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- German_Swedish_medglossaries.tsv +2208 -0
- Italian_Spanish_medglossaries.tsv +196 -0
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- Polish_Spanish_medglossaries.tsv +271 -0
- Portuguese_Spanish_medglossaries.tsv +61 -0
- Russian_Spanish_medglossaries.tsv +125 -0
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
1 |
1 genetic traits Environmental factors
2 |
1 অক্ষুদ্রকোষ ফুসফুস কারসিনোমা non-small cell lung carcinoma
3 |
1 অগ্ন্যাশয় pancreas
4 |
1 অগ্ন্যাশয় গ্রন্থির ক্যানসার Pancreatic Cancer
5 |
1 অগ্ন্যাশয়ের ফোঁডা pancreatic abscess
6 |
1 অগ্রগতিশীল নয় non-progressive
7 |
1 অগ্রভাগের চামড়া foreskin
8 |
1 অচেতন coma
9 |
1 অটোলোগাস অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপণ autologous bone marrow transplant
10 |
1 অতি বেগুনি রশ্মি ultraviolet radiation
11 |
1 অতিমাত্রায় পূর্ণ congested
12 |
1 অতিরিক্ত আহার binge eating
13 |
1 অতিরিক্ত কর্মদক্ষতা hyperactivity
14 |
1 অতিরিক্ত কর্মদক্ষতা অভাবজনিত ব্যধি Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
15 |
1 অতিরিক্ত তথ্যের উত্স Sources of further information
16 |
1 অতিরিক্ত তাপ overheating
17 |
1 অতিসক্রিয় overactive
18 |
1 অত্যাধিক শ্লেষ্মা excessive mucus
19 |
1 অত্যুচ্চ রক্তচাপ hypertension
20 |
1 অধিক উচ্চতায় বসবাস living at high elevations
21 |
1 অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মানসিক বিষাদের ব্যধি major depressive disorder
22 |
1 অনতিক্রম্যতার ক্ষতি করে impaired immune systems
23 |
1 অনধিক্রামক non-invasive
24 |
1 অনমনীয় stiff
25 |
1 অনাক্রম পদ্ধতি immune system
26 |
1 অনাক্রম্য কোষগুলি immune cells
27 |
1 অনাক্রম্য ব্যবস্থা immune systems
28 |
1 অনাগ্রহতা disinterest
29 |
1 অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে ওজন হ্রাস unintentional weight loss
30 |
1 অনিচ্ছাধীন বিচলন involuntary movements
31 |
1 অনিদ্রা insomnia
32 |
1 অনুচক্রিকা platelets
33 |
1 অনুবীক্ষণ যন্ত্র microscop
34 |
1 অনুভাবক sensors
35 |
1 অনুভূতি বিলোপ anesthesia
36 |
1 অনুভূতি বিলোপকারক anesthetic
37 |
1 অনুভূতি শুন্য numbing
38 |
1 অনুভূতিশূন্য numbness
39 |
1 অনুসারী পরীক্ষাগুলি follow-up tests
40 |
1 অন্ডকোষ দ্বয় testicles
41 |
1 অন্ডকোষীয় ধারক scrotal support
42 |
1 অন্ডকোষীয় মোচড় testicular torsion
43 |
1 অন্তঃত্বক dermis
44 |
1 অন্তঃ মস্তিষ্ক উদ্দীপনা Deep Brain Stimulation
45 |
1 অন্তর্নিহিত intrinsic
46 |
1 অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন interim
47 |
1 অন্তর্ভুক্ত excludes
48 |
1 অন্তর্শিরা transvenous
49 |
1 অন্ত্র intestines
50 |
1 অন্ত্রের প্রদাহজনিত ব্যাধি inflammatory bowel disease
51 |
1 অন্য বিকল্প another option
52 |
1 অপরাধ বোধ guilt
53 |
1 অপ্রতিসমতা asymmetry
54 |
1 অবচেতন supine
55 |
1 অবরুদ্ধতা হ্রাসকারক Decongestants
56 |
1 অবসাদ রোধক Antidepressants
57 |
1 অবসেসিভ-কমপালসিভ ডিসঅর্ডার obsessive-compulsive disorder
58 |
1 অবসেসিভ-কমপালসিভ ব্যধি Obsessive -compulsive disorder
59 |
1 অবিকশিত ভ্রণ embryo
60 |
1 অবেদনিক Anesthetic
61 |
1 অভ্যন্তরস্থ আস্তরণ uterine lining
62 |
1 অমনোযোগী difficulty concentrating
63 |
1 অম্ল acidic
64 |
1 অরচিয়াকটোমি orchiectomy
65 |
1 অসংযত যৌন কার্য unprotected sexual activity
66 |
1 অসমতা পরীক্ষণ irregularities
67 |
1 অসুরক্ষিত সঙ্গম unprotected intercourse
68 |
2 অস্ত্রোপচার surgery
69 |
1 অস্থিক্ষয় bone loss
70 |
1 অস্থি মজ্জা Bone marrow
71 |
1 অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপন bone marrow transplant
72 |
1 অস্থিরোগে ব্যবহৃত ছাঁচ বা ঢালাই orthopedic cast
73 |
1 অস্বস্তি���র irritating
74 |
1 অস্বাভাবিক কোষকলা abnormal tissue
75 |
1 অস্বাভাবিক বৃদ্ধি abnormal growth
76 |
1 অ্যাঞ্জিনা angina
77 |
2 অ্যাডিসন'স ব্যাধি Addisons disease
78 |
1 অ্যাড্রিনাল ঘাটতি adrenal insufficiency
79 |
1 অ্যাড্রিনালের ঘাটতি adrenal insufficiencies
80 |
1 অ্যামনিওটিক তরল পরীক্ষা amniotic fluid test
81 |
1 অ্যামিনোটিক তরল amniotic fluid
82 |
1 অ্যালভিওলি alveoli
83 |
1 অ্যালার্জি উত্পাদক দ্রব্য allergen
84 |
2 অ্যালার্জিজাত প্রতিক্রিয়া allergic reaction
85 |
1 অ্যালার্জির প্রতিক্রিয়া allergic reaction
86 |
1 অ্যালোজেনিক অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপণ allogeneic bone marrow transplant
87 |
1 অ্যাসবেস্টোসিস asbestosis
88 |
1 আইবুপ্রোফেন Ibuprofen
89 |
1 আংশিক থাইরয়েডেক্টোমি partial thyroidectomy
90 |
1 আংশিকভাবে ছিন্ন Partial tears
91 |
1 আংশিক স্যালপিঙ্গেক্টমি partial salpingectomy
92 |
2 আঁচড়ের দাগ পরীক্ষা scratch test
93 |
1 আঁচিল Warts
94 |
1 আত্মসংবৃতি বা ওটিজম Autism
95 |
1 আত্মহত্যাজনিত আচরণ suicidal behavior
96 |
1 আধকপালে মাথা ব্যথা migraine headaches
97 |
1 আন্তঃধমনী অ্যান্টিবায়োটিক্স intravenous antibiotics
98 |
1 আপার গ্যাসট্রইনটেসটিনাল পদ্ধতি upper gastrointestinal system
99 |
1 আব বা টিউমার tumor
100 |
1 আবরণ/আস্তরণ lining
101 |
1 আবেগতাড়িত impulsive
102 |
1 আবেগ বিকলন emotional distress
103 |
1 আভ্যন্তররীণ রক্তক্ষরণ internal bleeding
104 |
2 আয়োডিনের অভাব iodine deficiency
105 |
1 আর্দ্রতাকারী humidifier
106 |
1 আলট্রাসাউন্ড প্রকৌশল ultrasound technician
107 |
1 ইনসুলিন insulin
108 |
1 ইনসুলিন পাম্পস insulin pumps
109 |
1 ইনসুলিন সহিষ্ণুতার পরীক্ষা insulin tolerance test
110 |
1 ইন্দ্রিয়বোধের গোলমাল অবস্থা acute confusional state
111 |
1 ইলেকট্রোলাইট electrolytes
112 |
1 ইলেক্ট্রকনভালসিভ থেরাপি Electroconvulsive Therapy
113 |
1 উচ্চ তরঙ্গদৈর্ঘ্যের শব্দ তরঙ্গ high frequency sound waves
114 |
1 উচ্চ সংক্রামক highly contagious
115 |
1 উত্তরজীবিতার হার বা সারভাইভ্যাল রেট Survival rate
116 |
1 উত্তরাধিকার সূত্রে প্রাপ্ত inherited
117 |
1 উত্তোলন elevating
118 |
1 উদ্বেগ অবস্থা anxiety disorder
119 |
1 উদ্ভট নয় এমন মতিভ্রম non-bizarre delusions
120 |
1 উপরি বাহু upper arm
121 |
1 উপলব্ধ recommending
122 |
1 উপশম soothing
123 |
1 উপস্থাপন provide
124 |
1 উর্বরতা inhibit
125 |
1 ঊরু বা ফিমোরাল ধমনী femoral artery
126 |
1 ঋজুতা erection
127 |
1 এঁটুলি arachnids
128 |
1 এঁটুলিজনিত পক্ষাঘাত tick paralysis
129 |
1 একইরকম জোড় identical twin
130 |
1 একক উপসরণি single bypass
131 |
1 একঘেয়ে বা দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ব্যথা dull or chronic pain
132 |
1 এক্টোপিক গর্ভাবস্থা ectopic pregnancy
133 |
1 এনডোক্রিন গ্রন্থিগুলি endocrine glands
134 |
1 এনডোস্কোপ endoscope
135 |
1 এন্ডোক্রিন প্রণালী endocrine system
136 |
1 এলার্জি জাত অবস্থা allergic conditions
137 |
1 এলোমেলোভাবে কথা বলা rambling speech
138 |
1 ঐচ্ছিক গর্ভনাশ elective abortion
139 |
1 ওজন হ্রাস weight loss
140 |
1 ওজনের ক্ষয় weight loss
141 |
1 ওষুধ medication
142 |
1 কঠিন হেপাটাইটিস chronic hepatitis
143 |
1 কণিকা বা ��ুদ্বদ embolus
144 |
1 কথা এবং ভাষাগত চিকিত্সা Speech and language therapy
145 |
1 কথা এবং ভাষা চিকিত্সাবিদ Speech and language therapists
146 |
1 কথাবার্তার দক্ষতা communication skills
147 |
1 কথোপকথন চিকিত্সা communication therapy
148 |
1 কমপালসন compulsions
149 |
1 করোনারি ধমনীর উপসরণি সংযোজন Coronary artery bypass grafting
150 |
1 কর্কশ hoarseness
151 |
1 কশাঘাত Whiplash
152 |
1 কাঁধের চ্যাপ্টা অংশ shoulder blade
153 |
1 কাঠিন্য induration
154 |
1 কারডিয়োভাসকুলার ব্যাধি cardiovascular disease
155 |
1 কার্বঙ্কল carbuncle
156 |
1 কার্যকরী গতিময়তা functional movement
157 |
1 কাশি coughing
158 |
1 কাশির সঙ্গে রক্ত পড়া coughing up blood
159 |
1 কাসিং'স সিনড্রোম Cushings syndrome
160 |
1 কিডনি ব্যধির শেষ ধাপ end-stage kidney disease
161 |
1 কিডনির ব্যাধি kidney disease
162 |
1 কৃত্রিম গর্ভনাশ induced abortion
163 |
1 কৃত্রিম পেসমেকার artificial pacemaker
164 |
1 কৃত্রিম বমন induced vomiting
165 |
1 কৃত্রিমভাবে রক্ত সংবাহন artificial circulation
166 |
1 কৃত্রিম শ্বসনপ্রক্রিয়া artificial respiration
167 |
1 কৃত্রিম হৃদযন্ত্র artificial heart
168 |
1 কেন্দ্রীয় স্নায়ু তন্ত্র central nervous system
169 |
1 কোমাচ্ছন্ন comatose
170 |
1 কোষ্ঠশুদ্ধি purging
171 |
1 ক্যাথিটার catheter
172 |
1 ক্যান্সারের সম্ভাবনাগ্রস্ত টিউমার cancerous tumor
173 |
1 ক্যালসিয়াম জমা হওয়া calcium deposits
174 |
1 ক্রোন'স ব্যাধি Crohns disease
175 |
1 ক্ষণ তাপ hot flashes
176 |
1 ক্ষত কোষকলা scar tissue
177 |
1 ক্ষত সৃষ্টি scarred
178 |
1 ক্ষতসৃষ্টি scarring
179 |
1 ক্ষতিকর কোষসমূহ malignant cells
180 |
1 ক্ষয় erosion
181 |
1 ক্ষার basic
182 |
1 ক্ষুদ্রকোষ ফুসফুস কারসিনোম small cell lung carcinoma
183 |
1 ক্ষুদ্রতর উপখণ্ডসমূহে lobules
184 |
2 ক্ষুধামান্দ্য loss of appetite
185 |
1 খড়খড়ে scaly
186 |
1 খড়খড়ে আঁশ জাতীয় লাল চামড়া scaly red skin
187 |
1 খাদ্যনালী esophagus
188 |
1 খাদ্যে বিষক্রিয়া food poisoning
189 |
1 খাবারের সমস্যা eating disorder
190 |
1 খিঁচ ধরা cramps
191 |
1 খোস scabies infection
192 |
1 গর্ত burrow
193 |
1 গর্ভধারণ conceived
194 |
1 গর্ভধারণ কালে বহুমূত্র Gestational Diabetes
195 |
1 গর্ভপাত Miscarriage
196 |
1 গর্ভযন্ত্রণা labor pains
197 |
1 গর্ভাবস্থা pregnancy
198 |
1 গর্ভাশয় womb
199 |
1 গর্ভাশয়ের সংর্কীর্ণ অংশ cervix
200 |
1 গলগণ্ড Goiter
201 |
2 গলাধঃকরণ swallowing
202 |
1 গলা ব্যথা sore throat
203 |
1 গহ্বরগুলি cavities
204 |
1 গুরুতর চিকিত্সাজনিত জটিলতা serious medical complications
205 |
1 গেঁটেবাত Gout
206 |
1 গোড়ালী ফোলা swollen ankles
207 |
1 গোষ্ঠী চিকিত্সা group therapy
208 |
1 গৌণ বন্ধ্যাত্ব্ব secondary infertility
209 |
1 গ্রীবাদেশীয় বা জাগ্যুলার শিরা jugular vein
210 |
1 ঘন এবং চটচটে thick and sticky
211 |
3 ঘন ঘন প্রস্রাব frequent urination
212 |
1 ঘনত্ব density
213 |
1 ঘনীভূত করা freezing
214 |
1 ঘর্ষণ friction
215 |
1 ঘর্ষথলি bursa
216 |
1 ঘাটতি deficiency
217 |
1 ঘোলাধরণের মূত্র cloudy urine
218 |
1 ঘ্রাণ সংক্রান্ত olfactory
219 |
1 চর্বিযুক্ত বা মশলাযুক্ত খাদ্য fatty or spicy food
220 |
1 চামড়া কুঞ্চিত হয় wrinkling
221 |
1 চামড়া বিবর্ণ skin discoloration
222 |
1 চামড়ায় ছোট ছোট লাল ফুসকুড়ি rash
223 |
1 চামড়ার উপরিভাগ মোটা কঠিন thick crusts of skin
224 |
1 চামড়া সংযোজন Skin Grafting
225 |
1 চিকিত্সাজনিত গর্ভনাশ Therapeutic abortion
226 |
1 চিকিত্সা সংক্রান্ত ইতিহাস medical history
227 |
1 চিকিত্সাসংক্রান্ত জরুরি অবস্থা medical emergency
228 |
1 চিকিত্সা সংক্রান্ত প্রতিচ্ছবি medical imaging
229 |
1 চিকিত্সা সতর্কতা medical attention
230 |
1 চুলকানি Eczema
231 |
1 চুলকানি itching
232 |
1 চুলকানিযুক্ত itchy
233 |
1 চেলোপোকা mite
234 |
1 চোখ দিয়ে জল পড়া watery eyes
235 |
1 চোখের ক্ষতি হওয়া eye damage
236 |
1 চোয়াল ফোলা swollen jaw
237 |
1 ছত্রাক fungi
238 |
1 ছত্রাক সংক্রমণ fungal infection
239 |
1 ছন্দযুক্ত rhythm
240 |
1 ছিঁড়ে যাওয়া rupture
241 |
1 ছোট অন্ত্র small bowel
242 |
1 জটিলতা complications
243 |
1 জন তথ্য পুস্তিকা Public Information Booklet
244 |
1 জন্মগত ত্রুটি congenital defect
245 |
1 জন্মগত বিচ্যুতি congenital birth defects
246 |
1 জন্ম-নিয়ন্ত্রণ birth control
247 |
1 জন্ম নিয়ন্ত্রণ বড়ি Birth control pills
248 |
1 জবরদস্তি compulsion
249 |
1 জমাট বাধা রক্ত blood clot
250 |
1 জরায়ু বা সার্ভিক্যাল ক্যানসার cervical cancer
251 |
1 জরায়ুর ক্যানসার uterine cancer
252 |
1 জরায়ুর ছিদ্র uterine cavity
253 |
1 জরায়ুর ফাইব্রয়েড Uterine fibroids
254 |
1 জরুরী অবস্থায় চিকিত্সার প্রতি দৃষ্টিপাত emergency medical attention
255 |
1 জরুরী কার্যপ্রণালী emergency procedure
256 |
1 জলীয় ভাব hydrated
257 |
1 জিনিসের অপব্যবহার substance abuse
258 |
1 জীবনযাত্রার পরিবর্তন lifestyle changes
259 |
1 জীবনের পক্ষে ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ life-threatening
260 |
1 জীবনের বৈশিষ্ট্যমূলক গুণ quality of life
261 |
1 জীবাণু microorganisms
262 |
1 জীবাণু প্রতিরোধকারী পদার্থ antibodies
263 |
1 জেনিটাল হারপিস Genital herpes
264 |
1 জেল gel
265 |
1 জৈব বিশ্লেষণ biopsy
266 |
1 জ্ঞান সম্পর্কে ধারণা cognitive ability
267 |
1 জ্বালা অনুভুত হওয়া burning sensation
268 |
1 জ্বালাময় inflamed
269 |
1 ঝিল্লীসমূহ membranes
270 |
1 টিউবাল লাইগেশান Tubal ligation
271 |
2 ট্রান্সজেনডার transgender
272 |
1 ট্রান্সসেক্স্যুয়াল transsexual
273 |
1 ঠেকনা splint
274 |
1 ডাইপার ফুসকুড়ি Diaper rash
275 |
1 ডিমেনশিয়া Dementia
276 |
1 ডিম্বাণু ova
277 |
1 ডিম্বাশয়সমূহ ovaries
278 |
1 ডিম্বাশয়ের ক্যানসার Ovarian cancer
279 |
1 ডীপ ভেইন থ্রম্বোসিস Deep Vein Thrombosis
280 |
1 ড্রাগের অপব্যবহার drug abuse
281 |
1 ঢেউখেলানো রেখা wavy lines
282 |
1 তড়িত স্রোত electric current
283 |
1 তন্তু সমূহ tendons
284 |
1 তপ্ত করা burning
285 |
1 তরঙ্গসমূহ shock waves
286 |
1 তরল fluid
287 |
1 তরল জমা collection of fluid
288 |
1 তরল পদার্থ নির্গত হওয়া discharge
289 |
1 তরল পদার্থের সঞ্চরন fluid accumulation
290 |
2 তরুনাস্থি cartilage
291 |
1 তলপেট abdomen
292 |
1 তলপেটে খিঁচ abdominal cramps
293 |
1 তলপেটে তীব্র ব্যথা severe abdominal pain
294 |
1 তলপেটে ব্যথা ABDOMINAL PAIN
295 |
1 তলপেটের নিম্নাংশের পোকা Pubic lice
296 |
1 তলপেটের প্রাচীর abdominal wall
297 |
1 তহবিল funding
298 |
1 তাত্পর���যপূর্ণ significant
299 |
1 তামাক চিবানো chewing tobacco
300 |
1 তারের ফাঁস loop of wire
301 |
1 তিলগুলি moles
302 |
1 তিল সমূহ moles
303 |
1 তীক্ষ্ণ ব্যথা sharp pain
304 |
1 তীব্র acute
305 |
1 তীব্র গেঁটেবাত Acute gout
306 |
1 তীব্র প্যানক্রিয়াটিটিস acute pancreatitis
307 |
1 তীব্রভাবে বৃ্ক্কের ব্যর্থতা acute kidney failure
308 |
1 তীব্র ল্যারিংজাইটিস Acute laryngitis
309 |
1 তীব্র হেপাটাইটিস acute hepatitis
310 |
1 তৃতীয় মাত্রার পোড়া Third degree burns
311 |
1 তেজস্ক্রিয় আয়োডিন radioactive iodine
312 |
1 তেজস্ক্রিয় পদার্থ radioactive material
313 |
1 ত্বকের অ্যালার্জি পরীক্ষা skin allergy test
314 |
2 ত্বকের ক্যানসার skin cancer
315 |
1 ত্বকের প্রতিক্রয়া skin reaction
316 |
1 ত্রি-উপসরণি triple bypass
317 |
1 ত্রিমাত্রিক প্রতিচ্ছবি three-dimensional image
318 |
1 ত্রুটিপূর্ণ মানসিক বিকাশজনিত ব্যধি developmental disorder
319 |
1 থাইরয়েড গ্রন্থি thyroid glands
320 |
1 থাইরয়েড নির্যাস Thyroid extract
321 |
1 থাইরয়েডরোধী ওষুধ anti-thyroid medications
322 |
1 থাইরযেড হরমোন thyroid hormones
323 |
1 থাইরয়েডের লঘুক্রিয়া হাইপোথাইরয়েডিজ hypothyroidism
324 |
1 থুতু saliva
325 |
1 দলগত সহায়তা support groups
326 |
1 দাঁত ব্যথা toothache
327 |
1 দাঁতে পুঁজ জমা tooth abscess
328 |
1 দাঁতের ক্ষয় tooth decay
329 |
1 দাগ পরীক্ষা patch test
330 |
1 দায়িত্বশীল is responsible
331 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী chronic
332 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী অচেতনতা prolonged unconsciousness
333 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী অবস্থা chronic condition
334 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী অসুস্থতা chronic illness
335 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য chronic constipation
336 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ত্বকের অবস্থা chronic skin condition
337 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী পরিস্থতি chronic condition
338 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী প্যানক্রিয়াটাইটিস chronic pancreatitis
339 |
1 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ল্যারিংজাইটিস chronic laryngitis
340 |
1 দুগ্ধ নালী milk ducts
341 |
1 দূষিত খাদ্য contaminated food
342 |
1 দেহ গহ্বর body cavity
343 |
1 দোকান থেকে প্রতিষেধক ওষুধ কেনা over-the-counter remedies
344 |
1 দ্বি-উপসরণি double bypass
345 |
1 দ্বিগুণ দৃশ্য double vision
346 |
1 দ্বিতীয় মাত্রার পোড়া Second degree burns
347 |
1 দ্রুত চিন্তা racing thoughts
348 |
1 দ্রুত হূদস্পন্দনের হার quick heart rate
349 |
1 ধমনীর রক্তের গ্যাসীয় পদার্থ arterial blood gas
350 |
1 ধাতব সংযুক্তি metal implants
351 |
1 ধারাবাহিক continue
352 |
1 নথিভূক্ত শুশ্রূষা যত্ন registered nursing care
353 |
1 নমুনা samples
354 |
1 নরম কোষকলার সারকোমা Soft tissue sarcomas
355 |
1 নাক থেকে জল পড়া postnasal drip
356 |
1 নাক বাহক হিসাবে কাজ করে nasal carriers
357 |
1 নাকের স্প্রে ফ্লু টীকা nasal-spray flu vaccines
358 |
1 নাড়ীর স্পন্দন pulse
359 |
1 নালী duct
360 |
1 নাসিকা পথ nasal passages
361 |
1 নিজস্ব-ভাবমূর্তি নীচ low self-image
362 |
1 নিজস্ব যত্ন self care
363 |
1 নিজের পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্নতা personal hygiene
364 |
1 নিজের ব্যাপারে উচ্চধারণা পোষণ inflated self-esteem
365 |
1 নিতান্ত ব্যক্তিগত সম্পর্ক interpersonal relationship
366 |
1 নিদ্রা পর্যবেক্ষণ Sleep Study
367 |
1 নিদ্রায় শ্বাসরোধ Sleep Apnea
368 |
1 নিবিড় চিকিত্সা intensive treatment
369 |
2 নিম্ন মলনালী lower rectum
370 |
1 নিম্ন রক্ত চাপ low blood pressure
371 |
1 নির্গমনদ্বার বাধাপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া bladder outlet obstruction
372 |
1 নির্ণয় diagnosed
373 |
2 নির্ণায়ক eligibility
374 |
2 নির্দেশিত শ্যাম্পু prescription shampoo
375 |
1 নির্বাচন করা picking
376 |
1 নিস্তেজ sedated
377 |
1 ন্যূনতম অধিক্রামক minimally invasive
378 |
1 ন্যূনতম অধিক্রামক শল্য চিকিত্সা প্রক্রিয়া minimally invasive surgical procedure
379 |
1 পথ্য পরিবর্তন diet changes
380 |
1 পন্থাগত Strategic
381 |
1 পরজীবী parasites
382 |
1 পরাগরেণু pollen
383 |
1 পরাধিকারচর্চক ভাবনা intrusive thoughts
384 |
1 পরাশ্রয়ী কীটপতঙ্গ parasitic insects
385 |
1 পরিকাঠামো Framework
386 |
2 পরিপাকনালী digestive tract
387 |
1 পরিপাক সহায়ক digestive aid
388 |
1 পরিবাহী neurotransmitters
389 |
1 পরিবেশগত কারণসমূহ Environmental factors
390 |
1 পরিষেবাগুচ্ছ package of services
391 |
1 পরোক্ষ ধূমপান secondhand smoke
392 |
1 পলিপস polyps
393 |
1 পলেস্তরার ছাঁচ plaster cast
394 |
1 পাকস্থলীর অভ্যন্তরস্থ আবরণ stomach lining
395 |
1 পাকাস্ত্রিক লক্ষণসমূহ gastrointestinal symptoms
396 |
1 পাতলা এবং পিচ্ছিল thin and slippery
397 |
1 পাতলা পায়খানা diarrhea
398 |
1 পায়ুগত রন্ধ্র বা অ্যানাল ফিশার anal fissure
399 |
1 পায়ের পাতার তল soles
400 |
1 পার্টুসিস Pertussis
401 |
1 পিটুইটারী অ্যাডিনোমাস pituitary adenomas
402 |
1 পিটুইটারী গ্রন্থি pituitary gland
403 |
1 পিত্ত রস bile
404 |
1 পুং জনন তন্ত্র male reproductive system
405 |
1 পুঁজ pus
406 |
1 পুঁজকোষ cyst
407 |
1 পুনর্বাসন rehabilitation
408 |
1 পুনর্বিন্স্ত realigned
409 |
1 পুনর্বিবেচনা review
410 |
1 পুনর্যাপন re-live
411 |
1 পুরু ও কঠিন ত্বক Calluses
412 |
1 পুরুত্ব thickness
413 |
1 পুরুষত্বহীনতা male impotence
414 |
1 পূনর্বিবেচনা conducted
415 |
1 পূর্বকালীন জন্ম Preterm birth
416 |
1 পূর্বানুমান unpredictability
417 |
1 পূর্বের অবস্থায় বিদ্যমান pre-existing conditions
418 |
1 পৃষ্টদেশে ব্যথা back pain
419 |
1 পেটের ছিদ্র abdominal cavity
420 |
1 পেটের পেশী সংকোচন abdominal cramps
421 |
1 পেরিটোনিয়াল ডাইঅ্যালিসিস peritoneal dialysis
422 |
1 পেশাজীবী professionals
423 |
1 পেশায় অংশগ্রহণের মাধ্যমে চিকিত্সা Occupational therapy
424 |
1 পেশি কঠিন stiffness
425 |
1 পেশি তন্তু muscle fiber
426 |
1 পেশির খিঁচ muscle strain
427 |
3 পেশির শ্লথন muscle relaxant
428 |
1 পেশী অক্ষম হয় muscle paralysis
429 |
1 পেশী কর্মক্ষমতা muscle function
430 |
1 পেশী কোষকলা muscle tissue
431 |
1 পেশীবহুল নালী ureters
432 |
1 পেশীর কোষ পরীক্ষা muscle biopsy
433 |
1 পেশীর ক্ষয় Muscular dystrophy
434 |
1 পোলাকিউরিয়া Pollakiuria
435 |
1 প্যানক্রিয়াটিক কারসিনোমা pancreatic Carcinoma
436 |
1 প্যাপানিকোলাউ পরীক্ষা Papanicolaou test
437 |
1 প্রকোষ্ঠাস্থির গর্তের অস্বাভাবিকতা Carpal tunnel syndrome
438 |
1 প্রতিচ্ছবি তোলার কৌশল imaging technique
439 |
1 প্রতিপ্রভ পর্দা fluorescent screen
440 |
1 প্রতিবন্ধকতা সৃষ্টিকারী obstructive pulmonary
441 |
1 প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা immune system
442 |
1 প্রতিরোধী ব্যবস্থা immune system
443 |
1 প্রথম মাত্রার পোড়া First degree burns
444 |
1 প্রদাহ inflammation
445 |
2 প্রদাহযুক্ত অ্যাপেনডিক্স inflamed appendix
446 |
1 প্রদাহরোধী anti-inflammatory
447 |
1 প্রদাহরোধী ওষুধ anti-inflammatory medication
448 |
1 প্রসারণ Atelectasis
449 |
1 প্রস্টেইটের-বিশেষ অ্যান্টিজেন টেস্ট prostate-specific antigen test
450 |
1 প্রস্রাব করার সময় ব্যথা pain during urination
451 |
1 প্রস্রাবের মধ্যে রক্ত নিঃসৃত blood in the urine
452 |
1 প্রস্রাবের মধ্যে রক্ত নিঃসৃত হওয়া blood in the urine
453 |
1 প্রাদুর্ভাব outbreaks
454 |
1 প্রান্তস্থলী alveoli
455 |
1 প্রায়াপিজম Priapism
456 |
1 প্রারম্ভিক চিকিত্সা early treatment
457 |
1 প্রোটন পাম্প সংবাধক Proton Pump Inhibitors
458 |
1 প্রোথিত implanted
459 |
1 প্লুরিসি Pleurisy
460 |
1 ফুসফুস প্রতিস্থাপন lung transplant
461 |
1 ফুসফুসীয় এডিমা pulmonary edema
462 |
1 ফুসফুসীয় এমবোলিজম pulmonary embolism
463 |
1 ফুসফুসীয় ধমনী pulmonary arteries
464 |
1 ফুসফুসের আয়তন lung volume
465 |
1 ফুসফুসের কার্য সংক্রান্ত পরীক্ষা Pulmonary function test
466 |
1 ফুসফুসের কোষকলা lung tissue
467 |
1 ফুসফুসের দীর্ঘস্থায়ী প্রতিবন্ধকতা সৃষ্টিকারী রোগ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
468 |
1 ফুসফুসের বায়ু পরিমাপক পরীক্ষা নামে পরিচিত spirometry
469 |
1 ফুসফুসের সংবহনের দীর্ঘস্থায়ী রোগ chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
470 |
1 ফুসফুসের সূক্ষ্ম জৈব বিশ্লেষণ lung needle biopsy
471 |
1 ফুস্কুড়ি pimples
472 |
1 ফোড়া boil
473 |
1 ফোলা জায়গা swollen area
474 |
1 ফোস্কা blisters
475 |
1 ফ্যালোপাইন নালী Fallopian tube
476 |
1 ফ্যালোপিয়ান নালী Fallopian tubes
477 |
1 ফ্রাইবোসিস fibrosis
478 |
1 ফ্র্যাকশনেশন fractionation
479 |
1 ফ্লু শট flu shot
480 |
1 বংশগত চারিত্রিক বৈশিষ্ট্ genetic traits
481 |
1 বংশগত রোগ inherited disease
482 |
1 বংশানুক্রমিক পেশীর রোগ সমূহ hereditary muscle diseases
483 |
1 বংশানুক্রমে genetics
484 |
1 বংশানুগতি সংক্রান্ত genetics
485 |
1 বক্ষ প্রাচীর chestwall
486 |
1 বড় হরফ large print
487 |
1 বন্ধ নাক nasal congestion
488 |
1 বন্ধ্যাত্ব্ব Infertility
489 |
1 বমি vomiting
490 |
1 বমিভাব nausea
491 |
2 বয়ঃবৃদ্ধির প্রক্রিয়া aging process
492 |
1 বরফ দিয়ে icing
493 |
1 বহনযোগ্য যন্ত্র portable device
494 |
1 বহিঃত্বক epidermis
495 |
1 বহির্বিভাগের রোগী outpatient
496 |
1 বহিস্থঃ রশ্মি বিকিরণের চিকিত্সা External-beam radiation therapy
497 |
1 বহুমুখী দল multi-disciplinary team
498 |
1 বহূমূত্র diabetes
499 |
1 বাচ্চার জন্ম childbirth
500 |
1 বাছাইকরণ screening
501 |
1 বাতাস চলাচলকারী নালী windpipe
502 |
1 বায়ু জমে ওঠা buildup of air
503 |
1 বায়ুথলি air sacs
504 |
1 বায়ুনালী বীক্ষণ bronchoscopy
505 |
1 বায়ুপথসমূহে airways
506 |
1 বালির শক্তকণা grain of sand
507 |
1 বাস্তব অস্তিত্বের অস্বাভাবিক স্পষ্টকরণ abnormal interpretation of reality
508 |
1 বাস্তববিবর্জিত দৃষ্টি inattentive staring
509 |
1 বাহক carriers
510 |
1 বিকশিত growths
511 |
1 বিকশিত ভ্রূণ fetus
512 |
1 বিকাশজনি��� সমস্যা developmental problems
513 |
1 বিকিরণ চিকিত্সা radiation therapy
514 |
1 বিচারব্যবস্থার ক্ষতি impaired judgment
515 |
1 বিচ্যুতি dislocation
516 |
1 বিতৃষ্ণা nausea
517 |
2 বিদ্যুতবহ electrodes
518 |
1 বিদ্যুত্ প্রবাহ electricity
519 |
1 বিধিনিষেধ restriction
520 |
1 বিপজ্জনক dangerous
521 |
1 বিপদজনক নয় benign
522 |
1 বিপরীত ঘটক contrast agent
523 |
1 বিপরীতধর্মী রঞ্জক contrast dye
524 |
1 বিপাকীয় ক্রিয়া metabolism
525 |
1 বিশৃঙ্খল আচরণ disorganized behavior
526 |
1 বিশ্লেষণ analyze
527 |
1 বিষক্রিয়া নাশ করা detoxification
528 |
1 বিষাক্ত পদার্থ সমূহ toxins
529 |
1 বিস্ফীতকরণ deflation
530 |
1 বীর্যপাত কালে ejaculation
531 |
1 বীর্য বিশ্লেষণ Semen Analysis
532 |
1 বীর্যের অঙ্গসংস্থান sperm morphology
533 |
1 বীর্যের সংখ্যা sperm count
534 |
1 বুক জ্বালা heartburn
535 |
1 বুক ধড়ফড়ানি palpitations
536 |
1 বুকের গর্ত chest cavity
537 |
1 বুকে সংবদ্ধরাখা chest compressions
538 |
1 বৃক্কঘটিত ডাইঅ্যালিসিস Renal dialysis
539 |
1 বৃক্ক বৈকল্য kidney failure
540 |
1 বৃক্ক হানি kidney damage
541 |
1 বৃক্কীয় গ্রন্থি adrenal glands
542 |
1 বৃক্কে পাথর kidney stones
543 |
1 বৃদ্ধির কারণ triggers
544 |
1 বৃদ্ধিসমূহ growths
545 |
1 বৃহদন্ত্র large intestine
546 |
1 বৃ্ক্ক প্রতিস্থাপন kidney transplant
547 |
1 বৃ্ক্কের দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ব্যধি chronic kidney disease
548 |
1 বেপরোয়া আচরণ reckless behavior
549 |
1 বেরিয়াম সালফেট barium sulfate
550 |
1 বেশীমাত্রায় মতিভ্রম grandiose delusions
551 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিক উদ্দীপক electrical stimulators
552 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিক কার্যপ্রণালী electrical activity
553 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিক ক্রিয়াকলাপের কার্যক্ষম electrical activity
554 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিকঘাত electrical impulses
555 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিক সংকেতসমূহ electrical signals
556 |
1 বৈদ্যুতিক সক্রিয়তা electrical activity
557 |
1 বোধ আচরণগত চিকিত্সা cognitive behavioral therapy
558 |
1 ব্যথা aching
559 |
1 ব্যথা সংগ্রাহী pain receptor
560 |
1 ব্যবহারজনিত চিকিত্সা Behavioral therapy
561 |
1 ব্যবহারিক দক্ষতা behavior skills
562 |
1 ব্যাস diameter
563 |
1 ব্রণ acne
564 |
1 ভগ্নমনস্কতা schizophrenia
565 |
1 ভয়ানক শ্বাসসংক্রান্ত সংক্রমণ serious respiratory infection
566 |
1 ভয়েস বক্স voice box
567 |
1 ভাইরাসঘটিত সংক্রমণ viral infection
568 |
2 ভাবনার সমস্যা thought disorder
569 |
1 ভার তোলা heavy lifting
570 |
1 ভারসাম্যহীনতা imbalance
571 |
1 ভাষা সক্ষমতার হানি impaired language ability
572 |
1 ভেসিকোরেটেরাল রিফ্লাক্স vesicoureteral reflux
573 |
1 ভ্রমগ্রস্থ ক্ষিপ্তাবস্থা paranoid rage
574 |
1 ভ্রূণ fetus
575 |
1 মচকানো sprain
576 |
1 মতিভ্রম delusions
577 |
1 মদের নেশাগ্রস্থ alcoholism
578 |
1 মদেরনেশাগ্রস্থ alcoholism
579 |
2 মদের প্রতি নির্ভশীলতা Alcohol dependence
580 |
1 মধুমেহ diabetes
581 |
1 মনকে আছন্ন করে obsessions
582 |
1 মনসংক্রান্ত সাক্ষাত্কার psychiatric interview
583 |
1 মনস্তাত্ত্বিক চিকিত্সা Psychotherapy
584 |
1 মনের গতির সমস্যাসমূহ mood problems
585 |
1 মনোনীত nominates
586 |
1 মনোবৈকল্য psychosis
587 |
1 মল ত্যাগ bowel movement
588 |
1 মলদ্বার anus
589 |
1 মলনালী rectum
590 |
1 মলাশয��� colon
591 |
1 মলে রক্ত blood in the stool
592 |
1 মস্তিষ্কের রক্তবাহী নালী cerebral blood vessels
593 |
1 মস্তিষ্কের সক্রিয়তা brain activity
594 |
1 মাইক্সেডিমা কোমা myxedema coma
595 |
1 মাত্রা degree
596 |
1 মাত্রাতিরিক্ত ওষুধ প্রয়োগ medication overdoses
597 |
1 মানসিক আঘাত trauma
598 |
1 মানসিক ক্ষমতা mental capacity
599 |
1 মানসিক চিকিত্সা Psychotherapy
600 |
1 মানসিক চিকিত্সা সমন্বিত মূল্যায়ণ comprehensive psychiatric evaluation
601 |
1 মানসিক বিষাদ depression
602 |
1 মানসিক স্নায়ুরোগ psychological trauma
603 |
1 মানুষের দৃষ্টিভ্রম hallucinations
604 |
1 মারাত্মক deadly
605 |
1 মারাত্মক বৃদ্ধি malignant growth
606 |
1 মাল্টিপল এনডোক্রিন নিওপ্লেসিয়া Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
607 |
1 মাসিক menstrual periods
608 |
1 মাস্তুক সম্বন্ধীয় তরল বিশ্লেষণ synovial fluid analysis
609 |
1 মিলিয়ে যাবে না non-absorbable
610 |
1 মুখগহ্বর stoma
611 |
1 মুখ্য বন্ধ্যাত্ব্ব primary infertility
612 |
1 মুত্রনালীর সংক্রমণ urinary tract infections
613 |
1 মুল্যবোধহীনতা worthlessness
614 |
1 মূত্রথলির নিয়ন্ত্রণ bladder control
615 |
1 মূত্রথলির নির্গমনদ্বার বাধাপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া bladder outlet obstruction
616 |
1 মূত্রনালী urethra
617 |
1 মূত্রনালীর সংক্রমণ urinary tract infection
618 |
1 মূত্রস্থিত পদার্থ সমূহ urinary materials
619 |
1 মূত্রে অক্ষমতা inability to urinate
620 |
2 মূত্রের বেগধারণে অক্ষমতা Urinary incontinence
621 |
1 মূল তাপমাত্রা core temperature
622 |
1 মূল্যায়ন assess
623 |
1 মূল্যায়ন সমণ্বয়কারী Assessment Coordinator
624 |
1 মৃগীজনিত অচেতনতা epileptic seizures
625 |
1 মেজাজ পরিবর্তন mood swings
626 |
1 মেরুদন্ডের অস্থি vertebrae
627 |
1 মোক্তারনামা Power of Attorney
628 |
1 মোটরগাড়ি দুর্ঘটনা automobile accidents
629 |
1 ম্যাগনেটিক রেজোন্যান্স ইমেজিং Magnetic resonance imaging
630 |
1 ম্যাসটেক্টোমি mastectomy
631 |
1 যকৃত ক্যান্সার liver cancer
632 |
1 যকৃত হানি liver damage
633 |
1 যকৃতের দীর্ঘস্থায়ী রোগ chronic liver disease
634 |
1 যক্ষারোগ Tuberculosis
635 |
1 যক্ষ্মার ত্বকীয় পরীক্ষা Tuberculosis Skin Test
636 |
1 যথেষ্ট জল গ্রহণ করে hydrated
637 |
1 যোনিজ রক্তক্ষরণ vaginal bleeding
638 |
1 যোনিজ স্রাব vaginal discharge
639 |
2 যোনিদ্বার vulva
640 |
1 যোনি পথ vagina
641 |
1 যোনিপথে জন্মদান vaginal birth
642 |
1 যোনিপথের ক্যানসার vaginal cancer
643 |
1 যৌনব্যাধি the clap
644 |
1 যৌন সংবাহী sexually transmitted
645 |
1 যৌন-সংযোগ sexual contact
646 |
1 যৌনসঙ্গম sexual intercourse
647 |
1 যৌনাঙ্গ genitals
648 |
1 যৌনাঙ্গ সংলগ্ন স্থান genital area
649 |
1 যৌনাঙ্গে ব্যথা genital pain
650 |
3 যৌনাঙ্গের ক্যান্সার genital cancer
651 |
1 যৌনাঙ্গের গুটিকা Genital Warts
652 |
1 রকি মাউনটেন স্পটেড জ্বর Rocky Mountain spotted fever
653 |
1 রকি মাউনটেন স্পোটেড জ্বর Rocky Mountain spotted fever
654 |
1 রক্তক্ষরণ hemorrhage
655 |
1 রক্তক্ষরণ প্রবণতা hemophilia
656 |
1 রক্তনালীর অস্বাভাবিক গঠন abnormal vascular structure
657 |
1 রক্তপ্রবাহ bloodstream
658 |
1 রক্ত সংবহনকারী ধমনী coronary arteries
659 |
1 রক্ত সংবহনকারী ধমনীর ব্যাধি Coronary Artery Disease
660 |
1 রক্ত সংবাহী নালীর প্রাচীর blood vessel wall
661 |
1 রক্তসঞ্চয়জনিত হূদবৈকল্য Congestive Heart Failure
662 |
1 রক্তসঞ্চয়জনিত হৃদযন্ত্র ব্যর্থতা congestive heart failure
663 |
1 রক্ত সঞ্চালন প্রক্রিয়া Blood transfusion
664 |
1 রক্তস্ফোটক hives
665 |
1 রক্তস্ফোটক সমূহ Hives
666 |
1 রক্তে উচ্চ শর্করা high blood sugar
667 |
1 রক্তের কোষসমূহ blood cells
668 |
1 রক্তের ঘনমান blood volume
669 |
1 রক্তের ঘনীভবন blood clotting
670 |
1 রক্তের শর্করার মাত্রা blood sugar levels
671 |
1 রজঃপূর্ব স্নায়বিক চাপ Premenstrual tension
672 |
1 রজঃস্রাব menses
673 |
1 রজঃস্রাব menstruation
674 |
1 রজঃস্রাবের সময় menstrual period
675 |
1 রজোনিবৃত্তি menopause
676 |
1 রঞ্জনরশ্মির সাহায্যে আলোকচিত্র x-ray
677 |
1 রাত্রে ঘাম হওয়া night sweats
678 |
1 রাসায়নিক চিকিত্সা chemotherapy
679 |
1 রাসায়নিক পদার্থ chemicals
680 |
1 রাসায়নিক বিশ্লেষণ chemical analyses
681 |
1 রাসায়নিক সক্রিয়তাসহ chemical activity
682 |
1 রুবেলা rubella
683 |
1 রেট্রোগ্রেড ইউরিন ফ্লো retrograde urine flow
684 |
1 রেডিওলোজি স্ক্যান radiology scan
685 |
2 রেডিয়েশন radiation
686 |
1 রোগবিজ্ঞনী pathologist
687 |
1 রোগলক্ষণ নির্ণয় diagnose
688 |
1 রোগীর শরীরের উপরিভাগ body surface area
689 |
1 রোগীর সর্বোত্তম স্বার্থে Interests of the patient
690 |
1 রোধ inhibit
691 |
1 লসিকা পর্বগুলি lymph nodes
692 |
2 লাইম ব্যধি Lyme disease
693 |
1 লাম্পেক্টোমি lumpectomy
694 |
1 লাল হয়ে ফুলে যাওয়া red bumps
695 |
1 লিউকোমিয়া leukemia
696 |
2 লিঙ্গ penis
697 |
1 লিঙ্গোত্থান জনিত নিষ্ক্রিয়তা Erectile dysfunction
698 |
1 লিভারের সিরোসিস liver cirrhosis
699 |
1 লিমফোমা lymphoma
700 |
1 লেসার রশ্মির চিকিত্সা laser treatment
701 |
1 লোমকূপগুলি pores
702 |
1 লোহিত কণিকার স্তরীভবনের হার erythrocyte sedimentation rate
703 |
1 ল্যারিংজাইটিস Laryngitis
704 |
1 শয্যাশায়ী থেকে বিশ্রাম গ্রহণ bed rest
705 |
1 শল্যচিকিত্সার কিনারা surgical margin
706 |
1 শল্য পদ্ধতি surgical procedure
707 |
1 শারীরিক চিকিত্সক বা ফিজিক্যাল থেরাপিস্ট Physical therapists
708 |
1 শারীরিক নির্ভরশীলতা physical dependence
709 |
1 শিক্ষামূলক চিকিত্সা educational therapy
710 |
1 শিথিল করার কৌশল relaxation techniques
711 |
1 শিরশিরানি tingling
712 |
1 শিরাভ্যন্তরীণ পাইয়েলোগ্রাম intravenous pyelogram
713 |
1 শিরার অভ্যন্তরে intravenously
714 |
1 শীঘ্রকোপিত্ব্ব irritability
715 |
1 শুক্রনালী/শুক্রাণুবাহী নালী spermatic cord
716 |
1 শুক্রাণু sperm
717 |
1 শুভচেতনা sense of well-being
718 |
1 শোঁ শোঁ wheezing
719 |
1 শ্বাসক inhaler
720 |
1 শ্বাস গ্রহণ breathe
721 |
1 শ্বাস তন্ত্র Respiratory System
722 |
1 শ্বাসনালী airways
723 |
1 শ্বাসনালী বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়া congestion
724 |
1 শ্বাসনালীর উপরিভাগ upper respiratory tract
725 |
1 শ্বাস নেওয়ার যন্ত্র breathing machine
726 |
1 শ্বাস প্রশ্বাস সংক্রান্ত প্রণালী respiratory system
727 |
1 শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাসের স্বল্পতা shortness of breath
728 |
1 শ্বাসরুদ্ধ choking
729 |
1 শ্রবণিক auditory
730 |
1 শ্লৈষ্মিক-ঝিল্লী mucous membranes
731 |
1 সংকুচিত constrict
732 |
1 সংকুচিত contract
733 |
1 সংক্রান্ত প্রণালী respiratory system
734 |
1 সংক্রামক রোগ infectious disease
735 |
1 সংক্রামণ সমূহ infections
736 |
1 সংঘর্ষ impact
737 |
1 সংবহন তন্ত্র circulatory system
738 |
1 সংবেদনশীলতা sensitivity
739 |
1 সংযুক্ত মৌখিক গর্ভনিরোধক বড়ি combined oral contraceptive pills
740 |
1 সংযোগকারী কোষকলা connective tissue
741 |
1 সংশ্লেষণাত্মকভাবে synthetically
742 |
1 সংশ্লেষী উপাদান synthetic materials
743 |
1 সক্রিয় নাইট্রাইট ফলাফল positive nitrite result
744 |
1 সঙ্গম intercourse
745 |
1 সচেতন সম্মতি informed consent
746 |
1 সঞ্চারণ দক্ষতা motor skills
747 |
1 সঞ্চালন circulation
748 |
1 সন্তান-সন্ততি offspring
749 |
1 সন্ধিস্থল joint
750 |
1 সন্ধিস্থলের প্রদাহ joint inflammation
751 |
1 সন্ন্যাসের আক্রমণ seizures
752 |
1 সমন্বয়মূলক comprehensive
753 |
1 সমুন্নতি elevation
754 |
1 সম্পূর্ণ থাইরয়েডেক্টোমি total thyroidectomy
755 |
1 সম্পূর্ণভাবে ছিন্ন complete tears
756 |
1 সম্পূর্ণ রক্ত গণনা complete blood count
757 |
1 সম্পূর্ণ সুষুম্না কাণ্ডের আঘাত complete spinal cord injuries
758 |
1 সম্ভাবনাপূর্ণ expectancy
759 |
1 সম্মতি নির্দেশনা Guidance on consent
760 |
1 সরিয়ে নিতে dislodge
761 |
1 সর্বস্বত্ত্ব সংরক্ষিত All rights reserved
762 |
1 সহায়তা ও সহযোগ coping and support
763 |
1 সাইকোটিকজনিত মানসিক ব্যধিরসমূহ psychotic mental disorders
764 |
1 সাইনাস sinuses
765 |
1 সাদা স্তর জমা plaque accumulation
766 |
2 সাধারণ উদ্বেগজনিত ব্যধি Generalized anxiety disorder
767 |
1 সাধারণ গর্ভধারণ normal pregnancies
768 |
1 সাধারণ ঠান্ডা লাগা common cold
769 |
1 সামাজিক কর্ম community activities
770 |
1 সামাজিক দক্ষতা social skills
771 |
1 সামাজিক যত্ন social care
772 |
1 সামান্য ছেদন small incision
773 |
1 সামান্য তেজস্ক্রিয় ঘটক slightly radioactive agent
774 |
1 সারানোর প্রক্রিয়া healing process
775 |
1 সিগময়েড মলাশয় sigmoid colon
776 |
1 সিনজেনিক অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপণ syngeneic bone marrow transplant
777 |
1 সিনথেটিক বস্তু synthetic materials
778 |
1 সিসটিক ফাইব্রোসিস Cystic fibrosis
779 |
1 সীমান্ত border
780 |
1 সুষুম্না কাণ্ডের আঘাত Spinal cord injury
781 |
2 সুষুম্নাস্থি vertebrae
782 |
1 সুস্পষ্ট ধারণাজনিত আচরণ positive thought behaviors
783 |
1 সূর্যরশ্মিতে পোড়া sunburn
784 |
1 সেলাই stitches
785 |
1 স্কোয়ামাস সেল কার্সিনোমা squamous cell carcinoma
786 |
1 স্টেরয়েড-বর্জিত প্রদাহরোধী ওষুধ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
787 |
1 স্টেরাইল তরল sterile liquid
788 |
1 স্তনের কোমলতা breast tenderness
789 |
1 স্তনের কোষকলা breast tissue
790 |
1 স্তনের পরীক্ষা breast examinations
791 |
1 স্ত্রী ঋতু চক্র female menstrual cycle
792 |
1 স্ত্রী জনন তন্ত্র female reproductive system
793 |
1 স্ত্রীরোগজনিত ক্যানসার gynecologic cancer
794 |
1 স্ত্রীরোগ সংক্রান্ত পরিস্থিতি gynecological conditions
795 |
1 স্থানিক চিকিত্সা topical treatments
796 |
1 স্থানীয় অনুভূতিনাশক local anesthetic
797 |
1 স্থানীয় বিবাদ সমাধান প্রণালী Local Dispute Resolution Procedure
798 |
1 স্থায়ী খোস crusted scabies
799 |
1 স্নায়ুগত গঠন বা কাজকর্ম neurological structure or function
800 |
1 স্নায়ুতন্ত্র nervous system
801 |
1 স্নায়ুপুঞ্জ nerves
802 |
2 স্নায়ুর গোড়া nerve roots
803 |
2 স্পর্শনেন্দ্রিয় সম্বন্ধী tactile
804 |
1 স্পাইনাল ক্যানাল spinal canal
805 |
1 স্বতঃস্ফুর্ত গর্ভনাশ spontaneous abortion
806 |
1 স্বয়ংক্রিয় বহিঃস্থ ডেফিব্রিলেট Automated External Defibrillators
807 |
1 স্বর কমে যাওয়া loss of voice
808 |
1 স্বরতন্ত্রী vocal cords
809 |
1 স্বরযন্ত্র larynx
810 |
1 স্বরযন্ত্রের প্রদাহ Laryngitis
811 |
1 স্বাদ ও গন্ধের ক্ষমতা হ্রাস decreased taste and smell
812 |
1 স্বাস্থ্য পরিষেবা প্রদানকারী health care provider
813 |
1 স্বেচ্ছা উপবাস self-starvation
814 |
2 স্মৃতিভ্রংশ dementia
815 |
1 হজমের সমস্যা digestive problems
816 |
1 হরমোন প্রতিস্থাপন চিকিত্সা hormone replacement therapy
817 |
1 হাইড্রোনেফ্রোসিস Hydronephrosis
818 |
1 হাঁচি sneezing
819 |
1 হাঁপানির শব্দ whooping sound
820 |
1 হাঁপানী Asthma
821 |
1 হাঁপানীর আক্রমণ asthma attack
822 |
1 হাড় পাতলা করে bone thinning
823 |
1 হাড় ভঙ্গুর brittle bones
824 |
1 হান্টিংটন'স ব্যাধি Huntingtons disease
825 |
1 হাম German measles
826 |
1 হাসপাতালে থাকা hospitalization
827 |
1 হূদপেশী বৈকল্য Cardiomyopathy
828 |
1 হূদবৈকল্য heart failure
829 |
1 হূদযন্ত্রের জন্মগত ত্রুটি congenital heart defect
830 |
1 হূদযন্ত্রের রক্ত সংবহনকারী ধমনীর অসুস্থতা coronary artery disease
831 |
1 হৃদ ছন্দ heart rhythm
832 |
1 হৃদপিণ্ড প্রতিস্থাপন heart transplant
833 |
1 হৃদপিন্ডে রক্ত সরবরাহকারী ধমনী coronary artery
834 |
1 হৃদপেশী সমূহ heart muscles
835 |
1 হৃদ প্রকোষ্ঠ heart chambers
836 |
1 হৃদযন্ত্রে বিদ্যুত্ পরিবহন ব্যবস্থা heart's electrical conduction system
837 |
1 হৃদযন্ত্রের সক্রিয়তা heart activity
838 |
1 হৃদ শল্য চিকিত্সা heart surgery
839 |
1 হৃদ্ স্পন্দনের হার heart rate
840 |
1 হে জ্বর hay fever
841 |
1 হেমর্হেজিক স্ট্রোক hemorrhagic stroke
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
1 |
1 3.4 Диванилил тетрахидрофан 3,4- divanillyl tetrahydrofuran
2 |
1 3, 5, 7-Трихидрокси-4-метоксифлавон 3´,5,7-Trihydroxy-4´-methoxyflavone
3 |
1 6, 7 Дихидроксибергамотин 6´,7´ Dihydroxybergamottin
4 |
1 Aлфа блокери Alpha andrenergic antagonists
5 |
1 CNS клинична медицинска сестра - специалист
6 |
1 FLAIR Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery
7 |
1 L-аргинин L-arginine
8 |
1 Oрнитин Ornithine
9 |
1 агонист agonist
10 |
1 аденомиоза adenomyosis
11 |
1 адхезия adhesion
12 |
1 АКГ (алфа-кетоглутарат) AKG
13 |
1 акне acne
14 |
1 албумин albumin, albumen
15 |
1 Албумин концентрат Albumin concentrate
16 |
1 алгоменорея algomenorrhea
17 |
1 Алфа-2 адреноцептор Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor
18 |
1 Алфа липоева киселина ALA
19 |
1 Алфа липоева киселина Аlpha lipoic acid
20 |
1 аменорея amenorrhoea
21 |
1 Амилаза Amylase
22 |
1 Анаболен Аnabolic
23 |
1 анамнеза anamnesis
24 |
1 андроген androgen
25 |
1 андрогенен androgenic
26 |
1 аномалия anomaly
27 |
1 антибиотик antiboitic
28 |
1 антигонадотропин antigonadotrophin
29 |
1 Арахидонова киселина AA
30 |
1 Аргинин Arginine
31 |
1 атрофия atrophy
32 |
1 АТФ -аденозин трифосфат ATP
33 |
1 бактерия bacterium
34 |
1 без фузия/безфузионен non-fusion
35 |
1 Бета адреномиметиците Beta andrenergic
36 |
1 Бета-аланин Beta-Alanine
37 |
1 Бета аланин етил естер Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester
38 |
1 Биоперин Bioperine
39 |
1 Бис пиколинат оксо ванадий Bis Picolinato Oxo Vanadium
40 |
1 БЛ. (бластома) blastoma
41 |
1 вагина vagina
42 |
1 вагиноза vaginosis
43 |
1 Вазодилатация Vasodilation
44 |
1 венозен катетър бътерфлай scalp vein set
45 |
1 Верижно-разклонени аминокиселини BCAA
46 |
1 Високо молекулярно тегло High molecular weight
47 |
1 високоскоростен процес на минимизиране high speed shearing blade process
48 |
1 ВПД perceptual and conceptual activity
49 |
1 въглехидрати carbohydrate
50 |
1 въглехидрати с нисък гликемичен индекс low glycemic carbohydrates
51 |
1 вътреутробно излагане exposure in utero
52 |
1 гадене nausea
53 |
1 гама-аминобутирова киселина GABA
54 |
1 Гама бутиробетаин GBB
55 |
1 гестаген gestagene
56 |
1 гестация gestation
57 |
1 гинекологич* gynecological
58 |
59 |
1 Гликемичен индекс Glycemic index
60 |
1 глобула globule
61 |
1 Глутамин Glutamine
62 |
1 глюкокортикоиди glucocorticoid
63 |
1 горна скатателна става ankle joint, articulatio talocrutalis
64 |
1 гредичка solid pad
65 |
1 Д1 D1
66 |
1 Д/Th diagnosis/therapy
67 |
1 даназол danasole
68 |
1 двукратна биопсия paired biopsy
69 |
1 ДЕ dorsal extension
70 |
1 дебарасаж пре НГС nasogastric lavage
71 |
1 Декозахексаенова киселина Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
72 |
1 Декстроза Dextrose
73 |
1 Декстрозен еквивалент DE
74 |
1 депо-медроксипрогестерон ацетат depot medroxyprogesteron acetate
75 |
1 диабет diabetes
76 |
1 диагноза diagnosis
77 |
1 диагностика diagnostics
78 |
1 дидрогестерон dydrogesteron
79 |
1 дидрогестеронът dydrogesteron
80 |
1 ди - Натрий креатин фосфаттетрахидрат CPT
81 |
1 ди - Натрий креатин фосфаттетрахидрат Di Sodium Creatine PhosphateTetrahydrate
82 |
1 дисменорея dysmenorrhoea
83 |
2 диспареуния dyspareunia
84 |
1 дихидротестостерон dihydrotestosterone
85 |
1 ДКВ dynamic condylar screw
86 |
87 |
1 дълбок маншет deep cuff
88 |
1 Ейкозапентаенова киселина Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
89 |
1 елек. мех. дис. (електро-механична дисоциация) electromechanical dissociation (EMD)
90 |
1 ендокоагулация endocoagulation
91 |
1 ендометриоза endometriosis
92 |
1 ендометриоид* endometriotic
93 |
1 ендометриум endometrium
94 |
1 Епителиал��и клетки Еpithelial cells
95 |
1 Ергогенен Еrgogenic
96 |
1 ерефикация straightening (of the cervical curve/lordosis)
97 |
1 естроген oestrogen
98 |
1 естрогенен oestrogenous
99 |
1 ЕТА ETA (endotracheal anesthesia)
100 |
1 етиопатогенеза etiopathogenesis
101 |
1 (животински) пърхот dander
102 |
1 жлъчен канал bile duct
103 |
1 жълто тяло corpus luteum
104 |
1 заболяване disease
105 |
1 задъни на глухо blind end is closed
106 |
1 заличаване на сулкусите sulcal effacement
107 |
1 заличени сулкуси/ заличаване на сулкуси sulcal effacement
108 |
1 Зародишна пептид матрица Embryonic peptide matrix
109 |
1 зеници изокорични с РС PERL
110 |
1 имплантация implantation
111 |
1 импутация на неповлияли се (от лечението) пациенти Non-Responder Imputation
112 |
1 инкубатор за органни култури organ bath
113 |
1 инплантант* inplantant
114 |
1 инсулин* insulin
115 |
1 Инсулиноподобни фактори на растежа IGF-1, IGF-2
116 |
1 инсуфициенция insufficiency
117 |
1 интродюсер/въвеждач introducer
118 |
1 инфекция infection
119 |
1 Инфилтрационни ускорители Permeation enhancers
120 |
1 инфилтрация infiltration
121 |
1 иригационен водач irrigator introducer/sheath
122 |
1 Йохимбин Yohimbe
123 |
1 Казеин протеин хидролизат Casein Protein Hydrolysates
124 |
1 калциево-плътни включвания calcium-dense inclusions
125 |
1 Карнитин Carnitine
126 |
1 Керамично филтриран Ceramic filtered
127 |
1 Кетостерони Ketosterones
128 |
1 кефалометричен признак cephalometric feature/characteristics
129 |
1 кист* cyst
130 |
1 кистичен cystic
131 |
1 КМС musculoskeletal system
132 |
1 комплайънс compliance
133 |
1 компютърна аксиална томография (КАТ) CAT scan
134 |
1 компютърно подпомогната, насочвана с шаблон операция computer-assisted, template-guided surgery
135 |
1 конзола на сканиращ пръстен gantry boom
136 |
1 концентрация concentration
137 |
1 Креатин Creatine
138 |
1 Креатинол - о - фосфат Creatinol-O-Phosphate
139 |
1 кръвно налягане blood pressure
140 |
1 кръвоизлив haemorrhage, bleeding
141 |
1 кръст waist
142 |
1 ксантанова смола Xanthan gum
143 |
1 лапароскопия laparoscopy
144 |
1 ЛВ lymph nodes
145 |
1 Л-допа L-dopa
146 |
1 левоноргестрел levonorgestrel
147 |
1 лечение treatment
148 |
1 лигавица mucous membrane
149 |
1 Лимонен биофлавоноид Lemon Bioflavonoid
150 |
1 липиди lipids
151 |
1 Липотропни вещества Lipotropics
152 |
1 Л-теанин L-theanine
153 |
1 Л-триптофан L-tryptophan
154 |
155 |
1 Лутеинизиращ хормон Luteinizing hormone (LH)
156 |
1 Магнезиев таншиноат B MTB
157 |
1 мазева превръзка salve/ointment dressing
158 |
1 маласаната mishealed
159 |
1 малки калици minor calyces
160 |
1 Малтитол Мaltitol
161 |
1 матка uterus
162 |
1 медроксипрогестерон ацетат medroxyprogesterone acetate
163 |
1 менархе menarche
164 |
1 менструал* menstruational
165 |
1 менструация menstruation
166 |
1 метаболизъм metabolism
167 |
1 метакарпофалангеална става MCP
168 |
1 метаплазия metaplasia
169 |
1 метастаза metastasis
170 |
1 мигрена migraine
171 |
1 Микрофилтрация в кръстосани потоци Cross flow microfiltration
172 |
1 минералкортикоиди mineralcorticoids
173 |
1 МКЛ (медио-клавикуларна линия) midclavicular line
174 |
175 |
1 М.Щ. (МЩ) Mingazzini-Strümpell's sign (test)
176 |
1 надфонова фиксация increased uptake
177 |
1 накрайник на игла needle hub
178 |
1 намалена просветляемост decreased radiolucency
179 |
1 намеса intervention
180 |
1 нарушение disturbance
181 |
1 н. г. сонда NG tube
182 |
1 недоносеност prematurity
183 |
1 Незаменима аминокиселина Essential amino acid
184 |
1 необработен un-denatured
185 |
1 Нитратни верижно-разклонени аминокиселини BCAA Nitrates
186 |
1 НО (не��рологично отделение) neurology department/ward
187 |
1 норетистерон norethisterone
188 |
1 норколут norcolut
189 |
1 нормална топика normal position
190 |
1 нортестостерон nortestosterone
191 |
1 Обратна осмоза Reverse Osmosis
192 |
1 Обс. ХМБ Obs. IRDS/HMD
193 |
1 обшиване suturing, stitching around
194 |
1 овулаторен ovulational
195 |
1 овулация ovulation
196 |
1 ОКГ (орнитин-алфа-кетоглутарат) OKG
197 |
1 ОМ1 OM1
198 |
1 опашна кост occyx
199 |
1 Операцио а модо Юнеско Surgery a Modo Jonesco
200 |
1 орално oral
201 |
1 ос НРА HPA axis
202 |
1 отделителна система secretory system
203 |
1 отместване вода - мастна тъкан (WFS) water-fat shift
204 |
1 пакг (пакетогодина) pack year
205 |
1 Пантотенова киселина Pantothenic Acid
206 |
1 папаверин papaverin
207 |
1 Папаин Papain
208 |
1 патология pathology
209 |
1 пациенти, неподлагани на лечение с биологични модификатори на имунния отговор biologic naïve patients
210 |
1 пациент на непринудително лечение informal patient
211 |
1 П.Д.Д.-б.о descending part of duodenum NAD
212 |
1 перименструал* perimenstrual
213 |
1 перитонеум peritoneum
214 |
1 периферно-стволова увреда peripheral nerve trunk injury
215 |
1 персистират persist
216 |
1 перфорацио везице фелее biliary vesicle perforation
217 |
1 петнисто-ивичести засенчвания spot-like/strip-like shadows
218 |
1 Пиридоксин алфа-кетоглутарат PAK
219 |
1 плазма plasma
220 |
1 пл. еп. кл. кр. п. к-на squamous epithelial cells, uric acid crystals
221 |
1 ПМТ subcutaneous adipose tissue
222 |
1 поведение на изместване Displacement аctivity
223 |
1 повърхностен superficial
224 |
1 полуживот half-life
225 |
1 постъпателно прилагане/усилване (на дозата) laddering
226 |
1 прегнаните pregnane
227 |
1 прегнановото pregnane nucleous
228 |
1 преждевременно premature
229 |
1 прекаран* undergone
230 |
1 препарат medicine, preparation
231 |
1 прихилусно усилен белодробен рисунък prominent perihilar lung markings
232 |
1 проба за бактерии от рана/бактериологична посявка от рана qualitative wound culture
233 |
1 прогестерон progesterone
234 |
1 протеин* protein
235 |
1 Протеин изолат Protein isolate
236 |
1 проходен/прокарващ елеватор passing elevator
237 |
1 процедура по изписване на пациент с просрочен престой в болница delayed discharge procedure
238 |
1 Пулмо-отсл. ВД vesicular breathing
239 |
1 Разделени на фракции протеинови пептиди Fractionated Protein Peptides
240 |
1 Разкъсващ кожата ефект Skin bursting effect
241 |
1 разпространение dissemination
242 |
1 разцепваща се игла splitting needle
243 |
1 рампа с кранчета ramp of stopcocks
244 |
1 Растежен хормон GH
245 |
1 ребрени ножици/ костотом rib cutters
246 |
1 редуктаза reductase
247 |
1 ретрограден retrograde
248 |
1 ретроцервикал* retrocervical
249 |
1 (референтен) маркер, отметка, реперна точка fiducial marker
250 |
1 рехабилитация rehabilitation
251 |
1 рецептори receptors
252 |
1 рецидив recurrence
253 |
1 рецидив relapse
254 |
1 Рибофлавин Riboflavin
255 |
1 РП ease of respiratory/breathing movements
256 |
1 Рутин Rutin
257 |
1 рутинна венепункция за изследване на ER/PR Rout Venipuncture for ER/PgR
258 |
2 РЦх RCx
259 |
1 Сателитната клетъчна пролиферация (пъпкуване) Satellite Cell Proliferation
260 |
1 Свързана линоленова киселина Conjugate Linoleic Acid (CLA)
261 |
1 себорея seborrhoea
262 |
1 Сезамин Sesamin
263 |
1 серклаж cerclage
264 |
1 серум serum
265 |
1 Симпатомиметични агенти Sympathomimetic agents
266 |
1 синдром syndrome
267 |
1 Синергичен елемент Synergist
268 |
1 Синергична смес Synergistic blend
269 |
1 с.к. SC
270 |
1 скала за оценка на ажитацията по Коен-Мансфийлд Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI)
271 |
1 смутен дренаж 3 ст hydronephrosis 3rd grade
272 |
1 СНБА systolic/mean pulmonary artery pressure
273 |
1 спазмолитик spasmolytic
274 |
1 специализиран инструмент за вкарване на ТМ-400 импланти със странично захващане TM-400 Specialty Lateral Grasping Inserter
275 |
1 спонтанен аборт spontaneous abortion, miscarriage
276 |
1 срастване concrescence
277 |
1 Статус пост ЛЛ S/P radiotherapy
278 |
1 Стеаринова киселина Stearic acid
279 |
1 стерилитет sterility
280 |
1 стероидни хормони steroidic hormones
281 |
1 стомашно-чревен gastrocolic
282 |
1 СУБМ Submandibular gland
283 |
1 субмикронен Sub-micron
284 |
1 Сукралоза Sucralose
285 |
1 супелемент Supplementation
286 |
1 Суроватъчен протеин хидролизат Whey Protein Hydrolysate
287 |
1 Суроватъчен протеин цонцентрат WPC
288 |
1 Сънотворно-успокоителен комплекс Sleep & Relaxation Complex
289 |
1 сърдечно-съдова система cardiovascular system
290 |
1 таз pelvic girdle
291 |
1 талия waist of the heart
292 |
1 терапевтич* therapeutics
293 |
1 терапия therapy
294 |
1 терапия с инхибитори на адхезивните молекули anti-adhesion molecule therapy
295 |
1 терепавтичен биологичен продукт therapeutic biologics
296 |
1 термокоагулация thermocoagulation
297 |
1 тестоват оток pitting oedema (edema)
298 |
1 Тест реагент Test potentiator
299 |
1 Токофероли Tocopherols
300 |
1 тракт tract
301 |
1 транскортин transcortine
302 |
1 Трансмазнини Trans fats
303 |
1 Транс Ресвератрол Trans Reservatrol
304 |
1 триместър trimester
305 |
1 ТС suicide attempt
306 |
1 тунелизатор tunneling rod
307 |
1 удължител extension tube
308 |
1 ултразвук supersound
309 |
1 Фармакокинетичен Pharmacokinetics
310 |
1 Фармацевтична система на доставка Pharmaceutical delivery system
311 |
1 фимозно стеснено отвърстие phimotic tubal opening
312 |
1 Фолиева киселина Folic acid
313 |
1 фолиева киселина folic acid
314 |
1 Фосфатидилхолин Phosphatidylcholine
315 |
1 ФО (фамилна обремененост) family history
316 |
1 фрактура без разместване undisplaced fracture
317 |
1 фундус ок. утр. fundi of both eyes
318 |
1 ХА нива hydroaeric levels
319 |
1 хетеротопия heterotopy
320 |
1 Хидрогенирани мазнини Hydrogenated oils
321 |
1 Хиперплазия Hyperplasia
322 |
1 хиперполименорея hyperpolymenorrhoea
323 |
1 хиперсекреция на жлъчката с високи нива на бикарбонати Bicarbonate-rich hypercholeresis
324 |
1 хипертония hypertonia
325 |
1 Хипертрофичен Hypertrophic
326 |
1 хипофизектомия hypophisectomy
327 |
1 хирсутизъм hirsutism
328 |
1 хирургич* surgical
329 |
1 хирургия surgery
330 |
1 Хисперитин Hesperetin
331 |
1 хистероскопия hysteroscopy
332 |
1 хистологичен histological
333 |
1 холестерол cholesterol
334 |
1 хормономодулиращ* hormonomodulative
335 |
1 хранене чрез обикновена инфузионна система gravity feeding
336 |
1 храносмилател* digestive
337 |
1 Целулаза Cellulase
338 |
1 центрове за изпитвания извън Северна Америка Ex-North America Trial Sites
339 |
1 цервикалния cervical
340 |
1 цефазолин cephasoline
341 |
1 ЧДББ incomplete right bundle branch block
342 |
1 черен дроб liver
343 |
1 чувствителност на рецепторите към инсулина insulin receptor site sensitivity
344 |
1 щитовидна жлеза thyroid gland
345 |
1 яйчник ovary
346 |
1 яйчници ovaries
347 |
1 Ясно очертана и обезводнена мускулна сепарация Crisp Water-Free Muscle Separation
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1 |
1 Addisonova bolest Addison's disease, bronzed skin disease
2 |
1 adrenergični (adrenalinski) adrenergic
3 |
1 afinitet affinity
4 |
1 agonist agonist
5 |
1 aktivni prijenos active transport
6 |
1 aktivnost lijeka drug activity
7 |
1 alanin aminotransferaza (ALT, SGPT) alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT)
8 |
1 alkalna fosfataza (AF) alkaline phosphatase (AP)
9 |
1 analgetici analgesics, analgetics
10 |
1 antagonist (antagonistični) antagonist
11 |
1 apopleksija, mozdana kap apoplexy
12 |
1 apsces abscess
13 |
1 apsorpcija (apsorbiran, apsorbirati) absorption
14 |
1 artritis arthritis
15 |
1 artroza arthritis (degenerative)
16 |
1 aspartat aminotransferaza (AST, SGOT) aspartate aminotransferase (AST, SGOT
17 |
1 atletsko stopalo athlete's foot
18 |
1 babinje pranje lochia
19 |
1 bedrena arterija femoral artery
20 |
1 biljeg; marker marker
21 |
1 biodostupnost bioavailability
22 |
1 biopsija korionskih resica chorionic villus sampling test
23 |
1 biotest bioassay
24 |
1 blind experiment double
25 |
1 blind experiment single
26 |
1 b.o. NAD
27 |
1 brzina rate
28 |
1 cista Bartolinijeve zlijezde, Bartolinijeva cista Bartholin gland cyst
29 |
1 competitive antagonist non
30 |
1 davatelj zdravstvenih usluga healthcare provider
31 |
1 deformirana novorođenčad deformed babies
32 |
1 dekompenzirana miokardiopatija decompensated myocardiopathy
33 |
1 dekompresijska bolest caisson disease
34 |
1 diferencijalna krvna slika hemogram
35 |
1 difuzija diffusion
36 |
1 dilation sirenje vrata maternice
37 |
1 disocijacija splitting
38 |
1 displazija dysplasia
39 |
1 djelomični agonist partial agonist
40 |
1 djelotvoran efficacious, effective
41 |
1 djelotvornost lijeka drug efficacy (intrinsic activity)
42 |
1 dopaminergični (dopaminski) dopaminergic
43 |
1 doping doping
44 |
1 dostupnost lijeka drug availability
45 |
1 doza održavanja maintenance dose
46 |
1 effect ( dose
47 |
1 eksternalizacija acting out
48 |
1 encefalin enkefalin
49 |
1 endotrahealna anestezija - anestezija intubacijom endotracheal anesthesia
50 |
1 enteralna, oralna primjena enteral, oral
51 |
1 epidemiološki nadzor / djelovanje epidemiološke službe epidemic response
52 |
1 epitelne stanice skin cells
53 |
1 farmakodinamika pharmacodynamics
54 |
1 farmakokinetika pharmacokinetics
55 |
1 farmakologija pharmacology
56 |
1 farmakologija ponašanja behavioral pharmacology
57 |
1 farmakovigilancija / praćenje nuspojava lijekova pharmacovigilance
58 |
1 fenomen istrošenosti wearing off phenomenon
59 |
1 FERR Ferritin
60 |
1 fizička ovisnost physical dependence
61 |
1 fontanele soft spots
62 |
63 |
1 glicinergični (glicinski) glycine
64 |
1 glutamatergični (glutamatni) glutamate
65 |
1 glutation-S-transferaza (GST) glutathione-S-transferase (GST)
66 |
1 granica sigurnosti margin of safety
67 |
1 hemoptiza hemoptysis
68 |
1 higijenske mjere sanitary procedure
69 |
1 hioidna kost, jezicna kost hyoid bone
70 |
1 hipertenzivna kriza hypertensive crisis
71 |
1 holističko-organizmički pristup Holistic-Organismic Approach
72 |
1 hondromalacija patele chondromalacia patellae
73 |
1 idiosinkrazija idiosyncrasy
74 |
1 indeks tjelesne mase BMI
75 |
1 infekcija; zaraza infection
76 |
1 informirani pristanak informed consent
77 |
1 intrakutana, ukožna intracutaneous (intradermal)
78 |
1 intramuskularna p. intramuscular
79 |
1 intratekalna p. intrathecal
80 |
1 intravenska boja intravascular dye
81 |
1 intravenska p. intravenous
82 |
1 in vitro / u epruveti in vitro
83 |
1 iscjedak discharge
84 |
1 iskrvarenje exsanguination
85 |
1 isprekidano liječenje, intermitentna terapija intermittent therapy
86 |
1 istraivačka studija research study
87 |
1 izazivanje poremećaja ravnoteže / remećenje ravnoteže unbalancing
88 |
1 izjava o sukladnosti conformance statement
89 |
1 izlučivanje lijeka drug excretion
90 |
1 izocentar ISO center
91 |
1 izvantjelesni optok extracorporeal circulation
92 |
1 izvođenje enactment
93 |
1 kinetika zasićenja saturation kinetics
94 |
1 klinicka zapazanja clinical observations
95 |
1 kliničko ispitivanje clinical trial
96 |
1 koeficijent raspodjele partition coefficient
97 |
1 koeficijent raspršenja scattering coefficient
98 |
1 kolinergični (acetilkolinski) cholinergic
99 |
1 kompetitivni, natjecateljski antagonist competitive antagonist
100 |
1 koncentracija (razina) concentration (level)
101 |
1 kratkovidnost myopia, short-sightedness, near-sightedness
102 |
1 krizna kost sacral bone
103 |
1 kroskožna p. transcutaneous (transdermal)
104 |
1 kvrzica u dojci breast lump
105 |
1 lakatni zglob cubital joint
106 |
1 laki modani udar minor stroke
107 |
1 life biological half
108 |
1 life half
109 |
1 life of absorption half
110 |
1 life of elimination half
111 |
1 ligand ligand
112 |
1 liječenje, terapija therapy
113 |
1 lijek drug
114 |
1 linearni referentni okvir uzroka i posljedica linear, cause-and-effect frame of reference
115 |
1 ljekovita tvar, sredstvo agent
116 |
1 ljekovit, terapijski therapeutic
117 |
1 lopatica scapula
118 |
1 lumbalna punkcija, punkcija kraljenice lumbar puncture
119 |
1 lumbalna punkcija, punkcija kraljenice spinal tap
120 |
1 majčino mlijeko breast milk
121 |
1 mandibula mandible, lower jaw
122 |
1 mastitis mastitis
123 |
1 MCHC (srednja koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitu) MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration)
124 |
1 MCH (srednji sadraj hemoglobina u eritrocitu) MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
125 |
1 MCV (srednji volumen eritrocita) MCV (mean corpuscular volume)
126 |
1 mediated transport carrier
127 |
1 mediteranska pjegava groznica / kvrzicasti pjegavac Mediterranean spotted fever
128 |
1 Medjunarodna klasifikacija bolesti (MKB) nternational Classification of Diseases (ICD)
129 |
1 meningokokna sepsa meningococcal sepsis
130 |
1 metabolizam, pretvorba metabolism
131 |
1 mijelitis myelitis; transverse myelitis
132 |
1 mikcija, mokrenje micturition
133 |
1 mjehurić vesicle
134 |
1 mjesto prepoznavanja recognition site
135 |
1 modulator modulator
136 |
1 mrtvorođenje stillbirth
137 |
1 nabijene molekule charged molecules
138 |
1 nadbubrezna zlijezda adrenal gland
139 |
1 najmanja koncentracija minimal concentration
140 |
1 najveća koncentracija maximal concentration
141 |
1 najveći učinak maximum effect
142 |
1 nakon obroka, nakon jela p.c.
143 |
1 nakupljanje accumulation
144 |
1 naljepak plaster
145 |
1 narezak slice
146 |
1 neadaptivna pravila maladaptive rules
147 |
1 neintervencijske studije / ispitivanja non interventional studies
148 |
1 nepodudarni lijekovi incompatible drugs
149 |
1 nepodudarnost lijekova drug incompatibility
150 |
1 nepovratni antagonist irreversible antagonist
151 |
1 nepoželjni učinak unwanted effect
152 |
1 nesavladivi antagonizam unsurmontable antagonism
153 |
1 nesuradljiv noncompliant
154 |
1 nesuradljivost noncompliance
155 |
1 neurotransmitor neurotransmitter
156 |
1 nevezani lijek unbound (free) drug
157 |
1 njegovatelj bolesnika u kući live-in caregiver
158 |
1 (NMDA receptor) NMDA
159 |
1 noradrenergični (noradrenalinski) noradrenergic
160 |
1 nosna pregrada septum
161 |
1 nulipara nullipara
162 |
1 nuspojava side effect
163 |
1 nuzdjelovanje side action
164 |
1 obrada (liječenje) treatment
165 |
1 obrađen treated
166 |
1 obrnuti agonist inverse agonist
167 |
1 odjeljak compartment
168 |
1 off phenomenon on
169 |
1 okluzija; začepljenje occlusion
170 |
1 olakšana difuzija facilitated diffusion
171 |
1 opterećen, pod pritiskom napuštanja fraught with abandonment
172 |
1 order kinetics first
173 |
1 order kinetics zero
174 |
1 osjetljivost (na lijek) sensitivity (to drug)
175 |
1 oslikavanje pozitronskom emisijskom tomografijom - PET PET imaging / Positron Emission Tomography
176 |
1 oslobađanje dietilheksiftalata release of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
177 |
1 osnovne i napredne usluge održavanja na životu basic and advanced life support services
178 |
1 otapanje (otopiti, otopljen) dissolution
179 |
1 otezano disanje shortness of breath
180 |
1 otpornost na lijek drug resistance
181 |
1 otpusno pismo hospital discharge letter
182 |
1 otpuštanje release
183 |
1 otrovni, toksični učinak toxic effect
184 |
1 otrov, toksin toxin
185 |
1 otvorena (pred porodjaj) dilated; dilated cervix
186 |
1 panični napadi / napadi panike panic attacks
187 |
1 parenteralna parenteral
188 |
1 participacija co-pay, co-payment
189 |
1 pass metabolism first
190 |
1 patronazna sluzba community/public health nursing
191 |
1 pepticki ulkus, pepticki vrijed peptic ulcer
192 |
1 peritonejska dijaliza peritoneal dialysis
193 |
1 perkusija percussion
194 |
1 perkutorni zvuk percussion sound
195 |
1 petehija petechia (pl. petechiae)
196 |
1 Pigtail kateter / kateter tipa Pigtail pigtail tubing
197 |
1 pinocitoza pynocytosis
198 |
1 pismo liječnika doctors letter
199 |
1 pločica slide
200 |
1 pneumokokna upala pluca pneumococcal pneumonia
201 |
1 početak automatske detekcije ruba auto edge detection start
202 |
1 podnošljivost lijeka, tolerancija na lijek drug tolerance
203 |
1 podosjetljivost subsensitivity (hyposensitivity)
204 |
1 pohrana storage
205 |
1 pomoćno liječenje adjuvant therapy
206 |
1 popucale kapilare burst capillaries
207 |
1 poslučajenje (odabir slučajem) randomization
208 |
1 poslučajen (odabran slučajno) randomized
209 |
1 poslučajiti (slučajno odabrati) randomize (to)
210 |
1 posrednik mediator
211 |
1 postsinaptični postsynaptic
212 |
1 potencijacija potentiation
213 |
1 potentan potent
214 |
1 potentnost lijeka drug potency
215 |
1 poteškoće s načinom razmišljanja obiteljskih sustava difficulties with family systems thinking
216 |
1 potkožna p. subcutaneous(subdermal)
217 |
1 potporno liječenje,suportivna terapija supportive therapy
218 |
1 potpuni agonist full agonist
219 |
1 povratna veza feed back
220 |
1 povratni antagonist reversible antagonist
221 |
1 povratni (odskočni) rebound
222 |
1 povrat reuptake
223 |
1 površina ispod krivulje (PIK) area under the curve (AUC)
224 |
1 prebrzo lijepljenje etikete neprijateljstva quick to label hostility
225 |
1 predhodnik precursor
226 |
1 predlijek prodrug
227 |
1 predobrada pretreatment
228 |
1 predobrađen pretreated
229 |
1 predoziranje overdosage
230 |
1 preosjetljivost supersensitivity (hypersensitivity)
231 |
1 presinaptični presynaptic
232 |
1 presinaptični (živčani) završetak presynaptic (nerve) ending
233 |
1 pretilost adiposity
234 |
1 pretilost obesity
235 |
1 preventivno liječenje, preventivna terapija preventive therapy
236 |
1 pričuvni receptori spare receptors
237 |
1 prijenosnik carrier
238 |
1 prijenosnik transporter
239 |
1 primjena lijeka drug administration
240 |
1 prinudna zloraba compulsive abuse
241 |
1 pripravak s produženim otpuštanjem sustained (slow) release preparation
242 |
1 (prividni) volumen (obujam) raspodjele (apparent) volume of distribution
243 |
1 promet turnover
244 |
1 protrombinsko vrijeme prothrombin time
245 |
1 protulijek, antidot antidote
246 |
1 protuotrov, antitoksin antitoxin
247 |
1 protuprijenosnik antiporter
248 |
1 psihička žudnja psychic craving
249 |
1 psihološka ovisnost psychologic, psychological (psychic) dependence
250 |
1 rameni obruc shoulder girdle
251 |
1 raspodjela (raspodijeliti, raspodijeljen) distribution
252 |
1 ravnoteža (dinamička) steady state
253 |
1 razmaz periferne krvi peripheral blood smear; peripheral blood film
254 |
1 RDW (raspodjela eritrocita po volumenu) RDW (Red cell Distribution Width)
255 |
1 reapsorpcija reabsorption
256 |
1 receptor receptor
257 |
1 refleks uspravljanja righting reflex
258 |
1 refluksni ezofagitis Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder
259 |
1 refluksni ezofagitis reflux esophagitis
260 |
1 regulation down
261 |
1 regulation up
262 |
1 rektalna p. rectal
263 |
1 rotatorna manzeta ramena rotator cuff
264 |
1 RR varijabilnost R-R variability
265 |
1 sakroilijakalni sacroiliac
266 |
1 savladivi antagonizam surmontable antagonism
267 |
1 sekundarni učinak ripple effect
268 |
1 serotoninergični (serotoninski) serotoninergic
269 |
1 sinapsa synapse
270 |
1 sinaptična pukotina synaptic gap
271 |
1 sindrom iritabilnog crijeva irritable bowel syndrome
272 |
1 sindrom ustezanja abstinence syndrome
273 |
1 sinergizam (sinergistični) synergism
274 |
1 škodljiv, toksičan toxic
275 |
1 slikovna dijagnostika imaging diagnostics
276 |
1 slučajno, poslučajno random (at)
277 |
1 slusni zivac acoustic nerve
278 |
1 smanjivanje osjetljivosti desensitisation
279 |
1 specifičnost lijeka drug specificity
280 |
1 sredisnji zivcani sustav CNS
281 |
1 srednja djelotvorna doza median effective dose
282 |
1 srodni lijek congener drug
283 |
1 srpasta anemija sickle-cell anemia
284 |
1 stenoza stenosis
285 |
1 štetni učinak adverse effect
286 |
1 stroj za izvantjelesni krvotok heart-lung machine
287 |
1 stvaranje, formiranje hrskavice chondrification
288 |
1 sumacija, zbrajanje drug summation (addition)
289 |
1 sumacijski, zbrojni učinak additive effect
290 |
1 sunazočnost colocalisation (coexistence)
291 |
1 suprijenosnik sinporter
292 |
1 suprijenos sinport
293 |
1 svakodnevni život unaprijeđen (obogaćen) osobnim razvojem i razvojem odnosa Self- and relational development-enhanced daily living
294 |
1 time half
295 |
1 toksičnost, škodljivost toxicity
296 |
1 toksikologija toxicology
297 |
1 topikalna (lokalna) primjena topical (local)
298 |
1 transmitter co
299 |
1 transport co
300 |
1 transporter co
301 |
1 trbusna supljina abdominal cavity
302 |
1 učinak effect
303 |
1 učvršćivanje reinforcement
304 |
1 ugradnja kohlearnog implantata, kohlearna implantacija, ugradnja umjetne punice placement of cochlear implant
305 |
1 uklanjanje lijeka drug elimination
306 |
1 uklještenje komadića patch clamp
307 |
1 uklještenje napona (voltaže) voltage clamp
308 |
1 unos uptake
309 |
1 unutrašnja aktivnost (djelotvornost) intrinsic activity
310 |
1 u obliku kreme ili tablete in cream or pill form
311 |
1 upala inflammation
312 |
1 upala rodnice; vaginitis; colpitis vaginitis
313 |
1 u ranoj dojenackoj dobi in early infancy
314 |
1 urtikarija, osip, koprivnjaca nettlerash
315 |
1 urtikarija, osip, koprivnjaca,oarica hives, wheals, urticaria
316 |
1 usredotočenost na cijeli sustav system-wide focus
317 |
1 ustezanje lijeka drug withdrawal
318 |
1 vaginalna kandidoza; kandidijaza; vaginalna monilijaza; infekcija rodnice Candidom monilial vaginitis
319 |
1 vaginalna kandidoza; kandidijaza; vaginalna monilijaza; infekcija rodnice Candidom vaginal candidiasis
320 |
1 vaginalna kandidoza; kandidijaza; vaginalna monilijaza; infekcija rodnice Candidom vaginal yeast infection
321 |
1 vezani lijek bound drug
322 |
1 vezanje ( vezati, vezan ) binding
323 |
1 vezivno tkivo connective tissue
324 |
1 vizita, ici u vizitu rounds, to make the rounds
325 |
1 vodotopljivost hydrosolubility
326 |
1 vratarenje gating
327 |
1 vršna koncentracija peak concentration
328 |
1 vršni učinak ceiling effect
329 |
1 za popunjavanje nedostataka kostiju for filling of bone defects / bone regeneration
330 |
1 zasićenje saturation
331 |
1 zaštita / zaštitni prekidač žarne niti tiratrona deQing thyratron filament breaker
332 |
1 zatvarati se i odbaciti poticaje shutting down and shutting out stimuli
333 |
1 zatvarati se i odbaciti poticaje utting down and shutting out stimuli
334 |
1 zauzeće (teorija zauzeća) occupancy (occupancy theory)
335 |
1 zelucani sokovi gastric juices
336 |
1 zglobni articular
337 |
1 zivcana vlakna nerve fibers
338 |
1 živčano neuromuscular junction
339 |
1 zloraba lijeka (zlorabiti, zlorabljen) drug misuse (abuse)
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
1 |
1 16 slojeva / 16-slojni 16 barrettes
2 |
1 Acelularno cjepivo protiv hripavca Vaccin coquelucheux acellulaire
3 |
1 Adjuvans Adjuvant
4 |
1 Adsorbirana forma Forme adsobée
5 |
1 Afinitet protutijela Affinité de l'anticorps
6 |
1 Aglutinacija bakterija Agglutination bactérienne
7 |
1 Aglutinin Agglutinine
8 |
1 Aktivnost protutijela Activité anticorps
9 |
1 Akutna infekcija Infection aiguë
10 |
1 Aluminijeva sol Sel d'aluminium
11 |
1 Anatoksin tetanusa Anatoxine tétanique
12 |
1 Antibakterijska protutijela Anticorps antibactériens
13 |
1 Antibiotik Antibiotique
14 |
1 Antigen Antigène
15 |
1 Antigeni iz cjepiva Antigènes vaccinaux
16 |
1 Antigeni neovisni o timusu (TI) Antigènes thymo-indépendants (T-indépendants)
17 |
1 Antigeni ovisni o timusu (TD) Antigènes thymodépendants (T-dépendants)
18 |
1 Antigenska determinanta, v. epitop Déterminant antigénique, cf. épitope
19 |
1 Antitetanusno protutijelo Anticorps antitétanique
20 |
1 Antivirusno protutijelo Anticorps antiviral
21 |
1 Avidnost / aviditet Avidité
22 |
1 Bakterijski toksini Toxines bactériennes
23 |
1 bivši konzilijarni liječnik ancien attaché
24 |
1 Cijele inaktivirane bakterije Bactéries entières inactivées
25 |
1 Cirkulirajuća krv Sang circulant
26 |
1 Citopatska aktivnost Activité cytopathique
27 |
1 Citopatski efekt Effet cytopathique
28 |
1 Cjepivo protiv difterije, tetanusa i hripavca (DI-TE-PER) Vaccin diphtérie-tétanos-coqueluche (DTC)
29 |
1 Cjepivo protiv hripavca Vaccin coquelucheux
30 |
1 Cjepivo protiv japanskog encefalitisa Vaccin contre l'encéphalite japonaise
31 |
1 Cjepivo protiv ospica Vaccin contre la rugeole
32 |
1 Cjepivo protiv žute groznice Vaccin contre la fièvre jaune
33 |
1 Crvuljak Appendice
34 |
1 Dermonekrotičan Dermonécrotique
35 |
1 Detoksifikacija formaldehidom Détoxification par le formaldéhyde
36 |
1 Difterijski anatoksin Anatoxine diphtérique
37 |
1 Digestija restrikcijskim enzimima / restrikcijska digestija Digestion enzymatique
38 |
1 Dimer Dimère
39 |
1 Disulfidna veza / disulfidni most Liaison / pont disulfure
40 |
1 Docjepljivanje Injection de rappel
41 |
1 Eliminacija kompleksa antigena i protutijela Élimination des complexes immuns
42 |
1 Epruveta, plastična Tube, en plastique
43 |
1 Fabricijeva burza La bourse de Fabricius
44 |
1 Fagocitne stanice Cellules phagocytaires
45 |
1 Fagocitoza Phagocytose
46 |
1 Fetalna jetra Foie fœtal
47 |
1 Fizička zapreka / barijera Barrière physique
48 |
1 Fizičko-kemijsko svojstvo Propriété physiochimique
49 |
1 Fragment / ulomak Fab Fragment / portion Fab
50 |
1 Funkcionalna aktivnost protutijela Activité fonctionnelle des anticorps
51 |
1 Genetska rekombinacija Recombinaison génétique
52 |
1 Gestacijska dob Âge gestationnel
53 |
1 Glikolipidni antigen Antigène glycolipidique
54 |
1 Gljivice Champignons
55 |
1 Globularni protein Protéine globulaire
56 |
1 Gram-negativne bakterije Bactéries gram-négatives
57 |
1 Hemadsorpcija Hémadsorption
58 |
1 Hripavac / pertussis Coqueluche
59 |
1 Humoralna imunost Immunité à médiation humorale
60 |
1 Humoralna imunost Immunité humorale
61 |
1 IgA, IgG, IgM odgovor Réponse IgA, IgG, IgM
62 |
1 IgA u serumu IgA sérique
63 |
1 Imunoenzimski test Test immuno-enzymatique
64 |
1 Imunogen, adj. Immunogène, adj.
65 |
1 Imunogenost Immunogénicité
66 |
1 Imunosni odgovor Réponse immunitaire
67 |
1 Imunosni sustav Système immunitaire
68 |
1 Imunost Immunité
69 |
1 Imunost (inducirana) cijepljenjem L'immunité vaccinale
70 |
1 Inaktivirano cjepivo protiv hepatitisa B Vaccin inactivé contre l'hépatite B
71 |
1 Inaktivirano cjepivo Vaccin inactivé
72 |
1 Infektivna bolest Maladie infectieuse
73 |
1 Interleukini Interleukines
74 |
1 Jakost / energija / čvrstoća vezanja La force de la liaison
75 |
1 Jažica / zdenac Puits
76 |
1 Kanamicin Kanamycine
77 |
1 Kapsula bakterije Capsule bactérienne
78 |
1 Kemijska zapreka / barijera Barrière chimique
79 |
1 Klasa (razred) imunoglobulina Classe d'immunoglobuline
80 |
1 Klon stanica Clone de cellules
81 |
1 Kolostrum Colostrum
82 |
1 Komplement Complément
83 |
1 Komplementski sustav Système du complément
84 |
1 Koncentracija koju nije moguće detektirati Concentration indécelable
85 |
1 Koncentracija protutijela Concentration d'anticorps
86 |
1 Konjugirano cjepivo Vaccin conjugé
87 |
1 Konzervans Conservateur
88 |
1 Koštana srž Mœlle osseuse
89 |
1 Krvožilni sustav Circulation (sanguine) générale
90 |
1 Kultura stanice; stanična kultura Culture cellulaire
91 |
1 Kultura tkiva Culture tissulaire
92 |
1 Laki lanac Chaîne légère
93 |
1 Lanac J La chaîne J
94 |
1 Latencija / period latencije / faza latencije Temps / phase de latence
95 |
1 Limfatična stanica Cellule lymphoïde
96 |
1 Limfni čvor Ganglion lymphatique
97 |
1 Limfocit B Lymphocyte B
98 |
1 Limfociti krvi Lymphocytes sanguins
99 |
1 Limfocit T Lymphocyte T
100 |
1 Limfokini Lymphokines
101 |
1 Lipopolisaharid Lipopolysaccharide
102 |
1 Liza (stanice), n. / Lizirati, v. Lyse, n. / Lyser, v.
103 |
1 Lokalni odgovor Réponse locale
104 |
1 Magnezijev klorid Chlorure de magnésium
105 |
1 Majčini IgG-i IgG maternelles
106 |
1 Makrofag Macrophage
107 |
1 Marker Marqueur
108 |
1 Međutkivni prostor Espace intertissulaire
109 |
1 Mehanizam obrane Mécanisme de défense
110 |
1 Meningokokno polisaharidno cjepivo Vaccin polysaccharidique contre le méningocoque
111 |
1 Mikropločica Microplaque
112 |
1 Mjesto vezivanja antitijela (na antigen) Site de combinaison de l'anticorps
113 |
1 Modulacija proizvodnje imunoglobulina Modulation de la production d'immunoglobulines
114 |
1 Monomer Monomère
115 |
1 Nedonošče Prématuré
116 |
1 Neomicin Néomycine
117 |
1 Neutralizacija Neutralisation
118 |
1 Neutralizirajuća protutijela Anticorps neutralisants
119 |
1 Novorođenče Nouveau-né
120 |
1 Obilježeno protutijelo (protutijelo obilježeno enzimom) Anticorps marqué (par enzyme)
121 |
1 Odgovor protutijela Réponse anticorps
122 |
1 Određivanje protutijela Dosage des anticorps
123 |
1 Određivati / dokazivati Doser
124 |
1 Opsonin Opsonine
125 |
1 Opsonizacija patogenih mikroba Opsonisation des microbes pathogènes
126 |
1 Oralno polio cjepivo (OPV) Vaccin polio oral (VPO)
127 |
1 Osjetljivi imunotest s enzimatskim sustavom očitovanja ELISA Test immuno-enzymatique ELISA
128 |
1 Osjetljivi test Test sensible
129 |
1 Oslabljeni / atenuirani soj Souche atténuée
130 |
1 Osnovna jedinica Unité de base
131 |
1 Osnovna struktura Structure de base
132 |
1 Otpornost na infekciju Résistance à l'infection
133 |
1 Parenteralno Voie parentérale, par
134 |
1 Pasivna hemaglutinacija (HA) Hémagglutination passive (HA)
135 |
1 Pasivni/aktivni prijenos Transport passif/actif
136 |
1 Pasivno stečena protutijela tipa IgG IgG acquis passivement
137 |
1 Penicilin Pénicilline
138 |
1 Pentamer Pentamère
139 |
1 Peptidni lanac Chaîne peptidique
140 |
1 Periferni limfatični organi Les organes lymphoïdes périphériques
141 |
1 Pileći embriji Embryons de poulet
142 |
1 Placentarna barijera Barrière placentaire
143 |
1 Plato Plateau
144 |
1 Plazma-stanice Plasmocytes
145 |
1 Poksvirus Poxvirus
146 |
1 Polimiksin Polymixine
147 |
1 Polioma virus Virus polyome
148 |
1 Poliomijelitis (dječja paraliza) Poliomyélite
149 |
1 Polisaharidni antigen Antigène polysaccharidique
150 |
1 Polistirenska mikrotitracijska pločica Microtitration en polystyrène
151 |
1 Poluvijek života (u serumu) Demi-vie (sérique)
152 |
1 PPI (Prošireni program imunizacije) PEV (Programme élargi de vaccination)
153 |
1 Praživotinje Protozoaires
154 |
1 prije postupka / prije zahvata en amont du geste
155 |
1 Primarni odgovor Réponse primaire
156 |
1 Primjena cjepiva Administration du vaccin
157 |
1 Prirodna infekcija Infection naturelle
158 |
1 Prisutnost protutijela, utvrditi Présence d'anticorps, mettre en évidence
159 |
1 Probavni enzimi Enzymes digestives
160 |
1 Proizvodnja protutijela Production d'anticorps
161 |
1 prostrijel / prostrijelna rana plaie transfixiante / plaie en séton
162 |
1 Protein-nosač Protéine porteuse
163 |
1 Proteinski antigen Antigène protéique
164 |
1 Proteinski toksin Toxine protéique
165 |
1 Proteolitički enzimi Enzymes protéolytiques
166 |
1 Protutijela protiv difterije Ancticorps antidiphtériques
167 |
1 Protutijelo iz seruma Anticorps sérique
168 |
1 Protutijelo protiv virusa ospica Anticorps antirougeoleux
169 |
1 Protutijelo razreda (IgG, IgM...) Anticorps de classe (IgG, IgM...)
170 |
1 Pupčana vrpca Cordon ombilical
171 |
1 Razrjeđivanje Reconstitution
172 |
1 Reinfekcija (ponovna infekcija) Réinfection
173 |
1 Revakcinacija Vaccination de rappel
174 |
1 Roditeljska stanica Cellule initiale
175 |
1 Rubeola Rubéole
176 |
1 Saharoza Sucrose
177 |
1 Sastavnica Composante
178 |
1 Sazrijevanje imunosnog odgovora Maturation de la réponse immunitaire
179 |
1 Sekretorna komponenta Élément sécrétoire, cf. composant sécretoire
180 |
1 Sekretorni IgA-i (IgAs) IgA sécrétoires (IgAs)
181 |
1 Sekundarni imunološki odgovor Réponse de rappel
182 |
1 Sekundarni odgovor Réponse secundaire
183 |
1 Serokonverzija Séroconversion
184 |
1 Serološka pretraga Examen sérologique
185 |
1 Serološki postupak Technique sérologique
186 |
1 Serumski IgA odgovor Réponse sérique en IgA
187 |
1 Serumski protein Protéine sérique
188 |
1 Sinteza imunoglobulina Synthèse des immunoglobulines
189 |
1 Sistemski odgovor Réponse systémique
190 |
1 Slezena Rate
191 |
1 Sluznica Muqueuse
192 |
1 Soj 17D virusa žute groznice Souche 17D de virus amaril
193 |
1 Specifična bolest Maladie cible
194 |
1 Specifična imunost Immunité spécifique
195 |
1 Specifična protutijela Anticorps spécifiques
196 |
1 Specifičnost (testa) Spécificité (d'un test)
197 |
1 Sposobnost imunološkog pamćenja Rôle de rappel
198 |
1 Sposobnost vezanja / aktiviranja komplementa Capacité à fixer complément
199 |
1 Stanice ovarija kineskog hrčka (stanice CHO) Cellules d'ovaire de hamster chinois (cellules CHO)
200 |
1 Stanična imunost Immunité à médiation cellulaire
201 |
1 Stanična stijenka Paroi cellulaire
202 |
1 Stanični odgovor Réponse cellulaire
203 |
1 Stanično cjepivo protiv hripavca Vaccin cellulaire contre la coqueluche
204 |
1 Stijenka krvne žile Paroi vasculaire
205 |
1 Stopa cirkuliranja patogena Taux de circulation des agents infectieux
206 |
1 Stopa pokrivenosti cjepivom Taux de couverture vaccinale
207 |
1 Svojstvo hemaglutinacije Propriété hémagglutinante
208 |
1 Termolabilan toksin Toxine thermolabile
209 |
1 Teški lanac Chaîne lourde
210 |
1 Test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (IHA) Test d'inhibition de l'hémagglutination (IH)
211 |
1 Test neutralizacije Test de neutralisation
212 |
1 Test pasivne hemaglutinacije (TPHA) Test d'hémagglutination passive (TPHA)
213 |
1 Tetanusni toksin Toxine tétanique
214 |
1 Thimerosal (konzervans na bazi žive) Merthiolate (conservateur à base de mercure)
215 |
1 Titar protutijela Titres d'anticorps
216 |
1 Tkivna distribucija Distribution tissulaire
217 |
1 Toksin ≠ anatoksini: oni toksini koji su izgubili toksičnost Toxine ≠ forme détoxifiée: anatoxine
218 |
1 Tonzile Tonsilles
219 |
1 Topljiva tvar Substance soluble
220 |
1 Topljivi anatoksin Anatoxine soluble
221 |
1 Trahealni citoksin Cytoxine trachéale
222 |
1 Transplacentarni prijenos imunoglobulina Passage transplacentaire des immunoglobulines
223 |
1 Trudnoća Gestation
224 |
1 Umnožavanje B stanica Réplication des cellules B
225 |
1 Upalni odgovor Réponse inflammatoire
226 |
1 ustrijel / ustrijelna rana plaie non transfixiante / plaie borgne
227 |
1 Uzročnik bolesti / patogen Agent infectieux
228 |
1 Vezno mjesto / spojno mjesto Site de liasion
229 |
1 Virus herpes Virus herpès
230 |
1 Vršna koncentracija Pic de concentration
231 |
1 Zarazni mikroorganizmi Microorganismes infectieux
232 |
1 Zaštitni antigeni Antigènes protecteurs
233 |
1 Želučana kiselina Acide gastrique
234 |
1 Živo cjepivo Vaccin vivant
235 |
1 Živo oslabljeno cjepivo Vaccin vivant atténué
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
1 |
1 24-satno mjerenje krvnog tlaka LZRR
2 |
1 alkalna fosfataza (AF) alkalische Phosphatase (AP)
3 |
1 ambulantno lijecenje ambulant
4 |
1 anestezija intubacijom ITN = Intubationsnarkose
5 |
1 arterijska hipertenzija arterielle Hypertonie
6 |
1 Barettov jednjak Barrett Ösophagus
7 |
1 bedrena arterija Oberschenkelarterie
8 |
1 blato, mineralno blato Fango
9 |
1 bol na pritisak Druckdolenz
10 |
1 bradikinezija (usporene i otezane voljne kretnje) Bradykinesie
11 |
1 brzina provodljivosti peronealnog / fibularnog / živca obostrano in der NLG des N.peronaeus bds.
