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1,658,008,832 | 8 | Heady Topper | American Double / Imperial IPA | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Thank you Lambicking for 12 cans of this. Truly my favorite beer. I had to review this because I had this by itself and then I've had this after drinking a couple of inferior beers. I feel like you have to drink other IPAs before this so you know what exactly you are drinking. Pine, tropical fruit, and grapefruit super strong in both taste and smell. But honestly once you drink this next to something of lesser quality you realize what you are missing. This has complexity unlike any beer I've ever had. I don't even want to comprehend not having this beer available at all times. It feels fantastic in the mouth while a burst of hop flavors is going on. By far, I can't recommend any beer more than this. The only beer I've had that comes close is Oaked Arrogant Bastard. If you can ever get this you are doing a disservice to yourself by not tasting this fantastic concoction. | 2positive
1,658,008,960 | 9.5 | Southampton Grand Cru | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 5 | Thanks to tai4ji2x for this. Pours a hazy, light coppery orange with a 2-finger yellow head. Moderate lacing. The smell is yeast, sweet malts, orange peel with some butterscotch. Taste is really orangy, but different from a hoppy orange citrus in that it's sweeter. Then there's coriander, pepper, sweet caramel malts, yeast, apricot and a sort of earthy quality--all good things. Mouthfeel is full-bodied with a nice amount of carbonation. This is a drinkable beer. I'm happy to have had the experience. The ABV is very apparent at the end, but that's a good thing. | 2positive
1,658,009,088 | 5.7 | Blue Moon Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale | Pumpkin Ale | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3.5 | Appearance: Ruddy amber with average carbonation and a compact head that settled to a film. No apparent lacing. Smell: Smells decent, with a nice malty aroma peppered with nutmeg and other spices, with a distinct "pumpkin" background. Like a regular Blue Moon, just kicked up a notch with softer spices. Taste: Very light, with a rather disappointing flavor. Initial maltiness subsides to nutmeg and warm spices. Slightly drying towards the end, and with a corny flavor in the finish. Notes: Not bad, but still a letdown. Give it a shot, if for nothing else but comparison to the better fall seasonals. | 1neutral
1,658,009,216 | 9.2 | Hopsickle Imperial India Pale Ale | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Freshest bottle I could find. I'd try it again if I could get it on draft. Beer is clear and amber with a white thick head that gives a bunch of lacing and has moderate carbonation. Malty (mostly) with a mild hop aroma. I'm already disappointed. Aroma is strong but the hops are the second note. Earthy and pine. Beer is sweet and malty. Medium to high body, its quite heavy and gets heavier the more I drink it. I guess this is what some would describe as a "balanced" IPA but the malt is eclipsing the hops in this beer. The bitterness is there, and its strong. It builds over time but the syrupy forward and midpalate flavors are the star. Definitely not my favorite IPA. | 2positive
1,658,009,344 | 6 | Santa's Private Reserve Ale | American Amber / Red Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | 5 | Pours with amber brown hue with a huge ass lace producing foam. Ruby red grapefruit and pomegranate hop aromas dominate the nose. Very hoppy. Nice. Caramel notes up front are balanced by a very citrusy hop flavor. Aftertaste is a resiny/ white grapefruit bitterness. Very hoppy for an amber/red but I wouldn't expect anything less from Rogue. A very nice beer. | 2positive
1,658,009,472 | 5.4 | Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen | Rauchbier | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4.5 | Brauerei Heller-Trum is of course the worlds leading Rauchbier macher. This style originates there in Bamburg Germany and is an amazing brew for those of you who have never had it. I've heard people say "It smells like a ham!" upon their first encounter. And I must say "they're right". As bad as that sounds, one soon realizes that the smell is powerful, but the smokey taste is much smoother than one would expect. This smoked bier is original and delicious. Don't miss it. I highly recommend it. John | 2positive
1,658,009,600 | 9 | Krampus (Imperial Helles Lager) | American Double / Imperial Pilsner | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | Appearance- On draft into a 12 oz flute. Pours a clear orangeish color with a creamy two finger head, good retention and lacing. Smell- Pine hops all over the place. Taste- Has an Imperial IPA flavor to it, balanced with some toasted and bready malts. A bit earthy and floral in the taste, but pine rises up above the rest. Not overley bitter, a slight alcohol warming. Mouthfeel- Medium body and carbonation, incredibly smooth. Overall- Very suprised by this one, in a great way! Imperial pilsners are usually not my thing, but this has a great hop presence, drinks like a big IPA. Seek this out! | 2positive
1,658,009,728 | 5 | River Horse Lager | Euro Pale Lager | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | Appearance: pours a gold color with a 1/2" head. The head quickly falls to surface foam with a few bubbles. No lacing develops. Smell: the aroma is bland as only some hints of caramel are present. Taste: the flavor leans towards the sweeter side, even though the malt levels are light in this brew. Some soft caramel, ripe fruits, and graininess are detectable. Soft bitterness rounds it out. Mouthfeel: mildly crisp at the start and finish. The finish is quick as the sweetness lingers for a second or two. Drinkability: lower than good in my book as this is just not an exciting beer on the flavor and aroma front. | 1neutral
1,658,009,856 | 5.4 | Scratch Beer 32 - 2010 (Keystone Common) | California Common / Steam Beer | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | Poured into a pint glass. 3.5 A: Clear golden yellow. One finger of frothy white head with average retention and not really any lacing. 3.5 S: Light neutral maltiness, some floral hops, and just enough house character to make it pleasant. Otherwise, rather straightforward and simple. 4.0 T: Taste is about the same as the nose. Neutral maltiness or perhaps a touch grainy, mild hop bitterness and a touch of herbal flavor. Super clean yeast. The house character is a bit stronger, bumping this one up to a four. 4.0 M: Light body. Good moderate carbonation. Fairly creamy and super smooth. 4.0 D: Easy to drink for sure. While I like beers with a bit more taste to them, this one went down without a problem and I could have another. | 2positive
1,658,009,984 | 6.6 | Hell For Certain | Belgian Dark Ale | 2.5 | 3 | 2.5 | 3.5 | This beer formed a small sized tan head when poured that contained fine sized bubbles that quickly diminished.The body was cloudy and it was carbonated.The hue was copper and the nose was malty, fruity and some alcohol.The flavor was bitter with alcohol and it left an aftertaste.The mouthfeel tingly on my tongue, smooth and medium bodied.There was no lacing with this beer. | 2positive
1,658,010,112 | 2.1 | Finkbräu Pils 2,1% | Euro Pale Lager | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 1.5 | The beer looks really cheap, very pale straw, like apple juice with water, and almost green nuances, a white high head that settles leaving no lacing. The smell is sweet canned maize with a dash of battery acid. A vague taste of corn flakes in sour dishwater. Medium carbonation, fizzy feeling and thin body. Nothing good. Natural mineral water is much more rewarding. This version is specially brewed for Swedish Lidl shops. | 0negative
1,658,010,240 | 5 | Creemore Springs Premium Lager | American Amber / Red Lager | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Nice coloured beer, but next to no head. Kinda sad to see. Some lace does cling to the glass. Clean, good, quality lager smell. The simple beer smell, without the cheap beer smell. Slight hop aroma, some grass, and bready, almost chewy malt. Taste is similar, with a slightly stronger floral sensation. Crisp, clean mouthfeel that is very suitable for this beer. Light bodied and simple. Drinkable, yeah. It's got enough taste to be drinkable, without the complexity to make it amazing. This is a simple beer. And that is what I like. More importantly, that is what I respect about this beer. | 1neutral
1,658,010,368 | 4.8 | Harveys Tom Paine Original Old Porter | English Porter | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | Nice very dark brown color with slight red highlights. Creamy frothed milk tan head. Thick clouds of lace, stick in large sheets. Slight sense of sherry to the aroma, bits of chocolate, and a hint at a roast. Lightish mouthfeel, carbonation is subdued, milky feel across the tongue. Solid roast to the flavor, bitter and mildly oily, coffee is well-expressed. Wine-like overtones, similarities to Fuller's London Porter in many aspects. Nice drinker, easy to throw back with nice dark notes to add further interest. | 2positive
1,658,010,496 | 10 | Hercules Double IPA | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4 | Live review. Poured from the 12 oz. bottle that I bought as a single at Save-On in Mentor a few days ago for $3.50 into my gold rimmed Ommegang goblet. Bottled on April 11 1011 stamped on the lower right side of the label. This is almost 5 months old. I am sure it is not the best of circumstances but lets see what we have here. A Very light brown head over a golden orange body that has visible sediment floating about after I poured it. The head dissapeared within 60 seconds for this one (as compared to the recently reviewed Titan IPA) but I would expect that with the elevated 10% ABV. Really a good look. I enjoy the inclusion of the visible sediment. 4.5 S Sweet malt with some bitter hops and a warmth of alcohol. This is a really good smell within the style and it is not repeated by all DIPAs. The smell leaves me very interested in tasting this beer! 4.5 T Oh yes.I love a good DIPA that has plenty of sweet malt as a part of it! As the smell suggested, there is plenty of syrupy sweetness along with a strong hop presence and a nice, appropriate burn of alcohol. It is not to the level of my most favored DIPAs which are Southern Tiers 2XIPA and Great Lakes Lake Erie Monster. I really enjoy the taste of this one, none the less, and it has held up for the almost 5 months since it was bottled! 4.0 M This is one big beer with a big mouthfeel from the syrupy sweetness to the bold bitterness and even that burn of alcohol that I already mentioned. A big, huge feel which is what I look for in this style. 4.5 D/O This is not particularly drinkable with all of its bigness and elevated ABV but I did enjoy it none the less. Overall it is a very good DIPA. 3.5 | 1neutral
