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"Adeyinka Afolayan is a Nigerian Professor of Biochemistry and fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science, elected into the Academy's Fellowship at its annual general meeting held in 2006.",
"Adil E. Shamoo (born August 1, 1941) is an Iraqi biochemist with an interest in biomedical ethics and foreign policy. He is currently a professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Maryland.",
"In 1998, he founded the journal Accountability in Research, and has served as its editor-in-chief since its inception. He is on the editorial boards of several other journals, including the Drug Information Journal. From 2000 to 2002, he served on the advisory committee for National Human Research Protections. Although he has an extensive list of publications in the fields of biochemistry and microbiology, he is currently busied by his work as an analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank, to which he has been contributing since 2005. Shamoo has also authored and co-authored many op-eds on U.S. foreign policy that have been published in newspapers across the country.\nShamoo is also currently occupied with his work in the field of ethics. Since 1991, he has taught a graduate course at the University of Maryland entitled \"Responsible Conduct of Research\". In 1995, he co-founded the human rights organization, Citizens for Responsible Care and Research (CIRCARE). In 2003, he chaired a Special Issue GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ethics Advisory Group. Shamoo was then appointed to the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board (AFEB) of the United States Department of Defense as ethics consultant (2003–2004). Because he served as chairman on nine international conferences in ethics in research and human research protection, he was asked to testify before a congressional committee and the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Since 2006, he has served on the Defense Health Board. And from 2006 to 2007,Shamoo was a member of the new Maryland Governors Higher Education Transition Working Group. He was an invited participant and presenter in the 2007 New Year Renaissance Weekend.\nShamoo has held visiting professorships at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris, France and at East Carolina University.\nShamoo has been cited and/or appeared frequently in local and national media both print and television. He has published numerous articles and books.",
"Shamoo currently resides in Columbia, MD with his wife and occasional co-author, Bonnie Bricker; his daughter, and stepdaughter. He has two sons and another stepdaughter who also all reside in the Washington Metropolitan Area.",
"Shamoo was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq. He is an ethnic Iraqi. He attended the University of Baghdad and graduated with a degree in physics in 1962. In 1966, he earned a Master's of Science in physics from the University of Louisville. Four years later, in 1970, he finished his Ph.D. in the program in Biology at the City University of New York.",
"Adina Paytan is a research professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz. known for research into biogeochemical cycling in the present and the past. She has over 270 scientific publications in journals such as Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Geophysical Research Letters.",
"* Fulbright Scholar in Marine Resources, Portugal (2020)\n*A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in Marine Science (2019)\n* Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2018)\n* Fellow, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO, 2016)\n* Dansgaard Award, AGU mid-career Paleoceanography Award (2015)\n*Fellow, Geochemical Society (2014)\n* American Geophysical Union's Rachel Carson Lecture (2013)\n*Excellence Chair of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation from GEOMAR\n* American Geophysical Union's Ocean Sciences Early Career Award (2004)",
"Paytan was born and raised in Israel. As an undergraduate, Paytan encountered geochemistry which she likens to a big complex puzzle. Paytan obtained undergraduate degrees in geology and biology (1985) and an M.S. in Earth Sciences Oceanography (1989) from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Paytan's Ph.D. is from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1996) where she worked with Miriam Kastner on using barite as a recorder of ocean chemistry. After postdoctoral work at University of California, San Diego she moved to the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at Stanford, and then onto a position at University of California, Santa Cruz.",
"Paytan is both an interdisciplinary scientist and an advocate for STEM education and public outreach. As a scientist, Paytan uses isotopic and chemical signatures to examine global biogeochemical cycling. This includes studies of groundwater discharge into coastal systems, nutrient cycling, ocean acidification, and paleoceanography. This research includes high resolution measurements of carbon and sulfur isotopes to characterize changes in the marine and atmospheric carbon cycle, using strontium isotopes within barite to infer changes in the global carbon cycle over geologic time, and modern investigations of groundwater discharge as a source of nutrients to the coastal ocean and coral reefs.\nPaytan also deliberately works on STEM education and public outreach, and obtained an M.S. in Science Education from the Weizmann Institute in 1987. Paytan served as a mentor for the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) where she advocated for the role of universities in conducting public outreach. Paytan started the GeoKids program at Stanford in order to educate elementary school children about science. Paytan also mentors masters and Ph.D. students in her lab.",
"Ahmad Salahuddin (7 July 1937 – 26 November 1996) was an Indian biochemist who served as a professor of biochemistry and department chairman (1984–1996) at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Aligarh, India. He was a Founder Director of Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit at AMU in 1984.",
"Salahuddin was born on 7 July 1937 in Jairajpur, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. His father, Fazlul Bari, was a teacher at the Shibli National College, Azamgarh where he received his early education, and he later completed his undergraduate and master's degrees in 1955 and 1957 in chemistry from the Aligarh Muslim University. Initially as a research student, he took interest in physical chemistry, obtaining his PhD degree in chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (1962).",
"He received his second Ph.D. degree at Duke University where he was a Fulbright Scholar from 1964 to 1968. He worked in the laboratory of Charles Tanford, Department of Biochemistry in the protein folding area focussing his career on the folding thermodynamics and \nkinetics, properties of the native and the unfolded proteins. His early collaborative work in uncovering residual native protein structure, following treatment with heat, acid (low pH) experimentally in a number of model proteins in his lab was published in 1967. He actually performed equilibrium unfolding studies on ribonuclease protein in guanidine hydrochloride, the findings of which were acceptable for the aforementioned Ph.D. degree in biochemistry by Duke University (1968).\nSalahuddin returned to AMU Aligarh and joined the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, J.N. Medical College in 1968 as a reader. Salahuddin was present at the foundation ceremony of the new IBU Building on 15 January 1986. The event was inaugurated by Abdus Salam. He performed a critical role toward the establishment of the Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Institute for Modern Biological and Biotechnological Education at Aligarh along with the AMU administration in 1984.",
"Egg white ovalbumin: The unfolding of ovalbumin, a 45 kDa protein, as a function of guanidine hydrochloride (0-6M) occurred reversibly in one step. The protein fractions in native (N) and the denatured states (D) were characterized by UV spectrometry and viscosity measurements at defined temperatures in buffer pH 7.0. The thermodynamics of folding and possibly kinetics followed a two state transition (N->D). The data were consistent with the fact that the native state was stabilized by hydrophobic effect in aqueous solution; this effect was diminished by introducing Guanidine hydrochloride to protein solution with concomitant transition to denatured state, random coil conformation similar to a nascent polypeptide chain. \nEgg white Ovomucoid: The unfolding of ovomucoid (N), a domain containing 28 kDa protein, by guanidine hydrochloride did not proceed in a single step but occurred in two steps; the transition at low denaturant was associated with an intermediate, native-like, structure (X), and at high denaturant, protein existed in random coil structure (D). The reversible unfolding at each step (N->X->D) followed a two state transition pattern, albeit with somewhat different folding rates for the intermediate and native structures (1978). The studies in his lab indicated that in vivo protein folding may not be explained by the amino acid sequence alone. Independently, the molecular biology of chaperones succeeded in the identification of additional folding factors in 1989. The latter studies marked the beginning of modern protein folding with manipulation in human health.",
"Salahuddin was President of Society of Biological Chemists SBC (India) from 1989 to 1990; a Member of the editorial board of Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics(1985–1988); Visiting Associate Professor, University of Maryland 1975; Member of Protein Society, Bethesda, USA(1995-1997); Member of the New York Academy of Science, New York(1995-1996); Member of the executive committee of the Society of Biological Chemists, India(1974-1975); Member of the executive committee of Indian Biophysical Society, India (1991–1993); Member of the Guha Research Conference, India (1987–1992); and Member of Sigma Xi (USA).",
"Salahuddin died on 29 November 1996 at the age of 59 after a difficult illness. His passing away saddened his family and his students. Eulogies by his former students were read at the Annual meeting of the Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC;\nby others at a session at AMU Aligarh on 3 Jan 2019. At his death he was survived by his wife and two daughters.",
"Yoshino was born in Suita, Japan, on 30 January 1948. He graduated from Kitano High School in Osaka City (1966). He earned a B.S. in 1970 and an M.S. degree in 1972, both in engineering from Kyoto University, and a Dr.Eng. degree from Osaka University in 2005.\nDuring his time in elementary school, one of his teachers suggested that he read The Chemical History of a Candle by Michael Faraday, and this sparked a multitude of questions for Yoshino regarding chemistry, a subject he had not been interested in prior to reading the book.\nDuring his college years, Yoshino had attended a course taught by Japanese chemist Kenichi Fukui, the first recipient of East Asian ancestry to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.",
"is a Japanese chemist. He is a fellow of Asahi Kasei Corporation and a professor at Meijo University in Nagoya. He created the first safe, production-viable lithium-ion battery, which became used widely in cellular phones and notebook computers. Yoshino was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019 alongside M. Stanley Whittingham and John B. Goodenough.",
"*1998 Chemical Technology Prize from the Chemical Society of Japan\n*1999: Battery Division Technology Award from The Electrochemical Society\n*2001: Ichimura Prizes in Industry—Meritorious Achievement Prize\n*2003: Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology—Prize for Science and Technology, Development Category\n*2004: Medal with Purple Ribbon, from the Government of Japan\n*2011: Yamazaki-Teiichi Prize from the Foundation for Promotion of Material Science and Technology of Japan\n*2011: C&C Prize from the NEC C&C Foundation\n*2012 : IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies from the IEEE\n*2013 : Global Energy Prize\n*2014 : Charles Stark Draper Prize\n*2018 : Japan Prize\n*2019 : European Inventor Award\n*2019 : Nobel Prize in Chemistry\n*2019 : Order of Culture\n*2023 : VinFuture Prize",
"In 1981 Yoshino started doing research on rechargeable batteries using polyacetylene. Polyacetylene is the electroconductive polymer discovered by Hideki Shirakawa, who later (in 2000) would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its discovery.\nIn 1983 Yoshino fabricated a prototype rechargeable battery using lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO) (discovered in 1979 by Godshall et al. at Stanford University, and John Goodenough and Koichi Mizushima at Oxford University) as cathode and polyacetylene as anode. This prototype, in which the anode material itself contains no lithium, and lithium ions migrate from the LiCoO cathode into the anode during charging, was the direct precursor to the modern lithium-ion battery (LIB).\nPolyacetylene had low real density which meant high capacity required large battery volume, and also had problems with instability, so Yoshino switched to carbonaceous material as anode and in 1985 fabricated the first prototype of the LIB and received the basic patent.\nThis was the birth of the current lithium-ion battery.\nThe LIB in this configuration was commercialized by Sony in 1991 and by A&T Battery in 1992. Yoshino described challenges and history of the invention process in a book chapter from 2014.\nYoshino discovered that carbonaceous material with a certain crystalline structure was suitable as anode material, and this is the anode material that was used in the first generation of commercial LIBs. Yoshino developed the aluminum foil current collector which formed a passivation layer to enable high cell voltage at low cost, and developed the functional separator membrane and the use of a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) device for additional safety.\nThe LIB's coil-wound structure was conceived by Yoshino to provide large electrode surface area and enable high current discharge despite the low conductivity of the organic electrolyte.\nIn 1986 Yoshino commissioned the manufacture of a batch of LIB prototypes. Based on safety test data from those prototypes, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a letter stating that the batteries were different from the metallic lithium battery.",
"Yoshino spent his entire non-academic career at Asahi Kasei Corporation. Immediately after graduating with his masters degree in 1972, Yoshino began working at Asahi Kasei. He joined the Exploratory Research Team at Asahi Kasei Corporation in the early 1970s to explore new general-purpose materials, initially exploring practical applications for polyacetylene but turned to experimenting with using polyacetylene as an anode material once Japans electronics industry attempted to create new lightweight and compact rechargeable battery to power their mobile devices.\nHe began work in the Kawasaki Laboratory in 1982 and was promoted to manager of product development for ion batteries in 1992. In 1994, he became manager of technical development for the LIB manufacturer A&T Battery Corp., a joint venture company of Asahi Kasei and Toshiba. Asahi Kasei made him a fellow in 2003 and, in 2005, general manager of his own laboratory. Since 2017, he has been a professor at Meijo University and his status at Asahi Kasei has changed to honorary fellow.",
"Lewis was awarded the Desty Memorial Prize in separation science at the Royal Institution in 2001, a Philip Leverhulme Prize in Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences in 2004, the [ SAC Silver Medal] in 2007 from the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the [ John Jeyes Award] for Environment, Energy and Sustainability in 2012. He was awarded the 2022 Lord Lewis prize for significant contributions to the development of science policy.",
"He is known for his development of analytical chemistry methods that are applied to air pollution monitoring and atmospheric chemistry research, and particularly the use of gas chromatography to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the composition of liquid fuels such as gasoline and diesel. He was the first person to use comprehensive gas chromatography (GCxGC) to establish the complexity of volatile organic compounds found in urban air, completed whilst on a research sabbatical at RMIT University, Australia. He held a lecturer position at the University of Leeds, as a joint appointment between the Schools of Chemistry and Earth & Environment before later moving to the Department of Chemistry at University of York in 2003. He currently works in the [ Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories] at York.\nBetween 2007 and 2012 Lewis worked part-time for the Natural Environment Research Council as their Theme Leader for research programmes in new technologies. Between 2008 and 2022 he was a science director at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, with specific responsibility for air pollution and atmospheric composition research.\nLewis has published a number of commentary articles on air pollution science and policy in the UK, US and China. He has also made a number of appearances on TV and radio discussing vehicle emissions and indoor air pollution. He has been widely quoted as being skeptical about the value of air pollution removal technologies such as smog towers and roadside filter systems, and the wider sustainability of air filtration. He has raised potential problems associated with hydrogen for home heating, highlighting the negative impacts of emissions of NOx and the concentration of those emissions in poorer neighbourhoods. With Prof. Chris Whitty and Dr Deborah Jenkins he published a future research needs strategy on Indoor Air Quality.\nHe has collaborated with Peter Edwards at York to evaluate low cost air pollution sensor technologies and with David Carslaw on diesel engine NOx emissions. Although primarily a chemist, he was named in a 2015 list of the World's 100 most influential analytical scientists. His research career was documented by the Science History Institute in 2011, part of series of interviews with atmospheric scientists.",
"Lewis attended Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, Rochester, and then studied chemistry at the University of Leeds followed by a PhD in atmospheric and analytical chemistry supervised by Mike Pilling and Keith Bartle, awarded in 1995.",
"Alastair Charles Lewis (Ally Lewis) is a professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of York and the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). He has been Chair of the UK Government's independent science advisory body on air pollution, the Defra Air Quality Expert Group, since 2019.\nLewis became Chair of the Department for Transport [ Science Advisory Council] in 2021. He is currently a member of the [ Environmental Sustainability Panel] of the UK Civil Aviation Authority.",
"Ratsimamanga married Suzanne Urverg-Ratsimamanga on 23 March 1963. She was a French Ashkenazi Jewish biochemist, a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (1989), and the African Academy of Sciences (1987), and IMRAs Chair and Alberts closest collaborator. With Albert, she co-founded \"Albert and Suzanne Rakoto Ratsimamanga Foundation\" within IMRA.\nRatsimamanga died on 16 September 2001, aged 93, in Antananarivo, Madagascar. A state funeral was held for him.",
"Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga is considered one of Madagascars most renowned scholars. A commemorative stamp was issued in his memory in 2002, and the Institut de France minted a coin tribute to Ratsimamanga. Ratsimamangas legacy can be seen as a",
"Ratsimamanga was awarded the Grand Cross of the Malagasy National Order, First Class Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor of France, Grand Officer of the National Order of Scientific Merit of France, National Order of the Lion of Senegal, Commander of the Ordre des Palmes académiques, Commander of the Order of Merit of Congo - Brazzaville, Commander of the Ordre national du Mérite of France, and Grand Prize from the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences. He was selected Madagascars Man of the Century' in 1999.\nRatsimamanga was a Founder Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (FTWAS) in 1983, and the African Academy of Sciences in 1985 (FAAS). He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Cheikh Anta Diop University in 1973.",
"Ratsimamanga was a pacifist and politically active, and during his years of study, he forged close relationships with French intellectual and political circles. While in France, he co-founded the association of Malagasy Students in France and the Democratic Movement for Malagasy Renovation (MDRM) in 1946 with Jacques Rabemananjara, Joseph Raseta and Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona. MDRM led the protests against the bloody repression of the Malagasy Uprising of 1947. However, MDRM was known to be dominated by Hova elites, who had been politically prominent in the former Merina royal court and wanted to regain the political dominance of the Merina upon independence. Jacques Rabemananjara, Joseph Raseta and Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona were later sentenced to life in prison but were granted amnesty in 1958. Ratsimamanga claimed that he was unaware of the uprising and, thus, was not involved. Later in 1949, Ratsimamanga created the Malagasy National Council, a Government in exile. It was a failure.\nOn 26 August 1948, Ratsimamanga represented Madagascar at the World Congress of Intellectuals in Defence of Peace, which took place between the 25 to 28 August 1948 of August at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland, and played a role in the framing of the communist powers as supporters of peace, and on the opposite side, portraying the West as a threat to peace.\nRatsimamanga was a member of the delegation that negotiated Madagascars independence from France. 77% of Malagasy voted for independence in the 1958 referendum, and after the independence, Ratsimamanga was appointed the Malagasy Republic ambassador to France from 1960 to 1972. After the 1972 Coup détat, on 14 December 1972, he was appointed the first Ambassador of the Malagasy Republic to China and the Soviet Union. He later established embassies in West Germany, North Korea, and Sierra Leone.\nFurthermore, Ratsimamanga represents the Malagasy Republic at the European Economic Community, UNESCO, and Food and Agriculture Organization. He also became UNESCO Vice-chairman of the Executive Council.",
"Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga was born on 28 December 1907, in Antananarivo, Madagascar, to Razanadrakoto Ratsimamanga and Lala Ralisoa. He was the grandson of Prince Ratsimamanga, uncle and advisor to Queen Ranavalona III, who was executed in 1897 at the beginning of the French colonisation of Madagascar. When Albert was only eleven years old, his father died in 1918 from heavy drinking.\nHe received his early education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo, until he became a doctor of Indigenous Medicine in 1924. Ratsimamanga was a member of the Malagasy delegation to the 1930 Colonial Exhibition in Paris, during which he decided to join the University of Paris to become a Doctor of Science (MS) and a Doctor of Medicine (MD). He also graduated from the Institute of Exotic Medicine and the Pasteur Institut, and founded the association of Malagasy Students in France.",
"Ratsimamanga started working at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 1945 after he was approached by Frédéric Joliot-Curie, CNRS's research director and Nobel prize laureate in Chemistry (1935). At CNRS, he pioneered the study of Human blood group systems, and treatments for leprosy and tuberculosis. Ratsimamanga work showed the presence of hormones in the diet and their role in the development of the body, while eliminating the factors of cellular detoxification, especially in the liver.\nRatsimamanga was the founding director of the (IMRA) in 1957. IMRA was focused on Phytotherapy to use local plants and traditional practices to cure diseases, i.e., traditional pharmacopoeia. IMRA succeeded in using the Syzygium cumini tree as an anti-diabetic agent, and creating alternative medicines against malaria, leprosy, asthma, lithiasis, blood pressure, hepatitis and other common conditions.\nRatsimamanga was the head of Malagasy National Academy, and a Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo. He was one of the founders of the World Academy of Sciences in 1983, and the African Academy of Sciences in 1985. He was a member of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Institut de France (1966), and the Académie Nationale de Médecine (1967).",
"Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga (28 December 1907 – 16 September 2001) was a Malagasy physician, biochemist and diplomat. Born into a disgraced royal family; Ratsimamanga trained as a doctor of exotic medicine in French Madagascar and France, where he pioneered modern nutraceuticals. Ratsimamanga returned to Madagascar and, with his wife, Suzanne Urverg-Ratsimamanga, in 1957, established the which specialised in herbal medicine.\nWhile in France, Ratsimamanga was involved in Madagascars independence efforts, and after independence, he became the Malagasy Republics first ambassador to France and helped shape its foreign affairs. Ratsimamanga is considered one of Madagascars most renowned scholars and bestowed upon him the highest orders of merits nationally and internationally. He was also one of the founders of The World Academy of Sciences (1983) and the African Academy of Sciences (1985), and was selected Madagascars Man of the Century.",
"During the Second World War, Frumkin led a large team of scientists and engineers involved in defense issues. This contribution did not save him from being dismissed in 1949 as the director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, when he was accused of cosmopolitanism.\nFrumkin's most fundamental achievement was the fundamental theory of electrode reactions, which describes the influence of the structure of the interface between electrode and solution on the rate of electron transfer, especially emphasizing the involvement of the solvated electron and its free energy of solvation. This theory has been confirmed and extended within the framework of contemporary physical electron transfer models. Frumkin introduced the concept of the zero charge potential, the most important characteristic of a metal surface. The effect of adsorption on observed electrode kinetics is known as the Frumkin effect.\nAlessandro Voltas question—a topic of discussion for over 120 years—about the nature of the EMF of electrochemical circuits was resolved using Frumkins approach. Frumkin has developed the Frumkin isotherm, an extension of the Langmuir isotherm in describing certain adsorption phenomena. Frumkins students developed novel experimental methods that would, in time, become standard. Several applied electrochemical processes, including ones related to chemical sources of electrical power, industrial electrolysis, and anti-corrosion protection, were successfully developed under Frumkins supervision.",
"* Hero of Socialist Labour - 1965\n* Order of Lenin, three times\n* Order of the Red Banner of Labour, three times\n* Lenin Prize (1931)\n* Stalin Prize, three times (1941, 1949, 1952)\nFrumkin was nominated for Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1946, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1966, but he did not receive the Prize.",
"Alexander Naumovich Frumkin (; 24 October 1895 – 27 May 1976) was a Soviet Russian electrochemist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1932, founder of the Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Elektrokhimiya and receiver of the Hero of Socialist Labor award. The Russian Academy of Sciences' A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry is named after him.",
"Frumkin was born in Kishinev, in the Bessarabia Governorate of the Russian Empire (now Moldova) to a Jewish family; his father was an insurance salesman. His family moved to Odessa, where he received his primary schooling; he continued his education in Strasbourg, and then at the University of Bern. Frumkin's first published articles appeared in 1914, when he was only 19; in 1915, he received his first degree, back in Odessa. Two years later, the seminal article \"Electrocapillary Phenomena and Electrode Potentials\" was published.\nFrumkin moved to Moscow in 1922 to work at the Karpov Institute, under A.N. Bakh. In 1930, Frumkin joined the faculty of Moscow University, where in 1933 he founded—and would head until his death—the department of electrochemistry.\nFrumkin was married three times, including a brief first marriage to Vera Inber.",
"Common energy scale for magnetism and superconductivity: The Keren group demonstrated experimentally that superconductivity and magnetism in the high temperature cuprate superconductors share a common energy scale, namely, the critical temperature and the superexchange interaction strength are proportional to each other. This finding is backed by many different experiments.\nMapping exotic spin correlations in spin glasses: Keren and collaborators found experimentally that close to the spin glass transition temperature, the field-time-dependent polarization of a probing spin scales like their ratio. They interpreted this behavior using power law correlation function.\nMuon relaxation in a stochastic field environment: When a spin polarized muon enters a magnetic sample, it loses its polarization. The analytical relation between the muon polarization and the stochastic properties of the field is known as the Keren function.\nStiffnessometer: When the current in a very long coil, which pierces a superconducting ring, is turned on, a persistent current is generated in the ring. The amount of current depends on the superconductor stiffness. By measuring this current via the magnetic moment of the ring the stiffness can be determined. The Keren group developed an instrument based on these principles",
"Amit Keren (Hebrew: עמית קרן) is an Israeli Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. He is an experimentalist investigating mostly the properties of magnetic and superconducting material.\nHe worked on compounds such as spin glasses, frustrated magnets, molecular magnets, and superconductors. He uses experiential techniques such as muon, electron, and nuclear spin resonance, magnetometers, transport, neutron scattering, various kinds of x-ray scattering and photoemission. He also operates a single crystal growth lab.",
"Amit Keren received his B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematic in 1986 from Tel Aviv University, his doctorate in 1994 from Columbia University under the supervision of Tomo Uemura, and was a postdoctoral fellow at Orsay University Paris, under the supervisor of Henry Alloul until 1997.",
"In 2008, Meibom was awarded with the Medal for Research Excellence by the European Mineralogical Union for his contributions in the field of cosmochemistry. From 2009 to 2012, he was appointed member of the Comité National Section 18 at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France. In 2009 and 2017, Meibom was awarded two advanced grants by the European Research Council for projects aiming to better understand biomineralization processes by marine organisms (Project BioCarb, 2009), as well as to better understand biocarbonate-based paleo-environmental records for the oceans (Project UltraPal, 2017).",
"Meibom currently leads the laboratory for biological geochemistry at EPFL. Research performed in his laboratory is interdisciplinary in nature, at the interface between isotope geochemistry and biology. Active themes in the laboratory include the use of NanoSIMS to visualize and characterize the diagenesis of biogenic substrates, as well as the study of metabolic processes in symbiotic organisms (notably corals) and how these processes may be influenced by environmental stress, in particular climate change.",
"Anders Meibom (born 9 September 1969) is a Danish interdisciplinary scientist and former football player active in the field of bio-geochemistry. He is a professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he heads the laboratory for biological geochemistry.",
"Meibom obtained a PhD in physics at the University of Southern Denmark in 1997. He then pursued a two-and-a-half-year postdoc at the Hawaii Institute for Geophysics and Planetology where he studied the mineralogy of primitive chondrotic meteorites. In 2000, he moved to Stanford University as a research associate in the Stanford-USGS ion microprobe laboratory, department of geological and environmental sciences. In 2005, he was appointed as an associate professor at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, where he was promoted to full professor in 2007. From 2006 to 2011, he served as the director of the French National NanoSIMS analytical facility. In 2012, he was named full professor at the EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). He has also been full professor ad personam at the University of Lausanne since 2014. From 2015 to 2017, he was the director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering at EPFL.\nIn 2019, Meibom founded the Transnational Red Sea Center (TRSC), an initiative for scientific diplomacy supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and which aims to promote scientific collaboration in a politically unstable region endowed with fundamental ecological stakes.",
"Dessler was described as an avid glider pilot in 2006. He is married with two children and lives in College Station, Texas.",
"When then presidential candidate Rick Perry suggested that scientists were frequently questioning \"that manmade global warming is what is causing the climate to change.\" Dessler was interviewed by NPR to represent the mainstream scientific consensus. With Perry's home state suffering a severe drought, Dessler (a native Texan) did not attribute the extreme weather that year (2011) to climate change, but he said, \"We can be confident we’ve made this hellish summer worse than it would have been.\"",
"A front page article in The New York Times examining the theory that clouds might offset the effects of increased greenhouse gasses found that his analysis in a 2011 article in Geophysical Research Letters \"offered some evidence that clouds will exacerbate the long-term planetary warming\" Following the publication of the New York Times article \"Dessler became a target of climate science critics\" and was interviewed on the PBS show Frontline for the episode \"Climate of Doubt\" which explored \"the massive shift in public opinion on climate change.\" As a visiting fellow at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences in 2013 and 2014 he is undertaking a project titled, \"Understanding long-term variations in stratospheric water vapor.\" In a November 2013 article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Dessler and colleagues provide observational evidence of a positive feedback effect of stratospheric water vapor and global warming.",
"Dessler and Edward Parson co-authored, The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate in 2006 (2nd ed. 2009). It was described as, \"a fascinating hybrid of science and policy directed at a broad or nonspecialist audience\" by Wendy Gordon in a 2008 review in Eos. Gordons review was positive concluding, \"I could comfortably recommend this book to friend and colleagues.\" and that it would be \"an excellent resource for a high school of college-level survey course in either environmental studies or public policy.\" It also received a favorable review in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society by Paul Higgins. Higgins noted the books, \"careful reasoning and thoughtful presentation\" and stated it was a sound guide to the climate change debate. Concluding a generally positive review Randall Wigle writing in Canadian Public Policy stated, \"...I believe it is a good candidate for a primer for multidisciplinary classes devoted to climate change policy, but it would have been an even better one with less advocacy of one side of the argument.\" Maria Ivanova wrote in Global Environmental Politics that the books scholarly value was indisputable. Writing in New Scientist in 2006 Adrian Barnett said, \"Free copies should be shipped to anyone who doubts the reality of climate change, starting with presidents in denial.\" The book also received very positive reviews in Chromatographia, the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) and Environmental Sciences'.\nIn 2012 Dessler wrote Introduction to Modern Climate Change \"a textbook for non-science majors that uniquely immerses the reader in the science, impacts, economics, policies and political debate associated with climate change.\" It received an award from the American Meteorological Society in 2014. It was favorably reviewed by Cameron Reed in Physics & Society who said, \"The writing is clear, has a nice balance of formal and informal prose, and includes occasional elements of dry humor to lighten discussions of otherwise very serious issues.\" It is used in classes in environmental sciences and the science and policy of climate change.",
"*1991-1994 - NASA Graduate Student Fellowship in Global Change Research\n*1993 - American Geophysical Union Atmospheric Sciences Section Outstanding Student Paper Award\n*1994-1996 - National Research Council Research Associateship\n*1999 - NASA New Investigator Award\n*1999 - NASA Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres Best Senior Author Publication Award\n*2006 - Aldo Leopold Leadership Program Fellowship, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University\n*2011 - Google Science Communication Fellow\n*2011 - Texas A&M University Sigma Xi Outstanding Science Communicator Award\n*2012 - Atmospheric Sciences Section Ascent Award, American Geophysical Union\n*2012 - H. Burr Steinbach Visiting Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute\n*2012 - Thompson Lecturer, National Center for Atmospheric Research\n*2013 - Visiting Fellow Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences\n*2014 - Louis J. Battan Author's Award, American Meteorological Society\n*2019 - Fellow of the American Geophysical Union\n*2022 - \"Friend of the Planet\" award from the National Center for Science Education (NCSE)",
"Dessler has been consulted by newspapers and has given talks on climate change and government policy. On January 16, 2014 he testified before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. He stated that with almost 200 years of study by the scientific community of the climate system a robust understanding has emerged. He continued stating, the climate is warming and \"humans are now in the drivers seat\". He concluded, \"We know that, over the next century, if nothing is done to rein in emissions, temperatures will likely increase enough to profoundly change the planet.\" He gave a talk at the Goddard Space Flight Center in 2013 titled, \"The Alternate Reality of Climate Skeptics\" in which he explained how \"climate skeptics have constructed an alternate reality to believe it [sic]. In this way, the debate over climate change turns into a debate over which reality should be believed.\" In 2010 when US Senator James Inhofe attempted to block the US Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, Dessler told reporters he was confident that individual errors dont invalidate the scientific consensus that global temperature is rising stating, \"That's not how science works.\" He asserted his confidence that the climate is warming due to human activity and that this will have \"catastrophic impacts\" stating, \"The evidence includes a mountain of data.\" Dessler cited replication by multiple institutions as support.\nDessler has suggested that scientists advocating for climate change mitigation should tell their personal stories and that this would reveal the strategy of ad hominem attacks by climate change deniers, an attempt to portray scientists to audiences as \"not like them.\" He said by revealing their backstory scientists can build trust and show people that they share their values. In December 2013 Dessler spoke at a workshop about his experiences with a request for all of his emails at Texas A&M from the American Tradition Institute's Chris Horner using the Texas Public Information Act. He had received support from Scott Mandia of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and the Union of Concerned Scientists.",
"Dessler worked in the energy group at The First Boston Corporation doing mergers and acquisitions analysis in the mid-1980s. He left his job as an investment banker on Wall Street in 1988 to go to graduate school in chemistry. After receiving his Ph.D. in 1994, Dessler did two years of Postdoctoral research at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and then spent nine years on the research faculty of the University of Maryland from 1996 to 2005. Dessler went on to become an Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University from 2005 to 2007 and has been a tenured Professor of Atmospheric Sciences there since 2007.\nHe served as an editor for the American Geophysical Union Books Board from 1997 to 2002, and an associate editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research in 2002.\nDessler also served as a Senior Policy Analyst in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for the last year of the Clinton administration. That experience was the basis for the book he co-authored, The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate.\nHe also published a blog for Grist magazine from 2006 to 2009. He later stated, \"At first, I was enamoured with blogging, until I realized how repetitive it was to keep answering the same questions. I decided I wanted a more high-impact way to spend my time.\" The New York Times said the results of his 2004 article in the Journal of Climate written with Ken Minschwaner placed them, \"in the middle between the skeptics and those who argue that warming caused by burning of fossil fuels could be extremely severe.\" The authors wrote a joint letter to the editor in response objecting to the impression given by the article that their \"research goes against the consensus scientific view that global warming is a serious concern.\" They went on to state their work did not argue against the seriousness of the problem and that the potential effects were so serious \"that slight overestimates of this warming make little difference -- just as reducing the size of a firing squad from 10 shooters to nine makes little difference to the person being executed.\" A 2009 article in Science showed \"warming from rising carbon dioxide should also lead to increased water vapor and additional warming, doubling the warming effect of the carbon dioxide.\" according to Kenneth Chang of The New York Times.\nCurrently, Dessler is an editor of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society and president-elect of the Global Environmental Change section of the American Geophysical Union. He is also the Director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies and holder of the Rita A. Haynes Chair in Geosciences at Texas A&M University.",
"Dessler was born in 1964, in Houston, Texas to Alex Dessler and Lorraine Barbara Dessler. He received a B.A. in physics from Rice University in 1986 and an M.A. and Ph.D in chemistry from Harvard University in 1990 and 1994. His doctoral thesis was titled In situ stratospheric ozone measurements.",
"Andrew Emory Dessler (born 1964) is a climate scientist. He is Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and holder of the Reta A. Haynes Chair in Geoscience at Texas A&M University. He is also the Director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies. His research subject areas include climate impacts, global climate physics, atmospheric chemistry, climate change and climate change policy.",
"Douglass used satellite measurements from NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) platform to define the mode of production for reaction chlorine species, to globally map these ozone-depleting chlorine compounds, and to model differences in the formation of atmospheric chlorine reservoirs between the northern and southern hemispheres. Douglass is the co-lead for NASA Goddard Earth Observing System Chemistry Climate Model (GEOSCCM) which enables modeling of atmospheric temperatures and ozone hole. Douglass has modeled the annual cycle and transport of ozone in the atmosphere. Her model on the movement of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere has implications for what would have happened to the ozone layer in the absence of international agreements to reduce atmospheric CFCs levels.\nDouglass was the co-lead of the validation program for NASAs Aura satellite which is designed to collect data on ozone, climate, and air quality. In 2010, Douglass took over the project scientist position. The ozone data collected by the Aura satellites plays a key role in ozone assessments which guides Douglasss participation in the Montreal Protocol. In 2018, Douglass's research shows decreases in ozone depletion above Antarctica which indicates an improvement in the ozone hole that may fully heal by 2070.",
"* Fellow, American Meteorological Society (1998)\n*Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2007)\n*Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, NASA (2009)\n*Outstanding Leadership Medal, NASA (2012)\n*William Nordberg Memorial Award for Earth Science, Goddard Space Flight Center's highest award in the Earth Sciences (2013)",
"Douglass has five children, enjoys yoga and tap dancing, and was a Girl Scout leader while her children were young. Douglass discusses the challenges of balancing a career and children in her contribution to Motherhood: The Elephant in the Laboratory.",
"Anne Ritger Douglass is atmospheric physicist known for her research on chlorinated compounds and the ozone layer.",
"Douglass graduated with a physics from Trinity, now Trinity Washington University, in 1971. She then earned a M.S. in physics from the University of Minnesota (1975), where she was the only woman in her cohort. She earned a Ph.D. in physics in 1980 from Iowa State University. In 1981, she joined the staff at National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Space Flight Center. In 2014, Douglass described science as her passion with a note that \"You have to love what you do.\" She began a phased retirement from NASA in 2017.",
"Antonella Buccianti (born 1960) is an Italian statistician and earth scientist, known for her work on the statistics of compositional data and its applications in geochemistry and geostatistics. She is an associate professor in the department of earth sciences at the University of Florence.",
"Buccianti is the co-author, with Fabio Rosso, Fabio Vlacci, of the three-volume Italian book Metodi matematici e statistici nelle scienze della terra (2000). She is co-editor of Compositional Data Analysis in the Geosciences: From Theory to Practice (Geological Society, 2006) and Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications (Wiley, 2011).",
"Buccianti was the 2003 winner of the Felix Chayes Prize of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences.",
"Buccianti was born on 7 August 1960 in Florence. She earned a master's degree in stratigraphy from the University of Florence in 1988, including work done as a student with Agip, and completed a PhD at the University of Florence in 1994. She obtained a permanent research position at the university in 2001.",
"As an undergraduate at Harvard University, Fiore worked on ozone smog for her honors thesis. As a graduate student at Harvard, Fiore worked with the Harvard Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group. Before becoming a professor, Fiore continued her research at the Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Program at Princeton University, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. In 2011, Fiore started as a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in Palisades, NY. She became a full professor in 2016. In her time at Columbia, she taught a variety of classes, including Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry, Insights into Climate and Carbon Cycling from Simple Models, Dust in the Earth System, and Atmosphere Tutorial: Chemistry. In 2021 Fiore moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology when she was named the first Peter H. Stone and Paola Malanotte Stone Professor in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.\nHer fields of interest are air quality, climate change and variability, and atmospheric chemistry. She studies connections between the biosphere and the atmosphere, changes and patterns in atmospheric composition, and the relationship between climate and chemistry.\nIn addition to being a professor and researcher, Fiore participates in a numerous of professional activities. Since 2016 she has been the Principal Investigator with the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team. She has also been a member of the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Meteorological Society Statement on Atmospheric Ozone, the Steering Committee for NYSERDA-sponsored NESCAUM Workshop on New York City Metropolitan Area Energy and Air Quality Data Gaps, and the Steering Committee's IGAC/SPARC Chemistry-Climate Modeling Initiative since 2014, 2017, 2017, and 2013 respectively.",
"In 2002, Arlene Fiore cofounded Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN). Members of this organization lead workshops about career development and equality in the workplace for female students and professionals.",
"In 1997 Arlene M. Fiore graduated Harvard College magna cum laude with an A.B. in Environmental Geoscience. She continued her education at Harvard University, graduating in 2003 with a Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Her thesis was titled \"Linking regional air pollution with global chemistry and climate: The role of background ozone.\" In this dissertation, Fiore discusses the importance of background ozone in connecting local air quality with global climate and chemistry, concluding that pollution enhances background ozone and leads to greater climate warming.",
"In December 2005, Fiore won the American Geophysical Union James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award for the research she conducted in the two years after earning her Ph.D. In July 2006, she earned the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). In December 2011, the American Geophysical Union awarded Fiore with the James B. Macelwane Medal, for her work in the geophysical sciences as an early career scientist. As specified by the Geophysical Union website, she met the criteria for the award with her high number of publications on atmospheric chemistry which aided to the scientific community's understanding of ozone pollution impacts. Since 2012, Fiore has received two grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to study U.S. air pollution and climate warming.",
"Arlene M. Fiore is an atmospheric chemist whose research focuses on issues surrounding air quality and climate change.",
"Cannon completed her B.Sc in Biochemistry from London University in 1967. In 1971, she obtained a Ph.D. in Physiology from Stockholm University.",
"Barbara Cannon is a British-Swedish biochemist, physiologist and an academic. She is an emeritus professor at Stockholm University as well as the chairman of the scientific advisory board at The Helmholtz Centre. She is also a consultant at Combigene.\nCannon is most known for her work on mammalian thermogenesis, primarily focusing on the function of brown adipose tissue. She is the recipient of the 2014 King's Medal from the Order of the Seraphims, Sweden.\nCannon is a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.",
"Cannon's initial publications, alongside Stanley Prusiner, definitively showed that thermogenesis was primarily driven by mitochondrial uncoupling, likely induced by the presence of free fatty acids. She subsequently showcased important elements in controlling the immediate function of the uncoupling protein, involving fatty acids, possibly their CoA derivatives, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) products. Her articles on regulating ATP synthase levels in mitochondria relative to electron transport chain density, demonstrated in brown adipose tissue, suggest that this concept applies universally, with the P1 isoform of subunit c governing fully assembled enzyme levels in the membrane.\nCannon pioneered primary cell culture systems that underpin knowledge of brown adipocyte development and recruitment. Using these cultures, she identified adrenergic signal transduction pathways responsible for both acute thermogenesis and chronic actions like cell proliferation and differentiation triggered by noradrenaline. She further clarified that the development paths of brown and white adipocytes are separate, with brown adipocytes showing characteristics of skeletal muscle early in their differentiation process. In her later research, she found that cultured adipocytes from different white adipose depots contained precursor cells capable of adopting a brown-like or \"brite\" phenotype, also known as beige fat. Although these findings have sparked significant interest, she has advised caution regarding the belief that these cells alone will solve obesity problems.\nFocusing on integrative physiology, Cannon's research on mice lacking the UCP1 gene revealed that there are no alternative mechanisms for adrenergically induced adaptive thermogenesis apart from UCP1 in brown adipose tissue. This finding challenges the notion of adaptive adrenergic muscular thermogenesis and suggests that UCP1-deficient mice tend to develop modest obesity spontaneously. Moreover, she advocated for humanizing mice by providing them with appealing diets and maintaining their housing conditions at thermoneutral temperatures to mimic the metabolism of adult humans at its lowest point. Furthermore, her review on active brown adipose tissue in adult humans has prompted numerous follow-up experiments and offered promising avenues for pharmacological interventions in obesity management.",
"Cannon started her academic career in 1974 at Stockholm University, where she held various positions, including a research associate at the Wenner-Grenn Institute from 1974 to 1980. Subsequently, she served as an associate professor from 1980 to 1983 and then as a professor of physiology from 1983 to 2013. Since 2013, she has held the title of emeritus professor at Stockholm University.\nCannon's involvement with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences included a tenure as vice president from 2003 to 2008 and subsequently as president from 2012 to 2015. Furthermore, she played an important role in the Nobel Foundation, serving as a member of the Trustees from 2006 to 2011 and taking on the role of chairman from 2008 to 2011.",
"Cannon has conducted research in the field of mammalian thermogenesis. Her research portfolio includes 185 original articles, as well as 125 invited review articles and book chapters. Notably, she authored a fundamental review on brown adipose tissue function in Physiological Reviews and a paradigm-changing review article for the American Journal of Physiology where she presented findings from radiology literature suggesting the existence of brown adipose tissue in adult humans.",
"*1989 – Fellow, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences \n*2009 – Honorary doctor, Monash University, Melbourne\n*2012 – Knut Schmidt-Nielsen Prize Lecture, International Union of Physiological Sciences\n*2013 – Honorary doctor, Royal Veterinary College, London\n*2013 – European Lipid Research Award, EuroFedLipid\n*2014 – Honorary doctor, Buckingham University, Buckingham, UK \n*2014 – King's Medal (12th size), the Order of the Seraphims\n*2016 – Prize for Scientific Reviews, Experimental Biology and American Physiological Society\n*2016 – Recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, Japan \n*2017 – Fellow, Academia Europaea",
"*Cannon, B., & Nedergaard, J. (2004). Brown adipose tissue: function and physiological significance. Physiological Reviews, 84, 277 - 359.\n*Nedergaard, J., Bengtsson, T., & Cannon, B. (2007). Unexpected evidence for active brown adipose tissue in adult humans. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 293, E444- E452.\n*Feldmann, H. M., Golozoubova, V., Cannon, B., & Nedergaard, J. (2009). UCP1 ablation induces obesity and abolishes diet-induced thermogenesis in mice exempt from thermal stress by living at thermoneutrality. Cell Metabolism, 9(2), 203–209.\n*Whittle, A. J., Carobbio, S., Martins, L., Slawik, M., Hondares, E., Vázquez, M. J., ... & Vidal-Puig, A. (2012). BMP8B increases brown adipose tissue thermogenesis through both central and peripheral actions. Cell, 149(4), 871–885.\n*Fischer, A. W., Cannon, B., & Nedergaard, J. (2018). Optimal housing temperatures for mice to mimic the thermal environment of humans: an experimental study. Molecular metabolism, 7, 161–170.",
"In 1945, Vonnegut started work at the General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenectady, New York. It was there, on November 14, 1946, that he discovered that silver iodide could be used as a nucleating agent to seed clouds. Seeding clouds involves inserting large quantities of a nucleating agent into clouds to facilitate the formation of ice crystals. The intent of this process is to cause the clouds to produce rain or snow. Rain- and snow-making companies still use silver iodide as a nucleating agent in seeding clouds.\nVonnegut left General Electric in 1952, taking a job at Arthur D. Little, Inc. In 1967, Vonnegut became a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University at Albany, The State University of New York. He was named a professor emeritus upon his retirement in 1985. In the course of his career Vonnegut accumulated 28 patents.\nHe was awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in 1997 for his paper \"Chicken Plucking as Measure of Tornado Wind Speed.\"",
"Bernard Vonnegut (August 29, 1914 – April 25, 1997) was an American atmospheric scientist credited with discovering that silver iodide could be used effectively in cloud seeding to produce snow and rain. He was the older brother of American novelist Kurt Vonnegut.",
"Vonnegut was born in Indianapolis, Indiana to architect Kurt Vonnegut Sr (November 24, 1884 – October 1, 1957), a partner in the firm of Vonnegut, Wright & Yeager, and homemaker Edith Sophia Lieber (d. May 14, 1944). He was named after his grandfather, architect Bernard Vonnegut Sr, co-founder of the firm of Vonnegut & Bohn. He attended Park School in Indianapolis and earned a B.S. in chemistry (1936) and Ph.D. in physical chemistry (1939) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.",
"He was married to Lois Bowler Vonnegut, with whom he had five sons. She died in 1972.\nHe died of cancer on April 25, 1997, at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, New York.\nHis brother, Kurt Vonnegut, alluded to Bernards work in some of his works, most famously in Cats Cradle.",
"Biochemists are scientists who are trained in biochemistry. They study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms. Biochemists study DNA, proteins and cell parts. The word \"biochemist\" is a portmanteau of \"biological chemist.\"\nBiochemists also research how certain chemical reactions happen in cells and tissues and observe and record the effects of products in food additives and medicines.\nBiochemist researchers focus on playing and constructing research experiments, mainly for developing new products, updating existing products and analyzing said products. It is also the responsibility of a biochemist to present their research findings and create grant proposals to obtain funds for future research.\nBiochemists study aspects of the immune system, the expressions of genes, isolating, analyzing, and synthesizing different products, mutations that lead to cancers, and manage laboratory teams and monitor laboratory work. Biochemists also have to have the capabilities of designing and building laboratory equipment and devise new methods of producing correct results for products.\nThe most common industry role is the development of biochemical products and processes. Identifying substances' chemical and physical properties in biological systems is of great importance, and can be carried out by doing various types of analysis. Biochemists must also prepare technical reports after collecting, analyzing and summarizing the information and trends found.\nIn biochemistry, researchers often break down complicated biological systems into their component parts. They study the effects of foods, drugs, allergens and other substances on living tissues; they research molecular biology, the study of life at the molecular level and the study of genes and gene expression; and they study chemical reactions in metabolism, growth, reproduction, and heredity, and apply techniques drawn from biotechnology and genetic engineering to help them in their research. About 75% work in either basic or applied research; those in applied research take basic research and employ it for the benefit of medicine, agriculture, veterinary science, environmental science, and manufacturing. Each of these fields allows specialization; for example, clinical biochemists can work in hospital laboratories to understand and treat diseases, and industrial biochemists can be involved in analytical research work, such as checking the purity of food and beverages.\nBiochemists in the field of agriculture research the interactions between herbicides with plants. They examine the relationships of compounds, determining their ability to inhibit growth, and evaluate the toxicological effects surrounding life.\nBiochemists also prepare pharmaceutical compounds for commercial distribution.\nModern biochemistry is considered a sub-discipline of the biological sciences, due to its increased reliance on, and training, in accord with modern molecular biology. Historically, even before the term biochemist was formally recognized, initial studies were performed by those trained in basic chemistry, but also by those trained as physicians.",
"Some of the job skills and abilities that one needs to attain to be successful in this field of work include science, mathematics, reading comprehension, writing, and critical thinking. These skills are critical because of the nature of the experimental techniques of the occupation. One will also need to convey trends found in research in written and oral forms. \nA degree in biochemistry or a related science such as chemistry is the minimum requirement for any work in this field. This is sufficient for a position as a technical assistant in industry or in academic settings. A Ph.D. (or equivalent) is generally required to pursue or direct independent research. To advance further in commercial environments, one may need to acquire skills in management.\nBiochemists must pass a qualifying exam or a preliminary exam to continue their studies when receiving a Ph.D. in biochemistry.\nBiochemistry requires an understanding of organic and inorganic chemistry. All types of chemistry are required, with emphasis on biochemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. Basic classes in biology, including microbiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cell biology, and genomics, are focused on. Some instruction in experimental techniques and quantification is also part of most curricula.\nIn the private industries for businesses, it is imperative to possess strong business management skills as well as communication skills. Biochemists must also be familiar with regulatory rules and management techniques.\nBiochemistry Blog publishes high quality research articles, papers, posts and jobs related to biochemistry. Biochemistry 2019, biochemistry papers latest.\nDue to the reliance on most principles of the basic science of Biochemistry, early contemporary physicians were informally qualified to perform research on their own in mainly this (today also related biomedical sciences) field.",
"Biochemists are typically employed in the life sciences, where they work in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry in a research role. They are also employed in academic institutes, where in addition to pursuing their research they may also be involved with teaching undergraduates, training graduate students, and collaborating with post-doctoral fellows.\nThe U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that jobs in the biochemist, combined with the statistics of biophysicists, field would increase by 31% between 2004 and 2014 because of the demand in medical research and development of new drugs and products, and the preservation of the environment.\nBecause of a biochemists' background in both biology and chemistry, they may also be employed in the medical, industrial, governmental, and environmental fields. Slightly more than half of the biological scientists are employed by the Federal State and local governments. The field of medicine includes nutrition, genetics, biophysics, and pharmacology; industry includes beverage and food technology, toxicology, and vaccine production; while the governmental and environmental fields includes forensic science, wildlife management, marine biology, and viticulture.\nThe average income of a biochemist was $82,150 in 2017. The range of the salaries begin around 44,640 to 153,810, reported in 2017. The Federal Government in 2005 reported the average salaries in different fields associated with biochemistry and being a biochemist. General biological scientists in nonsupervisory, supervisory, and managerial positions earned an average salary of $69,908; microbiologists, $80,798; ecologists, $72,021; physiologists, $93,208; geneticists, $85,170; zoologists, $101,601; and botanists, $62,207.",
"Blanka Wladislaw wrote more than 115 research papers, 171 papers in congress, and directed four Master's dissertations and 24 Doctoral theses. After retiring, she wrote a guide to the teaching of chemistry and remained at the University of São Paulo as a guest teacher.\nIn 1973, she was elected a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Brazilian Association of Chemists, Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), and the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science. The following year she became a member of the São Paulo Academy of Sciences. For the quality of her work in the field of chemistry, Wladislaw was awarded the Brazilian National Order of Scientific Merit and the Rheimboldt-Hauptmann Award.",
"Wladislaw was born Blanka Wertheim on 3 June 1917, in Warsaw, Congress Poland, a part of the Russian Empire. Her family emigrated to Brazil when she was 14, where they have faced great financial difficulty on their arrival in São Paulo. She decided to dedicate herself to her studies in order to enter the University of São Paulo and in 1937 accomplished this, entering the universitys Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters and graduated in 1941. Wladislaws professional career began when she was hired by (Indústrias Reunidas Francisco Matarazzo), but she was determined to go to graduate school. In 1949, she completed her doctorate with her thesis analyzing the behavior of various sulfur compounds in presesence of Raney nickel catalysts, advisor Heinrich Hauptmann, and joined the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters as an assistant to Hauptmann.\nIn 1949, she joined the faculty of Organic and Biological Chemistry at the USP to become and became full time assistant professor in 1953. Blanka got a grant from the British government to conduct postdoctoral studies at the Imperial College London on organic electrosynthesis. In the following decade, Wladislaw researched with organic electrochemistry, again with sulfur compounds. Returning to this field of study in 1971, she would at the same time be promoted to become a full time professor at USPs Institute of Chemistry and in 1975 started the Universitys Department of Fundamental Chemistry.",
"Blanka Wladislaw (born Blanka Wertheim, 3 June 1917 – 26 January 2012) was a Brazilian chemist of Polish-Jewish descent.",