12 |
1 brzina sedimentacije eritrocita Blutkörperchensenkungsreaktion
13 |
1 casica koljena Patella
14 |
1 cervikalna brahialgija Cervikobrachialgie
15 |
1 cijanoza Blausucht
16 |
1 cirkadijurni ritam zirkadianer Rhythmus
17 |
1 color doppler ultrazvuk Farbdoppler-Ultraschall
18 |
1 C-reaktivni protein CRP
19 |
1 dekompresijska bolest Caissonkrankheit
20 |
1 diferencijalna krvna slika Differentialblutbild
21 |
1 dijafragma Zwerchfell
22 |
1 dispneja, zaduha Dyspnoe
23 |
1 distalni interfalangealni zglob DIP-Gelenk
24 |
1 dvanaesnik Zwölffingerdarm, Duodenum
25 |
1 edem, oticanje, oteklina, otok Gewebswassersucht
26 |
1 ejekcijska frakcija Auswurffraktion
27 |
1 elektrokardiogram pod opterecenjem Belastungs-EKG
28 |
1 elektrokardiogram u mirovanju Ruhe-EKG
29 |
1 endotrahealna anestezija - anestezija intubacijom ITN = Intratracheanalnarkose - Intubationsnarkose
30 |
1 eradikacijska terapija Eradikationstherapie
31 |
1 erozivni gastritis antruma erosive Antrumgastritis
32 |
1 fisura, procjep Spalte
33 |
1 fisura Spalte
34 |
1 fizioterapija Krankengymnastik
35 |
1 gastritis korpusa Korpusgastritis
36 |
1 glezanjska kost, talus Sprungbein
37 |
1 gonalgija Gonalgie
38 |
1 gonartroza Gonarthrose
39 |
1 gubitak senzornih funkcija sensible Ausfälle
40 |
1 hemoptiza Hämoptoe; Hämoptyse
41 |
1 hepaticki, jetreni parenhim Leberparenchym
42 |
1 hidroelektricna kupka Stanger-Bad
43 |
1 hijatalna hernija Hiatushernie
44 |
1 hipogastrij Unterbauch
45 |
1 hod po crti / tandemski hod Seiltänzergang
46 |
1 ishemija Blutleere
47 |
1 izljev Erguss
48 |
1 izlucni exkreatorisch
49 |
1 izvodni kanali cervikalnih žlijezda Cervixdrüsenschlauche
50 |
1 kineziterapija Bewegungstherapie
51 |
1 KKS (kompletna krvna slika) grosses Blutbild
52 |
1 klinicka slika Krankheitsbild
53 |
1 koksartroza Koxarthrose
54 |
1 kondil, cvor Gelenkknorre
55 |
1 konvencionalni dopler (CW, PW) CW/PW-Doppler
56 |
1 kranijski, mozdani zivci Hirnnerven
57 |
1 kronične neurogene promjene chronisch neurogener Umbau
58 |
1 KS (krvna slika) kleines Blutbild
59 |
1 laboratorijski uzorak Laborprobe
60 |
1 leukogram Differentialblutbild
61 |
1 longitudinalni luk stopala Fußlängsgewölbe
62 |
1 lumbalna kraljeznica Lendenwirbelsaeule
63 |
1 lumbalna punkcija, punkcija kraljenice Lumbalpunktion
64 |
1 lumbalni, slabinski dio kraljeznice Lendenwirbelsäule
65 |
1 meko tkivo Weichteile
66 |
1 metakarpo-falangealni zglob MCP-Gelenk
67 |
1 mezogastrij Mittelbauch
68 |
1 mjerenje protoka likvora Liquorflussmessung
69 |
1 mladenacka, juvenilna kifoza Rundruecken
70 |
1 mokracna kiselina Harnsaeure
71 |
1 mokracni mjehur Harnblase
72 |
1 oblozen jezik, naslage na jeziku belegte Zunge
73 |
1 parenhima Parenchym(a)
74 |
1 peloidoterapija Peloid-Therapie
75 |
1 peronealna kljenut / pareza peronealnog živca Fußheberschwäche
76 |
1 pneumonija uzrokovana legionellom Legionella-Pneumonie
77 |
1 pokus / test ispruženih supiniranih ruku AHV = Armhalteversuch
78 |
1 poliartropatija Polyarthropathie
79 |
1 poprecna (transverzalna) ravnina tijela Transversalebene
80 |
1 poremecaj lipometabolizma Fettstoffwechselstörung
81 |
1 postupak lijecenja, lijecenje Heilverfahren
82 |
2 pretilost Adipositas
83 |
1 proksimalni interfalangealni zglob PIP-Gelenk
84 |
1 razmak izmedju prstiju i poda FBA
85 |
1 referentne vrijednosti, referentni interval Referenzbereich
86 |
1 refluksni ezofagitis Refluxoesophagitis
87 |
1 reumatoidni faktor Rheumafaktor
88 |
1 rotatorna manzeta ramena Rotatorenmanschette
89 |
1 sakroilijakalni zglob Iliosakralfuge
90 |
1 sakroilijakalni zglob Iliosakralgelenk
91 |
1 sakroilijakalni zglob Kreuz-Darmbein-Gelenk
92 |
1 sindrom bolne vratne kraljeznice HWS-Syndrom
93 |
2 sinovitis Synovialitis
94 |
1 sklonost depresiji depresive Verstimmung
95 |
1 slikovna dijagnostika bildgebende Diagnostik
96 |
1 srcane supljine Herzhöhlen
97 |
1 sternalni sternal
98 |
1 strijelna rana Schussverletzung
99 |
1 stvaranje, formiranje hrskavice Knorpelbildung
100 |
1 sustav za pokretanje, lokomotorni sustav Bewegungsapparat
101 |
1 tardivna diskinezija tardive Dyskinesie
102 |
1 test / pokus prst-nos FNV = Finger-Nase-Versuch
103 |
1 Tinelov znak Tinel (Klopf-)Zeichen
104 |
1 Tinelov znak Tinelzeichen
105 |
1 tjelesna supljina Körperhöhle
106 |
1 transverzalni luk stopala Fußquergewölbe
107 |
1 trbusna stijenka Bauchdecken
108 |
1 ubodna rana Stichwund
109 |
1 upala mokracnih puteva Harnweginfektion
110 |
1 uzimanje uzoraka Probeentnahme
111 |
1 varikozna vena Varize
112 |
1 vlastiti mišićni refleksi MER = Muskeleigenreflex
113 |
1 vrat femura, vrat bedrene kosti Schenkelhals
114 |
1 zapesce Handgelenk
115 |
1 zutica Ikterus
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
1 |
1 1. linie, 2. linie, 3. linie first-line, second-line or third-line therapy
2 |
1 22T nmol/l 22T nmol/l
3 |
1 5 fr. kort introducer, der kan spaltes 5 Fr. splittable short Introducer
4 |
1 afgang af branch of
5 |
1 afklemning af kutane nerve cutaneous nerve entrapment
6 |
1 afrundet sondespids bullet tip
7 |
1 afstandsmærke // afmærke Landmark (the patient at the Sternal Notch)
8 |
1 aktindsigt i sygehusjournal access to hospital record
9 |
1 Aktionsdiagnose Working diagnosis
10 |
1 aliquot spids aliquot tip
11 |
1 alpha spending function/alfa monitoreringsfunktion alpha spending function
12 |
1 anden grads AV blok second degree AV block
13 |
1 angstfremkaldende (bi)virkning anxiogenic effect
14 |
1 anterior konduktion anterior conduction
15 |
1 aortaklemme aortic cross-clamping
16 |
1 arteriel stamper // arteriestamper Arterial Tamper
17 |
1 assistent i kardiologi cardiac technician
18 |
1 automatisk rengøringssystem mechanical cleaner
19 |
1 Baines ujævnheder ved genånding (ujævnheder/bumper) Baines rebreathing bumps
20 |
1 begrænset cap
21 |
1 benvinister Benveniste's valve
22 |
1 B-erythrocyt volfr. B-erythrocyte volume fraction
23 |
1 betj. service
24 |
1 bioteknologisk animation Biotechnology Animation
25 |
1 biotinyleret biotinylated
26 |
1 blærebetændelse fra bestråling radiation cystitis
27 |
1 blæreinstillation Bladder instillations
28 |
1 blærens overfladeepitel the bladder surface epithelium
29 |
1 boret // huldiameter bore
30 |
1 brok hernia
31 |
1 brøndplade til fortynding (microtiter plade) deep-well dilution plate
32 |
1 brudstyrke Force at break
33 |
1 burst pacing burst pacing
34 |
1 cerebral kateterisationslab(oratorium) cerebral catherization lab
35 |
1 CF niveau beskyttelse mod elekstrisk stød level CF protection against electrical shocks
36 |
1 corpus vitreum-hulen vitreous cavity
37 |
1 cystometri uden bedøvelse (vågen) on awake cystometry
38 |
1 defekt Demerit
39 |
1 defibrillator beskyttet defibrillator protected
40 |
1 de oprindelige blege læsioner revner og bløder med udvidelse af blæren the initially pale lesion cracks and bleeds with distention of the bladder
41 |
1 designeret designee
42 |
1 dihalogenpropan-2-oler dihalogen-propane-2-ol
43 |
1 DNA Degeneration of the Acoustic Nerves
44 |
1 doseringsområde dose range
45 |
1 Dr. med. habil. Dr. med. habil.
46 |
1 EF EF = ejection fraction
47 |
1 EF ejection fraction
48 |
1 eksplanteret explanted
49 |
1 Eksponeringsfolder exposure folder
50 |
1 eksterne meatus (eller) meatus externus (eller) ydre åbning the external meatus
51 |
1 endossøs endosseous
52 |
1 engraftment engraftment
53 |
1 en undergruppe af billeder a subset of images
54 |
1 enzymkonjugeret inkubation enzyme conjugate incubation
55 |
1 eppendorfrør trasfer tube
56 |
1 Expert Ease-test for hjerteinsufficiens/hjertesvigt Expet Ease for Heart Failure
57 |
1 faseområde phase range
58 |
1 fast indesluttet firmly rounded
59 |
1 fibulaskinnen the fibular brace
60 |
1 flebografi UE Bilateral LE phlebography / Bilateral lower extremity phlebography
61 |
1 flettet braided
62 |
1 flige tabs
63 |
1 flydemiddel flow-inducing agents
64 |
1 forbehandling pretreatment
65 |
1 formodet migration af leder suspected lead migration
66 |
1 forprogrammered sekvens drive train
67 |
1 forstoppelse / tynd mave constipation
68 |
1 Fosfolipider tilforer 47 milligram eller 1,5 mmol fosfor pr. 100 ml Phospholipids provide 47 mg or 1.5 mmol phosphorus per 100 mL
69 |
1 fra hoved til skambenet (almindelig dansk) cephalad to the pubis bone
70 |
1 fulguration Fulguration
71 |
1 gennemsnitskomplekser average complexes
72 |
1 genogram genogram
73 |
1 GS-intensiv GS-intensiv
74 |
1 halsben neck bone
75 |
1 hjerterytmer rhytm conduction
76 |
77 |
1 humane antistoffer. human antibodies
78 |
1 hurtig tilkobling quick connector
79 |
1 hylster sleeve case
80 |
1 ICD-interaktion ICD Interaction
81 |
1 ileitforandringar changes in ileum
82 |
1 indsnævrende lytning selective listening
83 |
1 InfiMed Infimed
84 |
1 infusions- eller bypass rullepumper infusion or roller bypass pumps
85 |
1 intermediær pleje intermediate care
86 |
1 i.v. givet én gang IV Push
87 |
1 kabel for intrakardial koblingsboks IntraCardiac Junction Box Cable
88 |
1 kaliumferricyanid; rødt blodludssalt Potassium ferricyanide
89 |
1 kartonus vascular contractions
90 |
1 kateter for kortlægning med høj densitet high-density catheter
91 |
1 kirtelmasse nodal cluster
92 |
1 KLAN-bv the consultant on call in clinical anesthesiology
93 |
1 klemmeventil line pinch valve
94 |
1 klump (eller klat) blob
95 |
1 knogleprop fra diafysen Diaphyseal plug
96 |
1 kontraprøvkontroll verification test
97 |
1 Kontr. CPR Control CPR
98 |
1 kont.spl control nurse (or just controller)
99 |
1 kroppens egne hormone body hormone-like
100 |
1 KS regime corticosteroid
101 |
1 kuglemarkør marker sphere
102 |
1 kulhydrat carbohydrate
103 |
1 kuvettedrev cuvettedrive
104 |
1 LAF enhed laminar air flow unit
105 |
1 ledskuren joint grinding (bone grinding against bone)
106 |
1 left ventricular global thickening fraction LVGTF
107 |
1 Legg-Perthes Leg perthes
108 |
1 liniebeskrivelser line listings
109 |
1 lukkemekanisme shutter
110 |
1 Lymfedræningspunkt Point of lymph drainage
111 |
1 maksimal inspiration....maksimal eksspiration peak inspiration ... peak expiration
112 |
1 meddelt flagged
113 |
1 medicinsk udstyr medical equipment
114 |
1 med infusionspumpe power injection
115 |
1 medudfældning co-precipitate tablets
116 |
1 middelhøjt medium grade
117 |
1 MIS - mikrobakteria identifikationssystem MIS - Microbacterial Identification System
118 |
1 mobility mobile time
119 |
1 Modstandskraft defense mechanism
120 |
1 nældefeber urticaria, nettle rash
121 |
1 nedbrydningsveje pathways for breakdown
122 |
1 negative peaks sub-peak
123 |
1 NRS = nakke- og rygstivhed NBS = neck/back stiffness
124 |
1 Øjenhuleknoglen orbital bone
125 |
1 okklusiv rullepumpe occlusive ruller head
126 |
1 omdannelseprodukt derivative
127 |
1 Omega-3 fedtsyrer Omega-3 Fatty Acids
128 |
1 ontogenese ontogeny
129 |
2 (på/med) vekseltid time-cycled
130 |
1 paraklinisk findes laboratory data shows (demonstrates)
131 |
1 patella-protese Patella Insert
132 |
1 patienter i løbende monitorering serially monitored
133 |
1 pattekanyler feeding tube
134 |
1 performance delivery
135 |
1 perikardiel (perikardiets) leje/vugge pericardial cradle
136 |
1 pettekkier petechia/petechiae
137 |
1 physiatrist clinic physiatry clinic
138 |
1 plade slab
139 |
1 p.n. p.r.n.
140 |
1 p.p. post prandial (post prandium)
141 |
1 præmature stimulationer premature stimuli
142 |
1 processus xiphoideus xyphoid process
143 |
1 prognosen er pecima the prognosis is poor
144 |
1 promatorie promontory
145 |
1 P-status Profylaksestatus
146 |
1 pulstonekilde pulse tone source
147 |
1 punkturindikationssystem puncture indication system
148 |
1 pustes should be aspirated
149 |
1 radiologisk onkologi, diagnostisk billeddannelse Radiation Oncology, Diagnostic Imaging
150 |
1 ricisi risks
151 |
1 Rigshospitalet The National Hospital of Denmark
152 |
1 risikoreducerende pathway risk reduction pathway
153 |
1 rp. Rx
154 |
1 selektion Selection
155 |
1 Selektion Selection
156 |
1 sialylglykokonjugat sialylated glycoconjugate
157 |
1 skemaer og porte plots & gates
158 |
1 skrue-skillekursus course in assembly and disassembly
159 |
1 slimhindens overfladetemperatur surface mucusal temperatures
160 |
1 sml. med opt. comp. with upt.
161 |
1 spids spike
162 |
1 stabil stable
163 |
1 statsautoriseret (muligvis i Danmark)) board-certified cytopathologist
164 |
1 st.c./st.p. stetoskopi af hjerte og stetoskopi af lunger
165 |
1 støtteknopper auxiliary buds
166 |
1 strålekanon linear accelerator
167 |
1 stråleudstyr radiology equipment
168 |
1 strøg touch
169 |
1 submukosal submucosal
170 |
1 submukøse punktformede petechiale blodudtrækninger Submucosal pinpoint petechial hemorrhages
171 |
1 sulfitter sulphites
172 |
1 sundhedshus health center
173 |
1 sundhedspanik health scare
174 |
1 svarende til in
175 |
1 synergist synergizer
176 |
1 synet the view
177 |
1 syredanner acidifier
178 |
1 system circuit
179 |
1 tandhjulsrigiditet cogwheel rigidity
180 |
1 termokobler på enden af kanylen base of needle
181 |
1 testbevis proof
182 |
1 testosteronundecanoat Testosteronundecanoate
183 |
1 tilpasning fit
184 |
1 triggerudgang trigger output
185 |
1 trombocytaggregationshæmmende terapi platelet anti-aggregation therapy
186 |
1 trykke over transfer
187 |
1 tunneler tunneler
188 |
1 udåndingsventil exhalation port
189 |
1 ultralydsbehandle/sonifikere sonify
190 |
1 umættede unsaturated
191 |
1 væsketræk fluid removal
192 |
1 ved vækst in case of growth
193 |
1 walker bap
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
1 |
1 albueben, et kość łokciowa
2 |
1 albuestok kula (chodzić o kulach)
3 |
1 amme karmić piersią
4 |
1 ammer mamka
5 |
1 animalske fedstoffer tłuszcze pochodzenia zwierzęcego
6 |
1 bækken miednica
7 |
1 besøgstid godziny odwiedzin / godziny przyjęcia
8 |
1 bestille tid hos lægen umówić się na wizytę u lekarza
9 |
1 blindtarm jelito ślepe
10 |
1 blodåre żyła
11 |
1 blodprøve badanie krwi
12 |
1 blodtyksmåler ciśnieniomierz
13 |
1 boremaskine wiertarka
14 |
1 bor, et wiertło
15 |
1 brække sig wymiotować
16 |
1 briks prycza
17 |
1 brillestel oprawki
18 |
1 brystben, et mostek
19 |
1 brystkasse klatka piersiowa
20 |
1 bugspytkirtel trzustka
21 |
1 bule guz
22 |
1 døgnapotek, et apteka całodobowa
23 |
1 drop, et kroplówka
24 |
1 engangshandsker rękawiczki jednorazowego użytku
25 |
1 englehud plaster
26 |
1 falske tænder sztuczne zęby
27 |
1 få medicin mod recept kupić lek na receptę
28 |
1 få ngt galt i halsen zakrzusić się
29 |
1 få ngt i klemme przykleszczyć, zmiażdżyć
30 |
1 farvestoffer barwniki
31 |
1 feber (falder) gorączka (spada)
32 |
1 fedt tłuszcze
33 |
1 fibre błonnik
34 |
1 fingerknogler paliczki
35 |
1 flække øjnebrynet rozciąć łuk brwiowy
36 |
1 flænge (i panden) rozcięcie (na czole)
37 |
1 forand ząb przedni, siekacz
38 |
1 forkølet przeziębiony
39 |
1 fornding opatrunek
40 |
1 forstuve (foden) skręcić (skręcić) stopę
41 |
1 fyldning wypełnienie, plomba
42 |
1 gazebind, et gaza
43 |
1 giftstoffer środki trujące
44 |
1 graviditet ciąża
45 |
1 hælben, et nastopek
46 |
1 hage broda
47 |
1 halehvirvler kość ogonowa
48 |
1 halsbrand zgaga
49 |
1 halshvirvler kręgi szyjne
50 |
1 hjernerystelse wstrząs mózgu
51 |
1 hjertelyden bicie serca
52 |
1 hofteben, et kość biodrowa
53 |
1 holde sig i ro odpoczywać, nie przemęczać się
54 |
1 høreapparat, et aparat słuchowy
55 |
1 hoste kaszleć
56 |
1 hugtand kieł
57 |
1 hygiejnebind, et podpaska
58 |
1 ilt tlen
59 |
1 indsprøjtning zastrzyk
60 |
1 jern żelazo
61 |
1 kæbeben żuchwa
62 |
1 kæbe żuchwa
63 |
1 kanyle igła do strzykawki
64 |
1 kapsel kapsułka
65 |
1 kaste op wymiotować
66 |
1 kind policzek
67 |
1 kindtand ząb trzonowy
68 |
1 kirtel gruczoł
69 |
1 knæskal rzepka
70 |
1 knogle kość
71 |
1 knogleskørhed osteoporoza
72 |
1 kompres, et kompres
73 |
1 kondom, et prezerwatywa
74 |
1 konserveringsmidler środki konserwujące
75 |
1 kontaktlinser soczewki kontaktowe
76 |
1 kørestol wózek
77 |
1 kost dieta, żywienie
78 |
1 kranium czaszka
79 |
1 krykke kula (chodzć o kulach)
80 |
1 kulhydrater węglowodany
81 |
1 lægben, et piszczel
82 |
1 lårben, et kość udowa
83 |
1 lår, et udo
84 |
1 led staw
85 |
1 lever wątroba
86 |
1 livmoder macica
87 |
1 luftrør, et tchawica
88 |
1 lunge płuco
89 |
1 lus wesz
90 |
1 mælketænder zęby mleczne
91 |
1 mættede (fedt) nasycone (tłuszcze)
92 |
1 måltid, et posiłek
93 |
1 mavesyren kwas żołądkowy
94 |
1 mave żołądek
95 |
1 mellemfodsknogler śródstopie
96 |
1 mellemhåndsknogler kości śródręcza
97 |
1 motionere ćwiczyć, uprawiać ćwiczenia
98 |
1 næseblod krwotok z nosa
99 |
1 nakke kark
100 |
1 nogleben, et obojczyk
101 |
1 øjendråber krople do oczu
102 |
1 øjensalve maść do oczu
103 |
1 ørevoks woskowina uszna
104 |
1 overarmsben, et ramię
105 |
1 overbrug nadużywanie
106 |
1 overfølsom over for nadwrażliwy nad
107 |
1 overvægtig z nadwagą
108 |
1 pandeben kość czołowa
109 |
1 pessar, et krążek
110 |
1 pincet pęseta
111 |
1 plaster, et plaster
112 |
1 p-piller tabletki antykoncepcyjne
113 |
1 prævention antykoncepcja
114 |
1 pulsåre tętnica
115 |
1 rense såret przemyć ranę
116 |
1 rensevæske płyn do mycia soczewek
117 |
1 ribben żebro
118 |
1 rollator balkonik, chodzik
119 |
1 røntgenfoto, et zdjęcie rentgenowskie
120 |
1 røntgenfotografere robić zdjęcie rentgenowskie
121 |
1 ryghvirvler kręgi lędźwiowe
122 |
1 sædeben, et kość kulszowa
123 |
1 sårskorpe strup
124 |
1 skadelig szkodliwy
125 |
1 skamben, et kość łonowa
126 |
1 skinneben, et goleń
127 |
1 skrive en recept på ngt wypisać receptę
128 |
1 skulderblad, et łopatka
129 |
1 slankekur (at være på) dieta odchudzająca (być na diecie)
130 |
1 søm, et szew
131 |
1 spiserøret przełyk
132 |
1 spoleben, et kość promieniowa
133 |
1 sprøjte strzykawka
134 |
1 steril bezpłodny
135 |
1 stetoskop, et stetoskop
136 |
1 stikpille czopek
137 |
1 stivelse skrobia
138 |
1 stivkrampevaccine zastrzyk przeciwtężcowy
139 |
1 stok laska
140 |
1 sug, et ssak
141 |
1 Sundhedsministerium Ministerstwo Zdrowia
142 |
1 Sundhedsstyrelsen Departament Zdrowia
143 |
1 sut smoczek
144 |
1 sutteflaske butelka ze smoczkiem
145 |
1 svangerskab, et ciąża
146 |
1 synsprøve badanie wzroku
147 |
1 tåknogler kości palców (u nóg)
148 |
1 tarm jelito
149 |
1 tilsætningsstoffer konserwanty
150 |
1 tindingeben kość skroniowa
151 |
1 tinding skroń
152 |
1 tolvfingertarm dwunastnica
153 |
1 trække tænder ud wyrywać zęby
154 |
1 trykt luft sprężone powietrze
155 |
1 tunge język
156 |
1 tyktarm jelito grube
157 |
1 tyndtarm jelito cienkie
158 |
1 ufrugtbar bezpłodny
159 |
1 underernæring niedożywienie
160 |
1 underhage podbródek
161 |
1 undersøge badać
162 |
1 urinprøve badanie moczu
163 |
1 være svimmel mieć zawroty głowy
164 |
1 vat, et wata
165 |
1 visdomstand ząb mądrości
166 |
1 vrede ngt af led wyskoczyć ze stawu
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
1 |
1 aandrag op een toppunt (apex: top) apical impuls
2 |
1 aandrang op een toppunt apical impuls
3 |
1 aangeboren afwezigheid van de schildklier congenital athryrosis
4 |
1 aangeboren hyperthreoïdie struma
5 |
1 aangetast impaired
6 |
1 aanpak approach
7 |
1 aanpak/benadering phylogenetic approach
8 |
1 aantasten to affect
9 |
1 aantasten to impair
10 |
1 aanzienlijk aprreciable
11 |
1 abnormaal veel urineren diuresis
12 |
1 academisch belang/theoretisch belang academic significance
13 |
3 achter het borstbeen substernal
14 |
1 achterop de tong at the base of the tongue
15 |
1 achter sub
16 |
1 achterwaartse beweging retropulsie
17 |
1 adem, benauwdheid dyspnea
18 |
1 ademnood dyspnea
19 |
1 afnemen, verzwakken remissions
20 |
1 aftakeling, verzwakking atrophy
21 |
1 aftasten to impair
22 |
1 afvegen to mop
23 |
1 afwezig absent
24 |
1 afwezigheid van maandstonden amenorrhea
25 |
1 afwijking/misstap/geestesstoornis aberrations
26 |
1 algemeen universal
27 |
1 algemeen vergroot diffuesly enlarged
28 |
1 anaciliteit: gebrek aan zuurte achlorhdria
29 |
1 angst phobia
30 |
1 aortaboog arch (the)
31 |
2 apatisch apathetic
32 |
1 apparaat appareil
33 |
1 balans balance
34 |
1 basaal metabolisme basal metabolic rate
35 |
1 basaal metabolisme basal metabolism
36 |
1 beeld reaction picture
37 |
1 begin initiated
38 |
1 beïnvloeden to affect
39 |
1 bekende symptomen classical symptoms
40 |
1 bekleden, insluiten, inkapselen to be invested by
41 |
1 bekleden to invest
42 |
1 belemmering van de vena cava superior superior vena caval obstruction
43 |
1 beluisteren auscilation
44 |
2 beluisteren ausculation
45 |
1 benauwdheid dyspnea
46 |
1 benauwdheid, psychische spanning anxiety
47 |
1 benauwend/uitputtend distressing
48 |
1 benauwheid in de hartstreek precordial oppression
49 |
1 bereiken attainment
50 |
1 berust bij to dwell in
51 |
1 berust bij to rest in
52 |
1 beschadigen, bezwaren to impair
53 |
1 betasten to palpate
54 |
1 beta-sympatholytica (des) sympatholytiques bêta (-bloquants)
55 |
1 beven tremor
56 |
1 bewaren (het) conservation
57 |
1 bewerken (het) transformation
58 |
1 bewogen agitated
59 |
1 bijkomend accessory
60 |
1 bijna volledig subtotal
61 |
1 bijschildklier thymus
62 |
1 bindvlies conjunctiva
63 |
1 bindvliesontsteking conjunctivitis
64 |
1 bindweefsel connective tissue
65 |
1 bindweefselontsteking fibrositis
66 |
2 blaasgezwel cysts
67 |
1 blaasje, al dan niet met epitheel follicles
68 |
1 blijvende handicap aan het hart cardiac invalidism
69 |
1 blinde opening, die doodloopt foramen caecum
70 |
1 bloedarmoede anemia
71 |
1 bloedontleding blood chemistry
72 |
1 bloedsomloop circulatory
73 |
1 bloedspiegel/bloedsuikerspiegel blood sugar
74 |
1 bloedvelociteit blood velocity
75 |
1 bonzen (v.h.hart) pounding
76 |
2 borstbeen sternum
77 |
1 bot os
78 |
1 bovenarm brachium
79 |
1 bovenste afdalende holle ader vena cava superior
80 |
1 bovenste deel (van de zewelling) upper pole
81 |
1 bovenste deel (van de zwelling) upper pole
82 |
1 bovenste deel van de zwelling upper pole
83 |
3 bovenste schildklierslagader superior thyroid artery
84 |
1 brengt een synergie teweeg conduire une synergie
85 |
1 broos/schaars haar brittle/scant hair
86 |
1 calcium in het bloed blood calcium
87 |
1 capsule, kapsel capsule
88 |
1 cardiovasculair cardiovascular
89 |
1 cave scaphoiedfractuur la fracture du scaphoïde
90 |
1 chileense salpeter chili salpeter
91 |
1 chirurgische surgical
92 |
1 cholesterolgehalte in het bloed blood cholesterol
93 |
1 choreiforme bewegingen choreiforme movements
94 |
1 chriurgische methode/ingrijpen surgical procedure therapy
95 |
1 cijfers readings
96 |
1 cijfer van het basaal metabolisme rate of basal metabolism
97 |
1 coÎdaal suspensie
98 |
1 constateren to detect
99 |
1 creatine-afscheiding creatine excretion
100 |
1 creatine creatine
101 |
1 creatine oplossing creatine hydrate
102 |
1 creatinurie/ creatine: aminozuur creatunuria
103 |
1 creatinurie creatinurai
104 |
1 creatinurie creatinuria
105 |
1 crisis na een operatie postoperative crisis
106 |
1 crisis na operatie postoperative crisis
107 |
1 darmen intestines
108 |
1 de borstkas thorax
109 |
1 definitieve verloop defitive history
110 |
1 de prestatie van het hart cardiac output
111 |
1 dermografisme// derma: huid graphein:schrijven dermographism
112 |
1 de schildklier thyroid gland
113 |
1 desmosomen (uit de hoornlaag) Cornéodesmosomes
114 |
1 de vaststellingen clinea
115 |
1 de vloeistof waarin bloedcellen gesupendeerd zijn plasma
116 |
1 diagnostische waarde prognostic importance
117 |
1 diagnotische waarde diagnostic value
118 |
1 diarree diarrhea
119 |
2 diastolisch (bloed vloeit naar het hart) diastolic
120 |
2 dichtheid consistency
121 |
1 die de bloedvaten beschermen (lett: ader-/bloedvatbeschermende eigenschappen) veino-protectrices
122 |
1 dikke darm large intestine
123 |
1 disthyreoidie dysthyroidism
124 |
2 Dit NOD2 gen codeert voor het eiwit NOD2 Le gène NOD2 code pour la protéine NOD2
125 |
1 doeltreffendheidsonderzoek évaluation de performance
126 |
1 dof lusterless
127 |
1 draaien en keren to twist and turn
128 |
1 druk in de aderen, veneuse druk venous pressure
129 |
1 duidelijke oorzaak provocative cause
130 |
1 duidelijker waar te nemen more tangible
131 |
1 duidelijke symptomen tangible factors
132 |
1 duidelijk pronounced
133 |
1 duister obscure
134 |
1 dunne darm small intetstine
135 |
1 dwerggroei cretinism/dwarfism
136 |
1 dwerggroei dwarfism/cretenism
137 |
1 dysfagie=slikstoornis dysphagia
138 |
1 dysfagie (slikstoornis) dysphagia
139 |
1 dysfagie: slikstoornis dysphagia
140 |
1 een chirurgische ingreep a (surgical) procedure
141 |
1 een kalm uiterlijk a calm exterior
142 |
1 een kanaal a duct
143 |
2 een kenmerk a feature
144 |
1 een reeks train
145 |
1 een teloorgaan a wasting
146 |
1 eindtakjes temrinal twigs
147 |
1 eindtakjes terminal twigs
148 |
1 eiwit protein
149 |
1 endocrine klier ductless gland
150 |
1 endocrine klier endocrine gland
151 |
1 endocrinophatie endocrionpathy
152 |
1 enteron: dunne-darmontsteking enteritis
153 |
1 eosine (rode kleurstof) eosin
154 |
1 epinefrine: hormoon dat vernauwing ->leidt epinephrine=adrenaline
155 |
1 erbovenop leggen superimposition
156 |
1 ernstige spierzwakte myasthenia gravis
157 |
1 ernst severity
158 |
1 exopthalmus: uitpuilende ogen exopthalmos
159 |
1 feces feces
160 |
1 filogenese: ontwikkeling van de soort phylogentic
161 |
1 fysiologie, organanenleer physiology
162 |
1 fysiologische cardiovasculaire reacties physiological cardiovascular response
163 |
1 gaan samen met parallel to
164 |
1 gastro-intestanaal: maag en ingewanden gastro-intestinal
165 |
1 gebrek aan spanning dystoniet
166 |
1 gebrekkige werking van het hart cardiac invalidism
167 |
1 gedachten volgen elkaar op a flight of ideas
168 |
1 gedeeltelijke wegname subtotal removal
169 |
3 gedraaid rotated
170 |
1 gelaatsuitdrukking facial expression
171 |
1 gelijkd a bruit
172 |
3 gelijk ontwikkeld symmetrical
173 |
1 geluid a bruit
174 |
1 geluid bruit
175 |
1 gepaard gaan met to attend by
176 |
2 geruis murmur
177 |
2 geruis stenosis
178 |
2 gesis, sissend ademen stridor
179 |
1 gesis stridor
180 |
1 gestoord worden, een stoornis treedt op to be impaired
181 |
1 gewervelde dieren vertebrates
182 |
1 gewijzigde reactie altered response
183 |
1 gezondheidszorg action sanitaire
184 |
1 glazig glaze
185 |
1 gloed hot flush
186 |
1 glucose tolerantie glucose tolerance
187 |
1 glycogen glycogen
188 |
1 grams gm
189 |
1 groeistilstand arrest of growth
190 |
1 grootte magnitude
191 |
1 hanteren (het) manipulation
192 |
1 harde oogrok sclera
193 |
1 hard sclerosis
194 |
1 hart cardia
195 |
1 hart carid
196 |
1 hartconcentratie systolic thrill
197 |
2 hartcontractie, samentrekking van het hart systolic thrill
198 |
1 hartinsufficiëntie cardiac failure
199 |
1 hartkloppingen palpitation
200 |
1 hartslag heart rate
201 |
1 hartspier, myocard myocardium
202 |
3 heesheid hoarseness
203 |
1 het midden van de borstkas mediastenum
204 |
1 het neerslaan deposition
205 |
1 het verhelpen van relief of
206 |
1 hevige aanval paroxisme
207 |
1 hippuur zuur hippuric acid
208 |
2 hoedanigheid quality
209 |
1 honingzoet diabetes mellitus
210 |
1 hoornvlies corena
211 |
1 hoornvlies cornée
212 |
1 hormoon uit de voorkwab van de hypofyse anterior pituitary hormone
213 |
1 HP-negatief (Helicobacter Pylori) HP négatif
214 |
1 huid cutis
215 |
1 huilbuien crying spells
216 |
1 hulpstuk(ken) accessoire
217 |
1 hyperbilirubinemie hyperbilirubinemia
218 |
1 hypercholesterolemie/linie hypercholesterinemia
219 |
1 hyperproteinemie:te veel eiwitcellen in het bloed hyperproteinemia
220 |
1 hypertensie, overdruk hypertension
221 |
1 hypertensie, overdruk hypothension
222 |
1 hypertheroïdie hbasedow disease
223 |
1 hypertheroïdie hypotheroidism
224 |
1 hyperthreoïdie hgraves'disease
225 |
1 hyperthreoïdie thyrotoxicosis
226 |
1 hyperthyreoïdie hypothyroidism
227 |
1 hyperthyreoïdie thyrotoxicosis/hypthyroidism
228 |
1 hyperthyreoïdische crisis/aanval thyrotoxi crisis
229 |
1 hyperthyroïedie hexophthalmic goiter
230 |
1 hyperthyroïedie hthyrotoxicosis
231 |
1 hyperthyroïedie htoxic adenomastosis
232 |
1 hypotensie : onderdruk hypothension
233 |
1 hysterectomie, baarmoederverwijdering hysterectomy
234 |
1 in de borstkas intrathoracic
235 |
1 in de borstkast intrathoracic
236 |
1 in gebreke blijven van de hartkamers backward failure
237 |
2 inspanning exertion
238 |
1 instrument instrument
239 |
1 insuline insuline
240 |
1 intra-thorax- in de borstkast intrathoracic
241 |
1 in verband met de lever hepatihic
242 |
1 invoeren van water om diures te verhogen ingested water
243 |
1 inwerking op action on
244 |
1 i.v.m.de luchtpijp tracheal
245 |
1 jeuke pruritus
246 |
1 jodiumconcentratie in het bloed blood iodine concentration
247 |
2 jodium iodine
248 |
1 jodiummetabolisme iodine metabolism
249 |
1 keizersnede sectio cesaria
250 |
1 kenmerken to mark
251 |
1 keuring vérification
252 |
1 kit trousse
253 |
1 klam clammy
254 |
1 klep valva
255 |
1 kleuren met to stain with
256 |
1 kleverig colloïd
257 |
1 kleverigheid colloïd
258 |
3 klierepitheelgezwel adenomas
259 |
1 klier gland
260 |
1 klinisch clinical
261 |
1 klinische verschijnselen clinical manifestations
262 |
1 kloppingen palpitations
263 |
2 knippen, klappen to snap
264 |
1 knipperen to blink
265 |
1 knobbeltje adenome
266 |
3 knobbeltjes nodules
267 |
1 kolieken: dikke-darmonsteking colitis
268 |
1 koolhydraten carbohydrate
269 |
1 kort brief
270 |
1 kraakbeenachtige ringen cartilage
271 |
1 kraakbeenachtige ringen, kraakbeenringen cartilaginous rings
272 |
1 kraakbeen cartilage
273 |
1 kraakbeenringen, kraakbeenachtige ringen cartiliginous rings
274 |
1 kraakbeenringen, kraakbeen cartilaginous rings
275 |
3 kropgezwel goiter
276 |
1 kubusvormig cuboïdal
277 |
1 kwaadaardig malignant
278 |
1 kyste, blaasgezwel cysts
279 |
1 laagste derde van de voorste halsstreek lower third of the anterior cervical region
280 |
1 laagste zenuwen van het strottenhoofd inferior laryngeal nerves
281 |
1 laaste traject van een slagadersysteem/Id arteriole
282 |
1 labiel, onregelmatig labile
283 |
1 langdurig protracted
284 |
1 langdurig, slepend prolonged
285 |
1 leeghalen, uitputten deplete
286 |
1 lichaam soma
287 |
1 lichamelijk somatic
288 |
1 lichte toename mild eleavation
289 |
1 lichte toename mild elevation
290 |
1 lichte vorm van mild
291 |
1 licht slight
292 |
1 ligt bij, berust bij to dwell in
293 |
1 LIJDERS aan hart- en schildklierkwalen thyrocardiacs
294 |
2 lijken op to resemble
295 |
1 luchtpijp tracheal vessel
296 |
3 luchtpijp, trachea trachea
297 |
1 luchtpijp trachea
298 |
1 maagontsteking gastritis
299 |
1 mal malignant
300 |
1 manie mania
301 |
1 mastectomie, borstamputatie mastectomy
302 |
1 m.b.t. de huid cutaneous
303 |
1 m.b.t. het hoofd cefalicai
304 |
1 medische hulpmiddelen dispositifs médicaux
305 |
1 men denkt te maken te hebben met kwaadaardig as to simulate
306 |
1 mentale hyperkinesie mental chorea
307 |
1 merkbaar appreciable
308 |
1 metabolisme, stofwisseling métabolisme
309 |
1 met betrekking tot de levensverrichtingen fysiologic
310 |
1 met betrekking tot levende wezens/organismen sur le vivant
311 |
1 met gelijkblijvende temperatuur homothermal animals
312 |
1 microgram gamma
313 |
1 microscopische doorsnede microscopic section
314 |
1 mitosis, mitose (celdeling in 2) mitiosis
315 |
1 mobilisatie mobilization
316 |
1 molecule/hormoon van de schildklier thyroid molecule
317 |
1 myasthemie/spierzwakte myasthenia
318 |
1 myasthenia, verschrompelen van de spieren muscle atrophy
319 |
1 myocardioum/myocard myocardial
320 |
1 myocard myocardial
321 |
2 myxoedeem myxedema
322 |
1 naar mekaar toebrengen convergere
323 |
1 Nederlands English
324 |
1 netvormig recticular
325 |
1 nieractie renal action
326 |
1 nierfunctie/werking van de nieren renal function/action
327 |
2 niet compact diffuse
328 |
1 niet comptact diffuse
329 |
1 niet meer te behandelen vorm van braken intractable vomiting
330 |
1 niet met ontsteking gepaard gaand non inflammatory
331 |
1 niet volledig wegnemen van de schildklier subtotal thyroidectomy
332 |
1 normale polsslag resting pulse
333 |
1 oliebronnen met zoutoplossingen oil-well brines
334 |
1 oligurie (te kleine urinivorming) olguria
335 |
1 ondergronds zout water brines
336 |
1 onderliggende ziekte, ziekte die aan de basis ligt underlying disease
337 |
1 onderste ima
338 |
1 onderste schildklier slagader arteria theyreoidea ima
339 |
1 ondersteunde werking effet accessoire
340 |
1 onevenwicht dat teruggaat op het autonome zenuwstelsel autonomic imbalance
341 |
1 onevenwicht disorder
342 |
1 onevenwichtigheid lability
343 |
1 ongeveer roughly
344 |
1 onoplosbaar insoluble
345 |
1 onregelmatige werking van het hart cardiac irregularity
346 |
1 onstekking van de maag en darmen gastro-enteritis
347 |
1 ontblote hard oogrok exposed sclera
348 |
1 onthos: het zijnde, het wezen filon:de soort, het ras onthogenie
349 |
1 ontledende deel van de stofwisseling catabolism
350 |
1 ontogenese: de intwikkeling van het individu ontogenethic
351 |
1 ontsmettingsmiddelen antisepsis
352 |
1 ontsteltenis upset
353 |
2 onvoldoende hartwerking cardiac insufficiency
354 |
1 oogbal globe
355 |
1 ooglid lid
356 |
1 oogspleet van het ooglid palpebral fissure
357 |
1 oor auricular
358 |
1 opbouw van de stofwisseling anabolism
359 |
1 operatieve ingreep operatieve procedure
360 |
1 opflakkering exacerbations
361 |
2 opgemerkt marked
362 |
1 ophouden van water en zouten retention of water and salts
363 |
1 opmerkelijk marked
364 |
1 opname van calorieën caloric intake
365 |
1 opperste laag van het bekleedsel van de organen epitheel
366 |
1 op slot doen claudere
367 |
1 opvallend conspicuous
368 |
1 opwekken to provoke
369 |
1 orale toediening oral administration
370 |
1 organisch gebonden magnesium organically bound magnasium
371 |
2 overactief overactive
372 |
1 overblijfselen residueal
373 |
2 overblijfsel remnant
374 |
1 overdreven polsslag excessive rate
375 |
1 overeenstemming conformité
376 |
1 overschijden to exceed
377 |
1 overvloedig profuse
378 |
1 overvoeding hyperalimentation
379 |
1 parenchym (Grieks: het ingeslotene) parenchyma
380 |
1 paroxismaal: hevig paroxysmal
381 |
1 pathogenese: leer van het ontstaan van de ziekte pathogenesis
382 |
1 pathogenie/pathogenese nosology
383 |
1 perifeer (aan de uiteinden) peripheral
384 |
1 pituiturary gland hypophisis
385 |
1 plasma volume plasma volume
386 |
1 polsslag/polsritme puls rate
387 |
1 polsslag pulse rate
388 |
1 polydipsie polydispie
389 |
1 polyurie polyuria
390 |
1 positief bekijken stated positively
391 |
2 prikkelbaarheid irritability
392 |
1 prognostische index prognostic index
393 |
1 protusion, projection, process vooruitsteeksel
394 |
1 pseudostenotische trilling pseudostenotic thrill
395 |
1 pseudostenotische trilling pseudstenotic thrill
396 |
1 (psycho-)gedragsmatige profielen profils psycho-comportementaux
397 |
1 psychologisch geweld violence psychologique
398 |
1 psychoneurotici psychoneurtocis
399 |
2 pulmonisch pulmonic
400 |
1 pyramidevormig pyramidal
401 |
1 reactiebeeld, reactiepatroon reaction picture
402 |
1 reeds bestaand pre-existent
403 |
1 rijpheidsgraad state of maturation
404 |
1 rode bloedlichaampjes red corpuscles
405 |
3 rubberachtig rubbery
406 |
1 rubber hyperbilirubinemia
407 |
1 ruimten tussen de weefsels tissue spaces
408 |
1 rust, opschroting surcease
409 |
1 ruwe huid coarse skin
410 |
1 ruw, niet veerkrachtig coarse
411 |
2 samenstelling compound
412 |
3 samentrekking compression
413 |
1 samenvoegen in één punt to converge
414 |
1 sarcoom sarcôme
415 |
1 schade damage
416 |
1 schadelijk noxious
417 |
2 schijnbaar pseudo
418 |
1 schildklier ontbreekt athryoid
419 |
1 schildklier thyroïd gland
420 |
1 schild thyreos
421 |
2 schuring friction rub
422 |
1 slagaders onder het sleutelbeen subclavian arteries
423 |
2 slapeloosheid insomnia
424 |
1 slechte toestand (fysiek wegkwijnen door...) cachexia
425 |
1 slepende invaliditeit chronic invalidism
426 |
1 slijmvlies mucus
427 |
1 slokdarm esophagus
428 |
1 slokdarm sophageal vessel
429 |
1 snelle hartslag tachycardia
430 |
1 snel tachus
431 |
1 spierstelsel, dat we kunnen controleren musculature
432 |
1 spierzwakheid myasthenea
433 |
1 sproeterigheid, stipjes freckling
434 |
1 staren stare
435 |
1 steunweefsel supporting stroma
436 |
1 stofwisseling metabolism
437 |
1 stoornis, die bij iedereen hetzelfde is unitarian disorder
438 |
1 stoornis in het autonome zenuwstelsel autonomic imbalance
439 |
1 stoornissen disturbances
440 |
1 storing distrubances
441 |
1 storing van de hypothalamus hypothalamic disturbance
442 |
1 storing van de hypthalamus hypothalamci disturbance
443 |
2 streek van de voorhals anterior cervical region
444 |
1 strottenhoofd lanryngeal vessel
445 |
1 strottenhoofd larynx
446 |
1 studie van de ziekteverschijnselen symptomatology
447 |
1 substantie voor versnelling van cellulair metaboli catalyser (a.e.)/catalytic agent
448 |
1 sympathomimetische stof sympathometic drug
449 |
1 symptoomverschijnselen symptom complexen
450 |
1 systolische druk systolic pressure
451 |
1 tegenaanwijzing, contra-indicatie contraindicates
452 |
1 tekenen van evidence
453 |
1 tekort aan vitaminen hypovitaminosis
454 |
1 terugkeren, terugvallen to revert to
455 |
1 te snel kloppen van het hart tachycardia
456 |
1 te veel eiwitten in de urine proteïnurie
457 |
1 te veel hyper
458 |
1 te weinig eiwitten in het bloed hypoproteïnimie
459 |
1 thryotoxisch thyrotoxic
460 |
1 thyreotoxische crisis thyrotoxic crisis
461 |
1 thyreotropine thyrotrophine
462 |
1 thyrogeen:schildklier is de oorzaak van de genesis:ontstaan thyrogenic
463 |
1 thyroxinemolecule thyroxin molecules
464 |
1 tijdelijke verbinding tussen de schildklier en het thyroglossal duct (ductus thyreoglossus)
465 |
1 tijdelijk tussenstadium intermediary
466 |
1 toename elevation
467 |
1 toeschrijven aan attribute
468 |
2 toestand van de bloedcirculatie circulatory status
469 |
2 toestand van inspanning exercise
470 |
1 toestel équipement
471 |
1 toppunt paroxysm
472 |
1 toxische adenomatosie, hyperthyreoidie toxic adenomatosis
473 |
1 traceerbaarheid traçabilité
474 |
1 trekken, rukken (van spieren) twitching
475 |
1 trekspier extensor
476 |
1 trilling van het hartoor auricular fibrilation
477 |
1 tweelobbig/tweekwabbig bilobed
478 |
1 tymus, gezwel goiter
479 |
1 typeonderzoek examen de type
480 |
1 uitgesproken distinct
481 |
1 uitgestoken tong protruded tongue
482 |
1 uitpuilende ogen exophthalmos
483 |
1 uitputting depletion
484 |
1 uitscheiding excretion
485 |
1 uitsteeksel a process
486 |
1 uitsteeksel projection
487 |
1 uitwendige carotis external carotid
488 |
2 uitzetting dilatation
489 |
1 urineafdrijvend diurhetic
490 |
1 vaatprothese prothèse vasculaire
491 |
1 vagatonie: verschuiving in evenwicht van het autonome zenuwstel vagatonic graves disease
492 |
1 vanaf de oorsprong, het begin aborigine
493 |
1 vasculair, van bloedvaten voorzien vascular
494 |
1 vatbaar zijn voor to be apt to
495 |
1 vat, bloedvat vessel (vas)
496 |
1 vat vas
497 |
1 veel profuse
498 |
1 vemrinderen subside
499 |
1 veralgemeende spierzwakte, myasthenia general muscle weakness
500 |
1 verband tussen lichaam en geest pyschosomatic relationship
501 |
1 verbonden door joint by
502 |
1 verbonden worden met to be associated with
503 |
2 verborgen masked
504 |
1 verbruik consumption
505 |
1 verhelpen van relief of
506 |
1 verhitte blozende huid flushed skin
507 |
1 verhoging van de psychomotorische activiteit increase in psychomotor activity
508 |
1 verkleuring coloration
509 |
1 verkleuring van de huid pigmentation
510 |
1 verlamming van de oogspieren opthalmoplegia
511 |
1 verlengde geschiedenis prolonged history
512 |
1 verlichten (het) atténuation
513 |
1 verminderen to lower
514 |
1 verminderen to subside
515 |
1 vermindering diminution
516 |
1 vermits since
517 |
2 vermoeidheid fatigue
518 |
1 verschijnselen i.v.m. de bloedsomloop ciruculatory phenomena
519 |
1 verspreid diffuse
520 |
2 verspreid, diffuus diffuse
521 |
1 verstoring disorder
522 |
1 vertakkingen branches
523 |
1 vertonen to exhibit
524 |
2 verweking van de kraakbeenringen der luchtpijp tracheomalacia
525 |
1 verweking van de kraakbeenringen tracheomalicia
526 |
1 verzwakking, aftakeling atrophy
527 |
1 verzwering van de cornea corneal ulceration
528 |
1 vetmetabolisme verhogende stof (giftig) dinitrophenol
529 |
1 vezelachtige oogbekleding oculi
530 |
1 vezel, vezelachtig fibrous
531 |
1 vibrerende enrgie énergie vibratoire
532 |
1 virus dat ...veroorzaakt induisant
533 |
2 viscositeit viscosity
534 |
1 vloeistof waarin een andere stof in zeer kleine deeltjes verdeelt zwee suspensie
535 |
1 vochtig moist
536 |
1 voedingsstoffen food stuffs
537 |
1 voedsel vervoeren orsofados
538 |
2 voelbaar palpable
539 |
1 voeren, bekleden to line with
540 |
1 vooraf bestand pre-existent
541 |
1 vooraf gaan aan to precede
542 |
1 voorbereiding op de ziekte preparation
543 |
1 voorbereiding preparation
544 |
1 voorbijgaand transcient
545 |
3 voorkomen incidence
546 |
1 voorkomen occurence
547 |
1 voorkomen to encounter
548 |
1 (voorste deel) streek van de voorhals anterior cervical region
549 |
1 voorste halsstreek cervical region
550 |
1 voorste halsstreek cervix anterior
551 |
1 voortijdig prematurely
552 |
1 vooruitsteken to protude
553 |
1 voorwaartse beweging propulsie
554 |
1 wat daartussen is opgesteld interstitium
555 |
1 watermetabolisme water metabolism
556 |
1 waterzucht, edema nephrotic edema
557 |
1 wat niet tot een gezwel behorot non tumor
558 |
2 weefsels tissues
559 |
1 weefsel tissue
560 |
1 weerbarstig refractory
561 |
1 weerslag hebben op, inwerken op to retaliate
562 |
1 wegnemen dectomai
563 |
1 wegnemen van de schildklier thyroidectomie
564 |
1 willekeurg voluntary
565 |
1 woede-uitbarsting outburst
566 |
1 zeer hoge koorts hyperpyrexia
567 |
1 zelden on rare occasions
568 |
1 zelfde weefsel indvidual tissue
569 |
1 zelf-testen (het) autodiagnostic
570 |
1 zich bevinden voor to lie anterior
571 |
1 zichtbaar visible
572 |
1 zich voordoend syndroom:geheel van ziekteverschijnselen presenting syndrome
573 |
1 ziekbed klinei
574 |
2 ziekte van de hartklep valvular disease
575 |
1 ziekteverloop course
576 |
1 ziel psyche
577 |
1 zijdelinges (bloed)circulatie, bevloeiing collateral circulation
578 |
1 zijdelingse kwabben,lijkend op een pyramide roughly pyramidal lateral lobes
579 |
1 znder glycogeen to deplete glycon
580 |
1 zonder kanaal, afvoerkanaal ductless
581 |
1 zuilvormig columnar
582 |
1 zwakheid astehea
583 |
1 zwakte van het zicht asthenopia
584 |
1 zwelgen, slikken to swallow
585 |
1 zweten, transpireren perspiration
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
1 |
1 acesulfam K acesulfam K, el
2 |
1 aflatoxine aflatoxina, la
3 |
1 ammoniumwasserstofcarbonat bicarbonato amónico
4 |
1 anti-oxidant anti-oxidante, el
5 |
1 aspartaam aspartame, el
6 |
1 benzoëzuur ácido benzoico, el
7 |
1 bestrijdingsmiddel pesticida, el
8 |
1 BHA (Butylhydroxyanisol) BHA (Butilhidroxianisol),
9 |
1 BHT (Butylhydroxytolueen) BHT (Butilhidroxitolueno),
10 |
1 Clostridia soorten bacterias Clostridium, las
11 |
1 conserveermiddel conservador, el
12 |
1 cyclamaat cíclamato, el
13 |
1 emulgator emulsionante, el
14 |
1 energieleverende zoetstof edulcorante que da energía,
15 |
1 flavonoïden flavonoides, los
16 |
1 fructose fructosa, la
17 |
1 gallaat gallato, el
18 |
1 geurstof aromatizante, el
19 |
1 gezondheidsrisico riesgo para la salud, el
20 |
1 glijstang barra, brazo o guia de desplazamiento
21 |
1 Goede Praktijkuitgangspunt BPF
22 |
1 hoofdstroomonderbrekerpaneel (panel del) interruptor principal
23 |
1 isomalt isomalt, el
24 |
1 kankerrisico riesgo de padecer el cáncer, el
25 |
1 KNO2 (Kaliumnitriet) KNO2 (nitrito potásico)
26 |
1 laat me niet verslaafd raken aan, laat me niet verslingerd raken no me enganches
27 |
1 lactitol lactitol, el
28 |
1 lycasina licasina, la
29 |
1 macrovoedingsstof macrocomponente, el
30 |
1 maltitol maltitol, el
31 |
1 mannitol manitol, el
32 |
1 microvoedingsstof microcomponente, el
33 |
2 nemat. Varenr.mug Nemátodo cecidomido
34 |
1 nitraat nitrato, el
35 |
1 nitriet nitrito, el
36 |
1 nitrosamines nitrosaminas, las
37 |
1 N-nitrosoverbindingen compuestos N-nitrosos, los
38 |
1 noodgering mínimo/cantidad mínima de emergencia
39 |
1 noodzaakgrens límite de necesidad, el
40 |
1 ongestoord (función) no alterada
41 |
1 ontsporing desvío, desviación
42 |
1 positieve lijsten listas positivas, las
43 |
1 residu residuo, el
44 |
1 roofmijt, roofwantsen, sluipwesp ácaro del techo, chinche del techo, avispa destructiva
45 |
1 saccharine sacarina, la
46 |
1 schimmelaantasting contaminación fúngica, la
47 |
1 schimmelaantasting micotoxicosis, la
48 |
1 schimmelvergift micotoxina, la
49 |
1 seleen selenio, el
50 |
1 sensorisch sensorial
51 |
1 smaakstof saborizante, el
52 |
1 sorbitol sorbitol, el
53 |
1 spoorelement oligoelemento, el
54 |
1 spreiding desviación
55 |
1 sucrulose sucrulosa, la
56 |
1 sulfiet sulfito, el
57 |
1 synthese síntesis, la
58 |
1 THE UK HAVE HARDLY ANY RULES FOR BREEDING GSD El Reino Unido apenas tiene normas para la crianza de perros pastores alemanes.
59 |
1 toxiciteit toxicidad, la
60 |
1 tumoren induceren inducir tumores
61 |
1 tweepuntsdiscriminatie la discriminación entre dos puntos, la distinción entre dos puntos
62 |
1 tweepuntsdiscriminatie la discriminación entre dos puntos, la selección entre dos puntos
63 |
1 veerbreukbeveiliging Seguro contra rotura del resorte
64 |
1 veiligheidsmarge margen de seguridad, el
65 |
1 voedingspatroon patrón de consumo de alimentos, el
66 |
1 voormaagkanker cáncer en el fondo del estómago
67 |
1 vruchtvlies membrana fetal
68 |
1 xylitol xilitol, el
69 |
1 zet de wieken in de vreugdestand pondrá las aspas del molino en la (típica) posición de celebración
70 |
1 zoetstof edulcorante, el
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
1 |
1 Abces Apse
2 |
1 Abdomen Kar?n bölgesi, abdomen
3 |
1 Abdominaal Kar?n bölgesine ba?l?, bölgesinde; abdominal.
4 |
1 Aberrant Ayr?, farkl? olarak
5 |
1 Abnormaal anormal
6 |
1 Abortus Dü?ük, kürtaj, çocuk ald?rmak
7 |
1 Absence Yokluk, olmamak, mevcut olmamak.
8 |
1 Accumulatie Y???l?m, y???lma
9 |
1 Aciditeit Asidite, asitlik derecesi (düzeyi, seviyesi)
10 |
1 Acne Akne
11 |
1 Actief Aktif
12 |
1 Activeren Aktifle?tirme, aktih hale getirme, uyarma.
13 |
1 Activiteit Aktivite
14 |
1 Acustischit Akustik
15 |
1 Acuut Akut
16 |
1 Adaptatie Adaptasyon, uyum, uyum sa?lama
17 |
1 Addictie Ba??ml?l?k
18 |
1 Additioneel Ek olarak, ilaveten.
19 |
1 Additivum Ek madde, katk? maddesi, katk?.
20 |
1 Adenoom Adenom
21 |
1 Adequaat Yeterli, gerekti?i kadar
22 |
1 Adolescent Ergen, ergenlik ça??, delikanl?l?k
23 |
1 Adrenerg Adrenerjik
24 |
1 Adult Yeti?kin, ergin
25 |
1 Advies Tavsiye
26 |
1 Aeroob Aerobik
27 |
1 Aerosol Spreyimsi, havada da??lan
28 |
1 Afasie Konu?ma bozuklu?u, konu?amama
29 |
1 Affiniteit ilgi, alaka
30 |
1 Agens Etken, etkin madde
31 |
1 Agranulocytose Agranulocytosis
32 |
1 Agressiviteit Agresiv olma durumu, ta?k?nl?k
33 |
1 Albumine Albumin
34 |
1 Alcoholisme Alkolism, alkol ba??ml?l???
35 |
1 Alkalisch Alkalik, bazik.
36 |
1 Allergeen Allerjik etken, allerji yapan
37 |
1 Allergie Allerji
38 |
1 Allergisch Allerji alakal?, allerji ilintili.
39 |
1 Alternatief Alternative
40 |
1 Amine Amin
41 |
1 Aminozuur Amino asit
42 |
1 Anaal Geriden, anüsten
43 |
1 Anabool Anabolik, metabolizman?n sentezleme kanad?.
44 |
1 Anaemia Anemi
45 |
1 Anafylactisch Anflaktik
46 |
1 Analgeticum Analgezic
47 |
1 Analoog Anolog
48 |
1 Analyse Analiz, inceleme.
49 |
1 Anamnese Anamnez
50 |
1 Ananroob Anaerobik, oksijensiz
51 |
1 Anatomisch Anatomik, anatomi alakal?.
52 |
1 Androgenen Androjenik
53 |
1 Anesthesie Anestezi, uyu?turma, uyutma
54 |
1 Anestheticum Anestetik, uyu?turucu, uyutucu
55 |
1 Anhydrisch Anhidröz
56 |
1 Anionisch Anyonik
57 |
1 Anomalie Anomali
58 |
1 Anorganisch Inorganic, organik olmayan
59 |
1 Anoxie Oksizjensizlik
60 |
1 Antacidum Asite kar??, asit kar??t?
61 |
1 Antagonist Antagonist
62 |
1 Antecedent Antecedent
63 |
1 Antemeticum Antiemetik, kusmaya (bulant?) kar??
64 |
1 Anthelminthicum Solucan-barsak kurduna kar??.
65 |
1 Anthrax Antrax
66 |
1 Anti-Allergisch Allerjiye kar??
67 |
1 Anti-Angineus Anjine kar??
68 |
1 Anti-Asthmaticum Astma veya benzeri duruma kar??
69 |
1 Antibacterieel Bakterilere kar??, bakteriler için
70 |
1 Antibioticatherapie Antibiyok kullan?larak yap?lan tedavi, antibiyotik kullan?lmas?
71 |
1 Antibioticum Antibiyotik. Bakteri, mantar, vs ye kar?? kullan?lan ilaç grubu
72 |
1 Anticoagulans P?ht?la?may? önleyici, antikoagülan
73 |
1 Antidepressivum Depreseyona kar??, depresyon önleyici
74 |
1 Antidotum Antidot
75 |
1 Anti-epilepticum Saraya kar??, sara için
76 |
1 Antifibrinolyticum Fibrinolizi önlemek için
77 |
1 Antifungisch Mantarlara kar??, mantarlarla mücadele için
78 |
1 Antigeen Antijen
79 |
1 Antihistaminicum Antihistamin
80 |
1 Antihypertensivum Antihipertansif, yüksek tansiyona kar??
81 |
1 Anti-Infectieus Enfeksiyona kar??, enfeksiyon önleyici olarak
82 |
1 Anti-Inflammatoir Antienflamvatuar
83 |
1 Antilichaam Antibodi
84 |
1 Antimicrobieel Microplara kar??
85 |
1 Antimitoticum Mitoz bölünmeyi durduran
86 |
1 Antimycoticum Mayoz bölünmeyi durduran
87 |
1 Anti-Oestrogeen Anti-östrojenik
88 |
1 Anti-Oxydans Antioksidant
89 |
1 Antitoxine Antitoksin, kar?? toksin
90 |
1 Antitrombotisch P?ht?la?ma önleyici, t?kaç olu?umu önleyici
91 |
1 Antiviraal Antiviral, virüslere kar??
92 |
1 Anus Anüs, makat, geri
93 |
1 Aplastische Anemie Aplastik anemi
94 |
1 Applicatie Uygulama, kullanma, kullan?m
95 |
1 Approximaal Yakla??k, a?a?? yukar?
96 |
1 Aquosus Sulu, sulu ?özeltide
97 |
1 Aromatisch Aromatik, (baz? durumlarda koku veren)
98 |
1 Arterieel Arterial
99 |
1 Arteriosclerose Arteriosklerozis
100 |
1 Artificieel Suni, yapay
101 |
1 Artritis Artrit
102 |
1 Asepsis Mikropsuz olma durumu
103 |
1 Aseptisch Mikropsuz ortamda
104 |
1 Aspecifiek Spesifik olmayan
105 |
1 Assisteren Rehberlik-k?lavuzluk etme.
106 |
1 Ataxie Hareketsizlik
107 |
1 Atoxisch Toksik omayan, zehir etkisi göstermeyen
108 |
1 Atrium Atrium
109 |
1 Atrofie Atrofi
110 |
1 Atypisch Atipik, tipik olmayan
111 |
1 Auto-Immuun Otoimmün
112 |
1 Bacil Basil
113 |
1 Bactericide Bakteri öldürücü
114 |
1 Bacteriod Bakteroid
115 |
1 Bacteriologisch Bakteriyolojik
116 |
1 Bacteriostaticum Bakteriyostatik
117 |
1 Barrier Bariyer, engel
118 |
1 Basaal Bazal
119 |
1 Base Temel
120 |
1 Benigne Benign, iyi huylu
121 |
1 Beschermend Koruyucu olarak, koruyucu
122 |
1 Beta-Blokkeerder Beta-bloklayıcı
123 |
1 Bifasisch Bifazik
124 |
1 Bilateraal Bilateral
125 |
1 Bioavailability Biyolojik mevcudiyet
126 |
1 Biochemisch Biyokimyasal
127 |
1 Biodegradatie Biyodegredasyon
128 |
1 Bio-Equivalent Biyoeküvalent, biyo eşlenik, muadil.
129 |
1 Biologisch Biyolojik
130 |
1 Biopsie Biyopsi
131 |
1 Biosynthese Biyosentez
132 |
1 Biotransformatie Biyotransformasyon
133 |
1 Breedspectrum Geniş spektrum
134 |
1 Bronchiaal Bronşiyal
135 |
1 Bronchitis Bronşit
136 |
1 Bronchopneumonie Bronşiyal pnömoni (zatürre)
137 |
1 Bronchus Bronş, bronşlardan her biri
138 |
1 Calcificatie kireçle?me, kemikle?me, Ca birikimi
139 |
1 Calciurie idrarda kalsiyum görülmesi
140 |
1 Candidiasis Canddidaz, Candida enfeksiyonu.
141 |
1 Capaciteit kapasite
142 |
1 Capillair kapillar
143 |
1 Carcinogeen kanserojenik, kanser yap?c?
144 |
1 Cardiaal Kalp ile alakal?
145 |
1 Cardiogeen Cardiogenic
146 |
1 Cardiologisch Kalp ile alakal?, ilintili.
147 |
1 Cardiomegalie Kalp büyümesi, kardiyomegali
148 |
1 Cardiorespiratoir Kalp-Solunum alakal?
149 |
1 Cardioselectief Cardioselective
150 |
1 Cardiotoxisch Kalbe toksik, kalp zehirleyici
151 |
1 Cardiovasculair kalp-damar sistemi (kalp damar cerrahisi ifadesindeki gibi)
152 |
1 Castratie K?s?rla?t?rma, eneme, burma
153 |
1 Cataract Katarakt
154 |
1 Catheterisatie Kateterleme
155 |
1 Catheter Kateter
156 |
1 Caudaal Kuyurk, kuyruk alakal?
157 |
1 Causaal neden, sebep
158 |
1 Caviteit çukur, girinti, delik
159 |
1 Cellulitis Selülit
160 |
1 Celmembraan Hücre zar?, hücre membran?
161 |
1 Cerebellair Beyincik alakal?,
162 |
1 Cerebraal Serebrum
163 |
1 Cerebrospinaal beyin-omurilik
164 |
1 Cerebrovasculair beyin damarlar? (sistemi), beyin damar?
165 |
1 Cervicaal servikal, serviks alakal?
166 |
1 Cervix Uteri Serviks, cervix
167 |
1 Chelatie Çelatla?ma
168 |
1 Chemisch Kimyasal
169 |
1 Chemoreceptor Kimyasal reseptör, kemoreseptör
170 |
1 Chemotherapeuticum ?laçl? tedavi ile, kimyasalla tedavi ile
171 |
1 Chemotherapie ?laçla tedavi, kimyasalla tedavi
172 |
1 Chirurgisch Cerrahi
173 |
1 Cholesterol Kolesterol
174 |
1 Cholinerg Kolinerji
175 |
1 Chromosomaal Kromozomal
176 |
1 Chronisch Kronik
177 |
1 Circulatie Sirkülasyon, döngü, dola??m
178 |
1 Cirrose Siroz
179 |
1 Classificatie Tasnif, s?n?fland?rma
180 |
1 Clitoraal Klitoral
181 |
1 Coagulatie P?ht?la?ma, birbirine yap??ma
182 |
1 Coenzyme Koenzim, co-enzim.
183 |
1 Coitus birle?me, e?le?me, cinsel ili?ki
184 |
1 Collageen Kollajen
185 |
1 Colloidaal Kolloidal
186 |
1 Colopathie kolonopatiü kolon hastal???
187 |
1 Colorectaal kolorektal,
188 |
1 Combinatie Kombinasyon, bile?im
189 |
1 Compatibel uyum içinde, uygun olabilen,
190 |
1 Compensatie ödeme, kar??lama
191 |
1 Competitief rekabet güçü olan, yar??abilir
192 |
1 Complementair takdir olarak, be?eni olarak
193 |
1 Complement takdir, be?eni
194 |
1 Complex kompleks, karma??k
195 |
1 Complicatie komplikasyon
196 |
1 Component bile?en
197 |
1 Concentratie konsantrasyon (insan?n bir i?e kendini veremesi)
198 |
1 Conditie ?art
199 |
1 Condoom lastik, k?l?f, prezervatif
200 |
1 Confusie kar??t?rma, birbirinden ay?rtedememe, etc
201 |
1 Congenitaal do?umsal, do?umdan gelen, konjenital
202 |
1 Conjugatie konjugasyon
203 |
1 Conjugatus konjuge olmu?, e?lenmi?
204 |
1 Conjunctivitis konjuktivit
205 |
1 Conservatief konservatif, tutucu
206 |
1 Conserveren muhafaza etmek, tutucu olmak
207 |
1 Constipatie kab?zl?k, tutkunluk, perklik
208 |
1 Constitutioneel Anayasal
209 |
1 Contact ?rtibat, temas
210 |
1 Contaminatie kirlenme, bula?ma,
211 |
1 Continu sürekli, daveaml?, daimi
212 |
1 Contractie Kas?lma, kas?l?p gev?eme, do?umda kas?lma sanc?lar?
213 |
1 Contra-Indicatie Kontraindikasyon, kar?? etki, belirti
214 |
1 Conventioneel konvensiyonel
215 |
1 Conversie dönü?türme
216 |
1 coordinatie koordinasyon
217 |
1 Cornea kornea
218 |
1 Coronair koroner
219 |
1 Corpus Luteum Corpus Luteum, sar? leke, sar? madde. (Yumurtlamada)
220 |
1 Correctie düzeltme
221 |
1 Correlatie ilinti, korelasyon
222 |
1 Corresponderen kar??l?k gelme, kar??l?k olma
223 |
1 Cortex kabuk, korteks
224 |
1 Corticaal korteks alakal?
225 |
1 Cosmeticum kozmetik
226 |
1 Craniaal Kafatas? alakal?
227 |
1 Crisis Kriz
228 |
1 Criterium Kriter
229 |
1 Cumulatief Kümülative, toplu
230 |
1 Curve e?ri
231 |
1 Cutaan cilt/ deri alakal?
232 |
1 Cyanose siyanoz, mavi renk almak
233 |
1 Cyclisch Siklik, döngüsel
234 |
1 Cyclus Döngü
235 |
1 Cytochroom Sitokrom
236 |
1 Cytoplasma Sitoplazma
237 |
1 Cytotoxisch Sitotoksikü hücreye zehir etkisi yapan.
238 |
1 Kippencollageen tavuk kolljeni
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See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
1 |
1 accident haadsaa
2 |
1 afflicted pidit
3 |
1 agoraphobia khule sthano ki bhiti
4 |
1 anxiety disorder chintajanya vikaar
5 |
1 attack aakrmann
6 |
1 baby bachha
7 |
1 bacteria germ jivanu
8 |
1 blood rakt
9 |
1 Brain mashtishk
10 |
1 brown bhure
11 |
1 bumps dhumde
12 |
1 Capacity kshamta
13 |
1 cervix garbhashay
14 |
1 cheek gaal
15 |
1 Cold thanda
16 |
1 community samudaya
17 |
1 Condition sthiti
18 |
1 Constant nirantar
19 |
1 Cough khansi
20 |
1 dead mrutak
21 |
1 Dentist dent chikitsak
22 |
2 Difficulty in breathing saans lene mein kathinayi
23 |
1 Digestion paachan
24 |
1 disease bimari
25 |
1 disorder vikaar
26 |
2 edge kinara
27 |
1 Epilepsy Mirgi
28 |
1 express vyakt
29 |
1 Eye aankh
30 |
1 Fall girna
31 |
1 Family parivaar
32 |
1 Foot paer
33 |
1 for hetu
34 |
1 Foul smell durgandh
35 |
1 Freshness taazgi
36 |
1 future bhavishya
37 |
1 Gonorrhea sujaak
38 |
1 grey sleti
39 |
1 guidelines marg nirdesh
40 |
1 heart disease hriday rog
41 |
1 holes gaddhe
42 |
1 hurts while peeing mutr utsarjan ke samay pida hoti hai
43 |
1 infected person sankramit vyakti
44 |
1 infected sankramit
45 |
1 initial prarambhik
46 |
1 injured ghayal
47 |
1 In men purushon mein
48 |
1 In women istriyon mein
49 |
1 itching khujli
50 |
1 Jaw jabda
51 |
1 Joint jod
52 |
1 knee ghutna
53 |
1 lice joon
54 |
1 Lips hont
55 |
2 liquid drav
56 |
1 liquid medicine taral aushadhi
57 |
1 liquid taral
58 |
1 Loose motions dasta
59 |
1 lumps pind
60 |
1 medication dava upchaar
61 |
1 medicine aushadhi
62 |
1 mental maansik
63 |
1 mild halke
64 |
1 more adhik
65 |
1 more serious disease adhik gambhir bimari
66 |
1 mouth mukh
67 |
1 multilingual bahubhashi
68 |
1 Narrow sankra
69 |
1 Nose naak
70 |
1 often aksar
71 |
1 Pain dard
72 |
1 painless dard vihin
73 |
1 panic santraas
74 |
1 penis shishn
75 |
1 physician chikitsak
76 |
1 Pleasant smell sugandh
77 |
1 pressure dabaav
78 |
1 preventable roka ja sakta hai
79 |
1 Profuse atyaadhik
80 |
1 purpose uddeyshya
81 |
1 raised uthe hue
82 |
1 rash dadora
83 |
1 Room kamra
84 |
1 scabies paamaa
85 |
1 serious gambhir
86 |
2 sex sambhog
87 |
1 Sexually transmitted diseases yaun sancharit rog
88 |
1 size aakaar
89 |
1 skin tvacha
90 |
1 Sleep nidra
91 |
1 smear lep
92 |
1 Smell gandha
93 |
1 Sneeze chheenk
94 |
1 Sour khatta
95 |
1 Specialist visheshagya
96 |
1 Strength shakti
97 |
1 strong jabardast
98 |
1 suicidal aatmghati
99 |
1 Sweet meetha
100 |
1 symptoms appear lakshan prakat hona
101 |
1 symptoms lakshan
102 |
1 syphlis updensh
103 |
1 test janch
104 |
1 Tongue jeebh
105 |
1 Tooth daant
106 |
1 Touch chhuna
107 |
1 treatable ilaaj sambhav hai
108 |
1 treatment ilaaj
109 |
1 Treatment upchaar
110 |
1 untreated ilaj na hona
111 |
1 urination mutr utsarjan
112 |
1 urine mutr
113 |
1 Useful upyogi
114 |
1 very small sookshm
115 |
1 vinegar sirka
116 |
1 Vomit ulti
117 |
1 white coloured shvet
118 |
1 wind pipe shwas naali
119 |
1 Worms kide
120 |
1 wrap lep
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See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
1 |
1 abdomen rongga perut
2 |
1 abdominal distension perut kembung
3 |
1 abortion keguguran
4 |
1 abrasion lecet
5 |
1 ache sakit
6 |
1 acid reflux refluks asam, aliran balik asam lambung
7 |
1 acne jerawat
8 |
1 action tremor tremor tindak
9 |
1 active ingredients bahan aktif
10 |
1 acute akut
11 |
1 acute respiratory tract infection infeksi saluran pernafasan akut / ISPA
12 |
1 addict pecandu
13 |
1 admission masuk rumah sakit
14 |
1 after meals setelah waktu makan
15 |
1 airway obstruction penyumbatan saluran napas; obstruksi saluran napas
16 |
1 airway saluran napas
17 |
1 albinism kebulaian, albinisme
18 |
1 Alcohol dependence Kecanduan minuman keras
19 |
1 alergy alergi
20 |
1 amenorrhea berhenti mens
21 |
1 anaemia anemia
22 |
1 anaemia penyakit kurang sel darah merah
23 |
1 anaesthetic anestetik; obat bius
24 |
1 anal fissure fisur anal, rekah dubur, rekah pelepasan (anus)
25 |
1 Analgesics Obat penawar sakit
26 |
1 aneurysm keadaan membengkak di dinding pembuluh darah
27 |
1 angiography angiografi
28 |
1 antibody antibodi
29 |
1 antioxidant / a substance that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen or peroxides antioksidan
30 |
1 antiseptic antiseptik
31 |
1 anus dubur; anus
32 |
1 aphthous ulcer tukak aftosa; ulkus aftosa; sariawan
33 |
1 aplastic anaemia anemia aplastik
34 |
1 appendicitis radang usus buntu
35 |
1 appendix usus buntu
36 |
1 appetite nafsu makan
37 |
1 appointment perjanjian jumpa doktor
38 |
1 arrhythmia aritmia
39 |
1 arteriosclerosis aterosklerosis
40 |
1 artery arteri
41 |
1 artery pembuluh darah bersih
42 |
1 arthritis artritis
43 |
1 arthritis sakit sendi-sendi
44 |
1 atrophy atrofi, penyusutan atau pengecilan jaringan atau organ
45 |
1 autism autisma
46 |
1 axilla ketiak
47 |
1 babbling bercakap dengan tak tentu makna
48 |
1 baby sling kain gendong
49 |
1 Bacterial infections Infeksi bakteri
50 |
1 BCG vaksin TBC; bacillus
51 |
1 Beats Tempat mejeng
52 |
1 bed bath mandi di tempat tidur
53 |
1 bed rest istirahat di tempat tidur untuk pasien
54 |
1 bedsores luka atau lecet di bagian belakang badan karena terlalu lama berbaring dalam masa sakit
55 |
1 bedwetting ngompol
56 |
1 before meals sebelum waktu makan
57 |
1 benign growth tumor jinak
58 |
1 beta-carotene / an isomer of carotene found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables and fruits beta-karoten
59 |
1 bile duct saluran kelenjar empedu
60 |
1 bile empedu
61 |
1 birth control; family planning keluarga berencana
62 |
1 birth defect kecacatan kelahiran
63 |
1 Birth defects Cacat dari lahir
64 |
1 birth mark tanda yang dibawa oleh bayi waktu lahir
65 |
1 bladder pundi kencing; kandung air kemeh
66 |
1 bladder stone batu kandung kemih
67 |
1 blister blister
68 |
1 blister lepuh; gelembung atau bengkak berair pada kulit
69 |
1 blister lepuh, lecet
70 |
1 bloated kembung; sembab
71 |
1 blood circulation peredaran darah
72 |
1 blood clot bekuan darah
73 |
1 blood plasma plasma darah
74 |
1 blood pressure tekanan darah
75 |
1 blood sugar level kadar gula di dalam darah
76 |
1 Blood Sugar Level Tingkat gula darah
77 |
1 Blood transfusions Transfusi darah
78 |
1 blood type/group golongan darah
79 |
1 Body fuids Cairan tubuh
80 |
1 body mass index indeks massa tubuh
81 |
1 Body piercing Tindik tubuh/piercing
82 |
2 boil bisul
83 |
1 bone formation pembentukan sel-sel tulang melalui aktivitas sel osteoblast
84 |
1 bone resorption penguraian sel-sel tulang melalui aktivitas sel osteoclast
85 |
1 bone tulang
86 |
1 bowel movement buang air besar, BAB
87 |
1 boxers fracture patah tulang petinju
88 |
1 Brothel Rumah pelacuran
89 |
1 burning pain rasa pedih / rasa nyeri bakar
90 |
1 Caesarean section (C-section) Operasi sesar
91 |
1 calf betis
92 |
1 calory kalori
93 |
1 canker sores sariawan
94 |
1 carbohydrate / any of various neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (as sugars, starches, and celluloses) karbohidrat
95 |
1 cardiomegaly kardiomegali, pembesaran jantung
96 |
1 Cardiopulmonary Resusitation (CPR) Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP)
97 |
1 carotene / any of several orange or red crystalline hydrocarbon pigments C40H56 that occur in the chromoplasts of plants karoten
98 |
1 celiac disease penyakit seliak
99 |
1 central vision penglihatan sentral
100 |
1 Cervical cancer Kanker mulut rahim
101 |
1 cervical polyp polip rahim, polip serviks
102 |
1 cervix serviks, leher rahim
103 |
1 chain reaction reaksi berantai
104 |
1 chin dagu
105 |
1 chlamydia klamidia
106 |
1 cholesterol kolesterol
107 |
1 chondromalacia patella patela kondromalasia
108 |
1 Cirrhosis of the liver Penyakit hati akut
109 |
1 cirrhosis sirosis
110 |
1 Clearance Pembersihan infeksi
111 |
1 Clinical trials Percobaan klinis
112 |
1 cluster headache sakit kepala gugus
113 |
1 coccydynia koksidinia
114 |
1 coccyx koksiks, tulang tungging
115 |
1 Cognitive impairment Cacat otak
116 |
1 Coitus Interruptus Sanggama terputus
117 |
1 Cold sores Seriawan
118 |
1 colicky pain rasa sakit perut / rasa mulas perut
119 |
1 colic mulas
120 |
1 Combination therapy Pengobatan kombinasi
121 |
1 come into contact bersentuhan
122 |
1 Complementary medicine Obat komplementer
123 |
1 complete rest istirahat total
124 |
1 composition komposisi
125 |
1 congenital bleeding disorder gangguan perdarahan bawaan, gangguan perdarahan kongenital
126 |
1 congestive heart failure gagal jantung kongestif
127 |
1 Consent Persetujuan/izin
128 |
1 constant pain rasa sakit yang tetap / kerap
129 |
1 constitution kondisi fisik, perawakan, bentuk tubuh
130 |
1 contact dermatitis dermatitis kontak
131 |
1 contraction kontraksi / usaha dari kandungan untuk mengeluarkan isinya
132 |
1 contraindications kontraindikasi
133 |
1 contusion memar, luka memar
134 |
1 convulsions konvulsi
135 |
1 coronary occlusion oklusi koroner
136 |
1 cosmeceutical product produk kosmetika bercampur bahan kimia obat
137 |
1 curcuma xanthorrhiza temulawak
138 |
1 cyanosis sianosis
139 |
1 cystitis sistitis
140 |
1 decreasing pain rasa sakit yang semakin kurang
141 |
1 deficiency defisiensi
142 |
1 Dementia Demensia/Pikun
143 |
1 dengue fever / acute infectious disease caused by an arbovirus, transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, characterized by headache, joint pain, rash demam berdarah
144 |
1 Dependence Ketergantungan
145 |
1 Depression Depresi/Tertekan
146 |
1 Dermatitis Bengkak kulit
147 |
1 dermatophytes dermatofit
148 |
1 Detectable viral load Ada virus yang terdeteksi dalam darah
149 |
1 DHS (Department of Human Services) DHS Departemen Pelayanan Sosial
150 |
1 diabetes mellitus diabetes melitus, kencing manis
151 |
1 diabetes mellitus penyakit kencing manis
152 |
1 Dietician Ahli gizi
153 |
1 digestive tract saluran cerna
154 |
1 digestive tract saluran pencernaan
155 |
1 dissolved dilarutkan
156 |
1 diuretics diuretik
157 |
1 diverticulosis divertikulosis
158 |
1 doctor's instructions petunjuk dokter
159 |
1 dose dosis
160 |
1 double vision penglihatan ganda
161 |
1 Douche Mencuci kemaluan wanita atau dubur
162 |
1 Drink spiking Menaruh obat memabukkan ke dalam minuman
163 |
1 Drug dependence Ketergantungan pada narkoba
164 |
1 dysfunctional psychophysiologic reaction reaksi psikofisiologikal disfungsional
165 |
1 dyspnea dispnea, sesak napas
166 |
1 earache sakit telinga
167 |
1 Early diagnosis Diagnosa awal
168 |
1 echocardiography echokardiografi
169 |
1 ectopic pregnancy kehamilan tuba
170 |
1 egg cell sel telur
171 |
1 elderly women wanita lansia / lanjut usia
172 |
1 ephedrine / a crystalline alkaloid C10H15NO extracted from Chinese ephedras or synthesized and used in the form of a salt for relief of hay fever etc efedrin
173 |
1 epigastrium ulu hati
174 |
1 esophagus esofagus
175 |
1 Eustachian tube tabung Eustachius
176 |
1 exercise bicycle sepeda statis
177 |
1 false hope harapan semu
178 |
1 fenilpropanolamin / FPA phenylpropanolamine
179 |
1 flu / common cold selesma / flu
180 |
1 fluid retention penimbunan cairan
181 |
1 folic acid asam folat / asam folik / salah satu mikronutrisi penting untuk metabolisme yang banyak terkandung dalam sayuran hijau, jus jeruk dan kacang-kacangan
182 |
1 food supplement suplemen makanan
183 |
1 free radical / an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons radikal bebas / molekul-molekul tak stabil yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai proses kimia normal tubuh, radiasi matahari atau kosmis, asap rokok, dll
184 |
1 Gastroenterologist Ahli penyakit usus
185 |
1 gastrointestinal tract saluran cerna
186 |
1 Gay Homoseks
187 |
1 Genital discharge Cairan dari kelamin
188 |
1 genital herpes herpes genitalis
189 |
1 Genital herpes Infeksi herpes kelamin
190 |
1 genitourinary system sistem genitourinari
191 |
1 gingivitis radang gusi, ginggivitis
192 |
1 gland kelenjar
193 |
1 glaucoma glaukoma
194 |
1 glucose glukosa
195 |
1 goitre gondong
196 |
1 gout asam urat
197 |
1 GUD (genital ulcer) GUD (bisul pada kelamin)
198 |
2 HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) - HAART (terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif)
199 |
1 Haemoglobin Hemoglobin
200 |
1 Haemophilia Hemoflia
201 |
1 hay fever demam hay
202 |
1 HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma, kanker hati)
203 |
1 head ache sakit kepala
204 |
1 Health Undertaking Perjanjian Kesehatan
205 |
1 heartburn nyeri ulu hati
206 |
1 heart disease penyakit jantung
207 |
1 Heart disease Penyakit jantung
208 |
1 heart valve katup jantung
209 |
1 height tinggi badan
210 |
1 hemorrhagic stroge stroke hemoragik; perdarahan otak
211 |
1 hemorrhaging / bleeding perdarahan
212 |
1 Hepatitis B core antibody Core antibody Hepatitis B
213 |
1 Hepatitis B e antigen Antigen/Pertanda Hepatitis B e
214 |
1 Hepatitis B surface antibody Surface antibody Hepatitis B
215 |
1 Hepatitis Hepatitis/Penyakit kuning
216 |
1 Hepatologist Spesialis penyakit hati
217 |
1 herpes zoster cacar ular, cacar api
218 |
1 Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes Zoster (Sinaga)
219 |
1 high blood pressure; hypertension Tekanan darah tinggi; hipertensi
220 |
1 high fat content kandungan lemak tinggi
221 |
1 hormone hormon
222 |
1 hormone replacement therapy terapi pengganti hormon
223 |
1 HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) HSV (Virus Herpes Simpleks)
224 |
1 Human Development Index Indeks Pembangunan Manusia
225 |
1 hypercalcemia hiperkalsemia / kelebihan kalsium, lebih dari 10 mg%
226 |
1 hypermetropia hipermetropia
227 |
1 hypocalcemia hipokalsemia / kekurangan kalsium, yaitu, kurang dari 10 mg%
228 |
1 IDU (injecting drug user) Pemakai narkoba suntikan
229 |
1 Immune Reconstitution Syndrome IRIS (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome)
230 |
1 immune system sistem kekebalan
231 |
1 Immune system Sistem kekebalan tubuh
232 |
1 Immunosuppressed Sistem kekebalan tubuh tertekan
233 |
1 Impotence Impotensi/ lemah syahwat
234 |
1 Inderminate test result Hasil tes tidak menentukan
235 |
1 Infammation Peradangan
236 |
1 infected terinfeksi
237 |
1 Infectious diseases Penyakit menular
238 |
1 Infectious Diseases Physician Spesialis Penyakit Menular
239 |
1 Infectious, infectiousness Menular, kemampuan menular
240 |
1 Infertility Kemandulan
241 |
1 inflamation inflamasi
242 |
1 Informed consent Persetujuan tindakan medik setelah diterangkan
243 |
1 ingestion proses menelan
244 |
1 inhalation hirupan
245 |
1 Injecting equipment Alat suntik
246 |
1 injection injeksi
247 |
1 Inject Menyuntik
248 |
1 Insertive partner Pasangan pemberi
249 |
1 insulin insulin / hormon yang berfungsi memasukkan gula darah ke dalam sel untuk dijadikan tenaga
250 |
1 intercurrent infection infeksi semasa
251 |
1 Interferon Interferon
252 |
1 Intersex Intersex, waria
253 |
1 intracranial bleed perdarahan intrakranial
254 |
1 intracranial intrakranial
255 |
1 intramuscular intramuskular
256 |
1 iodized salt garam beryodium
257 |
1 iron zat besi
258 |
1 irritable bowel syndrome sindrom usus rengsa
259 |
1 ischaemic stroke stroke iskemik; bekuan darah yang menyumbat pembuluh darah otak
260 |
1 isoniazid isoniazida
261 |
1 Itchy Gatal
262 |
1 IUD (intrauterine device) IUD/alat KB spiral
263 |
1 junk food makanan siap saji
264 |
1 KS (Kaposis sarcoma) KS (Sarkoma Kaposi)
265 |
1 Labia Kemaluan luar wanita
266 |
1 lack / deficiency kekurangan
267 |
1 lactose intolerance intoleransi laktosa
268 |
1 Late diagnosis Diagnosa lambat
269 |
1 lower extremity anggota gerak bawah
270 |
1 lower respiratory tract saluran nafas bawah
271 |
1 lymph gland kelenjar limfa
272 |
1 lymph gland nodus limfa, kelenjar getah bening
273 |
1 lymph node nodus limfa, kelenjar getah bening
274 |
1 MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) MAC (Kompleks Mikobakterium Avium)
275 |
1 malabsorption salah serap, malabsorpsi, malaserap
276 |
1 malignancy keganasan
277 |
1 Mantoux test Tes Mantoux
278 |
1 Marginalised groups Kelompok marginal
279 |
1 Masturbation Masturbasi/onani
280 |
1 MDR (Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis) MDR-TB (TBC multi-resistensi)
281 |
1 measles campak
282 |
1 Medication Pengobatan
283 |
1 Meningitis Meningitis
284 |
1 menorrhagia menoragia
285 |
1 Menstruation Haid/ menstruasi
286 |
1 Mental health Kesehatan jiwa
287 |
1 Methamphetamine Metamfetamin
288 |
1 micrograms per day mikrogram per hari / mcg/d
289 |
1 Midwife Bidan
290 |
1 molecule molekul
291 |
1 Molluscum contagiosum Molluscum contagiosum
292 |
1 Monitoring Monitoring/pemantauan
293 |
1 Monotherapy Monoterapi/pengobatan dengan satu obat
294 |
1 MSM MSM /laki-laki yang berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki
295 |
1 Mucosa Membran mukosa
296 |
1 Mucus Mukus
297 |
1 muscle tone tonus otot
298 |
1 muscle wasting peletihan otot
299 |
1 Mutation Mutasi/ perubahan bahan genetik
300 |
1 myasthenia gravis miastenia gravis
301 |
1 myocardial infarction serangan jantung, infark miokardial
302 |
1 myopia miopia, rabun jauh
303 |
1 nasal drop obat tetes hidung
304 |
1 nausea mual
305 |
1 Needle exchange Penukaran jarum
306 |
1 needle jarum
307 |
1 neonatal neonatus
308 |
1 Neovagina Neovagina
309 |
1 Neutrophils Neutrofl
310 |
1 niacin niasin
311 |
1 Non-compliance Ketidakpatuhan
312 |
1 Non-penetrative sex Seks tanpa penetrasi
313 |
1 NSU (non-specifc urethritis) NSU (Uretritis non-spesifk)
314 |
1 nutriceutical prouduct suplemen makanan dikombinasi dengan sediaan farmasi
315 |
1 nutritionist ahli gizi
316 |
1 obese obes
317 |
1 obesity kegemukan, obesitas
318 |
1 obesity obesitas
319 |
1 Obstetrician Spesialis Kandungan
320 |
1 Oncologist Spesialis Onkologi (Penyakit kanker)
321 |
1 Opiate replacement therapy Terapi pengganti narkoba
322 |
1 Opportunistic infection Infeksi oportunistik
323 |
1 optic nerve saraf optik / saraf mata
324 |
1 Oral contraceptive Pil KB
325 |
1 Oral health Kesehatan mulut
326 |
1 oral lesion lesi mulut
327 |
1 Oral sex Seks oral/ seks dengan mulut
328 |
1 orchitis orkitis
329 |
1 Orgasm Orgasme/puncak nafsu
330 |
2 osteoporosis kekeroposan tulang
331 |
1 oxigen oksigen
332 |
1 pain nyeri
333 |
1 pancreas pankreas
334 |
1 Pap smear Tes Pap
335 |
1 paronychia paronikia
336 |
1 Partner notifcation Pemberitahuan pasangan
337 |
1 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) PCR (Reaksi berantai polimerase)
338 |
1 Peer support Dukungan sebaya
339 |
1 Penetrative sex Seks dengan penetrasi
340 |
1 PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Pencegahan pasca pajanan
341 |
1 peptic ulcer tukak lambung, tukak peptik
342 |
1 Perinatal transmission Penularan vertikal
343 |
1 Peripheral neuropathy Neuropati perifer
344 |
1 Pharmacist Apoteker/Ahli farmasi
345 |
1 pharmacology kefarmasian
346 |
1 Pharmacotherapy Farmakoterapi
347 |
1 phonic tics, vocal tics tik suara
348 |
1 Physiotherapist Ahli fsioterapi
349 |
1 PID (Pelvic Infammatory Disease) PID (penyakit radang pinggul)
350 |
1 pilonidal cyst sista pilonidal
351 |
1 placenta ari-ari
352 |
1 placenta plasenta
353 |
1 plaque kerak; plak; deposit dari substansi seperti lemak
354 |
1 pleurisy pleurisi
355 |
1 polyphagia polifagia
356 |
1 Positive status Status positif
357 |
1 postmenopausal women wanita pasca menopause
358 |
1 pregnant women wanita hamil
359 |
1 Pre-test counselling Konseling sebelum tes
360 |
1 Prevention Pencegahan
361 |
1 priapism priapismus; priapisme
362 |
1 Proctitis Proctitis/radang lapisan dubur
363 |
1 proctitis proktitis
364 |
1 Prophylaxis Pengobatan pencegahan
365 |
1 prostate cancer kanker prostat
366 |
1 Protected sex Seks aman
367 |
1 psychiatrist dokter psikiater
368 |
1 Psychosocial support Dukungan psikososial
369 |
1 psychosomatic illness penyakit psikosomatis
370 |
1 Pubic area Daerah kemaluan
371 |
1 Pubic lice Kutu kemaluan
372 |
1 quarter (three months) triwulan
373 |
1 questionnaire kuisioner
374 |
1 Receptive partner Pasangan penerima
375 |
1 refractive astigmatism astigmatisme refraktif
376 |
1 refugee pengungsi
377 |
1 regurgitation regurgitasi, gumoh
378 |
1 Reproductive organs Alat-alat reproduksi
379 |
1 respiratory tract infection radang saluran nafas
380 |
1 Respite care Perawatan memberi istirahat
381 |
1 restless leg sindrom resah kaki
382 |
1 rheumatoid arthritis artritis reumatoid
383 |
1 rheumatoid reumatoid
384 |
1 rhinorrhea rinorea
385 |
1 risk factor faktor risiko
386 |
1 Risk factor Faktor risiko
387 |
1 risk risiko
388 |
1 rotator cuff manset rotator, kaf rotator
389 |
1 Rough sex Seks secara keras
390 |
1 Safe injecting Suntik aman
391 |
1 Safe sex Seks aman
392 |
1 Same-sex atttraction Tertarik dengan sejenis
393 |
1 sanitation sanitasi
394 |
1 saturated fat lemak jenuh
395 |
1 Scarifcation Penorehan kulit
396 |
1 scarlet fever demam skarlatina
397 |
1 scoliosis skoliosis
398 |
1 scrotum skrotum, kantung buah pelir
399 |
1 Section 100 drugs Obat-obatan Pasal 100
400 |
1 Self-care Perawatan diri sendiri
401 |
1 self-limiting sembuh sendiri
402 |
1 Sexual debut Persetubuhan pertama
403 |
1 Sharps container Tempat pembuangan jarum suntik
404 |
1 shingles cacar ular, cacar api
405 |
1 shock syok
406 |
1 side effect efek samping
407 |
1 slow release tablet obat lepas lambat
408 |
1 spinal cord sumsum tulang belakang
409 |
1 spine tulang belakang, tulang punggung
410 |
1 Standard precautions Kewaspadaan standar
411 |
1 staphylococci stafilokokus
412 |
1 steatorrhea steatore
413 |
1 stomach lambung
414 |
1 stroke hemoragik / berdarah hemorrhagic stroke
415 |
1 Subcutaneous injection Suntikan di bawah kulit
416 |
1 sucrose / a sweet crystalline dextrorotatory disaccharide sugar C12H22O11 that occurs naturally in most plants sukrosa
417 |
1 sustained release tablet tablet berefek panjang
418 |
1 syncope sinkop
419 |
1 syringe suntik
420 |
1 tachycardia takikardia
421 |
1 tachypnea takipnea
422 |
1 teaspoon sendok teh
423 |
1 tension-type headache sakit kepala tipe ketegangan
424 |
1 Terminal illness Sakit mendekati kematian
425 |
1 Termination (of pregnancy) Penghentian kehamilan
426 |
1 testicular torsion kilasan testikular
427 |
1 testosterone testosteron
428 |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HBV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HBV
429 |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HCV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HCV
430 |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HIV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HIV
431 |
1 Thalassaemia Talasemia
432 |
1 therapy terapi
433 |
1 thermoanesthesia termanestesia
434 |
1 throbbing pain rasa sakit berdenyut
435 |
1 thrombosis trombosis
436 |
1 Thrush Kandidosis/Infeksi Candida
437 |
1 tinnitus tinitus
438 |
1 to blow hembuskan
439 |
1 toothache sakit gigi
440 |
1 Tourniquet Turniket
441 |
1 tract saluran
442 |
1 Transactional sex Seks berbayar
443 |
1 transplantation transplantasi
444 |
1 Transplant Cangkok
445 |
1 Transvestite Banci/wadam
446 |
1 Treatment failure Kegagalan pengobatan
447 |
1 treatment pengobatan
448 |
1 Treatment Pengobatan
449 |
1 Trichomoniasis Trikonomiasis
450 |
1 Triple therapy Terapi dengan 3 obat
451 |
1 Tubal Ligation Tubektom
452 |
1 Tuberculosis TBC /penyakit paru-paru
453 |
1 tuberculosis tuberkulosis
454 |
1 UAIC (unprotected anal intercourse) UAIC (seks dubur tanpa pengaman)
455 |
1 ultrasonography ultrasonografi / USG
456 |
1 umbilical cord / cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the placenta tali plasenta
457 |
1 Universal precautions Kewaspadaan universal
458 |
1 Unprotected sex Seks tanpa pengaman
459 |
1 urethral stricture penyempitan uretra, striktur uretra
460 |
1 urethritis uretritis
461 |
1 urinary retention kencing tertahan
462 |
1 urogenital tract saluran urogenital, saluran ginjal dan kelamin
463 |
1 use penggunaan
464 |
1 uterus rahim, uterus
465 |
1 vaccination vaksinasi
466 |
1 vaccine vaksin
467 |
1 Vaccine Vaksin
468 |
1 Vaginal fuid Cairan vagina /kemaluan perempuan
469 |
1 Vaginitis Vaginitis (pembengkakan pada vagina)
470 |
1 Vasectomy Vasektomi
471 |
1 VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) Konseling dan pemeriksaan sukarela
472 |
1 Vertical Transmission Penularan vertikal
473 |
1 Viagra Viagra
474 |
1 vial vial
475 |
1 Viraemia Viraemia
476 |
1 Viral infections Infeksi virus
477 |
1 Viral load Beban virus
478 |
1 Viral resistance Resistensi virus
479 |
1 Virus Virus
480 |
1 vomiting muntah
481 |
1 weak and tired lesu-lemah
482 |
1 weight berat badan
483 |
1 welt bilur
484 |
1 white blood cell sel darah putih
485 |
1 White blood cells Sel-sel darah putih
486 |
1 Window period Celah waktu
487 |
1 Withdrawal (drugs, alcohol) Sakaw/ menghentikan narkoba
488 |
1 Withdrawal (sex) Cabut (seks)
489 |
1 with meals pada waktu makan
490 |
1 womb kandungan
491 |
1 womb rahim
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1 |
1 achilles bilaterally akilles bilat
2 |
1 adherence tilheftning
3 |
1 base joint grunnledd
4 |
1 B-Blood smear B-Bloodutstryk
5 |
1 can (may) damage blood vessels leading to skade av (in phrase)
6 |
1 conative konative
7 |
1 congestion stuvning
8 |
1 consultant (UK); senior specialist or associate professor (USA) overlege
9 |
1 dispersion stor spredning
10 |
1 dribbling etterdrypp
11 |
1 drying loss test tørketapanalyse
12 |
1 gargling breathing sound Surklete i pust
13 |
1 genitals tiss
14 |
1 glucagon glukagon
15 |
1 hypertonia hypertoni
16 |
1 impulse directed // impulse driftsretning
17 |
1 indurated ruglet
18 |
1 in the initial phase den første tiden (in this context)
19 |
1 in the same session i samme seanse
20 |
1 large surgical spoon tarmskje
21 |
1 license as intern / intern's license turnuslisens
22 |
1 minimal passage of contrast trådtynn passaje av kontrast
23 |
1 MRPE - magentic resonance tomography of pelvis MRPE
24 |
1 no latency in response time Ingen latens i svartiden
25 |
1 open up presser ut (in phrase)
26 |
1 opiate results opiatsvar
27 |
1 phosphorylated troponin T; pTnT P-troponin T
28 |
1 progressive progredierende
29 |
1 promote, encourage tilstreve
30 |
1 refill reit.
