BioKGBench-Dataset / scv /test.jsonl
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{"claim": "Mitochondria do play a role in remodelling lace plant leaves during programmed cell death.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21645374]}
{"claim": "\"Syncope during bathing in infants is a pediatric form of water-induced urticaria.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9488747]}
{"claim": "A short stay or 23-hour ward in a general and academic children's hospital is effective.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10966337]}
{"claim": "Chile's traffic law reform pushed police enforcement.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25432938]}
{"claim": "Emergency ultrasound fellowship programs impact emergency medicine residents' ultrasound education.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24866606]}
{"claim": "\"Patient-Controlled Therapy of Breathlessness in Palliative Care is a new therapeutic concept for opioid administration.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26578404]}
{"claim": "There is still a need for living-related liver transplantation in children.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11729377]}
{"claim": "Patterns of knowledge and attitudes exist among unvaccinated seniors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17096624]}
{"claim": "There is a model to teach and practice retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22694248]}
{"claim": "Resting heart rate is also relevant in a rural adult West African population for cardiovascular risk.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22990761]}
{"claim": "The surge capacity and injury severity distribution in Israeli hospitals for terrorism-related multiple casualty incidents can be better predicted.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19394934]}
{"claim": "We can predict the outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome in children with malignancy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11481599]}
{"claim": "There is potential for significant health disparities in infants discharged from an NICU due to the risk of secondhand smoke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21669959]}
{"claim": "Nomograms designed to predict biochemical recurrence (BCR) do not do a better job of predicting more clinically relevant prostate cancer outcomes than BCR.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23806388]}
{"claim": "Halofantrine is ototoxic.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20537205]}
{"claim": "The measurement of visceral adipose tissue area at a single level can represent visceral adipose tissue volume.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28707539]}
{"claim": "Acupuncture is efficacious for treating phonotraumatic vocal pathologies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26298839]}
{"claim": "Aneurysm repair is justified for the patients aged 80 or older after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24153338]}
{"claim": "The biomolecular identification of allergenic pollen provides a new perspective for aerobiological monitoring.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20084845]}
{"claim": "The radiotherapy of the primary rectal cancer affects the prognosis after pelvic exenteration for recurrent rectal cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25489696]}
{"claim": "It is possible to perform transgastric endoscopic splenectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16432652]}
{"claim": "Fournier's gangrene is still dangerous.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19504993]}
{"claim": "It is appropriate to implant kidneys from elderly donors in young recipients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20571467]}
{"claim": "Provider service networks do result in lower expenditures compared with HMOs or primary care case management in Florida's Medicaid program.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24237112]}
{"claim": "The content and presentation of participant information sheets can influence recruitment and participation for an antenatal intervention.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25481573]}
{"claim": "There is a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25475395]}
{"claim": "A 4 diagram manual enables laypersons to operate the Laryngeal Mask Supreme\u00ae.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22453060]}
{"claim": "Parents, their children, and their children's physicians perceive body image differently in terms of body perception.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18607272]}
{"claim": "The combination with 2-methoxyestradiol is able to reduce the dosages of chemotherapeutics in the treatment of human ovarian cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15597845]}
{"claim": "\"Assessing joint line positions by means of the contralateral knee is a new approach for planning knee revision surgery.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24996865]}
{"claim": "The type of tibial component affects mechanical alignment in unicompartmental knee replacement.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23361217]}
{"claim": "There may be common factors amenable to prevention in injury and poisoning mortality among young men.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14518645]}
{"claim": "The clinical presentation of a prior preterm birth predicts risk in a subsequent pregnancy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26215326]}
{"claim": "The distance is worth it.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29112560]}
{"claim": "Aripiprazole is a new risk factor for pathological gambling.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24315783]}
{"claim": "Synergy may exist between immune suppression by lysosomotropic amines and cyclosporine on T-cell responses to minor and major histocompatibility antigens.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9381529]}
{"claim": "Induction chemotherapy has a role in the management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8985020]}
{"claim": "Multi-modal cervical physical therapy improves tinnitus in patients with cervicogenic somatic tinnitus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27592038]}
{"claim": "HIV/STD control in Jamaica is making a difference.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9792366]}
{"claim": "Even impaired fasting blood glucose levels preoperatively are associated with increased mortality after CABG surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15800018]}
{"claim": "Positron emission tomography changes management in primary rectal cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14978612]}
{"claim": "Vertical lines in distal esophageal mucosa (VLEM) are a true endoscopic manifestation of esophagitis in children.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9199905]}
{"claim": "Dexamethasone is an effective alternative to oral prednisone in the treatment of pediatric asthma exacerbations.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24785562]}
{"claim": "Early outcome measures are influenced by ethnicity in mammographic screening in Sami speaking municipalities and a control group.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22564465]}
{"claim": "Electrochemiluminescence Assays improve prediction of time to Type 1 Diabetes in Autoantibody-Positive TrialNet Subjects.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27456836]}
{"claim": "Experts agree on the assessment of appropriate antimicrobial prescribing.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27287237]}
{"claim": "There is a favorable subset of patients with prostate cancer who develop oligometastases.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14697414]}
{"claim": "Screening or surveillance for primary hepatocellular carcinoma with ultrasonography improves the prognosis of patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15530261]}
{"claim": "The Kit Mutation Analysis will be a pathfinder in Neoadjuvant Imatinib in Locally Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27217036]}
{"claim": "The lipid-lowering peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ligand bezafibrate prevents colon cancer in patients with coronary artery disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18565233]}
{"claim": "Laparoscopic surgery decreases the risk of atrial fibrillation after foregut surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18322741]}
{"claim": "Patients with rheumatoid arthritis established on methotrexate and folic acid 5 mg daily need to continue folic acid supplements long term.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11035130]}
{"claim": "Lung ischemia and reperfusion have an impact on coronary flow.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21900017]}
{"claim": "There may be a role for polymorphisms in the beta-adrenergic receptor (ADRB) encoding genes in transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18540901]}
{"claim": "The duration of psychological treatment for depression is related to the return into treatment.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27448572]}
{"claim": "The leukocyte count correlates with the severity of injury.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12836106]}
{"claim": "Transcranial direct current stimulation can be useful in differentiating unresponsive wakefulness syndrome from minimally conscious state patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25588461]}
{"claim": "Preventing osteoporosis is the key to eliminating aromatase inhibitor-related musculoskeletal symptoms.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19299238]}
{"claim": "The locoregional opening of the rodent blood-brain barrier for paclitaxel using Nd:YAG laser-induced thermo therapy is a new concept of adjuvant glioma therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12913878]}
{"claim": "Whether preoperative tracheobronchoscopy in newborns with esophageal atresia matters is being considered.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16769333]}
{"claim": "The horizontal semicircular canal ocular reflex is influenced by otolith organs input.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22497340]}
{"claim": "Student examiners may be reasonable substitute examiners for faculty in an undergraduate OSCE on medical emergencies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25186850]}
