Khresmoi Summary Translation Test Data for the Medical Domain version 2.0
Apr 3, 2017
Pavel Pecina <[email protected]>
1. Description
This package contains data sets for development (Section dev) and testing
(Section test) of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical
articles between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish
and Swedish.
Version 2.0 extends the previous version by adding Hungarian, Polish,
Spanish, and Swedish translations.
2. Preamble
2.1 Source
The original sentences are sampled from summaries of English medical
documents crawled from the web in 2012 and identified to be relevant to
50 medical topics.
The translations were carried out by the Charles University in Prague.
Translations into Czech, French and German were completed in 2013.
Translations into Hungarian, Polish, Spanish and Swedish were completed
in 2016.
2.2 License
The Khresmoi Summary Test Set is made available under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (CC-BY-NC) license, version
4.0 unported. You may use them for academic research and all non-
commercial purposes as long as the authors (cf. Section 4) are properly
credited and sources acknowledged (cf. Section 6 and 7). See
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ for a full description
and explanation of the licensing terms.
4. Authors
Ondrej Dušek <[email protected]>,
Jan Hajič <[email protected]>,
Jaroslava Hlaváčová <[email protected]>,
Jindřich Libovický <[email protected]>,
Pavel Pecina <[email protected]>,
Aleš Tamchyna <[email protected]>,
Zdeňka Urešová <[email protected]>
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
Malostranské nám. 25
118 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
3. Data
3.1 Description
The original sentences in English were randomly selected from
automatically generated summaries of documents from the CLEF 2013
eHealth Task 3 collection [1] which were found to be relevant to 50
test topics provided for the same task. Out-of-domain and ungrammatical
sentences were manually removed. The sentences are provided with
information on document ID and topic ID. The topic descriptions are
provided as well. The sentences were translated by medical experts into
Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish and Swedish and
reviewed. The data sets can be used, for example, for the development
and testing of machine translation in the medical domain.
3.2 Data format
Translation data format follows these rules:
* The data is provided in two formats: plain text and SGML. They are
* split
according to the section (dev/test) and language (CS - Czech, DE -
German, FR - French, EN - English, HU - Hungarian, PL - Polish, ES -
* All the files use the UTF-8 encoding.
* The plain text files contain one sentence per line and translations
are identified by line numbers.
* The SGML format suits the NIST MT scoring tool.
Topic description format is based on XML, each topic description (<query>)
contains the following tags:
<id> - topic ID,
<discharge_summary> - reference to discarge summary,
<title> - text of the query,
<desc> - longer description of what the query means,
<narr> - expected content of the relevant documents,
<profile> - profile of the user.
3.3 Statistics (number of sentences and words for each language)
section dev test
sentences 500 1,000
Czech 9,209 19,191
German 9,924 20,831
French 12,369 26,183
English 10,350 21,423
Hungarian 8,236 16,686
Polish 8,853 18,741
Spanish 10,266 21,892
Swedish 8,327 17,520
3.4 Files
Section 1 (development data)
khresmoi-summary-dev.en - original dev set sentences in English
khresmoi-summary-dev.cs - Czech dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.de - German dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.es - Spanish dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.fr - French dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.hu - Hungarian dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.pl - Polish dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.sv - Swedish dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.en.sgm - original dev set in English (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.cs.sgm - Czech dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.de.sgm - German dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.es.sgm - Spanish dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.fr.sgm - French dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.hu.sgm - Hungarian dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.pl.sgm - Polish dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.sv.sgm - Swedish dev set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-dev.doc_id - document IDs of the dev set translations
khresmoi-summary-dev.topic_id - topic IDs of the dev set translations
Section 2 (test data)
khresmoi-summary-test.en - original test set sentences in English
khresmoi-summary-test.cs - Czech test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.de - German test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.es - Spanish test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.fr - French test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.hu - Hungarian test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.pl - Polish test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.sv - Swedish test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.en.sgm - original test set in English (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.cs.sgm - Czech test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.de.sgm - German test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.es.sgm - Spanish test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.fr.sgm - French test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.hu.sgm - Hungarian test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.pl.sgm - Polish test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.sv.sgm - Swedish test set translations (SGML format)
khresmoi-summary-test.doc_id - document IDs of the test set translations
khresmoi-summary-test.topic_id - topic IDs of the test set translations
normalize-punctuation.pl - a script to normalize punctuation
README.TXT - this file
queries.clef2013ehealth.1-50.test.xml - topic descriptions
5. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the EU FP7 project Khresmoi (European
Commission contract No. 257528) and the EU H2020 project KConnect
(European Commission contract No. 644753).