1,658,010,624 | 10 | Hop Dam Triple IPA | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | This beer pours out as a copper color, some nice head at first that settles within a minute or so. The lacing is light but decent. The smell is very strong with piney hops. The taste has such a hoppiness to it that it's almost hard to even review. The mouthfeel is thick but smooth with a nice light carbonation. Overall this triple IPA is probably the best I've had as of yet. Aside of the Founders Devil Dancer and Brew Works Hopsalutely. Damn good triple IPA. Really wanna have this one again sometime! | 2positive
1,658,010,880 | 5.45 | Samuel Adams Honey Porter | English Porter | 4 | 3 | 3.5 | 3 | A couple of bottles from the Brewmaster Collection 12-pack. Poured in to a pint glass. Pours a black walnut color and is clear, with a dark red-ish hue when held up to the light. Froth beige head. The smell is earthy and sweet. A bit of the Euro skunk aroma that you get from the green bottle lagers. Taste is a burnt grain flavor with some smoked peat flavors, and a mildly acerbic finish. Mouthfeel is full bodied but not particularly cloying. Drinkable, but the taste is a bit overpowering. I can;t see drinking this all evening. Maybe just a couple. Definitely not for a session. | 1neutral
1,658,011,008 | 6.5 | Dead Guy Ale | Maibock / Helles Bock | 2.5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | A - Very coppery orange color (interesting). Very little head and what does form fades quickly. N - Nice spicy, hoppy notes. Some bready malt aroma wafting up too. T - Honestly, I have no idea what a true Maibock is supposed to taste like as this is the first one I've ever had. Nice clean hoppy flavors up front that immediately hits the sides of the tongue with an uber-sweet malty body that lasts all the way to the end. Also some residual bitterness riding out to the end.Downside is the sweetness can get a little cloying - but maybe that's the true nature of a Maibock? M - Not watery, but not chewy. The sweet maltiness detected in the taste definitely carries over in to the body of the beer. D - Quite drinkable, I thought. Only deterrent is the aforementioned sweetness that has a tendency to override the palate-cleansing hop flavors. | 1neutral
1,658,011,136 | 5.8 | Samuel Adams Black & Brew Coffee Stout | American Stout | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | Poured into Samuel Adams pint glass. A: pours dark brown/black, opaque appearance, 1 finger of cocoa colored head, great retention, lots of lacing S: nose features medium roast coffee, mellow cocoa, hints at cream and vanilla, roasted barley is present as well T: things starts off sweet with some molasses and mlats, it quickly is taken over by dry coffee and roasted notes, finish is slightly bitter MF: medium body, medium to high carbonation O: nice surprise in the winter SA 12 pack... this is a drinkable and well balanced coffee stout...wouldn't mind seeing this packaged by itself as 6 packs or 12 packs. | 2positive
1,658,011,264 | 7.5 | Dark Corner (Red Cap) | American Strong Ale | 2 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 3 | un-retired. I think its a new recipe as well. pours a very murky, muddy brown with a spattering of khaki head that leaves a tad of lacing. roasty aroma with toffee, chocolate, and lots of nuts. like a roastier english nut-brown ale. flavor starts out with milk-chocolate covered hazelnuts, a touch of roast, coffee, some sticky sweetness, a bit of butterscotch, toffee... meh. very sticky sweet with little carbonation and a syrupy feel left after the swallow. meh. alcohol is well integrated, but overall, this one lacks anything that would entice me to revisit it. | 1neutral
1,658,011,392 | 5 | Kraftbräu Bohemian | Czech Pilsener | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | Pour is golden with a very light head that doesn't stick around. The smell is lightly floral and malty, but not overly intense. The flavour is a soft malt tone with a spicy hop edge. I don't get a lot more than that, but it's decent enough. The mouthfeel and drinkability are both average for the style. The bottom line: Not a bad shot at the style by Kraftbrau, but nothing overly impressive either. | 1neutral
1,658,011,520 | 4.8 | Mothership Wit (Organic Wheat Beer) | Witbier | 4 | 3 | 3.5 | 2.5 | A drinkable let-down, in summation. I've had some similar witbier let downs from Belgium, so maybe this has something to do with my own expectations, especially of New Belgium, whose other offerings definitely excel. I was excited, as the pour came out a nice opaque-yellow cloud with some sediment, but soon a brighter yellow witbier sat with a tiny white head that soon snuck away with its lace. The aroma was lemon with clementine & mild yeast, while the flavor subdued the yeast I hoped for. The flavor was sweet, with fruity spices & a near pineapple acidity with hints of grass to the nose. The body was light, not really complex & flat...drinkable? Yes. Sadly, I'd generally prefer even a Blue Moon though... | 1neutral
1,658,011,648 | 6.9 | Orval Trappist Ale | Belgian Pale Ale | 5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 1 | Very distinctive bottle design makes this a classy pick. Massive bubbles on the pour, which I forgot about at first, creating a bubble overage. Impressive aroma, but something happened on the taste part. I know Michael Jackson loves this beer, but I must be too inexperienced to appreciate it. It wasn't until I was halfway through the half glass I had for the taste testing when it hit me - Robitussin. Robitussin and, and...olives? Yeah, olives and Robitussin. The initial sensation in the mouth is different, but it always ended up Robitussin. After reading all the reviews out here, I owe it to myself to try this again (for a 3rd time) to see if I can taste some of the other things people are commenting on. I've had Duvel, this is nothing like that except for the alcohol content. This beer had some interesting side components that I liked, but the taste is the thing. | 0negative
1,658,011,776 | 5.4 | Centurion's Ghost Ale | English Strong Ale | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Amazing strong, dark ale from York. This looks a lot like a porter and there is definitely chocolatey, coffee hints and the use of roasted barley and chocolate malts is obvious. Rich, earthy malt flavour and low hop profile. Very nice mouthfeel - low, natural carbonation. Could be a nice session beer, but it is a little "heavy" and even the brewery itself admits its not really for session drinking. | 1neutral
1,658,011,904 | 4.8 | Morimoto Black Obi Soba Ale | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | On tap at Summits Wayside Tavern, in Cumming, the beer came in a standard pint glass, and looked almost completely black at first glance. Closer inspection by holding against the light revealed that the brew was actually very dark brown with reddish highlights and was relatively clear. The head was very thin and small, and left some sparse lacing. The aroma was very mild, with typical floral and piney hops that are the signature of Rogue, and a faint whiff of chocolate. The initial taste, when the beer was rather cold, was bready, crisp, and bone dry, with a clean hop bitterness. As the beer warmed notes of coffee, caramel, and chocolate crept in, and the beer became much sweeter. This felt a lot heftier than the low ABV first suggested. The mouthfeel was on the heavier side of medium, with a smooth texture to it. A nice quaffable anniversary beer from Rogue will not be around again. I am looking forward to the next one though. | 1neutral
1,658,012,032 | 10.5 | Piraat Ale | Belgian IPA | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 5 | A :: Strong, fluffy head. Lightly creamy in appearance. Light golden coloured beer, not too strongly opaque, but not clean and clear either. S :: Citrus! Then aromas of malt, followed by notes of ginger and honey. T :: Yum. The tartness of lemon zest, combined with malt tingles the palate in a battle for attention. Then fruity esters peek through and permeate your taste buds, refusing to leave - all the while the low-dosage, yet sharply defined bitterness attacks the back of the mouth. Its a warzone in your mouth, but inevitably the fruit wins and remains long after the sip.. Alcohol is cool and refreshing, but intermittenly present. M :: Creamy carbonation, nothing overdone. Carries flavours well and texture is quite enjoyable. D :: Pretty good. A very special drink. I'd only want one or two in a sitting. | 2positive
1,658,012,160 | 9 | Double Dead Guy Ale | American Strong Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | A: Pours A dark amber color with minimal head, not much lacing form this brew. S: Smells fairly sweet, lots of lighter caramel, the hops are fairly citrusy. T: Lots of light caramel that is very sweet, the middle is more sweetness with some citrusy hops, the end doesn't have a horrible amount of lingering sweetness but there is still some there. Not too complex, but not too much doppelbock character sticking out here. M: Sweet, well carbonated, almost cloying. D: Not going to seek this out again, but it wasn't a horrible beer. | 1neutral
