Kurds or Shia groups are only ones fighting ISIS, it feeds sectarian narrative. https://theintercept.com/2016/07/11/islamic-state-defectors-hold-key-to-countering-groups-recruitment/",0.0 +125809,@ACMEspanol @josesosaok Si piensa que va a estar seguro en Italia esta equivocado ya que ISIS asegura que Italia ser su objetivo Lamentable,0.0 +151733,#AmaqAgency a dog of Assad was captured by #IslamicState Fighters east of #Palmyra City https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8965,@user cus mongol ,0.0 +110590,JUST IN: Hundreds more U.S. troops going to Iraq to help retake Mosul from ISIS http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/carter-560-more-u.s.-troops-to-iraq/article/2596111#.V4OVepKpjL0.twitter pic.twitter.com/zyCqhU8yOR,0.0 +118518,ISIS suicide bomber cornered and beaten by brave crowd in mosque http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/529189/ISIS-suicide-bomber-Turkey-mosque-attempt-attack-foiled pic.twitter.com/42ec2fAAJY,0.0 +125609,@IsaiahCrowell34 as close to ISIS as you can get.,0.0 +4734,look leftist terrorist like guy shot @user softball game compar @url,0.0 +115922,RT @JewhadiTM: ISIS could target Europe after losing a quarter of its territory http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684400/ISIS-target-Europe-losing-quarter-territory-size-Ireland-coalition-forces-security-experts-say.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +138763,RT @AJENews: New ISIL attacks kill more than 30 Iraqi forces http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/01/isil-attacks-kill-30-iraqi-forces-160128094746545.html https://twitter.com/AJENews/status/692814993193095168/photo/1 ,1.0 +150998,A New Generation of Unrestricted Warfare http://warontherocks.com/2016/04/a-new-generation-of-unrestricted-warfare/ ,1.0 +136000,"The definition given by the linguistic imams is supported by some weak ahadith attributed to the Prophet ?, including, Wage jihad, for it is the monasticism of Islam ",1.0 +139478,"RT @MaghrebiQM: Muheisni is right - either the rebels unite or the ship sinks. If they don't want AQ with them, what's preventing from unit ",1.0 +131447,"RT @Chri55yBaby: When ISIS killed 130 in Paris, SF city hall was lit in blue, white & red, but I doubt we'll see the Iraqi colors now https ",0.0 +109068,RT @sijadaeng: Sebab tukang fitnah dan fans ISIS harus di LAWAN! ! #TofaLemonDukungISIS #MustofaNahraDukungISIS https://twitter.com/sahaL_AS/status/752126726172532737,0.0 +141998,@DR_SHAHID @Murshad007 @CTstudies @sayed_ridha he is independent not like you moron ... ,1.0 +113037,""" @thehill: U.S. sending more troops to Iraq to fight ISIS. It will not overwrite its jihadists of Islamic State waste",0.0 +125109,State Sen race in Tenn. Challenger sends hit piece: Incumbent wants ISIS in their hood because he refused to condemn refugees. #backwards,0.0 +142702,RT @arabthomness: #Syria: @syriahr syriahnow claims #Daesh never executed 8 Dutch members and that the story by @Raqqa_SL is made up https: ,1.0 +153498,#AmaqAgency App https://www.sendspace.com/file/dd1bby Checksums: MD5: 49A4A9EE7DE11B38305EFBAF2E2D10B3 SHA-1: 6E28BE3E2E23B6451EBA059C5A4821E8BD7FC8D1 ,1.0 +110374,""" South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS "" via NYT The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html ",0.0 +128504,"Cualquier d a es bueno para que salgamos volando Daesh dispone de un grupo espec fico, llamado Al Andalus, cuyo. http://fb.me/5BSh2QZqV",0.0 +127260,Obama is paid by George Soros He is ISIS creating pig https://g.co/kgs/4JIU0H,0.0 +5934,disgusting attention seeking twat! @url,1.0 +141220,@Js8twitto23 puisque tous ces domaines sont des sciences ,1.0 +5595,@user i'm surprised dems suggested make shithole countries us colonies @url,1.0 +136018,"And he ? said, Indeed strength is shooting ",1.0 +151686,RT @01sak_: AQ in Yemen keeps running away from apostates without giving any fight !! https://twitter.com/riskstaff/status/727488677476208640 ,1.0 +120643,"RT @K24English: 32 Iraqis escape #ISIS, arrive at #Peshmerga line http://ow.ly/yF803027te9 #TwitterKurds pic.twitter.com/An8B7Bhmrn",0.0 +141679,#Syria: - #USA #Russia attack #ISIS & Nusra; hand over ground to #Assad & #YPG - Rebels not allowed any new ground https://t.co/nIU4vi9z0d ,1.0 +121213," , ISIS , , . http://fb.me/3N56B0EMG",0.0 +125861,"ISIS via WhatsApp: ?Blow Yourself Up, O Lion? #propublica https://dragplus.com/post/id/36775483",0.0 +151228,"RT @M_Seloom: Badr militia calls on PM Abadi to form ""technocrat"" Hashd militia to liberate Mosul/Fallujah http://www.alsumaria.tv/news/166993/alsumaria-news/ar https:// ",1.0 +153599,#Exclusive Photo: #Hezbollah Mustafa Badreddine moments after assassinating/bombing/whatever him.. #Lebanon #Syria https://t.co/xoEAreBnOo ,1.0 +142787,Many activist here have noticed that lot criminal of war have joined Europe with refugee wave. Confirmed now https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/704979578649903106 ,1.0 +123417,US Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Retake Mosul and Raqqa http://time.com/4401915/islamic-state-isis-mosul-raqqa-us-troops/,0.0 +139684,Putin is destroying our people's homes and lives in Syria Hezbollat and Iranian militias slaughtering them & You have KSA & Bahrein offering ,1.0 +128926,That 's the response from a petition to close the boarders whilst the Isis is defeated that 's from the government them selves,0.0 +151760,"Ja far b. Muhammad ""Beware of arguments in the religion for verily it busies the heart and causes hypocrisy. [Sharh Usool I tiqaad] ",1.0 +125489,ISIS Just Proved It Has Nothing to Do With Islam http://theantimedia.org/isis-proved-nothing-to-do-with-islam/ via @theantimedia1 Because it doesn t. at all. Period.,0.0 +144847,"26. The Islamic State considers everyone who participated in political process, i.e. al-Nujayfi, Salim al-Jubouri and others as apostates ",1.0 +133165,"RT @doammuslims: A tourist from Abu Dhabi was presumed to be an ISIS member by the staff at Fairfield Inn Hotel in Ohio, because he was spe ",0.0 +159629,Where do you get this misconception of that only Muslims practise FGM?,0.0 +144242,@hatuiore Where is this and what is happening there? ,1.0 +131616,Only stupid mentally unstable people actually believe that if they kill ppl they will get virgins in paradise! #ISIS #honestyhour,0.0 +153693,"@SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch Name the last person the KKK killed, and you can find 100,000 that have since been killed by Islamists.",1.0 +132364,La Turquie propose la Russie une coop ration contre Daesh https://www.zamanfrance.fr/article/turquie-propose-a-russie-cooperation-contre-daesh-22436.html pic.twitter.com/QgDAAYTfMq,0.0 +119543,"India: Muslim groups say the Islamic State is un-Islamic, tool of enemies of Islam http://fb.me/1rrYF8CTF",0.0 +150546,RT @7layers_: Video showing Sunni citizen executed after brutally being tortured by Iraqi #Shia militants https://twitter.com/Omar_Madaniah/status/724687359640506369/video/1 ,1.0 +145695,"@Cairo67Unedited @RenaNetjes so Egyptian security forces have killed them all, so we cannot know the true ? another bullshit ",1.0 +126982,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold WONDER IF OBAMA INCLUDED LGBT TROOPS IN THIS MIX? https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/,0.0 +8971,fuck brother alarm going every single morning time like half hour. wake twat,1.0 +144799,"@strawberriiiiiy Barelvis can't differentiate b/w pro-Saudi salafis & anti-Saudi Salafi Jehadists, they even label deobandhis as Wahabis ",1.0 +145033,"RT @RamiAlLolah: #USA Marines, Staff Sgt. Louis F. Cardin confirmed killed in #ISIS rocket attack on Makhmour camp in #Iraq https://t.co/d3 ",1.0 +116636,RT @Milagro12737778: Gracias por tanto Isis,0.0 +111498,RT @iitmweb: ISIS speed towards Iraqi tanks and detonate tank during battle for Fallujah - Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684270/Terrifying-moment-ISIS-jihadis-speed-Iraqi-tanks-detonate-truck-packed-explosives-battle-Fallujah.html ,0.0 +121207,RT @AnonPrettyWorld: MrCati - The Jade Helm - Walmart - ISIS - 3 Prong Attack - Invasion Plan https://youtu.be/YZZQsNJ_ODA,0.0 +116180,@thxUSA Turn off @FoxNews Dumbass! Fox owner Saudi Muslim Alwaleed Bin Talal admits FUNDING ISIS! http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/10/23/383271/billionaire-admits-saudi-funded-isil/,0.0 +150351,Deir ez-Zor https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +126058,"RT @S_ensi_: Counter Extremist Project believe there to be over 40,000 Isis accounts sending over 200,000 tweets per day let that sink in.",0.0 +119204,"RT @Millermena: Islamic State is a military, terror group, guerrilla war org, and an idea. All 4 of those are proving hard to fight. https: ",0.0 +153308,#IS #WilayatRaqqah Honouring the winners in memorizing the Nawawi's Forthy Hadith. https://justpaste.it/u76l https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +120111,Ex-Marine hunts for Pokemon and ISIS fighters in Iraq | New York Post http://nypost.com/2016/07/11/ex-marine-hunts-for-pokemon-and-isis-fighters-in-iraq/,0.0 +104476,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul. http://prt.news/amZtKV,0.0 +146916,A Madkhalite-Salafist expresses joy at the death of Muslim militant. The West should promote these types of Muslims: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +130788,"Heard that Baghdad, Iraq, has incurred life loss due to ISIS attack. Feeling really sorry for what 's happening. http://fb.me/1cfEpNniI",0.0 +151549,RT @ajaltamimi: Just a note on this Sky News 'IS-regime' collusion documents story: none of the documents shown prove the story line https: ,1.0 +104932,@Shehla_Rashid it means you support Isis over nation you proved you are a big whore,0.0 +140965,RT @JulianRoepcke: #BreakingReport Up to 28 civilians killed in international coalition air strike on bakery in #Shaddadi. SOHR+LCC https: ,1.0 +129293,The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about @washingtonpost https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +113072,@KDNPUTRAJAYA akan bertindak tegas terhadap pengeluar dan pengedar akhbar berbahasa Melayu terbitan militan Daesh.,0.0 +147348,Second incidence: Drone strike (mostly #USA-led Coalition) killed five al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front members in Idlib a while ago.. #Syria ,1.0 +138794,. @kasimf .. ,1.0 +142294,@ansdawlaah Hello. Can you follow me? I need to send you a message. Thanks ,1.0 +132682,RT @CaraotaDigital: Muri intentando salvar a su hijo del Estado Isl mico http://ow.ly/htDr301SH2n pic.twitter.com/ttqniX4Un6,0.0 +137016,#IslamicState AmaqAgency | #Ongoing Battles in the vicinity of AlBouhayat eastern of Haditha Under heavy shelling by the #Coalition planes ,1.0 +127793,Saya menambahkan video ke daftar putar @YouTube http://youtu.be/BtR8mGNq0gM?a NET YOGYA - Bukit Isis Jadi Destinasi Favorit Baru Wisatawan,0.0 +144884,@Qonaqkend https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/710787560671420420/photo/1 ,1.0 +159345,"Any religious text can be interpreted in many ways. Fortunately, the vast majority of Muslims see Islam as a religion of peace. There are people that interpret the Bible, the Torah, etc. As inciting hate too.",0.0 +124966,#BLM is ISIS https://twitter.com/mjh_1978/status/752642860227461120,0.0 +146987,@wail75q moi je voulais souligner autre chose de tr s important qu'il dit ,1.0 +130998,RT @CriticalPPP: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-wahhabism-saudi-arabia_b_5717157.html http://fb.me/3KPk6bTl2,0.0 +126465,@ah_isis meu beb ,0.0 +109202,RT @Syedasifibrahim: Intense battle as Iraqi troops approach ISIS-held Qayara south of Mosul http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/11072016&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDk2NjdjMTkyOTZjYmNmNDc6Y28uaW46ZW46SU4&usg=AFQjCNGv7ZlwNgOgBsrmWWoyq2O7KqvfhA&utm_content=#ISIS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #ISIS,0.0 +115027,"Hi @potus. Are they still degraded, something, something? http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html?smid=tw-share&referer=https://t.co/CqUuUjgEKl",0.0 +128340,"RT @Gano_wars: @visit_izmir no, thanks. We won't do vacation in a civil-war torn country that supports #ISIS and suppress its press",0.0 +153916,@UmarFarooq_ ROFL. No one with a brain will want a madrassa education. Will they teach Mohammed's remedies? http://t.co/dxJ6oEj19B,1.0 +112207,ISIL militant 's jail sentence reduced due to good conduct in #Turkey pic.twitter.com/rIQpzdfm69,0.0 +117624,See ISIS 'caliphate ' shrink http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter pic.twitter.com/7rlH19lT4l,0.0 +117400,RT @NetworksManager: Know status son of Kingstown Limo Mohamad Jamal Khweis muslims migrant ISIS terror charges #Alexandria Virginia? #DC h ,0.0 +105543,ISIS http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/sakai/2016/07/isisno.php,0.0 +142273,"BREAKING! Second surveillance drone shot down by Dawlah that belonged to Peshmurga, this time east of Tal Afar, Ninevah ",1.0 +135397,"At-Tabari ? said, Labus, according to the Arabs, is every form of arms, be it a coat of armor, breastplate, sword, or spear. ",1.0 +120815,Angela Merkel admits that ISIS terrorists have entered Europe posing as refugees. What have we been telling her. http://fb.me/1a5TD83oL,0.0 +130540,Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/baghdad-car-bombs/ ,0.0 +8566,@user sorry retard hoplophobic idiot. assault rifle stands armalite model 15,1.0 +149575,"RT @IslamicPicQuote: Do not envy one another..."" -Rasoolulah (saw) [Muslim] https://twitter.com/IslamicPicQuote/status/722732521721589760/photo/1 ",1.0 +115230,Allahu akbar! ISIS Comes to Gaza http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai,0.0 +125122,isis signed up for this the second me and @Shittypurplecat did a blind otp thing pic.twitter.com/M1GzI65OaW,0.0 +105910,"@reuters After receiving Help, All Shia pigs will Claim "" #US is helping #IslamicState "" at the same time they are begging for #US_AirStrikes",0.0 +110231,ISIS ISIL 17 ,0.0 +109473,"RT @ehli_doner: Geleneksel yemekleri #EhliD ner'le bulu turduk, muhte em bir lezzet olu turduk! pic.twitter.com/8YEbi8Obu9",0.0 +113872,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=750007314212618240,0.0 +8912,9) getting visan10) glad finally get shithole country understand people still live bar @url,1.0 +134816,"Just recently, Obama said there still would be no negotiating with the Islamic State, a fact not lost on my former cellmates.",1.0 +138773,RT @mkmjnnj: of several explosive devices at as-Sufiyyah dam east of #Ramadi. ,1.0 +114312,RT @Kxterra: The fact I thought it was another ISIS attack shows how chaotic the world is right now. #PrayForFrance,0.0 +6419,@user @user @user ching chong ling ling,1.0 +6737,report cunt well read account last night gross @url,1.0 +108379,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3537026841 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3527584634 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3300863665 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +144335,RT @Free_lance_jour: New footage by #IS from #DeirEzzor for massive weapons & ammunition captured from Ayyash Weapon depots.. #Spoil https ,1.0 +136190," O you who have believed, shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment? [It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know. He will forgive you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment (As-Saff 10-12)",1.0 +123046,New story from TIME in Politics : U.S. Boosting Troops in Iraq to Help Retake Mosul and Raqqa pic.twitter.com/cfINb61nBM,0.0 +116174,"Counter-ISIL Strikes Target Terrorists in Syria, Iraq http://fb.me/4QdPm6qAV",0.0 +109306,RT @TRobinsonNewEra: Woman who plotted Westfield ISIS attack has sentence shortened http://www.getwestlondon.co.uk/news/west-london-news/westfield-isis-attack-plotter-sentence-11587510#ICID=sharebar_twitter,0.0 +139443,@xxvvvxxxxxxxx ahahahhahahahhaha ,1.0 +8320,god faggot?,1.0 +109631,"ISIS via WhatsApp: Blow yourself up, O lion https://www.propublica.org/article/isis-via-whatsapp-blow-yourself-up-o-lion/?utm_campaign=bt_twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social via @aidnography",0.0 +111022,"RT @nadyacis1: YPG Fighters Wear Abandoned ISIS Helmets Found in Liberated House in Manbij. "" Victory #SDF #YPG #YPJ "" https://t.co/WTrvle0M ",0.0 +107223,RT @pro_afrikaans: Vier Suid-Afrikaners wat by ISIS wou aansluit vas http://praag.co.za/?p=39325,0.0 +107361,"CHELYNN WORLD NEWS U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://ow.ly/Kfp3502hghi",0.0 +6749,barbican forefront: anticompetitive mongoloid,1.0 +131922,RT @NAR: Commentary: Karl Kaltenthaler -- Islamic State bids to lead in Bangladesh http://asia.nikkei.com/Viewpoints/Viewpoints/Karl-Kaltenthaler-Islamic-State-bids-to-lead-in-Bangladesh pic.twitter.com/LJ7eGJn2jS,0.0 +4828,d-rats feminazi abortion devils came trolling carloads cash. despicable! @url,1.0 +114021,RELEVANT Magazine - Slices // The U.S. Is Sending 560 More Troops to Fight ISIS http://www.relevantmagazine.com/slices/us-sending-560-more-troops-fight-isis ,0.0 +137737,"@Fiseebilillah @HAQQk0100 Abu Bakr, radyAllahu anhu ",1.0 +145222,RT @WarReporter1: ISIS associate the attacks in Belgium to the US Coalition attack on Mosul University (Belgium is part of Coalition): http ,1.0 +123123,"RT @IsraelJeTaime: Traduction : Israel a encore d fonc la gueule de Daesh dans le Sinai aujourd'hui, avec l'accord de l'Egypte :-) https:/ ",0.0 +126636,People suspected me of being an ISIS sympathiser because I hung a black table cloth on my balcony and some birds shitted on it. ,0.0 +143902,RT @JulianRoepcke: Great footage #US-backed Kurdish #FSA & Turkish-ba. Sunni #FSA fight side by side vs. #ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck_aFRxWizg http ,1.0 +122815,RT @gurrutiar: ej rcito de Israel apoya a los yihadistas de ISIS del Califato isl mico en Siria http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2016/07/10/opinion/012o1pol @AlfredoJalifeR_,0.0 +148703,"Women can't drive because this is forbidden. US soldiers can be in KSA, no problem. ""scholars"" of the 21th century. https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/720265536735735809 ",1.0 +155193,"@alimhaider Fighting along side anyone in the ME makes you someone else's enemy, regardless of the motivation. Their problem, not ours.",1.0 +119969,RT @NetworksManager: #Fairfax #Virginia muslim #isis man Jamal Khweis at press conference next stop #WhiteHouse https://twitter.com/networksmanager/status/710392845228761088 htt ,0.0 +124389,Crimes against humanity continue to be committed by government forces and by ISIS (Islamic State). http://fb.me/1kBCU45cK,0.0 +134001,"In another wording, he (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) said, We do not seek the aid of a mushrik ",1.0 +120465,http://fb.me/24a9bAwGT,0.0 +136610,"@Mustafaklashin7: Correction: while ghouta is besieged, allloush is eating in a restaurant in Amman (Jordan) ",1.0 +118337,@brendanjharkin right hang on. Did they just ring up and buy an isis flag online?!,0.0 +123863,"RT @hxhassan: Watch: Can Iraq 's government defeat ISIL? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ek9ZcOXR_A sobering interview with Ali Allawi, speaking to @mehdirhasan",0.0 +128782,"Boko Haram ISIL and other Islamic claimed terrorist groups are wars built on particular platform, not Islam.-Ustaz #IslamRadicalization",0.0 +135409,"The wording of the takbir is as follows: Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilahah illallah, wallahu akbar, Allahu akbar, walillahil-hamd ",1.0 +117103,@IHWCo dont you get it? They are using ISIS as an excuse to bomb Egypt.. DUH!,0.0 +115439,RT @thesuniljain: Hope it won't be like the discussion on Ndtv the other night where the central argument was India has no ISIS issue https ,0.0 +109344,"RT @K24English: 32 Iraqis escape #ISIS, arrive at #Peshmerga line http://ow.ly/SSNP3027sY5 #TwitterKurds pic.twitter.com/GTTExvc0we",0.0 +149955,"@Abou_Naba_24 @Nassim886065021 difficile de savoir, soit ils sont des mito, soit ils sont con ( pas dif frence netre JAN/EI) ou alors ",1.0 +155272,@truaemusic I'm telling you that the religion of Islam is guilty of the murder of 280 million citizens of the earth and I will not ...,1.0 +139816,@kasimf ,1.0 +148455,Looking forward just to get that one day....subhanallah may Allah make easy for all of us we get that one day. Ameen https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +10088,@user @user love term feminazis. mind use ? funny always crying @url,1.0 +148553,@GuidedSalafi Generalization words of Ibn Abbas radiyAllahu anhu about Qur'an 5:44.. is major shubha and mistake by misleading jahmee sect ,1.0 +130926," :NIA 5 ISIS , ?",0.0 +121449,"Retweeted John Betts (@JohnFromCranber): My View: A Shitstorm 's Coming: Racial Unrest, Islamization, Iran, ISIS,. http://fb.me/Gf9y41Yi",0.0 +121238,RT @leejac424: Obama is BLM & ISIS https://twitter.com/bowhunter_va/status/752504400510349314,0.0 +148412,RT @inghimasiyin6: #Breaking #AmaqAgency Fighters of the #IslamicState control most of the Palestine refugee camp south of the city #Dama ,1.0 +109830,RT @Independent: Giant Iranian bodybuilder signs up to fight Isis in Syria http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-daesh-iran-bodybuilder-instagram-sajad-gharibi-iranian-hulk-syria-a7126606.html ,0.0 +105329,#Carter: US will use Iraq city as base to retake Mosul - http://panteres.com/2016/07/11/carter-us-will-use-iraq-city-as-base-to-retake-mosul/ pic.twitter.com/RxB9DNN9dD,0.0 +152791,@Meynoor_Crown ofcourse mushreekin we make takfeer but u cant just make takfeer on laymen ,1.0 +135229," And they said, Be Jews or Christians to be guided. Say, Rather, the religion of Abraham, inclining to the truth, and he was not of the pagans (Al-Baqarah 135).",1.0 +114450,Ex-marine hunts for Pokemon and ISIS fighters in Iraq - New York Post http://nypost.com/2016/07/11/ex-marine-hunts-for-pokemon-and-isis-fighters-in-iraq/ #ISIS,0.0 +105780,RT @CovertAnonymous: YourAnonGlobal: RT josephwillits: This world. This American fighting ISIS near Mosul with Kurdish militias also ca ht ,0.0 +134683,"Al? Ibn Ab? T?lib ? said, Indeed, the major sins are seven. The people were noisy, so he repeated his statement three times and then said, Will you not ask me about them? They said, O Am?rul-Mu min?n, what are they? He replied, Shirk, murder, defaming the chaste woman, taking the wealth of the orphan, taking rib?, fleeing from battle, and going back to the desert as a Bedouin after hijrah [Reported by at-Tabar? in his tafs?r].",1.0 +108940,Will the PKK and the Islamic State Bring Turkey and Russia Closer Together? http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/will-the-pkk-and-the-islamic-state-bring-turkey-and-russia-closer-together,0.0 +111476,RT @gerfingerpoken: (IBD) So Why Can't Barack Hussein Obama Admit ISIS Beheaded Christians? http://www.investors.com/islamic-state-beheads-egyptian-coptic-christians/ - https://t.co/zffhmlzN ,0.0 +104044,"Owaisi 's Anti-ISIS Call Is Welcome, But Does Not Break The Spell Of Islamism http://swarajyamag.com/politics/owaisis-anti-isis-call-is-welcome-but-does-not-break-the-spell-of-islamism",0.0 +137410,@M_Seloom @QassamiMarwan You see why better #ISIS .because if not all the #sunnies will be killed if shia rafida stay in power #Iraq ,1.0 +135071," [Say], Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail? (Al-An am 114).",1.0 +6927,@user totally agree.. green card islamic maybe several wives camel land. muzzie bro @url,1.0 +132111,RT @FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Now Bengladesh Govt knows who has links to ISIS and exposes Indian media lies https://t.co/vn8gW72 ,0.0 +137938,@NikoRe_ warya it's me ,1.0 +113826,Mr Gay Syria fleeing Islamic State and now granted refuge in Downtown Idlib under Alqaeda https://twitter.com/Exclamation_2/status/752500566522232833,0.0 +104271,Via #llaverotec ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose the Twitter battle - CNET: The US Government. http://twitter.com/llaverotec/status/752424651771383808,0.0 +108790,On a perdu la coupe du monde et on a eu droit a de la fum e en dessous de la Tour Eiffel avc des racailles cri s le nom Daesh.. #Euro2016,0.0 +148595,@q_qkmn nusra gang the betrayed one with the Ummah ,1.0 +146444,#Russia|ns dropped 4 weapons parachutes over #Assad's controlled areas in #DeirEzzor; #ISIS got 2 of them.. #Syria https://t.co/p2PpTAsYLP ,1.0 +148570,#Palmyra Video from one of residents homes burnt by regime militias after looting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox5Baf7Wa-M&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +8674,what's everyone? brother told called fucking faggot minding business @url,1.0 +148040,@DreadMozlum No akhi you got it wrong. Dawlah didn't sit in operation rooms with US officers. ,1.0 +124796,Watch: More US Troops to Deploy to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Offensive http://www.cncformingshops.com/watch-more-us-troops-to-deploy-to-iraq-ahead-of-mosul-offensive/ ,0.0 +139308,@sayed_ridha just wait for some moths when sunni suicide bombers will tore shiite in parts ..... ,1.0 +136433,"Ibn Abil-Hawari ? said, Al-Fudayl Ibn Iyad and Sufy?n Ibn Uyaynah (d. 199AH) sat one night until morning mentioning their blessings. Sufyan kept saying, Allah has blessed us in such-and-such. Allah has blessed us in suchand-such. He has done such-and-such for us. He has done such-and-such for us. ",1.0 +153708,"Saudi cleric: ""sun revolves around the earth."" Now you can understand why madrassa graduates have no skill but Jihad. #Islam #science",1.0 +105006,"@ibnkhabar MR SARIF, NAWAZ SAAB MAGARMACHHA K ANSHOO ABHI TAK TO PAK ARMY,ISI K CHUBGAL ME THE AAB ISIS K CHUNGAL.. pic.twitter.com/H4fhxznOYW",0.0 +119579,"RT @MSF_ASaavedra: #Irak: el sue o de Mohamed Ahmed Wasmy de 13 a os es "" regresar a la escuela . Huy de Mosul a Abu Ghraib https://t.co/NO ",0.0 +117836, http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Syria-based-handler-directed-Hyderabad-ISIS-module-over-encrypted-email/articleshow/53160675.cms Syria based handler directed Hyderabad ISIS module over encrypted email - Times of India,0.0 +115128,"a British medical student who joined Isis has died in Iraq, reports say, but her husband and. http://fb.me/5lHSUF5Z0",0.0 +130148,"@AashishKhetan , u say sources , @ArvindKejriwal says sources , who r they ? ISIS , ISI , Dawood Mafia , Drug Mafia etc",0.0 +127441,El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa http://ow.ly/CU1a502j6Qa,0.0 +129896,"RT @rcallimachi: 24. ISIS which grew out of al-Qaeda in Iraq, doesn't consider them Muslim. AQ considers them misguided & advised fighters ",0.0 +108972,RT @seanhnews77: Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Islamic State Is 'Attacking Wherever They Wish. http://prt.news/amZZJH,0.0 +126814,Congress is not going to pass your STUPID military fight against ISIS because it only puts our guys on defence. https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/748621673578958849,0.0 +140928,The 3 US. citizens who were kidnapped in #Baghdad last month by US-Backed #Shiite Militants have been released today. ,1.0 +119668,"@vicenews It 's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. #Mosul",0.0 +7301,manny machado twat.,1.0 +137408,RT @DidyouknowVS: Did you know?The makers of #CharlieHebdo were in fact #Zionist #Jews They claim to #satire all religons NOT #Judaism http ,1.0 +150187,# # - - # # https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +108532,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://ow.ly/tnN9502hjMj",0.0 +144502,"Even Ahrar ash-Sham free themselves from Jabhat Al-Nusra. It's all part of the US-sponsored ""peace process"": https://twitter.com/Conflicts/status/710211101540139008 ",1.0 +149217,Women under #Hamas rule in #Gaza. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +141961,"New release from ""Sana'at Rijal"", addressing the [The Case of Yemeni ""Defector""] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aasIUXY28Fc&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +132714,"@chief_marshallr I am very sad with pictures published,Isis would return again",0.0 +126749,"No, ISIS didn't take responsibility for Pok mon Go 's server issues - http://OregonLive.com http://goo.gl/fb/RK0rkN",0.0 +138571,"Guptil is MOM, I thought he's straight. ",1.0 +105479,Dutch government official claims Islamic State militant group is 'Zionist plan ' http://ln.is/shr.gs/mlgKS,0.0 +109176,"Hier avec Daesh, aujourd'hui avec a. J'ai jur j'suis sous coute pic.twitter.com/e2UrZlLnbN",0.0 +147872,@hotncold110 @lasnahuna lol ,1.0 +7652,@user spell american amerikkkan retard book,1.0 +110376,US to deploy 560 more troops to Iraq in push to recapture key city of Mosul from Islamic State militants.,0.0 +152530,@Nidalgazaui @ShamiRebel @VivaRevolt @M3t4_tr0n @RamiAlLolah @Abduhark @WarfareWW @Abduhark @arabthomness @Malcolmite @sayed_ridha ,1.0 +104750,RT @CRM_CWS_Cloud: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose the Twitter battle - CNET http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/#ftag=CADf328eec ,0.0 +123527,As decapitan a 4 famosos futbolistas las bestias del ISIS frente a unos ni os http://www.periodistadigital.com/america/legislacion-y-documentos/2016/07/12/la-decapitacion-de-4-futbolistas-famosos-a-manos-de-las-bestias-del-isis.shtml pic.twitter.com/byCyFPU53w,0.0 +5967,sign true calling cutting grass spic lmao @url,1.0 +124210,I liked a @YouTube video from @landonyoutube http://youtu.be/sNoi0WJ9l88?a Giant Body Builder Is Going To Fight ISIS,0.0 +148663,RT @AdamHasakah658: Swedish politician: US is the true cause of the masses of refugees from the Middle East http://newsvoice.se/2015/05/27/swedish-politician-us-is-the-cause-of-refugees-from-the-middle-east/ ,1.0 +120174,U.S. names new anti-Islamic State commander http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/u.s.