"Brian Evans Conway (January 26, 1927 – July 9, 2005), professor emeritus in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa, was a world-renowned electrochemist, and had a long and distinguished career at the University of Ottawa that spanned five decades.\nConway was born at Farnborough, UK. Prior to his arrival in Canada, he obtained his Ph.D. from Imperial College in 1949 under the supervision of John Bockris. He subsequently worked as a research associate at the Chester Beatty Cancer Research Institute in London. From 1954 until 1956 he was assistant professor at University of Pennsylvania.\nIn 1956, he was recruited to the then two-year-old Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa as an associate professor by the late Professor Keith J. Laidler. He was promoted to the rank of full professor in 1962.\nConway served as chairman of the department from 1966 to 1969 and from 1975 to 1980. He was a Killam Senior Research Fellow from 1983 to 1985 and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) - Alcan Professor of Electrochemistry from 1987 to 1992.\nHe is the author of more than 400 refereed scientific research articles and four books. is a senior editor of 2 series, Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry and Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, and has written Electrochemical Data, Electrode Processes and Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biophysics.\nConway was a \"complete\" electrochemist in that he worked on nearly all aspects of electrochemistry: the electrified interface, ion solvation, adsorption, electrode kinetics and solvated electron, oxide film formation, electrocatalysis, rechargeable batteries, and electrochemical capacitors. He coined the term Supercapacitor.\nAmongst his most prestigious honours and awards are Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1968), the Chemical Institute of Canada Medal (1975), the American Chemical Society Kendall Award in Surface Chemistry (1984), the Electrochemical Society Henry Linford Medal (1984), the Olin Palladium Medal and Award of the Electrochemical Society (1989), the Galvani Medal of the Italian Chemical Society (1991), and Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (1995).",
"Brigitte Zanda was a student at the École normale supérieure de jeunes filles from 1978 to 1982. She continued her education at the École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris where she was a research fellow from 1982 to 1984. From 1984 to 1989, she worked as a research engineer at the Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, affiliated with the CNRS.\nShe defended her doctoral thesis in fundamental geochemistry, entitled Les réactions nucléaires induites par le rayonnement cosmique dans les météorites de fer, at the University of Paris VII in 1988, under the supervision of Jean Audouze. A year later, Brigitte Zanda became an associate professor at the National Museum of Natural History, where she was responsible for the conservation of the national meteorite collection.\nAs part of her professional activities at the Museum, Brigitte Zanda is involved in the dissemination of scientific culture. She also works in the scientific direction of the Astronomy Festival of Fleurance and is responsible for the scientific organization of the AstroNomades festival. She also co-pilots the ANR FRIPON project and directs the / project \"Vigie-Ciel\".",
"* The asteroid discovered by S.J. Bus on March 2, 1981, initially called \"1981 EO42\", was named \"(5047) Zanda\" in her honor.",
"* [ Le fer de Dieu : histoire de la météorite de Chinguetti], with Théodore Monod, Actes Sud, 2008, 152 pages. ISBN 978-2742775521.\n* [ Low temperature magnetic transition of chromite in ordinary chondrites], J. Gattacceca et al., 2011.",
"Brigitte Zanda (born July 29, 1958) is a French meteoriticist, astrophysicist, and cosmochemist. She is an associate professor at the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) in Paris, affiliated with the Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie.\nAs a teacher-researcher, she specializes in primitive meteorites: chondrites. In 2019–2020, she served as the vice president of the Meteoritical Society. Additionally, she is the co-director of the observation network and the coordinator-manager of the participatory science project Vigie-Ciel.",
"Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby ( 28 December 1898 – 19 August 1957) was a Swedish-born American meteorologist who first explained the large-scale motions of the atmosphere in terms of fluid mechanics. He identified and characterized both the jet stream and the long waves in the westerlies that were later named Rossby waves.",
"Carl-Gustaf Rossby was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He was the first of five children born to Arvid and Alma Charlotta (Marelius) Rossby. He attended Stockholm University, where he developed his first interest in mathematical physics.\nRossby came into meteorology and oceanography while studying geophysics under Vilhelm Bjerknes at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen in Bergen, Norway, during 1919, where Bjerknes' group was developing the groundbreaking concepts that became known as the Bergen School of Meteorology, including theory of the polar front.\nHe also studied at the University of Leipzig and at the Lindenberg Observatory (Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg) in Brandenburg where upper air measurements by kite and balloon were researched. In 1921 he returned to Stockholm to join the Meteorological and Hydrographic Office (which later became the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) where he served as a meteorologist on a variety of oceanographic expeditions. While ashore between expeditions, he studied mathematical physics at the University of Stockholm (Filosofie Licentiat, 1925).\nIn 1925 Rossby was granted a fellowship from the Sweden-America Foundation \"to study the application of the polar front theory to American weather\". In the U.S. Weather Bureau in Washington, DC, he combined theoretical work on atmospheric turbulence with the establishment of the first weather service for civil aviation. In 1928 he became associate professor in the Aeronautics Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Shortly after this MIT launched the first department of meteorology in the US. In 1931 he also became a research associate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His interests during this time ranged over atmospheric thermodynamics, mixing and turbulence, and the interaction between oceans and the atmosphere.\nOn 9 January 1939 he became an American citizen and in that same year, assistant director of research at the U.S. Weather Bureau. His appointment as chair of the department of meteorology at the University of Chicago in 1940 began the period in which he turned his attention to large-scale atmospheric motions. He identified and characterized both the jet stream and Rossby waves in the atmosphere.\nDuring World War II, Rossby organized the training of military meteorologists, recruiting many of them to his Chicago department in the post-war years where he began adapting his mathematical description of atmospheric dynamics to weather forecasting by electronic computer, having started this activity in Sweden using BESK. In 1947 he became founding director of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) in Stockholm, dividing his time between there, the University of Chicago and with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. After the war he visited an old friend Professor Hans Ertel in Berlin. Their cooperation led to the mathematical formulation of Rossby waves.\nBetween 1954 and his death in Stockholm in 1957, he championed and developed the field of atmospheric chemistry. His contributions to meteorology were noted in the December 17, 1956, issue of Time magazine. His portrait appeared on the cover of that issue, the first meteorologist on the cover of a major magazine. During this period he considered the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its potential warming effect.",
"*The layer of frictional influence in wind and ocean currents (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) – 1935 \n*Weather estimates from local aerological data: A preliminary report (Institute of Meteorology of the University of Chicago) – 1942 \n*Kinematic and hydrostatic properties of certain long waves in the westerlies (Institute of Meteorology of the University of Chicago) – 1942",
"*Elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1934)\n*Elected member of the United States National Academy of Sciences (1943)\n*Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (jointly with H. C. Willett) – Sylvanus Albert Reed Award (1934)\n*Elected president of the American Meteorological Society (1944–45)\n*Elected member of the American Philosophical Society (1946) \n*Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences – Robert M. Losey Award (1946)\n*Royal Meteorological Society – Symons Gold Medal (1953) \n*World Meteorological Organization – International Meteorological Organization Prize (1957)\n*American Meteorological Society – Applied Meteorology Award (1959)",
"* Horace R. Byers ─ [ Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby. 1898–1957. A Biographical Memoir] (National Academy of Sciences)\n*Norman A. Phillips ─ [ Special Session Honoring the Centennial of the Birth of Carl-Gustaf A. Rossby] (American Meteorological Society)",
"Stevens is the author or co-author of over 70 scientific publications and books. These include:\n* Carly Stevens, The impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on grasslands: species composition and biogeochemistry, VDM Verlag, 2009. ISBN 978-3639144147\n* Carly J Stevens, Nancy B Dise, J Owen Mountford, David J Gowing (2004) Impact of nitrogen deposition on the species richness of grasslands. Science 303 1876-1879",
"Stevens' research has contributed to understanding how changes in the levels of nitrogen compounds in the soil, deposited from the atmosphere, have had significant effects on the composition of the UK flora. This has shown that the number of different species of plants present is reduced as soils receive more inorganic nitrogen compounds from the atmosphere. Stevens has been involved with a long-term project at Tadmore Moor that started in 1986 following the effects of nitrogen fertiliser on this wetland. No fertiliser was added after 1990 but she could still find effects in 2005.\nStevens is part of the Nutrient Network, an international collaboration investigating how grasslands are affected by global climate change, specifically how anthropogenic increases in nitrogen and phosphorus levels affect plant productivity and diversity and the interaction of the plants with grazing animals. This research involves the partners setting up the same experiment in their location so that global comparisons can readily be made. It started in 2005 and had grown to 130 sites by 2021.\nShe is a trustee of the Ecological Continuity Trust that maintains long-term ecological field experiments and their data in the UK.",
"Carly Stevens is a professor of plant ecology and soil biogeochemistry at University of Lancaster, UK. Her work focuses on how changes in the atmospheric nitrogen cycle affect plant communities, particularly grasslands.",
"Carly Joanne Stevens has been awarded B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees. In 2004 her PhD was awarded by the Open University for her work on the effects of nitrogen on grassland ecology supervised by Nancy Dise, David Gowing and Owen Mountford. It was carried out in collaboration with the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Monks Wood. Prior to her appointment at University of Lancaster, Stevens was a research fellow at the Open University.",
"Chan King-ming earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy degrees at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his doctoral degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.\nHe is now director of the Environmental Science Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He teaches many different courses including Current Environmental Issues, Biochemical Toxicology and Introduction to Environmental Science in the Environmental Science Program and Molecular Endocrinology in the Biochemistry Programme. Trained as a molecular biologist for his PhD and post-doctoral research, Professor Chan's research interests include gene regulation, aquatic toxicology, marine biotechnology and environmental biochemistry and environmental policy. Prof. Chan is also chairman of CUTA (Chinese University Teachers Association), trustee of Shaw College Board of trustees, Member of Assembly of Fellows, Shaw College, and warden of Hostel 2, Shaw College.",
"Chan is a current member of the Professional Teachers' Union (HK), Hong Kong Marine Biological Association, Society of Toxicology (SOT) in the US, American Fisheries Society, American Physiological Society, etc.\nHe is now chairman (elected) of the Teachers' Association of Chinese University (2011–12). He also serves as warden of Student Hostel 2 of Shaw College, member of the board of trustees of Shaw College, and member of the Assembly of Fellows, Shaw College, Chinese University.",
"Chan King-ming is a Hong Kong politician and academic. He served as the vice-chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong from 2004 to 2006. He is also an associate professor in the department of biochemistry and Environmental Science Program of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.",
"Chan is a founding member of the Democratic Party. He was elected as chairman of the New Territories East Branch in 1999, and later became the party's minister of organization affairs and central committee member. He ran for the chairmanship election in 2004 but lost to Lee Wing-tat. He was then elected vice-chairman of the party. He also served as a part-time member of Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Government between 2004 and 2006.\nHe ran again for the chairmanship in December 2006, but lost to Albert Ho. He did not seek to run for the vice-chairmanship in the 2006 election. In 2010, the Democratic Party decided to support the government's proposal of the political reform package to expand the numbers of legislative council members from 30 to 35 in Geographical Constituency and 30 to 35 of Functional Constituency by adopting the idea of the \"Super-district Councillors\" which will be voted across the territory after nominations by District Councillors. Younger members of the Democratic Party including Chan believed that such proposal could not provide any significant progress towards democratic development in local political agenda.\nIn December 2010, Chan quit the party due to the electoral reform to found the Neo Democrats and is the incumbent convenor of the party. The Neo Democrats campaigned in the 2011 District Council election and won a total of 8 seats.",
"In April 2020, Cambridge University’s Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) worked together to test how ozone could speed up the cleaning of ambulances and potentially save lives. As part of this testing, Giorio’s research group (The Giorio Research Group) used an ozone generator to produce ozone at controlled concentrations in a fume cupboard containing the indicators and sensors, which scientists at the Dstl could use as a baseline in their testing.",
"After her studies, Giorio became a postdoc at the University of Padova where she worked on the environmental dispersion of neonicotinoid insecticides through dust emitted by seeders during the sowing of corn seeds treated with neonicotinoids, and the consequential in-flight contamination and acute toxicity for honeybees. She also worked on assessing the usability and environmental impact of vineyard pruning residues as an energy source.\nIn 2013, Giorio transferred to the University of Cambridge as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Chemistry in the Markus Kalberer research group. In Cambridge, Giorio‘s research was focused on determining the chemical composition and formation processes of secondary organic aerosols. She developed a method for the quantification of the highly reactive Criegee intermediates produced by ozonolysis reactions in the atmosphere and she studied the impact of aqueous phase processing on aerosol composition \nIn January 2017, Dr. Giorio became a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and later that year, became tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Padova. As of March 2020, she is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge. Research in Giorio’s Research Group is focused on the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and its impact on air quality and climate.",
"Giorio’s research on the translocation of neonicotinoid insecticides. Giorio’s research has also helped in introducing regulations against neonicotinoids.\nIn recognition of Giorio’s work on neonicotinoid insecticides, she won the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Early Career Award in 2021.",
"Giorio was born and grew up in Vicenza (Italy). She attended the “Liceo Scientifico G.B. Quadri” where she became interested in Chemistry. She then studied at the University of Padova where she received her Bachelors degree in 2006 and Masters degree in 2008 in chemistry. Giorio attained a PhD in Molecular Sciences from the University of Padova on 28 February 2012.",
"Chiara Giorio is an Italian atmospheric chemist who is an Assistant Professor in the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of Christ's College and a Fellow of the Community for Analytical Measurement Science.\nHer research is focused on the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and its impact on air quality and climate.",
"* Giorio C, D’Aronco S, Di Marco V, Badocco D, Battaglia F, Soldà L, Pastore P, Tapparo A (2022) Emerging investigator series: aqueous-phase processing of atmospheric aerosol influences dissolution kinetics of metal ions in an urban background site in the Po Valley. Environ Sci Process Impacts 24:884–897. [ Emerging investigator series: aqueous-phase processing of atmospheric aerosol influences dissolution kinetics of metal ions in an urban background site in the Po Valley]\n* Giorio C, Doussin JF, D’Anna B, Mas S, Filippi D, Denjean C, Mallet MD, Bourrianne T, Burnet F, Cazaunau M, Chikwililwa C, Desboeufs K, Feron A, Michoud V, Namwoonde A, Andreae MO, Piketh SJ, Formenti P (2022) Butene Emissions From Coastal Ecosystems May Contribute to New Particle Formation. Geophys Res Lett 49:. [ Butene Emissions From Coastal Ecosystems May Contribute to New Particle Formation]\n* Giorio C, Bortolini C, Kourtchev I, Tapparo A, Bogialli S, Kalberer M (2019) Direct target and non-target analysis of urban aerosol sample extracts using atmospheric pressure photoionisation high-resolution mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 224:786–795. [ Direct target and non-target analysis of urban aerosol sample extracts using atmospheric pressure photoionisation high-resolution mass spectrometry]\n* Giorio C, Pizzini S, Marchiori E, Piazza R, Grigolato S, Zanetti M, Cavalli R, Simoncin M, Soldà L, Badocco D, Tapparo A (2019) Sustainability of using vineyard pruning residues as an energy source: Combustion performances and environmental impact. Fuel 243:371–380. [ Sustainability of using vineyard pruning residues as an energy source: Combustion performances and environmental impact]\n* Giorio C, Kehrwald N, Barbante C, Kalberer M, King ACF, Thomas ER, Wolff EW, Zennaro P (2018) Prospects for reconstructing paleoenvironmental conditions from organic compounds in polar snow and ice. Quat Sci Rev 183:1–22 . [ Prospects for reconstructing paleoenvironmental conditions from organic compounds in polar snow and ice]\n* Giorio C, Marton D, Formenton G, Tapparo A (2017) Formation of Metal–Cyanide Complexes in Deliquescent Airborne Particles: A New Possible Sink for HCN in Urban Environments. Environ Sci Technol 51:14107–14113. [ Formation of Metal–Cyanide Complexes in Deliquescent Airborne Particles: A New Possible Sink for HCN in Urban Environments]\n* Giorio C, Monod A, Brégonzio-Rozier L, DeWitt HL, Cazaunau M, Temime-Roussel B, Gratien A, Michoud V, Pangui E, Ravier S, Zielinski AT, Tapparo A, Vermeylen R, Claeys M, Voisin D, Kalberer M, Doussin J-F (2017) Cloud Processing of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Isoprene and Methacrolein Photooxidation. J Phys Chem A 121:7641–7654. [ Cloud Processing of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Isoprene and Methacrolein Photooxidation]\n* Harrison RM, Giorio C, Beddows DCS, Dall’Osto M (2010) Size distribution of airborne particles controls outcome of epidemiological studies. Sci Total Environ 409:289–293. [ Size distribution of airborne particles controls outcome of epidemiological studies]",
"Choi Yang-do (; born 1953) is a South Korean agricultural biotechnologist. His research focuses on the development of crops with stress-tolerant and yield-enhancing traits. One of his academic achievements is the discovery of a new jasmonate which enhances resistance against external stress of the crop. Choi is currently professor at Seoul National University in South Korea.",
"Choi researched jasmonates, which are believed to participate in signal transduction processes between external stresses, such as wounding, pathogenic attack, or cell response by activating the defense genes. He discovered a new enzyme, (EC2.1.1.141) jasmonate carboxyl methyltransferase (JMT), which catalyzes the methylation of jasmonate to MeJA. The overexpression of the JMT gene confers resistance to pathogens. He is currently working to understand the molecular function of MeJA, JMT, and its effector genes. Furthermore, the genetic engineering of crops by application of those genes and knowledge is under investigation.\nThe major research activity is the discovery of a novel enzyme and its genes encoding jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase, which is involved in stress response and signal transduction in plant. Other achievements are the development of drought tolerant transgenic rice and transferred technology to Mahyco, India and the development of yield-enhanced transgenic rice and transferred technologies to BASF Plant Science in Germany.",
"For his scientific achievements Choi received the New Technology Development Award from the Ministry of Science & Technology (1992), the Special Award from Korean Society for Molecular & Cell Biology from the Korean Society of Molecular and Cellular Biology (1999), the 11th Sangrok Agriculture & Life Science Award from Seoul National University College of Agriculture (2002), the Excellent Monograph Award from the Korean Federation for Science & Technology Societies (2003), the 11th Hwanong Award from Hwanong Academy & Research Foundation (2004), the KSABC Award from the Korean Society for Applied Biology and Chemistry (2006), the 52nd NAS Award from the National Academy of Sciences, and the Top Scientist and Technologist Award of Korea from the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies () (2008).",
"Choi Yang-do was born in Seoul, South Korea. He studied agricultural chemistry at Seoul National University (1972-1976) and graduated with a BS degree. From 1976 to 1978 he received a MS degree in biological science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and earned \nhis Ph.D. in biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology from 1981 to 1985 at Northwestern University in Evanston.",
"Dr. Chris Ballentine is the chair of geochemistry and head of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom. He uses properties of the noble gases to understand the origin and evolution of Earth's atmosphere and mantle.",
"Ballentine earned his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in 1992. He went on to hold research positions at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, the University of Michigan, and ETH Zurich, Switzerland. From 2001 to 2013, he held positions at the University of Manchester before joining the faculty at the University of Oxford.\nBallentine has held the vice president, president, and past president positions with the European Association of Geochemistry. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Oxford Museum of Natural History and the American Geophysical Union, as well as a former scientific steering committee member for the Deep Carbon Observatory. In 2008, he won the Geological Society of London Bigsby medal for significant contributions to geology. The AGU chose Ballentine as a Fellow in 2013, and in 2016, he won the Eni Award, given to researchers who make advanced scientific breakthroughs in the field of energy, for \"New Frontiers of Hydrocarbons\".",
"Ballentine has shown that by measuring noble gas isotopes, he can identify and quantify the processes controlling the origin, migration, and interaction of subsurface water, hydrocarbons, and fluids.\nHe has applied noble gas tools and principles to understand how natural gas fields form inside Earth, the role of groundwater in forming hydrocarbon reservoirs, and the origins of different gases on the planet. Ballentine also has developed quantitative techniques to understand how carbon dioxide behaves in the subsurface, including its role in the crustal carbon cycle, and how carbon-rich fluids have supported subsurface life over geological timescales.",
"Christine Wiedinmyer is an American atmospheric chemist who is research scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. She has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.\nWiedinmyer developed the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN), \"a high resolution global fire emissions model now used by local, regional, and global chemical modelers to better quantify the impacts of fire emissions on atmospheric composition, both in hindsight and forecast model applications.\" She used the model to estimate that the 2010 Russian wildfires liberated 22 teragrams of carbon monoxide, though this amount was less than the cumulative carbon monoxide emissions of 2012 and 2003. Wiedinmyer discovered that in the long run, controlled burning of forests will produce up to sixty percent less carbon dioxide emissions compared to the full-fledged wildfires they prevented. Undergrowth will be destroyed by the controlled burns while carbon-rich mature trees survive. Without removing the undergrowth, wildfires can quickly escalate out of control using the undergrowth as fuel, and then burn down mature trees as well.\nWiedinmyer is also a co-founder of the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN).",
"Chetsanga was born in Murewa, Zimbabwe on 22 August 1935, and was baptised in 1948. In his youth, he was educated at Nhowe Mission, and went on to study at University of California, Berkeley where he received his BSc in 1965. Chetsanga also studied for a period at Pepperdine University. In 1969, he received his MSc and PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from University of Toronto before becoming a post doctoral fellow at Harvard University between 1969 and 1972. Between 1972 and 1983 he became a professor at the University of Michigan, then in 1983 he left to become the senior lecturer in Biochemistry for University of Zimbabwe. In 1990, President Robert Mugabe awarded him President’s Award for Distinguished Contribution to Science and Technology. Has also awarded the Order of the Star of Zimbabwe. He is presently the vice chancellor at Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University.\nIn 2004, when the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences was formed, Chetsanga was appointed the first president of the academy. Chetsanga advocated the use of genetically modified food sources as a possible solution for food shortages in Africa in 2020.",
"Chetsanga has discovered two enzymes involved in the repair of damaged DNA: firstly, formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase, which removes damaged 7-methylguanine from DNA (1979), and secondly, purine imidazole-ring cyclase, which re-closes imidazole rings of guanine and adenine damaged by x-irradiation (1985).\nAccording to Chetsanga, his research focus in his scientific career has been on DNA and RNA structural and functional details as they relate to cellular metabolism and disease development.",
"Christopher J. Chetsanga (born 1935 in Murehwa, Rhodesia) is a prominent Zimbabwean scientist who is a member of the African Academy of Sciences and The World Academy of Sciences. He discovered two enzymes involved in DNA repair. He has also held various academic administrative posts like Vice-Chancellor, Director and Dean.",
"Claudine Helen Stirling is a New Zealand isotope geochemistry academic. As of 2018, she is a full professor at the University of Otago. In 2024 she was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi.",
"After a 1996 PhD titled High-precision U-series dating of corals from Western Australia : implication for last interglacial sea-levels at the Australian National University, Stirling worked at University of Michigan and ETH Zürich before moving to the University of Otago in 2006, rising to full professor in 2018. [ Prof Stirling] is a member of the [ Department of Geology] with current research interests including: isotope geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles of trace metals, paleoceanography & paleoclimatology, and environmental geochemistry.\nIn 2024 Stirling was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi.",
"* Halliday, Alex N., Der-Chuen Lee, John N. Christensen, Mark Rehkämper, Wen Yi, Xiaozhong Luo, Chris M. Hall, Chris J. Ballentine, Thomas Pettke, and Claudine Stirling. \"Applications of multiple collector-ICPMS to cosmochemistry, geochemistry, and paleoceanography.\" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, no. 6 (1998): 919–940.\n* Amelin, Yuri, Angela Kaltenbach, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Claudine H. Stirling, Trevor R. Ireland, Michail Petaev, and Stein B. Jacobsen. \"U–Pb chronology of the Solar System's oldest solids with variable 238U/235U.\" Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300, no. 3-4 (2010): 343–350.\n* Stirling, Claudine H., Morten B. Andersen, Emma-Kate Potter, and Alex N. Halliday. \"Low-temperature isotopic fractionation of uranium.\" Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264, no. 1-2 (2007): 208–225.\n* Gutjahr, Marcus, Martin Frank, Claudine H. Stirling, Veronika Klemm, Tina Van de Flierdt, and Alex N. Halliday. \"Reliable extraction of a deepwater trace metal isotope signal from Fe–Mn oxyhydroxide coatings of marine sediments.\" Chemical Geology 242, no. 3-4 (2007): 351–370.\n* Rehkämper, Mark, Maria Schönbächler, and Claudine H. Stirling. \"Multiple collector ICP‐MS: Introduction to instrumentation, measurement techniques and analytical capabilities.\" Geostandards Newsletter 25, no. 1 (2001): 23–40.",
"He was born in Nafplio, the first capital of Greece and his paternal family home. During World War II, he accompanied his parents to Egypt, South Africa, and finally the United States (U.S.), where his father held ministerial posts in the Greek Government in exile. The family stayed in the U.S. until 1944, when, following the liberation of Greece after the defeat of Nazi Germany, they returned permanently to Greece. \nAfter his secondary education at the 8th Gymnasium of Athens, he graduated from the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 1956. After completion of Army service he joined the team of Prof. Peter Karlson at the Institut für Physiologische Chemie of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He completed his doctoral degree in biochemistry in 1962 from the Medical School of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.",
"Sekeris was a direct descendant of Panagiotis Sekeris, a merchant and ship owner who lived in Constantinople in the early 19th century and co-founded the Filiki Eteria (a secret society aiming to overthrow the Ottoman rule in Greece), and who spent his entire wealth financing this process. Sekeris married Lioka (Kalliope), born Platsouka (passed away in 1997) and then Evi, born Protopappa. He was survived by one son, Evangelos a member of the Hellenic Diplomatic Corps, three grandchildren (Kalliope, Katherine and Constantine) and his three siblings, two brothers (Giorgos and Thanassis) and one sister (Kalliope).",
"In 1964 Sekeris accompanied Karlson when he moved to the position of Director of the Institut für Physiologische Chemie of the Philipps University of Marburg. In 1966 he became a Privatdozent at the Medical School where, in 1970, he was promoted to “Wissenschaftlicher Rat und Professor”, and then to a C3 Professor. In 1974 he moved to the German Cancer Research Centre (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum) in Heidelberg as the Head of the Section “Molecular Biology of the Cell” and a professor at the Science Faculty of Heidelberg University. In 1977, he finally moved home to Greece as a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Athens, first at the Department of Biology and then (1993) at the Medical School. During his tenure at the University of Athens he held a joint appointment at the Institute of Biological Research at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, serving as its Director. In 2000, he reached the mandatory retirement age for the Greek Public Service, but kept performing research, unofficially, up until his death in 2009. \nSekeris’ main research interest was the mode of action of steroid hormones. He started his research working on tyrosine metabolism in insects and then rapidly moved to molecular endocrinology, where he stayed. Building on the work of Adolf_Butenandt (Karlsons father-in-law and director of the Munich Institute), Karlson and Sekeris early on proposed a model on how steroids function, which was very loosely based on Jacob and Monods model for the regulation of the lactose operon of Escherichia coli. He concentrated his later work on steroid receptor(s) including the binding of glucocorticoid receptor to mitochondrial DNA, which he and his group first described. His overall focus could be described as the elucidation of the role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of gene expression and cellular metabolism. This research led to research on post-transcriptional events such as mRNA processing. He was the first to describe the presence of small RNA species involved in the processing of hnRNA. He published more than 250 papers and book chapters, making him one of Greece's most prolific scientists in non-clinical life sciences.\nIn addition to his long-term directorship of the Institute of Biological Research at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Sekeris was involved in science administration both in Greece and abroad. He was a member of the Greek Research Council and acted as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. Among different honours that he received during his career one should mention his election to the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the European Academy of Sciences. After leaving Germany he was made an Honorary Professor of Cell Biology at the Science Faculty of Heidelberg University.",
"His research addresses the chemistry and dynamics of Earths atmosphere, with particular emphasis on observations of trace gases and aerosols and their impact on stratospheric ozone, the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, and radiation balance. His group studies stratospheric ozone depletion over the Arctic, the impact of rockets on stratospheric chemistry, long-range transport of pollutants, and the role of aerosols in modification of cloud properties. He has participated in over forty field campaigns, most involving research aircraft and scientific balloons. They have conducted work in Antarctica, Spitsbergen, New Zealand, Sweden, Nepal, the Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaii, and throughout the continental United States. He develops instruments for fast-response in situ' measurements from the ground, balloons, and aircraft. His work helped demonstrate the link between chlorine-containing and bromine-containing compounds on the destruction of ozone over the Arctic and Antarctic.",
"Toohey received a B.S. in chemistry and a B.A. in physics at California State University, Fullerton in 1982 and a Ph.D. in applied physics at Harvard University in 1988. He was a postdoctoral fellow in applied physics under Professor James G. Anderson at Harvard, 1988-1991. In 1991 he joined the Department of Earth System Science at the University of California Irvine, which he helped establish and served as assistant and associate professor from 1991 until 1998. The following year he joined the University of Colorado Boulder as an associate professor, achieving full professor in 2004. At Colorado, Toohey has been a director of the Baker Residential Academic Program, interim director of the Sustainability and Social Innovation Residential Academic Program, and director of the Global Studies Residential Academic Program.",
"Darin W. Toohey is an American atmospheric scientist. He is a professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences and of environmental studies at the University of Colorado Boulder since 1999. Tooheys research addresses the role of trace gases and aerosols on Earths climate, atmospheric oxidation, and air quality. He was a Jefferson Science Fellow at the United States Department of State, 2011-2012.",
"Farmer grew up in Canada. Her father was an oceanographer, and she spent her childhood playing in his laboratory. She has credited her love of physics to a high school teacher, and her love of chemistry to an undergraduate lecturer. She was an undergraduate student at McGill University, and a postgraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. During her doctoral studies, she spent a year in the Sierra Nevada, where she used mass spectrometry to understand the mountain air. Farmer then moved to the University of Colorado Boulder, where she spent a month in the Amazon rainforest.",
"In 2011, Farmer joined the Colorado State University. Farmer studies outdoor and indoor atmospheric chemistry. She looks to understand the sources and sinks of trace gases in the atmosphere. She spent 2014 as a Resident Fellow in the Colorado State University School of Global Environmental Sustainability.\nFarmer studied the impact of wildfires on air quality. She used data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains observatory. She made her measurements using an ultra-high-sensitivity aerosol spectrometer The spectrometer uses a laser to determine the size of aerosol particles.\nDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, Farmer studied the quality of indoor air.\nFarmer was awarded the American Geophysical Union Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award in 2022.",
"Delphine Farmer is a Canadian chemist who is a professor at the Colorado State University. Her research considers the development of scientific instruments for atmospheric science. She was awarded the American Geophysical Union Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award in 2022.",
"Northup joined the faculty at the University of New Mexico. At the UNM she started the Subsurface Life In Mineral Environments (SLIME) team. In particular, Northup studies the colourful ferromanganese deposits that line the walls of Lechuguilla and [ Spider Cave] in Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Her work on the Lechuguilla Cave was featured in a PBS Nova episode, \"The Mysterious Life of Caves.\" She is also interested in the hydrogen sulphide cave (Cueva de las Sardinas) in Tabasco.\nNorthup was elected Fellow of the National Speleological Society in 1992, and awarded their Science Prize in 2013.",
"Northup was an undergraduate student at West Virginia University, where she studied political science. She moved to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for graduate studies, where she earned a Masters of Library Science in 1972. Northup moved to the University of New Mexico, where she earned a Masters degree in biology in 1988. She remained at the University of New Mexico for her doctoral research, where she studied the geomicrobiology of caves.",
"Diana E. Northup is an American microbiologist, speleologist, ecologist, Visiting Professor of Biology, and Professor Emerita of Library Sciences with the University of New Mexico. Her research focuses on the microbial ecology of caves around the world. Dr. Northup is a Fellow of the National Speleological Society and the Cave Research Foundation. She wrote the Wiley textbook Microbial Ecology. She was awarded the National Speleological Society Science Prize in 2013.",
"Drew Shindell is a physicist and a climate specialist and professor at Duke Universitys Nicholas School of the Environment. He is listed as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. He was a chapter lead (coordinating lead author) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) October 8, 2018 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C as well as on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes Fifth Assessment Report in 2013. He has testified on climate issues before both houses of the US Congress, at the request of both parties. His research concerns natural and human drivers of climate change, linkages between air quality and climate change, and the interface between climate change science and policy. He has been an author on more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and received awards from Scientific American, NASA, the EPA, and the NSF.\nHe was also a leading scientific contributor to the establishment of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, a group of now more than 60 nations along with many intergovernmental and non-governmental organization dedicated to implementing actions that simultaneously reduce air pollution and mitigate climate change. He chaired the 2011 Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone produced by the United Nations Environment Programme and World Meteorological Organization that, along with the paper in Science he led in 2012 entitled \"Simultaneously Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change and Improving Human Health and Food Security\" helped to catalyze the Coalition's formation. He has served as Chair of the Science Advisory Panel to the Coalition since 2012.\nHe has addressed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the World Bank, federal and state officials, developed a climate change course with the American Museum of Natural History, and made numerous appearances in newspapers, on radio, and on TV as part of his public outreach efforts. In 2023, Dr. Shindell was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.",
"Shindell is a physicist who got his B.A. at University of California at Berkeley in 1988 and his Ph.D at the State University of New York in Stony Brook in 1995. From 2000 to 2014 he was a climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. While there, Dr. Shindell taught atmospheric chemistry at nearby Columbia University for more than a decade. In 2014 he was named Professor of Climate Sciences at Duke University, where he was appointed the Nicholas Professor of Earth Sciences in 2016.",
"His research is concerned with global climate change, climate variability, atmospheric chemistry and air pollution. He uses climate models to investigate chemical changes such as air pollution, climate changes such as global warming, and the connections between these two. Among his research interests are:\n* Long-term changes in climate and climate variability patterns\n* Sensitivity of climate change to different drivers\n* Climate and air quality linkages and public policy\n* Interdisciplinary assessment of the impact of policy options on climate, public health, food and the economy\n* Atmospheric composition changes and solar power generation",
"* Shindell et al: Quantified, Localized Health Benefits of Accelerated Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions. In: Nature Climate Change 8, (2018), 291-291,\n*Bergin et al: Large reductions in solar energy production due to dust and particulate air pollution. In: Environmental Science and Technology 4, (2017), 339-344, .\n*Shindell et al: A climate policy pathway for near- and long-term benefits, In: Science 356, No. 6337, (2017), 493-494, .\n*Shindell et al: The Social Cost of Methane: Theory and Applications. In: Faraday Discussions 200, (2017), 429-451, .\n*Shindell et al: Climate and health impacts of US emissions reductions consistent with 2 °C. In: Nature Climate Change 6, (2016), 503–507, .\n* Bond et al: Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment. In: Journal of Geophysical Research 118, Issue 11, (2013), 5380–5552, . \n* Shindell et al, Simultaneously Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change and Improving Human Health and Food Security. In: Science 335, No. 6065, (2012), 183-189, .\n* Gray et al, Solar Influence on Climate. In: Reviews of Geophysics 48, Issue 4, (2010), .\n* Lamarque et al, Historical (1850–2000) gridded anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of reactive gases and aerosols: methodology and application. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10, (2010), 7017-7039, . \n* Steig et al, Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface since the 1957 International Geophysical Year. In: Nature 457, (2009), 459-462, .\n* Michael E. Mann et al, Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly. In: Science 326, No. 5957, (2009), 1256-1260, . \n* Shindell et al, Improved Attribution of Climate Forcing to Emissions. In: Science 326, No. 5953, (2009), 716-718, . \n* Hansen et al, Efficacy of climate forcings. In: Journal of Geophysical Research 110, D18, (2005), .\n* Shindell et al, Solar Forcing of Regional Climate Change During the Maunder Minimum. In: Science 294, No. 5549, (2001), 2149-2152, .\n* Shindell et al, Solar Cycle Variability, Ozone, and Climate. In: Science 284, No. 5412, (1999), 305-308, .\n* Shindell et al, Simulation of recent northern winter climate trends by greenhouse-gas forcing. In: Nature 399, (1998), 452-455, .\n* Shindell et al, Increased polar stratospheric ozone losses and delayed eventual recovery owing to increasing greenhouse-gas concentrations. In: Nature 392, (1998), 589-592, .",
"Canuel has a B.S. in Chemistry from Stonehill College (1981) and earned her Marine Science (1992) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Following her Ph.D. she was a postdoctoral researcher at the United States Geological Survey until 1994 when she joined the faculty at the College of William & Mary. She was promoted to professor in 2006, and named Chancellor Professor in 2018.\nFrom 2018 until 2020 Canuel was a program officer at the National Science Foundation, and she returned there in 2021.",
"Elizabeth A. Canuel is a chemical oceanographer known for her work on organic carbon cycling in aquatic environments. She is the Chancellor Professor of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary and is an elected fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.",
"Canuels early research examined particles in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean, and lipid biomarkers in particles from North Carolina and San Francisco. She has examined the degradation of organic matter newly-placed on sediments, and anoxia in the Chesapeake Bay. Her research in Chesapeake Bay also considers how the source of organic matter to the bay impacts water quality. Canuels use of stable isotopes extends to examining stable isotope ratios in plants from San Francisco Bay, the use of stable isotopes to track sources of organic matter in estuaries,\nhow climate change will impact carbon cycling at the border between the land and the ocean and examining the age of organic matter in estuaries.",
"Canuel was named a Leopold fellow in 2011. She was elected a fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry in 2016, and was named a sustaining fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography in 2019.",
"Fischer was born in Rhode Island. She was drawn into atmospheric science when, at age eleven, Hurricane Bob hit her home state in August 1991; blown away by nature's phenomenon, she called her local meteorologist to ask \"what made wind\".\nAfter a year at Colby College, she transferred to the University of British Columbia, where she graduated with a B.S. in Atmospheric Science in 2002. In 2004, she earned M.S. in Earth Sciences from the University of New Hampshire, Durham. Finally, after studying transpacific air pollution on Mount Bachelor, OR, she earned her PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Washington in 2010.",
"In 2014, Fischer along with fellow scientists launched a program Promoting Geoscience, Research, Education and Success (PROGRESS). Through \"a professional development workshop, access to female mentors and role models, and online discussions and resources\" PROGRESS aims \"to introduce the women to geoscience careers, to establish connections among students, to help participants identify role models and the value of mentoring, [and] to discuss how to overcome expected hurdles.\"",
"* In 2019, Fischer received the James. B Macelwane medal from the American Geophysical Union \n* In 2019, she was chosen by students in the CSU Atmospheric Science Department as professor of the Year. \n* In 2018 Fischer received the CSU Graduate Advising and Mentorship Award. \n* 2011-2013 she was a NOAA Climate and Global Change and a Harvard Center for the Environment Fellow.",
"Emily V. Fischer is an atmospheric chemist and an associate professor in the department of atmospheric science at Colorado State University. She earned notoriety from her work on the WE-CAN project and on PAN, specifically its role in changing the distribution of oxidants in the troposphere. She has received many honors including the prestigious James B. Macelwane Medal which is \"given annually to three to five early career scientists in recognition of their significant contributions to Earth and space science.\" Fischer is also a role model and activist in galvanizing support for women in STEM fields.",
"Following her PhD research in 2011, Fischer became a NOAA Environmental Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment. There, she \"explored the processes controlling the distribution of the most important atmospheric oxidants, the hydroxyl radical and ozone.\" In 2013, she became an assistant professor at Colorado State University, where she works today and leads the Fischer Group, which focuses on studying the troposphere composition; some of the projects include \"Fires to Farms: How do wildfire smoke driven changes in radiation impact crops and solar resources?\", \"Transformation and Transport of Ammonia (TRANS2AM)\", \"Leveraging Field-Campaign Networks for Collaborative Change,\" and many others. Her most notable work was done on the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN) project. The goal of the project was to study both the chemical make-up and travel of compounds produced by wildfires. Additionally the project pioneered a satellite technique for measuring PAN that now gives scientists a panoramic perspective.",
"Evelyn Brower Man (October 7, 1904 – September 3, 1992) was an American biochemist. She was a leading woman in developing the first test to detect hormone levels in the thyroid gland.",
"On September 3, 1992, Man died of lung cancer in her home in West Hartford, Connecticut. Man was 87 years old at the time of her death.",
"From 1928 to 1961, Man worked as a researcher, and technician, and then a professor at Yale. She worked at a lab at Yale with John P. Peters and Herman Yannet where they developed the first test to detect hormone levels in the thyroid gland. The test was called Butanol-Extractable Iodine (BEI) test. In 1961, Man continued her research at Brown University, where she discovered infants with low hormone levels in the thyroid gland later developed a cognitive disability as children. Man advocated for infants to get their thyroid hormone levels tested. Man also studied the effects of nuclear radiation on the thyroid gland in Japanese survivors. \nIn 1970, Man retired from Brown University. Throughout her career, Man published 156 scientific papers and published her last paper in 1991. \nFor her work, Man was awarded the American Thyroid Association's Distinguished Service Award in 1976 and the United Cerebral Palsy Award for Research.",
"Evelyn B. Man was born in Lawrence, New York, but she grew up in North Stonington, Connecticut. Man's father, Edward Man, was an attorney from New York City and her mother was Mary Hewitt Man. \nMan graduated from Wheeler High School, and then, in 1925, she graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in chemistry. Man graduated from Yale with a doctorate degree in physiological chemistry in 1932.",
"Technical Reports: \n*\"[ Radiochemistry Research: Progress Report, October 1, 1974 to September 30, 1975\"], University of California, Irvine, United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission), (1975).\n*\"[ Research in Chemical Kinetics: Progress Report, January 1, 1978 to September 30, 1978\"], University of California, Irvine, United States Department of Energy, (1978).\n*\"[ Research in Chemical Kinetics. Annual Report, 1993\"], University of California, Irvine, United States Department of Energy, (1993).\n*\"[ Research in Chemical Kinetics. Annual Report, 1994\"], University of California, Irvine, United States Department of Energy, (June 1, 1994).",
"Frank Rowland was the father of art historian Ingrid Rowland and Jeff Rowland. He had two granddaughters. After suffering from a short bout of ill health, Rowland died on March 10, 2012, of complications from Parkinson's disease. Upon hearing the news, renowned chemist and good friend Mario J. Molina stated: \"Sherry was a prime influence throughout my career and had inspired me and many others to walk in the shadow of his greatness\".",
"*[ F. Sherwood Rowland Papers.] Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.\n*[ B. J. Finlayson-Pitts, D. R. Blake and A. R. \"Ravi\" Ravishankara, \"F. Sherwood Rowland\", Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)]",
"*[ CFCs, Ozone Depletion and Global Warming] Freeview video interview with F.Sherwood Rowland provided by the Vega Science Trust.\n* including the Nobel Lecture on December 8, 1995\n*[ UCI Nobel winner F. Sherwood Sherry Rowland dies at 84] Orange County\n*[ Ozone layer scientist who saved the world dies] Guardian\n*[ Obituary] in The Independent by Marcus Williamson",
"Rowland won numerous awards for his work:\n*Tolman Medal, 1976\n*Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences\n*Leo Szilard Lectureship Award, 1979\n*Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, 1983\n*Japan Prize, 1989\n*Honorary Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree from Whittier College, 1989\n*Peter Debye Award, 1993\n*Albert Einstein World Award of Science, 1994\n*Roger Revelle Medal, 1994\n*Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1995\n*Elected to the American Philosophical Society (1995)\n*Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement, 1996\n*In 1998, the UC Irvine physical sciences building was named after Rowland. A bust of Rowland is visible in the lobby.\n* Elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 2004\n* Mount Rowland in Antarctica was named after him in 2007\n*STEM Wing At Rutherford B. Hayes High School in Delaware, Ohio named in his honor",
"Born in Delaware, Ohio, Rowland received a majority of his education in public schools and, due to accelerated promotion was able to graduate high school several weeks before his 16th birthday. In the summers during his high school career, Frank was entrusted to run the local weather service station. This was Rowlands first exposure to systematic experimentation and data collection. After entering Ohio Wesleyan University, Rowland was about to graduate shortly before his 18th birthday. Instead, he was enlisted to the Navy to train radar operators. Rowland was discharged after 14 months as a non commissioned officer. After entering the University of Chicago, Rowland was assigned Willard F. Libby as a mentor and began to study radiochemistry. Rowlands thesis was about the chemical state of cyclotron-produced radioactive bromine atoms. Rowland received his B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1948. He then earned his M.S. in 1951 and his Ph.D. in 1952, both from the University of Chicago.",
"Rowland held academic posts at Princeton University (1952–56) and at the University of Kansas (1956–64) before becoming a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Irvine, in 1964. At Irvine in the early 1970s he began working with Mario J. Molina. Rowland was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1978 and served as a president of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1993. His best-known work was the discovery that chlorofluorocarbons contribute to ozone depletion. Rowland theorized that man made organic compound gases will decompose as a result of solar radiation in the stratosphere, releasing atoms of chlorine which react with oxygen (ozone) to form chlorine monoxide, and that they are individually able to destroy large numbers of ozone molecules. It was obvious that Rowland had a good idea of what was occurring at higher altitudes when he stated \"...I knew that such a molecule could not remain inert in the atmosphere forever, if only because solar photochemistry at high altitudes would break it down\". Rowlands research, first published in Nature' magazine in 1974, initiated a scientific investigation of the problem. In 1978, a first ban on CFC-based aerosols in spray cans was issued in the United States. The actual production did however not stop and was soon on the old levels. It took till the 1980s to allow for a global regulation policy.\nRowland performed many measurements of the atmosphere. One experiment included collecting air samples at various cities and locations around the globe to determine CClF North-South mixing. By measuring the concentrations at different latitudes, Rowland was able to see that CClF was mixing between hemispheres quite rapidly. The same measurement was repeated 8 years later, and the results showed a steady increase in CClF concentrations. Rowland's work also showed how the density of the ozone layer varied by season increasing in November and decreasing until April where it levels out for the summer only to increase in November. Data gained throughout successive years showed that although the pattern was consistent, the overall ozone levels were dropping. Rowland and his colleagues interacted both with the public and the political side and suggested various solutions, which allowed to step wise reduce the CFC impact. CFC emissions were regulated first within Canada, the United States, Sweden and Norway. In the 1980s, the Vienna Agreement and the Montreal Protocol allowed for global regulation.",
"Frank Sherwood \"Sherry\" Rowland (June 28, 1927 – March 10, 2012) was an American Nobel laureate and a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Irvine. His research was on atmospheric chemistry and chemical kinetics. His best-known work was the discovery that chlorofluorocarbons contribute to ozone depletion.",
"Faiza Al-Kharafi was born to a wealthy family in Kuwait in 1946 and developed an interest in science from a young age. She attended Al Merkab High School. She received her BSc from Ain Shams University in Cairo in 1967. She then attended Kuwait University where she founded the Corrosion and Electrochemistry Research Laboratory while in graduate school. She received her master's in 1972 and her PhD in 1975.",
"Al-Kharafi is married to Ali Mohammed Thanian Al-Ghanim and has five sons and ten grandchildren. Of her sons, Marzouq Al-Ghanim is the current speaker of Kuwait National Assembly. She spends her Summers at Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Her brothers are Jassem Al-Kharafi, former speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, and the late Nasser Al-Kharafi. She shares in the family fortune from M. A. Kharafi & Sons.",
"Al-Kharafi worked in Kuwait University's Department of Chemistry from 1975 to 1981. In 1984 she became chair of the department and served as Dean of the Faculty of Science from 1986 to 1989. She became a professor of chemistry at Kuwait University in 1987. On 5 July 1993, Emir Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah issued a decree appointing Al-Kharafi as rector of the university, and she became the first woman to head a major university in the Middle East. Al-Kharafi helped reconstruct Kuwait University after the First Gulf War, which ended in 1991. She served as president from 1993 to 2002 where she oversaw 1,500 staff members, over 5,000 employees, and over 20,000 students.\nAl- Kharafi has demonstrated to be an advocate for research in Kuwait. In 1986, Al- Kharafi and her colleagues explored and compared the rich development of Kuwaiti scientific research in comparison to other nations in the third world. In her publication, Al- Kharafi was able to demonstrate the ability of Kuwait's higher education institutions to engage in relevant scientific research.\nAl-Kharafi has studied the impact of corrosion on engine cooling systems, distillation units for crude oil, high temperature geothermal brines, and tap water. She has also studied corrosion in polluted water and metal corrosion caused by pollution. As an electrochemist, she studied the electrochemical behavior of metals and metal alloys including aluminum, copper, platinum, niobium, vanadium, cadmium, brass, cobalt, and low carbon steel. She collaborated on the discovery of a class of molybdenum-based catalysts that improve gasoline octane without benzene by-products.\nShe joined the Board of the United Nations University in 1998. Following the passage of women's suffrage in Kuwait in 2005, she said \"when we have political rights, we can express our opinion and vote for the correct person... This gives us the chance to express our ideas.\" In 2006, she helped found the American Bilingual School in Kuwait. She is the vice president of The World Academy of Sciences. She serves on many boards, including the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement Sciences, Alqabas, the Kuwait-MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment.",
"Faiza Mohammed Al-Kharafi (; born 1946) is a Kuwaiti chemist and academic. She was the president of Kuwait University from 1993 to 2002, and the first woman to head a major university in the Middle East. She is the vice president of the World Academy of Sciences.",
"Forbes magazine named her as one of \"The 100 Most Powerful Women – Women To Watch in the Middle East\" in 2005. She received the Kuwait Prize in Applied Sciences in 2006. The Council for Gulf Relations named her Top Gulf Woman of the Year in 2008. In 2011, she was the recipient of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science for her work on corrosion.",
"Keutsch was born in Tübingen, Germany. He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Munich with a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation, receiving a diploma with Vladimir E. Bondybey. After graduating in 1997, Keutsch moved to the University of California at Berkeley, where he received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 2001. His supervisor was Richard J. Saykally on high-resolution vibration-rotation-tunneling spectroscopy of water clusters. Keutsch then went to Harvard University as a postdoc, where he worked on stratospheric chemistry under the supervision of James G. Anderson. Keutsch began his independent academic career in 2005 as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently the Stonington Professor in Engineering and Atmospheric Science at Harvard University.",
"Keutsch won the following awards,\n* 2006 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Award Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry\n* 2006 Favorite Instructor Fall 2006 from Ogg and Elizabeth Waters Halls\n* 2005 Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award",
"Frank N. Keutsch (born 1971 in Tübingen) is a German-American chemist and a researcher on solar geoengineering. His research lies in atmospheric chemistry, including the photochemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds that lead to secondary organic aerosol formation. He leads the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) project at Harvard University with members including David Keith.",
"Frederick J. Grieman is an American experimental physical chemist. He is the Roscoe Moss Professor of Chemistry at Pomona College in Claremont, California. His research interests include chemical reactions in the atmosphere that affect the concentrations of pollutants and gas-phase spectroscopy of transition metal compounds.",
"Grieman attended the University of California, Irvine. He then earned his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley.",
"During 1895 he succeeded Hermann von Helmholtz as President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (PTR – Imperial Physical Technical Institute), an office which he held until 1905.\nHere, as in the past, his activities were focused on experimental and instrumental physics: he constructed instruments and devised new measuring techniques to examine electrolytic conduction in solutions. He concluded the setup of the PTR, a task which had not yet been completed on the death of its first president. He introduced fixed regulations, work schedules and working hours for the Institute.\nUnder direction of Kohlrausch, the PTR created numerous standards and calibration standards which were also used internationally outside Germany.\nKohlrausch was intent on creating optimum working conditions in the laboratories and to shield the labs from unwanted external influences. For six years, for instance, he fought against a streetcar line which was due to be laid near the PTR. However, before the streetcar was to make its first journey, the institute succeeded in developing an astatic torsion magnetometer which was uninfluenced by disturbing electromagnetic fields. The use of this instrument and the shielded wire galvanometer developed by du Bois and Rubens meant that precision electrical and magnetic work continued to be possible.\nOver the years, Kohlrausch added experiments which met the needs of physical chemistry and electrical technology in particular. He improved precision measuring instruments and developed numerous measuring methods in almost all of the fields of physics known during his lifetime, including a reflectivity meter, a tangent galvanometer, and various types of magnetometers and dynamometers. The Kohlrausch bridge, which he invented at that time for the purpose of measuring conductivity, is still well known today. \nLike Helmholtz and Siemens, Kohlrausch also saw the possibilities inherent in applied and basic research in the natural sciences and technology. He lay the foundations for scientific knowledge which promoted and advanced industry and technology. The PTR developed standardized precision instruments for university research institutes and industrial laboratories. It introduced uniform electrical units for Germany and also played a significant role in their international usage. In the period to 1905, there were many examples of the importance of the PTR for German industry, in particular for the high technologies of the time – the electrical, optical and mechanical industries.\nOverall, Kohlrausch was involved in the measurement of electrical, magnetic and electrochemical phenomena for almost 50 years. In 1905 Kohlrausch retired from his post as President of the PTR.\nFriedrich Kohlrausch died in Marburg on 17 January 1910 at the age of 69.",
"Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrausch (14 October 1840 – 17 January 1910) was a German physicist who investigated the conductive properties of electrolytes and contributed to knowledge of their behaviour. He also investigated elasticity, thermoelasticity, and thermal conduction as well as magnetic and electrical precision measurements.\nNowadays, Friedrich Kohlrausch is classed as one of the most important experimental physicists. His early work helped to extend the absolute system of Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber to include electrical and magnetic measuring units.",
"Son of Rudolf Kohlrausch, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrausch was born on October 14, 1840, in Rinteln, Germany. After studying physics at Erlangen and Göttingen, Friedrich Kohlrausch completed his doctorate in Göttingen.",
"After a two-year work as a lecturer in Frankfurt, Kohlrausch was appointed a professor of physics at the University of Göttingen (1866–70).\nDuring 1870 Kohlrausch became a professor at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. One year later, he moved to the Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany.\nIn 1875, he responded to an offer from the University of Würzburg in southern Germany, where he subsequently conducted his experiments in quantity determination and the conductivity of electrolytes. From 1888 he researched and taught at Strasbourg University.\nHe refused a professorship at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1894, but from 1900 he was also a professor there. He was elected an International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1900 and an International Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences in 1901. He was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences during 1902. He was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 1909.",