1,658,012,288 | 9.5 | Yeti Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 5 | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | The prince of darkness, this one is as deep as a freshly roasted espresso. Almost black in color, with a 2 fingered chocolate brown head, this beers appearance is incredible.The super chocolatey aroma leads me straight into an ecstacy of chocolate and smokey oak flavors. The taste is fruity, almost plum flavored as it layers into a vanilla- latte creaminess with a nice bitter chocolate finish. Smoked flavor is an oaky woodiness that compliments the fruit flavor nicely. More chocolate aftertaste than any stout I have tried so far. A grand and definitely Imperial Stout. I may have found heaven. | 2positive
1,658,012,416 | 6 | Hoptober Golden Ale | American Blonde Ale | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | bottle to pint. A: Clear gold, thin head, minimal lacing. S: malt and hops, (earth, popcorn, and citrus). T: Starts out with the sweetness of the malt, followed quickly by some citrus and hops. then some back and forth between the two, final to the hops. M: Nicely carbinated, prickly on the tounge, body slightly south of medium. O: Very easy drinking and refreshing, like to battle between the sweet and the bitter. Something I would drink again. | 2positive
1,658,012,544 | 5.4 | Blue Moon Belgian White | Witbier | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | "Naples" yellow oil color. Densely cloudy. Bartender poured it with no head. No lacing. Slightly macro skunk smell. Some faint citrus. Citrus flavors with some nice hop aftertones Hoppy final flavors really cling to the back of your tongue and the top of your mouth. Nicely full flavored. Worth having a couple, but made me belch a little too much for some reason. | 1neutral
1,658,012,672 | 4.4 | Keystone Premium | American Adjunct Lager | 2 | 1 | 1.5 | 1.5 | Head: This has a pretty good head for a crap beer. Small but it was their. Body: What do you expect very thin very pale almost clear with a yellow haze. Taste: They advertise "never bitter" it shouldn't be it had no taste at all. That is a gift to take barely, water and hops, and make it taste like water. Not the worst thing I ever drank! | 0negative
1,658,012,800 | 6 | Santa's Private Reserve Ale | American Amber / Red Ale | 4.5 | 4.5 | 3.5 | 4 | Bomber purchased from BevMo, and poured into an Oktoberfest mug, on to the beer: An excepionally sized head sits on top of the red-amberish colored beer. The aroma is big on the hops and the tropical juicy flavors it brings along. It looks like it's going to be a monster of a beer to get down, but isn't. Lots of hoppiness to be found in the taste, which is tea-like. Burnt sugar, wood, and a light fruitiness are found in the crowd. Faint doughiness in the aftertaste. Not a very carbonated brew, but a good one to quaff on. | 2positive
1,658,012,928 | 5.3 | Samuel Adams Octoberfest | Märzen / Oktoberfest | 3.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 9/2010 the key truly is in not drinking this one fast. it doesn't help the aroma, but the flavor reveals itself to be quite good when you take your time and savor it. also, there is a slickness to the mouthfeel that's pleasing, though the carbonation must still be ducked and dodged to get to it. overall, though, i am definitely liking this more these days than the boston lager (which is striking me as too harsh around the edges). 8/2010 misplaced my review, but the overall score from last year is about right. the watery mouthfeel was again noted, the boringness, smelled and tasted quite a bit like an AB version of an amber ale, like American Ale. the lingering finish of mildly toasted caramel is practically the only aspect that merits attention. the usual sweet caramel seems missing for the most part. given my relatively newfound respect for and enjoyment of the boston lager, i hoped this one would start a similar ascension. according to the next bottle, sipping is actually the key to enjoyment this year, which is fine but perhaps not really in keeping with the oktoberfest spirit. taste is about a 4-4.5 when sipped. 2009 3.5-4 totally clear ruddy amber 2 finger head looks tight at first but drops quickly to ring, leaving spotty, transient lace. 3-3.5 sweet caramel malts, basement (slight skunk), grassy hops. not so unpleasant as it sounds and after a bit the basement goes away. 3.5 sweetness, toasted malts, some nuttiness. a surprising touch of unmasked alc. about a 3.75. 3 watery mouthfeel, a little low in carb. the watery demeanor is the beer's weakest point. 3.5-4 based on 1 bottle this time around, liking better than last year. but i don't recall it being so watery. what i imagine a michelob oktoberfest would be. 2008 3 color is a decent light amber with shades of pumpkin, but the head drops without a trace. no lace at all. (UPDATE: another bottle poured very aggressively managed to leave a cap with some lingering lace) 3 smell is of the malt typical for the style. nothing special. and not even vigorous enough to mask the alcohol scent. 3 despite this having just arrived on the store shelf, the taste isn't particularly fresh. one-dimensional blandness, but tolerable. a bit 3.5 syrupy around the edges and an odd but slight metallic quality. 3.5 with all the really good oktoberfests out there to guzzle, no reason to seek out this one. but if it's all that's available, it'll do. | 2positive
1,658,013,056 | 6.5 | Corne Du Diable | American IPA | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Heavy nose. Pine and citrus. Pours a nice amber color. some head, and a descent amount of lacing Wow, smack of pine and hops upfront. maybe some grapefruit. Sharp fall off, then a nice return at the end. No real malt presence IMO. This is not a typical hop -explosion American IPA, but deinfately stronger the the british version. Refreshing, drinkable session IPA (not that is sin't strong, but most IPAs anymore top it Thanks SliverX and the Flyers for this beer (from the Stanley Cup BIF) | 2positive
1,658,013,184 | 4.5 | What's Brewing? Pale Ale | American Pale Ale (APA) | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | A - Even with a steady, slow pour this ends up with a huge rocky white head sitting a top a golden coloured beer. Lots of rising carbonation bubbles. S - Some fruit aromas. Not much else. T - Again fruity, sort of tropical. A bit of light maltiness. M - Lighter side of medium bodied. Fairly high carbonation. D - OK, but nothing to get excited about. | 1neutral
1,658,013,312 | 6.8 | Golden Nugget IPA | American IPA | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Had on tap a second time at Toppling Goliath A-Golden straw with a touch of haze, decent head and extraordinary lacing S-A touch of peach and grapefruit, intriguing T/M First taste is nice, bitter grapefruit and a bit sweet.A touch creamy at first, but with a bitterness that is not to be unexpected for the style A very good IPA and I can see why it is a local favorite. | 2positive
1,658,013,568 | 9 | Bière Du Boucanier Dark | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 5 | 3.5 | 4 | 3 | 33cl into a tulip. Pours an excellent deep dark rich garnet, highlights and bright back lights reveal a gorgeous red. Inch of clumpy froth, decent retention & decent lacing. Aroma of what seems to be a mild strong dark, no notes particularly exceptional. Mouthfeel is surprisingly light and prickly. Hi-C grape delightfully sits submerged here. The finish begins dry then flattens quickly to an unexceptional aftertaste. while in the category of "so what" the label is lame but what is truly exception is they took a brown bottle and covered it - superb uv resistance - bravo ! | 1neutral
1,658,013,696 | 8.7 | Hibernation Ale | Old Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Very similar to past years....but I have finally identified the unique flavor..reminds me of drinking a liquid tootsie roll...also smells that way....I know that doesn't sound enticing but it is subtle...great beer.. 6-1-03-Unique chocolate aroma and taste...not sweet or heavy, but more like wintergreen chocolates...very interesting robust strong ale...hops balance but don't overwhelm. This one will warm you up...excellent strong ale.. | 2positive
1,658,013,824 | 5.2 | Porter | American Porter | 3.5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | This beer poured a nice deep dark brown with ruby high lights when held to the light. Roughly a one finger of foamy tan head capped this beer, relatively decent retention and left wispy lacing on the glass the whole way down. The coffee notes in the nose are outstanding, mixed with some chocolate and nice deep roasted malts. Taste is inline with the nose - coffee flavoring first, nice bitterness blending in with chocolate - dark bitter chocolate, roasted malts come through to give a nice toasty flavoring and in the finish - the most surprising, but I detected a bit of fruitiness raspberry or blackberry hit the tongue just in the finish. Mouthfeel is very thin, medium to higher carbonation, touch of creaminess but the thinness in the body is very apparent. This is a highly drinkable beer, and by far a sessionable beer. | 1neutral
1,658,013,952 | 4.7 | In-Heat Wheat | Hefeweizen | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 | (A) Orange Bronze color. Pours with very little head. This brew has the typical Hefe haze with no sediment. (S) Wheaty, with sweet, citrus notes. (T) Very weak, nearly absent foretaste. The aftertaste consists of a light wheat flavor with lemony sweetness. (M) Clean and crisp. Medium body. (D) Hard to find a rhythm with this beer. It lacks some of the weightiness in the body and taste that is found in a typical Hefeweizen. | 1neutral
1,658,014,080 | 7.2 | Nor Easter | Oatmeal Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Pours a deep black color with a one-finger thick toffee colored head that settles into a solid cap that lasts the entire drink. The aroma is solidly of sweet roasted malt. Mild cofee and light burnt caramel notes. A slight oxidized smell but overall pretty nice. The taste starts out roasted malt followed by a middle of chocolate and slihtly bitter burnt taste. A little light at the end with a strange lingering oxidized taste. Mouthfeel is light bodied with good carbonation. Pretty dry but a little on the watery side. Drinkability isn't bad. Could have a few. | 1neutral