-names-new-anti-islamic-state-commander/article/2596149?custom_click=rss,0.0 +111849,BHO insists on appeasing ISIS and BLM. Both are terrorist organizations that want to kill Americans. BHO ignores his only defined job.,0.0 +149961,ISIS name a Mosque after Usama Bin Ladin trying to show that ISIS are a continuation of his ideology and methods: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +150528,F @B1nt88R0ses @B1nt88R0ses @B1nt88R0ses ,1.0 +129721,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3160428014 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2705452604 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=935247204 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +123777,"Obama downplays everything. Isis is the "" JV team "" and now we "" arnt as divided as we think we are. "" #Obama #livinginhisownworld",0.0 +123792,From The Telegraph: US to send 560 additional troops to Iraq to fight Islamic State http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/us-to-send-560-additional-troops-to-iraq-to-fight-islamic-state/ #immigration #uk,0.0 +9859,@user say nigger give u pass,1.0 +150147, ( ) - - https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105586,http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/ted-cruz-isil-islamic-terrorism-224244#ixzz4BU3aeEEJ,0.0 +146536,Please share this account as the other one is not accessible anymore ,1.0 +107502,"RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Report: #ISIS lost quarter of its #Iraq, #Syria territory in 18 mths http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/analysis/2016/07/10/Report-ISIS-lost-quarter-of-its-Iraq-Syria-territory-in-18-mths.html ",0.0 +138867,RT @crcmlibya: IS in Libya 'major risk to Europe': French minister - The Local.fr http://www.thelocal.fr/20160131/is-in-libya-major-risk-to-europe-french-minister ,1.0 +109586,#PokemomGo takes a new turn as ISIS and Kurdish fighters challenge each other in Iraq. #diplomacy #TRASHTALK pic.twitter.com/lY2fn9nEAE,0.0 +144615,@z_r_q_a_w_ya295 JazakAlkah Khair ,1.0 +5454,kinda wish retarded,1.0 +127217,@joeycee87 interesting way to disclose your ISIS allegiance here Joey,0.0 +130248,"RT @esquiremy: Despite initial denials, police have confirmed that the grenade attack on Movida in Puchong was the work of ISIS. https://t. ",0.0 +140603,"#AlFallujah Caliph s Presents, to the winners in the 1st Darul-Islam Quran Memorizing Competition in Fallujah https://justpaste.it/rb9a ",1.0 +159532,"No, 1.6 billion people are not irrational and incompatible with science.",0.0 +107995,"Breaking: Foto foto pangkalan udara Qayarrah, selatan Mosul yang dibebaskan dari ISIS seiring kemajuan pasukan Irak https://twitter.com/pmu_english/status/752456410647060480",0.0 +127364,RT @berhem: #ISIL Failed attacks in south of #Manbij Which aimed to lift the siege 4 7 2016 #Rojava #Twitterkurds http://youtu.be/jNLCCdU85gA?a,0.0 +127764,"@Chico923TheFan Done w/ Crowell. Regardless of apology, anyone who post heinous depiction of ISIS style execution of cop is disturbed.",0.0 +121417,Terrorists misusing social media. Hindu-Fascism! ! WTF? U won't get another Islamic state. U'll get bullets. https://twitter.com/inshahmalik/status/752560534290100228,0.0 +131495,Muslim 's ugly encounter leads to apology http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/03/us/ohio-false-isis-report/index.html #Amsterdam #News,0.0 +135577,"Rather, it was the Sayyid of Shuhada, Hamzah, the uncle of the Prophet ?, among seventy of the best of the Sahabah ?. In one day, this number of men were killed and mutilated. But which men? They were the Companions of Allah s Messenger ?. And on the Day of Uhud, the voice of kufr arose and the kuffar became inflated with pride. The kuffar thought their feat would last forever. Abu Sufyan stood and said, Is Muhammad there? He ? said, Do not answer him. So he said, Is Ibn Abi Quhafah [Abu Bakr as-Siddiq] there? He ? said, Do not answer him. So he said, Is [ Umar] Ibnul-Khattab there? When no one answered, Abu Sufyan said, Indeed they have been killed, for if they were alive, they would have responded! But Umar was not able to contain himself, so he said, You have lied, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept for you what shall disgrace you! Abu Sufyan said, Hubal [an idol] is highest! So the Prophet ? said, Answer him. They said, What should we say? He said, Say, Allah is higher and more majestic! Abu Sufyan said, We have Uzza, and there is no Uzza for you! So the Prophet ? said, Answer him. They said, What should we say? He said, Say, Allah is our patron, and there is no patron for you! ",1.0 +8474,twenty minutes ago: hhhhhh go away gigantic twatnno: brrrrr carry please die dont brrrrrrrrr please,1.0 +125598,@SpekOfTheDevil @scrowder What you said was the equivalent of saying all Muslims are fundamental like ISIS.,0.0 +128741, Bagdad The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about (Washington Post) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +132495,"@meetthepress When someone suicidal bombs oneself taking as many lives as possible to which Isis then claims it, therein is an imbalance.",0.0 +108987,"@bmcowl9 Right but Good Humans of Islam has awared with the fact, may speak or not -that IS+ISI+ISIS are not in Islam if they r killing Inno",0.0 +135084," And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth (Al-Maidah 48).",1.0 +111133, #Daesh https://twitter.com/Aldridi_64 https://twitter.com/gafargafar14 https://twitter.com/hhuwa1 #OpISIS,0.0 +141818,RT @alwasatengnews: 3 members of Khalifa Haftar's security team killed in a car collision south of Al-Marj. #Libya https://twitter.com/alwasatengnews/status/701804185264726016/photo/1 ,1.0 +114783,@ShahidRabia I've always dreamed of being kidnapped by ISIS,0.0 +117676,"#ISIS ability to exploit cracks in #SEA 's porous borders should cause concern, argue @PNguyen_DC & @ConorCroninDC: http://cogitasia.com/recalibrating-the-islamic-state-threat-in-southeast-asia/ ",0.0 +132799,"Hi RT kashmala01: Guys, Grab your keyboards and start trending #BangladeshSnubbedIndia as Indian links to ISIS hav pic.twitter.com/z9voUVMpeX",0.0 +117572,Sei nem pq a ISIS t querendo fuder com o Brasil sendo q a gente j faz isso tao bem sozinho.,0.0 +150863,HUGE 3 #Turkish Army Tanks Destroyed by #ISIS ATGM Missle in Northern #Aleppo. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/725686027579461632/photo/1 ,1.0 +8929,psst hey..... look now... children refugees asylum seekers still 'gulags' right ;) @url,1.0 +121636,RT @ANTIBURREGO: #Daesh Lava cerebros de j venes. https://twitter.com/Hispantv/status/752416540876734465,0.0 +149986,"Breaking! Two Istishhadis detonates inside the Husayniya temple ""Imam Ali"" in al-Radwaniya south Baghdad. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +116203," Go for 1,75 for 1,00 $ USA England can not kill millions ISIS people Putin Hollande Bashar will die #FBI @CIA #NATO @UN #CNN #forex",0.0 +124994,Some people would be ok with Hillary being kidnapped by Isis Right #BillClinton? LOL,0.0 +131883,#Daesh is an ingenious device created by Elites to cause global division between Christians and Islam. Don't buy it https://twitter.com/Aungaungsittwe/status/749889187461992448,0.0 +122319,"Au fait pour l'euro, Daesh a loup son coup ou c' tait le fait que le Portugal gagne la surprise ?",0.0 +130906,RT @rcallimachi: 14. @Rita_Katz gives ex of attacks in other Muslim nations. Last month ISIS claimed its 1st in Jordan but emphasized it wa ,0.0 +123040,@theintercept @the_intercept isis kicks ass,0.0 +6284,debate 40m people. gvt answer bring 20m immigrants. beggars belief @url,1.0 +9917,sad cunt @url,1.0 +122412,#isis #daesh pic.twitter.com/YOPtb26OLD,0.0 +129748,Homs: ISIL 's Convoy of Vehicles Hit Hard in Syrian Airstrikes near Ancient Palmyra http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950414000339,0.0 +146063,RT @MaV_7778: # _ # _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObjo3T3jTg https://t.co/53ZkjQ2eEa #Schaerbeek #Bruxelles https://t.co/B ,1.0 +126942,ISIS PHOTOSHOP? Terrifying image of cop being killed goes viral http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/11/terrifying-image-cop-being-killed-goes-viral-after-dallas-attack.html #BreakingNews,0.0 +147923,RT @WitnessGtnmass: WE DONT SPEAK WE SHOW ACTION WE ARE ISLAMIC STATE WE ARE HERE TO STAY ANDEXPAND #KENYANSINIS#StateOfTheBankingSector ht ,1.0 +160111,"I personally think its more about the commercialisation of a religious festival, rather than any 'betrayal of our culture', as such. Atheists like chocolate too.",0.0 +137671,RT @Malcolmite: ISIS executing Assad soldiers & taking many prisoners right now as we speak https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +122748,@JJJFLYER *NEAR SHOOTINGS & SINCE THE SHOOTERS MO IS SIMILAR TO ISLAMIC ISIS THERE MIGHT BE A CONNECTION-*THE SET UPS ARE TOO GOOD FOR GANGS,0.0 +151455,@thewilysage Islamic Jihad is a Military Wing of #Hamas https://t.co/5lULaRVwu6 ,1.0 +144300,RT @HanaAshtar1: People often judge people without knowing the phase they are going trough... https://twitter.com/HanaAshtar1/status/709777124811476992/photo/1 ,1.0 +144353,RT @RamiAlLolah: New footage by #ISIS from #DeirEzzor for massive weapons & ammunition captured from Ayyash SAA depots.. #Syria https://t.c ,1.0 +133948," Urwah Ibn az-Zubayr (rahimahull?h) said, {That which gives you life} means war, by which Allah honored you after humiliation, strengthened you after weakness, and defended you from your enemy after their subjugation of you ",1.0 +9958,ching chong chung stuff @url,1.0 +106903,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just adapting http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_allpolitics/~3/mWhMAyu9ADo/index.html",0.0 +154027,@Abu_Baraa1 Why should you be annoyed at being denied rights that you don't give to others. You are a hypocrite.,1.0 +149727,Rebels and ISIS Right now Watching YPG vs NDF #Qamishlo https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/723182078620229632/photo/1 ,1.0 +144140,@Savageak187 You are the boy who makes funny faces ,1.0 +5723,@user @user get mentions stinky dyke,1.0 +114341,#GuardianUS to send 560 more troops to Iraq to establish staging hub against Isis https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/11/iraq-us-troop-increase-isis-mosul #Iraq,0.0 +134241, Al? Ibn Ab? T?lib (radiyall?hu anh) reported that a Jewess would curse the Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) and disparage him. So a man choked her until she died. The Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) judged her blood had been spilled lawfully,1.0 +118971,Obama Administration Ramps Up Fight Against ISIS. http://nyc.epeak.in/863_2188029 pic.twitter.com/YlZkcVGfKo,0.0 +126673,"RT @OlderWiseOne: Virginia: Muslim Arrested for ISIS Support, Wanted to Kill US Soldiers https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/virginia-muslim-arrested-for-isis-support-wanted-to-kill-us-soldiers/ via @creepingsharia",0.0 +141367,"5 y ago they lived in the desert off of lizards, plotting their revenge. Standing. ""Allah will never break His covenant."" Expanding. ",1.0 +109973,RT @Agencia007: El 'Hulk espa ol ' quiere unirse a las tropas espa olas para luchar contra el Daesh. http://atres.red/gajajsy https://t.co/wl ,0.0 +153621,#Sinai IED explosion targeted Egyptian army foot patrol between al-Mahdiya and Abu Zamat checkpoints south of Rafahh ,1.0 +109806,Ma poi hai capito la differenza tra isis e hamas? @ale_dibattista,0.0 +110709,"India mustn't fall into the trap of changing the narrative on #terrorism without adequate proof, says @Vikram_Sood: http://www.orfonline.org/research/no-hard-evidence-that-isis-is-operating-in-india-but-we-should-not-be-complacent/ ",0.0 +7415,@user ching chong ching chong rng lost g2 lets flame ching chong ching chong ,1.0 +129405,All this ISIS shit got me trippen & I work tomorrow ,0.0 +140850,Kuffar are pathetic wasting all their time reporting our Twitter when we got Kids handing out accounts like candy #ISIS #DieInYourRage ,1.0 +123724,"Being conflicted on police brutality after seeing the footage, meanwhile Isis beheadings enrage. #whiteprivilegemeans",0.0 +138670,@angry_hassan lol big players don't like to be kicked out ,1.0 +9788,@user stop lying b.s.:nn1. july 2016 leftist micah xavier johnson fired group police officers @url,1.0 +123424,"RT @judykaied: #AllLivesDidntMatter when France sent jets to "" bomb Isis "" but ended up heartlessly slaughtering Syrian civilians https://t.c ",0.0 +110128,RT @switch_d: Twitter traffic from ISIS accounts plunges cc: @intelwire http://english.alarabiya.net/en/media/digital/2016/07/09/-Islamic-State-s-Twitter-traffic-plunges.html,0.0 +113181,"RT @misticati4: Wasn't it Obama/Holders DOJ that claims tea party, or other right leaning groups are like ISIS, terrorists? https://t.co/C ",0.0 +117433,IslamicState Khayr Wilayah Syria | There is goodness in the forelocks of horses till the Day of Resurrection http://twitter.com/mv_dawlah97/status/752560868274024449/photo/1,0.0 +139782,"O madhkhalis would you still praise your caliph Salman, Would you still label those who make takfeer on him as Khawarij. ",1.0 +133045,RT @gulmeenam: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia ISIS in South Asia gets all arms and weapons by Indian state. This is an open truth https://t.co/wKB ,0.0 +9417,@user @user retard ? ....urban naxal ...how arrived conclusion k @url,1.0 +136436,"It is reported in al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah that Hisham Ibn Urwah narrated, saying, The first thing that Abdullah Ibn az-Zubayr said when he was little was the sword, the sword, and he wouldn t stop saying that. When az-Zubayr would hear that he would say, By Allah, you will have one victory, and another, and several more. ",1.0 +140263,@DidyouknowVS @RamiAlLolah Doubt IS will be able to keep them in working condition. They are a nightmare for experienced US Army mechanics. ,1.0 +154210,"@obsurfer84 Now you are babbling like every Muslim conspiracy idiot. ""CIA created ISIS"".Utterly stupid and without evidence. You are blocked",1.0 +148772,RT @MaghrebiWT: @ShamiBritaani Have you read the Department of Defense documents about the Vetted Syrian Opposition training budget? ,1.0 +109085,"Sinai, attacco Isis a militari; morto un generale di brigata http://egypttoday.it/2016/07/11/sinai-attacco-isis-militari-morto-un-generale-brigata/ pic.twitter.com/ZqwpTBGetO",0.0 +123104,@moonshiner99 ,0.0 +125428,Qui lindi qui ixistin isis pirsinis qui ti livintin il himir. https://twitter.com/Agustinaa__/status/752647886857351169,0.0 +107008,ISIS is recruiting Muslim boys like corporates making campus recruitments.,0.0 +115535,"@Josaphaat ah moi je baise les portugais, daesh aller l -bas fronti re ouverte",0.0 +107994,ISIS fighter tries to hide from enemy helicopter with bizarre camouflage attempt http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/isis-fighter-tries-hide-enemy-8396742 ,0.0 +7212,okay white tho @url,1.0 +103918,"And Now It Is Confirmed, The Islamic State Is A U.S. Creation http://fb.me/1fXXQhh4y",0.0 +146656,RT @scholarsofhaqm: 80% (4 out of 5) of the Sahabah were killed in the path of All h to pass this deen onto you. Take it with determinatio ,1.0 +138199,Funny how #USA allows #Houthis to shoot down #Saudi aircarfts in #Yemen using SAMs but denies Saudi to supply #Syria|ns rebels with MANPADS! ,1.0 +134625,"It is the story of the two wives of al-Mukht?r Ibn Ab? Ubayd ath-Thaqaf?, one of the liars who disbelieved and claimed prophethood, after which Allah gave hold of his filthy head to Mus ab Ibn az-Zubayr ?. His two wives remained thereafter. Im?m Ibn Kath?r ? states concerning them, Mus ab asked Umm Th?bit Bint Samurah Ibn Jundub the wife of al-Mukht?r about him, and she said, What can I say about him other than what you say about him. So he left her and summoned his other wife, Amrah Bint an-Nu m?n Ibn Bash?r, and said to her, What do you say about him? So she said, May Allah have mercy upon him. He was one of the righteous slaves of Allah. So he imprisoned her and wrote to his brother saying, She says that he is a prophet. So he wrote back to him saying, Take her out and kill her. So he took her to the city outskirts and she was struck several times until she died ",1.0 +131896,RT @RPPNoticias: Irak: muertes por atentado de #ISIS en #Bagdad ascienden a 125. http://rpp.pe/p/976158 pic.twitter.com/6eZx2oxxtr,0.0 +135554,"Anas ? narrated that a group of people from Ukl and Uraynah came to the Prophet ? openly manifesting Islam, and said, O Prophet of Allah, indeed we are a people of livestock and not a people of agriculture. They could not bear the nature of Madinah and had gotten ill. So the Prophet ? ordered that they be lent a number of camels and a shepherd, and ordered the group from Ukl and Uraynah to head out with the shepherd and drink the milk and urine of the camels. They set out, and when they reached the area of the lava field, they disbelieved after having embraced Islam, killed the Prophet s shepherd, and herded away the camels. This then reached the Prophet ?, so he dispatched a party in their pursuit and gave them orders [on how to punish them]. So they melted their eyes with heated nails, cut off their hands, and left them in the area of the lava field until they died in that state",1.0 +116424,"Syria: Daesh downs helicopter, 2 Russian pilots killed http://ow.ly/OGZe30275OS #ISIS pic.twitter.com/PGKKn7dDRG",0.0 +107630,"We Might Be Winning the War Against #ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://goo.gl/fb/3ojcgK #socialmedia #twitter",0.0 +113399,"January 2015, pro #ISIS #hackers breached the #Twitter and #YouTube accounts of U.S. Central Command http://ow.ly/4iHo3026FTA",0.0 +132591,"Guys, Grab your keyboards and start trending #BangladeshSnubbedIndia as Indian links to ISIS have been busted pic.twitter.com/7La80suFM4",0.0 +135593," Indeed, they were about to drive you from the land to evict you therefrom. And then [when they do], they will not remain [there] after you, except for a little (Al-Isra 76)",1.0 +126479,"Families escape ISIS grip, seek refuge in areas under Kurdish forces #mosul https://dragplus.com/post/id/36776116",0.0 +133446,"RT @MisterioDescono: Obama, Hillary Clinton y John McCain ser an socios en la creaci n de ISIS http://www.infouno.cl/declaraciones-dicen-john-mccain-obama-y-hillary-clinton-serian-socios-en-la-creacion-de-isis/ https://t.co/BOs4JvQ ",0.0 +132864,RT @lynbrownmp: The worst Isis attack in weeks is the one the world probably cares least about http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html,0.0 +109091,@FaatouN Ptddddr mais m me wesh y a pas eu de bombe de Daesh,0.0 +127553,He just mad ISIS getting all the attention https://twitter.com/hot97/status/752676633950113792,0.0 +119012,WHAT DID THAT POS SMOKE UP ALL HER TOILET PAPER MONEY WITH BARRY'0'ISIS IN FRT OF HILLARY WHO SOLD THEM THE CRACK https://twitter.com/gamma_ray239/status/752576620234432513,0.0 +5206,@user see faggot floor,1.0 +130527,"@abdullahawez isis can't attack to iran, because sepah (iranian army )are strong. thanks to God for security",0.0 +147774,@JooniIsrar It was obvious since last year that there was a moderate faction in Nusra who wanted to leave AQ to gain favor with the West ,1.0 +137160,I am not able to understand language but i can feel the PAIN of my people. May Allah bless to all ,1.0 +114660,South Africa charges 3 men and one woman suspected of plotting to aid ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html ,0.0 +120962, : ISIS . http://twib.in/l/Kz85kzGxK8Lz pic.twitter.com/NHmP3Sqk1m,0.0 +122380,RT @Raqqa_SL: # _ _ #Raqqa #Syria #ISIS .,0.0 +147929,"Islamic State fighters clash with a Syrian opposition convoy in the Sadd Rishah area of the Hammad desert, east... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +138460,#US drone downed by #IslamicState units loaded in trk probably tknig somewhere for inspection. #Fallujah #Iraq #ISIS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +104035,El secretario de Defensa de EE UU visita Bagdad por sorpresa para abordar la lucha contra los terroristas del ISIS http://ow.ly/jE4e3027abk,0.0 +136115,"The Muslimah should reflect over the saying of Umar ?, By Allah, I force myself to have intercourse, hoping that Allah will bring forth from my loins someone who will praise Allah ",1.0 +151266,"RT @deSyracuse: South #Hasakah / North Deir Ezzor situation map (April 28, 2016) / HD : http://www.agathocledesyracuse.com/archives/756 #IS #SDF #SyMap https://t.c ",1.0 +7480,@user person would retard.,1.0 +121933,"@LochTheScot used forts to protect from British, Syrians could do same and protect from ISIS ???? pic.twitter.com/CEIhQ9lC5P",0.0 +7822,well guess nigger cops already way @url,0.0 +126959,*First day teaching at speech camp Me: what should our team name be? 5th grader: ISIS! *dabs*,0.0 +142725,Reports of huge explosion rocked center of #Egypt|ian capital; #Cairo.. ,1.0 +147213,RT @SCREW_U_TWEETA: @Sweet_ilm @IbnKashmir_ https://twitter.com/SCREW_U_TWEETA/status/717229933706129408/photo/1 ,1.0 +109312,"#ISIS spreads poison online, you can help remove it by reporting http://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=747924755563560960 http://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=501009261 http://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=752257759505158144",0.0 +149036,Ambulance Driver Abu Al Deb killed Today by YPG on Castello Road while he was Rushing to help other People in Aleppo https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/720688425641357312/photo/1 ,1.0 +120219,IS conflict: US to send 560 more troops to Iraq. How about a plan first? #ISIS #Obama #Mosul #Iraq http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36766417,0.0 +127443,RT @YineKafamGuzel: bana bir sigara kadar yak nken duman gibi uzakla man ci erlerimde kansere yol a an hasarlar b rakmana sebep oldu .,0.0 +122070,Egipto Isis 8 d as desde 720 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928890&idagencia=46388-873b2865ecd26d6c74b754559b6ae9d0&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +125858,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzr2LeSSh3s Putin explains who created ISIS. .@DanScavino .@BarbMuenchen,0.0 +116315,ISIS. COLPA NOSTRA. @fulvioscaglione ore 20.25 a Zapping con @Ruggero_Po. Vostri sms al 335 699 29 49 pic.twitter.com/36HeRZX70T,0.0 +146408,"RT @_Faysal: 100,000 dead in Kashmir 500,000 dead in Syria A Million killed in Iraq 1000 Palestinian children killed. Muslim deaths are ju ",1.0 +117368,"Analysts: ISIS losing ground, shifting priorities - http://informationexclusives.com/analysts-isis-losing-ground-shifting-priorities/ ",0.0 +127632,"If Hillary Clinton gets elected, America is going to be ISIS 's bitch.",0.0 +143102,Catapult used by Taliban to throw grenades in Baghlan seized by Afghan National Army soldiers. Loll wise trick. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +9632,@user @user least 1 million refugees allowed germany alone. (i know way @url,1.0 +132678,"RT @SayedModarresi: While ISIS commits terror worldwide, these are "" theatrics "" designed to attract attention. Its real target are Shias as ",0.0 +118612,RT @SoutheastAsiaDC: #Malaysia 's home ministry warns of stern consequences for distribution of #ISIS publication: http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/07/11/home-ministry-warns-action-against-distribution-of-is-newspaper/ ,0.0 +136935, | # | ,1.0 +118472,"RT @Moskvaa: Islamic jihad for 1400 years can be blamed on economic policies of NDA govt. Never mind rich, educated joining ISIS https://t. ",0.0 +8083,hmmm...doesn't fit trump's profiling description mexican muslim black foreign shithole cou @url,1.0 +9896,@user @user @user @user noncing jake u twat,0.0 +140823,# : Targetting #Assad army in Safeera area with self made missiles. #Syria #isis https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +159135,"Islam produces criminals, even if it is true that criminals are not all of a certain religion. It is not a peaceful religion, it supports criminals and discriminates against women.",1.0 +150367,"BREAKING NEWS A Huge Number of the #Iraqi Army and Militants withdrawn from Karma area after Suffered heavy loses by #IS, North #Fallujah ",1.0 +144161,"RT @RamiAlLolah: #Aamaq: One #Lebanon army soldier killed, 16 others injured in a failed attack on #ISIS positions in Ras #Baalbek.. ",1.0 +145537,#Al_battar Media Video Comming Soon : The Exile of Islam And the Brussels Attack https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118694,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3731717962 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2274970545 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=1336476896 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +134186," He who does not respect our elders, have mercy towards our young, and recognize the rights of our scholars, is not one of us. ",1.0 +151031,A woman screams in terror after her home was destroyed in Assad airstrikes. Jaysh Al-Islam helped Assad in Dumayr: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +7104,martha mcsally win election i'm gonna assume y'all retarded i'm moving states.,1.0 +110967,RT @BlacklistedNews: UK foreign secretary: US decision on Iraqi army led to rise of Isis http://www.blacklistednews.com/UK_foreign_secretary:_US_decision_on_Iraqi_army_led_to_rise_of_Isis/52530/0/38/38/Y/M.html ,0.0 +106620,@bloodyjulia666 Esta no tiene familia ni antepasados. Deber a estar de exclav sexual con el ISIS. Le encantaria pic.twitter.com/omGY5CUJPj,0.0 +5658,@user ok cant fucking understand ur saying dont speak ching chong,0.0 +141045,#BreakingNews Massive explosions rocked #Turkey's capital #Ankara believed to be targeted an army barrack.. https://t.co/nfDkCaonA3 ,1.0 +8088,who's paying new phone. lucky faggot that's message @url,1.0 +142174,"Die in your rage, kuffar!! https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +7752,@user @user quote okay white. got mad bc 1) co @url,1.0 +145954,@_Qariban lol ,1.0 +147972,#BREAKING At least two people dead now at Lackland #IslamicState #IS ,1.0 +151079,"RT @WarNews24_7: #AmagAgency #Breaking Head of Aden city traffic police, Colonel Marwan Abu Shawqi, killed by Islamic State fighters. ",1.0 +105998,"RT @BaFana3: Very strange, yeah. But as a policy to counter Al Qaeda & ISIS, this draconian measure works. Arrest Islah, & AQ is done for. ",0.0 +113357,Yeh Wahabism #ISIS Baat Ek Zakir Nalayak Ki Nahi Woh Log Jo Us Ghalat Mentality ke Hain un Sab Ke Sath Sakht. http://fb.me/2FhAhCW8j,0.0 +129390,"@CNN what Isis is saying n claiming is not Islam, so it 's not radical Islam,",0.0 +131557,Daesh strikes back. ? https://twitter.com/LowyInstitute/status/749916949149196288,0.0 +118776,Egyptian general killed by ISIS IED in N. Sinai http://www.debka.com/newsupdatepopup/17055/Egyptian-general-killed-by-ISIS-IED-in-N-Sinai ,0.0 +138384,"Islamic state group released 6 Christians today, they arrive safely in #qamishli: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +120875,17 suspicious facts about Daesh - Islam21c http://www.islam21c.com/politics/17-suspicious-facts-about-daesh/,0.0 +133837," Therefore, rush O Muslims to your state. Yes, it is your state. Rush, because Syria is not for the Syrians, and Iraq is not for the Iraqis. The earth is Allah s. {Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous} [Al-A raf: 128]. The State is a state for all Muslims. The land is for the Muslims, all the Muslims. O Muslims everywhere, whoever is capable of performing hijrah (emigration) to the Islamic State, then let him do so, because hijrah to the land of Islam is obligatory. ",1.0 +121754,RT @ConflictReport2: Israel confirm they have authorisation from Egyptian President Sissi to do airstrikes on ISIS in Sinai Province: https ,0.0 +131789,RT @CNNEE: Dolor y condena internacional por la matanza de ISIS en #Bagdad http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2016/07/03/condena-internacional-por-la-matanza-de-isis-en-bagdad/ pic.twitter.com/gRUIT1HBy7,0.0 +114018,RT @AWelyam: #Palmyra A map shows zones of ISIS and the regime and the district where ISIS sneaked yesterday. pic.twitter.com/xS4EHoIKc9,0.0 +133888," Ilb? al-Yashkur? a student of the t?bi ? and mufassir Ikrimah reported that when Allah s Messenger called the jews to mub?halah, one of the youth of the jews said, Be wary. Do you not remember your brothers in the past who were transformed into apes and swine? Do not supplicate for curses upon each other. So they ceased to perform the mub?halah",1.0 +142084,"@ibneaadam_ if they do I'll bash them too, ",1.0 +117154,ISIS Terror Group Gives Out Special Gifts To Children In Syria. Photos http://olofofounited.com/isis-terror-group-gives-out-special-gifts-to-children-in-syria-photos/ Via @olofofounited,0.0 +145745,RT @RamiAlLolah: BIG! #BreakingNews Interfax: #Russia|n army Special Forces soldier killed in battles with #ISIS near #Palmyra #Syria ,1.0 +154658,"@eS3udi @Just_Nafisa @FatimaFatwa @JRehling If you are a Muslim, and if you have actually read the Quran, then you have to be a total liar.",1.0 +115866,# _ The Islamic State link: Kerala CM Vijayan says 21 persons missing from state http://goo.gl/fb/U3SG40,0.0 +117745,@itsmkyadav aap jao ISIS ki jhande lehrate.,0.0 +121237,We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/11/12149510/pokemon-go-fighting-isis-kurdistan pic.twitter.com/1LckHB6Kcj,0.0 +160170,"Isis bride wants to return to our country, we must not let her in! They aren't british! Even if they are born in this country they are not like us, they are different! Not british!",1.0 +141772,First #photos from #Khanasir. #ISIS fighter checking an #Assad's army soldier's neck. #Aleppo #Syria https://t.co/7lrdvSDORC ,1.0 +155392,@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Where the Muslims followed the example of Mohammed and continued to murder them.,1.0 +152933,RT @WarReporter1: Mo'ataa Agency: Jaysh al-Islam and FSA join forces with Assad to protect Assad-controlled Dumayr Airbase from ISIS: https ,1.0 +136259," Certainly has Allah heard the speech of the one who argues with you concerning her husband and directs her complaint to Allah. And Allah hears your dialogue; indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing (Al-Mujadilah 1).",1.0 +126218,From The Telegraph: South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State ' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/south-africa-twins-plotted-to-blow-up-us-embassy-for-islamic-sta/ #immigration #uk,0.0 +120848,@SuperckookLarry @Wonkette you have alot of that. Jus had a white guy shooting at passing cars & pointing gun at isis cop. HE LIVED! !,0.0 +142259,@Hjrah_Jhad_13 jazakallah khair akhi ,1.0 +154687,@levantin47415 ROFL. In your dreams Daeshbag.,1.0 +147460,"RT @TheHourIsNear4: I find it funny how ""#Rebels"" now protect #Assad after #Russia supposedly forced them to by bombing the hell out of the ",1.0 +140968,RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Ten arrested in #Belgium linked to #ISIS recruitment http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2016/02/16/Ten-arrested-in-Belgium-linked-to-ISIS-recruitment.html ,1.0 +145576,RT @markito0171: #Syira Huge battle in #Palmyra- but stil at W & SW outskirts Several thousand fighters from #Assad-forces & #IS involved # ,1.0 +110408,"RT @raktewari: Why? The ISIS is recruiting left, right and Center. Get the job. Emoluments r good with 72 virgins in Jannah. https://t.co/H ",0.0 +105390,"@PMOIndia sir pls. initiate tough action.As per media reports, Many youth from KERALA, including pregnant lady, joined with Isis.",0.0 +151066,"BREAKING NEWS The Number of the Victims of al-Quds Hospital Massacre rises up to 61, #Aleppo. ",1.0 +153480,"RT @AbedaDocrat: Verily,ALLAH & His angels confer blessings on the Prophet: O u who believe!Confer blessings(Surah Al Azaab 33:56)A ",1.0 +124662,@DavidAHoward @LBC they have camps here already. They have been here. They are all over the USA. Google map of USA ISIS training camps.,0.0 +155520,@KeeganNYC @syedmuhammad555 Why do nearly half of all Muslims want to kill people for who they have sex with? http://t.co/wzMsFRJ70N,1.0 +114706,@laraAhmad1995 @Mosul__ ,0.0 +104190,"RT @hxhassan: The tweets suggest Khazal wants alliance with ISIS & that he'll soon appear on IS 's al-Furqan, clearly IS propaganda echoing ",0.0 +141457,@AnaAleKhara @The_NewArab Both are bad ,1.0 +138767,RT @mkmjnnj: #AmaqNewsAgency Two martyrdom operations hit Syrian regime forces yesterday after midnight in the Huwayqah and Rushdiyyah neig ,1.0 +151803,"RT @PrinceOfFreakz: It's really 2016... Washington wants to include al-Qaeda in #Aleppo truce, #Moscow disapproves. http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Russia-US-Wanted-to-Include-Al-Qaidas-Nusra-in-Aleppo-Truce-20160504-0030.html ",1.0 +147201,"RT @AbuMusafir33: Living under the laws of kufr should give any and every sincere believer, who fears Allah, every reason to feel humiliate ",1.0 +129244,RT @Navid705: 175 killed in #Baghdad by ISIS. Please don't dare label ISIS as Muslim when ISIS ONLY exists to kill as many Muslims as hum ,0.0 +137979,Latest: #Qamisle : tens f #Syrianarmy troops killed in #ISIS latest offensive against assad positions. ,1.0 +144860,"33b. (...) but they are disobedient because they did not do the today s duty, which is unite under one banner. ",1.0 +147378,"IS take control of the #Baridah area, east of al-Qaryatayn city in the #Homs countryside. ",1.0 +5821,@user @user bother mostly spic,1.0 +105885,"Ts ceux qui disaient beleck Daesh tt sa mdr ,vous avez pas compris que eux ils font leurs bails en soum soum y avait trop de pub pour hier ",0.0 +159919,"Is it civilised to think that millions of people from different countries, cultures, and traditions and branches of Islam? Would you think that about any other religion?",0.0 +129362,Ex-Soviet exiles give Islamic State violence a Russian accent http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-blast-ussr-idUSKCN0ZK0AW via REUTERS,0.0 +149925,Longest Range of Ballistic Missile in the World Successfully Tested By China http://en.alalam.ir/news/1810849 https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +151277,Intense military aerial activity over Green Zone in Baghdad. #Iraq|i army deploys huge reinforcements on the road leading to the airport.. ,1.0 +120533,After U.K now Dutch. . . . http://fb.me/6dqOh15Dt,0.0 +104925,UK: ISIS jihad massacre plotter has sentence reduced despite determination to attack https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/07/isis-jihad-massacre-plotter-has-sentence-reduced-despite-determination-to-attack,0.0 +117587,#Hackers vs. #ISIS: c mo es la guerra tecnol gica contra el terrorismo #security http://www.infobae.com/america/eeuu/2016/07/10/hackers-contra-isis-como-es-la-guerra-tecnologica-contra-el-terrorismo/,0.0 +138279,@Al_Battar_Engl 2/2 https://justpaste.it/qys4 #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +151576,lol https://twitter.com/IQsunni/status/727378167816663040 ,1.0 +112651,#NowPlaying EMPIRE ISIS FT. ONE CHOT - Money Money feat. One Chot :: Tune In: http://www.dachampionsound.com,0.0 +122085,indeed #ISIL #DASH #getwiththeprogram http://fb.me/9sMCNCWEL,0.0 +9900,@user looks like faggot,1.0 +143083,@Aadawii21 @_IshfaqAhmad there is no such thing as an innocent kafir unless