Resource: CorefUD 1.2 - Coreferences in Universal Dependencies, version 1.2 |
Authors: Martin Popel¹, Michal Novák¹, Zdeněk Žabokrtský¹, Daniel Zeman¹, Anna Nedoluzhko¹, Kutay |
Acar², David Bamman³, Peter Bourgonje⁴, Silvie Cinková¹, Hanne Eckhoff⁵, Gülşen Eryiğit⁶, |
Jan Hajič¹, Christian Hardmeier⁷, Dag Haug⁸, Tollef Jørgensen⁹, Andre Kåsen¹⁰, Pauline |
Krielke¹¹, Frédéric Landragin¹², Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski¹¹, Petter Mæhlum¹³, M. |
Antònia Martí¹⁴, Marie Mikulová¹, Anders Nøklestad⁸, Maciej Ogrodniczuk¹⁵, Lilja Øvrelid¹³, |
Tuğba Pamay Arslan⁶, Marta Recasens¹⁴, Per Erik Solberg¹⁰, Manfred Stede⁴, Milan Straka¹, |
Daniel Swanson¹⁶, Svetlana Toldova¹⁷, Noémi Vadász¹⁸, Erik Velldal¹³, Veronika Vincze¹⁹, |
Amir Zeldes²⁰, Voldemaras Žitkus²¹ |
¹ Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied |
Linguistics, Prague, Czechia |
² Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey |
³ University of California, Berkeley, School of Information, USA |
⁴ University of Potsdam, Applied Computational Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany |
⁵ University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford, UK |
⁶ Istanbul Technical University, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data |
Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey |
⁷ Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala, Sweden |
⁸ University of Oslo, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, Oslo, Norway |
⁹ Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science, |
Trondheim, Norway |
¹⁰ The Norwegian Language Bank, National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway |
¹¹ Saarland University, Department of Language Science and Technology, Saarbrücken, Germany |
¹² Lattice, CNRS & ENS Paris & Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & PSL Research University & |
USPC, Montrouge, France |
¹³ University of Oslo, Department of Informatics, Oslo, Norway |
¹⁴ University of Barcelona, Department of Linguistics, Centre de Llenguatge i Computació, |
Barcelona, Spain |
¹⁵ Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland |
¹⁶ Indiana University, Department of Linguistics, Bloomington, USA |
¹⁷ HSE University, Faculty of Humanities, Laboratory of Formal Models in Linguistics, |
Moscow, Russia |
¹⁸ Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Research Group for Language Technology, |
Budapest, Hungary |
¹⁹ MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence & University of Szeged, Department of |
General Linguistics, Szeged, Hungary |
²⁰ Georgetown University, Department of Linguistics, Washington DC, USA |
²¹ Kaunas University of Technologies, Department of Information Systems, Kaunas, Lithuania |
CorefUD is a collection of previously existing datasets annotated with coreference, |
which we converted into a common annotation scheme. In total, CorefUD in its current |
version 1.2 consists of 25 datasets for 16 languages. |
The datasets are enriched with automatic morphological and syntactic annotations |
(except for a few datasets where these annotations are gold standard from corresponding |
UD treebanks) that are fully compliant with the standards of the Universal Dependencies |
project. All the datasets are stored in the CoNLL-U format, with coreference- and bridging- |
specific information captured by attribute-value pairs located in the MISC column. To learn |
more about the harmonized scheme, or about the diversity of the original resources, see |
https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/corefud. |
The collection is divided into a public edition and a non-public (ÚFAL-internal) edition. |
The publicly available edition is distributed via LINDAT-CLARIAH-CZ and contains 21 |
datasets for 15 languages (1 dataset for Ancient Greek, 1 for Ancient Hebrew, 1 for Catalan, |
2 for Czech, 3 for English, 1 for French, 2 for German, 2 for Hungarian, 1 for Lithuanian, |
2 for Norwegian, 1 for Old Church Slavonic, 1 for Polish, 1 for Russian, 1 for Spanish, |