1,658,014,208 | 4.74 | Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) | American Adjunct Lager | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1.5 | A: Extremely typical macro-brewed lager appearance: Clear straw yellow with some frothy white head. S: Very strange artificial yeast smell with a good helping of cooked veggies. It became nauseating to dwell on the smell. T: Again, the nauseating yeast flavor with lots of corn and a metallic aftertaste. M: Crisp; frothy head gave it a odd coffee-foam like texture though. D: Easily one of the toughest beers for me to choke down. I can't find much good to say about this beer but I'll refrain from bashing it. | 0negative
1,658,014,336 | 10 | Hercules Double IPA | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | Hecules Double IPA is a monster! The beer poured out an amber color with some orange highlights towards the bottom. A 1" foamy off-white head rests on top for a while then recedes to about a 1/4" and leaves nice lacing on the glass. The nose, man, the nose!!! HOPS!! Lemon peel, orange peel, hard candy, pine oil, a pungent liquid christmas tree! The taste is dominated by the super hop bitterness from lips to throat. At first the citrus in the aroma is not apparent in the taste, after the beer warms a little the tangy citrus comes out. Sort of a medicinal or cough drop aftertaste. It has a nice finish and I could taste some malt balance in there. The beer warms up nicely and seems to mellow a little after 30 or so minutes out of the bottle, or is that me mellowing?!!? I am wondering if this might age well and change in the bottle. Might be worth a try. This Double IPA from Great Divide is a very enjoyable "on occassion" beer. | 1neutral
1,658,014,464 | 11.3 | Trappistes Rochefort 10 | Quadrupel (Quad) | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | A: The color is a dark brown/hazelnut with ruby highlights. There is a finger thick, off-white colored head that leaves some nice lacing. S: Smells of sweet dark fruits, molasses, there are hints of some spices. There is also a bit of a booze scent (as expected with 11.3%). T: There is a sweetness to the taste with hints of dark fruitiness (dark fruits, figs, cherries). Very malty beer with little hop presence that finishes with the spices and molasses notes. This is a very delicious beer. M: Medium to full bodied with average carbonation. The feel is malty and a bit sweet. D: This is without question, a world class beer. The flavor is very complex and excellent, it is very smooth and creamy and it is a well balanced beer. I've enjoyed all 3 Rocheforts thoroughly, but this is the best. | 2positive
1,658,014,592 | 10.3 | Infinium | Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut | 4.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | A little outrageous price wise, this is a beer that has been well marketed in beer mags/even local press the Post Gazette has a good write up on it. To be honest when I saw this bottle at my local here in town at Valley Wine Cellar, I had to think it over. Do I really want a 20 dollar bottle of beer, that I know nothing about? I decided to take the dive. This one uncorked beautifully with a loud pop, and pours effervescently much like a bottle of champagne. I don't see how they recreated a new style of beer there are a handful of brut biers out there like Deus off the top of my head. Pours a deep honey golden hue with a large white head forming thick, as it dwindles down large bands of white lacing stick to my fluted large pilsner glass. Nose is really interesting a blend of syrupy notes and green apple cider and white grapes pretty interesting mix. Even a touch of caramel glides in here from the malt content, a light herbal/grassiness from the hops. Flavor provides bountiful sweet fruit tones with warming green apple/white grape and bready yeast notes. Dry finish tingles the back of the throat, flavor wise alcohol doesn't peak through it's more in the warming in the stomach that gives the abv away. Medium bodied slightly cloying finish between the dryness and the nutty caramel cloying kick that doesn't fit in the picture. Carbonation wasn't my issue it just wasn't an enjoyable experience, a beer that should pass as the hype dwindles down. I would rather buy both a Sam Adams 12 pack sampler and a Weihenstephan gift pack four around 27 dollars where I would get 5 16oz bottles with a wheat beer glass and a 12 pack of 12 ounce samplers instead of 20 bucks for a corked 750 ml bottle. As it warms this beer becomes basically undrinkable, horrible cloying peanut/yeast breadiness with a sour tart finish. Tastes like a bad strong malt liquor, with rotten bannas and granny smith apples. | 0negative
1,658,014,720 | 4.5 | Red Rocker | American Amber / Red Ale | 3.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Pours an amber color with a small head that dissolved slowly and left very little lacing. The aroma is mellow as some malt and floral tones are noted but not too exciting. The taste is mellow as malts and bitterness are both on the lighter side. A small bit of fruitiness is detectable also. The mouthfeel was OK, as carbonation level seemed a bit lower than usual and there was a slight malt aftertaste. A drinkable beer, but flavor level needs to be cranked up a bit to get it to the Good level. | 1neutral
1,658,014,848 | 6 | Road Dog Porter | American Porter | 3 | 1.5 | 3.5 | 1.5 | (Bottle into Room-Temp Mug) Appearance: Small, Cream-Colored Head with Black Body Typical of Porters. Smell: Hard to Smell, actually. A "Sweet Earthyness"... Taste: Sweeter, Cherry-like and Earthy Flavors. Overly Watery for a Scottish Porter with No Real Bite. Slight Malty Finish. Mouthfeel: Clean and Medium-Bodied. Hides the Alcohol Well. Drinkability: Alright, Suppose One Could Enjoy 2-3 of Them. Other: Nothing that Jumped Out at Me, Actually was Disappointed. Although Porter's Aren't my Usual Choice, I Expected Better. Just Really Watery and Unappealing to Drink. | 0negative
1,658,014,976 | 5 | Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout | Oatmeal Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | Poured into Samuel Smith Pint Glass. Pours a 2 finger full tan head. Color is a deep deep mahogony brown. Pretty much black. Good retention and a lot of lace sticks to the walls of the glass. Aroma: Very sweet oatmeal stout. Chocolate, caramel, and coffee are the main notes I get. This is quite a light stout as compared to others I have had. Taste: Sweet toffee. Chocolate, caramel, and coffee is also there. Again, a very sweet tasting beer. Beer roasted malt taste. Mouthfeel: Very smooth and creamy. A very small touch of alcohol pokes through. Very sweet beer. Full bodied. Medium level of carbonation. Overall, this is a decent oatmeal stout. It isn't on the top of my list, but it is worth a try. One of their better beers in my opinion. | 1neutral
1,658,015,104 | 4.3 | Moling's Traditional Red Ale | Irish Red Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | This one came highly recommended by a regular bartender, I saw that it was an Irish red and almost passed, but boy am I glad I did not. Like most Pilsners, I am not a fan of Irish Reds, but like to try these every once in a while to see if my tastes have changed or if someone does something extraordinary, and makes one that I enjoy. This one is of the latter. The Carlow people can make a mean beer. It pours a brownish shade of red, with a nice ruby hue at the base of the glass. The head was quite big and lasted all the way down with the beer. The aroma was extremely malty -- not much else going on here -- but quite nice. The flavor was nothing more than a traditional red, but a smite stronger. It was almost as if this could be classified as a strong Irish Red, as it seemed more potent than usual. I would willingly order this one again, and plan to when I see it while watching a ball game. | 1neutral
1,658,015,232 | 5.3 | Samuel Adams Coastal Wheat | American Pale Wheat Ale | 3.5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 12oz bottle into a hefe glass. A: lemony golden color, slightly hazy with 1.5 fingers of cloudy, small-bubbled head. Beads of lacing down the sides of my glass. S: lemons, wheat, more lemons. Smells soapy fresh, kind of like lemon Pledge. T: very lemony as expected, mostly sour with some sweetness in the middle. Zero hoppy bitterness, definitely leans sour. A refreshing beer for a warm day sure, but nothing to write home about. My sister would love this brew. M: light & crisp, feels great in the mouth. Medium to high carbonation. D: easy drinking here; could be improved if it were less sour. This is a perfect beer to introduce to women who claim to dislike beer. I love witbiers, but this one's not really for me. | 1neutral
1,658,015,360 | 11 | Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 3.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 2001 edition. So black in color that nothing came thru when i held next to the light. Aromas of toffee and roasted malt seemed a little to sweet. Chocolate and coffee flavors are dry and overall unimpressive. I can think of many other 12oz. brews i would rather spend two dollars on. I'm kind of suprised of the high ranking of this beer. | 1neutral
1,658,015,488 | 6.9 | Orval Trappist Ale | Belgian Pale Ale | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | Orval pours a cloudy golden yellow with a beautiful white foamy head that lingers and clings nicely to the glass. It smells of citrus and malt. The flavor of this beer is complex and refreshing at the same time. The carbonation never overpowers the citrus and malt flavors, which leave room for a nice hoppy bitter finish very late. | 2positive
