IWPT_2021 / tools /Graph.pm
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package Graph;
use utf8;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Carp;
use Moose;
use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor; # attribute x is written using set_x($value) and read using x()
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Node;
has 'comments' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, documentation => 'Sentence-level CoNLL-U comments.');
has 'nodes' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub {my $self = shift; {0 => new Node('id' => 0, 'graph' => $self)}});
# Creates a graph from a list of CoNLL-U lines (the list may or may not contain
# the final empty line, it does not matter). This is a static function, it does
# not take a reference to a Graph object but it returns one.
sub from_conllu_lines
my @sentence = @_;
my $graph = new Graph;
# Get rid of everything except the node lines. But include empty nodes!
foreach my $line (@sentence)
if($line =~ m/^\#/)
push(@{$graph->comments()}, $line);
elsif($line =~ m/^\d/)
my @fields = split(/\t/, $line);
my $node = new Node('id' => $fields[0], 'form' => $fields[1], 'lemma' => $fields[2], 'upos' => $fields[3], 'xpos' => $fields[4],
'_head' => $fields[6], '_deprel' => $fields[7], '_deps' => $fields[8]);
# Once all nodes have been added to the graph, we can draw edges between them.
foreach my $node ($graph->get_nodes())
return $graph;
# Generates a list of CoNLL-U lines from the current graph; the list does not
# contain the final empty line.
sub to_conllu_lines
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
my @sentence = @{$self->comments()};
foreach my $node ($self->get_nodes())
my @fields = ($node->id(), $node->form(), $node->lemma(), $node->upos(), $node->xpos(), $node->get_feats_string(),
$node->bparent(), $node->bdeprel(), $node->get_deps_string(), $node->get_misc_string());
push(@sentence, join("\t", @fields));
return @sentence;
# Checks whether there is a node with the given id.
sub has_node
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
confess('Undefined id') if(!defined($id));
return exists($self->nodes()->{$id});
# Returns node with the given id. If there is no such node, returns undef.
sub get_node
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
confess('Undefined id') if(!defined($id));
return $self->has_node($id) ? $self->nodes()->{$id} : undef;
# Returns node with the given id. If there is no such node, returns undef.
# This method is just an alias for get_node().
sub node
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
return $self->get_node($id);
# Returns the list of all nodes except the artificial root node with id 0. The
# list is ordered by node ids.
sub get_nodes
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
my @list = map {$self->get_node($_)} (sort
Node::cmpids($a, $b)
(grep {$_ ne '0'} (keys(%{$self->nodes()}))));
return @list;
# Adds a node to the graph. The node must have a non-empty id that has not been
# used by any other node previously added to the graph.
sub add_node
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $id = $node->id();
confess('Cannot add node with undefined ID');
confess("There is already a node with ID $id in the graph");
$self->nodes()->{$id} = $node;
# Removes a node from the graph. Does not change the ids of the remaining
# nodes. Returns the Node object that has been disconnected from the graph.
# Returns undef if there is no node with the given id.
sub remove_node
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
confess('Undefined id') if(!defined($id));
my $node = undef;
$node = $self->nodes()->{$id};
return $node;
# Adds an edge between two nodes that are already in the graph.
sub add_edge
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 4);
my $self = shift;
my $srcid = shift;
my $tgtid = shift;
my $deprel = shift;
my $srcnode = $self->get_node($srcid);
my $tgtnode = $self->get_node($tgtid);
confess("Unknown node '$srcid'") if(!defined($srcnode));
confess("Unknown node '$tgtid'") if(!defined($tgtnode));