they have a treaty or pays jiziya. ,1.0 +105272,RT @BoudicMina: Daesh va pas tarder a revendiquer la victoire du Portugal,0.0 +159227,"It is time for us to take Islam for what it is. A murderous cult that should be exterminated, and that is the end of it.",1.0 +146885,"US coalitoon air strike on flour factory in eastern #Mosul, #IslamicState #Iraq #PrayForISIS https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +123717,Fall of ISIS 4 https://www.etsy.com/listing/263674992/fall-of-isis-4?utm_source=etsyfu&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=api #painting #Geometric pic.twitter.com/tIqRG2Nbvs,0.0 +138620,"When this India tour of Australia started, I knew Kohli was close to quickest 7,000 runs & I was calculating how to deny him the record. ",1.0 +130036,Religion=Rassismus ISIS=ISS alte M nner f r Geld waschen Radioaktive Spritzen Mondverschw rung Diese #moinmoin 's machen mich fertig.,0.0 +7332,@user @user consider lucky. fucking retarded,1.0 +122673,Daesh moi https://twitter.com/mryonce/status/750001740867600384,0.0 +113716,RT @ChrisMillsCCN: Hey Twitter @support. Does ISIS get a branded hashtag too like #blacklivesmatter? You should donate a blue ribbon to #Bl ,0.0 +118373,What will it take to stop ISIS using rape as a weapon of war? Guardian | Yifat Susskind https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/feb/17/disarm-isis-rape-weapon-war ,0.0 +119526,Le Informamos: Uncategorized - EE UU tendr un puesto avanzado de asesores militares a las puertas de Mosul,0.0 +138611,Never! ,1.0 +132536,At least 149 people killed in ISIS-claimed bombings in Baghdad http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/at-least-149-people-killed-in-isis-claimed-bombings-in-baghdad-1.2971673 ,0.0 +115694,"@aldahirfranco no, nunca me llega nada, lo s porque amigos de isil me dijeron, no sab a que ense aba en la UPC",0.0 +134381,"Al-Hasan al-Basr? (rahimahull?h d. 110AH) was told about people who claim that hypocrisy does not exist and who do not fear hypocrisy. He said, By Allah, to know that I was free of hypocrisy would be more beloved to me than to possess as much gold as would fill the Earth [As-Sunnah al-Khall?l]. He also said, There has never been nor will there ever be a believer, except that he fears hypocrisy. And there has never been nor will there ever be a hypocrite, except that he feels safe from hypocrisy. Whoever does not fear hypocrisy for himself is a hypocrite ",1.0 +148195,RT @F4Sham: FSA mercenaries defending Assad from ISIS. No other way to describe this https://twitter.com/arabthomness/status/718805238132641792 ,1.0 +6574,@user boy bout retarded,1.0 +8701,united states become shithole country thank trump deplorables.,1.0 +139470,Message to Coconuts: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +122813,#Peshmerga claims to have captured 7 #ISIS Fighters disguised as #Refugees.. #Iraq,0.0 +120624,Turkey arrests seven more suspects over ISIS airport attack in Istanbul http://europe.newsweek.com/turkey-arrests-seven-more-suspects-over-isis-claimed-airport-attack-istanbul-479313 pic.twitter.com/occLTJRq7x,0.0 +141217,RT @O_Elhady: https://twitter.com/ElHady/status/700422836129820673 ,1.0 +142299,"@WarReporter1 Now I'm waiting some explaination from conspiracy theory fanboy which are always saying ""ISIS= Assad"" ",1.0 +5836,...why trash australia make another shithole country.... @url,1.0 +140596,#Caliphate_News #WilayatBarqah #Photos From the Land of the #Caliphate : One of the Greenhouses in At-Tabaqah City https://justpaste.it/rb8o ,1.0 +151896,RT @OumDujana: Maghreb.. Remember the prisoners of war and the shuhada in your adiyah ,1.0 +116065,RT @FBICincinnati: Ohio man pleads guilty in plot to attack US government officers. Directed to launch attacks by ISIL recruiter: https://t ,0.0 +143101,"We have a Quranic class every Thirsday after Maghrib & when I saw the teacher, had to check the calender to see if it's Thirsday. ",1.0 +151262,Members of Shi'ite militias vandalise one of the oldest Mosques in the world with anti-Muawiya grafitti: https://twitter.com/KarmaKaram/status/726176307218776064 ,1.0 +114206,Iraqi troops seize airfield near Mosul; Dispatches from Farnsborough; Welcome to the era of lethal . http://www.defenseone.com/news/2016/07/the-d-brief-july-11-2016/129772/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjBlMDk0MDU4MGE1ZWEzNWE6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNE7KSTwTAeTSZUwFhrq0kFeoDf76Q&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter ,0.0 +108422,Gezellig. In de Schilderswijk wapperen ze toch al met ISIS- vlaggen. #Verheerlijking. https://twitter.com/RTLnieuws/status/752442397804683264,0.0 +138556,Loooooooool thats why I would never trust Wahab Reyaz. ,1.0 +129575,RT @MARVINBURKY: The truth about #Obama & the reason he says isil instead of Isis & #HillaryClinton support him n every way mustwatch https ,0.0 +153552,@Soda_Chugger from google ,1.0 +104043,"RT @gingercat__: Junud dawlah menolong seorang perempuan, agar tdk bersentuhan beginilah triknya. ISIS memperkosa perempuan??? https://t.co ",0.0 +143556,"#Caucasus Emirate releases execution video of alleged #Russian spy, threatens #Putin https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +124047,@loreillysf Isn't that the Isis flag on top?,0.0 +150914,RT @hxhassan: Free Syrian Army fighters killed by the Syrian Democratic Forces. Both are backed by the US https://t.co/sMwuFqgaxY via @gare ,1.0 +148276,"RT @7layers_: Let's say, rebels defeat Assad & #ISIS, what do we gain? Another corrupt US-controlled Arab country. Like if we don't have en ",1.0 +142679,"@WarReporter1 Not everything is available however, such as the optical systems and laser guidance systems. And perhaps the transcievers ",1.0 +105720,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul #iraq http://wordlink.com/l/3IPDi pic.twitter.com/Es1iKRwo3M,0.0 +110309,#Isis: 'We're going to have to be involved in this conflict for a very long time ' -Black Flags author @JobyWarrick http://www.rferl.org/content/qa-islamic-state-metastisized-pulitzer-winner-warrick/27850260.html,0.0 +152069,@1OeufQuiParle reel bloquer ,1.0 +152685,RT @Adamhasak46: YPG PKK terrorists kidnapped a leader of the Kurdish ENKS party in Qamishli and subjected him to severe torture. https://t ,1.0 +124122,RT @SkinnerPm: Tomorrow @TheSoufanGroup looks at the quickening vice being squeezed around #ISIS in Mosul and a near-term military tipping ,0.0 +150075,@Nidalgazaui ISIS when it gets there in'shaa Allah ,1.0 +152323,RT @FdeYtgfr: - https:// ,1.0 +134288,"{And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do} [Al-Anf?l: 39].",1.0 +129778,RT @MetroNewsItalia: L'analisi di Alberto Negri: Colpito il Bangladesh per fermare lo sviluppo #Isis #Dacca http://www.metronews.it/16/07/03/colpito-il-bangladesh-fermare-lo-sviluppo.html,0.0 +140695,RT @BatInfo147: #Barqah activit agricole dans la ville de #Benghazi https://justpaste.it/rTem https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +122125, Part-timer John (via somebody) #ISIS #IS #ISIL #daesh pic.twitter.com/FRBvjYt6JH,0.0 +134255,"{Indeed, We have revealed to you the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you. And do not be for the treacherous an advocate. And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful. And do not argue on behalf of those who betray themselves. Indeed, Allah loves not one who is a habitually sinful traitor. They conceal [their evil intentions and deeds] from the people, but they cannot conceal them from Allah, and He is with them when they spend the night in speech He does not approve. And ever is Allah, of what they do, encompassing} [An-Nis? : 105-108].",1.0 +135279," Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34)",1.0 +140805,"Massive large scale attack on #kuwires base continues.#ISIS using VBIED Grads Tanks Artillery , Jst Fire everywhere https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +124982,@Breaking911 @scrillakev he thinks he 's ISIS,0.0 +117674,"'ISIS-inspired ' plan to blow up Jewish, American institutions in South Africa revealed http://htz.li/5ZW pic.twitter.com/yYMliW30MD",0.0 +115479,"Pobre de t Irak,EEUU env a 560 militares p la lucha contra DAESh. . hasta cuando Irak?",0.0 +124159,This is solidarity. Wow. http://fb.me/5Ie3tKNEI,0.0 +150519,RT @Terror_Monitor: #NIGERIA #IslamicState Wing (Former #BokoHaram) Claims To Have Killed 10 Soldiers In #Borno. #TerrorMonitor https://t.c ,1.0 +145898,"RT @_Qareeban: America won't be safe until there's safety in Palestine, and until all Kuffar armies get out of our lands. https://t.co/gMrN ",1.0 +145152,"RT @IslamicTongue: Only to Allah I complain my sorrows and troubles, He can recompense me for every pain, or every loss with which is bette ",1.0 +127023,RT @Putinizer: BREAKING : Putin Begs Media To Wake Up - July 2016 #ISIS #ISIS http://putin.trendolizer.com/2016/07/breaking-putin-begs-media-to-wake-up---july-2016.html pic.twitter.com/mlEX0wYP3O,0.0 +134290,"{Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession [to authority] upon the Earth just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them [therein] their religion which He has preferred for them and that He will surely substitute for them, after their fear, security, [for] they worship Me, not associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that then those are the defiantly disobedient} [An-N?r: 55].",1.0 +124967,@campaigncamp sometimes the stories are in our faces. http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/what-do-syrians-want-islamic-state-war-resistance-assad-regime,0.0 +129716,RT @BlissTabitha: Gun-toting Jihadi bride-maker who grooms British girls for ISIS fighters in Syria is student from London whose. https ,0.0 +141492,"RT @ManKhalfahum: 3.) ..will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of y ",1.0 +152372,Dawlah expanding in #Libya #AmaqAgency Islamic State Fighters Take Control of Abu Qarin Area West of #Sirte https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +110443,@nrc @roelants_c ISIS niet hoofdoorzaak maar symptoom. #Iran rg hoofdoorzaak. #Khomeini wilde in 1979 al verspreiding v Islam hoe dan ook.,0.0 +126340,RT @PrivilegeCheck2: Why would you compare BLM to ISIS? ISIS is effective. ISIS is straightforward. ISIS has an endgame. BLM is a union for ,0.0 +129941,RT @ReutersUS: Ex-Soviet exiles give Islamic State violence a Russian accent http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-blast-ussr-idUSKCN0ZK0AW pic.twitter.com/c5I565ZlYc,0.0 +129831,"1,400 years ago the #ProphetMuhammad warned us of #ISIS -- "" immature in thought and foolish "" -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kashif-n-chaudhry/did-prophet-muhammad-warn_b_7702064.html via @HuffPostRelig",0.0 +109564,ISIS could target Europe after losing a quarter of its territory http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684400/ISIS-target-Europe-losing-quarter-territory-size-Ireland-coalition-forces-security-experts-say.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +125764,MENOLAK KEBERADAAN ISIS! ! ! !,0.0 +119823,Terror export fears as ISIS 'caliphate ' shrinks - CNN http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/ #ISIS,0.0 +110464,"#US: McCain, Obama and Clinton partners in creating and arming #ISIS and #Ukraine NAZIS. @EU_Commission @RT_com http://twitter.com/solobenessere/status/752483686709391360/photo/1",0.0 +118697,Pro-ISIS hackers post kill list featuring thousands of Americans http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/pro-isis-hackers-post-kill-list-featuring-thousands-americans-article-1.2666014 ,0.0 +145165,#BreakingNews:2 explosions have been heard at#Brussels airport with smoke rising from one of the terminal buildings https://twitter.com/freeradionews/status/712177479906103296/photo/1 ,1.0 +160062,Benefits and access to our national health service must be stopped for Muslims. We should ban them from the UK!,1.0 +144955,"@studiescenter and there system, just a pass time ",1.0 +137913,#WilayatTarabulus Establishment of Hudud in the city of #Sirte. https://justpaste.it/qqee https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +124879, ISIS T-90 ,0.0 +8226,@user troll? fucking retard? best got? besides trying fool think li @url,1.0 +143348,Days after designating #Hezbollah as terror group; #USA & #Iran want to re-polish the filthy image of the axis of resistance again #Syria ,1.0 +111998,Tou com tanta saudade de Isis ,0.0 +112117,"RT @LLuxembourg: 'Mijn dochter zit vast in #Raqqa',noodkreet v/e Syrische moeder. Ik sprak met haar: http://www.nporadio1.nl/sportzomer-2016/onderwerpen/365372-wafa-vecht-voor-haar-dochter-in-raqqa #Syri #Nederl ",0.0 +134457,"{The Jews say, The Christians have nothing true to stand on, and the Christians say, The Jews have nothing to stand on, although they both recite the Scripture. Thus, those who do not know [i.e. the mushrik?n] speak the same as their words } [Al-Baqarah: 113].",1.0 +114831,"Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives http://fb.me/5tUuqhkii",0.0 +115563,"Saudi Arabia, Blamed for Spawning Jihadists. Saudi is ruled by the same crazy beliefs as ISIS, they will never change their ways.",0.0 +136945,AmaqAgency The #syrian regime aircraft carried out two raids Alabab city in the countryside east of #Aleppo leaving one dead and 6 wounded. ,1.0 +125351,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743176329227550720 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=743183398508728320 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=742855506381930496 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +123402,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=751274487874658305 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=195876419 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=745617265849032704 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +108635,@Soundinboard Soundinboard Why isis could grow in any religion? Read here: http://simpleislam.weebly.com/scholar-en,0.0 +159476,"The very word islam, which means 'surrender,' is from the arabic salam, or peace - islam is not a violent religion.",0.0 +124716,"BLM screams DEAD COPS everywhere they go! ! Attack Police! Threaten Police! Like Isis; and Muslims they LIE/Taquiya; and say their "" peaceful """,0.0 +122928,"Why not #SitInForThe49 at a mosque? Per Mateen, was done in the name of ISIS, Radical Islamic Terrorism against LGBT community.",0.0 +117233,US Sending More Troops to Fight ISIS in Mosul - Newsweek http://www.newsweek.com/isis-us-troops-mosul-479440 #ISIS,0.0 +126239,"@LACaldwellDC Yeah because that matters with Police shootings, ISIS, climate change, and the effects of trickle down economics killing us.",0.0 +9166,suck dick gundy. mullet faggot bitch,1.0 +160281,We cannot even celebrate Christmas in our own country for fear of offending Muslims.,1.0 +106630,RT @BejahGames: So-called Islamic State has lost 12% of its territories in Iraq and Syria since January. http://linkis.com/zXtlh via @MrL ,0.0 +134567,"{And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him and [that you] be good to [your] parents. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ugh, and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small } [AlIsr? : 23-24]",1.0 +115426,.@BoschiFilmsYT I don't think whoever runs this account understands ISIS is literally armed & trained by us lol,0.0 +114779,#ISIS loves their horses https://justpaste.it/w5bx,0.0 +113745,( #FAMOSITO_xD ) Estados Unidos enviar 560 soldados m s a Irak para ayudar en la reconquista de Mosul: El secre. ( #FAMOSITO_xD ),0.0 +8893,amen. toxic feminazi insanity. ladies moral center patriotic center understanding @url,1.0 +147361,"RT @moonnor27: Iraqi Sunnis civilians arrested, tortured & killed by Shia militias without guilt or charge #warcrimes #Iraq https://t.co/P ",1.0 +136625,R08o/s/q8SJ ,1.0 +131038,RT @engineervivek: @iarunmani ISIS ,0.0 +129462,This is no joke. The threats are real. When u suspect a person of radicalized with isis idealogy. report him or. http://fb.me/3IMF5bK3j,0.0 +155384,RT @MaguidhirP: @Juliet777777 @GROGParty Socialists and Moslems - working together to destroy Australia.,1.0 +113186,Sinon daesh nous ont mis un vent royal,0.0 +128983,"Nuevo balance del atentado del ISIS en Bagdad, el m s grave del a o en Irak: 213 muertos y m s de 200 heridos http://ow.ly/n9k5301TJ4Q",0.0 +145539,Ibn Aziz @ibnaziz5 Ibn Aziz @ibnaziz5 Ibn Aziz @ibnaziz5 ,1.0 +144474, .. # https://twitter.com/kasimf/status/710179538815348737 ,1.0 +114827,@SurNusaybin bir ka tanede bayan sava g nderin! temizlikten sonra daesh cennete gitmesin direct ceenneme otoyoldan,0.0 +122721,@vonbreslauer Teraz wiat przera a sadyzm ISIS w imi terroru.Czym e te egzekucje przy Wo yniu.,0.0 +5164,fucking retarded,1.0 +151275,#BreakingNews #USA embassy declares highest state of alert. Convoys of #Iraq|i army armored vehicles heading towards the embassy.. ,1.0 +127794,hurry NewZealand build a wall >> let her go live with their bff 's ISIS or ruined Germany or why not Mexico? https://twitter.com/HeyTammyBruce/status/752658944477237248,0.0 +136969,RT @TheStudyofWar: ISW #Syria airstrikes map.#Russia stops releasing strike data because of civilian deaths.http://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-airstrikes-syria-september-30-october-24-2015 https:/ ,1.0 +111973,Love can overcome http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html #peace #love #soul,0.0 +143014,"But the last of Ottomans promoted shirk, how would they not be defeated. ",1.0 +115837,RT @SomersetBean: I didn't see Islam. Just lost boys for whom life was too great a burden Journalist undercover w/ #ISIS sympathisers: http ,0.0 +137521,RT @MuslimPrisoners: Please make dua for @Abu__Sayfillaah. His bail hearing will continue tomorrow. Ya Allah #FreeMuslimPrisoners https: ,1.0 +129804,Liberation of Manbij will end 90 percent of ISIS presence in northern Syria http://www.anfenglish.com/kurdistan/liberation-of-manbij-will-end-90-percent-of-isis-presence-in-northern-syria pic.twitter.com/kV9hG2VQhB,0.0 +124642,"America Is Acting Locally, the Islamic State Is Thinking Globally http://twib.in/l/geGAj9MrXBba pic.twitter.com/eeHyDCyVjF",0.0 +111906,#Boldrini perch onorare un uomo di colore si e onorare gli #italiani uccisi da #isis no! Questo io lo chiamo #razzismoNazionale,0.0 +143571,Video showing the bridge in city Qayyarah after being hit for the 2nd time by US airstrikes https://vid.me/5pMe https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +104496,"#news , : . http://www.manoramaonline.com/news/just-in/malayali-missing-isis-11072016-1.html #MalayalamNews",0.0 +154148,"@Love___Egypt @washingtonpost Islam is a pile of hatred, murder, bigotry, sexism. Islam is filth that has divided and destroyed mankind.",1.0 +9966,nigger votes way.,1.0 +127584,RT @1rmfs: O ye believers. Heed the sunnah of our Rasulullah SAW and don't be deceived by #Extremists of #DAESH #ISIS #ISIL https://t.co/jC ,0.0 +9265,@user blame this! toronto hotel gets one star reviews since accepting refugees due harassment @url,1.0 +148088,#Dimashq 3 regime tanks and one BMP destroyed today near ad-Dumayr air-base in eastern #Qalamoun ,1.0 +125545,@cd_hooks say what you will about isis but they haven't done this,0.0 +135723,"Ibn Battal said, The majority agreed that women and children who fight are to be killed, and such is the opinion of Malik, al-Layth, Abu Hanifah, ath-Thawri, al-Awza i, ash-Shafi i, Ahmad, Ishaq, and Abu Thawr (Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari)",1.0 +120964,@Nieuwsuur Dit zei Mevr. Sargentini (GL) een jaar geleden nog. #terrorisme #ISIS fijn ingeschat #GroenLinks https://twitter.com/judithineuropa/status/600276891883417600,0.0 +129333,@JamestownTweets says 3000 to 5000 north Caucasian fighters in Syria adding less recruitment to #ISIS due to caliphate losses,0.0 +133528,"PKK and ISIL targets destroyed in Turkish, coalition strikes http://www.worldbulletin.net/haberler/174588/pkk-and-isil-targets-destroyed-in-turkish-coalition-strikes ",0.0 +129806,"RT @nytimes: ISIS advised operatives in Europe to kill "" anyone and everyone. "" Its tactics elsewhere have seemed more controlled. https://t. ",0.0 +7605,@user hell i'd take we'd agree illegal aliens deported kavanaugh @url,1.0 +144827,14b. (...) because all Ulama are unanimously agreed on this point. ,1.0 +110199,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3081644345 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3070061214 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3007093886 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +134713,Here we attempt to provide some insight into the different coalitions so that the Muslim can strive to oppose them in word and deed as whoever imitates a people is from them ,1.0 +133279,aimaaZaidi: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS for Ba pic.twitter.com/PCgLnwbH4k,0.0 +131196,"RT @todayinsyria: #Manbij | Arrested #ISIS terrorist: "" My first duty was shooting at fleeing civilians "" http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950414000937 https://t.c ",0.0 +120491,@YusuF66555 and yet they are crushing #Daesh. #it suckstobe you,0.0 +144575,RT @IaroslavNKR: #Russie : Le pays a d pens 464 000 000$ dans sa campagne militaire en #Syrie. # conomie ,1.0 +146211,"RT @MaghrebiHD: Shaaban 'Uja, SAA Commander of the Artillery Battalion 64, killed in #Palmyra fighting against the Islamic State https://t. ",1.0 +116754,"ff @mckingmarcus Analysts: ISIS losing ground, shifting priorities: The last few days have seen. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/isis-territory-analysis-lister/index.html ff @ANCALERTS",0.0 +151364,"RT @PrinceOfFreakz: They're not called ""terrorists"" because they don't shout ""Allahu Akbar"" before blowing up tourists & innocent people ht ",1.0 +115608,"El Isis decapit a 3 jugadores y un DT, yo no lo puedo creer",0.0 +142241,"Do not think that US, EU and RU want for real ceasfire and peace in Syria. They care only for their interest (power, money). ",1.0 +151948,RT @Conflicts: BREAKING: Israeli tank shelling kills Gaza woman: hospital - @DailyStarLeb ,1.0 +139679,My very important #ISIS private list dropped from 143 accounts to 16 accounts only in just two days......!!!! ,1.0 +126386,@purposedelight @justinsthick isis your a homewreckee,0.0 +144010,"RT @Klashinki: Oh btw, those who are ""mujahideen"" in the eyes of AQ & Sahwat joined SDF yesterday. ""Liwa Jund al Haramayn"" https://t.co/Ki ",1.0 +153760,@AAlwuhaib1977 And Muslims are murdering raping and forcefully converting Christians in Egypt and have been for centuries.,1.0 +125673,http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/instruments-of-torture-litter-isis-jails-in-fallujah-dh7hqz9rb,0.0 +8184,dear ching chong ling longs expect react go rich ma?,1.0 +123288,RT @YourAnonGlobal: #US to send 560 more troops to #Iraq to retake #ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/ pic.twitter.com/OuaP3cc5TN,0.0 +141497,"RT @ManKhalfahum: 2) ..in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will b ",1.0 +123275,"Amazon Daesh buttons, for easy ordering of radical Islamist supplies",0.0 +148287,"When the Sah bah ( RadiAllah Anhum) were told 2 fear All h, their eyes would fill with tears. Now we treat the advice as an insult. ",1.0 +8283,hell yeah always wanted fuck truck retarded name @url,1.0 +8424,@user @user said ching chong like democrat piece crap michigan would okay,1.0 +144739,RT @ShamiRebel: Four of the most prominent & powerful anti-Assad rebel organizations that reflect the bulk Sunni majority in Syria: https:/ ,1.0 +111310,I see ISIS is really targeting SA. This should be scary . gosh,0.0 +7476,@user @user dude!!! messi plays hockey retard,1.0 +126515,"@janimine Fuck ISIS, fuck Jihad, fuck Sharia Law, and fuck those who fund and enable them. I hope we bomb them with pork grease soaked bombs",0.0 +142213,INDIA TO DEPLOY ITS ARMY IN AFGHANISTAN http://pakobserver.net/2016/02/25/india-to-deploy-its-army-in-afghanistan/# ,1.0 +121222,RT @felipe4assembly: US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome#.V4QBFZ-TGpY.twitter,0.0 +152598,The last words of a 16yr. Old #Hamas Suicide Bomber in #Gaza. Killed dozens of isrseli Soldiers in a Tunnel. 2014. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +6157,cousin making lunch date me: can't wait see pay every cunt,1.0 +123499,#ISIS loses 12% of territory since January - IHS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36762874,0.0 +127148,RT @MikeyKayNYC: A Precision Guided Munition or 7.62mm between the eyes can't come soon enough for this sword wielding coward #Raqqa https: ,0.0 +144673,"RT @RamiAlLolah: #Infographic Where, when & how many #Russia|n soldiers/adviser killed by #ISIS in west #Palmyra per #Aamaq? #Syria https:/ ",1.0 +109423,#VenzTime Pemerintah AS melaporkan aktivitas lalu lintas ISIS di Twitter mengalami penurunan sebanyak 45 pers. https://dunia.tempo.co/read/news/2016/07/11/116786790/aktivitas-isis-di-twitter-turun-drastis ,0.0 +160565,Since 2000 all suicide bombings were committed by a Muslim and no one handle this fact that about global terrorism.,1.0 +135540,"""Some of them, the Fire will reach their ankles. Some, it will reach their knees. Others, it will reach their waists. And other, it will reach their collarbones""",1.0 +138189,"@ismailmahsud 50 of the #Syria army troops killed in #ISIS night invasion , several vehicles and infrastructure destruction reported. ",1.0 +115265,#AllLivesDidntMatter when innocent Muslims were killed by ISIS,0.0 +108914,"RT @MeshalALjaser: When an ISIS member is about to kill u ,so u had to drop their jam! pic.twitter.com/Rws3GgWh8D",0.0 +119559,@abdullah_omar @RanaAyyub hey ostrich evry friday prayer ends with same slogen & pak isis flags .. all thanks to abdulla family,0.0 +125759,@FilthyApostate Even Islam has a basic respect for human life. Only psychopaths like ISIS ignore this basic tenet.,0.0 +109926,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media - Gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 #ISIS",0.0 +114903,me @ white women in the supermarket in an ever so solemnly voice: i am going to stop ISIS.,0.0 +128541,"RT @i_Nazzz: Since 2000 until today, Saudi Arabia are suffering from terrorism. It doesn't represent KSA and ISIS (IS)n't (IS)lam. #StayStr ",0.0 +147389, # ,1.0 +7521,inbreed mongoloid americanized unamerican brazil military police government good shots got @url,0.0 +148547,RT @Q_QKMN: Shia militias attack repelled when they tried to enter al-Eis this morning. Thanks to Nusra fighters that promised to fight til ,1.0 +106276,RT @Twt_Larkin: Warga peneroka diberi amaran bahawa tindakan tegas akan dikenakan sekiranya mereka didapati terlibat dengan militan Daesh. ,0.0 +123973,Man Hugs Suicide Bomber To Save Lives: An Iraqi man stopped a would-be suicide bomber from the Islamic State . http://www.informationng.com/2016/07/man-hugs-suicide-bomber-to-save-lives.html ,0.0 +114243,# # #isis #call,0.0 +106532,RT @Raqqa_SL: http://www.raqqa-sl.com/?p=3258 pic.twitter.com/RPomaiX9wC,0.0 +147491,"RT @NorthernStork: For the first time, coalition targeted ISIL held Jarablus with 30+ airstrikes. https://twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/717812951776960513 ",1.0 +8135,@user one u stupid retard,1.0 +153214,#IS cut of Strategic #Iraqi Army Supply line in Northern #Ramadi. ,1.0 +125064,"RT @the_geotimes: "" Mengapa ISIS Mengebom Kota Suci di Bulan Suci? "" Iqbal Kholidi http://geotimes.co.id/mengapa-isis-mengebom-kota-suci-di-bulan-suci/ ",0.0 +131443,The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/?postshare=4051467616712520&tid=ss_fb#,0.0 +107551,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 #tech",0.0 +8787,@user third world shithole country ny.,1.0 +134224,"{All praise is due to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any crookedness} [Al-Kahf: 1]",1.0 +145814,#IS https://twitter.com/ThatCoffeeTho/status/713122854775209984 ,1.0 +130589,"U.S.-backed militias face second Islamic State counter attack - official, monitor http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0ZK0SI",0.0 +8740,yes. fact might calling shithole countries @url,1.0 +125060,We need to stop ISIS. Then we can call them WASWAS. #haha,0.0 +152748,"#AmaqAgency footage of recent clashes between soldiers of the #Khilafah and Nusayris in Altahtouh, Al-Khayr city https://t.co/GuPqFGFBZ9 ",1.0 +154742,@ingyusarms My point is that there is nothing that ISIS does that Mohammed did not also do. Both are sick and disgusting criminals.,1.0 +130427,SERANGAN BOM ISIS DIMALAYSIA: SERANGAN BOM ISIS DIMALAYSIAReviewed by Admin on Jul 4.Rating: 5.0SERANGAN BOM . http://jokegurl.com/2016/07/serangan-bom-isis-dimalaysia/ ,0.0 +119570,1-way ticket. Linda unterwegs zu ISIS http://www.bild.de/regional/dresden/isis/linda-aus-sachsen-auf-weg-zu-isis-46750750.bild.html?wtmc=twttr.shr,0.0 +115159,"RT @Cody060: @BravGotti Isis could hack the servers, but I don't trust that shit ",0.0 +126101,War News Updates > Islamic State Has Its Own 'Jihad Olympics': The pictures show children as young as five ta. http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2016/07/islamic-state-has-its-own-jihad-olympics.html ,0.0 +148258,"Even if the world gather together to defeat Muslims, Allah has promised victory of islam & believers! ",1.0 +143142,May Allah curse the apostate traitors of Islam that sales thier soul for a bit of cash. By the permission of Allah we continue to March on. ,1.0 +136633,@jtmharreh That's an untold story. A painful reality ,1.0 +147699,RT @Jazrawi_Saraqib: Islamic State Wilaya Halab Clashes today between Islamic State and US/Alqaeda at Rai https://justpaste.it/t219 https://t ,1.0 +108312," - , http://eisamay.indiatimes.com/state/isis-may-attack-siliguri/articleshow/53139156.cms via @eisamay",0.0 +145506,RT @TheArabSource: ISIS celebrates Brussels attack in Syria https://t.co/SJPSwXOcIc https://twitter.com/TheArabSource/status/712896880284295168/photo/1 ,1.0 +150084,"Yo lets blow up America, whose with me ",1.0 +160639,Every Muslim is a potential peace advocate as well.,0.0 +138427,RT @Nidalgazaui: #Breaking highest battalion 1 airbone soldier killed in clashes with #ISIS in east #Aleppo. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/693385595020795904/photo/1 ,1.0 +111315,Carter announces 560 more US troops to Iraq https://www.yahoo.com/news/carter-us-iraq-city-retake-mosul-070904696--politics.html ,0.0 +128415,@GauravGogoiAsm correction blast happened in shia area..ISIS which is suni claims all other as kafirs. so this is religion motivated,0.0 +136492,"@AbdirahmanBash2 @KhalidMaghrebi_ @IbnNabih1 @Polder_Mujahid inshallah. Should we still finish it, or not? ",1.0 +9890,@user suspicion upstairs old chinaman neighbor feigning mental illness since 3 years ago slamming ga @url,1.0 +5250,illegal immigrants come shithole countries @url,0.0 +136655,"thx God, our lovely Shiekh is free wish to meet you soon teacher and wish the freedom for all brothers in preson https://twitter.com/MuslimPrisoners/status/641261700113690624 ",1.0 +111985,nytimes: The U.S. will deploy 560 troops to Iraq to help retake Mosul from ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html #News #Thenewyorktimes,0.0 +137720,"RT @thevictoryseri4: ""We never surrender we win or die"" Umar Mukhtar Rahimullah - The Victory Revelations Pt 4 - British&French Crusade ht ",1.0 +151011,BREAKING 10 Barrel Bombs were dropped Moments ago over #Aleppo ,1.0 +130397,Turkey proposes cooperation with Russia in fighting ISIS http://ow.ly/9xjg301TQnY pic.twitter.com/Qk9w22nO9Q,0.0 +104145,RT @PastimeTomo: ISIS 11 http://ameblo.jp/junichi-raelian/entry-12097015045.html ISIS http://goo.gl/Mwsjo0,0.0 +121263,RT @mv_dawlah98: IslamicState #DeirEzzor #Syria) | There is goodness in the forelocks of horses till the Day of Resurrection https://t. ,0.0 +128998,RT @Patrick_Baz: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/,0.0 +160224,How many times have you seen evangenical Christian preachers and followers on the streets most Saturday's in most UK cities? You do not think that other faiths should be allowed the same?,0.0 +134756,"""The Islamic State is baqiyah (remaining. It is baqiyah because it was built from the corpses of the shuhada and it was watered with their blood, and by this market of Jannah was convened.""",1.0 +116859,Daesh se apodera de la zona oriental de Palmira por unas horas: Seguidores del grupo terrorista Daesh se han . http://ln.is/www.abc.es/internaci/zqtAa,0.0 +117447,RT @TerreurMonitor: #NCTV: ISIS #terroristen veelvuldig via #vluchtelingen-stroom naar Europa gekomen. https://terrorismemonitor.nl/isis-terroristen-veelvuldig-vluchtelingen-stroom-naar-europa/ https://t ,0.0 +136053,"Muhammad Ibn Thabit Ibn Qays Ibn Shammas al-Ansari narrated, saying, When the Muslims were exposed on the Day of Yamamah, Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hudhayfah, said, This is not how we would be when we were with Allah s Messenger g! He then dug a hole for himself and stood in it, and with him was the banner of the Muhajirin that day. He then fought until he was killed on the Day of Yamamah as a shahid. ",1.0 +122766,"Honneur aux deux pilotes russes mort en combattant daesh, hommage a eux. pic.twitter.com/jV3xLAabFQ",0.0 +127120,#Cuman El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa http://ht.ly/Grge502j5U5,0.0 +7747,@user read somewhere leftist mag terrorist events like breivik's massacre precede cultural sh @url,1.0 +124765, I aim to mutilate ISIS Linda Clarke,0.0 +108632,Because Obama spending billions rebuilding mosques in the Middle East doesn't count as helping ISIS? https://twitter.com/brios82/status/752359126387138561,0.0 +149189,RT @RamiAlLolah: Joint operation: V$O mercenaries 'Faylaq al-Rahman' & SAA war criminals against #ISIS in eastern Qalamoun #Syria https://t ,1.0 +106751,AS Bantu Irak Bangun Markas untuk Serang Markas Besar ISIS http://rimanews.com/internasional/timurtengah/read/20160711/291501/AS-Bantu-Irak-Bangun-Markas-untuk-Serang-Markas-Besar-ISIS ,0.0 +138724,#ISIS claims responsibility for Sayeda Zainab bombing in #Damascus says 50 killed and 120 injured #Syria https://t.co/SHP59RQpyg ,1.0 +155478,@logicalmind11 You can never get rid of the radical Muslims because the Quran and Hadiths will always produce more.,1.0 +115790,RT @SoyBobbyFlores: El Estado Isl mico decapit a cuatro miembros de un equipo de f tbol en Raqqa http://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2016/07/11/el-estado-islamico-decapito-a-cuatro-miembros-de-un-equipo-de-futbol-en-raqqa/,0.0 +134619," Ali Ibn Abi Talib ? said, Indeed, the true faqih is he who does not make the people lose hope in Allah s mercy, nor does he make allowances for them to commit disobedience of Allah, nor does he make them feel secure against Allah s wrath, nor does he abandon the Quran, turning away from it for something else. There is no good in worship lacking knowledge, nor knowledge lacking understanding, nor recitation lacking contemplation ",1.0 +144465,"RT @EjmAlrai: If #Libya is not able to react quickly with the Air support and training of the #EU, the fail state will become and ""Islamic ",1.0 +151084,#Syria|n rebels Before/After alliance with the Kurdish YPG terror group.. #TwitterKurds https://t.co/RKjuOMa6Vn ,1.0 +147102,"RT @thompwalker: The gate of #Tadmur prison In city of #Palmyra where #Syria regime tortured prisoners, blown up by #ISIS #c4news https://t ",1.0 +9262,ingenious portmanteau liberal' retard' martha.nn-george washington 1776,1.0 +120696,RT @ARANewsEnglish: #Raqqa: #ISIS extremists behead five civilians on charges of spying for Kurds #ARANews http://aranews.net/2016/07/raqqa-isis-extremists-behead-five-civilians-charges-spying-kurdish-forces/ https:/ ,0.0 +129135,#Bangladesh: l'#EI est-il en train de s'implanter? http://geopolis.francetvinfo.fr/bangladesh-daech-est-il-une-menace-92363 #IslamicState,0.0 +5785,adding saying ching chong im asian doesnt mean say it. arrogant non-asians think say?,0.0 +145789,Meanwhile the #IS are killing #Russian Special Forces in tadmur #palmyra the sahawts are Bussy signing Ceasefire with the #Assadist regime ,1.0 +151213,RT @Nidalgazaui: An Injured Baby in #Aleppo Today... # _ https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/726153279407837184/photo/1 ,1.0 +150217,"RT @ShamiRebel: United States' General Dunford sat down for a meeting with Iraqi Kurdistan's Masoud Barazani in Erbil Apr. 22, 2016 https: ",1.0 +134324,"As for the ruling on hijrah from d?rul-kufr to d?rul-Isl?m, then it is obligatory. Allah (ta ?l?) said, {Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves [the angels] will say, In what [condition] were you? They will say, We were oppressed in the land. The angels will say, Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein? For those, their refuge is Hell and evil it is as a destination} [An-Nis? : 97].",1.0 +143279,@chandel70 there is only one Lord ,1.0 +120960,We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle http://ow.ly/sOFV502iuvb,0.0 +113337,@O_kvin69 non on est en tat d'urgence apr s un match avec Daesh qui A menacer de frapper la France au moment o elle s'y attends pas .,0.0 +154505,"@DianH4 @rogue_allah You are lying again, just like a Muslim. The Quran approves of raping slave girls explicitly.",1.0 +109131,"RT @galwaygrrl: "" The attack was an eye-opener for us. They (jihadist groups) attract the young men through social media "" https://t.co/DW5CM ",0.0 +6606,@user come close shameless twat,0.0 +130522,"Yesterday all Daesh attacks were repelled,results 169Daesh Killed&1Tank captured,2day 60killed in Algat vlg #Manbij https://twitter.com/servankobane/status/749897617388154880",0.0 +128506,Over 120 people have been killed and around 150 injured in an explosion claimed by the Islamic State group in. http://fb.me/7efDLyUBN,0.0 +132558,"Guys, Grab your keyboards and start trending #BangladeshSnubbedIndia as Indian links to ISIS have been busted pic.twitter.com/TkeFwuWIrK",0.0 +146140,Allaaahu akbar 27 Saudi apostate coalition killed by Islamic State ,1.0 +106909,5M kids live under ISIS and will form a more powerful and dangerous enemy. https://cqrcengage.com/act/app/document/12560252 pic.twitter.com/Vu0PalYWcO,0.0 +108750,ISIS oil revenues reduced under US-led airstrikes #Syria http://alshaminfo.com/story-z11109406,0.0 +113063,@hairweave @mallorylkrieger isis does what the Quran says to do. Its a fundamentalist islamic organization.,0.0 +116863,More troops to #Iraq ahead of #Mosul liberation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/,0.0 +122682,RT @EnglishBasNews: #Shiite Militia Leader Opposes to #US Participation in #Mosul Assault - #BasNews http://www.basnews.com/index.php/en/news/iraq/286635 https://t.co/J ,0.0 +131833,No veo en ning n lado #Prayfor Bagdad El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200 http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2016/07/04/actualidad/1467620125_084875.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CC,0.0 +127299,Al-Baqarah (The Cow) [2:8-16] Defining isis according to Allah in Muhammad 's Quran pic.twitter.com/LFftGAUYJy,0.0 +136111,"Allah s Messenger ? said, When a person dies, his deeds shall cease except for three: a continuous charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who supplicates for him ",1.0 +120437,RT @TheNatWorld: US adds 560 troops to #Iraq force for #Mosul campaign http://www.thenational.ae/world/middle-east/us-adds-560-troops-to-iraq-force-for-mosul-campaign pic.twitter.com/akXqIAeEq8,0.0 +124826,@s1ege_ tfw we got 9gag to call an Russian airstrike on isis position using twitter lol,0.0 +151010,RT @OrientXXI: OrientXXI demande la lib ration de notre collaborateur Isma l Alexandrani d tenu depuis 5 mois en gypte @Khadeega https://t ,1.0 +123269,Suspected ISIS terror module case: Accused Ilyas purchased weighing machine from shop at Bibi bazar for weighing explosive precursors. #RE,0.0 +125894,"White people government birthed "" ISIS "" out of White Supremacy & White Dominance & think black people going 2 fight n their war lol ",0.0 +122308,"oh i remember when NASA said they could tell what coin u had in your hand from space , but seems they cant find ISIS tanks etc ,strange that",0.0 +149200,al-Anb r 7 Iraqi army members killed by IED explosion in #Hit ,1.0 +143807,@AlYemeniah2 you are exception ,1.0 +159250,"No, a person can be religious and have multiple allegiances and responsibilies.",0.0 +110259,@StaceyBridges18 priceless you've drank To much Kool-Aid. Isis formed under Obama 's watch! Criminal Barry #FoxNews pic.twitter.com/biWhiCKvJL,0.0 +113104,"RT @del_ninyo: NOW UN FORCES CONSEST OF PRIMARLY RAPISTS, MURDERERS AND DRUG DEALERS AND IT'S BASICALLY ISIS W/A BLUE HELMET ARMED https:// ",0.0 +150078,RT @CdvdvgbjgZz: # # #UCC https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +6019,@user acceptable even lion awake. takes special kind cunt trophy hunter,1.0 +154430,"@Lithobolos @PoliticalAnt @ZaibatsuNews It's not about any specific individuals, but about an ideaology that will always produce terrorists.",1.0 +135299,"At-Tabari said, They [the scholars of Islam] have agreed that even if a mushrik were to wear the bark of all the trees of the Haram [in Makkah] around his neck and on his arms, that would not grant him safety from being killed unless the Muslims gave him a covenant of dhimmah or security.",1.0 +140202,"but they got natural puppets from sunnis, the rebels, so they used them to cause disunity between Iraqi & Syrian Jehad. ",1.0 +108485,El #ISIS difunde un v deo en #Bangladesh donde amenaza con futuros atentados http://ow.ly/FFNV3027bPb pic.twitter.com/onLnZhJC7P,0.0 +132805,Hi RT FarhanKVirk: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia Indian state has used TTP for a long time against Pak now they use ISIS pic.twitter.com/8G9WbDvUrs,0.0 +104952,RT @topdawgnick: that 's like if people were to justify isis attacks on american soil solely because americans kill each other. fucking idio ,0.0 +152060,The foot of an #Iraqi baby... Burried under Rubble near #Mosul https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/728331038531964929/photo/1 ,1.0 +137106,RT @RamiAlLolah: TIME's Person of the Year 2015 Short List: #ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ranked 2nd. #Syria #Iraq https://t.co/yNfuKPu ,1.0 +130654, Iraqis and Americans Butted Heads Over the ISIS Convoy Massacre https://warisboring.com/iraqis-and-americans-butted-heads-over-the-isis-convoy-massacre-fd4ee9e243bb#.i91akledk by @warisboring,0.0 +159025,"The only cover up that happens in the media is of the positive stories about Muslims, extremist actions are the only ones ever highlighted.",0.0 +117467,Philippine troops kill 40 Daesh-linked Abu Sayyaf militants http://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2016/07/philippine-troops-kill-40-daesh-linked-abu-sayyaf-militants-2608016.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter,0.0 +8399,us really shithole country,1.0 +111424,"#isil transfers suicide bombers from Syria to Europe through Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia: Report http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=101451&NewsCatID=509 daily Milliyet",0.0 +149279,RT @Hamas_Mujahid_: AlQassam Repelled #Israeli Offensive in East Gaza and Killed nearly 11 Soldiers in just 30 Minutes. 2009 #Gaza war http ,1.0 +152773,@Abu_Mohammed_x Yeah and alot of ppl believe this foxNewsToilet ,1.0 +121016,And this does what for they're case? How could this possibly help they're case? Comparison to ISIS? https://twitter.com/USA_Gunslinger/status/752594003741200384,0.0 +119583,South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State'. http://prt.news/amIagp,0.0 +159103,Christian Europeans are the ones that then expanded the slave trade to an industrial scale and instrumentalised exploitation as a key component of our economy.,0.0 +107811,""" The full horrors of Isis are only just coming to light - and the ongoing battle is far from over "" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-syria-palmrya-russia-forces-journey-down-roman-road-to-barbarity-a7129406.html via @Independent",0.0 +159834,"There are too many differences between Muslims and us, for example Muslims have different laws from us.",1.0 +4712,need @user tell i'm twat right here!,1.0 +4943,like remember iconic nigger tweet,1.0 +108577,"Double game? Even as it battles notIS, #Turkey gives other extremists shelter https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html Funding?Other assistance?",0.0 +110994,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS #unitedstatesofamerica http://newsinn.org/d/a/4053982 pic.twitter.com/rkUMvsBlhP,0.0 +160186,"They are here because we went there, took their wealth, food and industry and then invited them to come here to work our factories, NHS and transport.",0.0 +141280,@whoamidude hearsy can be insult or insulting towards someone or something ,1.0 +7991,@user shausha mongol,1.0 +119799,Pokemon Go also means a new battlefront in the war against ISIS @jscros https://www.inverse.com/article/18090-american-fighter-challenges-isis-to-a-pokemon-go-battle-in-iraq,0.0 +123025,RT @Toxpiro: #EEUU enviar 560 soldados m s a #Irak para ayudar en la reconquista de #Mosul http://www.efe.com/efe/espana/mundo/eeuu-enviara-560-soldados-mas-a-irak-para-ayudar-en-la-reconquista-de-mosul/10001-2981917,0.0 +139167,"World: Crying? Boy: Yes; I'm hungry World: Not ISIS? Boy: No World: Sorry, can't do anything for you #Darayya #Syria https://t.co/XGdqE4dkMA ",1.0 +131114,"RT @DakwahJalanan_: Laknat Allah keatas orang yang membunuh nyawa yang tidak berdosa. ISIS adalah produk amerika, dan musuh sebenar merek ",0.0 +6621,drunk texters retarded lol,0.0 +148235,RT @AFP: #UPDATE India temple fire death toll exceeds 100: official ,1.0 +141908,"@warrnews @BtlUpdt From my understanding, the Shi'ite religion was founded by Abdullah Ibn Saba, a Yemeni Jew. So no surprises there then. ",1.0 +108816,RT @nerinaazad: K rdistan Bayra n y rtan I D li ld r ld http://www.nerinaazad.com/news/actual/isis/kurdistan-bayragini-yirtan-isidli-olduruldu pic.twitter.com/9Dq7Qjca3d,0.0 +126588,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://ow.ly/MMwS502i3rO",0.0 +134877,"In his tafs?r of the aforementioned ?yah, al-Qurtub? then explains the statement of Allah {That perhaps Allah will restrain the might of those who disbelieve}, saying, Allah restrained the might of the mushrik?n at Badr as-Sughr? (the Minor Badr) and they went back on what they promised the Prophet ? of war and fighting1 Allah also sufficed the believers at al-Hudaybiyah of what the mushrik?n sought to carry out of treachery and opportunism. Thus, the believers sensed their plot and headed out, capturing them as prisoners, and this occurred as the envoys were going between them to negotiate a truce.2 This is what is intended by His ? statement, {And it is He who withheld their hands from you} [Al-Fath: 24] And Allah cast terror into the hearts of the factions [during al-Khandaq] and they departed without any killing or fighting, as He ? said, {And Allah spared the believers from having to fight}. Likewise, the Jews left their homes and their wealth [near al-Mad?nah] without the Muslims battling them. So all this is might that Allah restrained from afflicting the believers, in addition to a large number of Jews and Christians leaving off war and entering into the jizyah agreement in humiliation and submissively. Thus, Allah restrained their might from the believers. ",1.0 +130760,El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200: La explosi n de un coche b. http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2016/07/04/actualidad/1467620125_084875.html #Morelos,0.0 +135471," Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it contains that which you dislike. But perhaps you dislike a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not (Al-Baqarah 216).",1.0 +130398,Praag: ISIS-motorbom dood 120 in Bagdad - https://nanb.co.za/326389 (Nuus) #Afrikaans,0.0 +112408,RT @CJTFOIR: #CJTFOIR strikes destroyed 5 #ISIL oil wellheads near Abu Kamal MORE: http://ow.ly/VY6L3027LtF @Aus_AirForce #Syria https://t.c ,0.0 +144259,@nusayba4a JazakAllah Khair dear ukhti ,1.0 +140302,@Fidaee_Fulaani the mentioned vehicle was targeted by IED ,1.0 +142443,Breaking: #US abraham tank hit by #ISIS Kornet Russian Missile while ago in #Ramadi Per unit cost is $ 7m approx https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +134135," The officers in the Counter-Religious Activism Department of National Security, who investigate religious issues and torture Muslims, I view them to be kuff?r on an individual level, for they know even more about the Islamic movements than most of the members of these movements themselves. And it is permissible to kill National Security officers and all members of the police regardless of whether you make takf?r of them on an individual level or you make takf?r of them on a general scale if that occurs during the course of a campaign of fighting in which sniping them becomes a means for you to cause damage to them for the benefit of the jih?d. This is because a resistant apostate faction is fought as one. It is permissible to kill those of them who are fleeing, and to finish off those of them who are wounded; and this would be an act of killing one whose individual condition was unknown. This is the rule because distinguishing the condition of individuals is done if they are maqd?r alayhim (under the power of Muslims); these individuals are not maqd?r alayhim. So the obligatory defensive jih?d is not to be disrupted for the sake of distinguishing the condition of individuals [al-Liq? al-Maft?h al-Halqat al-?l?].",1.0 +114573,RT @Abdoulodia: Ceux qui pensent que daesh est libre d'attaque Lisbonne parce que vous avez perdu une finale sachez que vos m res ont chi ,0.0 +104835,"Can ISIS hack into the Internet of Things? (Uh, no.) - http://readwrite.com/2016/05/10/isis-hack-internet-things-iot-dt4/ pic.twitter.com/SPzdi52FAU",0.0 +110636,RT @dontgoturkey: TURKEY SUPPORTS ISIS! TURKEY FUNDS ISIS! TURKEY= ISIS! #DontGoTurkey #Turkey pic.twitter.com/EARN1uPXSD,0.0 +152950,RT @waroflegends1: Repulsing an attempt by #VSO rebels to advance on #IslamicState in the Eastern Qalamoun.. #Syria More details: https://t ,1.0 +149738,"AQ announced ""liberation"" of the city & ending military action in it & starting of reconstruction. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +134860,"And after some of the Ikhw?n decided to target some Egyptian agents of the British without approval from the top leadership, al-Bann? wrote an official declaration in which he said, The goal of our da wah when it initiated was to work for the good of the homeland, support the religion, and oppose all calls of atheism, immorality, and abandonment of the laws and virtues of Islam If this is the case, then murder, terrorism, and violence are not from its means, because it takes Islam as its methodology, abiding by its limits Pure Islam is the religion of comprehensive peace, complete security, pure spirituality, and the lofty example of humankind Some events occurred that were attributed to some of those who had entered the jam? ah without having absorbed its spirit. After these frightening events, another event took place, which was the assassination of the Prime Minister Mahm?d Fahm? an-Naqr?sh? Pasha. The country was struck with sorrow due to his passing. It lost by his passing a star of its renaissance, a leader of its progress, a good role model of honesty, patriotism, and chastity. He was one of its best sons. We are no less saddened than others over his passing nor do we admire his jih?d and character less than others do. This is because the nature of the Islamic da wah opposes violence; rather it censures it, abhors murder regardless of its type, and resents its perpetrators. For this reason, we declare our innocence before Allah of the murders and their perpetrators. Because our country is now passing through a stage that is one of the most significant of its life thus necessitating the providing of complete calm, security, and stability, his majesty the great king may Allah protect him was generous and directed the existent government, consisting of the top men of Egypt, to a righteous focus. That was to work to unite the word of the nation and close its ranks and direct its efforts and capacities altogether, not divided, to serve the good of the nation and its internal and foreign reforms. The government immediately began to execute the noble directives with sincerity, character, and honesty. All this makes it obligatory upon us to exert all our strength and spend our time in helping the government in executing and fulfilling its great responsibilities. It will not be able to do so correctly until it is certain that security and stability have been achieved for the regime. This is the obligation upon every citizen in normal times. How much more so is it in these delicate and crucial circumstances in which no one gains from the chaos of emotions, clash of ideas, and division of efforts except the enemies of the nation and its renaissance. For this reason, I call upon my brothers for the sake of Allah and the public good that each one of them helps in achieving this meaning, directing themselves to their work, and distancing themselves from every deed that opposes the stabilization of security and comprehensiveness of safety, so that they thereby fulfill the right of Allah and the right of the homeland. We ask Allah to protect his majesty the great king and to guide the steps of the country both its government and people under his reign to what entails good and success [AlIkhw?n al-Muslim?n Ahd?th Sana at atT?r?kh].",1.0 +122718,@CN_Elite indd kk isis strijder,0.0 +152194,After #daesh took over alhaishah & ab Qar n areas #Libya puppet government cries for international help. . https://twitter.com/Ghanem3Salem/status/728548175330562048 ,1.0 +5492,@user lol speak hazara(mongol) people nothing ethnic afghans (nor genetical @url,1.0 +7100,@user nbooksnmanansalanchaucernbracesnsmilenmongoloid hahahahahaniced coffeenatashanalliah friends,1.0 +154853,@Brown_Saraah Terrorism has been the core of Islam ever since the fraudulent prophet Mohammed invented it.,1.0 +115502,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to establish staging hub against Isis - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/11/iraq-us-troop-increase-isis-mosul #DriveCarefullyPlz,0.0 +134764,"Im?m Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah r stated when commenting on the ?yah, {O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not} [Al-Hujur?t: 2], So if raising their voices above his voice was a cause for rendering their deeds void, then how much more so is advancing and raising their opinions, intellects, personal tastes, politics, and experience over that which he came with? Is this not more befitting of being a cause for rendering their deeds void? ",1.0 +129935,RT @IowaPicBot: FUCK COMMIES FUCK ISIS,0.0 +122287,Terrori-isku pyh n kaupunkiin Isis pit Saudi-Arabiaa luopiona http://suomenkuvalehti.fi/jutut/ulkomaat/terrori-isku-pyhaan-kaupunkiin-isis-pitaa-saudi-arabiaa-luopiona/?shared=928439-80d76846-999 pic.twitter.com/2iVcwZnoNb,0.0 +143624,RT @MilkSheikh2: May Allah accept Brother Abu Talha al-Almani https://t.co/1z8u9FhWEB ,1.0 +127144,ISIS security chief killed in clashes with SDF northern Syria (Aranews) http://aranews.net/2016/07/isis-security-chief-killed-clashes-sdf-northern-syria/,0.0 +116927,RT @Juliet777777: (ISIS Muslims behead five professional soccer players declaring #sport unIslamic (WARNING: Graphic Images) https://t.co/ ,0.0 +106262,RT @KompasTekno: Eksistensi ISIS di Twitter Menciut 45 Persen. http://tekno.kompas.com/read/xml/2016/07/11/16130007/Eksistensi.ISIS.di.Twitter.Menciut.45.Persen,0.0 +146034,"""The two Armies that can Never Be defeated are the sincere Heart and the Righteour Dua."" ~Ibn Taymiyyah ",1.0 +111924,Islamic State recent attacks counter John Kerry 's claim of despair http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/10/islamic-state-recent-attacks-counter-john-kerrys-c/ pic.twitter.com/xlyTFpnQXf,0.0 +6347,spic ass make j balvin concert next week imma upset fuck,1.0 +122440,RT @gagrulenet: #RT_Erdogan the #ISIS Sleeper Cell in #NATO pic.twitter.com/qdeSVyDozF,0.0 +128668,Daesh (Isis) una creazione occidentale http://fb.me/1fd7LZzrU,0.0 +121574,"Ragazze #siria contro #isis e ribelli amici #eu #us ,nn sono le donne debosciate made in Eu sono cristiane e Islam https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/752320381105606656",0.0 +139578,RT @Ald_Aba: T-90 near Mayer in northern #Aleppo #Russia #Iran https://twitter.com/Ald_Aba/status/695635538615910400/photo/1 ,1.0 +142041,RT @Asfura_fiJannah: As salaamu 'alaykum. It's me bird of jannah. ,1.0 +107280, ,0.0 +114726,"RT @DailyMail: US will send 560 more troops to Iraq to recapture Mosul from ISIS, Ash Carter reveals http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684579/Carter-announces-560-US-troops-Iraq.html ",0.0 +128899,Puchong kena attacked dengan ISIS? Allahu!,0.0 +130359,"RT @gbemiakiode: @Adeola0503 thank God, good riddance, but i know they would open new account. just like isis is doing, they both terrorist ",0.0 +138148,#BreakingNews #Egypt|ian air forces F-16 jet reportedly crashed near #Ismailia for unknown reasons. Both pilots reportedly killed. ,1.0 +111228,"Islamic State is rapidly losing more territory in 2016, says IHS: The Islamic State is rapidly losing territory, http://m.tbnn.it/LmjRNR",0.0 +152691,AlQassam Militants in #Gaza- Must See https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +131389,"#atentado en #Irak,como no x el EI ISI DAESH.140 muertos muchos heridos . Es algo q no va mas",0.0 +129523,Malaysia 's police confirm ISIS link to nightclub grenade attack http://ow.ly/beA25022Fer,0.0 +117679, 31 http://www.khaama.com/31-isis-loyalists-killed-in-ongoing-operations-in-east-of-afghanistan-01452 # _ #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/Sca7KTv3rw,0.0 +124917,Via ActualidadRT: Es invencible el Estado Isl mico? https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212782-estado-islamico-siria-irak-invencible #ISIS pic.twitter.com/7MxPwjpX9a,0.0 +112662,RT @AllMilitaryNews: RT@WilliamsJon #SecDef Carter: US sending extra 560 troops to #Iraq. Will be based south of #Mosul & take official num ,0.0 +140250,One good innings at one down by Umar Akmal and suddenly Azhar Ali feels his ODI place is under threat from Umar Akmal. #PSLt20 ,1.0 +132379,ISIS: 'A month of calamity everywhere ' - http://chromobile.net/isis-a-month-of-calamity-everywhere/ ,0.0 +154077,@Hande_Ozsoy @Arab_News Forcing others to accept the barbarity of Islam is actual obligation. http://t.co/D3Ib1AqWrB,1.0 +143336,"RT @HKX07: 18+ | In 2013, ""moderate Rebels"" #FSA brutally executed an entire family bc the son (beheaded) was in the SAA #Syria https://t.c ",1.0 +129282,"RT @JosephFranz: il silenzio su queste mattanze folli da parte dell'#islam moderato, se esiste, davvero imbarazzante. #Dacca #Bruxelles # ",0.0 +131731,RT @faiqahninja97: RT @maryamreda97 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html,0.0 +122646,"RT @WarNews24_7: British Fighter in the Ranks of #Peshmerga fighting against #ISIS, Reportedly stationed near #Mosul, #Iraq. https://t.co/c ",0.0 +135950,"ash-Shafi i said, Our opinion regarding this and Allah knows best is that the restriction exists so that they can become slaves, which is more beneficial than killing them (Al-Umm).",1.0 +105546,RT @paulmeyer745: UK: ISIS jihad massacre plotter has sentence reduced despite determination to attack https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/07/isis-jihad-massacre-plotter-has-sentence-reduced-despite-determination-to-attack,0.0 +141768,WOHA! #BreakingNews #Assad's army Air Defense battalion in #Khanasir fell to #ISIS.. #Aleppo #Syria ,1.0 +139398,@CarteMemoire8Go https://twitter.com/Uncle_SamCoco/status/695342004243312640/photo/1 ,1.0 +112778,Kung alam nyo lang patay na kayo sa isil ko #boboforever,0.0 +142459,"Latest attacks in #Sinai #Egypt leaves one captain, an intel police officer and many soldiers dead. #SheikhZoid etc https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +116998,US to send 560 additional troops to Iraq to fight Islamic State http://ow.ly/pRIj502i8iA,0.0 +145842,#IslamicState #WilayatKhurasan Soldiers of Khilafah joy by the blessed raid of #Brussels on the Crusader Belgium https://justpaste.it/sk8p ,1.0 +114436,"ISIS "" "" ! ! ! # # # ",0.0 +108991," NSG , ISIS ! http://navgujaratsamay.indiatimes.com/national/pregnant-kerala-woman-along-with-hubby-joins-isis/articleshow/53155113.cms?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=referral via @navgujaratsamay",0.0 +106634,"RT @Husain_Shakir: In propaganda, military tactics, brutality, savagery. Daesh are eerily similar to American-Israeli-UK special ops",0.0 +4942,@user @user pretty sure called spic four times already,1.0 +136585,Iraq Basra body of young sunni child found with signs of torture 1 day after being kidnapped by Rafidah militia ,1.0 +9388,@user i'll watch get home spic i'm school rn.,1.0 +148807,Picture of Abu Mughira al-Qahtani which was amir of IS in Libya. This picture was taken when he was in jail in Iraq https://twitter.com/SimNasr/status/720309755583987713 ,1.0 +106830,"El sustancioso mercado que, seg n Isis Ochoa, se hac a en redes estadales con Bs. 250 (Video) http://www.lapatilla.com/site/2016/07/07/el-sustancioso-mercado-que-segun-isis-ochoa-se-hacia-en-redes-estadales-con-bs-250-video/ ",0.0 +136964,@AFP shiites=non-muslims=no Ashura ,1.0 +109966,#qanda Howard and his war mates created ISIS.,0.0 +144348,"@center_studies who is twitter CEO no one is from twitter in them , they all high military officials & CIA ",1.0 +122391,RT @AtlanticCouncil: A Defeat for ISIS in Sirte Will Bring More Challenges for #Libya http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/a-defeat-for-isis-in-sirte-will-bring-more-challenges-for-libya pic.twitter.com/UktERpQJ9i,0.0 +151584,Islamic State took control of village Musqalat and town Baqufa west and south-east of Telskuf (Tel Asqaf) town respectively ,1.0 +159036,If they were violent they would have been punished too. Why do you think someone of a certain religion is automatically guilty?,0.0 +107398,"RT @abdulamaan23: #SupportZakirNaik One of the ISIS Suspects was fond of SharadhdhaKapoor, Promote the hashtag #StopSharadhdhaKapoor",0.0 +153402,#PhotoReport #IslamicState Aspects frm d Spoils that ALLAH gave the Soldiers of Khilafa https://justpaste.it/u7lr https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +104531, http://www.brookings.edu/ar/blogs/markaz/posts/2016/05/27-isis-alqaida-rivals-byman ,0.0 +138333,RT @MuslimPrisoners: LIVE ISLAMIC QIYAM Tonight @ 10pm UK time 1: Marriage and Engagement in Islam 2: Road to Taqwa Paltalk: UK Dawah h ,1.0 +105633,ISIS Comes to Gaza - Gatestone Institute http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai #ISIS,0.0 +109753,RT @tool_binary: #Daesh https://twitter.com/account/suspended https://twitter.com/jkjjm1 https://twitter.com/khaledalaly667 #OpISIS,0.0 +119711,@grootenboercaj @mikelbtko So what are they becoming Isis? The next Alkida? The next Tallaband?,0.0 +122751,@ms_rinna ,0.0 +150940,"RT @7layers_: Imagine if #ISIS was doing this. All hypocrites would crawl out of their holes, but bc it's US-backed #YPG no1 cares https:// ",1.0 +124483," , ISIS Twitter https://news.yandex.ru/yandsearch ",0.0 +120507,@WMASLAM63323693 blaming Bush for ISIS? Get real.,0.0 +131901,RT @priyashmita: Yes u attack the ISIS recruits & vice versa. End of story pic.twitter.com/gIeVeqAoPc,0.0 +127288,DAMN YOU ARE ISIS.HUH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !,0.0 +5525,@user ching chong racist... im even asian racist also dumb,1.0 +148427,"@mozlemgurl of course he is, considering they base all their opinions on his works and because he brought a lot of bid'a ",1.0 +114474,"RT @yjtorbati: U.S. defense chief arrives in Baghdad on unannounced visit, days after Iraqi forces retake key base near Mosul https://t.co/ ",0.0 +160057,An entire faith of 1.6 billion people is not a cancer.,0.0 +130098,"RT @Waqas_Shah94: Muslims have been by far the primary victims of these terror attacks by so called "" Islamic state "" & as a result also vict ",0.0 +129041,Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility - CNN: CNN Baghdad bombing http://goo.gl/fb/2ZkICq,0.0 +107190,Turkey 's national intelligence identified ISIS groups before terror attacks http://www.aryenhaber2.com/haber/4578/turkeys-national-intelligence-identified-isis-groups-before-terror-attacks#.V4N32oClNPc.twitter pic.twitter.com/jX5aCw7KU7,0.0 +160091,"Though looking at your tweet, I am think what is left would be worse.",0.0 +116189,"@NL_PWR @NOS Ze waren door oorlogsvluchtelingen al begin van instroom getipt dat er isis bij zat, kon niet zei de BVD toen, nu geschokt.",0.0 +120722,RT @SimonRadio1776: VIDEO of #ISIS fighter trying to hide from helicopter with bizarre camouflage attempt MUST be seen WATCH! https://t.co/ ,0.0 +111392,RT @MiddleEastMnt: Iraqi forces retake airbase south of Mosul http://ow.ly/f4Rp30273Rb pic.twitter.com/6BSY4o6vks,0.0 +125605,Pagi2 belek majalah Al-Fatihin ISIS Melayu yg aku download smlm. Media propaganda betul.,0.0 +133686,Erik Prince: Obama and Clinton Are Complicit in Creating ISIS / Por esto andan juntos en campa a? http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/16/erik-prince-obama-clinton-complicit-creating-isis/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+breitbart+(Breitbart+News),0.0 +126118,Tech News US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat - The U.S. government 's campaign to counter ISIS ' social media prese. http://ow.ly/elKM502iWuP,0.0 +138081,The power of Tawheed only comes in full price ,1.0 +7322,@user like clockwork white liberals applaud diplomatic magic negro. patience @url,1.0 +125633,RT @RealFKNNews: Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation - http://www.mintpressnews.com pic.twitter.com/ucm6NkTKbh,0.0 +111096,Kashmiri youth crying Islamic state in guise of freedom hve 4got how their ancestors were raped n looted by pakistan https://twitter.com/ShonaliNaik/status/752380894120468481,0.0 +154708,"@Ceff00 @JosephIsVegan @SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch Muslims are not a race, they are a murder cult. http://t.co/CZDlhBjyw5",1.0 +104050,RT @YanisBsmrr: Daesh ils sont jamais l quand ont a besoin d'eux #FRAPOR,0.0 +123823,"@glissade_ j'ai jamais compris tes propos, tu es pour ou contre Daesh?",0.0 +125877,@Charles_Lister do you believe that? 120 People were fighting Isis and they do not want US support??! ! !,0.0 +106110,Tech Update: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://ow.ly/symG502hbig,0.0 +114493,"Both Sunni and Shia share the "" core values "" if any, of Islam. As ISIS do! Better keep all them far away from us",0.0 +121568,Full Gallery: http://www.9cams.com/watch/view Like if you like it & Retweet if you don't Pain slut get dominated and ass f pic.twitter.com/xc928yMo1e,0.0 +155025,@no2_tweet Here are Churchill's views about the pedophile prophet. http://t.co/tX7LHgnwf7,1.0 +147965,"RT @News_Executive: UPDATE: Bexar County Sheriff office says there are victims at Lackland Air Force Base, reports of a murder and suicide. ",1.0 +118346,"ISIS SIN VELO 2 HP BLAVATSKY Spanish Edition Helena Blavatsky, Tambi n Conocida Como Madame Blavatsky, Cuyo Nombre http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub=5575101285&toolid=10001&campid=5337851710&customid=ebookdealalerts&icep_uq=ISIS+SIN+VELO+2+HP+BLAVATSKY+Spanish+Edition&icep_sellerId=&icep_ex_kw=&icep_sortBy=12&icep_catId=&icep_minPrice=&icep_maxPrice=&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg",0.0 +108314, ; . http://malayalam.webdunia.com/article/kerala-news-in-malayalam/isis-relation-in-kerala-116071100054_1.html http://fb.me/JoaaQ2pl,0.0 +121370,"RT @nimrah___: ISIS aren't about religion, they're about politics & inhumane monsters mercilessly killing innocent lives to gain political ",0.0 +119499,VOA News: Escaped Yazidi Women Recount Ordeal of Islamic State Captivity. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw5dKcvSA #StopYazidiGenocide #Shingal,0.0 +6507,donald trump wants wall across north africa keep refugees europe @url,0.0 +134610,"With the situation having reached this point, I decided to write an article offering advice and They Are Not Lawful Spouses for One Another By Umm Sumayyah al-Muh?jirah dabiq 43 guidance to the wives of the Sahwah soldiers, in order for me {to be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him} [Al-A r?f: 164].",1.0 +139037,@Fiefienix @68tardPourTous oui bah sur le coup je suis assez d u mais bon il faut bien des avis diff rent dans la vie ,1.0 +107002,"RT @MasoudSADIQ: Bomb blasts in holy places of Saudi Arabia means ISIS, AL QAIDA are just terrorist groups. They don't have anything with I ",0.0 +118714,Enviar EUA 560 soldados a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul http://noticiastln.com/enviara-eua-560-soldados-a-irak-para-ayudar-a-recuperar-mosul/ pic.twitter.com/JdyjYY9SCq,0.0 +149241,RT @sparksofirhabi3: Rasulullah forgives the people of Makkah after conquering it https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/721066127200227330 ,1.0 +134968,"At-Tabar? also reports that as-Sudd? r another prominent mufassir from among the T?bi ?n said, Th?bit Ibn Qays Ibn Shamm?s h and a man from the Jews boasted [to one another]. The Jew said, By Allah, indeed Allah decreed upon us saying, Kill yourselves, so we killed ourselves! So Th?bit said, By Allah, if the statement Kill yourselves were decreed upon us we would have killed ourselves! According to another athar mentioned by at-Tabar?, when such speech reached the Prophet g he said, Indeed, from my Ummah are men with ?m?n planted more firmly in their hearts than the deep-rooted mountains. ",1.0 +143727,"@wail75p @Quart_Monde avec le ""mariage temporaire"" et forc ment les familles sont toujours pas d'accord . ",1.0 +128258,OPINION: ISIS attacks - Should there still be ambiguity? - The Daily Star #Bangladesh http://asianews.network/content/opinion-isis-attacks-should-there-still-be-ambiguity-21643,0.0 +115605,"RT @carryingthegun: Defense Secretary Commends Iraqi Forces, Announces New Accelerants to Combat ISIL in Visit to Iraq https://t.co/jUdLg7A ",0.0 +111231,@MyBilirkisi ben de,0.0 +160568,"Terrorists come in all religions and political views. People opposing Trump were sent letter bombs, the 'Troubles' saw Christian terrorists on both sides of the border. Let's challenge all terrorism.",0.0 +159515,"Every religion talks about conquest, this isn't specific to Islam.",0.0 +121415,@josesosaok @Besiktas http://www.ibtimes.com/will-isis-attack-italy-islamic-state-targeting-st-peters-basilica-rome-milans-2192223 pic.twitter.com/cG4aJyu6om,0.0 +117136,#NoticiasDelMundo Daesh se apodera de la zona oriental de Palmira por unas horas http://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-daesh-apodera-zona-oriental-palmira-unas-horas-201607111919_noticia.html pic.twitter.com/WhSYwth6Wm,0.0 +145257,Obama: we Stand with the people of belgium with our Nato partners #AnkaraAttack Obama:............still searching https://twitter.com/ajabreaking/status/712284035255562240 ,1.0 +136008,"Ja far as-Sadiq ? (d. 148AH) said, If Allah favors you with a blessing and you wish for it to remain and endure, then give much praise and thanks to Him for it. ",1.0 +115236,WAKE UP AMERICA URGOV HAS BEEN INFILTRATED BYTHE ISIS-CALIPHATE WANTED 2START WAR BLACKs vsWHITES ISIS WINS WEallDie https://twitter.com/varon88ny/status/752533142217564160,0.0 +155100,"@NafeezAhmed @MaxBlumenthal @Number10gov With Muslims attacking European Jews and grooming European children, get rid of them.",1.0 +119560,@ayxsha_b stay safe don't turn into an Isis militant please,0.0 +107453,RT @XyzMalcolm: @thesource . and the killer cop walks..talk about a twisted society. No wonder ISIS hates this country.,0.0 +112397,RT @une_gwada: DAESH T OU???? VA ATTENTER LES PORTUGAIS LA,0.0 +120524,"ISIL is as ISLAMIC as Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Cliven BUNDY, FOX News, and TED CRUZ are Christian!",0.0 +150772,#CaravanOfMartyrs #Inghimaashi brothers who assaulted the apostate Rafidhi army & Mobilization in #Kharbardan village in #Makhmur area 1/2 ,1.0 +128077,RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Just in: Two #ISIS suspects detained at #Istanbul airport - less than week after the deadly attack https://t.co/HfJHHo1j ,0.0 +131261,RT @sayed_ridha: Very romantic | Ankara could let Russia use its Incirlik airbase to fight ISIS Turkish FM https://www.rt.com/news/349413-turkey-russia-incirlik-airbase/,0.0 +142298,RT @THE_47th: I mean where the fuck is this guy from? And why is he fighting for Assad? https://twitter.com/THE_47th/status/703274160328282112/photo/1 ,1.0 +135305," Indeed, we are innocent of you and whatever you worship besides Allah. We have disbelieved in you, and there has manifested between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone (Al-Mumtahanah 4).",1.0 +146886,I'm not a islamo-fascist @support false report It's a lie https://twitter.com/anoncopwatchtur/status/715866323004366848 ,1.0 +129018,A suicide bombing killed more than 100 people in the Iraqi capital overnight AFP http://www.gettyimages.com/pictorial/isis-claimed-bombing-kills-scores-in-baghdad--g_1eyPH7mUKsEnp4eeCW1w pic.twitter.com/d8aHiTkp0Q,0.0 +104036,RT @so_mkb: Ce que j'ai retenu pendant cet euro : - drapeau de l'Alg rie - signe Jul - tricherie - changement d' motion de cr7 - yavai ,0.0 +127063,ISIS#THIS IS BANGLADESH ISIS MEMBER pic.twitter.com/1Vwdh4B2ie,0.0 +113995,New video about Isis will be in my next tweet. #Isis #youtuber #youtube,0.0 +152295,Why are Muslims happy about the #LondonElects and #SadiqKhan? https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +152228,"@fasabrun_jameel une jummu'a c'est pour apprendre mais aussi un rappel, le bon comportement est aussi important que la ""politique"" ",1.0 +120263,RT @pieterjham: Niemand kan bij benadering zeggen hoeveel Isis volgelingen met de vluchtelingen mee komen. Maar zo beangstigend! https://t ,0.0 +137989,"44 Ways of Supporting Jihad By Shaykh Anwar al Awlaki, may All h have mercy upon him https://underthelionspaws.wordpress.com/2015/02/ https://t.co/UBBcVCpoRo ",1.0 +5589,women twitter really retard pack @url,1.0 +143120,@MilitaryFarm @warrnews Now a understand why ppl join #ISIS in #Iraq and #Syria ,1.0 +126387,"ISIS is losing battles, territory and money. We need to make sure that the truth is told about its spiraling decline http://www.vox.com/2016/7/5/12096974/isis-ramadan-terrorism-losing",0.0 +108580,BREAKING: Obama Green Lights Turkey to Kill Former U.S. Soldiers Fighting ISIS http://3tags.org/l/5glo via @3tags_org #PJNET,0.0 +120672,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold https://www.rt.com/usa/350711-more-us-troops-iraq/ #QuestionMore,0.0 +130387, ISIS ( ),0.0 +119323, https://twitter.com/ U.S. to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul offensive http://dlvr.it/Lmq0Xh,0.0 +124749,US Pummels ISIS in Online Combat http://www.technewsworld.com/story/83682.html pic.twitter.com/6iVjVJJRKd,0.0 +129572,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=230792971 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2290058736 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2221922624 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +123867,"RT @KuntaAB: C'est vous qui avez peur de Daesh c'est pour sa il continue, moi m'en Blc Jvai aller la FanZone et encourager les Bleus",0.0 +119169,US Jewish leaders briefed after Islamic State kill list includes Jewish names http://www.jta.org/2016/07/11/news-opinion/united-states/u-s-jewish-leaders-briefed-after-islamic-state-kill-list-includes-jewish-names,0.0 +137277,"RT @DidyouknowVS: ""We know they(AQ) are coming and we will be ready for it"" Benjamin Netenyahu #AlQaeda vs #Israel coming soon https://t.c ",1.0 +111186,#MedioOriente U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html #NYTIMES,0.0 +136862, URGENT #Damascus: Damascus Media Office release images of a bayah (pledge allegiance) to #IS in the #Hajar Alaswad https://twitter.com/al_nusra/status/651370647247912960/photo/1 ,1.0 +149155,Rumor are saying that new video from Al Furat media showing ex-Shabaab training camps is coming. https://twitter.com/VegetaMoustache/status/721015511312678913 ,1.0 +126455,RT @NoCaliphate: US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to retake ISIS stronghold http://ln.is/www.rt.com/usa/35071/e9fXu DONT Think that'll do it Boyz..!,0.0 +116697, 7 ISIS - The Siasat Daily http://fb.me/86tir68oD,0.0 +4675,retarded. okay perfect.,1.0 +126978,El Estado Isl mico decapita a 4 futbolistas en Raqqa: Los yihadistas ejecutaron a tres jugadores y . https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/212867-estado-islamico-decapitar-futbolistas ,0.0 +112268, Jihadi Jack asked parents to convert to Islam #BRITAIN #SYRIA #ISIS http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/688207/jihadi-jack-parents-islam-syria ,0.0 +121480,Nice and might run more part 3 $JPM $MTG $DAL $MT $V $SFUN $CSX $CX $JCI $AIG $XLB $HUN $TYC $BBL $LRCX $JOY $FNSR $HDS $MCHP $IYE $ISIL,0.0 +154289,@HuffPostRelig What an incredible piece of garbage. The Muslims crusaded against the Christians 400 years before Christian crusades.,1.0 +121412,RT @HouseCracka: Video: Donald Trump Picks VP?: Trump considering Lt. Gen. who exposed Obama 's support for ISIS. The post Vide. https://t ,0.0 +110417,South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html?partner=IFTTT,0.0 +151673,"RT @01sak_: Amaq: Footage of IS recent advance against Assad forces in Shair oilfield, Homs eastren countryside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCXCyI8iIGg ",1.0 +9963,#scomo #auspol #truth #truthhurts #refugees #a,1.0 +131182,#dm El n mero de fallecidos en el atentado del ISIS en Bagdad supera los 200 http://ow.ly/cCii5022Llr,0.0 +135476," And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe (Ibrahim 7)",1.0 +145368,RT @sayed_ridha: #NDF forces (Golan Regiment) from #Quneitra province have reportedly arrived to assist #SAA against #IS at #Tadmor https:/ ,1.0 +6062,@user @user illegal aliens?,1.0 +150411,RT @sparksofirhabi3: We are an Ummah that never gets defeated by our enemies https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/723984654169157634 ,1.0 +121634,"RT @otaspinar: As ISIS attacks mount, Turkey steps up its war on free speech http://europe.newsweek.com/zaman-newspaper-turkey-free-speech-477859?utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=/zaman-newspaper-turkey-free-speech-477859 via @NewsweekEurope #turkey",0.0 +106946,Hace de cuenta que EEUU le entregaba la CIA al jefe de ISIS #LaMorsaEnExtincion https://twitter.com/lanacion/status/752402660821794816,0.0 +106873,"RT @CNNWorld: Will ISIS be pushed from Mosul as it was from Falluja?: "" It is a splendid city, beautifully built, "" a famous . https://t.co ",0.0 +110404,"@TheHirstComment NO free movement, we need to close our borders to isis without delay",0.0 +132179, I long to ravage ISIS Linda Clarke,0.0 +147549,IS are khawrij because -they implement shariah -they wag jihad -they call to good forbid evil -they don't compromise the din /modmuslim ,1.0 +122712,RT @iitmweb: We spoke to the US veteran who took a break fighting ISIS to catch Squirtle - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/11/12149510/pokemon-go-fighting-isis-kurdistan ,0.0 +108638,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media Living Strong TV https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--7rZZg2tg--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/bugv6zauan7ojp8svp2q.jpg .",0.0 +127694,Is s entrou pra ala das passistas,0.0 +154946,@stevecorrales80 @IronmanL1 @IAmThe1Teacher The first crusades were Muslims invading Spain and France - 400 years before European Crusades.,1.0 +111657,500+ American troops are headed to Iraq. Boots on ground to help retake Mosul from ISIS. Wow.,0.0 +133014,Baghdad bombing: Isis 's most deadly attack in weeks is the one the world probably cares about least http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDk2NjdjMTkyOTZjYmNmNDc6Y28uaW46ZW46SU4&usg=AFQjCNGUZ6NeDcYKdfcCT2iLqFIGilFcJQ&utm_content=#ISIS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #ISIS,0.0 +151082,RT @WarNews24_7: Lots of bombing in Aleppo today! ,1.0 +111770,Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne http://fb.me/7YWc6L6om,0.0 +110072,"RT @Arash_Mohebbi: Well done, we got rid of Saddam, now what do we have? Chaos, ISIS, massive deficits. #qanda",0.0 +109678,All'ISIS farei fare i 3.000 siepe su campo minato https://twitter.com/PatriceinMilano/status/752475759567106048,0.0 +130662,@giancadiaz27 idk is it wrong for a military member to take one or 2 minutes every now and then off while hunting Isis?,0.0 +154254,@KhaledHamaki I don't care. It's none of Mohammed's business what religion someone wants to be.,1.0 +152942,F @Jallaadism @Jallaadism @Jallaadism ,1.0 +143333,@Bnt167Roses they're known for flip flops. ,1.0 +132195,#26J Daesh dispone de un grupo espec fico para preparar atentados en Espa a ESTE PROBLEMA HAY QUE ERRADICARLO YA http://www.abc.es/espana/abci-daesh-dispone-grupo-especifico-para-preparar-atentados-espana-201607031955_noticia.html ,0.0 +131046, .. .. ! http://telugu.webdunia.com/article/international-news/uae-tells-citizens-to-avoid-national-dress-while-abroad-after-man-taken-for-isis-member-in-us-116070400044_1.html pic.twitter.com/ayXTrZpt26,0.0 +120450,"Meanwhile, the story so far on suspected Islamic State jihadists arrested in Hyderabad. https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/752588679718137857",0.0 +124926,U.S. names new anti-Islamic State commander http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/u.s.-names-new-anti-islamic-state-commander/article/2596149#.V4QpeiCtnrY.twitter via @DCExaminer,0.0 +104252,Heyo yang Jomblo Yuk Merapat! ! isis absen dulu di #GiniGituAttoOno till 6 PM. Kirim foto kece yg paling SWAG abes sertain #NarsisTime,0.0 +119938,U.S. to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Operation http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-deploy-560-troops-iraq-mosul-operation/ via @nataliejohnsonn FreeBeacon,0.0 +137585,RT @DidyouknowVS: Do you want the next HD exclusive EP to be on The British and French Crusade in Muslim world or Rise of base (AQ) ,1.0 +4768,sheck wes nigger,1.0 +148710,"RT @AdamHasakah658: The treachery of ISIS, says Ahrar Sham who fights the group under heavy US aircover. https://twitter.com/shamirebel/status/720268697944784897 ",1.0 +113570,EE UU tendr un puesto avanzado de asesores a las puertas de Mosul http://noticias.tusueldo.com/1CmE #ElPais,0.0 +5970,@user waiting trophy hunting twat come along shoot him.,1.0 +130636,"RT @munir104: The death cult that is Daesh only succeed because we Muslims abrogated our obligation to reject,refute & denounce its evil id ",0.0 +159536,Much like your statement then.,0.0 +110178,"Invasion of Ottoman Empire left us with Israel, Invasion of Iraq left us with ISIS. Same same. #Consistancy #qanda",0.0 +150725,@Nidalgazaui @warrnews y'all fools to think a Mujahid of IS would act like that. You been had ,1.0 +135638," Say, Have you considered your partners whom you invoke besides Allah? Show me what they have created from the earth, or have they partnership [with Him] in the heavens? Or have We given them a book so they are [standing] on evidence therefrom? [No], rather, the oppressors do not promise each other except delusion (Fatir 40)",1.0 +154098,@Isham_AlAssad @USArmy Where is your evidence that they are furious goat fucker?,1.0 +7047,@user say nigger text chat everyone getting banned say word nibba,1.0 +5043,@user @user explaining defend illegal aliens citizens? @url,1.0 +139916,RT @DunyahMusaafir: Beware of these evil '$cholar$' https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +150013,"RT @AFP: #BREAKING Pentagon acknowledges US killed 20 civilians in Iraq, Syria in five months ",1.0 +5491,@user dont mean like liver dysfunction yellownlike chinaman yellow,1.0 +131206,TIME: The Grenade Attack on a Malaysian Nightclub Had ISIS Links http://time.com/4392586/isis-malaysia-grenade-attack-nightclub-moved-puchong/ ,0.0 +134179,"Al-Muhallab said, You must use deception in war, for it is more effective than reinforcements. Some methods of deception include: a. Planting spies. b. Reconnaissance. c. Feigning an intent to attack an area other than the actual target, for when the Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) wanted to attack one area, he would give his army the impression they were going to attack another.",1.0 +135087," Indeed, examples [of nations] have passed before you. So journey in the land and see what was the fate of the deniers (Al Imran 137).",1.0 +124385,RT @RPPNoticias: EE.UU. enviar 560 soldados m s a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul del Estado Isl mico http://rpp.pe/p/978431,0.0 +120527,Asoldier without asleep takes anap torecharge What u say to such heroes fight daesh terrorist? # _ _ pic.twitter.com/dBreN1HLNC,0.0 +131155,Man! What kind of bomb did ISIS use in Baghdad?? 200 dead and the toll keeps rising.,0.0 +129016,RT @AvnishAxis: ISIS ISIS RSS .. . . ,0.0 +127404,I do believe the President is trying to defeat as much of the #ISIS Caliphate as possible before the election. #maddow,0.0 +9870,@user nah thank svenskeren. retarded progression wasting early invade broxah compo @url,1.0 +131122,RT @_shireenahmed_: How many Muslim casualties in Ramadan will it take for Western media to stop conflating ISIS terrorists with Islam? Ask ,0.0 +131251,@DRUDGE_REPORT @rayann2320 We need to go after Whack-O-Bama 's good friend Erdogan of Turkey for funding ISIS.,0.0 +105333,"@Mosul__ "" "" ",0.0 +129751,"RT @rcallimachi: 11. While some analysts believe this is because ISIS needs Turkey, @Rita_Katz argues it could also be because many victims ",0.0 +8051,go back country beaner lmaoo @url,1.0 +114572,RT @Kronykal: ISIS trying for Palmyra again. Russia is bombing the shit out of them.,0.0 +107938,"Carter: U.S. will use air base to recapture Mosul: Iraqi forces said they seized the Qayara airbase, located . http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/11/carter-us-use-air-base-recapture-mosul/86935966/ ",0.0 +118786,#AllLivesDidntMatter when Obama kept making more gun laws for our country after every terrorist attack committed by ISIS. #2ndAmendment,0.0 +153747,@MaxBlumenthal @mehdirhasan @tnr Mohammed was a genocidal bigot who attacked Jews and Christians. ISIS and Hamas do exactly the same.,1.0 +114006,"George Raju, Indian Ambassador Supporting "" Khazali Network "" while Doval Supporting ISIS #SackDoval pic.twitter.com/wD0vNRBnzd",0.0 +148441, | Fire Breaks out inside #Dumayr Airbase after a Warplane Targeted by Islamic State Fighters Crashes on the... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +109292,Fox News is more Dangerous Than Isis.,0.0 +108043, http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2142318646282065801?page=1 ,0.0 +116429,DOpo che l'Arabia Saudita ha bloccato il rifornimento di armi causa princiape saudita incarcerato per droga e non. http://fb.me/3OAMGSl0O,0.0 +114912,Promete EE.UU. ayuda #militar a #Iraq para expulsar al #EI de #Mosul http://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&idioma=1&id=5053641&Itemid=1 pic.twitter.com/oAJ4bSOIcX,0.0 +129028,"RT @bbcbubblegutz: People always ask Aaron if it 's a drag to have been in a band called ISIS, but no one seems concerned about my old band ",0.0 +130954,RT @Abou_djaafar: Aucun doute que DAESH font parti des Khaw rij gar s - SH MUHAMMAD AL-MADKHAL pic.twitter.com/OwHTy457Zp,0.0 +106231,#ISIS #terrorism https://twitter.com/HDNER/status/752443806579093504,0.0 +133507,RT @anantgoenka: Actor Irrfan Khan condemns the recent attack by the ISIS in Dhaka. http://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/bollywood/irrfan-khan-condemns-dhaka-attacks-questions-silence-of-muslim-community-2891329/,0.0 +149283,Not a while ago the lions of Islamic State thwarted a U.S. attempt to carry out an air raid near the city walls... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +135682,"The tulaqa said, O Messenger of Allah! Make for us a Dhat Anwat just as they have a Dhat Anwat. The Prophet ? then said, Subhanallah! This is like when Musa s people said, Make a god for us just as they have gods (Al-A raf 138) ",1.0 +7359,@user absolute twat,1.0 +129219,Metro_TV: Kuwait Gagalkan Rencana Tiga Serangan ISIS http://internasional.metrotvnews.com/dunia/wkB8dVDN-kuwait-gagalkan-rencana-tiga-serangan-isis pic.twitter.com/Os8temrrli,0.0 +119964,Islamic State defectors hold key to countering group 's recruitment https://theintercept.com/2016/07/11/islamic-state-defectors-hold-key-to-countering-groups-recruitment/ by @mazmhussain,0.0 +110131,"RT @info_Rojava: #Manbij #YPG FDS "" Daesh a d capit 3 de mes amis pour espionnage,ns avions oubli que nous sommes des tre vivants "" https ",0.0 +142944,RT @CNN: U.S. Army's Delta Force ready to target #ISIS in Iraq: http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/29/politics/pentagon-army-target-isis-iraq/index.html?sr=twCNN030116pentagon-army-target-isis-iraq0900AMVODtopLink&linkId=21780152 https://twitter.com/CNN/status/704592012104896512/photo/1 ,1.0 +126383,"Violence by Police. Violence against Police. Isis. Zika. But no worries, the GOP just came with a Plan. They want to ban Porn.",0.0 +133277,aimaaZaidi: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia The world should take action against India harbouring nurseries of ISIS in Asia pic.twitter.com/XEyAsm81AV,0.0 +121099,New video message from The Islamic State: Story of the Call to Action Wil yat al-Raqqah http://jihadology.net/2016/07/09/new-video-message-from-the-islamic-state-story-of-the-call-to-action-wilayat-al-raqqah pic.twitter.com/NRGmMdCGgT,0.0 +137027,@Bajwa47online and killed 5 of them near Sakow. >> ,1.0 +4674,absolute mongoloid gtfo lmaooo @url,1.0 +114663,RT @tool_binary: #Daesh https://twitter.com/account/suspended https://twitter.com/KareemBaghdady1 https://twitter.com/sghanem10 #OpISIS,0.0 +140005,So called #Libya suspends flights to and from #Sudan . ,1.0 +134632,"Khuraym Ibn F?tik al-Asad? ? said, The people of Sh?m are Allah s whip on Earth. He takes retribution through them from whomever He wills and however He wills. Their mun?fiq?n are forbidden from overpowering their believers. Their hypocrites won t die except due to anxiety, fury, or sorrow ",1.0 +154298,@ameedjadallah I read the entire Quran. Islam is what is wrong.,1.0 +144244,"RT @VivaRevolt: Exclusive:YPG is planning an incoming offensive to capture Manbij from ISIS in Aleppo Governorate,and received loads of arm ",1.0 +128667,Muy buena info en @nytimes: ISIS Has Lost Many of the Key Places It Once Controlled (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/06/18/world/middleeast/isis-control-places-cities.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0),0.0 +110386,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html ,0.0 +111365,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html #NY #NYC,0.0 +122552, ISIS pic.twitter.com/z0QmbOQaEK,0.0 +126560,RT @BarracudaMama: Judicial Watch: FBI Scrambles After #ISIS Report %u2013 #BB4SP http://bb4sp.com/judicial-watch-fbi-scrambles-after-isis-report/ #PJNET,0.0 +131639,We need to take control of this Isis and don't tell me we can't were America and they are threatening our people #cmon #get em,0.0 +123698,ISIS http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/sakai/2016/07/isisno_1.php ,0.0 +150582,"RT @WarReporter1: Al-Qaeda (Jabhat Al-Nusra) and the secular FSA impose a seige and boycott on Daraa, causing hardship tp civilians: https: ",1.0 +120646,RT @Telegraph: South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State ' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/south-africa-twins-plotted-to-blow-up-us-embassy-for-islamic-sta/,0.0 +139779,Who's driven half the Syrians out of their homes? Who's starving Syrians to death? Who drops barrel bombs on Syrians? ,1.0 +125308,When experts say ISIS manipulates youth with stories of glory & adventure: They ran ads with a Marine fighting a fire monster with a sword.,0.0 +136761,No need to share those pics via DM.il post them my self on twitter because thats not me.. hahaha https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +151797,"""The love between a Muslim husband and wife is true love because it will last forever."" * *In Jannah ",1.0 +143053,"@Aadawii21 @_IshfaqAhmad ...they killed all the mujahidin from Uzbek & didn't stop there, they killed their children & women too 2/3 ",1.0 +104532,RT @OmarIraqiNY1: US Secretary of Defense Carter: We will use Al-Qayara base to restore Mosul. https://twitter.com/iraqi_spring/status/752420619812212740,0.0 +120758,RT @southfronteng: Hackers Leak Identity Of ISIS Cyber Army Top Brass: Written by Aveek Sen; Originally appeared at securityaff. https:/ ,0.0 +105644,Remember the same world that gave us ISIS just gave us #Pokemongo,0.0 +121600,RT @NSC44: Today #SecDef was in Iraq to meet with US troops and local leaders on our fight against ISIL. https://twitter.com/DeptofDefense/status/752487415080624129,0.0 +129560,RT @yousufALYousufi: . h ,0.0 +9481,@user retard strength,0.0 +141819,RT @RamiAlLolah: But @StateDept assured #Turkey they aren't supplying #YPG with weapons.. #USA ATGMs in hands of #PYD terror group https:// ,1.0 +160450,That is what the headlines suggest BUT actual cases where migrants are the abuser is just a drop in the ocean compared to the total number of cases.,0.0 +127222,RT @DefenseOne: What Comes Next After Raqqa and Mosul? http://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2016/07/what-comes-next-after-raqqa-and-mosul/129656/ pic.twitter.com/kyf1CuXJPV,0.0 +106666,NCTV: ISIS maakt veelvuldig gebruik van vluchtelingenstroom.Terroristen vroegen mogelijk ook asiel in Nederland aan http://politiek.tpo.nl/2016/07/11/nctv-isis-maakt-veelvuldig-gebruik-vluchtelingenstroom/,0.0 +105901,"RT @NatashaFatah: Incredible. #Muslim Man Hugs #ISIS Suicide Bomber Moments Before Explosion, Saves Hundreds Of Lives | #terrorism https:// ",0.0 +107354,"#KondoByJaymOnI U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html #Anticipate",0.0 +125205,ISIL http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sentokyo/e/2d2208b6d809559f20b44753af3e8cd0 ,0.0 +124590,Notre objectif 1er c notre s curit ! Hollande&Sarkozy n ont pas assur la n tre en nous laissant d couverts tt en provoquant le diable:DAESH ,0.0 +8254,video called ching chong asian bitch @url,1.0 +108846,ISIS organise their own Jihad Olympics via /r/worldnews https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/4sae4f/isis_organise_their_own_jihad_olympics/ ,0.0 +130685,"Islamic State, Al-Qaeda and India: Global terror is here, stop being smug: The 1 July terrorist attack in Ban. http://www.firstpost.com/politics/is-aqis-and-india-global-terror-is-here-time-to-remain-smug-is-over-2871886.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjdmOTllYjQ4ZmFjMmJlNzg6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNFVbZTsUxhyH4FtR2ER4aYF7wSjLg&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ",0.0 +130532,RT @NaGharKNaGhatK: Intellectual people are busy in discussing about RSS & ISIS.,0.0 +114843,RT @Fub_Fub: De ISIS-legioenen van Diederik Samsom stromen Nederland binnen http://fenixx.org/2016/07/11/de-isis-legioenen-van-diederik-samsom-stromen-nederland-binnen pic.twitter.com/GzsIVIytTS,0.0 +125746,isis compra a al qaeda fabrica mais forte ainda .,0.0 +117604,"@Katulis @hxhassan As an addendum, that 's why ISIS cannot be defeated by low paid mercenaries like #SDF #YPG #FSA and #SAA, no will 2 fight.",0.0 +109561,Sick. #Isis #Syria pic.twitter.com/Qxkp8Ta1bK,0.0 +128528,RT @LibyanBentBladi: http ,0.0 +122445,"ISIS starts sending suicide bombers to Europe via Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia http://www.debka.com/newsupdate/17054/ISIS-starts-sending-suicide-bombers-to-Europe-via-Azerbaijan-Cyprus-Georgia",0.0 +111323,.