1,658,015,616 | 11.7 | Eleven | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | A double deuce poured into a snifter glass. I have had this one before, but this is the first time reviewing. A: Very thick and creamy orange/rust color with a very full head, about an inch high. Think of the colors of University of Texas. Lots of carbonation flowing right away. S: Sweet, caramel flavor mixed with very pungent hop odor. A little bready as well, malt is noticeable too. T: Citrus flavor up front, but overwhelmed immediately by a strong alcohol flavor. Hint of a caramel flavor in the back, but still overpowered by the strong alcohol content. I almost want to say there is a hint of a Grand Marnier flavor in the very back end of ths beer. I wish it was 150 year old... M: Strong carbonation bite leads to a nice smoothness, then fades to a dry, bitter feeling on the tongue. Definitely a very heavy beer. D: Its gonna be a little tough to get this one down, but I'm sure I'm up to the task. Overall a very hearty beer, I'd suggest splitting one to really appreciate it. I think after an entire 22 I'll have had enough for sure. | 1neutral
1,658,015,744 | 5.3 | Mocha Porter | American Porter | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | Pour jet black with a slight ruby hue and a sticky, bubbly tan head that leaves some nice lacing on the glass. Some bittersweet chocolate notes in the nose along with some coffee and roasted malt. Not too overpowering as some coffee beers can be. A nice bitterness in the taste from the roasted malts and again the same chocolate and coffee notes from the nose come out, and again, nicely balanced with the coffee not overpowering and stealing the show. What a very nice beer. The mouthfeel is very smooth and full-bodied with a minimum of carbonation. This is quite drinkable. It's a shame Sainsbury's is getting these in for a limited time only. Rogue is such a special treat for me, but if I could I would drink this all night. Lovely. | 2positive
1,658,015,872 | 8.5 | YuleSmith (Summer) | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 22 oz bottle poured into a mexican tulip - Fridge temp - 2008 Appearance: A copper colored, transparent beer shows some moderate carbonation. The frothy, cream colored head rises a tall 5" and shows great retention. If anything, the head is too excessive. Tons and tons of coating lace. Smell: Hoppy, spicy and malty. A caramel malt base is sweet but gets overtaken by a leathery, cinnamon and nutmeg spice. An earthy, herbal hop aroma is constant. Taste: A smooth and sweet beer; this brew has a nice caramel flavor to go with the spices. Gingerbread, cinnamon, hop bitterness, and a slight root beer flavor are main components. A bitter hop finish. Mouthfeel: Lots of sweet, spicy, bitter and boozy feelings. Very vinous and coating in the mouth and throat. Because of this, there is a medium to heavy body. Drinkability: A decent brew. The hops are awkward, but this could be one of the better holiday beers. Not bad. | 1neutral
1,658,016,000 | 7.3 | IPA (India Pale Ale) | American IPA | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Had this in the tasting room at the brewery. A nice copper color with excellent head retention. A good dose of pungent aroma hops in the nose and smooth, balanced bitterness interplays with the malt to make this a solid IPA. The hops could be Tomahawk but I can't say for sure. A very clean,neutral yeast allows the malt and hops to work well together. Very drinkabe and I would certainly order it again. | 2positive
1,658,016,256 | 8.5 | The Brother | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | on-tap, tulip at the brewery from notes appearance: bright orange body, light layer of white film on top of the full pour, slightly cloudy smell: pineapple, lots of citrus hops, pine resin taste: very enjoyable DIPA from fremont - punch tropical fruit, pineapple, tangerine zest, lemon peel, lots of NW pine. the alcohol is well subdued allowing all of the floral flavours to shine. mouthfeel: medium, oily overall: good | 2positive
1,658,016,384 | 10 | Highland Wild Ale | American Wild Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 16.9 oz blue swingtop into a Chimay chalice. A- Pours a deep chestnut/amber color with a bit more head than a typical sour. S- Smells tart. Some funk, grapes as well as some malts poking thru. This is one of the best smelling sours I have had the pleasure of. The scottish ale/sour combo here is amazing, though please do not think this is not sour, it is! T- Wow! this is way above my expectations. Much the same as the nose but there is a ton of tartness to this.. Very well done. The carbonation is spot on here, prickly. Not a hint of the 10% in the taste, and I mean at all. M- a bit heavier than the sours that i am used to but that is to be expected when the base beer is essentially a scottish ale. This beer is great. O- I have to give this an A+. Not perfect in all aspects but for me, this is just the perfect beer. I could seriously drink this everyday. Sounds like a homer reveiw here being from CT, I know but get your hands on this it's the real deal IMO. Cheers! | 2positive
1,658,016,512 | 5.3 | Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 4.5 | this beer had a very interesting taste with plenty of head and a creamy, tasty after taste. its an interesting concept and is a great way to start the evening. after a few of these, im more than certain it would get old and i would personally resort to say... NATURAL LIGHT | 1neutral
1,658,016,640 | 9.2 | Samuel Adams Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 4.5 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | The beer pours jet black into the glass with a nice one inch mocha colored head. Much darker than I was expecting this to turn out. The smell is a bit faint with a little bit of roastiness. This taste is surprisingly nice, roasted malts and caramel with a touch of coffee. The beer is a little watery upfront but comes through in the end with a nice bitter finish I'm very happy I got to try this beer. For the money its a pretty good deal. I didn't expect too much going into the tasting and left extremely satisfied. | 2positive
1,658,016,768 | 13 | Belzebuth | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Glossy apricot with a generous amount of swirling yeast that soon settles into suspended animation. The alabaster colored crown achieved three fingers on the pour and isn't that interested in melting. Tiny cirlicues of lace grace the glass and look as if they'll hang for a spell as well. I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. There's no way this beer is a BSPA. The nose has no Belgian yeast character and, frankly, there isn't much else goin' on. Maybe some pale malt, but that's hardly the most aromatic of grains. Amazingly enough, almost no alcohol is noted. Something tells me I won't be saying that when it comes time to upend the glass. Belzebuth Blond Ale tastes pretty much as expected. It's most reminiscent of an American malt liquor, although more refined. How about Euro strong ale? Whatever it is, it's heavy on power and light on complexity. It does, however, have a strange sort of charm for those of us who appreciate big beer (and don't mind the 'better' malt liquors). Something slightly darker than pale malt gives it slightly more flavor interest. Honey liqueur is another appropriate comparison. A decent amount of hop bitterness keeps it from being a cloying mess, though it might be nothing more than alcohol cutting through the sugars like a hot knife through butter. It's definitely warm, but stops well short of hot. What should the mouthfeel on a 13.0% ale be like? That's a tough one since there are so few of them. This one is closer to medium than full and has a 'just about right' amount of carbonation that keeps things from bogging down. Brasserie Grain d'Orge Belzebuth is more interesting than it is good. Having said that, any beer that calls to mind honey liqueur, mead and malt liquor is okay by me. Even if I'll never lay out the cash for another bottle. | 1neutral
1,658,016,896 | 8 | Maudite | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | Poured from a 750ml bottle into a snifter. Foamy .5 finger caramel colored head that leaves some lace as it fades. Smell is caramel, raisins, and that distinctly sweet Belgian yeasty aroma. Taste is sweet, candied fruit with some spicy and earthy yeast flavors. Medium body with crisp mouthfeel. Drinkability is very high. Definitely one of my favorites of this style. It's not a problem at all to put away the whole 750ml bottle. | 2positive
1,658,017,024 | 5.5 | Maduro Oatmeal Brown Ale - Cubano-Style Espresso | American Brown Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | Thanks to someone for sharing this bottle at the Flying Saucer Beer Tasting. The beer pours a brownish color with a white head. The aroma is heavy on the bitter coffee and bitter chocolate with a little bit of roasted malt mixed in. The flavor is more of the same. I get a lot of milk chocolate notes, with a good amount of coffee also mixed in. I also get some vanilla and hazelnut notes, as well as a little bit of cream. Medium mouthfeel and medium carbonation. | 2positive
1,658,017,152 | 6.1 | Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout | Oatmeal Stout | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | A- pours black with a huge tan head with fantastic retention S-rich dark chocolate and roasted coffee T-More dark chocolate with lots of roasted malt, little bit of coffee, and more chocolate in the finish. Very creamy and full flavored M-full bodied O-Great complexity of rich flavors. Would definitely recommend | 2positive
1,658,017,280 | 7 | Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Initiating my Tripel Karmeliet tulip (thanks Dan!). A: Pours an opaque black color with mocha head that kisses the glass as it fades away fairly quickly, leaving a thin, soapy layer on top. S: Has a big chocolate nose, as well as cherries, coffee, roasted barley, and just a touch of alcohol. Just about everything I expect out of an imperial stout. T: Chocolate. With plenty of fruit on the side. A mild smokiness resides within, alongside just a hint of roastiness. I love the nesses :) Melds together like it's supposed to. M: Just so smooth at every turn except the grand finale. A little dry for me. I would love this to leave just a little bit more on the tongue, but I feel almost like I need to drink a ton of water after each sip. Other than that, almost perfect. D: As it barely crosses over into imperial territory, the alcohol content is just right. If it didn't finish so dry, I would drink it all night long. Next to Old Raspy, this is my standby. | 2positive