# Outgoing edge from the source (parent).
my %oe =
'id' => $tgtid,
'deprel' => $deprel
# Incoming edge to the target (child).
my %ie =
'id' => $srcid,
'deprel' => $deprel
# Check that the same edge does not exist already.
push(@{$srcnode->oedges()}, \%oe) unless(any {$_->{id} eq $tgtid && $_->{deprel} eq $deprel} (@{$srcnode->oedges()}));
push(@{$tgtnode->iedges()}, \%ie) unless(any {$_->{id} eq $srcid && $_->{deprel} eq $deprel} (@{$tgtnode->iedges()}));
# Removes an existing edge between two nodes of the graph.
sub remove_edge
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 4);
my $self = shift;
my $srcid = shift;
my $tgtid = shift;
my $deprel = shift;
my $srcnode = $self->get_node($srcid);
my $tgtnode = $self->get_node($tgtid);
confess("Unknown node '$srcid'") if(!defined($srcnode));
confess("Unknown node '$tgtid'") if(!defined($tgtnode));
# Outgoing edge from the source (parent).
@{$srcnode->oedges()} = grep {!($_->{id} eq $tgtid && $_->{deprel} eq $deprel)} (@{$srcnode->oedges()});
# Incoming edge to the target (child).
@{$tgtnode->iedges()} = grep {!($_->{id} eq $srcid && $_->{deprel} eq $deprel)} (@{$tgtnode->iedges()});
# Graphs refer to nodes and nodes refer back to graphs. We must break this
# cycle manually when we are done with the graph, otherwise the Perl garbage
# collector will keep the graph and the nodes in the memory forever. Note that
# renaming this method to DEMOLISH will not cause Perl to clean up automati-
# cally. As long as the references are there, the graph will not be destroyed
# and DEMOLISH will not be called.
# Debug memory usage like this (watch the VSZ number):
# print STDERR ("Sentence no. $i\n", `ps -p $$ -o vsz,rsz,sz,size`);
sub remove_all_nodes
my $self = shift;
my @nodes = $self->get_nodes();
foreach my $node (@nodes)
# We don't have to remove edges manually. They contain node ids but not Perl references.
=for Pod::Coverage BUILD
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
A C<Graph> holds a list of nodes and can return the C<Node> based on its
C<ID> (the first column in a CoNLL-U file, can be integer or a decimal number).
Edges are stored in nodes.
It is currently necessary to call the method C<remove_all_nodes()> when the
graph is no longer needed. Otherwise cyclic references will prevent Perl from
freeing the memory occupied by the graph and its nodes.
=item comments
A read-only attribute (filled during construction) that holds the sentence-level
comments from the CoNLL-U file.
=item nodes
A hash (reference) that holds the individual L<Node> objects, indexed by their
ids from the first column of the CoNLL-U file.
=head1 METHODS
=item $graph = Graph::from_conllu_lines (@sentence);
Creates a graph from a list of CoNLL-U lines (the list may or may not contain
the final empty line, it does not matter). This is a static function, it does
not take a reference to a Graph object but it returns one.
=item @sentence = $graph->to_conllu_lines ();
Generates a list of CoNLL-U lines from the current graph; the list does not
contain the final empty line.
=item $graph->has_node ($id);
Returns a nonzero value if there is a node with the given id in the graph.
=item $graph->get_node ($id);
=item $graph->node ($id);
Returns the object with the node with the given id.
=item @nodes = $graph->get_nodes ();
Returns the list of all nodes except the artificial root node with id 0. The
list is ordered by node ids.
=item $graph->add_node ($node);
Adds a node (a L<Node> object) to the graph. The node must have a non-empty id
that has not been used by any other node previously added to the graph.
=item $graph->remove_node ($id);
Removes a node from the graph. Does not change the ids of the remaining
nodes. Returns the L<Node> object that has been disconnected from the graph.
Returns undef if there is no node with the given id.
=item $graph->add_edge ($source_id, $target_id, $relation_label);
Adds an edge between two nodes that are already in the graph.
=item $graph->remove_edge ($source_id, $target_id, $relation_label);
Removes an existing edge between two nodes of the graph.
=item $graph->remove_all_nodes ();
Currently the only way of breaking cyclic references when the graph is no
longer needed. Make sure to call this method in order to prevent memory leaks!
=head1 AUTHORS
Daniel Zeman <[email protected]>
Copyright © 2019, 2020 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.