31 |
1 registrar (UK); resident (US) Lis-Lege
32 |
1 requisition revirererer
33 |
1 sarcoidosis Sarkoidose
34 |
1 secretary skrivekraft
35 |
1 Short Time Inversion Recovery STIR
36 |
1 stay sutures holdesuturer
37 |
1 stocking pull-ons strømpepåtrekker
38 |
1 the head's external surfaces // surfaces on the head hodets bedekninger
39 |
1 to chisel off bortmeisling
40 |
1 toxicity clinic // poison clinic toksisitersklin
41 |
1 uric acid level urinsyrespeil
42 |
1 vascular signs kartegning
43 |
1 very troublesome svært vanskelig
44 |
1 wall changes veggforandringar
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1 |
1 2 sprays/day 2 pufuri/zi
2 |
1 abdominal migraine migrena abdominala
3 |
1 above elbow stump bont de amputatie deasupra articulatiei cotului/ bont humeral
4 |
1 acarbose acarboza
5 |
1 acquisition achizitie (PET-CT)
6 |
1 Acute bronchitis bronșită acută
7 |
1 acute frontal sinusitis sinuzită frontală acută
8 |
1 adherential aderential
9 |
1 administrative solicitor avocat cu functii administrative
10 |
1 adrenal burnout Sindrom de oboseala cronica
11 |
1 advance directive dispozitie in avans
12 |
1 advance directive testament biologic/ directivă în avans
13 |
1 Alkaline phosphatase Fosfataza alcalina
14 |
1 anti-dementia drugs medicamente împotriva demenţei
15 |
1 aortic valve valva aortă
16 |
1 appropriate aloca / rezerva/ pune de-o parte
17 |
1 arthropathy artropatie
18 |
1 attrition rate rata renuntarii (la tratament)/ rata de renuntare
19 |
1 auricular probe stilet (pentru masajul punctelor de auriculoacupunctura)
20 |
1 Average Volume volum țintă
21 |
1 base neck dimensiunea/lungimea bazei colului femural
22 |
1 battlefield anthrax spori de antrax (folositi ca arma biologica)
23 |
1 berry aneurysm hemangiom
24 |
1 beta-amirynoleylalcohol acid esterul acidului amirinic cu oleil alcoolul
25 |
1 bilateral bronchial rales (crackles) raluri bronșice bilaterale
26 |
1 bilateral ovarian endometriosis endometrioza ovariană bilaterală
27 |
1 bilobate bilobar
28 |
1 Biocomposites Biocompozite
29 |
1 bio-optical signals semnale biooptice
30 |
1 Blood relation Person causing disposal of body decedatul este responsabilitatea familiei
31 |
1 bloody clumps of tissue cheaguri si resturi ovulare (fragmente de membrane sau placenta)
32 |
1 borderline marginal
33 |
1 brainstem trunchi cerebral
34 |
1 breast calcifications/microcalcifications microcretificari
35 |
1 business mentoring programme Program de formare in afaceri
36 |
1 cadaveric ecchymosis echimoză la cadavru
37 |
1 calendering calandrare
38 |
1 canker sores Stomatita aftoasa
39 |
1 capillaroscopy capilaroscopie
40 |
1 capsular vessels vase capsulare
41 |
1 cardiotonic glycosides glicozide cardiotonice
42 |
1 caring influence ingrijeste pielea
43 |
1 cartilage builder regeneratoare ale cartilajului
44 |
2 casuarinin casuarinina
45 |
1 catheter pump pompa pentru cateterism
46 |
1 cell debris detritus celular
47 |
1 cellular debri(d)s detritus/resturi celulare
48 |
1 cerebral or ischemic myocardial diseases boala cardiaca ischemica sau boli cerebrale
49 |
1 cervical smear test Test Babes-Papanicolau/ frotiu cervical
50 |
1 choline colină
51 |
1 Chronic allergic conjunctivitis Conjunctivită cronică alergică
52 |
1 clam enterocystoplasty Enterocistoplastie de substitutie
53 |
1 clavicle notch incizura claviculara
54 |
1 clumping aglutinare
55 |
1 coag the conjunctiva coaguleaza conjunctiva
56 |
1 cold sore Stomatita herpetica (sau herpes bucal)
57 |
1 Comprehensive NP Battery Bateria (extinsa) de teste neuropsihologice
58 |
1 Continuing Medical Education Credits Credite EMC (Educație medicală continuă)
59 |
1 core needle biopsy punctie biopsie
60 |
1 coumarins cumarine
61 |
1 counter-regulatory response raspuns de contrareglare
62 |
1 couperosis cuperoza
63 |
1 CT angiography Angiografie CT
64 |
1 culture plate placa cu mediu de cultura/ placa Petri
65 |
2 cytosterol Citosterol
66 |
1 decreased bone marrow haematopoietic tissue Deprimarea maduvei osoase hematopoietice
67 |
1 developmental neurotoxicity neurotoxicitatea in perioada de dezvoltare
68 |
1 Diabetes exam in the area/territory control diabetologic în teritoriu
69 |
1 diagnostic physician Medic de laborator
70 |
1 diffuse membrane positivity pozitiv difuz membranar
71 |
1 distraction osteogenesis osteogeneza prin distractie
72 |
1 Drape câmp steril
73 |
1 draping campuri sterile (de acoperire)
74 |
1 drop counter (flacon cu) picurator
75 |
1 drug diary jurnal de evidenta a tratamentului
76 |
1 early adult-onset scoliosis scoloiza idiopatica juvenila precoce (sau tip I)
77 |
1 electrospinning electrofilare
78 |
1 embolisms embolii
79 |
1 empty buffer tubing evacuati solutile tampon din tubulatura
80 |
1 eosine eozină
81 |
1 equity partner Partener asociat
82 |
1 extirpation evidare
83 |
1 eyeballs on the midline globi oculari pe linie mediană
84 |
1 fasting repaus alimentar
85 |
1 finger straddle massage miscari de apasare cu varful degetelor
86 |
1 flywheel effect efect de inertie
87 |
1 folded bulge circumvolutie/ circumvolutiune
88 |
1 fractionation Fracționare
89 |
1 fragment fragment
90 |
1 frontal cephalalgia cefalee frontală
91 |
1 Frontal maxillary sinusitis sinuzită fronto-maxilară
92 |
1 gain level nivel de intensitate
93 |
1 galvanoscopic leg/ galvanoscopic limb Laba galvanoscopica
94 |
1 gastrocolic omentum epiplon
95 |
1 glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide polipeptida insulinotropica dependenta de glucoza
96 |
1 gluteal region loja fesieră
97 |
1 glycemia, glycosemia,glucemia, glucohemia, glicemie
98 |
1 Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Glicozaminoglicani (GAG)
99 |
1 harness-control system sistem controlat prin ham
100 |
1 health officials Oficialii din Sănătate/Oficialii din Ministerul Sănătăţii
101 |
1 Health Visitor Asistenta comunitara
102 |
1 hesperidine methyl chalcone Hesperidin metil calcona
103 |
1 Hydroxymethylated hidroximetilat
104 |
1 hyperemic pharynx faringe hiperemic
105 |
1 hypoechoic hipoecogen
106 |
1 IFC channels (micro)canale integrate in cartusul microfluidic
107 |
1 iliac osteomuscular compartment compartiment osteo-muscular iliac
108 |
1 iliac vascular bundles axe vasculare iliace
109 |
1 infiltrates infiltreaza
110 |
1 infrared wavelength range range- interval de variatie
111 |
1 intussuscepted nipple valve valva antireflux
112 |
1 invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) carcinom invaziv de glandă mamară de tip ductal
113 |
1 ionized calcium calciu ionic
114 |
1 large pieces (histological / histopathological ) processing prelucrare histopatologică piese mari
115 |
1 life support care Suportul vital de bază (BLS) /suportul vital avansat (ALS)
116 |
1 live and dry blood analyses Test de evaluare a stresului oxidativ
117 |
1 liver enzyme flare cresteri bruste si semnificative ale enzimelor hepatice
118 |
1 liver/hepatic hypertrophy hepatomegalie
119 |
2 living will testament biologic
120 |
1 lymph node/gland limfonodul
121 |
1 lymphoid limfoid
122 |
1 Managed Care Formulary Protocol de ingrijire dirijata
123 |
1 Marked nuclear pleomorphism Pleomorfism nuclear marcat
124 |
1 measure Proces/Capacitate
125 |
1 mediosternal mediosternă
126 |
1 Mitotic index Indice mitotic
127 |
1 Mucopolysaccharides Mucopolizaharide
128 |
1 muscularis layer strat (de țesut) muscular
129 |
1 nasal congestion blocaj nazal
130 |
1 needle with double angle bevel acu cu bizou biangular/bicurbat
131 |
1 neoplasm neo
132 |
1 nerve pathway traiect nervos
133 |
1 Not Otherwise Specified group grupa NOS
134 |
1 Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Patologie oro-maxilo-faciala
135 |
1 palpebral fissure/apperture fantă/comisură palpebrală
136 |
1 parodontium parodonțiu
137 |
1 partially detached egg decolarea partiala a oului
138 |
1 pathway of skin nerves filete nervoase cutanate
139 |
1 pelvic tilt inclinarea pelvisului
140 |
1 photochemical radical initiation inițiere fotochimică radicalică
141 |
1 pick-up colectare
142 |
1 pinkish aspect aspect rozat
143 |
1 pinna unfolding formarea intrauterina a urechii externe
144 |
1 pinna unfolding formarea tragus/ului// urechii externe (intrauterin)
145 |
1 plain abdominal radiography (KUB) radiografie reno-vezicală simplă (RRVS)
146 |
1 Pneumophtysiologist ftiziopneumolog
147 |
1 poliarthropathy poliartropatie
148 |
1 post-radiotherapy postradic
149 |
1 premix/premixture preamestec
150 |
1 profilometry profilometrie
151 |
1 providing minimum nutrition/ minimum dietary requirements asigurarea unei alimentaţii minime
152 |
1 PSA Antigen specific prostatic
153 |
1 pseudorosette pseudorozete
154 |
1 punicalin Punicalina
155 |
1 Purified bromelain bromelaină purificată
156 |
1 purulent rhinorrhea/running nose rinoree purulentă
157 |
1 pyrosis pirozis, arsuri stomacale
158 |
1 rapid-onset disease boala cu debut rapid
159 |
1 relipidation relipidare
160 |
1 resolving resorbţie
161 |
1 ringworm tinea / dermatofitie
162 |
1 rocking balansarea corpului înainte şi înapoi
163 |
1 saline depletion hiponatremie (pierdere de ioni de sodiu, sau depletie salina)
164 |
1 sanguinolent aspect: sangvinolent
165 |
1 saponins saponozide
166 |
1 schlerohyaline sclerohialină
167 |
1 Secondary amenorrhea amenoree secundară
168 |
1 seedy stool scaun grunjos
169 |
1 Serum creatinine Creatinina serica
170 |
1 Serum glucose glucoza serica
171 |
1 shoulder blades scapule/omoplati
172 |
1 signalling substance substante ( sau molecule) semnalizatoare
173 |
1 skeletal scintigraphy/bone scans/ bone scintigraphy examen scintigrafic osos
174 |
1 skin-penetration enhancer ulei (esential) care favorizeaza patrunderea in piele
175 |
1 small-molecule kinase inhibitors inhibitori ai kinazelor cu moleculă mică
176 |
1 somnolence somnolenţă
177 |
1 Speech Therapy Logopedie
178 |
1 spiral ganglion ganglion spiral
179 |
1 split antigen Antigen divizat / fragmentat
180 |
3 strictinin Strictinina
181 |
1 subdiaphragmatic subdiafragmatic
182 |
1 succinylcholine halide succinilcolină halogenat
183 |
1 tall port, short port portul lung, portul scurt
184 |
1 tazobactam sulfamic acid acid tazobactam aminosulfinic
185 |
1 TDM (tomo-densitometric imagery) TDM
186 |
1 TEA salicylate Trolamina
187 |
1 there are only synapses firing Depolarizare
188 |
1 thrombotic stroke AVC trombotic
189 |
1 TMJ Articulaţia temporomandibulară (ATM)
190 |
1 transversal section of superior emergent lobar bronchia rondela emergenta lobara superioara
191 |
1 transverse mesocolon mezotransvers/ mezou transvers
192 |
1 trustees membrii ai Consiliului de Administratie
193 |
1 Tsuga Tuga
194 |
1 ulcerous sore leziuni ulceroase/ulcerohemoragice
195 |
1 ultrasound-guided echoghidat
196 |
1 urinalysis sumar urină
197 |
1 uterine cavity partially open uter cu cavitate întredeschisă
198 |
1 vaginal yeast infection candidoza vaginala
199 |
1 vesicle veziculă
200 |
1 visual analyzer/ auditive analyzer (examination) analizator
201 |
1 wedge position cateterul se afla intr/o pozitie din care nu mai poate inainta
202 |
1 Weight Cluff manseta cu greutati
203 |
1 whey peptide peptide din zer
204 |
1 women who have completed childbearing femei pentru care perioada fertilă s-a încheiat
205 |
1 wound revision Reevaluarea chirurgicala a plagii
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1 |
1 3D imaging 3D slikanje
2 |
1 abdominal imaging abdominalno slikanje
3 |
1 absorbed dose absorbirana doza
4 |
1 absorbed dose conversion factor pretvorni faktor za absorbirano dozo
5 |
1 absorbed dose distribution porazdelitev absorbirane doze
6 |
1 acceptance test prevzemni test
7 |
1 accessibility dosegljivost (prostorsko)
8 |
1 accreditation presoja ustanove
9 |
1 accuracy natančnost
10 |
1 achievable benefit dosegljiva korist
11 |
1 achievable benefit not achieved nedoseena dosegljiva korist
12 |
1 achieved benefit doseena korist
13 |
1 acquisition modes for digital image načini zajemanja digitalne slike
14 |
1 active transport of tracers aktivni transport sledilcev
15 |
1 actual focal spot dejanska velikost gorišča
16 |
1 actual focal spot dejansko gorišče
17 |
1 actual focal spot dejansko žarišče, dejansko gorišče
18 |
1 act ukrepaj
19 |
1 adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction Adaptivna statistična iterativna rekonstrukcijska
20 |
1 adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction methode Adaptivna statistična iterativna rekonstrukcijska metoda
21 |
1 additional data dodatni podatki
22 |
1 adopted prilagojen, prikrojen
23 |
1 adoption of guideline prikrojitev, prilagoditev priporočila
24 |
1 advantage windows Prednostno okno
25 |
1 advantage workstation Pednostna delovna postaja
26 |
1 advvesselanalysis Napredna analiza žil
27 |
1 affordability privočljivost (zmonost plačati)
28 |
1 algorithm drevo odločanja
29 |
1 ambient lighting osvetljenost okolja
30 |
1 amenities oprema, prostor
31 |
1 A mode A način
32 |
1 amplification ojačanje
33 |
1 analogue image analogna slika
34 |
1 analogue to digital converter, A/DC or ADC analogno digitalni pretvornik
35 |
1 analogue tracer analogen sledilec
36 |
1 anatomical body planes anatomske ravnine
37 |
1 aneurysm clips anevrizemska sponka
38 |
1 annihilation coincidence detection detekcija anihilacijskih koincidenc
39 |
1 anode cooling curve krivulja hlajenja anode
40 |
1 anterior/posterior, A/P anterioren/posterioren
41 |
1 antropomorphic phantom antropomorfen fantom
42 |
1 apparent focal spot navidezno gorišče
43 |
1 apparent focal spot navidezno žarišče, navidezno gorišče
44 |
1 appeal izgled, videz
45 |
1 appointment list seznam naročenih
46 |
1 appointment obisk
47 |
1 appointment system naročanje
48 |
1 A-side A-stran
49 |
1 asymmetric energy window nesimetrično energijsko okno
50 |
1 atomic excitation vzbujanje atomov
51 |
1 attending physician, attending, staff physician (US) višji zdravnik
52 |
1 attentiveness pozornost
53 |
1 attenuation correction in SPECT using transmission scans popravek zaradi atenuacije v SPECT z uporabo transmisijskega skena
54 |
1 attenuation correction popravek zaradi atenuacije
55 |
1 attitude towards guideline odnos do priporočila
56 |
1 audit pregled
57 |
1 audit presoja sistema kakovosti, nadzor kakovosti
58 |
1 automatic dose rate control avtomatska kontrola hitrosti doze
59 |
1 automatic exposure avtomatska ekspozicija
60 |
1 automatic gain control avtomatska kontrola izkoristka
61 |
1 automatic Tube Current Modulation, ATCM avtomatična modulacija toka rentgenske cevi
62 |
1 availability dostopnost
63 |
1 avalanche gain ojačanje v plazu
64 |
1 average absorbed dose poprečna absorbirana doza
65 |
1 average dose povprečna doza
66 |
1 axial palne aksialna ravnina, osna ravnina
67 |
1 back-projection reconstruction rekonstrukcija z uporabo povratne projekcije
68 |
1 bad apples \gnila jabolka\
69 |
1 bad pixel okvarjen piksel, okvarjena slikovna pika
70 |
1 bar phantom linijski fantom
71 |
1 barrier ovira
72 |
1 baseline data (information) izhodični podatki
73 |
1 basic data temeljni podatki
74 |
1 beam quality kvaliteta žarkovnega snopa
75 |
1 benchmarking organisation zgledovalka
76 |
1 benchmarking organisation zgledovanka
77 |
1 benchmarking zgledovanje
78 |
1 benchmark zgled, zgledovati se
79 |
1 benefit korist
80 |
1 billing data podatki o opravljenih storitvah
81 |
1 binomial excitation binomska eksitacija
82 |
1 biological effective dose, BED biološka efektivna doza
83 |
1 biological response models modeli biološkega odziva
84 |
1 biological target volume, BTV biološki tarčni volumen
85 |
1 biplane imaging biplanarno slikanje
86 |
1 bipolar pulse in amplifier for radiation detector bipolarni pulz ojačevalnika pri detektorju sevanja
87 |
1 body filter filter za telo
88 |
1 Body Mass Index, BMI indeks telesne mase
89 |
1 Bolus of tracer bolus sledilca
90 |
1 bone densitometry merjenje gostote kosti
91 |
1 bone kost
92 |
1 bone mineral density, BMD mineralna gostota kosti
93 |
1 bone soft tissue interface meja med kostjo in mehkim tkivom
94 |
1 boost dose dodatna doza
95 |
1 bottom up approach pristop od spodaj
96 |
1 brahia therapy, BT brahiterapija
97 |
1 brainstorming moganska vihra
98 |
1 branching logic razvejana merila, drevo odločanja
99 |
1 B-scan B-sken
100 |
1 B-side B-stran
101 |
1 build up dose build up doza
102 |
1 bullseye image slika centra tarče
103 |
1 Burn-out syndrome kronična utrujenost, burnout sindrom, sindrom popolne izčrpanosti
104 |
1 calculation of absorbed dose izračun absorbirane doze
105 |
1 calibration curve kalibracijska krivulja
106 |
1 calibration depth kalibracijska globina
107 |
1 calibration factor kalibracijski faktor
108 |
1 calibration kalibracija
109 |
1 calibration source kalibracijski vir
110 |
1 capillary blockage imaging, CBI slikanje kapilarne zapore
111 |
1 capitation glavarina
112 |
1 care oskrba
113 |
1 cathode ray tube, CRT katodna cev
114 |
1 cause and effect diagram vzročni diagram, (Ishikawa, ribje kosti)
115 |
1 cavity gas calibration factor umeritveni faktor plinske votline
116 |
1 cell cycle celični cikel
117 |
1 cell proliferation celična proliferacija
118 |
1 cell survival celično preživetje
119 |
1 cell survival curve krivulja celičnega preživetja
120 |
1 central draven
121 |
1 central field of view, cFOV centralno vidno polje
122 |
1 central ray of x-ray beam centralni žarek rentgenskega snopa
123 |
1 central volume theorem Teorem središčne prostornine
124 |
1 centre of rotation središče vrtenja
125 |
1 centre središče
126 |
1 ceramic x-ray tube, with double bearings keramična rentgenska cev, z dvojnimi ležaji
127 |
1 cerebral blood volume, CBV možganski volumen krvi
128 |
1 cerebral stroke možganska kap
129 |
1 certificate potrdilo o kakovosti, potrdilo o presoji kakovosti
130 |
1 certificate presojati
131 |
1 certification presoja
132 |
1 change sprememba
133 |
1 characteristic curve karakteristična krivulja
134 |
1 characteristic x-ray karakteristični rentgenski žarki
135 |
1 charge measurement mode način merjenja naboja
136 |
1 check preveri
137 |
1 chemical shift imaging, CSI slikanje kemijskega premika
138 |
1 Chi-square test hi-kvadrat test
139 |
1 choosing topic izbira prednostne naloge
140 |
1 classic scattering klasično slikanje
141 |
1 classified worker klasificiran delavec
142 |
1 clearance of tracers odvajanje sledilcev
143 |
1 clinical audit nadzor kakovosti
144 |
1 clinical care zdravstvena oskrba
145 |
1 clinical record zdravstveni karton
146 |
1 clinical target volume, CTV klinični tarčni volumen, klinični ciljni volumen
147 |
1 clock frequency urna frekvenca, frekvenca ure
148 |
1 clock pulse urni pulz
149 |
1 clutter nered, spraviti v nered
150 |
1 coded excitation kodirano vzbujanje
151 |
1 Code of Federal Regulations, ZZP Zakonik zveznih predpisov
152 |
1 coherent scattering koherentno sipanje
153 |
1 coincidence imaging koincidenčno slikanje
154 |
1 coincidence timing window koincidenčno časovno okno
155 |
1 collective dose kolektivna doza
156 |
1 collimator kolimator
157 |
1 collimator scatter factor sipalni faktor kolimatorja
158 |
1 colour flow imaging, CFI slikanje s pretokom barv
159 |
1 colour imaging slikanje z barvami
160 |
1 comfort udobje
161 |
1 commissioning sklepanje pogodb
162 |
1 compact disc Kompaktni CD
163 |
1 compartment model predelni model
164 |
1 competence usposobljenost
165 |
1 competitive benchmarking tekmovalno zgledovanje
166 |
1 complaint pritoba
167 |
1 complaint system pritoni sistem
168 |
1 compound imaging sestavljeno slikanje
169 |
1 compound model sestavljen model
170 |
1 compound scan sestavljen sken
171 |
1 compton scattering comptonsko sipanje
172 |
1 computed tomography angiography, CTA Računalniška tomografija in angiografija
173 |
1 computed tomography colonography, CTC Računalniška tomografija in kolonografija
174 |
1 computed Tomography, CT računalniška tomografija
175 |
1 computed tomography dose index, CTDI CT-dozni indeks
176 |
1 Computed Tomography/i (CT/i) računalniška tomografija/i (i = enojna celica)
177 |
1 concave target volume konkavni tarčni volumen, kokavni ciljni volumen
178 |
1 conformal dose distribution konformna porazdelitev doze
179 |
1 consensus development oblikovanje soglasja
180 |
1 consensus soglasje
181 |
1 consultation posvet
182 |
1 consumer thinking uporabniko razmiljanje
183 |
1 consumer uporabnik
184 |
1 continuing medical education stalno strokovno izobraevanje
185 |
1 continuity stalnost
186 |
1 continuos quality improvement stalno izboljevanje kakovosti
187 |
1 contract pogodba
188 |
1 contrast enhancement povečanje kontrasta
189 |
1 contrast to noise ratio količnik kontrast - šum
190 |
1 control nadzor
191 |
1 converter pretvornik
192 |
1 convex target volume konveksni tarčni volumen
193 |
1 cooling curve krivulja hlajenja
194 |
195 |
1 coronal plane koronarna ravnina
196 |
1 cost benefit stroki / korist
197 |
1 cost containment obvladovanje strokov
198 |
1 cost stroek
199 |
1 criteria list zbir meril
200 |
1 criteria mapping razvejana merila
201 |
1 cross-line curves krivulje preseka
202 |
1 cross-line presek
203 |
1 CT dose index CT dozni indeks
204 |
1 CT reconstruction CT rekonstrukcija
205 |
1 CT scanner CT skener
206 |
1 CT x-ray tube rentgenska cev pri CT
207 |
1 cumulated dose kumulativna doza
208 |
1 cumulative dose volume histogram kumulativni dozno volumski histogram
209 |
1 data acquisation and recon controller, DARC poizvedba podatkov in regulator reconstrukcije(digitalne slike)
210 |
1 data acquisition system (DAC) Sistem za poizvedbo podatkov
211 |
1 data analysis obdelava podatkov
212 |
1 data collection zbiranje podatkov
213 |
1 data gathering zbiranje podatkov
214 |
1 data podatki
215 |
1 decision tree drevo odločanja, algoritem
216 |
1 defective pixel okvarjeni piksel
217 |
1 degree of excellence stopnja odličnosti
218 |
1 deposition of dose odložitev doze
219 |
1 depth dose curve krivulja globinske doze
220 |
1 depth dose distribution globinska dozna porazdelitev
221 |
1 depth gain compensation, DGC kompenzacija ojačenja globine
222 |
1 depth gain ojačenje globine
223 |
1 depth ionization curve globinska ionizacijska krivulja
224 |
1 depth of maximum dose globina maksimalne doze
225 |
1 desired level elena raven
226 |
1 detection detekcija
227 |
1 detection efficiency izkoristek detekcije
228 |
1 detector crystal detektorski kristal
229 |
1 detector detektor
230 |
1 detector fill factor faktor polnjenja detektorja
231 |
1 detector PET PET detektor
232 |
1 detector quantum efficiency, DQE kvantni izkoristek detektorja
233 |
1 detector scatter event sipanje v detektorju
234 |
1 development (defining) of quality indicators opredelitev kazalcev kakovosti
235 |
1 diagnostic x-ray diagnostični rentgenski žarki
236 |
1 diamond detector diamantni detektor
237 |
1 differential scattering cross-section diferencialni sipalni presek
238 |
1 diffusion imaging difuzijsko slikanje
239 |
1 diffusion spectrum imaging, DSI difuzijsko spektralno slikanje
240 |
1 diffusion tensor difuzijski tenzor
241 |
1 diffusion tensor imaging, DTI difuzijsko tenzorsko slikanje
242 |
1 digital detector array digitalni detektorski niz
243 |
1 digital image digitalna slika
244 |
1 digital imaging and communication in medicine, DICOM Digitalno slikanje in komunikacija v medicini
245 |
1 digital to analogue converter, DAC digitalno analgni pretvornik
246 |
1 diode detectors diodni detektorji
247 |
1 display field of view, DFOV prikazano vidno polje
248 |
1 dissemination of guidelines razpečevanje priporočil
249 |
1 distribution volume volumen porazdelitve
250 |
1 Doppler imaging modes Dopplerjevi načini slikanja
251 |
1 doppler phantom Dopplerjev fantom
252 |
1 Doppler sample volume prostornina Dopplerjevega vzorca
253 |
1 dose area histogram dozno ploskovni histogram
254 |
1 dose area product, DAP produkt doze in površine
255 |
1 dose calculation izračun doze
256 |
1 dose calibrators dozni kalibratorji
257 |
1 dose conversion factors pretvorbeni faktorji za dozo
258 |
1 dose distribution dozna porazdelitev
259 |
1 dose doza
260 |
1 dose equivalent dozni ekvivalent
261 |
1 dose length product, DLP produkt doze in dolžine
262 |
1 dose limiting tissue dozno omejeno tkivo
263 |
1 dose limits dozne omejitve
264 |
1 dosemeter dozimeter
265 |
1 dose model evaluation evalvacija doznega modela
266 |
1 dose modulation modulacija doze
267 |
1 dose monitoring monitorimg doz
268 |
1 dose profile dozni profil
269 |
1 dose rate constant konstanta hitrosti doze
270 |
1 dose rate dependence odvisnost od hitrosti doze
271 |
1 dose rate distribution porazdelitev hitrosti doze
272 |
1 dose rate effectiveness factor, DREF faktor učinkovitosti hitrosti doze
273 |
1 dose rate hitrost doze
274 |
1 dose reference point dozna referenčna točka
275 |
1 dose response curve krivulja doznega odziva
276 |
1 dose response function dozna odzivna funkcija
277 |
1 dose response model odzivni model za dozo
278 |
1 dose tolerance tolerančna doza
279 |
1 dose verification preverjanje doze
280 |
1 dose volume histogram differential, DVHD diferencialni dozno volumski histogram DVH
281 |
1 dose volume histogram, DVH dozno volumski histogram
282 |
1 dose volume histogram integral, DVHI integralni dozno volumski histogram
283 |
1 dose width product, DWP produkt doze in širine
284 |
1 do stori
285 |
1 dozing doziranje
286 |
1 dual energy imaging slikanje z dvema energijama
287 |
1 dynamic imaging dinamično slikanje
288 |
1 echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radiofrequency EPISTAR
289 |
1 echo planar imaging, EPI slikanje s planarnim odmevom
290 |
1 economic benefit gospodarska korist
291 |
1 edge detection Zaznavanje robov
292 |
1 edge enhancement ojačitev robov področja zanimanja
293 |
1 effective dose equivalent efektivni dozni ekvivalent
294 |
1 effective focal spot efektivna goriščna točka
295 |
1 effective focal spot efektivno gorišče
296 |
1 effective focal spot efektivno žarišće, efektivno gorišče
297 |
1 effectiveness uspenost
298 |
1 effective voltage value efektivna vrednost napetosti
299 |
1 efficacy učinkovitost
300 |
1 elastic scattering elastično sipanje
301 |
1 electrocardiogram, ECG elektrokardiogram (EKG)
302 |
1 electrocardiograph, ECG elektrokardiograf
303 |
1 electrocardiograph elektektrokardiograf
304 |
1 electrocardiography, ECG elektrokardiografija
305 |
1 electrocardiography elektektrokardiografija
306 |
1 electromagnetic compatibility, EMC elektromagnetna združljivost, elektromagnetna kompatibilnost
307 |
1 electromagnetic immunity elektromagnetna odpornost, elektromagnetna imuniteta
308 |
1 electron angular scattering power sipalna moč elektronov
309 |
1 electron dual scattering foils dvojna sipalna folija za elektrone
310 |
1 electronic portal imaging device, EPID naprava za elektronsko portalno slikanje
311 |
1 electronic portal imaging elektronsko portalno slikanje
312 |
1 empathy vivljanje
313 |
1 endless education dosmrtno učenje
314 |
1 enhanced image povdarjena slika
315 |
1 enhancment poudarjen, povečanje, ojačenje, ojačitev
316 |
1 entrance dose vstopna doza
317 |
1 entrance window vstopno okno
318 |
1 environment-friendly use period do okolja prijazna doba uporabe (nekega med. aprata)
319 |
1 equilibrium absorbed dose constant dozna konstanta v ravnovesju
320 |
1 equilibrium dose distribution porazdelitev doze v ravnovesju
321 |
1 equity pravičnost
322 |
1 equivalent dose ekvivalentna doza
323 |
1 escargot curves polžaste krivulje
324 |
1 evidence based learning učenje, temelječe na dokazih
325 |
1 evidence based medicine oskrba, temelječa na znanstvenih dokazih
326 |
1 evidence based practice oskrba temelječa na znanstvenih dokazih
327 |
1 evidence based temelječ na raziskavah
328 |
1 evidence dokaz
329 |
1 excellence odličnost
330 |
1 excitation vzbujanje
331 |
1 exit dose izhodna doza
332 |
1 exit window izstopno okno
333 |
1 expectation pričakovanje
334 |
1 experiential learning izkustveno učenje
335 |
1 explicit criteria dogovorjena merila, objavljena merila
336 |
1 external assessment zunanji nadzor, zunanje ocenjevanje
337 |
1 external control zunanji nadzor
338 |
1 extra focal radiation sevanje z izvorom izven žarišča
339 |
1 family medicine druinska medicina
340 |
1 family physician zdravnik druinske medicine
341 |
1 family practice druinska medicina
342 |
1 family practitioner zdravnik druinske medicine
343 |
1 fast imaging with steady state precession, FISP hitro slikanje z ravnovesno precesijo
344 |
1 feasible sprejemljiv
345 |
1 feedback povratni podatki
346 |
2 fee for service system storitveni sistem
347 |
1 field of view, FOV vidno polje
348 |
1 field uniformity enakost polja
349 |
1 fishbone diagram diagram ribje kosti (Ishikawa; vzročni)
350 |
1 flat field image slika homogenega polja
351 |
1 flat panel detector ploščati slikovni sprejemnik
352 |
1 float value plavajoča vrednost
353 |
1 flood-field image slika ploskovnega izvora
354 |
1 flow imaging slikanje toka
355 |
1 flow phantom pretočni fantom
356 |
1 flow sheet vloni list (evidenca bolezni)
357 |
1 fluorescent x-rays fluorescentni x-žarki
358 |
1 fluoroscopic dose rate hitrost doze pri diaskopiji
359 |
1 fluoroscopic portal imaging diaskopsko portalno slikanje
360 |
1 flying focal spot leteče gorišče
361 |
1 focal film distance, FFD razdalja gorišče film
362 |
1 focal plane goriščna ravnina
363 |
1 focal plane tomography tomografija žariščne ravnine
364 |
1 focal point žariščna točka, goriščna točka
365 |
1 focal spot selection izbira žarišča, izbira gorišča, izbor žarišča, izbor gorišča
366 |
1 focal spot selector izbirnik žarišča, izbirnik gorišča
367 |
1 focal spot žarišče, gorišče, fokus
368 |
1 focal zone žariščni pas, goriščni pas
369 |
1 focus group fokus skupina
370 |
1 focus method fokus metoda
371 |
1 follow up spremljanje
372 |
1 Fourier reconstruction Fourierjeva rekonstrukcija
373 |
1 frame mode for digital image acquisition slikovni način zajema digitalnih slik
374 |
1 friendliness prijaznost
375 |
1 full width half maximum, FWHM polna širina na polovici maksimuma
376 |
1 full width tenth maximum, FWTM polna širina na desetini maksimuma
377 |
1 functional benchmarking primerjalno zgledovanje
378 |
1 functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI funkcionalno magnetnoresonančno slikanje
379 |
1 gain correction popravek ojačanja
380 |
1 gain factor faktor ojačanja
381 |
1 gain ojačanje
382 |
1 gantry podstavek (z obročem v katerem so detektorji), roke aparata, gantri
383 |
1 gas-filled radiation detectors plinski detektorji sevanja
384 |
1 gas flow counters of gas-filled detectors merilniki pretoka plina plinskih detektorjev
385 |
1 gatekeeper vratar
386 |
1 general practice splona medicina
387 |
1 general practitioner zdravnik splone medicine
388 |
1 generic benchmarking splono zgledovanje
389 |
1 genetically significant dose, GSD genetsko pomembna doza
390 |
1 germanium detectors germanijevi detektorji
391 |
1 glow curve, TLDs žarilna krivulja
392 |
1 goal cilj
393 |
1 good apples \zdrava jabolka\
394 |
1 grid controlled x-ray tube rentgenska cev z nadzorovano rešetko
395 |
1 gross tumour volume, GTV makroskopski tumorski volumen
396 |
1 guideline priporočilo
397 |
1 guidelines development oblikovanje priporočil
398 |
1 guide vodilo
399 |
1 Half Fourier imaging, HFI pol Fourierjevo slikanje
400 |
1 half value layer, HVL razpolovna debelina
401 |
1 hand held controller, HHC ročni regulator
402 |
1 harmonic imaging harmonsko slikanje
403 |
1 H&D curve H&D krivulja
404 |
1 head filter filter za glavo
405 |
1 health and safety, HS zdravje in varnost
406 |
1 health benefit zdravstvena korist
407 |
1 health care (delivery) system sistem zdravstvenega varstva
408 |
1 health care fond zdravstveni sklad
409 |
1 health care organisation zdravstvena ustanova
410 |
1 health care product proizvod oskrbe
411 |
1 health care services zdravstvena sluba
412 |
1 health care zdravstvena oskrba
413 |
1 health policy zdravstvena politika
414 |
1 health problem zdravstvena teava
415 |
1 health promotion pospeevanje zdravja
416 |
1 health status zdravstveno stanje, kakovost ivljenja
417 |
1 helical scanning spiralno skeniranje
418 |
1 Herring bone artefact Herring bone artefact
419 |
1 high dose rate, HDR visoka hitrost doze
420 |
1 high, hi visok
421 |
1 high level visoka raven
422 |
1 high voltage, HV visoka napetost, , visokonapetostni
423 |
1 HLF Visokostopenjski fluoro način
424 |
1 Hounsfield Units, HU Hounsfieldove enote
425 |
1 image analysis analiza slik
426 |
1 image artefact popačitev slike
427 |
1 image compression stiskanje slik
428 |
1 image covariance kovarianca slike
429 |
1 image display prikaz slike
430 |
1 image enhancement poudarjanje slike
431 |
1 image fusion zlitje slik
432 |
1 image generator, IG slikovni generator
433 |
1 image geometric distortion geometrijsko popačenje slike
434 |
1 image guided radiotherapy slikovno vodena radioterapija
435 |
1 image intensifier slikovni ojačevalnik
436 |
1 image matrix slikovna matrika
437 |
1 image noise slikovni šum
438 |
1 image perception slikovno zaznavanje
439 |
1 image plane slikovna ravnina
440 |
1 image processing software programska oprema za obdelovanje slik
441 |
1 image quality kakovost slike
442 |
1 image reconstruction rekonstrukcija slike
443 |
1 image registration registracija slike
444 |
1 image retrieving ponoven prikaz slike
445 |
1 image selected in-vivo spectroscopy, ISIS Image selected in-vivo spectroscopy
446 |
1 image sequence number zaporedje številk slik
447 |
1 image sequences slikovne sekvence
448 |
1 image sequence zaporedje slik
449 |
1 image smoothing glajenje slik
450 |
1 image storage shranjevalnik slik
451 |
1 image uniformity uniformnost slike
452 |
1 imaging chain slikovna veriga
453 |
1 imaging slikanje
454 |
1 implant dose distribution porazdelitev doze v vsadku
455 |
1 implementing change vpeljava sprememb
456 |
1 implicit criteria samoumevna merila
457 |
1 improvement izboljanje
458 |
1 in air calibration factor kalibracijski faktor v zraku
459 |
1 incentive spodbuda
460 |
1 incident dose vpadna doza
461 |
1 incoherent scattering nekoherentno sipanje
462 |
1 indicator kazalec
463 |
1 indirect detection posredna detekcija
464 |
1 individual level raven, posameznika
465 |
1 inelastic scattering neelastično sipanje
466 |
1 inferior -superior, I-S inferiorno - superiorno
467 |
1 information based quality improvement podatkovno podprto izboljevanje kakovosti
468 |
1 information podatki
469 |
1 informed consent poučeni pristanek
470 |
1 innovator iznajditelj
471 |
1 inorganic scintillators anorganski scintilatorji
472 |
1 input curves, on anode-cooling charts vhodne krivulje, v diagramih za anodno hlajenje
473 |
1 input curves vhodne krivulje
474 |
1 instantaneous Peak Intensity, IIP trenutni vrh jakosti
475 |
1 insurance company zavarovalnica
476 |
1 insurance zavarovanje
477 |
1 integral dose skupna doza
478 |
1 intensity jakost
479 |
1 intensity modulated radiotherapy, IMRT intenzitetno modulirana radioterapija
480 |
1 intensity reflection coefficient koeficient jakosti odboja
481 |
1 intensity transmission coefficient koeficient jakosti prepustnosti
482 |
1 intensity weighted mean jakostno uteženo povprečje
483 |
1 intergroup delay, IGD medskupinska zamuda
484 |
1 internal assessment notranji nadzor
485 |
1 internal benchmarking notranje zgledovanje
486 |
1 internal control notranji nadzor
487 |
1 International Organization for Standardization, ISO mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo
488 |
1 International Special Committee on Radio Interference, CISPR Mednarodni komitej za radijske motnje
489 |
1 interscan delay, ISD zamuda vmesnega skeniranja
490 |
1 interscan vmesno skeniranje
491 |
1 intervention poseg
492 |
1 intravenous, IV intravenozno
493 |
1 intrinsic flood field uniformity notranja uniformnost
494 |
1 irradiated volume obsevani volumen
495 |
1 Ishikawa chart, diagram diagram Ishikawa (ribje kosti; vzročni)
496 |
1 i = single cell i = enojna celica
497 |
1 isocentric calibration izocentrična kalibracija
498 |
1 isodose curve izodozna krivulja
499 |
1 iterative reconstruction methods iterativne rekonstrukcijske metode
500 |
1 keyhole imaging slikanje z dinamičnim zajemom signala iz centra k-prostora
501 |
1 KLM equivalent circuit model KLM ekvivalenten model zvezja
502 |
1 laser film printer laserski filmski tiskalnik
503 |
1 laser interferometry laserska interferometrija
504 |
1 laser localizers laserski lokalizatorji
505 |
1 last image hold ohranjanje zadnje slike
506 |
1 latent image latentna slika
507 |
1 leak test test puščanja
508 |
1 lethal dose letalna doza
509 |
1 level raven
510 |
1 license licenca
511 |
1 licensing presoja posameznika, podeljevanje licence
512 |
1 light centering device naprava za iskanje središča
513 |
1 light field svetlobno polje
514 |
1 light guide svetlobni vodnik
515 |
1 light localizer svetlobni lokalizator
516 |
1 light yield in scintillation detectors svetlobni izkoristek v scintilatorskih detektorjih
517 |
1 light yield svetlobni izkoristek
518 |
1 linear dose response curve linearna krivulja doznega odziva
519 |
1 linear non-threshold dose response linearni odziv doze brez praga
520 |
1 linear-quadratic dose-response curve linearno kvadratna krivulja doznega odziva
521 |
1 linear quadratic linearno kvadratni
522 |
1 linear scanner linearni skener
523 |
1 line scanning črtno skeniranje
524 |
1 Line source model model linijskega izvora
525 |
1 liquid scintilator, LS tekočinski scintilator
526 |
1 liquid scintillation analizer tekočinski scintilacijski analizator
527 |
1 liquid scintillation counting štetje s tekočinskim scintilatorjem
528 |
1 liquid scintillation tekočinski scintilator
529 |
1 list of measures seznam meril
530 |
1 LNT model LNT model
531 |
1 local community lokalna skupnost
532 |
1 local level krajevna raven
533 |
1 longitudinality trajnost
534 |
1 low dose rate, LDR nizka hitrost doze
535 |
1 LQ model, LQ linearno kvadratni model, LQ model
536 |
1 LS counting štetje s tekočinskim scintilatorjem
537 |
1 magnetic resonance imaging, MRI magnetnoresonančno slikanje
538 |
1 manager poslovodnik, vodilni
539 |
1 marketing model trni model
540 |
1 mask mode fluoroscopy fluoroskopija po načinu maske
541 |
1 maxification povečanje (slike)
542 |
1 maximum dose maksimalna doza
543 |
1 maximum intensity projection, MIP projekcija z maksimalno intenziteto
544 |
1 maximum permissible dose, MPD maksimalna dopustna doza
545 |
1 maximum target absorbed dose maksimalna absorbirana doza v tarči
546 |
1 mean absorbed dose to air povprečna absorbirana doza v zraku
547 |
1 mean dose per cumulated activity povprečna doza kumulirane aktivnosti
548 |
1 mean glandular dose povprečna doza na žlezo
549 |
1 mean target absorbed dose povprečna absorbirana doza v tarči
550 |
1 measure ukrep, merilo
551 |
1 mechanical index mehanski indeks
552 |
1 mechanical safety varnost pri mehanskih opravilih, varnost mehanskih delov
553 |
1 median target absorbed dose medialna absorbirana doza v tarči
554 |
1 medical attendant, doctor in attendance, attending doctor, attending physician lečeči zdravnik
555 |
1 medical care delivery izvajanje zdravstvenega varstva
556 |
1 medical care zdravnika oskrba
557 |
1 medical record zdravstveni karton
558 |
1 medical technology medicinska tehnologija
559 |
1 medication list seznam zdravljenja
560 |
1 medium dose rate, MDR srednja hitrost doze
561 |
1 medium-frequency portable x-ray machine prenosna rentgenska naprava na srenjo frekvenco
562 |
1 metal x-ray tube kovinska rentgenska cev
563 |
1 method način, oblika, metoda
564 |
1 midpoint dose sredinska doza
565 |
1 minification gain ojačenje pomanjševanja
566 |
1 minification pomanjševanje (slike)
567 |
1 minimal data set zbir temeljnih podatkov
568 |
1 minimum intensity projection projekcija z minimalno intenziteto
569 |
1 minimum target absorbed dose minimalna absorbirana doza v tarči
570 |
1 mistake napaka
571 |
1 misuse neustrezna raba
572 |
1 M-mode M-način
573 |
1 mobile target volume, MTV gibljiv tarčni volumen
574 |
1 modal target absorbed dose absorbirana doza modalne tarče
575 |
1 mode conversion sprememba načina
576 |
1 modulated radiotherapy, MRT modulirana radioterapija, MRT
577 |
1 modulation transfer function, MTF modulacijska prenosna funkcija
578 |
1 molecular excitation molekularno vzbujanje
579 |
1 Moliere scattering theory Molierjeva sipalna teorija
580 |
1 monitoring spremljanje
581 |
1 motivation spodbujanje
582 |
1 multicrystal scanners večkristalni skenerji
583 |
1 multihole collimators for radioisotope scanners kolimatorji z več odprtinami v nuklearni medicini
584 |
1 multiplanar reconstruction, MPR večravninska rekonstrukcija
585 |
1 multiple Coulomb scattering večkratno Coulombsko sipanje
586 |
1 multiple scattering večkratno sipanje
587 |
1 multi scan average dose, MSAD MSAD
588 |
1 multi-slice CT scanner večrezinski CT skener
589 |
1 multi-slice večrezinski
590 |
1 multi slice več rezin
591 |
1 musculoskeletal system mišičnoskeletni sistem
592 |
1 myocardial perfusion imaging perfuzijsko slikanje miokarda
593 |
1 national draven
594 |
1 national level dravna raven
595 |
1 national policy on quality dravna politka kakovosti
596 |
1 need potreba
597 |
1 needs assessment ugotavljanje potreb
598 |
1 neuro stroke možganska kap
599 |
1 noise equivalent quanta Noise equivalent quanta
600 |
1 noise power spectrum, NPS spekter moči šuma
601 |
1 noise šum
602 |
1 nominal group nominalna skupina
603 |
1 nominal group technique tehnika nominalne skupine
604 |
1 nominal nominalen, naziven(če gre za el. ali fiz. pojem)(strojniki uporabljajo: imenski)
605 |
1 nominal output nominalni output
606 |
1 nominal value nominalna vrednost
607 |
1 non-linear dose-response curve nelinearna krivulja doznega odziva
608 |
1 non-threshold dose-response curves krivulja odziva doze brez praga
609 |
1 normalized treatment dose, NTD normalizirana terapevtska doza
610 |
1 normal organ dose tolerance dozna omejitev za zdrave organe
611 |
1 normal tissue dose doza na zdravo tkivo
612 |
1 normal tissue dose response dozni odziv zdravega tkiva
613 |
1 not achieved benefit nedoseena korist
614 |
1 nuclear medicine imaging nuklearnomedicinsko slikanje
615 |
1 nuclear medicine nuklearna medicina, nuklearnomedicinski
616 |
1 number of excitations, NEX število vzbujanj
617 |
1 nurse medicinska sestra
618 |
1 nurse sestra
619 |
1 object image receptor distance, OID razdalja med objektom in slikovnim sprejemnikom
620 |
1 object scatter event Object scatter event
621 |
1 oblique imaging slikanje pod kotom
622 |
1 occupational dose limits poklicna dozna omejitev
623 |
1 office ambulanta
624 |
1 online portal imaging sprotno portalno slikanje
625 |
1 operating mode način delovanja (stroja, aparata, etc.)
626 |
1 opinion leader upotevan kolega
627 |
1 optimum care najbolja mona oskrba
628 |
1 organ dose doza na organ
629 |
1 organic liquid scintillator organski tekočinski scintilator
630 |
1 outcome izid
631 |
1 outcome measure merilo izida
632 |
1 output factor izhodni faktor, output faktor
633 |
1 output izhod, izhoden
634 |
1 output screen izhodni zaslon
635 |
1 outreach svetovanje
636 |
1 overuse pretirana raba
637 |
1 oxygen enhancement ratio, OER OER
638 |
1 paraffin phantom parafinski fantom
639 |
1 paramedic nezdravnik
640 |
1 partial Fourier imaging, PFI delno Fourierjevo slikanje
641 |
1 partial parallel imaging, PPI delno paralelno slikanje
642 |
1 partial volume effect pojav delne prostornine
643 |
1 partner sooblikovalec
644 |
1 party udeleenec
645 |
1 patient bolnik
646 |
1 patient involvement (participation) vključevanje bolnikov
647 |
1 patient record zdravstveni karton
648 |
1 patient satisfaction zadovoljstvo bolnika
649 |
1 payer plačnik
650 |
1 peak scatter factor, PSF vršni sipalni faktor
651 |
1 peer assessment pregled med kolegi, strokovni nadzor
652 |
1 peer evaluation pregled med kolegi
653 |
1 peer pressure pritisk kolegov
654 |
1 percentage depth dose odstotek globinske doze
655 |
1 performance delo (opravljeno, oziorma prikazano)
656 |
1 performance indicator kazalec kakovosti postopka
657 |
1 performance measure merilo postopka
658 |
2 performance review pregled med kolegi, strokovni nadzor
659 |
1 perfusion imaging perfuzijsko slikanje
660 |
1 peripheral dose periferna doza
661 |
1 PET clinical applications PET klinična uporaba
662 |
1 phantom fantom
663 |
1 phase image fazno mapiranje
664 |
1 PHAs for radiation detectors analizator višine pulzov detektorjev sevanja
665 |
1 photon scattering sipanje fotonov
666 |
1 physical phantom fizikalni fantom
667 |
1 pixel piksel, osnovni površinki element
668 |
1 planar imaging planarno slikanje
669 |
1 plane thickness ravninska debelina
670 |
1 plan načrtuj
671 |
1 planning target volume, PTV načrtovalni tarčni volumen
672 |
1 portal image portalna slika
673 |
1 power gain ojačenje moči
674 |
1 practice ambulanta
675 |
1 practice style slog dela
676 |
1 prescribed dose predpisana doza
677 |
1 present care trenutna oskrba
678 |
1 primary health care center zdravstveni dom
679 |
1 primary (health) care osnovno zdravstveno varstvo
680 |
1 priority prednostna naloga
681 |
1 priority setting izbira prednostne naloge
682 |
1 probability of cell survival verjetnost celičnega preživetja
683 |
1 problem list zbirnik
684 |
1 process measure merilo postopka
685 |
1 process postopek
686 |
1 product proizvod
687 |
1 profit dobiček
688 |
1 provider izvajalec
689 |
1 provision izvajanje
690 |
1 public accountability javnost (dela)
691 |
1 public expectations pričakovanja javnosti
692 |
1 public javnost
693 |
1 pulsatility index, PI indeks pulziranja
694 |
1 pulse average intensity povprečna intenziteta pulza I(PA)
695 |
1 pulsed dose rate, PDR pulzna hitrost doze
696 |
1 pulsed mode pulzni način
697 |
1 pulse-height analyzer analizator višine pulzov
698 |
1 pulse-height analyzer for radiation detectors analizator višine pulzov detektorjev sevanja
699 |
1 quadrature detection detekcija kvadrature
700 |
1 quadrature detector kvadraturni detektor
701 |
1 quadrature kvadratura
702 |
1 quality assessment ocenjevanje kakovosti
703 |
1 quality assurance, QA zagotavljanje kakovosti
704 |
1 quality assurance zagotavljanje kakovosti
705 |
1 quality audit, QA pregled kakovosti
706 |
1 quality circle krog kakovosti, kroek kakovosti
707 |
1 quality control nadzor kakovosti
708 |
1 quality control, QC preverjanje kakovosti
709 |
1 quality factor, QF faktor kakovosti
710 |
1 quality (high quality) kakovosten
711 |
1 quality improvement izboljevanje kakovosti
712 |
1 quality (improvement) system sistem kakovosti
713 |
1 quality index indeks kakovosti
714 |
1 quality indicator kazalec kakovosti
715 |
1 quality kakovost
716 |
1 quality level raven kakovosti
717 |
1 quality management obvladovanje kakovosti, kakovostno vodenje
718 |
1 quality manager vodja kakovosti
719 |
1 quality of life zdravstveno stanje, kakovost ivljenja
720 |
1 quality of patient care kakovost oskrbe bolnika
721 |
1 quality policy politika kakovosti
722 |
1 quality report poročilo o kakovosti
723 |
1 quality system sistem kakovosti
724 |
1 quantum detection efficiency, QDE kvantni izkoristek detekcije
725 |
1 radiation absorbed dose, RAD absorbirana doza sevanja
726 |
1 radiation detection systems sistemi za detekcijo sevanja
727 |
1 radiation dose sevalna doza
728 |
1 radiation protection Zaščita pred sevanjem
729 |
1 radiation quality kvaliteta sevanja
730 |
1 radiation, scattered sevanje, sipano
731 |
1 radioactive tracer radioaktivni sledilec
732 |
1 radiobiological model radiobiološki model
733 |
1 radiographic imaging chain radiografska slikovna veriga
734 |
1 radiographic mode radiografski način
735 |
1 radioisotope scanner collimator kolimator radinuklidnega skanerja
736 |
1 radioisotope scanner collimator line source response Radioisotope scanner collimator line source response
737 |
1 radioisotope scanner radioizotopni skener
738 |
1 radionuclide imaging slikanje z radionuklidi
739 |
1 radionuclide uptake in tumor cells privzem radionuklida v tumorske celice
740 |
1 rapid acquisition relaxation enhancement, RARE hitro slikanje z večkratnim spinskim odmevom
741 |
1 rational racionalen
742 |
1 rationed racioniran
743 |
1 Rayleigh scattering Rayleighovo sipanje
744 |
1 reaccreditation ponovna presoja
745 |
1 real-time imaging slikanje v realnem času
746 |
1 real time portal imaging portalno slikanje v realnem času
747 |
1 recon prescription prepis za rekonstrukcijo
748 |
1 Recon (= reconstruction) rekonstrukcija
749 |
1 rectilinear scanner rektilinearni skener
750 |
1 reference volume referenčni volumen
751 |
1 regional level območna raven
752 |
1 regional območen
753 |
1 registration vpisovanje bolnikov
754 |
1 reimbursement plačevanje storitev
755 |
1 reliability zanesljivost
756 |
1 relicensing, recertification podaljevanje licence
757 |
1 reminder opomnik
758 |
1 render izvajati
759 |
1 resistance index uporovni indeks
760 |
1 resistive Index uporovni indeks
761 |
1 resource vir
762 |
1 restructuring prenova, preoblikovanje, preureditev
763 |
1 RF uniformity enotnost RF polja
764 |
1 role vloga
765 |
1 Rose model Roseov model
766 |
1 rotational 3D scanning rotacijsko 3D skeniranje
767 |
1 routine data rutinski podatki
768 |
1 sagittal plane sagitalna ravnina
769 |
1 salaried zaposlen
770 |
1 sample volume effects in Well counter detectors Sample volume effects in Well counter detectors
771 |
1 sample volume vzorčna prostornina
772 |
1 satisfaction zadovoljstvo
773 |
1 saturation curve krivulja nasičenja
774 |
1 scan converter pretvornik skeniranja
775 |
1 scan line Scan line
776 |
1 scanning skeniranje, scintigrafija,
777 |
1 scan projection radiograph radiograf s skanirano projekcijo
778 |
1 scan projection skenirana projekcija
779 |
1 scan sken, slika, skeniranja
780 |
1 scatter air ratio, SAR sipalno razmerje v zraku
781 |
1 scatter coincidences sipalna koincidenca
782 |
1 scatter correction in PET popravek zaradi sipanja pri PET
783 |
1 scatter correction in SPECT popravek zaradi sipanja pri SPECT
784 |
1 scatterer sipalec
785 |
1 scatter factor sipalni faktor
786 |
1 scattering cross section sipalni presek
787 |
1 scattering sipanje
788 |
1 scatter phantom ratio, SPR sipalno razmerje v fantomu, razmerje sipanje-fantom
789 |
1 Scatter Radiation razpršeno sevanje
790 |
1 scatter sipanje
791 |
1 scatter subtraction odštevanje sipanja
792 |
1 scintilation scintilacija
793 |
1 scintillation detectors scintilatorskih detektor
794 |
1 scintillator scintilator
795 |
1 scintilllation detector scintilacijski detektor
796 |
1 section predel
797 |
1 selective excitation selektivno vzbujanje
798 |
1 selective excitation slice selection Selective excitation slice selection
799 |
1 selective excitation slice selection selektivno vzbujanja izbire rezine
800 |
1 selenium detector selenijev detektor
801 |
1 selfevaluation samoocenjevanje, selfcontrol
802 |
1 selflearning samoučenje
803 |
1 semiconductor detector polprevodniški detektor
804 |
1 sensitivity občutljivost
805 |
1 sequence zaporedje
806 |
1 service storitev
807 |
1 shell model of nucleus lupinski model jedra
808 |
1 sigmoid dose-response curve sigmoidna krivulja doznega odziva
809 |
1 signal to noise ratio, SNR razmerje signal šum
810 |
1 silicon diode detector silicijev diodni detektor
811 |
1 single-channel analyzer enokanalni analizator
812 |
1 skin dose kožna doza
813 |
1 slice mode način rezine
814 |
1 slice position položaj rezine
815 |
1 slice profile profil rezine
816 |
1 slice rezina
817 |
1 slice selection izbira rezine
818 |
1 slice selective rezino izbiren
819 |
1 slice sensitivity občutljivost rezine
820 |
1 slice thickness debelina rezine
821 |
1 slice warp zavijanje rezine
822 |
1 societal benefit drubena korist
823 |
1 software phantom fantom za programsko opremo
824 |
1 solid state detectors detektor iz trdne snovi
825 |
1 solid water phantom fantom iz trdne vode
826 |
1 source image distance, SID razdalja med izvirom in sliko
827 |
1 source models modeli virov
828 |
1 spatial average intensity prostorsko povprečje jakosti
829 |
1 spatial peak intensity prostorski vrh jakosti
830 |
1 specificity ločljivost
831 |
1 specific rotation sučnost
832 |
1 SPECT clinical applications SPECT klinična uporaba
833 |
1 SPECT-CT scanner SPECT-CT skener
834 |
1 spectroscopic imaging, CSI spektroskopsko slikanje
835 |
1 spin-warp imaging slikanje s FT metodo
836 |
1 spiral imaging spiralno slikanje
837 |
1 spiral scanning spiralno skeniranje
838 |
1 spiral scan spiralni sken
839 |
1 spot test špotni test
840 |
1 staff zaposleni
841 |
1 standard smernica, cilj
842 |
1 standard uptake value, SUV standardna vrednost privzema
843 |
1 state of the art sedanje, trenutno stanje(v medicini)
844 |
1 statistical data statistični podatki
845 |
1 steady state condition in tracer kinetic modeling stacionarno stanje pri modeliranju kinetike sledilcev
846 |
1 stimulated echo acquisition mode, STEAM STEAM, zajemanje signala s stimuliranim odmevom
847 |
1 strain imaging slikanje napetosti
848 |
1 structure pogoj
849 |
1 surface dose površinska doza
850 |
1 survey raziskava
851 |
1 swept gain poravnava globine
852 |
1 symmetric energy window simetrično energijsko okno
853 |
1 target cilj, ciljen
854 |
1 target cilj
855 |
1 target dose distribution porazdelitev doze v tarči
856 |
1 target dose tarčna doza
857 |
1 target of x-ray tube tarča rentgenske cevi
858 |
1 target volume tarčni volumen
859 |
1 Tc-99m-Labelled Bone Imaging Agents Tc 99m označeni radiofarmaki za scintigrafijo skeleta
860 |
1 Tc-99m-Labelled Red Blood cells Tc 99m označene rdeče krvničke
861 |
1 Tc-99m-Labelled White Blood cells Tc 99m označene bele krvničke
862 |
1 technical aspect strokovnost
863 |
1 techniques to improve radionuclide uptake in tumor cells tehnike za izboljšanje privzema radionuklida v tumorske celice
864 |
1 technology assessment ocenjevanje medicinskih tehnologij
865 |
1 temporal peak časovni vrh, TP
866 |
1 temporal peak intensity časovni (trenutni) vrh jakosti I(TP)
867 |
1 Tenth value layer debelina desetkratne oslabitve
868 |
1 test object testni objekt
869 |
1 test voltage testna napetost
870 |
1 thermal index toplotni indeks
871 |
1 Thomson scattering Thomsonovo sipanje
872 |
1 three dimensional scatter convolution tridimenzionalna sipalna konvolucija
873 |
1 three dimensional ultrasound imaging tridimenzionalno ultrazvočno slikanje
874 |
1 threshold detection zaznavanje meje
875 |
1 threshold value vrednost praga
876 |
1 time activity curve krivulja časovne odvisnosti aktivnosti
877 |
1 time average intensity, I(TA) časovno povprečje jakosti
878 |
1 time Gain Compensation kompenzacija pridobljenega časa
879 |
1 time gain compensation TGC
880 |
1 time interval difference imaging Time interval difference imaging
881 |
1 timing window časovno okno
882 |
1 tissue phantom ratio, TPR razmerje tkivo-fantom
883 |
1 tool orodje, pripomoček
884 |
1 top down approach pristop od zgoraj
885 |
1 total brightness gain Total brightness gain
886 |
1 total quality management celovito obvladovanje kakovosti
887 |
1 total scatter factor totalni sipalni faktor
888 |
1 tracer delivery dostava sledilca
889 |
1 tracer flux between compartments Tracer flux between compartments
890 |
1 tracer kazalec kakovosti
891 |
1 tracer kinetic modeling modeliranje kinetike sledilcev
892 |
1 tracer sledilec
893 |
1 tracer transport transport sledilca
894 |
1 trace sled
895 |
1 transfatty trans maščoben
896 |
1 transparency razvidnost, preglednost
897 |
1 transparent razviden, pregleden
898 |
1 transport index transportni indeks
899 |
1 transversal plane transverzalna ravnina
900 |
1 transverse plane transverzalna ravnina
901 |
1 treated volume zdravljen volumen
902 |
1 true coincidence detection in PET systems detekcija pravih koincidenc pri PET sistemih
903 |
1 ultrasonic output ultravočni output
904 |
1 underuse premajhna raba
905 |
1 unenhanced image nepovdarjena slika
906 |
1 uniformity index indeks uniformnosti
907 |
1 uniformity uniformnost
908 |
1 unipolar output enopolarni donos
909 |
1 use of guideline uporaba priporočila
910 |
1 validity veljavnost
911 |
1 variation odstopanje, različek, razlika
912 |
1 vessel žila
913 |
1 video detector video detektor
914 |
1 volume of interest, VOI volumen zanimanja
915 |
1 volumetric prescribing - brachytherapy volumetrično predpisovanje - brahiterapija
916 |
1 vseful Field of View, uFOV uporabno vidno polje
917 |
1 warm-up segrevanje
918 |
1 warm-up time čas segrevanja
919 |
1 warm-up time of the tube čas segrevanja rtg cevi
920 |
1 warning light opozorilna luč
921 |
1 well counter detector efficiency učinkovitost detektorja tipa vodnjaški števec
922 |
1 well-counter detector Well-counter detector
923 |
1 window fraction delež okna
924 |
1 window function funkcija okna
925 |
1 window okno
926 |
1 window width širina okna
927 |
1 wipe test test kontaminacije z brisom
928 |
1 wisconsin test cassette wiskonsinška testna kaseta
929 |
1 x-ray beam filtration filtracija rentgenskega žarkovnega snopa
930 |
1 x-ray beam rentgenski žarkovni snop
931 |
1 x-ray dosemeter rentgenski dozimeter
932 |
1 x-ray doze rentgenska doza
933 |
1 x-ray energy rentgenska energija
934 |
1 x-ray exposure rentgenska ekspozicija
935 |
1 x-ray generator rentgenski generator
936 |
1 x-ray image intensifier ojačevalnik rentgenske slike
937 |
1 x-ray protection zaščita pred rentgenskimi žarki
938 |
1 x-ray rentgenski žarki
939 |
1 x-ray table exposure chamber ionizacijska celica delovne mize
940 |
1 x-ray television rentgenska TV veriga
941 |
1 x-ray tube assembly sestava rentgenske cevi
942 |
1 x-ray tube housing ohišje rentgenske cevi
943 |
1 x-ray tube rentgenska cev
944 |
1 z-axis modulation Modulacije Z-osi
945 |
1 zero crossing detector detektor z ničlenjem
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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1 |
1 3-way stop-cocks trevägskran
2 |
1 abdominal X-ray bukröntgenundersökning; buköversikt
3 |
1 abietic acid abietinsyra
4 |
1 absorption of radiation strålningsabsorption
5 |
1 acetabular roof höftledspanna
6 |
1 acetic acid ättiksyra
7 |
1 acetoacetic acid acetättiksyra
8 |
1 acetylmuramic acid acetylmuraminsyra
9 |
1 acetylsalisylic acid acetylsalisylsyra
10 |
1 Acid Ceramidase surt ceramidas
11 |
1 acini kärna
12 |
1 aconitic acid akonitsyra
13 |
1 acromegaly akromegali
14 |
1 acrylic acid akrylsyra
15 |
1 acute bacterial endocarditis akut bakteriell endokardit
16 |
1 acute endocarditis akut endokardit
17 |
1 acute infectious endocarditis akut infektiös endokardit
18 |
1 acute renal failure akut njursvikt
19 |
1 acute respiratory failure or insufficiency akut andningssvikt eller andningsinsufficiens
20 |
1 acute rheumatic endocarditis akut reumatisk endokardit
21 |
1 a definite bleed en tydlig blödning
22 |
1 adenylic acid adenylsyra
23 |
1 adipic acid adipinsyra
24 |
1 administer and recirculate isoflurane and sevoflurane to patients tillföra och återcirkulera isofluran and sevofluran till patienter
25 |
1 administration administrering; genomförande
26 |
1 adrenocortical insufficiency binjurebarksinsufficiens
27 |
1 adult diabetes åldersdiabetes; vuxendiabetes
28 |
1 Advanced Hip Assessment (AHA) avancerad höftledsbedömning
29 |
1 adverse reactions ogynsamma/oönskade reaktioner
30 |
1 aesthesis känslighet; insiktsfullhet; förmåga att leva sig in och uppfatta känslor
31 |
1 aginosuccinic acid agininobärnstenssyra
32 |
1 airway resistance and compliance luftvägsmotstånd och luftvägscompliance
33 |
1 alcohol history // history of alcohol use alkoholanamnes
34 |
1 alcoholic cardiomyopathy alkoholkardiomyopati
35 |
1 alcohol wipes spritservetter; sprittorkar
36 |
1 alginic acid alginsyra
37 |
1 alimentary tract matsmältningskanalen
38 |
1 alpha-ketoglutaric acid alfa-ketoglutarsyra
39 |
1 alveolar epithelium avelolepitel
40 |
2 ambulatory ambulatorisk
41 |
1 amidosulphonic acid amidosulfonsyra
42 |
1 aminoacetic acid aminoättiksyra
43 |
1 amino acid aminosyra
44 |
1 aminobenzoic acid aminobensoesyra
45 |
1 aminocaproic acid aminokapronsyra
46 |
1 aminohippuric acid aminohippursyra
47 |
1 aminolevulinate hydrochloride aminolevulinathydroklorid
48 |
1 aminosalicylic acid aminosalicylsyra
49 |
1 amorphous selenium full field digitalt fullfälts-system för mammografi baserat på mikrokristallint selen
50 |
2 anaesthesiologist anestesiolog
51 |
1 Anaesthetic Conserving Device narkosmedelsbesparande apparat
52 |
1 Anaesthetic gas monitor narkosgasmonitor
53 |
1 anchor peptide ankarpeptid
54 |
1 ancillary testing patientnära analyser
55 |
1 angina angina; kärlkramp
56 |
1 angiocardiography angiokardiografi
57 |
1 angiogram angiogram
58 |
1 angiography angiografi
59 |
1 angiostenosis kärlförträngning
60 |
1 angiotensinases angiotensinaser
61 |
1 anode anod
62 |
1 antecubital i armvecket
63 |
1 anterior corticospinal tract tractus corticospinalis anterior
64 |
1 anterior spinocerebellar tract tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
65 |
1 anterior spinoctectal tract tractus spinotectalis anterior
66 |
1 anterior thalamospinal tract tractus thalamospinalis anterior
67 |
1 anthranilic acid antranilsyra
68 |
1 Antimycotics for systemic use antimykotika för systemiskt bruk
69 |
1 antisocial personality disorder antisocial personlighetsstörning; antisocial personlighetsrubbning
70 |
1 antitumour agent medel mot cancer
71 |
1 aortic valve aortaklaff
72 |
1 apex cannula for children, staged apexkanyl för barn, stegad diameter
73 |
1 apex of the heart hjärtspets
74 |
1 apply radiation stråla
75 |
1 arachidic acid arachinsyra
76 |
1 arachidonic acid arachidonsyra; arakidonsyra
77 |
1 arch support hålfotsinlägg
78 |
1 arrested hydrocephalus kompenserad hydrocefalus
79 |
1 arrest stillestånd
80 |
1 arrythmic arrytmisk; arytmisk
81 |
1 arsenic acid arseniksyra
82 |
1 arterial bruit artärbrus
83 |
1 arteriopathy arteriopati; artärsjukdom
84 |
1 artery artär; pulsåder
85 |
1 artificial control blood kalibreringsvätska (konstblod)
86 |
1 ascorbic acid askobinsyra; C-vitamin
87 |
1 aseptic broth process validation test aseptisk validering med (hjälp av) buljongmetoden
88 |
1 asparagic acid asparaginsyra
89 |
2 asparaginic acid asparaginsyra
90 |
1 atrioventricular block atrioventrikulärt block
91 |
1 atrioventricular node atrioventrikulärknut
92 |
1 auricle ytteröra; hjärtöra (auricula)
93 |
1 auriculoventricular block atrioventrikulärt block
94 |
1 auscultation of the heart hjärtauskultation
95 |
1 autolysis autolys; självdigestion
96 |
1 Automated External Defibrillator automatisk extern defibrillator
97 |
1 auxiliary psychiatric nurse skötare i psykiatrisk vård
98 |
1 azelaic acid azelainsyra
99 |
1 Bachelor of science in Nursing (BSN) sjuksköterskeexamen
100 |
1 background radiation bakgrundsstrålning
101 |
1 bacteremia bakteriemi
102 |
1 bacterial endocarditis bakteriell endokardit
103 |
1 ballism ballism
104 |
1 barbituric acid barbitursyra
105 |
1 barium swallow sväljningsröntgen; esofagusröntgen
106 |
1 barrel-shaped fatformig
107 |
1 barrier nursing smittskyddsvård
108 |
1 basal lung crepitations basala krepitationer
109 |
1 baseline severity strata svårighetsgrad vid baslinje
110 |
1 base power panel stativets strömförsörjningspanel
111 |
1 Beam's Eye View källperspektiv
112 |
1 beating pulserande
113 |
1 beef insulin nötinsulin
114 |
1 be gradually withdrawn smygas ut
115 |
1 benign godartad
116 |
1 benzilic acid bensilsyra
117 |
1 benzoic acid bensoesyra
118 |
1 beta blocker betablockerare
119 |
1 beta-hydroxybutyric acid beta-hydroxismörsyra
120 |
1 beta radiation betastrålning
121 |
1 Bier's block Biers block; Biers blockad
122 |
1 bile duct dilatation gallvägsdilstation
123 |
1 bio-pharmaceuticals biofarmaceutika
124 |
1 block block; blockad; blockera; ockludera; spärra; stänga av
125 |
1 block factor blockfaktor
126 |
1 blood count blodkroppsräkning
127 |
1 Blood Glucose Bl - Glukos
128 |
1 blood perfusion disorder genomblödningsrubbning
129 |
1 blood pressure blodtryck
130 |
1 blood-testing reagents reagens för blodtest; reagens för blodprov
131 |
1 blood vessel blodkärl
132 |
1 body body
133 |
1 bolus dose bolusdos
134 |
1 boric acid borsyra
135 |
1 boronate affinity chromatography boronataffinitetskromatografi
136 |
1 bounded-square output power maximal utgångseffekt per kvadratcentimeter vid manuell skanning
137 |
1 brain disease hjärnåkomma
138 |
1 branch takeoff avgång
139 |
1 branch vessel förgreningskärl
140 |
1 breakaway wells avbrytbara brunnar
141 |
1 breast pads amningskupor
142 |
1 breathing circuit ventilationskrets; andningskrets
143 |
1 breathing rate andningsfrekvens
144 |
1 brittle diabetes labil diabetes
145 |
1 bronchitis bronkit; luftrörskatarr
146 |
1 bruise blåmärke
147 |
1 bruising blånad
148 |
1 bundle branch block grenblock
149 |
1 button hook knappögla
150 |
1 buturic acid smörsyra; butursyra; butyrsyra
151 |
1 bypass mode bypassläge
152 |
1 bypass shunt; bypass
153 |
1 camphoric acid kamfersyra
154 |
1 Canadian Ingredient Disclosure list den kanadensiska ingrediensdeklarationslistan (CIDL)
155 |
1 cancer module cancermodul
156 |
1 candidal endocarditis candidaendokardit
157 |
1 Canrenoic spironolaktonisk
158 |
1 capric acid kaprinsyra
159 |
1 caproic acid kapronsyra
160 |
1 caprylic acid oktansyra; kaprylsyra
161 |
1 carbamic acid karbamidsyra; karbaminsyra
162 |
1 carbonic acid kolsyra
163 |
1 carboxylic acid karboxylsyra; karbonsyra
164 |
1 cardiac amyloidosis hjärtamyloidos
165 |
1 cardiac and vascular patch grafting kardiell och vaskulär lapptransplantation
166 |
1 cardiac aneurysm hjärtaneurysm
167 |
1 cardia cardia; kardia; övre magmunnen
168 |
1 cardiac arrest hjärtstopp; hjärtstillestånd
169 |
1 cardiac arrythmia hjärtarrytmi; hjärtarytmi; hjärtrytmrubbning
170 |
1 cardiac asthma hjärtastma
171 |
1 cardiac catheter hjärtkateter
172 |
1 cardiac catheterization hjärtkateterisering
173 |
1 cardiac cycle hjärtcykel
174 |
1 cardiac diameter hjärtdiameter
175 |
1 cardiac dilation hjärtdilation
176 |
1 cardiac drug hjärtmedicin
177 |
1 cardiac dullness hjärtdämpning
178 |
1 cardiac failure hjärtsvikt
179 |
1 cardiac flutter hjärtfladder
180 |
1 cardiac glycoside hjärtglykosid
181 |
1 cardiac hjärt-; med övre magmunnen att göra
182 |
1 cardiac index hjärtindex
183 |
1 cardiac insufficiency hjärtinsufficiens; hjärtinkompensation; hjärtsvaghet
184 |
1 cardiac massage hjärtkompression; hjärtmassage
185 |
1 cardiac monitoring hjärtövervakning
186 |
1 cardiac murmor hjärtblåsljud
187 |
1 cardiac nerve hjärtnerv
188 |
1 cardiac neurosis kardioneuros; hjärtneuros
189 |
1 cardiac output hjärtminutvolym
190 |
1 cardiac rehabilitation hjärtrehabilitering
191 |
1 cardiac-related skills kardiologirelaterade färdigheter
192 |
1 Cardiac resynchronization therapy CRT kardiell resynkroniseringsbehandling (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, CRT); CRT
193 |
1 cardiac rhythm regulator hjärtrytmregulator
194 |
1 cardiac sound hjärtton
195 |
1 cardiac stimulant hjärtstimulerande medel; hjärtstimulans
196 |
1 cardiac tonic hjärtstärkande medel
197 |
1 cardiac tumour hjärttumör
198 |
1 cardiac valve hjärtklaff
199 |
1 cardiac volume hjärtvolym
200 |
1 cardialgia hjärtsmärta; kardialgia
201 |
1 cardioactive hjärtaktiv
202 |
1 cardiocentesis kardiocentes
203 |
1 cardiodensitometer kardiodensitometer
204 |
1 cardiogenic kardiogen
205 |
1 cardiogenic shock hjärtchock; kardiogen chock
206 |
1 cardiogram kardiogram
207 |
1 cardiograph kardiograf
208 |
1 cardiography kardiografi
209 |
1 cardiolipin kardiolipin
210 |
1 cardiological kardiologisk
211 |
1 cardiologist hjärtspecialist; kardiolog
212 |
1 cardiology kardiologi
213 |
1 cardiomegaly hjärtförstoring; kardiomegali
214 |
1 cardiomyopathy kardiomyopati
215 |
1 cardiomyoplasty kardiomyoplastik
216 |
1 cardionecrosis hjärtnekros
217 |
1 cardioneurosis hjärtneuros; kardioneuros
218 |
1 cardiopalasty kardioplastik
219 |
1 cardiopathy kardiopati
220 |
1 cardioplegia kardioplegi
221 |
1 cardiopulmonary hjärt-lung-; kardiopulmonal
222 |
1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation hjärt-lungräddning
223 |
1 cardiosclerosis hjärtskleros; kardioskleros
224 |
1 cardioselective beta-blocker selektiv beta-1-receptorblockerare
225 |
1 cardioselective kardioselektiv
226 |
1 cardiospasm kardiospasm
227 |
1 cardiospecific kardiospecifik
228 |
1 cardiotachogram kardiotakogram
229 |
1 cardiotocogram kardiotokogram
230 |
1 cardiotocographically kardiotokografiskt
231 |
1 cardiotocographic kardiotokografisk
232 |
1 cardiotocograph kardiotokograf
233 |
1 cardiotocography kardiotokografi
234 |
1 cardiotonic hjärtstärkande; hjärtstimulerande
235 |
1 cardiotoxic kardiotoxisk
236 |
1 cardiovascular agent(s) hjärt-kärlmedel
237 |
1 cardiovascular disease hjärt-kärlsjukdom
238 |
1 cardiovascular hjärt-kärl-; kardiovaskulär
239 |
1 cardiovascular system hjärt-kärlsystem
240 |
1 cardioversion elkonvertering; elregularisering
241 |
1 carditis kardit
242 |
1 carragum karragenan
243 |
1 carrier-free bärarefri
244 |
1 Carrier RNA bärar-RNA
245 |
1 carrying capacity and binding transportkapacitet och bindning
246 |
1 cartridge kassett
247 |
1 case record patientformulär (i klinisk prövning); journalanteckning
248 |
1 cassette kassett; röntgenfilmkassett
249 |
1 cast metal crown gjuten metallkrona
250 |
1 catharral tracheitis katarral trakeit
251 |
1 cathode katod
252 |
1 CAT scan datortomografisk bild
253 |
1 CAT scanner datortomograf
254 |
1 caudal block kaudalblock; kaudalblockad
255 |
1 CAVH (continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration) CAVH (fortlöpande arteriovenös hemofiltration)
256 |
1 CDH (congenital hip dislocation) medfödd höftledsluxation
257 |
1 ceftizoxime ceftizoxim
258 |
1 ceiling suspension takstativ
259 |
1 cellular cellulär; cellular
260 |
1 central tegmental tract tractus tegmentalis centralis
261 |
1 centromere centromer
262 |
1 cerebellar peduncles lillhjärnsstjälkarna
263 |
1 cerebellothalamic tract tractus cerebellothalamicus
264 |
1 Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Sub-cortical Infarcts cadasil
265 |
1 cerebral oedema hjärnödem
266 |
1 cerebropontine tract tractus corticopontinus
267 |
1 cerebrospinal fluid cerebrospinalvätska;ryggmärgsvätska; spinalvätska; liquor
268 |
1 cerebrospinal fluid hjärnvätska
269 |
1 cerebrospinal pressure liquortryck; trycket i ryggmärgsvätskan
270 |
1 cerumen cerumen; öronvax
271 |
1 chaotic oregelbunden
272 |
1 check spoons kontrollera spatlar
273 |
1 chest X-ray lungröntgen
274 |
1 Chinimum sulphuricum (Sulphite of quinine) kininsulfat
275 |
1 chlorine bleach lye (e.g. Maranon) natriumhypoklorid
276 |
1 cholestasis gallstas; kolestas
277 |
1 chromosome kromosom
278 |
1 chronic renal failure kronisk njursvikt
279 |
1 ciliary body ciliarkropp; strålkropp
280 |
1 cineangiography cineangiografi
281 |
1 clinical attachment klinisk tjänstgöring
282 |
1 closing the pocket (för)slut fickan
283 |
1 cochlea cochlea; öronsnäcka; snäcka
284 |
1 Coiled tubing spiralslang
285 |
1 comorbid medical conditions komorbida medicinska tillstånd
286 |
1 concretions // calcifications konkrement
287 |
1 conduction speed retledningshastighet
288 |
1 congenital tracheomalacia medfödd trakeomalaci
289 |
1 conjonctiva bindhinna; konjunktiva
290 |
1 consultant (UK); senior specialist or associate professor (USA) överläkare
291 |
1 contraceptive sponge p-kudde
292 |
1 control case kontrollfall
293 |
1 Control of Eating Questionnaire Frågeformuläret Styrning av Ätbeteende
294 |
1 control vent (finger)kontrollhål
295 |
1 convex to the left vänsterkonvex
296 |
1 convex to the right högerkonvex
297 |
1 coping vaxschablon
298 |
1 coprolalia koprolali
299 |
1 core mutation core-mutation
300 |
1 corn liktorn
301 |
1 coronal plane frontalplan
302 |
1 coronary angiography koronarangiografi
303 |
1 coronary artery diease kranskärlssjukdom; kransartärsjukdom; koronarartärsjukdom
304 |
1 coronary artery koronarartär; kransartär
305 |
1 coronary artery kransartär; koronarartär
306 |
1 coronary blood flow kranskärlsblodflöde; kransartärblodflöde; koronarblodflöde
307 |
1 coronary embolism hjärtpropp; hjärtemboli; kransartäremboli; koronaremboli
308 |
1 coronary hjärtinfarkt; kransartär; krans-; koronar-
309 |
1 coronary intensive care unit hjärtintensivavdelning; hjärtinfarktavdelning
310 |
1 coronary sclerosis koronarskleros; kardioskleros
311 |
1 coronary sinus defect koronarsinusdefekt
312 |
1 coronary sinus koronarsinus
313 |
1 corpse lik
314 |
1 corrigent korrigens
315 |
1 corticohypothalamic tract tractus corticohypothalamicus
316 |
1 corticonuclear tract tractus corticonuclearis
317 |
1 counsellor kurator
318 |
1 coxackie carditis coxackiekardit
319 |
1 cross-indication study indikationsövergripande studie
320 |
1 cryptococcus kryptokock
321 |
1 crystalluria kristalluri
322 |
1 Curettage (Radiused Chamfer) kurettage (radiell avfasning)
323 |
1 cuvette / pulled out cuvette holder kuvett/ utdragen kuvetthållare
324 |
1 Data Monitoring Committe övervakningsgrupp
325 |
1 densitometer densitometer
326 |
1 density of radiation energy strålningstäthet
327 |
1 density täthet; densitet
328 |
1 department of radiology röntgenavdelning
329 |
1 derived images härledda bilder, beräknade bilder
330 |
1 detection principles mätmetoder
331 |
1 detersive rengörande
332 |
1 developing hematoma framträngande
333 |
1 device hjälpmedel
334 |
1 diabetes diabetes; sockersjuka
335 |
1 diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus
336 |
1 diabetic acidosis diabetesacidos
337 |
1 diabetic amyotrophy diabetesamyotrofi
338 |
1 diabetic angiopathy diabetesangiopati
339 |
1 diabetic coma diabetekoma
340 |
1 diabetic diabetisk; sockersjuk; diabetiker
341 |
1 diabetic gangrene diabetesgangrän
342 |
1 diabetician diabetolog
343 |
1 diabetic ketoacidosis diabetesketoacidos
344 |
1 diabetic ketosis diabetesketos
345 |
1 diabetic nephropathy diabetesnefropati
346 |
1 diabetic polyneuropathy diabetespolyneuropati
347 |
1 diabetogenic diabetogen
348 |
1 diabetologist diabetolog
349 |
1 diagnostic radiology röntgendiagnostik
350 |
1 diastole diastole
351 |
1 diastolic blood pressure diastoliskt blodtryck
352 |
1 diastolic diastolisk
353 |
1 digestive tract matsmältningskanalen
354 |
1 dilatated cardiomyopathy dilaterad kardiomyopati
355 |
1 dilatation of the heart hjärtutvidgning
356 |
1 dilative cardiomyopathy dilatativ kardiomyopati
357 |
1 diluent spädningsmedel; fyllnadsmedel
358 |
1 direction for use (DFU) användningsdirektiv
359 |
1 disability aids handikapphjälpmedel
360 |
1 discrete pleural thickening bilaterally and in connection with the diaphragm dome diskreta pleurala förtjockningar bilateralt o i anslutning till diafragmakupolen
361 |
1 disc susceptibility testing resistensbestämning med disk
362 |
1 disfluencies avbrott (i talflödet)
363 |
1 dosage unit compositions dosenhetens sammansättning/komposition/sammanställning
364 |
1 Dosicap DosiCap
365 |
1 drainage vätskeansamling
366 |
1 ductal organs duktala organ
367 |
1 dural sack durasäck
368 |
1 dwell time tid som vätskan är kvar i bukhålan
369 |
1 dyslipidemia dyslipidemi
370 |
1 dysthyroidism sköldkörtelrubbningar
371 |
1 ease of administration enkel administrering
372 |
1 effective seal effektiv tätning
373 |
1 EHG - Electrohysterogram elektrohysterogram
374 |
1 electrocardiography elektrokardiografi; EKG
375 |
1 electromagnetic radiation elektromagnetisk strålning
376 |
1 emesis kräkning; emes
377 |
1 emetic kräkmedel; emeticum
378 |
1 end artery ändartär
379 |
1 end-diastolic slutdiastolisk
380 |
1 endocardiac endokardiell
381 |
1 endocardial endokardiell
382 |
1 endocarditis endokardit
383 |
1 endocardium endokardium; endokardie
384 |
1 endomyocardial endomyokardiell
385 |
1 endomyocarditis endomyokardit
386 |
1 endomysium endomysium
387 |
1 end-systolic slutsystolisk
388 |
1 enlarged heart förstorat hjärta
389 |
1 enlargement of the heart hjärtförstoring; kardiomegali
390 |
1 ENL ENL (erythema nodosum leprosum)
391 |
1 enzyme release enzymsläpp
392 |
1 epidermal harvesting epidermisinsamling
393 |
1 epidural block epiduralblockad
394 |
1 equi-iodine samma mängd av jod
395 |
1 equivalence margin ekvivalensmarginal
396 |
1 ethoxylate -etoxylat
397 |
1 euthanasia dödshjälp; eutanasi
398 |
1 evoked potential svarspotential (elektrisk); reaktionspotential; elektrisk retningspotential
399 |
1 examination of the heart hjärtundersökning
400 |
1 excipient hjälpämne
401 |
1 exercise heart rate arbetshjärtfrekvens
402 |
1 exhaust utlopp
403 |
1 expanded polytetrafluoroethylene expanderad PTFE (polytetrafluoroetylen)
404 |
1 experience genomgången
405 |
1 external cardiac massage extern hjärtmassage
406 |
1 eyebrows ögonbryn
407 |
1 Eye Care Professionals ögonspecialister
408 |
1 eyelids ögonlock
409 |
1 eye öga
410 |
1 Fabry disease Fabrys sjukdom
411 |
1 Factor Assay koagulationsfaktoranalys
412 |
1 failure-orientated treatment strategy motgångsorienterad behandlingsstrategi
413 |
1 falling sickness fallandesoten
414 |
1 fatty heart fetthjärta; cor adiposum
415 |
1 filling (rotkanal)fyllning, fyllning(smaterial)
416 |
1 final inspection slutkontroll
417 |
1 fine-needle biopsy of liver lesions finnålspunktion mot leverförändringar
418 |
1 fixation hardware fixationsmaterial
419 |
1 fixed local facilities lokalfunktioner
420 |
1 flash sterilize snabbautoklavering
421 |
1 flour based pumice fint pimpsenspulver
422 |
1 flour based pumice fint pimpstenspulver
423 |
1 flow-mediated vasodilation flödesmedierad vasodilation
424 |
1 fluidity agent flytmedel
425 |
1 fluorescence fluorescens
426 |
1 fluorescent fluorescerande
427 |
1 fluorescent screen fluorescensskärm; fluorescerande skärm
428 |
1 fluoroscope fluoroskop; röntgengenomlysningsapparat, röntgengenomlysa
429 |
1 fluoroscopically med hjälp a röntgengenomlysning; fluoroskopiskt
430 |
1 fluoroscopic fluoroskopisk
431 |
1 fluoroscopy röntgengenomlysning; genomlysning; fluoroskopi; radioskopi
432 |
1 focal findings Fokala fynd
433 |
1 foetal heart rate fosterhjärtfrekvens
434 |
1 foodgrade livsmedelsgodkänt; livsmedelsklassat
435 |
1 food steel livsmedelsstål
436 |
1 formula test data / formula composition produkttestdata / produktsammansättning
437 |
1 foundationalism fundamentism
438 |
1 French size French
439 |
1 frontal lobe pannlob; frontallob
440 |
1 frontopontine tract tractus frontopontinus
441 |
1 frontothalamic tract tractus frontothalamicus
442 |
1 fume-cupboard dragskåp
443 |
1 fundus photographs ögonbottenfoto
444 |
1 fungicidal svampdödande
445 |
1 fungicide svampdödande medel; fingicid
446 |
1 fungi svampar
447 |
1 fungus svamp; fungus
448 |
1 gamma radiation gammastrålning
449 |
1 ganglion block ganglionblockad
450 |
1 ganglionic blocking agent ganglieblockerande medel
451 |
1 gastric banding gastric banding; ventrikelligering
452 |
1 Gastrointestinal intoxication mag-tarmförgiftning; gastrointestinal förgiftning
453 |
1 gastrointestinal tract mag-tarmkanalen; gastrointestinalkanalen
454 |
1 gastro-resistant capsule enterokapsel
455 |
1 gauze sponge gasvävskompress
456 |
1 gene encoding genkoden
457 |
1 general condition AT
458 |
1 (general) physical tension överspänd kropp
459 |
1 germinal centre cells of Payer's patches central embryonalcell från Peyers plaques
460 |
2 gestational diabetes graviditetsdiabetes
461 |
1 gigantism gigantism
462 |
1 gleet kronisk flytning från urinröret
463 |
1 glycoylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) glykerat hemoglobin (HbA1C)
464 |
1 glycoylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) glykolerat hemoglobin (HbA1C)
465 |
1 gonalgia knäsmärta; gonalgi
466 |
1 gonococcal endocarditis gonokockendokardit
467 |
1 gravity displacement N-autoklav; normaltrycksautoklav
468 |
1 gumboil tandböld; tandköttsböld
469 |
1 gynaecology clinic and female health clinic (UK); gynecology clinic and female health clinic (US) Gynekologmottagning och kvinnohälsovårdsmottagning
470 |
1 gyrus hjärnvindling
471 |
1 handgrip strips handgreppsskenor
472 |
1 hard X-ray hård röntgenstrålning
473 |
1 hard X-rays hård röntgenstrålning
474 |
1 healthcare activities and healthcare actions; health care activities and health care actions vårdaktiviteter och vårdhandlingar
475 |
1 health, nursing & care hälsa, vård & omsorg
476 |
1 health official hälsovårdsmyndighet(er)
477 |
1 health promoter hälsopromoter; friskvårdare; hälsovårdare
478 |
1 hearing thresholds hörtrösklar
479 |
1 heartache sorg; hjärtesorg
480 |
1 heart anomaly hjärtmissbildning
481 |
1 heart arrest hjärtstillestånd
482 |
1 heart attack hjärtattack
483 |
1 heartbeat hjärtslag
484 |
2 heart block hjärtblock
485 |
1 heart bulge hjärtanlag
486 |
1 heartburn halsbränna; sura uppstötningar
487 |
1 heart complaint hjärtåkomma
488 |
1 heart death hjärtdöd
489 |
1 heart disease hjärtsjukdom; hjärtfel
490 |
1 heart failure hjärtsvikt
491 |
1 heart function hjärtfunktion
492 |
1 heart hjärta
493 |
1 heart lung machine hjärt-lungmaskin
494 |
1 heart-lung machine hjärt-lungmaskin
495 |
1 heart-lung transplat hjärtlungtransplantation
496 |
1 heart murmor blåsljud på hjärtat
497 |
1 heart muscle hjärtmuskel
498 |
1 heart rate hjärtfrekvens
499 |
1 heart region hjärttrakten
500 |
1 heart size hjärtstorlek
501 |
1 heart sound hjärtton
502 |
1 heart specialist hjärtspecialist; kardiolog
503 |
1 heart surgeon hjärtkirug
504 |
1 heart surgery hjärtkirugi
505 |
1 heart trouble hjärtbesvär
506 |
1 heart tube hjärtrör
507 |
1 heart valve prosthesis hjärtklaffsprotes
508 |
1 heart wall hjärtvägg
509 |
1 heat radiation värmestrålning
510 |
1 heme iron Hemjärn
511 |
1 herbalist örtkännare; örtmedicinare
512 |
1 herbal remedy örtmedicin; örtkur
513 |
1 hernia bråck
514 |
1 high-gold metal högguldlegering
515 |
1 high quality targets for drug development and diagnostic products högkvalitativa objekt för läkemedelsutveckling och diagnostikprodukter
516 |
1 high tracheotomy hög trakeotomi
517 |
1 homoeotherm varmblodig organism
518 |
1 human biology humanbiologi
519 |
1 human insulin humaninsulin
520 |
1 hurting smärtande
521 |
1 hydrocarbyl group kolvätegrupp
522 |
1 hyperthropy hypertrofi
523 |
1 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hypertrofisk kardiomyopati
524 |
1 I am gay/homosexual jag är bög
525 |
1 iliac tubercle höftbenskam(men)
526 |
1 image intensifier bildförstärkare
527 |
1 imaging phantom röntgenfantom
528 |
1 immortalized (cell lines) immortaliserade cellinjer; immortaliserade cell-linjer
529 |
1 imputed heparin imputerad heparin
530 |
1 incisal framtands-
531 |
1 Incontinence slips allt-i-ett-skydd
532 |
1 incubator kuvös
533 |
1 infectious medicine infektionsmedicin
534 |
1 inferior tracheotomy låg trakeotomi
535 |
1 Inflammatory nonarticular rheumatic conditions inflammatoriska icke-artikulära reumatiska tillstånd
536 |
1 inflation device for biliary pump för/med biliär ballongkateter
537 |
1 infrared radiation infraröd strålning
538 |
1 ingrowing toenail nageltrång
539 |
1 inlays inlays; inlägg
540 |
1 inner protective layer underskyddande
541 |
1 insulin antibody insulinantikropp
542 |
1 insulinase insulinas
543 |
1 insulin auto-antibody insulinautoantikropp
544 |
1 insulin coma insulinkoma; hypoglykemisk koma
545 |
1 insulin insulin
546 |
1 insulin introduction insulininsättning
547 |
1 insulin lente insulin lente
548 |
1 insulin-like growth factor insulinlik tillväxtfaktor
549 |
1 insulinoma insulinom; insulom
550 |
1 insulin pen insulin penna
551 |
1 insulin-producing insulinproducerande
552 |
1 insulin production insulinproduktion
553 |
1 insulin pump insulinpump
554 |
1 insulin receptor insulinreceptor
555 |
1 insulin release insulinfrisättning
556 |
1 insulin secretion insulinsekretion
557 |
1 insulin shock insulinchock
558 |
1 insulin shock therapy insulinchockterapi
559 |
1 insulin treatment insulinbehandling
560 |
1 insulin unit insulinenhet
561 |
1 intention-to-treat analysis intention to treat-analys
562 |
1 Intent-To-Treat intent-to-treat
563 |
1 interaction interaktion; samspel
564 |
1 intercostal nerve block interkostalblockad
565 |
1 intercostal space interkostalrum
566 |
1 interglobular space interglobularrum
567 |
1 intersomatic intersomatiskt
568 |
1 intrinsic heart rate hjärtats egenfrekvens
569 |
1 invasive techniques invasiva tekniker
570 |
1 inverting container mixer sluten inverterande blandare
571 |
1 in-vivo contrast media in-vivo kontrastmedel
572 |
1 involvement engagemang
573 |
1 iodothyronine jodtyronin
574 |
1 ionizing radiation joniserande strålning
575 |
1 Ipriflavone ipriflavon; 7-isopropoxyisoflavon
576 |
1 iris iris
577 |
1 iron deficiency järnbrist
578 |
1 iron järn
579 |
1 irregate spola; skölja
580 |
1 irregular oregelbunden
581 |
1 isocratic isokratisk
582 |
1 isophane insulin isofaninsulin
583 |
1 IVC vena cava inferior
584 |
1 IV push or bolus snabbinfusion eller bolusinjektion
585 |
1 jet ventilation catheter jetventilationskateter
586 |
1 J/straight 0.038 inch guidewire J/rak 1 mm mandräng
587 |
1 juvenil diabetes juvenil diabetes
588 |
1 Kali carbonicum (Potassium carbonate) kaliumkarbonat
589 |
1 Keith's bundle sinusknut
590 |
1 kneecap knäskål; patella
591 |
1 LA1 screening LA1 screening; LA1 massundersökning
592 |
1 lack of oxygen; oxygen deficiency syrebrist
593 |
1 lacrimal apparatus tårapparat
594 |
1 laminate veneers skalfasader
595 |
1 laser source laserkälla
596 |
1 lateral corticospinal tract tractus corticospinalis lateralis
597 |
1 lateral intersegmental tract fasciculus proprius lateralis
598 |
1 laterally lateralt
599 |
1 lateral spinotectal tract tractus spinotectalis lateralis
600 |
1 lateral spinothalamic tract tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
601 |
1 lead apron blyförkläde
602 |
1 lead-induced gout blygikt
603 |
1 left bundle branch block totalt vänstersidigt grenblock
604 |
1 left heart failure vänsterhjärtsvikt
605 |
1 left ventricular heart failure vänsterkammarsvikt; vänsterinsufficiens
606 |
1 Legionnaires disease legionärssjukan
607 |
1 lifeless livlös
608 |
1 life-or limb-threatening livs- eller lemhotande
609 |
1 light gauge sterilization wrap finporiga steriliseringsomslag; finporiga packskynken
610 |
1 limit value gränsvärde
611 |
1 limonene limonen
612 |
1 liner ledpanna
613 |
1 liner skyddsfilm
614 |
1 lithotomi position litotomiställning
615 |
1 lobe lob
616 |
1 local lymph node assay mus- lymfomtest; lymfomtest på mus
617 |
1 locum vikarierande läkare; läkarevikarie; tillförordnad läkare
618 |
1 long-acting insulin långverkande insulin
619 |
1 long-duration C-arm imaging långvarig bildundersökning med C-arm
620 |
1 loose connective tissue lucker interstitiell bindväv
621 |
1 low end sensitivity känsligheten i nedre delen av mätområdet
622 |
1 low tack resin låghäftande (konst)harts; låghäftande resin
623 |
1 low-threshold assistance basomsorg
624 |
1 low tracheotomy låg trakeotomi
625 |
1 Lubricant lubrikant
626 |
1 Luer Lock - luer lock - Luer Lok luerlock
627 |
1 magnetic resonance imaging magnetröntgenkamera
628 |
1 maintenance therapy underhållsbehandling
629 |
1 malign elakartad
630 |
1 mange skabb
631 |
1 marked laboratory abnormalities (MLA) påtagligt/påtagliga avvikande kliniska laboratorievärden
632 |
1 material-lock/personnel-lock material- personalsluss
633 |
1 mat evaluation MAT™-utvärdering; MAT™-evaluering
634 |
1 medical bill vårdfaktura
635 |
1 Medical Claim Form blankett för sjuk- och olycksfallsersättningskrav
636 |
1 medical device medicinteknisk produkt
637 |
1 medium-acting insulin medellångverkande insulin
638 |
1 meningococcal carditis meningokockkardit
639 |
1 meningococcal endocarditis meningokockendokardit
640 |
1 mental block mental hämning; mental blockering
641 |
1 metabolic metabola
642 |
1 micronutrients vitaminer och spårämnen
643 |
1 midline shift medellinjeöverskjutning
644 |
1 Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) titthålsteknik
645 |
1 M.O.D. restorations mesio-ocklusal-distal restaurering
646 |
1 moloney murine leukaemia virus transcriptase Moloneys murina leukemivirus-transkriptas