1,658,017,408 | 5 | Bernard Sváteční Leák | Czech Pilsener | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | Serving date: 2009-03-20. Served in wine glass. Best before: 2009-07-30. A: Crystal clear shiny golden color. Big white and thick head. Very good hear retention. Some lacings. S: A fair amount of floral hop aromas, grass, nettles, white bread and faint malt sweetness. T: Sweet malt, slightly caramel-like. Dry hay, grass, floral hops. The hop character is quite enjoyable. Faint bread-like flavors. The finish is somewhat bitter and contains some mineral flavors and mild spices. A very refreshing and fairly balanced taste. Nothing spectacular, but definitely drinkable. M: Light body, plenty of sharp bubbles from the carbonation. D: I liked this beer. It's absolutely not spectacular, but it's still rather good. Very refreshing and easy to drink. I quite liked the hop aromas in it, especially in the smell. The taste is perhaps bit too restrained and laid-back. Would have liked a more sturdy malt backbone. | 1neutral
1,658,017,536 | 4.2 | Yorkshire Terrier | English Bitter | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | I drank this at the brewery and this was one of my first English craft experiences that I remember. I bought a couple of bottles back to the US and although it not my favorite beer I have a craving for it every now and then. It had a good clarity, a great hop taste and a surprisingly clean bitter ending. Definately worth a visit. | 2positive
1,658,017,664 | 8 | Goudenband | Flanders Oud Bruin | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | Much darker than expected. Its very very dark. Almost black. But held to the light it is definately a clear deep deep brown with some deep red notes. Mild carbonation. Very minimal head. But I suppose this is right for the style...?? Nose is mostly sour. I'm not sure I'm getting any Brett at all. Definately some sweet sugary notes too. The flavor is where its at for this beer. It might not look nice or smell very nice, but big rich sweet malts balanced by a mild sourness and maybe even some earthy Brett funk really make this a superb beer. Really nice sweetness...not sure if its malt of candi sugar derived but nice mellow caramel. Get what I think might be Brett mostly in the finish. Mouthfeel was decent. Little thick but neccesary for the residual sweetness I suppose. Could use a bit more carbonation to liven things up a bit. Quite a drinkable beer. Just a tiny bit cloying but no too much to make it unenjoyable. I enjoyed the entire glass and could have done 3 more! | 2positive
1,658,017,792 | 9 | Samuel Smith's Yorkshire Stingo | English Strong Ale | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | The appearance was a dark hazel,head puny,admit poor bad....Good aroma,sweet fruity,bread odor with a hint of smoke. The taste similar,reminded me of a quad. Maybe its considered a quad for all I know,but not as flavorful. Good sensation,tingles as it goes down. Definitely would have again especially with the right foods. | 2positive
1,658,017,920 | 5 | Sierra Nevada Summerfest Lager | Czech Pilsener | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | Pours to a dark gold with good head retention. Little carbonation, but that's not a big deal. Take a whiff and you'll get just a faint hop aroma. The flavor makes up for the lack of aroma. There is a nice, hoppy flavor and a bit of crispy maltiness too. It's not too carbonated (as stated before) but a nice flavor that follows the NW hops use. Overall a good brew. I like the subtle use of citric flavored hops, and it's definitely drinkable in the summer heat. | 1neutral
1,658,018,048 | 7.2 | Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA | American IPA | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Heard this was best a little warmer, so I left it out of the fridge for about 30 minutes before pouring into a pint. Appearance: Lovely golden and ruby tones in clear liquid with little visible combination. Rocky 3 finger light tan head leaves behind tremendous sticky lacing and retains at about 1/2 a finger. Smell: Not as overpowering as I expected from an "extreme" IPA. Very nice mild balance of grainy malt and citrus and floral hops. Taste/Mouthfeel: Feel is surprisingly creamy and wet and fades immediately to a clean vapor after the beer is swallowed. The alcohol taste is very present in the aftertaste. Piney and citrus characters come through very presently with a crisp toasty malt. Very pungent, astringent bitterness with a clean aftertaste. Drinkability: Moderate - would definitely need to pair this with food to keep going. | 1neutral
1,658,018,176 | 11.3 | Trappistes Rochefort 10 | Quadrupel (Quad) | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | THE best beer I have ever tasted to date. (I don't give 5.0's out without good reason) This is without a doubt the best beers I have ever tasted in my life. What you have here is a nice thick head that laces well. The beer was not filtered at all. The color was a dirty light brown. Caramel was the strongest note it had to offer with smoke, slight molasses and brown sugar lending some background vocals. There was so much going on here that I do not feel my palate was up to the task. es. | 2positive
1,658,018,304 | 5.6 | Winter Ale | Winter Warmer | 3.5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | Rec'd from the prolific & generous sholland119. It seems like every time I pull a beer out of the fridge lately it has Scott's name on it somewhere, thanks man! Well. Here meets one of my least favorite categories of brew colliding with one of my favorite breweries. Can Weyerbacher make a good winter ale? If anyone could... Weyerbacher Winter Ale is amber/brownish, with a small, quickly faded head. Smells pretty righteous, brother. Tastes OK. The nice smells translate to a decent enough brew. The spices are nicely complementary rather than simply offensive, which is a great start, but they still play oddly with the beer. Not a big fan of spices in my liquids unless it's 100% apple juice warmed on the stove. Mmmm. Couldn't drink more than one of these, & pretty happy I split this with the wife. Decent enough beer in a category I'm not a fan of, which makes it alright. | 1neutral
1,658,018,432 | 5.4 | Phin & Matt's Extraordinary Ale | American Pale Ale (APA) | 3 | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | Appearance: Yellowish orange. Thin white head. Smell: Fruity, citrus hops, subtly malt. Taste: Citrus almost lemony with a bit of malty backbone but mostly just watery, carbonated and slightly bitter. Mouthfeel: Light. Drinkability: This isn't one I'd seek out, but would be perfectly acceptably if somebody handed me a couple three bottles. | 1neutral
1,658,018,560 | 11.5 | Marshal Zhukov's Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4.5 | about 50 degree F into a brandy snifter A- opaque black. Pours like used motor oil, briefly forming a thin dark tan head that disappears. S- aroma of molasses T- big time blackstrap molasses without the iron. A lot like SA Imp Stout without the special B. M- incredibly thick and smooth, (since I brought up the comparison) it beats out SA Imp Stout easily D- this is rich and smooth in all caps, underlined, bold, italics, and quotated. The flavor is out of this world and has the bonus of staying with you a long time. I've read this is the base for Hunahpu's. Now I know why Hunahpu's is considered the 11th best beer on the planet. I'm damn proud this stuff is make in my neck of the woods! | 2positive
1,658,018,688 | 8 | Goudenband | Flanders Oud Bruin | 3.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | A: Mahogany with a very attractive light brown foam. S: Evident sourness. T: Probably the most balanced sour beer that I've ever had - the sourness seems to be a genuine fruit-inspired sourness, not the overtly fake sourness that some beers in this style have. Nice apple sourness, balanced with flavourful malt, hints of plum, maybe some chocolate, and the slightest bit of cinnamon. M: Quite creamy and effervescent. The beer disolves on the tongue. D: On the expensive side, but one of the better sour beers. | 1neutral
1,658,018,944 | 6.6 | Redemption Red Ale | American Amber / Red Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 22 oz. Amber/red pour, some white head. Aroma is quite malty, some limited piney hops. Taste is pretty subdued. Malt, toffee, tea and some earthyness, grass. Mid bodied, carbonated enough, but could use a little more. I like the maltiness, but most will want more hop presence. A pretty drinkable red ale, but not too outstanding. Still very typical for the style in my opinion, it's just not an outstanding style, unless you do things outside of the style, like the top rated ones on the right here. | 2positive
1,658,019,072 | 5.8 | Hickory Stick Stout | American Stout | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 4.5 | Okay, unlike what the menu says, this is not an Imperial Stout. Regardless, it's a very good choice and my personal favorite from Olde Hickory Brewery. Great combination of sweet malts, cinnamon, chocolate, caramel, and brown sugar. Almost opaque. Easy to drink. | 2positive
1,658,019,200 | 10 | St. Sebastiaan Grande Reserve | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 3 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Pours a hazy amber with almost no head. Carbonation is nearly non-existant, no head and flat mouthfeel. Sweet malty aroma with a spicy touch. Flavor is candy sweet with citrus and malt dominating. Quick hop bite at the end keeps things balanced and somewhat dry. Mouthfeel was a bit thin and flat. Not a bad beer by any definition, but still disapointing. With more carbonation it may improve quite a bit, but as it stands its not worth a second look. | 1neutral
1,658,019,328 | 9.5 | Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | Poured from bomber to a stout glass. Pours a pitch black color, darker than midnight. Thin head that dissipates into fine bubbles, light to medium brown in color. Lacing remains about one finger as the stout is consumed. Aroma is coffee, roasted chocolate and almost burnt caramel. Taste is roasted chocolate and almost-burnt coffee. Might be espresso, but I've never had any. Mouthfeel is heavy with an alcohol bite that quickly disappears into a semi-smooth cream. Hangs around for a lengthy period of time. A well-done imperial stout. This is my second of the 2011 brewing. I am looking forward to another. | 2positive