{"claim": "Endothelial cell patterns of astrocytomas are indicative of grade.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9427037]}
{"claim": "All ethnic groups in New Zealand exhibit socio-economic mortality gradients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16956164]}
{"claim": "The stretch-sensitive KCNQ1 mutation is a link between genetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17276182]}
{"claim": "Corrected QT dispersion would predict left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22428608]}
{"claim": "The anatomy of the aortic arch influences aortic trauma severity in traumatic aortic injury.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27858166]}
{"claim": "Risk stratification is useful in the inpatient versus outpatient management of neutropenic fever in gynecologic oncology patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23791827]}
{"claim": "The peak oxygen uptake of children who have spina bifida and are ambulatory reflects maximum oxygen uptake.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19482903]}
{"claim": "Rural or urban residence makes a difference to neonatal outcome in premature birth.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16428354]}
{"claim": "The use of cyanoacrylate in intestinal anastomosis is a good and reliable alternative.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19302863]}
{"claim": "Trabecular bone is related to primary stability of miniscrews.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24245816]}
{"claim": "Patients are willing participants in the new wave of community-based medical education in regional and rural Australia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20121683]}
{"claim": "The socioeconomic status matters in the quality of life of lung cancer patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12846929]}
{"claim": "There may be a potential role for uterine natural killer cells in menopausal hormone therapy and irregular endometrial bleeding.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16046584]}
{"claim": "Para-cervical block offers additional advantages in abortion induction with gemeprost in the 2nd trimester.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9483814]}
{"claim": "Insulin resistance drives the association between hyperglycemia and cardiovascular risk.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22720085]}
{"claim": "There are risk factors that increase the rate of staple line leakage in patients undergoing primary sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24748473]}
{"claim": "Reducing spasticity translates into functional benefit.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15489384]}
{"claim": "The holmium:YAG laser is the best intracorporeal lithotripter for the ureter.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17444776]}
{"claim": "The transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function in brain-dead patients determines whether marginally acceptable hearts are suitable for transplantation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8910148]}
{"claim": "A Novel Surgical Approach to the Temporomandibular Joint can Improve Access and Reduce Complications.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26907557]}
{"claim": "Medical students can contribute to quality assurance programmes in day surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10354335]}
{"claim": "Volumetric analysis is worth the effort when measuring head and neck paragangliomas.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26452334]}
{"claim": "Three-dimensional ultrasound-validated large-core needle biopsy is a reliable method for the histological assessment of breast lesions.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15065192]}
{"claim": "General practice selection scores predict success at MRCGP.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22449464]}
{"claim": "The Deformity Angular Ratio correlates with high-risk cases for potential spinal cord monitoring alerts in pediatric 3-Column Thoracic Spinal Deformity Corrective Surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26222664]}
{"claim": "Age moderates the effect of personality disorder on coping style in psychiatric inpatients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22617083]}
{"claim": "Surgical effort still matters in quaternary cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23321509]}
{"claim": "Topical ropivacaine reduces the post-tonsillectomy morbidity in pediatric patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18179827]}
{"claim": "Pain is a clinically relevant problem in general adult psychiatry.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14872327]}
{"claim": "Knee extensor strength, dynamic stability, and functional ambulation are related in Parkinson's disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20382292]}
{"claim": "The fragility of the esophageal mucosa is a pathognomonic endoscopic sign of primary eosinophilic esophagitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12612531]}
{"claim": "The current prediction equations for basal metabolic rate in Chinese may or may not be applicable.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27581329]}
{"claim": "Spinal subdural hematoma is a sequela of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12765819]}
{"claim": "Shape analysis can differentiate free-floating internal carotid artery thrombus from atherosclerotic plaque in patients evaluated with CTA for stroke or transient ischemic attack.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24507422]}
{"claim": "A prediction of different histologic subtypes is possible in diffusion-weighted echo-planar MR imaging of primary parotid gland tumors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19131405]}
{"claim": "Multidisciplinary breast cancer clinics work.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9191526]}
{"claim": "Gastric electrical stimulation is superior to standard pharmacologic therapy in improving GI symptoms, healthcare resources, and long-term health care benefits.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15670262]}
{"claim": "Breast cancer prognosis is inherited.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17598882]}
{"claim": "Residency Selection Criteria Predicts Performance in Orthopaedic Surgery Residency.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25940336]}
{"claim": "An optimistic outlook predicts better survival at advanced ages.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24014276]}
{"claim": "Pectins are involved in cold acclimation and de-acclimation of winter oil-seed rape plants.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18222909]}
{"claim": "\"Updating emotional content in working memory is a depression-specific deficit.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24747511]}
{"claim": "The effect of an intracerebroventricular injection of metformin or AICAR on the plasma concentrations of melatonin in the ewe may potentially involve AMPK.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21801416]}
{"claim": "The isolated right hemisphere can read after cerebral hemispherectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25819796]}
{"claim": "Communication with terminally ill patients can be taught.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14551704]}
{"claim": "Increased carotid artery pulsatility and resistance indexes are early signs of vascular abnormalities in young obese males.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22532370]}
{"claim": "The acceptance rates of a national preventive home visit programme for older people are socially imbalanced.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22656647]}
{"claim": "Open access publishing increases the impact of scientific articles.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22683044]}
{"claim": "There is an etiologic role in the in vivo visualization of pyloric mucosal hypertrophy in infants with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11566686]}
{"claim": "Improvements in outreach, clinical, and family and community-based services predict improvements in child survival.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21658267]}
{"claim": "We may be missing some prognostic factors for hepatorenal syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21850494]}
{"claim": "The proof of concept study examines whether fenofibrate has a role in sleep apnoea syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20297950]}
{"claim": "Mental imagery functional magnetic resonance imaging can predict recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23735520]}
{"claim": "The nurse cystoscopist is a feasible option.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10759659]}
{"claim": "Specialty care is associated with improved survival of patients with congestive heart failure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12595848]}
{"claim": "Wound cultures give information about the microbiology of blood cultures in severe burn patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26418796]}
{"claim": "Behavioural risk factors can be blamed for the conversion from optimal blood pressure to hypertensive status in Black South Africans.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22825590]}
{"claim": "The systematic use of patient-rated depression severity monitoring is helpful and feasible in clinical psychiatry.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18832500]}
{"claim": "There may be secondary benefits of treadmill training post stroke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18955431]}
{"claim": "The lunar position influences the time of delivery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9550200]}
{"claim": "Oral endotracheal intubation efficacy is impaired in the helicopter environment.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10135926]}
{"claim": "Technology per se is not sufficient to improve glycaemic control in telemedicine and type 1 diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24139705]}
{"claim": "Half-dose contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography is sufficient for the abdominal aorta and pelvis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14745753]}
{"claim": "Digital Tomosynthesis is a viable alternative to noncontrast computed tomography for the follow-up of nephrolithiasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27078715]}
{"claim": "High cumulative insulin exposure is a risk factor of atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15939071]}