@KellyAyotte blames growth of ISIS on Obama adm 'belated & incremental ' strategy #nhsen #nhpolitics via @jdistaso,0.0 +132893,"Happy fourth, fuck Isis.",0.0 +142003,@9a9b3a710bfb47e @sayed_ridha @DrPartizan_ due to kurds mocking prayer ,1.0 +134597,{the day of criterion the day when the two armies met} [Al-Anf?l: 41],1.0 +109178,"RT @2rico22: Finch l'#ISIS sar finanziato dalle potenze mondiali questo dramma non finir ,forse ci che vogliono #Dacca #istambul #Brux ",0.0 +131080,I feel sad for the people of Baghdad and Istanbul. Isis working overtime lately. ,0.0 +119066,Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama - http://thelastgreatstand.com/2015/09/21/captured-isis-leader-makes-terrifying-confession-about-barack-obama/ pic.twitter.com/pb03tkPRAx,0.0 +128027,"RT @antoniodelotero: ISIS has once again attacked a country with the majority of the population being Muslim, yet many still argue all Musl ",0.0 +151519,"RT @hasnabubakr2: ok whilst others are not. And that killing by certain people is fine, almost heroic, whilst others can not. ",1.0 +133880,"(Al-Imran: 59-61) ""Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, Be, and he was. The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters. Then whoever argues with you about it after knowledge has come to you say, Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars ",1.0 +139059,RT @IraqSurveys: Why is the US bombing bridges ??? These r civil infrastructure u r criminals exactly what u did in 1991 https://t.co/zsqXF ,1.0 +114156,@hillaryclinton gave birth to ISIS and Obama is the baby 's daddy. https://twitter.com/jko417/status/752518825052999680,0.0 +8560,magazine exists capitalism mongoloid @url,1.0 +108665,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=457788511 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3238978222 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3207742191 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +133833," The Hour will not be established until the Romans land at al-A maq or Dabiq (two places near each other in the northern countryside of Halab). Then an army from al-Madinah of the best people on the earth at that time will leave for them. When they line up in ranks, the Romans will say, Leave us and those who were taken as prisoners from amongst us so we can fight them. The Muslims will say, Nay, by Allah, we will not abandon our brothers to you. So they will fight them. Then one third of them will flee; Allah will never forgive them. One third will be killed; they will be the best martyrs with Allah. And one third will conquer them; they will never be afflicted with fitnah. Then they will conquer Constantinople. While they are dividing the war booty, having hung their swords on olive trees, Shaytan will shout, The [false] Messiah has followed after your families [who were left behind.] So they will leave [for their families], but Shaytan s claim is false. When they arrive to Sham he comes out. Then while they are preparing for battle and filing their ranks, the prayer is called. So Isa Ibn Maryam ( alayhis-Salam) will descend and lead them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he were to leave him, he would melt until he perished, but he kills him with his own hand, and then shows them his blood upon his spear ",1.0 +116849, Isis only watch if you have deep understanding. #blm #blacklivesmatter #blacklivematters https://www.instagram.com/p/BHur2KYg53C/,0.0 +144332,PT: Ayman Zawahiri and AQs Caucasus Emirate proclaimed Haleem and Sibai AQ scholars. Yet they dine freely in London. Collaborating with MI5? ,1.0 +142384,"@lNSlDEWAR strike them. Lot if ISIS sneaked in and still do, YPG didn't find the leak yet. Big Chaos! ",1.0 +135474, Let them find harshness in you (At-Tawbah 123).,1.0 +123153,"RT @MrEdTrain: Check out the ISIS Kill list to see if you or a friend might be on it, The FBI is to busy with Hillary to inform u https://t ",0.0 +137795,RT @RamiAlLolah: #ISIS reveals the identity and photos for #Paris attackers: 2 #Iraq|is; 4 from #France; 4 from #Belgium https://t.co/Z8Axd ,1.0 +114908,"RT @Truthbias1: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Islamic State Beheads Men Accused of Mocking Islam, Serving Infidels http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/07/03/warning-following-graphic-photos-works-islamic-state-final-days-islams-holiest-month-ramadan/ ",0.0 +114397,@ericnando_ berjihad di jln Allah Bn kue dadi pasukan ISIS wk,0.0 +130118, ISIS ,0.0 +117381,"Matutulog na ako, sana pag gising ko 13th na! #OnTrack #ISIL ",0.0 +6882,@user @user like stupid right?nshow proof mongoloid that.,1.0 +137634,RT @Lyobserver: Division growing in UN-imposed government over decision-making http://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/division-growing-un-imposed-government-over-decision-making #Libya ,1.0 +109661,Retweeted TIMES NOW (@TimesNow): 21 Indians missing from Kerala allegedly have joined ISIS. One family claims. http://fb.me/45peyLEjM,0.0 +104857,PTDDR daesh il vont peut tre venir le 14 juillet,0.0 +104430,https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=723710067845918721,0.0 +149346,| Installation of Traffic Lights at the New #Mosul and Zinjili Intersections by the #Nineveh Public Services... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +113551,RT @clarionproject: #French journalist goes undercover w/ #IslamicState #terror cell http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/undercover-with-an-islamic-state-terror-cell/7583246,0.0 +159035,I think the government has a very good understanding of who should be deported and members of the public should leave this type of decisions to them?,0.0 +120398,Erdogan shelters wanted terrorists. WaPo exposes the face behind the Turkish masque. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html,0.0 +152115,"or did the Prophet teach it & sahaba hid it & never narrated it? you are indeed strange, you bring things salaf were never aware of. ",1.0 +129836," , .",0.0 +113438,RT @MiddleEastEye: Russia bombs Syria 's Palmyra after fresh ISIS advance http://ow.ly/ugnu3027XD9 pic.twitter.com/uvTyi6IIZd,0.0 +5028,@user @user shut retard ,1.0 +126901,@JeffreyGoldberg More like ISIS.,0.0 +133843,"In a part of the hadith of Hudhayfah (radiyallahu anh), the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, Stick to the jama ah (congregation) of the Muslims and their imam. I said, And if they have neither a jama ah nor an imam? He said, Then avoid every group, even if you have to bite onto the root of a tree until death reaches you while you re in that condition. [Reported by AlBukhari and Muslim]",1.0 +120840,RT @HillaryClinton: Today 's attack in Baghdad is another horrific example of ISIS 's savagery. We will defeat them. My prayers are with the ,0.0 +140441,Remember the kid from #UK in #ISIS video? He executed 3 spies in a new video by blowing them up inside a car #Syria ,1.0 +108134,Daesh Terrorists Fleeing From Iraq 's Kirkuk Province Amid Army Operation - http://goo.gl/alerts/nCwuk #GoogleAlerts,0.0 +139523,RT @Pachaconsumer: Islamic State attack at #US backed #Peshmerga at Kodella village in Makhmour resulted in the death of Pesh fighters http ,1.0 +8824,feminazi fake news. @url,1.0 +112689,"RT @CloydRivers: Blue Lives Matter, ISIS lives don't. F ck ISIS. FREE koozies at http://CloydRivers.com pic.twitter.com/wGdwvrF70P",0.0 +160035,Muslims in Britain vote for the Labour party. This is why the problem of antisemitism is not solved. It is a mathematical fact!,1.0 +148675,@AnakSabil_ wa iyyak ,1.0 +109775,RT @Tarunvijay: Attacks on Hindus post Burhan Wani elimination are an expression of what perfect cowards these traitors are. https://t.co/ ,0.0 +145525,"#KHILAFAH #WILAYATDIJLAH #PHOTOREPORT The work of ""services center"" in Ash-Shirqat city https://justpaste.it/sjlf https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +129519,#greta @DanScavino You Don't Know Yet-They Got ISIS Right Where You Said 5 mo. Ago http://freedomoutpost.com/just-8-miles-outside-texas-border-this-islamic-camp-exists-guess-who-they-are-aided-by/ pic.twitter.com/t0qGfR2F1X,0.0 +146718,#Palmyra destruction https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +117187,#Mosul # _ # _ # _ _ _ :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G9j3b0ZAqY,0.0 +4849,think communists despise white people capitalism went full retard less okay @url,1.0 +137887,HajHussain #PKK positions enlighten with these monster rockets. Posting bc i saw them bit upgraded. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +115842,U.S. to help Iraq with key ISIS operation http://news.yahoo.com/carter-us-iraq-city-retake-mosul-070904696--politics.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter,0.0 +153790,@yousufpoosuf @HillaryGuess @riwired @izrinhariri @AtharHKhan It's called execution or conversion at sword point. You're welcome.,1.0 +115663,"@Cmvazquez103 do some research! "" American "" today given the open borders, cop killings, and threats like drugs and ISIS doesn't mean a lot",0.0 +131210,@BbcPakistan092 ISIS (Daesh) members are not Muslims.,0.0 +108962,Les portugai la roue n'est pas carr vs vs moquez mais kan vs allez devenir les kehkeh daesh va pas falloir dire bip #PrayForFrance,0.0 +149334,RT @retweetertweep: It is forbidden to wear rings with the seal of the Prophet on them https://musacerantonio.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/it-is-forbidden-to-wear-rings-with-the-seal-of-the-prophet- -on-them/ https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +8417,@user @user fine long invitation excludes illegal aliens coming porous borders @url,1.0 +148260,"Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or change, #IS ",1.0 +7358,really hot cock! need cock sissy faggot mouth ass! @url,1.0 +137835,Some military chiefs gather in Paris to plot against Islamic State.http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-usa-france-idUSKCN0UX2TC via @Reuters ,1.0 +122950,@lNFlGHTlNGS @victorynewshd What 's the differance between u and ISIS? They make takfir on u and u make takfir on them.,0.0 +130582,"RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: The 2 Tel Aviv #Palestinian terrorists from last month shooting attack were "" Inspiered by #ISIS "" https://t.co ",0.0 +134735,"In another narration, Jubayr Ibn Nufayr narrated the hadith from 'Awf Ibn Malik to Shaddad Ibn Aws. Shaddad commented, ""Awf spoke the trught. Do you know what the taking away of knowledge is?"" He responded, ""I do not know."" He said, ""The disappearance of its vessels [the pious scholars or the soft hearts]""",1.0 +129259,"RT @mikelggd: "" Muslim Sadiq Khan wins London mayoral race. Candidate has ties to ISIS, supports Sharia law, defended 911 terrorists. "" I lo ",0.0 +105238,"@taufeeqnabi @iSharmaPuneet Ppl who today fight in name of ISIS don't even know, who is real beneficiaries of it. Just a blind fight.",0.0 +128683,Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility - CNN http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/baghdad-car-bombs/ ,0.0 +5942,les migrants sont une richesse pour leurope! typhus abdominal,1.0 +9999,def used mumble nigger breath dak missed (so prob 10x day) @url,1.0 +146887,Who Remembers the Hamas Suicide Bomber who killed at least 6 #Israeli Soldiers in a tunnel during #Gaza war 2014 https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +137611,@whoamidude Absolutely ,1.0 +143099,follow him to get latest news. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +143443,Intense #Israel|i air-forces activity south to #Sour. Multiple flares being dropped until now.. #Lebanon https://t.co/elvLRuHJiU ,1.0 +111852,19 mujeres quemadas vivas por ISIS al negarse a tener relaciones sexuales con los yihadistas. ,0.0 +123135,Anybody seen this? ISIS Leader Admits: We Are Being Funded By The Obama Administration http://shoebat.com/2015/02/20/isis-leader-admits-funded-obama-administration/ via @walidshoebat,0.0 +132941,RT @iWesam47: #Baghdadbombing | The worst Isis attack in weeks is the one the world probably cares least about http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html,0.0 +154835,"@Abu_Baraa1 Dumb Muslims complain about freedom of speech and support blasphemy laws at the same time. What a disgusting, inhuman religion.",1.0 +137830,"RT @hxhassan: Unbelievably gory images coming out of Diyala, Iraq. Beheading & burning ppl alive at the hands of pro-govt militias. Zero me ",1.0 +145052,"How some people reacted after the US Coalition deliberately bombed Mosul University, killing over 80 students: https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +150783,Civilian Athir Kawkab was killed by yesterday s shelling on #Fallujah. His wedding was 27 days ago. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128616,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2160056291 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=615047494 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=600176936 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +141349,RT @F1ea1337: #BREAKING: #NEW: #YPG/#SDF capture Al-Shaddadi town from Islamic State (#IS) completely. https://twitter.com/pyd_rojava/status/700730311638917121 #Sy #Twitte ,1.0 +155336,@ZorazZora @zackbeauchamp Furthermore many Muslim countries don't even have a record system to account for all murders.,1.0 +107332,"We Might Be Winning the War Against ISIS, At Least on Social Media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 #Gizmodo",0.0 +131898,"RT @MaryamGabriel: Isis Bombings in Baghdad, 125 killed, 150 injured. Barely being talked about. #PrayForIraq ",0.0 +7432,wetback spic.. come racists. better that. offend offend people. @url,1.0 +150275,"RT @AbdugheniSabit: Don't wear veil, don't grew beard ,obey #Chinese law -regulations and keep distance from illegal #islamic activities ht ",1.0 +131660,RT @PegidaUK1: Gruesome Islamic State clip captures CHILD jihadi brutally murdering two helpless captives http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/685899/Gruesome-Islamic-State-daesh-child-jihadi-brutally-murdering-prisoners-ISIS ,0.0 +143596,@War_Tracker bro i wrote the name of the book lool! @app33mu113_ ,1.0 +142332,RT @RamiAlLolah: The only vote that actually counts.. #Iran https://t.co/pse6o98sDL ,1.0 +9956,@user @user #shithole country #haiti #zimbabwe #kenya n #white_man #live #work #service #black @url,1.0 +124554,ISIS ILovJpn http://blog.livedoor.jp/zzcj/archives/51920933.html # # ,0.0 +128935,RT @mustefaJ: In case the media is distracting you today: ISIS bombing kills 125 Ramadan shoppers in Baghdad - #PrayForBaghdad https://t.co ,0.0 +141142,#ISIS Abu Muhammad al-Jninah made his suicide attack against #PKK terror group east of Ayn Isa.. #Syria v @jhfvdh105 https://t.co/g94CJw6ttu ,1.0 +154409,@DiversityRUs Islam is a cult of murder that declared war on all of humanity 1400 years ago. Here is proof. http://t.co/JH80InPaNz,1.0 +131312,3 Arab terrorists indicted for ISIS inspired terror attack at Tel Aviv s Sarona https://behindthenewsisrael.wordpress.com/2016/07/04/3-arab-terrorists-indicted-for-isis-inspired-terror-attack-at-tel-avivs-sarona pic.twitter.com/BxegMY7qf5,0.0 +132738,"RT @zakrxshid: ISIS has killed MUSLIMS in Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq during RAMADAN and the west is still going to try tell us that ISLAM ",0.0 +120056,RT @barenakedislam: ISIS behead 5 professional soccer players after declaring the sport to be unIslamic (WARNING: Graphic Images) https:/ ,0.0 +110481,"RT @theglobalist: While #Ankara seems much more skeptical about #ISIS, ISIS seems to be entrenched in #Turkey. @aykanerdemir https://t.co/d ",0.0 +147901,"Syrian so-called opposition "" We want to remove a bloody tyrant"" Then they go searching help from other Arab tyrant like King Salman ",1.0 +140887,"Rebels serving ""Spicy Boots"" for welcoming #YPG to Aleppo Once good Sahawat buddy become the adversary. https://t.co/mXafgSQvVm ",1.0 +160605,And your evidence is. Or does your logic stop there.,0.0 +9814,white trash spice,1.0 +140088,@7layers_ That's Persia history ,1.0 +4739,@user hmm okay case take care twat,1.0 +135947, Then kill the mushrikin wherever you find them (At-Tawbah 5),1.0 +149401,Amir Al-Mumineen Caliph Ibrahim(Ha) https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +9137,@user @user @user @user @user @user listen chump.. tell non zionist je @url,1.0 +155318,@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Without Muslims science would be exactly where it is today. They made zero contrib to comp science,1.0 +133089,Forget ISIS. Billions hold Islam as undeniably supreme. Sharia is the real threat. http://counterjihad.com/isis-footnote-real-threat-islamic-supremacism/ pic.twitter.com/eB5uknUE1O,0.0 +121957,"@ascoymaldad As es, al igual que lo es un terrorista de Isis.",0.0 +120148,RT @GaetaSusan: DIA E-Mails ISIS Deliberately Armed & Funded By Obama & Clinton #treason #genocide #evil http://ian56.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-terrorist-threat-has-been.html?m=1 http://t.c ,0.0 +142945,"Who created the name ""Daesh"" for the sole reason to slander the Islamic State? ",1.0 +113106,In Iraq you might be safe if ISIS is a few clicks away. In the U. S. you might be at risk if ISIS is a few clicks away.,0.0 +135613,"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves (Ar-Ra d 11).",1.0 +138291,#AmaqNewsAgency Wounded amongst Turkish army due to minor clashes with Islamic State fighters near #Jarabulus after Turkish demining 1/2 ,1.0 +144886,@FranceTn @_DavidThomson le savoir fran ais en mati re de s curit failli faire capoter la r volution tunisienne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pHORBsfNR8 ,1.0 +147881,@lasnahuna jazakallah Khairan ,1.0 +140008,Video about killed AlQassam militants in #Gaza. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +132335,RT @rulajebreal: ISIS Uses Ramadan as Calling for New Terrorist Attacks http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/ramadan-isis-baghdad-attacks.html ,0.0 +160178,Do we have any 'indigenous faith's'? Druids maybe?,0.0 +144424,@EngineerKhabbab Yes I just saw it.. Thank you ,1.0 +119472,"Menhan AS Tiba di Irak, Siapkan Penumpasan ISIS http://iniseru.com/menhan-as-tiba-di-irak-siapkan-penumpasan-isis/ pic.twitter.com/kbLdg3pN6a",0.0 +150950,"@KhateebDimashqi "" Ubama please help"" "" Ubama why are you doing such things"" "" Ubama ?"" ",1.0 +141771,RT @RamiAlLolah: WOHA! #BreakingNews #Khanasir fell to #ISIS.. #Aleppo #Syria ,1.0 +129576," One Ruler, One Authority, One Mosque Mr. Wahab too wanted UNIFORMITY. :)) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-wahhabism-saudi-arabia_b_5717157.html via @theworldpost",0.0 +4962,@user cant understamd shit ching chong,1.0 +139647,Palestinan mother celebrates the death of he AlQassam militant who was killed when a tunnel collapsed in #Gaza.... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +147879,Reuters withdraw a lie they spread (which they had to) cause even Assad regime denied any statement about this.... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +151020,Do they now.. I'll eat my shoes if he can show me just one in the past three weeks; just one ,1.0 +117499,This whole world is turning into a demented Circus! Now ISIS organise their very own Jihad Olympics http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3683509/Now-ISIS-organise-Jihad-Olympics-complete-tug-war-musical-chairs.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +159072,Islamophobia and prejudice is making a judgement that may or may not be true of one person but then assuming it is true of all people like that .,0.0 +9509,nah fr fr keep nigger bench,0.0 +159934,"Oh, the same Muslims who contribute more than 31 billion pounds to economy and who give more to charity than other religious groups. Link to MEND factsheet.",0.0 +134254,"{Those are the ones of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish them and speak to them a far-reaching word} [An-Nis?: 63].",1.0 +147838,"RT @alamriki_omar: The War of Idea's is more powerful than any Military actions,every single Muslims who thinks becomes an enemy, trying to ",1.0 +147983,#AmaqAgency announces the liberation of the 300 Cement Factory workers after they have received medical care & food https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +147241,RT @markito0171: #Syria Image of second pilot from shot down regime fighter jet in southern #Aleppo today https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/717316811847516162/photo/1 ,1.0 +125576,"BLM, "" we care! "" , but don't do anything, only tear down & burn down communities. Led by the "" community organizer "" who organized ISIS. ",0.0 +129295,This is the very disturbing truth #BaghdadAttack https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/ ,0.0 +9591,@user @user @user understanding recent changes directly effected refugees @url,1.0 +138498,@Al_Battar_Engl 2/2 on the road between the towns of #El_Arish and #Sheikh_zwayd https://justpaste.it/r07n #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +126512, #ISIS account @ggggggg44205484 w/propaganda videos. Suspend! https://twitter.com/ggggggg44205484/status/752653918765715456 ID 752642159401107457 @support #CtrlSec #OpISIS,0.0 +112985,RT @infedeIe: Cos come facevano i #talebani e come fa #isis con i monumenti. 'Sti politici sono uguali a loro senza se e senza ma https:// ,0.0 +146701,#Sinai Drones flying over the skies of Rafahh and Sheikh Zuwaid today ,1.0 +114064,The U.S. Fight Against ISIS in Iraq #science http://wordlink.com/l/3IQvY pic.twitter.com/qlfS6mszh6,0.0 +134696,"A man said to al-Hasan (died 110AH) one day regarding something al-Hasan has said, ""O Abu Sa'id, this is not what the fuqaha say."" So he replied, ""Woe to you! And have you ever seen a faqih?! Rather the faqih is the zahid in the Dunya, the desirous of the Hereafter, the perceptive regarding the matter of his religion, the persistent in worship of his Lord"" [Sunan ad-Darimi].",1.0 +146054,The Filth of Nationalism and the Haqq of Jihad By Sh. Musa Cerantonio (Hafidhahullah) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IFIjj7k_g8&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +155073,@AMohedin My 2:282 says that you can replace the testimony of one man with that of two women.,1.0 +124362,"@RonWyden should the FSB OOPS FBI do so we should have monthly browse bombs, building demolition and Isis browsing day .. All of us.",0.0 +126583,Click here: http://www.9cams.com/watch/view Like if you like it & Retweet if you don't Wife Isis Taylor Wearing Black Ling pic.twitter.com/mYI23yishZ,0.0 +123270,Hezbollah pays heavy cost to secure Europe from ISIS terrorists https://altahrir.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/hezbollah-pays-heavy-cost-to-secure-europe-from-isis-terrorists pic.twitter.com/3hEy0nJ1Lf,0.0 +149452,Watch my new Video about #ISIS Terror Threats on #Germany (On German) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OPcOgFgsPM&feature=youtu.be ,1.0 +132267,- RT AyishaBaloch: #BangladeshSnubbedIndia All ISIS attackers are backed by India,0.0 +110751,RT @JeremyPouillaud: @Fanzouzement mais si y'auras le retour de Michael Jackson et daesh vas vendre des rose ,0.0 +146741,"RT @OrientXXI: Saisir les enjeux de la mobilisation contre le #gaz_de_schiste pour la soci t #alg rie-nne http://orientxxi.info/magazine/le-gaz-de-schiste-enflamme-le-sud-de-l-algerie,0840 https:// ",1.0 +155160,@_sara22_ @Number10gov Muslim terrorist execute people daily. But when rare response happens to that provocation they fake being the victims,1.0 +127083,@BlogsofWar #ISIS will expand influence in #Indonesia as in any culture or religion with #male dominance depicted & gender inequality shown.,0.0 +111662,"RT @alfonslopeztena: Muslim man hugs ISIS suicide bomber moments before explosion, saves hundreds of lives: http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/muslim-man-hugs-isis-militant-armed-wearing-suicide-vest-before-explosion-saves-hundreds-of-lives-258126.html # via @ ",0.0 +115520,"Washington Post: Double game? Even as it battles ISIS, Turkey gives other extremists shelter. https://twitter.com/criticalthreats/status/752535508325167104 ",0.0 +105898,Este juego te permitir defender a Europa de la invasi n ISIS - #Tecnolog a http://www.tecnovedosos.com/juego-defender-europa-la-invasion-isis/,0.0 +154757,@ummayman90 The people who disagreed with #Islam at the time of the pedophile prophet were murdered by him. It's in the Hadiths.,1.0 +148552,A US pig returns home from Iraq in a box. It was Islamic State who saved the world from this pig. https://t.co/lDmLBO4b27 ,1.0 +142651,RT @Free_lance_jour: #Breaking #IS release photos from the battles of khanaseer and it Shows Huge Spoils of war from the #Assadist group ht ,1.0 +121014,#Iraq: #Interfaith prayer vigil at site of a deadly #ISIS attack. #PhotoOfTheDay Archive: http://www.mintpressnews.com/photo_of_the_day/ pic.twitter.com/712gqWRAAy,0.0 +108326,RT @maaskoPDG: Daesh ils ont que de la gueule,0.0 +116311,Este juego te permitir defender a Europa de la invasi n ISIS | #Tecnolog a http://www.tecnovedosos.com/juego-defender-europa-la-invasion-isis/,0.0 +109736,US sending advisers to help #Iraq army push on #Mosul http://news.trust.org/item/20160711074729-mgye3/ pic.twitter.com/uc1WbHcGaz,0.0 +132676,Because her work as Secretary of State created Isis #ITrustHillary,0.0 +111767,"@realDonaldTrump ISIS is not Muslim, ISIS killed over 7,000 thousand muslims last year",0.0 +147410,"@ReijiArisu5 Its well-known. During war many ""resistance leaders"" are actually warlords trying to profit from situation. Like Zahran Alloush ",1.0 +113366,"US to deploy 560 more troops to Iraq, south of Mosul, Defense Sec. Carter says. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-deploy-560-more-troops-iraq-defense-secretary-ash-n607086 ",0.0 +138552,Game On. Come On! ,1.0 +146056,Our presence must really make these kuffar burn We stop them from controlling the narrative https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +116241,RT @Dr_Shahid: #Britain Medical student who joined #ISIS becomes first British female killed in air strike in #Iraq http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/medical-student-who-joined-isil-becomes-first-british-female-kil/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter,0.0 +115527,RT @MehmetAli_Kutlu: 18+ ISIS terrorists shot one by one off a hill side by the Syrian army https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_05xrHV1cXA,0.0 +129499,RT @kennagq: I've watched countless times when Muslims groups have denounced ISIS. What more can they do let 's be honest https://t.co/wbDi ,0.0 +9433,bruh negro chief keef really recorded pump fisting track album hahahahaha,1.0 +145848,How come moderate Muslims would find the stabbing of Israeli citizens legitimate as a mean of retaliation against the (..) ,1.0 +150412,RT @sparksofirhabi3: Abu Qatadah & the Ghanima https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/723983128038117376 ,1.0 +149305,Message from someone from Kashmir: Kashmir wittnessed shutdown and curfew under the occupation of India when... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +117731,""" Bir yerde birka kitapla yaln z kalmak, beni herhangi bir cemiyetten daha fazla e lendirir. "" /Re at Nuri G ntekin/",0.0 +121469,@josesosaok @Besiktas http://www.ibtimes.com/will-isis-attack-italy-islamic-state-targeting-st-peters-basilica-rome-milans-2192223 #,0.0 +127304,ISIS security chief killed in clashes with SDF northern Syria - ARA News http://aranews.net/2016/07/isis-security-chief-killed-clashes-sdf-northern-syria/,0.0 +120260,Barack Obama Wants You To Know We re KICKING ISIS ASS On Twitter http://downtrend.com/robertgehl/barack-obama-wants-you-to-know-were-kicking-isis-ass-on-twitter,0.0 +137293,"RT @RevolutionSyria: # Before & after. How Assad, Hezbollah & Iran s gangs transformed beautiful #Zabadani near #Damascus #Syria ht ",1.0 +113946,@bababooeylover @jbendery Seizure of key air base near Mosul raises prospect of U.S. escalation against ISIS https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/ ,0.0 +109763, ISIS ,0.0 +137595,RT @thevictoryseri4: #Syria path of Tawheed - from the official Acc of Jabhat al Nusra (AQ) a ishtihadi attack notice the index finger http ,1.0 +151457,"In this day 5 Years ago #US Spec Ops killed Osama Bin Laden in Abotabat, #Pakistan. https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ",1.0 +140067,RT @Pachaconsumer: Adviser of al-Saud defense minister: Our contribution is against the Islamic State and not #Assad https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +118412,#M xico #Noticias Enviar EUA 560 soldados a Irak para ayudar a recuperar Mosul http://goo.gl/fb/yXIbxp,0.0 +120208,Obama 's buddy in Chief. . Turkey 's President working with Isis against the West and Christianity. https://twitter.com/sputnik_TR/status/752585847375958016,0.0 +153304,Bodies of #SAA Soldiers and allies in #Handarat #North #Aleppo. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/730775050010415105/photo/1 ,1.0 +149910,"To conclude, we can say that this report is extremely interesting because he show that nigerian army is clearly involved in mass crimes. ",1.0 +123923,RT @ColonelKurtz64: Picture from the green brigades joint training camp with ISIS in Syria. pic.twitter.com/EzhSU6soCB,0.0 +130403,Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East: #HelpForIraq: 2 a os de Mosul - Firma: http://citizengo.org/es/sy/35438-helpforiraq-2-anos-mosul?tc=tw&tcid=24691565,0.0 +144009,"RT @Klashinki: Breaking! Dawlah repelled an attack by Sahwat who had US air support in ""Yani Yaban"", 3 of their fighters killed. https://t ",1.0 +7452,@user nigger talk me.,1.0 +127268,The don't know means no opinion or don't want to express support for #ISIL publicly. https://twitter.com/FranTownsend/status/752483597202952192,0.0 +9494,@user @user @user da boss' da fucking cunt like. mean world relevan @url,1.0 +159610,It is obvious that this girl is at risk of FGM. Her parents are Muslims!,1.0 +145996,Beauty of Islamic State city Rutba https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +127952,"If you want a trend on issue of ISIS , Baghdad , Dhaka RT the tweet otherwise favourite it Time is 20 minutes #RT",0.0 +149868,@alurdun_ Lebanon.. ,1.0 +152139,"RT @Ibn__Al_Farooq_: Mujahid- (Middle of battle) ""Salam Alaikum"" Moderates-(Pass each other in the market ) Trying to avoid eye contact htt ",1.0 +119595,@sigmuuu I hope you enjoyed getting a haircut with ISIS pic.twitter.com/afSeei2imz,0.0 +9167,who's gonna save shithole country trump leaves office?nkanye n~ktsadb,1.0 +133344,"@realDonaldTrump The U.S has the leadership that started ISIS, created world refugee crisis, killed more people in 8 years than under Bush.!",0.0 +145631,@Daudoo Old ,1.0 +140518,HUGE! Unconfirmed reports Abu Mohammad al-Julani leader of #alQaeda-linked #Syria|n rebels group Nusra Front killed in a #Russia|n raid.. ,1.0 +123362,We need to unite as a country and accept all citizens of all colors and origin. This is the only way we can strategize and defeat ISIS.,0.0 +136305,"""Hijrah will not cease until repentance ceases, and repentance will not cease until the sun rises from where it sets in the west""",1.0 +131863,Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility. http://fb.me/1cGkuh1UL,0.0 +144572,"RT @_blvrnasiha: Didn't know ""terrorists"" do this kind of stuff. How nice of them. May Allah guide them https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +140681,Some syrian wants to fight against tyranny meanwhile some men are negotiating in Geneva. https://twitter.com/metesohtaoglu?protected_redirect=true ,1.0 +144691,@klakishinki1 http://www.4shared.com/video/hfGq1owrce/______.html ,1.0 +111300,I dont mind sending the troops so long as the men and women are actually taking land & territories away from ISIS. https://twitter.com/NBCConnecticut/status/752484791895879680,0.0 +143811,Five people killed and three injured in Pittsburgh shooting http://linkis.com/www.theguardian.com/3ZHOT ,1.0 +122731,RT @FeministApparel: Chances are you may have not even heard of the bombing in Baghdad last week. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-most-deadly-attack-weeks-one-world-probably-cares-about-least-a7118211.html ,0.0 +126555,Is ISIS unstoppable? http://pakobserver.net/2016/07/12/is-isis-unstoppable/,0.0 +143605,What?! Isn't he the same guy #USA officials said a week ago he moved to #Libya upon request from #ISIS Baghdadi?! https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/707322271120146432 ,1.0 +105383,"ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria 's 'migrant hunter ' - http://dailylivingadvisors.com/isis-offers-50000-reward-for-head-of-bulgarias-migrant-hunter/ ",0.0 +143125,"@FidaeeFulaani Kuffar says it's an effort to not legitimize it as a State, but Dawlah shown it is a STATE by action not words. ",1.0 +111977,South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html #news #newstica,0.0 +8151,steven taylor twat. nnross aloisi going mental.#brivwel,1.0 +4905,fuck ching chong siopao dimsum shit sa question 3 ???? cant understand cant c n e x u l z e kasi vague,1.0 +110530,""" South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS """,0.0 +141731,Ambush on #PKK elements in Umm Madfa village f #Shidadi left number of deaths and destruction of 3 vehicles. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +120830,Soccer is anti-Islamic? http://fb.me/1nW3vljTI,0.0 +5004,@user @user @user @user @user definately receiving twitter top twat th @url,1.0 +146680,Some FSA logic : we are doing revolution against tyrant (Bashar Al Assad ) but we took help from other tyrant ( KSA/Qatar/UAE). ,1.0 +132200,"I stand with ISIS, I stand with hatred. #IStandWithAbhijeet",0.0 +126672,The Bloodiest Ramadan Month on Record: ISIS Linked to Multiple Terror Attacks. But Who is Behind. http://fb.me/83oSYooMM,0.0 +112110,RT @washingtonpost: NATO will expand security patrols in Mediterranean in response to ISIS threat https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/09/nato-will-expand-security-patrols-in-mediterranean-in-response-to-isis-threat/ ,0.0 +6551,@user @user happy bday mongoloid,1.0 +114904,"@foxnews ISIS was bad enough, but now our POTUS and his Rhetoric has given rise to all these Black Hate Groups.",0.0 +115368, GS is Goat 's State #ISIS #IS #daeshbags pic.twitter.com/lhbBLUv2Gx,0.0 +151232,"#AmaqAgency Leader of Popular Mobilization militia in #Baghdadi, Muhaydi al-Ubaydi, killed in clashes on the outskirts of the city. ",1.0 +144659,"RT @wwayf44rer: Anbar 2 Iraqi soldiers killed while trying to dismantles an IED in al-Madiq area, east of #Ramadi, 2 days ago ",1.0 +126925,@Sankei_news ISIS ,0.0 +106754,RT @RAsnani: RIP Brave Soul This Muslim man sacrificed his life just to save hundreds from the terror attack by #ISIS. https://t.co/WI7Dl ,0.0 +123797,"@realDonaldTrump Its sad of how people are not waking up and knowing that our country is suffering of ISIS, illegals and especially Obama. ",0.0 +145540,"RT @kufr_bit_tagoot: Bismillah Allah says: ""Do not lose hope, nor be sad. You will surely be victorious if you are true believers""(3:139) h ",1.0 +120586,Martyrs Ahmed Abdo Brigade advance to center of Tel #Makhoul in fight against Islamic State https://youtu.be/m2DVHFm_tI8,0.0 +8994,4 shots julio later feel retarded,0.0 +114294,@oluigbo_joseph @FoxNews we prefer to defend ourselves against enemies. Do you defend yourself? Can you? Isis is in your neighborhood too.,0.0 +121034,"RT @ShaftonP: Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Militant Armed Wearing Suicide Vest Before Explosion, Saves. http://ln.is/www.indiatimes.com/n/YV8oS via @indiatimes",0.0 +129585,Le nombre des morts dans l'attentat perp tr par Daesh Bagdad s' l ve d sormais 213. QUI EST: JE SUIS BAGDAD? pic.twitter.com/f4WyOntat7,0.0 +105747,RT @aawsat_News: | # .. http://aawsat.com/home/international/section/rise-of-isis pic.twitter.com/8HyPsLAgP4,0.0 +148315,"RT @nytimesworld: Powerful earthquake strikes Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, causing panic in several cities https://myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/11/world/asia/earthquake-pakistan-india-afghanistan.html?ref=world&smid=tw-nytimesworld&smtyp=cur&_r=5&REFUSE_COOKIE_ERROR=SHOW_ERROR http ",1.0 +134197,"{So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens} [Muhammad: 4]",1.0 +131060,Por qu se unen al ISIS http://www.blog.rielcano.org/por-que-se-unen-al-isis/,0.0 +119504,"@FernbergRon EVERYONE in the military knows how 2 take ISIS down in 2-3 weeks, but POTUS won't pull the trigger! Dems like confusion & fear?",0.0 +129401,"RT @NeonNettle: #Chinese Navy Now Sending War Ships To #Syria To Fight #ISIS With #Russia, http://www.neonnettle.com/sphere/427-confirmed-chinese-navy-now-sending-war-ships-to-syria pic.twitter.com/iuOSFus6yB",0.0 +125621,South Africa twins 'plotted to blow up US embassy for Islamic State ' | https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingNews24hr/comments/4sdvmq/south_africa_twins_plotted_to_blow_up_us_embassy/ pic.twitter.com/TpnLg431qj,0.0 +110195,"Gabbard:#Hillary escalate war 2overthrow #Syria govt,causing more death, destruction&chaos,worsening refugee crisis,strengthen ISIS&al-Qaeda",0.0 +130825,RT @TRobinsonNewEra: 'ISIS jihadis ' with night-vision equipment arrested at Turkish airport http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673360/Two-ISIS-jihadists-carrying-night-vision-equipment-arrested-Turkish-airport-week-45-people-killed-hit-suicide-bombers.html via @MailOnline,0.0 +123001, ! - http://fb.me/129UuJq7T,0.0 +152381,Khan Tuman is filled with nearly 50 dead Bodies of #Syrian Army Soldiers. https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/728576860188254210/photo/1 https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/728576860188254210/photo/1 ,1.0 +149009,"I hate so much coconut muslim. They spend most of their time in crying because non-muslim don't like them. They have no honor, disgusting. ",1.0 +7286,make joke incident (leicester's owner).nnyou're sick cunt,1.0 +134231,"For this reason, the mushrik?n would warn the Arabs against the Prophet (sallall?hu alayhi wa sallam) by saying, You have come to our lands. The matter of this man amongst us has grown severe. He has divided our jam? ah (community) and scattered our strength. His words are like that of a sorcerer. He divides between a man and his father, a man and his brother, a man and his wife. We fear for you and your people what he has brought upon us. So do not speak to him nor listen to a word from him [Ibn Hish?m]. They would also say, He divides between a man and his religion a man and his clan [Ibn Hish?m] and He severed the bonds between us ",1.0 +4865,course safety net necesary that's basic principle civikized country.nno shithole country safet @url,1.0 +125152,"ISIL 's finances have been damaged, but UK can do more - Foreign Affairs Committee publishes report on the war a. http://ow.ly/n2A5502iPnP",0.0 +136091,"Al-Hudayb? also said, My brothers, you heard me on more than one occasion speaking. I don t speak about anything except peace, security, and stability. I speak against protests, destruction, and conflict [Al-Atibb? Magazine]",1.0 +154749,"@discerningmumin And furthermore, they murder anyone who tries to convert a Muslim, but demand the freedom to convert non Muslims.",1.0 +104721,ISIS . ISIS ?,0.0 +118897,Is ISIS team rocket for pokemon go?,0.0 +110456,"#TheNewsClub "" South Africa Charges 4 Suspected of Plotting to Aid ISIS "" by SEWELL CHAN via NYT The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html ",0.0 +146867,@Twitter @safety @support this account @alamrikiya_001 is pretending to be someone else Please suspend it Thank you ,1.0 +117485,"@I_AM_IRON_VAN Hell, after the Orlando shooting, how many people bent over backwards to ignore the part where he pledged allegiance to ISIS?",0.0 +131924,RT @TheWorldFactz: Baghdad bombings claimed by ISIS leaves nearly 120 dead pic.twitter.com/D55lkLJ5Xf,0.0 +121523,"@hxhassan Hassan, US-led western world can't cope with ISIL as soon as cooperating with Saudis and Erdogan, they are the main sources",0.0 +136822, | # | 23 5 160 ,1.0 +139249,@B1CEP Been dreaming to visit one of these American 'classy' mosques for a while.. ,1.0 +160155,So much hatred. We must respect and understand all peoples.,0.0 +152742,RT @RamiAlLolah: Well respected #Iraq|i journalist @HamidHadeed: #ISIS Anbar Commander Abu Waheed is still alive.. https://twitter.com/HamidHadeed/status/729748194662453248 ,1.0 +150733,RT @AJENews: Yemen's army claims to have seized al-Qaeda's last stronghold along southern coast http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/04/yemeni-forces-capture-al-qaeda-stronghold-hadramout-160426155300044.html https://t.co/HAC0D0 ,1.0 +151120,Child Ahmad Muhammad Abdullah Sharmawt was killed yesterday by airstrikes on #Fallujah https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +146899,"Palestinian Authority is on the ""brink of collapse"" http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinian-authority-brink-collapse-abbas-1534443699 https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/715822713802199040/photo/1 ",1.0 +120864,"wahai syiah, kalian pasti HANCUR ! Bersiaplah http://tukpencarialhaq.com/2016/02/15/allahu-akbar-isis-dan-suriah-ketakutan-terhadap-pasukan-arab-saudi/#more-11240 pic.twitter.com/qfuybJ01vf",0.0 +108295,@PrisonPlanet @nooneishere51 some Muslims feel the same about Isis. She has demons in her. She is sick,0.0 +136450," And whoever fears Allah He will make for him a way out and will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent (At-Talaq 2-3).",1.0 +107621,"ISIL transfers suicide bombers from Syria to Europe through Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia: Report http://www.tert.am/i/Vudv3",0.0 +153897,"@tommydevlin1974 ""Mainstream"" Muslims are also radicals. http://t.co/X5gSyW8PGB",1.0 +159633,"Islam is characterised by hate! When the first Muslim set foot in Britain, racism started in England!",1.0 +160274,"At most, children are just learning more about different religions. You are using very strong and unnecessary words here.",0.0 +159916,"So-called civilised Europe has benefited from Islamic contributions for hundreds of years, even some basic research would tell you that Muslims have just as much right as any other to be here.",0.0 +130957,Kuwait foils three Islamic State attacks http://ewn.co.za/2016/07/04/Kuwait-foils-three-Islamic-State-attacks ,0.0 +117250,I wonder if #PokemonGo is powerful enough to pacify #ISIS.,0.0 +107445,@DeroTribunus @RT_Deutsch Das Kopftuch ist Symbol einer Geisteshaltung die periodisch sowas wie ISIS entstehen l sst,0.0 +137509,"RT @eddie1971nyc: Hi I'm a Palestinian girl, I am dead now but I want you all to know I was shot by an Israeli #Sniper in the heart https ",1.0 +137038,"@Bajwa47online We have seen this in Iraq, We have seen it shaam and specifically with the sahwaat of Hallab >> ",1.0 +106786,Niveveh taken. RT Seizure of key air base near Mosul raises prospect of U.S. escalation against ISIS https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/07/11/seizure-of-key-air-base-near-mosul-raises-prospect-of-u-s-escalation-against-isis/ ,0.0 +131694,"RT @Israelindonesie: Abis ngerusuhi Bangladesh, td malam ISIS jg meledakkan diri di Baghdad, Irak membunuh 80 orang. ISIS loh ya bukan Isra ",0.0 +149782,RT @RamiAlLolah: Media sources in #Turkey: The #YPG terror group is selling #Syria|n lands in Kobane to #USA Pentagon to establish a milita ,1.0 +8118,lhhhh wtf i'm weak. girl retarded. lmfao,1.0 +155412,"@cnni Nope. With #democracy man makes all the laws by vote; with #Islam, Allah makes all the laws by the sword. The two cannot coexist.",1.0 +119806,#GroupeTijara - isis pharma uveblock 50+ ecran fluide 40 ml+ sensylia24h: 99.00 dhs au lieu de 210.00 dhs http://ow.ly/vLyK3028Ici,0.0 +137253,RT @DidyouknowVS: Did you know? The #Taliban A.K.A #Islamic #Emirate of #Afghanistan has captured the Sagnin district of #Helmand Prov http ,1.0 +106034,"Islamic State Caliphate Shrinks a Further 12 Percent in 2016, IHS Says | IHS Online Newsroom http://press.ihs.com/press-release/aerospace-defense-security/islamic-state-caliphate-shrinks-further-12-percent-2016-ihs#.V4NuOh6CiF8.twitter",0.0 +126064, ISIS https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/752651825740787713,0.0 +143241,"@abooanonymous watch it on Youtube or download pdf file, it removes so many confusions ",1.0 +138940,@karoot4 @itele oui mais il aurait fallu pr cis ,1.0 +140854,Alhumdullilah #ISIS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +153066,"RT @ShamiRebel: #BREAKING #SAA Alawite commander ""Mohamad Kamel A'lisha"", killed in a Tank via a #TOW in al-Sarmaniyah #Ghab plain. https: ",1.0 +9984,someone take pricks head off. cunt interviewed too. @url,1.0 +133167,RT @RazanSpeaks: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about| #Baghdad https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/#,0.0 +120406,Mass grave and secret ISIS jail found in Libya - http://postsabc.com/mass-grave-and-secret-isis-jail-found-in-libya/ pic.twitter.com/34KWjJ66ye,0.0 +110841,Carter announces 560 more US troops to Iraq https://ca.news.yahoo.com/carter-us-iraq-city-retake-mosul-071023757.html :Auto pickup by wikyou,0.0 +111944,"RT @ozersencar1: In nations with significant Muslim populations, much disdain for ISIS http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/11/17/in-nations-with-significant-muslim-populations-much-disdain-for-isis/ ",0.0 +155359,@Nebula1979 @CherguiaMbark Because Islamic canon are a pack of contradictory idiocy. In other Hadiths Mohammed says to kill all dogs.,1.0 +104178,"#welt Journalisten sprechen immer noch von "" Aktivisten "" ! Das ist wie wenn man die #ISiS als Pfadfinder bezeichnet! pic.twitter.com/5xcZm4GKzv",0.0 +104084,Will ISIS be pushed easily from Mosul? http://fb.me/5oZB0PC4K,0.0 +144501,Jamal Ma'arouf returns to Syria and condemns Al-Nusra. This probably heralds a big conflict between FSA and Nusra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gFd3m6WgRw&feature=share ,1.0 +128709,"Top story: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares le https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/the-worst-alleged-isis-attack-in-days-is-the-one-the-world-probably-cares-least-about/, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/saskjournalist?s=tnp",0.0 +109503,Media runs the country. ISIS news & we fight over guns. Hillary emails in news & parties lock horns. Back protests & we fear race wars..,0.0 +151875,RT @AFP: #UPDATE Bangladesh's Supreme Court upholds the death sentence of Islamist party leader Motiur Rahman Nizami http://finance.yahoo.com/news/bangladesh-court-upholds-islamist-leaders-death-sentence-054540435.html;_ylt=A0SO80E35CpXRVoA6H5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYWJrcnVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUkyQzJfMQRzZWMDc2M- ,1.0 +146424,@Jazrawi_Joulan You broke the new world record akhi :-) ,1.0 +131151,this is Bangladesh isis crime,0.0 +114188,"Teror ISIS, BIN Awasi Kombatan Alumni Suriah http://goo.gl/fb/x3o9FE",0.0 +111907,"#Libya discovers mass grave, secret prison amid IS fight https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2016/7/11/libya-discovers-mass-grave-secret-prison-amid-is-fight via @The_newarab #Daesh pic.twitter.com/wDgHvChOwk",0.0 +122255,@Moha_187 Retourne dans les rangs de daesh,0.0 +154373,@truaemusic @mattybboi83 @Number10gov And he was also a total fraud. He made up the verses of the Quran when he needed them as he needed.,1.0 +7215,drop hard might next negro spiritual last new years eve,0.0 +104599,RT @RedouaneMnd: Daesh y ont d u des millions de personne la,0.0 +112371,"Gizmodo: We might be winning the war against ISIS, at least on social media http://gizmodo.com/we-might-be-winning-the-war-against-isis-at-least-on-s-1783437468 http://twitter.com/Gizmodo/status/752505003168919552",0.0 +125491,@DRUDGE_REPORT BLM are the same as ISIS. Mercenaries we armed & funded to plunge a country into civil war. How is that working for Syria?,0.0 +104732,"Our ISIS article finally in a regular issue: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism Volume 39 No 10 (2016), pp. 871-899. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1057610X.2016.1139373",0.0 +109989,@NED_Isis ! ! 22 ! ! ! ( ),0.0 +146139,Breaking #AmaqAgency 3 massive martyrdom operations and assault by IS on Saudi coalition base in Aden 27+killed https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +105533,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3110140982 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3097027824 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3025079583 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +115658,No more or less than any other religion. But is this really the thing atheists should focus on? I mean #ISIS ?! ??! ? https://twitter.com/BDOH/status/752539019532132354,0.0 +124311,"RT @koraycaliskan: Turks+Kurds call it ISIS(I D) Islamist Turkish Gov, DAESH the police, DEASH. No decision to call it what, at a time to ",0.0 +136310," Alif. Lam. Mim. Do the people think that they will be left to say, We believe, and they will not be tried? And We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make known those who are truthful, and He will surely make known the liars (Al- Ankabut 1-3).",1.0 +105672,RT. ISIL ,0.0 +120334,RT @YusuF66555: #YPG/#SDF Fighter Captured during an Attack by Islamic State Fighters North of #Manbij #IS http://goo.gl/DDVU0k https: ,0.0 +151747,"AbuMariyam khariji made takf r of whoever went against his view on 3rd nullifier He stole fatawa frm the books of Khudheir, alFahd &Kh lid = ",1.0 +149950,RT @RamiAlLolah: Coincidence Qamishli events only started on the eve Geneva talks collapsed? #USA ordered YPG terrorists to permanently cle ,1.0 +118259,Assalamu alaikum and hello to all open minded people.In this video i talk about Isis.I explained that Isis. http://youtu.be/wVeaWma-vPQ?a,0.0 +152364,RT @AboHafsaKuwaiti: I find despicable those who cry for Aleppo yet are more silent than a elevator when it comes to Mosul & Raqqa #OneUmmah ,1.0 +140870,Russian pigs massacring Muslims and $heikhs keeps calling it a civil war. https://t.co/y83Q3Swvka ,1.0 +115955,RT @NiallyCyrus93: I think a big bualadh bos is in order for ISIS for being so well behaved throughout the tournament,0.0 +126806,VG no te conozco creo que vas al isil,0.0 +147325,Reports that #IS besieged the #SAA Dumayr-airbase in #Qalamoon. ,1.0 +139479,RT @MaghrebiQM: Or is it just a pretext and an excuse to keep pushing for private agendas based on individuals looking for power & money ? ,1.0 +105855,""" #Reviews: ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose the #Twitter battle #News "" : http://www.robinspost.com/news/reviews/298669-reviews-isis-influence-on-the-decline-as-terrorists-lose-the-twitter-battle.html",0.0 +114213,ISIS Comes to Gaza http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8431/isis-gaza-sinai#.V4O37CBOrhQ.twitter,0.0 +122804,RT @cjsienna55: ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) devout Muslims behead five professional soccer players unIslamic (WARNING: Graphic Images) https:// ,0.0 +116141,This latest rant out of AQ is the thrashings of a mortally wounded increasingly irrelevant group desparate to get attention daesh has stolen,0.0 +113050,BLM is radicalizing young black people the same way ISIS is radicalizing Muslims. http://www.rockyd.com pic.twitter.com/Z6ROE9lZ7y,0.0 +147222,Do Not Compromise - Shaykh Ahmad Jibril https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +121261,RT @MintPressNews: #Iraq: #Interfaith prayer vigil at site of a deadly #ISIS attack. #PhotoOfTheDay Archive: http://www.mintpressnews.com/photo_of_the_day/ https ,0.0 +123158,RT @Cosmotron3000: pq y'a pas de daesh contre les moustiques ?,0.0 +123084,"'A year on, Sawab Centre succeeds in denting Daesh propaganda', http://bit.ly/29xPqzi",0.0 +122505,De kindervakantie weken in Mosul zijn volgens IS begonnen 2/2 pic.twitter.com/E4DmXTQKE9,0.0 +114212,RT @ShahnurBegum: DR ZAKIR NAIK'S VIEW ON 'ISIS ' KILLING INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS https://youtu.be/Gnh7WnbAZOs via @YouTube #SupportZakirNaik,0.0 +150324,#Breaking #ISIS 15 Rajab 1437 Repelling an attempt by Rafidha army to advance towards outskirts of Ad-Dulab region #Caliphate_News ,1.0 +114500,La de estados unidos con isis es mas preocupante pic.twitter.com/osLm8shDZB,0.0 +159937,"You mean all those doctors, nurses, architects, artists, teachers?",0.0 +8000,mongolia beautiful nature...#mongolia #mongol #nature #amazing @url,1.0 +123070,Todo mundo MENOS A ABIN sabe que o MO do ISIS o barbudos n o se explodir sem passar a noite anterior na putaria barbeando-se pela manh .,0.0 +9048,halloween party shit thing tonight. going comment think retarded @url,1.0 +153276,RT @WarNews24_7: Groups start an Offensive aimed at capturing Al Zahra Groups are: Ajnad Homs Ahl Sunna Wal Jamaah JN Ahrar Al Sham https ,1.0 +126251,"Western State escapee intrigued by Islamic State group, planned to blow up state building - http://clothingly.net/western-state-escapee-intrigued-by-islamic-state-group-planned-to-blow-up-state-building/ ",0.0 +134870,"Al-Jariri (d. 144AH) and Yahya Ibn Sa id (d. 143AH) ? said, It used to be said that counting blessings was a part of being grateful. ",1.0 +113977,"RT @NadavPollak: 2 ISIS supporters planned to attack US embassy in South Africa and a "" Jewish building "" http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/africa/south-africa-islamic-state.html",0.0 +130476,RT @GencerSultan: People lost their lives at Baghdad bombings in Iraq as claimed by ISIS ' twins attacks. pic.twitter.com/RHhgDwhhxO,0.0 +139220,Reports suggest #Turkey army fired three rockets against #Assad's army positions in al-Turkman mountains in #Latakia #Syria ,1.0 +134077," Do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be, commanded the Shaykh. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the taw?gh?t. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European especially the spiteful and filthy French or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be.",1.0 +8380,lmfao like dude y'all network. man retarded @url,0.0 +106104,Carter: US Will Use Iraq City as Base to Retake Mosul ABCNews - http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/carter-us-iraq-city-base-retake-mosul-40484419 via @ABC Trillions later we're still burying people,0.0 +112010,#News #World U.S. sending advisers to help Iraq army push on Mosul: Carter http://worldnewsplayx.blogspot.com/2015/11/world-news.html ,0.0 +111435, 7 ISIS http://hindi.siasat.com/news/ - -7- - - -isis- -826153/ ,0.0 +6023,got chinaman's chance.,0.0 +131900,Ex-Soviet exiles give Islamic State violence a Russian accent http://nr.news-republic.com/Web/ArticleWeb.aspx via @NewsRepublic,0.0 +145231,"@Ibn4Nor6 the account is fake obviously, and probably a spy. ",1.0 +159451,Islamic civilization led Europe out of dark ages into the era of Enlightenment and gave rise to its Renaissance. Now they contribute over 30 billion pounds to the UK economy; quite a large contribution by anyone's estimation.,0.0 +115372,Saudi-led bombing in Yemen; ISIS abuses; Fighting in South Sudan; more in the Daily Brief https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights ,0.0 +137561,#Wilayat_Hadramaut: but if you decline then hold to your Yemen... (Abu Dawood) 3/3 ,1.0 +133437,RT @BIZPACReview: ISIS warning: 3 airports targeted by terrorists over 4th of July weekend http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/07/03/isis-warning-3-airports-targeted-by-terrorists-over-4th-of-july-weekend-360062 pic.twitter.com/Y5eLBXtEm1,0.0 +109340,"ISIS in Dhaka: Be Shocked, Be Sickened But Don t be Surprised https://fronteranews.com/news/asia/isis-in-dhaka/ pic.twitter.com/uExW5245HF",0.0 +110233,"@ProbablyJon Well, almost everyone 's seen an ISIS decapitation video at some point",0.0 +135344, Every one of you is a shepherd and every one of you is responsible for his flock ,1.0 +104490,"@PoliticChatRoom Muslim hatin and revenge on isis. .the fuel of the oligarchy. "" look over there while we destroy our own citizens.",0.0 +112500,"@LadyDivaCrusade they thought isis ,killing,war is joke or fun ! Now they got it that what is the real life with isis ! ! !",0.0 +132963,EEUU No apoya el terrorismo de ISIS pero si el de la Farc y el eln. DOBLE MORAL?,0.0 +143450,@kasimf .. .. ,1.0 +104815,ISIS has launched a newspaper to recruit Southeast Asian fighters http://linkis.com/1lnO0 via @TIME,0.0 +139664,@The_Muwahhid Those are fake accounts trying to get you to click a trap-link. ,1.0 +123749,U.S. to help Iraq with key ISIS operation https://www.yahoo.com/news/carter-us-iraq-city-retake-mosul-070904696--politics.html #news,0.0 +159498,Using intolerance and discrimination against anyone different? Sounds like a western issue.,0.0 +139464,"@NaserElKhilafa in simple words - anti-IS is dealing with supporters ""Constant Infinite Presence"" ",1.0 +145925,RT @TheRealBTL: #Syria: ISIS using ATGM near Deir Ez Zour airport. Say they hit a tank. https://twitter.com/BeyondTheLevant/status/713358123982069760 ,1.0 +143575,"1. For years IS had to deal with Rawafidh and Sahwat propaganda in #Iraq, then al-Salool and it's priests, (...) ",1.0 +121967,"To rephrase first female UK PM, "" If you want something said, ask US; if you want something done, ask Russia. "" #TheresaMay #Russia #USA #ISIS",0.0 +115506,@Mosul__ ,0.0 +147467,RT @moonnor27: Iraqi Sunni scholar Osaman Al_janabi killed by Shia militias in #Baghdad this militias backed by Iran #warcrimes https://t. ,1.0 +140753,@Saladain74Is ahhahahahahahhahaha ,1.0 +154750,@AAlwuhaib1977 And the Muslim bigots have been attacking Hindus and Buddhists and atheists and anamists all over the world daily.,1.0 +146598,@kasimf ,1.0 +155569,@CompoundMixture @CruisingBye @SuperiorMenArmy Are you delusional? Islam is one of the most violent and barbaric. http://t.co/3uh4RhYbs1,1.0 +142859,RT @MENASTREAM: #Tunisia: A colonel reported severely injured in the head amid clashes between sec forces & terrorists https://t.co/cAeLIuw ,1.0 +131050,Atacante suicida de #Daesh mata a 5 l deres del Ej rcito Libre Sirio http://htv.mx/NKp pic.twitter.com/dfCk48lhat,0.0 +105089,RT @Dijem2: Je espere daesh il vont attaquer Lisbonne et les portugaise de Pau,0.0 +6340,go ahead fucking spic try break truck again!!!!,1.0 +139416,"""Moderate syrian rebel"" are condemned to disappear because they have no policy or any strategy in Syria and outside of Syria. ",1.0 +123856,"RT @J0HNST0N: Interesting suggestion that case represents a "" policy change "" re: how South Africa deals with ISIS issues at home. https://t. ",0.0 +9403,@user zorry spic espanilsh,1.0 +106484,Will ISIS be pushed from Mosul as it was from Falluja? http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/middleeast/iraq-mosul-isis-conflict-explainer/index.html #cnn,0.0 +5499,trump's shithole countries! let's put armed guards build wall every zip code america shal @url,1.0 +149918,US-Turkey backed sahwat are selling US weapons on blackmarket after fleeing the fights against IS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +117139,"RT @bjoernstritzel: 15 y/o Linda Wenzel from Saxony probably on the way to join ISIS. Last location: Istanbul. http://m.bild.de/regional/dresden/isis/linda-aus-sachsen-auf-weg-zu-isis-46750750,la=de.bildMobile.html http ",0.0 +106151, Gli Stati Uniti ci finanziano . La rivelazione di un guerrigliero dell Isis http://www.complottisti.com/gli-stati-uniti-ci-finanziano-la-rivelazione-un-guerrigliero-dellisis/,0.0 +104082,RT @Drebae_: I just found out Siri is Isis spelled backwards. . Y'all http://twitter.com/Drebae_/status/745501486021410816/photo/1,0.0 +118724,ISIS! ! Hey! ! I'm you're biggest fan! ! Please do me a favor! KISS MY NAKED WHITE ASS.,0.0 +159330,"My friend, I do not think all western people hate Islam. Statistics showed that France, Germany and elsewhere in Northern Europe view Muslims favorably.",0.0 +7682,kenley jansen never touch baseball rest life... faggot,1.0 +147529,"RT @AsgaCu: IS blowing FSA in Dumayr to pieces. You make peace with the regime, then to hell with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho_SB6QbHkc&nohtml5=False ",1.0 +144725,@koonyyo ahahhahahhahahah ,1.0 +9044,sound like lil hoes beg'n another man smoke weed. faggot ass mf'z.,0.0 +143162,"RT @LOrientLeJour: #Syrie : #Alep risque d' tre ""la prochaine Srebrenica"", redoutent des ONG http://www.lorientlejour.com/article/973625/alep-risque-detre-la-prochaine-srebrenica-redoutent-des-ong.html ",1.0 +129629,RT @teleSURtv: #BagdadAttack | Doble atentado del #Daesh deja al menos 165 muertos y 200 heridos http://www.telesurtv.net/news/Mas-de-80-muertos-y-200-heridos-tras-ataque-del-Daesh-en-Bagdad-20160703-0001.html https://t.co/owfua ,0.0 +108439,RT @CtrlSec: Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=401942331 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3434817082 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=3384321269 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +124019,@JHKER_ISIS ,0.0 +123780,Targeted #ISIS accounts https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=742085112783720448 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=728711788729139200 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=742311386768887809 #targets #iceisis #opiceisis,0.0 +133544,"RT kashmala01: Guys, Grab your keyboards and start trending #BangladeshSnubbedIndia as Indian links to ISIS have b pic.twitter.com/K8F1qfNHI8",0.0 +150896,RT @AFP: Murders force Bangladeshi gay rights activists underground https://www.yahoo.com/news/murders-force-bangladeshi-gay-rights-activists-underground-114113136.html ,1.0 +116740,Philippine army kill 40 Daesh-linked Abu Sayyaf militants http://goo.gl/fb/KYgdcP #asia #asiapacificregion,0.0 +112341,Egipto Isis 8 d as desde 720 http://travelofertas.bookingfax.com/?op=oferta&id=928890&idagencia=44908-13ab5752ddc03f53f10ee90e7f97b0b8&bb&portw=f#telefono,0.0 +117362,RT @BVoje: JUGO ISIS iz Jesenic. Biv i sosed od Pa i a kateri se uri trenutno v Singapurju. pic.twitter.com/7VIfvm6Qef,0.0 +4769,@user thanks spic,1.0 +146651,RT @Str4nnnger80: Behind closed doors even the biggest enemies of islam admit the people are alot better off under the khalifate rule. ,1.0 +153027,IS has played their own piece for the orchestra in Palmyra. Special piece for Russians - Salil Al-Sawarim :) https://twitter.com/Nidalgazaui/status/730470799476465664 ,1.0 +137134,"@child_lamb @AkhiJibran If poligamy was forbidden as you said, why Abraham than accept Hagar as a wife? ",1.0 +147002,RT @Mosul_05: Only the #Munafiqeen wal#murtadeen will say: Islam was not in War. Either they are sleeping or watching their favorite footba ,1.0 +115205,Oysa ki. Di mi? :) @ezilenler pic.twitter.com/3j0Bo5Yhcb,0.0 +4871,@user @user @user babe ruth dirty jew,1.0 +130765,"@KTRTRS sir, an interesting and scary article from a muslim scholar on terrorism threat in hyd and India http://www.firstpost.com/india/islamic-state-recruits-in-hyderabad-decoding-the-designs-of-self-styled-jihadists-2871392.html",0.0 +110160,"EE UU tendr un puesto avanzado de asesores a las puertas de Mosul: El secretario de Defensa, Ashton Carter, visita Bagdad para discu.",0.0 +113668,Few ppl in india including our politicians cant sleep well once the hear the words Taliban & ISIS.,0.0 +7753,ever bought entire costume one costume true faggot,1.0 +107860,Romancing a Terrorist: I Posed Online as a Young Woman Interested in ISIS http://www.rd.com/true-stories/survival/romancing-terrorist/#.V4N-ForCha9.twitter,0.0 +114969,"RT @CombatChris1: Aleppo : ISIS car bomb kills several members of the so called "" Syrian Democratic Forces "" on the outskirts of #Manbej.",0.0 +142052,"@Aadawii21 Hinted tin Adnanis speech when he said AQ had some kind of deal with Iran (AQ leave Iran alone, Iran let AQ travel through Iran) ",1.0 +137727,RT @RamiAlLolah: VERY HUGE!!! #BreakingNews #ISIS took full control on #Assad strategic arms/weapons depots in Ayyash in #DeirEzzor #Syria ,1.0 +125493,@JHKER_ISIS http://twitter.com/QAEDA_DOLAWY/status/752651270792613888/photo/1,0.0 +150915,RT @iranianaffairs: A must watch: #Iran regime broadcasts video to recruit children for #Syria and #Iraq war @BBCWorld @cnni @RTarabic ht ,1.0 +111320,#ISIS could target Europe after losing a quarter of its territory http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684400/ISIS-target-Europe-losing-quarter-territory-size-Ireland-coalition-forces-security-experts-say.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 pic.twitter.com/KqjBX2b2Vo,0.0 +116819,"rondocovolae: Analysts: ISIS losing ground, shifting priorities",0.0 +9508,busy suspending people say faggot n word fat shame @url,1.0 +9545,somebody take nigger phone away @url,1.0 +7163,@user @user @user that's point! shithole country get become @url,1.0 +112458,.: rt: RT AyishaBaloch: #SackDoval Doval makes sure to provide all explosives to ISIS for terrorists activities pic.twitter.com/Ybf29oZqHL,0.0 +143651,"Over the past 4 months, ISIS has reportedly directed 14 attacks against Assad guys for each attack against the rebels. They're not friends. ",1.0 +122919,"@iyad_elbaghdadi some idiot: "" You are the leader of ISIS and consider yourself de-radicalized. ! ?! """,0.0 +128905,@taner1907uk http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-02/isis-enemy-us-created-armed-funded,0.0 +146086,"Even though I severely disagreed with this brother from JN, I ask Allah to accept him and grant him al-Firdaws. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +116811, 26 49 8 Commies are killing every day. #ISIS pic.twitter.com/VrKye6kTVp,0.0 +104869,Ankara 's #ISIS militants return home http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/07/turkey-syria-isis-hacibayram-militants-return-home.html pic.twitter.com/8fiUHY7zr0,0.0 +114553,RT @freethinkerjgm: IU presenta una querella contra Rajoy por delitos de lesa humanidad. Son los mismos que votaron en contra de condenar e ,0.0 +115396,@HillaryClinton If Saddam Hussein was alive there would be no ISIS problem. He kept that region in check. I'm 4 Hillary!,0.0 +118790,Now that is dedication to his craft- French journalist infiltrated an #ISIS terror cell. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/undercover-with-an-islamic-state-terror-cell/7583246 pic.twitter.com/9VKFTsK6fb,0.0 +132280,RT @broncoskolar: Solidarity with the people of Iraq facing Isis bombs,0.0 +150688," Keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah. [ 33:37] ",1.0 +148303,Video about the #Palestinan Stabbing attacks on #Israeli Police Officers or Israeli Civilians ISIS was also... https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser ,1.0 +160681,Muslim women face discrimination and prejudice because of their religion in the West which isn't present in Muslim majority countries.,0.0 +106819,"Sejak Awal 2016, ISIS Kehilangan 12 Persen Wilayah di Irak dan Suriah http://news.detik.com/internasional/3250945/sejak-awal-2016-isis-kehilangan-12-persen-wilayah-di-irak-dan-suriah ",0.0 +139831,RT @moheb_shalati: . ,1.0 +106001,"RT @curriealder: Ahmad Dallal on politics of ISIS: provoke & exhaust 'enemy', step into ungoverned spaces @ifi_aub #ArabRev5 https://t.co/r ",0.0 +139456,RT @Buzzriet: #Syria #Aleppo And another attack by #YPG supported by #Russia on north Aleppo https://twitter.com/DrPartizan_/status/695386827541184516 ,1.0 +152255,Even the apostates of Kuwait do it. May Allah destroy them all. https://twitter.com/mozlemgurl/status/728618634319376384 ,1.0 +149852,#Syria is what matters me the most. I'll be against any effort by anyone aiming to divide this great country.. ,1.0 +132947,RT @akalalakal: Police Video Shows Arab Man Mistaken As Member Of ISIS https://youtu.be/kz9Ku6QnGAc via @YouTube ,0.0 +151994,@klakishini4 WoW thats alot of ammo and wapens for one or 2 years Subhana Allah. ,1.0 +148332,. @tomas_shelby8 @WaelEssam77 ( ) ( ) ,1.0 +147218,#AmaqAgency Islamic State forces capture muthalath checkpoint in eastern qalamoun https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +146344,@ShamiRebel @dhivehistan I think US' short-term goal of fighting ISIS by supporting Assad permanently destroyed US' long-term credibility. ,1.0 +146512,#Russia|n army soldier: killed in battles with #ISIS near #Palmyra.. #Syria https://t.co/ap9Cajqi48 ,1.0 +135953,"This was demonstrated in the Sirah of the Prophet ?, who killed female participants in the war against Islam. Bunanah, the Jewish wife of al-Hakam al-Quradhi, killed the companion Khallad Ibn Suwayd on the Day of Bani Quraydhah. The Prophet ? called for her and then had her neck struck in retaliation for the blood of Khallad (Tarikh at-Tabari).",1.0 +142104,@_Husaaam ,1.0 +105310,s rprizin b ylesi cand r demetkutluay aysebrav @ Hatice Teyze Dogal Urunler https://www.instagram.com/p/BHt1xIJB-y9/,0.0 +154592,@98Halima @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija @BilalIGhumman @rfrankh53 The battles were won because Mohammed gave his thugs 80% of what they stole.,1.0 +134588,"The Prophet ? also said, The a immah (plural of im?m) are from Quraysh ",1.0 +8366,@user feel i've got eyes nose that's midway typically arab looking chinese/mongol @url,0.0 +112693,U.S. Will Deploy 560 Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/world/middleeast/us-iraq-mosul.html MORE BOOTS ON THE GROUND,0.0 +108206,Is ISIS Unstoppable? https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/isis-unstoppable?#,0.0 +131815,RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Gains ground in overseas terror. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/middleeast/isis-terrorism.html ,0.0 +129713,#Turkey seems to be ready to let #Russia use its bases to target #ISIS. Hints at broader agreement between the two,0.0 +139884,"Mufti Hussain Obama welcomes Saudi announcement on fighting Islamic State"" - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-saudi-usa-idUSKCN0VE280 ",1.0 +104868,ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET http://goo.gl/fb/enz6fK,0.0 +135709,"Ibn Ab? Butayn ? (died 1282AH) criticized those who excuse the likes of the R?fid? laymen, saying, If a person were to say about the R?fidah of the era that they are excused due to ignorance with regards to their cursing of Ab? Bakr, Umar, and ? ishah because the R?fidah are ignorant blind followers, both the scholars and laymen would condemn him! [Ad-Durar as-Saniyyah].",1.0 +133493,RT @_leo_gimenez: #Iraq Atentado del Isis en #Bagdad deja 200 muertos. pic.twitter.com/oDX2qejFqc,0.0 +109954,The result of going to war in Iraq? ISIL. #qanda,0.0 +108598,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://w.papua.cf/5Uz",0.0 +124975,RT @Rayssapadulazzi: Saudades de quando a Luana e a Isis vivia vindo aq,0.0 +7458,lot people #walkingaway today. dems exposed themselves. think even illegal aliens dead people vote red!,1.0 +145492,"RT @NusantarWitness: Abdullah Aziz Nasser, an #SAA thug has been sent to hell in #Palmyra battle by #IS https://twitter.com/NusantarWitness/status/712761818372935680/photo/1 ",1.0 +106081,Arabia Saudite duhet t luftoj ISIS-in http://fb.me/5x9Vlup6X,0.0 +117578,RT @CajunKangaroo: ISIS fighters sport grins as they play in a Raqqa amusement park The Sun https://www.thesun.co.uk/video/news/isis-fighters-sport-grins-as-they-play-in-a-raqqa-amusement-park/,0.0 +114301,RT @mariocinquanta: Sinai Hamas supporta i terroristi dell'ISIS che Israele bombarda coni suoi droni. L'Egitto autorizza Gerusalemme. Un'a ,0.0 +117184,RT @theoprinse: De ISIS-legioenen van Diederik Samsom stromen Nederland binnen https://fenixx.org/2016/07/11/de-isis-legioenen-van-diederik-samsom-stromen-nederland-binnen/ via @Fenixxmag,0.0 +144135,@Veritas__Media Unfortunately secure PC usage is still an elitist thing even today. This means a lot of people are at risk. ,1.0 +137441,"RT @DidyouknowVS: Ottoman Calligraphy Art, 18-19th Century (Osmanl Hat Sanat ) https://t.co/F4Z65ydArZ ",1.0 +130106,""" L'Isis entrato subdolamente nel mio Bangladesh, ma lo respingeremo "" http://frontierenews.it/2016/07/lisis-e-entrato-subdolamente-nel-mio-bangladesh-ma-lo-respingeremo/",0.0 +104248,[Tech] ISIS influence on the decline as terrorists lose Twitter battles - CNET: The US Government is. http://www.cnet.com/news/isis-influence-twitter-on-the-decline-us-state-department/ #YAF,0.0 +130827,"RT @PhilGreaves01: 'ISIS ' are not the spontaneous expression of "" Muslims Gone Savage "" , they are State sponsored contras. https://t.co/BUTt4 ",0.0 +148204,VSO mercenaries are 'remotely' controlled by Ankara. Shame; after all these years Assad proved himself right #Syria https://twitter.com/aa_arabic/status/718854735655256064 ,1.0 +5739,racist far left commie sean penn's son assaults black photographer calls 'n*gger' faggot.n@url,1.0 +148030,@RahaafH parce que celui qui br le pour vit de salir les objets essay d' vit une mauvaise choses pas l'autre. ,1.0 +138887,Double IEDs exploded near the President bridge in center of #Damascus. No reports about causalities yet.. #Syria ,1.0 +131509,Emirati man mistaken as ISIS militant in Ohio reveals details of ordeal: The man was mistaken for an ISIS suspect by a hotel employee.,0.0 +106696,r1se/n4tion++ #OpReverseCaliphate Isis Facebook Accounts - http://Pastebin.com http://fb.me/3GlaWRRbB,0.0 +149854,No reasons will justify dividing this great country #Syria; not even legitimate demands of ousetting war criminal Assad himself.. ,1.0 +135281," But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me (Luke 19:27).",1.0 +8452,@user get head twat report facts. blocked over. ,1.0 +149462,#Sinai Another Egyptian army s M60 tank was targted by IED explosion between Karam al-Quwadis and al-Kharouba south-west of Sheikh Zuwaid ,1.0 +128051,RT @DresHouse1: Isis dont wanna kill black peoples??? pic.twitter.com/E674OhvcYZ,0.0 +146522,RT @IraqSurveys: !!! https://twitter.com/IraqSurveys/status/714877077447696384/photo/1 ,1.0 +113682,The U.S. Fight Against ISIS in Iraq http://goo.gl/fb/PZCGbW,0.0 +135923,"Ibnul-Athir said, When Abul-Futuh heard the news of his approach, he knew that he would be unable to stand up to him or against him, so he transferred his wealth to Sri Lanka and fled from Multan. Yamin ad-Dawlah reached Multan and set camp. Finding its people blind in their deviance, he besieged them until the situation became hard for them. He continued the battle until the city was taken by force. And he made the people pay 20,000 dirhams as a punishment for their insurgence, meaning, along with their tawbah.",1.0 +151149,The West has killed 4 millions of muslim Russia/Iran/Assad have killed 500 000 Syrian. All are your enemies. #AleppoIsBurning #SaveAleppo ,1.0 +137206,RT @Abduhark: An agreement between the regime and ISIS to evacuate ISIS fighters from southern Damascus neigborhoods has been put into effe ,1.0 +127801,ISIS tells its deepest and darkest secrets to young British Muslim recently arrived in the caliphate I think not http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/uk-navy-officer-who-joined-isil-turns-supergrass-after-arrest-by/,0.0 +122452,Pressure of the road seems to have gotten to her 1) Stands with Trump 2) claims to know more about ISIS than @POTUS https://twitter.com/Meliss1001/status/752560759545135104,0.0 +141508,Very likely including Russians given this report from Athriyah http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.366146&lon=37.767260&z=19&m=b http://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2016/02/15/syria-frontline-fight-isis-pleitgen-pkg.cnn https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +110150,"LOL Iraqi says himself Iraq War was a good thing, suck on it Left-Wingers #qanda ISIL is a product of Islam, the uh, Refugee Religion #LOL",0.0 +135948,"...the Prophet ?, who said, I have been ordered to fight mankind until they testify that nothing is worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ",1.0 +107834,ISIS fighter has a bizarre way of hiding from enemy helicopter http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/weird-news/isis-fighter-tries-hide-enemy-8396789,0.0 +121458,@politico what??? No plan for building a wall? No specifics about how to handle ISIS? how he 's bringing jobs back? Law enforcement?,0.0 +148883,RT @striv3rx: follow the #Publish3r @SPublish3r follow favorite ,1.0 +133699,"RT @TelemundoNews: ISIS ba a de sangre la capital de Irak con m s de centenar de muertos, lo ltimo hoy en Noticiero Telemundo, 5PM/PT http ",0.0 +106439,RT @Raqqa_SL: #ISIS fighters playing in Amusement park in #Raqqa city . #Syria #ISIL pic.twitter.com/R5r0OXdjNy,0.0 +149594,follow @Disaskdna1 ,1.0 +153955,"RT @PatDollard: So-called terrorism is just jihad. That's why ""terrorists"" are called jihadis. Jihad is the core of Islam, not a perversion ",1.0 +125339,@MisterMetokur I just may be the first #Atheist to sign up with #ISIS,0.0 +148781,#Russia|n army helicopters & clashes with #ISIS near Dumair airbase east Damascus.. #Syria https://t.co/xv1K1vMH67 ,1.0 +109800,RT @ScreamMakerBand: New single! #isis #terrosim #islam #sherk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glf5vzI6AWE,0.0 +143803,@2222_Dreamland yet ugly ,1.0 +147945,# _ _ # # # _ # _ _ _13_ # _ https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +9594,@user ...what... negro @url,1.0 +147126,You won't hear this in #Syria|n actishits news because it wasn't Nusra the one who killed him or teared apart his shitty 'freedom' flag 2/2 ,1.0 +139131,"RT @MaghrebiQM: Reuters US Official: ""America is ready to intervene in case there's any issue in #Libya"" ",1.0 +146178,RT @Jazrawi_Joulan: Beauty of Islamic State city Rutba https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +119225,@MeetNolan That was an episode of archer where he thought that he was the kids ' dad and he married Lynn like a month before ISIS found him,0.0 +144437,RT @MaghrebiEng: Video footage showing Russian ground troops and Islamic State fighting near Palmyra. #Jihad https://twitter.com/Step_Agency/status/709891306793861120/video/1 ,1.0 +145287,One of The Dean of #Mosul University and his wife were one of the Victims by the barbaric #US-Led Coalition Airstrik https://twitter.com/zyaad_alsenjary/status/712327607656816640 ,1.0 +145717,"@hjr_jhd_17 Ok, so ""I'm accusing her"" without proof -->> @HijrahWitness According to this sister. https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +129622,RT @NewsForTurkey_: 2 detained at stanbul airport on suspicion of ISIS affiliation http://www.newsforturkey.com/2-detained-at-istanbul-airport-on-suspicion-of-isis-affiliation/,0.0 +133616,RT @TonjaTriplett: Retweeted Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump): The third mass attack (slaughter) in days by ISIS. 200 dead in. https:/ ,0.0 +124817,@ABC2020 @soapfanfiction I'd be impressed if she did this in front of ISIL. Just so inappropriate.,0.0 +148899,RT @RamiAlLolah: Looks like #ISIS is the one kicking in 'Plan B' with MANPADS in #Syria.. ,1.0 +120614,"32 Iraqis escape #ISIS, arrive at #Peshmerga line http://ow.ly/yF803027te9 #TwitterKurds pic.twitter.com/An8B7Bhmrn",0.0 +135971," Whoever goes to a kahin or arraf [i.e. soothsayers] and believes what he says as being true, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad ",1.0 +130922,Islamic State group in competition for recruits in Pakistan http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:f5137e5a1f1d452c90b7d3d2b9d36140#,0.0 +123610,RT @JakeTurx: Is there any difference between the #ConfederateFlag today and the ISIS flag in 150 years from now? http://twitter.com/JakeTurx/status/752180446960713728/photo/1,0.0 +120277,Daesh n'a rien a voir avec l'islam https://twitter.com/hafo775/status/751934385755160577,0.0 +113906,hm: rt: RT PCF_Official: #SackDoval because he is the mastermind behind #ISIS operations across the entire world. pic.twitter.com/3vqxWgmH9A,0.0 +117113,RT @gerfingerpoken2: IBD) Marine General Says #ISIS Recruits Could Enter U.S. Via Caribbean http://www.investors.com/isis-could-enter-us-via-caribbean/ - #PJNET 999 - https:// ,0.0 +107926,RT @Metro_TV: ISIS Tembak Jatuh Helikopter Rusia di Dekat Palmyra http://internasional.metrotvnews.com/dunia/yKX4ed9K-isis-tembak-jatuh-helikopter-rusia-di-dekat-palmyra pic.twitter.com/j0oAKFuQAA,0.0 +7789,u wear sperrys fucking faggot sorry buddy,1.0 +131564,RT @mamsfofana: Vraiment Daesh ca se voit clairement qu'ils ne suivent pas le Coran mais ils cherchent leurs propres int r ts,0.0 +116619,RT @irenedelse: Drame vit en #Turquie : un kamikaze de #Daesh encercl et neutralis par les fid les dans une mosqu e ! https://t.co/c8X2 ,0.0 +146436,@Jazrawi_Joulan Hahahaha akhi you Are Always funny. I know you longtime ago I think on 2014 with that crazy profile pic :-) ,1.0 +149611,RT @RamiAlLolah: Majority of #ISIS fighters in #Iraq are Iraqis. They look at #Turkey as #USA-like invading country works with mercenaries ,1.0 +113042,@med_zo Just false allegation against him dt he inspires suicide bombers like ISIS which is blatant lie,0.0 +152455,@_SalmanHashimi Check other tweet ,1.0 +110582,U.S. to move advisers to help Iraqi army push on Mosul: Carter https://en1kurdipost.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/u-s-to-move-advisers-to-help-iraqi-army-push-on-mosul-carter,0.0 +138782,RT @mkmjnnj: #AmaqNewsAgency Two Algerian soldiers killed and four others wounded after detonation of explosive device planted by Islamic S ,1.0 +138675,@badubaii l'Alg rie ils sont tellement dernier qu'ils sont pas dans le classement c'est a ? ,1.0 +132592,"U.S.-backed militias face second Islamic State counter attack - official, monitor http://goo.gl/fb/bFNOyV",0.0 +112527,1159 I DESIGN http://1000ya.isis.ne.jp/1159-2.html # ,0.0 +123036,RT @Kronykal: Please tell me more about how ISIS isn't courting BLM https://twitter.com/stevestalinsky/status/752590992822329344,0.0 +114320,US to send 560 more troops to Iraq to establish staging hub against Isis http://trib.al/Y9bADsM,0.0 +121942,Hitler killed Jews because they were the largest minority in Europe. Muck like what ISIL is doing today in Middle East.,0.0 +135199," O People of the Scripture, do not transgress in your religion and do not speak about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, is but the Messenger of Allah and His Word He cast into Mary, and a spirit of His. So believe in Allah and His Messengers, and do not say He is three. Cease! Such is better for you. Allah is only one god, glorified is He above having a son. To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. And sufficient is Allah in whom to puts one s trust (An-Nisa 171).",1.0 +8396,@user @user u retarded daddy? butter enough. u ever potatoes butter retard,1.0 +5199,immigrants edge @user,1.0 +155069,"@AalawOfficial According to your own canon, your prophet is a pedophile, murderer, rapist, caravan robber, slave trader, sexist and bigot.",1.0 +106406,RT @gerfingerpoken: (IBD) #ISIS Spearheads Worldwide War On Christians #Catholic @IBDeditorials - http://www.investors.com/isil-tells-iraqi-christians-convert-or-die/ - https://t.co/w ,0.0 +155064,@Ammaawah @jm111t All you are doing with your verses is proving sexism in Islam.,1.0 +119568,RT @lauryou1907: Scum Saudi Prince #Saudi having the audacity to call r beloved Spirtual leader cancer. Creator of ISIS you are the cancer ,0.0 +105526,J'ai l'impression d'avoir cr Daesh tellement tout le monde me regarde mal au boulot ce matin ._.,0.0 +134596,"{When they said to a prophet of theirs, Send to us a king, and we will fight for the cause of Allah. He said, Would you perhaps refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you? They said, And why should we not fight for the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and from our children? But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers. And their prophet said to them, Indeed, Allah has sent to you T?l?t as a king. They said, How can he have kingship over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given any measure of wealth? He said, Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing in favor and Knowing } [Al-Baqarah: 246-247].",1.0 +119851,"Obama claims success over ISIS, experts say he is really full of it http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/07/10/obama-claims-success-over-isis-experts-say-he-is-really-full-of-it-363161 pic.twitter.com/CZCQcgw1tp BIZPAC Review (BIZ ",0.0 +119026,RT @FreeBeacon: U.S. to Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Operation http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-deploy-560-troops-iraq-mosul-operation/ via @nataliejohnsonn,0.0 +117478,@bulentisbilen @alpaltinors olmuyor zaten baksana,0.0 +108889," 6 21 , http://ow.ly/9RkP3027uoH",0.0 +133403,ISIS suspects detained at Istanbul airport - less than week after airport attack: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/04/Turkey-charges-13-over-deadly-Istanbul-airport-attack.html,0.0 +9977,@user poor sweden. turning shithole country. eurofruits want help w @url,1.0 +116950,""" Philippine army kill 40 Daesh-linked Abu Sayyaf militants http://goo.gl/fb/fGCFY5 #asia #asiapacificregion """,0.0 +141209,RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Reports that civilians in Cairo have lynched two police officers after one of the officers killed a cab driver. https: ,1.0 +7843,@user typical liberals party tolerance women blacks illegal aliens whateve @url,1.0 +113947,@Berbagihidayah ini dari aljazeera tentang kelakuan IS > http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/06/german-village-helping-yazidi-women-raped-isil-160621083203597.html,0.0 +116737,RT @AgendaOfEvil: http://agendaofevil.com/Videos/Viewer/PLXQAUc4t9sQ37vVrtvJoIPCfR0tcCJBHV/d_yR-YHkhfs #Airstrike #ISIS,0.0 +133916,"Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahull?h) said, Islam in the end of times will be more manifest in Sh?m. [ ] So the best of the people on the earth in the end of times will be those who keep to the land of Ibr?h?m s hijrah, which is Sh?m ",1.0 +151118,Civilian Leith Ahmad al-Lahibi was killed today by airstrikes on #Fallujah https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +160143,Are you talking about the Muslim doctors and medical researchers treating and finding cures for these illnesses?,0.0 +10186,reason people want use ethnic slurs. reason people want say faggot bad. people want offens @url,1.0 +148605,"RT @ikleikeshi: Jabhat Sigara (Jabhat Nusra) headquarter in Yarmouk Camp. The ""sharia"" in Idlib as well as other areas JN is in. https://t. ",1.0 +105618,RT @l0l93: CNN Indonesia Al-Fatihin #isis isis / / / / ,0.0 +145272,"#ISIS claims responsibility for #Brussels blasts, as per Aamaq news agency linked to the group ",1.0 +122647,RT @TeamTrumpRussia: Putin can not save the world and fight ISIS alone :) It 's impossible. If Clinton wins -that means a WAR.No doubt.,0.0 +126699,"Lleg el momento! ! #SemanaDeFinales @isil_pe (@ ISIL in Miraflores, Lima) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/0V2U1IWUU8e",0.0 +127478,EU Parliament: ISIS set to wage chemical and biological war on West http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3347671/ISIS-army-scientists-set-wage-chemical-biological-war-West-Experts-warn-weapons-mass-destruction-carried-undetected-Europe-Union.html #tcot #pjnet #p2 pic.twitter.com/M4H4SLpL3e,0.0 +132004,"@18RedBlack99 kan udah ane bilang dari awal, org barat mane tau soal khawarij itu apaan. Yg dia tau isis ya Islam. Itu yg bikin Islam jelek",0.0 +141942,RT @ShamiRebel: *Warning Graphic* NO these are not horrid acts perpetrated by the likes of #ISIS These were done by the Iraqi army https: ,1.0 +154445,"@buellerishere a Again, give me a verse number that shows that ISIS is not following Islam.",1.0 +142805,General commander of #Syria Revolutionaries Front Abu Hamza al-Nouaimi was reportedly assassinated in a car bomb blast in #Quneitra.. #Syria ,1.0 +139120,RT @meiyinkun5: @Raqqa_SL the crusaders love much muslims of raqqa thzt they bomb them day and 'ight and crusaders propaganda will not work ,1.0 +130534,"BAGHDAD, IRAQ / ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh SUICIDE BOMBING:: https://twitter.com/nasseratta5/status/749677541804441601",0.0 +5008,@user yup pretty much. i'm leaving shithole country.,1.0 +152567,"After presiding over bin Laden raid, CIA chief in Pakistan came home suspecting he was poisoned by ISI https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/in-bin-laden-raids-shadow-bad-blood-and-the-suspected-poisoning-of-a-cia-officer/2016/05/05/ace85354-0c83-11e6-a6b6-2e6de3695b0e_story.html ",1.0 +154719,@98Halima @cdnKhadija @rfrankh53 @BilalIGhumman @johnnygjokaj If you had a brain it would be revolted by Islam.,1.0 +153782,RT @ThePoliticalHat: The next successor to the Saudi throne will be the son of a slave girl http://t.co/C1XmXLtLXQ http://t.co/WtDeBOE1HA,1.0 +118060,RT @aydogan29: Bug nk Washington Post TR'nin ter r rg tlerini korumaya devam etti ini yazm : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040-4053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html ,0.0 +135240,"He explained this intercession, telling that, on the Day of Judgment, people will flock to Adam, then Noah, then Abraham, then Moses, and then Jesus, seeking them to intercede with Allah on their behalves. Each of them will deny the responsibility and recommend they go to the one after him. The last of them, Jesus, responds to their request for intercession, saying, My Lord s wrath has never been as intense as today, nor shall it be again. My soul! My soul! My soul! Go to someone else. Go to Muhammad! At this, they will go to him and say, O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets, and Allah has forgiven your previous sins and those you were yet to commit. Intercede for us with your Lord! Do you not see our condition? He will then go to the Throne and fall in prostration to his Lord. Allah will then teach him something of His praise untaught to anyone before him. It will then be said, O Muhammad! Raise your head. Ask and you shall be given. Intercede and your intercession shall be granted. He will then raise his head and say, My nation, O my Lord! My nation, O my Lord! My nation, O my Lord! It will then be said, O Muhammad! Enter whomever of your nation has nothing for which to account into the rightmost gate of Jannah ",1.0 +142245,"Where are now those Assad troll barking about antimperialism? You fight side by side with imeprialists, helping them fulfillment their goals ",1.0 +114683,"ISIS , AI FUNERALI , DEI NOSTRI DIECI CONNAZIONALI , NON ERA PRESENTE 1 (UNO) UN RAPPRESENTANTE DEL GOVERNO pic.twitter.com/lzqMJdDIWb",0.0 +131153,RT @lovelineth: Am I the only one who think ISIS is kinda funny for claiming themselves responsible for all the attacks like lah paan c cri ,0.0 +106916,@DocThompsonShow @skiplacombe #whatilearnedtoday ISIS fighter tried hiding like a house cat lol. They will never see me behind this stick!,0.0 +118507,UK merchant marine officer who joined ISIS spills everything after arrest by Kuwaiti authorities http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/11/uk-navy-officer-who-joined-isil-turns-supergrass-after-arrest-by/,0.0 +142101,#Aamaq: #USA-led Coalition has successfully bombarded a #YPG terror militia position south #Shaddadi.. #Syria #ISIS https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +128221,RT @TurkishMinuteTM: 2 detained at stanbul Atat rk Airport on suspicion of #ISIS affiliation #Turkey https://www.turkishminute.com/2016/07/04/2-detained-istanbul-airport-suspicion-isis-affiliation/ https://t.co ,0.0 +152322,#AmaqAgency #Breaking Fires break out inside #Mahr Gas Company due to fierce battles and artillery shelling by #IslamicState Fighters ,1.0 +104017,RT @HuffPostTech: Encrypted messaging services are becoming more common. But could they be helping ISIS? http://huff.to/29AL3RJ https://t. ,0.0 +146511,Somebody should call 911 now.. #Syria #TwitterKurds https://twitter.com/oryxspioenkop/status/714843468963704832 ,1.0 +108316,Soit #Daesh n'a pas de courage soit c'est les pays en tout cas tout c'est bien pass pour #euro2016 #euro2016final,0.0 +132221,RT @NinaRev: ISIS claims Baghdad bombing; 200 dead @CNNI http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/baghdad-car-bombs/index.html ,0.0 +135035,"Ibn Taymiyyah r then states, Allah c said, {And when a faction of them said, O people of Yathrib, there is no place for you [here], so return [home] } [Al-Ahz?b: 13]. The Prophet g had encamped with the Muslims at Mount Sila and placed the trench between him and the enemy. A group from among the mun?fiq?n said, There is no place for you to take up position here due to the large numbers of the enemy, so return to Mad?nah. And it was said [that the meaning is], You have no ability to remain upon the religion of Muhammad, so return to the religion of shirk. And it was said [that the meaning is], You have no ability to fight, so consider being protected under their authority. And likewise, when this enemy came, there were those from among the mun?fiq?n who said, The Islamic state is no longer standing, so the appropriate thing to do is to enter into the state of the Tatars. And some people said, We can no longer reside in the land of Sh?m. Rather, we will move to al-Hij?z and Yemen or to Egypt. And some of them said, Rather, the general interest lies in surrendering to them and placing ourselves under their authority just as the people of Iraq surrendered to them. These three statements were uttered during this incident just as they were uttered during that incident. This is what a group of the mun?fiq?n and those in whose hearts is disease said to the people of Dimashq specifically and to the people of Sh?m in general: You have no ability to remain in this land. ",1.0 +108509, http://manoranjandesk.com/blog/2016/07/09/owaisi-protested-isis-called-dog/ #owaisiterror #owaisiterrorpolitics,0.0 +129611,First ever ISIS terror attack in #Malaysia http://www.islamedianalysis.info/first-ever-isis-terror-attack-in-malaysia/ pic.twitter.com/1dvnmASDJI,0.0 +142596,"Don't throwing shoes, throw some grenade! https://twitter.com/KhaLi_707/status/704132702254067712 ",1.0 +146457,RT @Nidalgazaui: Eyewitness: Pro #SAA Video Channel Claims mistakenly that #RuAF used illegaly banned Phosphor gas in #Tadmur. https://t.co ,1.0 +135188," The word of the Lord came to Samuel, I regret that I have made Saul king (1 Samuel 15:10-11).",1.0 +5745,@user rainmaker blackbelly makes want dienlike fuck huge retarded shape @url,1.0 +6326,confidence ugly mongoloid like really what's wrong,1.0 +107090,"http://robwire.com U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://dlvr.it/LmfYPP #breaking #news",0.0 +147990,Now he is giving dawa to the kids in UNI And asking them for proof when they make false claims etc Send the confused to me Lol ,1.0 +152046,RT @sparksofirhabi5: Everyone has a Shaytaan assigned to them in dunya https://twitter.com/sparksofirhabi4/status/728322915712700418 ,1.0 +114935, #Daesh https://twitter.com/lllllllvllllllt https://twitter.com/eimid99 https://twitter.com/k24k3 #OpISIS,0.0 +9714,wow hs kids really immature huh. s/o kid needville told brother faggot b/c mother passed away.,1.0 +146430,@Jazrawi_Joulan They didn't suspended you ;-) ,1.0 +148085,Please remember alqaeda tactics They get some ordinary guy Add shaykh to him Start promoting him in videos Then he becomes a shaykh ,1.0 +105409,RT @Soranismail: Daesh m rdar nu ven barn med Down Syndrom och andra funktionsvariationer. Ska n gon s ga stopp n gon g ng? https://t.co/j ,0.0 +160545,Will Ramadan stop Muslims from terrorism and raping children? Likely it won't.,1.0 +107336,"U.S intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just 'adapting ' http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/politics/isis-us-intelligence/index.html #BreakingNews",0.0 +118049,ISIS Comes to Gaza http://ow.ly/iuYB3028cQY via @edmecka,0.0 +153692,"@QrysBinThynkn That's because it's all about the barbarity of Islam, not the beards.",1.0 +6491,@user @user @user since chinaman white? smoking?,1.0 +152425,The kafir made a fake account of me now & is sending his porn & tags our sisters in it... ,1.0 +5403,give bite nigger,1.0 +134934,"When these Arabs vowed to not pay zak?h, the khal?fah of Allah s Messenger, Ab? Bakr as-Sidd?q h vowed to fight them. Ab? Hurayrah h narrated, When Allah s Messenger g passed away, Ab? Bakr was made his khal?fah and some of the Arabs committed kufr. Umar said to Ab? Bakr, How will you fight the people after Allah s Messenger g said, I have been commanded to fight the people until they say, L? il?ha illall?h; and whoever says, L? il?ha illall?h, has guarded his wealth and life from me, except by due right, and his account is up to Allah. Ab? Bakr replied, By Allah, I will fight whoever differentiates between prayer and zak?h, as zak?h is the right of wealth. By Allah, if they keep an an?q [a female goat not yet one year old] from me which they used to pay to Allah s Messenger g, I will fight them over it. Umar said, By Allah, I saw that Allah had prepared Ab? Bakr s heart for war, so I knew it was the truth ",1.0 +152904,#AmaqAgency Thwarted assault by VSO Mercenaries on #IslamicState positions at Mt. Afai and Mt. Dabah in E #Qalamun https://twitter.com/account/suspended ,1.0 +146632,#RUSSIA #IS Claims another Suicide Attack On Police Checkpoint At Sirtych Village In #Degestan ,1.0 +112208,@MuslimsF0rTrump you are not a Muslim for Trump unless you're ISIS http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf,0.0 +115233,"The New World Order, World War 3, ISIS, The Secret Agenda Of Illuminati . https://youtu.be/5My0TIXgs3Q via @YouTube",0.0 +152940, ,1.0 +135496," And whoever substitutes the favor of Allah after it has come to him then indeed, Allah is severe in penalty (Al-Baqarah 211).",1.0 +6171,@user boutta hit raghead tire shop zane ,1.0 +151744,RT @arabthomness: #Syria: #FSA & #Daesh clash just meters away from the Turkish border wall in N #Aleppo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM9KkIUuiPc&feature=youtu.be https://t. ,1.0 +112564,Daesh 's Twitter traffic drops after U.S. efforts: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2016/Jul-11/361339-daeshs-twitter-traffic-drops-after-us-efforts.ashx#.V4Op5JERKZ0.twitter via @dailystarleb,0.0 +139627,"RT @MaghrebiQM: Distance to lift siege on Kweirs & Nubl/Zahra was approximately the same. First needed 40 days, the other 40 hours. https: ",1.0 +152234,"RT @StrangerAkh_: Written on a wall in Homs, Syria. ""When I leave, know that I tried my best to stay"" https://twitter.com/account/suspended ",1.0 +8639,@user @user get it? turned country shithole. let us @url,1.0 +110100,Getting rid of Saddam Hussain led directly to the creation of ISIS. #qanda,0.0 +121145,Les moustiques de cette ann e nous viennent de chez daesh pas possible. I3adhou ma ye99ersouch. Et in9etlables.,0.0 +141675,@RamiAlLolah The end game for the YPG campaign is to get all FSA to submit to YPG and then jointly fight ISIS. ISIS will need to prepare ,1.0 +139457,@AliAlOraini so sad ,1.0 +127812,Osprey Vector One ISIS Backpack at Tactical Gear Zone http://tacticalgearzone.com/product-category/backpacks/ #osprey #hiking,0.0 +130060,"RT @hmyvz50: Now, some US officials must be very happy, because they managed to move ISIS toward Turkey .",0.0 +145473,RT @thedailybeast: ISIS has trained some 400 fighters and sent them to Europe for more attacks: http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/03/23/isis-trains-400-fighters-to-hit-europe.html?via=twitter_page ,1.0 +159392,"Muslims have been a part of western society for hundreds and hundreds of years and have been integral to its development, to try and separate the two is impossible.",0.0