647 |
1 monilial endocarditis endokardit förorsakad av Monilia
648 |
1 montanglycol wax montanglykolvax
649 |
1 morning rounds morgonronder
650 |
2 motion sickness åksjuka
651 |
1 mucosal barrier slemhinnebarriär
652 |
1 myocardial erosion myokardisk erosion; erosion av myokardiet
653 |
1 myocarditis hjärtmuskelinflammation
654 |
1 myocardium hjärtmuskel
655 |
1 myopia närsynthet; myopi
656 |
1 NAD -Nothing Abnormal Detected u.a. - utan anmärkning
657 |
1 NAD u a.
658 |
1 Nasal decontamination regime nasal dekontamineringsregim; nasalt dekontamineringsprogram
659 |
1 nasolacrimal duct nästårgång; näs-tårkanal
660 |
1 near patient testing patientnära provtagning
661 |
1 negative-ion chemistry anjonkemi
662 |
1 negative T in aVF negativ T i aVF
663 |
1 nerv tissue nervvävnad
664 |
1 neurotensin (substace P) NT(SP)
665 |
1 NICU (Neurointensive Care Unit) neurointensivvårdsavdelning
666 |
1 nipple marker bröstvårtemarkör
667 |
1 nitinol Nitinol
668 |
1 nitrate unresponsive svarar/viker inte på nitrat
669 |
1 nitrosating agents nitroserande agenser; nitroserande ämnen
670 |
1 non-rebreathing icke-utandande
671 |
1 non-small-cell icke småcellig
672 |
1 No regional hypokinesias Inga regionala hypokinesier.
673 |
1 notification of recovery friskanmälan
674 |
1 nuklear cardiology nuklearkardiologi
675 |
1 Nutrition clinic näringsklinik
676 |
1 occlusion alarm ocklusionsalarm
677 |
678 |
1 oculomotor muscle ögonmuskel
679 |
1 oculomotor muscles ögonmuskler
680 |
1 o-dianisidine, methine basic dye, trisodium bis, sulphonato and is azo = nitrat o-dianisidin
681 |
1 OES Occupational Exposure Standard (yrkesmässig exponeringsstandard)
682 |
1 oesophagus matstrupe
683 |
1 oestrogen östrogen
684 |
1 of end stage renal disease av njursvikt i terminalfas
685 |
1 off-label drug therapy icke avsedd användning av läkemedel
686 |
1 oleic acid oljesyra
687 |
1 on a working cast på en arbetsmodell
688 |
1 on behalf of å (mitt namns) vägnar
689 |
1 on-demand dose behovsdos
690 |
1 opaque opak, body och framtands-
691 |
1 open-chest cardiac massage intern hjärtmassage
692 |
1 open heart surgery öppen hjärtkirugi
693 |
1 open label extension studies utökade open label-test
694 |
1 open label, singel arm open-label, single-arm
695 |
1 open label study open label-test, open label-studie
696 |
1 optic nerve cupping förstoring av synnervsgropen
697 |
1 organosilanes organosilaner
698 |
1 oriental liver fluke disease orientalisk levermasksjukdom
699 |
1 ossification ossifikation; benbildning
700 |
1 outflow tract utflödesområde
701 |
1 overinflation överuppblåsning
702 |
1 paced ECG analysis pacad EKG-analys
703 |
1 pacemaker konstgjord hjärtstimulator; pacemaker; sinusknut
704 |
1 paedobarograph pedobarograf
705 |
1 pancreas bukspottkörtel
706 |
1 paracervical block paracervikalblock
707 |
1 parent vessel moderkärl
708 |
1 parietal lobe parietallob
709 |
1 Parkinson's disease rystsjuka
710 |
1 patient line patientrad
711 |
1 patients with reference vessel diameter at site of filter patienter med referenskärldiameter vid filtrets plats
712 |
1 periopathogenic periopatogen
713 |
1 peripheral reflexes measures mätningar av perifera reflexer
714 |
1 permanent nerve block permanent nervblockad; permanent avdödande av nervfibrer
715 |
1 Per-Protocol Population per protokoll-population
716 |
1 Pharmaceutical Affairs Law japansk farmaceutisk lagstiftning (the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law)
717 |
1 pharmaceutical targets läkemedelstargets
718 |
1 phasic flow andningsfasberoende flöde; andningsfasstyrt flöde
719 |
1 pin-indexed yoke-type valve connection anslutning för ventil med bygel och styranordning (pin-index)
720 |
1 plane plana
721 |
1 plasma phospholipid fatty acid fettsyror i fosfolipiderna i plasman
722 |
1 plate forcep platthållningspincett
723 |
1 platen (press)platta
724 |
1 pleural mass pleurasvål
725 |
1 polariserad radiation polariserad strålning
726 |
1 polybutylene terephthalate polybutylentereftalat
727 |
1 Polymerase polymeras
728 |
1 Pop-off Valve Berner-ventil
729 |
1 pork insulin svininsulin
730 |
1 posey belts Posey-bälte; tvångsbälte
731 |
1 post averaging time intervallängd för medelvärdesberäkning
732 |
1 posttranslational template refolding posttranlationell template-ihopveckling
733 |
1 pour-off specimen avhällt prov
734 |
1 Power handle krafthandtag
735 |
1 power x % to detect a hazard ratio of 0.75 power/statistisk styrka på x % för att detektera riskkvoten 0,75
736 |
1 precocious brådmogen
737 |
1 preoperative preoperativ
738 |
1 prescription range/power range styrka
739 |
1 prescription trends continue to slide receptskrivningen fortsätter att minska
740 |
1 presenting an anomaly uppvisar en anomali
741 |
1 preventive measures profylaktiska åtgärder
742 |
1 primary endpoint primär slutpunkt
743 |
1 primary medical qualification medicine kandidatexamen
744 |
1 Priming/Priming rate flöda / flödningshastighet
745 |
1 procedural anxiety ingreppsrädsla
746 |
1 proprietary additives äganderättsskyddade tillsatser (eller, om tillämpligt, patentskyddade tillsatser)
747 |
1 protective radiation shield strålskärm
748 |
1 protocol monitor protokollmonitor
749 |
1 protocol protokoll
750 |
1 providers of bordering specialties vårdgrannar
751 |
1 psychosomatic manifestation psykosomatisk manifestation
752 |
1 pudendal nerve pudendusnerv; pudendalnerv
753 |
1 pulmonary circulation lungkretslopp (lilla kretsloppet)
754 |
1 Pulp infarction pulpainfarkt
755 |
1 Pulsed Output Waveform pulsvågform
756 |
1 punched pressade
757 |
1 pupil pupill
758 |
1 purse-string tobakspungssutur
759 |
1 put stick in
760 |
1 radial chromatography radialflödeskromatografi
761 |
1 radiation accident strålningsolycka
762 |
1 radiation analyzer strålfältsanalysator
763 |
1 radiation biology strålningsbiologi
764 |
1 radiation burn strålningsbrännskada; strålningsbrännsår
765 |
1 radiation chemistry strålkemi; strålningskemi
766 |
1 radiation chemist strålkemist
767 |
1 radiation counter strålningsräknare
768 |
1 radiation cystitis strålcystit
769 |
1 radiation detector strålningsdetektor
770 |
1 radiation dose stråldos
771 |
1 radiation dosimeter stråldosimeter
772 |
1 radiation dosimetry stråldosimetri
773 |
1 radiation energy level strålenerginivå
774 |
1 radiation genetics strålgenetik
775 |
1 radiation hazard strålningsrisk
776 |
1 radiation indicator strålningsindikator
777 |
1 radiation-induced leision röntgenskada
778 |
1 radiation injury strålskada
779 |
1 radiation intensity strålningsintensitet
780 |
1 radiation laboratory strållaboratorium
781 |
1 radiation level strålningsnivå
782 |
1 radiation measurement strålningsmätning
783 |
1 radiation medicine strålningsmedicin
784 |
1 radiation meter strålningsmätare
785 |
1 radiation monitoring strålskyddsövervakning
786 |
1 radiation monitor strålningsmonitor
787 |
1 radiation physicist strålningsfysiker
788 |
1 radiation physics strålningsfysik; radiofysik
789 |
1 radiation pneumonitis strålningspneumonit
790 |
1 radiation proctitis strålningsproktit
791 |
1 radiation-proof protective suit strålskyddsdräkt
792 |
1 radiation protection strålskydd
793 |
1 radiation resistance strålningsresistens
794 |
1 radiation safety inspector strålskyddsinspectör
795 |
1 radiation safety physicist strålskyddsfysiker
796 |
1 radiation-sensitive strålkänslig
797 |
1 radiation sickness strålsjuka
798 |
1 radiation source strålningskälla
799 |
1 radiation strålning; utstrålning; radioaktivitet
800 |
1 radiation surgery strålkirugi
801 |
1 radiation technology strålningsteknik
802 |
1 radiation warning device strålningsvakt
803 |
1 radiestesy radiestesi
804 |
1 radioactive caesium radioaktivt cesium
805 |
1 radioactive discharge radioaktivt utsläpp
806 |
1 radioactive dust radioaktivt stoft
807 |
1 radioactive fallout radioaktivt nedfall
808 |
1 radioactive half-life radioaktiv halveringstid
809 |
1 radioactive isotope radioaktiv isotop
810 |
1 radioactive material radioaktivt material
811 |
1 radioactive mineral radioaktivt mineral
812 |
1 radioactive nucleus radioaktiv kärna
813 |
1 radioactive particle radioaktiv partikel
814 |
1 radioactive pollution radioaktiv förorening
815 |
1 radioactive radiation radioactiv strålning
816 |
1 radioactive radioaktiv
817 |
1 radiodensity röntgentäthet
818 |
1 radiographic film cassette röntgenkassett
819 |
1 radiograph röntgenbild
820 |
1 radio-immunoassay radioimmunoassay; radioimmunanalys; radioimmunmetod
821 |
1 radiological röntgenologisk
822 |
1 radiologist röntgenläkare; röntgenspecialist; röntgenolog
823 |
1 radiologist's report röntgenutlåtande
824 |
1 radiology röntgenologi
825 |
1 radio-opaque radiopak; röntgentät
826 |
1 radiopacity röntgentäthet
827 |
1 radiopaque röntgentät
828 |
1 radiopharmaceuticals radioaktivt farmakon; radiofarmakon; radioaktiv medicin
829 |
1 rampant frodig
830 |
1 rapid peak filling rate högt fyllningshastighetsmaximum
831 |
1 Reaction Tube Trash avfallsbehållare för provrör
832 |
1 real-time shelf-life realtidshållbarhet
833 |
1 re-cap återförslut; förslut igen
834 |
1 removable crown urtagskrona
835 |
1 renal abscess njurabscess
836 |
1 renal acidosis renal acidos
837 |
1 renal agenesis njuragenesi
838 |
1 renal angiography renal angiografi; nefroangiografi
839 |
1 renal artery clamps njurartärklämmare
840 |
1 renal artery stenosis njurartärstenos
841 |
1 renal atrophy njuratrofi
842 |
1 renal blood vessel njurkärl
843 |
1 renal calyx njurkalk; njurbägare
844 |
1 renal carbuncle njurkarbunkel
845 |
1 renal colic njurkolik
846 |
1 renal cortex njurbark
847 |
1 renal cyst njurcysta
848 |
1 renal elimination njurutsöndring
849 |
1 renal failure njursvikt
850 |
1 renal hypertrophy njurhypertrofi
851 |
1 renal impairment nedsatt njurfunktion; njurfunktionsnedsättning
852 |
1 renal infarct njurinfarkt
853 |
1 renal infection njurinfection
854 |
1 renal insufficiency njurinsufficiens
855 |
1 renal ischaemia njurischemi
856 |
1 renal lobulation njurlobulering
857 |
1 renally renalt; via njurarna
858 |
1 renal medulla njurmärg
859 |
1 renal metastasis njurmetastas
860 |
1 renal njur-; renal
861 |
1 renal pyramides njurpyramider
862 |
1 renal sclerosis njurskleros
863 |
1 renal stone njursten
864 |
1 renal threshold utsöndringströskel
865 |
1 renal tuberculosis njurtuberkulos
866 |
1 renal tubulus njurtubulus
867 |
1 repolarization interference secondary repolariseringsstörningsekundärt
868 |
1 resident psychiatrist FV-läkare i psykiatri
869 |
1 rest heart rate vilohjärtfrekvens
870 |
1 restraint sheets tvångslakan
871 |
1 retina näthinna; retina
872 |
1 Richards instrumentation Rickardsinstrumentarium
873 |
1 right bundle branch block totalt högersidigt grenblock
874 |
1 right heart failure högerhjärtsvikt
875 |
2 right heart failure högersvikt
876 |
1 right ventricular heart failure högerkammarsvikt; högerinsufficiens
877 |
1 robust data robusta data
878 |
1 rocket immunoelectrophoresis raketelektrofores
879 |
1 ROI intresseområde
880 |
1 roof of the mouth taket i munhålan (gommen)
881 |
1 root hemisection hemisektion
882 |
1 rooting reflex sökreflex
883 |
1 rotameter Rotameter
884 |
1 rotator cuff rotatorkuff
885 |
1 safety cabinets säkerhetsbänkar
886 |
1 Salicylicum acid (Salicylic acid) salicylsyra
887 |
1 sallow gulblek
888 |
1 sample cartridge provbehållare; provkopp
889 |
1 sarcomeric sarkomerisk
890 |
1 scalp hårbotten
891 |
1 scar tissue ärrvävnad
892 |
1 scavenging system överskottsutsug
893 |
1 scimitar syndrome kroksabelsyndrom; scimitarsyndrom
894 |
1 sclera ögonvita; sklera
895 |
1 scull injury sksk
896 |
1 secondary cardiomyopathy sekundär kardiomyopati
897 |
1 semimembraneous semimembranös
898 |
1 sensitiser sensibiliserande ämne
899 |
1 sensitivity measurement resistensbestämning
900 |
1 septal spur(s) septumutväxt (septumutväxter); septumsporre (septumsporrar)
901 |
1 severe / severity allvarlig / allvarlighet
902 |
1 SHAQ and VAS Modified Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (SHAQ) och visuell analog skala (VAS)
903 |
1 short-acting insulin kortverkandeinsulin
904 |
1 signal-averaged electrocardiogram (SAECG) signalmedelvärdesbildad EKG
905 |
1 sinoatrial block sinoatrialt block
906 |
1 sinoauricular block sinoatrialt block
907 |
1 skin burns frätskador på hud; hudfrätskador
908 |
1 skin notation (yrkes)hygieniska gränsvärden för hud
909 |
1 skin temperature probes and monitor leads huttemperaturgivare och monitorkablar
910 |
1 slant snedagarrör
911 |
1 slide (latex agglutination test) latex-agglutinationstest på objektglas
912 |
1 small-cell småcellig
913 |
1 smallpox smittkoppor
914 |
1 smear utstryk; utstryksprov
915 |
1 soft X-radiation mjuk röntgenstrålning
916 |
1 soft X-rays mjuk röntgenstrålning
917 |
1 solid phase fastfas
918 |
1 solitary renal cyst solitär njurcysta
919 |
1 solvate solvat
920 |
1 speach block talblockering; talhämning
921 |
1 speculum spekulum
922 |
1 spinal block spinalblockad; spinalanestesi
923 |
1 spiral bandage förband med överlappande turer
924 |
1 spiral foraminous tract tractus spiralis foraminosus
925 |
1 spontaneous vaginal delivery spontan vaginal förlossning
926 |
1 Stab incision on selected position sticksnitt på vald plats
927 |
1 staging stadieindelning
928 |
1 stationary trace stationär kurva
929 |
1 steroid withdrawal steroidabstinens
930 |
1 stimulation current stimuleringsström
931 |
1 stoke slag
932 |
1 subacute bacterial endocarditis subakut bakteriell endokardit
933 |
1 subacute endocarditis subakut endokardit
934 |
1 subacute infectious endocarditis subakut infektiös endokardit
935 |
1 subplasmalemmal region subplasmalemmal region; subplasmalemmalt område
936 |
1 sugar reduced and lactose reduced sockerreducerad och laktosreducerad; socker- och laktosreducerad
937 |
1 superior tracheotomy hög trakeotomi
938 |
1 supine position ryggläge
939 |
1 surgical suite operationssal
940 |
1 susceptibility of the pathogens känslighet hos patogenerna
941 |
1 Sweeping erase bar svepande radering
942 |
1 symphysiodynia foglosing / foglossing
943 |
1 symptom-based diagnosis; symptomatic diagnosis symtomdiagnos
944 |
1 tachycardia takykardi
945 |
1 tangential occlusion clamp sidoavklämningstång
946 |
1 Target Lesion Revascularisation (TLR) mållesionensrevaskulering
947 |
1 target values målvärden
948 |
1 temporal lobe temporallob
949 |
1 temporize fixera/laga/förslut temporärt med
950 |
1 The College of Family Physicians in Poland Kolegium Lekarzy Rodzinnych w Polsce (Kollegiet för husläkare i Polen)
951 |
1 The ejection fraction is estimated to be Ejectionsfraktionen skattas till cirka
952 |
1 the flap area lambåområdet
953 |
1 the implantable accessory det implanterbara tillbehöret
954 |
1 the mitral ostium mitralisostiet
955 |
1 the suboccipital muscles nackrosett
956 |
2 the urine dipstick showed 3+ for red blood cells (RBCs) urinsticka visade 3+ för röda blodkroppar
957 |
1 thickness wounds subdermala eller djupa dermala sår
958 |
1 thyroid notch incisura thyroidea
959 |
1 tilting disks vippande skivor
960 |
1 timegate tidsstyrning
961 |
1 tiny needle technology (TNT). finnålsteknologi
962 |
1 titanium clips titanclips
963 |
1 titrable titrerbar
964 |
1 titrimetric titrimetrisk
965 |
1 to be continued until disease progression bör pågå tills sjukdomen progredierar
966 |
1 toe- and heel-walking NAD general muscular power NAD Tå- och hälgång u a. Grov kraft u a.
967 |
1 tokelau tokelau
968 |
1 tonsil halsmandel; mandel; tonsill
969 |
1 tracheal trakeal
970 |
1 trachea luftstrupe; trakea
971 |
1 trachea luftstrupe; trakea; trachea
972 |
1 tracheitis trakeit; luftstrupskatarr
973 |
1 trachelitis luftstrupeinflammation; luftstrupskatarr; trakeit
974 |
1 tracheobronchial trakeobronkial
975 |
1 tracheobronchitis trakeobronkit
976 |
1 tracheocele trakeocele
977 |
2 tracheography trakeografi
978 |
1 tracheostenosis luftstrupsförträngning; trakealstenosis
979 |
1 tracheostenosis trakeostenos, luftstrupsförträngning
980 |
2 tracheostomy trakeostomi
981 |
1 tracheotomy cannula trakealkanyl
982 |
2 tracheotomy trakeotomi
983 |
1 track detector spårdetektor
984 |
1 tract system; tractus; kanal; bana
985 |
1 training nurse vårdlärare
986 |
1 tranquilizer lugnande dagsmedicin
987 |
1 transaminases // (also called) aminotransferases transaminaser
988 |
1 translational attraction translationell attraktion
989 |
1 transparent delivery of Ethernet frames transparent leverans av Ethernet-ramar
990 |
1 treating behandling
991 |
1 triangular bandage mitella
992 |
1 trumpet curve trumpetkurva
993 |
1 TSH internal secretion; TSH incretion TSH-insöndringen
994 |
1 tube rör
995 |
1 tubular bandage tubbandage; tubigrip; tubgasförband
996 |
1 two-in-one tube design Y-slang
997 |
1 typhoid endocarditis tyfoidendokardit
998 |
1 ultraviolet radiation ultraviolett strålning; UV-strålning
999 |
1 uncontrolled congestive heart failure icke-kompenserad hjärtinsufficiens
1000 |
1 unilateral block unilateral blockad
1001 |
1 unit dose endos
1002 |
1 unstable gaze flaxig blick
1003 |
1 urge to urinate tränger på
1004 |
1 Uterine Activity uterusaktivitet; livmodersammandragningar
1005 |
1 uvea uvea
1006 |
1 vascular access surgery kärlaccesskirurgi
1007 |
1 vasculogenic factors faktorer med vaskulär genes
1008 |
1 vasodilatation kärlutvidgning
1009 |
1 vectorcardiography vektorkardiografi; vektor-EKG
1010 |
1 ventricular enlargement (right or left) kammarhypertrofi (vänster- eller höger-)
1011 |
1 vial liten flaska [för vätskor], liten medicinflaska; ampull; ampullflaska
1012 |
1 viral tracheitis virustrakeit
1013 |
1 visible radiation synlig strålning
1014 |
1 visual field examination synfältsus
1015 |
1 vitreous glkr
1016 |
1 Waist-hip ratio or Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) midja-stusskvot
1017 |
1 wall bucky väggbucky
1018 |
1 Wall deflection rollers fenderhjul; fenderrullar
1019 |
1 water spray fin vattendusch
1020 |
1 weight loss (poor nutrient absorption) viktförlust (dålig näringsupptagning)
1021 |
1 white cell count OR white cell concentration LPK
1022 |
1 white coat hypertension vitrockshypertoni
1023 |
1 wishbone önskeben; gaffelben
1024 |
1 working beam terapistråle
1025 |
1 X-radiation röntgenstrålning
1026 |
1 X-ray absorption röntgenabsorption
1027 |
1 X-ray analysis röntgenanalys
1028 |
1 X-ray anatomy röntgenanatomi
1029 |
1 X-ray apparatus röntgenapparat
1030 |
1 X-ray assistant röntgenbiträde
1031 |
1 X-ray camera röntgenkamera
1032 |
1 X-ray check kontrollröntgen
1033 |
1 X-ray check-up röntgenkontroll
1034 |
1 X-ray clinic röntgenklinik
1035 |
1 X-ray contrast agent röntgenkontrastmedel
1036 |
1 X-ray contrast medium röntgenkontrastmedel
1037 |
1 X-ray department röntgenavdelning
1038 |
1 X-ray detector röntgendetektor
1039 |
1 X-ray diagnosis röntgendiagnos
1040 |
1 X-ray diffraction röntgendiffraktion
1041 |
1 X-ray equipment röntgenutrustning
1042 |
1 X-ray examination röntgenundersökning
1043 |
1 X-ray film röntgenfilm
1044 |
1 X-ray fluorescence röntgenfluorescens
1045 |
1 X-ray follow-up röntgenkontroll
1046 |
1 X-ray generator röntgengenerator
1047 |
1 X-ray image intensifier röntgenbildförstärkare
1048 |
1 X-ray-induced dermatitis röntgendermatit
1049 |
1 X-ray injury röntgenskada
1050 |
1 X-ray laboratory röntgenlaboratorium
1051 |
1 X-ray microscope röntgenmikroskop
1052 |
1 X-ray plate röntgenplåt
1053 |
1 X-ray protection röntgenskydd
1054 |
1 X-ray result röntgenutlåtande
1055 |
1 X-ray röntgenstråle; röntgenbild; röntgenfotografi; radiogram; röntga; röntgenundersöka; röntgenbehandla; röntgenfotografera; skärmbildsfotografera
1056 |
1 X-ray screen röntgenskärm
1057 |
1 X-ray sensor röntgendetektor
1058 |
1 X-ray source röntgenkälla
1059 |
1 X-ray spectrum röntgenspektrum
1060 |
1 X-ray sterilization röntgensterilisering
1061 |
1 X-ray therapy röntgenterapi; röntgenbehandling
1062 |
1 X-ray transmission imaging röntgentransmissionsavbildning; transmissionsavbildning med röntgen(strålning)
1063 |
1 X-ray tube housing röntgenrörskåpa
1064 |
1 X-ray tube röntgenrör
1065 |
1 X-ray unit röntgenapparat
1066 |
1 yolk äggula
1067 |
1 zygote zygot
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
1 |
1 AAS (atomic absorption spectroscopy) Ê໡â·ÃÊâ¡»Õ¡Òôٴ¡Å×¹â´ÂÍеÍÁ
2 |
1 abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) ¡ÒâÖé¹·ÐàºÕ¹ÂÒãËÁ詺ѺÂèÍ
3 |
1 abdomen Êèǹ·éͧ,·éͧ
4 |
1 aberration ¡ÒÃàºÕ觨ҡ»¡µÔ, ¡ÒþÃèÒ (ÊÒµÒ)
5 |
1 aborticide ÂÒá·é§
6 |
1 abortifacient ÂÒá·é§
7 |
1 abortion ¡ÒÃá·é§,¡Ò÷Óá·é§
8 |
1 abrasion test ¡Ò÷´Êͺ¡ÒâѴ¶Ù
9 |
1 abrasive ÊÒâѴ¶Ù
10 |
1 abscess ½Õ, â¾Ã§Ë¹Í§
11 |
1 absence ¡ÒÃËÁ´ÊµÔªÑèÇ¢³Ð
12 |
1 absolute ÊÑÁºÙóì, Åéǹæ
13 |
1 absorbance ¤ÇÒÁ´Ù´¡Å×¹ÃѧÊÕ, áͺ«ÍÃìẹ«ì
14 |
1 absorbefacient ÊÒêèÇ¡Òôٴ«ÖÁ,ªèÇ¡Òôٴ«ÖÁ
15 |
1 absorbent ÊÒôٴ«ÖÁ, ´Ù´«ÖÁä´é
16 |
1 absorb ´Ù´«ÖÁ,´Ù´¡Å×¹
17 |
1 absorption base ÂÒ¾×鹪¹Ô´´Ù´¹éÓ
18 |
1 absorption ¡Òôٴ«ÖÁ,¡Òôٴ¡Å×¹
19 |
1 absorption site µÓá˹觷Õè´Ù´«ÖÁ, ºÃÔàdz·Õè´Ù´«ÖÁ
20 |
1 absorptivity ÊÀÒ¾´Ù´«ÖÁ, ÊÀÒ¾´Ù´¡Å×¹
21 |
1 accelerated stability testing ¡Ò÷´Êͺ¤ÇÒÁ¤§ÊÀҾẺàÃè§
22 |
1 acceleration ¤ÇÒÁàÃè§
23 |
1 accommodation ¡ÒûÃѺãËéàËÁÒÐ
24 |
1 accreditation ¡ÒõÃǨ»ÃÐàÁÔ¹
25 |
1 accuracy ¤ÇÒÁáÁè¹
26 |
1 acid-base balance ´Øšô´èÒ§
27 |
1 acidifying agent ÊÒ÷ÓãËéà»ç¹¡Ã´
28 |
1 acidity ÊÀÒ¾¡Ã´, ÀÒÇÐà»ÃÕéÂÇ
29 |
1 acidosis ÀÒÇСôà¡Ô¹
30 |
1 acid value ¤èÒ¤ÇÒÁà»ç¹¡Ã´
31 |
1 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDs) ¡ÅØèÁÍÒ¡ÒÃÀÙÁÔ¤ØéÁ¡Ñ¹º¡¾Ãèͧ
32 |
1 acquisition cost ÃҤҵ鹷ع
33 |
1 acrid ©Ø¹, à¼ç´Ãé͹
34 |
1 acriflavine ÂÒàËÅ×ͧ
35 |
1 action of drug Ä·¸ÔìÂÒ
36 |
1 action potential ÈÑ¡Âì·Ó§Ò¹
37 |
1 activated carbon ¤ÒÃìºÍ¹¡ÑÁÁѹµì
38 |
1 activated charcoal ¶èÒ¹¡ÑÁÁѹµì
39 |
1 activate ¡èÍ¡ÑÁÁѹµì, ¡èÍÄ·¸Ôì
40 |
1 activation energy ¾Åѧ§Ò¹¡èÍ¡ÑÁÁѹµì, ¾Åѧ§Ò¹¡èÍÄ·¸Ôì, ¾Åѧ§Ò¹¡ÃеØé¹
41 |
1 activation ¡ÒáèÍ¡ÑÁÁѹµì, ¡ÒáèÍÄ·¸Ôì
42 |
1 activator ÊÒûÅØ¡Ä·¸Ôì, µÑÇ»ÅØ¡Ä·¸Ôì
43 |
1 active constituent ÊÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì, ÊÒÃÁÕÄ·¸Ôì, µÑÇÂÒËÅÑ¡, µÑÇÂÒÊÓ¤Ñ
44 |
1 active ÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì, ÁÕÄ·¸Ôì, ãªé¾Åѧ§Ò¹, ·Ó§Ò¹, ¡ÑÁÁѹµì
45 |
1 active ingredient ÊÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì, ÊÒÃÁÕÄ·¸Ôì, µÑÇÂÒËÅÑ¡, µÑÇÂÒÊÓ¤Ñ
46 |
1 active principle ÊÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì, ÊÒÃÁÕÄ·¸Ôì, µÑÇÂÒËÅÑ¡, µÑÇÂÒÊÓ¤Ñ
47 |
1 active site µÓá˹觷ӧҹ, µÓá˹è§ÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì, ºÃÔàdzÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì
48 |
1 active state ÀÒÇзӧҹ
49 |
1 active transport ¡Òâ¹Êè§â´Âãªé¾Åѧ§Ò¹, ¡Òâ¹Êè§áºº¡ÑÁÁѹµì
50 |
1 activity ¡Òçҹ, ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ, ¡ÑÁÁѹµÀÒ¾, áÍ¡µÔÇÔµÕ
51 |
1 actual yield ¼Åä´é¨ÃÔ§, »ÃÔÁÒ³ä´é¨ÃÔ§
52 |
1 actuator ËÑÇ¡´
53 |
1 acupoint ¨Ø´½Ñ§à¢çÁ
54 |
1 acupressure ¡Òᴨش
55 |
1 acupuncture ¡Òýѧà¢çÁ
56 |
1 acute à©Õº¾Åѹ,(âä) »Ñ¨¨ØºÑ¹, à©Õº¾Åѹ
57 |
1 additive ÊÒÃàµÔÁáµè§, ÊÒûÃاáµè§, ÃÇÁ, àµÔÁ
58 |
1 adhesion ¡ÒÃÂÖ´µÔ´, ¡ÒûÃÐÊÒ¹
59 |
1 adhesive ÊÒÃÂÖ´µÔ´, ÂÖ´µÔ´
60 |
1 adiabatic áÍà´ÕÂẵԡ
61 |
1 adjuvant µÑÇàÊÃÔÁ, µÑÇÂÒàÊÃÔÁ, ÊÒûÃاáµè§ÂÒ, ÊÒûÃاÃÙ»ÂÒ
62 |
1 adjuvant therapy ¡ÒÃÃÑ¡ÉÒàÊÃÔÁ, ¡ÒúӺѴàÊÃÔÁ
63 |
1 administration ¡ÒÃãËé (ÂÒ)
64 |
1 admixture ¡ÒÃà¾ÔèÁ¼ÊÁ, ÊÔè§à¾ÔèÁ¼ÊÁ
65 |
1 ADR (adverse drug reaction) ÍÒ¡ÒÃäÁè¾Ö§»ÃÐʧ¤ì¨Ò¡¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
66 |
1 adsorbate ÊÔ觶١´Ù´«Ñº, µÑǶ١´Ù´«Ñº
67 |
1 adsorbent µÑÇ´Ù´«Ñº, ´Ù´«Ñº
68 |
1 adsorb ´Ù´«Ñº
69 |
1 adsorption ¡Òôٴ«Ñº
70 |
1 adulteration ¡ÒûÅÍÁ»¹
71 |
1 adverse drug reaction monitoring ¡ÒõԴµÒÁÍÒ¡ÒÃäÁè¾Ö§»ÃÐʧ¤ì¨Ò¡¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
72 |
1 adverse event à˵ءÒóìäÁè¾Ö§»ÃÐʧ¤ì
73 |
1 aerobic ãªéÍÍ¡«Ôਹ, áÍâúԡ
74 |
1 aerosol áÍâÃâ«Å, ÅÐÍͧÅÍÂ, ÂÒ©Õ´¾è¹
75 |
1 affinity ¤ÇÒÁªÍº¨Ñº
76 |
1 aftertaste ÃʵԴÅÔé¹, ÃʵÒÁËÅѧ
77 |
1 agar ÇØé¹
78 |
1 agglomeration ¡ÒÃà¡ÒСÅØèÁ
79 |
1 agglutination ¡ÒèѺ¡ÅØèÁ¡é͹
80 |
1 aggregated suspension ÂÒ¹��Óá¢Ç¹µÐ¡Í¹ª¹Ô´¨Ñº¡ÅØèÁ
81 |
1 aggregation ¡ÒèѺ¡ÅØèÁ
82 |
1 agitate ¡Ç¹, »Ñè¹
83 |
1 agitation ¡Òáǹ, ¡ÒûÑè¹
84 |
1 agitator à¤Ã×èͧ¡Ç¹, à¤Ã×èͧ»Ñè¹
85 |
1 agonist µÑÇ·Ó¡ÒÃ
86 |
1 air displacement ¡ÒÃá·¹·ÕèÍÒ¡ÒÈ
87 |
1 air permeability method ÇÔ¸Õ¡ÒëÖÁ¼èÒ¹ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
88 |
1 air sampler à¤Ã×èͧÊØèÁµÑÇÍÂèÒ§ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
89 |
1 air shower ½Ñ¡ºÑÇÅÁ, à¤Ã×èͧ¾è¹ÅÁẺ½Ñ¡ºÑÇ
90 |
1 air suspension coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺẺá¢Ç¹ÅÍÂã¹ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
91 |
1 alcoholic macerate ÂҴͧàËÅéÒ
92 |
1 algorithm ªØ´¡ÒûÃÐàÁÔ¹ÃдѺ¢Í§»ÑËÒ, ÍÑÅ¡ÍÃÔ·ÖÁ
93 |
1 alimentation ¡ÒÃãËéÊÒÃÍÒËÒÃ
94 |
1 alkalinizing agent ÊÒ÷ÓãËéà»ç¹´èÒ§
95 |
1 alkalosis ÀÒÇдèÒ§à¡Ô¹
96 |
1 allergy ÀÙÁÔá¾é
97 |
1 allergy, delayed type ÀÙÁÔá¾éª¹Ô´¤èÍÂà»ç¹¤èÍÂä»
98 |
1 allergy, immediate type ÀÙÁÔá¾éª¹Ô´·Ñ¹·Õ
99 |
1 allied drug ÂÒá·¹
100 |
1 allocation criteria ࡳ±ì¡ÒèѴÊÃÃ
101 |
1 allopathic medicine ¡ÒÃá¾·Âìá¼¹»Ñ¨¨ØºÑ¹, ¡ÒÃá¾·Âì¡ÃÐáÊËÅÑ¡
102 |
1 alternative medicine ¡ÒÃá¾·Âì·Ò§àÅ×Í¡
103 |
1 amber glass á¡éÇÊÕÍӾѹ, á¡éÇÊÕªÒ
104 |
1 ambulatory care ¡ÒúÃÔºÒżÙé»èÇÂà´Ô¹ä´é, ¡ÒúÃÔºÒżÙé»èÇÂ仡ÅѺ
105 |
1 ambulatory patient ¼Ùé»èÇÂà´Ô¹ä´é, ¼Ùé»èÇÂ仡ÅѺ
106 |
1 amebacide ÊÒæèÒÍÐÁÕºÒ
107 |
1 amebicide ÊÒæèÒÍÐÁÕºÒ
108 |
1 amoebacide ÊÒæèÒÍÐÁÕºÒ
109 |
1 amoebicide ÊÒæèÒÍÐÁÕºÒ
110 |
1 amorphous ÍÊѳ°Ò¹, äÁèà»ç¹¼ÅÖ¡
111 |
1 amperometry ÇÔ¸ÕÇÑ´¡ÃÐáÊä¿¿éÒ
112 |
1 amphiphatic ªÍº¹éÓáÅÐä¢Áѹ
113 |
1 amphiphilic ªÍº¹éÓáÅÐä¢Áѹ
114 |
1 amphoteric ÁÕ·Ñé§äÍÍ͹ºÇ¡áÅÐź
115 |
1 ampoule áÍÁ¾ÙÅ, ËÅÍ´ºÃèØÂÒ©Õ´
116 |
1 ampul áÍÁ¾ÙÅ, ËÅÍ´ºÃèØÂÒ©Õ´
117 |
1 ampule áÍÁ¾ÙÅ, ËÅÍ´ºÃèØÂÒ©Õ´
118 |
1 anabolic ÊÃéÒ§àÊÃÔÁ
119 |
1 anabolism ¡Ãкǹ¡ÒÃÊÃéÒ§àÊÃÔÁ
120 |
1 anaemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§
121 |
1 anaerobic «Öè§äÁèãªéÍÍ¡«Ôਹ, á͹áÍâúԡ
122 |
1 analeptic ÂÒ¡ÃеØé¹ÊÁͧ, ÂÒ»ÅØ¡ÊÁͧ
123 |
1 analgesia ¡ÒÃÃЧѺ»Ç´
124 |
1 analgesic ÂÒÃЧѺ»Ç´, ÃЧѺ»Ç´
125 |
1 analog á͹ÐÅçÍ¡
126 |
1 analogue á͹ÐÅçÍ¡
127 |
1 analysis ¡ÒÃÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËì
128 |
1 analytical balance à¤Ã×èͧªÑ觪¹Ô´ÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËì
129 |
1 analytical method ÇÔ¸ÕÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËì
130 |
1 anaphrodisiac ÂÒÅ´¡Ó˹Ѵ
131 |
1 anaphylaxis ¡ÒÃá¾éÍÂèÒ§Ãعáç, àà͹ҿÔáÅç¡«ÔÊ
132 |
1 anastomosis ¡ÒÃàª×èÍÁ»ÃÐÊÒ¹, Êèǹàª×èÍÁ»ÃÐÊÒ¹
133 |
1 Andreasen pipette »Ô໵µìẺá͹à´ÃÕÂàʹ
134 |
1 androgenic ãËéÅѡɳЪÒÂ
135 |
1 androgen ÎÍÃìâÁ¹à¾ÈªÒÂ, á͹â´Ãਹ
136 |
1 anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§
137 |
1 anesthesia ¡ÒÃäÁèÃÙéÊÖ¡, ¡ÒÃÊź
138 |
1 anesthetic ÂÒÃЧѺ¤ÇÒÁÃÙéÊÖ¡, ·ÓãËéËÁ´¤ÇÒÁÃÙéÊÖ¡
139 |
1 angle of repose ÁØÁ·Ã§µÑÇ, ÁØÁÃÕâ¾Ê
140 |
1 anhydrous äÃé¹éÓ, »ÃÒȨҡ¹éÓ
141 |
1 anionic »ÃШØź
142 |
1 anisotropic á͹äÍâ«·Ãͻԡ
143 |
1 anneal ͺà˹ÕÂÇ, á͹¹ÕÅ
144 |
1 anorectic ÂÒàº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ, àº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ
145 |
1 anoretic ÂÒàº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ, àº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ
146 |
1 anorexic ÂÒàº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ, àº×èÍÍÒËÒÃ
147 |
1 anoxia ÀÒÇТҴÍÍ¡«Ôਹ
148 |
1 antacid ÂÒÅ´¡Ã´
149 |
1 antagonism ¡Òõè͵éÒ¹
150 |
1 antagonist ÊÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸ÔìµéÒ¹, µÑǵéÒ¹
151 |
1 anthelminthic ÂÒ¦èÒ˹͹¾ÂÒ¸Ô, ¦èÒ˹͹¾ÂÒ¸Ô
152 |
1 anthelmintic ÂÒ¦èÒ˹͹¾ÂÒ¸Ô, ¦èÒ˹͹¾ÂÒ¸Ô
153 |
1 antiadherent ÊÒáѹµÔ´, ÊÒõéÒ¹¡ÒÃà¡ÒеԴ, ¡Ñ¹µÔ´, µéÒ¹¡ÒÃà¡ÒеԴ
154 |
1 antiaging µéÒ¹¤ÇÒÁá¡è, µéÒ¹¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹µÒÁÇÑÂ
155 |
1 antianxiety drug ÂÒ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ, ʧº»ÃÐÊÒ·, ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ
156 |
1 antiasthmatic ÂÒá¡éË×´, á¡éË×´
157 |
1 antibacterial ÊÒõéҹẤ·ÕàÃÕÂ, µéҹẤ·ÕàÃÕÂ
158 |
1 antibiotic ÂÒ»¯ÔªÕǹÐ
159 |
1 antibody ÊÒÃÀÙÁÔµéÒ¹·Ò¹, á͹µÔºÍ´Õ
160 |
1 anticaking ¡Ñ¹¡ÒÃà»ç¹¡é͹, µéÒ¹¡ÒÃà¡Ô´¡é͹á¢ç§
161 |
1 anticholinergic ÂÒ/ÊÒõéÒ¹â¤ÅÔà¹ÍÃì¨Ô¡, á͹µÔâ¤ÅÔà¹ÍÃì¨Ô¡, µéÒ¹â¤ÅÔà¹ÍÃì¨Ô¡
162 |
1 anticoagulant ÊÒáѹàÅ×Í´á¢ç§µÑÇ, ÊÒáѹàÅ×Í´à»ç¹ÅÔèÁ
163 |
1 anticonvulsant ÂҡѹªÑ¡, ÂÒá¡éªÑ¡, ¡Ñ¹ªÑ¡, á¡éªÑ¡
164 |
1 anticonvulsive ÂҡѹªÑ¡, ÂÒá¡éªÑ¡, ¡Ñ¹ªÑ¡, á¡éªÑ¡
165 |
1 antidepressant ÂÒá¡é«ÖÁàÈÃéÒ, á¡é«ÖÁàÈÃéÒ
166 |
1 antidiarrhea ÂÒá¡é·éͧÃèǧ
167 |
1 antidiarrhoea ÂÒá¡é·éͧÃèǧ
168 |
1 antidiuretic ÂÒÅ´»ÑÊÊÒÇÐ
169 |
1 antidote ÂÒá¡é¾ÔÉ, ÊÒÃá¡é¾ÔÉ
170 |
1 antidysenteric ÂÒá¡éºÔ´, á¡éºÔ´
171 |
1 antiemetic ÂÒá¡éÍÒà¨Õ¹,á¡éÍÒà¨Õ¹
172 |
1 antienzyme ÊÒõéÒ¹à͹ä«Áì
173 |
1 antifoam ÊÒõéÒ¹¿Í§, ÊÒõéÒ¹¡ÒÃà¡Ô´â¿Á, µéÒ¹¿Í§, µéÒ¹¡ÒÃà¡Ô´â¿Á
174 |
1 antigen ÊÒáèÍÀÙÁÔµéÒ¹·Ò¹, á͹µÔਹ
175 |
1 antigenic determinant Êèǹ/µÑÇ¡Ó˹´Ä·¸Ôìá͹µÔਹ
176 |
1 antihistamine ÊÒõéÒ¹ÎÔÊ·ÒÁÕ¹
177 |
1 anti-infective ÂÒµéÒ¹¡ÒõԴàª×éÍ, µéÒ¹¡ÒõԴàª×éÍ
178 |
1 anti-inflammatory µéÒ¹ÍÑ¡àʺ
179 |
1 antileprotic ÂÒÃÑ¡ÉÒâäàÃ×é͹, ÃÑ¡ÉÒâäàÃ×é͹
180 |
1 antimalarial ÂÒµéÒ¹ÁÒÅÒàÃÕÂ, µéÒ¹ÁÒÅÒàÃÕÂ
181 |
1 antimanic ÂÒµéÒ¹¿Ø駾ÅèÒ¹, µéÒ¹¿Ø駾ÅèÒ¹
182 |
1 antimicrobial ÂÒµéÒ¹¨ØŪվ, µéÒ¹¨ØŪվ
183 |
1 antimycotic ÂÒµéÒ¹àª×éÍÃÒ, µéÒ¹àª×éÍÃÒ
184 |
1 antineuritic ÂÒÃÑ¡ÉÒ»ÃÐÊÒ·ÍÑ¡àʺ, ÃÑ¡ÉÒ»ÃÐÊÒ·ÍÑ¡àʺ
185 |
1 antioxidant ÊÒõéÒ¹ÍÍ¡«Ôപѹ, ÊÒáѹË×¹
186 |
1 antiparasitic ÂÒµéÒ¹»ÃÊÔµ, µéÒ¹»ÃÊÔµ, µéÒ¹¾ÂÒ¸Ô
187 |
1 antiperistalsis ¡ÒúպÃÙ´Âé͹
188 |
1 antipruritic ÂÒá¡é¤Ñ¹, á¡é¤Ñ¹
189 |
1 antipsychotic ÂÒÃÑ¡ÉÒâä¨Ôµ, ÃÑ¡ÉÒâä¨Ôµ
190 |
1 antipyretic ÂÒÅ´ä¢é, Å´ä¢é
191 |
1 antiserum á͹µÔ«ÕÃÑÁ
192 |
1 antispasmodic ÂÒá¡éà¡Ãç§, á¡éà¡Ãç§
193 |
1 antistatic ÊÒõéҹ俿éÒʶԵ, µéҹ俿éÒʶԵ
194 |
1 antitack ÊÒáѹà˹ÍÐ, ¡Ñ¹à˹ÍÐ
195 |
1 antitoxin ÊÒõéÒ¹ªÕǾÔÉ, á͹µÔ·Í¡«Ô¹
196 |
1 antitussive ÂÒá¡éäÍ,á¡éäÍ
197 |
1 antiviral ÂÒµéÒ¹äÇÃÑÊ, µéÒ¹äÇÃÑÊ
198 |
1 anxiolytic ÂÒ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ, ʧº»ÃÐÊÒ·, ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ
199 |
1 aphasia ÀÒÇÐàÊÕ¡ÒÃÊ×èͤÇÒÁ
200 |
1 aphrodisiac ÂÒàÃéÒ¡Ó˹Ѵ
201 |
1 aplastic anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´ä¢¡Ãд١½èÍ
202 |
1 apnea ÀÒÇÐËÂØ´ËÒÂ㨪èǧËÒÂã¨ÍÍ¡
203 |
1 apneusis ÀÒÇÐËÂØ´ËÒÂ㨪èǧËÒÂã¨à¢éÒ
204 |
1 apothecary àÀÊѪ¡Ã, ¼Ùé¼ÊÁÂÒ
205 |
1 apotheke ÃéÒ¹ÂÒ
206 |
1 apparent density ¤ÇÒÁ˹Òá¹è¹»ÃÒ¡¯ (¢Í§¼§)
207 |
1 appestat ÈÙ¹Âì¤Çº¤ØÁ¤ÇÒÁÍÂÒ¡ÍÒËÒÃ
208 |
1 appropriate technology à·¤â¹âÅÂÕ·ÕèàËÁÒÐÊÁ
209 |
1 aqueous ¹éÓ
210 |
1 aqueous-based coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺÃкº¹éÓ
211 |
1 aqueous humour ¢Í§àËÅÇã¹ÅÙ¡µÒ˹éÒàŹÊì
212 |
1 aromatherapy Êؤ¹¸ºÓºÑ´
213 |
1 aromatic water ¹éÓ»Ãا, ¹éÓ¡ÅÔè¹ËÍÁ, ¹éÓ»ÃاËÍÁ, ¹éÓ»Ãا¡ÅÔè¹
214 |
1 Arrhenius equation ÊÁ¡ÒÃÍÒÃìàÃà¹ÕÂÊ
215 |
1 arrhythmia ÀÒÇÐËÑÇã¨àµé¹¼Ô´¨Ñ§ËÇÐ
216 |
1 arteriosclerosis ÀÒÇÐËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´á´§á¢ç§
217 |
1 artery ËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´á´§
218 |
1 artificial sweetener ÊÒÃáµè§ÃÊËÇÒ¹à·ÕÂÁ, ¹éÓµÒÅà·ÕÂÁ
219 |
1 aseptic »ÅÍ´àª×éÍ, »éͧ¡Ñ¹àª×éÍ
220 |
1 aseptic filtration ¡ÒáÃͧ»ÃÒȨҡàª×éÍ
221 |
1 aseptic technique à·¤¹Ô¤äÃéàª×éÍ, à·¤¹Ô¤»ÅÍ´àª×éÍ
222 |
1 asphyxia ÀÒÇÐËÒÂã¨äÁèÍÍ¡
223 |
1 assay ¡ÒÃËÒ»ÃÔÁÒ³, ËÒ»ÃÔÁÒ³
224 |
1 asthenia Íè͹áç
225 |
1 astringent ÂÒ½Ò´ÊÁÒ¹, ÂÒÊÁÒ¹, ½Ò´ÊÁÒ¹
226 |
1 ataxia ÀÒÇСÅéÒÁà¹×éÍäÁè»ÃÐÊÒ¹§Ò¹
227 |
1 atelectasis »Í´á¿º
228 |
1 atheroma µÐ¡ÃѹËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´á´§
229 |
1 atherosclerosis ÀÒÇÐËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´á´§á¢ç§ª¹Ô´ÁյСÃѹ·Õ輹ѧªÑé¹ã¹
230 |
1 atomic absorption spectroscopy Ê໡â·ÃÊâ¡»Õ¡Òôٴ¡Å×¹â´ÂÍеÍÁ
231 |
1 atomization ¡Ò÷ÓãËéà»ç¹½ÍÂ, ¡Òéմ¾è¹à»ç¹½ÍÂ
232 |
1 atopy ÀÒÇÐÀÙÁÔá¾é¨Ò¡¡ÃÃÁ¾Ñ¹¸Øì
233 |
1 atrophy ¡ÒýèÍÅÕº
234 |
1 attractive force áç´Ö§´Ù´
235 |
1 attrition mill à¤Ã×èͧº´´éÇ¡ÒÃàÊÕ´ÊÕ
236 |
1 attrition ¡ÒÃàÊÕ´ÊÕ
237 |
1 aura ÊÑÒ³ºÍ¡à˵Ø
238 |
1 autoclave ËÁé͹Öè§ÍÑ´ä͹éÓ
239 |
1 autoimmune ÀÙÁÔµéÒ¹µ¹àͧ, ÍÍâµÍÔÁÁÙ¹
240 |
1 autolysis ¡ÒÃÊÅÒÂàͧ
241 |
1 autonomic nervous system Ãкº»ÃÐÊÒ·Íѵâ¹ÇѵÔ
242 |
1 autonomous hospital âç¾ÂÒºÒÅ㹡ӡѺ¢Í§ÃÑ°
243 |
1 autooxidation ¡ÒÃÍÍ¡«Ôä´Êìàͧ
244 |
1 autoregulation ¡ÒäǺ¤ØÁµÑÇàͧ
245 |
1 auxiliary ªèÇÂàÊÃÔÁ, àÊÃÔÁ
246 |
1 average cost µé¹·Ø¹à©ÅÕèÂ
247 |
1 avoirdupois system ÃкºÍÒÇÑÇÃì´Ù¾ÑÇÊì
248 |
1 Ayurvedic medicine ¡ÒÃá¾·ÂìÍÒÂØÃàÇ·
249 |
1 azeotrope ÊÒüÊÁ¤§¨Ø´à´×Í´
250 |
1 azotemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¤Ñè§ÊÒÃä¹âµÃਹ
251 |
1 bacterial endotoxin test ¡Ò÷´ÊͺªÕǾÔÉÀÒÂã¹µÑÇẤ·ÕàÃÕÂ
252 |
1 bacteriostatic ÂѺÂÑ駡ÒÃà¨ÃԢͧẤ·ÕàÃÕÂ
253 |
1 baffle á¼è¹¡Ñé¹
254 |
1 ball mill à¤Ã×èͧº´áººÅÙ¡ºÍÅ¡ÅÔé§
255 |
1 balm ºÒÅìÁ
256 |
1 balsam ÂÒ§ãÊËÍÁ, ºÍÅ«ÑÁ
257 |
1 barrier ÊÔ觡մ¢ÇÒ§, µÑÇ¡Õ´¡Ñ¹, µÑǡѹ
258 |
1 basal metabolic rate ÍѵÃÒàÁá·ºÍÅÔ«ÖÁ¾×é¹°Ò¹
259 |
1 basicity ÊÀÒ¾àºÊ
260 |
1 batch ÃØè¹ (¡ÒüÅÔµ)
261 |
1 batch number àÅ¢·ÕèÃØè¹ (¡ÒüÅÔµ)
262 |
1 bead àÁç´àÅç¡
263 |
1 Beer's law ¡®¢Í§àºÕÂÃì
264 |
1 behavioral pharmacy àÀÊѪÈÒʵÃì¾ÄµÔ¡ÃÃÁ
265 |
1 beneficiary ¼ÙéÃѺ»ÃÐ⪹ì
266 |
1 benefit package ªØ´ÊÔ·¸Ô»ÃÐ⪹ì
267 |
1 beta adrenergic receptor µÑÇÃѺáÍ´ÃÕà¹ÍÃì¨Ô¡ª¹Ô´àºµÒ
268 |
1 beveled-edge ¢ÍººÒ¡, ¢ÍºÅºàËÅÕèÂÁ
269 |
1 binder ÊÒÃÂÖ´à¡ÒÐ
270 |
1 binomial nomenclature ¡ÒõÑ駪×èÍẺ·ÇÔ¹ÒÁ
271 |
1 bioadhesion ¡ÒÃÂÖ´µÔ´·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
272 |
1 bioassay ¡ÒÃÊͺ»ÃÔÁÒ³â´ÂªÕÇÇÔ¸Õ, ¡ÒÃÊͺÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËìâ´ÂªÕÇÇÔ¸Õ
273 |
1 bioavailability ªÕÇ»ÃÐÊÔ·¸Ô¼Å, ªÕÇ͹Øà¤ÃÒÐËì, ¡ÒÃàÍ×éÍ»ÃÐ⪹ì
274 |
1 biocompatible à¢éҡѹä´é·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
275 |
1 biodegradable ÂèÍÂÊÅÒÂä´éâ´ÂªÕÇÇÔ¸Õ, ÂèÍÂÊÅÒÂä´é·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
276 |
1 bioequivalence ªÕÇÊÁÁÙÅ
277 |
1 bioerodible ¡Ãè͹ä´éâ´ÂªÕÇÇÔ¸Õ, ¡Ãè͹ä´é·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
278 |
1 biofeedback ¡Òûé͹¡ÅѺ·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
279 |
1 biological ªÕÇÊÒÃ, ªÕÇÀÒ¾
280 |
1 biological clock ¹ÒÌÔ¡ÒªÕÇÀÒ¾
281 |
1 biological product ªÕǼÅÔµÀѳ±ì, ªÕÇÇѵ¶Ø
282 |
1 biomaterial ªÕÇÇÑÊ´Ø
283 |
1 biopharmaceutics ªÕÇàÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ, ªÕÇàÀÊѪ¡ÒÃ
284 |
1 biosynthesis ªÕÇÊѧà¤ÃÒÐËì
285 |
1 biotechnology à·¤â¹âÅÂÕªÕÇÀÒ¾
286 |
1 biotransformation ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ÃÙ»·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾
287 |
1 birefringence ¡ÒÃËÑ¡àËÊͧá¹Ç
288 |
1 bleeding time ÃÐÂÐàÇÅÒàÅ×Í´ÍÍ¡
289 |
1 blender à¤Ã×èͧ¼ÊÁ
290 |
1 blend ¢Í§¼ÊÁ, ¼ÊÁ
291 |
1 blind spot ¨Ø´ºÍ´
292 |
1 blistering ¡Òûٴ¾Í§ (¢Í§¿ÔÅìÁà¤Å×ͺ)
293 |
1 blister pack ºÅÔÊàµÍÃìá¾ç¡
294 |
1 blood brain barrier µÑÇ¡Ñé¹ÊÁͧ¡ÑºàÅ×Í´
295 |
1 blood coagulation ¡ÒÃá¢ç§µÑǢͧàÅ×Í´, ¡ÒáÅÒÂà»ç¹ÅÔèÁàÅ×Í´
296 |
1 bloom strength ¤ÇÒÁá¢ç§ (¢Í§à¨ÅÒµÔ¹) ã¹Ë¹èǺÅÙÁ
297 |
1 bodying agent ÊÒÃà¾ÔèÁà¹×éÍ, ÊÒÃà¾ÔèÁ¤ÇÒÁ¢é¹
298 |
1 boiling point elevation ¡ÒÃà¾ÔèÁ¨Ø´à´×Í´
299 |
1 boiling point ¨Ø´à´×Í´
300 |
1 bolus ¡ÅØèÁ¡é͹ (ÍÒËÒÃ, ÂÒ)
301 |
1 bonding ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´¾Ñ¹¸Ð
302 |
1 borosilicate glass á¡éǺÍâëÔÅÔࡵ
303 |
1 botanical medicine ÂÒÊÁعä¾Ã
304 |
1 botanical origin áËÅ觷ҧ¾Ä¡ÉÈÒʵÃì
305 |
1 botanical preparation ÂÒàµÃÕÂÁÊÁعä¾Ã
306 |
1 botanicals ¾Ä¡ÉÒÀѳ±ì
307 |
1 boundary ¢Íºà¢µ
308 |
1 bridging ¡ÒÃàª×èÍÁ¡Ñ¹
309 |
1 British Herbal Pharmacopoeia àÀÊѪµÓÃѺÊÁعä¾Ã»ÃÐà·ÈÊËÃÒªÍҳҨѡÃ
310 |
1 British Pharmacopoeia (BP) àÀÊѪµÓÃѺ»ÃÐà·ÈÊËÃÒªÍҳҨѡÃ
311 |
1 brittle à»ÃÒÐ
312 |
1 bronchiectasis âäËÅÍ´ÅÁâ»è§¾Í§, âäÁͧ¤ÃèÍ
313 |
1 bronchiolitis ËÅÍ´ÅÁ½ÍÂÍÑ¡àʺ
314 |
1 bronchitis ËÅÍ´ÅÁÍÑ¡àʺ
315 |
1 Brookfield viscometer à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ˹״ẺºÃÙ¡¿ÔÅ´ì
316 |
1 Brownian movement ¡ÒÃà¤Å×è͹äËÇẺºÃÒÇà¹Õ¹
317 |
1 brush border ¢Íº¢¹á»Ã§, ºÃѪºÍÃìà´ÍÃì
318 |
1 bubble pack ºÑºàºÔÅá¾ç¡
319 |
1 bubble point test ¡Ò÷´ÊͺºÑºàºÔžÍµì
320 |
1 buccal á¡éÁ
321 |
1 buffer capacity ¤ÇÒÁ¨ØºÑ¿à¿ÍÃì
322 |
1 buffering agent ÊÒ÷Ӻѿà¿ÍÃì
323 |
1 buffer ºÑ¿à¿ÍÃì
324 |
1 bulk density ¤ÇÒÁ˹Òá¹è¹»ÃÒ¡¯ (¢Í§¼§)
325 |
1 bulkiness ¤ÇÒÁ¿Ù (¢Í§¼§ÂÒ)
326 |
1 bulk laxative ÂÒÃкÒÂà¾ÔèÁ¡Ò¡
327 |
1 bulk powder ÂÒ¼§»ÃÔÁÒ³ÁÒ¡
328 |
1 Bunsen burner µÐà¡Õ§ºØ¹àʹ
329 |
1 burst effect ¼Å¡ÒûŴ»ÅèÍÂÂÒÍÂèÒ§ÃÇ´àÃçÇ㹪èǧµé¹
330 |
1 cachet ÂÒ¤Òવì
331 |
1 caking ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´µÐ¡Í¹á¢ç§
332 |
1 calibration ¡ÒÃà·ÕºÁҵðҹ
333 |
1 calorie á¤ÅÍÃÕ
334 |
1 calorimeter ÁҵûÃÔÁÒ³¤ÇÒÁÃé͹
335 |
1 capillary viscometer à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ˹״Ẻ᤾ÔÅÅÒÃÕ
336 |
1 capital cost ¤èÒŧ·Ø¹.µé¹·Ø¹¤èÒŧ·Ø¹
337 |
1 capitation ¡ÒÃàËÁÒ¨èÒÂÃÒÂËÑÇ
338 |
1 capping ¡ÒáÐà·ÒÐà»ç¹á¼è¹(¢Í§àÁç´ÂÒ)
339 |
1 capsule ᤻«ÙÅ.ÂÒ᤻«ÙÅ
340 |
1 carcinogen ÊÒáèÍÁÐàÃç§
341 |
1 caregiver ¼Ùé´ÙáÅ,¼ÙéãËé¡ÒôÙáÅ
342 |
1 care plan á¼¹¡ÒôÙáÅ, á¼¹¡ÒúÃÔºÒÅ
343 |
1 carrier ¾ÒËÐ, µÑǾÒ
344 |
1 carrier-mediated transport ¡Òâ¹Êè§â´Âãªé¾ÒËÐ, ¡Òâ¹Êè§â´ÂãªéµÑǾÒ
345 |
1 carrying capacity ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö¾Ò (ÊÒÃ, µÑÇÂÒÊÓ¤Ñ)
346 |
1 catabolic á¡ÊÅÒÂ
347 |
1 catabolism ¡Ãкǹ¡ÒÃá¡ÊÅÒÂ
348 |
1 catalysis ¡ÒÃàÃ觻¯Ô¡ÔÃÔÂÒ
349 |
1 catalyst ÊÒÃàÃ觻¯Ô¡ÔÃÔÂÒ
350 |
1 catecholamine ᤷÕâ¤ÅÒÁÕ¹
351 |
1 cationic -»ÃШغǡ
352 |
1 celebrospinal fluid (CSF) ¹éÓä¢ÊѹËÅѧ
353 |
1 cell à«ÅÅì
354 |
1 centipoise ૹµÔ¾ÍÂÊì
355 |
1 central nervous system (CNS) Ãкº»ÃÐÊÒ·¡ÅÒ§
356 |
1 centrifuge à¤Ã×èͧËÁعàËÇÕè§á¡µÐ¡Í¹.ËÁعàËÇÕè§á¡µÐ¡Í¹
357 |
1 certified color ÊÕ·Õèä´éÃѺ¡ÒÃÃѺÃͧ
358 |
1 chain pharmacy ÃéÒ¹ÂÒà¤Ã×Í¢èÒÂ
359 |
1 chain reaction »¯Ô¡ÔÃÔÂÒÅÙ¡â«è
360 |
1 channeling agent ÊÒ÷ÓãËéà¡Ô´ªèͧËÃ×ÍÃÙ¾Ãع
361 |
1 characterization ¡ÒÃáÊ´§ÅѡɳÐ੾ÒÐ
362 |
1 chelating agent ÊÒäÕàŵ
363 |
1 chelation ¤ÕàŪѹ
364 |
1 chemisorption ¡Òôٴ«Ñº·Ò§à¤ÁÕ
365 |
1 chemoreceptor µÑÇÃѺ·Ò§à¤ÁÕ
366 |
1 chemosystematic à¤ÁÕ͹ءÃÁÇÔ¸Ò¹
367 |
1 chemotaxis ¡ÒÃà¤Å×è͹à˵ØÊÒÃà¤ÁÕ, ¤ÕâÁá·¡«ÔÊ
368 |
1 chemotaxonomy à¤ÁÕ͹ءÃÁÇÔ¸Ò¹
369 |
1 chewable tablet ÂÒàÁç´ÊÓËÃѺà¤ÕéÂÇ
370 |
1 chief complaint ÍÒ¡ÒÃÊÓ¤Ñ (·Õè·ÓãËé¼Ùé»èǵéͧÁÒ¾ºá¾·Âì)
371 |
1 child-resistant container ÀÒª¹Ð»éͧ¡Ñ¹à´ç¡à»Ô´
372 |
1 chipping ¡ÒúÔè¹ (¢Í§àÁç´ÂÒ)
373 |
1 chiral drug ÂÒä¤ÃÑÅ
374 |
1 cholagogue ÊÒâѺ¹éÓ´Õ
375 |
1 cholecystagogue ÊÒáÃеØ鹡ÒúպµÑǢͧ¶Ø§¹éÓ´Õ
376 |
1 choleresis ¡ÒÃËÅÑ觹éÓ´Õ
377 |
1 choleretic ÊÒâѺ¹éÓ´Õ, -ËÅÑ觹éÓ´Õ
378 |
1 cholestasis ÀÒÇйéÓ´Õ¤Ñè§
379 |
1 cholesterol ¤ÍàÅÊàµÍÃÍÅ
380 |
1 cholinergic â¤ÅÔà¹ÍÃì¨Ô¡
381 |
1 chromatography â¤ÃÁÒâ·¡ÃÒ¿Õ
382 |
1 chromophore â¤ÃâÁ¿ÍÃì
383 |
1 chronotropic -à»ÅÕè¹ÍѵÃÒàµé¹ (ËÑÇã¨)
384 |
1 chyme ÍÒËÒáÖè§àËÅÇ㹡ÃÐà¾ÒÐ, ä¤Áì
385 |
1 cilia ¢¹¡ÇÑ´
386 |
1 circadian rhythm ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹á»Å§·Ò§ªÕÇÀÒ¾ã¹ÃͺÇѹ
387 |
1 circular dichroism à«ÍÃì¤ÙÅÒÃì ä´â¤ÃÍÔ«ÖÁ
388 |
1 clarification ¡Ò÷ÓãËéãÊ
389 |
1 clarity test ¡Ò÷´Êͺ¤ÇÒÁãÊ, ¡Ò÷´Êͺ½Ø蹵С͹
390 |
1 clay ´Ô¹à˹ÕÂÇ
391 |
1 clean room class 10000 ËéͧÊÐÍÒ´ÃдѺ 10000
392 |
1 clean room class 100 ËéͧÊÐÍÒ´ÃдѺ 100
393 |
1 clearance ÍѵÃÒ¡ÒáӨѴ
394 |
1 clerkship ¡Òý֡»¯ÔºÑµÔ§Ò¹ (à¡ÕèÂǡѺ¼Ùé»èÇÂ)
395 |
1 climacteric ÇÑÂàÊ×èÍÁ·Ò§à¾È
396 |
1 clinical chemistry à¤ÁÕ¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
397 |
1 clinical pharmacokinetics àÀÊѪ¨Å¹ÈÒʵÃì¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
398 |
1 clinical pharmacy àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
399 |
1 clinical pharmacy àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
400 |
1 clinical trial ¡Ò÷´Êͺ·Ò§¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
401 |
1 clotting time ÃÐÂÐàÇÅÒá¢ç§µÑÇ (àÅ×Í´)
402 |
1 cloud point ¨Ø´àÃÔèÁ¢Øè¹
403 |
1 CMC (critical micelle concentration) ¤ÇÒÁà¢éÁ¢é¹ÇԡĵäÁà«ÅÅì
404 |
1 CNS (central nervous system) Ãкº»ÃÐÊÒ·¡ÅÒ§
405 |
1 coacervation â¤ÍÐà«ÍÃìàǪѹ
406 |
1 coagulate ¨Ñºà»ç¹ÅÔèÁ, ¨Ñºà»ç¹¡é͹
407 |
1 coagule ÅÔèÁ, ¡é͹
408 |
1 coalescence ¡ÒÃÃÇÁË´
409 |
1 coarse dispersion ÂÒ¡ÃШÒµÑǪ¹Ô´ËÂÒº
410 |
1 coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺ
411 |
1 coating pan ËÁéÍà¤Å×ͺ (ÂÒ)
412 |
1 cohesion ¡ÒÃàª×èÍÁµÔ´
413 |
1 cold cream â¤Å´ì¤ÃÕÁ
414 |
1 cold press ºÕºÍÑ´â´ÂäÁèãªé¤ÇÒÁÃé͹
415 |
1 collapsible tube ËÅÍ´ºÕº
416 |
1 colligative properties ÊÁºÑµÔ¤ÍÅÅÔà¡·Ô¿
417 |
1 collodion ¤ÍÅâÅà´Õ¹
418 |
1 colloidal dispersion ¡ÒáÃШÒµÑÇẺ¤ÍÅÅÍ´ì, ÂÒ/ÊÒáÃШÒµÑÇẺ¤ÍÅÅÍ´ì
419 |
1 colloidal silica «ÔÅÔ¡Òª¹Ô´¤ÍÅÅÍ´ì
420 |
1 colloid ¤ÍÅÅÍ´ì
421 |
1 colloid mill à¤Ã×èͧº´áºº¤ÍÅÅÍ´ì
422 |
1 colorant ÊÒÃáµè§ÊÕ
423 |
1 colorimetric method ÇÔ¸Õ¡ÒÃÇÑ´à·ÕºÊÕ
424 |
1 coloring agent ÊÒÃáµè§ÊÕ
425 |
1 colostrum ¹Á¹éÓàËÅ×ͧ
426 |
1 coma â¤ÁèÒ, µÃÕ·Ùµ
427 |
1 comminution ¡ÒÃÅ´¢¹Ò´Í¹ØÀÒ¤
428 |
1 common ion äÍÍ͹ÃèÇÁ
429 |
1 community pharmacy àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁªØÁª¹
430 |
1 compactibility ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒöÍÑ´á¹è¹
431 |
1 compaction ¡ÒÃÍÑ´á¹è¹
432 |
1 compatibility ¤ÇÒÁà¢éҡѹä´é
433 |
1 compatible -à¢éҡѹä´é
434 |
1 complexation ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´ÊÒÃàªÔ§«é͹
435 |
1 complex coacervation â¤ÍÐà«ÍÃìàǪѹàªÔ§«é͹
436 |
1 complex ÊÒÃàªÔ§«é͹, àªÔ§«é͹
437 |
1 compliance ¡Òû¯ÔºÑµÔµÒÁÊÑè§, ¤ÇÒÁËÂØè¹ (ËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´)
438 |
1 complimentary medicine ¡ÒÃá¾·ÂìàÊÃÔÁ
439 |
1 compound ÊÒûÃСͺ, ¤ÍÁ¾ÒÇ´ì
440 |
1 compounding ¡ÒûÃاÂÒ
441 |
1 compressibility ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒöµÍ¡ÍÑ´
442 |
1 compression-coated tablet ÂÒàÁ紵͡à¤Å×ͺ
443 |
1 compression ¡Òõ͡ÍÑ´
444 |
1 compulsory ÁҵáÒúѧ¤ÑºãªéÊÔ·¸Ô
445 |
1 concentration gradient ¤ÇÒÁµèÒ§ÃдѺ¢Í§¤ÇÒÁà¢éÁ¢é¹
446 |
1 conception ¡ÒüÊÁ(¾Ñ¹¸Øì)µÔ´
447 |
1 conductivity ÊÀÒ¾¹Ó
448 |
1 cone and plate viscometer à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ˹״Ẻ⤹áÅÐà¾Åµ
449 |
1 configuration â¤Ã§áºº
450 |
1 conformation â¤Ã§ÃÙ»
451 |
1 congeal á¢ç§µÑÇ, ¢é¹á¢ç§
452 |
1 congelation ¡ÒÃá¢ç§µÑÇ, ¡Òâé¹á¢ç§
453 |
1 conjugate ¤Çº¤Ùè
454 |
1 conjunctival ·Ò§àÂ×è͵Ò
455 |
1 constituent Êèǹ»Ãاáµè§, Êèǹ»ÃСͺ
456 |
1 constitutive properties ÊÁºÑµÔà¹×èͧ¨Ò¡Êèǹ»ÃСͺ
457 |
1 contact angle ÁØÁÊÑÁ¼ÑÊ
458 |
1 contaminant ÊÔ觻¹à»×é͹
459 |
1 contamination ¡Òû¹à»×é͹
460 |
1 content uniformity ¤ÇÒÁÊÁèÓàÊÁͧ͢µÑÇÂÒ, ¤ÇÒÁÊÁèÓàÊÁͧ͢ÊÒÃ
461 |
1 continental method ÇÔ¸ÕàµÃÕÂÁ(ÍÔÁÑŪѹ)Ẻ¡ÑÁáËé§
462 |
1 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) ¡ÒÃÈÖ¡ÉÒµèÍà¹×èͧ·Ò§àÀÊѪÈÒʵÃì
463 |
1 contraception ¡ÒäØÁ¡Óà¹Ô´
464 |
1 contractility ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö˴µÑÇ (¢Í§¡ÅéÒÁà¹×éÍ)
465 |
1 contracture ¡ÒÃË´¤éÒ§ (¢Í§¡ÅéÒÁà¹×éÍ)
466 |
1 contraindication ¢éÍËéÒÁãªé
467 |
1 controlled release ¡ÒäǺ¤ØÁ¡ÒûŴ»ÅèÍÂÂÒ, -¤Çº¤ØÁ¡ÒûŴ»ÅèÍÂÂÒ
468 |
1 control number ËÁÒÂàÅ¢¤Çº¤ØÁ (¤Ø³ÀÒ¾)
469 |
1 conveyor dryer à¤Ã×èͧ·ÓãËéáËé§áººÊÒ¾ҹ
470 |
1 convulsion ¡Òêѡ
471 |
1 copolymer ⤾ÍÅÔàÁÍÃì
472 |
1 cornwall syringe ¡Ãк͡©Õ´¤ÍÃì¹ÇÍÅÅì
473 |
1 cosolvent µÑÇ·ÓÅÐÅÒÂÃèÇÁ
474 |
1 cost-benefit analysis ¡ÒÃÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËìµé¹·Ø¹¼Åä´é
475 |
1 cost consciousness ¨ÔµÊÓ¹Ö¡´éÒ¹µé¹·Ø¹
476 |
1 cost-effectiveness analysis ¡ÒÃÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËìµé¹·Ø¹»ÃÐÊÔ·¸Ô¼Å
477 |
1 cost-utility analysis ¡ÒÃÇÔà¤ÃÒÐËìµé¹·Ø¹ÍÃö»ÃÐ⪹ì
478 |
1 cosurfactant ÊÒÃÅ´áçµÖ§¼ÔÇÃèÇÁ
479 |
1 Coulter counter à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¢¹Ò´(͹ØÀÒ¤)Ẻ¤ÙÅà·ÍÃì
480 |
1 counselling ¡ÒÃãËé¤Ó»ÃÖ¡ÉÒ
481 |
1 counselor ¼ÙéãËé¤Ó»ÃÖ¡ÉÒ
482 |
1 counterion äÍÍ͹µÃ§¢éÒÁ
483 |
1 counterirritant -ÃФÒÂÅéÒ§ÃФÒÂ
484 |
1 cream ¤ÃÕÁ, ÂÒ¤ÃÕÁ
485 |
1 creaming ¡ÒÃᡪÑé¹à»ç¹¤ÃÕÁ (¢Í§ÍÔÁÑŪѹ)
486 |
1 crosslinking agent ÊÒÃàª×èÍÁ¢ÇÒ§
487 |
1 crude drug à¤Ã×èͧÂÒ
488 |
1 crude extract ÊÒÃÊ¡Ñ´ËÂÒº
489 |
1 crushing strength áçÍѴᵡ
490 |
1 crystal habit ÅѡɳмÅÖ¡
491 |
1 crystal lattice â¤Ã§ÃèÒ§¼ÅÖ¡
492 |
1 crystalline -à»ç¹¼ÅÖ¡
493 |
1 cube mixer à¤Ã×èͧ¼ÊÁẺÅÙ¡àµëÒ
494 |
1 cup and bob viscometer à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ˹״Ẻ¤ÑºáÅкçͺ
495 |
1 cutting mill à¤Ã×èͧº´µÑ´
496 |
1 cyanosis ÍÒ¡ÒÃà¢ÕÂǤÅéÓ
497 |
1 cytotoxic -à»ç¹¾ÔɵèÍà«ÅÅì
498 |
1 decantation ¡ÒÃÃԹᡵС͹
499 |
1 decay ¡ÒÃÊÅÒÂ
500 |
1 decoction ¡ÒõéÁ (ÂÒ), ÂÒµéÁ
501 |
1 decomposition ¡ÒÃàÊ×èÍÁÊÀÒ¾
502 |
1 decontamination ¡ÒáӨѴÊÔ觻¹à»×é͹, ¡ÒÃÅ´ÊÔ觻¹à»×é͹
503 |
1 dedusting ¡ÒáӨѴ½Øè¹¼§ (¨Ò¡àÁç´ÂÒ)
504 |
1 deep concave àÇéÒÅÖ¡
505 |
1 defined daily dose (DDD) ¢¹Ò´ÂÒà©ÅÕèµèÍÇѹ
506 |
1 defined medium ÍÒËÒÃàÅÕé§àª×éÍ·Õè¡Ó˹´Êèǹ»ÃСͺ
507 |
1 deflocculation ¡ÒáÃШÒ¡ÅØèÁ
508 |
1 defoaming ¡ÒáӨѴ¿Í§, ¡ÒÃÅ´¿Í§
509 |
1 deformation ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ÃÙ»
510 |
1 dehydration ¡ÒÃàÊÕ¹éÓ, ¡Òâ¨Ñ´¹éÓ, ÀÒÇТҴ¹éÓ
511 |
1 deionized water ¹éÓ¢¨Ñ´äÍÍ͹áÅéÇ
512 |
1 delayed type hypersensitivity ÀÒÇÐÀÙÁÔäÇà¡Ô¹ª¹Ô´¤èÍÂà»ç¹¤èÍÂä»
513 |
1 deliquescence ¡Òê×é¹àËÅÇ
514 |
1 demulcent ÂÒºÃÃà·ÒÃФÒ (¤Í)
515 |
1 denature á»Å§ÊÀÒ¾
516 |
1 densitometer ÁҵäÇÒÁ·Öºáʧ, à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁà¢éÁ (áʧ)
517 |
1 density ¤ÇÒÁ˹Òá¹è¹
518 |
1 dentifrice ÂÒÊտѹ, ÂÒÊտѹ¼§
519 |
1 depolarization ¡ÒáÅѺ¢ÑéÇä¿¿éÒ, ´Õâ¾ÅÒäÃ૪ѹ
520 |
1 dermal -˹ѧá·é
521 |
1 dermatological -¼ÔÇ˹ѧ
522 |
1 desiccant ÊÒôٴ¤ÇÒÁª×é¹
523 |
1 desiccation ¡Ò÷ÓãËéáËé§
524 |
1 desiccator ÀÒª¹Ðãªé·ÓáËé§
525 |
1 desorption ¡ÒäÒ (¨Ò¡¡Òôٴ«Ñº)
526 |
1 detoxification ¡Òâ¨Ñ´¾ÔÉ, ¡Òö͹¾ÔÉ (ÊÒÃàʾµÔ´)
527 |
1 dextr(o) -¢ÇÒ
528 |
1 dextrorotatory -ËÁع¢ÇÒ (áʧÃйҺà´ÕÂÇ)
529 |
1 diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) ¡ÅØèÁÇÔ¹Ô¨©ÑÂâäÃèÇÁ
530 |
1 dialysis ¡ÒÃá¡ÊÒüèÒ¹àÂ×èÍ, ä´áÍÅÔ«ÔÊ
531 |
1 diaphoretic ÊÒÃ/ÂҢѺà˧×èÍ
532 |
1 die àºéÒ
533 |
1 dielectric constant ¤èÒ¤§·Õèä´ÍÔàÅç¡·ÃÔ¡
534 |
1 dietary supplement ¼ÅÔµÀѳ±ìàÊÃÔÁÍÒËÒÃ
535 |
1 differential medium ÍÒËÒÃàÅÕé§àª×éÍà¾×èÍᡪ¹Ô´àª×éÍ
536 |
1 differential staining ¡ÒÃÂéÍÁÊÕà¾×èÍᡪ¹Ô´àª×éÍ
537 |
1 diffusion coefficient ÊÑÁ»ÃÐÊÔ·¸Ôì¡ÒÃá¾Ãè
538 |
1 diffusion-controlled -¤Çº¤ØÁâ´Â¡ÒÃá¾Ãè
539 |
1 diffusion ¡ÒÃá¾Ãè
540 |
1 diffusivity ÊÑÁ»ÃÐÊÔ·¸Ôì¡ÒÃá¾Ãè
541 |
1 digestant ÂÒ(ªèÇÂ)ÂèÍ (ÍÒËÒÃ)
542 |
1 digestive ÂÒ(ªèÇÂ)ÂèÍ (ÍÒËÒÃ)
543 |
1 dilatant ä´àÅá·¹µì
544 |
1 diluent µÑÇ·Óà¨×ͨҧ
545 |
1 dilution potential ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö¾ÒÊÒÃ, ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö¾ÒµÑÇÂÒÊÓ¤Ñ
546 |
1 dip coating ¡ÒèØèÁà¤Å×ͺ
547 |
1 diploid â¤ÃâÁâ«Á¤ÃºªØ´, ´Ô¾ÅÍ´ì
548 |
1 direct compression ¡Òõ͡µÃ§
549 |
1 direct compression ¡Òõ͡ÍÑ´â´ÂµÃ§
550 |
1 discharged counseling ¡ÒÃãËé¤Ó»ÃÖ¡ÉÒá¡è¼Ùé»èÇ¡è͹¨Ó˹èÒ (ÍÍ¡¨Ò¡âç¾ÂÒºÒÅ)
551 |
1 discoloration ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ÊÕ
552 |
1 discount rate ÍѵÃÒ»ÃѺŴ, ÍѵÃÒ«×éÍÅ´
553 |
1 disinfectant ÊÒæèÒàª×éÍ,-¦èÒàª×éÍ
554 |
1 disinfection ¡ÒæèÒàª×éÍ
555 |
1 disintegrant ÊÒêèÇÂᵡµÑÇ
556 |
1 disintegration ¡ÒÃᵡµÑÇ
557 |
1 dispensing fee ¤èÒ¸ÃÃÁà¹ÕÂÁ¡ÒèèÒÂÂÒ
558 |
1 dispensing ¡ÒèèÒÂÂÒ
559 |
1 dispensing pharmacy àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ¨èÒÂÂÒ
560 |
1 dispersed phase ÇѯÀÒ¤¡ÃШÒµÑÇ
561 |
1 disperse system Ãкº¡ÃШÒµÑÇ
562 |
1 dispersing agent ÊÒêèÇ¡ÃШÒÂ(µÑÇ)
563 |
1 dispersion medium µÑÇ¡ÅÒ§¡ÒáÃШÒÂ
564 |
1 disposition (drug) ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹·Õè (ÂÒã¹ÃèÒ§¡ÒÂ)
565 |
1 dissolution-controlled -¤Çº¤ØÁâ´Â¡ÒÃÅÐÅÒÂ
566 |
1 dissolution ¡ÒÃÅÐÅÒÂ
567 |
1 dissolution profile à¤éÒâ¤Ã§¡ÒÃÅÐÅÒÂ
568 |
1 distribution agent ÊÒÃ(ªèÇÂ)á¼è¡ÃШÒÂ
569 |
1 divided powder ÂÒ¼§áºè§¢¹Ò´, ÂÒ¼§áºè§ºÃèØ
570 |
1 DNA replication ¡ÒöèÒÂẺ´ÕàÍç¹àÍ
571 |
1 domain Êèǹ¨Óà¾ÒÐ
572 |
1 dosage form ÃٻẺÂÒ
573 |
1 dosage regimen á¼¹¡Ó˹´¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
574 |
1 dose ¢¹Ò´(¡ÒÃãªé)ÂÒ
575 |
1 dose dumping ¡ÒÃᵡ·ÐÅÑ¡¢Í§ÂÒ (ã¹ÃèÒ§¡ÒÂ)
576 |
1 douche ÂÒÊǹÅéÒ§, ÊǹÅéÒ§, ©Õ´ÅéÒ§
577 |
1 down-regulation ¡ÒäǺ¤ØÁ»ÃÔÁÒ³ÁÒ¡/¤ÇÒÁà¢éÁ¢é¹ÊÙ§ãËéŴŧ
578 |
1 dragée ยาเม็ด���คลือบ
579 |
1 drug abuse ¡ÒÃãªéÂÒã¹·Ò§·Õè¼Ô´
580 |
1 drug addiction ¡ÒõԴÂÒ
581 |
1 drug dependence ¡ÒõԴÂÒ
582 |
1 drug design ¡ÒÃÍ͡ẺÂÒ, ¡ÒûÃдÔÉ°ìÂÒ
583 |
1 drug entrapment ¡ÒÃËèÍËØéÁÂÒ, ¡Òáѡà¡çºÂÒäÇéÀÒÂã¹
584 |
1 drug expenditure ¤èÒãªé¨èÒ´éÒ¹ÂÒ
585 |
1 drug formulary àÀÊѪµÓÃѺ
586 |
1 drug information àÀÊѪʹà·È
587 |
1 drug information center (DIC) ÈÙ¹ÂìàÀÊѪʹà·È
588 |
1 drug information ÊÒÃʹà·È·Ò§ÂÒ
589 |
1 drug information service (DIS) ¡ÒúÃÔ¡ÒÃàÀÊѪʹà·È
590 |
1 drug interaction »¯Ô¡ÔÃÔÂҢͧÂÒ, ÍѹµÃ¡ÔÃÔÂҢͧÂÒ
591 |
1 drug intolerance ¤ÇÒÁäÁè·¹(µèÍ)ÂÒ
592 |
1 drug misadventuring »ÑËÒ¨Ò¡¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
593 |
1 drug monitoring ¡ÒõÃǨµÔ´µÒÁ¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
594 |
1 drug monograph ÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´¢Í§ÂÒ (·Õè¡Ó˹´ã¹áººá¼¹à´ÕÂǡѹ)
595 |
1 drug procurement ¡ÒèѴËÒÂÒ
596 |
1 drug profile ºÑ¹·Ö¡¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ (¢Í§¼Ùé»èÇÂ)
597 |
1 drug receptor µÑǨѺÂÒ੾ÒÐ
598 |
1 drug related problem (DRP) »ÑËÒ¨Ò¡¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
599 |
1 drug release ¡ÒûŴ»ÅèÍÂÂÒ
600 |
1 drug reservoir ºÃÔàdz¡Ñ¡à¡çºÂÒ
601 |
1 drug screening ¡ÒäѴ¡ÃͧÊÒ÷ÕèÁÕÄ·¸Ôì·Ò§ÂÒ
602 |
1 drug targeting ¡ÒùÓÊè§ÂÒÊÙèà»éÒËÁÒÂ
603 |
1 drug therapy ¡ÒúӺѴ´éÇÂÂÒ, ¡ÒÃÃÑ¡ÉÒ´éÇÂÂÒ
604 |
1 drug tolerance ¤ÇÒÁ·¹(µèÍ)ÂÒ, ¤ÇÒÁªÔ¹ÂÒ
605 |
1 drug treatment ¡ÒúӺѴ´éÇÂÂÒ, ¡ÒÃÃÑ¡ÉÒ´éÇÂÂÒ
606 |
1 drug use evaluation (DUE) ¡ÒûÃÐàÁÔ¹¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
607 |
1 drug utilization evaluation (DUE) ¡ÒûÃÐàÁÔ¹¡ÒÃãªéÂÒ
608 |
1 dry granulation ¡Ò÷Óá¡Ã¹ÙÅáËé§
609 |
1 dry gum method ÇÔ¸ÕàµÃÕÂÁ(ÍÔÁÑŪѹ)Ẻ¡ÑÁáËé§
610 |
1 duration of action ªèǧàÇÅÒÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì
611 |
1 dusting powder ÂÒ¼§âà(¼ÔÇ˹ѧ)
612 |
1 dye ÊÕ(ª¹Ô´ÅÐÅÒ¹éÓ)
613 |
1 dynamic ¾ÅÇѵ
614 |
1 dyne ´Ò¹ì
615 |
1 Ebers Papyrus ÍÕàºÍÃìʾÒä¾ÃØÊ (µÓÃÒÂÒÊÁÑÂÍÕÂÔ»µì)
616 |
1 ecbolic ÂÒºÕºÁ´ÅÙ¡
617 |
1 effectiveness »ÃÐÊÔ·¸Ô¼Å
618 |
1 effervescence ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´¿Í§¿Ùè
619 |
1 effervescent -¿Í§¿Ùè
620 |
1 efficacy »ÃÐÊÔ·¸ÔÈÑ¡Âì
621 |
1 efficiency »ÃÐÊÔ·¸ÔÀÒ¾
622 |
1 efflorescence ¡ÒÃàÊÕ¹éÓ¼ÅÖ¡
623 |
1 ejection force áç´Ñ¹ (àÁç´ÂÒ) ÍÍ¡¨Ò¡àºéÒ
624 |
1 ejection ¡Òôѹ (àÁç´ÂÒ) ÍÍ¡¨Ò¡àºéÒ
625 |
1 elastic deformation ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ÃٻẺÂ×´ËÂØè¹
626 |
1 elasticity ÊÀÒ¾Â×´ËÂØè¹
627 |
1 electric double layer ªÑé¹»ÃШØä¿¿éÒ¤Ùè
628 |
1 electrodialysis ¡ÒÃá¡ÊÒüèÒ¹àÂ×èÍ´éÇÂä¿¿éÒ, ä´áÍÅÔ«ÔÊ´éÇÂä¿¿éÒ
629 |
1 electrokinetic -¨Å¹ìä¿¿éÒ
630 |
1 electrolyte ÍÔàÅç¡â·Ãäŵì
631 |
1 electrophoresis ¡ÒÃà¤Å×è͹ÊÙè¢ÑéÇä¿¿éÒ, ÍÔàÅç¡â·Ãâ¿ÃÕ«ÔÊ
632 |
1 electrostatic -ä¿¿éÒʶԵ
633 |
1 elementary osmotic pump ÍÍÊâÁµÔ¡»ÑêÁẺ¾×é¹°Ò¹
634 |
1 elimination ¡ÒáӨѴ (ÂÒ)
635 |
1 elixir ÍÔÅÔ¡à«ÍÃì, ÂÒÍÔÅÔ¡à«ÍÃì
636 |
1 elongation ¡ÒÃÂ×´
637 |
1 elution ¡ÒêÐ
638 |
1 embed ½Ñ§
639 |
1 emboss »ÑêÁÅÒ¹ٹ (º¹àÁç´ÂÒ)
640 |
1 embrocation ¡ÒÃ·Ò (ÂÒ), ¡Ò÷ҶٹǴ (ÂÒ), ÂÒ·Ò, ÂҷҶٹǴ
641 |
1 emetic ÂÒ·ÓãËéÍÒà¨Õ¹
642 |
1 emmenagogue ÂҢѺÃдÙ, ÂҢѺ»ÃШÓà´×͹
643 |
1 emollient ÊÒ÷ÓãËé¹ØèÁáÅЪØèÁª×é¹
644 |
1 empirical â´Â»ÃÐʺ¡Òóì
645 |
1 emulsification ¡Ò÷ÓãËéà¡Ô´ÍÔÁÑŪѹ
646 |
1 emulsifier ÊÒ÷ÓÍÔÁÑŪѹ
647 |
1 emulsifying agent ÊÒ÷ÓÍÔÁÑŪѹ
648 |
1 emulsion ÍÔÁÑŪѹ, ÂÒÍÔÁÑŪѹ
649 |
1 encapsulation ¡ÒÃÁնاËØéÁ, ¡ÒÃËèÍËØéÁ
650 |
1 encode à¢éÒÃËÑÊ
651 |
1 endocytosis ¡ÒùÓà¢éÒà«ÅÅì, à͹â´ä«â·«ÔÊ
652 |
1 endothermic -´Ù´¤ÇÒÁÃé͹
653 |
1 endotoxin ªÕǾÔÉÀÒÂã¹µÑÇ
654 |
1 enema ÂÒÊǹ·ÇÒÃ
655 |
1 English method ÇÔ¸ÕàµÃÕÂÁ (ÍÔÁÑŪѹ) ẺÍѧ¡ÄÉ
656 |
1 engrave »ÑêÁÅÒ¨Á (º¹àÁç´ÂÒ)
657 |
1 enteric coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺà¾×èÍãËéᵡµÑÇã¹ÅÓäÊé, ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺà͹à·ÍÃÔ¡
658 |
1 enterotoxin ªÕǾÔÉÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôìã¹ÅÓäÊé
659 |
1 epitope Êèǹ¢Í§á͹µÔਹ·Õè¨Ñº¡Ñºá͹µÔºÍ´Õ
660 |
1 equality ¤ÇÒÁà·èÒà·ÕÂÁ
661 |
1 equity ¤ÇÒÁà»ç¹¸ÃÃÁ
662 |
1 erosion ¡ÒáÃè͹
663 |
1 essence ËÑǹéÓËÍÁ
664 |
1 essential drug ÂÒ¨Óà»ç¹
665 |
1 essential drugs list ºÑªÕÂÒËÅÑ¡
666 |
1 essential oil ¹éÓÁѹËÍÁÃÐàËÂ
667 |
1 ethnobotany ¾Ä¡ÉÈÒʵÃìàªÔ§ªÒµÔ¾Ñ¹¸Øì, ¾Ä¡ÉÈÒʵÃì¾×鹺éÒ¹
668 |
1 ethnopharmacology àÀÊѪÇÔ·ÂÒàªÔ§ªÒµÔ¾Ñ¹¸Øì, àÀÊѪÇÔ·ÂÒ¾×鹺éÒ¹
669 |
1 etiology ÊÁد°Ò¹ÇÔ·ÂÒ, ÊÁد°Ò¹ (¢Í§âä)
670 |
1 eutectic mixture ÊÒüÊÁÂÙà·¡µÔ¡
671 |
1 excipient ÊÒûÃاáµè§ (ÂÒ)
672 |
1 excretion ¡ÒâѺ¶èÒÂ, ÊÔ觢Ѻ¶èÒÂ
673 |
1 exocytosis ¡ÒùÓÍÍ¡¨Ò¡à«ÅÅì, àÍ¡â«ä«â·«ÔÊ
674 |
1 exoreceptor µÑÇÃѺÀÒ¹͡
675 |
1 exothermic -¤Ò¤ÇÒÁÃé͹
676 |
1 exotoxin ªÕǾÔɤÒÂÍÍ¡
677 |
1 expiration date ÇѹËÁ´ÍÒÂØ, ÇѹÊÔé¹ÍÒÂØ
678 |
1 expiry date ÇѹËÁ´ÍÒÂØ, ÇѹÊÔé¹ÍÒÂØ
679 |
1 expression ¡ÒäÑé¹, ¡ÒúպÍÍ¡
680 |
1 exsiccation ¡ÒÃʵØ, ¡Ò÷ÓãËéáËé§Ê¹Ô·
681 |
1 extemporaneous preparation ÂÒàµÃÕÂÁ੾ÒФÃÒÇ
682 |
1 extended release ¡ÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì¹Ò¹ (¢Í§ÂÒ)
683 |
1 external phase ÇѯÀÒ¤ÀÒ¹͡
684 |
1 extract ÂÒÊ¡Ñ´, ÊÔè§Ê¡Ñ´, ÊÒÃÊ¡Ñ´, Ê¡Ñ´
685 |
1 extraction ¡ÒÃÊ¡Ñ´
686 |
1 extragranular disintegrant ÊÒêèÇÂᵡµÑÇÀÒ¹͡á¡Ã¹ÙÅ
687 |
1 extrudate àÊé¹·Õèä´é¨Ò¡à¤Ã×èͧÍÑ´àÊé¹
688 |
1 extruder à¤Ã×èͧÍÑ´àÊé¹
689 |
1 extrusion ¡ÒÃÍÑ´ãËéà»ç¹àÊé¹
690 |
1 exudate ÊÒÃàËÅǢ鹫Ö觫ÖÁ¼èÒ¹àÂ×èÍ
691 |
1 eye drop ÂÒËÂÍ´µÒ
692 |
1 eye ointment ¢Õé¼Ö駻éÒµÒ
693 |
1 facilitated diffusion ¡ÒÃá¾ÃèẺÁÕµÑǪèÇÂ
694 |
1 facultative anaerobe ¨ØÅÔ¹·ÃÕÂì·Õèà¨ÃÔä´é·Ñé§ã¹·ÕèÁÕËÃ×ÍäÁèÁÕÍÒ¡ÒÈ
695 |
1 falling sphere viscometer à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ˹״Ẻ¡Òõ¡¢Í§ÅÙ¡·Ã§¡ÅÁ
696 |
1 false transmitter ÊÒÃÊ×èÍÅǧ
697 |
1 feed shoe à¡×Í¡»é͹¼§ÂÒáÅлѴàÁç´ÂÒ (¢Í§à¤Ã×èͧµÍ¡)
698 |
1 fellow ¼ÙéÃѺ¡Òý֡ͺÃÁ੾ÒÐÊÒ¢Ò, ÇزԺѳ±Ôµ
699 |
1 fellowship °Ò¹ÀÒ¾¼ÙéÃѺ¡Òý֡ͺÃÁ੾ÒÐÊÒ¢Ò
700 |
1 fetotoxic à»ç¹¾ÔɵèÍ·Òá㹤ÃÃÀì
701 |
1 filler ÊÒÃà¾ÔèÁ»ÃÔÁÒ³
702 |
1 film-coated tablet ÂÒàÁç´à¤Å×ͺ¿ÔÅìÁ
703 |
1 film coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺ¿ÔÅìÁ
704 |
1 film formation ¡ÒáèÍ¿ÔÅìÁ
705 |
1 film former ÊÒáèÍ¿ÔÅìÁ
706 |
1 filter aid ÊÒêèÇÂ㹡ÒáÃͧ
707 |
1 filter media µÑÇ¡ÅÒ§ÊÓËÃѺ¡Ãͧ
708 |
1 filter paper ¡ÃдÒÉ¡Ãͧ
709 |
1 filtrate ¢Í§àËÅÇ·Õèä´é¨Ò¡¡ÒáÃͧ
710 |
1 fine ÅÐàÍÕ´, ¼§ÅÐàÍÕ´
711 |
1 fingerprint ÅÒ¾ÔÁ¾ì¨Óà¾ÒÐ (ã¹Ê໡µÃÑÁ)
712 |
1 first messenger µÑÇÊ觢èÒǵÑÇáá
713 |
1 first-order kinetics ¨Å¹ÈÒʵÃìÍѹ´ÑºË¹Öè§
714 |
1 flat-faced (ÊÒ¡) ˹éÒàÃÕº
715 |
1 flat-face (ÊÒ¡) ˹éÒàÃÕº
716 |
1 flavor ÊÒÃáµè§¡ÅÔè¹, ÊÒÃáµè§¡ÅÔè¹ÃÊ
717 |
1 flavoring agent ÊÒÃáµè§¡ÅÔè¹, ÊÒÃáµè§¡ÅÔè¹ÃÊ
718 |
1 floc ¿ÅçÍ¡
719 |
1 flocculation ¡ÒÃà¡ÒСÅØèÁÍÂèÒ§ËÅÇÁ
720 |
1 floccule ¿ÅçÍ¡¤ÙÅ
721 |
1 flowability ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö㹡ÒÃäËÅ
722 |
1 fluid bed coating ¡ÒÃà¤Å×ͺẺ¿ÅÙÍԴິ
723 |
1 fluid bed granulator à¤Ã×èͧ·Óá¡Ã¹ÙÅẺ¿ÅÙÍԴິ
724 |
1 fluid bed technology à·¤â¹âÅÂÕ¿ÅÙÍԴິ
725 |
1 fluid energy mill à¤Ã×èͧº´ÅÐàÍÕ´´éÇÂáçÅÁ
726 |
1 fluidextract ÂÒÊ¡Ñ´àËÅÇ
727 |
1 fluidity ÊÀÒ¾àËÅÇ, ÊÀÒ¾äËÅä´é
728 |
1 fluidized bed granulator à¤Ã×èͧ·Óá¡Ã¹ÙÅẺ¿ÅÙÍԴິ
729 |
1 fluidized bed technology à·¤â¹âÅÂÕ¿ÅÙÍԴິ
730 |
1 foam â¿Á, ¿Í§
731 |
1 foam booster ÊÒÃà¾ÔèÁ¿Í§
732 |
1 folk medicine ¡ÒÃá¾·Âì¾×鹺éÒ¹
733 |
1 food intoxication ÍÒËÒû¹à»×é͹´éÇ·͡«Ô¹
734 |
1 formula ÊÙµÃ, µÓÃѺ
735 |
1 formulation ¡ÒõÑ駵ÓÃѺ
736 |
1 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) Ê໡â·ÃÊâ¡»ÕÍÔ¹¿ÃÒàôª¹Ô´¿ÙàÃÕÂÃì·ÃҹʿÍÃìÁ
737 |
1 fragrance ¹éÓËÍÁ
738 |
1 free-flowing ¤ÇÒÁäËŤÅèͧ (¢Í§¼§ÂÒ), -äËÅÍÂèÒ§ÍÔÊÃÐ, -äËŤÅèͧ
739 |
1 free radical ͹ØÁÙÅÍÔÊÃÐ
740 |
1 free radical scavenger µÑǨѺ͹ØÁÙÅÍÔÊÃÐ
741 |
1 freeze dryer à¤Ã×èͧ·ÓãËéáËé§(Ẻ)àÂ×Í¡á¢ç§
742 |
1 freeze drying ¡Ò÷ÓãËéáËé§(Ẻ)àÂ×Í¡á¢ç§
743 |
1 freeze fracture ¡ÒÃËÑ¡ã¹ÀÒÇÐàÂ×Í¡á¢ç§
744 |
1 freeze-thaw cycle Ãͺ¡Ò÷ÓãËéàÂ×Í¡á¢ç§-¡ÒÃÍØè¹ÅÐÅÒÂ
745 |
1 freezing point depression ¡ÒÃŴŧ¢Í§¨Ø´àÂ×Í¡á¢ç§
746 |
1 friabilator à¤Ã×èͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁ¡Ãè͹
747 |
1 friability ¤ÇÒÁ¡Ãè͹
748 |
1 fungicide ÂÒ¦èÒàª×éÍÃÒ
749 |
1 fungistatic ÂÒÂѺÂÑ駡ÒÃà¨ÃԢͧàª×éÍÃÒ, –ÂѺÂÑ駡ÒÃà¨ÃԢͧàª×éÍÃÒ
750 |
1 fusion ¡ÒÃËÅÍÁ, ¡ÒÃÃÇÁµÑÇ
751 |
1 galeni -Ẻ¡ÒàŹ
752 |
1 galenical -Ẻ¡ÒàŹ
753 |
1 gargle ÂÒ¡ÅÑéǤÍ
754 |
1 gas chromatography â¤ÃÁÒâ·¡ÃÒ¿Õª¹Ô´á¡êÊ (¨Õ«Õ)
755 |
1 gas sterilization ¡Ò÷ÓãËé»ÃÒȨҡàª×éÍ´éÇÂá¡êÊ
756 |
1 gel à¨Å, ÂÒà¨Å
757 |
1 gelation ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´à¨Å
758 |
1 gel permeation chromatography â¤ÃÁÒâ·¡ÃÒ¿Õª¹Ô´«ÖÁá·Ã¡à¨Å (¨Õ¾Õ«Õ)
759 |
1 gel-sol transition ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ÊÀÒ¾à¨Å-¢Í§àËÅÇ
760 |
1 general anesthetic ÂÒÊź
761 |
1 generic drug ÂÒÊÒÁÑ
762 |
1 generic name ª×èÍÊÒÁÑ·Ò§ÂÒ
763 |
1 genetic engineering ¾Ñ¹¸ØÇÔÈÇ¡ÃÃÁ
764 |
1 genetic polymorphism ÀÒÇоËØÊѳ°Ò¹·Ò§¾Ñ¹¸Ø¡ÃÃÁ
765 |
1 genome ¨Õâ¹Á
766 |
1 genotoxic à»ç¹¾ÔÉ·Ò§¾Ñ¹¸Ø¡ÃÃÁ
767 |
1 genotype ÃٻẺ¾Ñ¹¸Ø¡ÃÃÁ, ¨Õâ¹ä·»ì
768 |
1 geometric dilution ¡ÒÃà¨×ͨҧẺàâҤ³Ôµ
769 |
1 germicide ÊÒæèÒ¨ØÅÔ¹·ÃÕÂì
770 |
1 germination ¡Òç͡
771 |
1 glass transition temperature ÍسËÀÙÁÔ¡ÅÒÊá·Ã¹ÊԪѹ
772 |
1 glidant ÊÒêèÇÂäËÅ
773 |
1 goitrogen ÊÒáèͤ;͡
774 |
1 Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ㹡ÒÃà¾ÒлÅÙ¡
775 |
1 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ㹡Ò÷´Åͧ·Ò§¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡
776 |
1 Good Harvesting Practice (GHP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ㹡ÒÃà¡çºà¡ÕèÂÇ
777 |
1 Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ㹡Ò÷´Åͧ·Ò§Ëéͧ»¯ÔºÑµÔ¡ÒÃ
778 |
1 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ㹡ÒüÅÔµÂÒ
779 |
1 Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) ÇÔ¸Õ»¯ÔºÑµÔ·Õè´Õ·Ò§àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ
780 |
1 grain à¡Ã¹ (˹èǹéÓ˹ѡ)
781 |
1 gram stain ¡ÒÃÂéÍÁÊÕá¡ÃÁ
782 |
1 granulation ¡Ò÷Óá¡Ã¹ÙÅ
783 |
1 granulator à¤Ã×èͧ·Óá¡Ã¹ÙÅ
784 |
1 granule á¡Ã¹ÙÅ, ÂÒá¡Ã¹ÙÅ
785 |
1 granule density ¤ÇÒÁ˹Òá¹è¹¢Í§á¡Ã¹ÙÅ
786 |
1 grievance ¡ÒÃÃéͧ·Ø¡¢ì, ¡ÒÃÃéͧàÃÕ¹
787 |
1 grinding ¡Òú´, ¡ÒÃÅ´¢¹Ò´
788 |
1 grinding stone ËÔ¹º´ÂÒ
789 |
1 gum ¡ÑÁ, ÂÒ§äÁé
790 |
1 hard gelatin capsule ᤻«ÙÅà¨ÅÒµÔ¹ª¹Ô´á¢ç§
791 |
1 hemolytic anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´àÁç´àÅ×ʹᴧᵡ
792 |
1 herbal medicine ÂÒÊÁعä¾Ã
793 |
1 hermetic container ÀÒª¹ÐºÃèػԴʹԷ
794 |
1 hospital pharmacy àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁâç¾ÂÒºÒÅ
795 |
1 hypochromic microcytic anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´àÁç´àÅ×Í´á´§àÅç¡áÅеԴÊÕ¨Ò§
796 |
1 industrial pharmacy àÀÊѪÍصÊÒË¡ÃÃÁ
797 |
1 ionisation constant ¤èÒ¤§·Õè¡ÒÃᵡµÑÇà»ç¹äÍÍ͹
798 |
1 iron deficiency anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´¢Ò´àËÅç¡
799 |
1 jet mill à¤Ã×èͧº´ÅÐàÍÕ´´éÇÂáçÅÁ
800 |
1 literature evaluation ¡ÒûÃÐàÁÔ¹¤Ø³¤èҢͧº·¤ÇÒÁ
801 |
1 local anesthetic ÂÒªÒ
802 |
1 malformation ÃÙ»¾Ô¡ÒÃ, ÊÀÒ¾ÇÔÃÙ»
803 |
1 medication adherence ¡ÒÃãªéÂÒµÒÁ¤Óá¹Ð¹Ó
804 |
1 medication concordance ¡ÒÃãªéÂÒµÒÁ¤Óá¹Ð¹Ó
805 |
1 medicinal chemistry àÀÊѪà¤ÁÕ, à¤ÁբͧÂÒ
806 |
1 minor tranquilizer ÂÒ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ, ʧº»ÃÐÊÒ·, ¤ÅÒ¡ѧÇÅ
807 |
1 notification ¡Òè´á¨é§ÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´
808 |
1 oxytocic ÂÒºÕºÁ´ÅÙ¡
809 |
1 parenteral feeding ¡ÒÃãËéÍÒËÒ÷ҧËÅÍ´àÅ×Í´´Ó
810 |
1 pathophysiology ¾ÂÒ¸ÔÊÃÕÃÇÔ·ÂÒ
811 |
1 pernicious anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´¢Ò´ÍÔ¹·ÃÔ¹ÊÔ¡á¿¡àµÍÃìËÃ×ÍÇÔµÒÁÔ¹ºÕ 12
812 |
1 pharmaceutical care ¡ÒúÃÔºÒÅ·Ò§àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ
813 |
1 pharmaceutical chemistry àÀÊѪà¤ÁÕ, à¤ÁբͧÂÒ
814 |
1 pharmaceutical sciences àÀÊѪÈÒʵÃì
815 |
1 pharmaceutics àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ, àÀÊѪ¡ÒÃ
816 |
1 pharmacodynamics àÀÊѪ¾ÅÈÒʵÃì
817 |
1 pharmacoeconomics àÀÊѪàÈÃÉ°ÈÒʵÃì
818 |
1 pharmacognosy àÀÊѪàÇ·, àÀÊÑ��ÇÔ¹Ô¨©ÑÂ
819 |
1 pharmacokinetics àÀÊѪ¨Å¹ÈÒʵÃì
820 |
1 pharmacology àÀÊѪÇÔ·ÂÒ
821 |
1 pharmacotherapy àÀÊѪºÓºÑ´
822 |
1 pharmacy orientation àÀÊѪÈÒʵÃìÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì, ¹Ôà·ÈàÀÊѪÈÒʵÃì
823 |
1 pharmacy practice àÀÊѪ¡ÃÃÁ»®ÔºÑµÔ
824 |
1 prolonged release ¡ÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì¹Ò¹ (¢Í§ÂÒ)
825 |
1 public health pharmacy àÀÊѪÊÒ¸ÒóÊØ¢
826 |
1 registration ¡ÒâÖé¹·ÐàºÕ¹
827 |
1 regulation harmonization ¡ÒúÃóÊÒ¹¡®ÃÐàºÕº
828 |
1 sickle cell anemia ÀÒÇÐàÅ×Í´¨Ò§ª¹Ô´àÁç´àÅ×Í´á´§ÃÙ»¨Ñ¹·ÃìàÊÕéÂÇ
829 |
1 simple coacervation â¤ÍÐà«ÍÃìàǪѹ¸ÃÃÁ´Ò
830 |
1 soft gelatin capsule ᤻«ÙÅà¨ÅÒµÔ¹ª¹Ô´¹ÔèÁ
831 |
1 soft gelatin capsule ᤻«ÙÅà¨ÅÒµÔ¹ª¹Ô´Íè͹
832 |
1 structure elucidation ¡ÒÃ͸ԺÒÂâ¤Ã§ÊÃéÒ§, ¡ÒÃáÊ´§â¤Ã§ÊÃéÒ§
833 |
1 sustained release ¡ÒÃÍÍ¡Ä·¸Ôì¹Ò¹ (¢Í§ÂÒ)
834 |
1 toxicology ¾ÔÉÇÔ·ÂÒ
835 |
1 volatile oil ¹éÓÁѹËÍÁÃÐàËÂ
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
1 |
1 Académie allemande de médecine aéronautique et (médecine) des voyages deutsche Akademie für Reise- und Flugmedizin
2 |
1 accessoire Zubehör
3 |
1 accident dexposition au sang (AES) akzidentelle Exposition mit Blut (Nadelstichverletzung)
4 |
2 aldéhyde Aldehyd
5 |
2 Alkazyme Alkazyme
6 |
1 Antibiothérapie Antibiose
7 |
1 appareil Apparat
8 |
1 assistance operatoire OP-Betreuung
9 |
2 à titre indicatif Hinweis
10 |
1 attaché de recherche clinique Referent für klinische Forschung
11 |
1 atténuation Linderung
12 |
2 autoclave Autoklave
13 |
1 autodiagnostic Eigenanwendung (Heimtest)
14 |
1 automesure ambulatoire de la pression artérielle ambulanten Blutdruckeigenmessungen
15 |
2 bain ultrasons Ultraschallbad
16 |
2 bonnes pratiques gute Praktiken
17 |
2 brosse douce weiche Bürste
18 |
1 bruits anormaux car pathologiques (bruits évocateurs d'une malformation cardiaque congénitale) vitientypische Geräusche
19 |
2 cardiomyopathie hypokinétique hypokinetische Kardiomyopathie
20 |
2 chlorure de didécil ammonium Didecyl-Ammoniumchlorid
21 |
1 cicatrisation de la cavité de résection Abheilen der Resektionshöhle
22 |
2 concepteur Entwickler
23 |
2 conditionnement Verpackung
24 |
2 conditionné verpackt
25 |
1 conformité Konformität
26 |
1 confort respiratoire Atemkomfort -- für freies Durchatmen und verbessertes Wohlbefinden
27 |
1 conservation Konservierung
28 |
2 conteneurs Container
29 |
2 conteneurs métalliques Metallkontainer
30 |
1 cornée Hornhaut
31 |
1 Cystinose Zystinose (Cystinose, Amindiabetes)
32 |
2 décontaminant bactéricide et fongicide bakterizides und fungizides Dekontaminationsmittel
33 |
2 décontamination Dekontaminierung
34 |
1 Deep brain stimulation... tiefe Hirnstimulation
35 |
1 Dégénerescence maculaire Makuladegeneration
36 |
1 département (ou service) maternité et famille -- département de médecine familiale et (département) maternité Familienabteilung / Geburtenabteilung
37 |
2 détergent décontaminant dekontaminierendes Reinigungsmittel
38 |
1 dispositifs médicaux Medizinprodukt
39 |
1 durée de conservation max(imale) = EXP maximale Haltbarkeit = HB
40 |
2 écoulement d'eau ablaufendes Wasser
41 |
1 effet accessoire Nebenwirkung
42 |
1 Encéphalite à anticorps anti-récepteur du NMDA die Anti-NMDAR-Enzephalitis
43 |
2 enzymes protéolytiques proteolytische Enzyme
44 |
1 équipement Gerät
45 |
1 Etat de grand mal épileptique Grand-mal-Status
46 |
1 évaluation de performance Leistungsbewertung
47 |
1 examen de type Baumusterprüfung
48 |
2 fabricant Hersteller
49 |
1 fardeau du psoriasis Krankheitslast der Psoriasis
50 |
1 fièvre familiale méditerranéenne familiäres Mittelmeerfieber
51 |
1 fumigation-extraction Ausräucherung-Extraktion
52 |
1 gestuel Bewegungsfähigkeit und Geschicklichkeit
53 |
2 guides Richtlinien
54 |
1 gynécologie interventionnelle interventionelle Gynäkologie
55 |
1 hyperphosphatasémie familiale familiäre Hyperphosphatasämie
56 |
1 hyperplasie surrénale congénitale angeborene / kongenitale Nebennierenhyperplasie
57 |
1 Infection documentée à germes sensibles dokumentierte Infektion mit/duch sensiblen Keimen
58 |
1 Infection documentée à germes sensibles dokumentierte Infektion mit sensiblen Keimen
59 |
1 infiltration sympathique Grenzstranginfiltration
60 |
1 information professionnelle simplifiée gekürzte Fachinformation
61 |
1 instrument Instrument
62 |
2 instruments articulés Instrumente mit beweglichen Teilen
63 |
2 instruments Instrumente
64 |
2 joint d'étanchéité Dichtungsring
65 |
2 la détérioration Beschädigung
66 |
2 l'air médical comprimé Pressluft für medizinische Zwecke
67 |
1 LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine), vaccin (anti-)grippal vivant atténué LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine)
68 |
1 larmes de sirènes Tränen der Meerjungfrau (mermaids tears)
69 |
2 la zone souillée die verunreinigten Stellen
70 |
2 le colisage Verpackung
71 |
1 l'effet est immédiat Wirkung stellt sich sofort ein
72 |
2 les dates de péremption Verfalldatum
73 |
2 le trempage Bad
74 |
1 lot Charge
75 |
1 manipulation Handhabung
76 |
1 médecin traitant weiterbehandelnden Arzt
77 |
1 métabolisme Stoffwechsel
78 |
2 mousses de calages Schaumstoffverpackung
79 |
2 nettoyage Reinigung
80 |
2 normes Normen
81 |
2 notice d'instructions Vorgehensweise
82 |
83 |
1 os Knochen
84 |
2 paniers Schalen
85 |
1 paroi du col de l'utérus Gebärmutterhals (Wand des Gebärmutterhalses)
86 |
1 partie inférieure (d'un dispositif de perfusion) Unterteil (eines Infusionsgeräts)
87 |
2 parties creuses Hohlräume
88 |
2 phosphate normal Standard-Phosphat
89 |
1 plaquettes thermoformées Blisterstreifen
90 |
2 plateaux de rangement Tabletts
91 |
1 polyesterimide Polyesterimid
92 |
1 polyvinylacetal Polyvinylacetal
93 |
2 préconisations d'emploi Vorgehensweisen
94 |
2 préconisation Vorschriften
95 |
2 produit décontaminant Dekontaminationsmittel
96 |
1 produits pharmaceutiques Arzneimittel
97 |
1 profil cholestérique Blutfettprofil
98 |
1 progression d'organes Organprogression
99 |
1 prothèse vasculaire Gefässprothese
100 |
1 pulmonaire Lungenarterie / Lungenarterie (arteria pulmonalis) / Lungenschlagader
101 |
2 recommandations nationales nationale Empfehlungen
102 |
2 recontamination Rekontamination
103 |
1 Rééducation (de la cheville) Rehabilitation des Knöchels
104 |
1 responsabilité Haftung (auf Schadensersatz)
105 |
2 revaporisation Revaporisation
106 |
2 risque d'interférence Interferenzrisiko
107 |
1 ROT Sehnenreflexe
108 |
1 sans hypoxie ou hypercapnie ohne Hypoxie oder Hyperkapnie
109 |
2 stérilisation Sterisilation
110 |
1 système d'auto-défense cellulaire Selbstschutzsystem
111 |
1 technique des chaussures orthopédiques / technique orthopédique de chaussures Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik
112 |
2 textes ministériels ministerielle Veröffentlichungen
113 |
1 traçabilité Rückverfolgbarkeit
114 |
1 transformation Verarbeitung
115 |
1 trousse Ausrüstung/(Heimtest)
116 |
1 ulcères-acidité Magengeschwüre-Magenübersäuerung
117 |
2 un champ plié gefaltete sterile Tücher
118 |
2 vivement conseillé dringend angeraten
119 |
1 (vivre une) vie presque normale unbeschwerteres Leben
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
1 |
1 abattement bactérien abbattimento batterico
2 |
1 à cet endroit là in sede
3 |
1 affection opportuniste infezione opportunistica
4 |
1 affections professionnelles malattie professionali
5 |
1 à l'aide de l'enveloppe M. le Médecin-Conseil in/tramite busta intestata al medico di fiducia / consulente medico
6 |
1 à l'endroit prévu à cet effet auprès de/dans la zone de stockage des matières premières nell'apposito sito del magazzino materie prime
7 |
1 anneau adhésif anello adesivo
8 |
1 autoclave de laboratoire/ de table autoclave da banco
9 |
1 bande de contention détendue benda di contenzione (/ benda di contenimento) allentata
10 |
1 blessure décelée ferita riscontrata
11 |
1 boucle magnétique anello di induzione magnetica
12 |
1 bourgeois lutiano imperiale, Lutjanus sebae
13 |
1 caisse d'assurance maladie belge Cassa Mutua del Servizio sanitario belga
14 |
1 carte «porteur» tesserino identificativo di portatore /di portatori
15 |
1 cellules toniques cellule toniche
16 |
1 Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine (CNRH) Centro Ricerche sulla Nutrizione umana (C.R.N.)