{"claim": "Older patients who refuse to participate in a self-management intervention in the Netherlands do differ from older patients who agree to participate.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18594195]}
{"claim": "Familiar teammates request and accept more backup.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19653482]}
{"claim": "We can predict the outcome of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery in Cushing's disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11380492]}
{"claim": "The condition of the cell microenvironment of mediastinal lymph nodes can help predict the risk of metastases in non-small cell lung cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19931500]}
{"claim": "Size-reducing ascending aortoplasty with external reinforcement is an option in modern aortic surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17306983]}
{"claim": "Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is safe and effective for adrenal masses larger than 7 cm.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17704864]}
{"claim": "The supplemental security income program reduces disability in the elderly through upstream solutions.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18307476]}
{"claim": "We screen for coexisting masses in eyelid-parotid metastasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26399179]}
{"claim": "There is room for improvement in the school food policy at Dutch primary schools.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23587089]}
{"claim": "The atopy patch test with house dust mites is specific for atopic dermatitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15539888]}
{"claim": "Preoperative statins reduce atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21881325]}
{"claim": "A special interest in laparoscopy affects the treatment of acute cholecystitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12098035]}
{"claim": "The progression of valvar aortic stenosis can be predicted accurately.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12963175]}
{"claim": "Scintigraphy is a guideline method in determining amputation levels in diabetic foot.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24901580]}
{"claim": "The improvements in survival of gynaecological cancer in the Anglia region of England are an effect of centralisation of care and use of multidisciplinary management.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21481154]}
{"claim": "Symptoms do matter when considering patients for phase I clinical trials.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21398266]}
{"claim": "Surgery or radiation therapy impacts survival for patients with extrapulmonary small cell cancers.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21618245]}
{"claim": "STIR imaging cannot be omitted in the MR diagnosis of bone metastases at 1.5 T and 3 T.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26085176]}
{"claim": "The study compares the assessment of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures via phone interviews and patient self-survey in the clinic to determine if they are measuring the same thing.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26548832]}
{"claim": "Cytokeratin immunoreactivity is useful in the diagnosis of short-segment Barrett's oesophagus in Korea.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15879722]}
{"claim": "Somatostatin confers insulinostatic effects of neuromedin u in the rat pancreas.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18948835]}
{"claim": "\"Vitamin D supplementation and regulatory T cells in apparently healthy subjects are being studied for potential vitamin D treatment for autoimmune diseases.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20684175]}
{"claim": "Contact with specialist care is associated with lifestyle and socioeconomic status in gynecological cancer alarm symptoms.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27216167]}
{"claim": "Elective re-siting of intravenous cannulae decreases peripheral thrombophlebitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19852337]}
{"claim": "Third trimester ultrasound can predict the presentation of the first twin at delivery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22680064]}
{"claim": "Continuing oral hypoglycemic agents is necessary when starting insulin in type 2 diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15125825]}
{"claim": "Delaying surgery in immature adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients with a progressive curve leads to the addition of fusion levels.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24947183]}
{"claim": "EMS providers can provide appropriate tidal volumes in a simulated adult-sized patient with a pediatric-sized bag-valve-mask.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27690714]}
{"claim": "There is a place for culture, attitudes, and faith in recovery outcome measures.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24964725]}
{"claim": "Further improvements may be needed in the validation of the 2009 TNM version in a large multi-institutional cohort of patients treated for renal cell carcinoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20674150]}
{"claim": "Sensation returns to the nasal tip after microfat grafting.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25887165]}
{"claim": "Older men benefit from curative therapy of localized prostate cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12947068]}
{"claim": "The histological features influence the clinical presentation and outcome of pituitary apoplexy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16776337]}
{"claim": "Emergency double-balloon enteroscopy combined with real-time viewing of capsule endoscopy is a feasible combined approach in acute overt-obscure gastrointestinal bleeding.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25251991]}
{"claim": "The receipt of hospice care in nursing homes improves the management of pain at the end of life.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11943048]}
{"claim": "The training of ophthalmologist diplomates can be improved in order to fulfill the human resources development goal in West Africa.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20306735]}
{"claim": "Tranexamic acid reduces desmopressin-induced hyperfibrinolysis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11882828]}
{"claim": "The medical education curriculum has influenced medical students' skills and attitudes toward culturally diverse populations in the Global Longitudinal Pathway.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21745056]}
{"claim": "Failed IUD insertions in community practice are an under-recognized problem.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22979954]}
{"claim": "Some Type II supracondylar humerus fractures can be treated nonoperatively.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22955530]}
{"claim": "The Prevalence of Incidentally Detected Idiopathic Misty Mesentery on Multidetector Computed Tomography suggests that obesity may be the triggering cause.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27050489]}
{"claim": "It is feasible to maintain HIV viral load suppression over time in resource-limited settings through treatment as prevention.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23949294]}
{"claim": "The mammography quality standards act has affected the mammography quality in North Carolina.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10749257]}
{"claim": "Hospitals provide lower quality care on weekends.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17610439]}
{"claim": "Oral mucocele/ranula is another salivary gland disease related to human immunodeficiency virus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25446909]}
{"claim": "A dedicated discharge coordinator improves the quality of hospital discharge.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10158597]}
{"claim": "Parental restriction of R-rated movie viewing reduces adolescent smoking susceptibility.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17259061]}
{"claim": "Steroids in aminoglycoside-containing ear drops reduce cochlear toxicity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24142776]}
{"claim": "It may be time to reconsider lobectomy in low-risk paediatric thyroid cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27896825]}
{"claim": "An advance care planning model is feasible in community palliative care.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22117569]}
{"claim": "Intraoperative neuromonitoring is associated with better functional outcome in patients undergoing open TME.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23810330]}
{"claim": "We can predict which head and neck cancer survivors develop fears of recurrence.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19027440]}
{"claim": "Bridge experience with long-term implantable left ventricular assist devices is an alternative to transplantation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9107172]}
{"claim": "The Retromandibular Transparotid Approach is a reliable option for the surgical treatment of condylar fractures.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27818079]}
{"claim": "The immunohistochemical assessment of steroid hormone receptors in tissues of the anal canal has implications for anal incontinence.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9003088]}
{"claim": "Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia is the expression of immune dysregulation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23337545]}
{"claim": "Profound hypotensive events can cause myocardial ischemic events in patients with coronary disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10490564]}
{"claim": "An HIV1/2 point of care test on sputum for screening TB/HIV co-infection in Central India will work.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23375036]}
{"claim": "Inhaled corticosteroids do affect perception of dyspnea during bronchoconstriction in asthma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11555508]}
{"claim": "Performing rectal anastomosis in gynaecological debulking surgery without a diverting stoma is safe.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27136599]}
{"claim": "Angiotensin-converting enzyme-1 (ACE-1) gene polymorphism leads to chronic kidney disease among hypertensive patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27050505]}