"Kohlrausch was an important researcher of electrochemistry for many reasons. First, the experiments from which he deduced his law of independent migration of ions became canonical and disseminated from Kohlrauschs laboratories in Göttingen, Zürich, and Darmstadt; Svante Arrhenius, Wilhelm Ostwald and Jacobus Henricus van t Hoff, the original Ionists, all trained with methods and equipment of Kohlrauschian lineage. Moreover, because Kohlrausch also continued to test and confirm the Ionist theory after it had been first proposed, his work tied \"measuring physics\" and its consequent capability of producing plenty of empirical data to the results and methods of the Ionists and their devotees.",
"In the University of Göttingen, Kohlrausch documented his practical experiments resulting in the book Leitfaden der praktischen Physik (Guidelines to Practical Physics), which was published in 1870 as the first book of its type in Germany. It contained not only descriptions of experiments, experimental setups and measuring techniques, but also tables of physical quantities. It was issued in many editions (the 9th enlarged and revised edition of 1901 being entitled Lehrbuch der praktischen Physik; a more elementary work based on it being entitled Kleiner Leitfaden der praktischen Physik) and translated into English. It was considered the standard work on physical laboratory methods and measurements.\nTo this day, the textbook Praktische Physik (Practical Physics), which originated in Kohlrauschs Leitfaden der praktischen Physik', is standard reading for physicists and engineers in Germany. This is attributable, above all, to the detailed descriptions provided of the measuring methods that form the basis of technical and experimental applications in many fields in physics.\nKohlrausch was also the author of Ueber den absoluten Leitungswiderstand des Quecksilbers (On the electrical resistance of mercury, 1888), and of many papers contributed to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie, and other scientific journals.",
"In 1874 he demonstrated that an electrolyte has a definite and constant amount of electrical resistance. By observing the dependence of conductivity upon dilution, he could determine the transfer velocities of the ions (charged atoms or molecules) in solution. He used alternating current to prevent the formation of electrolysis products (Hydrogen| and gas evolution, or metal deposition); this enabled him to obtain very precise results.\nFrom 1875 to 1879, he examined numerous salt solutions, acids and solutions of other materials. His efforts resulted in the law of the independent migration of ions, that is, each type of migrating ion has a specific limiting molar conductivity no matter what combination of ions are in solution, and therefore that a solution's electrical resistance is due only to the migrating ions of a given substances. Kohlrausch showed for weak (incompletely dissociated) electrolytes that the more dilute a solution, the greater its molar conductivity due to increased ionic dissociation.",
"Phillips conducted various studies on protein structures and their functional implications. He examined the structural features of type 6 streptococcal M proteins, highlighting their predominantly alpha-helical coiled-coil, which demonstrates a unique conformation in bacterial surface projections. His research on the crystal structure of tropomyosin filaments proposed a model in which tropomyosin exhibited distinct conformations related to muscle contraction, suggesting a statistical mechanism for regulating muscle function.\nIn one of his highly cited studies, Phillips, alongside Fan Yang and Larry G. Moss, described the crystal structure of recombinant wild-type green fluorescent protein, unveiling a unique structure referred to as the \"ß-can.\" This study also delved into the protective environment for the fluorophores within the cylinder and its applications in elucidating the effects of GFP mutants.\nPhillips has utilized X-ray crystallography and various advanced spectroscopy techniques to provide details about the dynamic structural changes in proteins. He used X-ray crystallography to determine the structure of unstable intermediate caused by photodissociation of CO from myoglobin and provided insights into the dynamics and structural alterations involved in this protein reaction. In addition, his study focused on capturing the structural evolution of the protein on a picosecond timescale used time-resolved X-ray diffraction and mid-infrared spectroscopy on a myoglobin (Mb) mutant (L29F mutant) revealing conformational changes within the protein.",
"Phillips obtained his bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Chemistry from Rice University in 1974 and followed it with a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the same institution in 1976. He also held a Robert A. Welch Predoctoral Fellowship from 1974 to 1976 and received a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health in 1977 as well as a Research Fellowship from the Medical Foundation in 1980.",
"George N. Phillips Jr. is a biochemist, researcher, and academic. He is the Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Rice University, where he also serves as Associate Dean for Research at the Wiess School of Natural Sciences and as a professor of chemistry. Additionally, he holds the title of professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.\nPhillips research is primarily centered on protein structure, protein dynamics, and computational biology, with a specific emphasis on understanding the correlation between the dynamics of proteins and their biological functions. He has authored book chapters, and is an editor for the Handbook of Proteins: Structure, Function and Methods Volume 2. He is the recipient of the Arnold O. Beckman Research Award, the American Heart Associations Established Investigator Award, and the Vilas Associate Award.\nPhillips is an Elected Fellow of the Biophysical Society, the American Crystallographic Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He served as president and vice-president of the American Crystallographic Association from 2011 to 2013. He also holds the position of Editor-in-Chief for Structural Dynamics with the AIP Press and serves as an Associate Editor for Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.",
"Phillips has directed his research toward the field of computational biology, primarily exploring protein structure. In the Phillips Lab, his work has involved conducting research on the binding of oxygen and ligands to heme proteins, as well as the development of techniques for analyzing protein and nucleic acid dynamics through diffuse X-ray scattering analysis.",
"Phillips' contributions to computational biology include advanced techniques for interpreting experimental data in complex chemical and biological systems. He focused on the interaction between troponin T (TnT) and tropomyosin, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms in muscle contractions. Additionally, he explored protein dynamics in crystals by using the Gaussian network model (GNM) and a crystallographic model to calculate Cα atom fluctuations in 113 proteins emphasizing the improved results obtained by considering neighboring molecules in the crystal. In a book chapter discussing ongoing advancements in experimental methods for complex chemical and biological systems, he highlighted the growing need for creative approaches and delved into the exploration of Normal Mode Analysis as a technique to address these challenges.",
"Phillips' research on heme proteins and ligand affinity has provided insights into engineering strategies for physiological functions. He explored the impact of His64 in sperm whale myoglobin on ligand affinity, shedding light on structural changes induced by ligand binding and mechanisms of ligand discrimination in myoglobin. By measuring CO binding properties in various mutants and comparing them to mutant myoglobins, he elucidated how mutations influence CO affinity. In his 1994 study, he delved into how heme proteins like myoglobin and hemoglobin differentiate between oxygen (O2) and carbon monoxide (CO) binding at the atomic level. He investigated the role of nitric oxide in physiological functions by examining the kinetics of NO-induced oxidation in myoglobins and hemoglobins revealing insights into protein engineering strategies aimed at mitigating hypertensive events.",
"*Quillin, M. L., Arduini, R. M., Olson, J. S., & Phillips Jr, G. N. (1993). High-resolution crystal structures of distal histidine mutants of sperm whale myoglobin. Journal of molecular biology, 234(1), 140–155.\n*Springer, B. A., Sligar, S. G., Olson, J. S., & Phillips, G. N. J. (1994). Mechanisms of ligand recognition in myoglobin. Chemical Reviews, 94(3), 699–714.\n*Eich, R. F., Li, T., Lemon, D. D., Doherty, D. H., Curry, S. R., Aitken, J. F., ... & Olson, J. S. (1996). Mechanism of NO-induced oxidation of myoglobin and hemoglobin. Biochemistry, 35(22), 6976–6983.\n*Yang, F., Moss, L. G., & Phillips Jr, G. N. (1996). The molecular structure of green fluorescent protein. Nature biotechnology, 14(10), 1246–1251.\n*Schotte, F., Lim, M., Jackson, T. A., Smirnov, A. V., Soman, J., Olson, J. S., ... & Anfinrud, P. A. (2003). Watching a protein as it functions with 150-ps time-resolved x-ray crystallography. Science, 300(5627), 1944–1947.",
"Phillips started his academic career as an assistant professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, followed by his appointment as a professor of biochemistry at Rice University in 1987. In 1993, he assumed the position of Rice Scientia Lecturer, subsequently receiving the Robert A. Welch Lecturer appointment in 2001. He joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000 as a professor of Biochemistry and took on the role of professor emeritus in 2012. He has been serving as a professor of chemistry, as well as the Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Rice University.",
"*1982 – Arnold O. Beckman Research Award, University of Illinois\n*1983 – Established Investigator Award, American Heart Association\n*2003 – Vilas Associate Award, UW-Madison",
"Ochir has been a professor at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology since 1965. She held the positions of assistant professor, associate professor and professor, teaching courses in petrology and petrography. She served as the head of the universitys Department of Geology and Mineralogy from 1978 to 2009. She has also served as Director of the universitys Geoscience Center since 2001.\nOchir has carried out field and basic research work through joint expeditions of the Russian and Mongolian Academies of Sciences. She is the author of over 350 scientific publications and was the lead editor of the book Mineral Resources of Mongolia.\nOchir served as vice president of the International Union of Geological Sciences for four years. She is an adjunct professor at the Institute of Mineral Resources of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.\nOchir is an Honoured Scientist of Mongolia. She was presented with the Jan Masaryk Medal by the Czech Ambassador in 2021.",
"Gerel Ochir (; born 17 July 1941) is a Mongolian geologist. She specializes in petrology, geochemistry, and metallogeny. She has taught at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology for over 50 years and headed the Department of Geology for 30 years.\nAfter earning bachelors and masters degrees in geology, geochemistry, and petrology from Charles University in Prague, she received her PhD and ScD through the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.\nOchir has served as vice president of the International Union of Geological Sciences and received the Jan Masaryk Medal in 2021.",
"Gerel Ochir was born in Moscow on 17 July 1941. She gained an interest in geology at the age of 10 after her mother gave her a book on geology by Russian geochemist Alexander Fersman. She graduated from secondary school in Ulaanbaatar in 1958.\nFrom 1959, Ochir attended Charles University in Prague. She earned a bachelor's degree in geology and petrography in 1964. She then spent a year with the Department of Geological Survey at the Central Geological Laboratory before she started teaching at the Mongolian State University (now Mongolian University of Science and Technology) in 1965. She later returned to Charles University, earning her RNDr. in geology and geochemistry in 1980. Ochir earned her PhD in petrology from the Irkutsk Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1978. Her thesis was on the \"Petrology and geochemistry of granite with crystal-bearing pegmatites of Eastern Mongolia.\" Ochir earned her ScD in geochemistry, petrology, and metallogeny from the Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1990.",
"* Member of the Lithuanian Biochemical Society (since 2003)\n* Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (since 2016)\n* Member of the International Chemical Biology Society (since 2017)\n* Member of the American Chemical Society (since 2021)\n* Member of the Sigma Xi (since 2023)",
"He was born in the family of an electrician and a land development specialist. Lukinavičius finished secondary school in Jurbarkas.",
"His most-cited publications, according to Google Scholar are:\n*Lukinavičius, G., K. Umezawa, N. Olivier, A. Honigmann, G. Yang, T. Plass, V. Mueller, L. Reymond, I. R. Corrêa, Z.-G. Luo, C. Schultz, E. A. Lemke, P. Heppenstall, C. Eggeling, S. Manley and K. Johnsson (2013). [ A near-infrared fluorophore for live-cell super-resolution microscopy of cellular proteins]. Nature Chemistry 5(2): 132-139. (cited 837 times)\n*Lukinavičius, G., L. Reymond, E. D’Este, A. Masharina, F. Göttfert, H. Ta, A. Güther, M. Fournier, S. Rizzo, H. Waldmann, C. Blaukopf, C. Sommer, D. W. Gerlich, H.-D. Arndt, S. W. Hell and K. Johnsson (2014). [ Fluorogenic probes for live-cell imaging of the cytoskeleton]. Nature Methods 11(7):731-3. (cited 817 times)\n*Dalhoff C., G. Lukinavičius, S. Klimašauskas and E. Weinhold (2006). [ Direct transfer of extended groups from synthetic cofactors by DNA methyltransferases]. Nature Chemical Biology 2, 31-2. (cited 252 times)\n*Lukinavičius, G., C. Blaukopf, E. Pershagen, A. Schena, L. Reymond, E. Derivery, M. Gonzalez-Gaitan, E. D’Este, S. W. Hell, D. W. Gerlich and Kai Johnsson (2015). [ SiR–Hoechst is a far-red DNA stain for live-cell nanoscopy]. Nature Communications 6, 8497. (Cited 276 times)\n*Liutkevičiūtė, Z., G. Lukinavičius, V. Masevičius, D. Daujotytė and S. Klimašauskas (2009). [ Cytosine-5-methyltransferases add aldehydes to DNA]. Nature Chemical Biology 5, 400-402. (cited 173 times)",
"Gražvydas Lukinavičius is a Lithuanian biochemist. His scientific interest and main area of research is focused on labeling of biomolecules and visualization using super-resolution microscopy. He is co-invertor of DNA labeling technology known as Methyltransferase-Directed Transfer of Activated Groups (mTAG) and biocompatible and cell permeable fluorophore – silicon-rhodamine (SiR). Both inventions were commercialized. He is studying labeling methods and apply them for chromatin dynamics visualization in living cells.",
"Lukinavičius completed his bachelors degree and masters degree in biochemistry at the Vilnius University in 2000 and 2002 respectively. During this period he worked as a research assistant in Saulius Klimašauskas group and investigating conformational movements of the catalytic loop of DNA methyltransferase.\nLater he became interested in S-Adenosyl methionine analogues which can be cofactors for methyltransferases. He collaborated with Elmar Weinhold from RWTH Aachen University and learned chemical synthesis and received his PhD in biochemistry at Vilnius University, Lithuania in September 2007. This led to the development of a new DNA labeling method, the Methyltransferase-Directed Transfer of Activated Groups (mTAG). This method was applied for optical DNA mapping and for a profiling epigenetic modifications by several research groups.\nAfter obtaining his PhD, he moved to École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne for postdoctoral research where he continued on working with protein labeling methods in group of Kai Johnsson. He improved SNAP-tag protein labelling technology by developing a new biocompatible fluorophore, silicon-rhodamine (SiR). During this period, he began a collaboration with Stefan Hell to perform one of the first super-resolution microscopy experiments of living cells.\nIn 2016, Stefan Hell invited Lukinavičius to the Department of NanoBiophotonics of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. He has continued working on fluorescence labeling of biomolecules and started a Chromatin Labeling and Imaging group in 2018.",
"Hans Falkenhagen (13 May 1895 – 26 June 1971) was a German physicist and electrochemist best known for eponymous Debye–Falkenhagen effect.\n1955 he became a regular member of the German Academy of Sciences at Berlin and in 1962 a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.",
"* Kohäsion und Zustandsgleichung von Dipolgasen, Dissertation, Göttingen 1920\n* Paschen-Back-Effekt des H-Atoms, Habilitationsschrift, Köln 1924\n* P. Debye und H. Falkenhagen: Dispersion der Leitfähigkeit starker Elektrolyte. In: Zeitschr. f. Elektrochem. 24, 1928, S. 562ff\n* Zur Theorie der Gesamtkurve des Wien-Effekts. In: Phys. Zeitschr. 30, 1929, S. 163ff\n* Das Wurzelgesetz der inneren Reibung starker Elektrolyte. In: Z. phys. Chem (Leipzig) B6, 1929, S. 159ff\n* Elektrolyte. Hirzel, Leipzig 1932 twoja matka\n* Die Naturwissenschaft in Lebensbildern großer Forscher. Hirzel, Stuttgart 1948\n* Theorie der Elektrolyte. Hirzel, Stuttgart 1971",
"Harold S. \"Hal\" Johnston (October 11, 1920 – October 20, 2012) was an American scientist who studied chemical kinetics and atmospheric chemistry. After beginning his teaching career at Stanford University, he was a faculty member and administrator at the University of California, Berkeley for nearly 35 years. In 1971, Johnston authored a paper suggesting that environmental pollutants could erode the ozone layer.\nJohnston was elected to several scholarly organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He won the National Medal of Science in 1997.",
"Johnston was born in Woodstock, Georgia, to Florine and Smith Lemon Johnston. His family had been in the area since shortly after the Cherokee were forced out during the Trail of Tears. Johnstons paternal grandfather, who had the given name Doctor Medicine Johnston Jr, owned a general store but believed that education was a waste of time. Johnstons father wanted to become a minister, but he could only afford to attend college briefly before acceding to his family's demands to help them run the store.\nJohnston, who was one of four sons, lived on a Georgia farm when he was young. In the early 1930s, Johnston contracted rheumatic fever and the illness affected his heart. A physician uncle told Johnston's father not to send Johnston to college because the young man would not survive long enough to get much use out of the education. Johnston said he later learned that the disease was associated with an average survival period of fifteen years at the time. Florine and Smith Johnston valued education for their children, however, and they sent all of their sons to college.\nAfter going off to Emory University with aspirations of becoming a journalist, Johnston soon realized that the U.S. was headed toward World War II and that a science degree would serve him better. Johnston completed an undergraduate degree in chemistry and a minor in English literature. He received a Ph.D. in chemistry and physics from the California Institute of Technology. As a doctoral student, Johnston focused on the interaction of ozone and the pollutant nitrogen dioxide. While at Caltech, he joined in a secret defense project that involved protecting the country against the use of gas warfare.",
"From 1947 to 1956, Johnston taught at Stanford University. While there, he was named to the editorial board of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. In the early 1950s, Johnston furthered the air pollution work of Arie Jan Haagen-Smit by showing that free-radical reactions underlay the photochemical process leading to smog. Throughout his career, much of Johnston's work involved understanding the kinetics of nitrogen oxides. He returned to Caltech as a faculty member for a year in 1956.\nFrom 1957 until his retirement in 1991, Johnston was a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1966 to 1970, Johnston was the dean of Berkeley's college of chemistry. Johnston mentored undergraduate and graduate students, including future Nobel Prize winner Dudley R. Herschbach and future National Medal of Science winner Susan Solomon. He also made large contributions to the theory of elementary chemical reactions. He wrote a popular textbook on reaction rate theory.\nJohnston became best known for his work related to ozone. In a 1971 paper, he posited that pollution from supersonic aircraft in the stratosphere could deplete the ozone layer. Because it suggested for the first time that human activity could impact the integrity of the environment, Johnston's ozone research received some criticism and resistance. However, two environmental regulatory programs were formed as a result of his findings – the Climatic Impact Assessment Program (CIAP) and the Stratosphere Protection Program.",
"Johnston was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1965. He was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1981. In 1972, Johnston was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He won the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 1983. He received the NAS Award for Chemistry in Service to Society in 1993. Four years later, Bill Clinton awarded him the National Medal of Science. In 1998, Johnston received the Roger Revelle Medal from the American Geophysical Union.",
"Even in the late 1990s, Johnston said that he had lived most of his life with \"a moving 10-year life expectancy\" because of his early bout with rheumatic fever, but he remained in good health until he was more than 90 years old. He died in 2012; he was 92. Johnston was survived by his wife of 64 years, Mary Ella, and their four children, as well as several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.",
"Hassan Naim is a Lebanese-Swiss biochemist. He currently holds the position of Director of the \"Institut für Physiologische Chemie\" (Institute for Physiological Chemistry/Biochemistry) at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, while collaborating regularly with the University of Hannover.",
"Hassan Naim received his Ph.D. degree in biochemistry from the University of Bern, Switzerland. Following appointments at the Biochemistry Department, University of Lausanne (membrane transport in T cells) and the University Children’s Hospital Bern (structure and function of brush border membrane proteins) he moved in 1989 to the Biochemistry Department, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA to continue his work on structure-function relationships of brush border proteins. In 1991 he was recruited as a group leader and Faculty member at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. In 1997 he was appointed as a Professor and Chair of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Germany.",
"Current research interests in the Naim laboratory focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying protein trafficking, particularly polarized protein sorting in epithelial cells, in health and disease.",
"Some of Naim's recent publications include (but are not limited to):\n* Maalouf K, Jia J, Rizk S, Brogden G, Keiser M, Das A, Naim HY A modified lipid composition in Fabry disease leads to an intracellular block of the detergent-resistant membrane-associated dipeptidyl peptidase IV\n* Sim L, Willemsma C, Mohan S, Naim HY, Pinto BM, Rose DR Structural basis for substrate selectivity in human maltase-glucoamylase and sucrase-isomaltase N-terminal domains\n* Krahn MP, Rizk S, Alfalah M, Behrendt M, Naim HY Protocadherin of the liver, kidney and colon associates with detergent-resistant membranes during cellular differentiation\n* Zimmer KP, Fischer I, Mothes T, Weissen-Plenz G, Schmitz M, Wieser H, Mendez E, Buening J, Lerch MM, Ciclitira PC, Weber P, Naim HY Endocytotic Segregation of Gliadin Peptide 31-49 in Enterocytes\n* Behrendt M, Polaina J, Naim HY Structural hierarchy of regulatory elements in the folding and transport of an intestinal multi-domain protein",
"Heinz Gerischer (31 March 1919 – 14 September 1994) was a German chemist who specialized in electrochemistry. He was the thesis advisor of future Nobel laureate Gerhard Ertl.\nThe Heinz Gerischer Award of the European section of The Electrochemical Society is named in his honour.",
"Gerischer studied chemistry at the University of Leipzig between 1937 and 1944 with a two-year interruption because of military service. In 1942, he was expelled from the German army because his mother was born Jewish; he was thus found “undeserving to have a part in the great victories of the German Army.” The war years were difficult for Gerischer, and his mother committed suicide on the eve of her 65th birthday in 1943. His only sister, Ruth (born in 1913), lived underground after escaping from a Gestapo prison and was subsequently killed in an air raid in 1944.\nIn Leipzig, Gerischer joined the group of Karl-Friedrich Bonhöffer, a member of a distinguished family, whose members were persecuted and murdered because of their opposition to Nazi ideology. Bonhöffer descended from an illustrious chemical lineage of Wilhelm Ostwald (1853–1932) and Walther Hermann Nernst (1864–1941). He kindled Gerischer’s interest in electrochemistry, supervising his doctoral work on oscillating reactions on electrode surfaces. Gerischer completed his doctoral thesis in 1946. Gerischer followed Bonhöffer to Berlin where his Ph.D. supervisor had accepted the directorship of the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Humboldt University of Berlin. There he also became the department head at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin-Dahlem (later the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society). Gerischer himself was appointed as an “Assistänt”; in 1970 he would return to the Fritz Haber Institute as its Director. With the Berlin Blockade and the prevailing economic conditions, the post-war research was carried out under extremely difficult conditions.\nGerischer met his future wife, Renate Gersdorf, at the University of Leipzig where she was doing her diploma work with Conrad Weygand. They were married in Berlin in October 1948. In 1949 Gerischer moved his young family to Göttingen to join Bonhöffer as a research associate at the newly established Max Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry. In Berlin and Göttingen and especially during the period from 1949 to 1955, Gerischer was interested in electrode kinetics and developed instruments and techniques for their study. It was he who developed the electronic potentiostat, the most widely used instrument of electrochemists. He also monitored fast electrode processes by double potential step and AC modulation. This work laid the foundation for a mechanistic interpretation of electrode reactions and had a lasting impact on our understanding of electrode kinetics. It was recognized by the newly minted Bodenstein Prize of the Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft, which Gerischer and Klaus Vetter jointly received in 1953.\nGerischer was appointed in 1954 to the position of Department Head and Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Metal Research in Stuttgart. A year later, he received the Habilitation from the University of Stuttgart for his comprehensive study of the discharge of metal ions in corrosion. The years 1954–1961 in Stuttgart were prolific and it was here that Gerischer began his work on semiconductor electrochemistry. It began with a short note on the electrochemistry of n-type and p-type germanium; a study that grew out of a seminar on solid state physics at the university, where the recent results of Brattain and Garrett on germanium were discussed. Gerischer recognized the theoretical implications of semiconductor electrochemistry in charge transfer and its potential applications in photochemistry and photovoltaic devices. His papers considered the differentiation between Faradaic reactions of electrons and holes (1959), the theory of electron tunneling at semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces, solution Fermi levels, and densities of states. He extended his studies to metal electrodes which he studied with his electronic potentiostat (1957), to stress corrosion (1957), to hydrogen evolution and hydrogen adatom formation (1957), to fast electrode processes (1960) and to the reaction kinetics of water dissociation, which he probed by the microwave pulse method (1961).\nHis work was recognized by his appointment as Associate Professor (“Extraordinariat”) in Electrochemistry at the Technical University Munich in 1962–63 followed by his promotion to full professor in 1964 and his appointment as Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry. The 1964–1968 period witnessed a flurry of studies from his group on photoelectrochemistry and photosensitization on electrode materials such as ZnO, CdS, GaAs, silver halides, anthracene, and perylene. In 1969–1970 he was named Dean of Natural Sciences at the Technical University Munich. Gerischer returned to Berlin in 1970 to assume the directorship of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, where he continued his studies of electrode kinetics, semiconductor electrochemistry, and photoelectrochemistry. After becoming Emeritus Director of the Institute, he worked with Adam Heller in 1990–1991 at the University of Texas at Austin on the rate-controlling role of adsorbed oxygen in titania-assisted photocatalytic processes.\nHis honors and awards included the Olin Palladium Award of the Electrochemical Society (1977), Centenary Lectureship, the Chemical Society, London (1979), DECHEMA Medal, Frankfurt (1982), Electrochemistry Group Medal, The Royal Society of Chemistry, London (1987), Galvani Medal, The Italian Chemical Society (1988), and the Bruno Breyer Medal, The Royal Australian Chemistry Institute (1992).",
"* Relating Concentration Polarizations and Electrode Potentials (Kaiser Wilhelm Inst. Berlin, 1951) “Concentration polarization due to the initial chemical reaction in electrolytes and its contribution to the stationary polarization resistance corresponding to the equilibrium potential.” Gerischer, Heinz; Vetter, Klaus J.; Z. physik. Chem.(1951)197, 92–104.\n* Theory of AC Electrochemistry (Max Planck Inst. Phys. Chem. Göttingen, 1951) “Alternating-current polarization of electrodes with a potential-determining step for equilibrium potential.” Gerischer, H., Z. physik. Chem. (1951) 198, 286–313\n* Discovery of Radicals on Electrodes (Max Planck Inst. Phys. Chem., Göttingen, 1956) “Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on metallic platinum.” Gerischer, R; Gerischer, H.; Z. physik. Chem. (1956) 6, 178–200\n* Observation of the Different Electrochemical Etching Rates of p and n Type Semiconductors (Max Planck Inst. Metallforsch., Stuttgart, 1957) “Solution of n- and p-germanium in aqueous electrolyte solution under the action of oxidizing agents.” Gerischer, H.; Beck, F.; Z. physik. Chem. (1957) 13, 389-95. \n* Invention of the Potentiostat (Max Planck Inst. Metallforsch., Stuttgart, 1957) “The electronic potentiostat and its application in the investigation of fast electrode reactions” Gerischer, H.; Staubach, K. E.; Z. Electrochem.(1957)61, 789-94. \n* Explanation of Stress Corrosion (Max-Planck-Inst. Metallforschung, Stuttgart, 1957) “Electrochemical processes in stress corrosion” Gerischer, H.; Werkstoffe u. Korrosion (1957)8, 394-401. \n* Discovery of Adatoms, the Existence of Adsorbed Atoms on Electrodes (Max-Planck-Inst. Metallforschung, Stuttgart, 1958) “Mechanism of electrolytic discharge of hydrogen and adsorption energy of atomic hydrogen” Gerischer, H.; Bull. soc. chim. Belges (1958) 67, 506-27. \n* Observation of Differently Reacting Valence and Conduction Band Carriers (Max-Planck-Inst. Metallforschung, Stuttgart, 1959) “Oxidation-reduction processes in germanium electrodes.”Beck, F.; Gerischer, H.; Z. Elektrochem.(1959) 63, 943-50. \n* Relating Band Positions to Electrode Kinetics (Max-Planck-Inst. Metallforsch., Stuttgart, 1960) “Kinetics of oxidation-reduction reactions on metals and semiconductors. I &II General remarks on the electron transition between a solid body and a reduction-oxidation electrolyte.” Gerischer, H.; Z. physik. Chem. (1960) 26, 223-47; 325-38; (1961) 27, 48-79. \n* On the use of single crystal electrodes (Techn. Hochsch. Munich, 1963) “Preparation of spherical single crystal electrodes for use in electrocrystallization studies.\" Roe, D.K., Gerischer H.; J. Electrochem. Soc.(1963) 110, 350-352. \n* Role of Surface States in Electron Transfer at Semiconductor-Solution Interfaces (Tech. Hochsch., Munich, 1967) “Surface activity in redox reactions on semiconductors.” Gerischer, H.; Wallem Mattes; I. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (1967) 52,60-72. \n* Dye Photosensitization of Zinc Oxide (Tech. Hochsch., Munich,1969) “Electrochemical studies on the mechanism of sensitization and supersensitization of zinc oxide single crystals.” Tributsch, H.; Gerischer, H.; Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft (1969) 73,251-60. “Use of semiconductor electrodes in the study of photochemical reactions.” Tributsch, H.; Gerischer, H.; Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft(1969)73,850-4. \n* Electrochemistry of electronically excited states (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, 1973) \"Elektrodenreaktionen mit angeregten elektronischen Zuständen.“ Gerischer, H.; Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. (1973) 77, 284-288. \n* Semiconductor Photodecomposition (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, 1977 “On the stability of semiconductor electrodes against photodecomposition”. Gerischer H. J. Electroanal. Chem. (1977) 82, 133-143. \n* Relating Fermi Levels to Redox Potentials (Fritz-Haber-Inst., Max-Planck-Ges., Berlin, 1983)“Fermi levels in electrolytes and the absolute scale of redox potentials.“ Gerischer, H.; Ekardt, W.; Appl. Phy.s Lett.(1983) 43, 393-5.",
"Helen Nosakhare Asemota is a biochemist and agricultural biotechnologist based in Jamaica. She is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Director of the Biotechnology Centre at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica. Her research develops biotechnology strategies for production and improvement of tropical tuber crops. She is notable for leading large international biotechnology collaborations, as well as for acting as an international biotechnology consultant for the United Nations (UN).",
"Asemota was born in Nigeria. She earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Benin, a Master of Science from Ahmadu Bello University, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Benin/Frankfurt University.",
"In 1990, Asemota moved to Jamaica to take up a position as Associate Honorary Lecturer at the University of the West Indies. She was appointed Lecturer in 1996, and promoted to Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Biotechnology in 1998. In 2003, Asemota was promoted to Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She was Full Professor at the Shaw University, North Carolina from 2005 to 2012. During this time she was Head of the Nanobiology Division of the Shaw Nanotechnology Initiative at the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Centre (NNRC) from 2005 to 2009, Nature Sciences Biological Sciences' Program Coordinator from 2009 to 2010, and Chairman for the Shaw University Institutional Review Board (IRB) from 2006 to 2009, Senator for the Shaw Faculty Senate between 2007 and 2012, Core Director of the Faculty Research Development at the NIH- Research Infrastructure for Minority Institutions and as IRB Administrator between 2010 and 2012.\nIn 2013, Asemota was appointed Director of the Biotechnology Centre, a research unit at the University of the West Indies with a focus on biotechnology-based enterprises.\nAt the time of her promotion to Professor in 2003, Asemota was a member of the Caribbean Biotechnology Network, the Biochemical Society of Nigeria, the Third World Organisation for Women in Science, and the Nigerian Association of Women in Science, Technology & Mathematics. She was a Fellow of the American Biographical Institute, a member of the National Geographic Society, the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, and the New York Academy of Science.",
"Asemota conducted PhD research at the University of Benin and Frankfurt University, where she studied the molecular genetics and metabolism of the browning of yam tubers in storage.\nUpon moving to Jamaica, prompted by ongoing problems with production and storage in the Jamaican yam industry, Asemota continued researching yams, founding the multidisciplinary UWI Yam Biotechnology Project. Initially, Asemota investigated the biochemical effects of removing yam heads at harvest, a common farming practice in Jamaica. Over the ensuing decades, Asemota's research team has investigated many aspects of yam biochemistry and physiology, from DNA fingerprinting studies of Jamaican yam varieties to the carbohydrate metabolism of yam tubers in storage.\nIn addition to her work on yam production and storage, Asemota has studied the metabolic effects of yams and yam-derived products on animal models of diseases such as diabetes. More recently, the Yam Biotechnology Project has moved towards a farm to finished products strategy, with the goal of producing yam-based food, medical, and biofuel products to benefit the Jamaican economy. She has also applied similar research techniques to other types of tropical crop.\nAsemota has served as Principal Investigator for the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. She has lectured undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoctoral levels worldwide, and has supervised or advised at least 30 postgraduate students in Biochemistry or Biotechnology. She has over 250 publications, and owns four patents from her research.",
"Asemota has undertaken outreach research with Jamaican farmers, experimenting with lab-derived yam planting materials in their fields, and reviving threatened Jamaican yam varieties.",
"Asemota has a long history of international consultancy in matters of food security and biotechnology. She was an international technical expert for the European Union (1994-1995), and served the United Nations Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) Programmes as International Technical Cooperation Programmes (TCP). She served as an International Biotechnology consultant to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation from 2001. This included consulting for the International Technical Cooperation for Syria with the Developing Countries Programmes in 2001 and as technical lead on food sufficiency for the National Seed Potato Production Programme in the Republic of Tajikistan between 2003 and 2007. She periodically serves the UN-FAO Seed Production Programmes as an International Consultant.",
"Coe studies the physics and chemistry of aerosols in the atmosphere, including the part they play in climate change through interactions with clouds and solar radiation. He also studies the role of aerosols in the transport of air pollution, including regional and transboundary (long-distance) pollution caused by biomass burning and atmospheric dust. Coe has worked on air pollution studies in the UK, India, and China, and was the principal investigator of a major study into air pollution in the Indo-Gangetic Plain.\nCoe has also helped to develop new analytic techniques for studying air pollution. These include \"transformative\" approaches to aerosol mass spectrometry, which have led to \"an unprecedented understanding of the global distribution of atmospheric fine particulate matter composition\", and using the single particle soot photometer for studying how particulates are transported.",
"Coe took a BSc in physics at Newcastle University in 1989, followed by a PhD titled \"The Exchange of Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Between Vegetation and the Atmosphere\" at UMIST in 1993. He has worked at the University of Manchester ever since.",
"Coe was awarded the Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal (2022) for \"pioneering the science of atmospheric composition through instrument development and fine particle measurements, to study their impact on air quality, clouds and climate\". According to the European Geosciences Union, which made the award: \"Hugh Coe’s body of work on understanding the chemistry and global distribution of aerosols provide the underpinning data used to develop and test our global atmospheric models, and are foundational in our assessments of air pollution and climate change\". Coe was recognized as one of the 100 Most Highly Cited Researchers in Geosciences in 2014 and 2018 by Clarivate. In 2015, Coe was a joint recipient of a British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship, with Lin Wang of Fudan University, for research into secondary organic aerosols using time-of-flight mass spectrometry.",
"Coe has made a number of radio, TV, and press appearances as an expert on air pollution issues, including such topics as Manchester's urban pollution\nand its proposed clean-air zone, the atmospheric modelling of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption in 2010, and reductions in air pollution during the COVID-19 lockdowns.",
"Hugh Coe is a British atmospheric physicist, currently Head of Atmospheric Sciences and Professor of Atmospheric Composition at the University of Manchester. His research investigates the physics and chemistry of atmospheric aerosols, including their role in climate change and air pollution.",
"James Gilbert Anderson (born 1944) is the Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at Harvard University, a position he has held since 1982. From 1998 to 2001, he was the chairman of Harvard's department of chemistry and chemical biology. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Geophysical Union, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. His awards include the 1993 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award, the 1996 Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship and the 2021 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences. In 2012, Anderson won a Smithsonian magazine American Ingenuity Award in Physical Sciences.\nAnderson is currently working on the development of a solar powered aircraft for climate science and atmospheric observation.",
"Jay Quade was born and grew up in Nevada. As a teenager, he set two all-time Nevada State high school track and field records. At the University of New Mexico, he had a track scholarship, for four years. He was twice an NCAA All-American in track and once an NCAA champion in track (relay race). In 1977 he became a geologist employed by \nthe Mineral Exploration Division of Utah International, Inc. In 1978 he graduated with B.S. in geology from the University of New Mexico. In 1982 he graduated with an M.S. in geology from the University of Arizona. From 1982 to 1989 he worked as a geologist in Nevada — from 1982 to 1984 for Noranda Exploration, Inc., from 1984 to 1986 for the Desert Research Institute, and from 1986 to 1989 for Mifflin & Associates (a mining consulting firm founded in 1986 by the geologist Martin David Mifflin). From 1989 to 1990 Quade was a graduate student at the University of Utah, where he received his Ph.D. in 1990. In 1991 he was a postdoc at the Australian National University. At the University of Arizona, he was appointed to an assistant professorship in 1992, an associate professorship in 1998, and a full professorship in 2003.\nQuade's research is remarkably varied, including low-temperature geochemistry, radiometric dating using a variety of isotopes, and theoretical reconstructions of paleoenvironments, mostly from the Cenozoic. Some of his projects have involved archaeologists and anthropologists. Quade with Thure E. Cerling and other colleagues did important research on stable isotope composition of soil carbonate in the Great Basin. In 2001, Quade with Nathan B. English, Julio L. Betancourt, and Jeffrey S. Dean published an important paper on the deforestation of Chaco Canyon. As a geological team member, Quade has done fieldwork on stratigraphy and paleohydrologic reconstruction in the western USA, gold deposits in Oregon, Alaska, and Nevada, and paleo-lake hydrology in Mongolia, Tibet, Chile, Argentina, and the western USA. From 1985 to 2015 his fieldwork on low temperature geochemistry has been done all over the world: parts of the US, Asia, Australia, and South America, as well as Greece and Ethiopia.\nIn 2001 Quade won the Farouk El-Baz Award of the Geological Society of America (GSA). In 2015 he was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of American and also a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). In 2017 he was elected a Fellow of the Geochemical Society. He received in 2016 a Lady Davis Fellowship from the Hebrew University and in 2017 a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship from the University of Tokyo. In 2018 he was awarded the Arthur L. Day Medal.\nIn Nevada on December 21, 1984, Jay Quade married Barbra A. Valdez. They have three children.",
"Jay Quade (born December 13, 1955) is an American geochemist and geologist. He is known for pioneering research applying geochemical isotopic methods for investigations of tectonics, global climate change, and the paleontology of Darwinian evolution.",
"* Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (1998)\n*Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2015)\n*Cesare Emiliani Lecturer, American Geophysical Union (2018)\n*Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2019)",
"Lynch-Stieglitz's research links the ocean and climate over the past 100,000 years. She has used carbon isotopes in benthic foraminifera to reconstruct air-sea exchange in carbon isotopes, changes in the movement of deep water masses, and Antarctic Intermediate Water in the transitions between glacial and interglacial periods. In the Atlantic Ocean, she has examined movement of the Gulf Stream during the Last Glacial Maximum and linked changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and to rapid changes in climate. Her research also extends to regions where ice alters the exchange of carbon dioxide between atmosphere and ocean in glacial periods, and work in the Pacific Ocean where she has examined sea surface temperatures from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present.",
"An interest in the natural world, combined with the logic of science and math, attracted Lynch-Stieglitz to science and after a summer at the Duke University Marine Laboratory she decided on a career in physical oceanography. In 1986, she earned B.S. degrees in physics and geology from Duke University and for two years she worked as an oceanographer at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. From 1988 until 1989 she worked at the Maryland Science Center and as a programmer at Johns Hopkins University before moving to Columbia University where she earned an M.A. (1991) and Ph.D. (1995) in geological sciences. After two years as a postdoctoral scholar at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in 1996 she returned to New York where she joined the faculty of the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory. In 2004, Lynch-Stieglitz moved to the Georgia Institute of Technology where she was promoted to professor in 2010.\nFrom 2012 to 2015, Lynch-Stieglitz was the Editor of Earth and Planetary Science Letters.\nIn 2015 Lynch-Stieglitz was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science \"for bringing physical oceanography approaches to the study of transient circulation changes during ice ages, providing a window into the ocean’s interaction with today’s climate change.\"",
"Jean Lynch-Stieglitz is a paleoceanographer known for her research on reconstructing changes in ocean circulation over the last 100,000 years.",
"Jean-Claude Duplessy, born in 1942, is a French geochemist. He is Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS and a member of the French Academy of Sciences.",
"Jean-Claude Duplessy, a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), a physics graduate, is a geochemist. His work has contributed to a better understanding of how the ocean has functioned over the recent history of the Earth. He is a recognized pioneer in rebuilding ocean dynamics through the use of carbon isotopes and foraminiferous shell oxygen in marine sediments. He was one of the first to see the importance of a high quality chronology for a reliable interpretation of measurements related to climate variations in the Earth's past.",
"He began his research just as the foundations of isotopic geochemistry were beginning to be well established through the work of Harold Urey and Cesare Emiliani in Chicago. The analysis of stable isotopes and natural radioactive elements makes it possible to approach the study of major biogeochemical cycles in an original way and to reconstruct changes in the Earth's climate and environment by applying current principles.\nJean-Claude Duplessy initially focused on the concretions of the caves and demonstrated that they were good recorders of the hydrological cycle and air temperature at the time they were formed. He obtained the first reconstructions of air temperatures and climatic conditions in the south of France for the last millennia and for the previous interglacial period Recently, this type of study has been resumed in Europe due to the development of new dating methods and the study of stalagmites seems open to a great future.\nDuplessy turned to the ocean because of its role as a climate regulator and its major impact on biogeochemical cycles, particularly the carbon cycle. His doctoral thesis work has focused on the geochemistry of stable carbon isotopes in the sea. He showed how the distribution of the stable heavy carbon isotope, carbon-13, was governed by biological fractionations related to chlorophyll assimilation by phytoplankton, then by ocean circulation and finally, to a lesser extent, by gas exchanges between the ocean and the atmosphere. All these phenomena, which dominate the carbon cycle in the ocean, are now being taken into account to study the fate of carbon dioxide emitted by human activities.\nDuplessy led numerous oceanographic campaigns and showed that variations in the isotopic composition of fossil foraminifera present in the sediments of the various oceans made it possible to reconstruct changes in the isotopic composition of the ocean and ocean circulation on a large scale, which opened a new scientific field, paleo-oceanography. This has grown to the point where there is now an international journal devoted to this discipline, of which he was one of the first associate editors.\nHe established the first reconstructions of the deep ocean circulation during the height of the last ice age and during the last interglacial period. This has led him to highlight a disruption in the functioning of the ocean: the North Atlantic deep water disappears under glacial conditions, accompanied by a general slowdown in large-scale ocean circulation, the intensity of the Gulf Stream and the heat flux transported by the Atlantic Ocean to the coasts of Western Europe.\nThe deep waters of the world ocean are formed by convection and diving of dense surface waters during winter periods. To understand the causes of changes in deep ocean circulation, it was necessary to develop a method to reconstruct not only the temperature (which was already known), but also the salinity of surface waters in the past. Duplessy has developed a method based on fractionations that affect stable oxygen isotopes during the water cycle. This has allowed him to reconstruct the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial maximum with sufficient accuracy for major modelling groups to use this data to simulate global ocean circulation using general ocean circulation models. These results have provided the basis for understanding ocean circulation in glacial climates and the role that the ocean can play in disrupting climate, as outlined in a book written for the general public entitled \"When the ocean gets angry \". He is also the co-author of \"Gros temps sur la planète \", \"Paléoclimatologie : Tome 1, and Tome 2 \"Paléoclimatologie : Tome 2, Emboiter les pièces du puzzle : comprendre et modéliser un système complexe \".\nChronology plays an essential role in understanding the evolution of climates and the links with astronomical theory initiated by Dr. Milankovitch and developed by André Berger in Louvain-La-Neuve and John Imbrie at Brown University. Duplessy launched the first accelerator mass spectrometry laboratory, one of the objectives of which is the fine measurement of carbon-14 to date marine sediments. With his collaborators, he was able to provide the first evidence of a ten-degree change in seawater temperature in times compatible with human life. These results were confirmed and further refined by the study of drilling in Greenland ice. Today, rapid climatic variations are recognized as a major feature of climate change.\nWhile developing this research and a group of marine paleoclimatology, he has endeavoured to bring to light in France the study of biogeochemical cycles within the surface envelopes of our planet. With the support of the CNRS, he launched the program to study the flow of matter in the ocean. This programme would bring together the actions of biologists, chemists and geochemists by highlighting the fundamental role of the coupling between biology and geochemistry, which led to the now recognized notion of biogeochemistry. This effort led the French teams to initiate, with their American and European colleagues, the International Joint Global Ocean Flux Study program to quantify carbon fluxes in the ocean and the role of plankton-produced particulate matter transfer in supplying the deep ocean environment with carbon, food and energy.\nBy the late 1980s, it had become clear that understanding living conditions on the Earth's surface required studying the couplings between the geosphere and living things. At the request of COFUSI (Comité français des unions scientifiques internationales), Duplessy chaired the French scientific committee of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. He federated research on the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms that govern the evolution of our environment. This research program initiated the study of the variability of the coupled geosphere-biosphere system, giving high priority to palaeoclimatic and palaeo-environmental reconstructions over geological time. These studies have thus made it possible to highlight phenomena as unexpected as the great variability of the carbon cycle in relation to changes in vegetation. These themes will become increasingly important in the coming years in the study of human-induced climate change, as the future evolution of greenhouse gas concentrations can only be realistically simulated if the interactions between the biosphere and biogeochemical cycles are well understood, so that they can be taken into account in models simulating the behaviour of the \"Earth\" system. The last interglacial period of 120,000 years, often taken as an analogue of a significantly warmer climate than today, reflects major changes in global ocean temperature and circulation that have contributed to destabilizing the West Antarctic ice cap.",
"* Jean-Claude Duplessy was one of the lead authors of the \"paleoclimatology\" chapter of the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was published in 2007.\n* His mission was to coordinate the activities of some twenty scientists from the international community with the objective of showing how the study of ancient climates makes it possible to better understand the mechanisms that could come into play in a world whose climate is disrupted by greenhouse gas and dust emissions. He was co-recipient, with his IPCC colleagues, of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize in this capacity.\n* He has been a member of the French Academy of Sciences since 2011 in the \"Sciences of the Universe\" section.\n* He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Academia europaea since 1989\n* Winner of the Aimé Berthé Prize of the Academy of Sciences (1987)\n* Milankovitch Medal of the EGS (1995).\n* Winner of the Georges Lemaître Prize of the Catholic University of Louvain (1997)\n* Dr Honoris Causa from the University of Kiel, Germany (2003).\n* Grand Prix Louis D of the Institut de France 2004.\n* Prestwich Prize of the French Geological Society 2004.\n* Grand Prix Dolomieu of BRGM awarded by the Academy of Sciences in 2004.",
"Born in Rennes, Jean-Michel Savéant graduated in 1958 and obtained his PhD in 1966 at the École normale supérieure. In 1971 he moved to Paris Diderot University where he founded the Laboratoire d'Électrochimie Moléculaire. He was an emeritus professor of electrochemistry in this university as well as an emeritus CNRS Research Director. He was the author of over 500 publications.",
"Jean-Michel Savéant (19 September 1933 – 16 August 2020) was a French chemist who specialized in electrochemistry. He was elected member of the French Academy of Sciences in 2000 and foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences in 2001. He published in excess of 400 peer-reviewed articles in chemistry literature.",
"Jean-Michel Savéant’s scientific activity is outlined by the foundation and development of a new discipline - molecular electrochemistry. Molecular electrochemistry has transferred the knowledge acquired by electrochemistry towards various fields of chemistry and biochemistry, in particular towards the chemistry of electron and proton transfer, free radical chemistry, chemical reactivity theory, coordination chemistry, photochemistry, solid physico-chemistry, enzymology and catalytic activation of small molecules, especially those involved in solving contemporary energy challenges.",
"*Prix Louis Ancel de la Société Chimique de France (1966)\n*Médaille d'argent du CNRS (1976)\n*Faraday Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1983)\n*Medaglia Luigi Riccoboni (1983)\n*Prix Emile Jungfleisch of the Académie des Sciences (1989)\n*Charles N. Reilley Award (1990)\n*Olin Palladium Award of the Electrochemical Society (1993)\n*Medaglia Luigi Galvani della Società Chimica Italiana (1997)\n*Manuel Baizer Award of the Electrochemical Society (2002)\n*Bruno Breyer Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (2005)\n*Distinguished Fairchild Scholar at the California Institute of Technology (1988)\n*Oscar K. Rice Distinguished Lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1995)\n*Nelson Leonard Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1999)\n*Baker Lecturer at Cornell University (2002)\n*Membre de l'Académie des Sciences (2000)\n*Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2001).\n*Air Liquide Essential Molecules Challenge (2016)",
"One of her former students from her time in Japan, the Spanish ambassador created the Vicenta Arnal Prize in her honor for graduating students of the Instituto Beatriz Galindo, and in recent years his son has continued to award the prize.\nIn March 2019, the city of Zaragoza proposed changing the name of a street from Calle Rudesindo Nasarre Ariño to Calle Jenara Vicenta Arnal Yarza in her honor, in an effort to recognize the contributions of four notable women from that city and to comply with the Historical Memory Law. The plan was cancelled in September of that year.",
"Jenara Vicenta Arnal Yarza (September 19, 1902 – May 27, 1960), was the first woman to hold a Ph.D. in chemistry (Chemical Sciences) in Spain. She was noted for her work in electrochemistry and her research into the formation of fluorine from potassium biflouride. In later years, she was recognized for her contribution to the pedagogy of teaching science on the elementary and secondary levels, with a focus on the practical uses of chemistry in daily life. She was awarded a national honor, the Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio.",
"Born into a humble family, Arnal Yarza's father was Luis Arnal Foz, a laborer from Zaragoza who later repaired pianos. Her mother, Vicenta Yarza Marquina, of Brea (Zaragoza), was a housewife. After the death of her parents, she had the responsibility of taking care of her two younger siblings. Her sister Pilar was a pianist who studied in Paris and gave concerts in the Teatro Real de Madrid. Her brother Pablo died young, but had a short career as a professor of Physics and Chemistry at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).\nJenara's vocation lead her to her teacher training studies at the Escuela de Zaragoza and to a degree in Elementary Education (primary school teaching) on December 3, 1921. Her desire for learning impelled her to continue her studies at the School of Sciences at the University of Zaragoza in the realm of Chemical Sciences, first as a non-matriculated student in 1922–23. Later she continued her studies as a matriculated student, and received high grades and honors in all of her classes. She received her graduate degree from the University of Zaragoza on March 12, 1927.\nShe defended her doctoral thesis on October 6, 1929, and obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza on December 13, 1929. Her doctoral thesis was titled Estudio potenciométrico del ácido hipocloroso y de sus sales (\"Potentiometric study of hypochlorous acid and its salts ”). Thus, Arnal Yarza became the first woman to obtain a doctorate in Chemical Sciences in Spain, later followed by the researchers y .",
"After completing her studies, in 1926 she began work as a researcher in theoretical Chemistry in the laboratories of the Faculty of the University of Zaragoza. Her research would later take her to other public and private research centers, such as the Escuela Industrial of Zaragoza, the Escuela Superior de Trabajo of Madrid, the Anstalt für Anorganische Chemie of the University of Basel (as a fellowship recipient of the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas), and the National Institute of Physics and Chemistry (Instituto Nacional de Física y Química) of Madrid in the electrochemistry department (continuing and expanding upon the works she began in Switzerland and Germany, where she had gone to research electrochemistry as a fellow of the JAE). During her tenure at the INFQ, she published 11 articles about electrochemical research, and in particular, electrolytic analysis.\nIn 1929, Dr. Arnal Yarza became a member of the Spanish Society for Physics and Chemistry () for her distinguished research career in Spain and abroad.\nWhile she worked at the laboratories of the Anstalt für anorganische Chemie in Basel, she studied under Friedrich Fichter, professor of inorganic chemistry and then vice-president of the International Union of Chemistry. Together they worked on the chemical oxidation of various metals, but specifically the creation of fluorine and of persulfates of zinc and lanthanum from the electrolysis of molten potassium biflouride. They published the results of their work in 1931 in the notable Swiss periodical Helvetica Chimica Acta. Arnal Yarza also researched chemical oxidation produced by the action of fluorine in gaseous states. She spent some time studying in the Technische Hochschule in Dresden thanks to a two-semester extension of her original scholarship from 1932.\nAfter the Spanish Civil War began in Madrid, in 1937 Arnal Yarza left Spain and resided for a time in France. She later returned to the Spanish \"National Zone\" (). Throughout the war she was able to continue her research work without being sanctioned.\nDuring the Spanish Civil War and the early years of Francos dictatorship, very few women, all unmarried, were allowed to participate in scientific research. While Jenara did not return to full-time research after the war, while teaching secondary school she continued to be interested in science and completed various works for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), while she served at the teaching institute Instituto de Pedagogía San José de Calasanz. She collaborated in writing for the Boletín Bibliográfico del CSIC' journal, most notably in publications dedicated to primary school teachers published by of the Auxiliary Library of Education (Biblioteca Auxiliar de Educación).\nShe was the second woman to serve as the director of a department of physics and chemistry at a Spanish secondary school from 1930 onward.\nIn May 1947 Arnal Yarza obtained authorization to travel to London to attend the First Centennial of the Royal Society and the XI International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. In December, the General Office of Secondary Education (Dirección General de Enseñanzas Medias) gave her permission to go on a trip to Japan as a delegate of the (Foreign) Exchange Section of CSIC. Upon her return to Spain, Arnal Yarza gave conferences and facilitated the exchange of publications by CSIC with Japanese universities and centers of advanced research. Later, she would return to Japan under the auspices of the CSIC for two years where she would advance her studies in chemistry.\nIn July 1953, she made a trip to attend the XIII International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry in Stockholm and Uppsala. That same year she began her last trip to Europe for research purposes, to attend the meeting of the International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Vienna from September 28 to October 5, 1953.\nJenara Vicenta Arnal Yarza died suddenly on May 27, 1960, of a cerebral hemorrhage due to thrombosis. After her death, the Ministry of Education awarded her the distinguished honor of the Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio.",
"Arza Yarnal began her career trajectory as a teacher in 1926, working as an assistant instructor in practical classes with the goal of being a professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza, and worked there until 1927. At the time she was in charge of the first course of Inorganic Chemistry, as the director was on leave at the time. In the same year she obtained a contract as a temporary assistant to the professor of Electrochemistry and Advanced Physics in the same faculty, which she held until 1930. On April 9, 1930, after passing the requirements for professorship, she became the eleventh Spanish woman to receive the title of professor and the second professor of sciences, after Ángela García de la Puerta. Thus she began her career in secondary education.\nHer first secondary teaching post was at the Instituto Nacional Femenino Infanta Cristina, a girls' school in Barcelona, from 1930 until its closure in 1931, where she served as acting professor. In 1933 she was transferred to the Institute of Secondary Education in Calatayud. Later she was a professor of Physics and Chemistry in the Institute of Bilbao, from which she finally transferred to Madrid where she was assigned to the Instituto Velázquez from 1935 to 1936.\nWhen the Spanish Civil War broke out, the Republican government maintained her as a government employee, earning two-thirds of her salary, at the same time that there was a reduction of personnel at the Ministry of Public Instruction. Arza Yarnal did not have any political inclinations towards either of the two sides. This stance allowed her not to suffer any reprisals and permitted her to leave Madrid, and after a time in France, to enter the National Zone, where she presented herself before the Commission of Culture and Teaching of the Junta Técnica del Estado, which reinstated her to her position in Bilbao. In 1940, she was readmitted as a professor for the Beatriz Galindo Institute in Madrid without any sanctions, and there she was able to continue her duties in the directorial team of the center until her untimely death in 1960.\nAs an educator, Jenara distinguished herself with her pedagogical approach to the teaching of Natural Sciences, Physics and Chemistry. She believed that the teaching of basic sciences fomented cultural development in students, by providing knowledge of the natural world while developing their mental discipline via observation, experimentation and the interpretation of results. She believed that the method of teaching science should be adapted to the cognitive level of the student, so that for elementary students of 5–12 years of age, the focus should be on experiencing science via observation, experimentation and discovery. For older students of 12–15 years of age, she emphasized lessons that contained practical applications for science as part of professional development or for recreation. She detailed these approaches in a 1933 monograph edition of the journal Bordón, which was dedicated to the teaching of Natural Sciences.",