17 |
1 Centre hospitalier Presidio ospedaliero
18 |
1 charge bactérienne / bactéries résiduelles quantità di carica batterica / residuo di batteri
19 |
1 chlorure de sodium anhydre cloruro di sodio anidro
20 |
1 clinique quadro clinico / storia clinica
21 |
1 coagulopathie coagulopatia
22 |
1 code pharmaceutique / pharmacode codice canale farmaceutico
23 |
1 coin de compresse angolo di garza
24 |
1 coliformes totaux coliformi totali
25 |
1 colle qui referme la plaie colla che sigilla la ferita
26 |
1 compression de la région périnéale compressione sul piano perineale
27 |
1 Compression sur le nerf pudendal Compressione sul nervo pudendo
28 |
1 condyle sans ciment condilo / impianto senza cemento
29 |
1 contrôle hygiénique et sanitaire perizia igienico-sanitaria
30 |
1 copie de la commande interne de référence copia dell'ordine interno di riferimento
31 |
1 cortex corteccia
32 |
1 croûtes palpébrales (/ croûtes sur les paupières) au réveil Croste palpebrali al risveglio
33 |
1 dans la partie vertébrale nel tratto vertebrale
34 |
1 dans le dossier de la zone/du local de stockage stérile nel faldone del magazzino
35 |
1 décalage du fémur off-set del femore
36 |
1 déchets métaboliques scorie metaboliche
37 |
1 désaccouplement disaccoppiamento
38 |
1 différents éléments comme latmosphère diversi fattori, come l'atmosfera
39 |
1 dispositif médical adjuvant dans la limitation de la charge microbienne dispositivo medico coadiuvante nel controllo della carica microbica
40 |
1 Du point de vue étiopathogénique -- Dal punto di vista eziopatogenetico ...
41 |
1 écrasement des vaisseaux sanguins/ sur l'arc pubien pinzettamento / sullarco pubico
42 |
1 ECSIE - évaluation du comportement sismique valutazione del comportamento sismico
43 |
1 effets nuisibles sur l'anatomo-physiologie de l'athlète effetti dannosi sullanatomo fisiologia dellatleta
44 |
1 en position médiale medialmente
45 |
1 entraînement électro-systolique 3 chambres Pacemaker tricamerale
46 |
1 entraînement électro-systolique couplé à un défibrillateur pacemaker-defibrillatore
47 |
1 éosine eosina
48 |
1 est en fonction inverse de la température é in funzione inversa con la temperatura
49 |
1 états grippaux forme influenzali
50 |
1 faire redouter fare temere
51 |
1 feuilles d'actes schede di prestazioni
52 |
1 hémocoagulantes emo-coagulative
53 |
1 hépatite alcoolique aiguë sévère epatite alcolica acuta grave
54 |
1 hypoperfusion sanguine pénienne ipoperfusione sanguigna peniena
55 |
1 impression illusione
56 |
1 indolence assenza di dolore
57 |
1 infection bactérienne infezione batterica
58 |
1 introduire un nouvel aliment dans l'alimentation assumere qualche nuovo alimento
59 |
1 introduire un nouvel aliment (/élément) dans l'alimentation assumere qualche nuovo alimento
60 |
1 IVA thrombosée IVA = arteria interventricolare anteriore trombizzata
61 |
1 je vais souvent à la selle... vado spesso di corpo
62 |
1 la face interne de l'avant-bras la parte volare
63 |
1 lagune agitée laguna agitata (meccanicamente)
64 |
1 la région périnéale / la zone du périnée la regione perineale
65 |
1 le plancher orbitaire pavimento della cavità orbitaria / pavimento orbitario
66 |
1 limitation du genre daliments limitazione in tipologia
67 |
1 liqueur sulfitique liquidi solfitici/sulfurei (residui)
68 |
1 lit Total Care Sport à réglage électrique letto con scale
69 |
1 lit Total Care Sport à réglage électrique letto Total Care Sport con scale
70 |
1 Médecin promoteur de la démarche, vu la nécessité d'effectuer... Medico proponente in merito alla necessità di eseguire
71 |
1 minivis à tête braquet minivite con testa a forma di bracket / sistema di ancoraggio minivite
72 |
1 mode d'emploi - précaution d'emploi applicazione - precauzioni d'uso
73 |
1 nicotinate d'éthyle / éthylnicotinate nicotinato di etile
74 |
1 N° IPP (Institut de Puériculture et de Périnatalogie) N° IPP
75 |
1 numération formule plaquettaire plastinocrito
76 |
1 osmosi inversa (r.o) / reverse osmosis (R.O.) / osmose inverse r.o.
77 |
1 osmosi inversa (r.o) / sur osmose inverse [R.O. (chemistry / chimica) = Reverse Osmosis] r.o. / su r.o.
78 |
1 paramètres fémoraux parametri femorali
79 |
1 parcours clinique difficile de la personne (/ du patient) pesante iter clinico della persona (/ del paziente)
80 |
1 par rapport à compatibilmente con
81 |
1 PATHOLOGIE PULMONAIRE patologia polmonare; pneumopatia
82 |
1 Perméabilité de la veine fémorale commune homolatérale Pervia la vena femorale comune omolaterale.
83 |
1 petite chirurgie chirurgia ambulatoriale
84 |
1 pharmacie dofficine farmacia aperta al pubblico
85 |
1 pharmacien référent mutuelliste farmacista convenzionato con gli enti mutualistici
86 |
1 pharmacies minières farmacie minerarie
87 |
1 phase d'appui monopodalique fase di appoggio monopodalico
88 |
1 phénomène de compression exercé sur les structures du plancher pelvien compressione sulle strutture del pavimento pelvico
89 |
1 pièce d'hystérectomie campione di isterectomia
90 |
1 plans transparents piani trasparenti
91 |
1 plantes coloniales droghe coloniali
92 |
1 Plateaux amovibles Bacinelle
93 |
1 point d'invalidité permanente punto di invalidità permanente
94 |
1 Polyclinique universitaire Cittadella Universitaria Policlinica
95 |
1 pontages saphènes / ponts saphènes bypass delle safene /bypass safene
96 |
1 pression partielle pénienne transcutanée d'oxygène / pression partielle pénienne d'oxygène par voie transcutanée pressione parziale dellossigeno peniena per via transcutanea
97 |
1 problème pour uriner / troubles urinaires disturbo a urinare
98 |
1 progestative progestinica
99 |
1 pro-pharmacie profarmacia / pro farmacia
100 |
1 prothèse par (sur/) la veine jugulaire-anonyme avec anamnèse de thrombose précédente protesi venosa giugulo-anonima con anamnesi di pregressa trombosi
101 |
1 prothèses dentaires conjointes / adjointes protesi dentarie fisse / mobili
102 |
1 quantité totale / sur la quantité totale (TQ [commerce] = total quantity) t.q. / su t.q.
103 |
2 quelle est l'intensité de votre (/de sa) douleur quanto dolore ha
104 |
1 quelques nutraceutiques alcuni nutraceutici
105 |
1 Raie cosmique riga spettrale cosmica
106 |
1 réduction davier sur vis riduzione tenaglia su viti / riduzione su viti con tenaglia per ossa
107 |
1 régisseur (d'un hôpital /centre hospitalier) amministratore (di un ospedale)
108 |
1 résultats esiti
109 |
1 rotation externe maximum / rotation externe maximale massima extrarotazione
110 |
1 Tassements alimentaires residui alimentari
111 |
1 thrombopénie piastrinopenia
112 |
1 tiges/axes de blocage perni di bloccaggio
113 |
1 tous motifs confondus senza specificazione / distinzione motivazionale / di causa
114 |
1 troubles intestinaux disturbi intestinali
115 |
1 Urologie gravité uso / impiego urologico a gravità
116 |
1 utilisation rationnelle razionale d'uso
117 |
1 voie via
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
1 |
1 accueil problemas de acogida al abandonar el hospital...
2 |
2 acier inox usiné acero inoxidable mecanizado
3 |
1 acte exonérant (exonération) exento de pago (exonerado)
4 |
1 adhérence enganchosidad
5 |
1 affusion afusión
6 |
1 alésoir escariador
7 |
1 Anse de Henle Ansa de Henle
8 |
1 arbre urinaire tracto urinario
9 |
1 artère sous-clavières arterias subclavias
10 |
1 arthrite artritis
11 |
1 Assistance sanitaire proceso de atencion a la salud
12 |
1 avec repousse partielle de quelques fibres mais insuffisante pour... con rebrote parcial de algunas fibras pero insuficiente...
13 |
1 battement latido/ palpitación
14 |
15 |
1 blanc-verdâtre blanco-verdoso
16 |
1 cal vicieux articulaire cotyloïdien callo vicioso articular cotiloideo
17 |
1 capillaire de liaison hilo o capilar de enlace/conexión
18 |
1 capital joules cantidad de calorías
19 |
1 capsuloclasie capsulotomía cerrada
20 |
1 cardiofrequencemètre cardiofrecuencímetro
21 |
1 chauffage calentamiento
22 |
1 chromatogramme cromatograma
23 |
1 chromatographie cromatografía
24 |
1 chromatographie en phase gazeuse (CPG) cromatografía de gases (CG)/(GC)
25 |
1 Ci-dessous hallarse revacunado
26 |
1 Colécystectomie coelioscopique colecistectomía laparoscópica - por vía laparoscópica
27 |
1 colonne capillaire columna capilar
28 |
1 colonne columna
29 |
1 colonne remplie columna de relleno
30 |
2 Combleur local filler tópico
31 |
1 compliances distensibilidad
32 |
1 consentement éclairé consentimiento informado
33 |
1 constante d'élimination constante de disposición
34 |
1 contrer contrarrestar, contraponer, oponer
35 |
1 coqueluche tos ferina
36 |
1 cordon de maintien cordón sujetador
37 |
1 core, coeur, noyau, essence, base core
38 |
1 cotation cotización, registro
39 |
1 coulisse bicipitale surco bicipital; surco intertubercular
40 |
1 coupes en HR si nécessaire tomas en alta resolución
41 |
1 Couple de frottement Torque de fricción
42 |
1 Coupole de Goldman Cúpula de Goldman
43 |
1 coût par année de vie sauvée coste por año de vida salvada
44 |
1 couverture de survie manta térmica
45 |
1 couverture risque: maladie avec ticket modérateur Cobertura de riesgo: enfermedad con ticket moderador
46 |
1 Créatinine Creatinina
47 |
1 culot urinaire Sedimento urinario
48 |
1 ddc. des deux côtés
49 |
1 décubitus decúbito
50 |
1 de l'aorte à la veine rénale aorto-vena renal
51 |
1 de première cour premier recours = atención primaria
52 |
1 Derives diazeniumdiolates variaciones/desviaciones diazeniumdiolatos
53 |
1 diaphragmatique afectación del diafragma
54 |
1 distal aux membres inférieurs distal en las extremidades inferiores...
55 |
1 dossier de marquage CE expediente de marcado/señalización CE
56 |
1 draps opératoires tallas
57 |
1 dyslexie dislexia
58 |
1 échantillon muestra
59 |
1 ëcole de soins de St-Loup centro de formación de auxiliares de enfermería
60 |
1 Ecoulement vaginal Flujo vaginal
61 |
1 Effet came Efecto leva
62 |
1 effet de masse modérée efecto de masa moderado
63 |
1 élastomère elastómero
64 |
1 élevage cría
65 |
1 élongase elongasa
66 |
1 enceinte thermostatée recinto termostatizado
67 |
1 enraidissement des articulations rigidez de las articulaciones
68 |
1 est porté avec une trop grande complaisance se toma con excesiva complacencia...o con demasiada ligereza...
69 |
1 et dans une moindre mesure L5-S1 (articulaciones L4L5) y menos L5S1
70 |
1 extrasistoles extrasístoles
71 |
1 faisceau musculaire haz / fascículo muscular
72 |
1 flavonoides flavonoides - moléculas de adhesión
73 |
1 foyers trainants focos móviles
74 |
1 franche amélioration clinique et biologique mejoría clínica y analítica francas
75 |
1 gas vecteur gas portador
76 |
1 gavage alimentación forzada
77 |
1 gentianose gentiooligosacáridos
78 |
1 Glande surrénale Glándula suprarrenal.
79 |
1 HAD Hospitalisation à domicile
80 |
1 Hypothyroidie infraclinique substituée Hipotiroidismo subclínico
81 |
1 idiots savants autistas inteligentes
82 |
1 implant contraceptif anticonceptivo de deposito
83 |
1 Infirmier Servicio de ATS/DUE
84 |
1 injecteur injector
85 |
1 intégrateur integrador
86 |
1 interféron pégylé interferón pegilado
87 |
1 lignée de cellules línea celular
88 |
1 liseré ribete
89 |
1 lots lotes
90 |
1 Lyre Cabezal, auriculares
91 |
1 manchon d'irrigation manga de irrigación
92 |
1 médecins de soins primaires (ESpagnol) médicos de atencion primaria
93 |
1 mélanonychie melanoniquia
94 |
1 méningoencéphalite meningoencefalitis
95 |
1 méthilquinoléine Nuevamente, sí...
96 |
1 milieux de culture medio de cultivo
97 |
1 mise en mouvement Inducción de movimiento a las muestras
98 |
1 MSG (Membre supérieur gauche) MSI (Miembro superior izquierdo)
99 |
100 |
1 mur thoracique pared torácica
101 |
1 nerf honteux interne nervio pudendo interno
102 |
1 non-retrouvable no localizable/perdido
103 |
1 normocarde con frecuencia cardíaca normal/ con pulso normal
104 |
1 ocutomotricité oculomotricité = oculomotricidad, motricidad ocular
105 |
1 oeil préféré ojo dominante, ojo director
106 |
1 open coelio Colecistectomia laparoscópica (coelioscópica), Laparoscopia abierta, laparoscopia a cielo abierto
107 |
1 Oxygen desaturation index ODI
108 |
1 Pangel Pangel
109 |
1 pansements apósitos
110 |
1 paroi ombilicale pared umbilical
111 |
1 Péritoine (m.) Peritoneo
112 |
1 permanence/ urgences Urgencias/ Guardia
113 |
1 photocarcinogène fotocarcinógeno
114 |
1 phyto-clarifiant fitoclarificante
115 |
1 pic pico
116 |
1 pic pico o valor máximo principal del cromatograma...
117 |
1 pinguécule pinguécula
118 |
1 pistonnage indoloro a la presión
119 |
1 Plasmathèque plasmateca, banco de plasma
120 |
1 plateau meseta
121 |
1 plateaux descansos, respiros
122 |
1 Plot d'ancorage Tetón de anclaje
123 |
1 points gâchettes Puntos gatillo
124 |
1 points gâchettes puntos gatillos
125 |
1 pontage coronaire puente coronario (by-passs coronario)
126 |
1 prise en charge cosmétique cuidado cosmético
127 |
1 prise en charge médicale seguimiento/tratamiento/atención médica
128 |
1 prise en charge personas atendidas
129 |
1 probable typo pour sarcome histiocytaire Sarcomas hístrocfticos
130 |
1 Processus/Procédure de soins infirmiers (PSI) Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (P.A.E.)
131 |
1 protozoaire protozoo
132 |
1 radiographie de frontière radiografía de demarcación o de entrefase
133 |
1 RAPE BARSKY MONOBLOC EN POUSSANT escofina Barsky monobloque de empuje
134 |
1 RAPE BARSKY MONOBLOC EN TIRANT escofina Barsky monobloque de arrastre
135 |
1 RAPE JOSEPH DOUBLE TAILLE escofina Joseph de doble cara
136 |
1 réactivité face à la nouveauté reacción ante la novedad
137 |
1 Référence et contre référence Referencia y Contra Referencia
138 |
1 Renaître dans le souffle Renacer con la respiración
139 |
1 réno-cave reno-cavo
140 |
1 Rétropéritoine Retroperitoneo
141 |
1 revalidations rehabilitaciones, tratamientos de rehabilitación
142 |
1 rhume resfriado
143 |
1 rotation rotación
144 |
1 RUGINE FRUCHAUD RETROGRADE Raspador de Fruchaud retrógrado
145 |
1 rupture de la conscience pérdida de consciencia
146 |
1 sage-femme obstetriz
147 |
1 Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive (SSR) Salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) / Planificación Familiar
148 |
1 saturnisme plumbofagia
149 |
1 scléro-hyalinisés esclerohialinizados
150 |
1 se clive se divide
151 |
1 Secteur Área Básica de Salud
152 |
1 septum septum
153 |
1 sillon balano-préputial surco balanoprepucial
154 |
1 soins primaires d'intervention con A. P. de intervenida
155 |
1 soluté soluto
156 |
1 sorties d'études abandono del estudio
157 |
1 sous patch occlusif bajo parche oclusivo
158 |
1 spot toma de muestras al azar
159 |
1 Stages cliniques Estancias Clínicas
160 |
1 station unipodale estación unipodal
161 |
1 Status après AVC ischémique sylvien droit complet sur fibrillation auriculaire Estado tras AVC isquemico silviano derecho completo debido a fibrilación auricular
162 |
1 sténose mitrale moyennement serrée estenosis mitral moderada
163 |
1 subérythémale la dosis suberitemal
164 |
1 suites operatoires consecuencias operatorias
165 |
1 sur un support neutre sobre un soporte/alimento neutro
166 |
1 tarification à l'acte tarificación por acto médico
167 |
1 Taux de prise en charge (índice o grado de) cobertura
168 |
1 ténosynoviale tenosinovial
169 |
1 thermolabile termolábil
170 |
1 thermostatée termostatizado, -a
171 |
1 trocarder pinchar (con un trocar)
172 |
1 Tube contourné distal Túbulo contorneado distal
173 |
1 Tube contourné proximal Túbulo contorneado proximal
174 |
1 tube (intra-crânien/atrial) tubo/catéter (intracraneal/atrial)
175 |
1 Unité néonatale de soins intensifs / soins intensifs néonatals UCI neonatos
176 |
1 vaginose bactérienne vaginosis bacteriana
177 |
1 vecteur à queue lipidique vector de cola lipídica
178 |
1 veine pré cholédocienne Vena (porta) precoledociana
179 |
1 venir à bout poner fin, acabar con
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
1 |
1 10-Jahres-Grundrisiko a 10 anni
2 |
1 3-fach ACVB BAC con innesto venoso
3 |
1 AAe, AÄ = Assistenzärztin medico assistente, f.
4 |
1 Abbruch einer Nachresektion interruzione di una postresezione
5 |
1 Abdomen addome
6 |
1 Abdomensonographie sonografia addominale
7 |
1 abgesetzen svezzare
8 |
1 abschaben raccogliere
9 |
1 Absorptionswäscher assorbimento o lavaggio chimico
10 |
1 Abulie abulia
11 |
1 abulisch abulico
12 |
1 Abusus abuso
13 |
1 Acetylgruppe gruppo acetilico
14 |
1 acetyliert acetilato
15 |
1 AC-Gelenkarthrose articolazione acromioclavicolare
16 |
1 Acidose acidosi
17 |
1 Adenokarzinom adenocarcinoma
18 |
1 adrenocorticotropes Hormon ormone adrenocorticotropo
19 |
1 Aerosolschaumprodukt prodotto aerosol in schiuma / prodotto aerosol (schiuma)
20 |
1 After ano
21 |
1 Agonist agonista
22 |
1 AKST = Antikörpersuchtest (indirekter Coombstest) test per rilevare la presenza di anticorpi liberi nel siero (test di Coombs indiretto)
23 |
1 akustische Halluzination allucinazione acustica
24 |
1 akute Intoxikation stato tossico acuto
25 |
1 akuten suizidalen Handlung pericolo elevato di suicidio
26 |
1 Akzeleranz accelerazione
27 |
1 akzentuierte Persönlichkeit personalità istrionica
28 |
1 akzidentelle Vergiftung intossicazione accidentale
29 |
1 Alkaloid alcaloide
30 |
1 allgemeinchirurgische Abteilung reparto di chirurgia generale
31 |
1 alttestamentarische Bezüge Riferimenti veterotestamentari
32 |
1 amotivationales Syndrom sindrome amotivazionale
33 |
1 Amphetamin anfetamina
34 |
1 amtliches italienisches Arzneibuch Farmacopea Ufficiale Italiana
35 |
1 Analoperation operazione rettale
36 |
1 anamm. KHK anamnesi (familiare) / (storia familiare di) cardiopatia coronarica
37 |
1 Anamnese anamnesi
38 |
1 anatomischer Bezug des Tumors zur Arteria carotis interna estensione anatomica del tumore all'arteria carotide interna
39 |
1 Aneurysma aneurisma
40 |
1 Anfall crisi
41 |
1 anfängliche Stimmungslage stato d´animo iniziale
42 |
1 Angst ansia
43 |
1 Anlage einer 6F Schleuse impianto di un catetere guida 6F
44 |
1 anregende Wirkung effetto stimolante
45 |
1 anregend stimolante
46 |
1 anritzen incisione sottile superficiale
47 |
1 Ansammlung von Flüssigkeit (Hygrom) raccolta igromatosa
48 |
1 Ansatz inserto
49 |
1 Anschlusssegment-Arthrose degenerazione artrosica dei segmenti (scheletrici) adiacenti
50 |
1 Antagonist antagonista
51 |
1 Anteil (schizoider Anteil) tratto (tratto schizoide)
52 |
1 Antidiarrhoikum costipante
53 |
1 Antiklumpmittel agente antiagglomerante
54 |
1 Antrieb impulso / stimolo
55 |
1 Aortenaneurysma aneurisma aortico
56 |
1 Apathie apatia
57 |
1 Apatitrheumatismus reumatismo artritico
58 |
1 Aphrodisiakum afrodisiaco
59 |
1 apikal apicale
60 |
1 Aplasie aplasia
61 |
1 Appetitlosigkeit inappetenza
62 |
1 arterielle Hypertonie ipertonia arteriosa
63 |
1 arzneimittelabhängig farmaco-dipendente
64 |
1 Arzt in Fachausbildung medico specializzando
65 |
1 ärztlicher Entlassungsbericht relazione medica di dimissione
66 |
1 Arzt medico
67 |
1 Assistenzarzt medico assistente (ospedaliero)
68 |
1 Atemlähmung depressione del respiro
69 |
1 a-tonikal a-tonicale
70 |
1 Attest certificato medico
71 |
1 aufbauen modellare/modellare
72 |
1 Aufbrauch usura
73 |
1 auf dem Dampfbad zur Trockne far evaporare su un bagno di vapore
74 |
1 aufgehobene Mindestmobilität mantenimento della mobilità minima
75 |
1 Aufgüsse decotti
76 |
1 Auflagematratze matterasso di appoggio
77 |
1 Aufnahme- und Bindungsfähigkeit potere assorbente e legante
78 |
1 Aufputschmittel eccitante
79 |
1 Aufschaltwert valore di inserzione (El), valore di assorbenza (Ch)
80 |
1 Augenklima ambiente oculare
81 |
1 Ausfallerscheinung alterazione/i delle facoltà psicofisiche / nelle funzioni psichiche e sensoriali (del conducente)
82 |
1 Auskultation auscultazione
83 |
1 auslösende Faktoren fattori scatenanti
84 |
1 Ausprägung einer Ophthalmica-Kollaterale links estensione nel ramo collaterale dell'arteria oftalmica sinistra
85 |
1 Austreten fuoriuscita
86 |
1 Ausweichbewegungen movimenti / atteggiamenti / comportamenti (difensivi) di evitamento
87 |
1 Auswurf espettorazione/sputo
88 |
1 averse Toleranz tolleranza inversa
89 |
1 Avitaminose stato avitaminosico
90 |
1 AZ (Allgemeinzustand) condizioni generali (di salute)
91 |
1 AZ-Minderung peggioramento/scadimento delle condizioni generali di salute
92 |
1 bakterielle Restsequenzen sequenze batteriche residue
93 |
1 bakteriell replizierbares Konstrukt costrutto replicabile in batteri
94 |
1 Ballonierung rigonfiamento a palla
95 |
1 Bandscheibe disco intervertebrale
96 |
1 Bandscheibenprolaps prolasso discale
97 |
1 Bandscheibenprotunsion protunsione discale
98 |
1 Barbiturat barbiturico
99 |
1 Bauchnabel ombelico
100 |
1 Beatmung terapia respiratoria
101 |
1 Beckeneingangskippung nach ventral-cranial inclinazione in senso ventro-craniale dello stretto pelvico superiore
102 |
1 Beckengeradstand assenza di obliquità pelvica
103 |
1 Befall interessamento
104 |
1 befriedigende Wirkung effetto gratificante
105 |
1 beginne ich zu verfallen comincio a deperire (lentamente)
106 |
1 Begleitvaskulitis vasculite concomitante
107 |
1 begrünbare Lärmschutzwände barriere vegetali antirumore / barriere vegetali fonoassorbenti / barriere fonoassorbenti di materiale naturale
108 |
1 Behandler terapeuta
109 |
1 Behandlungsprotokoll protocollo terapeutico
110 |
2 beidseitige Kordonerziehung [Rebstöcken] cordone bilaterale
111 |
1 bei einem auffälligen Ersttrimester-Test in caso di anomalie nel test (nello screening diagnostico) del primo trimestre (di gravidanza)
112 |
1 Beistoffe coformulanti
113 |
1 Beleuchtungskasten terrario con illuminazione
114 |
1 belüftete Pauken cavità timpaniche ventilate
115 |
1 Benzodiazepin benzodiazepine
116 |
1 Bereichsgas gas di taratura
117 |
1 Beschwerdebild sintomatologia/quadro sintomatologico
118 |
1 bestehend in atto
119 |
1 Betelnuß betel
120 |
1 Beurteilung, ausser bei der T-Zelldifferenzierung valutazione, esclusa la differenziazione delle cellule T
121 |
1 bewußtseinsverändernde Wirkung azione sconvolgente
122 |
1 bewußtseinsverändernd psicoalterante
123 |
1 biblische Textauslegung I sensi biblici
124 |
1 bildmorphologisch mediante ecografia morfologica
125 |
1 Bildrauschen rumore di fondo (smooting) delle immagini
126 |
1 Biokompatibilitätsprüfung verifica di biocompatibilità
127 |
1 Biologie struttura / composizione / funzione biologica
128 |
1 biologisches System stato psichico e fisico
129 |
1 blasendach cupola vescicale
130 |
1 Blasen-und Mastdarmlähmung paralisi retto-vescicale
131 |
1 Blase vescica
132 |
1 Blockwirbelbildung blocco vertebrale
133 |
1 Blutdruckerhöhung aumento della pressione sanguigna
134 |
1 Blutdruck pressione arteriosa
135 |
1 Blutdruck pressione sanguigna/tensione arteriosa
136 |
1 bluten lassen (die Wunde) far sanguinare (la ferita)
137 |
1 Blütenspitze estremità fiorita
138 |
1 Blut-Hirn-Schranke barriera emato-encefalica
139 |
1 Bluthochdruck ipertensione arteriosa
140 |
1 Blutzucker glicemia
141 |
1 Blutzuckerstoffwechsel metabolismo glicemico
142 |
1 Bodendruck: max. 3,5 kg/cm², Berlin: 1,5 kg/m²) pressione sul suolo: max. 3,5 kg/cm², (a) Berlino: 1,5 kg/m²
143 |
1 bodenunabhängigen Verfahren procedure indipendenti da terreno
144 |
1 Bridging des Herniendefektes bridging del difetto erniario
145 |
1 Bronchialsystem sistema bronchiale
146 |
1 Bronchitis bronchite
147 |
1 Bronchoskopie broncoscopia
148 |
1 Brüchigkeit der Nägel fragilità ungueale
149 |
1 Brustbein sterno
150 |
1 Brustkorb cassa toracica
151 |
1 Brustwirbelkörper-Fraktur/BWK-Fraktur frattura del canale vertebrale toracico
152 |
1 Brustwirbelsäule parete toracica della colonna vertebrale
153 |
1 Buchenlaub fogliame di faggio
154 |
1 Bufotenin bufotenina
155 |
1 Bulbärparalyse paralisi dei centri bulbari
156 |
1 bump-resection resezione dell'escrescenza ossea (bump)
157 |
1 Cannabis canapa (indiana)
158 |
1 Chandoo chandoo
159 |
1 charakterliche Veränderung modificazione caratteriale
160 |
1 Chemoterapie chemioterapia
161 |
1 Chinin chinino
162 |
1 Chromosomenabweichung alterazione cromosomica
163 |
1 chronisces lumbo-spondylogenes Syndrom sindrome lombo-spondilogena cronica
164 |
1 chronische obstruktive Atemwegserkrankung ostruzione respiratoria cronica
165 |
1 chronisches cervicospondylogenes Syndrom sindrome cervicale spondilogena cronica
166 |
1 chronisches Dekubitalulcus ulcera da decubito di tipo cronico
167 |
1 chronische venöse Insuffizienz insufficienza venosa cronica
168 |
1 Citronensäure Bismut-Kalium-Salz sale di potassio del bismutato citrato
169 |
1 Coecumregion regione dell'intestino cieco
170 |
1 Cold Turkey tacchino freddo
171 |
1 Colonschleimhaut mucosa colonica
172 |
1 Coloskopie colonscopia
173 |
1 coronal coronale
174 |
1 Cor pulmonare acutum cuore polmonare acuto
175 |
1 CPDA- und Heparinblut [CPDA = CitratPhosphatDextroseAdenin] campione ematico con eparina e soluzione CPDA [CPDA = Citrato-Fosfato-Destrosio-Adenina]
176 |
1 Crack crack
177 |
1 Cracklunge polmone da crack
178 |
1 CTG (Kardiotokographie), Viertgravida, Erstpara CTG (cardiotografia), quarta gravidanza, primipara / primo parto
179 |
1 CTS-OP (Operation) intervento del tunnel carpale/liberazione del tunnel carpale
180 |
1 CT-Untersuchung esame radiografico/radiografia
181 |
1 CUP-Syndrom sintomi/sindrome da neoplasia occulta
182 |
1 Darm intestino
183 |
1 Darmlähmung, Intestinallähmung paralisi intestinale
184 |
1 Darmverschluss blocco intestinale
185 |
1 Dauerkonsument consumatore pesante
186 |
1 Dauerkonsum uso regolare
187 |
1 Dealer spacciatore
188 |
1 Dehydratation disidratazione
189 |
1 Deklaration dichiarazione di purezza microbiologica
190 |
1 Delirium delirio
191 |
1 Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol trans-delta-9-tetraidrocannabinolo
192 |
1 den bestehenden Durchfallverhältnissen anpassen adatta / adegua alle condizioni di diarrea esistenti
193 |
1 den Drachen jagen chasing the dragon
194 |
1 Dentin dentina
195 |
1 DE, PF = Dorsalextension (DE), Plantarflexion (PF) estensione dorsale, flessione plantare
196 |
1 depressive Stimmung quadro depressivo
197 |
1 Derealisation derealizzazione
198 |
1 Designeröle = MCT-Ölen = [MCT, Medium Chain Triglycerides, mittelkettige Triglyceride] oli designer/ oli (speciali) MCT [Medium Chain Triglycerides, trigliceridi a catena media, ad uso medicinale e farmaceutico)
199 |
1 Desinfektion disinfezione
200 |
1 Desinfektionsmittel disinfettante
201 |
1 desquamatives Erythem eritema desquamativo
202 |
1 DH Sitzung seduta di igiene orale
203 |
1 diabetische Nephropathie nefropatia diabetica
204 |
1 diabetische Polyneuropathie neuropatia diabetica
205 |
1 Diacetylmorphin diacetilmorfina
206 |
1 Diagnose diagnosi
207 |
1 Dialogansicht finestra di dialogo
208 |
1 Diastole diastole
209 |
1 Diese Mimik, die man ganz allgemein als Drohen zu bezeichnen pflegt, kommt überhaupt nur dann zustande, wenn die Tendenz ... Questa mimica, che in generale chiamiamo minacciare, nasce solo se la tendenza ...
210 |
1 diffusionsverankert ancorato mediante diffusione
211 |
1 digital-rektale Untersuchung esame digito-rettale
212 |
1 Diodenlaser laser diodico
213 |
1 disc bulge rigonfiamento del disco
214 |
1 DNA-Fragmente frammenti di DNA
215 |
1 DNA-Polymerase der Bakteriophagen DNA polimerasi dei batteriofagi
216 |
1 Donor von dem die Nadel, Skalpell oder die Verletzung stammt donatore da cui si origina il contatto con l'ago, il bisturi o la ferita (eventualmente infetti)
217 |
1 Dopamin dopamina
218 |
1 Doppelstrang doppio filamento
219 |
1 doppelsträngiges DNA-Molekül molecola di DNA lineare a doppia elica
220 |
1 Down-Gefühl esperienza al momento del down
221 |
1 Drang impulso
222 |
1 Drogenabhängiger mit kontrolliertem Suchtverhalten tossicofilo
223 |
1 Drogenabhängiger tossicomane
224 |
1 Drogenhändler trafficante di droga
225 |
1 Drogensüchtiger drogato
226 |
1 Drohreflex riflesso di minaccia
227 |
1 Drüsenzelle cellula ghiandolare
228 |
1 Ductus Wirsunglanus dotto pancreatico (di Wirsung)
229 |
1 Duralsack sacco durale
230 |
1 Durchblutung attività vasomotoria
231 |
1 Durchblutungsstörung depressione dell´attività vasomotoria
232 |
1 Echoeffekt reviviscenza psicotossica
233 |
1 E-Flüssigkeit liquidi per sigarette elettroniche
234 |
1 Einführung in das Medizinstudium Introduzione Studio Medicina
235 |
1 Einnahmeart tipo di assunzione
236 |
1 einpolymerisiert polimerizzato
237 |
1 einseitige unilaterale / parziale
238 |
1 Ekzem eczema
239 |
1 elektro-chirurgisch elettrochirurgico
240 |
1 elektro-chirurgischen Geräten apparecchi elettrochirurgici
241 |
1 Ellenbogen-Bedienung azionabile con il gomito (mediante leva)
242 |
1 emotionale Hypersensibilität ipersensibilità emotiva
243 |
1 Emotivität emotività
244 |
1 Endodontologie endodontologia
245 |
1 Endorphinrezeptor recettore specifico endorfinico
246 |
1 endoskopische retrograde Cholangio-Pankreaticographie (ERCP) colangiopancreatografia retrograda endoscopica
247 |
1 Entzugssyndrom sindrome di astinenza
248 |
1 Entzugssyndrom sindrome di privazione
249 |
1 Entzündungshemmer antinfiammatorio
250 |
1 Enzaphalomyelitis Disseminata (ED) sclerosi multipla
251 |
1 ergänzenden und kompensatorische Fähigkeiten (und Fertigkeiten) capacità supplettive-compensatorie
252 |
1 erhöhte Blutdichte iperdensità ematica
253 |
1 Eritroxilin eritroxilina
254 |
1 Erkennungssequenz sequenza di riconoscimento
255 |
1 erlebbarer Umweltschutz iniziative di tutela ambientale / tutela ambientale nella pratica
256 |
1 Ernährungs- und Bewegungsverhalten comportamento nutrizionale e motorio
257 |
1 Ernte der Holzbestände raccolta del legno / legname
258 |
1 Ersatzdroge sostitutivo
259 |
1 Erscheinungsbild apparenza / apparenza visiva / immagine (potenzialmente) fittizia
260 |
1 Erschöpfung der Reserven depauperamento delle riserve
261 |
1 Ery-Streubreite diffusiione degli eritrociti / globuli rossi
262 |
1 evaluierten Überblick panoramica specialistica
263 |
1 Excitantia excitantia
264 |
1 exegetische Forschung ricerca esegetica
265 |
1 Exocollagen exo-collagene / EXO-collagene
266 |
1 explosionsartig zerfallen avere effetti analoghi a quelli di un'esplosione
267 |
1 Extrusionspellets pellet estrusi / pellet di/da estrusione
268 |
1 Facettenarthrose artrosi delle faccette articolari
269 |
1 Fallzahladjustierung aggiustamento del numero dei casi
270 |
1 Fangis (CH) = Fangen, Nachlauf (D) acchiappino, acchiapparella, ce l'hai
271 |
1 farbcodiert codice colore (tabella codificata per colore)
272 |
1 Farbdopplerechokardiographie ecocardiografia doppler a colori
273 |
1 Faserbegleitstoffe sostanze complementari a fibre / filamento
274 |
1 Fa. XXXXX azienda / ditta XXXXX
275 |
1 Fehlbelegung mancato impianto/insediamento embrionale
276 |
1 feinschlägiger Tremor tremori a fini scosse
277 |
1 Feinstaub im lungengängigen Bereich polveri fini inalabili (dai polmoni) / particolato (ultra)fine / PM10
278 |
1 Fentanyl fentanyl
279 |
1 Fernröntgen des Schädels teleradiografia del cranio
280 |
1 Fersensporn sperone calcaneare
281 |
1 Fibromyalgiesyndrom sindrome fibromialgica
282 |
1 Fingerbodenabstand distanza dita-suolo
283 |
1 Fingergelenkverband cerotto per (medicazione dell) articolazione delle dita
284 |
1 Fistelgangepithel epitelio del tragitto fistoloso
285 |
1 Fistelgang tragitto fistoloso
286 |
1 Flachkopf-Syndrom sindrome da testa piatta
287 |
1 Flashback flash back
288 |
1 Flash flash
289 |
1 Flucht vor der Realität evasione dalla realtà
290 |
1 (Flug)aschen aus Kohlekraftwerken ceneri da centrali elettriche a carbone
291 |
1 Folienpäckchen impacco con strisce di carta stagnola / cartine
292 |
1 Formenkenntnis conoscenza forme / conoscenza delle forme
293 |
1 FP / fusion point (FP) PF (punto di fusione) / coalescenza
294 |
1 frei abgeblüht nato spontaneamente
295 |
1 Freisetzung liberazione
296 |
1 Fremdkörperzange pinza / pinzetta - per corpi estranei / per la rimozione di corpi estranei
297 |
1 frontal links frontali sx
298 |
1 Funktionsdefizit deficit funzionale
299 |
1 Furcht paura
300 |
1 Fußfehlform malformazione del piede
301 |
1 Futtermittelzusatzstoff additivo per mangimi
302 |
1 Galeannähte suture galeali
303 |
1 galvanische Lokalelemente (Bildung galvanischer Lokalelemente) celle / elementi locali galvanici/che (formazione di...)
304 |
1 Ganzkörperabbildung bzw. Ganzkörperdarstellung immagine a figura intera
305 |
1 gastrale Metaplasie metaplasia gastrica
306 |
1 gebundene Feuchtigkeit umidità presente / combinata
307 |
1 gebundenem Silikon resina siliconica / silicone legante
308 |
1 gebundenes Silikon resina siliconica / silicone legante
309 |
1 Gedankengang attività ideativa
310 |
1 Gedanken (von Kraftlosigkeit) sensazione (di debolezza)
311 |
1 Gefäßbereich regione glutea
312 |
1 Gefäßoperation intervento (di chirurgia) vascolare
313 |
1 Gefühlsstörung turba emozionale/emotiva
314 |
1 Gegendruckplatte - Gegendrucksystem piastra / placca di controspinta -- sistema di controspinta
315 |
1 Gegenkultur gruppo socio-culturale alternativo
316 |
1 geistige Verwirrung confusione mentale
317 |
1 Gelegenheitskonsument consumatore saltuario
318 |
1 gelegentlicher Konsum consumo intermittente
319 |
1 Gelenkschmerz artralgia
320 |
1 gemeinsamer Nadelgebrauch uso della stessa siringa
321 |
1 gemischte Bindegewebserkrankung malattia mista al tessuto connettivo
322 |
1 Gemütszustand stato d´animo
323 |
1 generalisiertes weichteilrheumatisches Syndrom sindrome reumatica generalizzata dei tessuti molli
324 |
1 genetische Vakzinierung vaccinazione genetica
325 |
1 Gentherapie terapia genica
326 |
1 gerinnen rapprendersi
327 |
1 Geschehen quadro clinico
328 |
1 Gesundheitswissenschaftler studioso di scienze della salute
329 |
1 Gewebeaufbau proliferazione dei tessuti/formazione e rigenerazione dei tessuti
330 |
1 Gewebe tessuto
331 |
1 gewohnheitsmäßiger Konsument consumatore abituale
332 |
1 Gewöhnung abitudine
333 |
1 Gewöhnung assuefazione
334 |
1 ggt GGT/Gamma-GT (Transferasi gamma del glutamil /Gamma Glutamil Transferasi)
335 |
1 giftige Dosis dose tossica
336 |
1 Gingivaverlauf linea / architettura gengivale
337 |
1 Gingivektomie gengivectomia
338 |
1 Glückshormon molecola del piacere
339 |
1 Glutatazidurie Typ I aciduria glutarica tipo I
340 |
1 Gonarthritis gonartrite
341 |
1 Gras erba
342 |
1 Gynekomastie ginecomastia
343 |
1 Haaransatz attaccatura dei capelli
344 |
1 Häkchen uncinetti / gancetti
345 |
1 Halluzination allucinazione
346 |
1 Halswirbelsäule r.c. = rachide cervicale (anat.)
347 |
1 haltsuchend in cerca di sostegno
348 |
1 Hämoglobin emoglobina
349 |
1 Hämorragie/Blutung emorragia
350 |
1 Hämorrhoiden emorroidi
351 |
1 Handel spaccio
352 |
1 Harmin armina
353 |
1 Harnleiterschiene catetere ureterale (interno) (Stent)
354 |
1 Harnverhaltung ritenzione urinaria
355 |
1 harte Droge droga maggiore
356 |
1 Harz resina
357 |
1 Haschisch hashish
358 |
1 Haschisch-Öl olio di hashish
359 |
1 Haschischplatte piastra di hashish
360 |
1 Hausarzt medico condotto
361 |
1 Hautwiderstandsmessung misurazione della resistenza cutanea
362 |
1 Hepatitis epatite
363 |
1 Hepatomegalie epatomegalia
364 |
1 Hernie ernia
365 |
1 Herrsche-Zeichen segni di dominanza (d. cerebrale: destralità vs. sinistralità)
366 |
1 Herzangst cardiofobia
367 |
1 Herzbeschwerden disturbo cardiaco
368 |
1 Herzinfarkt infarto cardiaco
369 |
1 Herztöne toni cardiaci
370 |
1 Hinterhauptbein osso occipitale
371 |
1 Hinterkammerlinse lente da camera posteriore
372 |
1 Hinterwandmyocardinfarkt infarto miocardico della parete posteriore
373 |
1 Hirnstoffwechsel metabolismo cerebrale
374 |
1 Histologie istologia
375 |
1 Hitzewallung caldana
376 |
1 hochrein ad elevata purezza / ad elevato grado di purezza
377 |
1 Hochstimmung tono dell´umore esaltato
378 |
1 Höhe Grundgelenk all'altezza dell'articolazione basale
379 |
1 Hüftgelenk articolazione dell'anca (o coxo-femorale)
380 |
1 Hüftverschleiß coxartrosi
381 |
1 Hustensedativum sedativo della tosse
382 |
1 Husten tosse
383 |
1 HWS (Halswirbelsäule) colonna vertebrale cervicale
384 |
1 HWS-Syndrom sindrome cervicale
385 |
1 hydrolysierte Nukleotide nucleotidi idrolizzati
386 |
1 Hyperästhesie iperestesia
387 |
1 Hyperlipidämie iperlipidemia
388 |
1 hypnische (Schlaf)architektur architettura ipnica
389 |
1 hypophysäres Sexualhormon ormone sessuale ipofisare
390 |
1 Hypothermie ipotermia
391 |
1 hypotympanische Perkussion in rechter Darmbeingrube percussione ipotimpanica in FID (fossa iliaca destra)
392 |
1 i.A. = im Allgemeinen generalmente
393 |
1 Ibogain ibogaina
394 |
1 IDP negativ assenza di protrusione del disco intervertebrale
395 |
1 Iliosakralgelenke (ISG) articolazioni sacroiliache
396 |
1 illegale Droge droga illecita
397 |
1 illegal hergestellt preparato clandestinamente
398 |
1 Immundefizienz deficit immunitario
399 |
1 Immunstatus gross risposta immunitaria complessiva
400 |
1 Implantatfreilegung scopertura dell'impianto
401 |
1 in CMYK aufzubauen riproducibili in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key black) o quadricromia
402 |
1 Induktionschemoterapie chemioterapia d'induzione
403 |
1 Infektionsquelle sito d'infezione
404 |
1 Infrarot- und UV-Licht luce infrarossi e UV
405 |
1 inhalieren inalare
406 |
1 Inkretion increzione
407 |
1 INR (International Normalized Ratio) INR
408 |
1 Integrierte Widerstandsmessung mit 20 Hz Sinus misurazione integrata di resistenza con onde / oscillazioni sinusoidali di 20 Hz
409 |
1 Intensivabteilung reparto di terapia intensiva
410 |
1 Interzellularraum spazio intercellulare
411 |
1 intramuraler bzw. extramuraler Bereich cosiddetto ambito intramurario o extramurario (prestazioni erogate all'interno/esterno dell'ospedale
412 |
1 intravaskulare Farbstoffe coloranti antivascolari
413 |
1 intravaskulär intravascolare
414 |
1 inverse Toleranz detolleranza
415 |
1 invers inverso
416 |
1 In-Vivo-Herz-Defibrillator defibrillatore cardiaco impiantabile
417 |
1 IPS-Austritt = Intensivpflegestation-Austritt dimissioni dalla stazione di cure intense (CH) / dimissioni dal reparto di terapia intensiva (I)
418 |
1 Ischemie des Herzmuskels ischemia miocardica
419 |
1 Isochinolin-Derivat alcaloide a struttura isochinolina
420 |
1 isoliert estratto
421 |
1 Isopropylalkohol alcol isopropile
422 |
1 je nach Trainingsbelastung a seconda dell'intensità dell'allenamento
423 |
1 J-förmig curva esponenziale o curva J
424 |
1 Jodpropinyl-Butylcarbamat iodopropinilbutilcarbammato
425 |
1 Joint spinello
426 |
1 Kachexie cachessia
427 |
1 Kammerflimmern fibrillazione ventricolare
428 |
1 Kapsolyse lisi della capsula (articolare)
429 |
1 Karies carie dentaria
430 |
1 Karyotyp cariotipo
431 |
1 kassenzulässig farmaco rimborsabile (dalle casse malati)
432 |
1 Katatonie catatonia
433 |
1 Katecholamine catecolamine
434 |
1 Kehlkopfresektion laringectomia
435 |
1 Kettendemontage rimozione della catena ossiculare
436 |
1 kicking the habit dare un calcio all´abitudine
437 |
1 Kleinhirninfarkt infarto cerebellare
438 |
1 Klimakiller killer del clima / killer climatico
439 |
1 klinische Vergleichstests testi clinici comparativi
440 |
1 klinische Vorfälle eventi clinici
441 |
1 Kniegelenk articolazione del ginocchio
442 |
1 Knieverschleiß gonartrosi
443 |
1 knoechernd Durchbauung osteoformazione, formazione / costruzione ossea / di nuova sostanza ossea
444 |
1 Kodein codeina
445 |
1 Kofferdamm (Zahnarzt) diga di gomina
446 |
1 Kohlenstoffgehalt (C) kleiner als 2 Gew.-% C contenuto in carbonio (C) inferiore a 2% m/m ( percentuale in peso): C (< 0.02%)
447 |
1 Kokain cocaina
448 |
1 Kokain-Hydrochlorid cocaina cloridrato
449 |
1 Kokainist cocainomane
450 |
1 Kokain-Rush rush cocainico
451 |
1 Koma coma
452 |
1 kombinierte Bewegungen des Unterschenkels movimento combinato della gamba
453 |
1 Kompressen compresse (di garza idrofila sterilizzata)
454 |
1 konsumierende Erkrankungen malattie consuntive
455 |
1 kontinuierlicher Gewichtsverlust progressivo dimagrimento
456 |
1 Kontraktion der Eingeweide contrazione intestinale
457 |
1 Kontrastmittel mezzo di contrasto
458 |
1 Konvulsion convulsione
459 |
1 Konzentrations-Zeit-Kurve (area under the curve – AUC) AUC
460 |
1 Körnungsabstufung differenziazione granulometrica
461 |
1 koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) cardiopatia coronarica
462 |
1 koronares Stenting stenting coronarico
463 |
1 Krampfader vena varicosa
464 |
1 Krampf crampo
465 |
1 Krankheitsbild quadro clinico
466 |
1 kreislaufstabiler Zustand condizione circolatoria stabile
467 |
1 kreisrunder Haarausfall alopecia areata
468 |
1 Kugelsterilisator sterilizzatore a sfere / apparecchio sterilizzatore a sfere
469 |
1 Kupferschlacke scoria di rame
470 |
1 Labor Ausnahmeziffer codice delle prestazioni di laboratorio con esenzione ticket
471 |
1 Laboruntersuchung durchführen (lassen) eseguire un labor
472 |
1 LAD (left anterior descending) ramus interventricularis anterior (RIVA) / ramo interventricolare anteriore
473 |
1 Langzeitüberwachung controllo prolungato
474 |
1 Lärmemissionswerte valori di emissione acustica
475 |
1 Latexprotein proteina di lattice
476 |
1 Laudanum laudano
477 |
1 Laufprobe prova di movimento / prova di passaggio (walk test)
478 |
1 Leberblindpunktion biopsia epatica eseguita alla cieca
479 |
1 Leberparenchym parencima polmonare
480 |
1 Leberschaden epatopatia
481 |
1 Lebertransplantation trapianto di fegato
482 |
1 Lebhafter MSR vivo riflesso della tensione monosinaptica
483 |
1 legale Droge droga lecita
484 |
1 leichte Droge droga leggera
485 |
1 Leistungsanästhetikum anestetico tronculare
486 |
1 Leistungsprüfung (Tierzucht) verifica delle prestazioni produttive / riproduttive (allevamento)
487 |
1 Lendenwirbelkörper (LWK ) corpo vertebrale lombare
488 |
1 Lendenwirbelsäule colonna lombare
489 |
1 Lendenwirbelsyndrom sindrome lombare
490 |
1 Lendenwirbel vertebra lombare
491 |
1 Letalität letalità
492 |
1 Leukozyt leucocite
493 |
1 Libido libido
494 |
1 Lichtschutzmittel fotoprotettivo / protezione fotoprotettiva
495 |
1 Ligase ligasi
496 |
1 limbisches System sistema limbico
497 |
1 linear mit der geleisteten Arbeit ansteigen aumentare in modo lineare con lavoro svolto
498 |
1 Lippenhalter divaricatore per labbra
499 |
1 Liquoruntersuchung analisi del liquor
500 |
1 listengerecht secondo l'elenco
501 |
1 Literaturrecherche ricerca di letteratura o documentazione (medica)
502 |
1 lnfiltration der intrapankreatìschen Fettgewebssepten segni di infiltrazione dei setti adiposi intrapancreatici
503 |
1 Lokalanästhetikum anestetico locale
504 |
1 Luftnot/Dyspnoe dispnea
505 |
1 lumbale Wirbelsäule (LWS) colonna (vertebrale) lombare
506 |
1 Lumboischialgie lombosciatalgia
507 |
1 lumbospondylogenes Schmerzsyndrom sidrome algica da spondilosi lombare
508 |
1 lumbovertebrales Schmerzsyndrom sindrome lombovertebrale
509 |
1 Lungengerüstzeichnung rinforzo della trama polmonare (di tipo bronchitico)
510 |
1 Lungenödem edema polmonare
511 |
1 luxierte Diskushernie ernia discale espulsa
512 |
1 LWS (Lumbarwirbelsäule) colonna vertebrale lombare
513 |
1 LWS-Syndrom sindrome lombare
514 |
1 Lymphknotendissektion dissezione linfonodale
515 |
1 Lymphknotenextipation asportazione linfonodale
516 |
1 Lymphknoten linfonodo
517 |
1 Lymphknotenmetastasierung metastasi linfonodale
518 |
1 Lymphknotenpaket pacchetto linfonodale
519 |
1 M1- als auch die M2- und M3-Äste rami M1 e M2 e M3 (segmenti prossimali dellarteria cerebrale media)
520 |
1 Magenbeschwerden disturbo gastrico
521 |
1 Magenunverträglichkeit intolleranza gastrica
522 |
1 Mammographie-Filme pellicola radiografica per mammografia
523 |
1 Marbagelan-Schwamm tampone emostatico di gelatina riassorbibile Marbagelan®
524 |
1 Mariendistelkraut cardo mariano
525 |
1 Marihuana marijuana
526 |
1 Maßstabseinheit scala // unità di misura
527 |
1 MEDAS = Medizinische Abklärungsstelle(n) MEDAS (Medizinische Abklärungsstelle(n), medicina del lavoro)
528 |
1 mediastinaler Lymphknoten linfonodo mediastinale
529 |
1 Medizinische Leitung einer Krankenhauseinrichtung D.M.P.O. = Direzione Medica di Presidio Ospedaliero
530 |
1 medizinische Method metodo medico
531 |
1 medizinische Praxis pratica medica
532 |
1 medizinische Verantwortung responsabilità medica
533 |
1 med. pract. med. prat.
534 |
1 mehrschichtige gegossene PVC-Folie pellicola PVC fusa multistrato
535 |
1 Mekonium meconio
536 |
1 Melanin-Produktions-Prozess ciclo di melanogenesi
537 |
1 Meningiomoperation rimozione chirurgica/asportazione/exeresi di meningioma
538 |
1 Meprobamate meprobamati
539 |
1 Meskalin mescalina
540 |
1 Messkristall cristallo misuratore
541 |
1 metabolischeToleranzentwicklung tolleranza metabolica
542 |
1 Metastasierung metastasi
543 |
1 Methadon metadone
544 |
1 methanolarm (a) basso tenore di metanolo
545 |
1 Milchzusätze supplementi (nutrizionali) nel latte
546 |
1 mildern alleviare
547 |
1 Minderbelastung debolezza / indebolimento
548 |
1 Minusgraden temperature polari / freddo polare
549 |
1 Miosis miosi
550 |
1 mit FS abgeleitet (Fotostimulation) con fotostimolazione
551 |
1 Modellguss protesi scheletrata
552 |
1 Modulatortest [NK-Zell (Natural-Killer-Zellen)] test di modulazione (della risposta immunitaria) [delle cellule o linfociti NK (Natural Killer)]
553 |
1 Mohntränen lacrime di papavero
554 |
1 molekulare Medizin medicina molecolare
555 |
1 Molkenlässigkeit sineresi e spurgo
556 |
1 Monoacetylmorphin monoacetilmorfina
557 |
1 Morbus embolicus malattia tromboembolica
558 |
1 Morphin morfina
559 |
1 multilokuläres Schmerzsyndrom sindrome dolorosa multioculare / diffusa
560 |
1 Multipelste fleckige hämorrhagische DAI danno assonale diffuso (DAD) multiplo maculato emorragico (diffuse axonal injury - DAI)
561 |
1 Muscimol muscimol
562 |
1 Muskelkrämpfe crampi muscolari
563 |
1 Mydriasis midriasi
564 |
1 myeloische Leukämie leucemia mieloide
565 |
1 Myocardinfarkt infarto miocardico
566 |
1 Myokardinfarkt infarto miocardico
567 |
1 Myristicin miristicina
568 |
1 Nabelbruch ernia ombelicale
569 |
1 nachahmend imitativo
570 |
1 nach mehreren Kochvorgängen dopo numerose bolliture
571 |
1 Nachpassung adattamento
572 |
1 Nahrungsergänzungspräparate integratori alimentari
573 |
1 Nahüberhöhung rigonfiamento (ravvicinato, a breve raggio)
574 |
1 Naloxon naloxone
575 |
1 Nasenscheidewand setto nasale
576 |
1 Nasenwurzel radice del naso
577 |
1 Nash-Moe-Rotation indice di Nash e Moe
578 |
1 Natrium-Silikatglas vetro (a base) di silicato di sodio / silicato sodico
579 |
1 NBKS vs. DD = Nierenbeckenkelchsystem vs. Differenzialdiagnose sistema calico-pielico (dei calici renali) vs. diagnosi differenziale
580 |
1 Nebengeräusch rumore concomitante
581 |
1 Nebenwirkung controindicazione
582 |
1 Neiddruck pressione da invidia
583 |
1 Nepenthes nepente
584 |
1 Nephrektomie nefrectomia
585 |
1 Nervenarzt neurologo
586 |
1 nervenstimulierendes Getränk bevanda nervinica
587 |
1 Neuroadaptation neuroadattamento
588 |
1 Neurotransmitter neurotrasmettitore
589 |
1 Nierenkrankheit malattia renale
590 |
1 Niere rene
591 |
1 NNH = Nasennebenhöhlen (NNH) cavità nasali secondarie o accessorie / seni paranasali
592 |
1 no-call Rate percentuale di campioni non genotipizzati (no call rate)
593 |
1 Noradrenalin noradrenalina
594 |
1 normale hyperintense Darstellung des Pankreas in T1 formazione normale iperintensa del pancreas in T1
595 |
1 Normalstation reparto di degenza ordinaria
596 |
1 Noscapin noscapina
597 |
1 NPL neoplasia
598 |
1 nüchtern a digiuno
599 |
1 Nukleus Pulposus Hernie ernia del disco intervertebrale
600 |
1 Nystagmus nistagmo
601 |
1 Oberbauchbeschwerden disturbi alla parte superiore del ventre
602 |
1 Oberflächenanästhetikum am Auge anestetico oculare
603 |
1 Oberflächen-Lufthärte durezza superficiale (e resistenza agli agenti atmosferici)
604 |
1 Oberlappenektomie ectomia al lobo superiore del polmone
605 |
1 Oberlappen lobo superiore (del polmone)
606 |
1 OD Oberflächendosis - dose superficiale
607 |
1 Ohrläppchen lobo dell'orecchio
608 |
1 Ohrproppen cuffie antirumore
609 |
1 olfaktorische Kerngebiete centri olfattivi
610 |
1 Oligodesoxynukleotide oligodesossinucleotidi
611 |
1 Ololiuqui ololiuqui
612 |
1 Omarthrose omoartrosi
613 |
1 Operationsnarbe cicatrice da operazione
614 |
1 operkulär opercolare
615 |
1 Opiate oppiacei
616 |
1 Opiumalkaloid alcaloide dell´oppio
617 |
1 Opiumpulver polvere d´oppio
618 |
1 Opiumtinktur tintura di oppio
619 |
1 optimaler Wert, empfohlener Wert (Grenzwert) L.O. L.C. - limite ottimale (L.O.) e limite consigliato (L.C.)
620 |
1 optische Halluzination allucinazione visiva
621 |
1 oral einnehmen assumere per via orale
622 |
1 Organen des vegetativen Nervensystems organi della vita vegetativa
623 |
1 Organmanifestationen organi coinvolti
624 |
1 Ösophago-Gastro-Duodenoskopie esofago-gastro-duodenoscopia (EGDS)
625 |
1 Ösophagus esofago
626 |
1 OS-Orthese = Oberschenkel-Orthese ortesi femorale
627 |
1 Pankreasregion regione pancreatica
628 |
1 Pankreatitis pancreatite
629 |
1 Papaverin papaverina
630 |
1 Parenchymdistorsion distorsione parenchimale
631 |
1 Parodontologie parodontologia
632 |
1 Patellaverkantungsschmerz dolore (al ginocchio) flettendo in senso laterale la rotula (test dell'apprensione)
633 |
1 Patient paziente
634 |
1 PEG-Palmitostearat (Polyethylenglycol-Palmitostearat) polietilenglicole palmito stearato
635 |
1 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) pentaclorofenolo (PCP)
636 |
1 Pentazozin pentazocina
637 |
1 PE obere Carina rechts lobectomia della carena superiore destra
638 |
1 PE (Probe Exzinsion) prelievo bioptico
639 |
1 Perikarderguß versamento pericardico
640 |
1 Perikardkarzinose carcinosi pericardica
641 |
1 periphere Atemgeräusch (Vesikuläratmen, vesikuläres Atemgeräusch, vesikuläres AG) MV = murmure vescicolare
642 |
1 peripheres Sexualhormon ormone sessuale periferico
643 |
1 Perkutane Transluminale Coronare Angioplastie (PTCA) angioplastica coronarica transluminale percutania
644 |
1 Pflaster cerotto
645 |
1 Pflegeziele obbiettivi sanitari
646 |
1 pflegt und stylt cura / nutre e modella
647 |
1 Pharmakokinetik farmacocinetica
648 |
1 Pharmakopöe farmacopea
649 |
1 Phenantrenderivat alcaloide a struttura fenantrenica
650 |
1 Phenylcyclidin fenilciclidina
651 |
1 photopolymerisierendes Wachs cera fotopolimerizzante
652 |
1 physische Abhängigkeit dipendenza fisica
653 |
1 physische Einschränkung contenzione fisica
654 |
1 physische Störung alterazione fisica
655 |
1 plantare Spreizfuss-Pelotte plantare con pelotta per piede traverso piano (valgo)
656 |
1 Planungs- und Strukturierungsfähigkeit (qui) capacità progettuale e strutturale
657 |
1 Plasmid plasmide
658 |
1 polyantibiotikaresistent poliantibiotico resistente
659 |
2 polydisziplinär abklären condurre un' analisi multidisciplinare
660 |
1 Polyhydroxysäure Poliidrossiacido
661 |
1 Polymerase-Kettenreaktion reazione a catena della polimerasi
662 |
1 Populationszüchtung coltivazione / allevamento di popolazioni / razze-popolazioni
663 |
1 posttraumatisches CTS sindrome del tunnel carpale post-traumatico
664 |
1 Prädilektionsstelle sede/sito di predilezione
665 |
1 Prävention von Erkrankungen prevenzione delle patologie
666 |
1 Primärtumor tumore primario
667 |
1 Primärverdauung digestione primaria
668 |
1 Prisma Basis base prismatica / (lente prismatica)
669 |
2 Probenstrahlengang traiettoria del raggio (di rilevazione / sul campione)
670 |
1 Probier- und Neugierkonsum consumo sperimentale
671 |
1 Problemlöser soluzione di tutti i problemi
672 |
1 Promille-Brille occhiali Alcovista
673 |
1 Prostata prostata
674 |
1 Protest contestazione
675 |
1 psychische Abhängigkeit dipendenza psichica
676 |
1 psychische Störung alterazione psichica
677 |
1 psychische Verfassung condizione psichica
678 |
1 psychoaktive Substanz sostanza psicoattiva
679 |
1 Psychoaktivität attività psichica
680 |
1 psychomotorische Störung arresto psicomotorico
681 |
1 psychopathologisches Erscheinungsbild quadro psicopatologico
682 |
1 Psychostimulantium droga psicostimolante
683 |
1 psychotisches Syndrom sindrome psicotica
684 |
1 psychotrop psicotropo
685 |
1 Psylocibin psilocibina
686 |
1 pulmonale Aspergillose aspergillosi polmonare
687 |
1 Pulsfrequenz frequenza del polso
688 |
1 Pulverlösestation stazione di dissoluzione polveri
689 |
1 Pumpdruck pressione
690 |
1 punkturieren siringare
691 |
1 Purpursonnenhutkraut Echinacea purpurea (herba)
692 |
1 Pyrolyse pirolisi
693 |
1 qualitative Einschränkungen des Leistungsvermögens (LV) restrizioni/limitazioni/riduzioni qualitative della capacità produttiva
694 |
1 Quartierschild cartello esplicativo
695 |
1 Querschnittssyndrom sindrome amiparaplegica
696 |
1 Querverweis riferimento incrociato
697 |
1 Radikalfängern antiossidanti (che catturano i radicali liberi) / cattura radicali
698 |
1 Radiochemotherapie radiochemiotrapia
699 |
1 randbildend (Tumorausläufer) formano / creano / costruiscono un margine / bordo (propaggini del tumore)
700 |
1 Ratte (Styrol) ratto (stirene)
701 |
1 Raucheremphysem pneumomediastino da fumo
702 |
1 Rauschgift- und Drogensüchtiger tossicomania
703 |
1 Raynaud-Symptomatik sintomatologia di tipo di Rynaud
704 |
1 reagiert zu unlöslichem, hochschmelzendem Polyharnstoff reagisce trasformandosi in poliurea insolubile ad alto punto di fusione
705 |
1 realistische Biomarker biomarcatori realistici
706 |
1 Reanimation terapia reanimativa
707 |
1 rechter Trochanter trocantere maggiore
708 |
1 Rechtsherzinsuffizienz insufficienza cardiaca destra
709 |
1 Reflex-Creme Riflessante
710 |
1 reflexionsarmes Umfeld ambiente poco riflettente (l'irraggiamento del suono)
711 |
1 reiner Pflanzenzellen cellule vegetali (pure)
712 |
1 reizabschirmendes Medikament farmaco che riduce l'impatto della stimolazione esterna
713 |
1 Reizbarkeit irritabilità
714 |
1 Reiz stimolo
715 |
1 Repositionsspondylodese spondilodesi/intervento di riposizionamento
716 |
1 Residualbefund massa residuale / massa (tumorale) residuale
717 |
1 Resthörigkeit udito residuo
718 |
1 Restriktionsenzym enzima di restrizione
719 |
1 Retinablutung sanguinamento retinico
720 |
1 Rettungssitz imbragatura
721 |
1 Revierbesitzer territorialista/i
722 |
1 rezeptfähig rimborsabile su presentazione di ricetta medica
723 |
1 Rezeptpflicht, wiederholte Abgabe verboten sottoposto a ricettazione non ripetibile
724 |
1 Rhinorrhö rinorrea
725 |
1 Rohgemisch aus DNA-Molekülen miscela intermedia di molecole di DNA
726 |
1 Rohopium oppio grezzo
727 |
1 Rückenleiden affezione dorsale
728 |
1 Rückenmark midollo spinale
729 |
1 Rückenschmerzen disturbi dorsali
730 |
1 Rückkoppelung retroreazione
731 |
1 Rückzügigkeit tendenza all'isolamento
732 |
1 rundherdartige Verdichtungen addensamenti (parenchimali) a focolaio
733 |
1 Sachohr orecchio oggettivo / ricezione oggettiva di una notizia / ascolto oggettivo
734 |
1 Safrol safrol
735 |
1 Sanitätshaus negozio di articoli sanitari e parasanitari
736 |
1 Sanitätskoffer borse mediche
737 |
1 Sättigungsmittel integratore (alimentare) saziante
738 |
1 Sauerstoffsättigung saturazione di ossigeno
739 |
1 Sauerstoff wird offenbar im Gesamtsystem knapp l'ossigenno scarseggia evidentemente / probabilmente nell'intero sistema
740 |
1 Säurebearbeitung (impiego di) acidi per l'edilizia
741 |
1 Schädelbasis base cranica
742 |
1 schädliche, zerstörerische Folgen effetto lesivo
743 |
1 Schambein osso pubico
744 |
1 Scheibenleuchte lampada di emergenza (a forma di plafoniera)
745 |
1 Scheidenstumpf moncone vaginale
746 |
1 Schlafapnoesyndrom sindrome da apnea del sonno
747 |
1 Schlaflosigkeit insonnia
748 |
1 Schlafmohn papavero sonnifero
749 |
1 schleichender fütterungsbedingter Vitaminmangel lieve carenza di vitamine causata dall'alimentazione
750 |
1 Schleimbelagerung accumulo di muco (nella cavità polmonare)
751 |
1 Schleimhauterythem eritema mucoso
752 |
1 Schleimhaut mucosa
753 |
1 Schlüsselbein clavicola
754 |
1 Schmerzstörung disturbo somatoforme
755 |
1 Schnee neve
756 |
1 Schneiddruck compulsione ad infliggersi tagli/automutilazione
757 |
1 Schnüffelstoff solvente volatile
758 |
1 schnupfen aspirare
759 |
1 Schocktod morte per shock ipoglicemico
760 |
1 Schraubenosteosynthese osteosintesi con vite
761 |
1 Schulter-Arm-Syndrom sindrome spalla-braccio
762 |
1 Schulterteilsteife periartrite omero-scapolare
763 |
1 Schweißausbrüche bei geringen Anstrengungen facile sudorazione
764 |
1 Schwellung gonfiore
765 |
1 schwere Droge droga pesante
766 |
1 Schwerpunktklinikum clinica specialistica
767 |
1 Schwitzen sudorazione
768 |
1 Sectio-OP = Sectio-OP-Saal sala cesareo = sala operatoria per il parto cesareo
769 |
1 Sedativum, Hypnotikum psicofarmaco sedativo
770 |
1 sedierende und euphorisierende Droge droga sedativo-euforizzante
771 |
1 Sehstärke valori diottrici / diottrie (necessarie) / correzione (necessaria)
772 |
1 Sekundärverdauung digestione secondaria
773 |
1 Selbstmedikation autosomministrazione
774 |
1 Selbstmordgedanken und -absichten idee e pulsioni suicide
775 |
1 Serotonin serotonina
776 |
1 Sexualhormon ormone sessuale
777 |
1 sich auf sich selbst zurückziehen rinchiudersi in se stesso
778 |
1 Silierkette catena di insilamento / catena dell'insilato
779 |
1 Silikatverbindungen silicati / composti silicati / gel silicati
780 |
1 Sinneswahrnehmungen condizioni sensoriali
781 |
1 Sinneswahrnehmung senso-percezione
782 |
1 Sinninhalten contenuti semantici
783 |
1 Sjögren-Syndrom sindrome di Sjögren
784 |
1 sniefen somministrazione per sniffo
785 |
1 Soldatenkrankheit malattia del soldato
786 |
1 Somnolenz sonnolenza
787 |
1 soviel Luft muss ich immer haben ho / devo sempre avere tanto / abbastanza fiato
788 |
1 soziale Isolation associalità
789 |
1 Spannungsabfuhr scarico di tensione
790 |
1 spasmolytisch spasmolitico
791 |
1 spastische Querschnittlähmung paraplegia spastica
792 |
1 Specillum / Sonde specillo / sonda
793 |
1 Spinalkanalstenose stenosi canalare spinale
794 |
1 Spitalleitung consiglio direttivo dell'ospedale
795 |
1 Spondylosisthese spondilosistesi
796 |
1 Spontanträger utilizzatori occasionali di lenti a contatto
797 |
1 Spritzbrühe miscela da erogare
798 |
1 Sprunggelenksgabel pinza malleolare
799 |
1 Stärke dosaggio (fisso) / composizione quantitativa
800 |
1 starkes Tränen der Augen lacrimazione
801 |
1 Stärkungsmittel ricostituente
802 |
1 stationäre Behandlung regime di ricovero
803 |
1 stationär ospedaliero, in ospedale
804 |
1 Steinsalz salgemma cloruro di sodio / sale da cucina
805 |
1 Steinsalz salgemma / cloruro di sodio / sale da cucina
806 |
1 Steinzelle cellula petrosa
807 |
1 Stengelstückchen trinciato di rami
808 |
1 stenosierend stenosante
809 |
1 Steri zona / locali di sterilizzazione
810 |
1 Sterylglycoside glucoside (in soluzione) sterile
811 |
1 S T Hypästhesie (Hypästhesie in Bezug auf Schmerzempfinden und Temperaturempfinden) ipoestesia termodolorifica
812 |
1 Stimmungslage situazione emotiva
813 |
1 Stimmungstief depressione del tono dell´umore
814 |
1 Stimulans stimolante
815 |
1 Stimulierung des Gehirns stimolazione cerebrale
816 |
1 Stoff roba
817 |
1 Stoffwechsel metabolismo
818 |
1 Strahlbeinlähme navicolite
819 |
1 Strahlenvereinigung convergenza / conversione dei raggi luminosi (focalizzazione)
820 |
1 strecken tagliare
821 |
1 Streichbewegungen / mit leichten Streichbewegungen con leggeri massaggi / con delicati movimenti
822 |
1 Stromprobe elettrogramma / misura dei parametri elettrici
823 |
1 Strumpfbandnattern serpenti giarrettiera
824 |
1 Strychnin stricnina
825 |
1 stupor cordarum stupore cordalico
826 |
1 Subarachnoidalblutung emorragia subaracnoidea
827 |
1 subdurale Blutung sottodurale
828 |
1 suchterzeugende Wirkung tossicogenicità
829 |
1 suchterzeugend tossicomanigeno
830 |
1 Suchtmittel droga di abuso
831 |
1 suizidale Vergiftung intossicazione a scopo suicida
832 |
1 Suizidneigung tendenza al suicidio
833 |
1 Summenstudien (Summationsbild 20-40) studi analitici (immagine di sommazione 20-40)
834 |
1 SVV-Test (Subjectiv-Visual-Vertical-Test) VVS = test VVS (verticale visuale soggettiva) = (S.V.V. test = Subjective Visual Vertical Test)
835 |
1 symptomatisch wirkendes Mittel sintomatico
836 |
1 Symptomenkomplex sintomatologia
837 |
1 synthetische Analoga analoghi sintetici
838 |
1 Systole sistole
839 |
1 Tachykardie tachicardia
840 |
1 Tagesturnus posologia giornaliera
841 |
1 taktile Halluzination allucinazione tattile
842 |
1 t/a Maissilage (35 % TS, 95 % OTS) t/a / ton/anno insilato di mais (35% sostanza secca, 95% sostanza secca organica)
843 |
1 Taschengewebe tasca parodontale
844 |
1 Teilnahmslosigkeit indifferenza ideativa ed emotiva
845 |
1 temperaturkompensierter Messwert valore misurato (in condizioni di) compensazione di temperatura
846 |
1 teratogener Effekt effetto teratogeno
847 |
1 Terminatorsequenz terminatore di sequenza
848 |
1 Tetanusschutzimpfung / Tetanus-Auffrischungsimpfung VAT = vaccino antitetanico / VAT di richiamo = vaccino antitetanico di richiamo
849 |
1 Thalamus talamo
850 |
1 Thebain tebaina
851 |
1 Theoriegeladenheit eccessivo zelo teorico
852 |
1 therapeutische Wirkung azione terapeutica
853 |
1 Therapie trattamento
854 |
1 Thorax torace
855 |
1 Thrombo-Streubreit diffusione dei trombociti / (delle) piastrine
856 |
1 Thrombozytopenie trombocitopenia
857 |
1 Thymusdrüse timo
858 |
1 tibiotarsales Gelenk articolazione tibio-tarsica
859 |
1 Tiefenwachstum migrazione in profondità (riferito all'epitelio)
860 |
1 tierisches Hämoglobin emoglobina animale
861 |
1 Titancage cage (gabbia) in titanio
862 |
1 tödliche Dosis dose letale
863 |
1 Tönservice servizio colore / servizio tintometrico
864 |
2 Torsade de pointes (TdP), Torsade-de-pointes-Tachykardie, Torsade-Tachykardie, Spitzenumkehrtachykardie, Schraubentachykardie torsione di punta (= aritmia, anomalia del ritmo cardiaco)
865 |
1 Tracht (Bienen) raccolto (api)
866 |
1 Trägerkatalysator Catalizzatore di supporto
867 |
1 Trapeziusränder margini del muscolo trapezio
868 |
1 Trennmittel agente distaccante
869 |
1 Triggerpunkt punti dinnesco
870 |
1 trinkwasserrein acqua classificata di livello potabile
871 |
1 TSE, IR, DWI-Sequenzen (Turbo Spin Echo, Inversion Recovery, Diffusion Weighted Images) Sequenza d acquisizione TSE, IR, DWI
872 |
1 Tubergelenkwinkel angolo dell'articolazione calcaneo-cuboidea (tuberosità del calcagno)
873 |
1 Türkisvogel / Rotfußhonigsauger / (Cyanerpes cyaneus) cianerpe zamperosse / nettarina blu / nettarina zampe rosse / (nome latino: cyanerpes cyaneus)
874 |
1 UATR-Technik tecnica UATR (da Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance, riflettanza totale attenuata universale)
875 |
1 Überdachungsdefizit deficit di copertura
876 |
1 Überdosierung sovradosaggio
877 |
1 Übererregung ipereccitazione
878 |
1 überlappende Antikoagulation anticoagulazione concomitante
879 |
1 Überträgersubstanz molecola mediatrice
880 |
1 Übertragung des Schmerzreizes percezione del dolore
881 |
1 UK Front (Unterkiefer) mascellare inferiore
882 |
1 Ulzeration der Nasenscheidewand bis zur Septumperforation ulcerazione del setto fino alla perforazione
883 |
1 Umschlagszone zona di transizione
884 |
1 Umwelttechnik tecnologia ambientale
885 |
1 unauffällige Haut und Schleimhautverhältnisse cute e mucose nei limiti della norma
886 |
1 unauffällig nei limiti della norma
887 |
1 unbezwingbares Verlangen pulsione psichica
888 |
1 Unfallsache (mediz. Gutachten) caso di incidente (perizia medica)
889 |
1 unkontrollierbarer Drang spinta incontrollabile
890 |
1 unkontrolliertes Zittern tremori diffusi
891 |
1 Unlustgefühl sensazione spiacevole
892 |
1 Unruhe irrequietezza
893 |
1 Unterbegabung disabilità intellettiva
894 |
2 unter Beistellen con appoggi(o)
895 |
1 Unterleib addome
896 |
1 Unterlippe labbro inferiore
897 |
1 UP-Harze = ungesättigte Polyesterharze resina poliestere insatura
898 |
1 User assuntore di droga
899 |
1 Vakuum vacuumterapia
900 |
1 Vektorsprung salto vettore
901 |
1 Venenentzündung tromboflebiti
902 |
1 Veränderung der Affektivität alterazione dell´affettività
903 |
2 verantwortungsvoll ökologisch sinnvoll nutzen utilizzare ecologicamente in modo responsabile e appropriato (nel rispetto dellambiente)
904 |
1 Verband Deutscher Mutterhauser vom Roter Kreuz Associazione delle case-madri tedesche della Croce Rossa
905 |
1 Verbandskit kit di pronto soccorso
906 |
1 Verdauung digestione
907 |
1 Vereinigten Klinischen Anstalten Freiburg istituti clinici (universitari) riuniti di Friburgo (ted. Vereinigte Klinische Anstalten Freiburg)
908 |
1 Verfolgsprobe test per (rilevamento di) patogeni
909 |
1 Verfolgungswahn fobia a carattere persecutorio
910 |
1 verkipptes Einsetzen inserimento storto / traballante
911 |
1 Verlaufsprotokollierung protocollo del decorso
912 |
1 Verminderung der Diurese riduzione della diuresi
913 |
1 Verrauchung des Fluchtweges via di fuga invasa / bloccata dal fumo
914 |
1 Verrichtung der Notdurft (der Hunde) espletamento delle necessità fisiologiche (dei cani)
915 |
1 Verringerung der Merkfähigkeit riduzione della memoria
916 |
1 Verringerung des Gedächtnisses riduzione della capacità intellettiva
917 |
1 Verschnitt taglio
918 |
1 Versorgungsoptimierung ottimizzazione dell'assistenza (ai pazienti)
919 |
1 Verstandestätigkeit funzione intellettiva
920 |
1 Verstimmungszustand depressione dell´umore
921 |
1 Verwirrtheitszustand stato confusionale
922 |
1 Vesikuläratmen respirazione vescicolare
923 |
1 Vestibulookulärer Reflex (VOR) VOR = riflesso vestibolo-oculo-motore (vestibulo-oculomotor testing, VOR)
924 |
1 veterinärmedizinischer Einsatz uso veterinario
925 |
1 veterinärmedizinisch veterinario
926 |
1 Video-Okulographie (VOG) VOG = video-oculo-grafia (video-oculography, VOG)
927 |
1 Vinasse vinaccia / vinacce
928 |
1 Virushepatitis epatite virale
929 |
1 Vollnarkose anestesia totale
930 |
1 Vorderabschnitte strutture (oculari) anteriori
931 |
1 Vorwässerung prelavaggio
932 |
1 Wachstumshormon ormone della crescita
933 |
1 Wahnidee idea delirante
934 |
1 Wahnvorstellung ideazione delirante
935 |
1 Wahrnehmungsstörung dispercezione
936 |
1 Wahrnehmungsstörung distacco dalla realtà circostante
937 |
1 Wechselwirkung interazione
938 |
1 weiche Droge droga minore
939 |
1 weiße Hirnsubstanz sostanza bianca
940 |
1 Wiederaufnahme, Resorption riassorbimento
941 |
1 Wirbelbogenwurzel penduncolo vertebrale
942 |
1 Wirbelgas gas vorticoso
943 |
1 Wirbelkörperfrakturen fratture del corpo vertebrale
944 |
1 Wirbelsäule colonna vertebrale
945 |
1 Wirbelsäulensyndrom sindrome vertebrale
946 |
1 wirksames Alkaloid alcaloide attivo
947 |
1 Wirkstoff sostanza attiva
948 |
1 Wohlbefinden sensazione di benessere
949 |
1 Wohngemeinschaft unter psychologischer Aufsicht terapia psichico-residenziale
950 |
1 Wurzelkanalkonditionierer condizionatore del canale radicolare
951 |
1 zahnärztlichen Antibiotikachip chip antisettico odontoiatrico
952 |
1 Zahnfleisch gengiva
953 |
1 Zahnhals colletto dentale
954 |
1 Zahnhalsüberempfindlichkeit ipersensibilità al colletto dentale
955 |
1 Zahnimplantat-Berater informatore dentale
956 |
1 Zahnseidenmuffel i (più) restii all'interdentale / al filo interdentale / all'uso del filo interdentale
957 |
1 Zahnübereinstimmung collimatura dentaria
958 |
1 Zahn-/Zahnfleischübergang spazio tra gengiva e dente / spazio tra ponte e gengiva
959 |
1 Zeigfinger dito indice
960 |
1 Zeitgefühl percezione temporale
961 |
1 zellspezifisches Oberflächenantigen antigene superficiale specifico della cellula
962 |
1 Zentralnervensystem sistema nervoso centrale
963 |
1 Zielgewebe tessuto bersaglio
964 |
1 Züchtungsvorstellung politica eugenetica // visione di allevamento selettivo (della razza nordica)
965 |
1 Zuckerkrankheit diabete
966 |
1 zum Genuß uso voluttuario
967 |
1 Zungenhalter pinza tiralingua
968 |
1 zur Einstiegsdroge greifen iniziare a drogarsi
969 |
1 zur Hervorrufung lustbetonter Empfindungen uso ricreazionale
970 |
1 zur Hervorrufung rauschartiger Zustände uso drogastico
971 |
1 zusammenfließen confluire
972 |
1 Zusatzstoff sostanza da taglio
973 |
1 Zustand der Gelassenheit condizione di serenità
974 |
1 Zustand esiti da / pregresso
975 |
1 zwanghafter Konsum uso compulsivo
976 |
1 Zwillingsmuskeln gemelli
@@ -0,0 +1,2028 @@
1 |
1 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-on 1,2- benzotiazolin-3-ona
2 |
1 1-(3-Chlorallyl)-3,5,7-triaza-1-azoniaadamantanchlorid cloreto de 1-(3-cloroalil)-3,5,7-triazo-1-azoniadamantano
3 |
1 1,3-Diphenylguanidin 1,3-difenilguanidina
4 |
1 1,4-Butandioldiglycidylether 1,4-butanodioldiglicidil éter
5 |
1 2-Ethylhexyl-4-dimethyl- aminobenzoat 4-dimetil-aminobenzoato de 2-etilhexilo
6 |
1 2-Ethylhexyl-4- methoxycinnamat 4-metoxicinamato de 2-etilhexilo
7 |
1 3-Aminophenol 3-aminofenol
8 |
1 3-tägiger Verlauf evolução de 3 dias
9 |
1 4,4´-Diaminodiphenylmethan 4,4'-diaminodifenilmetano
10 |
1 4,4-Dihydroxybiphenyl 4,4-dihidroxibifenil
11 |
1 4-Aminoazobenzol 4-aminoazobenzeno
12 |
1 4-Aminobenzoesäure ácido 4-aminobenzóico
13 |
1 4-tert.-Butyl-4-methoxydibenzoylmethan 4-ter-butil-4-metoxidibenzoilmetano
14 |
1 4-tert.-Butylcatechin 4-ter-butilcatecol
15 |
1 4-tert.-Butylphenol 4-ter-Butilfenol
16 |
1 4-tert.-Butylphenol-Formaldehydharz resina de formaldeído e 4-ter-butilfenol
17 |
1 4-Toluylendiamin 4-toluenodiamina
18 |
1 5-Brom-4-chlorsalicylanilid 5-bromo-4-cloro-salicilanilida
19 |
1 7-Ethylbicyclooxazolidin 7-etilbiciclo-oxazolidina
20 |
1 Abdomen abdómen
21 |
1 Abdomen, Bauch abdómen
22 |
1 abdominal abdominal
23 |
1 Abdominoplastik abdominoplastia
24 |
1 Abhängigkeit adição
25 |
1 abhören auscultar
26 |
1 Abhören; Auskultation auscultação
27 |
1 Abietinsäure ácido abiético
28 |
1 Abklärung averiguação, estudo
29 |
1 Abklärung esclarecimento
30 |
1 Ablagerung depósito
31 |
1 Ablagerungen auf der Haptik depósitos hápticos
32 |
1 Ablatio ablação
33 |
1 abnorm anómalo
34 |
1 Abrasio; Abrasion abrasão
35 |
1 Abrufung aufgenommener Information recuperação da informação adquirida
36 |
1 absorbieren; aufnehmen absorver
37 |
1 Absorption; Schlucken; Aufnahme absorção
38 |
1 Abspreizen abdução
39 |
1 abstinent abstémio
40 |
1 Abstinenz abstinência
41 |
1 Abszess abcesso
42 |
1 abtasten apalpar
43 |
1 abtreiben; Schwangerschaft abbrechen; abortar
44 |
1 Abtrennung amputação
45 |
1 Abulie abulia
46 |
1 abwarten aguardar
47 |
1 (ab)wechselnd alternado
48 |
1 Acetylsalicylsäure ácido salicílico
49 |
1 Achalasie acalásia
50 |
1 Achromatopsie acromatopsia
51 |
1 Acid Yellow 36 ácido amarelo 36
52 |
1 Adduktion adução
53 |
1 Adenitis adenite
54 |
1 adenoid adenóide
55 |
1 Adenokarzinom adenocarcinoma
56 |
1 Adenom(a) adenoma
57 |
1 Adenomegalien adenomegalias
58 |
1 Adenopathie adenopatia
59 |
1 adeps lanae lanolina
60 |
1 adhärent; adhäsiv adesivo
61 |
1 Adhäsion; Verklebung adesão
62 |
1 adhäsiv; adhärent aderente
63 |
1 Adiadochokinese adiadocinésia
64 |
1 adjuvant adjuvante
65 |
1 Adnexitis anexite
66 |
1 Adoleszenz; Jugendzeit; Pubertät adolescência
67 |
1 Adrenalin; Epinephrin adrenalina; epinefrina
68 |
1 Adstringenzien adstringente
69 |
1 Aerosol aerossol
70 |
1 afebril; apyretisch apirético
71 |
1 Affekt afecto
72 |
1 affektiv afectivo
73 |
1 Affektivität afectividade
74 |
1 Affinität afinidade
75 |
1 After; Anus ânus
76 |
1 Aggregationshemmer antiagregação
77 |
1 Agitation; Agitiertheit; Agitatio; Erregung; Ruhelosigkeit; Unruhe agitação
78 |
1 agitiert agitado
79 |
1 Agnosie agnosia
80 |
1 Agonie agonia
81 |
1 Agonist agonista
82 |
1 Agoraphobie; Platzangst agorafobia
83 |
1 Agrammatismus agramatismo
84 |
1 Agranulozytose agranulocitose
85 |
1 Agraphie agrafia
86 |
1 Akanthom acantoma
87 |
1 Akathisie acatísia
88 |
1 akkomodative Kraft esforço acomodativo
89 |
1 Akne acne
90 |
1 Akromegalie acromeglia
91 |
1 akromiale Bursitis bursite acromial reaccional
92 |
1 Akromioklavikular acromioclavicular
93 |
2 Akromion acrómio
94 |
1 Akromioplastik acromioplastia
95 |
1 aktive Beweglichkeit mobilidade activa
96 |
1 aktivieren actuar
97 |
1 aktue Gefässverletzungen lesões vasculares agudas
98 |
1 Akupunktur acupunctura
99 |
1 akut agudo
100 |
1 akute Symptome sintomas agudas
101 |
1 Albumin albumina
102 |
1 Aldosteron aldosterona
103 |
1 Alexie alexia
104 |
1 Alkalose (metabolische / respiratorische) alcalose (metabólica / respiratória)
105 |
1 Alkohol álcool
106 |
1 Alkoholismus; Alkoholsucht; Alkoholabhängigkeit alcoolismo
107 |
1 Allergen alergéno
108 |
1 Allergie (gegen) alergia (a...)
109 |
1 allergisch (gegen) alérgico (a...)