{"claim": "Laparoscopic antireflux surgery improves quality of life in patients whose gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is well controlled with medical therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18403945]}
{"claim": "Semi-closed endarterectomy of the superficial femoral artery combined with a short venous bypass in case of insufficient venous material is an acceptable alternative for limb-threatening ischemia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11149643]}
{"claim": "Biofeedback training of psychophysiological responses can enhance athletes' sport performance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26200172]}
{"claim": "\"Cue-induced behavioural activation is a novel model of alcohol craving.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12684740]}
{"claim": "The routine offering of influenza vaccination in office-based settings can reduce racial and ethnic disparities in adult influenza vaccination.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25155638]}
{"claim": "Chronic progressive cervical myelopathy with HTLV-I infection is a variant form of HAM/TSP.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15477551]}
{"claim": "Lumbar drainage of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid fistula after spine surgery is effective.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24614789]}
{"claim": "The end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement correlates with arterial carbon dioxide in extremely low birth weight infants in the first week of life.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16465002]}
{"claim": "CA72-4 is a useful biomarker in differential diagnosis between ovarian endometrioma and epithelial ovarian cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24191126]}
{"claim": "The tibial tuberosity is a reliable predictor of the PCL footprint location when performing cruciate-retaining TKA.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25218577]}
{"claim": "Amoxapine is an atypical antipsychotic.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10331115]}
{"claim": "Non-HDL-cholesterol is a better predictor of long-term outcome in patients after acute myocardial infarction compared to LDL-cholesterol.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28056802]}
{"claim": "Patella position influences ligament balancing in total knee arthroplasty.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24519615]}
{"claim": "Continuous physical training can counteract the aging effect on myoelectric fatigue.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12690589]}
{"claim": "Polymorphisms in oestrogen receptors genes are associated with lipid levels in response to hormone therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22324545]}
{"claim": "Sternal plating for primary and secondary sternal closure can improve sternal stability.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19419587]}
{"claim": "Dose reduction to one parotid gland can prevent xerostomia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16909975]}
{"claim": "Increased neutrophil migratory activity after major trauma is a factor in the etiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12163782]}
{"claim": "The timing of living in an urban environment in Thailand may affect the risk of non-communicable diseases.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25747932]}
{"claim": "A febrile reaction to platelets predisposes recipients to red blood cell alloimmunization.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19309468]}
{"claim": "Maternal creatine homeostasis is altered during gestation in the spiny mouse, suggesting a metabolic adaptation to pregnancy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25885219]}
{"claim": "Pap smears with glandular cell abnormalities are detected by rapid prescreening.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26348845]}
{"claim": "The HELPP syndrome provides evidence of a possible systemic inflammatory response in pre-eclampsia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12221908]}
{"claim": "Delayed peripheral facial palsy in the stapes surgery can be prevented.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14976655]}
{"claim": "Technical factors may affect the prognosis of hepatic arterial embolization for unresectable hepatocellular carcinomas.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22644412]}
{"claim": "Echocardiography and ECG can discriminate hereditary transthyretin V30M amyloidosis from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26104852]}
{"claim": "There is an inheritance pattern for nasal polyposis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18575014]}
{"claim": "The c-Kit-dependent growth of uveal melanoma cells is a potential therapeutic target.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15223779]}
{"claim": "Anorectal endosonography is valuable in dyschesia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12377809]}
{"claim": "The production of chemokines by perivascular adipose tissue plays a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16195477]}
{"claim": "Environmental factors are important in primary systemic vasculitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12632437]}
{"claim": "Low serum chloride level is a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10201555]}
{"claim": "EQ-5D is a valid quality of life instrument in patients with acute coronary syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21342862]}
{"claim": "Adult European pharmacoresistant epilepsy patients could be treated with higher doses of zonisamide.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26818046]}
{"claim": "Early migraine treatment shortens time to headache peak and reduces its severity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18005142]}
{"claim": "\"Post-tonsillectomy late haemorrhage is a preferably night-time event.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19230985]}
{"claim": "Acute hepatitis C in Israel is a predominantly iatrogenic disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17295865]}
{"claim": "Adjuvant aromatase inhibitors increase the cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18041059]}
{"claim": "Cardiac reoperations in octogenarians really benefit.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26460153]}
{"claim": "Alveolar Macrophage Phagocytic Dysfunction in Children With Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis is a forerunner to Bronchiectasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26867834]}
{"claim": "Minilaparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is feasible.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15954832]}
{"claim": "Single-valve replacement is safe for surgical treatment of prosthetic valve endocarditis in patients with double prostheses.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19640728]}
{"claim": "The APACHE II score is considered a reliable marker of physiological impairment in risk stratification for emergency surgical patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11146778]}
{"claim": "Reviewers' scores are influenced by citations to their own work.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26518378]}
{"claim": "We can ease the financial burden of colonoscopy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26418441]}
{"claim": "Chemical shift MRI contributes to the morphologic evaluation of solid breast masses.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19608436]}
{"claim": "Body diffusion-weighted MR imaging of uterine endometrial cancer is helpful in the detection of cancer in nonenhanced MR imaging.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18182265]}
{"claim": "Inhaled steroids do differ from cromones in terms of hospital admission rates for asthma in children.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15841770]}
{"claim": "Substance use and HIV-related sexual behaviors among US high school students are related.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8017535]}
{"claim": "Paget's disease exists in India.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17089900]}
{"claim": "Molecular genotype provides useful information in the management of radioiodine refractory thyroid cancers.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26285789]}
{"claim": "Experts' recommendations are implemented in routine clinical practice for the follow-up of patients with new cardiovascular implantable electronic devices.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23264436]}
{"claim": "A relationship exists between serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and the frequency of severe hypoglycemia in Type 1 diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17894828]}
{"claim": "Microbiological factors account for poor pregnancy outcome among unmarried pregnant women in Poland.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12913347]}
{"claim": "There is a relation between cervical cord plaques and discopathy in patients with multiple sclerosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24793469]}
{"claim": "Pictorial warning labels on cigarette packages can address smoking-related health disparities.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22350859]}
{"claim": "The fear of anaphylactic shock is discouraging surgeons from more widely adopting percutaneous and laparoscopic techniques in the treatment of liver hydatid cyst.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15041506]}
{"claim": "There may be discordance between clinical pathologists and clinicians when reporting and interpreting red blood cell morphology.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25280365]}
{"claim": "\u03b2-catenin has a role in the pathogenesis of sebaceous cell carcinoma of the eyelid.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20813740]}
{"claim": "Ultrasound is equal to X-ray in pediatric fracture diagnosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20401819]}
{"claim": "\"Measuring hospital mortality rates with 30-day data is sufficient.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [7860319]}
{"claim": "Hearing loss is an unknown complication of pre-eclampsia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25255719]}
{"claim": "Steady-state imaging improves the accuracy of first-pass imaging in Gadofosveset-enhanced MR angiography of carotid arteries.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19401574]}