"In 1930, Arza Yarnal completed research in collaboration with and Ángela García de la Puerta on the subject of electrolytic oxidation of chlorides. In addition, she published distinguished works in the journal Helvética Chimica Acta and Transactions of the American Chemical Society. Also with Rius Miró, she published “Estudio del potencial del electrodo de cloro y sus aplicaciones al análisis”, in the Anales de la Sociedad Española de Física y Química in 1933, and “La oxidación electrolítica” in 1935.\nShe also authored additional educational publications:\n* Física y Química de la vida diaria (\"Physics and Chemistry in daily life\") (1954 and 1959)\n* Los primeros pasos en el laboratorio de Física y Química (\"First steps in Physics and Chemistry labs\") (1956)\n* Química en Acción (\"Chemistry in action\") (1959).\nIn addition, Jenara collaborated with Inés García Escalera, professor of the Institute of Secondary Education of Alcalá de Henares, on two books:\n*Lecciones de cosas (\"Lessons about things\") (1958)\n*El mundo del saber (ciencias y letras) (\"The world of knowledge (Arts and Sciences)) (1968 and 1970), later re-edited in 1982.\nShe also translated specialized books about the history of science such as Historia de la Química (\"The History of chemistry\"), by and Historia de la Física (\"The History of Physics\"), by .",
"* Cien años de Política Científica en España. María Jesús Santesmases y Ana Romero de Pablos. Fundación BBVA 2008. 424 pages. (Spanish) \n*De analfabetas científicas a catedráticas de Física y Química de Instituto en España: el esfuerzo de un grupo de mujeres para alcanzar un reconocimiento profesional y científico. Delgado Martínez, Mª Ángeles y López Martínez, J. Damián. Revista de Educación. 2004. Number 333. pp. 255–268. (Spanish)\n*Pioneras españolas en las ciencias. Las mujeres del Instituto Nacional de Física y Química. Carmen Magallón Portolés. Editorial: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 2004. 408 pages. (Spanish) \n*Women in Their Element: Selected Women's Contributions To The Periodic System. Lykknes, Annette and Van Tiggelen, Brigitte. World Scientific Publishing Co. 2019. 556 pages.",
"Zhang was married to Qijin Chi, a chemist at the Technical University of Denmark, with whom she had one son.",
"Zhang was appointed to the Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) project, which saw her working on electrochemiscopy at the Kyushu University in Sendai, Japan. She joined the faculty at the Technical University of Denmark in 1998, where she was eventually promoted to Professor in 2016. Her research considered electrochemistry for nanomedicines and sustainable energy. In particular, she was interested in the electrochemistry that occurs at interfaces. During the late nineties, electrochemistry rapidly grew as a research area, integrating aspects of solid state physics and materials science. Zhang was quick to pick up new materials and characterisation techniques, including atomic force microscopy at single molecule resolution. She was particularly interested in redox metalloproteins and enzymes and new (bio)electrochemical surfaces. These surfaces included graphene, nanoparticles and nanoporous metallic surfaces.\nShe was awarded the Danish Society of Engineers Agnes and Betzy Prize in 2011. The following year she was elected to the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. In 2017 Zhang was appointed to the Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber. Zhang was a member of the editorial board of ChemElectroChem. A special issue of ChemElectroChem honouring Zhang and her legacy was published in 2021.",
"Zhang was born in 1968 in China. She studied chemistry and environmental engineering at Shanghai University. After earning her Masters degree, Zhang moved to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC) for her graduate research. Here she worked under the supervision of Erkang Wang.",
"Jingdong Zhang (June 2, 1968 – January 09, 2020) was a Chinese–Danish chemist and Professor of Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark. Her research considered nanochemistry and the novel materials for catalysis, as well as the development of advanced characterisation techniques such as scanning tunnelling microscopy and atomic force microscopy. She was elected to the Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber in 2017.",
"Clark has an undergraduate degree in geological sciences completed at The State University of New York at Geneseo in 2013, a master's degree in geological sciences from The University of Alabama completed in 2015, and a PhD in geological and earth sciences completed at The University of Houston in 2021.",
"Joanna V. Clark is an American geoscientist working for Geocontrols Systems Inc on the JETS Contract at NASA Johnson Space Center. She is collaborator on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) and Mars Science Lab (MSL) science teams. Her research includes oxychlorines, chlorides, phyllosilicates, manganese oxides and has also been involved with martian simulant development for In-Situ Resource Utilization.",
"Johann Wilhelm Hittorf (27 March 1824 – 28 November 1914) was a German physicist who was born in Bonn and died in Münster, Germany.\nHittorf was the first to compute the electricity-carrying capacity of charged atoms and molecules (ions), an important factor in understanding electrochemical reactions. He formulated ion transport numbers and the first method for their measurements.\nHe observed tubes with energy rays extending from a negative electrode. These rays produced a fluorescence when they hit the glass walls of the tubes. In 1876 the effect was named \"cathode rays\" by Eugen Goldstein.\nHittorf's early investigations were on the allotropes of phosphorus and selenium. Between 1853 and 1859 his most important work was on ion movement caused by electric current. In 1853 Hittorf pointed out that some ions traveled more rapidly than others. This observation led to the concept of transport number, the fraction of the electric current carried by each ionic species. He measured the changes in the concentration of electrolyzed solutions, computed from these the transport numbers (relative carrying capacities) of many ions, and, in 1869, published his laws governing the migration of ions.\nHe became professor of physics and chemistry at the University of Münster and director of laboratories there from 1879 until 1889. He also investigated the light spectra of gases and vapours, worked on the passage of electricity through gases, and discovered new properties of cathode rays (electron rays). In 1869 he ascertained that the cathode rays glowed different colours because of different gasses and pressures. He noticed that when there was any object placed between the cathode and the illuminating side of the tube, then the shadow of that object appeared.\nHis work led toward development of X-rays and cathode ray tubes. The measurement of current in a vacuum tube was an important step towards the creation of a vacuum tube diode.",
"John Adrian Pyle is a British atmospheric scientist, Director of the Centre for Atmospheric Science in Cambridge, England. He is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge, and since 2007 has held the 1920 Chair of Physical Chemistry in the Chemistry Department. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society and of St Catharine's College, Cambridge.",
"Pyle is known for his extensive work on atmospheric chemistry and its interactions with climate. His early research was focusing on issues related to stratospheric ozone depletion but in the following decades his work has expanded in a variety of chemistry and climate-related fields.\nPyle was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2017 New Year Honours for services to atmospheric chemistry and environmental science.",
"Pyle was educated at De La Salle College, Salford, gained his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics at Durham University and his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 1978.",
"* The Chemical Elements and their Compounds (Macmillan, 1927)\n* The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (Macmillan, 1928)\n* Man is a Microcosm (The Scientific Book Club, UK, 1950)\n* Electrical Phenomena at Interfaces, in Chemistry, Physics and Biology (Methuen, 1951)\n* Inside the Living Cell - some Secrets of Life (The Scientific Book Club, UK, 1957)\n* Science and Human Life: Successes and Limitations (Pergamon, 1957)\n* Gene Control in the Living Cell (Allen & Unwin, 1968)\n* The Life Process (Allen & Unwin, 1970)\n* Modern Biology and Its Human Implications (Hodder and Stoughton, 1976)",
"John Alfred Valentine Butler (14 February 1899 – 16 July 1977) was an English physical chemist best known for his contributions to the development of electrode kinetics (Butler–Volmer equation).",
"In 1929 Butler married Margaret Lois Hope, a botanist and Cambridge graduate, at Haddington, East Lothian. They had three children, all successful in their respective fields of biological\nand medical sciences. From 1949 to 1977 the Butler’s lived in Rickmansworth in a house then known as Nightingale Corner, which had previously belonged to Hubert J. Foss, first Musical Editor (1923–1941) for Oxford University Press. Like the Fosses, the Butlers often entertained guests there.\nJ. A. V. died on 16 July 1977",
"He was awarded the Meldola Medal and Prize in 1928 by the Royal Institute of Chemistry.\nIn 1956 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. His candidacy citation read:",
"John Alfred Valentine Butler (known to his friends and colleagues as J. A. V.) was born into a Cotswolds farming family in Winchcombe on 14 February 1899; he was the eldest of three children of Alfred and Mary Ann (née Powell). After attending the local primary school he won a scholarship which covered the travelling expenses and fees for Cheltenham Grammar School. Coming from a non-academic family he had no encouragement to go to university, and so took a short apprenticeship with a local pharmacist. This led to his being drafted into the RAMC towards the end of World War I: after training, he was posted to a field hospital near Ypres. Here, he had the chance for self study, with the help of books on loan from Lewis's Lending Library in London, and the University Correspondence College, Cambridge.\nButler was demobilised in October 1919 and enrolled at University of Birmingham, from where he graduated “BSc with 1st Class Honours in 1921 (1st in the year).” In 1922 he was appointed Assistant Lecturer in the University College of Swansea. His work here resulted in the later publication of his first two books (see Works).\nButler’s next appointment was in 1926 as Lecturer in Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, under Sir James Walker, where he studied the behaviour of electrolytes in mixed solvents, on which he published a series of papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (A) with five different collaborators from 1929-1933. A wide range of other papers appeared during this productive phase. Productive but not financially rewarding: he found it difficult to support his family on his Lecturer’s stipend. In 1939 he was appointed to work at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton and so at the end of August the family sailed on the Queen Mary to New York. Butler worked in J H Northrop’s group on the homogeneity of crystallised enzymes.\nAfter the outbreak of WWII, Butler offered his services and was appointed Executive Officer at the British Central Scientific Office in Washington, DC, which had a staff of 17 officers, under the direction of Sir Charles Galton Darwin, a grandson of Charles Darwin. He continued in that role until 1944, when Edinburgh asked him to return to teaching there. But he did not find the conditions “at all congenial”, and so he secured an appointment in 1946 at the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry under Professor (later Sir) Charles Dodds, where he worked on the proteolytic degradation of insulin. This work was not altogether successful, in part because of the great strides made by Sanger. So, in 1949, Butler moved to the Chester Beatty Research Institute in Chelsea, directed by Alexander Haddow. There were two main themes to his work at the Chester Beatty, one of which – on the proteins associated with DNA in the structure of chromosomes, the histones – is especially associated with Butler.",
"*Curtis W. McGraw Research Award (1976)\n*Allan P. Colburn Award of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1976)\n*NASA Public Service Medal (1980)\n*National Academy of Engineering, Elected Member (1982)\n*William H. Walker Award of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1986)\n*Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Elected Fellow (1986)\n*George Westinghouse Award of the American Society for Engineering Education (1987)\n*Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of Rochester (1989)\n*American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Elected Member (1991)\n*American Chemical Society Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology (1993)\n*Fuchs Memorial Award (1998)\n*American Association for the Advancement of Science, Elected Fellow (1999)\n*Warren K. Lewis Award of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2000)\n*Nevada Medal (2001)\n*Honorary Doctorate, Carnegie Mellon University (2002)\n*Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award of the California Air Resources Board (2003)\n*Aurel Stodola Medal (2008)\n*Honorary Doctorate, Clarkson University (2009)\n*Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement (2012)\n*National Academy of Sciences, Elected Member (2013)",
"John Hersh Seinfeld (born August 3, 1942) is an American chemical engineer and pioneering expert in atmospheric science. His research on air pollution has influenced public policy, and he developed the first mathematical model of air quality, which has influenced air pollution tracking and research across the United States. He has spent his career at the California Institute of Technology, where he is currently the Louis E. Nohl Professor of Chemical Engineering.",
"Seinfeld grew up in Elmira, New York, and attended the University of Rochester, where he earned a B.S. in chemical engineering in 1964. He then went to Princeton University, where he received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering in 1967. His doctoral dissertation, entitled \"Optimal control of distributed-parameter systems,\" was concerned with the theory of control and optimization of distributed-parameter systems, which are systems governed by partial differential equations.",
"Seinfeld joined Caltech as an assistant professor of chemical engineering in 1967. He originally continued his research in control theory, but soon became intrigued by the elevated level of smog in Los Angeles and shifted his research to investigate air pollution. At the time, atmospheric research relied on approaches like Gaussian plume models, and Seinfeld realized that his mathematical expertise could be applied to understand the underlying chemistry of the reactions occurring in the air. He then formed a research group, which formulated a chemical mechanism for ozone formation. In 1973 they developed the first large-scale urban air pollution model, which was applied to the Los Angeles basin. This work, published in three papers in the journal Atmospheric Environment, initiated a new field of scientific research devoted to the modeling of tropospheric pollution. The model also became the precursor for air pollution modeling that is now used nationwide by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.\nFollowing this research, Seinfeld recognized that important information was missing in his understanding of pollution, and he began to focus on the formation and properties of aerosols. To conduct his research, he and his Caltech colleague Richard Flagan established a \"smog chamber\" at the university, with which they were able to conduct controlled studies of gasses and particulates found in the atmosphere. The chamber, the first of its kind, has since become standard in atmospheric science, and Seinfeld's research in this area is now considered fundamental to the understanding of aerosols and their role in air quality and climate.\nSeinfeld served as chair of the Division of Chemical Engineering and Applied Science at Caltech from 1990 to 2000. He is the author of hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and numerous books, including Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, which is considered a standard text in its field.",
"By the time of his retirement in 1906 he had published some 65 chemical papers, most of them in the Spanish language, on such diverse topics as the chemical compositions of Argentine rivers, the medicinal plants of Córdoba Province, Argentina, the incrustation of locomotive boilers, the presence of organic matter in drinking water, the caffeine content of yerba mate, the adulteration of saffron, the wines of the Argentine Republic, compositions of meteorites fallen in Buenos Aires Province, Patagonian guano, the petroleum of Jujuy Province, a new alkaloid he isolated from Ruprechtia salicifolia, Cape Virgins gold, Tierra del Fuego platinum, well water, the cement of a failed dam, the destruction of masonry by cloacal gases, and a silver-yielding manganese ore from Mendoza Province.\nAccording to Rapela and Depetris, Kyle was the first Argentine geochemist. Of his papers,\nOn a vanadiferous lignite found in the Argentine Republic with analysis of the ash was read before the British Association Edinburgh meeting in 1892. His last work, published in Ambrosetti, El bronce en la region calchaquí established that the Calchaquí Amerindians were a Bronze Age people. He died in Buenos Aires on 23 February 1922.",
"John Joseph Jolly Kyle FRSA (2 February 1838 – 23 February 1922) was a pioneering Argentine chemist. Born and educated in Scotland, he emigrated to Argentina in 1862, and on the outbreak of the Paraguayan War served as a pharmacist in the Argentine Army medical corps. He became an Argentine citizen in 1873. At the time Kyle was active specialisation was not an option in Latin American chemistry and it was necessary for a chemist to be a sort of polymath or jack-of-all-trades. Kyle was appointed professor of chemistry at the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1871, and chief chemist to the Casa de Moneda de la República Argentina (the Argentine Mint) in 1881. He was appointed professor of organic chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires (1889); Chemist to the Inspectorate-General of Sanitary Works (1890); professor of industrial chemistry at the Colegio Nacional (1892); and professor of inorganic chemistry at Buenos Aires University (1896). He was director of the first chemistry doctoral thesis in Argentina (1901).\nThe , awarded quinquennially by the Argentine Chemical Association for the best contribution to any branch of chemistry, and its most prestigious prize, is named in his honour.",
"Kyle was born in Stirling, Scotland on 2 February 1838. He completed an apprenticeship with an Edinburgh pharmacy in 1854 and became assistant to Dr Stevenson Macadam, lecturer in chemistry to Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh. He made his first scientific discovery at the age of 18. Moving to the field of industrial chemistry, he was head of the chemical laboratory of Glasgow University and then manager of an animal charcoal manufacturer in Greenock. He was a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.\nHe emigrated to Argentina in July 1862. When President-Marshall Solano Lopez of Paraguay invaded Corrientes Province in 1865 there broke out the War of the Triple Alliance and Kyle joined the medical corps of the Argentine Army as a pharmacist with the rank of lieutenant. He participated in the siege of Uruguaiana (where the defenders were reduced to living on lump sugar), the three-day battle of the Boquerón and in the Battle of Tuyutí, the bloodiest international battle in the history of South America. He served on board the hospital ship Pavón and returned to Buenos Aires in December 1866 in charge of a convoy of wounded soldiers. His wartime experiences led him to take a foundational interest in the Argentine Red Cross Society, of which he was made an honorary member in 1896.",
"Jorge Eduardo Allende Rivera, (born 11 November 1934) is a Chilean biochemist and biophysicist known for his contributions to the understanding of proteic biosynthesis and how transfer RNA is generated, and the regulation of maturation of amphibian eggs. He has been a foreign associate of the United States National Academy of Sciences since 2001, and was awarded the Chilean National Prize for Nature Sciences (Chile) in 1992.",
"Jorge Allende was born in Cartago, Costa Rica, son of Octavio Allende Echeverría, Chilean Consul in the city of Puntarenas, and Amparo Rivera Ortiz, a Costa Rican artist. Because of his father's job as a diplomat, he spent his childhood years between Costa Rica, Chile and the United States. He finished high school in a Jesuit School in New Orleans, Louisiana, where his father was appointed as the Chilean Consul. Subsequently, he studied at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He obtained the Bachelor of Science in chemistry degree in 1957.",
"He carried out his doctoral studies at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, United States, obtaining his Ph.D. in 1961 under the tutorship of Prof. F.M. Richards. He did post doctoral work with Prof. Fritz Lipmann at Rockefeller University and with Marshall Warren Nirenberg at NIH.\nDuring the 1960s, his research was focused on protein synthesis, a field in which he made crucial contributions. In the 1970s he was a pioneer in studying the mechanism of hormonal induction of oocyte maturation. His later research is focused in two ubiquitous protein kinases, CK1 and CK2, involved in the phosphorylation of key cellular proteins.\nHe devoted much of his life to organizing activities for the scientific integration in Latin America especially through organizing series of training courses in molecular biology techniques, and through the creation of the Latin American Network of Biological Sciences.\nIn recent years, Doctor Allende has been an promoter of science education through his personal commitment in several projects, like the Science Education Inquiry Based program, funded by the University of Chile, and through his participation in the Allende-Connelly Foundation, founded by him and his wife.\nThough he retired from active science in 2009, he remains a professor at the Faculty of Medicine. He was also Research Vice President of the University of Chile.\nHe published his autobiography in 2010.",
"He married Catherine Connelly (also a biochemist) in Holyoke, Massachusetts, On September 16, 1961. He raised a family of four children: Miguel Luis, Juan Ignacio, Jorge Eduardo and Maria Amparo and has 13 grandchildren.\nWith his wife, Catherine Connelly, he was on sabbatical at the University of California at San Diego, when the 1973 coup in Chile took place. He returned to Chile in May 1974 and was one of the main defenders of the University of Chile's autonomy, endangered by the military intervention in academic life. In December 1975 he co-signed, with other academics, a letter entitled \"University under surveillance\" opposing military intervention in the University of Chile. The letter was written by philosopher Jorge Millas and published in the newspaper \"El Mercurio\". The letter was the first appearance of a public statement by a group of academics who criticized the handling of the University of Chile by the military government.",
"*2007 - Recipient of the puRkwa Prize. This is an \"international prize for the scientific literacy of the children of the planet\" awarded annually by the École nationale supérieure des mines de Saint-Étienne and the French Academy of Sciences. \n*2005 - Member of the Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Argentina\n*2002 - Medal of the Grand Cross of the Scientific Merit awarded by the President Brazil.\n*2001 - Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.\n*1993 - Honorary Doctorate from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.\n*1992 - National \"Natural Sciences Award of Chile\".\n*1990 - Foreign Member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.\n*1986 to 1988 - \"Scholar in Residence\" of the Fogarty International Center in the United States.\n*1986 - Founding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Third World.\n*1983 - Member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences.\n*1982 - Founding member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America.\n*1966 - Guggenheim Fellowship",
"Before he became a professor of meteorology at Penn State, Dolores Fuentes was a professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia. At Penn State, he collaborates with well-known climate scientist Michael E. Mann by co-advising students and working on a research project in the Florida Everglades. He has worked on projects all over the world, including a remote field stations in northern Alaska. He was previously the co-investigator of the Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation, a collaboration between Howard University and NASA which supported summer researchers and atmospheric science.\nDolores Fuentes is also the atmospheric sciences editor for Eos, the magazine of the American Geophysical Union, and a member of the advisory committee for the National Science Foundation's geoscience branch.",
"Jose Dolores Fuentes is a meteorologist at Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on surface-atmosphere interactions that control the transport of energy and trace gases in the lower atmosphere. In particular, he has gained media attention for his research into the relationship between air pollution and bees.",
"Dolores Fuentes earned his PhD at the University of Guelph in 1992. He also attended Millersville University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1984.",
"* Ambassador Award, American Geophysical Union, 2023\n* Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) \n* AMS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biometeorology\n* AMS Charles E. Anderson Award for \"outstanding, sustained efforts to promote diversity in the atmospheric and environmental sciences through education, research, and community service.\"",
"Joseph S. Francisco (born 26 March 1955) is an American scientist and the former president of the American Chemical Society from 2009 to 2010. He currently serves as the President's Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science and professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. He was the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and held the Elmer H. and Ruby M. Cordes Chair in chemistry at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln until 2018.",
"Joseph Francisco was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on March 26, 1955. He was born to Lucinda and Joe Francisco, Sr., but grew up in Beaumont, Texas with his grandmother Sarah Walker. As he was growing up in Beaumont, Texas, his possibilities were limited because of who he was and what he looked like. His life consisted of day-to-day tasks and was never about future planning. College was a far-fetched dream, so he never paid much attention to it. Despite the uncertainty, his grandmother, Sarah Walker, who was a strong woman and a great role model for him—was supportive and encouraged him to get an education. He attended Forest Park High School.\nDr. Richard B. Price of Lamar University who he had met by chance encouraged him to pursue a college education. In 1973, he entered the University of Texas, Austin and graduated in 1977. He entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as a graduate student (PhD, and graduated in 1983). In 1983, at age 27, Francisco decided to travel to pursue and obtain his postdoctoral research fellow in Cambridge University, England. In 1992, Francisco married Priya, and has three daughters. He currently resides in Philadelphia with his family.",
"As a researcher, Francisco has made important contributions in many areas of Atmospheric Chemistry. His research revolutionized our understanding of chemical processes in the atmosphere.\nFrancisco and his colleague [ Marsha Lester], the University of Pennsylvanias Edmund J. Kahn Distinguished Professor have discovered an unusual molecule that is essential to the atmospheres ability to break down pollutants, especially the compounds that cause acid rain. It's the unusual chemistry facilitated by this molecule, however, that will attract the most attention from scientists.\nSomewhat like a human body metabolizing food, the Earths atmosphere has the ability to \"burn,\" or oxidize pollutants, especially nitric oxides emitted from sources such as factories and automobiles. What doesnt get oxidized in the atmosphere falls back to Earth in the form of acid rain.\n\"The chemical details of how the atmosphere removes nitric acid have not been clear,\" Francisco says. \"This gives us important insights into this process. Without that knowledge we really can't understand the conditions under which nitric acid is removed from the atmosphere.\nFrancisco says the discovery will allow scientists to better model how pollutants react in the atmosphere and to predict potential outcomes.A technical paper describing the molecule is published in a special edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.\nFrancisco's laboratory focuses on basic studies in spectroscopy, kinetics, and photochemistry of novel transient species in the gas phase. Joe has published more than 400 journal articles, written nine book chapters and co-authored the textbook, Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics.",
"Francisco currently serves as the Presidents Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science and Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. He served as the [ Dean] of [ College of Arts and Sciences], Elmer H. and Ruby M.Cordes Chair in chemistry at University of Nebraska in Lincoln until 2018. He was president of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers from 2006 to 2008. He was appointed a senior visiting fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Bologna, Italy; Professeur Invité at the Université de Paris-Est, France; a visiting professor at Uppsala Universitet,Sweden; and an Honorary International Chair Professor, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. He served as president of the American Chemical Society in 2010. He was elected as the Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010 and was elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2013. He also received the honorary Doctor of Science degree, Tuskegee University., 2010. President Barack Obama appointed Joseph S. Francisco, PhD, to serve on the Presidents Committee on the National Medal of Science for the period 2010–2012, 2012–2014.\nIn 2021 he was elected to the American Philosophical Society.",
"* Fellow of the American Physical Society (1998)\n* Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2001)\n* Fellow of the American Chemical Society (2012)\n* Guggenheim Fellow (1993).\n* Alexander von Humboldt U.S.Senior Scientist Award",
"She graduated from Pierre and Marie Curie University. She studied the price of land in the 1700s and the Riverstrahler model of river nutrient transfer.",
"Josette Garnier is a French biogeochemist. She is research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). She won the 2016 Ruth Patrick Award.",
"Judith Klein-Seetharaman (born May 30, 1971) is an American-German biochemist who is a professor at the Arizona State University. Her research considers the structure-function properties of proteins using computational bio-linguistics. She was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to identify novel therapies to tackle HIV.",
"Klein-Seetharaman was born in Germany. She completed her undergraduate training at the University of Cologne, where she earned dual honours in biology and chemistry. After earning her doctorate, she moved to the United States, where she worked in the laboratory of Har Gobind Khorana at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research considered conformational changes in rhodopsin, the G protein coupled receptor. She was a postdoctoral researcher at MIT with Harald Schwalbe, focusing on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. After eight months as a postdoc, Klein-Seetharaman moved Carnegie Mellon University where she worked with Raj Reddy in biology. She was eventually appointed to the faculty at Carnegie Mellon.",
"Klein-Seetharaman moved to the University of Pittsburgh as an assistant professor in 2002 and was promoted to associate professor in 2009. She joined the Warwick Medical School as a professor in medicine in 2013. She returned to the[United States in 2017, first as a professor at the Colorado School of Mines and then as a professor at the Arizona State University in 2021. Her research looks to uncover the structure-property relationships of membrane proteins.",
"Tafel suffered from insomnia and eventually had a complete nervous breakdown. He committed suicide in Munich in 1918.",
"He worked first with Hermann Emil Fischer on the field of organic chemistry, but changed to electrochemistry after his work with Wilhelm Ostwald. He is known for the discovery of an electrosynthetic rearrangement reaction of various alkylated ethyl acetoacetates to form hydrocarbons, now called the Tafel rearrangement, and the Tafel equation, which relates the rate of an electrochemical reaction to the overpotential. He is also credited for the discovery of the catalytic mechanism of hydrogen evolution (the Tafel mechanism). Tafel retired aged 48 due to ill health, but continued to write book reviews until his death.",
"Karen K. Hsiao Ashe is a professor at the Department of Neurology and Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota (UMN) Medical School, where she holds the Edmund Wallace and Anne Marie Tulloch Chairs in Neurology and Neuroscience. She is the founding director of the N. Bud Grossman Center for Memory Research and Care, and her specific research interest is memory loss resulting from Alzheimers disease and related dementias. Her research has included the development of an animal model of Alzheimers.\nIn July 2022, concerns were raised that certain images in a 2006 Nature paper co-authored by Ashes postdoctoral student Sylvain Lesné were manipulated. In May of 2023, the Star Tribune reported that Ashe was using new techniques to re-do the work reported in the 2006 Nature study, and that she stated \"its my responsibility to establish the truth of what we've published\".",
"Ashe's parents came to the United States from China to pursue PhDs; her father, C.C. Hsiao, taught aerospace engineering at the University of Minnesota, and her mother, Joyce, was a biochemist. She has three younger siblings.\nAttending the St. Paul Academy and Summit School in the 1970s, Ashe's interest in the brain began in primary school, where she excelled in math, along with music. She obtained her undergraduate degree at Harvard University in 1975 in chemistry and physics, starting as a sophomore at the age of 17. She went on to earn her PhD in brain and cognitive sciences at MIT in 1981 and her MD from Harvard in 1982. \nAshe's husband, James is a neurologist; she has three children (two sons and a daughter).",
"Between 1986 and 1989, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco where she researched prion diseases and published with Stanley Prusiner. In 1989, she was the first author on a paper published in Nature, entitled \"Linkage of a prion protein missense variant to Gerstmann‑Sträussler syndrome\", describing the discovery of a mutation linked to a neurodegenerative disease. She was the first author on a paper published in 1990 in Science, entitled \"Spontaneous neurodegeneration in transgenic mice with mutant prion protein\", describing the creation of a transgenic mouse modeling a neurodegenerative disease. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, she helped prove Prusiner's theory that prions cause neurodegenerative diseases. Prusiner recognized her contribution towards the Nobel Prize he won for that work, saying that Karen Hsiao \"discovered a mutation in the PrP gene that caused familial disease and reproduced the disease in transgenic mice\".",
"Ashe joined the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1992 as an assistant professor of neurology. She has also worked with the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Health Care System. She was the founding director of the N. Bud Grossman Center for Memory Research and Care. As of 2022, she has received over $28million in grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.\nThe Minneapolis Star Tribune described Ashe as a \"distinguished professor considered by many to be on the short list for a Nobel Prize for her work\".",
"In 1996—early in her career at UMN—Ashe was the first author on a paper published in Science, entitled \"Correlative memory deficits, Aβ elevation, and amyloid plaques in transgenic mice\", describing a mouse model of Alzheimers disease, which furthered her rising star as a scientist; the mice are used in research around the world, and students and scientists \"come from all over the world to work with her\", according to the Star Tribune. In 2006, three of her research papers made a list of the eighteen papers that had contributed the most to Alzheimers research.\nAshe is a co-author on a 2006 paper published in Nature, entitled \"A specific amyloid-β protein assembly in the brain impairs memory\". The paper describes the Aβ*56 oligomer (known as amyloid beta star 56 and Aβ*56) correlating with memory loss in mice prior to the appearance of amyloid plaques. According to a Science article, in 2022 the paper was the fifth-highest cited paper in Alzheimers research, with approximately 2,300 other articles citing it. The Guardian says the paper was \"highly influential\" and calls it \"one of the most cited pieces of Alzheimers disease research in the last two decades\", writing that it has \"dominated the field\" of research. The Daily Telegraph states that the \"seminal research paper\" led to increased drug research funding worldwide. The paper was discussed at the Alzheimer Research Forum as a \"star is born\".\nIn 2015, Ashe was a co-author on a paper entitled \"Quaternary structure defines a large class of amyloid-beta oligomers neutralized by sequestration\", which defines two forms of Aβ based on quaternary structure, type 1 and type 2, that have different effects on memory function in mice. Type 1 is dispersed in the brain and associated with impaired memory. Type 2 is entrapped in amyloid plaques and does not impair memory. In 2020, she published a review summarizing this work, entitled \"The biogenesis and biology of amyloid β oligomers in the brain\".",
"In July 2022, concerns were raised by Matthew Schrag, a Vanderbilt University neuroscientist, that certain images in the 2006 Nature paper were manipulated in the paper co-authored by Ashes postdoctoral Sylvain Lesné, whom she hired in 2002. These concerns were published in an article in Science authored by Charles Piller which questioned the association between the Aβ*56 protein and dementia symptoms. Ashe stated in July 2022 via email that \"it is devastating to discover that a colleague may have misled me and the scientific community [... it is also] distressing that a major scientific journal has blatantly misrepresented the implications of my work.\" Ashe has stated that the edited images, which she agrees \"should not have occurred\", do not change the conclusions of the paper. No image inconsistencies have been found in other work published by Ashe without' Lesné as a co-author.\nUMN is investigating the reports as of May 2023. The editors of Nature responded with a July 14, 2022 note stating they were aware of and investigating the concerns raised, that a \"further editorial response [would] follow as soon as possible\", and that \"readers are advised to use caution when using results reported therein\". The NIH, where Schrag lodged the whistleblower report, is also investigating the matter. Retraction Watch states that Ashe co-authored with Lesné other disputed papers, and that the authors in the disputed work do not overlap except for two from UMN Department of Neuroscience.\nIn May of 2023, the Star Tribune reported that Ashe was using new techniques to re-do the work reported in the 2006 Nature study, and that she stated \"its my responsibility to establish the truth of what weve published\".",
"Ashe was awarded the Metlife Foundation Award for Medical Research in Alzheimers Disease in 2005. Ashe also earned the Potamkin Prize in 2006 for her Alzheimers research, shortly after the publication of the 2006 Nature paper. \nIn 2009, Ashe was elected to the National Academy of Medicine for her achievements in medicine.",
"Hattori argued that the prevailing view for volcano formation in arcs ic arc formation, that water is released rapidly from subducting slabs when they are metamorphosed to eclogite facies, is inconsistent with geological evidence. Instead, she proposed an alternative mechanism, suggesting that water is continuously released from slabs and stored as serpentinites (hydrated mantle rocks) and stressed that the subsequent dehydration of these serpentinites triggers the formation of arc volcanoes. Her work has established the importance and distribution of serpentinites on the major ocean floors, which control seismic activity and may potentially have played a role in the origin of life on the planet.\nAdditionally, Hattori's work highlighted that heavy metals and metalloids, such as arsenic and antimony, are generally considered to be concentrated in sulphides, but under sulphur-deficient conditions, these elements behave like normal rock-forming elements.",
"Keiko Hattori is a geochemist and mineralogist. She is Distinguished University Professor of Geochemistry and Mineral Deposits in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Ottawa.\nHattori is most known for her research on aspects of Earth's atmospheric and mantle evolution, as well as the formation of arc volcanoes and the generation of metal-fertile volcanic arcs. Her application of this knowledge has led to insights regarding the origins and locations of mineral deposits. Specifically, she has conducted research on the transfer of chalcophile elements (copper-like elements) from slabs to arc magmas through mantle wedges, as well as from arc magmas to mineral deposits. Additionally, her work has encompassed exploration geochemistry, where she has investigated the dispersion of metals from buried deposits including platinum and palladium in surface media. She was appointed as the 2022 International Exchange Lecturer of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), and has been the recipient of the Island Arc Award and the Takeo Kato Gold Medal.\nHattori is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Mineralogical Society of America.",
"Hattori was the first female undergraduate student in the Geology Department at the University of Tokyo, which was established in 1877. She completed her master's and PhD in isotope geochemistry there.",
"Hattori began her academic career as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in 1977 and participated in the International Drilling project as a Canadian delegate to study volcanic rocks and thermal alteration in Iceland. In 1980, she moved to the University of Calgary as a Research Associate jointly affiliated with the Department of Physics and the Department of Geology and Geophysics. Three years later, she joined the University of Ottawa as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Geology in 1987.\nShe was the first female Professor in earth science departments within the national capital region as well as the first female Professor of mineral deposits in Canada. In 1994 she became Full Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She was awarded the title of Distinguished University Professor in 2023 for her contributions to scientific research and education.\nHattori has held numerous administrative appointments throughout her career. From July 1991 to June 1994, she served as the Director of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre. In 2004, she was appointed as the department chair for Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa, a position she held for four years. \nApart from the administrative work related to universities, she has been engaged in the activities of several scientific organizations including Mineralogical Society of America, Society of Economic Geologists, and Royal Society of Canada. She is Director of Earth, Ocean and Atmosphere Science Division of Royal Society of Canada (2021-2024).\nHattori was an appraiser of graduate-research programs at various Ontario Universities (1999-2002) and geoscience program reviewers of American University of Beirut in Lebanon (2016-17), Western University (2012) and Hiroshima University (2009).\nHattori has been appointed as Visiting Professor at Université de Lyon (1999) and l’Universiteé Grenoble (2016), Visiting Scientist at Japan Marine Science and Technology (2003-2004), Visiting Professor at Nagoya Institute, Guest Research Scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1995-1996), Visiting Research Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1989-1990).",
"Hattori has made contributions to the field of earth sciences, utilizing trace element geochemistry and stable and radiogenic isotopes to understand the earth processes. During the early stages of her career, she focused on studying active volcanoes and associated hydrothermal activity. However, a tragic accident atop a Colombian volcano, resulting in the loss of several colleagues, prompted her to shift her research focus to ancient volcanic terranes in Canada. Over the past 14 years, she has conducted research in various regions of subduction zones worldwide, where oceanic crust subducts and forms arc volcanoes and mountain belts. Her investigations involve examining rocks and collecting samples to analyze the intricate processes of subduction and the subsequent return of materials to the surface through volcanoes. Her research areas have included the Himalayas (Northern Pakistan, Northern India), Italian and French Alps, Turkey, China, Japan, Philippines, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.\nHattoris contributions to the earth sciences primarily center on utilizing the abundance of redox-sensitive elements and their isotopic compositions to interpret processes from the surface to the mantle. Her discoveries include the timing of the abrupt rise in atmospheric oxygen content at around 2.2 billion years ago during Earths evolution, the definition of osmium isotope evolution in the mantle, the identification of serpentine as the reservoir of water and fluid-mobile elements in the mantle, and the provision of evidence that oxidized mafic magmas bring base metals and sulfur from the mantle to form giant copper deposits that supply many critical metals for society. In addition, her work has contributed to the discovery of such critical metal deposits through the mobility of metals in surface waters.",
"Hattori presented evidence in her Nature paper that, resolved the long-standing debate regarding the timing of the change in ancient Earths surface oxidation. Her findings demonstrated that atmospheric oxygen levels were still low around 2.4 billion years ago, during the early Proterozoic, based on detailed sulfur isotope analysis of sedimentary rocks on the north shore of Lake Huron. In her subsequent work published in Science', she revealed that atmospheric oxygen levels sharply rose within the sedimentary sequence at about 2.3 billion years.\nHattori also highlighted the role of volcanic processes in shaping the surface redox condition, challenging the previously held belief that increased photosynthesis was solely responsible for the oxidation of Earth's surface environment. Subsequent work provided further confirmation of the crystallization of oxidized magmatic sulfates during igneous crystallization, as well as the presence of such sulfate minerals in ancient (2.6 billion years old) igneous rocks.",
"Hattori defined the osmium isotope evolution of Earth's mantle, providing evidence for an accretion of chondritic meteorites after the core-mantle separation.\nPrior to Hattori's research, the origin of large nuggets of platinum-group metals in streams was a subject of debate, with some proposing river water formation under a tropical climate and others suggesting mechanical erosion from rocks. However, her research presented evidence supporting their formation in rocks at high temperatures, followed by erosion to streams.\nThrough Hattori's research, it was also revealed that platinum grains found in streams contain oxygen, which led to initial suggestions of platinum oxide; however, using synchrotron techniques, it was demonstrated that the oxygen is combined with iron, not with platinum.",
"Hattori's research interest has also extended to porphyry-type deposits, which supply critical metals such as copper, molybdenum, and gold. Through her research, she presented evidence supporting the notion that sulfur and metals have their origin in the mantle, and proposed that they were extracted and transported by mafic magmas from the mantle to shallow crustal levels. This proposal was based on her earlier work on Pinatubo eruption products, where metals and sulphur are released from mafic magmas during their ascent and incorporated into overlying erupted felsic magmas. Furthermore, Cees-Jan DeHoog, her post-doctoral research fellow, provided evidence that oxidized magmas are capable to transport metals and sulphur from deep in the mantle to shallow levels of crust.",
"*Hattori, K. (1993). High-sulfur magma, a product of fluid discharge from underlying mafic magma: evidence from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Geology, 21(12), 1083–1086. \n*Hattori, K. H., & Keith, J. D. (2001). Contribution of mafic melt to porphyry copper mineralization: evidence from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, and Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA. Mineralium Deposita, 36, 799–806.\n*Hattori, K. H., & Guillot, S. (2003, April). Volcanic fronts as a consequence of serpentinite dehydration in the mantle wedge. In EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly.\n*Takahashi, Y., Minamikawa, R., Hattori, K. H., Kurishima, K., Kihou, N., & Yuita, K. (2004). Arsenic behavior in paddy fields during the cycle of flooded and non-flooded periods. Environmental Science & Technology, 38(4), 1038–1044.\n*Guillot, S., Hattori, K., 2013. Serpentinites: Essential roles in geodynamics, arc volcanism, sustainable development, and the origin of life. Elements, 9 (2),. 95-98. Doi: 10.2113/gselements.9.2.25\n*Hattori, K. H., & Guillot, S. (2003l). Volcanic fronts as a consequence of serpentinite dehydration in the mantle wedge.Geology, 31 (6), 525-528. \n*Hattori, K., Takahashi, Y., Guillot, S., & Johanson, B. (2005). Occurrence of arsenic (V) in forearc mantle serpentinites based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(23), 5585–5596.\n*Pagé, L., & Hattori, K. (2017). Tracing halogen and B cycling in subduction zones based on obducted, subducted and forearc serpentinites of the Dominican Republic. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 17776.",
"Hattori and De Hoog, after considering the debate surrounding the cause of varying oxidation conditions in igneous rocks at shallow crustal levels, documented that highly oxidized conditions of rocks are an intrinsic character of the source magma in the mantle. They emphasized the capability of oxidized magmas to transport large quantities of sulfur and metals as well.\nIn her 1995 work, Hattori provided the initial documentation of oxidized arsenic in the overall reduced mantle, as arsenic is present by replacing Si. One of her PhD students, Jian Wangm, evaluated the redox state of mantle rocks and discovered that carbon is the primary control for the oxidation conditions of the mantle in subduction zones.",
"Hattori developed analytical methods that demonstrated the high mobility of palladium as soluble neutral to anionic complexes in surface waters. This behavior allows the metal to disperse widely from its sources, and to become incorporated into plants and organic-rich soil. Her research findings have been presented at various industry-oriented workshops, including short courses associated with the International Platinum Conference in Oulu, Finland, and the Prospectors and Developers Association meeting in Toronto. In addition, her research provided a contrasting perspective to the previously assumed origin of metals in peat from the Hudson Bay Lowland. While it was previously assumed that the metals in peat originated from industrial activity far south of the northern region, she demonstrated that the compositions of ombrotrophic peat are strongly influenced by the underlying rocks, even those located as deep as 20 metres below the surface. This observation further highlighted that the composition of peat may serve as a useful indicator to locate concealed deposits, including kimberlites, which are host to diamonds.\nHattori also examined sturdy minerals that can be dispersed by streams and glaciers to evaluate their usefulness in finding mineral deposits.",
"*2011 – Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada\n*2012 – Elected Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America \n*2013 – Island Arc Award, the Geological Society of Japan \n*2022 – Takeo Kato Gold Medal, the Society of Resource Geology\n*2022 – International Exchange Lecturer, Society of Economic Geologists\n*2023 – Distinguished University Professor, University of Ottawa",
"Keith Christopher Rowley , (born 24 October 1949) is a Trinidadian politician serving as the seventh prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, first elected into office on 9 September 2015 and again following the 2020 general election. He has led the People's National Movement (PNM) since May 2010 and was Leader of the Opposition from 2010 to 2015. He has also served as the Member of the House of Representatives for Diego Martin West since 1991. He is a volcanologist by profession, holding a doctorate in geology, specializing in geochemistry.",
"Rowley led the Peoples National Movement in the September 2015 general election, in which his party secured 23 out of 41 seats in the House of Representatives to form the government, defeating the previous Peoples Partnership coalition government. On 9 September 2015, Rowley was sworn in as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago by President Anthony Carmona. \nHe becomes the seventh Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and the second Tobago-born Prime Minister. Rowley again led the Peoples National Movement to victory in the 10 August 2020 general election for a second term in government under his premiership. He was sworn in as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago on 19 August by President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Presidents House in St. Anns after the opposition party asked for recounts to be done in marginal constituencies.\nDuring his tenure, on 5 February 2022, the Trinidad and Tobago coast guard fired upon a vessel with Venezuelan migrants while attempting to stop it, killing a nine-month-old baby and injuring his mother. The coast guard claimed that the shots were fired \"in self-defense\". Rowley deemed the action \"legal and appropriate\"; the Trinidadian police and coast guard opened an investigation of the event.",
"Rowley was born in Mason Hall, Tobago, raised by his grandparents, who were prominent Tobago farmers. He was a pupil of Bishop's High School in Tobago, and graduated from the University of the West Indies (Mona) from where he graduated with a BSc. Geology (First Class Honors). He then went on to earn an MSc (1974) and a PhD (1978) from the University of the West Indies at St. Augustine in geology, specializing in geochemistry. At the university, as researcher, he held the positions of research fellow and later as head of the Seismic Research Unit. Rowley was general manager of state-owned National Quarries Company Limited as well.",
"Following the Peoples National Movements defeat in the 2010 general election, Rowley was appointed as Leader of the Opposition on the 1st June. He was then elected political leader of the People's National Movement as he was seen as the most capable to lead the party. As political leader he advocated implementation of the one man, one vote system within the party. Rowley has served on several parliamentary committees. In 2004, he chaired the Joint Select Committee of Parliament which examined and made recommendations for the live broadcasting of parliamentary debates. He served as the representative governor of Trinidad and Tobago for the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank.",
"Rowley entered politics in 1981, where he unsuccessfully contested the Tobago West seat in the general election of that year. To date he has the distinction of being the only People's National Movement candidate to have contested a seat in a General Election in both Tobago and Trinidad. He first served in Parliament as an Opposition Senator from 1987 to 1990 (3rd Parliament). Subsequently, he was appointed as Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources (4th Parliament), Minister of Planning and Development and Minister of Housing (as cabinet reshuffled) (8th Parliament) and Minister of Trade and Industry (9th Parliament) until he was fired by then Prime Minister Patrick Manning.",
"Kerri Pratt is an American chemist and Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan. Her research considers atmospheric chemistry and how it impacts human health. She studies the interactions of atmospheric gases using mass spectrometry based techniques.",
"Pratt was an undergraduate student at Pennsylvania State University, where she originally majored in environmental science but eventually switched to chemistry. She moved to the University of California, San Diego for graduate studies, where she worked toward a doctorate in time of flight mass spectrometry. Her doctoral research was supervised by Kimberly Prather. She was a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University.",
"Pratt works in atmospheric chemistry. She was appointed to the faculty at the University of Michigan in 2013. She is interested in various chemical reactions that occur in the environment, including those that occur between trace gases, in aqueous solutions and on surfaces. Primary atmospheric particles can originate from natural and human-made sources, which include sea spray, soot and bacteria. These undergo various reactions and can form secondary atmospheric particles, evolving into dynamical chemical mixtures such as aerosols. These particles can take on a variety of different sizes, between 3 nm and 10 µm. Pratt investigates the interactions between trace gases and clouds using mass spectrometry. She is particularly interested in the atmospheric composition of winter environments, for example, in the Polar regions. The Arctic is undergoing a rapid loss of sea ice.\nPratt makes use of mass spectrometries to various degrees of sensitivity, for examples aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (aerosols of 0.07 – 1.6 µm diameter), chemical ionization mass spectrometry (gases at sub parts per trillion) and ambient ion mass spectrometry. These results are combined with one-dimensional modelling to understand how atmospheric compositions as a function of altitude and time. She looks to establish the feedbacks between human-made emissions, aerosols and the Earth to better predict air quality. In 2018, she started a United States Department of Energy project to use single particle mass spectrometry during the Polar night. These measurements were combined with data collected from aerosol samples on the German icebreaker RV Polarstern.",
"* 2014 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research Award\n* 2018 American Chemical Society James J. Morgan ES&T Lectureship\n* 2018 Eastern Analytical Symposium Young Investigator Award\n* 2018 United States Department of Energy Early Career Award\n* 2018 Analytical Scientist Top 40 under 40 Power List\n* 2020 College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award\n* 2021 American Meteorological Society Henry G. Houghton Award\n* 2021 American Geophysical Union Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award",
"Krishna Lynne Foster (born January 7, 1970) is an American environmental chemist who is a professor at California State University, Los Angeles. Her research considers the impact of sunlight on pollutants. Foster has worked to improve the representation of people of colour studying chemistry.",
"Foster was born in Culver City, California. Her parents, Warren and Frances Foster, worked at IBM and San Diego State University. Foster has said that he was always encouraged to work hard, and she eventually attended the Helix High School. She has said that she enjoyed baking as a child, primarily because of how much chemistry it involved. Whilst still a teenager, Foster was awarded a NASA women in science fellowship. Foster attended Spelman College, which she graduated in 1992. As a student at Spelman, Foster took classes in environmental chemistry, and decided that this was a research area she would like to pursue. She moved to the University of Colorado Boulder for her graduate studies, where she specialised in hydrogen halides. In 1998 she moved back to California, joining University of California, Irvine as a postdoctoral researcher, where she worked alongside Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts. Here her work made use of mass spectrometry to investigate sea salt particles.",
"Foster was appointed to the faculty at California State University, Los Angeles in 2000. That year she took part in Alert 2000, an international fieldwork programme to study the photochemistry of snow in Alert, Nunavut. Her research proposal looked to measure the concentrations of gaseous halogens using atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization. She has said that she joined Cal State LA because it valued teaching as much as research. There she has studied the impact of sunlight on pollutants, primarily at the air/water interface. She was awarded tenure in 2006 and the California State University, Los Angeles Distinguished Women Award in 2007. Beyond her work on pollutants, Foster has studied how phosphorus might have first been incorporated into living cells.\nFoster has worked to make science and technology more inclusive and more welcoming to students of colour. She established the Cal State Minorities Opportunities in Research programme, which introduces students from marginalised backgrounds to research methods. The National Science Foundation named Cal State LA as one of the top institutions for Latin Americans. She made use of the American Chemical Society Project SEED initiative to host Black chemists in her research lab. For her efforts, she was named a Minority Access National Role Model. She is the Director of the Minority Biomedical Research Support-Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement) (MBBRS-RISE) programme, which supports students of colour who look to become research scientists.",
"Boering was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, where she worked with Steven Wofsy. At Harvard, Boering developed instrumentation to measure carbon dioxide mixing ratios in the upper troposphere. Boering used U-2 spy planes with high-altitude balloons, and made observations in Brazil, New Mexico, Alaska and New Zealand. In 1995 she was a scholar in the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.\nBoering was appointed to the faculty at University of California, Berkeley in 1998. She was made an Associate Professor with tenure in 2005. Boering works on photochemical isotope effects. She combines measurements from aircraft, high-altitude balloons and ground-based instruments to study atmospheric chemistry and climate. Boering combines global-scale measurements with computer simulations to study stable isotopes. Boering uses isotopes as tracers of atmospheric chemistry, for example, the triple isotope composition of atmospheric oxygen can be used to monitor biosphere productivity. She has also studied radiocarbon in the stratosphere. She is also interested in two and three-dimensional chemical transport models in the stratosphere. She investigates the exchange between biosphere and atmosphere gases on million and billion year timescales, studying the atmosphere, ice cores and rocks. Boering also studies the climate on other planets.\nBoering demonstrated that the use of fertilizer was responsible for dramatic increases in the amount of nitrous oxide in the Earth's atmosphere. She studied firn air, an air sample from antarctic ice that was stored in Cape Grim. By studying the levels of nitrous oxide, Boering identified a well-known seasonal cycle, but surprisingly saw the same thing using isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.\nBoering held an honorary professorship at the University of Copenhagen from 2008 to 2013. During 2014 she was an academic visitor at the Earth-Life Science Institute, working with Naohiro Yoshida.",
"* 2000 David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship\n* 2005 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Scholar Award\n* 2018 Elected into the National Academy of Sciences\n* Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2021)",
"Boering is married to Ronald C. Cohen who is Director Berkeley Atmospheric Science Center. Cohen is the son of Adele Cohen. Boering and Cohen have two children, one of whom was born a few days after she submitted her package for tenure.",
"Boering is the daughter Shirley Drake Lambeth. She was born in Redwood City, California. Her mother was a Curriculum Coordinator for the San Bernardino County Department of Education. Boering studied at the University of California, San Diego. She earned her bachelor's degree in chemistry, specializing in earth science, magna cum laude in 1985. Boering moved to Stanford University to complete a doctorate in physical chemistry, working with John I. Brauman on non-reactive conditions between gas-phase anions. She was supported by the National Science Foundation and earned her PhD in 1991.",
"Kristie Ann Boering (born October 6, 1963) is a Professor of Earth and Planetary Science and the Lieselotte and David Templeton Professor of Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley. She studies atmospheric chemistry and mass transport in the extraterrestrial atmosphere using kinetics and photochemistry. Boering was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2018.",
"*2023 Charles N. Reilley Award, Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry\n*2022 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science\n*2021 Analytical Scientist Power List\n*2021 Fellow, American Chemical Society\n*2021 Award in Electrochemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society",
"Lane Baker studied Chemistry as an undergraduate at Missouri State University, Springfield, MO and as a graduate student at Texas A&M University. Baker has served as Chair for the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society and as president and a board member for the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC).",
"Lane Allen Baker is an American electrochemist who is presently the Carl D. McAfee '90 Chair of Analytical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M University.",
"Lassar Cohn, Lassar-Cohn or Ernst Lassar Cohn (6 September 1858 – 9 October 1922) was a Prussian chemist and professor at the University of Königsberg who wrote several influential textbooks on organic analysis including methods for the analysis of urine.\nCohn was born in the Jewish family of Jacob Marcus Cohen and Hanna Hewe in Hamburg. He studied at the Gymnasium in Königsberg before going the University of Heidelberg. He also studied at Bonn and Königsberg. After receiving a doctorate in 1880 and habilitation in 1888 he joined the University of Königsberg and became a professor in 1894. He worked for some time from 1897 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich but returned to Königsberg in 1902. In 1907 he also began to work with the chemical industry. Cohn's major works included studies of organic compounds, tartaric acid and its esters, bile chemistry and the recycling of industrial wastes. He innovated methods for nitrogen measurement, saccharimetry, and urine analysis.",
"Laura Frances Robinson, born November 1976, is a British scientist who is Professor of Geochemistry at the University of Bristol. She makes use of geochemistry to study the processes that govern the climate. In particular, Robinson studies radioactive elements, as these can be analysed in geological materials. She was awarded the 2010 President's Award of the Geological Society of London.",
"Robinson was an undergraduate student at the University of Cambridge, where she studied natural sciences. She moved to the University of Oxford for her graduate studies, where she investigated pleistocene climate chronology. After completing her doctorate, Robinson moved to California. She was appointed a postdoctoral fellow at California Institute of Technology. At Caltech, worked alongside Jess Adkins on deep sea corals. The research took her on a cruise in the North Atlantic ocean, where she journeyed in a submarine to undersea mountains. On this trip she collected fossils from the sea floor. She studied 16,000 year old coral fossils from the Southern Ocean. This experience inspired her to explore how the Atlantic Ocean changed during climate transitions. She moved to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where she was made Associate Scientist.",