110 |
1 Allergologe alergologista
111 |
1 allgemein gutes Niveau hinsichtlich Pflege und Wohlbefinden aufrecht erhalten manter bom nivel de cuidados gerais e de conforto
112 |
1 Allgemeinnarkose; Vollnarkose anestesia geral
113 |
1 Allgemeinzustand estado geral
114 |
1 allseits lebhaft seitengleich auslösbare Reflexe os reflexos podem ser provocados de igual modo em ambos os lados
115 |
1 Alopecia; Alopezie; Haarausfall; Kahlheit alopécia
116 |
1 alpha-Amylzimtaldehyd aldeído alfa-amilcinâmico
117 |
1 alpha-Hexylzimtaldehyd aldeído alfa-hexilcinâmico
118 |
1 ALT Alanin-Aminotransferase ALT
119 |
1 A.L.T. A.L.T. (alanine transaminas)
120 |
1 Alveolitis alveolite
121 |
1 Alveolus; Alveole alvéolo
122 |
1 amalgam amálgama
123 |
1 Amalgam amálgama
124 |
1 AmalgamLegierungsmetalle liga metálica da amálgama
125 |
1 Amaurose; Blindheit amaurose
126 |
1 Amaurosis fugax amaurose fugaz
127 |
1 Amblyopie ambliopia
128 |
1 Amblyop(s)ie; Schwachsichtigkeit; Sehschwäche ambliopia
129 |
1 ambulant ambulante
130 |
1 Ambulanz ambulância
131 |
1 Amcinonid amcinonida
132 |
1 Amenorrhö amenorreia
133 |
1 Amenorrhoe amenorréia
134 |
1 Aminosäure aminoácido
135 |
1 Ammoniumpersulfat persulfato de amónio
136 |
1 Ammoniumtetrachloroplatinat tetracloroplatinato de amónio
137 |
1 amnestisch amnésico
138 |
1 Amniozentese amniocentese
139 |
1 Amöbe ameba
140 |
1 Amöbiasis amebiase
141 |
1 Amphetamine anfetamina
142 |
1 Amplitude amplitude
143 |
1 Ampulle; Ampulla ampola
144 |
1 Amputation amputação
145 |
1 Amyelhämie anemia aplástica
146 |
1 Amygdalae amigdalas cerebelosas
147 |
1 Amylase amilase
148 |
1 Amylase amílase
149 |
1 Amyloid amilóide
150 |
1 Amylzimtalkohol álcool amilcinâmico
151 |
1 anaerob anaeróbio
152 |
1 Analerkrankungen doenças orificiais anais
153 |
1 Analgesie; Analgie analgesia
154 |
1 Analgetika analgésicos
155 |
1 Analgetikum; Schmerzmittel analgésico
156 |
1 Analyse análise
157 |
1 Anämie anemia
158 |
1 anämisch anémico
159 |
1 anämischer / ischämischer Infarkt acidente isquémico
160 |
2 Anamnese anamnese
161 |
1 anaphylaktisch anafiláctico
162 |
1 Anästhesie; Anästhesie-Abteilung anestesiologia
163 |
1 Anästhesie anestesia
164 |
1 Anästhesist anestesista
165 |
1 Anästhetikum anestésico
166 |
1 Anastomose anastomose
167 |
1 Anatomie anatomia
168 |
1 anatomisch anatómico
169 |
1 Anatomische Pinzette pinça de dissecção
170 |
1 Androgen androgénio
171 |
1 Androgenresistsenz androgenicidade
172 |
1 Andrologie andrologia
173 |
1 Anenze-phalie anencefalia
174 |
2 Aneurysma aneurisma
175 |
1 Aneurysma-Clipping clipagem de aneurisma
176 |
1 anfordernder Arzt medico requisitante
177 |
1 angemessen; angepaßt adequado
178 |
1 angepasste Behandlung/Therapie terapeutica orientadora
179 |
1 Angiektasie angiectasia
180 |
1 Angi(i)tis angeíte
181 |
1 Angina angina
182 |
1 Angina pectoris angina de peito
183 |
1 Angioblastom angioblastoma
184 |
1 Angiographie angiografia
185 |
1 Angiom(a) angioma
186 |
1 angioneurotisches Ödem angioedema
187 |
1 Angiopathia; Angiopathie; Gefäßkrankheit angiopatia
188 |
1 Angor angor
189 |
1 (angrenzende) Bauchorgane órgãos abdominais afins
190 |
1 Angst angústia
191 |
1 Angst ansiedade
192 |
1 ängstlich ansioso
193 |
1 anguläre Fehlbildung deformidade angular
194 |
1 Anhedonie anedonia
195 |
1 Anhidrose anidrose
196 |
1 Anhörung audição
197 |
1 anikterisch anictérico
198 |
1 Anisokorie anisocoria
199 |
1 Anisozytose anisocitose
200 |
1 Anisylalkohol álcool anísico
201 |
1 Ankylose; Gelenksteife ancilose
202 |
1 Ankylose; Gelenksteife anquilose
203 |
1 Anomalie; Fehlbildung anomalia
204 |
1 anorektale Inkontinenz incontinência de esficteres
205 |
1 anorektisch anoréctico
206 |
1 Anorexia; Anorexie anorexia
207 |
1 Anosmie anosmia
208 |
1 Anosognosie anosognosia
209 |
1 anovulatorisch anovulotário
210 |
1 anpassen; anwenden; auflegen; verabreichen adaptar
211 |
1 ansprechbar, mitwirkend und orientert in räumlich/zeitlicher Beziehung CCO no E/T/P
212 |
1 Antagonist antagonista
213 |
1 Anteversio anteversão
214 |
1 Antibiogramm antibiograma
215 |
1 Antibiotikatherapie antibioterapia
216 |
1 Antibiotikum antibiótico
217 |
1 Anticholinergikum anticolinérgico
218 |
1 Antidepressivum antidepressivo
219 |
1 Antidot; Gegengift, Gegenmittel antídoto
220 |
1 Antiemetikum antiemético
221 |
1 Antigen antigénio
222 |
1 Antihistaminika anti-histamínicos
223 |
1 Antihypertensivum; Antihypertonikum anti-hipertensor
224 |
1 Antikoagulantien; blutgerinnungshemmende Mittel anti-coagulantes
225 |
1 Antikonvulsivum anticonvulsivo
226 |
1 Antikörper anticorpo
227 |
1 antimikrobielle Chemotherapeutika quimioterápicos antimicrobianos
228 |
1 antimykotisch antimicótico
229 |
1 Antiparkinsonica; Antiparkinsonika; Anti-Parkinson-Mittel antiparkinsónico
230 |
1 Antipyretikum; fiebersenkend antipirético
231 |
1 Antiseptikum anti-séptico
232 |
1 Antrektomie antrectomia
233 |
1 antrotympanische Höhlen, Höhlen des Antrium Tympanicum cavidade antro-timpânicas
234 |
1 Antrum antro
235 |
1 Anurie anúria
236 |
1 Aorteninsuffizienz IAo = insuficiência aértica
237 |
1 apallisch apálico
238 |
1 Apathie; Teilnahmslosigkeit apatia
239 |
1 apathisch; teilnahmslos apático
240 |
1 Aphasie afasia
241 |
1 Aphonie afonia
242 |
1 aphonisch afónico
243 |
1 Aphthen afta
244 |
1 Aplasie aplasia
245 |
1 aplastisch aplástico
246 |
1 aplastische Anämie anemia hemolítica
247 |
1 Apnoe apneia
248 |
1 Aponeurose aponevrose; aponeurose
249 |
1 Apophyse apófise
250 |
1 Apoplexia cerebri; zerebrale Durchblutungsstörung; Schlaganfall acidente vascular cerebral (AVC)
251 |
1 Appendikostomie apendicectomia
252 |
1 Appendix vermiformis; Caecum; Zäkum apêndice
253 |
1 Appendizitis apendicite
254 |
1 Appetit apetite
255 |
1 applizieren; verarbreichen aplicar
256 |
1 Apraxie apraxia
257 |
1 Arachnidismus aracrneismo
258 |
1 Arachnoidea aracnóide
259 |
1 Arachnoiditis; Arachnitis aracnoidite
260 |
1 Arbeiten mit wechselnder Körperhaltung trabalhos com variação de postura
261 |
1 Arbeiten ohne besonderen Zeitdruck trabalhos sem imposição de prazos apertados
262 |
1 Arbeiten regelmässig verrichten efectuar trabalhos de forma regular
263 |
1 Arbeitstemperatur temperatura corporal
264 |
1 Arbeits- und Sozialanamnese antecedentes socioprofissionais
265 |
1 Areflexie arrefléxia
266 |
1 Arm braço
267 |
1 Arrhytmia; Arrhythmie arritmia
268 |
1 Artefakt artefacto
269 |
1 Arteria communicans anterior artéria comunicante anterior
270 |
1 Arterie artéria
271 |
1 arteriell arterial
272 |
1 arterielle Hypertonie HTA (hipertensão arterial)
273 |
1 Arteriendruck PA
274 |
1 Arteriitis (temporale) arterite (temporal)
275 |
1 Arteriole arteríola
276 |
1 Arteriopathie arteriopatia
277 |
1 Arteriosklerose arteriosclerose
278 |
1 Arthritis; Gelenkentzündung artrite
279 |
1 Arthropathia, Arthropathie artropatia
280 |
1 Arthrose; Arthrosis artrose
281 |
1 Arthroskopie artroscopia
282 |
1 Artikulation articulação verbal
283 |
1 Art und Inhalt des Behältnisses Natureza e conteúdo do recipiente
284 |
1 Arzneimittel für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Manter os medicamentos fora do alcance das crianças!
285 |
1 Arzneimittel medicamento
286 |
1 Arztbericht boletim médico
287 |
1 Arzt, der den Bericht anfertigt medico relator
288 |
1 Arzt in der Facharztausbildung, Assistenzarzt residente médico
289 |
1 Arztkonsultation consulta
290 |
1 ärztliche Erklärung/Bescheinigung declaração médica
291 |
1 ärztlicher Bericht angefertigt von Dr. med. médico que efectuou o exame
292 |
1 ärztliche Soforthilfe cuidados médicos urgentes
293 |
1 ärztliche Untersuchung tratamento médico
294 |
1 Ascaris lumbricoides ascáride
295 |
1 aseptisch; keimfrei; steril asséptico
296 |
1 Assistenz bei der ärztlichen Behandlung apoio ao acto médico
297 |
1 AST Aspartat-Aminotransferase AST
298 |
1 A.S.T. A.S.T. (aspartate aminotransferase)
299 |
1 Asteroid Hyalosis hialosis asteróide
300 |
1 Asthenia astenia
301 |
1 ästhetischer Schaden dano estetico
302 |
1 Asthma asma
303 |
1 Asthmaattacke ataque de asma
304 |
1 Asthmatiker asmático
305 |
1 Astigmatismus astigmatismo
306 |
1 Astrozyt astrócito
307 |
1 Astrozytom astrocitoma
308 |
1 Asymmetrie; Schiefe; Ungleichmäßigkeit assimetria
309 |
1 asymmetrisch; unsymmetrisch assimétrico
310 |
1 asymptomatisch assintomático
311 |
2 Aszites ascite
312 |
1 ataktischer Gang ataxia da marcha
313 |
1 ataktischer Gang marcha atáxica
314 |
1 Ataxia; Ataxie ataxia
315 |
1 Atelektase atelectasia
316 |
1 Atemgymnastik ginástica de respiração
317 |
1 Atemnotsyndrom (ANS) SDR
318 |
1 Atemweg via respiratória
319 |
1 Atherom ateroma
320 |
1 Atherosklerose aterosclerose
321 |
1 Athetose atetose
322 |
1 Atmosphäre atmosfera relacional
323 |
1 Atmungsinsuffiizienz insuficiência respiratória
324 |
1 Atmungsorgane aparelho respiratório
325 |
1 Atonie atonia
326 |
1 Atresie atrésia
327 |
1 atriale Fibrilation FA = fibrilação atrial
328 |
1 atriale Fibrillation Fibrilação atrial
329 |
1 Atrophie atrofia
330 |
1 Atropinsulfat sulfato de atropina
331 |
1 Attacke ataque
332 |
1 Attest atestado médico
333 |
1 Atypie atipia
334 |
1 atypisch atípico
335 |
1 atypische Pneumonie pneumonia atipica
336 |
1 Audiogramm; Hörkurve audiograma
337 |
1 aufgrund einer schnell eintretenden por quadro de instalação súbita
338 |
1 Aufnahme atendimento
339 |
1 Aufnahmebefund diagnóstico de entrada
340 |
1 Aufnahmedatum data de admissão
341 |
1 aufnahmedatum data de entrada
342 |
1 Âufnahme; Einweisung admissão
343 |
1 Aufnahmen aus schräg seitlicher Richtung und senkrecht von oben incidências médio-laterais e crânio-caudais
344 |
1 Aufnahmenummer número de entrada
345 |
1 Aufnahme von Informationen integração de informação
346 |
1 Aufprallenergie energia de impacto
347 |
1 aufsteigend ascendente
348 |
1 Aufwacheinheit recuperação pós-anestésica
349 |
1 Aufwacheinheit RPA
350 |
1 aufwachen acordado
351 |
1 Aufwachen (beim Aufwachen); Erwachen acordar (ao acordar)
352 |
1 Aufwachraum recuperação anestésica
353 |
1 aufweichen macerar
354 |
1 Aufzeichnung im Wachzustand registo em vigilia
355 |
1 Aufzeichnungslinie / -kurve traçado
356 |
1 Augengewebe tecido ocular
357 |
1 ausgebreitet/dehnt auf den Parietalknochen irradiado ao osso parietal
358 |
1 ausgeprägt acentuado
359 |
1 Ausmass und Stadium graduação e estadiamento
360 |
1 Ausrichtung der Wirbelsäule alinhamento vertebral
361 |
1 ausspülen bochechar
362 |
1 Auswertung interpretação
363 |
1 Auswirkung resultado
364 |
1 Autoimmun- autoimune
365 |
1 autoimmune Spondyloarthropathie espondiloartropatia auto-imune
366 |
1 automatischer externer Defilibrator DAE
367 |
1 Autopsie durchführen autopsiar
368 |
1 Autopsie; Leichenschau; Obduktion autópsia
369 |
1 autosomal autosómico
370 |
1 auto- und allopsychisch orientiert orientado auto e alopsiquicamente
371 |
1 AV-Block bloqueiro aurículo-ventricular
372 |
1 Avulsionsfraktur fractura avulsão
373 |
1 axiale craniale Computertomographie tomografia axial computorizada crânio-encefálica
374 |
1 axiale, koronale und sagittale Aufnahmen imagens axiais, coronais e sagitais
375 |
1 axiales Schnittbild corte axial
376 |
1 Axilla axila
377 |
1 azidophil acidófilo
378 |
1 Azidose (metabolische / respiratorische) acidose (metabólica / respiratória)
379 |
1 Azoospermie azoospermia
380 |
1 Azotämie azotemia
381 |
2 azyanotisch acianótico
382 |
1 Bacillus, Pl. Bacilli, Bac. bacilo
383 |
1 Bacitracin bacitracina
384 |
1 Bacterium; Pl. Bacteria batéria
385 |
1 Bakteriämie bacteriemia
386 |
1 Bakterien bactérias
387 |
1 Bakteriologie bacteriologia
388 |
1 Bakteriurie bacterúria
389 |
1 Balanitis balanite
390 |
1 Ballismus; ballistisches Syndrom balismo
391 |
1 Balsam bálsamo
392 |
1 Bandscheibe disco vertebral
393 |
1 Bandscheibe L4 L4
394 |
1 Bandscheibenprotusion protusão discal
395 |
1 Bandscheibenvorfall hérnia discal
396 |
1 Barbiturat; Schlafmittel barbitúrico
397 |
1 Basaliom; Basalioma; Basalzellenkrebs; Basalzellkarzinom basalioma
398 |
1 Base alcalino
399 |
1 Basophile basofilos
400 |
1 Bauch barriga
401 |
1 Bauchinnendruck pressão abdominal
402 |
1 Baummoos musgo de árvore
403 |
1 Beckenboden pavimento pélvico
404 |
1 Beckenkamm crista iliaca
405 |
1 Beckenring anel da bacia
406 |
1 Becken unter Belastung bacia em carga
407 |
1 bedindet sich in laufender ambulanter Behandlung é seguida em consulta
408 |
1 Beeinträchtigung der Lebensfreude prejuizo de afirmação pessoal
409 |
1 Beeinträchtigung desvalorização
410 |
1 Beendigung der Erwerbstätigkeit cessão do trabalho
411 |
1 befallen atacar
412 |
1 Befund achado
413 |
1 Befund diagnóstico
414 |
1 Befund exame clinico
415 |
1 beginnende degenerative Veränderungen incipientes alterações degenerativas
416 |
1 begleitender Arzt médico assistente
417 |
1 begleitende Umstände circunstâncias ambientais
418 |
1 Begleitperson acompanhante
419 |
1 Begleitung seguimento
420 |
1 begrenzt; gekennzeichnet; abgegrenzt marcado
421 |
1 behandelnder Arzt médico assistente
422 |
1 beißen morder
423 |
1 Belastungsinkontinenz incontinência de stress
424 |
1 Belastungsinkontinenz incontinência urinária de esforço
425 |
1 benigne; gutartig benigno
426 |
1 Benzaldehyd benzaldeído
427 |
1 Benzalkoniumchlorid cloreto de benzalcónio
428 |
1 Benzisothiazolin-3-on benzotiazolin-3-ona
429 |
1 Benzocain benzocaína
430 |
1 Benzophenon-4 benzofenona-4
431 |
1 Benzotriazol benzotriazol
432 |
1 Benzoylperoxid peróxido de benzoíla
433 |
1 Benzylalkohol álcool benzílico
434 |
1 Benzylbenzoat benzoato de benzilo
435 |
1 Benzylcinnamat cinamato de benzilo
436 |
1 Benzylhemiformal benzil-hemiformal
437 |
1 Benzylsalicylat salicilato de benzilo
438 |
1 Beriberi beribéri
439 |
1 Bernhardt Syndrom; Meralgia paresthetica meralgia parestética
440 |
1 berufliche Beeinträchtigung rebate profissional
441 |
1 Berufsunfall acidente do trabalho
442 |
1 beschleunigt acelerado
443 |
1 beschwerdefrei sem queixas
444 |
1 Besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Aufbewahrung Precauções especiais de conservação
445 |
1 Besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Beseitigung Precauções especiais de eliminação
446 |
1 besser werden; sich verbessern melhorar-se
447 |
1 Bestätigung validação
448 |
1 Beta-Blocker bloqueador-
449 |
1 Betamethason-17-valerat betametasona-17-valerato
450 |
1 betäuben anestesiar
451 |
1 betäubt; betrunken; berauscht bêbedo
452 |
1 Betonung; Verschärfung acentuação
453 |
1 Betreuungszentrum für Drogenabhängige Centro de atendimento a toxicodependentes
454 |
1 bettlägerig acamado
455 |
1 Bettpfanne arrastadeira
456 |
1 Beurteilung; Einschätzung; Untersuchung avaliação
457 |
1 Beutel unter dem Akromion und Deltamuskel bolsa subacrómio-deltoideia
458 |
1 Beweglichkeit; Motilität motilidade
459 |
1 Bewegungen (Kraft und Tonus) movimento (força muscular e tónus)
460 |
1 Bewegung movimento
461 |
1 Bewegungsablauf trajectoria de movimentos
462 |
2 Bewegungsapparat aparelho locomotor
463 |
1 bewegungsarm; bewegungslos; akinetisch acinético
464 |
1 Bewegungsartefakte artefactos de movimento
465 |
1 Bezeichnung designação
466 |
1 BGA (Blutgasanalyse) GSA
467 |
1 Bifukaration bifucaração
468 |
1 Bifurkation bifurcação
469 |
1 bilaterales Muster mit Mikroknötchen padrão micronodular bilateral
470 |
1 bilaterales vesikuläres Atemgeräusch ohne Nebengeräusche murmúrio vesicular mantido bilateralmente sem ruídos adventicios
471 |
1 bildgebende Verfahren estudos imagiológicos
472 |
1 bildgebende Verfahren imagiologia
473 |
1 bildgebende Verfahren serviço de imagiologia
474 |
1 Bildung von Knötchen formação nodular
475 |
1 biliär; biliaris biliar
476 |
1 Biliburin biliburrina
477 |
1 bimanueller Koordinationstest teste de coordenação bimanual
478 |
1 Binde; Verband atadura
479 |
1 binocular binocular
480 |
1 Biochemie bioquímica
481 |
482 |
1 Bismark Brown R Bismark Brown R
483 |
1 Biß mordedura
484 |
1 Bithionol bitionol
485 |
1 bitter amargo
486 |
1 Bizeps bicipite
487 |
1 Bizeps bicípite
488 |
1 Bläschentest teste bolhas
489 |
1 Blase bolha
490 |
1 Blasenautomatie; Reflexblase bexiga reflexa
491 |
1 Blasenentleerung; Harnausscheidung, Harnabgang; Miktion; Wasserlassen micção
492 |
1 Blasenhals colo da bexiga
493 |
1 Blasenkatheter algália
494 |
1 Blasen-/Mastdarmstörung distúrbio recto-vesical
495 |
1 Blasenschliessmuskel esfincter urinário
496 |
1 Blasenverweilkatheter cateter urinário permanente
497 |
1 Blastom blastoma
498 |
1 bleiben; bewahren manter-se
499 |
1 Blendung deslumbramento
500 |
1 Blepharitis; Lidrandentzündung blefarite
501 |
1 Blepharospasmus; Lidkrampf blefarospasmo
502 |
1 Blicklähmung paralisia ocular
503 |
1 Blisterpackung blister
504 |
1 Blockierung, Blockade; Verstopfung bloqueio
505 |
1 Blutalkoholkonzentration alcoolémia
506 |
1 Blutbank banco de sangue
507 |
1 Blutdruck (in Ruhe) tensão arterial (em repouso)
508 |
1 Blutdruckmessgerät esfigmomanómetro
509 |
1 Blutdrucksenkung baixa tensional
510 |
1 Blutdruck TA
511 |
1 Blutfrequenz FA
512 |
1 Blut-Hirn-Schranke (BHS) barreira hematoencefálica
513 |
1 Blut-Kammerwasserschranke barreira hemato-aquosa
514 |
1 Blutplättchen plaquetas
515 |
1 Blutprobe análise de sangue
516 |
1 Blutvergiftung sepsia (envenenamento do sangue)
517 |
1 Blutzuckerspiegel taxa de glicemia
518 |
1 bösartig; maligne maligno
519 |
1 Botulismus botulismo
520 |
1 Bradykardie bradicárdia
521 |
1 Bradykinesie bradicinésia
522 |
1 bradykinetisch bradicinético
523 |
1 Brechpfanne bacia vomito
524 |
1 Brennen ardor
525 |
1 brennend ardente
526 |
1 Brennen der Augen ardor oculares
527 |
1 Bronchialasthma asma brônquica
528 |
1 Bronchiektase bronquietasia
529 |
1 Bronchiektasie; Bronchiektase bronciectasia / bronquiectasia
530 |
1 Bronchiolitis bronchiolite
531 |
1 Bronchitis bronquite
532 |
1 Bronchodilatator broncodilatador
533 |
1 Bronchokonstriktion broncoconstrição
534 |
1 Bronchopneumonie broncopneumonia
535 |
1 bronchopulmonale Eiterungen suporações broncopulmonares
536 |
2 Bronchoskopie broncoscopia
537 |
1 Bronchospasmus broncospasmo
538 |
1 Bronchotrachealbaum árvore traqueobrônquica
539 |
1 Bronopol bronopol
540 |
1 Bruchfläche topo da fractura
541 |
1 Bruchheilung consolidação
542 |
1 Brustkorb meio-corpo
543 |
1 Brustkorbschmerzen toracalgia
544 |
1 Brustkorbverletzung traumatismo torácico
545 |
1 Brust; Mamma mama
546 |
1 Brustwarze; Mammilla; Mamille mamilo
547 |
1 Buckel; Höcker bossa
548 |
1 Budesonid budesonido
549 |
1 Bufexamac bufexamac
550 |
1 bukkal; buccalis bucal
551 |
1 Bulbus; Knolle bulbo
552 |
1 BUN Blut-Harnstoff-Stickstoff BUN
553 |
1 Bupivacain Bupivacaina
554 |
1 Bursektomie bursectomia
555 |
1 Bursitis bursite
556 |
1 Butyl-4-hydroxybenzoat 4-hidroxibenzoato de butilo
557 |
1 Butylglycidylether éter butil glicidílico
558 |
1 Butylhydroxyanisol butil-hidroxianisol
559 |
2 Butylhydroxytoluol butilhidroxitolueno
560 |
1 Bypass by-pass
561 |
1 Cage cage
562 |
1 Cageplastik cage sintético
563 |
1 Carotisachse eixo carotideo
564 |
1 Carotis-Sinus-cavernosus-Fistel fistula carótida-cavernosa
565 |
1 Carpus; Handwurzel articulação do punho
566 |
1 Cefazolin cefazolina
567 |
1 C-Erb 2 Cerb 2
568 |
1 cereberales CT TAC cerebrale
569 |
1 cerebrale corticale Sulci sulcos corticais cerebrais
570 |
1 Cervikobrachialgie cervicobraquialgia
571 |
1 Cetalkoniumchlorid cloreto de cetalconio
572 |
1 Cetylpyridiniumchlorid cloreto de cetilpiridínio
573 |
1 Cetylstearylalkohol álcool cetilestearílico
574 |
1 Chefarzt médico-chefe
575 |
1 Chetiapin quetiapina
576 |
1 Chinidinsulfat sulfato de quinidina
577 |
1 Chirurgenkittel bata cirurgica
578 |
1 Chirurgie in der Tokologie tocurgia
579 |
1 Chirurgie-Set kit de cirurgia
580 |
1 chirurgische Bürste mit Chlorhexidin escova cirurgica c/clorohexidi
581 |
1 chirurgische Fertigkeit distreza cirúrgica
582 |
1 chirurgische Indikation indicação cirurgica
583 |
1 chirurgischer Nahttrainer plataforma de cirurgia
584 |
1 Chloracetamid cloroacetamida
585 |
1 Chloramphenicol cloranfenicol
586 |
1 Chlorcresol clorocresol
587 |
1 Chlorhexidindigluconat digluconato de clorexidina
588 |
1 (Chlor)Methylisothiazolon (cloro)metilisotiazolinona
589 |
1 Chlorquinaldol cloroquinaldol
590 |
1 Chlorxylenol cloroxilenol
591 |
1 chromatischer Sehtest teste de visão cromática
592 |
1 chromosomale Anomalien anomalia cromossómica
593 |
1 Chromosomenaberration aberração cromossómica
594 |
1 chronische Bronchitis bronquite crónica
595 |
1 Cinchocainhydrochlorid cloridrato de cinchocaína
596 |
1 Cisterna interpeduncularis cisterna da base
597 |
1 Citral citral
598 |
1 Citronellol citronelol
599 |
1 Clioquinol clioquinol
600 |
1 Clipping clip
601 |
1 Clobetasol-17-propionat 17-propionato de clobetasol
602 |
1 Clotrimazol clotrimazol
603 |
1 Cocamidopropylbetain cocamidopropilbetaína
604 |
1 computergestützt informatizado
605 |
1 COX-2-Hemmer COX 2
606 |
1 Creatinphosphokinase creatinofosfoquinase
607 |
1 Cresylglycidylether cresilglicidil éter
608 |
1 CT-Angiographe des Thorax Angio TC torácico
609 |
1 CT der Lendenwirbelsäule TAC coluna lombar
610 |
1 CT der Wirbelsäule TC coluna vertrebral
611 |
1 CT des Bauchraums TC abdominal
612 |
1 CT des Becken(raums) TC pélvico
613 |
1 CT des Torax TC torácico
614 |
1 Cumarin cumarina
615 |
1 Cyclohexylthiophthalimid ciclohexiltioftalimida
616 |
1 Cystocele cistocele
617 |
1 cystotonometrisch cistotonométrico
618 |
1 Darmatonie atonia intestinal
619 |
1 Darmbein íleo
620 |
1 Darm-Helminthen helmintos intestinais
621 |
1 Darmparasitose parasitose intetestinal
622 |
1 Darstellung conteúdo
623 |
1 Datum der Entlassung mit anschl. Betreuung data de alta social
624 |
1 Dauer der Haltbarkeit Prazo de validade
625 |
1 dauerhaft arbeitsunfähig portadora de incapacidade
626 |
1 Dauerinvalidität incapacidade permanente
627 |
1 D-Dimere D-dimeros
628 |
1 Dehnungsstreifen estrias
629 |
1 dem Alter angemessen adeuqado à idade
630 |
1 Denkform oder Denkinhalt forma ou conteúdo de pensamento
631 |
1 depressives Krankheitsbild quadro depressivo
632 |
1 derzeitige Behandlung terapêutica em curso
633 |
1 Detailansicht des Knochens detalhe osseo
634 |
1 Deuteranomalie deuteranomalia
635 |
1 Deuteranopie Deuteranopia
636 |
1 deutlich symmetrisch sensivelmente simetrico
637 |
1 Dexpanthenol dexpantenol
638 |
1 Dezeleration abrandamento
639 |
1 dezente zirkumferentieller Bandscheibenüberhang discreto bombeamento discal circunferencial
640 |
1 Di-2-Ethylhexylphthalat di-2-etil-hexil-ftalato
641 |
1 Diabetis Mellitus DM
642 |
1 Diagnosegenauigkeit acuidade diagnóstica
643 |
1 diaphysäre Fraktur fractura diafisária
644 |
1 Diazolidinylharnstoff diazolidinil ureia
645 |
1 Dibenzothiazyldisulfid dibenzotiazol dissulfito
646 |
1 Dibromdicyanobutan dibromo dicianobutano
647 |
1 Dibutylphthalat ftalato de dibutilo
648 |
1 Dibutylthioharnstoff dibutiltioureia
649 |
1 Dichlorophen diclorofenol
650 |
1 Diclofenac diclofenaco
651 |
1 die Einsatzbeschränkungen bestehen auf Dauer as restrições são permanentes
652 |
1 diensthabender Leiter director de serviço
653 |
1 Diethanolamin dietanolamina
654 |
1 diffuse Bauchschmerzen dores abdominais difusas
655 |
1 digitale Angiografie angiografia digital
656 |
1 digitale Radiologie radiologia digital
657 |
1 digitales, laterales Topogramm topograma digital lateral
658 |
1 Diglycolamin diglicolamina
659 |
1 Dimethylphthalat ftalato de dimetilo
660 |
1 Dinatriumsalz sal dissódico
661 |
1 Dipentamethylenthiuramdisulfid dissulfureto de dipentametilenetiurama
662 |
1 Dipenten dipenteno
663 |
1 Diphenylthioharnstoff difeniltioureia
664 |
1 Dipropylenglycol dipropilenoglicol
665 |
1 Disarthie disartria
666 |
1 diskreter Knochenkallus discreto calo ósseo
667 |
1 Dispersionsblau azul disperso
668 |
1 Dispersionsgelb amarelo disperso
669 |
1 Dispersionsorange laranja disperso
670 |
1 Dispersionsrot vermelho disperso
671 |
1 distales Drittel des Unterarmes terço distal do antebraço
672 |
1 Diurethandimethacrylat diuretano dimetacrilato
673 |
1 dl-Limonen dl-limoneno
674 |
1 DNS (Desoxyribonucleinsäure) ácido desoxiribonucléico (DNA)
675 |
1 Dodecylgallat galato de dodecilo
676 |
1 doppelseitig; bilateral bilateral
677 |
1 Dopplersonographie DTC
678 |
1 Doppler-Ultraschall dopplerfluxometria
679 |
1 dorsale Kyphose cifose dorsal
680 |
1 dorsaler Oberarm braço superior dorsal
681 |
1 Dorsalfläche face dorsal
682 |
1 Dosierung anpassen ajuste da dose
683 |
1 Dranginkontinenz incontinência urinária por impulso
684 |
1 dreifach orientiert com orientação tripla
685 |
1 Dreiweghahn torneira de 3 vias
686 |
1 Duftstoff-Mix mistura de perfumes
687 |
1 Dünnflüssiges Paraffin parafina líquida
688 |
1 Duralsack saco dural
689 |
1 Durchflusskontrolle controlo de debito
690 |
1 Durchmesser des Knochenmarkbildes calibre da imagem da medula
691 |
1 Düse für Spirometer bocal para espirómetro
692 |
1 Dysästhesie disestesia
693 |
1 Dyskorie discoria
694 |
1 dysrhytmische und abfallende Elektrogenese ohne Feststellung pathologischer Vorfälle electrogenese disritmica e deprimida sem definier acidentes patológicos
695 |
1 dystrophe Kalzifizierung calcificação distrófica
696 |
1 Echokardiogramm ecocardiograma
697 |
1 Edetinsäure ácido edético
698 |
1 Edetinsäure Dinatriumsalz ácido edético sal dissódico
699 |
1 Eichenmoos musgo de pinheiro
700 |
1 Einatmen (von...); Aspiration; Ansaugen; Verschlucken aspiração (de...)
701 |
1 eine angepasste Arbeit verrichten realizar um trabalho adaptado
702 |
1 einfacher Reaktions- und Wahltest teste de reacçõs simples e de escolha
703 |
1 einfaches Elektrokardiogramm, Ableitung mit 12 Kanälen electrocardiograma simples de 12 derivações
704 |
1 einheitliches Gesundheitssystem sistema único de saúde
705 |
1 Einklemmung des Nervenstranges compromisso do conteúdo nervoso
706 |
1 Einmal-Rasierklinge gilete descartável
707 |
1 Einsatzbeschränkungen restrições
708 |
1 einschlafen adormecer
709 |
1 Einschlafen; Odormitio adormecimento
710 |
1 Einsetzen der Symptome modo de instalação
711 |
1 Einteilung und Bearbeitung der Proben separação e execução de ensaios
712 |
1 Eintrittspforte porta de entrada
713 |
1 Einwärtsschielen estrabismo convergente
714 |
1 Einweganzug fato descartavel
715 |
1 Einweg-Spekulum espéculo descartável
716 |
1 Einwegunterhose cueca descartável
717 |
1 Einweisung, Krankenhausaufenthalt, Aufnahme internamento
718 |
1 Eiweissynthese sintese de albumina
719 |
1 Ejektionsfraktion (EF) EF = fracção de ejecção
720 |
1 EKG = Elektrokardiogramm ECG = electrocardiograma
721 |
1 Ektasie ectasia
722 |
1 ektopische Schwangerschaft prenhez ectópica
723 |
1 elastische Binde ligadura elástica
724 |
1 Elektrogenese an der Kopfoberfläche electrogenese basilar
725 |
1 elektromedizinische Geräte equipamentos electromédicos
726 |
1 empfängnisverhütend anticoncepcional
727 |
1 enddiastolisches Blutvolumen´im Herzventrikel volume diastlico ventricular
728 |
1 Endokarditis endomiocardiopatia
729 |
1 endokrnes System sistema endocrino
730 |
1 Endopthalmitis endoftalmite
731 |
1 endotracheale Intubation entubação traqueal
732 |
1 endotracheale Intubation intubação traqueal
733 |
1 energiedispersive Spektroskopie espectroscopia com energia dispersiva
734 |
1 Enterobakterien enterobactérias
735 |
1 enthalten im existente em
736 |
1 Entlassdatum data de alta
737 |
1 Entlassungsbericht relatório de alta
738 |
1 Entlassungsdatum data de alta
739 |
1 Entlassungsschein für gültig erklärt durch nota de alta validada por
740 |
1 Entnahmestelle local da colheita
741 |
1 Entschlackung purificação
742 |
1 Entwicklungstoxizität toxicidade para o desenvolvimento
743 |
1 Eosinophile eosinofilos
744 |
1 Ephedrin efedrina
745 |
1 Epicutantest-Hermal Epicutantest-Hermal
746 |
1 Epiphysenadenom adenoma pituitário
747 |
1 Epiphysiolyse epifisiólise
748 |
1 Episkleritis episclerite
749 |
1 Epithel celulas epiteliais
750 |
1 Epoxidharz resina epóxida
751 |
1 Erinnerungsvermögen, Gedächtnis memoria
752 |
1 er ist in der Gebrauchsfähigkeit seiner Sinnesorgane eingeschränkt sofre de restrição na utilização dos seus órgão dos sentidos
753 |
1 Erkältungsvirus virus de constipação
754 |
1 er kann die folgenden Arten von Arbeiten noch regelmässig verrichten pode efectuar de forma regular os seguintes tipos de actividade
755 |
1 erkennbar sein, sich abzeichnen individualizar-se
756 |
1 Erkennungsmuster padrão de sinal
757 |
1 erkranken; krank werden adoecer
758 |
1 Erkrankungen der Mediastinum doenças mediastinais
759 |
1 Erleichterung aliviar
760 |
1 Ernährung alimentação
761 |
1 ernährungsphysiologisch do ponto de vista da ciência de nutrição
762 |
1 Ernährungszustand estado de nutrição
763 |
1 Erreger agente
764 |
1 erste ärztliche Hilfe primeiros socorros
765 |
1 Erste-Hilfe-Massnahmen medidas de primeiros socorros
766 |
1 Erwachsen(r) adulto
767 |
1 Erweichung; Malazie malacia
768 |
1 erwerben adquirir
769 |
1 erwerbstätig sein excercer uma actividade remunerada
770 |
2 erwerbsunfähig incapacidade para o trabalho
771 |
1 erworben adquirido
772 |
1 Erythogramm eritograma
773 |
1 Erythromycin eritromicina
774 |
1 Esophorie esoforia
775 |
1 estudo histológico E. H.
776 |
1 Ethanol etanol
777 |
1 Ethylbicyclooxazolidin etilbiciclo-oxazolidina
778 |
1 Ethylendiamindihydrochlorid dihidrocloreto de etilenodiamina
779 |
1 Ethylenglycoldimethacrylat dimetacrilato de etilenoglicol
780 |
1 Eugenol eugenol
781 |
1 eupnoisch eupneico
782 |
1 Exophorie exoforia
783 |
1 explantierte Linse lente explantada
784 |
1 Extinktion; Auslöschung abolição
785 |
1 extra-axial extra-axial
786 |
1 Extremität; Glied membro
787 |
1 extrinsische Verformung moldagem etrínseca
788 |
1 Facharztausbildung residência médica
789 |
1 Fachinformation informação técnica
790 |
1 Fadenentfernung remoção dos pontos
791 |
1 Fähigkeit der Koordination statischer Bewegungen capacidade de cinestesia estática
792 |
1 Fallhand mão pendente
793 |
1 faltbare Linsen lentes dobráveis
794 |
1 Familiengesundheitszentrum unidade de saúde familiar
795 |
1 Farbwahrnehmung visão cromática
796 |
1 Farnesol farnesol
797 |
1 Fehlbildung; Malformation malformação
798 |
1 fehlend ausente
799 |
1 Fehlen (von...) ausência (de...)
800 |
1 Fehlernährung; Mangelernährung; Malnutrition; schlechte Ernährung má nutrição
801 |
1 Feinmotorik motrocidade fina
802 |
1 Feld campo
803 |
1 Fensterausschnitt janela
804 |
1 fetale Hypoxie sofrimento fetal
805 |
1 fiberoptisches Instrument feixe de fibras ópticas
806 |
1 Filiarose filiarose
807 |
1 Fleck; Pickel; Finne; Pustel, Pustula borbulha
808 |
1 Flexibilität; Flexibilitas; Beweglichkeit; Mobilität mobilidade
809 |
1 Flügel de homolateralen Hüftknochens asa do ilíaco homolateral
810 |
1 Flügel des Kreuzbeins asa do sacro
811 |
1 Flüssigkeitshaushalt balanço hídrico
812 |
1 fokale Änderungen alterações focais
813 |
1 fokale Läsion lesão focal
814 |
1 Folgeerscheingungen mindern reduzir sequelas
815 |
1 Folgeerscheinungen sequelas
816 |
1 Folgeerscheinungen sequelas residuais
817 |
1 Folsäure ácido fólico
818 |
1 Foramen magnum buraco magno
819 |
1 Foramen occipitale foramen occipital
820 |
1 Foramen occipitale magnum buraco occipital
821 |
1 Foramen ovale buraco oval
822 |
1 Formaldehydharz resina de formaldeído
823 |
1 fortlaufende Konsultationsnummer NSC (número de serviço de consulta)
824 |
1 fortschreitende Schädigung der Organsysteme deterioração progressiva dos sistemas orgânicos
825 |
1 Fortschritt avanço
826 |
1 fossa posterior fossa posterior
827 |
1 Frakturlinie traço de fractura
828 |
1 Fraktur von zwei Knöcheln fractura bimaleolar
829 |
1 Fremdkörperreaktion reacção de corpo estranho
830 |
1 frontobasaler Bereich região fronto-basal
831 |
1 frontoinsular fronto-insular
832 |
1 frontotemporale Kraniotomie craniotomia fronto-temporal
833 |
1 frontotemporal-parietal fronto-temporo-parietal
834 |
1 Fruchtblase bolsa amniótica
835 |
1 früher Tod; frühzeitiger Tod morte prematura
836 |
1 funktionale Anatomie morphofisiologia
837 |
1 Funktionseinschränkungen perturbações funcionais
838 |
1 Funktionsenschränkungen perturbações funcionais
839 |
1 Funktionsprüfungen und sonstige fachmedizinische Untersuchungen provas funcionais e outros estudos
840 |
1 Fußknöchel; Malleolus maléolo
841 |
1 Fußrücken arco dorsal do pé
842 |
1 Fusswurzel(knochen) tarsica
843 |
1 gähnen bocejar
844 |
1 Galle bílis
845 |
1 Gamma-Methylionon metil ionona gama
846 |
1 Gangapraxie apraxia da marcha
847 |
1 Gang; Gangart; Gehen; Gangmuster marcha
848 |
1 Gang marcha
849 |
1 ganze Extraktion grande extracção
850 |
1 gastroösophagoaler Reflux refluxo gastro-esofageano
851 |
1 Gastrostomie gastostomia
852 |
1 Gebrauchsinformation informações de utilização
853 |
1 Geburt bei Beckenendlage parto pélvico
854 |
1 Gedächtnis; Erinnerung memória
855 |
1 Gefäßfehlbildung malformação vascular (MAV)
856 |
1 Gefässhaut, Aderhaut úvea
857 |
1 Gefäss- und Lungenwiderstand resistência vascular pulmonar
858 |
1 Gefäss- und Lungenwiderstand RVP
859 |
1 Gehirnerschütterung traumatismo craneano
860 |
1 Gehirnschlagader ACP
861 |
1 Gehörknöchelchenkette cadeia ossicular
862 |
1 geistige Verwirrtheit confusão mental
863 |
1 gelbes Band ligamento amarelo (ligamentum flovum)
864 |
1 Gelenk; Artikulation; Articulatio articulação
865 |
1 Gelenkerguss derrame articular
866 |
1 Gelenkmobilisation mobilização articular
867 |
1 Gelenkpfanne acetábulo
868 |
1 Gelenkzwischenraum am Obeschenkelknochen entrelinhas articulares coxo-emorais
869 |
1 Generikum genérico
870 |
1 genetische Beratung aconselhamento genético
871 |
1 Geraniol geraniol
872 |
1 gereinigtes Wasser água purificada
873 |
1 Gerichtsmedizin; Rechtsmedizin medicina forense
874 |
1 gerontologische Pflege-/Betreuungseinrichtung recursos gerontologicos
875 |
1 gerontopsychiatrischer Patient doente gerontopsiquiátrico
876 |
1 Geschlechtsverkehr acto sexual
877 |
1 gestationsbedingte trophoblastische Neoplasie neplasia trofblástica gestacional
878 |
1 Gesundheit des Harnsystems saúde urinária
879 |
1 Gesundheitsbehandlung der Bevölkerung saúde comunitário
880 |
1 Gesundheitsfachkraft profissional de saúde
881 |
1 Gesundheitszentrum centro de saúde
882 |
1 gewebespezifisches Hämatom hematoma parenquimatosa
883 |
1 (Gewicht) zunehmen aumento de peso
884 |
1 G.G.T. G.G.T. (gama glutamil transpeptidase/transferase)
885 |
1 G II Anker âncora G II
886 |
1 Gipsschiene molde de gesso
887 |
1 Gipsschiene tala gessada
888 |
1 Glaskörperblutung hemorragia vitria
889 |
1 Glutaraldehyd glutaraldeído
890 |
1 Glycerylmonothioglycolat gliceril monotioglicolato
891 |
1 Glykämie glicemia
892 |
1 grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung cuidados de saúdo transfronteiriços
893 |
1 Größe; Höhe altura
894 |
1 Großwuchs; Makrosomie macrossomia
895 |
1 Grund (für) motivo (de)
896 |
1 Grundgelenk articulação metacarpofalângica
897 |
1 Gutachten beruht auf Befundberichten parecer baseado no relatório médico
898 |
1 gut differenzierbar bem especializado
899 |
1 Gute Besserung! melhor; Os melhores!
900 |
1 Haemophilus haemophilus
901 |
1 Halluzination alucinação
902 |
1 Halskrawatte colarinho cervical
903 |
1 Halswirbelkanal canal raquidiano
904 |
1 Halswirbelsäule coluna cervical
905 |
1 Halswirbelsäule ráquis cervical
906 |
1 Halszerrung entorse cervical
907 |
1 Haltung; Habitus atitude
908 |
1 Haltungsschäden, Körperfehlhaltungen deformidades posturais
909 |
1 Hämatologie hematologia
910 |
1 Hämaturie hematúria
911 |
1 Hämiglobin; Ferrihämoglobin metemoglobina
912 |
1 Hammer martelo
913 |
1 Hämodynamik hemodinamica
914 |
1 hämodynamisch hemodinamico
915 |
1 Hämoglobin H.B.
916 |
1 Hämogramm hemograma
917 |
1 Hämomediastinum hemomediastino
918 |
1 Hämoperitoneum hemoperitoneu
919 |
1 hämorrhagisch hemorrágico
920 |
1 Hämotorax hemotorax
921 |
1 Hämotympanon hemotimpano
922 |
1 Händigkeit destreza manual
923 |
1 Handlungsfähigkeiten aptidões operacionais
924 |
1 Hand mão
925 |
1 Handwurzel punho
926 |
1 Harnblase bexiga
927 |
1 Harndrang necessidade de urinar
928 |
1 Harnentleerung micção
929 |
1 Harnröhrenwiderstand resistência ao fluxo da urina através da uretra
930 |
1 Harnsäure ácido úrico
931 |
1 harntreibende Medikamente medicamentos diuréticos
932 |
1 Harn- und Geschlechtsorgane aparelho genito-unitário
933 |
1 Hartparaffin parafina dura
934 |
1 Haube der Drehmuskeln coifa dos rotadores
935 |
1 Häufigkeitsmass medida de frequência
936 |
1 Hauptast der Bronchien ramo principal dos brônquios
937 |
1 Hausarzt médico de família
938 |
1 Hausbesuch visita ao domicílio
939 |
1 Hautbiopsie biópsia cutânea
940 |
1 Hauthefter agrafador de pele
941 |
1 Hautplastik und Hauttransplantation retalhos e enxertos
942 |
1 HCO3 Hydrogencarbonat HCO3
943 |
1 Heim/Station für integrierte Langzeitpflege unidade de cuidados continuados e integrados
944 |
1 hemikranisch hemicranio
945 |
1 Hemiparese hemiparésia
946 |
1 Hepatomegalie hepatomegalia
947 |
1 Heredoataxie ataxia hereditária
948 |
1 Herklappenstruktur estrutura valvular
949 |
1 herunterhängende Struktur estrutura suspensa
950 |
1 Herzanfall ataques cardíacos
951 |
1 Herzauskultation auscultação cardiaca
952 |
1 Herzauskultation; das Herz abhören auscultação cardíaca (AC)
953 |
1 herzbeutel pericárdio
954 |
1 Herzfrequenz FC
955 |
1 Herzkammer auricula
956 |
1 Herzklappenplastik orovalvuloplastia
957 |
1 Herz- Kreislaufbelastung sobrecarga do sistema cardio-vascular
958 |
1 Herz-Lungen-Auskultation ACP
959 |
1 Herzmassage massagem cardíaca
960 |
1 Herzorhoferweiterung, vergrösserung crescimento atriais
961 |
1 Herzschlag batimento
962 |
1 Herzstörung perturbações cardíacas
963 |
1 Herztöne bulhas cardíacas
964 |
1 Heterogenität heterogeneidade
965 |
1 Heuschnupfen febre dos fenos
966 |
1 Hexylresorcin hexilresorcinol
967 |
1 hier liegt keine pathologische Diagnose/Befund vor sem patologia diagnosticada a este nível
968 |
1 Hilfe; um Hilfe bitten auxílio; pedir auxílio
969 |
1 Hilfe; Unterstützung apoio
970 |
1 Hilfsmittel meio auxiliar
971 |
1 hindeuten auf, Anzeichen für sugestivo de
972 |
1 hintere Gehirnschlagader artéria cerebral posterior
973 |
1 hinterer Rippenbogen arco posterior
974 |
1 Hirndurchblutungsstörung; Apoplexie acidente vascular cerebral (AVC)
975 |
1 Hirnhemisphäre hemisfério cerebral
976 |
1 Hirnschlagader artéria cerebral
977 |
1 Hirnstamm tronco cerebral
978 |
1 histologische Untersuchung E. H.
979 |
1 histologische Untersuchung estudo histologico
980 |
1 hochansteckend altamente contagioso / a
981 |
1 Hochschulabschluss in Krankenpflege licenciatura em enfermagem
982 |
1 Höhenangst acrofobia
983 |
1 Höhenkoller, Höhenkrankheit; Bergkoller, Bergkollerkrankheit mal das alturas
984 |
1 Hörapparat, Hörgerät aparelho acústico
985 |
1 Hormonologie hormonologia
986 |
1 Hörstörung, Hörfehler alteração da audição
987 |
1 Hörvermögen audição
988 |
1 Hüftgelenk articulação coxo-femural
989 |
1 Hüftkopflösung deslizamento do núcleo da cabeça femoral
990 |
1 Hüiftgelenk articulação coxo femoral
991 |
1 Hydantoin hidantoína
992 |
1 hydratisiert hidratado
993 |
1 Hydrochlorid cloridrato
994 |
1 Hydroxycitronellal hidroxicitronelal
995 |
1 Hydroxymethylpentylcyclohexencarboxaldehyd hidroximetilpentil-ciclo-hexeno-carboxaldeído
996 |
1 Hydrozephalie hidrocefalia
997 |
1 Hygrom higroma
998 |
1 Hymenopterismus himenopterismo
999 |
1 Hypafix Pflaster adesivo Hypafix
1000 |
1 Hypästhesie hipestesia
1001 |
1 Hypercholesterinämie hipercolesterolémia
1002 |
1 Hyperphorie hiperforia
1003 |
1 Hyphaema hifema
1004 |
1 Hypoalbuminämie hipoalbuminémia
1005 |
1 hypodense Fimbrien fímbrias hipodensas
1006 |
1 hypodense, kortiko-subkortikale Areale/Bereiche áreas hipodensas cortico-subcorticais
1007 |
1 Hyponatriämie hiponatrémia
1008 |
1 Hypophysenadenom adenoma da hipófise
1009 |
1 hypoplastisch hipoplásico
1010 |
1 Hyposensibilität hiposensibilidade
1011 |
1 Hyposphagma hiposfagma
1012 |
1 Ichthysmus ictismo
1013 |
1 Ihihara Tafeln lâminas de ishiara
1014 |
1 Immunhämatologie imuno-hematologia
1015 |
1 Immunoglobine imunoglobinas
1016 |
1 Implantatmaterial material de implante
1017 |
1 im Rahmen der Gesundheitsüberwachung sob regime de vigilância sanitária
1018 |
1 infektiöser Krankheitserreger micróbio patogénico infeccioso
1019 |
1 Infraspinatus IE
1020 |
1 Infusionssystem sistema administração de soro
1021 |
1 in grösserem Ausmass com maiores dimensões
1022 |
1 Inhalationstherapie inaloterapia
1023 |
1 Inkontinenz der Schliessmuskel incontinência de esfíncteres
1024 |
1 in langfristiger stationärer Pflege em serviço de estadia prolongada
1025 |
1 Innere Medizin clínica médica
1026 |
1 innerer periareolärer Bereich região periareolar interna
1027 |
1 in Ruhe em repouso
1028 |
1 in stationärer Behandlung befinden estar internado nos serviços
1029 |
1 Instrumentenschwester/pfleger instrumentista
1030 |
2 Intensivpflege cuidados intensivos
1031 |
1 interatriales Septum septo interatrial
1032 |
1 interatriales Septum SIA
1033 |
1 interkranielle Hypertension hipertensão endocraniana
1034 |
1 intermittierende Lichtstimulation estimulação iluminosa intermitente
1035 |
1 intersomatische Bandscheiben discos intersomáticos cervicais
1036 |
1 intersomatische Ebenen niveis intersomáticos
1037 |
1 Interventionsradiologie radiologia de intervenção
1038 |
1 interventrikuläre Kommunikation CIV
1039 |
1 Intima intima
1040 |
1 intrakranielles Hämatom hematoma intracraniano
1041 |
1 intrakranielle Verletzungen lesões endocranianas
1042 |
1 intra- oder extraaxial intra- ou extra-axial
1043 |
1 Intraokularlinse lente intraocular
1044 |
1 intraoperative Prüfung exploração intra-operatória
1045 |
1 intraparenchimatöse Ansammlung colecções intraparenquimatosas
1046 |
1 intra-uterines Pessar DIU
1047 |
1 intrauterine Umgebung ambiente intrauterino
1048 |
1 intravenös intravenoso
1049 |
1 Intubationsnarkose anestesia com intuabação traqueal
1050 |
1 invalidisierender Schmerz dor incapacitante
1051 |
1 invasives duktales Karzinom carcinoma ductal invasivo
1052 |
1 in Verbindung (mit...) associado (a...)
1053 |
1 In-Vitro Diagnostikum produtos para diagnóstico de Uso In vitro
1054 |
1 in Vollzeit tempo inteiro
1055 |
1 Iodpropinylbutylcarbamat Iodopropinil butilcarbamato
1056 |
1 Ionogramm des Harns ionograma urinário
1057 |
1 Iridozyklitis iridociclite
1058 |
1 ischämische Leukenzephalopathie leucoencefalopatia isquémica
1059 |
1 ischämische Optikusneuropathie neuropatia óptica isquêmica
1060 |
1 ischämischer Infarkt enfarte isquémico
1061 |
1 Ischialgie ciatalgia
1062 |
1 ischmämische Kardiopathie cardiopatia isquemica
1063 |
1 isodense Fimbrien fímbrias isodensas
1064 |
1 Isoeugenol isoeugenol
1065 |
1 Isomerengemisch mistura de isómeros
1066 |
1 Isopropylmyristat isopropil miristato
1067 |
1 ist auf Hilfe angewiesen encontra-se dependente
1068 |
1 Ist eine Nachuntersuchung erforderlich? o interessado deve ser examinado novamente
1069 |
1 Jersey-Schlauch manga de jersey
1070 |
1 Jugendliche(r) adolescente
1071 |
1 Kalkaneusfraktur fractura do calcâneo
1072 |
1 Kalkeinlagerung depósito de cálcio
1073 |
1 Kalzifizierungsprozess processo de calcificação
1074 |
1 Kalziumkanalblocker bloqueador dos canais de calcio
1075 |
1 Kammer der Krankenpfleger ordem dos enfermeiros
1076 |
1 Kanäle der Gehirn-Rückenmarksflüssigkeit vias de LCR (líquido cefalorraquidiono
1077 |
1 Kanäle mit durchlässiger Struktur canais de configuração permeáveis
1078 |
1 Kanüle agulha
1079 |
1 Kanüle Biovalve agulha biovalve
1080 |
1 Kapsel cp
1081 |
1 Kardiomegalie cardiomegalia
1082 |
1 kardiorenales Syndrom CRS
1083 |
1 Karotissiphon sifão carotideo
1084 |
1 Karzinomläsionen lesões de carcinoma
1085 |
1 Kassenarzt médico da caixa
1086 |
1 Katheterisierung; Katheterismus (der Blase) algaliação
1087 |
1 Katheterverband penso de cateter
1088 |
1 Kauen mastigação
1089 |
1 Kausalzusammenhang nexo de causalidade
1090 |
1 kavernöses Angiom angioma cavernoso
1091 |
1 Kayser-Fleischer Ring anel Kayser-Fleisher
1092 |
1 Keilbeinhöhle seio esfenoidal
1093 |
1 Keim germe
1094 |
1 Keimzellmutagenität mutagenicidade em células germinativas
1095 |
1 Kein gruppierter Mikrokalk vorhanden ausência de microcalcificações em agrupamento
1096 |
1 Kernspintomographie resonância magnética nuclear
1097 |
1 Kernspintomographie RMN
1098 |
1 Ketonoe corpos cetonicos
1099 |
1 Kiefernhöhle seio maxilar
1100 |
1 Kindersterblichkeit, Säuglingssterblichkeit mortalidade infantil
1101 |
1 Kindheit; Säuglingsalter, Kleinkindalter meninice
1102 |
1 Kinn mento
1103 |
1 Kirschner-Draht fio de Kirchner
1104 |
1 Klassifikation Garden III Garden III
1105 |
1 Klauenhand; Krallenhand mão em garra
1106 |
1 kleine Inzisionsfolie campo pequeno adesivo
1107 |
1 kleiner als ein Zentimeter infracentrimétrico
1108 |
1 Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel ângulo ponto-cerebeloso
1109 |
1 Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel ângulo ponto cerebeloso
1110 |
1 Kleinhirninfarkt enfarte sequelar cerebeloso
1111 |
1 Klinikbericht relatório clinico
1112 |
1 Klinik-/Krankenhauszentrum centro hospitalar
1113 |
1 klinischer Ansatz, klinisches Ermessen raciocínio clínico
1114 |
1 klinischer Befund achado
1115 |
1 Klinisches Team corpo clínico
1116 |
1 klinische Versorgung conduta clinica
1117 |
1 kniend ajoelhado
1118 |
1 Knochenfragment fragmento ósseo
1119 |
1 Knochenmark medula óssea
1120 |
1 Knochenmark; Medulla medula óssea
1121 |
1 Knochen rochedo
1122 |
1 Knochenstruktur plano ósseo
1123 |
1 Knorpelpfanne fossa glenoide
1124 |
1 Koagulationskaskade cascata da coagulação
1125 |
1 kogenital congenito
1126 |
1 Kohlenmonoxid monóxido de carbono
1127 |
1 Kokosnußdiethanolamid dietanolamida de coco
1128 |
1 Kolophonium colofónia
1129 |
1 kommunaler Krankenhausträger autarquia hospitalar
1130 |
1 komplette Inkontinenz incontinência urinária total
1131 |
1 Kompressionsstrumpf, Gummistrumpf meia elástica
1132 |
1 Koniotomie cricotireoidostomia
1133 |
1 Kontinuität der Haut continuidade da pele
1134 |
1 Kontrastmittel meio de contraste
1135 |
1 Kontrazeption, Antikonzeption; Empfängnisverhütung anticoncepção
1136 |
1 kontrollieren; überwachen monitorizar
1137 |
1 kontrollierte Reaktion der Herzkammer resposta ventricular controlada
1138 |
1 Kontusion trauma contuso
1139 |
1 Konzentrationsvermögen capacidade de concentração
1140 |
1 Koordinierungsstelle für den Rettungsdienst INEM
1141 |
1 koronale und sagittale Ausrichtung orientação coronal e sagital
1142 |
1 Koronararterien arterias coronárias
1143 |
1 kortikale Blindheit cegueira cortical
1144 |
1 kortikale Furchen sulcos corticais
1145 |
1 Kortikoidtherapie corticoterapia
1146 |
1 kostovertrebales Gelenk articulação costo-vertebral
1147 |
1 Kraftgrad grau de força
1148 |
1 kraniale CT TC CE
1149 |
1 Krankenbett leito
1150 |
1 Krankenpflegeforschung investigação em enfermagem
1151 |
1 Krankenpflege in der Erstversorgung enfermagem pré-hospitalar
1152 |
1 Krankenpflegemanagement gestão de cuidados de enfermagem
1153 |
1 Krankenpflege prestação de cuidados de enfermagem
1154 |
1 Krankenschwesterhaube boina de enfermeira
1155 |
1 Krankheitbild entidade morbida
1156 |
1 Krankheitsbild quadro clínico, descrição da doença
1157 |
1 Krankheitserreger micróbio patagénico
1158 |
1 Krankheitsverlauf decurso da doença
1159 |
1 Krankheitsverlauf evolução da doença
1160 |
1 Krankheitsverlauf evolução de uma doença
1161 |
1 Krankheitsverlauf evolução dos dados
1162 |
1 krank; übel; Übelkeit agoniado
1163 |
1 Kratzer arranhão
1164 |
2 Kreatinin creatinina
1165 |
1 Kreislaufsystem aparelho circulatório
1166 |
1 Kreuzschmerzen dores da região lombar
1167 |
1 Kropf; Struma bócio
1168 |
1 Krücke muleta
1169 |
1 Kunsthaut pele plástica
1170 |
1 Kurs über grundlegende lebensrettende Sofortmassnahmen curso de suporte básico de vida
1171 |
1 Kurzsichtigkeit; Myopie míope
1172 |
1 Kurzzeitgedächtnis memória recente
1173 |
1 Laboratoriumsmedizin medicina laboratorial
1174 |
1 Labyrinthtest teste de labirinto
1175 |
1 Lactat-Dehydrogenase desidrogenase lactica
1176 |
1 lakunärer Infarkt enfarte lacunar
1177 |
1 Lamina terminalis lámina terminalis
1178 |
1 längs- und transversale Fraktur fractura longitudinal e transversa
1179 |
1 langwirkend ap
1180 |
1 Langzeitgedächtnis memória remota
1181 |
1 Läsionen des Peritendineums lesões peritendineas
1182 |
1 latentes und deutlliches Schielen estrabismos latentes e manifestos
1183 |
1 lauwarm morno
1184 |
1 Legen von zentralen Venenzugängen locação de acessos venosos centrais
1185 |
1 Legionellen legionellas
1186 |
1 leichte Leucoariose discreta leucoariose
1187 |
1 leichte Verformung des angrenzenden Hirnparenchyms ligeira moldagem do parêquima encefalico adjecente
1188 |
1 Leistung, Eingriff, Massnahme acto
1189 |
1 Leistungsknick redução de forças
1190 |
1 Lemongrasöl essência de capim-limão
1191 |
1 Leukokorie leucocoria
1192 |
1 Leukozytenformel formula leucocitaria
1193 |
2 Leukozyten leucocitos
1194 |
1 leukozytische Formel formula leucocitária
1195 |
1 Lilial lilial
1196 |
1 Limonen limoneno
1197 |
1 Linalool linalol
1198 |
1 linker Nucleus caudatus caudado esquerdo
1199 |
1 linkes Auge O. E.
1200 |
1 Linksherzhypertrophie HVE = hiptertrofia ventricular esquerda
1201 |
1 Linksventrikuläre Funktion função ventricular esquerda
1202 |
1 Loch; Öffnung; Eröffnung buraco
1203 |
1 Lokalanästhesie anestesia local
1204 |
1 lordotische Verkrümmungen der Lendenwirbelsäule curvaturas lordóticas lombares
1205 |
1 Lösungen soluções
1206 |
1 Lösung zur Mundspülung sol. lav. boca
1207 |
1208 |
1 LSB Linksschenkelblock BRE
1209 |
1 Lunge abhören auscultação pulmonar (AP)
1210 |
1 Lungenabszess abcesso pulmonar
1211 |
1 Lungenauskultation aucultação pulmunar
1212 |
1 Lungengewebe+ tecido pulmonar
1213 |
1 Lungenparenchym parênquim pulmonar
1214 |
1 Luxation luxação
1215 |
1 lymphatischer Rachenring anel amigdalino
1216 |
1 Lymphdrainage bombagem linfática
1217 |
1 Lymphflüssigkeit linfa
1218 |
2 Lymphknotenschwellung linfadenopatia
1219 |
1 Macula mácula
1220 |
1 Magen-Darm-Trakt aparelho digestivo
1221 |
1 Magensäure ácido gástrico
1222 |
1 Magnesium (Mg) magnésio
1223 |
1 magnetische Kernresonanz RMN
1224 |
1 magnetisch sichtbar susceptibilidade magnética
1225 |
1 Magnetresonanztomographie ressonância magnética
1226 |
2 Makrophage macrófago
1227 |
1 Makrophage; Monozyt monócito
1228 |
1 makroskopisch macroscópico
1229 |
1 makrozytär macrocítico
1230 |
1 makrozytärre Anämie anemia macrocítica
1231 |
2 Makulaödem edema macular
1232 |
1 makulopapulös maculo-papular
1233 |
1 Malabsorption malabsorção
1234 |
1 Malaria malária
1235 |
1 Maltose; Malzzucker maltase
1236 |
1 Mammapathologie patologia mamária
1237 |
1 Mammographie mamografia
1238 |
1 Mamografie-Screening mamografia de rastreio
1239 |
1 Mandibula; Unterkiefer mandíbula
1240 |
1 Mandibula; Unterkiefer maxilar inferior
1241 |
1 Mangelanämie anemia carencial
1242 |
1 Manie mania
1243 |
1 Manifestation; Erscheinungsform manifestação
1244 |
1 manisch-depressiv Maníaco-depressiva
1245 |
1 manisch Maníaco
1246 |
1 Männer OP-Mütze boina homem bloco
1247 |
1 männlich masculino
1248 |
1 Manschette braçadeira
1249 |
1 Marasmus marasmo
1250 |
1 Marker marcador
1251 |
1 Mark medula
1252 |
1 Markscheide; Myelinscheide bainha de mielina
1253 |
1 Massage massagem
1254 |
1 massiv; massig maciço
1255 |
1 Mastalgie mastalgia
1256 |
1 Mastalgie; Mastodynie mastodinia
1257 |
1 Mastektomie; Mammaamputation; Ablatio mammae mastectomia
1258 |
1 Mastitis mastite
1259 |
1 Mastoidzellen celulas mastóideias
1260 |
1 maternale Toxizität toxicidade materna
1261 |
1 MCHC C.H.G. media (concentração de hemoglobina globular média)
1262 |
1 MCH H.G. media (hemoglobina globular médio)
1263 |
1 MCV V.C. medio
1264 |
1 mechanisch mecânico
1265 |
1 medial; medialis medial
1266 |
1 Mediastinitis mediastinite
1267 |
1 Mediastinum mediastino
1268 |
1 medikamentös medicamentoso
1269 |
1 Medikament verabreichen ministrar um medicamento
1270 |
1 Medikation medicação
1271 |
1 Mediziner; Arzt; Doktor médico/a
1272 |
1 medizinische Grundversorgung unidade básica de saúde
1273 |
1 medizinische Labordiagnostik laboratório de análises clínicas
1274 |
1 medizinische Notfallversorgung emergênicas médicas
1275 |
1 Medizin; Medikament medicamento
1276 |
1 Medulla; Mark medula
1277 |
2 Medulloblastom meduloblastoma
1278 |
1 Megakaryozyt; Knochenmarkriesenzelle megacariócito
1279 |
1 Megakolon megacólon
1280 |
1 megaloblastische Anämie¸ Megaloblastenanämie anemia megaloblástica
1281 |
1 Megalomanie; Größenwahn; expansiver Wahn megalómania
1282 |
1 Mehrgebärende; Multipara multípara
1283 |
1 Mekonium mecónio
1284 |
1 Melaena melena
1285 |
1 Melancholie melancolia
1286 |
1 Melanin melanina
1287 |
1 Melanoblastom melanoblastoma
1288 |
1 Melanom melanoma
1289 |
1 Membran; Membrana membrana
1290 |
1 Menarche menarca
1291 |
1 Meningiom; Meningioma; Meningeom meningioma
1292 |
1 Meningitis; Hirnhautentzündung meningite
1293 |
1 Meningoenzephalitis meningoencefalite
1294 |
1 Meningokokkenmeningitis meningite meningocócia
1295 |
1 Meninx; Hirnhaut meninge
1296 |
1 Meniscus; Meniskus menisco
1297 |
1 Menopause menopausa
1298 |
1 Menstruation; Periode menstruação
1299 |
1 mentale Gesundheit saúde mental
1300 |
1 mental; mentalis; geistig mental
1301 |
1 Mercapto-Mix mistura mercapto
1302 |
1 Mesencephalon mesencéfalo
1303 |
1 Mesencephalon metencéfalo
1304 |
1 Mesenchym; Mesenchyma mesênquima
1305 |
1 Mesenterium mesentério
1306 |
1 Mesometrium mesométrio
1307 |
1 Mesothel mesotélio
1308 |
1 Messbereich alcança de medição
1309 |
1 Messung medição
1310 |
1 metabolisch metabólico
1311 |
1 Metabolismus; Stoffwechsel metabolismo
1312 |
1 Metacarpus; Mittelhand metacarpo
1313 |
1 Metaphyse, Metaphysis metáfise
1314 |
1 Metastase; Metastasierung metástase
1315 |
1 Metastasierung; Metastase metastização
1316 |
1 metastatisch metastático
1317 |
1 Metatarsalgie metatarsalgia
1318 |
1 Metatarsus metatarso
1319 |
1 Meteorismus meteorismo
1320 |
1 Methode; System método
1321 |
1 Methylheptincarbonat carbonato de metil-heptino
1322 |
1 Methylmethacrylat metacrilato de metilo
1323 |
1 Metralgie metrodinia
1324 |
1 Metrorrhagie metrorragia
1325 |
1 Migräne migraine
1326 |
1 Mikroorganismus microorganismo
1327 |
1 mikroskopisch in-vivo-Untersuchung exame a fresco
1328 |
1 Mikroskop microscópio
1329 |
1 Mikrozephalie microcefalia
1330 |
1 mikrozytäre Anämie anemia microcítica
1331 |
1 mikrozytär microcítico
1332 |
2 Milz baço
1333 |
1 Milz; Splen; Lien baço
1334 |
1 Mimik mímica
1335 |
1 Mindestnatriumwert valor mínimo de natrémia
1336 |
1 Miosis; Stenokorie miose
1337 |
1 Mioticum, Miotikum miótico
1338 |
1 Mischinkontinenz incontinência urinária mista
1339 |
1 Missbrauch abuso
1340 |
1 Missbrauch schädlicher Stoffe abuso de subtsâncias nocivas
1341 |
1 mitigiert mitigar
1342 |
1 Mitose mitose
1343 |
1 Mitraklklappenschaden lesões orovalvares mitrais
1344 |
1 Mitralinsuffizienz IM = isuficiência mitral
1345 |
1 mobilisierendes Bewegungstraining ginástica mobilizadora
1346 |
1 monatliche Anwendung amplicação mensal
1347 |
1 mongoloid mongolóide
1348 |
1 Monobenzon monobenzona
1349 |
1 Monoethanolamin monoetanolamina
1350 |
1 monokular monocular
1351 |
1 Monoparese, Monoparalyse monoparésia
1352 |
1 Morbidität; Erkrankungshäufigkeit morbilidade
1353 |
1 morbilliform; masernähnlich morbiliforme
1354 |
1 moribund moribundo
1355 |
1 Morphologie morfologia
1356 |
1 morphologisch morfológico
1357 |
1 Mortalität; Sterblichkeit mortalidade
1358 |
1 motorisch lässt sich feststellen Ao nivel motor / Relativamente à função motora comprova-se
1359 |
1 motor; motorisch motor
1360 |
1 MRT = Magnetresonanztomographie RMN = Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear
1361 |
1 Mucoviscidosis; Mukoviszidose mucoviscidose
1362 |
1 Mukosa; Schleimhaut mucosa
1363 |
1 Mukozele; Schleimzyste mucocele
1364 |
1 Mullbinde ligadura algodão
1365 |
1 multidimensionales Persönlichkeitsinventar inventário multidimensional da personalidade
1366 |
1 multifokal multifocal
1367 |
1 multipler und komplexer Reaktionstest teste de reacções complexas e multiplas
1368 |
1 Mumps caxumba
1369 |
1 Mund boca
1370 |
1 Mund; Öffnung; Eingang abertura
1371 |
1 Muskeleigenreflexe reflexos musculares próprios
1372 |
1 Muskelkraft FM (força muscular)
1373 |
1 Muskelkrat und Tonus força muscular e tonus
1374 |
1 Muskel músculo
1375 |
1 Muskelrelaxantien relaxantes musculares
1376 |
1 muskulär; fleischig muscular
1377 |
1 muskulär musculado
1378 |
1 Muskulatur musculatura
1379 |
1 Muskulaturverkrampfung contracção da musculatura
1380 |
1 Mutation mutação
1381 |
1 Mutilation mutilação
1382 |
1 Mutilation; Verstümmelung aleijão
1383 |
1 Mutismus; Stummheit mutismo
1384 |
1 Myalgie; Myodynie mialgia
1385 |
1 Myasthenie; Myasthenia; Muskelschwäche miastenia
1386 |
1 Mydriasis midríase
1387 |
1 Myelin mielina
1388 |
1 Myelitis; Rückenmarkentzündung; Medullitis mielite
1389 |
1 Myelofibrose; Knochenmarkfibrose mielofibrose
1390 |
1 Myelogramm mielograma
1391 |
1 Myelographie; Medullographie mielografia
1392 |
1 Myelomeningozele mielomeningocelo
1393 |
1 Myelom mieloma
1394 |
1 Myelozele mielocele
1395 |
1 mykardisches Versagen falência miocardica
1396 |
1 Mykose; Mycosis; Pilzinfektion micose
1397 |
1 mykotisch micótico
1398 |
1 Myoclonia; Myoklonie mioclonia
1399 |
1 myogen miogéneo
1400 |
1 Myoglobinurie mioglobinúria
1401 |
1 Myokardiopathie miocardiopatia
1402 |
1 Myokarditis; Herzmuskelentzündung miocardite
1403 |
1 Myokard miocárdio
1404 |
1 Myoklonie mioclonia
1405 |
1 Myoklonus mioclono
1406 |
1 Myom; Myoma mioma
1407 |
1 Myopathia, Myopathie; Muskelerkrankung miopatia
1408 |
1 Myopie; Kurzsichtigkeit miopia
1409 |
1 Myorelaxantien miorelaxante
1410 |
1 Myositis; Muskelentzündung miosite
1411 |
1 Myotonia, Myotonie miotonia
1412 |
1 Myringitis; Trommelfellentzündung; Tympanitis miringite
1413 |
1 Myxödem, Myxoedema mixedema
1414 |
1 Myxom; Myxoma mixoma
1415 |
1 Myzetom micetoma
1416 |
1 Nachtschichten plantões nocturnos
1417 |
1 Nackensteife rigidez de nuca
1418 |
1 Nadel agulha
1419 |
1 Nadelhalter porta agulha
1420 |
1 Nähfaden fio de sutura
1421 |
1 Nährflüssigkeit substância nutritiva
1422 |
1 Nasenflügel asa do nariz
1423 |
1 Nasennebenhöhlen seios peri-nasais
1424 |
1 Nasennebenhöhle seio nasal/perinasal
1425 |
1 Nasenschleimhaut mucosas nasais
1426 |
1 nationale Behörde für Gesundheitsüberwachung agência nacional de vigilãncia sanitária
1427 |
1 Natriumbenzoat benzoato de sódio
1428 |
1 Natriumchlorid cloreto sódio
1429 |
1 Natriumsalz sal de sódio
1430 |
1 Naturheilkunde medicina naturalista
1431 |
1 N-Cyclohexylbenzothiazyl- sulfenamid N-Ciclohexil-benzotiazol-sulfonamida
1432 |
1 N-Diphenyl-4-phenylendiamin N-difenil-4-fenilenodiamina
1433 |
1 Nebennierenrinden supra-renais
1434 |
1 negativ beeinflussen afectar negativamente
1435 |
1 negativ polarisierte Züge traço polarizado negativamente
1436 |
1 neoadjuvant neoadjuvante
1437 |
2 nephrotisches Syndrom sindrome nefrótico
1438 |
1 Neprologie nefrologia
1439 |
1 Nervenblockierung bloqueio de nervos
1440 |
1 Nervenmark der peripheren Nerven medulares dos nervos periféricos
1441 |
1 Nervenwurzeln raizes nervosas
1442 |
1 nett amigável
1443 |
1 Netzhautablösung deslocamento da retina
1444 |
1 Netzhaut retina
1445 |
1 Neugeborenenabteilung berçário
1446 |
1 neurologischer Befund exame neurologico
1447 |
1 neurologisches Krankheitsbild quadro neurológico
1448 |
1 Neutral-Null-Methode medição de mobilidade articular activa
1449 |
1 nicht revaskularisierte koronare Erkrankung doença coronária não revascularizável
1450 |
1 nicht sporenbildende Anaerobier anaeróbicos não esporulados
1451 |
1 Nicht zutreffend não aplicável
1452 |
1453 |
1 N,N-Dimethyl-4-toluidin N,N-dimetil-4-toluidino
1454 |
1 normal weit und ausgebildet ter amplitude e configuração normal
1455 |
1 Notarzt médico/a de urgência
1456 |
1 Notaufnahmebehandlung/protokoll episódio de urgência
1457 |
1 Notfallkrankenpfleger enfermeiro de urgência
1458 |
1 Notfallstation SU = Serviço de urgência
1459 |
1 notieren; Notizen machen anotar
1460 |
1 Nüchternglukose glucose em jejum
1461 |
1 Nutzen (therapeutischer) benefício (terapêutico)
1462 |
1 O2 Sättigung Sat02
1463 |
1 Oberarmbein/knochen úmero
1464 |
1 obere Gliedmasse MS
1465 |
1 oberer äusserer Quadrant quadrante supero-externo
1466 |
1 obere zerebrale Konvexität alta convexidade cerebral
1467 |
1 Oberkiefer; Maxilla maxilar superior
1468 |
1 Objektive Untersuchung EO
1469 |
1 Obstruktion obstrução
1470 |
1 Octylgallat galato de octilo
1471 |
1 Octylisothiazolinon octilisotiazolinona
1472 |
1 Octylisothiazolon octilisotiazolinona
1473 |
1 Ödem edema
1474 |
1 offizielle Aufsichtsbehörde entidade oficial superintendente
1475 |
1 ohne Anzeichen einer tramatisch akuten Pathologie sem sinais de patologia traumática aguda
1476 |
1 ohne KOmplikationen sem sinais de conflito
1477 |
1 Ohrthermometer termómetro auricular
1478 |
1 okulomotorisch oculomotora
1479 |
1 Okzipitalöffnung buraco occipital
1480 |
1 oligoklonale Bande bandas oligoclonais
1481 |
1 one sonstige Befunde, die im Zusammenhang mit diesem Krankheitsbidl zu beurteilen sind. sem outros achados valorizáveis no presente contexto clínico
1482 |
1 OP-Abdecktuch für Extremität campo de extremidade
1483 |
1 OP-Abdecktuch für Tisch campo mesa
1484 |
1 OP-Abdecktuch mit Klebestreifen campo fita adesiva
1485 |
1 OP-Abdecktuch mit Loch campo com buraco
1486 |
1 Opazifikation opacificação
1487 |
1 Operationssaal; Operationsraum bloco operatório
1488 |
1 Operationssaal sala cirúrgica
1489 |
1 operative Reposition redução cruenta
1490 |
1 optische Mirkroskopie microscópia óptica
1491 |
1 optischer Teil zona óptica
1492 |
1 orale Einnahme po
1493 |
1 orale Verabreichung; orale Administration administração oral
1494 |
1 Orangenöl essência de laranja
1495 |
1 Orbitafraktur fractura orbitária
1496 |
1 orbitomeatale Ebene plano orbito-meatal
1497 |
1 örtliches Gesundheitszentrum unidade local de saúde
1498 |
1 Ösophagopathie esofagopatia
1499 |
1 osteoartikuläre Verletzung lesão osteoarticular
1500 |
1 Osteodensitometrie densiometria ossea
1501 |
1 Osteosynthese mit 5-Schrauben-Platte am äusseren Knöchel OTS com placa de 5 parafusos no M externo
1502 |
1 Osteosynthese osteossintese
1503 |
1 Östrogen estrogènio
1504 |
1 Östrogenrezeptor receptor de estrogéneo
1505 |
1 Oxygen-Versorgung (des Organismus); Sauerstoff-Versorgung aporte de oxigénio (ao organismo)
1506 |
1 palpebrale Ptosis ptose palpebral
1507 |
1 Papillenödem papiledema
1508 |
1 Paraben Mix mistura de parabenos
1509 |
3 Parachromatopsie discromatopsia
1510 |
1 paraparetischer Gang marcha paraparética
1511 |
1 Parasitenkrankheit doença parasitária
1512 |
1 Parästhesie der Weichteile parestesia de partes moles
1513 |
1 Parenchym parênquima
1514 |
1 parietaler Bereich região parietal
1515 |
1 Parietallappen escama parietal
1516 |
1 paroxistische Läsion lesão paroxístico
1517 |
1 passive Beweglichkeit mobilidade passiva
1518 |
1 pathologische Graphoelemente grafo-elementos patológicos
1519 |
1 pathologisch mórbido
1520 |
1 Patientenblatt ficha médica
1521 |
1 Patientennummer número do utente
1522 |
1 Patientenprozess Nr. P. U.
1523 |
1 Pediculus pedículos
1524 |
1 Pedikelschraube Parafuso pedicular
1525 |
1 Penicillin penicilina
1526 |
1 Perforation trauma perfurante
1527 |
1 Perfusor bomba de injecção
1528 |
1 periaortale Ganglien gânglios peri-aórticos
1529 |
1 periartikulärer Schleimbeutel bursa periarticular
1530 |
1 periartikulär peri-articular
1531 |
1 periduktale Fibrose fibrose periductal
1532 |
1 perimedullärer Subarachnoidalraum espaço subaracnoideu peri-medular
1533 |
1 perinatale Mortalität mortalidade perinatal
1534 |
1 periodische Abstinenz; Abstinenz für einen abstinéncia periódica
1535 |
1 periphere Sauerstoffsättigung SpO2
1536 |
1 peripheres Gefässystem vasos periféricos
1537 |
1 perkutane Gastrostomie gastrostomia percutânea
1538 |
1 permanente/dauernde Behinderung/Erwerbsunfähigkeit incapacidade permanente
1539 |
1 Perniziosa anemia perniciosa
1540 |
1 persönliche Vorerkrankung AP
1541 |
1 persönliche Vorerkrankungen antecedentes pessoais
1542 |
1 Persönlichkeitsaufbau estrutura de personalidade
1543 |
1 perzeptiv-kognitiv perceptivo-cognitivo
1544 |
1 Pfefferminzöl essência de hortelã-pimenta
1545 |
1 pfeifen assobiar
1546 |
1 Pfeiffer`s Drüsenfieber; mononucleose infecciosa
1547 |
1 Phenoxyethanol fenoxietanol
1548 |
1 phenylendiamin fenilenodiamina
1549 |
1 Phenylephrin fenilefrina
1550 |
1 Phenylephrin-Hydrochlorid cloridrato de fenilefrina
1551 |
1 Phorie foria
1552 |
1 physikalische Therapie; Physiotherapie; Krankengymnastik medicina física
1553 |
1 physische Folgen sequelas físicas
1554 |
1 Placenta praevia placenta prévia
1555 |
1 Plasmaspiegeln Nível/Volume plasmático
1556 |
1 plastische Wiederherstellungschirurgie cirurgia plástica reparadora
1557 |
1 Plazentarschranke barreira placentar; barreira placentária
1558 |
1 plötzlich abrupto
1559 |
1 plötzlich brusco
1560 |
1 Pneumokokkenmeningitis meningite pneumocócia
1561 |
1 Pneumokokken pneumococos
1562 |
1 Pneumomediastinum pneumomediastino
1563 |
1 Pneumoperitoneum pneumoperitoneu
1564 |
1 Pneumothorax pneumotórax
1565 |
1 Polyelektrolyte polielectrolictico
1566 |
1 polyvalente Intensivstation unidade de cuidados intensivos polivalente
1567 |
1 Pomeranzenblütenöl essência de flor de laranjeira
1568 |
1 Posologie posologia
1569 |
1 postiktale Verwirrtheit confusão pós-ictal
1570 |
1 Povidon-Jod iodopovidona
1571 |
1 PQ Intervall PQ
1572 |
1 Praktische Ausbildung in der Notvallversorgung internato em emergência
1573 |
1 prandiale Insulinsubstitution Substituição de Insulina prandial
1574 |
1 präshospitale Notfallmedizin medicina de emergência pre-hosptilar
1575 |
1 Präventivmedizin medicina preventiva
1576 |
1 (Praxis)gebühr taxa moderadora
1577 |
1 Praxispersonal quadro clínico
1578 |
1 Prednisolon prednisolona
1579 |
1 pressen; drücken apertar
1580 |
1 Primin primina
1581 |
1 Prinzmetal-Angina angina de Prinzmetal
1582 |
1 Probelaparotomie laparotomia exploradora
1583 |
1 Probenentnahme coleta
1584 |
1 problemlos vertragen tolerar
1585 |
1 Profilbild estudo de perfil
1586 |
1 Progesteronrezeptor receptor de progesterona
1587 |
1 Propädeutik propedeutica
1588 |
1 Propylenglycol propilenglicol
1589 |
1 Protanopie protanopia
1590 |
1 Proteinurie protenúria
1591 |
1 Prothrombinzeit tempo de petrombina
1592 |
1 Protozoeninfektion im Darm protozoose intestinal
1593 |
1 Protozoen protozoarios
1594 |
1 Prtoanomalie Protanomalia
1595 |
1 Prüfungsausschuss banca examinadora
1596 |
1 Pseudomonas pseudomonas
1597 |
1 psychischer Gesundheitszustand quadro psiquico
1598 |
1 psycho-emotionale Entwicklung desenvolvimento psicoafectivo
1599 |
1 psychologische Reife maturidade psicológica
1600 |
1 psychologisches Interview/Gespräch entrevista psicologica
1601 |
1 psychovegetative Symptomatik perturbações neurovegetativas
1602 |
1 pterionale Kraniotomie craniotomia pterional
1603 |
1 Pulmonalarterien artérias pulmonares
1604 |
1 Pulmonalatresie atrésia pulmonar
1605 |
1 Puls frequência cardíaca
1606 |
1 (Puls; Herz-) Schlag; Puls bater
1607 |
1 pyogen piogenico
1608 |
1 Pyrogallol pirogalhol
1609 |
1 QRS-Intervall QRS
1610 |
1 Quadranten der Mamma quadrantes mamários
1611 |
1 Quecksilber; Hydrargyrum (Hg) mercúrio
1612 |
1 Quetiapin quetiapina
1613 |
1 Quetschung contusão
1614 |
1 Quetschungen aufweisen traduzir contusões
1615 |
1 Radialfraktur fractura da estiloide radial
1616 |
1 Radialnerv nervo radial
1617 |
1 radialseitiger Unterarm lado radial do antebraço
1618 |
1 Radikulopathie radiculopatia
1619 |
1 Rasierklinge lamina trictotomia
1620 |
1 Rasterelektronenmikroskopie microscópia electrónica de varrimento
1621 |
1 raten; beraten aconselhar
1622 |
1 rau áspero
1623 |
1 Raucherlunge pulmões de fumador
1624 |
1 Reaktion von Augen, Händen und Füssen resposta óculo-manual-pedal
1625 |
1 reaktiv-depressives Syndrom sindrome depressivo reactivo
1626 |
1 rechtes Auge O. D.