1,658,019,456 | 5 | Cantillon Rosé De Gambrinus | Lambic - Fruit | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4 | Presentation: 375 mL bottle, 2009 vintage, poured into my Portsmouth Brewery tulip and shared witha friend. Big thanks to monsterzero fot this. Appearance: Reddish pink in color with some noticable, lively carbonation. Big fizzy light pink head the recedes almost immediately. Smell: Funky barnyard and grassy notes throughout. The raspberries are there but no so forceful. Nice lemon rind notes in there as well. Really pleasant and complex. Taste: Big puckering sourness upfront. The raspberries are there in force bringing a nice tartness. The barnyard and hay notes shine more as you get used to the sourness. The lemon notes provide a nice sourness and at times do overshadow the raspberries a little. Mouthfeel: Very lively carbonated and crisp. Perfectly refreshing. Drinkability: At this ABV, I could certainly sip on this all night. I find myself almost drinking too fast. The complexities here really shine the more you drink. Overall, a really great lambic and really enjoyable. I wish the fruit came out just a bit more. Definitely recommended. | 2positive
1,658,019,584 | 7.2 | Southampton Imperial Porter | American Porter | 4 | 1.5 | 2 | 1.5 | Bottle label reads "Brewed in Latrobe PA", poured into a Duvel tulip. The beer looked good, a nice dark color with a thick white head. The aroma was very faint, slightly sour, and slightly... metallic? I couldn't smell any roasted grains, or chocolate, or anything else I expect to smell in an imperial porter. This beer deceived me. I expected a robust ale, with chocolate, toffee, and caramel flavours. Instead it was thin, no chocolate, toffee, or caramel, and tasted like a standard lager. Not a black lager, mind you, as I love those. No, this was a cross between Yuengling Lager and Sam Adams Black. If Yuengling made a black lager, this is what it might taste like. The alcohol was hidden to be nonexistent. You could drink this all night, if you wanted a stronger, more flavourful, black version of Yuengling Lager. I, however, wanted an imperial porter, and dislike the taste of Yuengling. I would be happy to never drink this again. | 0negative
1,658,019,712 | 6.5 | Ranger | American IPA | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2.5 | Presentation: 22oz brown pop top with freshness date clearly marked Appearance: Dark gold beer with bright clarity; a strong pour produces a nice creamy ivory cap with good retention. Smell: LOTS of piney goodness and some mild mineral notes as well. Not much in the way of malty aromas, and I'm pleased to see it doesn't have the big biscuity presence of some other NB beers. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it in some beers, but I don't want it in my IPA. Taste: I gotta say, I'm a bit dissappointed in the flavors. The aromas are quite nice, but the flavors don't quite match up. There are some nice grassy flavors and a substantial but not overpowering hop bitterness, but this is TOO DRY! The heavy-handed herbal notes would be a lot tastier if there was a bit of sweetness to balance it out. As it is, it comes off as thin and unbalanced in flavor. There is a bit of that "typical" NB biscuity flavor as well, but it's not overdone. Mouthfeel: Medium Drinkability: Medium Conclusion: Really glad I got to try this (esp. at $2.50 for a bomber) but honestly it's probably not something I'll search out again. | 1neutral
1,658,019,840 | 4.9 | JW Dundee's Amber Lager | American Amber / Red Lager | 5 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Beautiful looking beer. Pours a deep reddish amber with a thick, fluffy, dimpled head that is constantly being replenished by the great amount of active carbonation found in the body. Leaves some raised merengue-like lacing. Aromas bring forth caramel, light herbal hops, and toasted malts, but an odd metallic tinge seems to show up too much. Flavor is very much like the smell, although the metallic note only shows up for a brief spot in a finish and then it's gone. Hops come out more in the flavor, complimenting the caramel malts rather well, and leaving a subdued but worthy bitterness. Some grain huskiness in the finish is found, but it seems to work. Mouthfeel has a bit of weight from the residual sweetness, but the carbonation is great. This is a solid amber lager and I am not disappointed. | 1neutral
1,658,019,968 | 9.5 | Péché Mortel (Imperial Stout Au Cafe) | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | A-Opaque black w/a hint of brown. A rich creamy brown head displays good retention, and a cloudy froth swirl remains through the consumption. A spotty lacing clings to the glass. S-Rich and complex cafe mocha dominates. The roasty aroma also elicits notes of fertile earth, and a thin veil of dark dried fruits. More fruit emerges as the temperature rises. There is a nearly imperceptible amount of hops and a hint of smoke. T&M-Wow. Creamy espresso w/dark chocolate and a hint of sweetness. Midway there is a delightful blend of a multitude of sensations: creamy coffee, tobacco, smoke, leather, dried currants. The body is interesting...full but velvety and creamy in a way that renders it deceptively light. The finish features a touch of hops, but not enough to cleanse the palate completely, which leaves a coating of sweet fresh coffee. Little noticeable alcohol. D-This is an awesome beverage, and my last bottle I brought back from this brewery on my trip to Montreal. At least I saved the best for last. This Imp. Stout produces a feeling of well-being that extends beyond the palate. | 2positive
1,658,020,096 | 3.8 | Onward Irish Stout | Irish Dry Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | 2 | Of all the beers in the sampler served at their taproom, I anticipated liking this one the most and was sorely disappointed. The beer poured with an opacity and creamy tan head that were true to the stout style(although I wouldn't consider this a dry Irish stout). The predominant smell was one of charcoal which was my first hint that I would not care for this beer. No other scents could be detected due to the overall burnt character both in the nose and on the palate. I've tasted and enjoyed smoked porters and stouts before, but they were much milder than this. It literally tasted as though liquid smoke was added to the glass. I don't think storage, temperature, or age were to blame as it was sampled at the brewer's taproom, so I have to assume that it was a legit representation of their beer. I'm much more a porter/stout fan than a hophead, and I literally had to choke down the small sampler glass. I spent 2 weeks in Ireland last summer, and through exhaustive personal research, really got a feel for what a proper pint of Irish stout should taste like. This wasn't it. Stick with the Sly Rye Porter, Dos Perros, or the Pale Ale when visiting Yazoo. I will be in Nashville soon, and will give it a 2nd chance. I'll update if hopefully, change is noted. | 0negative
1,658,020,224 | 11.2 | Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | (Served in a snifter) A- This beer pours an inky black body with a thin film of dark espresso head that fades quickly. No sign of carbonation in that dark body. S- This beer has a big oak and bourbon note with coffee and black roasted malt in the background. T- This beer has a big wet oak flavor that starts off followed by a flavor of black roasted malt and some chocolate malt with a vinous finish with notes of bourbon. M- This beer has a light mouthfeel with an alcohol heat that cleans the finish nicely. D- This beer is big on wood and bourbon and those flavors increase as the beer warms. Not much other malt complexity to balance out the oak which gets to be a bit to much toward the end of the beer. | 1neutral
1,658,020,352 | 5 | Samuel Smith's Organically Produced Lager Beer | Euro Pale Lager | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | From a distinctive 550 ml. Samuel Smith bottle with a coded freshness date on the shoulder, sampled at cellar temperature in a lager glass. Poured a clear pale lager golden with a frothy, rocky white head, good retention, small amount of ringed sticking. A largely clean aroma, sweet malty, grainy, lightly citric and floral. Good tiny bubble carbonation and a crisp, dry, clean, smooth, tight light bodied mouthfeel. This is better tasting than I remember, it's been awhile, I decided to pick this up when I realized it was a newer, fresh bottle, tastes of sweet grainy pale malts, a very light green grape fruitiness, a citric flavored hoppiness that has a soft bitterness, and a dry grainy, lightly fruity finish, a pretty clean finish with a very soft herbal leafiness cleansing the palate. I don't know if it is because today was another hot, with some humidity, spring day, or if it is because I had this right after playing golf, but I found this to be quite refreshing, highly enjoyable. I'm thinking I need to do a side by side comparison with the Pured Brewed Lager, to see if there is any differences. | 2positive
1,658,020,480 | 8 | Guava Grove Saison | Saison / Farmhouse Ale | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Poured from a 750ml bottle into a Boulevard tulip. Thanks to corby112 for this from our most recent trade! A: Pours a perfectly hazy, glowing peach color with a towering and bubbly light tan head on top that reaches about 4 fingers and crackles like Rice Crispies. Carbonation is extremely abundant and works to feed the head well. Needless to say, retention is excellent. This one left more lace sheeting in the glass than I've seen in ages. S: Initial aroma was sour and funky. Like damp grandma's basement funk. As it warmed I detected layers of guava, clementine, peach, red apple, lemon, and maybe a delicate dallop of vinegar? T: Same as above. I liked how the tart faded ever so slightly as it warmed, and allowed more of a savory sweet fruitiness to florish. Also, a definite clove and ripe banana tag team made their presence felt as the bottle wore on. Picked up a tiny bit of grass clippings near the end of the bottle. M: Started off tangy, tart, and a little dry and funky. Finishes with a fantastic bit of citric acid twang. Dry hoppy bitterness and not quite ripe tropical fruit tanginess linger on the tongue for a while. D: Very, very enjoyable. I loved how this tasted like the part of the guava that's closest to the rind. Slightly sweet with a definite tart and tangy edge. | 2positive