"Robinson was awarded the 2010 Geological Society of London President's Award for her contributions to geosciences. In 2011 Robinson moved back to the United Kingdom, where she was appointed to the faculty of the University of Bristol. She was awarded a European Research Council Starting Grant studying changes in chemistry and circulation of the Atlantic Ocean. She makes use of an Agassiz Trawl to collect samples from the floor of the ocean, with a particular focus on deep-sea corals. Robinson was involved with a British Antarctic Survey mission to the South Orkney Islands. The mission took place on the RRS James Clark Ross and investigated the biodiversity in and outside of the South Orkney Islands. For this work she was awarded the Antarctic Service Medal.\nIn 2016 she delivered a Ted Talk on the secrets she discovers on the ocean floor.",
"Russell has a B.S. in chemical engineering and an A.B. in international relations from Stanford University. She earned a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from California Institute of Technology in 1995. She was a postdoctoral investigator at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). From 1997 to 2003, Russell was on the faculty at Princeton University; she unsuccessfully sued the trustees of Princeton for sex discrimination after her 2002 tenure application was denied. Russell moved to Scripps Institute of Oceanography in 2003.\nIn 2017, Russell was appointed a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union for \"pioneering contributions to the fundamental science of organic aerosols through innovative theory, instrumentation, measurements, and modeling\".",
"* Innovator under 35, MIT Technology Review (1999) \n*Kenneth T. Whitby Award, American Association for Aerosol Research (2003)\n*Fellow, American Association for Aerosol Research (2013)\n*Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2017)",
"Lynn Russell is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography a division of the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California.",
"Russells research is on how particles in the atmosphere effect climate, particularly aerosols from pollution sources such as automobiles. While Russell was at Princeton she developed the use of remote-controlled aircraft to collect atmospheric data. She has examined the factors controlling the production of organic aerosol particles in the atmosphere and the impact of aerosols on global warming. Russells research has defined the composition of organic compounds in atmospheric aerosols and linked the presence of aerosol particles in the atmosphere to the underlying seawater.\nRussell has examined dust particles at multiple locations. Yang Yang and Russell used the Community Earth System Model to study aerosols above eastern China and observed that variability in the dust particles impacted the level of haze in the region. Within the United States, Russell has tracked aerosol particles from Las Vegas, Nevada into California. Russell has also demonstrated the feasibility of using biofuels during research cruises by replacing the diesel fuel with biofuel on the research vessel R.V. Robert Gordon Sproul and examining the resulting production of NO compounds, particulate material, and hydroxy radicals.",
"László Szebellédy (20 April 1901 – 23 January 1944) was a Hungarian chemist who contributed to electrochemistry with the development of Coulometric analytical techniques for detecting small quantities of chemicals with precision. He served as a professor at the Pázmány Péter University.\nSzebellédy was born in Rétság and went to the Pázmány Péter University where he studied pharmacy, and obtained a doctorate in 1926. He then joined as an assistant to Professor Lajos Winkler (1863–1939). In 1933 he became an assistant professor. He went to Zurich, Dresden and Leipzig, working at the laboratories of W. D. Treadwell, Max Le Blanc (1865-1943) and Wilhelm Böttger (1871–1949). In 1935-36 he taught chemical analysis and worked on microanalysis techniques involving dyes, fluorescence, indicators and catalysts. He developed coulombetric (or coulometric) titration analysis along with Zoltan Somogyi (1915–1945) in 1938 where the volume of a chemical could be calculated using Faraday's laws. He died at the age of 43, publishing more than a hundred papers.",
"Manfred Schidlowski (13 November 1933 – 3 October 2012) was a German Professor of Geochemistry at the Max-Planck-Institut for Chemistry (Otto-Hahn-Institut) in Mainz. His research was concerned with the biochemistry of the Early Earth with a focus on isotope-biogeochemistry and the evidence of the earliest life processes in Precambrian. Schidlowski is considered the founder of this research direction in Germany and he also shaped international research in isotope biogeochemistry of Precambrian sediments for more than two decades.",
"Manfred Schidlowski was born in Stettin on 13 November 1933. His family left his homeland during the Second World War and moved to Greifswald. From 1952-1955 he studied at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and from 1956 at the Free University of Berlin, where he received his diploma in geology in 1960 and one year later his doctorate with the \"Contribution to the Geology of the Eastern Alps between the Small Walser Valley and the Upper Lech (Vorarlberg, Austria)\". His desire for a change in geoscientific content led him to South Africa, first as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pretoria and then as a mine geologist for the Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co. Ltd. at the Loraine Gold Mine to Allanridge in the Orange Free State. In 1962 he met his future wife Ingrid Piegler, a great-great-granddaughter of Heinrich Gottfried Piegler, he married her in 1964.\nScientifically, he worked on the mineralogy of the gold-bearing Witwatersrand sequence. The discovery of detrital, i.e. sedimentary rearranged pyrites and uraninites as well as the frequently occurring carbonaceous material in these layers founded his scientific interest in the early evolution of the Earth and provided the data for his first Nature publication in 1965 with the title \"Probable Life-forms from the Precambrian of the Witwatersrand System (South Africa)\".\nIn 1963 Schidlowski returned to Germany to work on the ores of the Witwatersrand succession in Paul Ramdohrs group in the Heidelberg. Here the idea of a relationship between the presence of detrital pyrites and the oxygen content of the Earths atmosphere was born. He spent the years 1965-1967 at the University of Göttingen. Evidence for a biological origin of the carbonaceous material in the Witwatersrand sediments was consolidated during this time by carbon isotope investigations in cooperation with Jochen Hoefs. Afterwards, Schidlowski habilitated at the University of Heidelberg. In 1969 he moved to the newly founded Institute for Air Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz in 1969. Its director, Christian Junge, sent him back to South Africa on a large sampling campaign. The focus was on the carbonates of early Earth history as archives of ocean-atmosphere evolution. Among these were carbonates of the Lomagundi succession from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) with their unusually positive carbon isotopy. Initially classified as a local feature, it quickly became clear that this was a global phenomenon, one of the most massive changes in global carbon cycle. There is still intense debate about the reasons for this global phenomenon, the basis of which was researched by him. His 1976 publication on this subject (Schidlowski et al., Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta 40: 449-455) is still cited several times in 2012. The move to the Max Planck Institute set the course for Schidlowski's future scientific career: research into the Earth system during the Precambrian. The time in Mainz was interrupted by stays at Harvard University, the University of California Los Angeles and the Weizman Institute in Rehovot, Israel. \nFrom 1979 to 1989, he was chairman of the UNESCO-sponsored IGCP Project 157 (Early Organic Evolution and Mineral and Energy Resources). He established close contacts with geological and geochemical research centres such as the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Academia Sinica (Lanzhou, Beijing). Since 1996, he was a member of the exobiology science team of the European Space Agency (ESA). He spent his scientific life researching the development of the atmosphere, the ocean and life on the early Earth. He wrote more than 100 scientific papers in journals and book chapters as well as edited special volumes and books on the topic of the early development of the Earth system. \nSchidlowski retired in 1998. In 2005 he moved with his wife to Altusried. Here he died on October 3, 2012.",
"* Manfred Schidlowski: [ Search for Morphological and Biogeochemical Vestiges of Fossil Life in Extraterrestrial Settings: Utility of Terrestrial Evidence]. In: Horneck G., Baumstark-Khan C. (eds) Astrobiology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2002, pages 373–386. \n* Pitawala, A., Schidlowski, M., Dahanayake, K. et al.: [ Geochemical and petrological characteristics of Eppawala phosphate deposits, Sri Lanka]. In: Miner Deposita, Vol. 38, September 2002, pages 505–515.\n* Manfred Schidlowski: [ Carbon isotopes as biogeochemical recorders of life over 3.8 Ga of Earth history: evolution of a concept]. In: Precambrian Research, Vol. 106, Issues 1–2, 1 February 2001, pages 117-134\n* Yanan Shen, Manfred Schidlowski: [ New C isotope stratigraphy from southwest China: Implications for the placement of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary on the Yangtze Platform and global correlations ]. In: Geology, Vol. 28, Issue 7, 1 July 2000, pages 623–626.\n* B. Nagy, R. Weber, J.C. Guerrero, M. Schidlowski: [ Developments and Interactions of the Precambrian Atmosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere]. Latest Edition, 1 April 2000. \n* Manfred Schidlowski, Stjepko Golubic, Michael M. Kimberley, David M. McKirdy Sr.: [ Early Organic Evolution - Implications for Mineral and Energy Resources: A Farewell Address to IGCP Project 157]. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1992. [ PDF].\n* Manfred Schidlowski: [ A 3,800-million-year isotopic record of life from carbon in sedimentary rocks]. In: Nature 333, 26 May 1988, pages 313–318.\n* Manfred Schildlowski: [ Antiquity and Evolutionary Status of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction: Sulfur Isotope Evidence]. In: Limits of Life, 1980, pages 159–171.\n* Manfred Schidlowski, Rudolf Eichmann, Christian E. Junge: [ Precambrian sedimentary carbonates: carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry and implications for the terrestrial oxygen budget]. In: Precambrian Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, February 1975, pages 1-69.\n* Manfred Schidlowski: [ Probable Life-forms from the Precambrian of the Witwatersrand System (South Africa)]. In: Nature, Vol. 205, 27 February 1965, pages 895–896.",
"During the fifties and early sixties, Pourbaix and his collaborators produced potential-pH diagrams for all the elements and published the \"Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria\" in French in 1963 and in English in 1966. As early as in 1962, he introduced the concept of a protection potential against the propagation of localized corrosion, which he developed in 1963, in relation with the peculiar electrochemical conditions in occluded electrochemical cells. Pourbaix doctoral thesis had a major influence on corrosion science. Ulick R. Evans found this work important and arranged for an English translation, published by Arnold (London) in 1949. In 1949, he was one of the founders of CITCE (Comite International de Thermodynamique et Cinetique Electrochimiques) together with 13 other electrochemists: C.Boute, J.Gillis, A. Julliard (Belgium), P. Delahay, P.Van Rysselberghe (USA), J.OM.Bockris, T.P.Hoar (UK), G.Charlot, G.Valensi (France), R.Piontelli (Italy), G.Burgers (The Netherlands) and J.Heyrovsky (Czechoslovakia). CITCE was a success. In 1971 the name was changed to International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). The current membership is over 1100 with members from 59 countries. In 1951 he founded CEBELCOR, which became one of the world's first centres dedicated to the theoretical and experimental study of corrosion phenomena. In 1952 Pourbaix founded the Commission of Electrochemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and that Commission clarified in 1953 the chaotic state of affairs then prevailing in the signs of electrode potentials.\nHe was an international collaborator in combating corrosion, visiting and lecturing widely during his career. He contributed actively to the creation of an International Corrosion Council (ICC) with the aim of encouraging research and international cooperation in corrosion science and engineering and friendship among scientists and engineers. In 1990, The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) created a \"Marcel Pourbaix Award Student Fellowship\" and the ICC created in 1996 a \"Marcel Pourbaix Award for International Cooperation.\" He was a published author of various papers in addition to his atlas.\nPourbaix worked on the \"Atlas of Chemical and Electrochemical Equilibria in the Presence of a Gas Phase,\" a work that covers an even wider field than the Atlas in aqueous solutions. Marcel Pourbaix was founder, honorary director and scientific adviser of CEBELCOR (Belgian Center for Corrosion Study), Professor at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, co-founder of CITCE, former chairman of the Commission of Electrochemistry of IUPAC (1952), of ICC (1969), member of the Advisory Committee of Electrochimica Acta (1959-1972) and of the Executive Board of Corrosion Science.",
"He was born in Myshega (Aleksin District, Tula Governorate, Russian Empire), where his father was a consultant on an engineering project. He studied in Brussels and graduated from the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 1927.\nBy 1938, he had devised the potential-pH diagrams. In 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II, he presented to the Faculty his doctoral dissertation, accompanied by a thesis entitled \"Thermodynamics of Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Graphical Representation of the Role of pH and Potential.\" The war and some confusion among the jury on the sign of electrode potential impeded the completion of his graduation process. However, the thesis was presented to the Delft University of Technology.",
"Marcel Pourbaix (16 September 1904 – 28 September 1998) was a Belgian chemist and pianist. He performed his most well known research at the University of Brussels, studying corrosion. His biggest achievement is the derivation of potential-pH, better known as “Pourbaix Diagrams”. Pourbaix Diagrams are thermodynamic charts constructed using the Nernst equation and visualize the relationship between possible phases of a system, bounded by lines representing the reactions that transport between them. They can be read much like a phase diagram.\nIn 1963, Pourbaix produced \"Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria\", which contains potential-pH diagrams for all elements known at the time. Pourbaix and his collaborators began preparing the work in the early 1950s.",
"* 2017 NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL Extended Mission Science\n* 2009 American Chemical Society Creative Advances in Environmental Sciences and Technology Award\n* 2007 Grinnell College honorary Doctor of Science\n* 2007 University of Colorado Boulder Hazel Barnes Prize\n* 2005 Guggenheim Fellowship\n* 2004 National Academy of Sciences Elected Member\n* 2003 NASA Group Achievement Award, Crystal-Face Science\n* 2001 NASA Group Achievement Award, SOLVE Experiment\n* 1994 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award for her project on \"Atmospheric chemistry: heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric clouds and sulfuric acid aerosols\"\n* 1993 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union\n* 1993 American Geophysical Union James B. Macelwane Medal\n* 1992 National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award\n* 1988 American Association for the Advancement of Science Newcomb Cleveland Prize for her first-authored article on \"Reaction of Chlorine Nitrate with Hydrogen Chloride and Water at Antarctic Stratospheric Temperatures\"",
"Tolbert conducted research at Stanford Research Institute before joining the faculty of University of Colorado Boulder in 1991, teaching environmental chemistry courses to nonscience majors from 1992 to 2006. She was awarded Distinguished Professor in 2010. She is a Fellow and Associate Director of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, a joint venture between University of Colorado Boulder and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.\nHer research focuses on study of atmospheric chemistry, in particular polar stratospheric clouds and planetary atmospheres. She co-authored the book \"Stratospheric Ozone Depletion\" with Ann M. Middlebrook. She was featured in the book \"I Want to be an Environmentalist\".",
"Margaret Tolbert grew up in Boulder, Colorado. She is the daughter of Bert Mills Tolbert, a chemistry professor at University of Colorado Boulder, and sister of Elizabeth Tolbert, Caroline Tolbert, and Sarah Tolbert.\nTolbert received a bachelor degree from Grinnell College in 1979 and a master degree in chemistry from University of California in 1985. She received a PhD in chemistry from University of Colorado Boulder in 1986, under the direction of Jesse L. Beauchamp. She completed post-doctoral research at Stanford Research Institute under the direction of David M. Golden.",
"Molina was born in Mexico City to Roberto Molina Pasquel and Leonor Henríquez. His father was a lawyer and diplomat who served as an ambassador to Ethiopia, Australia and the Philippines. His mother was a family manager. With considerably different interests than his parents, Mario Molina went on to make one of the biggest discoveries in environmental science.\nMario Molina attended both elementary and primary school in Mexico. However, before even attending high school, Mario Molina had developed a deep interest in chemistry. As a child he converted a bathroom in his home into his own little laboratory, using toy microscopes and chemistry sets. Ester Molina, Mario's aunt, and an already established chemist, nurtured his interests and aided him in completing more complex chemistry experiments. At this time, Mario knew he wanted to pursue a career in chemistry, and at the age of 11, he was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland at Institut auf dem Rosenberg, where he learnt to speak German. Before this, Mario had initially wanted to become a professional violinist, but his love for chemistry triumphed over that interest. At first Mario was disappointed when he arrived at the boarding school in Switzerland due to the fact that most of his classmates did not have the same interest in science as he did.\nMolinas early career consisted of research at various academic institutions. Molina went on to earn his bachelors degree in chemical engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1965. Following this, Molina studied polymerization kinetics at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, West Germany, for two years. Finally, he was accepted for graduate study at the University of California, Berkeley. After earning his doctorate he made his way to UC Irvine. He then returned to Mexico where he kickstarted the first chemical engineering program at his alma mater. This was only the beginning of his chemistry endeavors.",
"Mario José Molina Henríquez (19 March 19437 October 2020) was a Mexican physical chemist. He played a pivotal role in the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole, and was a co-recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his role in discovering the threat to the Earth's ozone layer from chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases. He was the first Mexican-born scientist to receive a Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the third Mexican-born person to receive a Nobel prize.\nIn his career, Molina held research and teaching positions at University of California, Irvine, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, San Diego, and the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Molina was also Director of the Mario Molina Center for Energy and Environment in Mexico City. Molina was a climate policy advisor to the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto.",
"Mario Molina began his studies at the University of California at Berkeley in 1968, where he would obtain his PhD in physical chemistry. Throughout his years at Berkeley, he participated in various research projects such as the study of molecular dynamics using chemical lasers and investigation of the distribution of internal energy in the products of chemical and photochemical reactions. Throughout this journey is where he worked with his professor and mentor George C. Pimentel who grew his love for chemistry even further. After completing his PhD in physical chemistry, in 1973, he enrolled in a research program at UC Berkeley, with Sherwood Rowland. The topic of interest was Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) . The two would later on make one of the largest discoveries in atmospheric chemistry. They developed their theory of ozone depletion, which later influenced the mass public to reduce their use of CFCs. This kickstarted his career as a widely known chemist.\nBetween 1974 and 2004, Molina variously held research and teaching posts at University of California, Irvine, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he held a joint appointment in the Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and the Department of Chemistry. On 1 July 2004, Molina joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of California, San Diego, and the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.\nIn addition he established a non-profit organization, which opened the Mario Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy and the Environment () in Mexico City in 2005. Molina served as its director.\nMolina served on the board of trustees for Science Service, now known as Society for Science & the Public, from 2000 to 2005. \nHe also served on the board of directors of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (2004–2014), and as a member of the MacArthur Foundation's Institutional Policy Committee and its Committee on Global Security and Sustainability.\nMolina was nominated to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences as of 24 July 2000. He served as a co-chair of the Vatican workshop and co-author of the report Well Under 2 Degrees Celsius: Fast Action Policies to Protect People and the Planet from Extreme Climate Change (2017) with Veerabhadran Ramanathan and Durwood Zaelke. The report proposed 12 scalable and practical solutions which are part of a three-lever cooling strategy to mitigate climate change.\nMolina was named by US president Barack Obama to form a transition team on environmental issues in 2008.\nUnder President Obama, he was a member of the United States President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.\nMolina sat on the board of directors for Xyleco.\nHe contributed to the content of the papal encyclical Laudato Si'.\nIn 2020, Mario Molina contributed to research regarding the importance of wearing face masks amid the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. The research article titled \"Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19\" was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Journal in collaboration with Renyi Zhang, Yixin Li, Annie L. Zhang and Yuan Wang.",
"Molina received numerous awards and honors, including sharing the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland for their discovery of the role of CFCs in ozone depletion.\nMolina was elected to the United States National Academy of Sciences in 1993.\nHe was elected to the United States Institute of Medicine in 1996, \nand The National College of Mexico in 2003. \nIn 2007, he was elected to the American Philosophical Society. He was also a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.\nMolina was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and co-chaired the 2014 AAAS Climate Science Panel, What We Know: The reality, risks and response to climate change.\nMolina won the 1987 Esselen Award of the Northeast section of the American Chemical Society, the 1988 Newcomb Cleveland Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the 1989 NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Advancement and the 1989 United Nations Environmental Programme Global 500 Award. In 1990, The Pew Charitable Trusts Scholars Program in Conservation and the Environment honored him as one of ten environmental scientists and awarded him a $150,000 grant.\nIn 1996, Molina received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement. He received the 1998 Willard Gibbs Award from the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society and the 1998 American Chemical Society Prize for Creative Advances in Environment Technology and Science. In 2003, Molina received the 9th Annual Heinz Award in the Environment.\nAsteroid 9680 Molina is named in his honor.\nOn 8 August 2013, US president Barack Obama announced Molina as a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, saying in the press release:\nMario Molina is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award (Champions of the Earth) in 2014.\nOn 19 March 2023, Molina was the subject of a Google Doodle in Mexico, the United States, Brazil, India, Germany, France, and other countries.",
"Molina received more than thirty honorary degrees. \n* Yale University (1997)\n* Tufts University (2003)\n* Duke University (2009)\n* Harvard University (2012)\n* Mexican Federal Universities: National of Mexico (1996), Metropolitana (2004), Chapingo (2007), National Polytechnic (2009)\n* Mexican State Universities: Hidalgo (2002), State of Mexico (2006), Michoacan (2009), Guadalajara (2010), San Luis Potosí (2011)\n* U.S. Universities: Miami (2001), Florida International (2002), Southern Florida (2005), Claremont Graduate (announced 2013)\n* U.S. Colleges: Connecticut (1998), Trinity (2001), Washington (2011), Whittier (2012), Williams (2015)\n* Canadian Universities: Calgary (1997), Waterloo (2002), British Columbia (2011)\n* European Universities: East Anglia (1996), Alfonso X (2009), Complutense of Madrid (2012), Free of Brussels (2010),",
"* Molina, Luisa T., Molina, Mario J. and Renyi Zhang. \"[ Laboratory Investigation of Organic Aerosol Formation from Aromatic Hydrocarbons]\", Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States Department of Energy, (August 2006).\n* Molina, Luisa T., Molina, Mario J., et al. \"[ Characterization of Fine Particulate Matter (PM) and Secondary PM Precursor Gases in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area]\", Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States Department of Energy, (October 2008).",
"Molina joined the lab of Professor F. Sherwood Rowland in 1973 as a postdoctoral fellow. Here, Molina continued Rowland's pioneering research into \"hot atom\" chemistry, which is the study of chemical properties of atoms with excess translational energy owing to radioactive processes.\nThis study soon led to research into chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), apparently harmless gases that were used in refrigerants, aerosol sprays, and the making of plastic foams. CFCs were being released by human activity and were known to be accumulating in the atmosphere. The basic scientific question Molina asked was \"What is the consequence of society releasing something to the environment that wasn't there before?\"\nRowland and Molina had investigated compounds similar to CFCs before. Together they developed the CFC ozone depletion theory, by combining basic scientific knowledge about the chemistry of ozone, CFCs and atmospheric conditions with computer modelling. First Molina tried to figure out how CFCs could be decomposed. At lower levels of the atmosphere, they were inert. Molina realized that if CFCs released into the atmosphere do not decay by other processes, they will continually rise to higher altitudes. Higher in the atmosphere, different conditions apply. The highest levels of the stratosphere are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet light. A thin layer of ozone floating high in the stratosphere protects lower levels of the atmosphere from that type of radiation.\nMolina theorized that photons from ultraviolet light, known to break down oxygen molecules, could also break down CFCs, releasing a number of products including chlorine atoms into the stratosphere. Chlorine atoms (Cl) are radicals: they have an unpaired electron and are very reactive. Chlorine atoms react easily with ozone molecules (O), removing one oxygen atom to leave O and chlorine monoxide (ClO).\n:Cl· + → ClO· + \nClO is also a radical, which reacts with another ozone molecule to release two more O molecules and a Cl atom.\n:ClO· + → Cl· + 2\nThe radical Cl atom is not consumed by this pair of reactions, so it remains in the system.\nMolina and Rowland predicted that chlorine atoms, produced by this decomposition of CFCs, would act as an ongoing catalyst for the destruction of ozone. When they calculated the amounts involved, they realized that CFCs could start a seriously damaging chain reaction to the ozone layer in the stratosphere.\nIn 1974, as a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Irvine, Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland co-authored a paper in the journal Nature highlighting the threat of CFCs to the ozone layer in the stratosphere. At the time, CFCs were widely used as chemical propellants and refrigerants. Molina and Rowland followed up the short Nature paper with a 150-page report for the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), which they made available at the September 1974 meeting of the American Chemical Society in Atlantic City. This report and an ACS-organized press conference, in which they called for a complete ban on further releases of CFCs into the atmosphere, brought national attention.\nRowland and Molinas findings were disputed by commercial manufacturers and chemical industry groups, and a public consensus on the need for action only began to emerge in 1976 with the publication of a review of the science by the National Academy of Sciences. Rowland and Molinas work was further supported by evidence of the long-term decrease in stratospheric ozone over Antarctica, published by Joseph C. Farman and his co-authors in Nature in 1985. Ongoing work led to the adoption of the Montreal Protocol (an agreement to cut CFC production and use) by 56 countries in 1987, and to further steps towards the worldwide elimination of CFCs from aerosol cans and refrigerators. By establishing this protocol, the amount of CFCs being emitted into the atmosphere decreased significantly, and while doing so, it has paced the rate of ozone depletion and even slowed climate change. It is for this work that Molina later shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995 with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland. The citation specifically recognized him and his co-awardees for \"their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone.\"\nFollowing this in 1985, after Joseph Farman discovered a hole in the ozone layer in Antarctica, Mario Molina led a research team to further investigate the cause of rapid ozone depletion in Antarctica. It was found that the stratospheric conditions in Antarctica were ideal for chlorine activation, which ultimately causes ozone depletion.",
"Molina married fellow chemist Luisa Y. Tan in July 1973. They had met each other when Molina was pursuing his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. They moved to Irvine, California in the fall of that year. The couple divorced in 2005. Luisa Tan Molina is now the lead scientist of the Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy and the Environment in La Jolla, California. Their son, Felipe Jose Molina, was born in 1977. Molina married his second wife, Guadalupe Álvarez, in February 2006.\nMolina died on 7 October 2020, aged 77, due to a heart attack.",
"Thiemens research at UCSD initiated after a rebuild of the Urey isotope ratio mass spectrometer to allow measurement of both oxygen isotope ratios (O/O, O/O). His first publication as an assistant professor reported in Science the first mass independent isotope effect which occurred during ozone formation. This was the first demonstration of a chemical process that could alter isotope ratios in a manner independently of mass difference. Most strikingly was that the pattern of mass independent and the O/O,O/O variation varied equally and reproduced the same pattern observed in primitive inclusions of the Allende carbonaceous chondritic meteorite. The underlying assumption for the inclusions anomaly deriving from a nucleosynthetic component was incorrect and new models for early Solar System formation were needed and have evolved since. Much of Thiemens research has been dedicated to experimentally exploring the relevant fractionation processes that may account for the observations; including synchrotron photodissociation effects in CO. The gas to particle formation process of the first solids in the nebula have also experimentally been shown to produce the mass independent anomaly. Meteoritic material studies of Thiemens in sulfur isotopes have shown that sulfonic acids from chondritic meteorites have shown that photochemical processes have been important contributor to their molecular synthesis as well other sulfur species. To interpret mass independent isotope effects during photodissociation, Thiemens has worked in collaboration with Raphy Levine of Hebrew University to interpret mass independent isotope effects during photodissociation and better explore the fundamental chemical physics of the processes. The understanding of the basis of the ozone effect has been extensively studied by Nobel Laureate Rudy Marcus and catalyzed deeper insight into the chemical physics.\nThiemens has worked broadly on understanding the Earth system. Thiemens and Trogler identified a source of 10% of the increasing emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas with a radiative forcing 200 times CO on a per molecules basis and a 100 year plus lifetime with unidentified sources. It was shown that the manufacture of adipic acid, used in nylon production is a globally important source. In the year post publication, a global inter industry consortium banded together to eliminate all N2O emissions, with far reaching climate impact.\nThiemens work in atmospheric chemistry has had extensive impact. The atmospheric chemistry of oxygen isotopes has been used to define atmospheric ozone surface reactions on Mars across billion-year time scales and the oxygen isotopic carbonate record on Mars has been measured to deepen insight into reservoir mixing. Terrestrial atmospheric carbonate aerosol oxygen isotopic measurements allow heterogenous reaction chemistry in both atmospheres to be resolved. Mass independent sulfur isotopes in Mars meteorites were used to show ultra violet SO photochemical reactions in the past Martian atmosphere.\nThe Mars sulfur observations lead to one of the most important applications of the isotope effects. In the present Earths atmosphere, the need for UV light to carry out SO photodissociation does not allow occurrence in todays lower atmosphere because of stratospheric ozone screening of UV light, but in a reduced oxygen atmosphere UV should pass through. Measurement of sulfur isotopes in the Earths earliest rock record revealed that large and variable mass independent sulfur isotope effects occur in S/S, S/S ratios, as observed in Mars meteorites and laboratory experiments. The short atmospheric lifetime of SO photochemistry is produced only with lowered O-O level. For first time, oxygen levels in the earliest Earth could be determined. The sulfur work is widely used to track the origin and evolution of life.\nPresent day sulfur isotopic anomalies in sulfate from Antarctic and Greenland ice have been used to determine the influence of massive volcanoes on the stratosphere. Samples from a snow pit dug by Thiemens and colleagues have shown that there exist sources of sulfur chemistry that need to be included in studies of the atmosphere today and in the early Earth.\nThe inclusion of radiogenic S with the 4 stable sulfur isotopes have further enhanced mechanistic details of the contributors to the fractionation processes in the pre Cambrium era and today. An atmospheric sulfur anomaly is observed in diamonds and uniquely tracks atmosphere-mantle mixing dynamics on billion-year time scales.\nThiemens has used oxygen isotopes to study oxygen chemistry of the stratosphere and mesosphere using a rocket borne cryogenic whole air sampler. The intersection of O(D) from ozone photolysis exchange with CO and passes the isotopic anomaly to be used as a tracer. The small effect in the O is removed by the process of photosynthesis and respiration and allows a new, highly sensitive way to quantify global primary productivity (GPP) in the world's oceans and, from oxygen trapped in ice cores across long time periods.\nUsing mass independent oxygen isotopes Thiemens and colleagues have applied them to further identify NO sources. Thiemens developed the ability to measure naturally produced S (87-day half-life) to provide the first trans Pacific atmospheric Fukushima emissions and calculate the reactor neutronicity. Recently the method determined melting rates of the Tibetan Himalayan glaciers, the source of drinking water of 40% of the Earth's population. Thiemens has recently shown with his colleagues the first detection of superconductivity in nature, in this case in meteorites.",
"Mark Howard Thiemens is a distinguished professor and the John Doves Isaacs Endowed Chair in Natural Philosophy of Physical Sciences in the department of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California San Diego. He is best known for the discovery of a new physical chemical phenomena termed the mass independent isotope effect.\nHis studies have crossed a broad range of topics including basic physical and quantum chemistry, Solar System origin, tracking the origin and evolution of life on early Earth; stratospheric chemistry, climate change and greenhouse gas identification, Mars atmospheric chemistry, past and future and isotope geochemistry. His work combines photochemical isotope studies, both laboratory and synchrotron based, field work in the South Pole, Greenland Summit and the Tibetan Himalayas for climate and geological sampling across China for early Earth rock records.\nHis non-isotope work has included discovery of an unknown source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide that lead the global industrial elimination of all emissions, a major contribution to changing global climate change. Thiemens has worked on developing new imaging techniques for space mission return samples and detection of superconductivity in nature.",
"Thiemens earned his bachelor of Science degree from the University of Miami. His studies with isotope geochemist Cesare Emiliani, PhD student of Harold Urey and a co-discoverer of paleoclimate temperature determination stimulated his interests in isotopes. Thiemens received a MS from Old Dominion University and PhD from Florida State University for his research using stable isotopes and particle identification using the FSU Van de Graff accelerator. He moved to the University of Chicago at the Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies (1977-1980) where he worked with Robert N. Clayton using lunar samples to track solar wind origin and evolution, meteorite cosmochemistry, and early atmospheric chemistry.",
"Thiemens moved to the department of chemistry at the University of California San Diego in 1980, where he was hired as an assistant professor as a replacement for Hans Seuss and took over the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Harold Urey. He was promoted to full professor in 1989, and served as the chair of the department of chemistry and biochemistry from 1996-1999. He was the founding dean of the division of physical sciences and served from 1999-2016.",
"Besides his service as Chair and Dean, Thiemens has been active in external service:\n* Board of directors, San Diego State University Research Foundation, 2006-2009\n* City of San Diego Science Advisory Board (2002-2005)\n* San Diego Natural History Museum Board of Trustees (2001-2006)\n* San Diego Chamber of Commerce Environmental Advisory Board 1998-1999.\n* ECO AID Board of Advisors (1999-2002)\n* Science Advisory Board. Office of Trade and Business Development. San Diego (2002)\n* Kyoto Prize Symposium San Diego organizing committee, UCSD Lead. 2006-2016.\n* Council, The Meteoritical Society, 2008-2011.\n* Committee on the Significance of International Transport of Air Pollutants (2008-2009) National Research Council. (Global Sources of Local Pollution Report) \n* Understanding the Impact of Selling the Helium Reserve (2008-2009). National Research Council (Selling the Nations Helium Reserve Report) National Research Council\n* Planetary Protection Committee. Mars Sample Return (2008-2009). National Research Council (Assessment of Planetary Protection for Mars Sample Return Mission)\n* Committee for Planetary Protection Standards for Icy Bodies in the Outer Solar System (2011) National Research Council\n* Board on Energy and Environmental Systems 2009-2016. National Academy of Sciences.\n* Searching for Life Across Space and Time. (2016-2017). Space Science Board Requested study.\n* Space Sciences Board (2014–present). National Academy of Sciences\n* Executive committee, Space Sciences Board (2018—present) National Academy of Sciences.\n* Associate editor, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, 2007 to present. National Academy of Sciences",
"* Dreyfus Foundation Teacher- Scholar Award (1986)\n* Alexander Von Humboldt Fellows Award (1990)\n* Alexander Von Humboldt Award (1993)\n* Elected, Fellow of the Meteoritical Society (1996)\n* Ernest O. Lawrence Medal, Department of Energy (1998)\n* Chancellors Associates Endowed Chair (1999–present)\n* American Chemical Society (San Diego) Distinguished Scientist of the year (2002)\n* Elected, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2002)\n* Distinguished Alumni Award, Old Dominion University (2003)\n* Press Club Headliner of the Year 2002 (2003)\n* Selected, San Diego City Beat, 33 People to Watch in 2003 (2003)\n* Creative Catalyst Award, UCSD-TV (2003)\n* Elected, Phi Beta Kappa (2005)\n* Elected, National Academy of Sciences (2006)\n* Minor Planet Named in his Honor: Asteroid (7004) Markthiemens. International Astronomical Union (2006).\n* Elected, Fellow American Geophysical Union (2006).\n* Elected, Fellow, Geochemical Society (2007)\n* Elected, Fellow, European Association for Geochemistry (2007)\n* Graduate Made Good, Distinguished Alumni, Omega Delta Kappa Honor Society, Florida State University (2007)\n*V.M. Goldschmidt Medal; The Geochemical Society. Awarded in Davos, Switzerland (2009)\n* Selected one of 100 Distinguished Graduates in 100 years of Florida State University History (2010).\n* Cozzarelli Prize, U.S. National Academy of Sciences for outstanding paper in Physical Sciences in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2011).\n* Elected Fellow, American Association Arts and Sciences (2013).\n* Albert Einstein Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014).\n* Leonard Medal of the Meteoritical Society (2017)\n* Miller Visiting Professor, University California Berkeley (2017)\n* Gauss Professorship, Göttingen Academy of Sciences, Germany (2017)\n* Gauss Professorship, Göttingen Academy of Sciences, Germany (2020)",
"While holding the Faraday Chair of Electrochemistry he and Graham Hills established in the late 1960s the Electrochemistry Group of the University of Southampton.\nFleischmann produced over 272 scientific papers and book chapters on the field of electrochemistry. He contributed to the fundamental theory of:\n* Potentiostat design\n* Microelectrodes\n* Electrochemical nucleation\n* Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy\n* In-situ X-ray techniques\n* Organic electrochemistry\n* Electrochemical engineering\n* Biological electrodes\n* Corrosion\nThe Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project was started in 2012 in his honour to gather together research from around the world connected to LENR, or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions",
"Fleischmann died at home in Tisbury, Wiltshire on 3 August 2012, of natural causes. He had suffered from Parkinson's disease, diabetes and heart disease. He was survived by his son and two daughters.",
"In 1992, Fleischmann moved to France with Pons to continue their work at the IMRA laboratory (part of Technova Corporation, a subsidiary of Toyota), but in 1995 he retired and returned to England. He co-authored further papers with researchers from the US Navy and Italian national laboratories (INFN and ENEA), on the subject of cold fusion. In March 2006, \"Solar Energy Limited\" division \"D2Fusion Inc\" announced in a press release that Fleischmann, then 79, would be acting as their senior scientific advisor.",
"Martin Fleischmann FRS (29 March 1927 – 3 August 2012) was a British chemist who worked in electrochemistry. Premature announcement of his cold fusion research with Stanley Pons, regarding excess heat in heavy water, caused a media sensation and elicited skepticism and criticism from many in the scientific community.",
"Fleischmann confided to Stanley Pons that he might have found what he believed to be a way to create nuclear fusion at room temperatures. From 1983 to 1989, he and Pons spent $100,000 in self-funded experiments at the University of Utah. Fleischmann wanted to publish it first in an obscure journal, and had already spoken with a team that was doing similar work in a different university for a joint publication. The details have not surfaced, but it seems that the University of Utah wanted to establish priority over the discovery and its patents by making a public announcement before the publication. In an interview with 60 Minutes on 19 April 2009, Fleischmann said that the public announcement was the university's idea, and that he regretted doing it. This decision, perceived as short-circuiting the way science is usually communicated to other scientists, later caused heavy criticism against Fleischmann and Pons.\nOn 23 March 1989 the work was announced at a press conference as \"a sustained nuclear fusion reaction,\" which was quickly labelled by the press as cold fusion – a result previously thought to be unattainable. On 26 March Fleischmann warned on the Wall Street Journal Report not to try replications until a published paper was available two weeks later in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, but that did not stop hundreds of scientists who had already started work at their laboratories the moment they heard the news on 23 March, and more often than not they failed to reproduce the effects. Those who failed to reproduce the claim attacked the pair for fraudulent, sloppy, and unethical work;\nincomplete, unreproducible, and inaccurate results; and erroneous interpretations. When the paper was finally published, both electrochemists and physicists called it \"sloppy\" and \"uninformative\", and it was said that, had Fleischmann and Pons waited for the publication of their paper, most of the trouble would have been avoided because scientists would not have gone so far in trying to test their work.\nFleischmann and Pons sued an Italian journalist who had published very harsh criticisms against them, but the judge rejected the case saying that criticisms were appropriate given the scientists behaviour, the lack of evidence since the first announcement, and the lack of interest shown by the scientific community, and that they were an expression of the journalists \"right of reporting\".",
"Fleischmanns professional career was focused almost entirely on fundamental electrochemistry. Fleischmann went on to teach at Kings College, Durham University, which in 1963 became the newly established University of Newcastle upon Tyne. In 1967, Fleischmann became Professor of Electrochemistry at the University of Southampton, occupying the Faraday Chair of Chemistry. From 1970 to 1972, he was president of the International Society of Electrochemists. In 1973, together with Patrick J. Hendra and A. James McQuillan, he played an important role in the discovery of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering effect (SERS), for which the University of Southampton was awarded a National Chemical Landmark plaque by the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2013, and he developed the ultramicroelectrode in the 1980s. In 1979, he was awarded the medal for electrochemistry and thermodynamics by the Royal Society of London. In 1982 he retired from the University of Southampton. In 1985 he received the Olin Palladium Award from the Electrochemical Society, and in 1986 was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. He retired from teaching in 1983 and was given an honorary professorship at Southampton University.",
"* Secretary/Treasurer of the International Society of Electrochemistry (1964–1967)\n* President of the International Society of Electrochemistry (1973–1974)\n* Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1979)\n* Fellowship of the Royal Society (1985)\n* Olin Palladium Medal of the Electrochemical Society (1986)",
"Fleischmann was born in Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, in 1927. His father was a wealthy lawyer and his mother the daughter of a high-ranking Austrian civil officer. Since his father was of Jewish heritage, Fleischmann's family moved to the Netherlands, and then to England in 1938, to avoid Nazi persecution. His father died of the complications of injuries received in a Nazi prison, after which Fleischmann lived for a period with his mother in a leased cottage in Rustington, Sussex. His early education was obtained at Worthing High School for Boys. After serving in the Czech Airforce Training Unit during the war, he moved to London to study for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in chemistry at Imperial College London. His PhD was awarded in 1951, under the supervision of Professor Herrington, for his thesis on the diffusion of electrogenerated hydrogen through palladium foils. He met Sheila, his future wife, as a student and remained married to her for 62 years.",
"Schoell received the 1995 AAPG Best Paper Award and was recognized by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists as authoring one of the top twenty most notable geology-related papers of the 1980s. Specifically, the AAPG recognized Schoell for his paper \"Genetic Characterization of Natural Gasses\" which describes how the correlation between C concentration, the variation of carbon and hydrogen isotopes in methane, and carbon isotope variation in ethane can be used to qualitatively characterize the composition of natural gasses.\nIn 2008, Schoell received the annual Alfred Treibs Award. This award is given on a yearly basis by the Geochemical Society in recognition of scientists whose research has made significant contributions to the understanding of geochemical processes. Schoell received this honour in response to his work with stable isotope analyses which revolutionized fossil fuel research and greenhouse gas tracing.",
"Schoell was born in Germany, although the bulk of his career and adult life he has spent in the United States. Since retiring, Schoell resides in California. Aside from his research, Schoell has experience in winemaking.",
"Martin Schoell is a German geochemist. His research focuses on using stable isotopes to characterize the geochemistry of petroleum. Schoell is known for his work regarding CO, sedimentary rocks, methane, natural gas, carbon isotopes, and acetate fermentation and how these factors enable identification of the origins of greenhouse gasses. Schoell was the founder, CEO and president of Gas Consult International, Inc., a private natural gas consulting firm, from 2001 to 2015. Schoell was awarded the Alfred Treibs Award by the Geochemical Society in 2008.",
"Martin Schoell attended University of Munich for his undergraduate career in 1961 and in 1964 attended the University Clausthal, Germany for graduate school where he obtained a PhD in geochemistry. While at the University Clausthal, in 1966 Schoell delivered his Diplomarbeit (Masters Thesis) on the geochemistry of strontium in a deposit of barite. Later, in 1981, Schoell continued his education in Germany by obtaining his Habilitation (the highest possible academic degree offered in German academia). Schoell was mentored by Wolfgang Stahl, who inspired Schoells interest in hydrogen isotope geochemistry with respect to natural gas research.",
"Following his completion of his PhD, Schoell began working for the German Geological Survey focusing on hyper saline hydrothermal vents in the Red Sea. From 1984 to 2001, Schoell worked for Chevron Oil Field Research Company in La Habra. During this time, he published his most cited paper, \"Biogenic methane formation in marine and freshwater environments: CO reduction vs. acetate fermentation—Isotope evidence\". In this paper, Schoell et al. discussed how hydrogen and carbon isotope composition analysis can be used to identify different biogenic methane production pathways from its water and CO precursors. This paper went on to win the 1995 AAPG Best Paper Award. In addition to this, while working for Chevron in 1984 Schoell requested funding from Chevron to fund John Hayes of Indiana University to develop continuous-flow compound-specific isotope analysis. This development allowed Schoell to make a variety of discoveries including the ability of steranes and hopanes in the Lacustrine Green River Formation could be used as a proxy for water paleo-depths.\nDuring his time with Chevron, Schoell introduced Mudgas isotope analysis to Chevron and the natural gas industry, and worked in a variety of international locations including locations throughout the Americas, Southeast Asia and Africa as well as parts of Oceania.\nIn 2001, Schoell went on to establish a natural gas consulting company, GasConsult International, Inc. of which he was the CEO and president of until 2015. GasConsult specializes in ZR-LNG (zero-refrigeration liquified natural gas), LH2 (liquid hydrogen) and OHL (optimized liquid hydrogen) technologies and offers clients opportunities to transition to these technologies, and is now under the direction of Bill Howe.\nIn 2019, Schoell founded GasXpse which applies geochemical fundamentals to provide natural gas related consulting services and provide scientific advising for natural gas-related subjects. Further, Schoell has co-authored 76 publications in the field of geochemistry.",
"Schoell has made many contributions to geochemistry with emphasis on the applications of stable isotope analysis. The results of Schoells work have included identifying the pathways of formation that distinguish methane of biogenic origin from that of thermogenic origin using stable isotope analysis. In the paper, \"Biogenic methane formation in marine and freshwater environments: CO reduction VS. acetate fermentation-Isotope evidence\", Schoell et al. identify that the two primary methods for aquatic and marine methane production are carbon dioxide reduction and acetate fermentation, respectively. By recognizing the difference in δC and δD fractionation of the water environments and observing the differences in δC and δD fractionations of the methane product, Schoell et al. concluded that the dominant pathway of methane in marine environments is via acetate fermentation, while methane in freshwater environments arises from CO reduction. By analyzing the CH and HO fractionation, Schoell, et al.' offer a technique for identifying the original environment in which methane was produced.\nSchoell continued his work with methane origin studies expanding his research to consider how stable isotopes can provide insight regarding the temperature of the environment for both thermogenic and biogenic methane production. Specifically, Schoell collaborated on the paper \"Formation temperatures of thermogenic and biogenic methane\" authored by D. Stolper, which used \"clustered isotope\" techniques to determine the temperature at which methane was produced. This approach has become useful for identifying the thermal conditions of methane formation for both the high temperatures of thermogenic methane production and the relatively lower temperatures of microbial methane production as well as characterizing the contribution of both producers to a mixed sample.\nWhile the majority of Schoell's work has revolved around identifying the origins and pathways of methane production, he has also done work using stable isotope analysis to address how environmental factors affect preservable products of biological activity. Schoell addresses this topic in the paper, \"Sensitivity of biomarker properties to depositional environment and/or source input in the Lower Toarcian of SW-Germany\". In addition to this, his career has included the research of how stable isotope analysis can be used to identify the mixing and composition of natural gasses, as discussed in \"Use of Gas Isotope Analyses for Reservoir Management\".",
"Mary Patricia Ryan is a Professor of Materials Science at Imperial College London and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.",
"Ryan completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Manchester. Her PhD was on using \"in-situ ECSTM to study the formation of ultra-thin surface oxides on base metals\", and she managed to show for the first time that these surface oxides have crystalline phases. She spent three years at Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, where she developed in situ electrochemical systems using synchrotron radiation-based techniques.",
"Ryan is an expert in electrochemistry and interfacial material science. Ryan joined Imperial College London as a lecturer in 1998. Her research group explore the mechanism of corrosion, new protective materials and materials with thermal management capabilities. She studies the process of electrochemical deposition, the stabilities of metals and the formation processes of metal and oxide nanostructures. She pioneered the use of synchrotron X-rays to study reactive electrochemical systems, including the stability of nanostructures. \nIn 2002, she published the seminal paper \"Why stainless steel corrodes\" in Nature. \nIn 2012, she joined Amy Cruickshank to advise on how to preserve the Dornier Do 17 (The Flying Pencil), which was discovered in Goodwin Sands. She also contributed to the 2016 World Economic Forum, where she discussed how nano-composite materials could use heat from a vehicle's engine to power air conditioning.\nHer recent work focusses on how nanomaterials interact with biological systems, including the toxicity of nanoparticles and development of plasmonic materials for biosensing. She works with the heritage sector to develop new materials and conservation techniques. She has worked with the Science Museum, the Royal Air Force Museum London and the Victoria and Albert Museum. She collaborates extensively with Dr Eleanor Schofield, Head of Conservation and Collections Care at the Mary Rose Trust.\nIn 2017, she was appointed Vice Dean of Research for the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. She is the Director of the Imperial-Shell University Technology Centre in Advanced Interfacial Materials Science. Ryan is a member of the London Centre for Nanotechnology. She is an editor for Nature's Materials Degradation Journal. \nShe was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2015. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. She is a member of the Strategic Advisory Network of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. She is a Trustee of the Heritage science forum.\nRyan was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2022 Birthday Honours for services to education and materials science and engineering.",
"Matthew Stanley Johnson (born 14 December 1966) is an American atmospheric chemistry scientist at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. \nJohnson has made contributions to several areas of chemistry, including kinetics, spectroscopy, isotope effects and application of atmospheric chemistry knowledge to air pollution control systems.\nJohnson studied chemistry at Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota. In 1995, he was awarded a PhD in Chemistry for his thesis Spectroscopy of Reactive Molecules and Clusters by the California Institute of Technology, Caltech.\nAfter working at Bridgeman's, the Boy Scouts of America, Honeywell, Medtronic and Caltech he was awarded Fulbright Fellowship for research at the MAX-Lab accelerator at the Swedish University of Lund, and in 1998 became an assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen. In the field of kinetics he coordinates the Nordic Network for Chemical Kinetics (NoNeCK), he has twelve filed patents and over 140 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.\nIn 2012, Johnson and Harnung published their book titled \"Chemistry and the Environment\". \nJohnson has helped establish a series of clean tech companies including Infuser, Airlabs, Rensair, DevLabs, AirScape, Ambient Carbon and Luper Tech.",
"* Johnson, M. S., Kuwata, K. T., Wong, C. K., & Okumura, M. (1996). Vibrational spectrum of I−(H2O). Chemical Physics Letters, 260(5-6), 551-557.\n* Ueno, Y., Johnson, M. S., Danielache, S. O., Eskebjerg, C., Pandey, A., & Yoshida, N. (2009). Geological sulfur isotopes indicate elevated OCS in the Archean atmosphere, solving faint young sun paradox. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(35), 14784-14789.\n* Schmidt, J. A., Johnson, M. S., & Schinke, R. (2013). Carbon dioxide photolysis from 150 to 210 nm: Singlet and triplet channel dynamics, UV-spectrum, and isotope effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(44), 17691-17696.\n* Lynggaard, C., Bertelsen, M. F., Jensen, C. V., Johnson, M. S., Frøslev, T. G., Olsen, M. T., & Bohmann, K. (2022). Airborne environmental DNA for terrestrial vertebrate community monitoring. Current Biology, 32(3), 701-707.\n* Li, Q., Meidan, D., Hess, P., Añel, J.A., Cuevas, C.A., Doney, S., Fernandez, R.P., van Herpen, M., Höglund-Isaksson, L., Johnson, M.S. and Kinnison, D.E., 2023. Global environmental implications of atmospheric methane removal through chlorine-mediated chemistry-climate interactions. Nature Communications, 14(1), p.4045.",
"Max Volmer (; 3 May 1885 – 3 June 1965) was a German physical chemist, who made important contributions in electrochemistry, in particular on electrode kinetics. He co-developed the Butler–Volmer equation. Volmer held the chair and directorship of the Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Institute of the Technische Hochschule Berlin, in Berlin-Charlottenburg. After World War II, he went to the Soviet Union, where he headed a design bureau for the production of heavy water. Upon his return to East Germany ten years later, he became a professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin and was president of the East German Academy of Sciences.",
"From 1905 to 1908, Volmer studied chemistry at the Philipps University of Marburg. After that, he went to the University of Leipzig, where he was awarded a doctorate in 1910, based on his work on photochemical reactions in high vacuums. He became an assistant lecturer at Leipzig in 1912, and after completion of his Habilitation there in 1913, he became a Privatdozent at the University.",
"In 1916, Volmer went to work on military-related research at the Physical Chemistry Institute of the Friedrich-Wilhelms University (today the Humboldt University of Berlin). From 1918 to 1920, he conducted research in industry at the Auergesellschaft in Berlin. In 1919, he invented the mercury steam ejector, and he published a paper, with Otto Stern which resulted in the attribution of the Stern–Volmer equation and constant. Also attributed from his work during this time is the Volmer isotherm.\nIn 1920, Volmer was appointed extraordinarius professor of physical chemistry and electrochemistry at the University of Hamburg. In 1922, he was appointed ordinarius professor and director of the Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Institute of the Technische Hochschule Berlin (Berlin-Charlottenburg); the position was previously held by Walther Nernst. It was during his time there that he discovered the migration of adsorbed molecules, known as Volmer diffusion. In 1930, he published a paper from which was attributed the Butler-Volmer equation, based on earlier work of John Alfred Valentine Butler. This work formed the basis of phenomenological kinetic electrochemistry.",
"In March 1955, Volmer returned to East Germany. He received the Soviet Unions national prize, first class, Hervorragender Wissenschaftler des Volkes (Outstanding Scientist of the People). On 1 May 1955, he became an ordinarius professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin. On 10 November 1955, became a member of the Wissenschaftlichen Rates für die friedliche Anwendung der Atomenergie of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). From 8 December 1955 to 1959, he became president of the German Academy of Sciences, after which he was vice-president until 1961. From 27 August 1957, he became an initial member of the Forschungsrat' of the GDR.\nAt the Technical University of Berlin, where Volmer worked for so many years, the Max Volmer Laboratory for Biophysical Chemistry was named in his honor. Also in Volmers honor, a street was named Volmerstrasse' in Berlin-Adlershof, Potsdam, and Hilden.",
"Volmer married the physical chemist Lotte Pusch. Max and Lotte knew and socialized with the physicist Lise Meitner and the chemist Otto Hahn since the 1920s.",
"*O. Stern and M. Volmer Über die Abklingzeit der Fluoreszenz, Physik. Zeitschr. 20 183-188 (1919) as cited in Mehra and Rechenberg, Volume 1, Part 2, 2001, 849.\n* T. Erdey-Grúz and M. Volmer Z. Phys. Chem. 150 (A) 203-213 (1930)",
"*Max Volmer, Kinetik der Phasenbildung (1939)\n*Max Volmer, Zur Kinetik der Phasenbildung und der Elektrodenreaktionen. Acht Arbeiten. (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.-G., 1983)\n*Max Volmer und L. Dunsch, Zur Kinetik der Phasenbildung und Elektrodenreaktion. Acht Arbeiten. (Deutsch Harri GmbH, 1983)",
"Volmer, Manfred von Ardenne, director of his private laboratory Forschungslaboratoriums für Elektronenphysik, Gustav Hertz, Nobel Laureate and director of Research Laboratory II at Siemens, and Peter Adolf Thiessen, ordinarius professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin and director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie (KWIPC) in Berlin-Dahlem, had made a pact. The pact was a pledge that whoever first made contact with the Soviets would speak for the rest. The objectives of their pact were threefold: (1) Prevent plunder of their institutes, (2) Continue their work with minimal interruption, and (3) Protect themselves from prosecution for any political acts of the past. Before the end of World War II, Thiessen, a member of the Nazi Party, had Communist contacts. On 27 April 1945, Thiessen arrived at von Ardennes institute in an armored vehicle with a major of the Soviet Army, who was also a leading Soviet chemist. All four of the pact members were taken to the Soviet Union. Hertz was made head of Institute G, in Agudseri (Agudzery), about 10 km southeast of Sukhumi and a suburb of Gul’rips (Gulrip’shi); Volmer was initially assigned to Hertzs institute. Topics assigned to Gustav Hertz's Institute G included: (1) Separation of isotopes by diffusion in a flow of inert gases, for which Gustav Hertz was the leader, (2) Development of a condensation pump, for which Justus Mühlenpfordt was the leader, (3) Design and build a mass spectrometer for determining the isotopic composition of uranium, for which Werner Schütze was the leader, (4) Development of frameless (ceramic) diffusion partitions for filters, for which Reinhold Reichmann was the leader, and (5) Development of a theory of stability and control of a diffusion cascade, for which Heinz Barwich was the leader; Barwich had been deputy to Hertz at Siemens. Von Ardenne was made head of Institute A, in Sinop, a suburb of Sukhumi.\nLate in January 1946, Volmer was assigned to the Nauchno-Issledovatel’skij Institut-9 (NII-9, Scientific Research Institute No. 9), in Moscow. Volmer was given a design bureau to work on the production of heavy water; Robert Döpel also worked at NII-9. Volmers group with Victor Bayerl, a physical chemist and Gustav Richter a physicist, was under Alexander Mikailovich Rosen, and they designed a heavy water production process and facility based on the counterflow of ammonia. The installation was constructed at Norilsk and completed in 1948, after which Volmers organization was transferred to Zinaida Yershova’s group, which worked on plutonium extraction from fission products.",