1627 |
1 rechtes Auge OD
1628 |
1 rechtsmedizinische Aspekte aspectos médico-legais
1629 |
1 Rectocele rectocele
1630 |
1 reduzierter AZ (Aufnahmezustand) estado geral debilitado
1631 |
1 Reflexzonenverbreiterung alargamento das zonas de reflexo
1632 |
1 Regelmässigkeit des paravertrebralen Gewebes regularidade dos tecidos perivertebrais
1633 |
1 Regionalstelle Centro Distrital
1634 |
1 Reha- und Physiotherapie MFR
1635 |
1 Reife; Maturitas maturidade
1636 |
1 Reithosenhypästhesie hipestesia na zona das nádegas
1637 |
1 Reizblase bexiga irritável
1638 |
1 Reizdarm colon irritável
1639 |
1 Reiz estimulo
1640 |
1 rekonstruierte menschliche Epidermis epiderme humana reconstruída
1641 |
1 Restharnbildung formação de resíduos urinários
1642 |
1 Restharn urina residual
1643 |
1 Restriktionsenzymschnittstellen locais/pontos (específicos) de corte de enzimas ou endonucleases de restrição
1644 |
1 retikuläre Krampfadern varizes reticulares
1645 |
1 Retinographie retinografia
1646 |
1 Retkosigmoiditis, Rektokolitis rectocolite
1647 |
1 Retraktion retração
1648 |
1 rheumatische Athritis atrite reumatóide
1649 |
1 Rheumatischer Formenkreis artrite reumatóide
1650 |
1 rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) artrite reumatóide
1651 |
1 Ribonucelinsäure (RNS) ácido ribonucléico (RNA)
1652 |
1 Riesenzellarteriitis arterite de células gigantes
1653 |
1 Rippenbogen arco costal
1654 |
1 Risswunde laceração
1655 |
1 Rivastigmin als transdermales Pflaster rivastigmina sistema transdérmico
1656 |
1 Röderschlinge Nó de Röder
1657 |
1 Rückenmark medula espinal
1658 |
1 Rückenschmerzen dor lombar
1659 |
1 Rückenwirbel corpos vertebrais dorsais
1660 |
1 Rückmutationstext unter Verwendung von Bakterien ensaio de mutação reversa bacteriana
1661 |
1 Ruhe-EKG ECG (em repouso)
1662 |
1 Ruhezustand posição estática
1663 |
1 Ruhigstellung imobilização
1664 |
1 rund; rundlich anelar
1665 |
1 rund; rundlich arrendodado
1666 |
1 Ruptur des Supraspinatus rotura do supraespinhoso
1667 |
1 Ruptur ruptura
1668 |
1 sakkuläres Aneurysma aneurisma sacular
1669 |
1 Salben pomadas
1670 |
1 Salicylaldehyd salicilaldeído
1671 |
1 Sattelblockanästhesie, Reithosenanästhesie anestesia em sela
1672 |
1 Saugelektrode eletrodo ventosa
1673 |
1 Schädelbasis base do crâneo
1674 |
1 Schädelbasis base do crânio
1675 |
1 Schädel-Becken-Missverhältnis desproporção céfalo pélvica
1676 |
1 Schaden malefício
1677 |
1 Schadensparameter parâmetro de dano
1678 |
1 schädliche Bakterien bactérias nocivas
1679 |
1 scharf; spitz afiado
1680 |
1 Schichtnaht, Etagennaht sutura por planos
1681 |
1 schilddrüsenbedingte Myopathie miopatia tereoídea
1682 |
1 Schilddrüsenuntersuchung estudo tiroideu
1683 |
1 Schläfenbereich região parietal
1684 |
1 Schläfenbereich região temporal
1685 |
1 Schlafstörung alteração do sono
1686 |
1 Schlaganfall AVC
1687 |
1 Schlangenbiß mordedura de serpente
1688 |
1 Schleimhäute mucosas
1689 |
1 Schleimhaut mucosa de revestimento
1690 |
1 Schleim; Mucus; Phlegma muco
1691 |
1 Schmelzperlen Pérolas de esmalte (Enameloma)
1692 |
1 schmerzhaft; wund álgico
1693 |
1 Schmerzmittel analgésico
1694 |
1 Schuhüberzieher cobre sapatos
1695 |
1 Schulmedizin medicina convencional
1696 |
1 Schultergräte des Schulterblattes espinha da omoplata
1697 |
1 Schulterkapsel coifa do ombro
1698 |
1 Schürfwunden, Abschürfungen abrasões
1699 |
1 Schüttelfrost arrepio
1700 |
1 Schutzstoffe substâncias protectoras
1701 |
1 Schutzunterlage resguardo
1702 |
1 Schutzunterlage resgurado
1703 |
1 Screening-Befund despiste
1704 |
2 seelische und emotionale Verfassung estado mental e emocional
1705 |
1 segmentale Kontraktilität contractilidade segmentar
1706 |
1 Sehfehler alteração da visão
1707 |
1 Sehhilfe verwenden uso de correcção óptica
1708 |
1 Sehleistung aptidões visuais
1709 |
1 Sehnenentzündung, Tendinose tendinose
1710 |
1 Sehnenscheide bainha
1711 |
3 Sehschärfe acuidade visual
1712 |
1 Sehtestgerät aparelho de rastreio visual
1713 |
2 Sehvermögen visão
1714 |
1 Seidenpflaster adesivo de seda
1715 |
1 Seitenventrikel VL (ventrículas laterais)
1716 |
1 selbsthaftende Einweg-EKG-Elektrode eletrodo ECG auto-adesivo descartável
1717 |
1 Selbsthilfe auto-ajuda
1718 |
1 Selbstmordgedanken/absicht T. S.
1719 |
1 Selbstverstümmelung mutilação voluntária
1720 |
1 selektive Belastung pressão selectiva
1721 |
1 senken; verringern baixar
1722 |
1 Sensibilitätsstörung alteração da sensibilidade
1723 |
1 sensorische Ataxie ataxia sensorial
1724 |
1 Sentinel-Lymphknoten, Wächterlymphknoten gânglio sentinela
1725 |
1 Sepsis sepsia
1726 |
1 sequentielle Enzephalomalazie encefalomalácia sequelar
1727 |
2 serologie Serologia
1728 |
1 Serologie sorologia
1729 |
1 seronegative Spondylathropathie espondiloartopatia seronegativa
1730 |
1 Serumspiegel taxa sérica
1731 |
1 Servicegebühr taxa de serviço
1732 |
1 sexuelle Beeinträchtigung prejuizo sexual
1733 |
1 SHT TCE (traumatismo cranioencefálico)
1734 |
1 Sichelzellenanämie anemia de células falciformes
1735 |
1 sich verschlechtern agravar-se
1736 |
1 Silikontamponade tamponado com silicone
1737 |
1 Sinushöhlen cavidade sinusais
1738 |
1 Sinusthrombose tromboflebites do seio cavernoso
1739 |
1 Sitzbadewanne; Sitzwanne; Sitzbad banho sentado
1740 |
1 Sitzbein ramo ísqueopúbico
1741 |
1 Skalpellhalter cabo de bisturi
1742 |
1 Skalpellklinge lâmina de bisturi
1743 |
1 Skalpell lamina bisturi
1744 |
1 Sodbrennen azia
1745 |
1 Sorbinsäure ácido sórbico
1746 |
1 Sorbitansesquioleat sesquioleato de sorbitano
1747 |
1 spastischer Gang marcha espástica
1748 |
1 Speiseröhrenverletzungen traumatismo do esôfago
1749 |
1 spektroskopische Mikoskopie microscópia espectroscópica
1750 |
1 Spiegelung endoscopia
1751 |
1 Spinalanästhesie anestesia com Raqui
1752 |
1 Spinocan Kanüle agulha spinocan
1753 |
1 Spondylolyse espondilolise
1754 |
1 Spondylolysthesis espondilolistesis
1755 |
1 Spontanfehlgeburt; Spontanabort aborto espontâneo (AE)
1756 |
1 sporadische Rezidive recidivas esporádicas
1757 |
1 Sport; Bewegung; Leibesübungen; sportliche Betätigung actividade física
1758 |
1 Sprachschwierigkeiten anodia
1759 |
1 Sprechapraxie apraxia da fala
1760 |
1 Sprungbein astrágalo
1761 |
1 Sprunggelenk articulação tibiotársica
1762 |
1 Sprunggelenk tibia-társica
1763 |
1 Spurenelement oligoelemento
1764 |
1 Sreening teste de triagem
1765 |
1 SR Sinusrhythmus RS
1766 |
1 Stammataxie, Rumpfataxie ataxia do tronco
1767 |
1 ständige stationäre Pflege serviço de estadia permanente
1768 |
1 Staphylokokken estaflococcias
1769 |
1 starkes Magnetfeld alto campo magnético
1770 |
1 starre Haltung posição rígida
1771 |
2 stationärer Aufenthalt internamento
1772 |
1 Stationsleiter chefe der serviço
1773 |
1 Steildrehung der linken Tube Hämoperitoneum Torção abrupta da trompa esquerda no hemoperitoneu
1774 |
1 Stelle zur Überprüfung der Invalidität sistema de verificação de incapacidade permanente
1775 |
1 Stelle zur Überprüfung der Invalidität SVIP
1776 |
1 stereoskopisches Sehen visão estereoscopica
1777 |
1 steroidfreie entzündungshemmende Mittel Aine's
1778 |
1 Stethosphon estetoscópio
1779 |
1 stillen amamentar
1780 |
1 Stillperiode aleitamento
1781 |
1 stimulationsbedingtem Sprachausfall Perda vocal condicionada por estimulação
1782 |
1 Störung défice
1783 |
1 Streptokokken estreptococias
1784 |
1 Stressinkontinenz Incontinência urinaria de/devido ao/provocada por stress
1785 |
1 Stressinkontinenz incontinência urinária provocada por stress
1786 |
1 stumm mudo
1787 |
1 stumpfes Abdominaltrauma traumatismo de barriga fechada
1788 |
1 stützen; lagern; tragen aguentar
1789 |
1 Subacromial-Syndrom conflito subacromial
1790 |
1 Subakromialraum espaço subacromial
1791 |
1 subakutes/chronisches Subduralhämatom hematoma subdural subagudo / cronico
1792 |
1 Subarachnoidalblutung hemorragia sub-aracnoideia
1793 |
1 Subcapularissehne subescapular
1794 |
1 subdurales Blut sangue subdural
1795 |
1 subjektive Beschwerden queixas subjectivas
1796 |
1 Subluxation subluxação
1797 |
1 subskapuläre Sehne tendão suescapular
1798 |
1 Substanz agente
1799 |
1 Subtraktionsangiographie angiografia de subtracção
1800 |
1 Sufentanil sufentanilo
1801 |
1 Sulcus Sinus sigmoidei sulco do seio sigmóide
1802 |
1 Sulisobenzon sulisobenzona
1803 |
1 supraspinaler Strang feixe do supra-espinhoso
1804 |
1 Supraspinatus SE
1805 |
1 Supraspinatussehne tendão do supra-espinhoso
1806 |
1 supratentorielles Ventrikelsystem sistema ventricular supra-tentorial
1807 |
1 supratentorielle ventrikuläre Hohlräume cavidades ventriculares supra-tentoriais
1808 |
2 Suspensionsplastik cirurgia/plastia de suspensão
1809 |
1 Sutur mit Safil SUTURA SAFIL
1810 |
1 Sylvische Furche (Fissura Sylvii) vala silvica
1811 |
1 Synechie; Adhäsion; Verklebung aderência
1812 |
1 systolisches herzgeräusch sopro sistolico
1813 |
1 systolisches Herzgeräusch sopro sistolico
1814 |
1 T1 gewichtete Sequenz sequência de ponderação T1
1815 |
1 Teleradiologie teleradiologia
1816 |
1 Temporalisbiopsie biópsia temporal
1817 |
1 Temporalknochen rochedo temporal
1818 |
1 Tendinitis tendinite
1819 |
1 Tendinopathie tendinopatia
1820 |
1 Teratogenität teratogenicidade
1821 |
1 tert.-Butylhydrochinon terc-butil-hidroquinona
1822 |
1 Testbatterie zur Erfassung der feinmotorischen Fähigkeiten bateria de performances motoras em periférico
1823 |
1 Test der Arm-Hand-Motorik prova de segurança gestual de mão-braço
1824 |
1 Test der progressiven Matrizen teste das matrizes progressivas
1825 |
1 Testspritze seringas de teste
1826 |
1 Testvariablen variáveis do teste
1827 |
1 Thekalsack wird leicht eingedrückt moldando ligeiramente a vertente anterior do saco tecal
1828 |
1 Thorakostomie toracostomia
1829 |
1 Thromboembolie tromboembolismo
1830 |
1 Thrombozytenaggregation agregação plaquetária
1831 |
1 Thrombozyten plaquetas
1832 |
1 Thyreoidektomie tireóidectomia
1833 |
1 Tibia, Schienbein tibio
1834 |
1 Tinnitus (aurium); Ohrensauesn; Ohregeräusche acufeno
1835 |
1 Titer Titulante
1836 |
2 titrierte Prickteste Teste prick titulado
1837 |
1 Todesbescheinigung atestado de óbito
1838 |
1 Toluolsulfonamid toluenosulfonamida
1839 |
1 tomografische axiale Schnittbilder cortes toográficos axiais
1840 |
1 tonische Bewegungen movimentos tónicos
1841 |
1 Tonsilla; Tonsille amígdala
1842 |
1 Tonsillektomie amigdalectomia
1843 |
1 Tonsillitis amigdalite
1844 |
1 topisch cutâneo
1845 |
1 topisch dermico
1846 |
1 Tracheostomie traqueostomia
1847 |
1 Tracheotomie traqueostomia
1848 |
1 transependymales Ödem edema transependimário
1849 |
1 transiente globale Amnesie amnésia global transitória
1850 |
1 transitorische ischämische Attacke (TIA) acidente isquémico transitório (AIT)
1851 |
1 transösophageale Echokardiographie ecografia transesofágica
1852 |
1 transversale Apophysen der Lende apófises transversas lombares
1853 |
1 trecho *leicht von mesial und sehr steil von oben* A radiografia mostra uma projecção errada, em que se pode ver que o feixe central, incídiu sobre os molares levemente pela medi
1854 |
1 Trend Tendências
1855 |
1 Triamcinolonacetonid acetonido de triancinolona
1856 |
1 Triclosan triclosano
1857 |
1 Tricresylphosphat tricresilfosfato
1858 |
1 Triethylenglycol-dimethacrylat dimetacrilato de etilenoglicol
1859 |
1 Triethylentetramin trietilenotetramina
1860 |
1 Triglyceride trigliceridos
1861 |
1 Trikuspidalklappenschaden lesões tricuspídes
1862 |
1 Tritanomalie Tritanomalia
1863 |
1 Tritanopie tritanopia
1864 |
1 Trizepsparese paresia do triceps
1865 |
1 Trolamin trolamina
1866 |
1 Trommelfell caixa timpánica
1867 |
1 Trommelfellhöhle cavidade timpânica
1868 |
1 Trophizität troficidade
1869 |
1 Troponin Trop
1870 |
1 Trümmerfraktur fractura cominutiva
1871 |
1 Tumorektomie tumorectomia
1872 |
1 Tumormarker marcador tumoral
1873 |
1 T-Werte notas-T
1874 |
1 Überlaufinkontinenz incontinência urinária provocada por excesso de fluxo
1875 |
1 übertragene Schwangerschaft gestação prolongada
1876 |
1 UGH-Uveitis-Glaucoma-Hyphema Syndrom sindroma UGH-Uveite-Glaucoma-Hifema
1877 |
1 Ultraschall-Scannbild varrimento ecográfico
1878 |
1 umspannender Bandscheibenprolaps procidências discais circunferenciais
1879 |
1 Um- und Abbau der Nahrungsbestandteile transformação e degradação de nutrientes
1880 |
1 unauffällig sem alteração
1881 |
1 unauffällig sem alterações
1882 |
1 unauffällig sem evidência
1883 |
1 undeutlich reden balbuciar
1884 |
1 Unfähigkeit zu Kraftanstrengungen incapacidade para os esforços
1885 |
1 unfallbedingter Sturz durch äussere Einwirkung queda de causa extrinsa e acidental
1886 |
1 Unfall-/Einsatzort local de ocorrência
1887 |
1 unfreiwillige Bewegung movimento involuntário
1888 |
1 Unterbringung; Unterkunft acomodação
1889 |
1 untere Gliedmasse MI
1890 |
1 untergewichtiger EZ (Ernährungszustand) estado nutricional deficitário
1891 |
1 Unterlippe beiço; lábio inferior
1892 |
1 unter- oder oberhalb des Tentoriums infra ou supra-tentorial
1893 |
1 Unterscheidung, Aufschlüsselung discriminação
1894 |
1 Unterschenkel crural
1895 |
1 Untersuchung estudo
1896 |
1 Untersuchungsbogen boletim de exame
1897 |
1 Untersuchungstisch; Behandlungstisch maca
1898 |
1 unter Verwendung von 125J-Antihuman-IgE ...sob utilização do Anticorpo IgE marcado com Iodo 125 e extracto de maçã e pólen de bétula (ou vidoeiro) ligados em discos de
1899 |
1 unterzeichnen; unterschreiben assinar
1900 |
1 Unwohlsein mal estar
1901 |
1 Urinalyse urinálise
1902 |
1 Urinfluss fluxo de urina
1903 |
1 Uroonkologie uro-oncologia
1904 |
1 uterine Dyskenisie discinesia uterina
1905 |
1 Uterusanomalie anomalia uterina
1906 |
1 Uveitis Uveite
1907 |
1 Vacoped-Stiefel bota imobilizadora
1908 |
1 vaginale Atrophie; Vaginalatrophie atrofia vaginal
1909 |
1 Vaginalring; Verhütungsring anel vaginal; anel contraceptivo
1910 |
1 Vasospasmus vasoespasmo
1911 |
1 vegetatives Stadium estado vegetativo
1912 |
1 venöser Zugang acesso venoso
1913 |
1 ventrale Deskektomie discectomia ventral
1914 |
1 ventrikuläres System sistema ventricular
1915 |
1 verabreichen administer
1916 |
1 Verabreichung von intravenösen, jodhaltigen Kontrastmitteln administração endovenosa de contraste iodado
1917 |
1 verändert alterado
1918 |
1 Veränderung; Wandel alteração
1919 |
1 Verbesserung melhoria
1920 |
1 Verbrauchsmaterial consumíveis
1921 |
1 Verdauungsapparat aparelho digestivo
1922 |
1 Verfolgungswahn; Verfolgungsangst mania de perseguição
1923 |
1 Vergrößerung; Erweiterung alargamento
1924 |
1 Verhärtung esclerose
1925 |
1 Verhütungsmethode método anticoncepcional
1926 |
1 Verkehrsauffassungstest teste de trafego de taquistoscópio
1927 |
1 Verkehrspsychologie psicologia de tráfego
1928 |
1 verlängern alongar-se
1929 |
1 Verlängerung der Seitenventrikel prolongamento temporal dos ventrículos laterais
1930 |
1 Verlegung transferência
1931 |
1 vermehrt (durch...) aumentado (por...)
1932 |
1 vermehrter Appetit; erhöhter Appetit aumento de apetite
1933 |
1 vermehrter Schweissausbruch quadro de hipersudorese
1934 |
1 Verschiebung desalinhamento
1935 |
1 Verschiebung deslizamento
1936 |
1 verschiedene Schmerzpunkte, schmerzende Stellen vários pontos dolorosos
1937 |
1 Verschlechterung; Verschlimmerung agravamento
1938 |
1 versichern; behaupten; sichern; gewährleisten afirmar
1939 |
1 verstorben; tot morto
1940 |
1 Vertebralarterie artéria vertrebral
1941 |
1 vertebrale Luxationen luxações vertebrais
1942 |
1 verteilte Aufmerksamkeit atenção distribuida
1943 |
1 Verum Substância quimica autêntica
1944 |
1 verwaltungsrechtliche Rechtsstreitigkeit contencioso administrativo
1945 |
1 verzögert auftretende Symptome sintomas retardados
1946 |
1 verzweigkettige Aminosäuren aminoácidos ramificados em cadeias
1947 |
1 Vesikuläratmen; Bläschenatmen mumúrio vesicular (MV)
1948 |
1 Viruspneumonie pneumonia viral
1949 |
1 viskoelastisches Produkt produto visco-elástico
1950 |
1 visuelles System sistema visual
1951 |
1 vitreoretinale Chirurgie cirurgia vitreo-retiniana
1952 |
1 Vollsgesundheit saúde comunitária
1953 |
1 volumetrische Erfassung aquisição volumétrica
1954 |
1 vor dem Schlafengehen ao deitar
1955 |
1 Vorderhörner (Cornu temporale) cornos temporais
1956 |
1 Vorderkammerlinse mit Haptik der Iris lente de câmara anterior de suporte iridiano
1957 |
1 vor Einlieferung ins Krankenhaus pré-hospitalar
1958 |
1 vorrangige Beschwerden queixas principais
1959 |
1 Vorschrift des IgE-RIA Procedimento a seguir para a IgE (RIA)
1960 |
1 vorzeitige Plazentalösung deslocamento prematuro da placenta
1961 |
1 wachsame Aufmerksamkeit atenção vigilante
1962 |
1 Wachstumshemmung, Wachstumsverzögerung atraso de crescimento
1963 |
1 wach vigil
1964 |
1 Wade barriga da perna
1965 |
1 Wange bochecha
1966 |
1 Wasser água
1967 |
1 wässerig; flüssig aguadilho
1968 |
1 Wasserstoffperoxid água oxigenada
1969 |
1 Wattestäbchen algodão
1970 |
1 weich; aufweichen amolecer
1971 |
1 Weichgewebe tecidos moles
1972 |
1 weich; soft mole
1973 |
1 Wendung versão
1974 |
1 Wesensänderung; Persönlichkeitsveränderung alteração da personalidade
1975 |
1 wesentliche Verschiebung desvio apreciável
1976 |
1 Widerstandsindex IR = indice de resistividade
1977 |
1 Wiedererlangung der Funktionen recuperação funcional
1978 |
1 Wiederherstellung/Verbesserung der motorischen Koordination recuperação práxica
1979 |
1 Wiener Testsystem sistema de testes de Viena
1980 |
1 Wirbel C2 corpo C 2
1981 |
1 Wirbelkanal buraco vertebral
1982 |
1 Wirbelkanal canal raquidiano
1983 |
1 Wirbelkörper vértebra
1984 |
1 Wirbelplatte plataforma vertebral
1985 |
1 Wirbelsäule coluna vertebral
1986 |
1 Wollwachsalkohole alcoóis de lã
1987 |
1 Wundverhältnis situação das feridas
1988 |
1 Zahnarzthilfe apoio à clínica dentária
1989 |
1 (Zahn-)Füllung material de obturação
1990 |
1 Zahn; Molar; molar molar
1991 |
1 Zahnspange aparelho de dentes
1992 |
1 Zahnstumpf arnela
1993 |
1 Zellgewebsentzündung der Augenhöhle celulite orbitáris
1994 |
1 Zellstruktur estrutura célular
1995 |
1 Zellveränderungen adaptações celulares
1996 |
1 Zellwände paredes célulares
1997 |
1 zentrale pontine Myelinolyse mielinólise centro-pôntica
1998 |
1 zerebrale Angiographie angiografia cerebral
1999 |
1 zerebrale Atrophie des Kleinhirns atrofia difusa, cerebral e cerebelosa
2000 |
1 zerebrales CT TC cerebral
2001 |
1 zerebrellare Ataxie ataxia cerebrelar
2002 |
1 Zerrung distensão
2003 |
1 zervikale Funktionsstörung deficit funcional cervical
2004 |
1 zervikale Lordose lordose cervical
2005 |
1 Zervikalsyndrom sindrome de pontada cervical
2006 |
1 Zervikobrachialgie cervico braquialgia
2007 |
1 Ziliarkörper corpo ciliar
2008 |
1 Zimtaldehyd aldeído cinâmico
2009 |
1 Zimtalkohol álcool cinâmico
2010 |
1 Zink-dibenzyldithiocarbamat dibenzil ditiocarbamato de zinco
2011 |
1 zisternale Bereiche espaços cisternais
2012 |
1 Zisterne cisterna
2013 |
1 Zitronenöl essência de limão
2014 |
1 Z. n. condição após
2015 |
1 zuführend; afferent aferente
2016 |
1 Zulassungsinhaber detentor da homologação
2017 |
1 Zuleitungsverschluss rolha
2018 |
1 Zul.Nr. N.º de homologação
2019 |
1 Zunahme; Anstieg (von) aumento (de...)
2020 |
1 Zungenbiß mordedura da língua
2021 |
1 zurückgebliebene Zervikalgie cervicalgia residual
2022 |
1 Zusammenfassende Beurteilung conclusão
2023 |
1 zuzuordnendes pathophysiologisches Korrelat Embora não exista uma correlação patofisiológica associada a um primeiro estádio (ou estádio primário) desta redução de oligoele
2024 |
1 zweifach destilliertes Wasser água bidestilada
2025 |
1 Zwerchfell diafragma
2026 |
1 Zwischenwirbelloch buracos de conjugação (forman intervertebral)
2027 |
1 Zystische Fibrose fibrose cística
2028 |
1 Zytomegalie-Virus cetomegalovirus
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
1 |
1 Anamnese anamneza
2 |
1 Aorteninsuffizienz insuficienta aortica
3 |
1 Arteriosklerose arterioscleroza
4 |
1 Arztbrief scrisoare medicala
5 |
1 aufrechte Haltung pozitie ortostatica
6 |
1 Augenhintergrund fundul ochiului
7 |
1 Auskultation auscultatie
8 |
1 Bänder ligamente
9 |
1 Bauchspeicheldrüse pancreas
10 |
1 Becken bazin
11 |
1 Becken pelvis
12 |
1 Befund buletin de rezultate
13 |
1 behandelnder Arzt medic curant
14 |
1 Betastung palpare
15 |
1 Beweglichkeit mobilitate
16 |
1 Bindegewebe tesut conjunctiv
17 |
1 Blutzelle celula sanguina
18 |
1 Bruch fractura
19 |
1 Brustwirbel vertebra toracica
20 |
1 Cholezystographie colecistografie
21 |
1 extraunterine Schwangerschaft, Eileiterschwangerschaft sarcina ectopica
22 |
1 Femur; Oberschenkelknochen femur
23 |
1 Ferse calcai
24 |
1 Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit capacitate de reproducere
25 |
1 Frühgeburt nastere prematura
26 |
1 Gelenk articulatie
27 |
1 Gelenkkapsel capsula articulara
28 |
1 Gelenksflüssigkeit lichid sinovial
29 |
1 Gelenksschmerzen dureri articulare
30 |
1 Gelenkssteifheit anchiloza
31 |
1 gerichtsärztliches Gutachten expertiza medico-legala
32 |
1 Gerichtsmediziner medic legist
33 |
1 GnRH GnRH, hormon de eliberare a gonadotropiei
34 |
1 Halsnerven; zervikale Nerven nervi cervicali
35 |
1 Halswirbel vertebra cervicala
36 |
1 Haut tegument
37 |
1 hCG, humanes Choriongonadotropin hCG, gonadotrofina chorionica umana
38 |
1 Herzbeutel pericard
39 |
1 Herzhautentzündung pericardita
40 |
1 Herzinfarkt infarct miocardic
41 |
1 Herzinsuffizienz insuficienta cardiaca
42 |
1 Herzklopfen palpitatie; bataie de inima
43 |
1 Herzkrankheit boala de cord
44 |
1 Herzkranzgefäße vase coronariene
45 |
1 Herzleiden afectiune cardiaca
46 |
1 Herzmuskelentartung degenerescenta a miocardului
47 |
1 Herzmuskel miocard
48 |
1 Herznerv nerv cardiac
49 |
1 Herzriss ruptura de cord
50 |
1 Herzstillstand stop cardiac
51 |
1 Herzverfettung degenerescenta grasoasa a inimii
52 |
1 Herzwassersucht anasarca
53 |
1 Hinterhauptbein os occipital
54 |
1 Hirnanhangsdrüse, Hypophyse hipofiza
55 |
1 histopathologischer Befund buletin histopatologic
56 |
1 Hohlvene vena cava
57 |
1 Hüftbein os iliac
58 |
1 Hüfte sold
59 |
1 Hysterektomie histerectomie
60 |
1 ICSI, intrazytoplasmatische Spermatozoeninjektion ICSI, injectare intracitoplasmatica de spermatozoizi
61 |
1 In-Vitro-Fertilisation fertilizare in vitro
62 |
1 Jochbein os molar
63 |
1 Keilbein os sfenoid
64 |
1 Kiefer maxilar
65 |
1 Kniescheibe rotula
66 |
1 Knöchel glezna
67 |
1 Knochenwachstum crestere osoasa
68 |
1 Knorpelband (Pl. -bänder) simfiza
69 |
1 Knorpelgewebe tesut cartilaginos
70 |
1 Kontrastmittel substanta de contrast
71 |
1 Kranzarterie artera coronara
72 |
1 Kreuzbein; Os sacrum os sacru
73 |
1 Lendenwirbel vertebra lombara
74 |
1 Meniskus, Miniskus menisc
75 |
1 Morbus Basedow, Basedow-Krankheit boala Basedow
76 |
1 Nasenbein os nazal
77 |
1 Nebenschilddrüse glanda paratiroida
78 |
1 Neonatologe neonatolog
79 |
1 Nervenzelle celula nervoasa
80 |
1 Oberarmknochen; Humerus humerus
81 |
1 Oberarzt medic primar
82 |
1 Oberschenkel coapsa
83 |
1 Osteoblast osteoblast
84 |
1 Perkussion percutie
85 |
1 Reproduktionszentrum centru de reproducere umana asistata
86 |
1 Rippenknorpel cartilaj costal
87 |
1 Rückenmarkskanal canal medular
88 |
1 Schilddrüse glanda tiroida
89 |
1 Schläfenbein os temporal
90 |
1 Schlüsselbein; Klavikula; Clavicula clavicula
91 |
1 Schwangerschaft sarcina
92 |
1 Schwangerschaftswoche saptamana de gestatie
93 |
1 schweratmig dispneic
94 |
1 Sehne tendon
95 |
1 Skapula; Scapula; Schulterblatt scapula
96 |
1 Steißbein; Os coccygis os coccigian
97 |
1 Sternum; Brustbein stern
98 |
1 Stirnbein os frontal
99 |
1 Thyreoidektomie tiroidectomie
100 |
1 überweisender Arzt medic trimitator
101 |
1 Unterarm antebrat
102 |
1 Unterkiefer; Mandibula mandibula
103 |
1 Unterleib zona genitala
104 |
1 Unterschenkel gamba
105 |
1 Verbreiterung dilatare
106 |
1 Verknöcherung; Ossifikation osificare
107 |
1 Wirbelsäule coloana vertebrala
108 |
1 Wirbel vertebre
109 |
1 Zyanose cianoza
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
1 |
1 Abdomensonographie УЗИ органов брюшной полости
2 |
1 abgekapselt, eingekapselt, eingesackt осумкованный
3 |
1 abgrenzbar sein определяться
4 |
1 Abmeldestelle für Syphilis-Patienten центр по снятию с учёта больных сифилисом
5 |
1 Absetzungsrand край резекции
6 |
1 abstehendes Schulterblätter лопатки крыловидные
7 |
1 adjuvante Chemotherapie адьювантная химиотерапия
8 |
1 akute myelomonozytäre Leukämie острый миеломонобластный лейкоз
9 |
1 akute obstruktive Bronchitis острый обструктивный бронхит
10 |
1 akuter Beginn острое начало
11 |
1 Alanintransaminase АЛТ
12 |
1 alio loco в другом месте
13 |
1 allgemeine Blutanalyse общий анализ крови
14 |
1 allgemeine Urinuntersuchung общий анализ мочи
15 |
1 alternierend альтернирующий
16 |
1 Alveolenentzündung альвеолит
17 |
1 Anfälle mit tonischer Verkrampfung приступы с тоническим напряжением
18 |
1 angeborene Mißbildung ВПР (врожденный порок развития)
19 |
1 anterior-posteriorer Durchmesser переднезадний размер
20 |
1 Anti-HIV 1/2 антитела к ВИЧ 1 /2
21 |
1 Aortenbogen дуга аорты
22 |
23 |
1 Assistenzarzt Ассистирующий врач; врач-ассистент
24 |
1 AudioSpot функция выбора/усиления звука
25 |
1 Augenlinse хрусталик
26 |
27 |
1 Bakterienkultur бактериологический посев
28 |
1 Bakteriurie бактериурия
29 |
1 Bauchhöhlentoilette туалет брюшной полости
30 |
1 Behandlungsplan, Heilplan, Therapieplan план лечения
31 |
1 betont акцентирован
32 |
1 Bewegungsstörungssyndrom синдром двигательных нарушений
33 |
1 BGA (Blutgasanalyse) анализ газового состава крови
34 |
1 BNS-Anfall пропульсивный припадок (BNS-синдром, гипсаритмия)
35 |
1 Brustwassersucht, Hydrothorax гидроторакс
36 |
1 Bügelprothese бюгельный протез
37 |
1 Cisterna interpeduncularis межножковая цистерна
38 |
1 CMV (Cytomegalovirus) ЦМВ (цитомегаловирус)
39 |
1 das Konsil осмотр
40 |
1 das Zittern, der Tremor тремор
41 |
1 der Colon ободочная кишка
42 |
1 die Ekchymose экхимоз
43 |
1 Die Fissura Sylvii, Sylvische Fissur, Sylvische Furche, Fissura lateralis, Sulcus lateralis сильвиева щель
44 |
1 die Lungenwurzeln корни легких
45 |
1 die Vorderkammer передняя камера глаза
46 |
1 drohende Fehlgeburt угроза выкидыша
47 |
1 Druckgeschwüre пролежни
48 |
1 Echofähigkeit, Echobildungsfähigkeit эхогенность
49 |
1 elektiv плановый
50 |
1 Elektrodeexplantation экспантация электроды
51 |
1 endgradige Schwäche крайняя слабость
52 |
1 Engerwerden vom Mundbereich сужение ротовой щели
53 |
1 Entkernung, Ausschälung, Enukleation энуаклеация
54 |
2 Enzymgekoppelter Immunadsorptionstest (EIA) ИФА
55 |
1 Epstein-Barr-Virus ВЭБ
56 |
1 erblich nicht belastet наследственность не отягощенна
57 |
1 erstgradige 1ой степени
58 |
1 Erythropoese эритропоэз
59 |
1 Erythropoetin эритропоэтин
60 |
1 Facharzt für Infektionskrankheiten инфекционист
61 |
1 Fallpauschale фиксированная сумма на оплату одного случая лечения (а не пациенто-дня)
62 |
1 Färbungsverfahren методика окраски
63 |
1 Fettgewebe, Fettzellgewebe жировая клетчатка
64 |
1 fibrosierende Alveolitis фиброзирующий альвеолит
65 |
1 Filmtablette таблетки, покрытые пленочной оболочкой
66 |
1 fokale Veränderung очаговое изменение
67 |
1 Fontanelle родничок
68 |
1 frei без ограничений
69 |
1 fristgerechte Geburt срочные роды
70 |
1 Funktionsprobe, Funktionsprüfungstest функциональная проба
71 |
1 Gallenwegedzskinesie ДЖВП (дискинезия желчно-выводящих путей)
72 |
1 Gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit гастроэзофагальная рефлюксная болезнь
73 |
1 Gastroösophagealer Reflux гастроэзофагиальный рефлюкс
74 |
1 Geburtskohorteneffekt эффект возраст��ой когорты
75 |
1 Gefäßmuster сосудистый рисунок
76 |
1 Gehirnwellen-Stimulation навязывание ритма
77 |
1 Genumlagerung реаранжировка генов
78 |
1 geringe Herzmissbildung малая аномалия развития сердца
79 |
1 Geschlechtskrankheiten und HIV-Infektionen Заболевания, передающиеся половым путем и ВИЧ инфекии
80 |
2 Glaskörper стекловидное тело
81 |
1 Glatt konturiert. Die Kontur ist glatt. контуры ровные
82 |
1 Glomeruläre Filtrationsrate (GFR) Скорость клубочковой фильтрации (СКФ)
83 |
1 Glomerulonephritis гломерулонефрит
84 |
1 granulierende Entzündung гранулирующее воспаление
85 |
1 Haftepithese самоклеющийся экзопротез
86 |
1 Halswirbelsäule шейный отдел позвоночника
87 |
1 hämoreologisch гемореологический
88 |
1 Hämotoxylin-Eosin гематоксилин-эозин
89 |
1 harnableitendes System мвс
90 |
1 Harnentleerung мочеиспускание
91 |
1 Hegarstift расширитель Хегара
92 |
1 Herpes-simplex-Virus ВПГ
93 |
1 Heterotopie гетеротопия
94 |
1 Hinterhauptsloch БЗО
95 |
1 histologischer Bau гистологическое строение
96 |
1 Hodgkin-Lymphom, Morbus Hodgkin, Lymphogranulomatose лимфома Ходжкина
97 |
1 Hohlraumsystem полостная система
98 |
1 hypertensives Syndrom гипертензионный синдром
99 |
1 Hypertr. obstr. Kardiomyopathie гипертрофическая обструктивная кардиомиопатия
100 |
1 Hypophysenlappen доля гипофиза
101 |
1 Hypophysenstiel воронка гипофиза
102 |
1 hypoxisch ischämische Enzephalopathie гипоксически-ишемическая энцефалопатия
103 |
1 Hypsarrhythmie гипсаритмия
104 |
1 Immunophänotyp иммунофенотип
105 |
1 im Zeitablauf в динамике
106 |
1 Inhalette, Vernebler небулайзер
107 |
1 innere Kopfschlagader ВСА
108 |
1 innerer Gehörgang внутренний слуховой проход
109 |
110 |
1 Interlobulärseptum (-septen) междольковая перегородка
111 |
1 intestinale Passagestörung нарушения кишечной проходимости
112 |
1 intraventrikuläre Reizleitungsstörung нарушение внутрижелудочковой проводимости
113 |
1 in Verlaufsrichtung по ходу
114 |
1 Kaolinzeit каолиновое время
115 |
1 Karzinomatose карциноматоз
116 |
1 katheter-asoziierte Sepsis катетеризоционный сепсис
117 |
1 kein Anhalt für нет признаков, отсутствие признаков (какого-либо заболевания)
118 |
1 kein Herdbefund отсутствие признаков эпилептической активности
119 |
1 Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel мостомозжечковый угол
120 |
1 koagulase-negative Staphylokokken коагулазонегативные стафилококки
121 |
1 Kochsalzlösung физраствор
122 |
1 Konkrement конкремент
123 |
1 Kontrastverstärkung контрастное усиление
124 |
1 Konülenträger конюленоситель
125 |
1 Kortikomedulläre Differenzierung КМД (кортико-медуллярная дифференциация)
126 |
1 Kostenübernahmeerklärung заявление о принятии на себя расходов
127 |
1 Krampfsyndrom судорожный синдром
128 |
1 kraniovertebraler Übergang краниовертебральный переход
129 |
1 Kufennadeln лыжеобразные иглы
130 |
1 Laktatdehydrogenase лактатдегидрогеназа
131 |
1 langsamwellig медленноволновой
132 |
1 Leberpforte (f) ворота печени
133 |
1 Lendenstich люмбальная пункция
134 |
1 Leukomalazie лейкомаляция
135 |
136 |
1 Lipidprofil липидный профиль (ЛП)
137 |
1 Lippenzyanose цианоз губ
138 |
1 Löffelnadel (med., chir.) игла ложкообразная (мед., хир.)
139 |
1 Lungenfeld легочное поле
140 |
1 Lungengewebe легочная ткань
141 |
2 Lymphadenopathie лимфаденопатия
142 |
1 Lymphknotengeschwulst опухоль лимфатического узла
143 |
1 Medianlinie срединная линия
144 |
1 Meningoenzephalitis менингоэнцефалит
145 |
1 mikroskopische Beschreibung микроскопическое описание
146 |
1 MRD (minimale Resterkrankung) МРБ (минимальная резидуальная болезнь)
147 |
1 MRT isointens МРТ-изоинтенсивность
148 |
149 |
1 multiplanare Rekonstruktion мультипланарная реконструкция
150 |
1 Mundhöhlentoilette туалет полости рта
151 |
1 Myelodysplastisches Syndrom миелодиспластический синдром (МДС)
152 |
1 Myeloperoxidase миелопероксидаза
153 |
1 Nabelschnurumschlingung обвитие пуповины
154 |
1 Nachsorge послеоперационный уход
155 |
1 Nasennebenhöhlen ППН (придаточные пазухи носа)
156 |
1 Nekroseherd очаг некроза
157 |
1 Nephrophatie нефропатия
158 |
1 nicht näher bezeichnet, n.n.bez. неуточненный
159 |
1 nodulär-sklerosierende Form вариант с нодулярным склерозом
160 |
2 normwertig в пределах нормы
161 |
1 opisthotone Kopfhaltung опистотоническое положение головы
162 |
1 opisthotone Körperhaltung опистотоническое положение туловища
163 |
1 osteodestruktive Veränderung костно-деструктивное изменение
164 |
1 Paragrippe парагрипп
165 |
1 paratracheal паратрахеальный
166 |
1 Perineuralraum периневральное пространство
167 |
1 peripheres Blut периферическая кровь
168 |
1 Petechie петехия
169 |
1 Plasmazelle плазматическая клетка
170 |
1 Pleuraerguss, PE плевральный выпот
171 |
1 Pleurarezessus плевральный синус
172 |
1 plump деформированный
173 |
1 polymorph, vielförmig полиморфный
174 |
1 postbulbar ретробульбарный
175 |
1 Postreanimationskrankheit, Postreanimationserkrankung Болезнь оживленного организма
176 |
1 Proteinurie, Eiweißharnen протеинурия
177 |
1 Prothrombinzeit-Ratio протромбиновое отношение
178 |
1 Pylorusstenose стеноз превратника
179 |
1 Randwinkelerguss накопление жидкости в рёберно-диафрагмальном синусе
180 |
1 Raumforderung, raumfordernde Läsion, raumfordernder Prozess объемное образование
181 |
1 Regenerationskur восстановительное лечение
182 |
1 Resektat фрагмент, рецезированный фрагмент, макропреперат
183 |
1 RSV респираторный-синцитиальный вирус
184 |
1 Schiefhals кривошея
185 |
1 Schlafentzug депривация сна
186 |
1 Schnittbild томограмма, томографический снимок, томографическое изображение
187 |
1 Schnittstufe срез
188 |
1 Schulterdystokie дистоция плечиков, плечевая дистоция
189 |
1 Sehnervenscheibe диск зрительного нерва
190 |
1 septische Lockerung (der Prothese) септическое расшатывание (протеза)
191 |
1 sexuell übertragbare Erkrankung ИППП
192 |
1 sistieren прекратиться
193 |
1 skoliotische Haltung сколиотическая осанка
194 |
1 Spine Спинной хребет/позвоночный столб
195 |
1 spontane Geburt самопроизвольные, естественные роды
196 |
1 Stammzelltransplantation трансплантация стволовых клеток
197 |
1 Stauungspapille застойный диск зрительного нерва
198 |
1 Sternberg-Zelle, Sternberg-Riesenzelle клетка Рида-Штернберга, клетка Штернберга, клетка Березовского-Штернберга
199 |
1 supratentoriell супратенториальный
200 |
1 sylvische Fissur латеральная щель
201 |
1 täglich Harneiweißausscheidung суточный белок мочи
202 |
1 Thromboplastinzeit тромбиновое время
203 |
1 Tumorprothese онкологический протез
204 |
1 Tumorresektion удаление опухоли
205 |
1 Tumorzelle опухолевая клетка
206 |
1 Übergangsepithel эпителий переходной
207 |
1 unauffälliger Befund без отклонений
208 |
1 unausgeprägt стёртый
209 |
1 Urinkultur посев мочи
210 |
1 Velum interpositum киста промежуточного паруса
211 |
1 Venenabfluß венозный отток
212 |
1 Ventrikulomegalie вентрикуломегалия
213 |
1 verabreichen вводить
214 |
1 Verdrehen von Augenäpfel заведение глаз
215 |
1 Verschieblichkeit смещаемость
216 |
1 Vertebralarterie позвоночная артерия
217 |
1 Vollmassage, Ganzmassage общий массаж
218 |
1 Wabenlunge сотовое легкое
219 |
1 Wenn diese unsere Handlungen kontrollierende Instanz beschädigt ist Если контролирующая наши действия инстанция выходит из строя
220 |
1 Wucherung разрастание
221 |
1 Zeruloplasmin церулоплазмин
222 |
1 Zytochemie цитохимия
223 |
1 Аugenhintergrund глазное дно
224 |
1 В Anti-HBc антитела к ядерному антигену вируса гепатита
225 |
1 гаптоглобин гаптоглобин
226 |
1 Сavum septi pellucidi et Vergae полость Верге
227 |
1 сетчастый электрод Gitterelektrode
228 |
1 система расчёта стоимости лечения на основании сходства диагнозов DRG (Diagnosis Related Group)
229 |
1 экзартикуляция тазобедренного сустава Hüftexartikulation
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@@ -0,0 +1,2208 @@
1 |
1 Abasie abasi
2 |
1 Abbau nedbrytning
3 |
1 Abbindung stelningstid
4 |
1 Abdruckmasse avtrycksmaterial
5 |
1 Abdusenzlähmung abdusenspares
6 |
1 aberrierend aberrant
7 |
1 abführende Wirkung laxerande verkan
8 |
1 Abführmittel laxeringsmedel
9 |
1 Abgang missfall
10 |
1 abhängig beroende
11 |
1 Ablassrate deflationshastighet
12 |
1 Abnabelung avnavling
13 |
1 abnorm abnorm
14 |
1 absondern utsöndra
15 |
1 Absonderung utsöndring
16 |
1 absorbierend absorberande
17 |
1 Abstinenzerscheinung abstinenssymptom
18 |
1 Abstinenz helnykterhet
19 |
1 Abstinenzler helnykterist
20 |
1 abstoßen avstöta
21 |
1 Abstoßreaktionen avstötningsreaktioner
22 |
1 Abstoßung avstötning
23 |
1 abszedieren abscedera
24 |
1 Abszess varböld
25 |
1 Abwehrkräfte immunförsvar
26 |
1 Accelerin accelerin
27 |
1 AC Gelenk akromioklavikularled
28 |
1 Achillessehne akillessenan, hälsenan
29 |
1 Achillessehnenruptur akillesseneruptur
30 |
1 Achillodynie akillodyni
31 |
1 Achselhöhle armhåla
32 |
1 Acorea akoré
33 |
1 Adamsapfel adamsäpple
34 |
1 Adaptation adaptering
35 |
1 adduzieren adducera
36 |
1 Adenektomie adenektomi
37 |
1 Aderlass åderlåtning
38 |
1 ADI accepterat dagligt intag
39 |
1 adrenal som avser binjurarna
40 |
1 Agoraphobie torgskräck
41 |
1 Agraffe agraff
42 |
1 Agraffe sårklämma
43 |
1 Aichmophobie sjuklig rädsla för att skada sig själv eller andra med skärande eller spetsiga föremål
44 |
1 Ailurophobie sjuklig rädsla för katter
45 |
1 akinetisch akinetisk
46 |
1 akquirieren ackvirera
47 |
1 Akromegalie akromegali
48 |
1 Akupressur akupressur
49 |
1 Akureyri-Krankheit akureyrisjukan
50 |
1 Alalie alali
51 |
1 Albumen albumen
52 |
1 Alfentanil alfentanil
53 |
1 Alginsäure alginsyra
54 |
1 Algophobie algofobi
55 |
1 Algurie alguri
56 |
1 Alkoholiker alkoholist
57 |
1 Allergie allergi
58 |
1 Allgemeinmedizin allmänmedicin
59 |
1 Allgemeinmediziner allmänläkare
60 |
1 Allgemeinzustand allmäntillstånd, AT
61 |
1 Alligatorzange alligatortång
62 |
1 Allopezie alopeci, håravfall
63 |
1 Alraune alruna
64 |
1 Alternativmedizin alternativmedicin
65 |
1 altersschwach skröplig, ålderssvag
66 |
1 alveolär alveolär
67 |
1 Alveole blåsa, urholkning
68 |
1 Alzheimers Krankheit Alzheimers sjukdom
69 |
1 Amalgamabscheider amalgamseparator
70 |
1 Amalgam amalgam
71 |
1 Amalgamtätowierung amalgamtatuering
72 |
1 Amastie amasti
73 |
1 amaurotisch amaurotisk
74 |
1 Ambidexter ambidexter
75 |
1 Ambidextrie ambidextri
76 |
1 Ambisexualität bisexualitet
77 |
1 Amboss städ
78 |
1 ambulant ambulant, ej sängliggande
79 |
1 Ambulanz akutmottagning
80 |
1 Ameisensäure myrsyra
81 |
1 amelanotisch amelanotisk
82 |
1 Amelie ameli
83 |
1 Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhö amenorré
84 |
1 AMG, Arzneimittelgesetz läkemedelslagen
85 |
1 Amidase amidas
86 |
1 Aminosäuren aminosyror
87 |
1 AML, akute myeloblastische Leukämie AML, akut myeloisk leukemi
88 |
1 Amme amma
89 |
1 Ammonshorn ammonshornet
90 |
1 Amnesie amnesi
91 |
1 amnestisches Syndrom amnestiskt syndrom
92 |
1 Amnionflüssigkeit amnionvätska
93 |
1 Amnionhöhle amnionhålan
94 |
1 Amotio amotio
95 |
1 Ampullenflasche ampullflaska
96 |
1 Amputat amputat
97 |
1 Amputation amputation
98 |
1 amputieren amputera
99 |
1 Amtsarzt distriktsläkare
100 |
1 Anämie anemi
101 |
1 Anamnese anamnes, sjukdomshistoria
102 |
1 anaphylaktischer Schock anafylaktisk chock
103 |
1 Anaphylaxie anafylaxi
104 |
1 Anästhesie anestesi
105 |
1 Anästhetist narkosläkare
106 |
1 Anatomie anatomi
107 |
1 Anfallsleiden epilepsi
108 |
1 Angiologie angiologi
109 |
1 Angst-Glück-Psychose cykloid psykos
110 |
1 Anormalität abnormalitet
111 |
1 Anosmie avsaknad av luktsinne
112 |
1 Antidepressivum antidepressivt medel
113 |
1 Antikoagulation antikoagulation
114 |
1 Antikörper antikroppar
115 |
1 Antikörper immunoglobuliner
116 |
1 Antioxidanten antioxidanter
117 |
1 Aortabogen aortabågen
118 |
1 Aortenklappe aortaklaff
119 |
1 Apex apex
120 |
1 Apex-Lokator apexlokalisator
121 |
1 Apherese aferes
122 |
1 Apotheke apotek
123 |
1 apothekenpflichtig som endast säljs på apotek
124 |
1 Apparatemedizin högteknologisk sjukvård
125 |
1 Appendicitis blindtarmsinflammation
126 |
1 Appendix appendix
127 |
1 Arbeitsmedizin arbetsmedicin
128 |
1 Arbeitsunfall olycksfall i arbetet
129 |
1 Arm arm
130 |
1 Armbeuger överarmsmuskel
131 |
1 Arm-Hals-Schlagader arm-huvudstammen
132 |
1 Arnika slåtterfibbla
133 |
1 arrythmie arytmi
134 |
1 Arterie artär
135 |
1 arterielles Blut arteriellt blod
136 |
1 Arthritis artrit, ledgångsinflammation
137 |
1 Arthrose artros
138 |
1 Arzneibuch farmakopé
139 |
1 Arzneiform läkemedelsform
140 |
1 Arzneimittelabhängigkeit läkemedelsberoende
141 |
1 arzneimittelabhängig läkemedelsberoende
142 |
1 arzneimittelähnliche Produkte läkemedelsliknande produkter
143 |
1 Arzneimittel läkemedel
144 |
1 Ärztekammer läkarsällskap
145 |
1 Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin allmänläkare
146 |
1 Arzthelferin mottagningssköterska
147 |
1 Arztpraxis läkarpraktik
148 |
1 Asbestose asbestos
149 |
1 aseptisk steril
150 |
1 Asthma astma
151 |
1 Asthmatiker astmatiker
152 |
1 Atembeschwerden andningsstörningar
153 |
1 Atemnot andnöd
154 |
1 Atemorgane andningsorgan
155 |
1 Atemstillstand andningsstillestånd
156 |
1 Atemstörungen andningsstörningar
157 |
1 Atemwege luftvägar
158 |
1 Atemwegskrankheit luftvägssjukdom
159 |
1 Atlas atlaskota
160 |
1 Atmung andning
161 |
1 Atmungsorgane andningsorgan
162 |
1 Auffrischimpfung omvaccinering; revaccinering
163 |
1 aufgedunsen uppsvälld
164 |
1 Aufklärungsformular informationsformulär
165 |
1 auf nüchternen Magen på fastande mage
166 |
1 Aufpumpzeit inflationstid
167 |
1 Aufputschmittel stimulansmedel
168 |
1 aufsteigende Aorta uppåtstigande aorta
169 |
1 Augapfel ögonglob
170 |
1 Augenarzt ögonläkare
171 |
1 Augenbinde ögonbindel, lapp för ögat
172 |
1 Augenbraue ögonbryn
173 |
1 Augenbrennen ögonsveda
174 |
1 Augendeckel ögonlock
175 |
1 Augendruck ögontryck
176 |
1 Augenentzündung ögoninflammation
177 |
1 Augenfältchen rynkor kring ögonen
178 |
1 Augenfarbe färg på ögonen
179 |
1 Augenfehler synfel
180 |
1 Augenheilkunde oftalmologi, oftalmiatrik
181 |
1 Augenhöhle ögonhåla
182 |
1 Augenklappe lapp för ögat
183 |
1 Augenklinik ögonklinik
184 |
2 Augenkrankheit ögonsjukdom
185 |
1 Augenlicht syn
186 |
2 Augenlid ögonlock
187 |
2 Augenmuskel ögonmuskel
188 |
1 Augennerv synnerv
189 |
1 Augenringmuskel ögats ringmuskel
190 |
1 Augenrötung rodnande ögon
191 |
1 Augensand ögongrus
192 |
1 Augentropfen ögondroppar
193 |
2 Augenwimpern ögonfransar
194 |
1 Augenzahn hörntand, ögontand
195 |
1 Auge öga
196 |
1 ausatmen andas ut
197 |
1 Ausbreitung spridning, utbredning
198 |
1 ausdünsten utsöndra
199 |
1 ausheilen bota fullständigt
200 |
1 Ausschabung skrapning
201 |
1 ausschwitzen svetta ut, avsöndra
202 |
1 äußere Drosselvene yttre halsven
203 |
1 ausspülen spola ur
204 |
1 Autismus autism
205 |
1 autoklavieren autoklavera
206 |
1 Autophobie autofobi
207 |
1 Avitaminose avitaminos
208 |
1 Avocadoöl avokadoolja
209 |
1 Babynahrung barnmat
210 |
1 Babyspeck babyhull
211 |
1 Backenzahn kindtand
212 |
1 Bäckerekzem bagareksem
213 |
1 Bakterie bakterie
214 |
1 Bakterienherd bakteriehärd
215 |
1 Bakteriologe bakteriolog
216 |
1 bakteriologisch bakteriologisk
217 |
1 Balanitis balanit
218 |
1 Balken hjärnbalk
219 |
1 Bänderriss ledbandsruptur
220 |
1 Bänderzerrung ledbandsskada
221 |
1 Bandinsuffizienz bandinsufficiens
222 |
1 Band ledband
223 |
1 Bandscheibe disk
224 |
1 Bandscheibenvorfall diskbråck
225 |
1 Bandscheibenvorwölbung diskprotrusion
226 |
1 Bange oro, rädsla
227 |
1 Barodontalgie barodontalgi
228 |
1 Bauch buk, mage
229 |
1 Bauchfellentzündung bukhinneinflammation
230 |
1 Bauchhöhle bukhåla
231 |
1 Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft utomkvedshavandeskap
232 |
1 Bauchkneifen magknip
233 |
1 Bauchkrämpfe magkramp
234 |
1 Bauchmuskel bukmuskel
235 |
1 Bauchnabel navel
236 |
1 Bauchpelotte abdominalpelott
237 |
1 Bauchschmerzen magsmärtor, gastralgi
238 |
1 Bauchspeicheldrüse bukspottkörtel
239 |
1 Bauschmuskel skulderbladshöjare
240 |
1 Bazillenfurcht bacillskräck
241 |
1 Bazillenträger smittbärare
242 |
2 Bazillus bacill
243 |
1 BCG-Schutzimpfung calmettevaccination
244 |
1 Beatmungsgerät respirator
245 |
1 Becken bäcken
246 |
1 Beckengurt bäckenband
247 |
1 Beckenknochen bäckenben
248 |
1 bedingt arbeitsfähig partiellt arbetsför
249 |
1 bedrückt nedstämd
250 |
1 Befund undersökningsresultat
251 |
1 beginnende Fehlgeburt begynnande missfall
252 |
1 Begleiterkrankung följdsjukdom
253 |
1 Begleiterscheinung följdsymptom
254 |
1 Begleitverletzungen följdskador
255 |
1 behäbig korpulent
256 |
1 Behandlungszimmer behandlingsrum
257 |
1 Beinahe-Todesereignis, ALTE ALTE
258 |
1 Beinbruch benbrott
259 |
1 Beipackzettel bipacksedel
260 |
1 belebend stimulerande
261 |
1 Bereitschaft haben ha jourtjänstgöring
262 |
1 Bereitschaftsarzt jourläkare
263 |
1 Bereitschaftsdienst jour
264 |
1 beruhigend lugnande
265 |
1 Beruhigungsmittel lugnande medel
266 |
1 Beruhigungsspritze lugnande spruta
267 |
1 beschneiden omskära
268 |
1 beschnitten omskuren
269 |
1 Bestrahlung strålning
270 |
1 Betäubungsmittel narkotika
271 |
1 Bettnässer sängvätare
272 |
1 Bewegungsartefakte rörelseartefakter
273 |
1 Bewusstlosigkeit medvetslösenhet
274 |
1 bewusstlos medvetslös
275 |
1 Bewusstsein medvetande
276 |
1 Bibliomanie bibliomani
277 |
1 Bindegewebe bindväv
278 |
1 Bindehaut bindhinna
279 |
1 Bindehautentzündung bindhinneinflammation
280 |
1 Bindehautsack bindhinnepåse
281 |
1 Biochemie biokemi
282 |
1 Biokompatibilität biokompatibilitet
283 |
1 Bittermittel bittermedel
284 |
1 Bizeps biceps
285 |
1 Blähungen väderspänning
286 |
1 bleich blek
287 |
1 Blennophobie blennofobi
288 |
1 blind blind
289 |
1 Blinddarm blindtarm
290 |
1 Blutandrang blodkongestion, blodsvall
291 |
1 Blutarmut anemi, blodbrist
292 |
1 Blutauge hemoftalmus
293 |
1 Blutausstrich blodutstryk
294 |
1 Blutbild blodbild
295 |
1 Blut blod
296 |
1 Blutdruckabfall blodtrycksfall
297 |
1 Blutdruckamplitude blodstrycksamplitud
298 |
1 Blutdruck blodtryck
299 |
1 Blutdruckmessung, BDM blodtrycksmätning, BTM
300 |
1 Blutdruckmonitor blodtrycksmonitor
301 |
1 Blutdruckparameter blodtrycksvärde
302 |
1 Bluteiweißstoffe plasmaproteiner
303 |
1 Blutentnahme blodtagning
304 |
1 Bluterbrechen hematemes, blodkräkning
305 |
1 Bluterguss hematom, blodutgjutning
306 |
1 Blutersatzlösung blodersättning
307 |
1 Blutgefäß blodkärl
308 |
1 Blutgerinnung koagulation
309 |
1 Blutgerinnungsanomalien koagulationsavvikelser
310 |
1 Blutgruppe blodgrupp
311 |
1 Bluthusten blodhosta
312 |
1 Blutkrebs leukemi, blodcancer
313 |
1 Blutkreislauf blodomlopp
314 |
1 Blutkuchen blodkaka, blodcruor, blodkrusta
315 |
1 Blutprobe blodprov
316 |
1 Blutschädigung blodskador
317 |
1 Blutschande incest, blodskam
318 |
1 Blutserum blodvatten, blodserum
319 |
2 Blutspender blodgivare
320 |
1 Blutströmung blodflöde
321 |
1 Bluttransfusion blodtransfusion
322 |
1 Blutungen blödningar
323 |
1 Blutuntersuchung blodprov
324 |
1 Blutverdünnungsmittel blodförtunnande läkemedel
325 |
1 Blutvergiftung blodförgiftning
326 |
1 Blutwäsche blodtvätt
327 |
1 Bockhartsche Krankheit Bockharts follikulära impetigo
328 |
1 Bogengang båggång
329 |
1 Botenstoffe neurotransmittorer
330 |
1 Brechreiz kväljningar, illamående
331 |
1 Bronchen bronker
332 |
1 Bronchospasmus bronkospasm
333 |
1 Bruch brock
334 |
1 Brücke brygga
335 |
1 Brustbein bröstben
336 |
1 Brustbeklemmung trånghet i bröstet
337 |
1 Brustenge trånghet i bröstet
338 |
1 Brustwirbel bröstkota
339 |
1 Brustwirbelsäule, BWS bröstryggrad
340 |
1 Bursitis bursit
341 |
1 Cave Varning
342 |
1 cerebrovaskulär cerebrovaskulär
343 |
1 Chefarzt överläkare
344 |
1 Chemotherapie kemoterapi
345 |
1 Chirurgie kirurgi
346 |
1 Chirurg kirurg
347 |
1 Cholesterin kolesterol
348 |
1 Contergankind neurosedynbarn
349 |
1 Daknomanie sjuklig böjelse att bita eller döda
350 |
1 Dakryoadenitis dakryoadenit
351 |
1 Daktylitis daktylit
352 |
1 Damenbart skäggväxt på kvinna
353 |
1 Dämmerattacke psykomotoriskt anfall
354 |
1 Damm perineum
355 |
1 Dampfdesinfektion ångdesinfektion
356 |
1 Darmbeinkamm höftbenskam
357 |
1 Darmgrippe maginfluensa
358 |
1 Darmkrebs cancer i tarmen
359 |
1 Darmpassage passagen genom tarmen
360 |
1 Darmpech barnbeck
361 |
1 Darm tarm
362 |
1 Darmverschluss tarmstopp
363 |
1 Darmzotten tarmludd
364 |
1 Darreichungsform läkemedelsform
365 |
1 Dauermüdigkeit kronisk trötthet, ihållande trötthet
366 |
1 Daumenballen tummens förlängning in i handflatan
367 |
1 Daumen tumme
368 |
1 Debilität debilitet
369 |
1 Decoctum dekokt
370 |
1 decrepitus svag, orkeslös
371 |
1 defibrillationsgeschützt defibrillationsskyddad
372 |
1 Defloration deflorering
373 |
1 Deglutition deglutition
374 |
1 Dehnungsreflex sträckreflex
375 |
2 Dehydration dehydrering
376 |
1 Dekontamination dekontaminering
377 |
1 Deltamuskel deltamuskel
378 |
1 Dengue-Fieber denguefeber
379 |
1 Dentalphobie tandläkarskräck
380 |
1 Dentophobie dentofobi
381 |
1 der Halsrücken halsrygg
382 |
1 Dermatitis dermatit
383 |
1 Dermatologe dermatolog
384 |
1 Dermatologie dermatologi
385 |
1 Diabetes diabetes
386 |
1 Diabetiker diabetiker
387 |
1 diabetischer Fuß diabetesfot
388 |
1 Diabetologie diabetologi
389 |
1 Dialysebehandlung dialysbehandling
390 |
1 Dialyse dialys
391 |
1 Dialysegerät dialysmaskin
392 |
1 Diaphragma diafragma
393 |
1 Diastole diastole
394 |
2 diastolisch diastolisk
395 |
2 Dickdarm tjocktarm
396 |
1 Diuretikum diuretikum
397 |
1 Doppelwertigkeit ambivalens
398 |
1 Dorsalflexion dorsalflexion
399 |
1 Dosis dos
400 |
1 Draht tråd, sutur
401 |
1 Drei-Tage-Fieber tredagarsfeber
402 |
1 Drillinge trillingar
403 |
1 drohende Fehlgeburt hotande missfall
404 |
1 Dromomanie dromomani
405 |
1 Druckgefühl tryckande känsla
406 |
1 Druckkanüle tryckkanyl
407 |
1 Drüse körtel
408 |
1 Dünndarm tunntarm
409 |
1 durchblutend blodcirkulerande
410 |
1 Durchblutung blodcirkulation
411 |
1 Durchblutungsstörung rubbningar i blodcirkulationen
412 |
1 Durchfall diarré
413 |
1 durchschnittliche Lebensdauer medellivslängd
414 |
1 Dyslipoproteinämie dyslipoproteinemi
415 |
1 Eierstock äggstock
416 |
1 eineiige Zwillinge enäggstvillingar
417 |
1 einen Vogel haben vara knäpp i skallen
418 |
1 eingewachsene Nägel haben nageltrång
419 |
1 Einlauf lavemang
420 |
1 Einmalkittel engångsförkläde
421 |
1 Einnahme intagning
422 |
1 Eintauchdesinfektion doppdesinfektion
423 |
2 Einzelstümpfe enstaka tandstumpar
424 |
1 Eiweiß äggvita, protein
425 |
1 Ektokardie hjärtbråck
426 |
1 Ekzem eksem
427 |
1 Elektrolytverlust elektrolytförlust
428 |
1 Elektrophorese elektrofores
429 |
1 Ellbogen armbåge
430 |
1 Elle armbågsben
431 |
1 Ellenbogenluxation armbågsluxation
432 |
1 emulsionsstabilisierend emulsionsstabiliserande
433 |
1 Endglied yttre fingerben, distalfalang
434 |
1 Endodontie endodonti
435 |
1 Endokrinologie endokrinologi
436 |
1 entbinden förlösa
437 |
2 Entbindung förlossning
438 |
1 Entbindungsklinik förlossningsklinik
439 |
1 Entbindungsstation förlossningsavdelning
440 |
1 Entsättigungsphase desaturationsperiod
441 |
1 Entspannung avslappning
442 |
1 Entspannungsübung avslappningsövning
443 |
1 Entwicklungsstörungen utvecklingsstörningar
444 |
1 Entziehungskur avvänjningskur
445 |
1 Entzug avvänjningskur
446 |
1 Entzugserscheinung abstinenssymptom
447 |
1 entzünden inflammera
448 |
1 entzündlich inflammatorisk
449 |
1 Entzündung inflammation
450 |
2 entzündungshemmend inflammationshämmande
451 |
1 Epidemie epidemi
452 |
1 Epilepsie epilepsi
453 |
1 epileptisch epileptisk
454 |
1 Erbgut arvsmassa
455 |
1 erbgutverändernd mutagen
456 |
1 Erbrechen kräkningar
457 |
1 Ergotherapie ergoterapi
458 |
1 Erholung rekreation, vila
459 |
1 erholungsbedürftig i behov av rekreation
460 |
1 Erholungsheim konvalescenthem, vilohem
461 |
1 erkältet förkyld
462 |
1 Erkältung förkylning
463 |
1 Ernährung nutrition
464 |
1 Ernährungsberater nutritionsrådgivare
465 |
1 Ernährungsberatung nutritionsrådgivning
466 |
1 ernst allvarligt
467 |
1 Erotomanie erotomani
468 |
1 Erreger smittämnen
469 |
1 erwärmend värmande
470 |
1 Erziehungsberechtigter målsman
471 |
1 ESRD, End Stage Renal Disease terminal njursjukdom
472 |
1 Fachklinik specialistsjukhus
473 |
1 faktitielles Fieber faktitiell feber
474 |
1 faktitiell faktitiell
475 |
1 Familienplanung familjeplanering
476 |
1 Famulatur famulatur
477 |
1 Fangopackung lerinpackning
478 |
1 farbenblind färgblind
479 |
1 Farbenblindheit färgblindhet
480 |
1 fasten fasta
481 |
1 Fastenkur fastekur
482 |
1 Fehldiagnose feldiagnos
483 |
1 Fehlgeburt missfall
484 |
1 Fehlurteil felbedömning
485 |
1 Feigwarze kondylom
486 |
1 Feldlazarett fältsjukhus
487 |
1 Femurkopf lårbenshuvud
488 |
1 Fencheltee fänkålste
489 |
1 Ferse häl
490 |
1 Fersenbein hälben
491 |
1 Fersenkeile hälkilar
492 |
1 Fettgewebe fettvävnad
493 |
1 Fettstoffwechsel fettämnesomsättning
494 |
1 Fetus foster
495 |
1 Feuchtigkeitsregulierung fuktighetsreglering
496 |
1 feuchtigkeitsspendend fuktighetsgivande
497 |
1 Feuermal eldsmärke
498 |
1 fibular fibulär
499 |
1 Fieberanfall feberanfall
500 |
1 Fieber feber
501 |
1 fieberfrei feberfri
502 |
1 fieberhaft med feber
503 |
1 Fieberkurve feberkurva
504 |
1 Fiebermittel febernedsättande medel
505 |
1 fiebern vara febrig
506 |
1 fiebersenkend febersänkande
507 |
1 Fieberthermometer febertermometer
508 |
1 fiebrig febrig
509 |
1 filmbildend filmbildande
510 |
1 Fingerbeere fingerblomma
511 |
1 Finger finger
512 |
1 Fingernagel fingernagel
513 |
1 Fingerspitze fingertopp
514 |
1 Fischallergie fiskallergi
515 |
1 Fistel fistel
516 |
1 Fistelstimme falsettröst
517 |
1 Flagellomanie flagellomani
518 |
1 Flaum fjun
519 |
1 Fleckfieber fläcktyfus
520 |
1 Fleischvergiftung förgiftning av kött
521 |
1 Folgeerscheinung efterverkning
522 |
1 Fontanelle fontanell
523 |
1 Forensik forensisk medicin
524 |
1 fortpflanzungsgefährdend reproduktionstoxisk
525 |
1 Fötus foster
526 |
1 Frauenheilkunde gynekologi
527 |
1 Frauenklinik kvinnoklinik
528 |
1 freie Rippe falskt revben
529 |
1 Fremdkörperzange alligatortång
530 |
1 Froschaugen utstående ögon, glosögon
531 |
1 fruchtschädigend fosterskadande
532 |
1 Fruchtwasser fostervatten
533 |
1 Fruchtwasserprobe fostervattensprov
534 |
1 Frühchen för tidigt fött barn
535 |
1 Früherkennung tidig upptäckt el. diagnos
536 |
1 Frühgeborenenstation prematuravdelning
537 |
1 Frühgeburt för tidig födsel
538 |
1 Frühsommermeningo-Enzephalitis (Zeckenschutzimpfung) fästingburen meningoencefalit (TBE-vaccinering)
539 |
1 Fungämie fungemi
540 |
1 Furunkel furunkel, böld
541 |
1 Fusidinsäure fusidinsyra
542 |
1 Fußbad fotbad
543 |
1 Fußgelenk fotled
544 |
1 Fußgeruch fotlukt
545 |
1 fußkrank med dåliga fötter
546 |
1 Fußleiden ont i fötterna
547 |
1 Fußmykose fotsvamp
548 |
1 Fußpflege fotvård
549 |
1 Fußpfleger fotvårdare
550 |
1 Fußschweiß fotsvett
551 |
1 Fußsohle fotsula
552 |
1 Fußsohlenreflex fotsulereflex
553 |
1 Fußsohlenreflex plantarreflex
554 |
1 Fußspitze fotspets
555 |
1 Fußwurzel fotvrist
556 |
1 Fußwurzelknochen fotrot
557 |
1 Gallenblase gallblåsa
558 |
1 Gallenblasenentzündung inflammation i gallblåsan
559 |
1 Gallensteine gallsten
560 |
1 Gallert gelatin
561 |
1 Gamophobie gamofobi
562 |
1 Gastritis magkatarr, gastrit
563 |
1 Gastroenteritis gastroenterit
564 |
1 Gastroenteritis magsjuka
565 |
1 Gastroenterologie gastroenterologi
566 |
1 Gaumen gom
567 |
1 Gaumenzäpfchen gomspene
568 |
1 Gaumenzapfen gomspene
569 |
1 Gaze gasbinda
570 |
1 Geäder ådernät
571 |
1 geädert ådrig
572 |
1 gebären föda
573 |
1 Gebärmutterkrebs livmodercancer
574 |
1 Gebärmutter livmoder
575 |
1 Gebärmuttervorfall livmoderframfall
576 |
1 Geburtenkontroll födelsekontroll
577 |
1 Geburtenrate nativitet
578 |
1 Geburtenregelung födelsekontroll
579 |
1 Geburt födsel
580 |
1 Geburtshilfe obstretrik
581 |
1 Gedächtnislücke minneslucka
582 |
2 Gedächtnis minne
583 |
1 Gedächtnisschwund minnesförlust
584 |
1 Gedächtnisstörung minnesstörning
585 |
1 Gefäßchirurgie vaskulärkirurgi
586 |
1 Gefühl känsla
587 |
1 Gefühllosigkeit okänslighet, känslolöshet
588 |
1 gefühllos okänslig
589 |
1 gefühlsarm känslokall, kylig
590 |
1 Gefühlsausbruch känsloutbrott
591 |
1 gefühlsbetont känslomässig
592 |
1 Gefühlsmensch känslomänniska
593 |
1 Gefühlsregung sinnesrörelse
594 |
1 Gegengift motgift
595 |
1 Gegenleiste antihelix
596 |
1 Gehirnblutung hjärnblödning
597 |
1 Gehirnerschütterung hjärnskakning
598 |
1 Gehirnhautentzündung hjärnhinneinflammation
599 |
1 Gehirnhaut hjärnhinna
600 |
1 Gehirn hjärna
601 |
1 Gehirntumor hjärntumör
602 |
1 Gehörfehler hörselskada
603 |
1 Gehörgang hörselgång
604 |
1 Gehör hörsel, gehör
605 |
1 Gehörknöchelchen hörselben
606 |
1 gehörlos döv
607 |
1 Gehörverlust nedsatt hörsel
608 |
1 Gehstützen gåstöd
609 |
1 geistesabwesend tankspridd
610 |
1 Geistesgegenwart sinnesnärvaro
611 |
1 geistesgestört sinnesförvirrad
612 |
1 geisteskrank sinnessjuk, mentalsjuk
613 |
1 Geistesschwäche förståndshandikapp
614 |
1 Geistesverwirrung sinnesförvirring
615 |
1 Geisteszustand mentalt tillstånd
616 |
1 geistig mental, själslig
617 |
1 Gelähmter lam person
618 |
1 gelähmt förlamad
619 |
1 Gelbsucht gulsot
620 |
1 Gelenkhöcker ledhuvudsutskott, epikondyl
621 |
1 Gelenk led
622 |
1 Gelenkschiene ledskena
623 |
1 Genesung konvalescens, tillfriskande
624 |
1 Genesungsheim konvalescenthem
625 |
1 Genetik ärftlighetslära, genetik
626 |
1 Genick nacke
627 |
1 Genickstarre nackspärr
628 |
1 Gentechnik genteknik
629 |
1 Gentechnologie genteknologi
630 |
1 Genusssucht njutningsbegär
631 |
1 Gereiztheit irritation
632 |
1 gereizt irriterad
633 |
1 Geriatrie geriatrik
634 |
1 Gerichtsmediziner rättsläkare
635 |
1 gerichtsmedizinisch rättsmedicinsk
636 |
1 Gerichtsmedizin rättsmedicin
637 |
1 gerinnen koagulera, levra sig
638 |
1 Gerinnsel blodpropp
639 |
1 Gerinnungssystem koagulationssystem
640 |
1 Gerstenkorn vagel
641 |
1 geruchlos luktfri
642 |
1 Geruch luktsinne; lukt
643 |
1 Geruchssinn luktsinne
644 |
1 Gesäß bakdel, ända
645 |
1 Geschlecht kön
646 |
1 geschlechtlicher Verkehr sexuellt umgänge
647 |
1 Geschlechtlichkeit sexualitet
648 |
1 geschlechtlich sexuell, köns-
649 |
1 Geschlechtskrankheit venerisk sjukdom
650 |
1 geschlechtskrank som lider av könssjukdom
651 |
1 Geschlechtsleben sexualliv
652 |
1 Geschlechtsorgan könsorgan
653 |
1 geschlechtsreif könsmogen
654 |
1 geschlechtsspezifisch könsbunden
655 |
1 Geschlechtsteile könsdelar
656 |
1 Geschlechtstrieb sexualdrift
657 |
1 Geschlechtsverkehr sexuellt umgänge
658 |
1 Geschmack smak
659 |
1 Geschmackssinn smaksinne
660 |
1 geschmeidig machend uppmjukande
661 |
1 Geschwulst svullnad, svulst
662 |
1 Geschwür bulnad, böld
663 |
1 Gesicht ansikte
664 |
1 Gesichtsausdruck ansiktsuttryck
665 |
1 Gesichtsfarbe ansiktsfärg
666 |
1 Gesichtsfeld synfält
667 |
1 Gesichtszüge anletsdrag, ansiktsdrag
668 |
1 Gestammel stammande
669 |
1 Gestotter stammande
670 |
1 Gesundheit hälsa
671 |
1 gesundheitlich hälso-, hygienisk, sanitär
672 |
1 gesundheitshalber av hälsoskäl
673 |
1 Gesundheitspflege hälsovård
674 |
1 gesundheitsschädlich hälsovådlig, hälsofarlig
675 |
1 Gesundheitswesen hälso- och sjukvård
676 |
1 Gesundheitszeugnis friskintyg
677 |
1 Gesundheitszustand hälsotillstånd
678 |
1 gesundschreiben friskskriva
679 |
1 Gesundung tillfriskande
680 |
1 Gewebeprobe vävnadsprov
681 |
1 Gewebe vävnad
682 |
1 Gewichtsprobleme viktproblem
683 |
1 Gewichtsverlust viktförlust
684 |
1 Gewicht vikt
685 |
1 Gewissen samvete
686 |
1 Gewissensbisse samvetskval
687 |
1 Gewissensgründe samvetsskäl
688 |
1 Gewissenskonflikt samvetskonflikt
689 |
1 Gewölbekörper hjärnvalv
690 |
1 Gipsbein gipsat ben
691 |
1 Gips gips
692 |
1 Gipsverband gipsbandage, gipsförband
693 |
1 Glasauge emaljöga
694 |
1 glättend utjämnande
695 |
1 Glatze flint, kal hjässa
696 |
1 glatzköpfig flintskallig
697 |
1 Gleichgewicht balans
698 |
1 Gleichgewichtsstörungen balansrubbningar
699 |
1 Gleichmut jämnmod
700 |
1 Gleitmittel glidmedel
701 |
1 Glied led
702 |
1 Gliedmaßen lemmar
703 |
1 Glotzaugen utstående ögon
704 |
1 Gonarthrose gonartros
705 |
1 Gonarthrose knäledsartros
706 |
1 grassieren härja, grassera
707 |
1 grauer Star grå starr
708 |
1 grau meliert gråsprängd
709 |
1 greisenhaft senil
710 |
1 griesgrämig vresig, butter
711 |
1 Grippe influensa
712 |
1 Grippewelle influensaepidemie
713 |
1 Größe kroppslängd
714 |
1 Größenwahn storhetsvansinne
715 |
1 großer Brustmuskel stor bröstmuskel
716 |
1 großer Gesäßmuskel stor sätesmuskel
717 |
1 großer Rundmuskel musculus teres major
718 |
1 Großhirn stora hjärnan
719 |
1 Grundglied inre fingerben, proximalfalang
720 |
1 grüner Star grön starr
721 |
1 Gürtelrose bältros
722 |
1 gutartig godartad
723 |
1 Gynäkologe gynekolog
724 |
1 Gynäkologie gynekologi
725 |
1 gynäkologisch gynekologisk
726 |
1 Haaransatz hårfäste
727 |
1 Haaraufrichter hårresarmuskel
728 |
1 Haarausfall håravfall
729 |
1 Haarentferner hårborttagningsmedel
730 |
1 Haarersatz peruk
731 |
1 haarfärbend hårfärgande
732 |
1 Haar hårstrå
733 |
1 Haarspitzen hårtoppar
734 |
1 Haarwuchs hårväxt
735 |
1 Haftschale kontaktlins
736 |
1 Hagebuttenkern nyponfrön
737 |
1 Halbbruder halvbror
738 |
1 Halbgeschwister halvsyskon
739 |
1 Halbschwester halvsyster
740 |
1 Halbwaise barn som förlorat en förälder
741 |
1 Halluzination hallucination
742 |
1 halluzinieren hallucinera
743 |
1 Halsentzündung faryngit
744 |
1 Halsentzündung halsfluss
745 |
1 Hals hals
746 |
1 Halskragen halskrage
747 |
1 Halskrause halskrås
748 |
1 Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt, HNO-Arzt öron-näsa-halsläkare
749 |
1 Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde ÖNH
750 |
1 Halsschlagader halspulsåder
751 |
1 Halsschmerzen halsont
752 |
1 Halswirbel halskota
753 |
1 Hämatologie hematologi
754 |
1 Hämatom blodutgjutning
755 |
1 Hammer hammare
756 |
1 Hämodialyse hemodialys
757 |
1 Hämoglobin hemoglobin, blodfärgämne
758 |
1 Hämorrhoiden hemorrojder
759 |
1 Handbeuger der Ellenseite ulnar handrotsböjare
760 |
1 Handfläche handflata
761 |
1 Handgelenk handled
762 |
1 Handknöchel handknogar
763 |
1 Handrücken handrygg
764 |
1 Handschiene handskena
765 |
1 Handwurzelknochen handrot
766 |
1 Hängebacken påsiga kinder
767 |
1 Hängebauch hängbuk
768 |
1 Hängebusen hängbröst
769 |
1 harmlos ej allvarligt
770 |
1 Harnblase urinblåsa
771 |
1 Harnstoff urea
772 |
1 harntreibend urindrivande
773 |
1 Harn urin
774 |
1 Hasenscharte läppspalt
775 |
1 Hausarzt husläkare
776 |
1 Hausärztin kvinnlig husläkare
777 |
1 Hausbesuch hembesök
778 |
1 Hauspflege hemvård
779 |
1 Hauspotheke medicinskåp (i hemmet)
780 |
1 Hautabschürfung skrubbsår
781 |
1 Hautarzt hudläkare
782 |
1 Hautausschlag hudutslag
783 |
1 Häutchen tunn hinna
784 |
1 Hautcreme hudkräm
785 |
1 Haut hud, skinn
786 |
1 Hautkrankheit hudsjukdom
787 |
1 Hautkrebs hudcancer
788 |
1 Hautpflege hudvård
789 |
1 hautpflegende hudkonditionerande
790 |
1 Hautpilz hudsvamp
791 |
1 Hautrezorption hudresorption
792 |
1 Hautrötung hudrodnad
793 |
1 hautschützende hudskyddande
794 |
1 Hauttransplantation hudtransplantation
795 |
1 Hauttyp hudtyp
796 |
1 Hebamme barnmorska
797 |
1 Heilanstalt sjukhem
798 |
1 Heilbehandlung kurativ behandling
799 |
1 Heilkraut medicinalväxt
800 |
1 Heilmittel botemedel
801 |
1 Heilpraktiker naturläkare
802 |
1 Heilung läkning
803 |
1 Heilungsprozess läkningsprocess
804 |
1 Heimdialyse hemdialys
805 |
1 heiser hes
806 |
1 Heiserkeit heshet
807 |
1 Heparingabe heparindos
808 |
1 Heparin heparin
809 |
1 Hepatitis hepatit
810 |
1 Herzaneurysma hjärtaneurysm
811 |
1 Herzasthma hjärtastma
812 |
1 Herzbeschwerden hjärtbesvär
813 |
1 Herzbeutel hjärtsäcken
814 |
1 Herzbeutel hjärtsäck
815 |
1 Herzchirurgie hjärtkirurgi
816 |
1 Herzerkrankung hjärtsjukdom
817 |
1 Herzfehler hjärtfel
818 |
1 Herzflimmern hjärtflimmer
819 |
1 Herzfrequenz hjärtfrekvens
820 |
1 Herz hjärta
821 |
1 Herzinfarkt hjärtinfarkt
822 |
1 Herzinsuffienz hjärtinsufficiens
823 |
1 Herzkammer hjärtkammare
824 |
1 Herzklopfen hjärtklappning
825 |
1 Herzkrankgefäß kranskärl
826 |
1 Herzkranzfurche kransfåra
827 |
1 Herzkreislaufsystem hjärtcirkulationssystem
828 |
1 Herz-Lungen-Maschine hjärt-lungmaskin
829 |
1 Herzmassage hjärtmassage
830 |
1 Herzrhythmusstörung hjärtrytmrubbning
831 |
1 Herzschlag hjärtslag
832 |
1 Herzschrittmacher pacemaker
833 |
1 Herzschwäche hjärtsvikt
834 |
1 Herzspitze hjärtspetsen
835 |
1 Herzstillstand hjärtstillestånd
836 |
1 Herztransplantation hjärttransplantation
837 |
1 Herztumor hjärttumör
838 |
1 Herzversagen hjärtstillestånd
839 |
1 Herzversagen hjärtsvikt
840 |
1 Herzvolumen hjärtvolym
841 |
1 Heuschnupfen hösnuva
842 |
1 Hexenschuss ryggskott
843 |
1 Hiatus hiatus
844 |
1 Hiatusinsuffienz hiatusinsuffiens
845 |
1 Hidroa hydroa
846 |
1 Hilfeleistung hjälp, t ex första hjälpen
847 |
1 Hinterhauptbein nackben
848 |
1 Hinterhauptmuskel nackmuskel
849 |
1 Hinterkopf bakhuvud
850 |
1 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliofobi
851 |
1 Hirnanhangsdrüse hypofys
852 |
1 Hitzebläschen värmeutslag
853 |
1 HNO-Klinik öron-näsa-hals-klinik
854 |
1 Hodenbruch pungbråck
855 |
1 Hodensack pung
856 |
1 Hoden testikel
857 |
1 Hohlkreuz svankrygg
858 |
1 holosystolisch holosystolisk
859 |
1 Homöopath homeopat
860 |
1 Homöopathie homeopati
861 |
1 homöopathisch homeopatisk
862 |
1 homophil homosexuell
863 |
1 Hörbehinderter hörselskadad
864 |
1 Hörfehler hörfel
865 |
1 Hörgerät hörapparat
866 |
1 hormonal hormonell
867 |
1 Hörnerv hörselnerv
868 |
1 Horngeschwulst horntumör
869 |
1 Hornhaut hornhinna
870 |
1 Hornhaut hornhud
871 |
1 Hornschicht hornlager
872 |
1 Hörprüfung hörselprov
873 |
1 Hörrohr stetoskop
874 |
1 Hörschaden hörselskada
875 |
1 Hörvermögen hörselförmåga
876 |
1 Hörzellen hörceller
877 |
1 Hühnerauge liktorn
878 |
1 humanpathogen humanpatogen
879 |
1 Humeruskopf ledhuvud
880 |
1 Humeruskopf överarmsbenshuvud
881 |
1 humpeln linka
882 |
1 hüsteln hosta lätt
883 |
1 Hustenanfall hostattack
884 |
1 Hustenbonbon halstablett
885 |
1 Husten hosta
886 |
1 Hustenreiz rethosta
887 |
1 Hydrämie hydremi
888 |
1 Hydrargyrie hydrargyros
889 |
1 Hydrolyse hydrolys
890 |
1 Hydrophobie hydrofobi
891 |
1 Hydrozelektomie hydrocelektomi, borttagning av vattenbråck
892 |
1 Hydrozele vattenbråck, hydrocele
893 |
1 Hypercholesterinämie hyperkolesterolemi
894 |
1 Hypergiaphobie hypergiafobi
895 |
1 hyper hyper
896 |
1 Hyperoxie hyperoxi
897 |
1 Hyperoxie syrgasförgiftning
898 |
1 Hypnose hypnos
899 |
1 hypnotisierien hypnotisera
900 |
1 Hypoadrenalismus binjureinsufficiens
901 |
1 Hypoalimentation undernäring
902 |
1 Hypochlorämie hypokloremi
903 |
1 Hypochonder hypokondriker
904 |
1 hypochondrisch hypokondrisk
905 |
1 Hypoglykemie hypoglykemi
906 |
1 hypo hypo
907 |
1 Hypokalzämie hypokalcemi
908 |
1 Hypophyse hypofys
909 |
1 Hyporeflexie hyporeflexi
910 |
1 Hypothermie hypotermi
911 |
1 Hypothermiesystem hypotermisystem
912 |
1 Hypothonie hypotoni
913 |
1 Hysterie hysteri
914 |
1 hysterisch hysterisk
915 |
1 Idiokrasie idiosynkrasi
916 |
1 Idiosynkrasie idiosynkrasi
917 |
1 Ilio-Sakral-Gelenk sakroiliakaleden
918 |
1 Immobilisation immobilisering
919 |
1 Immunität immunitet
920 |
1 Immunsystem immunförsvar
921 |
1 Immunsystem immunsystem
922 |
1 Impfausweis vaccineringskort
923 |
1 impfen vaccinera
924 |
1 Impfmal vaccinationsärr
925 |
1 Impfschein vaccinationsbevis
926 |
1 Impfstoff vaccin
927 |
1 Impfung vaccinering
928 |
1 Impfzwang vaccinationsplikt
929 |
1 Implantat implantat
930 |
1 Importkrankheit importsjukdom
931 |
1 impotent impotent
932 |
1 Impotenz impotens
933 |
1 Inappetenz inappetens
934 |
1 Indikation indikation
935 |
1 Indolenz indolens
936 |
1 induzieren framkalla
937 |
1 Infarkt infarkt
938 |
1 Infekt infektion
939 |
1 Infektion infektion
940 |
1 Infektionsabwehr infektionsförsvar
941 |
1 Infektionsgefahr smittorisk
942 |
1 Infektionsherd infektionshärd
943 |
1 Infektionskrankheit infektionssjukdom
944 |
1 Infektionsträger infektionsbärare
945 |
1 Infektionsträger smittbärare
946 |
1 infektiös infektiös
947 |
1 infertil infertil
948 |
1 infizieren infektera
949 |
1 infizieren smitta
950 |
1 inflexibel inflexibel
951 |
1 Influenza influensa
952 |
1 infraorbital infraorbital
953 |
1 infrapatellar infrapatellar
954 |
1 Infusion infusion
955 |
1 Infusionsbesteck infusionssats
956 |
1 Infusionsflasche infusionsflaska
957 |
1 Inhalation inhalation
958 |
1 inhalieren inhalera
959 |
1 inhibieren inhibera
960 |
1 Initialdosis initialdos
961 |
1 Injektion injektion
962 |
1 Injektionsnadel injektionsnål
963 |
1 Injektionsspritze injektionsspruta
964 |
1 injizieren injicera
965 |
1 inkomplette Fehlgeburt ofullständigt missfall
966 |
1 Inkontinenz inkontinens
967 |
1 Inkubationszeit inkubationstid
968 |
1 Inkubator kuvös
969 |
1 inkurabel inkurabel
970 |
1 Innenohr inneröra
971 |
1 innere Medizin invärtesmedicin
972 |
1 inoperabel inoperabel
973 |
1 Insektenstich insektsbett
974 |
1 Insuffizienz insufficiens
975 |
1 Insulinantikörper insulinantikropp
976 |
1 Insulin insulin
977 |
1 Insulinkoma insulinkoma
978 |
1 Insulinschock insulinchock
979 |
1 Intelligenzquotient, IQ intelligenskvot, IQ
980 |
1 Intelligenztest intelligenstest
981 |
1 Intensivpflege intensivvård
982 |
1 Intensivstation intensivvårdsavdelning
983 |
1 Intentionstrema intentionstremor
984 |
1 interalveolär interalveolär
985 |
1 intercostalis intercostalis
986 |
1 interdigital interdigital
987 |
1 Interferon interferon
988 |
1 Interkuspidation interkuspidation
989 |
1 intern invärtes
990 |
1 Internist internist, invärtesläkare
991 |
1 internistische Untersuchung invärtes undersökning
992 |
1 Intimbereich privatliv
993 |
1 Intimbereich underliv
994 |
1 Intimhygiene intimhygien
995 |
1 Intimspray intimspray
996 |
1 Intimverkehr sexuellt umgänge
997 |
1 intraabdominal intraabdominell
998 |
1 intradermal intradermal
999 |
1 intraokulär intraokulär
1000 |
1 intraperitoneal intraperitoneal
1001 |
1 intravenös intravenös
1002 |
1 intrezerebral intracerebral
1003 |
1 Intubierung intubation
1004 |
1 Inulin inulin
1005 |
1 In Utero in utero
1006 |
1 Invalide invalid
1007 |
1 Invalidität invaliditet
1008 |
1 invasiv invasiv
1009 |
1 In-Vitro-Test in vitro-test
1010 |
1 In-Vivo-Test in vitro-test
1011 |
1 Irrenhaus dårhus
1012 |
1 irre sinnessjuk
1013 |
1 Irrglaube vanföreställning
1014 |
1 Irrsinn sinnesrubbning, vansinne
1015 |
1 Ischias ischias
1016 |
1 jähzornig argsint
1017 |
1 Jähzorn vrede, ilska
1018 |
1 Jenseits livet efter döden
1019 |
1 Jochbein kindknota
1020 |
1 Jochbein okben
1021 |
1 Juckreiz klåda, eksem
1022 |
1 Juveniler Morbus Scheuermann Scheuermanns sjukdom
1023 |
1 Kahlkopf flint
1024 |
1 kahl skallig
1025 |
1 Kamille kamomill
1026 |
1 Kamillentee kamomillte
1027 |
1 Kammerscheidewand kammarskiljevägg
1028 |
1 Kampfer kamfer
1029 |
1 Kanüle kanyl
1030 |
1 Kapillargefäß kapillärkärl
1031 |
1 Kapuzenmuskel kappmuskel
1032 |
1 Kardiogramm kardiogram
1033 |
1 Kardiologie kardiologi
1034 |
1 Karies karies
1035 |
1 kariös kariös
1036 |
1 karzinogen karcinogen
1037 |
1 Kassenpatient person som är medlem i allmän sjukkassa
1038 |
1 Kasse sjukkassa
1039 |
1 Katarr katarr
1040 |
1 Katheter kateter
1041 |
1 kauen tugga
1042 |
1 Kaufläche tuggyta
1043 |
1 Kaufzwang köptvång
1044 |
1 Kaumuskel tuggmuskel
1045 |
1 Kauwerkzeuge tuggapparat
1046 |
1 Kauwiderstand tuggmotstånd
1047 |
1 K&B Komposit Super-Bond C&B; C&B-Metabond
1048 |
1 Kehldeckel struplock
1049 |
1 Kehle strupe
1050 |
1 Kehlkopfentzündung struphuvudsinflammation
1051 |
1 Kehlkopfkrebs strupcancer
1052 |
1 Kehlkopf struphuvud
1053 |
1 Keimdrüse könskörtel
1054 |
1 Keime baciller
1055 |
1 keimfrei steril
1056 |
1 keimtötend antiseptisk
1057 |
1 kerngesund frisk som en nötkärna
1058 |
1 Kerntemperatur kärntemperatur
1059 |
1 Keuchen flämtande
1060 |
1 Keuchhusten kikhosta
1061 |
1 Kieferhöhle käkhåla
1062 |
1 Kindbettfieber barnsängsfeber
1063 |
1 Kinderarzt barnläkare
1064 |
1 Kinderchirurgie barnkirurgi
1065 |
1 Kinderkrankheit barnsjukdom
1066 |
1 Kinderlähmung barnförlamning
1067 |
1 kinderlos barnlös
1068 |
1 Kinderlosigkeit barnlöshet
1069 |
1 Kinderpflege barnvård
1070 |
2 kinderreich barnrik
1071 |
1 Kinderschwester barnsjuksköterska
1072 |
1 Kindersterblichkeit barnadödlighet
1073 |
1 Kindesmissbrauch övergrepp mot barn
1074 |
1 Kindesmisshandlung barnmisshandel
1075 |
1 kindgemäß barnanpassad
1076 |
1 Kindheit barndom
1077 |
1 Kinnbacke käkben, käke
1078 |
1 Kinn haka
1079 |
1 Kinnlade underkäke
1080 |
1 Kitzler clitoris
1081 |
1 Klapsmühle dårhus
1082 |
1 Klaustrophobie klaustrofobi
1083 |
1 kleiner Rundmuskel musculus teres minor
1084 |
1 Kleinhirn lillhjärnan
1085 |
1 Kleptomane kleptoman
1086 |
1 Kleptomanie kleptomani
1087 |
1 Klimakterium klimakterium
1088 |
1 Klinik klinik
1089 |
1 klinische Verfassung kliniskt tillstånd
1090 |
1 Klumpfuß klumpfot
1091 |
1 Knieachse knäaxel
1092 |
1 Kniegelenk knäled
1093 |
1 Kniekehle knäveck
1094 |
1 Knie knä
1095 |
1 Kniescheibe knäskål
1096 |
1 Kniestulpe knämanschett
1097 |
1 Knöchel fotknöl, knä, knoge
1098 |
1 Knochenbau benbyggnad
1099 |
1 Knochen ben
1100 |
1 Knochenbildung benbildning
1101 |
1 Knochenbruch fraktur, benbrott
1102 |
1 Knochenfraß benröta
1103 |
1 Knochengerüst benstomme, skelett
1104 |
1 Knochenhaut benhinna
1105 |
1 Knochenkrebs skelettcancer
1106 |
1 Knochenmark benmärg
1107 |
1 Knochensplitter benflisa
1108 |
1 Knorpel brosk
1109 |
1 knorplig broskartad
1110 |
1 Knorrenmuskel armbågssträckare
1111 |
1 Knoten knuta
1112 |
1 koagulieren koagulera
1113 |
1 Kohlenmonoxydvergiftung koloxidförgiftning
1114 |
1 kohlensaurer Algenkalk kolsyrad algkalk
1115 |
1 Koitus samlag
1116 |
1 Kolik kolik
1117 |
1 Koma koma
1118 |
1 Komplementsystem komplementsystem
1119 |
1 Komplex komplex
1120 |
1 Komplikation komplikation
1121 |
1 Kompresse kompress
1122 |
1 Koncha öronmussla
1123 |
1 Kondom kondom
1124 |
1 Kondylom kondylom
1125 |
1 kongenital medfött
1126 |
1 Konjunktivitis bindhinnekatarr
1127 |
1 Konstitution kroppsbyggnad
1128 |
1 Kontraindikation kontraindikation
1129 |
1 Kontrastmittel kontrastmedel
1130 |
1 Kopfnicker stor nickmuskel
1131 |
1 Kopfschmerzen huvudvärk
1132 |
1 Körperbehaarung kroppshår
1133 |
1 körperbehindert handikappad
1134 |
1 Körperbeschaffenheit kroppskonstitution
1135 |
1 Körperflüssigkeiten kroppsvätskor
1136 |
1 Körperfülle korpulens, fetma
1137 |
1 Körpergewicht kroppsvikt
1138 |
1 Körpergröße kroppsstorlek
1139 |
1 Körperhaltung kroppsställning
1140 |
1 Körperkraft kroppsstyrka
1141 |
1 Körper kropp
1142 |
1 körperlich kroppslig
1143 |
1 körperlos okroppslig
1144 |
1 Körpermaße kroppsmått
1145 |
1 Körperpflege kroppsvård
1146 |
1 Körperteil kroppsdel
1147 |
1 Körperverletzung kroppsskada
1148 |
1 Körperwärme kroppsvärme
1149 |
1 korpulent fetlagd
1150 |
1 Korpulenz fetma
1151 |
1 kosmetischer Farbstoff kosmetiskt färgämne
1152 |
1 kotzen spy
1153 |
1 kotzübel mycket illamående
1154 |
1 Kräfteverfall avtagande fysisk förmåga
1155 |
1 kräftigend uppfriskande
1156 |
1 Kräftigungsmittel stärkande medel
1157 |
1 Krähenfüße rynkor vid ögonen
1158 |
1 Krampfadern åderbrock
1159 |
1 Krampfanfall krampanfall
1160 |
1 Krankenblatt patientjournal
1161 |
1 Krankenpflege sjukvård
1162 |
1 Krankenschein sjukintyg
1163 |
1 Krankheitserreger sjukdomsalstrare
1164 |
1 Krankheitserreger smittämnen
1165 |
1 Krankheit sjukdom
1166 |
1 krank schreiben sjukskriva
1167 |
1 krebsartig cancerös
1168 |
1 Krebs cancer
1169 |
1 krebserregend cancerframkallande, cancerogen
1170 |
1 krebserzeugend cancerframkallande
1171 |
1 Krebsforschung cancerforskning
1172 |
1 Krebsfrüherkennung tidig upptäckt av cancer
1173 |
1 Krebsgeschwulst cancertumör
1174 |
1 Krebshilfe cancerfond
1175 |
1 Krebsknoten cancerknöl
1176 |
1 Krebskranker cancersjuk
1177 |
1 Krebszelle cancercell
1178 |
1 Kreislauf cirkulation, blodomlopp
1179 |
1 Kreislaufschock cirkulationschock
1180 |
1 Kreislaufschwäche cirkulationsrubbning
1181 |
1 Kreislaufstörungen cirkulationsrubbning
1182 |
1 Kreislaufversagen chock
1183 |
1 Kreißsaal förlossningsrum
1184 |
1 Kreuzbein korsben
1185 |
1 Kreuz korsrygg
1186 |
1 Kreuzschmerzen smärtor i korsryggen
1187 |
1 Kriegsinvalide krigsinvalid
1188 |
1 Kriegsverletzung krigsskador
1189 |
1 Kriegsversehrter krigsinvalid
1190 |
1 Krüppel invalid
1191 |
1 Kubitalvene armbågsven
1192 |
1 kühlend kylande
1193 |
1 Kulminationspunkt akme
1194 |
1 künstliche Beatmung konstgjord andning
1195 |
1 Kürette skrapa
1196 |
1 kurzatmig andfådd
1197 |
1 kurzer Hohlhandmuskel kort handflatemuskel
1198 |
1 Kurzschlusshandlung kortslutningshandling
1199 |
1 kurzsichtig närsynt
1200 |
1 Kurzzeitgedächtnis korttidsminne
1201 |
1 Küvette kuvette
1202 |
1 Kyphose kyfos
1203 |
1 Labilität labilitet
1204 |
1 labil labil
1205 |
1 Lachgas lustgas
1206 |
1 Lähmung förlamning
1207 |
1 Landarzt (allmänpraktiserande) läkare på landsbygden
1208 |
1 langer Hohlhandmuskel handflatans långa muskel
1209 |
1 langer Zehenstrecker lång tåsträckarmuskel
1210 |
1 Langzeit-Blutdruckmessung, LZBDM ambulatorisk blodtrycksmätning, ABTM
1211 |
1 Langzeitkranker långtidssjuk
1212 |
1 Langzeitversorgung långtidsterapi
1213 |
1 lateral Gonarthrose lateral gonartros
1214 |
1 lateral lateral
1215 |
1 Lebensangst livsångest
1216 |
1 lebensbedrohlich livshotande
1217 |
1 lebenserhaltendes Gerät livsuppehållande utrustning
1218 |
1 Lebenserhaltungsgerät livsuppehållande utrustning
1219 |
1 Lebenserwartung medellivslängd
1220 |
1 Lebensmittelvergiftung matförgiftning
1221 |
1 lebensmüde suicidbenägen, trött på livet
1222 |
1 Leberatrophie leveratrofi, leverförtvining
1223 |
1 Leberfleck leverfläck
1224 |
1 Leberinsuffizienz leverinsufficiens
1225 |
1 Leberkoma leverkoma
1226 |
1 Leberkrebs levercancer
1227 |
1 Leber lever
1228 |
1 Lebervene leverven
1229 |
1 Leberzirrhose levercirros
1230 |
1 Lederhaut läderhud
1231 |
1 Leibgürtel maggördel
1232 |
1 Leib liv, mage
1233 |
1 Leiche lik
1234 |
1 leicht verwundet lätt sårad
1235 |
1 Leistenbeuge ljumske
1236 |
1 Leistenbruch ljumskbråck
1237 |
1 Leistengegend ljumske
1238 |
1 Leistungsschwäche försämrad prestationsförmåga
1239 |
1 Lendenwirbel korsrygg
1240 |
1 Lendenwirbel ländkota
1241 |
1 Lendenwirbelsäule, LWS ländryggrad
1242 |
1 Lesebrille läsglasögon
1243 |
1 Leukozyten vita blodkroppar
1244 |
1 Lichtallergie ljusallergi
1245 |
1 Lichtbehandlung ljusbehandling
1246 |
1 Lichttherapiegerät ljusterapiapparat
1247 |
1 Lichttherapie ljusterapi
1248 |
1 Lidschlussreflex ögonlocksreflex
1249 |
1 lindernd lugnande
1250 |
1 linke gemeinsame Halsschlagader vänster huvudartär
1251 |
1 linke Herzkranzarterie vänster kransartär
1252 |
1 linker Kammer vänster kammare
1253 |
1 linker Vorhof vänster förmak
1254 |
1 linke Schlüssenbeinschlagader vänster nyckelbensartär
1255 |
1 linkes Herzrohr vänster hjärtöra
1256 |
1 linke Vorkammer, LV vänster förmak
1257 |
1 Lipoprotein lipoprotein
1258 |
1 Lipotrophie lipotrofi
1259 |
1 Lösung lösning
1260 |
1 Luftablassgeschwindigkeit deflationshastighet
1261 |
1 Luftröhre luftrör
1262 |
1 Lumbago ryggskott
1263 |
1 Lunge lunga
1264 |
1 Lungenarterie lungartären
1265 |
1 Lungenarterienstamm lungvenstam
1266 |
1 Lungenblähung lungemfysem
1267 |
1 Lungenbläschen alveoler
1268 |
1 Lungenbläschen lungblåsor
1269 |
1 Lungenembolie lungemboli
1270 |
1 Lungenemphysem lungemfysem
1271 |
1 Lungenentzündung lunginflammation
1272 |
1 Lungenerkrankung lungsjukdom
1273 |
1 Lungenkrebs lungcancer
1274 |
1 Lungenkreislauf lungkretsloppet
1275 |
1 Lungenmilzbrand lungmjältbrand
1276 |
1 Lungenmittellappen mellersta lunglob
1277 |
1 Lungenödem lungödem
1278 |
1 Lungenunterlappen nedre lunglob
1279 |
1 Lunula lunula
1280 |
1 Lykantropie lykantropi
1281 |
1 lymphatisches System lymfatiska systemet
1282 |
1 Lymphe lymfa
1283 |
1 Lymphe lymfvätska
1284 |
1 Lymphozyten lymfocyter
1285 |
1 Lymphsystem lymfsystemet
1286 |
1 Lypemanie lypemani
1287 |
1 Magenbeschwerden magbesvär
1288 |
1 Magenblutung magblödning
1289 |
1 Magen-Bypass mag-bypass
1290 |
1 Magengeschwür magsår
1291 |
1 magenkrank ha besvär med magen
1292 |
1 Magenkrebs magcancer
1293 |
2 Magen mage
1294 |
1 Magen magsäck
1295 |
1 Magensäure magsyra
1296 |
1 Magenschleimhautentzündung magkatarr
1297 |
1 Magenschleimhaut magslemhinna
1298 |
1 Magenschmerzen magont
1299 |
1 Magenverstimmung matsmältningsbesvär
1300 |
1 Magersucht anorexi
1301 |
1 Malaria malaria
1302 |
1 maligne malign
1303 |
1 malignes Melanom malignt melanom
1304 |
1 Mammographie mammografi
1305 |
1 Mandelentzündungen halsfluss
1306 |
1 Mandeloperation operativ borttagning av halsmandlarna
1307 |
1 Mangelerscheinung bristsymptom
1308 |
1 Mangelkrankheit bristsjukdom
1309 |
1 manisch-depressiv manodepressiv
1310 |
1 manisch manisk
1311 |
1 Männlichkeit mandom
1312 |
1 Manschette manschett
1313 |
1 Manschettendruck manschettryck
1314 |
1 Masern mässling
1315 |
1 Masochismus masochism
1316 |
1 masochistisch masochistisk
1317 |
1 Masochist masochist
1318 |
1 Massenpsychose masspsykos
1319 |
1 medial Gonarthrose medial gonartros
1320 |
1 medial medial
1321 |
1 Medizinprodukt medicinprodukt
1322 |
1 Megalomanie megalomani
1323 |
1 Meningitis meningit
1324 |
1 Meniskektomie meniskektomi
1325 |
1 Meniskus menisk
1326 |
1 Menstruation menstruation, mens
1327 |
1 Menstruationsbeschwerden menstruationsbesvär
1328 |
1 Menthol mentol
1329 |
1 Methämoglobinämie methemoglobinemi
1330 |
1 MIC minimalinvasiv kirurgi
1331 |
1 Mikrobiologie mikrobiologi
1332 |
1 Mikroinstrument mikroinstrument
1333 |
1 Milz mjälte
1334 |
1 minimal-invasive Chirurgie minimalinvasiv kirurgi
1335 |
1 Miosis mios
1336 |
1 Miosis pupillförminskning
1337 |
1 Missbrauch missbruk
1338 |
1 Missgeburt missfoster
1339 |
1 Mittelfußknochen mellanfot
1340 |
1 Mittelglied mellanfalang
1341 |
1 Mittelglied mellersta fingerben, mellanfalang
1342 |
1 Mittelhandknochen mellanhand
1343 |
1 Mobilität rörlighet
1344 |
1 Mongolenfleck mongolfläck
1345 |
1 Monomer monomer
1346 |
1 Morphium morfin
1347 |
1 Müdigkeit trötthet
1348 |
1 Mumps påssjuka
1349 |
1 Mundgeruch dålig andedräkt
1350 |
1 Mundhöhle munhåla
1351 |
1 Mund mun
1352 |
1 Mundraum munhåla
1353 |
1 Mundspiegel munspegel
1354 |
1 Mundwasser munvatten
1355 |
1 Mundwinkel mungipa
1356 |
1 Muskelabbau muskelminskning
1357 |
1 Muskelaufbau muskelökning
1358 |
1 Muskelkater träningsvärk
1359 |
1 Muskelkrampf muskelkramp
1360 |
1 Muskel muskel
1361 |
1 Muskelzerrung muskelsträckning
1362 |
1 muskuläres Ungleichgewicht muskulär obalans
1363 |
1 Muskulatur muskulatur
1364 |
1 Mutterkuchen moderkaka
1365 |
1 Mutterleib moderliv
1366 |
1 mütterlicherseits på mödernet
1367 |
1 Muttermal födelsemärke
1368 |
1 Muttermilch modersmjölk
1369 |
1 Muttermund livmodermun
1370 |
1 Mutterschaftsurlaub mammaledighet
1371 |
1 Mykoseprophylaxe svampprofylax
1372 |
1 Nabel navel
1373 |
1 Nabelschnur navelsträng
1374 |
1 Nachbehandlung eftervård
1375 |
1 Nachgeburt efterbörd
1376 |
1 Nachkommenschaft avkomma
1377 |
1 Nachkömmling sladdbarn
1378 |
1 Nachsorge eftervård
1379 |
1 nachtblind nattblind
1380 |
1 nachtwandeln gå i sömnen
1381 |
1 Nachtwandler sömngångare
1382 |
1 Nacken nacke
1383 |
1 Nackenwirbel halskota
1384 |
1 Nagelfalz nagelfals
1385 |
1 Nagelhaut nagelband
1386 |
1 Nagelkörper hornplatta
1387 |
1 Nagelmöndchen lunula, måne
1388 |
1 Nagelpflege nagelvård
1389 |
1 Nagelpilz nagelsvamp
1390 |
1 Nagelwurzel nagelrot
1391 |
1 Nahrung näring
1392 |
1 Nahrungsaufnahme näringsupptagning
1393 |
1 Naht sutur
1394 |
1 Narbe ärr
1395 |
1 narbig ärrig
1396 |
1 Narkosearzt narkosläkare
1397 |
1 Narkose narkos
1398 |
1 Narkoseschwester narkossköterska
1399 |
1 Narkotikum narkosmedel
1400 |
1 narkotische Wirkung narkotisk effekt
1401 |
1 Narzissmus narcissism
1402 |
1 näseln tala genom näsan
1403 |
1 Nase näsa
1404 |
1 Nasenbein näsben
1405 |
1 Nasenbluten näsblod
1406 |
1 Nasenflügel näsvinge
1407 |
1 Nasenhöhle näshåla
1408 |
1 Nasenloch näsborre
1409 |
1 Nasennebenhöhle bihåla
1410 |
1 Nasenrachenraum nasopharynx
1411 |
1 Nasenraum näshåla
1412 |
1 Nasenrücken näsrygg
1413 |
1 Nasenscheidewandknorpel näsbrosk
1414 |
1 Nasenspitze nästipp
1415 |
1 Nasentamponade nästamponad
1416 |
1 Nasenwurzel näsrot
1417 |
1 nässen vätska sig
1418 |
1 Naturheilkunde naturmedicin
1419 |
1 Naturheilkundiger naturläkare
1420 |
1 Naturheilkundler naturläkare
1421 |
1 Naturheilmittel naturmedel
1422 |
1 Nebenhöhlenentzündung bihåleinflammation
1423 |
1 Nebenniere binjure
1424 |
1 Nebenniereninsuffizienz binjureinsufficiens
1425 |
1 Nebenwirkungen biverkningar
1426 |
1 Neigungen böjelser
1427 |
1 Nephritis njurinflammation
1428 |
1 Nephrologie nefrologi
1429 |
1 Nervenarzt nervläkare
1430 |
1 Nervenhörner nervhorn
1431 |
1 Nervenkrankheit nervsjukdom
1432 |
1 nervenkrank nervsjuk
1433 |
1 Nervenleiden nervsjukdom
1434 |
1 Nervensystem nervsystem
1435 |
2 Nervenzusammenbruch nervsammanbrott
1436 |
1 Nerv nerv
1437 |
1 Nesselfieber nässelfeber
1438 |
1 Netzhautdurchblutungsstörung rubbningar i blodcirkulationen i näthinnan
1439 |
1 Netzhautgefäße näthinnekärl
1440 |
1 Netzhaut näthinna
1441 |
1 Neuralgie neuralgi
1442 |
1 Neurologe neurolog
1443 |
1 neurologische Defizite neurologiska bortfall
1444 |
1 Neurose neuros
1445 |
1 Neurotiker neurotiker
1446 |
1 neutroisch nevrotisk
1447 |
1 nicht-invasiv icke-invasiv
1448 |
1 Nierenagenesie njuragenesi
1449 |
1 Nierenbeckenentzündung njurbäckeninflammation
1450 |
1 Nierenentzündung njurinflammation
1451 |
1 Nierenexstirpation nefrektomi
1452 |
1 Nierenhyperplasie njurhyperplasi
1453 |
1 Nierenhypoplasie njurhypoplasi
1454 |
1 Niereninsuffizienz njurinsufficiens
1455 |
1 Niere njure
1456 |
1 Nierenkrankheit njursjukdom
1457 |
1 Nierenleiden njursjukdom
1458 |
1 Nierenschale njurskål
1459 |
1 Nierenstein njursten
1460 |
1 Nierentransplantation njurtransplantation
1461 |
1 Nikotinvergiftung nikotinförgiftning
1462 |
2 Notarzt jourläkare
1463 |
1 Notaufnahme akutmottagning
1464 |
1 Notfallrettungsdienst räddningstjänst
1465 |
1 Nymphomanie nymfomani
1466 |
1 Nystagmus nystagmus
1467 |
1 Nystagmus ögondarrning
1468 |
1 Obduktion obduktion
1469 |
1 obduzieren obducera
1470 |
1 O-Beine hjulbent
1471 |
1 O-beinig hjulbent
1472 |
1 Oberarmknochen överarmsben
1473 |
1 Oberarm överarm
1474 |
1 Oberarmsspeichenmuskel arm-strålbensmuskel
1475 |
1 Oberbiss överbett
1476 |
1 obere Atemwege övre luftvägarna
1477 |
1 obere Gekröseschlagader övre tarmkäxartär
1478 |
1 obere Hohlvene övre hålvenen
1479 |
1 oberer Atemtrakt övre luftvägarna
1480 |
1 Oberhaut överhud
1481 |
1 Oberkiefer överkäksben
1482 |
1 Oberlied övre ögonlock
1483 |
1 Oberlippe överläpp
1484 |
1 Oberschenkelgurt lårbensband
1485 |
1 Oberschenkelknochen lårben
1486 |
1 Oberschenkel lårben
1487 |
1 Oberschenkel lår
1488 |
1 Odontalgie odontalgi
1489 |
1 Odontologie odontologi
1490 |
1 Odontophobie odontofobi
1491 |
1 ohnmächtig avsvimmad
1492 |
1 Ohrenausfluss öronflytningar
1493 |
1 Ohrenentzündung öroninflammation
1494 |
1 Ohrengeräusche öronsus
1495 |
1 Ohrensausen susningar i öronen
1496 |
1 Ohrenschmalz öronvax
1497 |
1 Ohrenschmerzen ont i öronen
1498 |
1 Ohrkrempe helix
1499 |
1 Ohrläppchen örsnibb
1500 |
1 Ohr öra
1501 |
1 Okklusivverband ocklusivförband
1502 |
1 Olekranon armbågsutskott
1503 |
2 Onkologie onkologi
1504 |
1 Operation operation
1505 |
1 operationspflichtig operationskrävande
1506 |
1 Operationssaal operationssal
1507 |
1 Operationsschwester operationssköterska
1508 |
1 Operationstisch operationsbord
1509 |
1 Optiker optiker
1510 |
1 ordinieren ordinera
1511 |
1 Organempfänger organmottagare
1512 |
1 Organspender organdonator
1513 |
1 Organverpflanzung organtransplantation
1514 |
1 Orgasmus orgasm
1515 |
1 Orthesentasche ortopedisk protesficka
1516 |
1 Orthese ortopedisk protes
1517 |
1 Orthese ortos
1518 |
1 Orthonyxie nagelkorrigering
1519 |
1 Orthopädiemechaniker ortopedmekaniker
1520 |
1 Orthopädie ortopedi
1521 |
1 Orthopädietechniker ortopedtekniker
1522 |
1 örtliche Betäubung lokalbedövning
1523 |
1 ösophageal esofageal
1524 |
1 Osteoporose osteoporos
1525 |
1 Pädiatrie pediatrik
1526 |
1 Papillarmuskeln papillarmuskler
1527 |
1 Parästhesie parestesi
1528 |
1 parietale Pleura yttre lungsäcksblad
1529 |
1 Patella knäskål
1530 |
1 Pathologie patologi
1531 |
1 Patienteninformationen patientinformation
1532 |
1 Patient patient
1533 |
1 Pendelniere vandrande njure
1534 |
1 perakut perakut
1535 |
1 Periode menstruation
1536 |
1 perioral perioral
1537 |
1 Peritonealdialyse PD peritonealdialys PD
1538 |
1 Peritonsillitis halsböld
1539 |
1 Peroxydpulver peroxidpulver
1540 |
1 Petrischale petriskål
1541 |
1 pflanzlich vegetabilisk, växt-
1542 |
1 Pflaster plåster
1543 |
1 Pflegeöl skötselolja
1544 |
1 Pharmakologie farmakologi
1545 |
1 Philtrum näsfåra
1546 |
1 Physiotherapie fysioterapi
1547 |
1 Pigmentmal leverfläck
1548 |
1 Plantarflexion plantarflexion
1549 |
1 plastische Chirurgie plastikkirurgi
1550 |
1 Platzwunde gapande sår
1551 |
1 Pleurahöhle pleurahåla
1552 |
1 plötzlicher Kindstod, SIDS plötslig spädbarnsdöd
1553 |
1 Pneumologie pneumologi
1554 |
1 Pockenimpfung smittkoppsvaccinering
1555 |
1 Pocken smittkoppor
1556 |
1 Pofalte stjärtveck
1557 |
1 Pognophobie pognofobi
1558 |
1 Polimyelitis barnförlamning
1559 |
1 Polio polio
1560 |
1 polymerisieren polymerisera
1561 |
1 polymorphe Lichtdermatose, PLD soleksem
1562 |
1 Potomanie potomani
1563 |
1 Prävention prevention
1564 |
1 Praxisgebühr praktikavgift
1565 |
1 Prellungen kontusioner
1566 |
1 Primärbehältnis primärbehållare
1567 |
1 Prophylaxe profylax
1568 |
1 Propolis propolis
1569 |
1 Prothese ausbetten urbädda protes (ta ur protes)
1570 |
1 Prothese einbetten inbädda protes (lägga in protes)
1571 |
1 Prothese protes
1572 |
1 Psellismus psellism
1573 |
1 Psychose psykos
1574 |
1 Psychotherapie psykoterapi
1575 |
1 Puder puder
1576 |
1 Puerpuralpsychose amniningspsykos
1577 |
1 Pulmonalklappe pulmonalklaff
1578 |
1 Pulsmessung pulsmätning
1579 |
1 Pulswelle pulsvåg
1580 |
1 Pulver pulver
1581 |
1 Pumpball gummiblåsa
1582 |
1 Punktion punktion, punktering
1583 |
1 Pupille pupill
1584 |
1 purulent varig
1585 |
1 Pyromanie pyromani
1586 |
1 Quacksalberei kvacksalveri
1587 |
1 Quacksalber kvacksalvare
1588 |
1 Quecksilbervergiftung kvicksilverförgiftning
1589 |
1 Querschnittslähmung paraplegi, dubbelsidig förlamning
1590 |
1 Quetschungen klämskador
1591 |
1 Quick-Wert quick-värde
1592 |
1 Rachen svalg
1593 |
1 Rachitis engelska sjukan, rakitis
1594 |
1 Raucherhusten rökhosta
1595 |
1 reaktivieren reaktivera
1596 |
1 rechte Herzkranzarterie höger kransartär
1597 |
1 rechte Kammer höger kammare
1598 |
1 rechter Vorhof höger förmak
1599 |
1 rechtes Herzohr höger hjärtöra
1600 |
1 rechte Vorkammer, RV höger förmak
1601 |
1 Rechtsmedicin rättsmedicin
1602 |
1 Reflexbewegung reflexrörelse
1603 |
1 Regeltempoanomalien menstruella anomalier; menstruella störningar
1604 |
1 Regenbogenhaut regnbågshinna
1605 |
1 Rehabilitation rehabilitering
1606 |
1 reinigend rengörande
1607 |
1 Reizung retning
1608 |
1 Rettungswagen ambulans
1609 |
1 rezeptfrei receptfri
1610 |
1 rezeptpflichtig receptbelagd
1611 |
1 Rezidiv recidiv
1612 |
1 Rhagaden ragader
1613 |
1 Rhesusfaktor rhesusfaktor, rh-faktor
1614 |
1 Rheuma reumatism
1615 |
1 Rheumatologie reumatologi
1616 |
1 Rhinitis snuva
1617 |
1 Riemenmuskel remmuskel
1618 |
1 Ringelröteln femte sjukan
1619 |
1 Ringknorpel sköldbrosk
1620 |
1 Rippenfellentzündung lungsäcksinflammation
1621 |
1 Risikogruppe riskgrupp
1622 |
1 röcheln rossla
1623 |
1 Rohköstler råkostätare
1624 |
1 Rosskur hästkur
1625 |
1 Rotatorenmanschette rotatorkuff
1626 |
1 rotäugig rödögd
1627 |
1 Röteln röda hund
1628 |
1 Rückenmark ryggmärg
1629 |
1 Rückenpelotte ryggpelott, ryggradspelott
1630 |
1 Rücken rygg
1631 |
1 Rückenschiene ryggskena
1632 |
1 Rückenschmerzen ryggont
1633 |
1 Rückenschmerz ryggvärk
1634 |
2 Rückenwirbel ryggkota
1635 |
2 Rückfall återfall
1636 |
1 Rückfall recidiv
1637 |
1 rückverlagertes Schlafphasensyndrom försenat sömnfassyndrom
1638 |
1 ruhebedürftig i behov av vila
1639 |
1 Ruhepuls vilopuls
1640 |
1 ruhigstellen stadga
1641 |
1 Rumpf bål
1642 |
1 Rumpfmuskulatur bålens muskulatur
1643 |
1 runder Einwärtsdreher rund pronator
1644 |
1 Rundrückenbildung bildande av kutrygg
1645 |
1 Rundrücken kutrygg
1646 |
1 Runzel skrynkla, rynka
1647 |
1 Salbe salva
1648 |
1 Salzstauungssyndrom symptom på dehydrering
1649 |
1 Samenbläschen sädesblåsa
1650 |
1 Samenleiter sädesledare
1651 |
1 Samenspender spermadonator
1652 |
1 Samen sperma
1653 |
1 Samenstrange sädessträng
1654 |
1 Sanitätsflugzeug ambulansflygplan
1655 |
1 Sarkom sarkom
1656 |
1657 |
1 Sauerstoffentsättigung desaturation
1658 |
1 Sauerstoffmangel syrebrist
1659 |
1 Sauerstoffsättigung oxygenmättnad
1660 |
1 Sauerstoffsättigung saturation
1661 |
1 Sauerstoffsättigung syrgasmättnad
1662 |
1 Sauerstoff syre
1663 |
1 Säuglingsalter spädbarnsålder
1664 |
1 Säuglingsnahrung barnmat
1665 |
1 Säugling spädbarn
1666 |
1 Säuglingspflege spädbarnsvård
1667 |
1 Säuglingsschwester barnsköterska
1668 |
1 Säuglingssterblichkeit spädbarnsdödlighet
1669 |
1 Schädelbruch skallfraktur
1670 |
1 Schädeldecke skalltak
1671 |
1 Schädel skalle, kranium
1672 |
1 Schafhaut amnion
1673 |
1 Schambein blygdben
1674 |
1 Schamlippen blygdläppar
1675 |
1 Scheidewand skiljevägg
1676 |
1 Scheitelbein hjässben
1677 |
1 Scheitel hjässa
1678 |
1 Schenkelbruch lårbensbrott
1679 |
1 Schenkelhals lårbenshals
1680 |
1 Schenkel lår; skänkel
1681 |
1 Schenkelmuskel lårmuskel
1682 |
1 Scheuerdesinfektion intensivdesinfektion
1683 |
1 schielen skela
1684 |
1 Schienbeinmuskel skenbensmuskel
1685 |
1 Schienbein skenben
1686 |
1 Schilddrüse sköldkörtel
1687 |
1 Schläfe tinning
1688 |
1 Schlafkrankheit sömnsjuka
1689 |
1 Schlaflosigkeit sömnlöshet
1690 |
1 schlaflos sömnlös
1691 |
1 Schlafmittel sömnmedel
1692 |
1 schläfrig sömnig
1693 |
1 Schlaf sömn
1694 |
1 Schlafstörungen sömnlöshet, insomnia, asomnia
1695 |
1 Schlaftablette sömnpiller, sömntablett
1696 |
1 schlaftrunken yrvaken, sömndrucken
1697 |
1 schlafwandeln gå i sömnen
1698 |
1 Schlafwandler sömngångare
1699 |
1 Schlagader pulsåder
1700 |
1 Schlaganfall slaganfall
1701 |
1 Schlag slag
1702 |
1 Schlangenbiss ormbett
1703 |
1 Schleimbeutelentzündung bursit
1704 |
1 Schleimbeutelentzündung slemsäcksinflammation
1705 |
1 Schleimbeutel slemsäck
1706 |
1 Schleimhaut slemhinna
1707 |
1 Schleim slem
1708 |
1 Schließmuskel slutmuskel
1709 |
1 Schlussbissstellung interkuspidation
1710 |
1 Schlüsselbein nyckelben
1711 |
1 Schmerzempfinden smärtförnimmelse
1712 |
1 Schmerzen smärtor
1713 |
1 Schnecke öronsnäcka
1714 |
1 Schneidermuskel skräddarmuskel
1715 |
1 Schnittwunde skärsår
1716 |
1 Schnupfen snuva
1717 |
1 Schock chock
1718 |
1 Schocktherapie chockbehandling
1719 |
1 Schollenmuskel flundraliknande muskel
1720 |
1 Schönheitsfarm skönhetsinstitut
1721 |
1 Schönheitsoperation skönhetsoperation
1722 |
1 Schonkost diet, skonkost
1723 |
1 schonungsbedürftig i behov av vila
1724 |
1 schrammen repa
1725 |
1 Schramme skråma
1726 |
1 Schrittmacher pacemaker
1727 |
1 Schrumpfleber skrumplever, levercirros
1728 |
1 Schrumpfniere skrumpnjure
1729 |
1 Schublade draglåda
1730 |
1 Schulmedizin skolmedizin
1731 |
1 Schulter axel
1732 |
1 Schulterblatt skulderblad
1733 |
1 Schulter skuldra
1734 |
1 Schürfwunde skrubbsår
1735 |
1 Schussverletzung skottskada
1736 |
1 Schusswunde skottsår
1737 |
1 Schüttelfrost frossa
1738 |
1 Schwächeanfall plötsligt könna sig svag
1739 |
1 Schwachsinn begåvningshandikapp, förståndshandikapp
1740 |
1 schwachsinnig förståndshandikappad
1741 |
1 Schwangere havande kvinna
1742 |
1 schwanger gravid
1743 |
1 schwängern göra gravid
1744 |
1 Schwangerschaft graviditet
1745 |
1 Schwangerschaftsabbruch abort
1746 |
1 Schwangerschaftstest graviditetstest
1747 |
1 Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung framkallad abort, framkallat missfall
1748 |
1 Schwangerschaftsurlaub graviditetsledighet
1749 |
1 schwarzer Star svart starr
1750 |
1 Schwarzwucherhaut svartpigmenterad hudförändring
1751 |
1 Schweigepflicht tystnadsplikt
1752 |
1 Schweißausbruch plötsligt börja svettas
1753 |
1 Schweißdrüse svettkörtel
1754 |
1 Schwellenangst rädsla för att gå in i byggnader
1755 |
1 Schwellung svullnad
1756 |
1 Schwerbehinderter svårt handikappad
1757 |
1 schwere akute Atemwegssyndrom (SARS) SARS
1758 |
1 Schwerhörigkeit nedsatt hörsel
1759 |
1 schwerhörig lomhörd
1760 |
1 schwermütig melankolisk, tungsint
1761 |
1 Schwermut melankoli, tungsinne
1762 |
1 schwer verwundet svårt sårad
1763 |
1 Schwielen hudvalkar
1764 |
1 schwindelfrei inte besväras av yrsel
1765 |
1 Schwindelgefühl svindel
1766 |
1 Schwindel svindel, yrsel
1767 |
1 schwindlig yr
1768 |
1 Schwitzbad ångbad, svettdrivande bad
1769 |
1 schwitzen svettas
1770 |
1 Schwitzen svettning
1771 |
1 Schwitzkur svettkur
1772 |
1 schwummrig yr, illamående
1773 |
1 Schwund förtvining
1774 |
1 Seekrankheit sjösjuka
1775 |
1 seekrank sjösjuk
1776 |
1 Seelenfriede sinnesfrid
1777 |
1 Seelenleben själsliv
1778 |
1 Seelenwanderung själavandring
1779 |
1 Seelenzustand själstillstånd
1780 |
1 Seele själ
1781 |
1 seelische Belastung psykisk påfrestning
1782 |
1 seelisch själslig, psykisk
1783 |
1 Seelsorger själasörjare
1784 |
1 Seelsorge själavård
1785 |
1 Sehbehinderter synskadad
1786 |
1 Sehbehindert synskadad
1787 |
1 Sehfeler synfel
1788 |
1 Sehkraft synförmåga
1789 |
1 Sehnenansatz senfäste
1790 |
1 Sehnenscheidenentzündung senskideinflammation
1791 |
1 Sehnenscheidenentzündung tendovaginit
1792 |
1 Sehnenzerrung sensträckning
1793 |
1 Sehnervkreuzung synnervskorsning
1794 |
1 Sehnerv synnerv
1795 |
1 Sehne sena
1796 |
1 Sehschärfe synskärpa
1797 |
1 Sehschwäche nedsatt syn
1798 |
1 Sehstörung synrubbning
1799 |
1 Sehtest syntest
1800 |
1 Sehvermögen syn
1801 |
1 seine Gesundheit vernachlässigen missköta sin hälsa
1802 |
1 Seitenstechen håll i sidan
1803 |
1 Sekret sekret
1804 |
1 Sekretstau kraftig slembildning
1805 |
1 Sekundenschlaf sekundsömn
1806 |
1 Selbstbefriedigung onani
1807 |
1 Selbstmordgefährdet person som riskerar att begå självmord
1808 |
1 Selbstmord självmord
1809 |
1 Selbstvertrauen självförtroende
1810 |
1 sensibel sensibel, känslig
1811 |
1 Sensibilität sensibilitet
1812 |
1 Sentimentalität sentimentalitet
1813 |
1 sentimental sentimental
1814 |
1 Septum septum
1815 |
1 Serum serum
1816 |
1 Seuche epidemi
1817 |
1 Seuchenbekämpfung bekämpning av epidemi
1818 |
1 Seuchengefahr risk för epidemi
1819 |
1 Sexappeal sexuell dragningskraft
1820 |
1 Sexualerziehung sexualundervisning
1821 |
1 Sexualität sexualitet
1822 |
1 Sexualkunde sexualkunskap
1823 |
1 Sexualleben sexualliv
1824 |
1 sezieren dissekera
1825 |
1 siamesische Zwillinge siamesiska tvillingar
1826 |
1 sich ärztlich untersuchen lassen låta läkarundersöka sig
1827 |
1 sich einen Muskel verzerren sträcka en muskel
1828 |
1 sich verbrennen bränna sig
1829 |
1 sich verbrühen skålla sig
1830 |
1 sich verheben förlyfta sig
1831 |
1 sich verschlucken sätta något i halsen
1832 |
1 Siebenmonatskind barn fött i sjunde månaden
1833 |
1 Sie ist in anderen Umständen Hon väntar barn
1834 |
1 Silikos silikos
1835 |
1 Sinnesart sinnelag
1836 |
1 Sinneseindruck sinnesintryck
1837 |
1 Sinnesorgan sinnesorgan
1838 |
1 Sinnestäuschung sinnesvilla
1839 |
1 Sinusitis bihåleinflammation
1840 |
1 Sitiomanie sitiomani
1841 |
1 Sitophobie sitofobi
1842 |
1 Sitzbein sittben
1843 |
1 Skalpell skalpell
1844 |
1 Skelettmuskulatur skelettmuskulatur
1845 |
1 Sklera senhinna
1846 |
1 Sklerose skleros
1847 |
1 Skorbut skörbjugg
1848 |
1 Skotophobie skotofobi, aklyofobi
1849 |
1 Skotophobie skotofobi
1850 |
1 Sodbrennen halsbränna
1851 |
1 Soforthilfe akuthjälp
1852 |
1 Sofortmaßnahme omedelbar åtgärd
1853 |
1 Sohlenspanner fotsulemuskel
1854 |
1 Sommersprossen fräknar
1855 |
1 Sonnenallergie soleksem
1856 |
1 Sonnenbrand solsveda
1857 |
1 Sonnenbräune solbränna
1858 |
1 Sonnenekzem soleksem
1859 |
1 Sonnengeflecht solar plexus
1860 |
1 Sonnenöl sololja
1861 |
1 Sonnenschutzmittel solskyddsmedel
1862 |
1 Sonnenstich solsting
1863 |
1 Soziologe sociolog
1864 |
1 Soziologie sociologi
1865 |
1 soziologisch sociologisk
1866 |
1 Spann vrist
1867 |
1 Spastiker spastiker
1868 |
1 spastisch spastisk
1869 |
1 Spatel spatel
1870 |
1 Spätentwickler barn med sen utveckling
1871 |
1 Spätfolgen efterverkningar
1872 |
1 Spätzünder barn med sen utveckling
1873 |
1 Speicheldrüse spottkörtel
1874 |
1 Speichelfluß stark spottavsöndring
1875 |
1 Speichel saliv
1876 |
1 Speiche strålben
1877 |
1 Speischale spottkopp
1878 |
1 Speiseröhre matstrupe
1879 |
1 Spezialarzt specialist
1880 |
1 Spezialist specialist
1881 |
1 spinal ryggrads...