The language resources are distributed by the LINDAT/Clarin project of
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
(project no. LM2010013).
We thank all the data providers and copyright holders (see Section 6
and 7) for providing the source data and anonymous experts for
translating the sentences.
We thank the anonymous medical experts for translating and revising
the data.
6. Source web pages
bestbets.org, canceraustralia.nbocc.org.au, cks.nhs.uk, clinicaltrial.gov,
clinicianonnet.blogspot.com, clubderevistas.blogspot.com, copd.about.com,
emergencymedic.blogspot.com, en.diagnosispro.com, ghr.nlm.nih.gov,
marshfieldclinic.kramesonline.com, peripheralneuropathycenter.uchicago.edu,
publications.nice.org.uk, webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu, web.mit.edu,
wiki.medpedia.com, www.acidreflux-heartburn-gerd.net, www.ahaf.org,
www.ahrq.gov, www.allinahealth.org, www.babycenter.ca, www.back.com,
www.bccancer.bc.ca, www.cadth.ca, www.cancerquest.org,
www.digestive.niddk.nih.gov, www.elginhealth.on.ca, www.emedicinezone.com,
www.endoatlas.com, www.fda.gov, www.ghr.nlm.nih.gov, www.guideline.gov,
www.heart-vessels.com, www.hipsforyou.com, www.hon.ch,
www.innovations.ahrq.gov, www.irontherapy.org, www.jamesshuggins.com,
www.marshfieldclinic.org, www.medhelp.org, www.mediscuss.org, www.mgh.org,
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, www.netwellness.org, www.nevasic.com, www.nlm.nih.gov,
www.oncolink.com, www.orpha.net, www.pathguy.com, www.pathologyoutlines.com,
www.pbfluids.com, www.pediatriceducation.org, www.qualitymeasures.ahrq.gov,
www.randyamy.com, www.shoulderdoc.co.uk, www.skincaredaily.com,
www.thevest.com, www.totalhealth.co.uk, www.tripanswers.org,
www.uptodate.com, www.vitalhealthzone.com, www.voicedoctor.net,
www.waent.org, www.webmd.boots.com, www.xrayrisk.com, www.yorkyates.com,
7. Copyright holders
* Adaptedfrom a resource produced by Elgin St. Thomas Public Health.
Distributed by LINDAT/Clarin, Czech Republic.
* Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
* Allcontents copyright © 2003-2013 Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael
P. D'Alessandro, M.D. All rights reserved.
* Copyright© BabyCenter, L.L.C. 2013. All rights reserved.
* Copyright Shoulderdoc Ltd.
* Copyright Trip database Limited.
* Copyright© 1996-2012 Atlanta South Gastroenterology, P.C. All rights
* Copyright© 2000-2013 BrightFocus Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright© 2003-2013 Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P.
D'Alessandro, M.D. All rights reserved.
* Copyright© 2009 Boots UK Limited and WebMD UK Limited.
* Copyright© 2010 AngioCalc, LLC. All rights reserved
* Copyright© 2012 Allina Health System. All rights reserved.
* Copyright© 2012 Marshfield Clinic. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright© 2013 BC Cancer Agency. All rights reserved.
* Copyright© 2013 Medtronic. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright© 2013 UpToDate, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Heart Vessels
* Intellectual Property Office © Crown Copyright 2013
* Iron Therapy
* Marquette General Health System.
* MedHelp
* National Library of Medicine (NLM)
* Orphanet: an online rare disease and orphan drug data base. Copyright,
INSERM 1997. Available on http://www.orpha.net. Accessed July 2013.
* © Pan American Health Organization. All rights reserved.
* © Thyroid Cancer Canada/Cancer de la thyroïde Canada
* Undercopyright of AcidReflux-Heartburn-Gerd.net
* U.S. Food and Drug Administration
* © 2000-2013 Hill-Rom Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* © 2013 Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
8. References
[1] L. Goeuriot, G. J. F. Jones, L. Kelly, J. Leveling, A. Hanbury,
H. Müller, et al., ShARe/CLEF eHealth evaluation lab 2013, task 3:
Information retrieval to address patients’ questions when reading
clinical reports, in: D. T. Pamela Forner, Roberto Navigli (Ed.),
CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes,
Valencia, Spain, 2013.