"Leng was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2019 Birthday Honours.\nLeng received a Honorary Doctor of Science (DSc) degree from Oxford Brookes University in 2022.",
"Leng has several roles, her most current is Chief Scientist for Environmental Change Adaptation and Resilience at the British Geological Survey. She is also Director of the Centre for Environmental Geochemistry, a collaboration between the British Geological Survey and the University of Nottingham, Leng leads research around environmental change, human impact, food security, and resource management. Leng has been involved in deep drilling as part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, and worked in Lake Ohrid in Macedonia and Lake Chala in East Africa. She also heads the Stable Isotope Facility at the British Geological Survey, which is part of the National Environmental Isotope Facility. Stable isotopes can be used to better understand climate change and human-landscape interactions, with increasing importance on the Anthropocene and the modern calibration period; tracers of modern pollution; and understanding the hydrological cycle especially in areas suffering human impact. Leng takes part in expeditions, most recently the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) mission called Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA). She actively blogs about her research.\nLeng serves on the editorial board of the journals Quaternary Research, Quaternary Science Reviews, Scientific Reports and the Journal of Paleolimnology.\nShe has written several articles about successfully undertaking a PhD.",
"Melanie Jane Leng is a Professor of Isotope Geosciences at the University of Nottingham working on isotopes, palaeoclimate and geochemistry. She also serves as the Chief Scientist for Environmental Change Adaptation and Resilience at the British Geological Survey and Director of the Centre for Environmental Geochemistry, a collaboration between the University of Nottingham and the British Geological Survey. For many years (till 2019) she has been the UK convenor and representative of the UK geoscience community on the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program.",
"Leng grew up in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. She spent her childhood on the cliffs and beaches of the Lower Jurassic. Leng studied geology for GCSE and A Level. At Sixth Form College she took a field trip to Ravenscar and described finding an ammonite which hooked her into geology. She studied for a BSc in Earth Science at Oxford Polytechnic, gained her PhD at Aberystwyth University in 1990, then moved to the British Geological Survey to work in the isotope laboratory.",
"* 2014, Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award, American Geophysical Union\n* 2014, CAREER Award, National Science Foundation",
"Meredith G. Hastings is an American atmospheric chemist and a professor of earth, environmental, and planetary sciences at Brown University. Her research focuses on the reactive nitrogen cycle and how atmospheric chemistry affects climate. She is also the founder and president of the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN).",
"Hastings graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in marine science and chemistry from the University of Miami, Coral Gables in 1998. After her undergraduate she did a research internship at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, NJ. She credits this position to her interest in atmospheric chemistry. By 2004 Hastings had completed her Ph.D. in the Princeton University department of Geosciences. Her thesis studied reactive nitrogen using measurements of stable isotopes and was titled \"Studies of Reactive Nitrogen in the Atmosphere Using Global Modeling and Stable Isotope Measurements\".",
"Following her Ph.D. work at Princeton, Hastings became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington in the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean Department of Atmospheric Sciences (JISAO). After completing her postdoctoral work in 2008, Hastings joined the faculty at Brown University as an assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Environmental Change Initiative. Hastings became an associate professor of earth, environmental and planetary sciences at Brown University in 2015 and was promoted to professor in 2020. She was the deputy director of the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society between 2020 and 2023.\nHastings’ work focuses around the reactive nitrogen cycle and using nitrate deposition to see how human activity impacts atmospheric composition. This includes data from a variety of sources such as seawater nitrate levels, freshwater nitrate levels, and ice core nitrate levels. Using this data her studies have come to conclusions about how human activities and environmental responses interact to explain how the climate changes.\nIn 2014 Hastings launched the Earth Science Womens Network (ESWN) as a non-profit, an organization she co-founded in 2002. She is currently president of the non-profit, which seeks to promote women in the earth sciences. The Earth Science Womens Network is a member-driven organization which has had several prominent creations since its inception. In 2014 the ESWN created the Promoting Geoscience, Research, Education and Success (PROGRESS) initiative which focused on determining the role same-gender mentoring on the retention of women in the geosciences. The initiative was funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. In 2017, Hastings and the ESWN partnered with the Association for Women Geoscientists and the American Geophysical Union to launch the [ ADVANCEGeo Partnership]. The partnership seeks to address the issue of sexual harassment in the earth, space and environmental sciences and was also funded by a NSF grant.\nHastings was also the recipient of the Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award, which the American Geophysical Union awarded her in 2014. The award is designed to recognize research by mid-career scientists in the fields of atmospheric and climate sciences. She was recognized for her work modeling aerosol properties and their impacts on the atmosphere. Hastings was also recognized with a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in 2014 supporting her work studying where the nitrous oxide in the atmosphere is being emitted from. The project is entitled Quantifying the Isotopic Signature of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Sources.",
"Hastings work has been published in several scientific journals, including Science, The Journal of Geophysical Research, Environmental Science & Technology, and Analytical Chemistry'. Her most cited publications are listed below:\n* KL Casciotti, DM Sigman, MG Hastings, JK Böhlke, A Hilker (2002) Measurement of the oxygen isotopic composition of nitrate in seawater and freshwater using the denitrifier method. Analytical Chemistry, 74 (19), 4905-4912\n* MG Hastings, JC Jarvis, EJ Steig (2009) Anthropogenic impacts on nitrogen isotopes of ice-core nitrate. Science, 324 (5932), 1288-1288\n* B Alexander, MG Hastings, DJ Allman, J Dachs, JA Thornton, SA Kunasek (2009) Quantifying atmospheric nitrate formation pathways based on a global model of the oxygen isotopic composition (Δ 17 O) of atmospheric nitrate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (14), 5043-5056",
"In 1997, Chin received the Editors Citation for excellence in refereeing from the Journal of Geophysical Research'. In 2005, she was awarded the exceptional achievement award and NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal from GSFC. In 2021, Chin was elected a fellow of the American Geophysical Union.",
"Chin has served as principal investigator for many research projects since 1997 that involve global and regional modeling of tropospheric aerosols and chemistry. She and her coworkers have developed the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model, which has been used to simulate tropospheric aerosols and related gas species, CO, and radionuclides for climate, air quality, and global change studies, with a special focus on analysis of satellite and sub-orbital observations.\nChin's research at GSFC includes aerosol-cloud-chemistry-climate interactions, regional and global air quality, transport of aerosols and trace gases, aerosol impacts on global energy balance, and modeling and analysis of data from satellite, ground-based, and airborne observations.",
"Chin was a research scientist at Universities Space Research Association from 1995 to 1997 and a research scientist and senior research scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology from 1997 to 2003 before she joined the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 2003, concentrating on atmospheric model development and satellite data analysis. Chin is a physical scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory, Earth Science Division, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).",
"Mian Chin () is a Chinese atmospheric chemist. She is a physical scientist in the atmospheric chemistry and dynamics laboratory in the earth science division at Goddard Space Flight Center. Her research includes aerosol-cloud-chemistry-climate interactions. She received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal in 2005.",
"Chin was born in Shanghai, China. Beginning at the age of nine, Chin attended the Childrens Music School at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music for three years to study piano. When she was thirteen, her education abruptly stopped due to the Cultural Revolution. After a little more than two years idling at school with chaos everywhere in China, Chin was sent to a farm in the very north of China near Siberia, three days away from Shanghai by train, as part of Mao Zedongs educated youth program. Many other children her age were sent there as well. More than forty children lived in one room. They each had a “living” space of two feet. She worked on that farm for nine years, until Chairman Mao's death, which ended the Cultural Revolution.\nFor nine years, a Chin and group of other children quietly studied math, physics and chemistry. Her parents and friend's mother in Shanghai sent them textbooks and they taught themselves. At the farm, they had no phones. Electricity had to be turned off no later than 9 p.m., so they studied in the evenings with candlelight. In 1977, the National College Entrance Examination that were stopped during the Cultural Revolution, resumed. Chin had to take two college entrance exams, a preliminary and a final. Because of her studies at night, she passed the preliminary exam. After the preliminary test results came back, Chin was given two hours to choose a college and a major from the hand-written list posted on the walls inside a classroom in a local elementary school. She chose one college that was near her home in Shanghai as well as others in different places.\nChin received a B.S. degree in chemistry from East China Normal University in 1982, a M.A. degree in chemistry from Ball State University in 1986, and a Ph.D. degree in Atmospheric Sciences from Georgia Tech in 1992. During her graduate study in Georgia Tech, Chin was involved in field experiments measuring atmospheric constituents, laboratory study determining atmospheric photochemical reaction rates and product yields, and one-dimensional photochemical model estimating stratospheric sulfur budget. Her dissertation was titled An atmospheric study of carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide and their relationship to stratospheric background sulfur aerosol. Chin's doctoral advisors were Paul Wine and Douglas Davis.\nBetween 1992 and 1995, Chin was a postdoctoral fellow in the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences where she worked with 3-dimensional regional and global atmospheric chemistry and transport models for studying tropospheric ozone, aerosols, and trace gases.",
"From 1989 to 2002, he researched cold fusion at SRI International. Unlike other researchers in the same field, he obtained mainstream funding during all his research: first from the Electric Power Research Institute, then from the Japanese government, and in 2002 he had funding from the U.S. government.\nIn January 1992 a cold fusion cell exploded in an SRI lab. One of McKubre's collaborators was killed and three people including McKubre were wounded. McKubre still has pieces of glass embedded in his side. Subsequent experiments were done behind bulletproof glass.\nIn 2004 he and other cold fusion researchers asked the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to give a new review to the field of cold fusion, and he co-authored a report with all the available experimental and theoretical evidence since the 1989 review. The 2004 review concluded that \"while significant progress has been made in the sophistication of calorimeters since the review of this subject in 1989, the conclusions reached by the reviewers today are similar to those found in the 1989 review.\"\nAs of 2010, he was still making experiments with palladium cells at SRI International, and collaborates with the ENEA laboratory, where the most reliable palladium is being produced. McKubre more recently took part as one of the 22 physicists of the Steorn \"jury\".",
"Michael Charles Harold McKubre is an electrochemist involved with cold fusion energy research. McKubre was the director of the Energy Research Center at SRI International in 1998. He is a native of New Zealand.",
"McKubre completed two degrees at Victoria University of Wellington, a Masters degree in 1972, titled A Study of the Frequency Domain Induced Polarisation Effects Displayed by Clay and by Cation Exchange Resin, Model Soil Systems', followed by a PhD in 1976 on membrane polarisation effects in simulated rock systems.",
"He completed his undergraduate studies at University of Gothenburg, earning a B.Sc. degree in chemistry in 1984. He then pursued a Licentiate in Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, which he completed in 1986. Kubista obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from Chalmers University of Technology. Following his doctoral studies, he conducted postdoctoral research at institutions such as La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, and Yale University in New Haven, US. Additionally, he has held visiting professor positions at various universities, including the University of Maryland in College Park, US, in June 2000, and the University of A Coruña in Spain, during September–November 2003 and July 2006 to June 2007. Since 2007, Kubista is serving as an adjunct professor at the Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences.",
"* In 2021 Kubista's organization, TATAA was on Sweden Technology Fast 50 list\n* In 2019, Global Health & Pharma recognized and awarded TATAA as the \"Best Nucleic Acid Analysis Service Provider – Europe.\"\n* In 2013 TATAA Biocenter was honored with the Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Leadership for their outstanding services in analyzing genetic material \n* In 2012, Pioneer of the year in western Sweden\n* In 1996, won Innovation Cup in western Sweden for the LightUp probes",
"* Studied and identified chromophores and a variety of dyes commonly used as biomolecule labels like: tryptophan, DAPI, fluorescein, thiazole orange, and BEBO.\n* Explained DNA strand exchange in homologous recombination.\n* Applying Widlund experiment, identified specific nucleosome positioning sequences.\n* Uncovered mechanism of oncogene activation involving the formation of internal G-quadruplexes.\n* Designed a probe that exhibit luminescence upon binding to specific nucleic acids.\n* Techniques for gene expression at the level of individual cells and subcellular compartments.\n* The occurrence of horizontal transfer of mitochondria within living organisms.",
"Mikael Kubista (born 13 August 1961) is Czech-born Swedish chemist and entrepreneur who works in the field of molecular diagnostics. Since 2007, he is serving as a Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Department of Gene Expression Profiling at the Biotechnology Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic.\nKubista has contributed to the field of quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), with his work recognized as part of the early research in this area. \nKubista was a member of the research team at Astra Hässle, where they focused on investigating Omeprazole, an inhibitor of K+/H+-ATPase. The drug is now marketed under the trade names Losec and Nexium, widely prescribed medications for the treatment of gastric ulcer. Additionally, Kubista is the Chairman of the Board of MultiD Analyses AB and the founder of TATAA Biocenter.",
"Kubista was born to his medical doctor father in the former Czechoslovakia in 1961. His father received a scholarship and relocated to Sweden. At the age of 7 in 1968, Kubista went to Sweden to visit his father. However, on that very day, Russia invaded Czechoslovakia in the so called Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, and as a result, the family decided to stay making Sweden their new home.",
"Kubista holds several positions and advisory roles within the scientific and biotechnology communities including: Roche, ThermoFisher, Qiagen, Bio-Rad, and RealSeq Biosciences. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of Genetic Engineering News.\nKubista has also been involved in the establishment of modern molecular diagnostics in developing countries. Since 1999, he has served as an advisor to UNESCO, providing guidance and assistance to countries such as: Libya, Egypt, Iran, Grenada, and Ghana.\nKubista is an expert advisor for the European Commission Research Directorate General. He also works as a special consultant in the Life Science field for AFRY and Pharma Relations. Kubista advises the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and is part of the scientific advisory board for the International Biotechnology Research in Tripoli, Libya, under UNESCO.",
"Kubista began his academic career in 1991 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology. From 1993 to 1997, he served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the same institution. Following this, he held the position of Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Chalmers University of Technology from 1997 to 2006. Since 2007, he is the Head of the Department of Gene Expression at the Institute of Biotechnology, BIOCEV, Czech Academy of Sciences.",
"In 1998 Kubista founded LightUp Technologies AB after his research finding of lightUp probes, a company that specializes in the development of real-time PCR tests for human infectious diseases. Three years later In 2001, Kubista's research led to the establishments of MultiD Analyses AB, which develops GenEx software for gene expression data analysis and TATAA Biocenter for qPCR and gene expression analysis. The company became known for its qPCR training services globally and its provision of qPCR services, particularly in Europe. TATAA Biocenter was the first laboratory in Europe to obtain flexible ISO 17025 accreditation and also was the first to provide COVID tests at the onset of the pandemic. In 2014 Kubista implementated non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in Sweden and subsequently founded Life Genomics AB. In 2020, Kubista co-founded SimSen Diagnostics, a company focused on developing technology for liquid biopsy analyses.",
"Minze Stuiver (25 October 1929 – 26 December 2020) was a Dutch geochemist who was at the forefront of geoscience research from the 1960s until his retirement in 1998. He helped transform radiocarbon dating from a simple tool for archaeology and geology to a precise technique with applications in solar physics, oceanography, geochemistry, and carbon dynamics. Minze Stuiver's research encompassed the use of radiocarbon (C) to understand solar cycles and radiocarbon production, ocean circulation, lake carbon dynamics and archaeology as well as the use of stable isotopes to document past climate changes.",
"Minze Stuiver was born in Vlagtwedde, the Netherlands, on 25 October 1929. As a boy he narrowly missed being taken into German forced labor toward the end of the Second World War, but, because he was away delivering milk by bicycle, he escaped the round-up that took most of the young men and older boys from the village. His secondary school education was disrupted by the war when the school was occupied by German soldiers and air raids interrupted classes in makeshift rooms. After the war he went to the University of Groningen, where he studied physics, mathematics and astronomy, focusing on nuclear physics. After graduation he joined the biophysics group led by the pre-eminent researcher Hessel de Vries and received a Ph.D. in Biophysics in 1958 with a thesis on the Biophysics of the Sense of Smell. Shortly thereafter he began working in the rapidly developing field of radiocarbon dating with de Vries, who found variations in the concentration of radiocarbon in the atmosphere which challenged the assumptions of the radiocarbon dating method. In 1959, together with his wife, Anneke, Minze went to Yale University for a one-year fellowship position but was called back to Groningen to take over as director of the radiocarbon facility when De Vries died. However Minze chose to remain in the United States at the Geochrometric Laboratory at Yale University. There he developed high-precision methods in radiocarbon that enabled him, along with Hans Suess, to verify De Vries’ “wiggly” nature of the atmospheric concentration of radiocarbon in the past from tree-rings. Stuiver and Suess created one of the first curves for calibration of radiocarbon dates. In 1969 Minze moved to the newly founded Quaternary Research Center at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle. There he built the Quaternary Isotope Lab with a lead-lined room 30 feet below ground to shield the hand-built gas counters from detecting spurious events due to cosmic rays.\nIn the 1970s Minze began measuring C in dissolved inorganic carbon in ocean water as part of The Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) to study the distribution of carbon in the ocean. In addition he was involved in a number of studies on the glacial histories of Antarctica and North America. He was the senior editor of the journal Radiocarbon from 1977 to 1988 and broadened the scope of the publication to include articles about scientific knowledge derived from radiocarbon measurements. By then the terminology for various ways to calculate and present radiocarbon data was becoming rather confusing. Together with Henry Polach, he formulated the equations and conventions for reporting radiocarbon data that is still widely used.\nHis work investigating atmospheric C changes gave rise to a greater understanding of the changes in solar activity over time and potential links to climate change as well as the extent of fossil fuel input.\nIn the mid-1980s he led the development of the first high-precision radiocarbon calibration curve extending back nearly 10,000 years ago based on C measurements of tree-rings with known calendar ages from dendrochronology. This data still forms the backbone of the Holocene portion of the current international radiocarbon calibration curve which is used by archaeologists and geoscientists around the world. He also oversaw the development of the CALIB computer software to automate the calibration process.\nIn the 1990s, in addition to continued work on radiocarbon calibration and solar variability, he began work on oxygen isotopes from Greenland ice cores together with Pieter Grootes. Their sub-annual resolution stable isotopes measurements provided confirmation of the rapid nature of major climatic changes at the end of the last glaciation.\nStuiver died on 26 December 2020, at the age of 91.",
"* 1983: Humboldt Prize.\n* 1997: The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) named Stuiver Valley in Antarctica after Minze Stuiver for his work on radiocarbon dating Antarctic samples.\n* 1993: The 13th Pomerance Award of the Archaeological Institute of America for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology went to Minze Stuiver along with Michael G. L. Baillie, Bernd Becker, Gordon W. Pearson, Jonathan R. Pilcher, and Hans Suess.\n* 2000: Received The American Quaternary Association Distinguished Career Award.\n* 2001: Thomson Reuters most cited paper in geosciences for the 1990s.\n* 2005: Awarded the Geological Society of America's Penrose Gold Medal for outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance in the science of geology.\n* 2009: Awarded an honorary doctorate at Queen's University Belfast.",
"Mostafa A. El-Sayed (Arabic: مصطفى السيد) is an Egyptian-American physical chemist, nanoscience researcher, member of the National Academy of Sciences and US National Medal of Science laureate. He is known for the spectroscopy rule named after him, the El-Sayed rule.",
"El-Sayed was born in Zifta, Egypt and spent his early life in Cairo. He earned his B.Sc. in chemistry from Ain Shams University Faculty of Science, Cairo in 1953. El-Sayed earned his doctoral degree in chemistry from Florida State University working with Michael Kasha, the last student of the legendary G. N. Lewis. While attending graduate school he met and married Janice Jones, his wife of 48 years. He spent time as a post-doctoral researcher at Harvard University, Yale University and the California Institute of Technology before joining the faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles in 1961. In 1994, he retired from UCLA and accepted the position of Julius Brown Chair and Regents Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He led the [ Laser Dynamics Lab] there until his full retirement in 2020.\nEl-Sayed is a former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physical Chemistry (1980–2004).",
"El-Sayed's research interests include the use of steady-state and ultra fast laser spectroscopy to understand relaxation, transport and conversion of energy in molecules, in solids, in photosynthetic systems, semiconductor quantum dots and metal nanostructures. The El-Sayed group has also been involved in the development of new techniques such as magnetophotonic selection, picosecond Raman spectroscopy and phosphorescence microwave double resonance spectroscopy. A major focus of his lab is currently on the optical and chemical properties of noble metal nanoparticles and their applications in nanocatalysis, nanophotonics and nanomedicine. His lab is known for the development of the gold nanorod technology. As of 2021, El-Sayed has produced over 1200 publications in refereed journals in the areas of spectroscopy, molecular dynamics and nanoscience, with over 130,000 citations.",
"For his work in the area of applying laser spectroscopic techniques to study of properties and behavior on the nanoscale, El-Sayed was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1980. In 1989 he received the Tolman Award, and in 2002, he won the Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics. He has been the recipient of the 1990 King Faisal International Prize (\"Arabian Nobel Prize\") in Sciences, Georgia Techs highest award, \"The Class of 1943 Distinguished Professor\", an honorary doctorate of philosophy from the Hebrew University, and several other awards including some from the different American Chemical Society local sections. He was a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at the California Institute of Technology and an Alexander von Humboldt Senior U.S. Scientist Awardee. He served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physical Chemistry from 1980 to 2004 and has also served as the U.S. editor of the International Reviews in Physical Chemistry'. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Third World Academy of Science. Mostafa El-Sayed was awarded the 2007 US National Medal of Science \"for his seminal and creative contributions to our understanding of the electronic and optical properties of nanomaterials and to their applications in nanocatalysis and nanomedicine, for his humanitarian efforts of exchange among countries and for his role in developing the scientific leadership of tomorrow.\" Mostafa was also announced to be the recipient of the 2009 Ahmed Zewail prize in molecular sciences. In 2011, he was listed #17 in Thomson-Reuters listing of the Top Chemists of the Past Decade. Professor El-Sayed also received the 2016 Priestley Medal, the American Chemical Society’s highest honor, for his decades-long contributions to chemistry.",
"This rule pertains to phosphorescence and similar phenomena. Electrons vibrate and resonate around molecules in different modes (electronic state), usually depending on the energy of the system of electrons. This law states that constant-energy flipping between two electronic states happens more readily when the vibrations of the electrons are preserved during the flip: any change in the spin of an electron is compensated by a change in its orbital motion (spin-orbit coupling).\nIntersystem crossing (ISC) is a photophysical process involving an isoenergetic radiationless transition between two electronic states having different multiplicities. It often results in a vibrationally excited molecular entity in the lower electronic state, which then usually decays to its lowest molecular vibrational level. ISC is forbidden by rules of conservation of angular momentum. As a consequence, ISC generally occurs on very long time scales. However, the El-Sayed rule states that the rate of intersystem crossing, e.g. from the lowest singlet state to the triplet manifold, is relatively large if the radiationless transition involves a change of molecular orbital type. For example, a (π,π*) singlet could transition to a (n,π*) triplet state, but not to a (π,π*) triplet state and vice versa. Formulated by El-Sayed in the 1960s, this rule found in most photochemistry textbooks as well as the IUPAC Gold Book. The rule is useful in understanding phosphorescence, vibrational relaxation, intersystem crossing, internal conversion and lifetimes of excited states in molecules.",
"* 1953 - Palladium Medalist, Electrochemical Society\n* 1951 - President of the American Chemical Society\n* 1949 - Class of 1913 Distinguished Service Award\n* 1948 - First recipient of the Fisher Award for analytical chemistry\n* 1916-1917 - Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship",
"A resident of Princeton, New Jersey, Furman owned a summer cottage in Charlotte, Vermont, on Lake Champlain and enjoyed sailboat racing and golf in his spare time. He had a son and a daughter—who became a chemist—with Hannah S. Hendrickson.",
"In 1933 Furman co-wrote Elementary Quantitative Analysis, one of the first textbooks in the field of analytical chemistry for undergraduates.\nHe co-wrote Analytical Chemistry of the Manhattan Project in 1950.",
"Furman was born in the Lawrenceville section of Lawrence Township, Mercer County, New Jersey in 1892. He attended Lawrenceville School, where he was a model student, graduating with a Master's Prize from his high school in 1909. He enrolled in Princeton University, where he received Phi Beta Kappa honors and graduated in 1913. He received an M.S. in 1915 and a Ph.D. from Princeton in 1917. Furman served in World War I in the Army Chemical Warfare Service. He returned to Princeton in 1919 to become an assistant professor, gaining promotion and tenure in 1937, and finished his career in 1960 as the Russell Wellman Moore professor of chemistry.",
"Nathaniel Howell Furman (1892–1965) was an American professor of analytical chemistry who helped develop the electrochemical uranium separation process as a member of the Manhattan Project.",
"Furman helped develop an ether extraction process to extract Uranium oxide, a precursor to the fissile material used in the first atom bombs as discussed in the Smyth report. He served as a special consultant to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and was an advisor to the post-War Office of Scientific Research and Development. An August 8, 1945, special to the Princeton Bulletin revealed that multiple Princeton faculty, among them Albert Einstein, John Archibald Wheeler, Henry DeWolf Smyth, Hugh Stott Taylor, and Furman, had all \"disappeared to Shangri-La\" to work secretly on the bomb during wartime.",
"Naomi Chayen is a biochemist and structural biologist. She is a professor of Biomedical Sciences at Imperial College London, where she leads the Crystallization Group in Computational and Systems Medicine. She is best known for developing the microbatch method and inventing novel nucleants for protein crystallization which have been applied to high-throughput screening for rational drug design.",
"Chayen earned her first degree in pharmacy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. During her undergraduate studies, she visited the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology to learn histochemistry. She subsequently pursued MSc and PhD research at the Kennedy Institute. In 1983, Chayen submitted her thesis on stimulus-response coupling in smooth muscle cells and received a PhD from Brunel University London.\nChayen began her first postdoctoral fellowship at Imperial College London, where she studied the biophysics of muscle proteins. When her grant was not renewed, she joined the lab of David Mervyn Blow to develop novel protein crystallization techniques. There, she began her influential work of utilizing phase diagrams to optimize conditions for crystal growth.\nCurrently, Chayen is a professor of Biomedical Sciences and head of the Crystallization Group in Computational and Systems Medicine at Imperial College London.",
"Chayen is best known for her invention of novel protein crystallization methods. In 1990, she first published a method of suspending droplets of protein solution and precipitant solutions in low-density paraffin oil to prevent evaporation during the microbatch crystallization process. The microbatch process can be suitable for membrane proteins, which are ordinarily difficult to crystallize. Chayen's method has since been applied towards the analysis of many biomolecules that are relevant to human diseases such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, and heart disease.\nIn addition to her work on microbatch methods, Chayen invented a novel gel-glass nucleant now known as \"Naomis Nucleant.\" Naomis Nucleant has been used to crystallize more than 20 proteins, the most of any single nucleant. In 2015, she collaborated with Subrayal Reddy at University of Central Lancashire to develop the first non-protein nucleant, a semi-liquid molecularly imprinted polymer designed for high-throughput screening. The nucleant was commercialized as \"Chayen Reddy MIP.\"\nChayen's current research interests include protein crystallization, structural biology, and structural genomics and proteomics.",
"Chayen holds nine patents and has launched several commercial products for protein crystallization, such as \"Chayen Reddy MIP\" and \"Naomi's nucleant.\" In addition, she has won the following awards:\n* Women of Outstanding Achievement for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Commendation, WISE Campaign (2012)\n*Investigator of the Year, Select Biosciences Life Sciences Awards (2011)\n* Innovator of the Year, CWT everywoman in Technology Awards (2011)\nChayen was the Sterling Drug Visiting Professor of Pharmacology at Yale School of Medicine in 2009. She was formerly the president of the International Organization for Biological Crystallization.",
"Donahue completed postdoctoral work at Harvard University and began teaching at Carnegie Mellon in 2000. In 2017, Donahue received the Gustavus John Esselen Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest from the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society.\nIn 2020, Donahue was announced as the first editor-in-chief of Environmental Science: Atmospheres.",
"Donahue is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His father, Thomas Michael Donahue, was a prominent space scientist who taught at the University of Pittsburgh and later the University of Michigan.\nDonahue attended Brown University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in physics in 1985. At Brown, Donahue and his friends participated in environmental activism. Donahue attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for doctoral studies, graduating with a Ph.D. in meteorology in 1991.",
"Neil McPherson Donahue is an American atmospheric chemist. He is the Thomas Lord Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and directs the school's Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research. He is a highly cited researcher.",
"The Karpen Pile is claimed to be a battery that has provided continuous energy for over 60 years, making it either a supremely effective method of storing energy or a hoax, furthermore some newspapers describe it as a perpetuum mobile, but most scientists disagree since such a device would violate the Second law of thermodynamics. The device is housed at the Dimitrie Leonida National Technical Museum by 2010. There were claims that it had been working there continuously for 60 years. The prototype has been assembled in 1950 and consists of two series-connected electric piles moving a small galvanometric motor. The motor moves a blade that is connected to a switch. With every half rotation, the blade opens the circuit and closes it at the start of the second half. The blade's rotation time had been calculated so that the piles have time to recharge and that they can rebuild their polarity during the time that the circuit is open. It uses platinum and gold electrodes and no detectable corrosion effect happens. Normally, one electrode should corrode and lose ions which should deposit around the other electrode. Apparently, this does not happen. The cell is just as basic as it gets: two pure electrodes immersed in pure sulfuric acid. Everything sealed. However, the fact that the electrodes are made of gold and platinum (the least reactive metals) and the very low density of the generated power could be the reason why the pile is still working.",
"After studying at the Carol I High School in Craiova, he went to the School of Bridges, Roads and Mines in Bucharest. After graduating in 1891, he worked as a civil engineer for three years. He went to France to study physics at the University of Paris. In 1904 he was awarded a PhD in physics for his thesis Recherches sur leffet magnétique des corps electrisés en mouvement (Research on the magnetic effect of electrified bodies in motion'). After a year as a professor at the University of Lille, he returned to Romania to teach at the School of Bridges, Roads and Mines, where he was appointed director in February 1920. As a result of his efforts, the School was transformed later that year into the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. Vasilescu Karpen was the first rector of this university, serving in that capacity until 1940.\nIn 1908(?) he is said to have invented the . He was the engineer who introduced a permanent wire telecom bridge between Brașov and Bucharest. He introduced electrically transmitted \"wired telegrams\" in the Romanian Old Kingdom by 1920. He became a titular member of the Romanian Academy in 1923; stripped of membership by the new communist regime in 1948, he was restored to the academy in 1955.",
"Nicolae Vasilescu Karpen (December 10 (O.S.)/December 22 (N.S.), 1870, Craiova – March 2, 1964, Bucharest) was a Romanian engineer and physicist, who worked in telegraphy and telephony and had achievements in mechanical engineering, elasticity, thermodynamics, long-distance telephony, electrochemistry, and civil engineering.",
"In 2005, Dauphas was awarded Nier Prize of the Meteoritical Society which recognizes outstanding research in meteoritics and closely allied fields by young scientists. In 2007, he was awarded the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship, given to the most promising early-career scientists and engineers, across the US. He won the 2008 Houtermans Award, given by the European Association of Geochemistry for outstanding contributions to geochemistry. He was awarded the James B. Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for \"significant contributions to the geophysical sciences\", and was selected as an AGU Fellow in 2011. In 2014, he became a Fellow of the Meteoritical Society. He was one of the finalists in 2017 for the Blavatnik National Awards.\nIn 2016, Dauphas received a named professorship from the University of Chicago as the Louis Block professor, Physical Sciences Division. In 2019, Dauphas was elected Geochemical Fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry in recognition of his career contribution to the field of geochemistry.",
"Nicolas Dauphas (born December 10, 1975) is a planetary scientist and isotope geochemist. He is a professor of geochemistry and cosmochemistry in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences and Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago. Within cosmochemistry, his research focus is on isotope geochemistry. He studies the origin and evolution of planets and other objects in the solar system by analyzing the natural distributions of elements and their isotopes using mass spectrometers.",
"Born in Nantes in Brittany, France, Dauphas received a B.Sc. degree from in 1998. The same year, he obtained an M.Sc. from , at the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (; INPL). In 2002, also from INPL, he was awarded a Ph.D. in geochemistry and cosmochemistry, working with Bernard Marty and Laurie Reisberg. He then completed his postdoctoral research at the Enrico Fermi Institute of the University of Chicago and the Field Museum of Natural History from 2002 to 2004, before joining the faculty at the University of Chicago in 2004.",
"By analyzing the isotopic compositions of stable and radiogenic nuclides in meteorites, Dauphas investigates the timing and processes that lead to the formation of Solar System bodies and the establishment of habitable conditions on Earth and Mars. He used iron isotopes to study how the iron biogeochemical cycle of the Earth changed through time. He established that Mars was formed rapidly, within the first 2~4 million years of the birth of the Solar System, which explains the much smaller size of Mars compared to Earth and Venus. He first identified the mineralogical carrier of the Cr isotopic anomalies in meteorites as Cr-rich nano-sized spinels from supernovae. He constrained the nature of Earths accreting materials through time, using a novel approach that relies on the different affinities of elements with Earths core, and showed that the materials formed Earth are from an isotopically homogeneous reservoir.\nDauphas was part of the preliminary examination team for JAXA's Hayabusa2 mission, which returned a fragment of Ryugu carbonaceous asteroid to Earth for scientific research. He was selected as a member of the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group in 2022.",
"Nicolas Dauphas married a fellow planetary scientist, Reika Yokochi. The couple had two children. In February 2024, Dauphas posted to his Twitter (X) account that Yokochi had died from EGFR-positive lung cancer. \nDauphas states that he is of \"French-American citizenship\".",
"Kobozev was born in a wealthy family of a Kharkov lawyer. His father, Ivan Josefovich Kobozev (1874, Kharkov – 1943, Moscow) graduated from Kharkov Imperial University. His mother, Sophia Adolfovna Feist (d. 1952) was a granddaughter of the German-born Taganrog watchmaker Franz Feist (1805–1888). Her family was Lutheran. Her father, Adolf Feist, was first a teacher of German; in 1891 he became a member of the board of Kharkov Land Bank. His mother's aunt, Maria Feist, was a sweetheart of Alexander Chekhov.\nNikolay's grandfather, Josef Alekseevich Kobozev (1846, Belgorod – July 18, 1901, Kharkov) moved to Kharkov in the 1860s where he got engaged in textile and flour trade. In 1889 he became a board member of the Second Kharkov Society of Mutual Credit. In 1892 he was elected to the Kharkov city duma.\nAccording to independent researcher Igor Maslenkov, Kobozevs earliest ancestor was a serf peasant of a Belgorod boyar scion Artyom Pischyulin, settled at the village of Melehovo. His grandson, Dmitry Kosmin syn Kobyzev (1697–1752) became a merchant in Belgorod. His wife, Agrafena Fedotovna Maslova (1689–1770) was the daughter of a local poor nobleman. Their son, Stepan, was a merchant too; he was married to the daughter of another Belgorod merchant, Stephanida Rodionovna Dubinina. Stepans brother, Ivan Dmitrievich Kobozev, was the salt head in Belgorod since 1778. Yakov Stepanovich Kobozev was a Belgorod merchant and ratman. The latter's son, Nikolay Yakovlevich (1781–1834), was a merchant too, but his son, Aleksey Nikolayevich (1804–?) left the merchant guild for the status of an ordinary burger in 1858.\nIn 1903 his father moved to Moscow, where he worked as a lawyer () at the Administration of Moscow Vindavo-Rybinsk Railroad. After the October Revolution of 1917, he served as a lawyer at the Ministry of Transport.\nNikolays brother, Vsevolod (1905–1939), was an engineer at the Soviet Ministry of Transport, the head of the electrification department. He was married to the daughter of Vissarion Karandeev, the professor of Moscow higher womens courses. For successful electrification of the Yaroslavl railways Stalin granted him with a golden watch. But in 1937 he was arrested and, in 1939, executed by shooting.\nHis other brother, Boris was a musician; he died in 1918 from Spanish flu. He also had a sister named Inna, who was seriously ill for most of her life.\nKobozev was married to Esther (Ekaterina in Russian Orthodoxy) Efimovna Halbreich of Jewish background. In 1946 they had a son named Aleksey (1946–2015), who had a daughter. His brother's lineage is continued in the male line.\nSince early childhood, Kobozev was ill with poliomielitis. Since the 1920s, he had had a number of serious diseases, including complications of the polio. At some point in his life, he was wheelchaired and had to meet with his students at home. He had long periods of staying at hospitals or was down in bed recovering. In 1973 he was completely bed-bound. His wife had stayed loyal and supportive throughout his life.",
"For being a somewhat unconventional scientist he was severely criticized by some of his colleagues. In 1950, the Soviet chemist V. Goldansky published an article entitled \"Pseudoscience of professor N. I. Kobozev\", in which Kobozevs studies were called quasi-science, while he was compared with physical idealists. The author of the publication expressed concern that Kobozevs concepts could have negative impact on his students and colleagues averting them from real science.\nAmongst opponents of Kobozev was the electrochemist and academician Alexander Frumkin. The polemic between the two reflected the political and scientific schism between the Soviet academic scientists focused on inventing the nuclear bomb and the Moscow university scientists. Their conflict was summed up by attempts to prove the other wrong on fundamental points. However, it was A. Frumkin who suggested that Kobozev would get employed with the Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry and abandon the Moscow University, which Kobozev declined.\nIn 1938 old and famed Russian scientists N. D. Zelinsky and N. S. Kurnakov recommended the 34-year-old Kobozev for the full membership in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, but he was rejected. There had been four or five attempts. According to Kobozevs wife, either Frumkin or Nesmeyanov said that since Kobozev was ill he wouldnt attend the meetings and his candidacy was never considered again.\nIn 1946 N. D. Zelinsky so said about Kobozev, \"Soviet science can be proud of Kobozev's work ... as a great success. I personally recommend works of professor N. I. Kobozev for the Stalin prize in chemistry and believe that they deserve such a high award.\" Kobozev rejected the initiative himself; in his letter from March 23, 1954, he explained why his candidacy for the Stalin prize should be declined by that he had not submitted academic writings for 1953 and did not go through the assessment at the Academic Board of the Moscow University.\nKobozev had found himself in conflict with the famous physicist Lev Landau. At one of the conferences, Landau severely criticized the presentation of V.K. Semenchenko. Later Kobozev declared that he wouldnt give the speech if Landau failed to apologize. Landau followed Kobozevs demand, but the latter had since faced strong opposition from the Soviet society of physicists, which negatively affected his academic career.",
"In the 1930s, Institute of Nitric Industry at Moscow State University was founded, and Kobozev was invited there to be the head of the department of catalysis. His work was focused on nitrogen oxidation, methane electro-cracking to acetylene, methane explosion conversion, as well as ozone synthesis and synthesis of peroxide from hydrogen in discharge. Together with his co-workers, Kobozev had developed the methods of studying kinetic reaction and introduced the energy catalysis theory explaining the mechanism of activation in the reaction in discharge, as well as the mechanism of reaction activating additives, such as mercury vapor in methane electro-cracking or nitrogen in ozone synthesis. The laboratory had managed to synthesize nitric acid, nitroleum and nitric anhydride. Kobozev initiated the first in the Soviet Union synthesis of acetylene from natural methane. Kobozev suggested using electric discharge to obtain active gases in hydrogen plasma, products of water dissociation, etc. Under Kobozev's mentoring, there were carried out experiments that resulted in the first generation of 100% ozone. In 1960 he initiated the first all-Soviet conference dedicated to ozone.\nIn 1947 he founded the Laboratory of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry aimed at secret research for the government. First, the laboratory was charged with tasks regarding rocket fuel, but later on professor Kobozev had managed to initiate fundamental research in catalysis, gas electrochemitry and thermodynamics. In 1950 the laboratory head and his staff were awarded with the state prize.\nIn total, Kobozev was the author of 12 concepts. Kobozev had published about 400 academic works. Out of his students, 12 received the doctoral degree.",
"Kobozev actively studied thermodynamics and etropy. He believed that neither cells or molecules, nor atoms could factor reasoning. In order to explain it, he introduced the concept of special particles called psychons. In 1948 he also introduced the concept of vector-brownian motion aimed at finding out what in the nerve system rules living being's behavior. His work on the vector-brownian motion is believed to be the predecessor of cybernetics.\nKobozev had a specific concept of time in regards to life and death relationship. He classified time into translational (time of collective development) and dispersional (time of personal development). He believed that humans reasoning is tightly connected to the current time, while death is a persons disconnection from the knot (klubok) of the current time. In 1954 he developed the concept of advanced complex (operezhayuschiy kompleks) in chemical kinetics and worked on the problem of time in quantum mechanics.\nRegarding reasoning, Kobozev believed it cannot be evolved from information, and it is given to a human with birth. He also believed that every ethnicity (race) has had its own symbolic means of communication expressed in language from creation rather than developed it during evolution.\nHe introduced the terms of negative entropy, which he thought was essential part of logic, and anti-entropy, which blocked systemic thinking.",
"Kobozevs main focus was on catalysis and thermodynamics. The main problem in catalysis development has been the lack of a single generalized theory. Kobozev believed that the catalysis theories of his time were incapable of producing a common mechanism because they failed to explain the nature and structure of the active centers. He saw the main issue of the contemporary catalysis theories in the concept of crystalline nature of catalytic activity. In 1934 he introduced the term electrocatalysis'.\nIn 1939, connecting the kinetic analysis method with the heterogenous catalysis, he introduced the theory of active ensembles which regarded how many atoms of metal catalyst can produce a catalytically active center.\nIn his research he had estimated the minimal number of catalytically active atoms in aggregates for some chemical reactions. He argued that the active centers were factored by energy rather than crystalline structures.\nHe called the minimal group of atoms showing catalytic activity active ensemble. However, he believed that the motion of such active ensembles was limited by special migration areas. Kobozev showcased how the number of atoms in an active ensemble and the average rate of a migration area could be determined by a change in specific activity I on the spread of a catalyst over the surface of a carrier. His study had revealed a connection between the typical heterogenous catalysis and the activity of complex enzymatic catalysts. In 1936 together with A. M. Dubrovskaya, Kobozev demonstrated that regular promoters on the surface of a catalyst are in larger concentration, than inside the phase, while in some cases promoter's presence on the surface brings about decline in catalytic activity.\nIt had been discovered that in heterogenous catalysis a solid body engages in the reaction not by the entire surface but by a small part of some active surface elements acting in the background of the large inactive crystalline mass of a catalyst. Kobozev had noticed that for some catalysts active surface was only 0.05%, therefore, he had supposed that such active centers were not crystalline but small groups of random atoms. Consequently, he had concluded that catalytic activity takes place not in the crystalline, but the amorphous, precrystalline, phase.\nHe had also noticed that the crystalline phase was made of a cellular, or mosaic, structure – an aggregate made of closed cells (migration areas) surrounded by energetic and geometrical barriers impermeable to atoms of the surface, thus remaining isolated. Getting into migration area, as if hollows, atoms gather at the bottom, i.e. in place of maximum adsorbsion potential, creating ensembles. So formed ensembles of atoms of a certain composition, are active centers on an inactive catalytic carrier Kobozev had studied dissolution of active substance on an inert carrier and found out that increased dissolution resulted in rise in catalytic activity, while minimum of active substance brought about formation of maximally active catalysts. Kobozev had also proposed a formula calculating the number of atoms engaged in active centers.\nKobozevs research showed that the most active ensembles consisted of 2 or 3 atoms, which corresponded with Balandins theory.\nKobozev and his students argued that activation of catalyst particles for the reaction has two factors: adsorbsion, i.e. interaction of an ion or atom with particles of a catalyst, and formation of an active center, i.e. interaction of catalyst's particles, which can, however, play separately.\nCatalysts activity can be significantly increased by including larger and thermadynamically unstable masses, which he named aggravation (1946) when increase of catalysts activity is factored by complication of its molecule (increase of molecular mass). So he and his co-workers tried to explain superactivity of enzymes in catalysis.\nKobozev's theory of active ensembles contradicted the contemporary works on the relationship between activity and dispersion in catalysis which argued that catalytic activity of a solid body was higher with rise in the level of dispersion.\nFurther research of the relationship between dispersion and catalytic activity showed that crystalline structures, indeed, had catalystic activity, and his theory hadnt been accepted. Kobozevs catalysts had been proved to be of little production potential, while crystalline catalysts used in industry were fully accepted for their high output.\nKobozev's theory is believed to be practically implemented only if the amount of metal catalyst is small and the object has a block shape.\nKobozev expressed the idea of recuperation of energy that, held by the group of atoms connected to the active center, can partly activate molecules of a new substrate contacting the catalyst.\nKobozev took part in developments by professor Shpitalsky regarding the theory of intermediate products in the homogenous catalysis. Based on catalytic and enzymatic degradation of hydrogen peroxide, Kobozev showcased how studying the results of kinetic research can reveal the chemical composition and physical properties of those intermediate products that had before been only vaguely assumed in literature.",
"In 1924 Kobozev graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University (MSU). The same year he entered the post-graduate studies at the Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry under mentorship of professor Evgeny Shpitalsky. Since 1929 he was a lecturer at the Physical Chemistry Department of MSU. In 1935 he started to organize the laboratory of inorganic catalysis at Moscow State University. The same year he received the doctoral degree in chemical studies, the rank of professor and became an active member of MSUs Institute of Chemistry, without dissertation defense. Between 1925 and 1935 he promoted advanced scientific ideas at conferences, organized a special catalysis workshop at MSUs Physical Chemistry Department, and a catalysis sector at the State Institute of Nitrogen, attracting many students.",
"* Kobozev N. I. Studying thermodynamics of information and reasoning. Moscow State University, 1971.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I. The Problems of Order and Disorder in Chemical Thermadynamics, 1961.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I. On physico-chemical modeling of information and reasoning processes//the Journal of Physical Chemistry. # 2, 1996.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I. Thinking paradox, 1971.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I., Zubovich I.A. Problem of microdoses in chemistry and biology (growth substances as activators of catalytic systems//Biokhimiya, December, 1951.[Russian]\n*Filipov Yu. V., Kobozev N.I. Electrical synthesis of ozone. Effect of electrode temperature on the formation of ozone//Russkij Zhurnal Phisiko-khimiji. #35, 1961.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I. Catalyst and enzyme. Problem of superactivity of organic substances// Moscow State University Digest (Uchennye zapiski MGU). Inorganic and physical chemistry. #174, 1955, pp. 125–153.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N. I. Selected works in 2 volumes. Moscow State University, 1978.[Russian]\n*Kobozev N.I. Adsorbsion catalysts and theory of active centers//Sovremennye problemy fizicheskoy chimii. Moscow State University, 1968. Volume 3, pp. 3–60.\n*Vigdorovich V.I., Tsygankova L.E., Vigdorovich M.V. Using the theory of active ensembles to explain the logic of hydrogen diffusion through a membrane//Vestnik TGU (Tomsk State University), Volume 7, Issue 3, 2002. pp. 329–335.\n*Frumkin AN, Jofa ZA. Bagotsky VS (1952) N.I. Kobozev: adsorption theory of overvoltage// Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii. 26:1854–1870 [In Russian]",
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn met Kobozev in August 1960 through , former post-graduate student of Kobozev and the first wife of A. Solzhenitsyn. Reshetovskaya brought Solzhenitsyns manuscript (later entitled \"One day of Ivan Denisovich\") to her former professor. Kobozev had developed much interest in Solzhenitsyns ideas and asked his wife for an introduction. The family of Kobozevs executed brother kept all Solzhenitsyns primary manuscripts between 1962 and 1969.\nDue to Kobozev's severe health conditions, they met only at his apartment almost every evening until his death. Solzhenitsyn confessed in his account that Kobozev had had enormous impact on his views and \"was the smartest man he had ever met\". Solzhenitsyn made multiple attempts to help the professor with his health, including finding doctors and foreign medicines, but nothing ever helped.\nIn Solzhenitsyns English-language memoir Invisible Allies', a profile of Kobozev and their friendship comprises Chapter 2.",
"Nikolay Ivanovich Kobozev (Russian: Николай Иванович Кобозев; May 12, 1903, Moscow – February 24, 1974, Moscow) was a Soviet physico-chemist, one of the pioneers of electrocatalysis, founder of the Department of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry at Moscow State University.",
"* National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2011-2017\n* Leopold Leadership Fellow, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2013\n* Global Young Academy Member, 2014-2019\n* Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 2015\n* Leshner Leadership Institute Public Engagement Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2016-2017",
"In 2010, Selin was appointed as an assistant professor at MIT in the Engineering Systems Division and Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and was promoted to associate professor in 2015. She is also affiliated with the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and the MIT Center for Environmental Sciences. Her research centers on using atmospheric chemistry modeling to understand how atmospheric pollutants circulate and interact with the global environment. Her group has studied the financial and health benefits of reducing carbon emissions, finding that improving air quality led to reduced risk of health problems. The financial savings from avoiding health problems — and in turn avoiding the cost of medical care and reducing sick days — could recoup up to 10.5 times the cost of implementing a cap-and-trade program. The study, published in 2014, was the most detailed assessment of the effects of climate policy on the economy, air pollution, and human health. Her group has also found that global regulations on mercury pollution have a major economic benefit to the United States. Mercury is a major contaminant in the seafood market, and consumption leads to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairments. Decreasing the risk of mercury consumption through global policies to regulate mercury pollution can therefore have a large economic benefit by, for instance, saving individuals the cost of medical care over the course of their lifetime. Another study, also published in 2016, calculated the costs of IQ loss from lead emissions from aviation and won the award for Best Environmental Policy Paper from the journal Environmental Science & Technology.\nSelin has also worked to ensure that her research findings — and those of the greater scientific community — are employed to better inform policy around air pollution, climate change, and hazardous substances like mercury. In 2016, she became a Leshner Leadership Institute Public Engagement Fellow through the AAAS and began working with the newly formed MIT International Policy Lab, which works to connect scientists with the societal impacts of their work. She has published on the need to build policy literacy for climate scientists to close the gap between science and society and implement policies that mitigate the effects of climate change.",
"Noelle Eckley Selin is an atmospheric chemist and Associate Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Institute for Data, Systems and Society and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.",
"Selin received her Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science and Public Policy and her Master of Arts in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University in 2000. Following graduation, Selin became a Fulbright Fellow, working as a visiting researcher in Copenhagen at the European Environment Agency. There, she studied ways to improve scientific assessments of chemicals and their environmental impacts.\nFollowing her Fulbright Fellowship, Selin returned to Harvard to receive her PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences in 2007. There, she worked in the Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group with Daniel J. Jacob to understand how mercury cycles through the atmosphere, across land, and in water using a global 3-D chemical transport model. Her research extended to the politics and policy underlying mercury pollution, authoring articles in law and governance publications. Her graduate work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship award, as well as a United States Environmental Protection Agency Science to Achieve Results Graduate Research Fellowship.\nIn 2007, Selin became a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Center for Global Change Science and Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. Her research centered on atmospheric pollution and human health impacts, as well as continuing to focus on global efforts to regulate hazardous chemicals.",
"Olga L. Mayol-Bracero is a Puerto Rican atmospheric chemist. Mayol-Bracero is an associate professor at the UPRRP College of Natural Sciences. Her primary research focus is atmospheric aerosols. She researches the impact of atmospheric aerosols on the climate, ecosystem, degradation of structures, and human health.",
"Mayol-Bracero completed a B.Sc. (1989) and M.Sc. (1994) in chemistry at University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus (UPRRP). Her masters thesis was titled Evaluation of a Continuous Composite Sampler for Volatile Organic Compounds in Water. She earned a Ph.D. in chemistry at UPRRP and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1998. Her dissertation was titled Chemical and physical characterization of submicron organic aerosols in the tropical trade winds in the Caribbean'. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry from 1998 to 2001.",
"Oliver Patterson Watts (July 16, 1865 – February 6, 1953) was a professor of chemical engineering and applied electrochemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Born in Thomaston, Maine, Watts received his bachelors degree from Bowdoin College in 1889. He received his doctoral degree in 1905; he was the first person to be awarded a Ph.D. in chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin, where he served as a professor until 1935, after which he was an emeritus professor in the universitys college of engineering. Watts is known for his development of the hot nickel plating bath known as the \"Watts Bath\", which he first described in a paper published in 1915.",
"Neubauer was born in Karlsbad (then in Bohemia) to physician Wolfgang and Hedwig Arnstein née Sadler. In 1892 he passed the examination for qualifying admission to a university after studying at the humanistic gymnasium of Chomutov. He then went to the German University in Prague he received a medical degree in 1898 and became interested in physiological chemistry through the influence of Karl H. Huppert. He then joined as an assistant to Friedrich von Müller at Basel. He moved to Munich in 1902. In 1908 he joined the University of Munich and served in a reserve hospital during World War I. His major work in this period was on amino acid metabolism in human health and disease. Neubauer and Konrad Fromherz examined the role of pyruvic acid in fermentation. He innovated several clinical diagnostics including tests of peptolytic activity. Gastric juice incubated with glycyl-tryptophan for twenty four hours tested with bromine to see if free tryptophan causes a rose-violet colour was used as an indication of stomach carcinoma. In 1918 he became head physician at Schwabinger Hospital, working there until his dismissal by the Nazi government in June 1933 as a person of Jewish ancestry. In 1920 he developed a blood pressure measuring device and still later a measuring slide (known as a Neubauer slide or Neubauer counting chamber) for counting cells under a microscope. With assistance and support from The Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, he emigrated to England in 1939 along with his wife Lilly Caroline (1876-1962, who was married to composer Fritz Cassirer until his death) and worked in Oxford for the remainder of his life. His contributions included studies on arsenic and other chemicals as carcinogens.\nNeubauer's students included Siegfried Thannhauser, Rudolf Schindler, and Konrad Dobriner.",
"Otto Neubauer (8 April 1874 – 24 November 1957) was a Bohemia-born physician and biochemist who was responsible for several clinical diagnostic innovations including the Neubauer-Fischer test to evaluate kidney function and the Neubauer counting chamber.",