and 1 for Turkish), excluding the test data. |
The non-public edition is available internally to ÚFAL members and contains additional |
4 datasets for 2 languages (1 dataset for Dutch, and 3 for English), which we are |
not allowed to distribute due to their original license limitations. It also contains |
the test data portions for all datasets. |
When using any of the harmonized datasets, please get acquainted with its license |
(placed in the same directory as the data) and cite the original data resource too. |
References to original resources whose harmonized versions are contained |
in the public edition of CorefUD 1.2: |
- Ancient_Greek-PROIEL: |
Haug, D. and Jøhndal, Marius L. (2008). Creating a Parallel Treebank of the Old Indo-European |
Bible Translations. In Proceedings of the Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data |
Workshop, pages 27-34, Marrakech, Morocco. European Language Resources Association. |
- Ancient_Hebrew-PTNK: |
Swanson, D. and Tyers, F. (2022). A Universal Dependencies Treebank of Ancient Hebrew. |
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, |
pages 2353-2361, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. |
- Catalan-AnCora: |
Recasens, M. and Martí, M. A. (2010). AnCora-CO: Coreferentially Annotated Corpora for |
Spanish and Catalan. Language Resources and Evaluation, 44(4):315–345 |
- Czech-PCEDT: |
Nedoluzhko, A., Novák, M., Cinková, S., Mikulová, M., and Mírovský, J. (2016). Coreference |
in Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. In Proceedings of the Tenth International |
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16), pages 169–176, Portorož, |
Slovenia. European Language Resources Association. |
- Czech-PDT: |
Hajič, J., Bejček, E., Hlaváčová, J., Mikulová, M., Straka, M., Štěpánek, J., and |
Štěpánková, B. (2020). Prague Dependency Treebank - Consolidated 1.0. In Proceedings |
of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), |
pages 5208–5218, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. |
- English-GUM: |
Zeldes, A. (2017). The GUM Corpus: Creating Multilayer Resources in the Classroom. |
Language Resources and Evaluation, 51(3):581–612. |
- English-LitBank: |
Bamman, D., Lewke, O., and Mansoor, A. (2020). An Annotated Dataset of Coreference |
in English Literature. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation |
Conference, pages 44–54, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. |
- English-ParCorFull: |
Lapshinova-Koltunski, E., Hardmeier, C., and Krielke, P. (2018). ParCorFull: a |
Parallel Corpus Annotated with Full Coreference. In Proceedings of the Eleventh |
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, |
Japan. European Language Resources Association. |
- French-Democrat: |
Landragin, F. (2021). Le corpus Democrat et son exploitation. Présentation. |
Langages, 224, 11–24. |
- German-ParCorFull: |
Lapshinova-Koltunski, E., Hardmeier, C., and Krielke, P. (2018). ParCorFull: a |
Parallel Corpus Annotated with Full Coreference. In Proceedings of the Eleventh |
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, |
Japan. European Language Resources Association |
- German-PotsdamCC: |
Bourgonje, P. and Stede, M. (2020). The Potsdam Commentary Corpus 2.2: Extending |
annotations for shallow discourse parsing. In Proceedings of the 12th Language |
Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 1061–1066, Marseille, France. European |
Language Resources Association. |
- Hungarian-KorKor: |
Vadász, N. (2022). Building a Manually Annotated Hungarian Coreference Corpus: Workflow |
and Tools. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, |
Anaphora and Coreference, pages 38–47, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. Association for |
Computational Linguistics. |
- Hungarian-SzegedKoref: |
Vincze, V., Hegedűs, K., Sliz-Nagy, A., and Farkas, R. (2018). SzegedKoref: A Hungarian |
Coreference Corpus. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on |
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan. European Language |
