import os |
import random |
import datasets |
import numpy as np |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, ResultSet |
from syntok.tokenizer import Tokenizer |
tokenizer = Tokenizer() |
_CITATION = """\ |
@InProceedings{Kocabiyikoglu2022, |
author = "Alican Kocabiyikoglu and Fran{\c c}ois Portet and Prudence Gibert and Hervé Blanchon and Jean-Marc Babouchkine and Gaëtan Gavazzi", |
title = "A Spoken Drug Prescription Dataset in French for Spoken Language Understanding", |
booktitle = "13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022)", |
year = "2022", |
location = "Marseille, France" |
} |
""" |
PxSLU is to the best of our knowledge, the first spoken medical drug prescriptions corpus to be distributed. It contains 4 hours of transcribed |
and annotated dialogues of drug prescriptions in French acquired through an experiment with 55 participants experts and non-experts in drug prescriptions. |
The automatic transcriptions were verified by human effort and aligned with semantic labels to allow training of NLP models. The data acquisition |
protocol was reviewed by medical experts and permit free distribution without breach of privacy and regulation. |
Overview of the Corpus |
The experiment has been performed in wild conditions with naive participants and medical experts. In total, the dataset includes 1981 recordings |
of 55 participants (38% non-experts, 25% doctors, 36% medical practitioners), manually transcribed and semantically annotated. |
""" |
_URL = "https://zenodo.org/record/6524162/files/pxslu.zip?download=1" |
class StringIndex: |
def __init__(self, vocab): |
self.vocab_struct = {} |
print("Start building the index!") |
for term in vocab: |
if len(term) == 0: |
continue |
key = (term[0], len(term)) |
if key not in self.vocab_struct: |
self.vocab_struct[key] = [] |
self.vocab_struct[key].append(term) |
print("Finished building the index!") |
def find(self, term): |
return term in self.vocab_struct[(term[0], len(term))] |
class PxCorpus(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): |
VOCAB = StringIndex(vocab=open("./vocabulary_nachos_lowercased.txt","r").read().split("\n")) |
datasets.BuilderConfig(name=f"default", version="1.0.0", description=f"PxCorpus data"), |
] |
def _info(self): |
features = datasets.Features( |
{ |
"id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"text": datasets.Value("string"), |
"label": datasets.features.ClassLabel( |
names=["medical_prescription", "negate", "none", "replace"], |
), |
"tokens": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"ner_tags": datasets.Sequence( |
datasets.features.ClassLabel( |
names=['O', 'B-A', 'B-cma_event', 'B-d_dos_form', 'B-d_dos_form_ext', 'B-d_dos_up', 'B-d_dos_val', 'B-dos_cond', 'B-dos_uf', 'B-dos_val', 'B-drug', 'B-dur_ut', 'B-dur_val', 'B-fasting', 'B-freq_days', 'B-freq_int_v1', 'B-freq_int_v1_ut', 'B-freq_int_v2', 'B-freq_int_v2_ut', 'B-freq_startday', 'B-freq_ut', 'B-freq_val', 'B-inn', 'B-max_unit_uf', 'B-max_unit_ut', 'B-max_unit_val', 'B-min_gap_ut', 'B-min_gap_val', 'B-qsp_ut', 'B-qsp_val', 'B-re_ut', 'B-re_val', 'B-rhythm_hour', 'B-rhythm_perday', 'B-rhythm_rec_ut', 'B-rhythm_rec_val', 'B-rhythm_tdte', 'B-roa', 'I-cma_event', 'I-d_dos_form', 'I-d_dos_form_ext', 'I-d_dos_up', 'I-d_dos_val', 'I-dos_cond', 'I-dos_uf', 'I-dos_val', 'I-drug', 'I-fasting', 'I-freq_startday', 'I-inn', 'I-rhythm_tdte', 'I-roa'], |
), |
), |
"is_oov": datasets.Sequence( |
datasets.features.ClassLabel( |
names=['is_not_oov', 'is_oov'], |
), |
), |
} |
) |
return datasets.DatasetInfo( |
description=_DESCRIPTION, |
features=features, |
citation=_CITATION, |
supervised_keys=None, |
) |
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): |
data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_URL) |
print(data_dir) |
return [ |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"filepath_1": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.in"), |
"filepath_2": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.label"), |
"filepath_3": os.path.join(data_dir, "PxSLU_conll.txt"), |
"split": "train", |
}, |
), |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"filepath_1": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.in"), |
"filepath_2": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.label"), |
"filepath_3": os.path.join(data_dir, "PxSLU_conll.txt"), |
"split": "validation", |
}, |
), |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.TEST, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"filepath_1": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.in"), |
"filepath_2": os.path.join(data_dir, "seq.label"), |
"filepath_3": os.path.join(data_dir, "PxSLU_conll.txt"), |
"split": "test", |
}, |
), |
] |
def getTokenTags(self, document): |
tokens = [] |
ner_tags = [] |
is_oov = [] |
for pair in document.split("\n"): |
if len(pair) <= 0: |
continue |
text, label = pair.split("\t") |
tokens.append(text) |
ner_tags.append(label) |
is_oov.append(VOCAB.find(text)) |
return tokens, ner_tags, is_oov |
def _generate_examples(self, filepath_1, filepath_2, filepath_3, split): |
key = 0 |
all_res = [] |
f_seq_in = open(filepath_1, "r") |
seq_in = f_seq_in.read().split("\n") |
f_seq_in.close() |
f_seq_label = open(filepath_2, "r") |
seq_label = f_seq_label.read().split("\n") |
f_seq_label.close() |
f_in_ner = open(filepath_3, "r") |
docs = f_in_ner.read().split("\n\n") |
f_in_ner.close() |
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs): |
text = seq_in[idx] |
label = seq_label[idx] |
tokens, ner_tags, is_oov = self.getTokenTags(docs[idx]) |
if len(text) <= 0 or len(label) <= 0: |
continue |
all_res.append({ |
"id": key, |
"text": text, |
"label": label, |
"tokens": tokens, |
"ner_tags": ner_tags, |
"is_oov": is_oov, |
}) |
key += 1 |
ids = [r["id"] for r in all_res] |
random.seed(4) |
random.shuffle(ids) |
random.shuffle(ids) |
random.shuffle(ids) |
train, validation, test = np.split(ids, [int(len(ids)*0.70), int(len(ids)*0.80)]) |
if split == "train": |
allowed_ids = list(train) |
elif split == "validation": |
allowed_ids = list(validation) |
elif split == "test": |
allowed_ids = list(test) |
for r in all_res: |
if r["id"] in allowed_ids: |
yield r["id"], r |