ShellCommands / data /shell_commands_mock_data.json
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{"prompt": "How can I perform a port scan on a target IP?", "completion": "nmap -p- <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I use Metasploit to exploit a vulnerability?", "completion": "msfconsole -x 'use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue; set RHOSTS <target_ip>; run'"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for SUID files on a Linux system?", "completion": "find / -type f -perm -4000"}
{"prompt": "How do I enumerate users on a remote Windows machine?", "completion": "net user /domain"}
{"prompt": "How can I escalate privileges on a Linux system?", "completion": "sudo -l"}
{"prompt": "How do I find hidden files in a directory?", "completion": "ls -la"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for a running web server?", "completion": "ps aux | grep apache2"}
{"prompt": "How do I scan a specific port range using Nmap?", "completion": "nmap -p 1-1000 <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for SSH brute force attempts?", "completion": "grep 'Failed password' /var/log/auth.log"}
{"prompt": "How can I check open ports on a target IP?", "completion": "nmap -sT <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I perform a DNS lookup for a domain?", "completion": "dig <domain>"}
{"prompt": "How can I check if a Linux server is vulnerable to shellshock?", "completion": "env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c 'echo hello'"}
{"prompt": "How do I list all active network connections?", "completion": "netstat -tuln"}
{"prompt": "How can I check if my server is behind a firewall?", "completion": "nmap -sS <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I find out which services are running on a machine?", "completion": "ps aux"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for an open SMB share?", "completion": "smbclient -L //<target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I find processes using high CPU on Linux?", "completion": "top -b -o %CPU | head -n 20"}
{"prompt": "How do I list all users on a Linux system?", "completion": "cat /etc/passwd"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for SSH key authentication?", "completion": "cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"}
{"prompt": "How do I find out what ports are open on a remote host?", "completion": "nmap -sV <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I perform a brute force attack using Hydra?", "completion": "hydra -l <user> -P <password_list> ssh://<target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I detect hidden processes in Linux?", "completion": "ps aux --forest"}
{"prompt": "How do I search for world-writable files?", "completion": "find / -type f -perm -2"}
{"prompt": "How do I discover machines in the same network?", "completion": "nmap -sn <network_range>"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for scheduled tasks in Windows?", "completion": "schtasks /query"}
{"prompt": "How do I find the IP address of a remote server?", "completion": "nslookup <hostname>"}
{"prompt": "How do I gather system information on a Linux machine?", "completion": "uname -a"}
{"prompt": "How can I detect rootkits on a system?", "completion": "chkrootkit"}
{"prompt": "How do I find out what users are logged into a system?", "completion": "who" }
{"prompt": "How can I perform a SQL injection test?", "completion": "curl -X 'GET' '<target_url>' --data 'id=1' --header 'Host: <target_ip>'"}
{"prompt": "How can I dump a list of active users in Active Directory?", "completion": "net user /domain"}
{"prompt": "How do I perform a reverse DNS lookup?", "completion": "dig -x <ip_address>"}
{"prompt": "How do I brute force SMB login?", "completion": "nmap --script smb-brute <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I perform a vulnerability scan on a server?", "completion": "nikto -h <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I check the uptime of a Linux server?", "completion": "uptime"}
{"prompt": "How can I identify the version of a service?", "completion": "nmap -sV <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I extract metadata from an image file?", "completion": "exiftool <image_file>"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for weak passwords in a system?", "completion": "john --wordlist=<password_file> --rules <password_hash_file>"}
{"prompt": "How can I query for files modified recently?", "completion": "find / -type f -mtime -7"}
{"prompt": "How can I search for SSH login attempts?", "completion": "grep 'sshd' /var/log/auth.log"}
{"prompt": "How do I get information about a Windows machine?", "completion": "systeminfo"}
{"prompt": "How do I perform a ping sweep on a subnet?", "completion": "fping -a -g <subnet>"}
{"prompt": "How do I use netcat to listen on a port?", "completion": "nc -lvp <port>"}
{"prompt": "How can I collect information about a Windows service?", "completion": "sc qc <service_name>"}
{"prompt": "How can I discover web directories on a server?", "completion": "dirb <target_url>"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for failed login attempts?", "completion": "grep 'Failed password' /var/log/auth.log"}
{"prompt": "How can I identify the software running on a target server?", "completion": "nikto -h <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I list active user sessions on Linux?", "completion": "w"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for unpatched vulnerabilities on a system?", "completion": "openvas -h <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I perform a reconnaissance scan using Netcat?", "completion": "nc -v <target_ip> <port>"}
{"prompt": "How do I find a list of all mounted filesystems?", "completion": "mount | column -t"}
{"prompt": "How do I discover SMB shares on a Windows network?", "completion": "smbclient -L <target_ip> -U <user>"}
{"prompt": "How do I perform a brute force attack on HTTP basic auth?", "completion": "hydra -l <user> -P <password_list> <target_url> http-get" }
{"prompt": "How can I capture network traffic?", "completion": "tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.pcap"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for suspicious cron jobs?", "completion": "crontab -l"}
{"prompt": "How can I discover network devices in my LAN?", "completion": "nmap -sn <network_range>"}
{"prompt": "How do I enumerate all the shares on a Windows system?", "completion": "net share"}
{"prompt": "How can I check the history of commands run on a Linux machine?", "completion": "cat ~/.bash_history"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for active RDP sessions?", "completion": "netstat -an | grep 3389"}
{"prompt": "How can I extract passwords from a Windows system?", "completion": "hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 <hash_file> <wordlist>"}
{"prompt": "How can I find unprotected FTP servers?", "completion": "nmap -p 21 --open <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for writable directories?", "completion": "find / -type d -perm -2"}
{"prompt": "How can I retrieve all the users from an LDAP directory?", "completion": "ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=example,dc=com' '(objectClass=person)'"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for clear-text passwords in configuration files?", "completion": "grep -r 'password' /etc"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for a possible MITM attack?", "completion": "netstat -an | grep <ip_address>"}
{"prompt": "How do I identify active network shares?", "completion": "smbclient -L <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How can I list all running Docker containers?", "completion": "docker ps"}
{"prompt": "How do I enumerate a domain for subdomains?", "completion": "dnsrecon -d <domain>"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for RCE vulnerabilities?", "completion": "curl -X 'GET' <target_url> --data 'id=1' --header 'Host: <target_ip>'"}
{"prompt": "How do I search for sensitive files in a web directory?", "completion": "dirb <target_url> -X .txt,.bak,.conf"}
{"prompt": "How can I search for exposed admin pages?", "completion": "dirbuster -u <target_url>/admin"}
{"prompt": "How can I check for broken symlinks?", "completion": "find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; | grep 'No such file'"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for weak SSL/TLS configurations?", "completion": "openssl s_client -connect <target_ip>:443"}
{"prompt": "How do I find open MySQL databases?", "completion": "nmap -p 3306 --open <target_ip>"}
{"prompt": "How do I find out the DNS servers of a network?", "completion": "cat /etc/resolv.conf"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for unusual traffic patterns?", "completion": "tcpdump -i eth0 -nn"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for botnet activity?", "completion": "grep 'Connection refused' /var/log/syslog"}
{"prompt": "How do I check for vulnerability scanning tools on a network?", "completion": "nmap --script vuln <target_ip>"}