"Owen Brian Toon (born May 26, 1947 in Bethesda, Maryland) is an American professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences. He is a fellow at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder. He received an A.B. in physics at the University of California, Berkeley in 1969 and a Ph.D. in physics at Cornell University in 1975 under Carl Sagan. His research interests are in cloud physics, atmospheric chemistry, and radiative transfer. He also works on comparing Earth and other planets such as Venus.\nHis research on the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs led to the discovery of nuclear winter due to the major decrease in temperature. The effects of nuclear winter were re-examined in a 2006 presentation at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, where Toon and colleagues found that even a regional nuclear war could prove deadly for a large number of people. They calculated that as few as fifty detonations of Hiroshima-size bombs could kill as many as twenty million people, although it would not produce a nuclear winter. The atmospheric effects of a regional nuclear war would last several years, and would be strongest at mid-latitudes, including the United States and Europe.\nHe was elected a fellow of the American Meteorological Society in 1990, and a fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 1992. He received the 2011 Roger Revelle Medal from the American Geophysical Union.\nIn 2022, Toon was among eight recipients of the 2022 Future of Life Award. The honor was bestowed upon Toon for \"reducing the risk of nuclear war by developing and popularizing the science of nuclear winter.\"",
"*2020 : member de l'European Academy Of Sciences (Europe)\n*2019: Member of Académie des Sciences\n*2019: Honorary professorship in Beijing University of Chemical Technology\n*2019: Highly Cited Researcher 2019\n*2019: Member of Academia Europaea\n*2019: [ Grand Prix Pierre Süe]\n*2018: Member of the French Academy of Technologies\n*2018: Clarivate Citation Laureates\n*2018: Highly Cited Researcher 2018 \n*2018: Brian Conway Award of the International Society of Electrochemistry\n*2017: Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France\n*2016: Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry\n*2016: Highly Cited Researcher 2016 \n*2016: Lee Hsun Lecture Award on Materials Science, Chinese Academy of Science\n*2016: Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry\n*2015: Silver Medal of the CNRS\n*2015: RUSNANOPRIZE Prize on Nanotechnologies\n*2015: Charles Eichner Medal from French Materials and Metallurgy Society (SF2M)\n*2012: European Research Council Advanced Grant\n*2012: Excellence Chair of the Airbus group Fondation\n*2009: Tajima Prize of the International Society of Electrochemistry\n*2007: Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France",
"Simon studied at École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques (ENSIACET) in Toulouse, graduating with M.S. in metallurgy (1992) and Ph.D. in Materials science (1996). Thereafter he worked as assistant professor of Electrochemistry at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, and from 2001 at the CIRIMAT laboratory of materials science, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. He received his D.Sc. from Université Paul Sabatier in 2002 and was appointed full Professor of Materials Sciences at CIRIMAT in 2007. He was promoted as Distinguished Professor in 2014.",
"Patrice Simon (born 1969) is a French chemist in the field of materials science and electrochemistry. He is currently a Distinguished Professor at the Université Paul Sabatier since 2007. His research activities are focused onto the modification of the material/electrolyte interfaces in electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and batteries. He is also former Director of the European Research Institute \"ALISTORE ERI\", and currently deputy director of the French Newtwork on Electrochemical Energy Storage (RS2E).",
"Matrai is originally from Chile. Matria has a B.A. from the Universidad de Concepción (1981), an M.S. (1984) and a Ph.D. (1988) from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California San Diego. Following her Ph.D. she moved to the University of Miami. She became a senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in 1995.",
"Matrai is known for her work on marine aerosols, especially those that contain sulfur. She has examined the production of sulfur compounds by coccolithophores, a type of phytoplankton. She has also examined the amount of organic sulfur inside phytoplankton cells and during phytoplankton blooms. Matrai has worked on the impact of declines in sea ice and how primary production is measured in the Arctic. In 2001 she went to the North Pole on an icebreaker where she studied aerosols produced by phytoplankton. She also does work on outreach and mentoring children to introduce them to science",
"Patricia Ana Matrai is a marine scientist known for her work on the cycling of sulfur. She is a senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences.",
"Paul Jozef Crutzen (; 3 December 1933 – 28 January 2021) was a Dutch meteorologist and atmospheric chemist. He and Mario Molina and Frank Sherwood Rowland were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995 for their work on atmospheric chemistry and specifically for his efforts in studying the formation and decomposition of atmospheric ozone. In addition to studying the ozone layer and climate change, he popularized the term Anthropocene to describe a proposed new epoch in the Quaternary period when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth. He was also amongst the first few scientists to introduce the idea of a nuclear winter to describe the potential climatic effects stemming from large-scale atmospheric pollution including smoke from forest fires, industrial exhausts, and other sources like oil fires.\nHe was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and an elected foreign member of the Royal Society in the United Kingdom.",
"Crutzen was born in Amsterdam, the son of Anna (Gurk) and Josef Crutzen. In September 1940, the same year Germany invaded The Netherlands, Crutzen entered his first year of elementary school. After many delays and school switches caused by events in the war, Crutzen graduated from elementary school and moved onto \"Hogere Burgerschool\" (Higher Citizens School) in 1946, where he became fluent in French, English, and German. Along with languages he also focused on natural sciences in this school, from which he graduated in 1951. After this he studied Civil Engineering at a technical school, completed his military service, and married. In 1958, he moved his young family to Gävle.",
"One of Crutzen's research interests was the Anthropocene. In 2000, in IGBP Newsletter 41, Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer, to emphasize the central role of mankind in geology and ecology, proposed using the term anthropocene for the current geological epoch. In regard to its start, they said:\n and CH. Such a starting date also coincides with James Watt's invention of the steam engine in 1784.</blockquote>",
"Steve Connor, Science Editor of The Independent, wrote that Crutzen believes that political attempts to limit man-made greenhouse gases are so pitiful that a radical contingency plan is needed. In a polemical scientific essay that was published in the August 2006 issue of the journal Climatic Change, he says that an \"escape route\" is needed if global warming begins to run out of control.\nCrutzen advocated for climate engineering solutions, including artificially cooling the global climate by releasing particles of sulphur in the upper atmosphere, along with other particles at lower atmospheric levels, which would reflect sunlight and heat back into space. If this artificial cooling method actually were to work, it would reduce some of the effects of the accumulation of green house gas emissions caused by human activity, potentially extending the planet's integrity and livability.\nIn January 2008, Crutzen published findings that the release of nitrous oxide () emissions in the production of biofuels means that they contribute more to global warming than the fossil fuels they replace.",
"Crutzen was also a leader in promoting the theory of nuclear winter. Together with John W. Birks he wrote the first publication introducing the subject: The atmosphere after a nuclear war: Twilight at noon (1982). They theorized the potential climatic effects of the large amounts of sooty smoke from fires in the forests and in urban and industrial centers and oil storage facilities, which would reach the middle and higher troposphere. They concluded that absorption of sunlight by the black smoke could lead to darkness and strong cooling at the earth's surface, and a heating of the atmosphere at higher elevations, thus creating atypical meteorological and climatic conditions which would jeopardize agricultural production for a large part of the human population.\nIn a Baltimore Sun newspaper article printed in January 1991, along with his nuclear winter colleagues, Crutzen hypothesized that the climatic effects of the Kuwait oil fires would result in \"significant\" nuclear winter-like effects; continental-sized effects of sub-freezing temperatures.",
"Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, and F. Sherwood Rowland were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995 \"for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone\". Some of Crutzen's others honours include the below: \n* 1976: Outstanding Publication Award, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration\n* 1984: Rolex-Discover Scientist of the Year.\n* 1985: Recipient of the Leó Szilárd Award for \"Physics in the Publics Interest\" of the American Physical Society.\n* 1986: Elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.\n* 1989: Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement.\n* 1990: Corresponding Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences\n* 1995: Recipient of the Global Ozone Award for \"Outstanding Contribution for the Protection of the Ozone Layer\" by United Nations Environment Programme.\n* 1999: Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.\n* 2006: Elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS)\n*2007: International Member of the American Philosophical Society\n* 2017: Honorary Member of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society\n* 2019: Lomonosov Gold Medal",
"In 1956 Crutzen met Terttu Soininen, whom he married a few years later in February 1958. In December of the same year, the couple had a daughter by the name of Ilona. In March 1964, the couple had another daughter, Sylvia.\nCrutzen died aged 87 on 28 January 2021.",
"Crutzen conducted research primarily in atmospheric chemistry. He is best known for his research on ozone depletion. In 1970 he pointed out that emissions of nitrous oxide (), a stable, long-lived gas produced by soil bacteria, from the Earth's surface could affect the amount of nitric oxide (NO) in the stratosphere. Crutzen showed that nitrous oxide lives long enough to reach the stratosphere, where it is converted into NO. Crutzen then noted that increasing use of fertilizers might have led to an increase in nitrous oxide emissions over the natural background, which would in turn result in an increase in the amount of NO in the stratosphere. Thus human activity could affect the stratospheric ozone layer. In the following year, Crutzen and (independently) Harold Johnston suggested that NO emissions from the fleet of, then proposed, supersonic transport (SST) airliners (a few hundred Boeing 2707s), which would fly in the lower stratosphere, could also deplete the ozone layer; however more recent analysis has disputed this as a large concern.\nHe listed his main research interests as \"Stratospheric and tropospheric chemistry, and their role in the biogeochemical cycles and climate\". From 1980, he worked at the Department of Atmospheric Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, in Mainz, Germany; the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego; and at Seoul National University, South Korea. He was also a long-time adjunct professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and research professor at the department of meteorology at Stockholm University, Sweden. From 1997 to 2002 he was professor of aeronomy at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Utrecht University.\nHe co-signed a letter from over 70 Nobel laureate scientists to the Louisiana Legislature supporting the repeal of that U.S. state's creationism law, the Louisiana Science Education Act. In 2003 he was one of 22 Nobel laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.\n, Crutzen had an h-index of 151 according to Google Scholar and of 110 according to Scopus. On his death, the president of the Max Planck Society, Martin Stratmann, said that Crutzen's work led to the ban on ozone-depleting chemicals, which was an unprecedented example of Nobel Prize basic research directly leading to a global political decision.",
"Paul O. Wennberg is the R. Stanton Avery Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Science and Engineering at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). He is the director of the Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science. He is chair of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network and a founding member of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory project, which created NASAs first spacecraft for analysis of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. He is also the principal investigator for the Mars Atmospheric Trace Molecule Occultation Spectrometer (MATMOS) to investigate trace gases in Marss atmosphere.\nWennberg's research focuses on the atmospheric chemistry of planets, including air quality, photochemistry, and the carbon cycle. He designs and builds remote-sensing and in-situ scientific instruments which are used in field investigations supported by the National Science Foundation and NASA. His scientific instruments have made it possible to measure radicals in the atmosphere at concentrations that could not previously be detected. He measures atmospheric trace gases, making it possible to accurately describe the exchange of carbon dioxide and other gases between the atmosphere and the land and ocean. His research has substantially advanced understanding of the atmospheric chemistry of the troposphere and the stratosphere.",
"Paul Wennberg grew up in Waterbury Center, Vermont. He received a B.A. from Oberlin College in 1985, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1994. At Harvard, he worked with James G. Anderson, professor of atmospheric chemistry. His doctoral thesis was In Situ Measurements of Stratospheric Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals.",
"Wennberg received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 1999 from President Bill Clinton. He was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow in 2002.",
"Wennberg joined Caltech in 1998. He was an associate professor of atmospheric chemistry and environmental engineering science from 1998 to 2001, becoming a full professor in 2001. In 2004, he was appointed as the R. Stanton Avery Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Science and Engineering. Wennberg has been associated with the Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science at Caltech since it was established in 2008. He served as the director from 2008 to 2011, acting director from 2012 to 2014 and director from 2014 onwards.",
"While still at Harvard, Wennberg developed advanced airborne sensors to measure radicals in the atmosphere, in particular the odd-hydrogen \nradicals OH and HO. The laser-induced fluorescence instrument that he developed was placed in the nose of a NASA ER-2 aircraft to measure radicals during flight. It has been used to measure radicals in both the troposphere and the stratosphere.\nWennbergs sensor was used in several NASA missions, beginning with the SPADE mission in 1993. SPADE obtained the first simultaneous in situ measurements of OH, HO, NO, NO, ClO, and BrO from the lower stratosphere. The data were used to calculate ozone loss rates and showed that HO dominated stratospheric ozone loss, a result that had not been previously observable. NASAs ASHOE/MAESA mission (1994) took measurements of HO from latitudes of -70°S to 70°N, reaching nearly from the south pole to the north pole. The STRAT mission (1995–1996) was the first to record measurements of HO in the upper troposphere, and demonstrated that the concentration of HO considerably exceeded expected levels. The POLARIS mission in 1997 obtained measurements all the way to 90° N latitude, the North pole. As of 2004, Wennberg's instrument was modified for in situ measurements of water vapour and its Isotopologue HDO, and became the basis of the Harvard \"Hoxotope\".\nSince his move to Caltech, Wennberg has been deeply involved in two inter-related long-term instrumentation and data-collection projects: the Orbiting Carbon Observatory, and its ground-based counterpart, the Total Carbon Column Observing Network. Goals include better understanding of the carbon cycle, validation of data from space-based instruments, and establishing a standard for ground-based in situ networked data collection.\nIn 2002, Wennberg was elected chair of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). In 2004, the first TCCON site was established. The Total Carbon Column Observing Network is a group of about 20 ground-based sites worldwide that host Fourier transform spectrometers. The spectrometers examine near-infrared (NIR) solar absorption spectra and measure atmospheric column abundances of CO, CH, CO, NO and other molecules in terrestrial ecosystems. Data enables researchers to identify and study local carbon \"sources\" and \"sinks\", and by pooling data across the system, to better understand mechanisms of carbon exchange involving the atmosphere, the land, and the ocean. Data from the sites is used to understand carbon dynamics and to validate data from space-based measurements of atmospheric CO and CH. Both terrestrial and atmospheric data are used to study carbon transfer within the atmosphere. Methane emissions from the Aliso Canyon gas leak were detected by TCCON within a day of the start of the leak. \"TCCON has pioneered a key element of the ground segment measurements required to provide the evidence base for policy making for the next 100 years.\"\nWennberg is a founding member of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory and its successor, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2. The first satellite failed to separate from the Orbital Taurus XL rocket used as its launch vehicle on February 24, 2009, and was destroyed during reentry. The second satellite, a near duplicate, was launched successfully by NASA on July 2, 2014, using a ULA Delta II 7320-10C rocket. Spectrometers on the satellite can map the distribution of CO particles across the planet by measuring the average amount of CO above specific locations.\nWennberg is the principal investigator for the development of the Mars Atmospheric Trace Molecule Occultation Spectrometer (MATMOS), a collaboration between Caltech and the Canadian Space Agency with NASA support. MATMOS will be flown on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and take spectra of the sunlight through Mars atmosphere as the spacecraft goes through its orbital sunrise and sunset. MATMOS will be able to measure trace gases in Marss atmosphere at a concentrations of parts per trillion.",
"Rudd serves as an associate of the Anglican Church at the Community of St Mary the Virgin in Wantage, Oxfordshire. She took a fifteen-year career break to raise her four children.",
"Rudd joined the glycobiology institute at the University of Oxford in 1985. At the time, it was difficult for women scientists to secure jobs as academic personnel, and Rudd joined as a glass washer. She learned how to work with glycoproteins and large sugars and eventually completed a doctorate on glycoforms at the Open University in 1995. Rudd moved to the Scripps Research institute, and held a visiting position at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. She commercialised her work on liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) with Waters Corporation.\nRudd has worked to miniaturise technologies for glycol analysis. For example, she has used genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to link individual genomes to their serum glycome and individual proteins. She moved to University College Dublin in 2006, where was made head of the Dublin-Oxford glycobiology laboratory research group. She opened the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT), where she developed new processes for protein glycosylation in an attempt to characterise recombinant protein drugs.",
"* Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM)\n* Awarded Fellowship of the International Society for Science and Religion\n* 2010 James Gregory Medal\n* 2010 Agilent Thought Leader Award\n* 2012 Waters Corporation Center of Innovation Program Honors\n* 2014 University of Gothenburg Sahlgrenska institute Honorary Doctorate\n* 2016 The Analytical Scientist Power List\n* 2017 International glycoconjugate organisation award",
"Pauline Rudd is a British biochemist and Professor at the Microbiome Institute, University College Cork. She is a founder of Wessex Biochemicals, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and was awarded the James Gregory Medal in 2010.",
"Rudd grew up in Bournemouth and attended Bournemouth School for Girls. As a child she wanted to be a physicist. Her uncle was a physicist, and Rudd joined the British Junior Astronomical Association. She was the only girl in a group of 48 boys, and said she was never allowed to look down the telescope. The male dominated environment of physics made Rudd consider a career in chemistry instead. When she was fourteen, she started to use washing machines and liquidisers to create rare sugars and sugar phosphates. She sold these chemicals through and co-founded Wessex Biochemicals. Rudd was an undergraduate chemistry student at Westfield College, then part of the University of London. After earning her degree, she joined Wessex Biochemicals which employed thirty people before being acquired by Sigma-Aldrich. She compelted her PhD in 1995 which was awarded by the Open University.",
"Peter Rona, born as Peter Rosenfeld (* 13. May 1871 in Budapest; † February or March 1945) was a Hungarian German Jewish physician and physiologist.",
"* Димитров П. 1988. [ Далеч от брегове и фарватери]. Варна. Изд. „Галактика“. Библиотека „Нептун“, 161 с., doi:[ 10.13140/RG.2.2.19449.36965/1]\n* Димитров П., Д. Димитров. 2003. [ Черно море, Потопът и древните митове]. „Славена“, Варна, ISBN 954-579-278-7, 91 с., doi:[ 10.13140/RG.2.2.27133.05609]\n** ((en)) Dimitrov P., D. Dimitrov. 2004. [ The Black Sea The Flood and the ancient myths]. „Slavena“, Varna, ISBN 954-579-335-X, 91 p., doi:[ 10.13140/RG.2.2.18954.16327]\n** ((ru)) Димитров П., Д. Димитров. 2008. [ Черное море, Потоп и древние мифы]. „Славена“, Варна, ISBN 954-579-278-7, 89 с., doi:[ 10.13140/RG.2.2.23148.46729]",
"Born on September 16, 1944, in the village of Novachene, Sofia Province. In 1969 he graduated from Sofia University \"St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, specialty geology-geochemistry. From 1969 to 1975 he worked in the uranium mine \"Eleshnitsa\" as a deputy director. In 1975 he won a competition for a research associate and was employed at the Institute of Oceanology - BAS. In 1979 he defended his dissertation on \"Genesis of marine sediments in the peripheral region of the western part of the Black Sea shelf in the Quaternary\" under the guidance of Academician Yastrebov and Prof. Aksenov at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow. \n* He introduced new scientific disciplines for the Bulgaria - \"Marine Geology\" and \"Geoarchaeology\".\n* Scientific Secretary of IO-BAS, Varna, 1977 - 1984; Deputy Director of IO-BAS, Varna, 1984 - 1993; Head of the Department \"Marine Geology and Archaeology\" of IO-BAS, Varna, 1997 - 2009.\n* There is original research related to the \"Black Sea deluge hypothesis\"\n* Leader and participant in over 30 international scientific expeditions in the Black Sea (with Dr. Robert Ballard 2001, 2002; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2006; Prof. William Ryan 2009, 2011 – project 02–337 \"Ancient coastlines of the Black Sea and conditions for human presence\", funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria ). His is the most sensational, but also the most controversial find in Bulgarian archeology, the so-called \"Noahs Plate\". It was discovered on July 15, 1985 at a depth of about 93 m and 65 km inland from Varna. There is still no one to acknowledge its authenticity.'\n* He participated in international scientific expeditions to the Pacific Ocean (1982), the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea (1984).\n* The first Bulgarian scientist studied Manganese nodule in Pacific Ocean.\n* Membership in scientific organizations: Member of Union of Scientists - Varna, Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Geographical Society, Foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.\n* Honorary citizen of the city of Varna, 2013\n* Research interests: Black Sea, Geology, Geochemistry, Marine geology, Black Sea deluge hypothesis, alternative sources and energy resources from the bottom of the Black Sea, Maritime history, archeology and geoarcheology, uranium minerals and uranium mining.\n* Teaching activity: Lecturer in Marine Geology, Lithology and Geochemistry in Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and Varna Free University. Lecturer at the University of Bologna and the University Consortium in Underwater Archeology - Sicily, Italy.\n* Scientific publications: Author and co-author of over 150 scientific articles and books. Citations: over 1300.\n* He is the creator of the idea for the application of sapropel sediments from the bottom of the Black Sea as a natural ecological fertilizer and biological products. Patent BG No. 63868, Register No. 104106.\n* Scientific awards: Medal for scientific contributions \"St. St. Cyril and Methodius”- II degree, for realization of the project \"Correlation of Geological, Climatic and Historical Events in the Black Sea, Marmara Sea and Mediterranean Sea during the last 25000 years (Noahs Flood Project')\".\n* Participation in films about the Black Sea Flood (Black Sea deluge hypothesis) – „BBC–Horizon–1996 – Noah's Flood“, ZDF „Terra X 56 Die Sintflut“, UFOTV „Dark Secrets of Black Sea“, „Ancient X-Files: Season 2 Episode 8 - Great Flood and Scottish Stone Mystery - National Geographic“ etc.\n* Collaborator of the Institute of Ancient Civilizations in Sofia.\n* He was a member of the High Attestation Commission (Scientific Commission for Geological and Geographical Sciences) - 2 mandate.\n* OUR MEMORY ON LIFE AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY BY PROFESSOR DIMITROV PETKO STOYANOV.",
"Prof. Dr. Petko Stoyanov Dimitrov () (16 September 1944 – 29 April 2023) was a Bulgarian marine geologist and oceanographer from the Institute of Oceanology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Varna. He has been an early proponent of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis which gained public notoriety at the end of the XXc.",
"Ralph John Cicerone (May 2, 1943 – November 5, 2016) was an American atmospheric scientist and administrator. From 1998 to 2005, he was the chancellor of the University of California, Irvine. From 2005 to 2016, he was the president of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). He was a \"renowned authority\" on climate change and atmospheric chemistry, and issued an early warning about the grave potential risks of climate change.",
"Cicerone was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, on May 2, 1943, to Salvatore and Louise (Palus) Cicerone. His father, an insurance salesman, was the son of Italian immigrants.\nCicerone was the first in his family to attend college. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. He was captain of MIT's varsity baseball team. After college, he obtained masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois.",
"Cicerone joined the University of Michigan as a research scientist, later holding faculty positions in electrical and computer engineering from 1971 to 1978. In 1978 he moved to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego as a research chemist. He was appointed senior scientist and director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, in 1980. He held this position until 1989 when he joined the University of California, Irvine (UCI), as professor of earth system science (having founded the department) and chaired the Department of Earth System Science from 1989 to 1994, when he became Dean of Physical Sciences. Cicerone was recognized on the citation for the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded to colleague F. Sherwood Rowland. In 1998 he became the fourth Chancellor of UCI. Ralph Cicerone held the position of Chancellor of UC Irvine until 2005, when he left to be President of the National Academy of Sciences. He retired as NAS President in June 2016.\nIn 2001, while chancellor of UCI, Cicerone led an academy panel, commissioned by George W. Bush, tasked with reporting to him on climate change. The panel concluded unequivocally that \"greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise.\"\nCicerone was a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festivals Advisory Board, a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, Academia Sinica, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He also served as president of the American Geophysical Union, the worlds largest society of earth scientists.",
"He was the 1999 laureate for the Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science. The American Geophysical Union awarded him its James B. Macelwane Award in 1979 for outstanding contributions to geophysics by a young scientists and later in 2002 its Roger Revelle Medal for outstanding research contributions to the understanding of Earth's atmospheric processes, biogeochemical cycles, and other key elements of the climate system. The World Cultural Council honored him with the Albert Einstein World Award of Science in 2004.\nCicerone revived the baseball program at UC Irvine in 2002, while he was its chancellor. The baseball field at UC Irvine's Anteater Ballpark was named after Cicerone in 2009.\nRalph Cicerone and his wife Carol Cicerone endowed a graduate fellowship at UCI in 2009.",
"Cicerone was married to Carol M. (Ogata) Cicerone (a professor of cognitive sciences at the UCI during the Cicerone's time at the university) and had a daughter and two grandchildren.\nHe was an avid baseball fan who played varsity baseball during college at MIT.\nCicerone died unexpectedly at his home in the Short Hills section of Millburn, New Jersey on November 5, 2016.",
"* [ Ralph J. Cicerone papers.] Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.\n* [ University of California, Irvine, Chancellor Ralph J. Cicerone records.] Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.",
"Ralph Norman \"Buzz\" Adams (August 26, 1924 – November 28, 2002) was a distinguished bioanalytical chemist at the University of Kansas. The Adams Institute and Adams Professorship at the university are named after him.",
"Adams was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1924. He was drafted into the Army Air Corps in World War II, flying bombers in the Pacific theater. Upon his return, he studied chemistry at Rutgers University, graduating in 1950, followed by Ph.D. studies at Princeton University under N. Howell Furman. After 2 years on the faculty at Princeton, Adams became a professor at KU in 1955. Adams' research interests began studying solid electrodes and Electrochemical cell reactions. In later years, his research group changed direction and studied how electrical signaling in the brain underlie Neurological disorders such as Schizophrenia.",
"* 1996 - Oesper Award\n* 1963 - Guggenheim Fellowship\n* 1985 - Reilly Award\n* 1982 - Higuchi Award for Basic Science",
"Born on April 5, 1975, Rebecca Hornbrook grew up in Barrie, Ontario. While attending Innisdale Secondary School, Hornbrook excelled at science and math which encouraged her to study science after graduation. She attended York University in Toronto where she earned her undergraduate degree in chemistry while studying to become a high school science teacher. Towards the end of her undergraduate career, Hornbrook, who spent summers working at an atmospheric chemistry lab affiliated with York University's Centre For Atmospheric Chemistry, decided to pursue her graduate degree.\nAfter graduating with her Bachelor of Education in Chemistry and Mathematics as well as her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with honors in atmospheric chemistry, Hornbrook began her Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry at York University. Throughout her graduate education, she worked alongside Jochen Rudolph conducting research on Volatile organic compounds and their role in the chemistry of the troposphere. Hornbrook published a total of seven papers before graduating with her Ph.D in chemistry from York University in 2005.\nHornbrook is the recipient of two Governor General's Academic Medals which are awarded to the student who graduates a Canadian school with the highest grades. She was awarded the Gold Medal in 2006 for her Ph.D dissertation completed the year before at York University and the Bronze Medal in 1994 while attending Innisdale Secondary School.",
"Hornbrooks work in the United States has focused on VOCs and air quality in specific regions. Most recently, Hornbrook was a part of the WE-CAN project which studied the effects of wildfires on air quality and the atmosphere. Wildfires have been a topic of interest to Hornbrook as one of her authored papers, Observations of nonmethane organic compounds during ARCTAS - Part 1: Biomass burning emissions and plume enhancements,' focuses on the effects of wildfires on air quality at distances further away from the fires.\nHornbrook has also contributed to increasing the understanding of anthropogenic emissions in the United States by focusing on VOCs and chemical changes of the atmosphere. In 2018, Hornbrook began to work as a part of the NASA ATom project which was part of the larger goal to prepare for the potential effects of global climate change. Her authored poster, as a result of the project, details the observations made of how the upper troposphere reacts with VOCs emitted by humans. WINTER was a 2015 project based out of northern Virginia that had an emphasis on looking at emissions in the northeastern United States and their effect on pollution over the region as well as the Atlantic Ocean. In 2013, Hornbrook contributed to the NOMADSS project which focused on looking at the effects of anthropogenic emissions in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana concluding that these emissions led to an increase of mercury in the area.\nA significant amount of Hornbrooks research has taken place in the Colorado Front Range. The BEACHON-ROCS study took place at the Manitou Forest Observatory in August, 2010 in order to understand reactive organic gases which can help model the atmospheres oxidation capacity. The 2014 FRAPPE project was another Colorado based project that took a look at air quality in the Colorado Front Range and was partially funded by the state of Colorado. Hornbrook's research helped to understand how some weather patterns are more likely to retain aerosols than other weather patterns. Hornbrook gave a presentation at the Gordon Research Conference where she presented a poster about VOC observations during the FRAPPE project in the Colorado Front Range.\nPrior to the FRAPPE project, Hornbrook worked on DC3 in Kansas, an airborne campaign which focused on how convective clouds interact with the upper troposphere at mid latitudes. Hornbrook's group observed that the storms observed possessed a logical relationship on a chemical level.\nIn 2009, Hornbrook conducted research in Barrow, Alaska as part of the OASIS-2009 campaign (Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack). As part of a larger team, Hornbrook focused on studying VOCs as well as seasonal trends and oxidization events in the arctic. The research concluded that arctic seasonality does have an effect on the chemistry of the atmosphere. OASIS-2009 also provided a large set of data from the arctic that could be used for future analysis.",
"Rebecca Suzanne Hornbrook (born 1975) is an atmospheric chemist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). She currently holds the position of Project Scientist II while also belonging to a variety of groups based out of NCAR, UCAR, and NASA. She is notable for her work as one of the leading experts in Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) while possessing an interest in air quality, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, chemical kinetics, and photochemistry.",
"After obtaining her Ph.D, Hornbrook accepted a position at NCAR where she currently serves as a Project Scientist II. Hornbrook has been a part of various groups and has received funding from both the National Science Foundation and NASA. Hornbrook has completed research in locations worldwide as well as the United States.",
"Hornbrook is married to another atmospheric chemist. She has two children, as well as many pets. In her free time, Hornbrook enjoys hiking, road cycling, photography, and gardening.",
"Hornbrook is active in international projects that work to understand the atmosphere in a variety of locations. Hornbrook was a part of the 2016 ORCAS campaign by assisting with measuring TOGA reactive gases in the airborne study over the Southern Ocean. The study took a look at carbon dioxide and oxygen's behavior interacting with the Southern Ocean which is one of the most remote oceans on the planet. At the 2016 International Global Atmospheric Chemistry meeting, Hornbrook gave a poster presentation regarding the findings of the ORCAS project specific to VOC observations.\nIn the early part of 2012, Hornbrook began to work on the TORERO campaign in order to study reactive halogen gases and VOCs in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. The study was an airborne campaign which took data at various altitudes in order to learn more about atmospheric oxidization capacities at differing altitudes in tropical regions. Hornbrook's contributions to the project increased the understanding of VOCs in the studied area off of the South American Coast. Hornbrook continued to work to understand the atmosphere in tropical locations. The 2014 CONTRAST took place in Guam with the goal of learning how convection in a tropical setting can effect the movement of atmospheric gases.",
"2009 marked Hornbrook's first year with the Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) team. Based out of NCAR, the TOGA team worked on creating instrumentation to improve the measurement of mixing ratios of different VOCs. In 2011, Hornbrook authored a paper detailing a new method to measure HO and RO while better separating the two differing compounds. The method proved to be effective at measuring VOCs and trace organic gases in both group based and airborne studies. The instrumentation dramatically increased the ability to detect trace organic gases by almost tripling the amount of compounds that are able to be measured.",
"Hornbrook has been a part of many research publications. Below are a list of some of the significant publications from throughout her career.\n* Global seasonal distributions of HCN and acetonitrile. 2019. 99th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society (AMS). \n* The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Campaign. 2015. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. \n* High levels of molecular chlorine in the Arctic atmosphere. 2014. Nature Geoscience.\n* Observations of nonmethane organic compounds during ARCTAS - Part 1: Biomass burning emissions and plume enhancements. 2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.\n* Measurements of tropospheric HO₂ and RO₂ by oxygen dilution modulation and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. 2011. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.",
"Hornbrook is very involved in helping women realize their potential in STEM and enter STEM fields. She has served as a mentor for the PROGRESS campaign (Promoting Geoscience Research Education and Success) which pairs women with an interest in geosciences with a mentor in a geoscience field. In 2016, Hornbrook also visited Mackintosh Academy in Boulder, Colorado to run a workshop for girls in science.\nHornbrook has also served as a mentor for the Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) program. The program works to help students from underrepresented groups have an opportunity to conduct research related to atmospheric sciences.",
"Robert Angus Smith FRS (15 February 1817 – 12 May 1884) was a Scottish chemist, who investigated numerous environmental issues. He is known for his research on air pollution in 1852, in the course of which he discovered what came to be known as acid rain. He is sometimes referred to as the Father of Acid Rain.",
"*[ On Sewage and Sewage Rivers] (1855)\n*[ Disinfectants and Disinfection] (1869)\n*[ Air and Rain: The Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology] (1872)\n*[ Chemical and Physical Researches] (1876)\n*[ Loch Etive and the sons of Uisnach: With Illustrations] (1879)\n*[ A Centenary of Science in Manchester] (1883)",
"Born at Pollokshaws, Glasgow, Smith was educated at the University of Glasgow in preparation for ministry in the Church of Scotland but left before graduating. He worked as a personal tutor and, accompanying a family to Gießen in 1839, he stayed on in Germany to study chemistry supervised by Justus von Liebig, earning a PhD in 1841.",
"Smith with his friend William Crookes, attended a séance on 21 April 1870 in London. He sent Crookes 15 letters on spiritualism between April 1869 and 1871. Smith did not choose to write widely about spiritualism as he believed it might damage his scientific reputation. He was a member of the Society for Psychical Research from 1882 to 1884. After he died, 89 books on the occult were discovered in his library.",
"On returning to England the same year, he again considered Holy Orders but instead was attracted to Manchester to join the chemical laboratory of Lyon Playfair at the Royal Manchester Institution. Here he became involved in some of the environmental issues of the worlds first industrial city (see History of Manchester). Playfair left for greener pastures in 1845 and Smith worked at making a living as an independent analytical chemist. After some initial alarming experiences, Smith refused to take on expert witness work which was a staple of consulting scientists of the day and which he saw as corrupt. Consequently, when the Alkali Inspectorate was established by the Alkali Act 1863, Smiths integrity made him the natural candidate. As Queen Victorias Inspector of Alkali Works, he was the prototype of the scientific civil servant. He held the post until his death. He is buried in the graveyard of St Pauls Church on Kersal Moor, Salford\nIn 1872 Smith published the book Air and Rain: The Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology, which presents his studies of the chemistry of atmospheric precipitation. These studies include the discovery, in 1852, of acid rain in northern British cities, a consequence of the burning of coal rich in sulfur. He was conferred with Honorary Membership of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland in 1884. After his death his collection of about 4,000 books was acquired by the library of Owens College, Manchester. They are now in the John Rylands University Library, the successor of the college library.",
"Robert A. Duce (born April 9, 1935) is a pioneer in the study of atmospheric chemistry, and a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University. He has made significant contributions to the understanding of chemical exchanges between the atmosphere and the oceans, and the global cycle of trace elements.\nDuce received a BS, chemistry (1957) from Baylor University and a PhD in the subject of inorganic and nuclear chemistry (1964) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was also a post-doctoral fellow. (1965) His thesis title was \"Determination of iodine, bromine, and chlorine in the marine atmosphere by neutron activation analysis\".\nDuce served as Assistant, then Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Hawaii from 1965 to 1970, when he moved to Associate professor of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. In 1973 he became full professor at the University of Rhode Island, and held that position until 1987, when he was promoted to Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography and Vice Provost for Marine Affairs. In 1987 he was appointed Dean, College of Geosciences and Maritime Studies at Texas A&M University. In 1997 he resigned his position as Dean, and remained at Texas A&M University as Professor of Oceanography and Professor of Atmospheric Sciences. He received the honor of University Distinguished Professor in 2006. He remains University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences to the present.\nDuce has served with a vast number of national and international organizations, including:\n* Member of the Scientific Steering Committee, US GEOTRACES Program, 2009–2013\n* Chair United Nations Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), 2000–2002\n* Chair of the National Academy of Sciences/ National Research Council Ocean Studies Board, from 2012–present.\nHe was the recipient of a festschrift in 2013, the American Meteorological Society 2013 Robert A. Duce Symposium.",
"Watson received a PhD in gas phase chemical kinetics (atmospheric chemistry) from Queen Mary College, University of London in 1973. He has received awards for his contributions to science, including the NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing from the National Academy of Sciences in 1992, the American Association for the Advancement of Science Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility in 1993, the insignia of Honorary Companion of St Michael and St George from the British Government in 2003, and the Champions of the Earth Award from the United Nations Environment Programme in 2014. In 2020 he was elected to the American Philosophical Society.",
"Watson was the Director of the Science Division and Chief Scientist for the Office of Mission to Planet Earth at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Watson then became Associate Director for Environment in the Office of the President of the United States in the White House.\nIn 1996, Watson joined the World Bank as the Senior Scientific adviser in the Environment Department, became Director of the Environment Department and Head of the Environment Sector Board in 1997 and is currently the Chief Scientist and Senior Adviser for Sustainable Development. He took up a position as Chair of Environmental Science and Science Director of the Tyndall Centre at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, in August 2007 and joined the British Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as Chief Scientific Adviser in September 2007.\nWatson had a role in the regulation efforts related to both ozone depletion and global warming. The Montreal and Vienna conventions were installed long before a scientific consensus was established. Until the 1980s EU, NASA, NAS, UNEP, WMO and the British government had dissenting scientific reports. Watson played a role in the process of unified assessments and did so as well for the IPCC.\nHe was Chairman of the Global Environment Facility's Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel from 1991 to 1994, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 1997 to 2002 and Board co-chair for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment from 2000 to 2005. He was then Director of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development which ran from 2005 to 2007, and had previously been co-chair of the International Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone for their reports from 1994 to 2006. He has been Chair or co-chair of other international scientific assessments, including the IPCC Working Group II, the United Nations Environment Programme/World Meteorological Organization (UNEP/WMO), and the UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment.\nWatson was knighted in the 2012 New Year Honours for his government service.\nHe is currently Director of Strategic Development for the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia.\nOn 29 February 2016, Watson was elected Chair of IPBES at the Fourth Plenary of that organisation after having served as its vice-president before.",
"Sir Robert Tony Watson CMG FRS (born 21 March 1948) is a British chemist who has worked on atmospheric science issues including ozone depletion, global warming and paleoclimatology since the 1980s. Most recently, he is lead author of the February 2021 U.N. report Making Peace with Nature.",
"Charles Roger Slack (22 April 1937 – 24 October 2016) was a British-born plant biologist and biochemist who lived and worked in Australia (1962–1970) and New Zealand (1970–2000). In 1966, jointly with Marshall Hatch, he discovered C4 photosynthesis (also known as the Hatch Slack Pathway).",
"Slack was born on 22 April 1937 in Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, England; the first and only child of Albert and Eva Slack. He studied biochemistry at the University of Nottingham, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in 1958, and a PhD in 1962. He married Pam Shaw in March 1963, and had two children.\nFrom 1962, Slack worked as a biochemist at the David North Plant Research Centre in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (funded by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd). In 1970, he joined the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in New Zealand. From 1989 until his retirement in 2000, Slack was a senior scientist at the newly formed Crown Research Institute for Crop & Food Research in Palmerston North.\nSlack died in Palmerston North in 2016.",
"In 2007 the New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists renamed their annual award after Slack. The award is made to society members to recognise an outstanding contribution to the study of plant biology. It was renamed in recognition of his outstanding contribution as a plant biologist and biochemist in New Zealand, his role in the discovery of C4 photosynthesis (also known as the Hatch Slack Pathway), and his contribution as an early member of the New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists.",
"* 1970: Peter Goldacre Award from the Australian Society of Plant Scientists (previously called the Australian Society of Plant Physiologists).\n* 1980: Charles F Kettering Award from the American Society of Plant Physiologists, shared with Hugo Kortschak and Marshall (Hal) Davidson Hatch.\n* 1981: Rank Prize for Nutrition, shared with Hugo Kortschak and Marshall (Hal) Davidson Hatch.\n* 1983: Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.\n* 1989: Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society.",
"Harrison's work has been recognised by award of the John Jeyes Medal and Environment Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Fitzroy Prize of the Royal Meteorological Society. He has served for many years as a chair and/or member of advisory committees of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department of Health. He was appointed Order of the British Empire OBE in the 2004 New Year Honours for services to environmental science and elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2017.",
"Roy Michael Harrison (born 14 October 1948) is a British environmental scientist. He has been Queen Elizabeth II Birmingham Centenary Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Birmingham since 1991, and is a distinguished adjunct professor at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.",
"Roy Michael Harrison was born on 14 October 1948 to Wilfred and Rosa Harrison (). He was educated at Henley Grammar School and the University of Birmingham, where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry in 1969, followed by a PhD in organic chemistry in 1972 and a Doctor of Science degree in environmental chemistry in 1989. His PhD research investigated sigmatropic reactions of tropolone ethers.",
"Harrison is an expert on air pollution, specialising in the area of airborne particulates, including nanoparticles. His interests extend from source emissions, through atmospheric chemical and physical transformations, to human exposures and effects upon health. His most significant work has been in the field of vehicle emitted particles, including their chemical composition and atmospheric processing. This forms the basis of the current understanding of the relationship of emissions to roadside concentrations and size distributions.\nIn addition to leading a large project on diesel exhaust particles, he is also engaged in major collaborative studies of processes determining air quality in Beijing and Delhi.",
"Harrison married Angela Copeman in 1981. After their divorce, he married Susan Stuart in 1989. Harrison has a son and a daughter from his first marriage, and a son from his second. He enjoys \"mowing and other outdoor pursuits\".",
"Sandra Pizzarello, D.Bi.Sc. was a Venetian biochemist known for her co-discovery of amino acid enantiomeric excess in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Her research interests concerned the characterization of meteoritic organic compounds in elucidating the evolution of planetary homochirality. Pizzarello was a project collaborator and co-investigator for the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), the president of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (2014-2017), and an emerita professor at Arizona State University (ASU).",
"Sandra Pizzarello was born in Venice, Italy in 1933. In 1955, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of Padua earning her Doctor of Biological Sciences degree under her adviser Professor Roncato. Pizzarello went on to work as a research associate developing tranquilizers for Farmitalia Research Laboratories in the Department of Neuropharmacology. Over the course of several years, Pizzarello transitioned from research to raising a family. Following a career opportunity for her husband, an aeronautical engineer and computer scientist, she moved her family to Phoenix, Arizona in 1970.\nOnce Pizzarello's youngest of four children finished primary school, her focus returned to her career after a decade away from scientific research. She audited a graduate biochemistry seminar course at ASU where she met Professor John Cronin, future co-discoverer of amino acid enantiomeric excess in meteorites. Due to her outstanding performance in the course, she was offered a job to work with Cronin at the university as a research professor in analyzing the recently recovered Murchison meteorite.\nSandra Pizzarello died on October 24, 2021.",
"Sandra Pizzarello's research over the last forty years involved the analysis of organic compounds in several carbonaceous chondrites, particularly molecular, chiral, and isotopic characterization of amino acids. Because the formation of these organic-rich meteorites pre-date the origin of life, they had been under investigation as potential sites of primal organic compounds which could shed light on abiogenesis, specifically the origin of biological homochirality. Such studies, however, had been inconclusive until 1997 when Cronin and Pizzarello detected 7-9% L-enantiomeric excesses of three abiological amino acids while analyzing the Murchison meteorite.\nGiven Earths history of meteoric impacts and the observation that meteors contain an excess of the biologically relevant L-stereoisomer of certain amino acids, Pizzarello studied the effect of meteoritic amino acids in enantiomeric excess on the formation of other biological molecules. In one study, Pizzarello found that nonracemic solutions of abiological isovaline and proteinogenic alanine can direct the condensation of glycolaldehyde to produce nonracemic solutions of threose and erythrose via an aldol reaction concluding that amino acids can act as asymmetric catalysts in carbohydrate synthesis. These findings support the origin of life hypothesis that homochirality originated prior to life and from extraterrestrial origins. However, Pizzarellos theoretical inquiries into cosmochemical evolution remain debated based on suspect analytical evidence of meteoritic enantiomeric excesses.",
"Serguei N. Lvov is Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering and Director of Electrochemical Technologies Program at the EMS Energy Institute of the Pennsylvania State University. He received a D.Sc. degree in Physical Chemistry at St. Petersburg State University of Russia in 1992. Prior to his tenure at Penn State he worked at St. Petersburg School of Mines and the Russian Academy of Science. He was visiting scholar at the University of Venice (Italy), the University of Delaware (USA) and the National Centre for Scientific Research at Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France). His main area of research is electrochemistry and thermodynamics of aqueous systems under extreme environments such as elevated temperatures and pressures or high concentrated solutions. He has carried out an innovative work to develop high temperature/high pressure flow-through electrochemical techniques including potentiometric, electrochemical kinetics, corrosion and electrophoresis studies. He has developed an internationally accepted formulation for the self-ionization of water covering a wide range temperatures and densities. He is author of more than 180 papers, 6 book chapters, and 3 books. His recent book Introduction to Electrochemical Science and Engineering was published by CRC Press in 2015.",
"Sit Kim Ping is a Singaporean biochemist and an Emeritus Professor at the Department of Biochemistry at the National University of Singapore. She was the Head of the Department of Biochemistry (part of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine) from 1996 to 2000.",
"Sit was born in 1941 and attended Tanjong Katong Girls' School. She studied science at the National University of Singapore and obtained first-class honours when she graduated top of her class. She obtained her PhD in biochemistry from McGill University.",
"Sit was instrumental in the development of the New Life Science Undergraduate Curriculum, and was awarded the Emeritus Professorship in 2008.",
"Sit studied detoxification, namely the process of conjugation by which metabolic by-products are made soluble prior to excretion. She also studied metabolism within cancer cells and found aerobic respiration within mitochondria in cancer cells, which contradicts the Warburg hypothesis.",
"* 2017 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award\n* 2018 National Science Foundation CAREER Award\n* 2019 MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 \n* 2019 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship\n* 2019 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator\n* 2020 Princeton University Bristol-Myers Squibb Lectureship\n* 2020 Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar Award\n* 2021 American Chemical Society National Fresenius Award\n* 2021 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award\n* 2021 FMC New Investigator Award",
"Song Lin is a Chinese-American organic electrochemist who is an associate professor at Cornell University. His research involves the development of new synthetic organic methodologies that utilize electrochemistry to forge new chemical bonds. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Organic Letters, and serves on the Early Career Advisory Board of Chemistry - A European Journal. He was named by Chemical & Engineering News as one of their Trailblazers of 2022, a feature highlighting LGBTQ+ chemists in academia.",
"Lin was born in Tianjin. He became interested in science as a child, doing simple household experiments, and was supported by his high school chemistry teacher to pursue a career in research. He completed his bachelor's degree in chemistry at Peking University where he worked under the supervision of Zhangjie Shi. Lin moved to the United States for graduate studies and joined the organic chemistry department at Harvard University for doctoral research, where he researched small molecule asymmetric catalysis with Eric Jacobsen.",
"Lin moved to the University of California, Berkeley for his postdoctoral research, where he worked in the lab of Christopher Chang. While studying electrocatalysis in Chang's lab, he became aware of the use of porous materials like covalent organic frameworks (COFs) to absorb carbon dioxide. In collaboration with the Yaghi group, Lin showed that porphyrin-containing COFs could catalyze the electrocatalytic reduction of CO to CO under applied current and in an aqueous environment.\nLin began his independent career at Cornell University where his groups research has focused on the identification of novel synthetic pathways for medicinally relevant compounds. He focuses on the use of electrochemistry to drive chemical reactions. Electrochemistry can make organic synthesis cheaper and more environmentally friendly. For example, Lin demonstrated an electrochemical approach to synthesize 1,2-diamines from alkenes, which are useful precursors to bioactive natural products, therapeutic agents, and molecular catalysts. More recently, Lins group has developed a method to directly couple alkyl halides using electrochemistry, providing a promising approach towards this difficult chemical transformation.",
"Srinivasan Sampath, born on 25 February 1961, is a professor at the department of chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science where he is involved in researches on the interfacial properties of materials and surfaces. He is reported to have done extensive work on the development of supercapacitors and nano bimetallics as well as on the investigation of their applications. He has documented his researches in several peer-reviewed articles; the online article repository of the Indian Academy of Sciences has listed 78 f them. He received the Bronze Medal of the Chemical Research Society of India in 2005 The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research awarded him the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, one of the highest Indian science awards, in 2006 He was elected as a fellow by the Indian Academy of Sciences in 2009 and he became an elected fellow of the Indian National Science Academy in 2015.",
"Srinivasan Sampath (born 1961) is an Indian electrochemist, nanotechnologist and a professor of the department of chemistry at Indian Institute of Science. He is known for his studies on supercapacitors and nano bimetallics. He is an elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Indian National Science Academy. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the apex agency of the Government of India for scientific research, awarded him the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology, one of the highest Indian science awards, in 2006, for his contributions to chemical sciences.",
"On March 23, 1989, while Pons was the chairman of the chemistry department at the University of Utah, he and Martin Fleischmann announced the experimental production of \"N-Fusion\", which was quickly labeled by the press cold fusion. After a short period of public acclaim, hundreds of scientists attempted to reproduce the effects but generally failed. After the claims were found to be unreproducible, the scientific community determined the claims were incomplete and inaccurate.\nPons moved to France in 1992, along with Fleischmann, to work at a Toyota-sponsored laboratory. The laboratory closed in 1998 after a £12 million research investment without conclusive results. He gave up his US citizenship and became a French citizen.",
"Bobby Stanley Pons (born August 23, 1943) is an American electrochemist known for his work with Martin Fleischmann on cold fusion in the 1980s and 1990s.",
"Pons was born in Valdese, North Carolina. He attended Valdese High School, then Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he studied chemistry. He began his PhD studies in chemistry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but left before completing his PhD. His thesis resulted in a paper, co-authored in 1967 with Harry B. Mark, his adviser. The New York Times wrote that it pioneered a way to measure the spectra of chemical reactions on the surface of an electrode.\nHe decided to finish his PhD in England at the University of Southampton, where in 1975 he met Martin Fleischmann. Pons was a student in Alan Bewick's group; he earned his PhD in 1978.",
"Stanley Robert Hart (born 20 June 1935 in Swampscott, Massachusetts) is an American geologist, geochemist, leading international expert on mantle isotope geochemistry, and pioneer of chemical geodynamics.",
"Hart graduated from MIT with a bachelors degree in geology in 1956 and a masters degree in geochemistry in 1957 from Caltech. In 1960 he received his doctorate in geochemistry from MIT with thesis Mineral ages and metamorphism under the supervision of Patrick M. Hurley. After a year as a Carnegie Fellow, Hart was from 1961 to 1975 at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. in the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. From 1975 to 1989 he was a professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT and from 1989 to 1992 a visiting professor there. From 1989 to 2007 he was a Senior Scientist in geology and geophysics at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He retired from Woods Hole in 2007 as Scientist Emeritus.\nHart is a leading pioneer in the introduction of geochemistry into the Earth sciences. He developed comparative geochronology, which accounts for geological perturbations in various geochronometers. At the Carnegie Institution of Washington, he worked with George Wetherill, George Tilton, L. T. Aldrich, and G. L. Davis on mapping Precambrian rocks in the USA using comparative geochronology. There Hart became the leader of a group including Thomas Krogh, Albrecht Hofmann, Christopher Brooks, and others.\nAccording to Claude Allègre:\nHart focused on the application of isotopic chemistry to age determination in geology, the geochemical evolution of mantle and oceanic lithosphere, and the geochemistry of strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopes in volcanic rocks. He also studied the long-term behavior of the chemical composition of the oceans due to their interaction with the oceanic crust and the experimental determination of fundamental geochemical properties such as mineral-melt partition coefficients in silicates and solid-state diffusion rates. In 1968, together with John S. Steinhart, he published the Steinhart-Hart equation, which provides a mathematical model of how the temperature and the electrical resistance of a thermistor vary, based upon 3 so-called Steinhart-Hart coefficients.\nHe was a co-editor from 1970 to 1972 of the Reviews of Geophysics, from 1970 to 1976 of the Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, and from 1975 to 1992 of Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. In 1975/76 he chaired the US National Committee for Geochemistry. His doctoral students include Erik Hauri.\nHart has three children, one daughter from his first marriage, which ended in divorce in 1978, and a son and a daughter from his second marriage which began in 1980.",
"* 1983 — Member of the National Academy of Sciences\n* 1985–1987 — President of the Geochemical Society\n* 1992 — V. M. Goldschmidt Award, Geochemical Society\n* 1997 — Harry Hess Medal, American Geophysical Union\n* 2005 — Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences\n* 2008 — Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship\n* 2016 — William Bowie Medal",
"Stein Bjornar Jacobsen (born 1950) is a Norwegian-American geochemist who works within cosmochemistry.\nHailing from Drammen, he finished a cand.mag. degree at the University of Oslo before studying geology in California with a Rotary grant. Jacobsen became a professor of geochemistry at Harvard University.\nHe was an inducted into the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 1994. In 2009 he was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, mainly for using \"the distribution of long-lived and extinct radioisotopes to date the formation of the earth's core and to define the effects of core separation on the early history of the core-mantle-crust system\".",
"Suksin Lee (; 6 October 1896/7 – 12 December 1944) was a Korean biochemist and physician. He is considered a pioneer of biochemistry in Korea, having been the first Korean to obtain a Ph.D. and to hold a full-time professorship in that field. His studies of glucose metabolism and the chemical composition of common foods contributed to the scientific analysis of nutrition in the Korean diet.",
