IWPT_2021 / tools /enhanced_collapse_empty_nodes.pl
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Processes enhanced graphs in a CoNLL-U file so that empty nodes are removed
# and paths that traverse them are collapsed into individual edges whose labels
# show the original path, either with or without the ids of the empty nodes:
# "conj>33.1>nsubj" or "conj>nsubj".
# Copyright © 2020 Dan Zeman <[email protected]>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
# We need to tell Perl where to find my graph modules.
# If this does not work, you can put the script together with Graph.pm and
# Node.pm in a folder of you choice, say, /home/joe/scripts, and then
# invoke Perl explicitly telling it where the modules are:
# perl -I/home/joe/scripts /home/joe/scripts/enhanced_collapse_empty_nodes.pl inputfile.conllu
use Cwd;
my $path = $0;
my $currentpath = getcwd();
$currentpath =~ s/\r?\n$//;
$libpath = $currentpath;
if($path =~ m:/:)
$path =~ s:/[^/]*$:/:;
$libpath = getcwd();
$libpath =~ s/\r?\n$//;
#print STDERR ("libpath=$libpath\n");
use lib $libpath;
use Graph;
use Node;
my @sentence;
@sentence = ();
push(@sentence, $_);
# In case of incorrect files that lack the last empty line:
if(scalar(@sentence) > 0)
# Processes one sentence after it has been read.
sub process_sentence
my @sentence = @_;
my $graph = Graph::from_conllu_lines(@sentence);
# We now have a complete representation of the graph.
# Now get the list of CoNLL-U lines from the modified graph.
@sentence = $graph->to_conllu_lines();
# Make sure that the graph gets properly destroyed. Remove cyclic references.
# Prints a sentence in the CoNLL-U format to the standard output.
sub print_sentence
my @sentence = @_;
print(join("\n", @sentence), "\n\n");
# Processes the enhanced graph and collapses paths traversing empty nodes.
sub collapse_empty_nodes
my $graph = shift; # a Graph object
my @nodes = $graph->get_nodes();
my @edges;
foreach my $node (@nodes)
my $cid = $node->id();
my @iedges = @{$node->iedges()};
foreach my $iedge (@iedges)
my $pid = $iedge->{id};
my $deprel = $iedge->{deprel};
push(@edges, [$pid, $deprel, $cid]);
my @okedges = grep {$_->[0] =~ m/^\d+$/ && $_->[-1] =~ m/^\d+$/} (@edges);
my @epedges = grep {$_->[0] =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/} (@edges); # including those that have also empty child
my @ecedges = grep {$_->[-1] =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/} (@edges); # including those that have also empty parent
my %epedges; # hash of serialized edges: make sure not to add an edge that is already there
foreach my $epedge (@epedges)
$epedges{join(' ', @{$epedge})}++;
my %ecedges;
foreach my $ecedge (@ecedges)
$ecedges{join(' ', @{$ecedge})}++;
my $epedge = shift(@epedges);
my @myecedges = grep {$_->[-1] eq $epedge->[0]} (@ecedges);
print STDERR ('Ignoring enhanced path because the empty source node does not have any parent: '.join('>', @epedge)."\n");
foreach my $ecedge (@myecedges)
my @newedge = @{$ecedge};
push(@newedge, @{$epedge});
# Cyclic paths need special treatment. We do not want to fall in an endless loop.
# However, if both ends of the path are non-empty nodes (even if it is the same non-empty node),
# we can add the edge to @okedges. Note that self-loop edges are normally not allowed in
# enhanced graphs; however, in this collapsed form they can still preserve information
# that would disappear otherwise.
if($newedge[0] =~ m/^\d+$/ && $newedge[-1] =~ m/^\d+$/)
push(@okedges, \@newedge);
# This edge is not OK because it still begins or ends in an empty node.
# We will use it for creation of longer edges but only if it does not contain a cycle.
my $cycle = 0;
my %map;
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#newedge; $i += 2)
$cycle = 1;
if($newedge[0] =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/)
my $serialized = join(' ', @newedge);
push(@epedges, \@newedge);
if($newedge[-1] =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/)
my $serialized = join(' ', @newedge);
push(@ecedges, \@newedge);
print STDERR ('Cyclic enhanced path will not be used to construct longer paths: '.join('>', @newedge)."\n");
# Now there are no more @epedges (while @ecedges grew over time but we do not care now).
# All edges in @okedges have non-empty ends.
@okedges = sort {my $r = $a->[-1] <=> $b->[-1]; unless($r) {$r = $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} $r} (@okedges);
# Empty nodes normally should not be leaves but it is not guaranteed.
# Issue a warning if an empty node disappears because it has no children.
my %oknodes;
foreach my $okedge (@okedges)
foreach my $item (@{$okedge})
if($item =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/)
foreach my $ecedge (@ecedges)
my $item = $ecedge->[-1];
print STDERR ('Incoming path to an empty node ignored because the node has no children: '.join('>', @{$ecedge})."\n");
# Remove all edges going to or from an empty node, then remove the empty nodes as well.
foreach my $node (@nodes)
if($node->id() =~ m/\./)
my @iedges = @{$node->iedges()};
foreach my $iedge (@iedges)
$graph->remove_edge($iedge->{id}, $node->id(), $iedge->{deprel});
my @oedges = @{$node->oedges()};
foreach my $oedge (@oedges)
$graph->remove_edge($node->id(), $oedge->{id}, $oedge->{deprel});
# Add the new collapsed edges to the graph.
foreach my $edge (@okedges)
my @edge = @{$edge};
my $pid = shift(@edge);
my $cid = pop(@edge);
# Skip simple edges because they are already in the graph.
next unless(scalar(@edge) > 1);
my $deprel = join('>', @edge);
# Remove the ids of the empty nodes from the path.
###!!! We may want to parameterize this step because we may want to preserve
###!!! the ids in some use cases. However, for the sake of the evaluation of
###!!! the EUD shared task, we want to get rid of them.
$deprel =~ s/>\d+\.\d+>/>/g;
# Add the collapsed edge to the graph.
$graph->add_edge($pid, $cid, $deprel);