1882 |
1 spindeldürr spinkig
1883 |
1 splitterfasernackt spritt språngande naken
1884 |
1 splitternackt spritt språngande naken
1885 |
1 spontanatmend spontanandande
1886 |
1 Sporttherapie sportterapi
1887 |
1 Sportverletzung idrottsskada
1888 |
1 Sprachfehler talfel
1889 |
1 sprachlos mållös
1890 |
1 Sprechstunde mottagningstid
1891 |
1 Sprechstundenhilfe mottagningssköterska
1892 |
1 Sprechzimmer läkarens mottagningsrum
1893 |
1 Sprechzimmer mottagningsrum
1894 |
1 Spreizfuß spretfot
1895 |
1 Spritze spruta
1896 |
1 Sprungbein språngben
1897 |
1 Sprunggelenkorthese ortos för språngbensleden
1898 |
1 Sprunggelenk språngbensled
1899 |
1 Ständer stånd
1900 |
1 staphylokokken-enterokolitis stafylokockenterokolit
1901 |
1 Starbrille starrglasögon
1902 |
1 Station avdelning
1903 |
1 Staublunge dammlunga
1904 |
1 Steigbügel stigbygel
1905 |
1 Steißbein svansben
1906 |
1 sterile Druckluft steril tryckluft
1907 |
1 Stickstoff kväve
1908 |
1 stillen amma
1909 |
1 Stimmbänder stämband
1910 |
1 Stirnbein pannben
1911 |
1 Stirnhöhle pannhåla
1912 |
1 Stirn panna
1913 |
1 Stoffwechsel ämnesomsättning
1914 |
1 straffend stramande
1915 |
1 Streifenlichtprojektion projektion av strukturerat ljus
1916 |
1 Striktur striktur
1917 |
1 stumm stum
1918 |
1 südamerikanische Trypanosomiasis Chagas' sjukdom
1919 |
1 Symphyse blygdbensfog
1920 |
1 synthesebedingt beroende på syntesförfarande; syntesberoende
1921 |
1 Systole systole
1922 |
2 systolisch systolisk
1923 |
1 Tablettensüchtiger läkemedelsmissbrukare
1924 |
1 Tablette tablett
1925 |
1 Taille midja
1926 |
1 Talgdrüse talgkörtel
1927 |
1 Tamponade tamponad
1928 |
1 taub avdomnad
1929 |
1 taub döv
1930 |
1 Taubheit dövhet
1931 |
1 Taubheit känslolöshet i ben eller armar
1932 |
1 taubstumm dövstum
1933 |
1 Taucherkrankheit dykarsjuka
1934 |
1 Teerstuhl melena
1935 |
1 Teilprothese partialprotes
1936 |
1 Tendovaginitis senskideinflammation
1937 |
1 teratogen fosterskadande
1938 |
1 thorakal torakal
1939 |
1 Thorax bröstkorg
1940 |
1 Thoraxchirurgie toraxkirurgi
1941 |
1 Thrombozytopenie trombocytopeni
1942 |
1 Thrombozyt trombocyt
1943 |
1 Thymusdrüse inre bröstkörtel
1944 |
1 Tibiakopffraktur tibiakondylfraktur
1945 |
1 Tibiakopf tibiakondyl
1946 |
1 Tinnitus tinnitus
1947 |
1 Totalprothese helprotes
1948 |
1 Toxikologie toxikologi
1949 |
1 Tränendrüse tårkanal
1950 |
1 Tränenflüssigkeit tårar
1951 |
1 Tränen tårar
1952 |
1 Tränenwege tårkanaler
1953 |
1 Transfusionsmedizin transfusionsmedicin
1954 |
1 Trauma trauma
1955 |
1 Trichotillomanie trikotillomani
1956 |
1 Trikuspidalklappe tresegelsklaffen
1957 |
1 Trikuspidalklappe trikuspidalklaff
1958 |
1 Tropophobie tropofobi
1959 |
1 trübend opacifierande
1960 |
1 Tupfer sudd
1961 |
1 Übelkeit illamående
1962 |
1 Überfunktion hyperfunktion
1963 |
1 übergewichtig överviktig
1964 |
1 Übergewicht övervikt
1965 |
1 übernächtigt utvakad
1966 |
1 Überversorgung överdrivet näringsintag
1967 |
1 Ultrafiltration ultrafiltration
1968 |
1 Ultraschallbad ultraljudsbad
1969 |
1 Umweltmedizin miljömedicin
1970 |
1 umwickeln binda om (med förband)
1971 |
1 Unfallchirurgie olycksfallskirurgi
1972 |
1 Unfallopfer olycksoffer
1973 |
1 Unfallstation akutmottagning
1974 |
1 Unfallstelle olycksplats
1975 |
1 Unfallwagen ambulans, krockskadat fordon
1976 |
1 unheilbar inkurabel
1977 |
1 unhygienisch ohygienisk
1978 |
1 unoperierbar inoperabel
1979 |
1 unreif omogen
1980 |
1 Unterarm underarm
1981 |
1 Unterbewusstsein undermedvetande
1982 |
1 unterdurchschnittlich begabt svagt begåvad
1983 |
1 untere Hohlvene nedre hålven
1984 |
1 untere Hohlvene undre hålvenen
1985 |
1 unterentwickelt underutvecklad
1986 |
1 unterernährt undernärd
1987 |
1 Unterernährung undernäring
1988 |
1 Unterfunktion hypofunktion
1989 |
1 Unterfütterung underfyllning
1990 |
1 untergewichtig underviktig
1991 |
1 Untergewicht undervikt
1992 |
1 Untergrätenmuskel musculus infraspinatus
1993 |
1 Unterkiefer underkäksben
1994 |
1 Unterkörper underkropp
1995 |
1 unterkühlt nedkyld, reserverad
1996 |
1 unterlassene Hilfeleistung underlåten hjälp
1997 |
1 Unterleib underliv
1998 |
1 Unterlied nedre ögonlock
1999 |
1 Unterlippe underläpp
2000 |
1 Unterschenkelgurt underbensband
2001 |
1 Unterschenkel underben
2002 |
1 unterschwellig undermedveten
2003 |
1 unterstellen insinuera
2004 |
1 Unterstellung insinuation
2005 |
1 untersuchen undersöka
2006 |
1 Untersuchungsraum behandlingsrum
2007 |
1 Unterversorgung otillräckligt näringsintag
2008 |
1 unversehrt oskadd, välbehållen
2009 |
1 unverträglich intolerant
2010 |
1 Unverträglichkeit intolerans
2011 |
1 unverwüstliche Gesundheit järnhälsa
2012 |
1 unweiblich okvinnlig
2013 |
1 Unwohlsein illamående
2014 |
1 Urinprobe urinprov
2015 |
1 Urin urin
2016 |
1 Vagina vagina
2017 |
1 väterlicherseits på fädernet
2018 |
1 Vaterschaftsurlaub pappaledighet
2019 |
1 Veilchen blått öga
2020 |
1 Venenentzündung flebit, blodåderinflammation
2021 |
1 Venenpunktion venpunktion
2022 |
1 venerisch venerisk
2023 |
2 Vene ven
2024 |
1 venöse Insuffizienz venös insufficiens
2025 |
1 venöser Blutstau venös stasning
2026 |
1 venöses Blut venöst blod
2027 |
1 verabreichen dosera
2028 |
1 Veranlagung anlag
2029 |
1 verarzten plåstra om
2030 |
1 Verband bandage, förband
2031 |
1 Verbandkasten förbandslåda
2032 |
1 Verbandmaterial förbandsutrustning
2033 |
1 Verbandskasten förbandslåda
2034 |
1 verblassen blekna, bli blek
2035 |
1 verbluten förblöda
2036 |
1 verbrennen brännas till döds
2037 |
1 Verbrennung brännskada, kremering
2038 |
1 Verdauung matsmältning
2039 |
1 Verdauungsapparat matsmältningssystem
2040 |
1 Verdauungsbeschwerden matsmältningsbevsär
2041 |
1 verdrießlich misslynt
2042 |
1 vererbt medfödd, nedärvd
2043 |
1 Vererbung ärftlighet
2044 |
1 Vererbungslehre ärftlighetslära
2045 |
1 Verfolgungswahn förföljelsemani
2046 |
1 Vergällung denatureringsmedel
2047 |
1 vergesslich glömsk
2048 |
1 Vergesslichkeit glömska
2049 |
1 vergewaltigen våldta
2050 |
1 Vergewaltigung våldtäkt
2051 |
1 vergreisen bli äldre
2052 |
1 Verhaltensforschung beteendeforskning
2053 |
1 verhärmt sliten, tärd av bekymmer
2054 |
1 verhungern svälta ihjäl
2055 |
1 Verhütung användning av preventivmedel
2056 |
1 Verhütungsmittel preventivmedel
2057 |
1 verkalken bli åderförkalkad
2058 |
1 verkalkt åderförkalkad
2059 |
1 verkatert bakfull
2060 |
1 verkeimt kontaminerad
2061 |
1 Verlangen begär
2062 |
1 verlängertes Mark förlängd märg
2063 |
1 Verletzbarkeit sårbarhet
2064 |
1 verletzbar lättsårad
2065 |
1 Verletzter skadad, sårad
2066 |
1 verletztlich ömtålig, sårbar
2067 |
1 Verletzung skada, sår
2068 |
1 vernachlässigt aussehen ge ett ovårdat intryck
2069 |
1 vernarben ärra sig, läkas
2070 |
1 veröden behandla åderbråck med injektioner
2071 |
1 verordnen ordinera
2072 |
1 Verordnung ordination
2073 |
1 verrenken vrida ur ledm vricka
2074 |
1 Verrenkung vrickning
2075 |
1 Verrückter galning, sinnesrubbad
2076 |
1 verrückt tokig, galen
2077 |
1 Verschattung skugga
2078 |
1 verschlafen sömndrucken, yrvaken
2079 |
1 Verschleißerscheinung förslitningssymptom
2080 |
1 Verschleiß förslitning
2081 |
1 verschlucken svälja
2082 |
1 verschreibungspflichtig receptbelagd
2083 |
1 verschwitzt genomsvettig
2084 |
1 verschwommen otydlig, suddig
2085 |
1 Versehrter invalid
2086 |
1 versehrt invalidiserad
2087 |
1 verseuchen smitta ned
2088 |
1 verstandesmäßig förnuftsmässig
2089 |
1 Verstand förnuft, vett
2090 |
1 Verständigungsschwierigkeiten svårigheter att göra sig förstådd
2091 |
1 verstauchen stuka, vricka
2092 |
1 Verstauchung stukning, vrickning
2093 |
1 Verstopfung förstoppning
2094 |
1 verstorben avliden
2095 |
1 verstört uppskakad, uppriven
2096 |
1 verstümmeln lemlästa
2097 |
1 verstummen bli stum, förstummas
2098 |
1 Versuchskaninchen försökskanin
2099 |
1 Versuchsperson försöksperson
2100 |
1 verträgliche Speisen lättsmält mat
2101 |
1 Verträglichkeit tolerans
2102 |
1 Vertrauensarzt förtroendeläkare
2103 |
1 verwachsen växa ihop, läkas
2104 |
1 verweichlicht förvekligad, klen
2105 |
1 verweint förgråten
2106 |
1 verwirrt virrig, förvirrad
2107 |
1 verwundbar sårbar
2108 |
1 Verzweiflung förtvivlan
2109 |
1 VE-Wasser komplett avsaltat vatten
2110 |
1 Virustatika virustatika
2111 |
1 viskositätsregelnd viskositetsreglerande
2112 |
1 Viszeralchirurgie abdominalkirurgi
2113 |
1 Vitaldaten vitaldata
2114 |
1 Vitalfunktionen allmäntillstånd
2115 |
1 Vitaminbedarf vitaminbehov
2116 |
1 Vitaminmangel vitaminbrist
2117 |
1 Vitaminstoß vitaminchock
2118 |
1 Vitamin vitamin
2119 |
1 vollentsalztes Wasser komplett avsaltat vatten
2120 |
1 voll packad, full
2121 |
1 vollschlank fyllig, kraftig
2122 |
1 Vollwaise föräldralöst barn
2123 |
1 Vollwertkost näringsriktig kost, hälsokost
2124 |
1 vom Mund entfernt aboral
2125 |
1 Vorahnung föraning, förkänsla
2126 |
1 Vorbau kraftig byst
2127 |
1 vorbeugende Gesundheitsvorsorge friskvård
2128 |
1 vorbeugen förebygga
2129 |
1 Vorderzahn framtand
2130 |
1 vorehelich föräktenskaplig
2131 |
1 Vorgeschichte amnes
2132 |
1 Vorhof förmak
2133 |
1 Vormundschaft förmyndarskap
2134 |
1 vorverlagertes Schlafphasensyndrom för tidigt sömnfassyndrom
2135 |
1 Voyeur smygtittare, voyeur
2136 |
1 Wacholderbeerenöl enbärsolja
2137 |
1 wächsern vaxblek
2138 |
1 wachstumsfördernd tillväxtfrämjande
2139 |
1 wachstumshemmend tillväxthämmande
2140 |
1 Wachstumshormon tillväxthormon
2141 |
1 Wachstum tillväxt
2142 |
1 Wadenbein vadben
2143 |
1 Wade vad
2144 |
1 Wanderniere vandrande njure
2145 |
1 Wange kind
2146 |
1 Wangenknochen kindknota
2147 |
1 Wasserretention vattenretention
2148 |
1 Wechselbad växelbad
2149 |
1 wiederaufbereiten behandla för återanvändning
2150 |
1 wiederbeleben återuppliva
2151 |
1 Winde väderspänning
2152 |
1 Windpocken vattkoppor
2153 |
1 Wirbelkörper kotkropp
2154 |
1 Wirbel kota
2155 |
1 Wirbelsäule ryggrad
2156 |
1 Wirksubstanzen verksamma ämnen
2157 |
1 Wirkweise verkningssätt
2158 |
2 Wischdesinfektion avtorkningsdesinfektion
2159 |
1 WK-Fraktur fraktur i kotkroppen
2160 |
1 Wöchnerin nyförlöst kvinna
2161 |
1 Workaholic arbetsnarkoman
2162 |
1 Wundauflage förband
2163 |
1 Wunddehiszenz sårruptur
2164 |
1 Wunde sår
2165 |
1 Wundstarrkrampf stelkramp
2166 |
1 Wundverband sårförband
2167 |
1 Wurzelfüllung rotfyllning
2168 |
1 Wurzelkanal rotkanal
2169 |
1 X-Beine kobent
2170 |
1 Xenophobie xenofobi
2171 |
1 Zahnarzthelferin tandläkarassistent
2172 |
1 Zahnarzt tandläkare
2173 |
1 Zahnbelag plack
2174 |
1 Zahnen tandsprickning
2175 |
1 Zahnersatz tandprotes
2176 |
1 Zahnfächer tandhålor
2177 |
1 Zahnfäule tandröta
2178 |
1 Zahnfleischbluten blödande tandkött
2179 |
1 Zahnfleisch tandkött
2180 |
1 Zahnklammer tandställning
2181 |
1 Zahnkrone tandkrona
2182 |
1 zahnlos tandlös
2183 |
1 Zahnlücke glugg
2184 |
1 Zahnmedizin odontologi
2185 |
1 Zahnpflege tandvård
2186 |
1 Zahn tand
2187 |
1 Zehenendglied distalfalang
2188 |
1 Zehengrundglied proximal falang
2189 |
1 Zeigefinger pekfinger
2190 |
1 Zeitgeber tidsgivare
2191 |
1 Zentralnervensystem centrala nervsystemet
2192 |
1 Zirbeldrüse epifys, tallkottkörtel
2193 |
1 Zirbeldrüse tallkottskörtel
2194 |
1 Zoophobie zoofobi
2195 |
1 Zuckerkrankheit sockersjuka
2196 |
1 Zunge tunga
2197 |
1 Zwerchfell diafragma, mellangärde
2198 |
1 Zwillinge tvillingar
2199 |
1 Zwillingswadenmuskel vadmuskel
2200 |
1 Zwischenknochenmuskel inter ossermuskel
2201 |
1 Zwischenwirbelgelenke fasettleder
2202 |
1 Zwischenwirbelraum utrymmet mellan kotorna; spatium intervertebrale
2203 |
2 Zwölffingerdarm tolvfingertarm
2204 |
1 Zyste cysta
2205 |
1 zytologischer Abstrich cellprov
2206 |
1 Zytostatikaabfall cytostatikaavfall
2207 |
1 Zytostatikawerkbank cytostatikabänk
2208 |
1 zytostatikum cytostatikum
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
1 |
1 Abductor largo Adduttore lungo
2 |
1 accidente cerebrovascolare accidente cerebrovascular
3 |
1 Actina Actina
4 |
1 Adeguamento (della dose) Ajuste
5 |
1 Alvéolo Alveolo
6 |
1 Amigdalite Amigdalitis
7 |
1 anagrafica trattamenti tratamiento de los síntomas distintivos de una enfermedad
8 |
1 andamento bimodale evolución bimodal
9 |
1 Anestesista Anestesista
10 |
1 Angiomas Angiomi
11 |
1 Anisocórico Anisocorico
12 |
1 Antehelix Antelice
13 |
1 Antipertensivo Antihipertensivo
14 |
1 Aparato de Golgi Apparato del Golgi
15 |
1 (applicazione/impiego di) sostanza colorante Tinción
16 |
1 Arco aórtico Arco dell'aorta
17 |
1 Arteria aorta Arteria aorta
18 |
1 Arteria axilar Arteria Ascellare
19 |
1 Arteria braquial Arteria brachiale
20 |
1 Arteria Carótide Arteria Carotide
21 |
1 Arteria mesentérica superior/inferior Arteria mesenterica superiore/inferiore
22 |
1 Arteria pulmonar izquierda/derecha Arteria polmonare sinistra/destra
23 |
1 Arteria renal Arteria renale
24 |
1 Arteria subclavia Arteria succlavia
25 |
1 Arteria testicular Arteria testicolare
26 |
1 Arteria tibial anterior/posterior Arteria tibiale anteriore/posteriore
27 |
2 a strappo a presión (en este contexto)
28 |
1 Atelectasia adquirida Atelettasia acquisita
29 |
1 Atelectasia Atelettasia
30 |
1 attaccaglie abrazadera/grapa (de sujeción)
31 |
1 Aurícula derecha/izquierda Atrio destro/sinistro
32 |
1 automedicazione autocuidado
33 |
1 avvitatore atornillador
34 |
1 Axón Assone
35 |
1 Azienda ospedaliera Empresa Hospitalaria
36 |
1 bagnabilità mojabilidad
37 |
1 barella ** da corsia ** camilla de crujía/pasillo
38 |
1 basi normoespansibili expansión normal de los pulmones/bases pulmonares
39 |
1 Bíceps femoral Bicipite femorale
40 |
1 Bifurcación de la tráquea Biforcazione della trachea
41 |
1 Bilis Bile
42 |
1 Biochimica ematologica Bioquímica sanguínea
43 |
1 biopsia ossea punción ósea
44 |
1 Blastocisto Blastocisti
45 |
1 Braquial Brachiale
46 |
1 Bronquiectasie Bronchiectasie
47 |
1 Bulbo olfatorio Bulbo olfattivo
48 |
1 bypass aorto-femorali Derivación aorto-femoral
49 |
1 Caja torácica Cassa toracica
50 |
1 Canal radicular Canale della radice
51 |
1 cappette di copertura cofias de cobertura
52 |
1 carico carga
53 |
1 Carpo Carpo
54 |
1 carta da filtro - a basso contenuto di azoto papel filtro bajo en
55 |
1 Cartílago Cartilagine
56 |
1 Catecol-O-metiltransferasi COMT
57 |
1 células madre totipotentes cellule staminali pluripotenti/totipotenti
58 |
1 Cerebelo Cervelletto
59 |
1 Cerotto transdermico Parche transdérmico
60 |
1 chiraliche (molecole) quiralicas (moleculas)
61 |
1 (complesso di) estratti vegetali Poliplant
62 |
1 compromissioni daños o lesiones corporales
63 |
1 connessioni conexiones
64 |
1 controcampione contramuestra del certificado de análisis
65 |
1 Córtax cerebral Corteccia cerebrale
66 |
1 corticoidi corticoides
67 |
1 cucine di reparto cocinas por departamento/ por sección/ departamentales
68 |
1 Cuerpo calloso Corpo calloso
69 |
1 Cuerpo ciliar Corpo ciliare
70 |
1 Day hospital hospital de día/unidad de antención diurna
71 |
1 Deflussore Sangue (Dispositivo) Regulador de Flujo Sanguíneo (para infusiones)
72 |
1 Deltoide Deltoide
73 |
1 Dendritas Dendriti
74 |
1 Dentina Dentina
75 |
1 Dermis Derma
76 |
1 diluito al XX% diluido al XX%
77 |
1 Direzione Medica di Presidio dirección médica del centro hospitalario
78 |
1 Dispensario Astanteria
79 |
1 distaccamento dependencia
80 |
1 dosaggio/dì = dosaggio/giorno / dosaggio al dì / dosaggio al giorno dosaje/día
81 |
1 ecchimosi roncha
82 |
1 Effetto collaterale efectos secundarios
83 |
1 efficacia o meno di una data cura biologica eficacia eventual de un determinado tratamiento biológico
84 |
1 elicina elicina
85 |
1 Emivita Semivida
86 |
1 esiti tubercolari complicaciones de tipo/carácter tuberculoso // casos sucesivo/resultantes // consecuencias/resultados de tuberculosis
87 |
1 esito fatale/infausto exitus
88 |
1 Espansibilità polmonare Expansibilidad pulmonar
89 |
1 febbre tifoide fiebre tidoidea
90 |
1 fi se die ampolla subcutánea al dìa
91 |
1 fixture implante / tornillo
92 |
1 fresa fresa
93 |
1 Gabbia toracica Caja Torácica
94 |
2 gambale reposapiernas
95 |
1 (gel) Ioson stabilizzante Ioson reafirmante
96 |
1 hiperhidrosidad iperidrosi
97 |
1 Humor vítreo Corpo vitreo
98 |
1 i fini los finos
99 |
1 [incidenza annuale] per età ogni 100000 abitanti nel primo anno [La incidencia anual] por cada 100.000 habitantes y año 1 y es edad-dependiente
100 |
1 infezioni respiratorie acute (IRA) infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA)
101 |
1 información adicional inf. adic.
102 |
1 información adicional/informazione aggiuntiva/ulteriori informazioni inf. adic.
103 |
1 Innesti Injertos
104 |
1 in sede mantellare en la zona del manto
105 |
1 interstizio polmonare intersticio pulmonar
106 |
1 Ipopotassiemia Hipopotasemia/Hipokalemia
107 |
1 istituti di sostegno alla maternità/trutture sanitarie per gestant hogar materno
108 |
1 istomorfologiche Histomórficas
109 |
1 ittero ictericia
110 |
1 laser luce guida guía [posicionador] de rayo láser
111 |
1 lastra radiografica laminilla
112 |
1 legami enlaces
113 |
1 legami trabecolari trabéculas
114 |
1 Leishmaniosi Leishmaniasis
115 |
1 malattie diarroiche acute enfermedades diarréicas agudas (EDA)
116 |
1 manifestazione clinica, (costituita da) segni e sintomi, di [...] manifestación clínica síntomas y signos, de [...]
117 |
1 marcatura (impianti) marcas
118 |
1 maschiatura roscado
119 |
1 materiale da otturazione/di riempimento (amalgama) relleno
120 |
1 MDC (mezzo di contrasto) Medio de contraste
121 |
1 medico privato medico particular
122 |
1 metodo ratio método de relación, método ratio
123 |
1 Monitoraggio, controllo seguimiento
124 |
1 morbi-morbilità morbi-mortalidad
125 |
1 morbo di Chagas/ tripanosomiasi americana) enfermedad de Chagas
126 |
1 morfofenotipici morfofenotípicos
127 |
1 morsi uterini o crampi (uterini) dolores de entuerto o calambres del útero
128 |
1 mounter mounter transportador
129 |
1 navicella per pesata Navetas de pesada
130 |
1 (Orto)panoramica preoperatoria Pano preoperatoria
131 |
1 osteointegrazione osteointegración
132 |
1 Otorinolaringoiatria Otorrinolaringología
133 |
1 parossismo malarico paroxismo palúdico
134 |
1 parti/tessuti molli partes blandas
135 |
1 Pelvis Cinto pelvico
136 |
1 perfusione endovenosa perfusión intravenosa
137 |
1 Pergolide Pergolida
138 |
1 piano crestale plano/nivel crestal
139 |
1 posizione di riposo postura de descanso
140 |
1 post-infettivo postinfectoso
141 |
1 precedentemente, in precendeza preventivamente
142 |
1 predittori indipendenti predictores independientes
143 |
1 presidio sustancia
144 |
1 prodomo pródromo
145 |
1 pur/sia pur aunque
146 |
1 Referto medico Informe médico
147 |
1 Reparto División
148 |
1 Reporting Officers funcionarios/personal informante(s)
149 |
1 Retrovirus Retrovirus
150 |
1 riduttività reductividad
151 |
1 Rilascio del farmaco Liberación
152 |
1 rimanere senza assistenza quedar desantendido
153 |
1 rimbalzo congestión de rebote
154 |
1 ristagno d'acqua coleccion de agua
155 |
1 risvolti singolari repercusiones, implicancias particulares, (únicas, peculiares)
156 |
1 rosa mosqueta; Rosa affinis rubiginosa rosa mosqueta
157 |
1 rosso bovino diffuso coloración rojo oscura difusa/de aspecto difuso
158 |
1 sabbiatura arenado
159 |
1 Saturímetro Saturimetro
160 |
1 segala comuta cornezuelo de centeno
161 |
1 SEM SEM (microscopio electrónico de barrido)
162 |
1 setto vescicovaginale tabique vesicovaginal
163 |
1 sindrome delle gambe senza riposo síndrome de las piernas inquietas
164 |
2 sintomi di prima e seconda comparsa síntomas primarios y secundarios
165 |
1 Sistema circulatorio Apparato circolatorio
166 |
1 Sistema respiratorio Apparato respiratorio
167 |
1 soffrire come un'anima in pena penar como un aparecido
168 |
1 soffrire o essere sconvolti nel corpo e nello spirito tener desazonados el cuerpo y el espíritu
169 |
1 spire autofilettanti espiras autorroscantes
170 |
1 spostato verso la dolcezza con tendencia hacia lo dulce / tendiente...
171 |
1 stato drammatico di empasse estado dramático de bloqueo o callejón sin salida
172 |
1 stato off estado off
173 |
1 stop tope de fresa
174 |
1 strumenti diamantati instrumental diamantado
175 |
1 strumenti rotativi instrumental rotatorio
176 |
1 Svuotamento gastrico Vaciado gástrico
177 |
178 |
179 |
1 tensioliti tensiolíticos
180 |
1 terme minerali-curative balnearios mineromedicinales
181 |
1 Test esatto di Fisher Prueba exácta de Fisher
182 |
1 tifo epidemico tifus epidémico
183 |
1 tifo murino tifus murino
184 |
1 titolo concentración
185 |
1 Tomografia assiale computerizzata ad emissione di fotoni singoli SPECT
186 |
1 Toni cardiaci ritmici/validi/normofrequenti RBG (ruidos bien golpeados)
187 |
1 Tracciante Trazador
188 |
1 trattamenti sanitari / medici tratamientos sanitarios y/o médicos
189 |
1 tripide trip
190 |
1 tubulonecrosi renale acuta necrosis tubular renal aguda
191 |
1 UPDRS (Scala Unificata per la Valutazione della Gravità della Malattia di Parkinson) UPDRS
192 |
1 usa al bisogno toma ... según necesidad // cuando/cada vez que sea necesario
193 |
1 veicolare vehicular
194 |
1 vernici poliuretaniche pinturas poliuretanicas
195 |
1 X concatenati X en cadena
196 |
1 zona di sfogo aliviadero
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
1 |
1 Abortus completus Poronienie zupełne
2 |
1 Abortus imminens deinde in tractu Poronienie zagrażające/nieuchronne (które przeszło) w trakcie
3 |
1 Abortus imminens in tractu vertens Poronienie zagrażające, które przeszło w poronienie w trakcie
4 |
1 Abortus imminens Poronienie zagrażające/nieuchronne
5 |
1 Abortus incompletus Poronienie niezupełne
6 |
1 Abortus in tractu Poronienie w toku
7 |
1 Abortus spontaneous Poronienie samoistne
8 |
1 Abrasio cavi uteri Abrazja jamy macicy (wyłyżeczkowanie)
9 |
1 ad abrasionem do usunięcia
10 |
1 Adenocarcinoma in polipo cervicale Rak gruczołowy w polipie kanału szyjki
11 |
1 Agenesia Brak rozwoju
12 |
1 Anemia secun Anemia wtórna
13 |
1 Aplasia Brak narządu ew. jego części
14 |
1 Appendicitis chronica Przewlekłe zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
15 |
1 Biopsio endometrii Biopsja endometrium
16 |
1 Biopsjo Biopsja
17 |
1 Cervical deficiency Niewydolność cieśniowo - szyjkowa
18 |
1 Cervicis chronica non magni gradus Zapalenie przewlekłe śluzówki kanału stopnia niedużego
19 |
1 Cervicitis chronica Przewlekłe zapalenie szyjki
20 |
1 Cervicitis Zapalenie śluzówki kanału szyjki
21 |
1 Coagula crenta, fragmenta epitheli endometrialis Skrzepy krwi, fragmenty nabłonka śluzówki jamy macicy
22 |
1 Coagula cruenta, fragmenta parva endometrii in stadio proliferationis Skrzepy krwi, małe fragmenty endometrium w fazie proliferacji
23 |
1 Coagula cruenta, mucus, fragmenta endocervicis normotypici Skrzepy krwi, śluz, normotypowe (zwykle wyglądające) fragmenty śluzówki kanału szyjki macicy
24 |
1 Coagula sanguinea et fragmenta deciduae Skrzepy krwiste i fragmenty doczesnej
25 |
1 colli uteri szyjka macicy
26 |
1 Cruores sanguninis Skrzepy krwi
27 |
1 cruores skrzepy
28 |
1 cum atypia z atypią
29 |
1 cum deciduitide chronica z przewlekłym zapaleniem doczesnej
30 |
1 cum z
31 |
1 Cystes folliculares multate ovarii Torbiele pęcherzykowe liczne jajnika
32 |
1 Cystis endometriodalis ovarii sinistri Torbiel endometrioalna jajnika lewego
33 |
1 Cystis mucinosa Torbiel śluzowa
34 |
1 Cystis ovarii dex Torbier jajnika prawego
35 |
1 Cystis picea ovarii sin Torbiel czekoladowa jajnika lewego
36 |
1 Cystis serosa cum haemorrhagis Torbiel surowicza z miejscowym ogniskiem krwotocznym
37 |
1 Cystis serosa Torbier surowicza
38 |
1 Cystis simplex Torbiel prosta
39 |
1 Cystis Torbiel
40 |
1 Decidua compacta in statu inflammationis et cruores sanquinis Doczesna zwarta w stanie zapalenia i skrzepy krwi
41 |
1 Decidua et endometrium hypersecretivum Doczesna i endometrium ze zwiększonym wydzielaniem
42 |
1 Decidua et ovum partim necroticans et suppurans Doczesna i jajo (płodowe) ropne i martwicze
43 |
1 Decidua et placenta partim cecrocitans Doczesna i łożysko częściowo obumarłe
44 |
1 Decidua et villi cum degeneratione hydrophica Doczesna i kosmki ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi
45 |
1 Decidua et villi in statu suppurationis et degenerationis Doczesna i kosmki w stanie ropienia i degeneracji
46 |
1 Decidua et villi placentaress Doczesna i kosmki łożyska
47 |
1 Decidua inflammatoria et willi Zapalenie kosmków i doczesnej
48 |
1 Decidua necrotican cum inflammentione purulenta Doczesna martwicza z zapaleniem ropnym
49 |
1 Decidua necroticans, villi placentae immaturae et Doczesna martwicza, kosmki łożyska niedojrzałego i tkanki płodowe
50 |
1 Decidua partim necrocitans Doczesna częściowo martwicza
51 |
1 Decidua partim necroticans et suppurans Doczesna częściowo martwicza i ropiejąca
52 |
1 Decidua purulenta Doczesna zropiała
53 |
1 Decidua spongiosa et compacta cum necrosi et villi choliales Doczesna gąbczasta i zbita oraz kosmki
54 |
1 Decidua spongiosa et compacta Doczesna gąbczasta i zbita
55 |
1 Decidua suppurans Doczesna ropiejąca
56 |
1 Decidua vera haemorrhagica et villi Doczesna prawdziwa krwotoczna i kosmki
57 |
1 Decidua vera necroticans sine villi Doczesna martwicza bez kosmków
58 |
1 Decidua vera sine villi Doczesna prawdziwa bez kosmków
59 |
1 Degeneratio hydropica villorum Degeneracja i obrzęko kosmków
60 |
1 Dysgenesia Nieprawidłowy rozwój
61 |
1 Dysplasia focalis grady levi. CIN-1 Dysplazja ogniskowa małego stopnia CIN-1
62 |
1 Ectopia glandularis in statu epidermisationis colli uteri Ektopia gruczołowa w stanie epidermizacji szyjki macicy
63 |
1 Electrocauterisatio ovarii sin Kauteryzacja jajnika lewego
64 |
1 Emboliae neoplasmaticae vasorum Zatory nowotworowe w naczyniach
65 |
1 Endocervicitis chronica et endometrium in stadio proliferationis Przewlekłe zapalenie kanału szyjki i endometrium w fazie proliferacji
66 |
1 Endocervicitis chronica hyperplastica Zapalenie przewlekłe śluzówki kanału szyjki z towarzyszącym rozrostem
67 |
1 Endocervicitis Zapalenie śluzówki kanału szyjki macicy
68 |
1 Endocervix sine laesionibus Śluzówka kanału szyjki bez zmian
69 |
1 endometrii endometrium
70 |
1 Endometriosis Endometrioza
71 |
1 Endometritis acuta Ostre zapalenie błony śluzowej macicy
72 |
1 Endometrium atrophicum Endometrium zanikowe
73 |
1 Endometrium dyshormonoticum stan nieprawidłowego (zaburzonego) wyglądu śluzówki jamy macicy, spowodowane zaburzeniami homonalnymi
74 |
1 Endometrium in stadio proliferationis Endometrium w stadium proliferacji
75 |
1 Endometrium in stadio proliferationis tardae partim polyposum Endometrium w fazie proliferacji późnej, częściowo polipowate
76 |
1 Endometrium in stadio recente secretionis Endometrium w fazie sekrecji wczesnej
77 |
1 Endometrium in stadio secretionis Endometrium w stadium sekrecji
78 |
1 Endometrium in stadio secretionis incipientis Endometrium w fazie zaczynającego się wydzielania
79 |
1 Endometrium in statu proliferationis Endometrium w stanie proliferacji
80 |
1 Endometrium in tardo stadio secretionis sine villi Endometrium w stadium późnej sekrecji bez kosmków
81 |
1 endometrium proliferetionis Endometrium w fazie proliferacji
82 |
1 Endometrium secretans, endocervix partim in statu epidermisationis et epithelium planum normotypicum Endometrium wydzielające, śluzówka kanału szyjki, częściowo w stanie epidermizacji i nabłonek płaski normotypowy
83 |
1 epithelium planum nabłonek płaski
84 |
1 Epithelium planum normale Nabłonek wielowarstwowy płaski zwykłego wyglądu
85 |
1 Epithelium planum normotypicum Nabłonek płaski zwykłego wyglądu
86 |
1 Erosio colli uteri Nadżerka szyjki macicy
87 |
1 Erosio glandularis colli uteri in statu epidermistationis cum koilocytosi CIN 1, LG SIL Nadżerka gruczołowa szyjki macicy w stanie epidermizacji z obecnością kilocytozy. CIN 1
88 |
1 Erosio glandularis colli uteri Nadżerka gruczołowa szyjki macicy
89 |
1 Erosio glandularis in statu epidermisationis Nadżerka gruczołowa w fazie epidermizacji
90 |
1 Erosio Nadżerka
91 |
1 erosione focali ogniskowa nadżerka
92 |
1 Erosio papillaris in statu epidermisationis cum inflammations Nadżerka brodawkowata w fazie epidermizacji z zapaleniem
93 |
1 et oraz
94 |
1 Examinatio materiae totae Materiał przebadany w całości
95 |
1 Exciso cystis endometrialis ad dextram Wycięcie torbieli endometrialnej po stronie prawej
96 |
1 Exciso oviducti dex Usunięcie jajowodu prawego
97 |
1 Exciso Usunięcie j
98 |
1 Excochleatio canalis colli et cavi uteri Wyłyżeczkowanie kanału szyjki i jamy macicy
99 |
1 Excochleatio cavi uteri Wyłyżeczkowanie jamy macicy
100 |
1 fasciitis plantar / plantar fasciitis zapalenie powięzi podeszwy
101 |
1 fetus genus masculari z płodem płci męskiej
102 |
1 fibrosoglandularis włóknisto-gruczołowy
103 |
1 foetus płód
104 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae compactae et spongiosae atquae villi Fragmenty doczesnej zbitej i gąbczastej a także kosmki
105 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae et villi partim in statu necrosis Fragmenty doczesnej i kosmków częściowo zmienionych martwiczo
106 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae et villorum Fragmenty doczesnej i kosmki
107 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae grouiditalis et ovi Fragmenty jaja płodowego
108 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae in statu suppurationis Fragmenty doczesnej w stadium przekrwienia
109 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae partim in statu necrosis incipien heamorrhagica et suppurationis Fragment doczesnej częściowo w stadium martwicy początkowo krwotocznej i ropiejącej
110 |
1 Fragmenta deciduae sine contento trophoblasti Pozostałości doczesnej bez zawartości trofoblastu
111 |
1 Fragmenta endocervicis et endometrii Fragmenty śluzówki kanału szyjki i endometrium
112 |
1 Fragmenta endocervicis Fragmenty śluzówki kanału
113 |
1 fragmenta endocervicis normotypici fragmenty sluzówki kanału szyjki
114 |
1 Fragmenta endometrii in proliferatione cum focis hyperplasia adenomatosa Fragmenty endometrium w (fazie) proliferacji z ogniskami rozrostu gruczolakowatego
115 |
1 fragmenta endometrii in proliferatione fragmenty endometrium wzrostowego
116 |
1 fragmenta endometrii in stadio secretionis ac fragmenta parva mucosae canalis cervicalis fragmenty endometrium w fazie sekrecji oraz małe fragmenty śluzówki kanału szyjki
117 |
1 Fragmenta endometrii in stadio secretonis Fragmenty endometrium w stanie wydzielania
118 |
1 Fragmenta endometrii in statu secretionis Fragmenty endometrium w fazie sekrecji
119 |
1 Fragmenta foetus Fragmenty płodu
120 |
1 Fragmenta mucosae canalis colli uteri in statu inflammationis chronicae Fragmenty błony śluzowej kanału szyjki macicy w stanie przewlekłego zapalenia
121 |
1 Fragmenta ovi cum oedemate stromae villorum et deciduitide incipiente Fragmenty jaja płodowego z obrzękiem zrębu kosmków i zaczynającym się zapaleniem w doczesnej
122 |
1 Fragmenta ovi et deciduae Fragmenty jaja i doczesnej
123 |
1 Fragmenta ovi inveterati Stare fragmenty jaja płodowego
124 |
1 Fragmenta ovi partim in suppuratione Fragmenty jaja częściowo ropiejący
125 |
1 Fragmenta parva deciduae compactae necroticantis et suppurantis Małe fragmenty doczesnej zbitej obumierającej i zropiałej
126 |
1 Fragmenta parva endocervicis Małe fragmenty śluzówki kanału szyjki
127 |
1 Fragmenta parva Fragmenty małe
128 |
1 Fragmenta parva mucosae uteri, praecipue endocervix, cum metaplasia squamosa focalis, sine neoplasmate Małe fragmenty śluzówki macicy, przede wszystkim śluzówki kanału szyjki, z ogniskową przemianą płaskonabłonkową bez nowotworu
129 |
1 Fragmenta parva sine laesionibus Fragmenty małe bez zmian
130 |
1 Fragmenta placetae in statu inflammationis purulen Fragmenty łożyska w stadium stanu zapalnego ropnego
131 |
1 Fragmenta polyposa endometrii cum hyperplasia simplex typica atque fragmenta parva endocervicis normalia Polipowate fragmenty endometrium z rozrostem prostym bez atypii a także małe fragmenty zwykle wyglądającej śluzówki kanału szyjki
132 |
1 Fragmenta polyposa endometrii Polipowate fragmenty endometrium
133 |
1 Fragmenta portionis viginalis colli uteri normalis Fragmenty części pochwowej szyjki macicy zwykłego wyglądu
134 |
1 Fragmente deciduae et villi partin in statu necrosis et suppurationis Fragmenty doczesnej i kosmków częściowo w stanie martwicy i ropienia
135 |
1 glandulae gruczoły
136 |
1 Granulatio Ziarninowanie
137 |
1 Graviditas Ciąża
138 |
1 Graviditas ectopica Ciąża ekotopowa
139 |
1 Graviditas obsoleta Ciąża obumarła
140 |
1 Haematosalphinx Krwiak jajowodu
141 |
1 haemorrhagiae wylewy krwi
142 |
1 Hbd Tydzień ciąży
143 |
1 Hyalinisatio deciduae basalis Szkliwienie doczesnej podstawnej
144 |
1 hyalinisatio multifocalis spati intervillaris szkliwienie wieloogniskowe przestrzeni międzykosmkowych
145 |
1 hyperaemia przekrwienie
146 |
1 Hyperkeratosis Nadmierne rogowacenie
147 |
1 Hyperplasia acanthotica planoepithelii Rozrost akantotyczny płaskonabłonkowy
148 |
1 Hyperplasia endometrii complex cum atypia Rozrost złożony ednometrium z obecnością atypii
149 |
1 Hyperplasia endometrii glandularis Rozrost gruczołowy endometrium
150 |
1 Hyperplasia endometrii simplex Rozrost gruczołowy endometrium prosty
151 |
1 Hyperplasia leiomyomatosa parietis corporis uteri Rozrost mięśniakowaty ściany trzonu macicy
152 |
1 hyperplasia rozrost
153 |
1 hyperthrophia colli uteri przerost szyjki macicy
154 |
1 hypertonia arterialis gr. II pro WHO nadciśnienie tętnicze, stadium II wg WHO
155 |
1 Hypoplasia Niedorozwój całego narządu ew. jego części
156 |
1 Hypoplasia uteri Macica niedorozwinięta
157 |
1 Hysteroscopia Histeroskopia
158 |
1 Infarctus placentae Zawał łożyska
159 |
1 Infiltratio neoplasmatica Naciek nowotworowy
160 |
1 Inflamatio mucosae colli chronica Zapalenie przewlekłe śluzówki kanału
161 |
1 Inflammatio chronica strmatis focalis Zapalenie przewlekłe zrębu ogniskowego
162 |
1 Inflammatio chronica Zapalenie przewlekłe
163 |
1 Inflammatio Zapalenie
164 |
1 in stadio secretionis w fazie wydzielania
165 |
1 in statu inflammationis w stadium zapalenia
166 |
1 in statu necrosis zmieniony martwiczo
167 |
1 Koilocytosis focalis Koilocytoza ogniskowa
168 |
1 Laparoscopia Laparoskopia
169 |
1 Leiomyomata corporis uteri Mięśniaki trzonu macicy
170 |
1 Leiomyomata Mięśniak
171 |
1 Massae sanguineae et fragmenta deciduae sine villoris Skrzepy krwi i fragmenty doczesnej bez kosmków
172 |
1 Membranitis purulenta . Zapalenie ropne pozałożyskowych błon płodowych
173 |
1 Metaplasia Metaplazja
174 |
1 Metaplasia planoepithelialis endocervicalis Metaplazja płaskonabłonkowa kanału szyjki
175 |
1 Metrorrhagiae Nieprawidłowe krwawienie maciczne
176 |
1 Metrorrhagia gr. magna Krwawienie z jamy macicy dużego stopnia
177 |
1 Metrorrhagia perimenopausalis Nieprawidłowe krwawienie okołomenopuauzalne
178 |
1 Mola hydatidosa completa inveterata Zaśniad groniasty całkowity
179 |
1 Mucosa canalis cervicalis normalis Śluzówka kanału szyjkowego zwykłego wyglądu
180 |
1 Mucosa colli uteri Śluzówka kanału szyjki
181 |
1 Mucosa endocervicalis Śluzówka kanału szyjki
182 |
1 Mucus et fragmenta mucosae canalis cervicalis Śluz i fragmenty śluzówki kanału szyjki macicy
183 |
1 Mucus et fragmenta parvissima endocervicis Śluz i drobniutkie fragmenty śluzówki kanału
184 |
1 myoma mięśniak
185 |
1 myomata mięśniaki
186 |
1 myoma uteri mięśniak macicy
187 |
1 Necrosis focalis et sup Miejscowo martwica i ropienie doczesnej
188 |
1 non nullae cum signis syndromatis Arias-Stellae nie dają objawów zespołu Arias-Stelli
189 |
1 Obsoleta Ciąża obumarła
190 |
1 Occlusio partis interstitialis oviductus dextri Jajowód prawy niedrożny
191 |
1 Oedema et haemorhagiae vilamentorum Obrzęk i wylewy krwi w obrębie kosmków
192 |
1 Oedema substantiae gelatinosae funicil umbilisalis Obrzęk substancji galaretowatej pępowiny
193 |
1 oedema villorum obrzęk kosmków
194 |
1 Oligomenorrhoea Rzadkie krwawienia miesiączkowe
195 |
1 Omentum sine laesionibus Sieć bez zmian
196 |
1 Ovarium dextrum et salpinges sine laesionibus Jajnik prawy i jajowody bez zmian
197 |
1 Ovarium Jajnik
198 |
1 oviducti jajowód
199 |
1 oviductus jajowód
200 |
1 Ovum completum cum fetus genus masculari in autolisa Jajo płodowe w całości, z płodem płci męskiej w autolizie
201 |
1 Ovum completum inveteratum Jajo płodowe zestarzałe
202 |
1 Ovum immaturum Jajo niedojrzałe
203 |
1 Ovum Jajo
204 |
1 partus poród
205 |
1 partus prematurus poród przedwczesny
206 |
1 Patentia oviductus sinistri Lewy jajowód drożny
207 |
1 Pelvis minoris Miednica mniejsza
208 |
1 Placenta in stadio suppurationis focalis Łożysko w stadium ogniskowego ropienia
209 |
1 polipus polip
210 |
1 Polymenorrhoea Częste krwawienia miesiączkowe
211 |
1 Polypi mucosi endocervicales Polipy śluzówki kanału szyjki
212 |
1 Polypi mucosi Polipy śluzowkowe
213 |
1 Polypi parvi endometrii Małe polipy endometrium
214 |
1 polypi parvi małe polipy
215 |
1 Polypus cervicalis erosivum Polip kanalu szyjki z nadżerką
216 |
1 Polypus cervicis Polip szyjki macicy
217 |
1 Polypus colli uteri Polip szyjki macicy
218 |
1 Polypus fibroepithlialis Polip włóknisto-nabłonkowy
219 |
1 Polypus glandularis cervicalis Polip gruczołowy kanału szyjki
220 |
1 Polypus hyperplasticus parvus Mały polip hyperplastyczny
221 |
1 Polypus mucosus papillaris et cysticus Polip śluzówkowy brodawkowaty i torbielowaty
222 |
1 prematurus przedwczesny
223 |
1 Pseudocystis ovari Torbiel rzekoma jajnika
224 |
1 Pseudocystis Torbiel rzekoma
225 |
1 Resectio partialis ovarii sinistri Pobranie fragmentu jajnika lewego
226 |
1 Resectio partialis Pobranie fragmentu
227 |
1 Residua cum inflammatione leukocytaria et fragmenta ovi Pozostałości z zapaleniem leukocytarnym oraz fragmenty jaja plodowego
228 |
1 Residua deciduae abscedens Resztki doczesnej ropiejące
229 |
1 Residua deciduae compactae Pozostałości doczesnej zbitej
230 |
1 Residua deciduae spongiosae Pozostałości doczesnej gąbczastej
231 |
1 residua post abortum pozostałości po poronieniu
232 |
1 simplex prosty
233 |
1 sine laesionibus bez zmian
234 |
1 Structura histologica funiculi umbilicalis et membranae amnialis normalis Struktura tkankowa pępowiny i błony owodni (pęcherz płodowy) prawidłowa
235 |
1 tu mediastini superioris guz śródpiersia górnego
236 |
1 Villi chorionici absunt Kosmki nieobecne
237 |
1 villi kosmyki
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1 |
1 adjuwant adyuvante
2 |
1 afonia/bezgłos afonía
3 |
1 analiza obszarów HV1 y HV2 análisis de las regiones HV1 y HV2
4 |
1 antrachinony antraquinonas
5 |
1 aparat do pomiaru CO w wydychanym powietrzu cooximetro
6 |
1 ataksja ataxia
7 |
1 audiometria audiometría
8 |
1 badania/analizy wykrywające i potwierdzające diagnósticos de orientación y certeza
9 |
1 badanie patologiczne, badanie histopatologiczne análisis patológico, AP
10 |
1 badanie przeglądowe (TK) (TC) sin contraste
11 |
1 badanie wzroku control de visión
12 |
1 bakterie Gram-dodatnie bacterias Gram positivas
13 |
1 bakterie Gram-ujemne bacterias Gram negativas
14 |
1 balneoterapia balneoterapia
15 |
1 bezsenność insomnio
16 |
1 bez znaczenia klinicznego sin interés clínico
17 |
1 bladość palidez
18 |
1 bodziec bolesny estímulo doloroso
19 |
1 bóle karku cervicalgia
20 |
1 całkowite niedowidzenie połowicze hemianopía completa
21 |
1 cewnik moczowy catéter ureteral
22 |
1 cewnik naczyniowy catéter vascular
23 |
1 cewnik naczyniowy centralny catéter vascular central
24 |
1 chirurgia jednego dnia cirugía ambulatoria / cirugía de día
25 |
1 cholestaza colestasis / colestasia
26 |
1 chromatografia gazowa cromatografía de fases
27 |
1 Ciąża 1, Poród 1 G 1, P 1 // Gestación 1, Parto 1
28 |
1 composición cualitativa (de un medicamento) skład jakościowy (lekarstwa)
29 |
1 control del lote (de un medicamento) kontrola serii (lekarstwa)
30 |
1 cysta / torbiel naskórkowa quiste epidérmico
31 |
1 cysta / torbiel quiste
32 |
1 częściowe niedowidzenie połowicze hemianopía incompleta
33 |
1 częstotliwości alleli (w populacji) frecuencias alélicas (de la población)
34 |
1 data ostatniej miesiączki Fecha de Última Regla, FUR
35 |
2 dawkowanie posología
36 |
1 deficyt ruchowy deficiencia motriz
37 |
1 densytometria densitometría
38 |
1 densytometria kostna densitometría ósea
39 |
1 diagnostyka obrazowa diagnóstico por la imagen
40 |
1 diastaza mięśni diástasis muscular
41 |
1 DNA jądrowe ADN nuclear
42 |
1 DNA mitochondrialne ADN mitocondrial
43 |
1 dren stetoskopu tubo de fonendoscopio
44 |
1 drożność oddechowa permeabilidad respiratoria
45 |
1 dyzartria disartria
46 |
1 echokardiogram ecocardiograma
47 |
1 encefalopatia pourazowa encefalopatía postraumática
48 |
1 fauna zwłok / fauna nekrofagiczna fauna cadavérica
49 |
1 faza nadpowierzchniowa espacio de cabeza (headspace)
50 |
1 fizjoterapia neurologiczna fisioterapia neurológica
51 |
1 fizjoterapia oddechowa fisioterapia respiratoria
52 |
1 fizjoterapia pediatryczna fisioterapia pediátrica
53 |
1 fizjoterapia pourazowa fisioterapia traumatológica
54 |
1 fizjoterapia reumatologiczna fisioterapia reumatológica
55 |
1 fizjoterapia sportowa fisioterapia deportiva
56 |
1 forma farmacéutica postać farmaceutyczna
57 |
1 glikol polietylenowy polietilenglicol
58 |
1 głowica stetoskopu campana de fonendoscopio
59 |
1 hemostaza hemostasis
60 |
1 herpeswiroza, wirusowe zapalenie nosa i tchawicy herpesvirosis / rinotraqueítis
61 |
1 hipersomnia/nadmierna senność hipersomnia
62 |
1 historia ginekologiczno-położnicza antecedentes ginecológicos y obstétricos, AGO
63 |
1 iloraz prawdopodobieństwa razón de verosimilitudes
64 |
1 impedancjometria impedanciometría
65 |
1 infekcja bakteryjna infección bacteriana
66 |
1 infekcja grzybicza infección fúngica
67 |
1 infekcja wirusowa infección vírica
68 |
1 jednostronny ipsilateral
69 |
1 kalciwiroza calcivirus
70 |
1 kolonoskopia wirtualna colonoscopia virtual
71 |
1 kręcz szyi tortícolis
72 |
1 krótkotrwałe zaniewidzenie / przejściowa ślepota amaurosis fugaz
73 |
1 krwiak hematoma
74 |
1 krwiak przymózgowy hematoma subdural / paracerebral
75 |
1 krwiak śródmózgowy hematoma intracerebral
76 |
1 krwotoczne stłuczenie mózgu contusión cerebral hemorrágica
77 |
1 kurcz/skurcz mięśniowy contractura muscular
78 |
1 lampa szczelinowa lámpara de hendidira
79 |
1 leczenie bólu tratamiento del dolor
80 |
1 leczenie zachowawcze tratamiento conservador
81 |
1 leki zabliźniające espulóticos / cicatrizantes
82 |
1 lek/preparat homeopatyczny medicamento homeopático
83 |
1 liberación del lote (de un medicamento) zwolnienie serii (lekarstwa)
84 |
1 limfadenektomia linfadenectomía
85 |
1 liofilizat liofilizado
86 |
1 łojotokowe zapalenie skóry dermatitis seborreica
87 |
1 łojotok seborrea
88 |
1 lumbago/ból lędźwiowo-krzyżowy lumbalgia
89 |
1 lumpektomia tumorectomía
90 |
1 łuszczenie (skóry) descamación
91 |
1 marker marcador
92 |
1 martwica niedokrwienna necrosis isquémica
93 |
1 martwica skóry necrosis de la piel
94 |
1 materac przeciwodleżynowy colchón anti-decúbito
95 |
1 młotek neurologiczny martillo de reflejo
96 |
1 napięcie mięśniowe tensión muscular
97 |
1 następstwo secuela
98 |
1 nazwa powszechnie stosowana (lekarstwa) denominación común (del medicamento)
99 |
1 niedostateczny rozwój / niedorozwój hipotrofia
100 |
1 niedowidzenie połowicze hemianopía
101 |
1 niedowład nerwu twarzowego paresia del nervio facial
102 |
1 niedowład paresia
103 |
1 niedowład spastyczny czterokończynowy tetraparesia espástica
104 |
1 nietrzymanie moczu incontinencia urinaria
105 |
1 nietrzymanie stolca incontinencia fecal
106 |
1 niewydolność oddechowa insuficiencia respiratoria
107 |
1 nowotwór naciekający cancer infiltrante, CA infiltrante
108 |
1 nowotwór, rak cáncer, CA
109 |
1 Nr karty obserwacji klinicznej Número de Historia Clínica, NHC
110 |
1 obniżenie/spadek napięcia mięśniowego disminución del tono muscular
111 |
1 obrzęk mózgu edema cerebral
112 |
1 odbarczenie descompresión
113 |
1 oddech wspomagany / oddychanie wspomagane respiración asistida
114 |
1 oddech zastępczy / oddychanie zastępcze respiración artificial
115 |
1 Oddział Chirurgii Urazowo-Ortopedycznej Unidad de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología
116 |
1 Oddział Intensywnej Opieki Medycznej (OIOM) Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos
117 |
1 odparzenie / wyprzenie intertrigo
118 |
1 odruchowe skurcze mięśni contracción refleja de los músculos
119 |
1 odżywianie drogą pozajelitową alimentación parenteral / por vía parenteral
120 |
1 odżywianie przez sondę żołądkową alimentación por sonda de gastrostomía
121 |
1 okres karencji (lekarstwa) tiempo de espera
122 |
1 okres ważności período de caducidad
123 |
1 opatrunek uciskowy vendaje compresivo
124 |
1 organiczne zaburzenia zachowania trastornos orgánicos de la conducta
125 |
1 panleukopenia panleucopenia
126 |
1 parasomnia parasomnio
127 |
1 pierwsza pomoc medyczna asistencia médica primaria
128 |
1 pikflometr medidor de flujo espiratorio
129 |
1 plamy opadowe lividez
130 |
1 podoskop podoscopio
131 |
1 poduszka przeciwodleżynowa almohada anti-decúbito
132 |
1 pogotowie ratunkowe servicio de asistencia médica urgente
133 |
1 polisomnografia / badanie snu polisomnografía
134 |
1 polisorbat polisorbato
135 |
1 potasu diwodorofosforan dihidrofosfato de potasio
136 |
1 pourazowe bóle karku cervicalgia post-traumática
137 |
1 pourazowe bóle lędźwiowe / lędźwiowo-krzyżowe lumbalgia post-traumática
138 |
1 pourazowy zespół otępienny síndrome de demencia postraumática
139 |
1 powidon povidona
140 |
1 powikłanie (np. pooperacyjne) complicación
141 |
1 pozwolenie na dopuszczenie do obrotu lekarstwa autorización de comercialización del medicamento
142 |
1 próbka tkanki kostnej muestra de hueso
143 |
1 próbka tkanki kostnej muestra ósea
144 |
1 proces zapalny proceso inflamatorio
145 |
1 produkt biobójczy biocida
146 |
1 produkt leczniczy producto sanitario
147 |
1 produkt leczniczy weterynaryjny medicamento veterinario
148 |
1 profilaktyka antybiotykowa profilaxis antibiótica
149 |
1 przerost hipertrofia
150 |
1 przetoka tchawiczo-przełykowa fístula traqueoesofágica
151 |
1 Przewlekła Obturacyjna Choroba Płuc, POChP Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, EPOC
152 |
1 pulsoksymetr pulsoximetro
153 |
1 reakcja naczynioruchowa reacción vasomotora
154 |
1 rehabilitacja funkcjonalna recuperaci'on funcional
155 |
1 rehabilitacja funkcjonalna recuperación funcional
156 |
1 rehabilitacja ruchowa rehabilitación motora
157 |
1 rekonstytucja reconstitución
158 |
1 respiratoroterapia terapia respiratoria
159 |
1 rodzaj opakowania (lekarstwa) naturaleza del envase (de un medicamento)
160 |
1 rokowania pronóstico
161 |
1 rozdęcie jamu brzusznej distensión abdominal
162 |
1 rozedma płuc enfisema pulmonar
163 |
1 rozejście stawu krzyżowo-biodrowego separación de la articulación sacro-ilíaca
164 |
1 rozległa tylna przepuklina (krążka międzykręgowego) prolapso (discal) posterior difuso
165 |
1 rozległy uraz traumatismo severo
166 |
1 ruch gałek ocznych movimient ocular
167 |
1 rwa kulszowa ciática
168 |
1 rzekomy pomór ptaków / choroba Newcastle enfermedad de Newcastle
169 |
1 sekwenator secuenciador
170 |
1 siaskop/retinoskop plamkowy retinoscopio de punto
171 |
1 siaskop/retinoskop szczelinowy retinoscopio de franja
172 |
1 siła mięśniowa fuerza muscular
173 |
1 skurcz naczyń krwionośnych vasoconstricción
174 |
1 sodu fosforan dwunastowodny sodio fosfato 12-hidrato
175 |
1 sodu glutaminian glutamato sódico
176 |
1 sól fizjologiczna suero fisiológico
177 |
1 sorbitanu monooleinian mono-oleato de sorbitán
178 |
1 spirometr espirometro
179 |
1 spirometria espirometría
180 |
1 spray znieczulający spray anestésico
181 |
1 środek neuroleptyczny neuroléptico
182 |
1 (środek) odkażający/bakteriobójczy/antyseptyczny antiséptico
183 |
1 środek przeciwdrobnoustrojowy agente antimicrobiano
184 |
1 środek uspokajający sedante
185 |
1 środki/leki psychofarmaceutyczne psicofármacos
186 |
1 Ssak medyczny Aspirador quirurgico
187 |
1 stetoskop fonendoscopio
188 |
1 stężenie pośmiertne rigidez
189 |
1 stłuczenie contusión
190 |
1 stłuczenie krwotoczne contusión hemorrágica
191 |
1 stłuczenie mózgu contusión cerebral
192 |
1 stomatologiczny spray znieczulający spray anestésico dental
193 |
1 stomia żołądkowa sonda de gastrostomía
194 |
1 substancja pomocnicza excipiente
195 |
1 sustancia activa substancja czynna
196 |
1 swędzenie (np. skóry) prurito
197 |
1 syndrom spadku nieśności síndrome de la caída de la postura
198 |
1 szczepionka żywa vacuna viva
199 |
1 szklisty wzrok ojos vidriosos
200 |
1 szpital jednodniowy / szpital jednego dnia hospital de día
201 |
1 tabletki rozpuszczalne comprimidos DISPERSABLES
202 |
1 Terapia Pulmonologiczna Terapia Neumológica
203 |
1 tiomersal tiomersal
204 |
1 tomografia komputerowa / TK tomografía computarizada / TC
205 |
1 tracheostomia traqueostomía
206 |
1 trądzik acné
207 |
1 tubus anoskopowy anuscopio
208 |
1 tubus proktoskopowy rescoscopio
209 |
1 ultrasonografia jamy brzusznej ecografía abdominal
210 |
1 ultrasonografia narządów rozrodczych ecografía genital
211 |
1 ultrasonografia nerek ecografía renal
212 |
1 ultrasonografia wątroby, woreczka żółciowego i trzustki ecografía hepatobiliopancreática
213 |
1 upośledzenie korzeniowych komórek nerwowych compromiso radicular
214 |
1 upośledzenie wzroku ablepsia
215 |
1 uraz czaszkowo-mózgowy traumatismo craneo-encefálico / craneoencefálico
216 |
1 uraz miednicy traumatismo pélvico
217 |
1 uraz mózgowo-czaszkowy traumatismo craneoencefálico
218 |
1 uraz wielonarządowy traumatismo multiorgánico / lesiones multiorgánicas
219 |
1 uszkodzenie miąższowe (organu) lesión parenquimal (de un órgano)
220 |
1 vía de administración droga podania
221 |
1 virus atenuado wirus atenuowany
222 |
1 virus inactivado wirus inaktywowany
223 |
1 wanna galwaniczna bañera galvánica
224 |
1 wapniejące zapalenie ścięgna tendinitis cálcica
225 |
1 wgłobienie w otwór wielki, wgłobienie/przemieszczenie migdałków móżdzku enclavamiento amigdalar
226 |
1 wirusowe zapalenie nosa i tchawicy rinotraqueitis
227 |
1 woda do wstrzykiwań agua para inyectables
228 |
1 woda podwójnie destylowana, woda dwukrotnie destylowana, woda redestylowana agua bidestilada
229 |
1 wodniak podtwardówkowy higroma subdural
230 |
1 wrodzone zwichnięcie/dysplazja luxación congénita
231 |
1 wymaz hisopo
232 |
1 wypisany (ze szpitala) dado de alta
233 |
1 wyrób medyczny producto médico / medicamento
234 |
1 wzrost napięcia mięśniowego aumento del tono muscular
235 |
1 zaburzenia zachowania trastornos de la conducta
236 |
1 zachorowanie ORL/otorynolaryngologiczne enfermedad ORL/otorrinolaringológica
237 |
1 zakaźne zapalenie oskrzeli bronquitis infecciosa
238 |
1 zakraplacz cuentagotas
239 |
1 zakrzepowe zapalenie żył / zakrzepica tromboflebitis
240 |
1 zaniewidzenie / ślepota amaurosis
241 |
1 zapalenie nadkłykcia bocznego / łokieć tenisisty codo de tenista
242 |
1 zapalenie nadkłykcia bocznego / łokieć tenisisty epicondilitis lateral
243 |
1 zapalenie nadkłykcia epicondilitis
244 |
1 zapalenie nadkłykcia przyśrodkowego / łokieć golfisty codo de golfista
245 |
1 zapalenie nadkłykcia przyśrodkowego / łokieć golfisty epicondilitis medial
246 |
1 zapalenie ochrzęstnej pericondritis
247 |
1 zapalenie powięzi podeszwy espolón calcáreo
248 |
1 zapalenie ścięgna/zapalenie torebki ścięgnistej tendinitis
249 |
1 zapalenie skóry dermatitis
250 |
1 zapalenie stawu/artretyzm artritis
251 |
1 zapalenie więzadła rzepki / kolano skoczka rodilla del futbolista / rodilla del saltador
252 |
1 zapalenie więzadła rzepki / kolano skoczka tendinitis rotuliana
253 |
1 zapalenie zatok sinusitis
254 |
1 zator tłuszczowy embolismo graso
255 |
1 Zespół Niespokojnych Nóg, ZNN Síndrome de Piernas Inquietas, SPI
256 |
1 Zespół Obturacyjnych Bezdechów Sennych / Zespół obturacyjnych zaburzeń oddychania podczas snu Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño, SAOS
257 |
1 zespół otępienny demencia postraumática
258 |
1 ziemia okrzemkowa / diatomowa tierra de diatomeas
259 |
2 złamanie fractura
260 |
1 złamanie wieloodłamowe fractura conminuta
261 |
1 zmiany egzematyczne lesiones eczematosas/eccematosas
262 |
1 zmiany zwyrodnieniowe/choroba zwyrodnieniowa/choroba degeneracyjna enfermedad degenerativa
263 |
1 znieczulenie miejscowe anestesia local
264 |
1 znieczulenie neuroleptyczne neuroleptoanalgesia
265 |
1 znieczulenie ogólne anestesia general
266 |
1 znieczulenie powierzchniowe anestesia tópica
267 |
1 znieczulenie zewnątrzoponowe anestesia epidural
268 |
1 zwapnienie krwiaka calcificación de un hematoma
269 |
1 zwichnięcie/dysplazja luxación
270 |
1 zwyrodnienie stawu artrósis
271 |
1 żylak variz
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
1 ácido ricinoleico ácido ricinólico
2 |
1 amiloidose cardíaca amiloidosis cardíaca
3 |
1 anel mitral anillo mitral
4 |
1 antenadas sintonizadas, atenerse a
5 |
1 calcificação das membranas pericárdicas calcificación de las membranas pericárdicas
6 |
1 calos (entre os dedos dos pés) ojos de gallo
7 |
1 cesariana C-section
8 |
1 Clínica de Tratamento de Sequelas de Lesões Clínica de Atención a Secuelas por Lesiones ..
9 |
1 comprometimento cardíaco compromiso cardíaco
10 |
1 contração isovolumétrica contracción isovolúmica
11 |
1 Déficit pondero estatural Defiit pondero-estatural
12 |
1 depósito lisossômico depósito lisosomal
13 |
1 dilatação atrial dilatación auricular
14 |
1 Doppler tecidual colorido Doppler tisular color
15 |
1 DST- Doença sexualmente transmissível ETS- Enfermedad de transmisión sexual
16 |
1 Durante a permanência do doente no hospital Durante la estancia del paciente en el hospital
17 |
1 ecocardiografia ecocardiografía
18 |
1 eletrocardiograma electrocardiograma
19 |
1 encaixotamento - encaixotadeira envasado - envasadora
20 |
1 endomiocardiofibrose endomiocardiofibrosis
21 |
2 esfregaço frotis
22 |
1 espessamento parietal engrosamiento parietal
23 |
1 estenose aórtica estenosis aórtica
24 |
1 exame de vista vision screening
25 |
1 foi nomeado/ intitulado nominó
26 |
1 função atrial función auricular
27 |
1 glicogenose glucogenosis
28 |
1 globotriaosilceramida globotriasilceramida
29 |
1 graduado aforado
30 |
1 hematias hematíes
31 |
1 hemocromatose hemocromatosis
32 |
1 implante de desempenho inserto de performance
33 |
1 internamento hospitalización
34 |
1 intravenoso endovenoso
35 |
1 linha de inoculação/sementeira línea de siembra
36 |
1 mandibula jaw
37 |
1 marcação cita (en el médico)
38 |
1 MICROELETRODOS microelectrodos
39 |
1 miofibrilas miofibrillas
40 |
1 nota de alta informe de alta
41 |
1 Nota de alta Informe de alta
42 |
1 obstipação estreñimiento
43 |
1 o identifiquei identifiqué
44 |
1 pacemaker marcapasos
45 |
1 papel cartão papel cartón
46 |
1 parecer médico juicio clínico
47 |
1 PREGAS CUTÁNEAS Plicas cutáneas
48 |
1 químicos/chemical elímico
49 |
1 rebentar das águas rotura de aguas
50 |
1 Recobro Sala de despertar
51 |
1 sala de partos paritorio
52 |
1 sei que com frequência Sé que a menudo
53 |
1 tártaro sarro
54 |
1 tensão apical deformación apical
55 |
1 tensão basal deformación basal
56 |
1 tensão bidimensional deformación bidimensional
57 |
1 tensão circunferencial deformación circunferencial
58 |
1 tensão radial deformación radial
59 |
1 trilha sonora banda sonora
60 |
1 UTI neonatal NICU
61 |
1 α-galactosidase α-galactosidasa
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
1 |
1 12-перстная кишкa/двенадцатиперстная кишкa duodenо
2 |
1 1) дентин 2) керамическая масса, имитирующая дентин la dentina
3 |
1 1) эмаль (зуба) 2) керамическая масса, имитирующая эмаль el Esmalte
4 |
1 Auscultación cardiorrespiratoria ACR
5 |
1 анизохромия, гипохромия anisocromia, hipocromia
6 |
1 Атеросклеротический кардиосклероз cardioesclerosis ateroesclerótica
7 |
1 БАД (биологически активные добавки, а также продукты с этими добавками) nutracéuticos
8 |
1 бакобсемененность contaminacion bacteriana
9 |
1 биологическая авария/ аварийная ситуация с биологическим материалом ACCIDENTE BIOLÓGICO
10 |
1 Брюшина peritoneo
11 |
1 бугор (зуба) la cuspide
12 |
1 верхние отделы желудочно-кишечного тракта tracto digestivo superior
13 |
1 винт el tornillo
14 |
1 внеротовой ортодонтический аппарат FEO
15 |
1 во взвеси, во взвешенном состоянии, суспензия en suspension
16 |
1 в части, en la parte
17 |
1 гемолиз hemólisis
18 |
1 гильза (зд. для трейсера) el cartucho
19 |
1 Гиперэхогенный hipergénico
20 |
1 Гистерэктомия histerectomía
21 |
1 держатель, зажим la porta
22 |
1 десневой край el margen (gingival)
23 |
1 додецилбензолсульфоновая кислота Acido dodecilbencen sulfonico
24 |
1 долото el cinsel
25 |
1 задние канатики спинного мозга Cordones Posteriores
26 |
1 зажим fijador/abrazadera
27 |
1 заменноe переливаниe крови Exanguinotransfusión o transfusión de recambio
28 |
1 зд. изолирующий спрей aislante
29 |
1 зд. нагревательный элемент la resistencia
30 |
1 зд. прозрачная керамическая масса transparente
31 |
1 Зенковка broca/avellanador
32 |
1 ИБС ишемическая болезнь сердца ENFERMEDAD ISQUÉMICA CARDÍACA/Cardiopatía isquémica
33 |
1 изоповерхности iso-superficies
34 |
1 Испанское агентство по контролю за лекарственными средствами и медицинскими изделиями Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios
35 |
1 ИФН интерферон interferón
36 |
1 капельница VÍA
37 |
1 керамическая масса для имитации режущего края el incisal
38 |
1 кислота аcido
39 |
1 кисточка el pinsel
40 |
1 кисть la brocha
41 |
1 КЛАММЕР/кламер anclaje/broche/atache
42 |
1 ключ трещоточный llave de chicharra/carraca
43 |
1 компоненты/продукты compuestos
44 |
1 компоненты/продукты разложения хлорпикрина compuestos degradacion cloropicrina
45 |
1 Консультативно-диагностический центр Centro de diagnóstico y de orientación/centro policlínico/policlinica/Centro de Reconocimientos
46 |
1 краситель el stain
47 |
1 литая культевая вкладка Muñón colado
48 |
1 массовая концентрация летучих кислот acidez volatil
49 |
2 массовая концентрация летучих кислот в пересчете на уксусную кислоту acidez volatil en Acetico
50 |
1 массовая концентрация общей сернистой кислоты acidez total en Sulfurico
51 |
1 Медицинское обслуживание/медицинская помощь Asistencia médica
52 |
1 Меркурохром/Мербромин mercuriocromo
53 |
1 меченый цисплатин cisplatino marcado.
54 |
1 модель протеза из воска el encerado
55 |
1 мононасыщенные жиры GRASAS MONOSATURADAS
56 |
1 мононенасыщенные жиры GRASAS MONOINSATURADAS
57 |
1 мышечная спастичность, спазм espasticidad
58 |
1 На соли тяжёлых металлов вода не исследуется no se realiza el análisis de metales pesados en el agua
59 |
1 Насыпная плотность densidad aparente / densidad a granel
60 |
1 обжигать, спекать sinteizar
61 |
1 облицовка el revestimiento
62 |
1 опаковый слой керамики opaquer
63 |
1 орган pieza
64 |
1 острый гастроэнтерит Gastroenteritis aguda (GEA)
65 |
1 ось el eje
66 |
1 ��твертка el desternillador
67 |
1 отслойка el desprendimiento
68 |
1 очистка сточных вод. depuración de aguas residuales
69 |
1 пателлярный de rodilla/genual
70 |
1 пескоструйная обработка el arenado
71 |
1 печь для обжига horno de sinteización
72 |
1 пломба Empaste/obturación
73 |
1 плотное содединение с десной, прилегание к десне sellado gingival
74 |
1 поддон la bandeja
75 |
1 подмешивать agregar
76 |
1 покрытие el reсubrimiento
77 |
1 полинасыщенные жиры GRASAS POLISATURADAS
78 |
1 полиненасыщенные жиры GRASAS POLIINSATURADAS
79 |
1 полный съёмный протез Prótesis total removible
80 |
1 предварительный диагноз Impresión diagnóstica
81 |
1 ПРИДАТКИ (яичники, фаллопиевы трубы и брюшинa) Anejos
82 |
1 Придатки (яичники, фаллопиевы трубы и брюшинa) Anexos
83 |
1 произвольная концентрация c.arb. (concentración arbitraria)
84 |
1 протез prótesis
85 |
1 противорезистентные нелекарственные воздействия tratamientos no farmacológicos de la refractariedad
86 |
1 прочность на излом resistencia a la fractura
87 |
1 прямой, непрямой и общий билирубин bilirrubina directa, bilirrubina indirecta, bilirrubina total
88 |
1 разложение, распад degradacion
89 |
1 рассеянный склероз Esclerosis en placa
90 |
1 растворенный свободный цианоферрат Ferrocianuro libre en disolucion
91 |
1 резорцин resorcinol
92 |
1 резьба la rosca
93 |
1 Рефлекторная симпатическая дистрофия Distrofia Simpáticorefleja
94 |
1 рефрактерная стенокардия angina de pecho refractoria
95 |
1 рН водной суспензии pH de la suspensión acuosa
96 |
1 свободный, несвязанный, в свободном состоянии libre
97 |
1 сетка malla/rejilla
98 |
1 скоблить raspar
99 |
1 слепoк molde
100 |
1 слой la capa
101 |
1 смазывать lubricar
102 |
1 Соскоб citología vaginal
103 |
1 сплавлять (металлы) alear
104 |
1 стеклоиномерная пломба empaste/obturación de ionómero de vidrio/ionómero vítreo/Cemento de Ionómeros de Vidrio/
105 |
1 Стимуляция мозга частотами дельта-диапазона Estimulación cerebral por medio de las ondas delta
106 |
1 танины taninos
107 |
1 тело позвонка cuerpo vertebral
108 |
1 трансжиры GRASAS TRANS
109 |
1 трейсер, копирный штифт el palpador
110 |
1 ферроцианид Ferrocianuro
111 |
1 форма, болванка, штамп el molde
112 |
1 формальдегид formaldehído
113 |
1 Фракционный состав Granulometría
114 |
1 хлорпикрин cloropicrina
115 |
1 цирконий до обжига zirconio crudo /verde
116 |
1 шейкa матки Cérvix
117 |
1 шейкa матки Cérviz
118 |
1 шейкa матки cuello uterino
119 |
2 шпора пяточная espolón
120 |
1 штифт perno
121 |
1 штырь, шпенек la clavija
122 |
1 Эвентрация Eventración
123 |
1 эпизод (episodio de hospitalización) Episodio
124 |
1 эфир ester
125 |
1 Язвенная болезнь 12-перстной кишки ulcera duodenal/enfermedad ulcerosa del duodeno