1,658,020,608 | 9 | Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 750ml into a duvel tulip pours an amazing textbook brown with a monster 4 finger head. looks like a root beer dark fruit nose with raisins and a toasted maltiness. not too much alcohol in there fruity yeast notes with spices and brown sugar. blends in together well a very well put together BSDA. nothing too flashy but the simpleness makes it great. | 1neutral
1,658,020,736 | 10 | Édition 2005 | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 2.5 | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | I bought a dusty bottle of this beer because I wanted to see how it's held up over the years. It poured relatively flat with no head at all, only a 3mm appearance of head that disappeared to nothing. Immediately, it looked thick and syrupy. The alcohol is coming off on the nose, but on the plus side- there are figs and currants/ dried fruits in the nose. Mouthfeel is almost completely flat. I think this bottle just didn't retain it's CO2. There wasn't much of a pop when I released the cork. Taste is butterscotch (diacetyl) and caramel/ raisins. Finish is dry and slightly bitter. It might have been better to drink the beer my glass was made for- Gulden Draak. However, I'd wager to say this was just a bad bottle. I can imagine it in a better state. Either that, or it didn't get better with age, as some reviewers expected. | 1neutral
1,658,020,864 | 4.7 | Xingu Black Beer | Schwarzbier | 4.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | This beer is dark. It had a tan colored head. The smell is malty. There is a coffee like taste as well as a slight caramel finish. This beer is fairly smooth in the mouthfeel. I could drink this beer again. Good for the style. There is a slight sweetness in the aftertaste. | 1neutral
1,658,020,992 | 5.4 | Rockfish Wheat | Kristalweizen | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 12oz single, given to me by blackie while visiting NORVA and consumed watching the nba draft in charlotte appearance: served in a standard pint, straw-orange body with a light beige film smell: crisp wheat, light banana, light malt structure, touch of clove taste: a nice weizen but not overly flavourful...dry wheat, banana creme, grassy hops, light malt structure. doesnt really distinguish itself mouthfeel: light drinkability: good | 2positive
1,658,021,120 | 7.3 | Green Flash West Coast I.P.A. | American IPA | 4 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Bottle received in trade from HeadyHops81, poured into a pint glass. A: Colored between dark golden and light amber, with two finger fluffy white head that faded quickly but gave excellent lacing. S: Smells like a total pine tree, with hints of citrus. T: Sadly, this is the kind of IPA that I don't like - the pine flavored one instead of the citrus flavored one. Pine is really all I taste, with a very dry finish. M: Fairly thin mouthfeel with an extremely dry finish. D: For a beer that's over 7% ABV, this hides it's alcohol very well. However, for me, due to it's pine taste I probably won't have another of these and will instead trade them away. And considering it's about the same price per 12oz bottle as Hopslam, I'd have Hopslam all day and twice on Sundays over this. Oh well, you never know which IPAs you like until you try them, right? | 1neutral
1,658,021,248 | 6.5 | Pike Kilt Lifter Scotch Style Ale | Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | This beer pours a hazy medium orange amber hue, with one finger of foamy, rocky pale beige head, which leaves some painted lace around the glass as it recedes. It smells of bready caramel nougat, and bitter floral hops. The taste is bready, doughy malt, some pit fruitiness, earthy, floral hops, and a soft sweet booziness. The carbonation is quite soft, the body medium-heavy in weight, and generally smooth. It finishes with an off-dry, warm caramel and dry fruit hops melange. A decently drinkable, solid scotch ale - malty - aye, a wee bit boozy, and some underrated hops to keep things honest. A drinker, to be sure. | 2positive
1,658,021,376 | 9.7 | Exit 4 | Tripel | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2.5 | I must compliment Flying Fish for ingenuity. I know a lot of brewers are trying to tackle this "fusion" style of citrus hops and Belgian phenols. For me, it just never works. The beer pours beautiful, the look of a powerfully deceiving tripple with a puffy white head. The aroma starts the fall from grace. The beer smells of plastic. The smell reminds me of being a kid and ripping into the packaging of a brand new action figure. The flavor is a bit better as the taste of both a good Belgian tripple and a solid IPA can both be percieved; however, the flavors compete for dominance instead of blending harmoniously. Finally the plastic returns which hides some pineapple and banana flavors that are lying in the background. I think the problem here is that tripple is a big, expressinve beer. But, there is subtlety to the flavor. With Exit 4 the subtle flavors are masked behind a second layer of bold expressiveness. I love the brewery for pushing the envelope and I look forward to buying the next release in the series. With innovation like this, Flying Fish is sure to hit a HUGE winner sooner than later. | 0negative
1,658,021,632 | 6.7 | Double White Ale | Witbier | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | pours a hazy yellow like any witbier should, with a small but dense white head that laces the glass well and looks cloud-like. aroma is sweet. reminds me of cotton candy for some reason. citrus, fruity pebbles, candy sugar, bubble gum, vanilla, some expected scents like apple, clove and banana, though behind the artificial sweet aromas. taste is very sweet as well, though spicier than the aroma. orange peel, lemon rind and banana are the strongest flavors, with some cracked pepper coming in next and coriander, bready malt, wheat, and sweetened, dried fruits as well. very yeasty throughout. prickly carbonation enhances the spiciness of the brew, but makes it a bit harsh. light to medium bodied and fluffy. artificial sweet quality and prickly carbonation along with a tad of alcohol bun make me wonder why they bothered to "double" this. it seems to contribute harshness while not adding much complexity or flavor. i can drink it, but it doesnt offer much more than any other witbier. | 1neutral
1,658,021,760 | 8.8 | Lion Stout | Foreign / Export Stout | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | Has a rich, nutty and chocolaty smell, with caramel and malty sugar aromas filling out the nose. The flavor is far more sugary than I was expecting, the malts coming at me in waves of caramelized brown sugars, molasses, and toffee. This is, however, a stout, and so there are many stout-like flavors to complement those sugars: chocolate malts, hints of tobacco and coffee, lightly-burnt grains. As well, there are distinct vanilla and dark chocolate notes that ride between the sugars and the more bitter flavors. The aftertaste is dominated by tobaccos and burnt grains, and seems to disappear quickly, leaving only a slight alcohol burn on the tongue. The brew itself is slightly more viscous than water, sliding across the tongue like extra virgin olive oil. Overall, I thought this an excellent stout, full of the lovely darker flavors that I expected, but also containing a nice sugary surprise that kept me coming back for more. | 2positive
1,658,021,888 | 5.8 | Fat Squirrel Ale | English Brown Ale | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4.5 | 4 | A - this brown ale pours a reddish tint of brown, with a thin tan head that fades in about a minute, moderate amounts of carbonation keep it alive for that minute S - roasted malts dominate, the hop profile balances it from the background, some resonant vanilla-toffee sweetness hinted in the aftertaste T - similar to the aroma, the roasted and toasted malts dominate the flavor as well, however in the taste the hoppiness and sweetness are of equivalent power, a well balanced taste M&D - thinner than expected, but not in a bad way, it is an easy drinker and a fully enjoyable beer, as to be expected with a beer from New Glarus, well done | 2positive
1,658,022,016 | 9.8 | 't Gaverhopke Zingende Blondine | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Excellent color to the body. I'ts a rich yet slightly hazy slightly dark yellow hue. The head is a bone white film on top after the nice large pillow settles down. It smells like green raisins and a slight Belgian funk. There's a little bit of lemon zest in there as well and some pepper but it's mostly pale malts and some fruit. It tastes sweet and syrupy off the bat and is very forward on the grape/raisin flavor. You think it's going to be a bit sour up front but it mellows to a slight tartness that fades away on the tip of the tongue. Mouthfeel is great with it's heavy body and lifting Belgian carbonation. It leaves a bit of a sticky afterfeel though. Overall, not much wrong with this beer, excellent brew. | 2positive
1,658,022,144 | 10 | AleSmith Grand Cru Ale | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | a: a nice red amber with off-white head and tight bubbles; light columns of bubble movement and decent retention s: spicy fruity scents; light wine; apples; sweet cider; light vinegar; very fruit forward t: nice caramel notes; sweet toffee finish; butter; apples and pear; prunes; light wine/abv; a little bit of chocolate and spiciness; very smooth m: a little over carbed in my opinion but a nice lightly cloying buttery body d: a great take on the style; who says americans don't do belgian? | 2positive
Subsets and Splits