{"claim": "The cause of haemolytic anaemia is an elephant trunk in a small-calibre true lumen for chronic aortic dissection.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25228241]}
{"claim": "Partial expander deflation exacerbates the adverse effects of radiotherapy in two-stage breast reconstruction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22348433]}
{"claim": "Pelvic pain is associated with defecatory symptoms in women with pelvic organ prolapse.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21394762]}
{"claim": "Ibuprofen increases perioperative blood loss during hip arthroplasty.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12442934]}
{"claim": "The use of complementary and alternative medicine therapies by U.S. adults with chronic disease-related functional limitations has changed from 2002 to 2007.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23072266]}
{"claim": "There may be gender differences in the effects of exercise training on heart rate and QT interval in healthy young individuals.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17224424]}
{"claim": "Coeliac disease screening in risk groups is justified.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16097998]}
{"claim": "The analysis of the epidemiological pattern of Shigellosis in Barcelona between 1988 and 2012 reveals whether it is an emerging sexually transmitted infection.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25487603]}
{"claim": "Aerobic workload is positively related to ambulatory blood pressure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26363639]}
{"claim": "The prevalence of Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women from the Autonomic City of Melilla is determined by culture.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27405146]}
{"claim": "Lower fasting plasma glucose levels at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes are associated with improved outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12145243]}
{"claim": "There is a causative link between cerebromediastinal tuberculosis in a child and a probable Say-Barber-Miller syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19108857]}
{"claim": "Virtual planning and guided surgery for head and neck reconstruction are economically viable.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25443385]}
{"claim": "Stroke patients' reports of home blood pressure readings are reliable.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21084567]}
{"claim": "T-cell deficiency can affect spatial learning ability following toluene exposure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19923859]}
{"claim": "There is a relationship between homocysteine and vitiligo.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18616781]}
{"claim": "Static foot posture measurements can predict regional plantar surface area.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25168472]}
{"claim": "Overexpression of Ki-67 is a prognostic biomarker of Upper Tract Urinary Carcinoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28006766]}
{"claim": "A delay in transfer to a rehabilitation unit for older people affects the outcome after fracture of the proximal femur.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11833948]}
{"claim": "Complex coronary lesions are more frequent in patients with diabetes mellitus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16971978]}
{"claim": "Expert breast pathology assessment is necessary for the management of ductal carcinoma in situ.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15528969]}
{"claim": "Reimplantation of spinal cord arteries in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair is not a waste of time.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17062225]}
{"claim": "Health information exchange reduces redundant imaging.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24374414]}
{"claim": "A pressor is necessary during aortic perfusion and oxygenation therapy of cardiac arrest.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10577397]}
{"claim": "People who were passive smokers during childhood have an increased risk of long-term work disability.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15369037]}
{"claim": "The treatment duration does affect the outcome after radiotherapy for prostate cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18472368]}
{"claim": "The urinary biomarkers assessment is a non-invasive approach to tubular lesions of the solitary kidney.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23992109]}
{"claim": "There may be an influence of pain-related cognitions on motor performance in chronic low back pain.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21951591]}
{"claim": "Inhibin is a new circulating marker of hydatidiform mole.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [2503176]}
{"claim": "The fibronectin-aggrecan complex is present in cervical disk disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22108230]}
{"claim": "Peritoneal dialysis affects halitosis in patients with end-stage renal disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20338971]}
{"claim": "Elevated troponin I levels can predict complicated clinical course and inhospital mortality in patients with acute pulmonary embolism.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17276801]}
{"claim": "Patients can use colour to describe osteoarthritis pain.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23495128]}
{"claim": "The cost and outcomes of care for inpatient pediatric tonsillectomy are affected by hospital type.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26701174]}
{"claim": "The anterior laxity of the uninjured knee influences clinical outcomes of ACL reconstruction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24695920]}
{"claim": "The type of remission after a major depressive episode is an important risk factor to relapses in a 4-year follow up.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15488260]}
{"claim": "Combination tests improve detection in the early detection of prostate cancer by assessing prostate-specific antigen and free prostate-specific antigen.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15466981]}
{"claim": "Homemade alcohol (Raksi) can be useful for preserving dead bodies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18603989]}
{"claim": "Breast cancer survival is improving.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14692023]}
{"claim": "Common carotid intima media thickness can serve as an indicator of both cardiovascular phenotype and risk among black Africans.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25150098]}
{"claim": "Fast foods are a risk factor for asthma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16266387]}
{"claim": "Magnetic resonance-ultrasound fusion biopsy can improve cancer detection in enlarged prostates.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23792130]}
{"claim": "There are progressive brain changes in schizophrenia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21457946]}
{"claim": "Concept mapping enhances the learning outcome of nursing students.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26383908]}
{"claim": "The Transmissible Liability Index (TLI) assessed in late childhood predicts suicidal symptoms at young adulthood.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25699562]}
{"claim": "There are gender differences in the reasons why African Americans delay in seeking medical help for symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17682349]}
{"claim": "Histologic chorioamnionitis corresponds to clinical chorioamnionitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18251357]}
{"claim": "Pancreas retransplantation provides a second chance for diabetic patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23222920]}
{"claim": "The enteral feeding advancement affects short-term outcomes in very low birth weight infants.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19322056]}
{"claim": "Psychological distress predicts disability.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9363529]}
{"claim": "Clinicians can use the PHQ-9 to assess depression in people with vision loss.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19156007]}
{"claim": "The 7th TNM edition is suitable for biological predictor in early gastric cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24298614]}
{"claim": "Serum can be used for analyzing the EGFR mutation status in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22237146]}
{"claim": "Women residents delay childbearing due to perceived career threats.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20354380]}
{"claim": "General practitioner hospitals reduce the utilisation of general hospital beds.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9616411]}
{"claim": "Certain aspects of social exclusion influence suicide mortality.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22205377]}
{"claim": "A written information sheet improves recall by patients for informed consent for total hip arthroplasty.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12484580]}
{"claim": "Gastric cancer is different in Korea and the United States.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24599411]}
{"claim": "The ambulatory process of care predicts health-related quality of life outcomes for patients with chronic disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17355582]}
{"claim": "There is a connection between sublingual varices and hypertension.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26163474]}
{"claim": "Cavitation in proximal surfaces should be reported in cone beam computed tomography examination.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24481006]}
{"claim": "Training at an intensity that feels 'good' improves physical health.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22658587]}
{"claim": "Socioeconomic differences in mortality persist after retirement.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8916748]}
{"claim": "Emergency physicians can accurately and reliably assess acute vertigo in the emergency department.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25756710]}
{"claim": "Case-mix based reimbursement stimulates the development of process-oriented care delivery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20605051]}
{"claim": "The mother-child relationship is protective against risky sexual behavior among college students with ADHD.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23048048]}