Resources Association. |
- Lithuanian-LCC: |
Žitkus, V. and Butkienė, R. (2018). Coreference Annotation Scheme and Corpus for Lithuanian |
Language. In Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and |
Security, SNAMS 2018, Valencia, Spain, October 15-18, 2018, pages 243–250. IEEE. |
- Norwegian-BokmaalNARC: |
Mæhlum, P., Haug, D., Jørgensen, T., Kåsen, A., Nøklestad, A., Rønningstad, E., Solberg, |
P. E., Velldal, E., and Øvrelid, L. (2022). NARC–Norwegian Anaphora Resolution Corpus. |
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and |
Coreference, pages 48–60, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. Association for Computational |
Linguistics. |
- Norwegian-NynorskNARC: |
Mæhlum, P., Haug, D., Jørgensen, T., Kåsen, A., Nøklestad, A., Rønningstad, E., Solberg, |
P. E., Velldal, E., and Øvrelid, L. (2022). NARC–Norwegian Anaphora Resolution Corpus. |
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and |
Coreference, pages 48–60, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. Association for Computational |
Linguistics. |
- Old_Church_Slavonic-PROIEL: |
Haug, D. and Jøhndal, Marius L. (2008). Creating a Parallel Treebank of the Old Indo-European |
Bible Translations. In Proceedings of the Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data |
Workshop, pages 27-34, Marrakech, Morocco. European Language Resources Association. |
- Polish-PCC: |
Ogrodniczuk, M., Glowińska, K., Kopeć, M., Savary, A., and Zawisławska, M. (2013). Polish |
coreference corpus. In Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science |
and Linguistics - 6th Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2013, Poznań, Poland, |
December 7-9, 2013. Revised Selected Papers, volume 9561 of Lecture Notes in Computer |
Science, pages 215–226. Springer. |
- Russian-RuCor: |
Toldova, S., Roytberg, A., Ladygina, A. A., Vasilyeva, M. D., Azerkovich, |
I. L., Kurzukov,M., Sim, G., Gorshkov, D. V., Ivanova, A., Nedoluzhko, A., and Grishina, Y. |
(2014). Evaluating Anaphora and Coreference Resolution for Russian. In Komp’juternaja |
lingvistika i intellektual’nye tehnologii. Po materialam ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii |
Dialog, pages 681–695. |
- Spanish-AnCora: |
Recasens, M. and Martí, M. A. (2010). AnCora-CO: Coreferentially Annotated Corpora for |
Spanish and Catalan. Language Resources and Evaluation, 44(4):315–345 |
- Turkish-ITCC |
Pamay, T., and Eryiğit, G. (2018). Turkish Coreference Resolution. 2018 Innovations in |
Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), pages 1–7, Thessaloniki, Greece. IEEE |
References to original resources whose harmonized versions are contained in |
the ÚFAL-internal edition of CorefUD 1.2: |
- Dutch-COREA: |
Hendrickx, I., Bouma, G., Coppens, F., Daelemans, W., Hoste, V., Kloosterman, G., Mineur, A.-M., |
Van Der Vloet, J., and Verschelde, J.-L. (2008). A coreference corpus and resolution system |
for Dutch. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and |
Evaluation (LREC’08), Marrakech, Morocco. European Language Resources Association. |
- English-ARRAU: |
Uryupina, O., Artstein, R., Bristot, A., Cavicchio, F., Delogu, F., Rodriguez, K. J., and |
Poesio, M. (2020). Annotating a broad range of anaphoric phenomena, in a variety of genres: |
the ARRAU Corpus. Natural Language Engineering, 26(1):95–128. |
- English-OntoNotes: |
Weischedel, R., Hovy, E., Marcus, M., Palmer, M., Belvin, R., Pradhan, S., Ramshaw, L., and |
Xue, N. (2011). Ontonotes: A large training corpus for enhanced processing. In Handbook |
of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous |
Language Exploitation, pages 54–63, New York. Springer-Verlag. |
- English-PCEDT: |
Nedoluzhko, A., Novák, M., Cinková, S., Mikulová, M., and Mírovský, J. (2016). Coreference |
in Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. In Proceedings of the Tenth International |
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’16), pages 169–176, Portorož, |
Slovenia. European Language Resources Association. |