"Suksin Lee was born in P'yŏngannam-do, Korea, the son of I Myŏngse and a woman of the Koksan Kang family. He earned his medical degree from Kyŏngsŏng Medical College (now Seoul National University) in 1921, and obtained his medical license in August of that year. After graduation, he studied pathology for several months at Tokyo Imperial University in Japan. He then traveled to Germany in 1922 to pursue additional studies.\nAfter completing preliminary language instruction and various coursework in chemistry and physiological chemistry at the Friedrich Wilhelm University of Berlin, he earned a doctorate of medicine in 1926. Lees inaugural dissertation, Ueber Glykolyse', was a study of inorganic phosphates during blood glycolysis. His thesis advisors at the time included Otto Lubarsch of the Chemistry Department at the Pathological Institute, University of Berlin.\nWhile in his final year of studies, Lee obtained a position as a research assistant at a national hospital in Berlin, where he worked until 1927. During this time he published and co-published several papers on the effects of photosensitive substances on glucose metabolism and cellular respiration.",
"Returning to his native Korea, he began studies of the staple Korean diet and its effects on metabolism as a research assistant at Kyŏngsŏng Medical College in February 1928. He was appointed an instructor of physiology in the department of biochemistry of Severance Union Medical College (now Yonsei University College of Medicine) and an adjunct instructor of dietetics at Ewha Womans University College of Medicine.\nIn 1932, Suksin Lee was the first Korean to earn a Ph.D. in biochemistry for his thesis, A Study on the Eating Habits of Koreans, presented to Kyoto Imperial University on the nutrition and metabolism of prisoners in Korea. Among his advisers at the time was Professor Sato of Keijo Imperial University.\nHe was then appointed full-time professor of biochemistry in 1933 at Severance Union Medical College, the first Korean to hold such a position. He continued to lead the department, later serving as Severance's Dean of Student Affairs, until his death aged approximately 47 of a cerebral hemorrhage on 12 December 1944.",
"As the first Ph.D. and full-time professor of biochemistry in Korea, Lee contributed to the establishment of biochemistry as a newly organized field of study in Korea.\nHe began with a study of glycolysis. In the late 1920s, the role of phosphorylated compounds in glycolysis had not yet been fully explained. Lee's work touched on early aspects of intermediary carbohydrate metabolism, which was also the subject of Nobel Prize-winning research by Otto Fritz Meyerhof, Otto Heinrich Warburg, and Hans Adolf Krebs.\nLee maintained an interest in factors affecting glucose metabolism upon his return to Korea, where he continued his research with published studies of the Korean diet. Building upon work begun in 1928, he investigated the problem of identifying and quantifying the nutritional elements of the staple Korean diet and its effects on metabolism. He identified nutritional sources in these foods for the healthy development of Korean children and adults during the Japanese occupation of Korea.\nIn addition to teaching and editing, Lee authored and co-authored at least 10 scientific papers and articles in several languages throughout his brief career. He did all of this despite working under conditions of widespread rationing at the end of World War II.",
"In 2014 and 2016 the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, hosted academic symposiums to commemorate his life's work.\nA Special Memorial Exhibition was also held in 2015 at the Dong-Eun Museum of Medical Science in Seoul, Korea. The exhibit included a collection of papers left by the late Suksin Lee.",
"Solomons interest in science began as a child watching The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau'. In high school she placed third in a national science competition, with a project that measured the percentage of oxygen in a gas mixture.\nSolomon received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1977. She then received an M.S. in chemistry in 1979 from the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a Ph.D. in 1981 in atmospheric chemistry.",
"* 1991 – Henry G. Houghton Award for research in physical meteorology, awarded by the American Meteorological Society\n* 1994 – Solomon Saddle (), a snow saddle at about elevation, named in her honor\n* 1994 – Solomon Glacier (), an Antarctic glacier named in her honor\n* 1999 – National Medal of Science, awarded by the President of the United States\n* 2000 – Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal, awarded by the American Meteorological Society\n* 2004 – Blue Planet Prize, awarded by the Asahi Glass Foundation\n* 2006 – V. M. Goldschmidt Award\n* 2006 – Inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame\n* 2007 – William Bowie Medal, awarded by the American Geophysical Union\n* 2007 — Prix Georges Lemaître\n* 2007 – As a member of IPCC, which received half of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, she shared a stage receiving the prize with Al Gore (who received the other half).\n* 2008 – Grande Médaille (Great Medal) of the French Academy of Sciences\n* 2008 – Foreign Member of the Royal Society\n*2008 – Member of the American Philosophical Society\n* 2009 – Volvo Environment Prize, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\n* 2009 – Inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame\n* 2010 – Service to America Medal, awarded by the Partnership for Public Service\n* 2012 – Vetlesen Prize, for work on the ozone hole, shared with Jean Jouzel. She was the first woman to receive this prize.\n* 2013 – BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Climate Change category\n* 2015 – Honorary Doctorate (honoris causa) from Brown University.\n* 2017 – Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship by the National Academy of Sciences for substantive work in atmospheric chemistry and climate change\n* 2018 – Bakerian Lecture\n* 2018 – Crafoord Prize in Geosciences\n* 2019 – Made one of the members of the inaugural class of the Government Hall of Fame\n*2021 – On 31 July she was [ appointed] as ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences\n*2021 – 2021 Future of Life Award (Ozone Layer)\n*2021 – NAS Award for Chemistry in Service to Society\n*2023 – Honorary Doctorate from Duke University\n*2023 – Female Innovator Prize from the VinFuture Foundation",
"Solomon served on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. She was a contributing author for the Third Assessment Report. She was also co-chair of Working Group I for the Fourth Assessment Report.",
"Solomon was the head of the Chemistry and Climate Processes Group of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Chemical Sciences Division until 2011. In 2011, she joined the faculty of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.",
"Susan Solomon (born in Chicago) is an American atmospheric chemist, working for most of her career at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In 2011, Solomon joined the faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she serves as the Ellen Swallow Richards Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate Science. Solomon, with her colleagues, was the first to propose the chlorofluorocarbon free radical reaction mechanism that is the cause of the Antarctic ozone hole.\nSolomon is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences, and the French Academy of Sciences.\nIn 2002, Discover magazine recognized her as one of the 50 most important women in science.\nIn 2008, Solomon was selected by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. She also serves on the Science and Security Board for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.",
"* The Coldest March: Scotts Fatal Antarctic Expedition, Yale University Press, 2002 – Depicts the tale of Captain Robert Falcon Scotts failed 1912 Antarctic expedition, specifically applying the comparison of modern meteorological data with that recorded by Scotts expedition in an attempt to shed new light on the reasons for the demise of Scotts polar party.\n* Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere: Chemistry and Physics of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere, 3rd Edition, Springer, 2005 – Describes the atmospheric chemistry and physics of the middle atmosphere from altitude.",
"Solomon, working with colleagues at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories, postulated the mechanism that the Antarctic ozone hole was created by a heterogeneous reaction of ozone and chlorofluorocarbons free radicals on the surface of ice particles in the high altitude clouds that form over Antarctica. In 1986 and 1987 Solomon led the National Ozone Expedition to McMurdo Sound, where the team gathered the evidence to confirm the accelerated reactions. Solomon was the solo leader of the expedition, and the only woman on the team. Her team measured levels of chlorine oxide 100 times higher than expected in the atmosphere, which had been released by the decomposition of chlorofluorocarbons by ultraviolet radiation.\nSolomon later showed that volcanoes could accelerate the reactions caused by chlorofluorocarbons, and so increase the damage to the ozone layer. Her work formed the basis of the U.N. Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to protect the ozone layer by regulating damaging chemicals. Solomon has also presented some research which suggests that implementation of the Montreal Protocols is having a positive effect.\nUsing research work conducted by English explorer and navy officer Robert Falcon Scott, Solomon also wrote and spoke about Scotts 1911 expedition in The Coldest March: Scotts Fatal Antarctic Expedition to counter a longstanding argument that blamed Scott for his and his crew's demise during that expedition. Scott attributed his death to unforeseen weather conditions – a claim that has been contested by British journalist and author Roland Huntford. Huntford claimed that Scott was a prideful and under-prepared leader. Solomon has defended Scott and said that \"modern data side squarely with Scott\", describing the weather conditions in 1911 as unusual.\nFor her critical contribution to saving the ozone layer, Solomon was a winner of the 2021 Future of Life Award along with Joe Farman and Stephen O. Andersen. Dr. Jim Hansen, former Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Director of Columbia Universitys Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions said, \"In Farman, Solomon and Andersen we see the tremendous impact individuals can have not only on the course of human history, but on the course of our planets history. My hope is that others like them will emerge in today's battle against climate change.\" Professor Guus Velders, a climate scientist at Utrecht University said, \"Susan Solomon is a deserving recipient of the Future of Life Award. Susan not only explained the processes behind the formation of the ozone hole, she also played an active role as an interface between the science and policy of the Montreal Protocol.\"",
"When discussing how she became interested in engineering, Bond noted, \"I was poor and had a car that broke, and I had to fix it. It was frustrating but satisfying.\" In the late 1980s, she apprenticed in an auto body shop and became curious about how cars were made. She wanted to know about their design, not just to fix automobiles but to improve them. These experiences and others eventually led her to engineering\nAccording to the MacArthur Foundation, Bond's laboratory and field research into quantifying the sources and effects of black carbon, as well as its optical and physical properties in the atmosphere, have provided the most comprehensive data on this pollutant and its effects as of 2014. Bond has expressed a specific interest in having her research bring a difference to the practical lives of individuals.\nIn 2003, Bond joined the faculty at department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois. She then became an affiliate professor in Atmospheric Sciences in 2007. In 2014, Bond was named a Nathan M. Newmark Distinguished Professor. \nBond joined the Colorado State University's department of Mechanical Engineering in 2019 as the Walter Scott, Jr. Presidential Chair in Energy, Environment and Health.",
"Tami Bond received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington in 1993. She went on to graduate study at the University of California at Berkeley, where she was awarded a Masters of Science in engineering in 1995, focusing on combustion. In 2000, she completed study for an interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy degree in Atmospheric Sciences, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, again from the University of Washington.",
"In addition to the MacArthur Award, Bond is the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Grant, and the Nauman Faculty Scholar Award. She has also received the Xerox Faculty award and the Center for Advanced Study at the University of Illinois fellowship.\nIn 2015, she was named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and was an ISI Highly Cited Researcher.\nIn 2017, she was granted the Outstanding Publication Award by the American Association for Aerosol Research. \nIn 2018, the University of Washington honored Bond with a Diamond Award for Distinguished Achievement in Academia.",
"* Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment\n* A technology‐based global inventory of black and organic carbon emissions from combustion\n* Light absorption by carbonaceous particles: An investigative review",
"Tami Bond holds the Walter Scott, Jr. Presidential Chair in Energy, Environment and Health at Colorado State University since 2019. For many years she was a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois, and an affiliate professor of Atmospheric Science. Bond has focused research on the effective study of black carbon or soot in the atmosphere. She is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. A MacArthur Fellowship was awarded to her in 2014.",
"Tanmay A. M. Bharat is a programme leader in the Structural Studies Division of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. He and his group use electron tomography, together with several structural and cell biology methods to study the cell surfaces of bacteria and archaea. His work has increased the understanding of how surface molecules help in the formation of multicellular communities of prokaryotes, examples of which include biofilms and microbiomes. He has been awarded several prizes and fellowships for his work.",
"Bharat graduated with a BA in Biological Sciences from the University of Oxford, UK. His studies were supported by a Rhodes Scholarship. He then undertook research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany for his PhD working with John A. G. Briggs. He studied the structure and assembly of pathogenic viruses using cryogenic electron microscopy and tomography. His work on several viral capsid proteins improved understanding of how viruses are assembled within infected cells.",
"He subsequently joined the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge to pursue post-doctoral research with Jan Löwe using cryo-EM to study proteins within bacterial cells. After his post-doctoral appointment concluded, he was recruited to the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford as a Wellcome Trust and Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow. After obtaining tenure at Oxford, he moved back to the LMB as a programme leader in 2022. His research investigates how bacteria and archaea use their surface molecules to form multicellular communities. For instance, during human infections bacteria form biofilms that help them evade antibiotics. The group also use electron tomography.",
"Bharat has been awarded many prizes and fellowships. These include a 2018 Vallee Research Scholarship, the 2019 EMBL John Kendrew Award the 2020 Philip Leverhulme Prize for Biological Sciences, the 2021 Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators, and the 2021 Lister Prize, the 2022 Colworth Medal from the Biochemical Society and the 2023 Fleming Prize from the Microbiology Society.",
"Bharat is the author or co-author of over 46 scientific publications. These include:\n* Jan Böhning, Mnar Ghrayeb, Conrado Pedebos, Daniel K. Abbas, Syma Khalid, Liraz Chai & Tanmay A. M. Bharat (2022) [ Donor-strand exchange drives assembly of the TasA scaffold in Bacillus subtilis biofilms.] Nature Communications volume 13, article number 7082.\n* Tanmay A.M. Bharat, Andriko von Kügelgen & Vikram Alva (2021) [ Molecular Logic of Prokaryotic Surface Layer Structures.] Trends in Microbiology May;29(5):405-415.\n* Charlotte Melia, Jani Bolla, Stefan Lanwermeyer, Daniel Mihaylov, Patrick Hoffmann, Jiandong Huo, Michael Wozny, Louis Elfari, Jan Böhning, Ray Owens, Carol Robinson, George O’Toole & Tanmay A.M. Bharat (2021) [ Architecture of cell-cell junctions in situ reveals a mechanism for bacterial biofilm inhibition.] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(31):\n* Andriko von Kügelgen, Vikram Alva and Tanmay A.M. Bharat (2021) [ Complete atomic structure of a native archaeal cell surface.] Cell Reports volume 37, issue 8, 110052.\n* Abul K. Tarafder, Andriko von Kügelgen, Adam J. Mellul & Tanmay A. M. Bharat (2020) [ Phage liquid crystalline droplets form occlusive sheaths that encapsulate and protect infectious rod-shaped bacteria.] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America volume 117, issue 9, pages 4724-4731.\n* Andriko von Kügelgen, Haiping Tang., Gail Hardy, Danguole Kureisaite-Ciziene, Yves Brun, Phillip Stansfeld, Carol Robinson, & Tanmay A.M. Bharat (2020) [ In Situ Structure of an Intact Lipopolysaccharide-Bound Bacterial Surface Layer.] Cell 180(2): 348-358\n* Tanmay A.M. Bharat, Christopher J. Russo, Jan Löwe, Lori A. Passmore & Sjors H.W. Scheres (2015) [ Advances in Single-Particle Electron Cryomicroscopy Structure Determination applied to Sub-tomogram Averaging] Structure volume 23, issue 9, pages 1743-1753.\n* Tanmay A. M. Bharat, James D. Riches, Larissa Kolesnikova, Sonja Welsch, Verena Krähling, Norman Davey, Marie-Laure Parsy, Stephan Becker & John A. G. Briggs (2011) [ Cryo-Electron Tomography of Marburg Virus Particles and Their Morphogenesis within Infected Cells.] PLOS Biology",
"In 1967 he discovered satellite DNA in plants. Through his research from 1972 to 1975, it was found that closely related species of one genus differ in satellite DNA content. In 1986 he published the monograph Satellite DNA in Springer Edition. In 2013 this monograph was edited as an eBOOK.\nIn 2011-17 he established a complete nucleotide sequence of four Georgian grape varieties, nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondria.\nIn 2015-21 he established a complete chloroplast DNA sequence of Georgian wheat species\nIn 1967, he defended his Candidate's Dissertation. In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation in the Bakh Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow. He is elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia in 1987 and a full member in 1993.\nBeridze held various positions in Soviet and Georgian institutions since 1960s.",
"*1968–2008 - Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Georgian Academy of Sciences\n*1968–1999 - Professor at Tbilisi State University, Georgia\n*2008–2010 - Professor at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia\n*2010–2011 - Professor at Free University of Tbilisi, Georgia \n*2012–2021- Director of Institute of Molecular Genetics, Agricultural University of Georgia\n*2012–present - Professor at Agricultural University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia",
"Tengiz Beridze (Georgian: თენგიზ გიორგის ძე ბერიძე) is a Georgian biochemist. He was born on 26 October 1939 in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR.",
"*Beridze TG, Odintsova MS, Sissakian NM (1967) Distribution of bean leaf DNA \tcomponents in the cell organelle fractions. Molek.Biol.USSR. 1,142-153 \n*Beridze TG (1972) DNA nuclear satellites of the genus Phaseolus. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 262,393-396\n*Beridze TG (1975) DNA nuclear satellites of the genus Brassica: variation between species. Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 395,274-279\n*Beridze T. Satellite DNA, 1986, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokio\n*Beridze T, Pipia I, Beck J., Hsu S.-CT, Gamkrelidze M, Gogniashvili M, Tabidze V, This R,Bacilieri P, Gotsiridze V, Glonti M, Schaal B (2011). Plastid DNA sequence diversity in a worldwide set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera). Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. 5, 2011, 98–103.\n*Pipia I, Gogniashvili M, Tabidze V, Beridze T, Gamkrelidze M, Gotsiridze V, Melyan G, Musayev M, Salimov V, Beck J, Schaal B (2012) Plastid DNA sequence diversity in wild grapevine samples (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) from the Caucasus region. Vitis 51 (3), 119–124 \n*Tabidze V, Baramidze G, Pipia I, Gogniashvili M, Ujmajuridze L, Beridze T, Hernandez AG, Schaal B (2014) The Complete Chloroplast DNA Sequence of Eleven Grape Cultivars. Simultaneous Resequencing Methodology. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin J Int Sci Vigne Vin. 48, 99-109\n*Tabidze V, Pipia I, Gogniashvili M, Kunelauri N, Ujmajuridze L, Pirtskhalava M, Vishnepolsky B, Hernandez AG, Fields CJ, BeridzeT (2017) Whole genome comparative analysis of four Georgian grape cultivars. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 292, 1377-1389\n*Gogniashvili M., Naskidashvili P., Bedoshvili D., Kotorashvili A., Kotaria N., Beridze T. (2015) Complete chloroplast DNA sequences of Zanduri wheat (Triticum spp.) Genet Resour Crop Evol \n*Gogniashvili M, Jinjikhadze T, Maisaia M, Akhalkatsi M, Kotorashvili A, Kotaria N, Beridze T, Dudnikov AJ (2016) Complete chloroplast genomes of Aegilops tauschii Coss. and Ae.cylindrica Host sheds light on plasmon D evolution. Current Genetics.\n*Gogniashvili M, Maisaia I, Kotorashvili A, Kotaria N, Beridze T (2018) Complete chloroplast DNA sequences of Georgian indigenous polyploid wheats (Triticum spp.) and B plasmon evolution. Genet Resour Crop Evol 65:1995–2002",
"Beridze was awarded the Order of Honour of Georgia in 1999. He was awarded the Serge Durmishidze prize in Biochemistry in 2009.",
"Theresa M. Reineke (born January 1, 1972) is an American chemist and Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota. She designs sustainable, environmentally friendly polymer-based delivery systems for targeted therapeutics. She is the associate editor of ACS Macro Letters.",
"Reineke earned her bachelors degree at University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire. She moved to Arizona State University for her graduate studies and earned a masters degree in 1998. Reineke was a PhD student at the University of Michigan, where she was supervised by Michael O'Keeffe and Omar M. Yaghi. She was awarded the Wirt and Mary Cornell Prize for Outstanding Graduate Research. Reineke joined the California Institute of Technology as an National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow in 2000.",
"Reineke joined the University of Minnesota in 2011. Her research group focus on the design, characterisation and functionalisation of macromolecular systems. These macromolecules include biocompatible polymers that can deliver DNA for regenerative medicine as well as targeted therapeutic treatments. She was made a Lloyd H. Reyerson Professor with tenure at the University of Minnesota in 2011. Reineke has published over 140 papers.\nNucleic acids can have an unparalleled specificity for targets inside a cell, but need to be compacted into nanostructures (polyplexes) that can enter cells. Reineke designs polymer-based transportation systems for nucleic acids. These polymer vehicles can improve the solubility and bioavailability of drugs. These often incorporate carbohydrates, which have an affinity for polyplexes and are non-toxic. She is a member of the University of Minnesota Centre for Sustainable Polymers, synthesising polymers from sustainable ingredients. The carbohydrate units within her polymer drug delivery systems are a widely available, renewable resource. The sustainable polymers designed by Reineke include poly(ester-thioethers).\nReineke used reversible addition−fragmentation chain-transfer polymerization for the synthesis of diblock terpolymers that can be used for targeted drug delivery. She used spray dried dispersions of the polymer with the drug probucol.\nReineke was made a University of Minnesota Distinguished McKnight University Professor in 2017. She is the associate editor of ACS Macro Letters and on the Advisory Board of Biomacromolecules, Bioconjugate Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry. She is a member of the American Chemical Society Polymer Division. Her work has been supported by an National Science Foundation CAREER Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health and the National Academy of Sciences.",
"* 2000 Outstanding Graduate Research Award from the Wirt and Mary Cornell Prize\n* 2003 American Chemical Society (PMSE Division), Arthur K. Doolittle Award\n* 2007 YWCA Rising Star\n* 2007 OH Bioscience Thirty in Their 30s Award\n* 2012 American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Outstanding New Investigator Award\n* 2012 American Chemical Society, Polymer Materials: Science and Engineering Division Macro 2012 Lecture Award\n* 2016 American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow\n* 2016 University of Minnesota Sara Evans Faculty Woman Scholar/Leader Award\n* 2016 University of Minnesota George W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Research\n* 2017 American Chemical Society Polymer Chemistry Division Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award \n* 2018 Danisco Foundation DuPont Nutrition and Health Science Excellence Medal\n* 2018 American Chemical Society POLY Fellow Award\n* 2018 Big 10 Alliance Academic Leadership Program Fellow",
"* 2014 Monomers, polymers and articles containing the same from sugar derived compounds\n* 2018 Isosorbide-based polymethacrylates",
"Thomas Shirley Hele, OBE, MD, FRCP (b Carlisle 24 October 1881 – d Cambridge 23 January 1953) was an academic in the 20th century.\nHele was educated at Carlisle Grammar School ; Sedbergh School; Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Fellow, 1911); and Barts. He was University Lecturer in Biochemistry from 1921; Tutor at Emmanuel from 1922 to 1935; its Master from 1935 to 1951; and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge from 1943 to 1945.",
"Tibor Erdey-Grúz (27 October 1902 – 16 August 1976) was a Hungarian chemist and politician, who served as Minister of Higher Education between 1952 and 1953 and after that as Minister of Education from 1953 to 1956.",
"Van de Flierdt grew up in rural western Germany. In 2000 van de Flierdt completed a diploma in Geology at the University of Bonn. She earned a PhD at ETH Zurich in 2003, working with Alexander Halliday.",
"Van de Flierdt is interested in the marine-terminating sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during past warm periods. Her research looks to develop new geochemical and isotopic tracers in marine geochemistry, paleoceanography and paleoclimate, with particular focus on radiogenic isotopes. She is co-lead of the MAGIC Isotope group in the Department of Earth Sciences at Imperial College London. She is also a research at the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University.\nShe is part of the international Geotraces program. Part of the Geotraces program is to ensure results for trace elements and isotopes collected on different cruises by different laboratories can be compared in a meaningful way. Van de Flierdt is building a global database of neodymium in the oceans and researching the implications for paleoceanography research.\nIn 2012 she won a Leverhulme Trust grant to research deep sea corals. She was part of the Natural Environment Research Council project SWEET, Super-Warm Early Eocene Temperatures and climate. She has led several major NERC grants, totalling well over a £1,000,000 as principal investigator. Van de Flierdt is a member of the Royal Societys International Exchange Committee. She is an editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. She has appeared on the podcast Forecast: Climate Conversations'.",
"Mayeda worked initially as a laboratory assistant to Harold Urey at the University of Chicago, where she was hired initially to wash glassware. They used mass spectrometry to measure oxygen isotopes in the shells of marine molluscs which gave information on the prehistoric temperatures of ocean waters and hence paleoclimates. Urey developed the field of cosmochemistry and with Mayeda studied primitive meteorites, also by using oxygen isotope analysis. Later, she worked with Cesare Emiliani on isotopic evaluation of the ice age. When Urey retired from the university in 1958, Mayeda was persuaded to remain there by Robert N. Clayton, and collaborate with him on applications of mass spectroscopy. She was described as an indomitable research assistant.\nMayeda and Clayton's first research paper considered the use of Bromine pentafluoride to extract Isotopes of oxygen from rocks and minerals. It remains their most cited work. From the 1970s until the late 1990s Mayeda and Clayton became famous for their use of oxygen isotopes to classify meteorites. They developed several tests that were used across the field of meteorite and lunar sample analysis. They studied variations in the abundances of the stable isotopes of oxygen, oxygen-16, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18, and deduced differences in the formation temperatures of the meteorites. They also worked on the mass spectroscopy and chemistry of the Allende meteorite. They published many scientific papers on the \"oxygen thermometer\" and analysed approximately 300 lunar samples that had been collected during NASAs Apollo Program.\nIn 1992, a new type of meteorite, the Brachinite, was identified. Clayton and Mayeda studied the Achondrite meteorites and showed that variations in the oxygen-17 isotope ratios within a planet are due to inhomogeneities in the Solar Nebula. They analysed Shergotty meteorites, proposing that there could have been a water-rich atmosphere on Mars and studied the Bocaiuva meteorite, finding that the Eagle Station meteorite was formed due to impact heating.\nIn 2002 Mayeda was awarded the Society Merit Prize from the Geochemical Society of Japan. In the same year, an asteroid was named after her. Mayedas husband, Harry, died in 2003. Mayeda suffered from cancer and died on February 13, 2004. In 2008, the book Oxygen in the Solar System' was dedicated to Clayton and Mayeda.",
"Toshiko K. Mayeda (née Kuki) (1923–13 February 2004) was a Japanese American chemist who worked at the Enrico Fermi Institute in the University of Chicago. She worked on climate science and meteorites from 1958 to 2004.",
"Toshiko Mayeda was born in Tacoma, Washington. She grew up in Yokkaichi, Mie, and Osaka. When the United States entered World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, she and her father Matsusaburo Kuki were sent to the Tule Lake War Relocation Center. Whilst there she met her future husband, Harry Mayeda. After the war, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1949.",
"Ulrich Pöschl studied chemistry at the Graz University of Technology in Austria and obtained his PhD in 1995 with Karl Hassler at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry with a thesis on \"Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Structure of selectively functionalized cyclosilanes \". From 1996 to 1997 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the group of Mario J. Molina in the field of atmospheric chemical kinetics and mass spectrometry of sulfuric acid. In 1997 Pöschl became a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in the Department of Atmospheric Chemistry and a researcher in the group of Paul Crutzen on the photochemistry of ozone, organic trace gases and stratospheric clouds. From 1999 to 2005 he worked at the Institute for Hydrochemistry of the Munich Technical University, led an independent research group and became a chemistry professor with a thesis on \"Carbonaceous Aerosol Composition, Reactivity and Water Interactions\". In 2005 he returned to the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz and headed a research group in the Department of Biogeochemistry until 2012. Since 2007 Pöschl has also been teaching in the Department of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Earth Sciences at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and habilitated in 2007 in Geochemistry.",
"The Earth System and climate research are the main focus of the department in the investigation of biological and organic aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions and atmosphere-surface exchange processes. The food and health sciences area studies how air pollutants cause changes in protein macromolecules and how this affects allergic reactions and diseases. The sequence of multiphase processes at the molecular level and its impact on the macroscopic and global scale is also investigated. The challenge lies in bridging different spatial and temporal scales: from tenths of nanometers to thousands of kilometers and from nanoseconds to years.\nPöschl is also the founder and chief executive editor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Founded in 2001 as the world's first scientific journal with public peer review and discussion, it has become one of the major environmental and earth sciences journal. Pöschl is also a council member of the EGU (2003-2007), and he has been the Chair of the EGU Publication Committee (2009-2014). He is an initiator and co-chair of the international open access initiative OA2020.",
"* 1991–1994: Student and research scholarships of the Technical University of Graz, the Pro Scientia Foundation, and the Austrian Science Foundation\n* 1996: Graduation “Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis” by the Austrian Federal President (highest award in the Austrian educational system)\n* 1996: Research Awards of the Austrian Federal Minister of Arts and Science, the Industrial Union of Carinthia and the Josef Krainer Foundation\n* 1996: Schrödinger Scholarship of the Austrian Science Foundation\n* 2000: Young Scientist Award of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research\n* 2005: EGU Union Service Award \n* 2012: Pius XI Gold Medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for his research on the role of chemistry in the atmosphere, climate and health.\n* 2015: Copernicus-Medal of the Copernicus-Gesellschaft",
"Ulrich \"Uli\" Pöschl (9 October 1969) is an Austrian chemist who was appointed Director of the newly founded Department of Multiphase Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany on 1 October 2012.",
"* Effects of Pyrazinamide on Fatty Acid Synthesis by Whole Mycobacterial Cells and Purified Fatty Acid Synthase I. Helena I. Boshoff, Valerie Mizrahi, Clifton E. Barry. Journal of Bacteriology, 2002\n* The impact of drug resistance on Mycobacterium tuberculosis physiology: what can we learn from rifampicin?. Anastasia Koch, Valerie Mizrahi, Digby F Warner. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2014",
"*2000: L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science\n*2007: Order of Mapungubwe - Silver\n*2013: Christophe Mérieux Prize\n*2018: Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award",
"Valerie has two daughters, and her father is the honorary president of the Johannesburg Sephardic Hebrew Congregation. She grew up speaking Judeo-Spanish at home.",
"The daughter of Morris and Etty Mizrahi, she was born in Harare, Zimbabwe and was educated there. Her family is a Sephardi Jewish family from the Greek island of Rhodes.",
"She went on to earn a BSc in chemistry and mathematics and then a PhD in chemistry at the University of Cape Town. From 1983 to 1986, she pursued post-doctoral studies at Pennsylvania State University. Mizrahi then worked in research and development for pharmaceutical company Smith, Kline & French. In 1989, she established as research unit at the South African Institute for Medical Research and University of the Witwatersrand, remaining there until 2010. Her research has been focused on the treatment of tuberculosis, and drug resistance. In 2011, she became director of the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine at the University of Cape Town. Mizrahi is director of a research unit of the South African Medical Research Council and leads the University of Cape Town branch of the Centre of Excellence in Biomedical TB Research.\nMizrahi received the LOréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science in 2000. In 2006, she received the Gold Medal from the South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for her contributions to the field and the Department of Science and Technologys Distinguished Woman Scientist Award. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa, a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa and a fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology since 2009. She was named to the Order of Mapungubwe in 2007. From 2000 to 2010, she was an International Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; in 2012, she was named a Senior International Research Scholar for the Institute until 2017. In 2013, she was awarded the Institut de France's Christophe Mérieux Prize for her work in tuberculosis research. Mizrahi was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2023.",
"Valeriu Rudic (born 18 February 1947) is a Moldovan microbiologist, chemist, biochemist and pharmacist who was selected member of Academy of Sciences of Moldova.",
"*[ Why Black Carbon and Ozone Also Matter], in September/October 2009 Foreign Affairs with Veerabhadran Ramanathan and Jessica Seddon Wallack.\n*[ The Climate Threat We Can Beat], in May/June 2012 Foreign Affairs with David G. Victor, Charles F. Kennel, Veerabhadran Ramanathan (website is paid while article is current)",
"Ramanathan is an ISI highly cited researcher. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Meteorological Society and American Geophysical Union. He became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1995. In 1995, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences awarded him the Buys Ballot Medal. In 2002, he was awarded the Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal, \"... for fundamental insights into the radiative roles of clouds, aerosols and key gases in the Earth's climate system.\" He was elected a member of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2002 \"... for fundamental contributions to our modern understanding of global climate change and human impacts on climate and environment\", an Academician of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 2004, a member the American Philosophical Society in 2006, and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2008.\nAlso, Veerabhadran Ramanathan has been bestowed with the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award 2015 in the Climate Change category for discovering that human-produced gases and pollutants other than have a huge power to alter the Earth's climate, and that by acting on them it is possible to make a short-term dent on the rate of global warming. He received the prestigious Tang Prize for Sustainable Development in 2018. He was awarded the 90th annual Mendel Medal by Villanova University in 2018 for his work on climate change. Ramanathan is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award (Champions of the Earth) in 2013.",
"In March 2007, Ramanathan wrote a white paper with Balakrishnan on a potential project that will reduce air pollution and global warming. Project Surya, which means Sun in Sanskrit, will use inexpensive solar cookers in rural India, and document the reductions in carbon dioxide and soot emissions. The byproducts of biofuel cooking and biomass burning are significant contributors to global warming, and the expanded use of renewable energy is expected to decrease their effects.\nThe burning of solid fuels causes substantial health risks as well. An estimated 440,000 deaths per year are attributed to unsanitary food preparation techniques due to aerosol exposure. Over 3 billion people cook and heat their home by burning biomass such as wood and feces. The project, costing an estimated $4.5 million, will buy 3,500 cookers and impact up to 15,000 people. As of November 2008, the project has not been funded.\nProject Surya was soft launched in March 2009. Each household in the village of Khairatpur, Uttar Pradesh received a biomass cook stoves and a solar lamp. Surya has since received $150,000 in funding from UNEP.",
"Ramanathan has contributed to many areas of the atmospheric sciences. His first major findings were in the mid-1970s and were related to the greenhouse effect of CFCs and other trace gases Until that time, carbon dioxide was thought to be the sole greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. He also contributed to the early development of global circulation models and the detecting and attribution of climate change.\nHis focus then shifted to the radiative effects of clouds on the climate. This was done using the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), which showed that clouds have a large cooling effect on the planet. ERBE was also able to measure the greenhouse effect without the use of climate models.\nRecently, he has published on the aerosol radiative properties. His work has shown that aerosols have a cooling effect on the surface of the planet, and at the top of the atmosphere, but the forcing at the top of the atmosphere was only one-third the magnitude as the surface forcing. This has implications for the hydrologic cycle. While working on the Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment, he discovered that absorbing black carbonaceous aerosols have a larger influence on climate than previously thought, which led to the development of the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). In the 1990s, he led the Indian Ocean Experiment with Paul Crutzen and discovered the widespread existence of atmospheric brown clouds covering much of the Indian Ocean region. They found that the vast majority of the aerosols were anthropogenic in origin, and that the surface cooling caused by the aerosols is more important than the atmospheric heating. These atmospheric brown clouds may have masked as much as 50% of the surface heating caused by the increase in carbon dioxide, and caused reduced precipitation during the Indian monsoon.\nRamanathan is also interested in the impact of climate change on agriculture in India. While atmospheric brown clouds partially offset the warming due from carbon dioxide, their effect on agriculture has been less certain. A statistical rice model couple to a regional climate model has shown that reductions of both carbon dioxide and atmospheric brown clouds will increase crop yield.\nHe has also written on avoiding dangerous anthropogenic climate change. Ramanathan writes that there are several tipping points in the climate system, and that they do not all occur at the same temperature threshold; the tipping point for the arctic summer sea ice is likely to be smaller than that for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. While the planet has seen an observed warming of 0.6 °C since pre-industrial times, it has already most likely committed itself to 2.4 °C (1.4 °C to 4.3 °C) of warming. These values surpass several of the tipping point thresholds. In a 2014 paper, Ramanathan and co-authors suggested that mitigating methane, soot, ozone and hydrofluorocarbons in the atmosphere could reduce the expected sea level rise due to climate change.",
"Ramanathan was born in Chennai, India. At the age of 11, he moved with his family to Bangalore. The classes at the school he attended were taught in English, and not his native Tamil. He admits that he \"lost the habit of listening to my teachers and had to figure out things on my own\". He received his BE degree from Annamalai University, and ME degree from the Indian Institute of Science. In 1970, he arrived in the US to study interferometry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook under the direction of Robert Cess. Before Ramanathan could begin working on his PhD research, Cess decided to change his research and focus on planetary atmospheres.",
"Veerabhadran \"Ram\" Ramanathan (born 24 November 1944) is Edward A. Frieman Endowed Presidential Chair in Climate Sustainability Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. He has contributed to many areas of the atmospheric and climate sciences including developments to general circulation models, atmospheric chemistry, and radiative transfer. He has been a part of major projects such as the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), and is known for his contributions to the areas of climate physics, Climate Change and atmospheric aerosols research. He is now the Chair of Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions education project of University of California. He has received numerous awards, and is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He has spoken about the topic of global warming, and written that \"the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming is, in my opinion, the most important environmental issue facing the world today.\"\nDue to his close affiliation with Pope Francis, Ramanathan has been described as \"The Popes climate scientist\". He was influential in the creation of Laudato si, the Pope's encyclical on climate change.",
"Veniamin Grigorievich (Benjamin) Levich (; 30 March 1917 – 19 January 1987) was a Soviet dissident, who was an internationally prominent physical chemist, electrochemist and founder of the discipline of physico-chemical hydrodynamics. He was a student of the theoretical physicist, Lev Landau. His landmark textbook titled Physicochemical Hydrodynamics is widely considered his most important contribution to science. The Levich equation describing a current at a rotating disk electrode is named after him. His research activities also included gas-phase collision reactions, electrochemistry, and the quantum mechanics of electron transfer.\nLevich received many honors during his life, including the Olin Palladium Award of The Electrochemical Society in 1973. He was elected a foreign member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences in 1977 and a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 1982. He was also a member of numerous scientific organizations, although on leaving the USSR in 1978 he had to relinquish his Soviet citizenship and, therefore, was expelled from the USSR Academy of Sciences. An interdisciplinary institute at the City College of New York is named in his honor.\nHis son Eugene V. (Yevgeny) Levich also became a physicist, leaving the Soviet Union in 1975 and raising support for other family members.",
"* Class of 1997 Project Kaleidoscope Faculty for the 21st Century\n* American Meteorological Society Charles E. Anderson award\n* Elected a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society\n* Fulbright Specialist Award\n* National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Henry Cecil McBay Outstanding Teacher Award",
"Morris joined the University of California, Davis, where he was awarded a President's Postdoctoral Fellowship. At UC Davis, Morris studied the dynamics of free radical systems. In 1996 Morris moved to Howard University, where he was appointed deputy director of the Center for the Study of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Atmospheres. His research looks to understand how atmospheric particulates influence the atmosphere and climate across multiple spatio-temporal scales. He served as Director of the Howard University component of the Goddard Space Flight Center Earth Science and Technology Center. In this capacity, Morris spent two years at Goddard, where he studied the movement of aerosols and dust from Asia across the Pacific Ocean.\nAt Howard University, Morris was the founding director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. His research considered trace gases and aerosols in the urban environment. To understand the impact of these at a global scale, Morris directed several observation missions on board the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown. Amongst these missions were the AERosols and Oceanographic Science Expeditions (AEROSE), which involved investigations into the air mass outflows of Africa. These outflows included particulates from the Sahara desert and aerosols from the burning of biomass due to slash-and-burn agriculture. Such aerosols can influence the transfer of microbes across hemispheres (microbiological transfer), which can impact cloud formation and precipitation. Through these investigations Morris was able to create the world's most comprehensive data set of atmospheric measurements and oceanographic information. These studies permit the characterisation of the environmental impacts of Saharan dust aerosols as they move across the Atlantic Ocean.\nIn July 2020 Morris joined the faculty at Arizona State University as the Director of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.",
"As of 2017, in the United States, fewer than 0.1% of geoscience doctoral students are African American or Native American. In an interview with Chalkdust magazine, Morris remarked, \"if you never see any African American professors, or very rarely see them, then you don't see yourself becoming one, and you say to yourself maybe I should do something else,\".\nMorris has dedicated his scientific career to mentoring students and early career researchers from underserved backgrounds. In 2001 Morris founded the Howard University (HU) Graduate Program in Atmospheric Sciences (HUPAS), which was the first atmospheric science doctoral programme at a minority serving institution. Under his leadership, HUPAS became a national leader in the graduation of minority atmospheric science researchers; between 2006 and 2016 HUPAS produced half of all African-American doctoral graduates in the United States.\nAlongside working to support early career researchers, Morris has created educational programmes for young people. He designed a series of weather camps for students in the United States and Puerto Rico, which included courses in weather, climate and the environment. Almost 70% of the students who participate in the weather camps are African-American or Latinx. During his time at Howard University, Morris encouraged his research group to visit schools in the District of Columbia Public School system and lead interactive education programmes as part of a travelling science show which became known as Community Science Fests. Beyond Washington, D.C., these events took place in Brazil, Barbados, Uruguay, the Philippines, Ethiopia and Sudan. He has worked with Talitha Washington on programmes that promote STEMM diversity. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Atmospheric Science and the Climate.",
"Vernon R. Morris (born January 23, 1963) is an American atmospheric scientist, Foundation Professor and Associate Dean of the Knowledge Enterprise in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University. He is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the former Director of the Atmospheric Sciences Program at Howard University. He was awarded the 2018 American Meteorological Society Charles E. Anderson award and the 2020 Presidential Citation for Science and Society American Geophysical Union.",
"Morris was born in San Antonio. His mother and father worked for the United States Air Force, and he lived in fourteen different places as a child. He finished high school in Spokane, Washington. Morris originally thought he would follow his parents and join the United States Air Force Academy. Whilst there were no other scientists in his family, his mother's friend Carolyn Clay, an engineering professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, helped him to get into an engineering summer camp at the University of Washington. He eventually applied to Morehouse College, where he was mentored by Henry Cecil McBay. Morris went on to complete his undergraduate degree at Morehouse, where he specialised in chemistry and mathematics. Whilst at Morehouse, Morris met his future graduate advisor John H. Hall.\nAfter an opportunity arose to join the research group of Hall as a scientist, Morris moved to the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), where he started a graduate programme in atmospheric science. Throughout his graduate studies he worked as an instructor at Spelman College. His doctoral research considered atmospheric inorganic chlorine oxides (peroxides), and he was awarded a NASA graduate research fellowship to support his studies. His work combined experimental and theoretical investigations to better understand how chlorine oxides contributed to the depletion of stratospheric ozone. In 1991, Morris became the first African-American to earn a doctorate in atmospheric science at Georgia Tech. After completing his doctorate, Morris moved to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he was made a Ford Foundation fellow.",
"*Goldschmidt was created a Knight of the Order of St. Olav in 1929.\n*While at the Macaulay Institute, Goldschmidt was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, given an honorary Doctor of Laws (LLD) by the University of Aberdeen and awarded the Wollaston Medal, the highest honor of the Geological Society of London.\n*The mountain ridge Goldschmidtfjella in Oscar II Land at Spitsbergen is named after him.\n*The mineral goldschmidtite (KNbO) was named in his honour (IMA2018-034).\n*The V. M. Goldschmidt Medal is awarded annually by The Geochemical Society",
"Victor Moritz Goldschmidt (27 January 1888 – 20 March 1947) was a Norwegian mineralogist considered (together with Vladimir Vernadsky) to be the founder of modern geochemistry and crystal chemistry, developer of the Goldschmidt Classification of elements.",
"Goldschmidt was born in Zürich, Switzerland on 27 January 1888. His father, Heinrich Jacob Goldschmidt, (1857–1937) was a physical chemist at the Eidgenössisches Polytechnikum and his mother, Amelie Koehne (1864–1929), was the daughter of a lumber merchant. They named him Viktor after a colleague of Heinrich, Victor Meyer. His fathers family was Jewish back to at least 1600 and mostly highly educated, with rabbis, judges, lawyers and military officers among their numbers. As his fathers career progressed, the family moved first to Amsterdam in 1893, to Heidelberg in 1896, and finally to Kristiania (later Oslo), Norway in 1901, where he took over the physical chemistry chair at the university. The family became Norwegian citizens in 1905.\nGoldschmidt entered the University of Kristiana (later the University of Oslo) in 1906 and studied inorganic and physical chemistry, geology, mineralogy, physics, mathematics, zoology and botany. He secured a fellowship for his doctoral studies from the university at the age of 21 (1909). He worked on his thesis with the noted geologist Waldemar Christofer Brøgger and obtained his Norwegian doctor’s degree when he was 23 years old (1911). For his dissertation titled Die Kontaktmetamorphose im Kristianiagebiet (\"The Contact Metamorphism in the Kristiania Region\"), the Norwegian Academy of Sciences awarded him the Fridtjof Nansen award in 1912. The same year he was made Docent (Associate Professor) of Mineralogy and Petrography at the university.",
"In 1914 Goldschmidt applied for a professorship in Stockholm and was offered the position. To entice him to stay, the University of Kristiania persuaded the government to establish a mineralogical institute with a professorship for him. In 1929 Goldschmidt was appointed the chair of mineralogy in Göttingen, and he hired Reinhold Mannkopff and Fritz Laves as his assistants. However, after the rise of the Nazis to power, he became unhappy with the treatment of non-Aryans like himself (although the university treated him well) and he resigned in 1935 and returned to Oslo. In 1937, he was invited by the Royal Society of Chemistry to give the Hugo Müller lecture.\nOn 9 April 1940 the Germans invaded Norway. On 26 October 1942 Goldschmidt was arrested at the orders of the German occupying powers as part of the persecution of Jews in Norway during World War II. Taken to the Berg concentration camp, he became seriously ill and after a stay in a hospital near Oslo, he was released on 8 November, only to be rearrested on 25 November. However, as he was on the pier and about to be deported to Auschwitz, he was freed because some colleagues had persuaded the chief of police that his scientific expertise was essential to the state. Goldschmidt soon fled to Sweden.\nGoldschmidt was flown to England on 3 March 1943 by a British intelligence unit, and provided information about technical developments in Norway. After a short period of uncertainty about his future status, he was assigned to the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research (in Aberdeen) of the Agricultural Research Council. He participated in discussions about the German use of raw materials and production of heavy water. He attended open meetings in Cambridge, Manchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh and Aberdeen and lectured at the British Coal Utilisation Research Association on the presence of rare elements in coal ash. His British professional associates and contacts included Leonard Hawkes, C E Tilley and W H Bragg, J D Bernal, Dr W G (later Sir William) Ogg.\nGoldschmidt moved from Aberdeen to Rothamsted, where he was popular and nicknamed ‘Goldie’. However, he wanted to go back to Oslo – not welcomed by all Norwegians – and returned there on 26 June 1946, but died soon after, at age 59.",
"After graduating from Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, Hao studied chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University (BS degree), obtained a Master's Degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a PhD in Atmospheric Chemistry from Harvard University.\nIn 1991, he works in the US Department of Agriculture and Forest Services in the city of Missoula.\nIn 1994, he became an author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the same year, the first Climate Change Report was published by the IPCC. He was responsible for Rocky Mountain Climate Monitoring.\nUntil 2014, he has been the author or co-author of more than 70 publications in specialized magazines. His publications are widely cited by major institutions and universities around the world.",
"Wei-Min Hao (; born 7 April 1953) is an atmospheric chemist, Taiwanese-American climatologist, and currently works in the United States Department of Agriculture. His work directly contributed to the reason for awarding the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He is a member of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and an author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).",
"* CAREER Grant Award of the National Science Foundation (NSF) 2001-2006 \n* Research Innovation Award for cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Research Corporation 1999\n* Flavored Ice Award for revolutionary snow flavoring techniques",
"Simpson has more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals.\n* Simpson, W. R., L. Alvarez-Aviles, T. A. Douglas, M. Sturm, and F. Domine (2005), Halogens in the coastal snow pack near Barrow, Alaska: Evidence for active bromine air-snow chemistry during springtime, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L04811.\n* Ayers, J. D., and W. R. Simpson (2006), Measurements of NO near Fairbanks, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14309.\n* Ayers, J. D., R. L. Apodaca, W. R. Simpson, and D. S. Baer (2005), Off-axis cavity ringdown spectroscopy: application to atmospheric nitrate radical detection, Appl. Optics., 44, 7239-7242.",
"William R. Simpson (born July 25, 1966) is an American chemist. He is a pioneer in the field of snow chemistry. He is also a current researcher at University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute and International Arctic Research Center and an associate professor in the chemistry department. He is the principal investigator of the atmospheric chemistry group and director of the universitys NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program.",
"Bill attained his B.A. in chemistry at Swarthmore College in 1988 and his Ph.D. in physical chemistry at Stanford University in 1995.",
"For more, see \n* Seiler, W., and R. Conrad, Contribution of tropical ecosystems to the global budget of trace gases, especially CHa, Hj, CO and N20, in The Geophysiology of Amazonia• edited by R. E. Dickinson, pp. 133–160, John Wiley, New York, 1987. \n* Kramm, G., Dlugi, R., Dollard, G.J., Foken, T., Mölders, N., Müller, H., Seiler, W., Sievering, H. On the dry deposition of ozone and reactive nitrogen species. Atmospheric Environment 29 3209 - 3231, 1995.\n* Wassmann, R., Neue, H.U., Lantin, R.S., Aduna, J.B., Alberto, M.C.R., Andales, M.J., Tan, M.J., Vandergon, H.A.C.D., Hoffmann, H., Papen, H., Rennenberg, H., Seiler, W. TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF METHANE EMISSIONS FROM WETLAND RICE FIELDS TREATED BY DIFFERENT MODES OF N-APPLICATION. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 99 16457 - 16462, 1994.\n* Martius, C., Wassmann, R., Thein, U., Bandeira, A., Rennenberg, H., Junk, W., Seiler, W. METHANE EMISSION FROM WOOD-FEEDING TERMITES IN AMAZONIA. Chemosphere 26 623 - 632, 1993.\n* Wassmann, R., Schütz, H., Papen, H., Rennenberg, H., Seiler, W., Aiguo, D., Shen, R.X., Shangguan, X.J., Wang, M.X. QUANTIFICATION OF METHANE EMISSIONS FROM CHINESE RICE FIELDS (ZHEJIANG PROVINCE) AS INFLUENCED BY FERTILIZER TREATMENT. Biogeochemistry 20 83 - 101, 1993.\n* Wassmann, R., Wang, M.X., Shangguan, X.J., Xie, X.L., Shen, R.X., Wang, Y.S., Papen, H., Rennenberg, H., Seiler, W. 1ST RECORDS OF A FIELD EXPERIMENT ON FERTILIZER EFFECTS ON METHANE EMISSION FROM RICE FIELDS IN HUNAN-PROVINCE (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC-OF-CHINA). Geophysical Research Letters 20 2071 - 2074, 1993.\n* Slemr, F., Seiler, W. FIELD-STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES CONTROLLING THE NO EMISSIONS FROM SOIL AND THE NO COMPENSATION POINT. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 96 13017 - 13031, 1991.\n* Brunke, E.G., Scheel, H.E., Seiler, W. TRENDS OF TROPOSPHERIC CO, N2O AND CH4 AS OBSERVED AT CAPE POINT, SOUTH-AFRICA. Atmospheric Environment Part A-General Topics 24 585 - 595, 1990.\n* Reichle, H.G., Connors, V.S., Holland, J.A., Sherrill, R.T., Wallio, H.A., Casas, J.C., Condon, E.P., Gormsen, B.B., Seiler, W. THE DISTRIBUTION OF MIDDLE TROPOSPHERIC CARBON-MONOXIDE DURING EARLY OCTOBER 1984. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 95 9845 - 9856, 1990.\n* Scheel, H.E., Brunke, E.G., Seiler, W. TRACE GAS MEASUREMENTS AT THE MONITORING STATION CAPE POINT, SOUTH-AFRICA, BETWEEN 1978 AND 1988. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 11 197 - 210, 1990.\n* Schütz, H., Seiler, W., Conrad, R. INFLUENCE OF SOIL-TEMPERATURE ON METHANE EMISSION FROM RICE PADDY FIELDS. Biogeochemistry 11 77 - 95, 1990.\n* Seiler, W., Crutzen P.J.: Estimates of gross and net fluxes of carbon between the biosphere and the atmosphere from biomass burning. Climate Change. 1979",
"* Member of the Commission of Inquiry of the 11th and 12th German Bundestag \"Protecting the Earth's Atmosphere\" (1987-1995)\n* Member of the Advisory Board of the German Government's climate (1988-1996)\n* Member of the Expert Group for Global Environmental Aspects (GUA) of the BMBF (2000-2003)\n* Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel (since 2003)\n* Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations (FRFG) (since 2003)´\n* Academician Francis of Assisi Academy for the Protection of the Earth\n* Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Climate Protection Initiative \"CO2NTRA\" of the company Isover (Since 2004)",
"Seiler worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Meteorology, University of Mainz (1967-1969) and was head of the research group \"trace gases\" at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPI), Mainz (1969-1986). In 1978 he was a researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), in Boulder, Colorado, where he collaborated with Paul J. Crutzen and Ralph J. Cicerone. In 2001 Seiler was a Highly Cited Researcher (one of world's leading researchers) in the category Geosciences and Ecology/Environment.\nFrom 1986 to 2001, Seiler was the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research, and from 2001 to September 2007 the Director of Institute of Meteorology and Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU) of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). After he retired, Professor Seiler became an environmental officer (voluntary) of the City of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Together with Ralf Klemens Stappen he served project leader of the pilot project Sustainable Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Munich 2018, Bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics) and Executive of the Energiewende Oberland.",
"Seiler studierte von 1961 bis 1969 Meteorologie an der Universität Mainz und schloss mit dem Diplom ab. 1970 promovierte er zum Dr. rer. nat. Zehn Jahre später habilitierte er sich an der ETH Zürich in Atmosphärenchemie. Von 1980 bis 1982 war er Dozent an der ETH Zürich. Von 1980 bis 1989 war er Gastprofessor am Georgia Institute of Technology (englisch), Atlanta, USA, und von 1989 bis 1990 Research Professor für Umweltwissenschaften an der Universität von Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. 1998 wurde er zum Honorarprofessor an der Universität Augsburg und ging 2007 in Ruhestand.",
"Wolfgang Seiler (born 22 January 1940 in Remscheid) is a German biogeochemist and climatologist. Seiler was Director of the Institute of Meteorology and Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and is a pioneer in basic research in biogeochemistry.",
"Seraj studied at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh obtaining a B.Sc. in 1980. She completed her M.Sc. from the same university in 1982. She obtained her PhD in biochemistry from University of Glasgow in 1986 and went to University of Liverpool for post-doctoral work in the following year. After completing her post-doc., she joined the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka in 1988. She became an associate professor in 1991 and later a professor in 1997 at the same university. She has been supervising plant biotechnology projects funded by foreign and local grants as a principal investigator since 1991. She is a visiting researcher with UT Austin since 2013",
"Zeba was married to Toufiq M Seraj, a Bangladeshi businessman who was the founder and managing director of Sheltech. They have two daughters.",
"Zeba Islam Seraj is a Bangladeshi scientist known for her research in developing salt-tolerant rice varieties suitable for growth in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. She is currently a professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka.",
"Seraj has established a well-equipped plant biotechnology laboratory at the University of Dhaka. She has been a co-principal investigator in several projects, such as the Generation Challenge Program (GCP)—an initiative to use molecular biology to help boost agricultural production.\nSeraj has not only worked on fine mapping of the major QTLs for salinity tolerance in Pokkali, but also characterized traditional rice landraces with the aim of finding genetic loci responsible for salt tolerance and applying markers linked to these loci to aid breeding programs for incorporation of salinity tolerance in rice. She also works on developing genetically modified rice varieties with improved salt tolerance suitable for growing in the coastal region of Bangladesh. She was the recipient of the PEER award (joint USAID-NSF initiative) for using next generation sequencing technologies to find the basis of salt tolerance of a rice landrace endemic to the Bangladesh coast, where University of Texas at Austin served as the host for collaborative work.\nSeraj has been a visiting scientist in [ PBGB, IRRI] (Constructs for salinity tolerance with Dr. John Bennett Jan-March 1998), PBGB & CSWS Division, IRRI (IRRI-PETRRA Bangladesh project on development of MV rice for the coastal wetlands of Bangladesh, June 11–29, 2002 and June 16–20, 2003), USDA research station at Beaumont, Texas, USA ( Aug. 4–16, 2003) and at the Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Texas, Austin, USA as Norman Borlaug Fellow (August 15-December 15, 2005). She has been honored with Visiting researcher status at University of Texas at Austin (October 2014-September, 2020). She was awarded the Annanya Award, 2017 for her scientific research. She was invited for a Tedx talk on how to save crops from sea level rise and salinity (Jan 16, 2018). She was featured in NHK TV, Japan in a talk on Science for Sustainable Earth in 2019."
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] |
Subsets and Splits