{"claim": "Rotator cuff tear is an occupational disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16991071]}
{"claim": "Signs of spinal cord involvement are associated with the neurological prognosis for cervical spondylotic amyotrophy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24614851]}
{"claim": "Myometrial electrical activity can identify patients in preterm labor.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18928979]}
{"claim": "\"Schizophrenia patients with high intelligence are a clinically distinct sub-type of schizophrenia.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25752725]}
{"claim": "Open access endoscopy does not close the door to an adequately informed patient.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10922093]}
{"claim": "The postoperative pain level can be predicted preoperatively.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18065862]}
{"claim": "The proliferative index obtained by DNA image cytometry adds prognostic information in Auer IV breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9569972]}
{"claim": "The skin care frequency affects the severity of incontinence-associated dermatitis in critically ill patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25406780]}
{"claim": "Primary angioplasty is an acceptable alternative to thrombolysis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20629769]}
{"claim": "Resident's leadership skills do relate to ratings of technical skill.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27884344]}
{"claim": "There is an association between the CYP2D6*4 allele and breast cancer risk.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22301406]}
{"claim": "There is a relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10783841]}
{"claim": "There is a significant difference in the adenoma detection rate between MiraLAX and Golytely.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21848798]}
{"claim": "Telmisartan prevents hepatic fibrosis in rats with alloxan-induced diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19406119]}
{"claim": "The prognosis of patients with allergic contact dermatitis from an occupational cohort depends on the omnipresence of the allergen.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24359102]}
{"claim": "Nurse-led preoperative education can reduce anxiety and postoperative complications of patients undergoing cardiac surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26304701]}
{"claim": "There is a discrepancy between patient and physician quality of life assessment.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19058191]}
{"claim": "The impact of MPH programs contributes to health system strengthening in low- and middle-income countries.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27549226]}
{"claim": "Failures of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction are associated with steep posterior tibial slopes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25043083]}
{"claim": "Evidence-based practice improves patient outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26516021]}
{"claim": "The patient receives what the team has recommended in multidisciplinary decisions in breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23736032]}
{"claim": "Prostate morphology affects outcomes after holmium laser enucleation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23453079]}
{"claim": "Ventricular arrhythmias in athletes subside over time.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24340838]}
{"claim": "Ethnicity does affect where people with cancer die.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24751724]}
{"claim": "Patients with serious mental illness are more likely to be admitted to nursing homes with more deficiencies in care.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21368683]}
{"claim": "The Omega-3 Index is a new risk factor for death from coronary heart disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15208005]}
{"claim": "Mean platelet volume levels may be a predictor in the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24958650]}
{"claim": "Cytokine concentrations in pancreatic juice predict the presence of pancreatic diseases.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16713745]}
{"claim": "Head and neck specific quality of life measures are necessary.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9278754]}
{"claim": "Micro-computed tomography is reliable to determine the microstructure of the maxillary alveolar bone.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22540518]}
{"claim": "Chest wall rigidity could be a factor in rapid death from illicit fentanyl abuse.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26999038]}
{"claim": "Computerised tomography cannot replace bone scintigraphy in detecting bone metastases from breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17890090]}
{"claim": "Non-invasive diagnosis of esophageal varices in patients with compensated hepatic cirrhosis is possible by duplex Doppler ultrasonography.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26923375]}
{"claim": "Dogs can prime autistic children for therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21689015]}
{"claim": "99mTc leukocyte scintigraphy and SBFT studies are useful in children suspected of having inflammatory bowel disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10811329]}
{"claim": "Esophagogastric devascularization without splenectomy in portal hypertension is safe and effective.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26063028]}
{"claim": "Plate clearing is a risk factor for obesity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25521278]}
{"claim": "Family physicians make good sentinels for influenza.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8111516]}
{"claim": "The aberrant loss of dickkopf-3 in gastric cancer can predict lymph node metastasis preoperatively.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25604390]}
{"claim": "Older adults with cancer fall more often.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23448747]}
{"claim": "The scrotal approach to both palpable and impalpable undescended testes should become our first choice.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20156655]}
{"claim": "Double-balloon enteroscopy is an accurate method to diagnose small-bowel disorders.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17593459]}
{"claim": "Fetal anatomic assessment on follow-up antepartum sonograms is clinically useful.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17715311]}
{"claim": "Magnetic resonance imaging can accurately predict concordant pain provocation during provocative disc injection.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19430778]}
{"claim": "A 9-month treatment is sufficient in tuberculous enterocolitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12848629]}
{"claim": "Gingival crevicular blood can be relied upon for assessment of blood glucose level.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25675614]}
{"claim": "The use of ultrasound for diagnosis and follow-up in constipated children should be considered.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20850631]}
{"claim": "Withdrawal-induced anxiety in alcoholism is based on beta-endorphin deficiency.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12172698]}
{"claim": "The Doppler examination of uteroplacental circulation in early pregnancy can predict adverse outcome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17551944]}
{"claim": "Vitamin C can prevent complex regional pain syndrome in patients with wrist fractures.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17606778]}
{"claim": "The use of digoxin for cardiovascular disease is associated with the risk of prostate cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24318956]}
{"claim": "Roux-en-Y gastric bypass can provide a lifelong solution for diabetes mellitus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20011163]}
{"claim": "The preoperative platelet count in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma is a prognostic factor.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24013712]}
{"claim": "ADMA levels in young adults born preterm can predict an early endothelial dysfunction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21420186]}
{"claim": "Fractional lasers can enhance transdermal absorption of topical lidocaine in an in vivo animal model.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22302761]}
{"claim": "The determination of specific IgE against components using ISAC 112 is a reproducible technique.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24516646]}
{"claim": "The first urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) in women with suspected preeclampsia is a prognostic factor for maternal and neonatal adverse outcome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28247485]}
{"claim": "\"Estimated fetal weight by ultrasound is a modifiable risk factor for cesarean delivery.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22902073]}
{"claim": "Atropine is needed with ketamine sedation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16498158]}
{"claim": "Implant coating with antibacterial-loaded hydrogel reduces bacterial colonization and biofilm formation in vitro.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24622801]}
{"claim": "There is a differential in the dental health of new recruits to the British Armed Forces.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22075911]}
{"claim": "Laparoscopic reoperation for failed antireflux surgery is feasible.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10401824]}
{"claim": "Endometrial polyp formation is associated with increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta1.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21726930]}
{"claim": "Radiotherapy around the time of pregnancy for Hodgkin's disease modifies the risk of breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15050326]}
{"claim": "Displaced midshaft clavicular fractures should be treated surgically.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23412195]}
{"claim": "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and acceptable as a day case procedure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16968183]}
{"claim": "Etoricoxib is effective in preventing heterotopic ossification after primary total hip arthroplasty.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23359100]}
{"claim": "Serum pancreatic lipase should replace serum amylase as a biomarker of acute pancreatitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15943725]}
{"claim": "Combined therapy is more effective than growth hormone or hyperbaric oxygen alone in the healing of left ischemic and non-ischemic colonic anastomoses.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24270957]}
{"claim": "Oxybutynin hydrochloride causes arrhythmia in children with bladder dysfunction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23848044]}
{"claim": "Preoperative anemia adversely affects colon and rectal surgery outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21276532]}
{"claim": "Early second-look tympanoplasty can reduce the rate of conversion to modified radical mastoidectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23379759]}
{"claim": "Serum total bilirubin is useful to differentiate cardioembolic stroke from other stroke subtypes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25891436]}
{"claim": "Suturing of the nasal septum after septoplasty is an effective alternative to nasal packing.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17914515]}
{"claim": "Distal ureteral diameter can predict reflux resolution after endoscopic injection.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25669733]}
{"claim": "Leptin is involved in phagocytic NADPH oxidase overactivity in obesity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20577124]}
{"claim": "Alcohol consumption with meals and acute myocardial infarction: is there a benefit of alcohol consumed with meals?", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15475728]}
{"claim": "ART patients face higher C-section rates during their stage of delivery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27928673]}
{"claim": "Solitary kidney is indeed more resistant to ischemia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23517744]}
{"claim": "The GFRUP's recommendations for withholding or withdrawing treatments in critically ill children are applicable.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17329379]}
{"claim": "Minimally invasive mitral valve repair with artificial chords is reproducible and applicable in routine surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25810292]}
{"claim": "Obesity predicts knee pain over fourteen years in women, independently of radiographic changes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21739621]}
{"claim": "Liquid-based preparations of urinary cytology do not perform differently than classically prepared cases.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20073599]}
{"claim": "The trauma center level makes a difference in the outcomes of severely injured adult trauma patients in an Australian health service.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21845457]}
{"claim": "Teaching medical students to investigate medication errors can change their attitudes towards patient safety.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21228436]}
{"claim": "The prevalence of health care services use has increased over the last decade (2001-2009) in elderly people.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23972333]}
{"claim": "Endothelin-1 is an aggravating factor in the development of acute pancreatitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11601252]}
{"claim": "Malnutrition is a new inducer for arterial calcification in hemodialysis patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23506394]}
{"claim": "The blood pressure difference between arms can predict the severity of steal in subclavian steal syndrome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11977907]}
{"claim": "Eligibility for a chemotherapy protocol is a good prognostic factor for invasive bladder cancer after radical cystectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15483019]}
{"claim": "A geriatric oncology consultation modifies the cancer treatment plan for elderly patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18693227]}
{"claim": "The left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion device alters the echocardiography and electrocardiogram parameters in patients with atrial fibrillation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27131771]}
{"claim": "Ki-67 can play a role in the prediction of breast cancer patients' response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24783217]}
{"claim": "The improvement of headache may be affected while reducing the side effects by comparing intravenous administration of metoclopramide by a 2 min bolus to a 15 min infusion.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17916877]}
{"claim": "The breast is best for children with a family history of atopy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8375607]}
{"claim": "Patient coaching can reduce racial/ethnic disparities in cancer pain control.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17244100]}
{"claim": "Prior benign prostate biopsy predicts outcome for patients treated with radical perineal prostatectomy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15708048]}
{"claim": "There are differences in Landolt C and Snellen E acuity in cases of strabismus amblyopia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16418930]}
{"claim": "Mutations causing low HDL-C promote increased carotid intima-media thickness.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17113061]}
{"claim": "Therapeutic anticoagulation in the trauma patient is safe.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18847643]}
{"claim": "Prompting Primary Care Providers about Increased Patient Risk As a Result of Family History works.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25957366]}
{"claim": "Visual loss in amblyopia is permanent.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10966943]}
{"claim": "\"Necrotizing fasciitis is an indication for hyperbaric oxygenation therapy.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [7482275]}
{"claim": "A mandatory general surgery rotation is necessary in the surgical clerkship.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9645785]}
{"claim": "General practice characteristics influence uptake of an information technology (IT) innovation in primary care.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18534072]}
{"claim": "Diabetes mellitus influences the efficacy of FDG-PET in the diagnosis of cervical cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15703931]}
{"claim": "Global management at the same centre improves results for colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22537902]}
{"claim": "Immediate breast reconstruction does not compromise the delivery of adjuvant chemotherapy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23177368]}
{"claim": "PRISM can predict the length of PICU stay.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14612308]}
{"claim": "Circumcision should be performed in childhood.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12380309]}
{"claim": "A colonoscopy after acute diverticulitis affects its management.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22186742]}
{"claim": "You can deliver accurate tidal volume by manual resuscitator.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18843057]}
{"claim": "Increases in the cigarette tax rate can be linked to cigarette retail prices.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23076787]}
{"claim": "The Department of Transportation does not agree with self-reported data on motor vehicle collisions and driving convictions for stroke survivors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21823940]}
{"claim": "It is necessary to have preoperative fasting in an animal model for training in abdominal surgery for perioperative care.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22042121]}
{"claim": "Physicians are aware of the side effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16100194]}
{"claim": "Women with major depression in pregnancy are identifiable in population health data.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23497210]}
{"claim": "Serovar specific immunity to Neisseria gonorrhoeae does exist.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8566975]}
{"claim": "Serum leptin levels are a prognostic factor in advanced lung cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28127977]}
{"claim": "Fetal gender is associated with emergency department visits for asthma during pregnancy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16809243]}
{"claim": "Regional anesthesia as compared with general anesthesia for surgery in geriatric patients with hip fracture decreases morbidity, mortality, and health care costs.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22758782]}
{"claim": "The probability of prenatal diagnosis or termination of pregnancy is different for fetuses with congenital anomalies conceived following assisted reproductive techniques.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25752912]}
{"claim": "It is necessary to insert a nasobiliary drainage tube routinely after endoscopic clearance of the common bile duct in patients with choledocholithiasis-induced cholangitis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19913785]}
{"claim": "The clinically positive axilla in breast cancer is indeed a contraindication to sentinel lymph node biopsy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15631914]}
{"claim": "The delivery mode does affect women's postpartum quality of life in rural China.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22023714]}
{"claim": "Aspiration of ethanol-mixed fluid is advantageous in percutaneous ethanol injection for benign cystic thyroid nodules.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16155169]}
{"claim": "The successful completion of the Perinatal Education Programme results in improved obstetric practice.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9542484]}
{"claim": "Patients with localized prostate cancer treatment really want more aggressive treatment.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17008699]}
{"claim": "Music influences stress in mechanically ventilated patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23228527]}
{"claim": "Health care providers know what to teach about metered-dose inhalers.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8422202]}
{"claim": "The bracket-ligature combination affects the amount of orthodontic space closure over three months.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23794696]}
{"claim": "The health habits and vaccination status of Lebanese residents reveal whether future doctors are applying the rules of prevention.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20549895]}
{"claim": "Bone thickness and inter-radicular space can affect miniscrew placement in posterior mandibular sites.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25488308]}
{"claim": "'High-risk' human papillomaviruses (HPVs) can be detected in human breast milk.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21214884]}
{"claim": "Concomitant anterior/apical repair during midurethral sling improves the overactive bladder component of mixed incontinence.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24809662]}
{"claim": "The use of atypical antipsychotics as adjunctive therapy in depression does result in cost savings.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26485091]}
{"claim": "Dilatation of the ureteral meatus is not always necessary in diagnostic and therapeutic ureteroscopy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19925761]}
{"claim": "Folic acid can protect against congenital heart defects in Down syndrome.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17051586]}
{"claim": "Type 1 diabetes mellitus affects Achilles tendon response to a 10 km run.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26556589]}
{"claim": "Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis is a premalignant condition.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21459725]}
{"claim": "Risk factors for suicidal behavior differ by affective disorder polarity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18667100]}
{"claim": "The transverse apex coincides with coronal apex levels (regional or global) in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11413427]}
{"claim": "The Child Health Computing System adequately identifies children with cerebral palsy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9602458]}
{"claim": "The nuchal translucency thickness in the first trimester predicts GDM onset during pregnancy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21190419]}
{"claim": "The arginine vasopressin V1a receptor microsatellites are related to hypersexuality in children with a prepubertal and early adolescent bipolar disorder phenotype.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16403186]}
{"claim": "\"Cold knife conization and LEEP are the same procedure.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11838307]}
{"claim": "Delays in time to primary treatment after a diagnosis of breast cancer impact survival.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23234860]}
{"claim": "The early adopter of drugs exists.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15502995]}
{"claim": "Approved doctors and medical referees in the UK agree when assessing a seafarer's fitness.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22972546]}
{"claim": "Cardiovascular evaluation is necessary prior to and during beta-blocker therapy for infantile hemangiomas.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25592625]}
{"claim": "The use of audit identifies maternal mortality in different settings, whether it is just a difference between the rich and the poor.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18019905]}
{"claim": "There may be a place for magnetic resonance imaging in the preoperative locoregional staging of gastric cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25614468]}
{"claim": "UK radiologists are satisfied with the training and support received in suspected child abuse.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19520213]}
{"claim": "The volume change of uterine myomas during pregnancy indicates that myomas do indeed grow.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16962519]}
{"claim": "Stress increases imitation of drinking behavior.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23025584]}
{"claim": "Decisional algorithms cannot replace global introspection in the individual causality assessment of spontaneously reported ADRs.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16872243]}
{"claim": "The accuracy of clinician assessment for acute chest syndrome in febrile patients with sickle cell disease is being questioned.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10381996]}
{"claim": "Mitral replacement or repair for functional mitral regurgitation in dilated and ischemic cardiomyopathy is really the same.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22440363]}
{"claim": "Nontriploid partial hydatidiform moles do exist.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12068831]}
{"claim": "There is an intrauterine influence on obesity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17595200]}
{"claim": "Routine dissection of the station 9 lymph nodes is really necessary for primary lung cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27554179]}
{"claim": "Kell alloimmunization in pregnancy is associated with fetal thrombocytopenia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18435678]}
{"claim": "Austrian seniors are adequately protected by vaccinations for vaccine protection in the elderly.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12238307]}
{"claim": "Prophylactic antibiotics are necessary for totally implantable venous access device placement by interventional radiologists.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22365295]}
{"claim": "Risk calculators accurately predict surgical site occurrences.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27338535]}
{"claim": "Surgeon familiarization with current evidence can lead to a change in practice.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18708308]}
{"claim": "High-sensitivity C-reactive protein is associated with carotid atherosclerosis in healthy Koreans.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16319544]}
{"claim": "Interstitial fluid concentrations of meropenem are equivalent to plasma concentrations in critically ill patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25336163]}
{"claim": "African American women require fewer calories to maintain weight.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22668852]}
{"claim": "Binge drinking during early pregnancy increases the risk of psychomotor deficits.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23414523]}
{"claim": "Ultrasound-scored synovitis depends on the pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous anti-TNF agents in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24939676]}
{"claim": "The invasive diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia during off-hours delays treatment.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17323047]}
{"claim": "The age at orchiopexy does affect the survival of the testis in cases of undescended testes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24851767]}
{"claim": "Lipids, blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking confer equal risk of myocardial infarction in women as in men.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12006913]}
{"claim": "The radiographic scout image is necessary for the evaluation of pediatric VCUG at an academic children's hospital.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25501465]}
{"claim": "\"We may miss cancers following updated guidelines on screening history among women with invasive cervical cancer in an academic medical center.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26859535]}
{"claim": "Dobutamine stress echocardiography can induce cardiac troponin elevation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21198823]}
{"claim": "Preoperative serum C-reactive protein levels predict the definitive pathological stage in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25787073]}
{"claim": "The sub-classification of low-grade cerebellar astrocytoma is clinically meaningful.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14631523]}
{"claim": "The secular growth acceleration appears during fetal life.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24446763]}
{"claim": "Hippocampal atrophy on MRI predicts cognitive decline.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9444542]}
{"claim": "Delayed surgery will increase the complications of appendectomy timing.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25982163]}
{"claim": "The current K/DOQI treatment guidelines for CKD patients with ergocalciferol adequately address the treatment of vitamin D deficiency.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20353735]}
{"claim": "There may be a difference in femoral version after intramedullary nailing performed by trauma-trained and non-trauma trained surgeons.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24630333]}
{"claim": "Viral Co-Infection Influences the Severity of Acute Respiratory Infection in Children.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27096199]}
{"claim": "Clinical studies will elucidate the connection between the length of storage of transfused red blood cells and clinical outcomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22519710]}
{"claim": "There may be a difference in laminoplasty outcomes between patients with degenerative stenosis and those with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21361755]}
{"claim": "Routine chest radiography after transbronchial biopsy is necessary.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16778275]}
{"claim": "Computed tomography of the abdomen is not always necessary in cases of blunt trauma in intoxicated patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10798511]}
{"claim": "Tumor depth should be included in prognostication of soft tissue sarcoma.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12769830]}
{"claim": "The loss of consciousness predicts neuropsychological decrements after concussion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10593212]}
{"claim": "The advanced age is a contraindication to GERD laparoscopic surgery.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24267613]}
{"claim": "The 80-hour workweek has improved surgical resident education in New England.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19712912]}
{"claim": "Ischemic preconditioning requires reperfusion before index ischemia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10757151]}
{"claim": "Higher body mass index contributes to worse asthma control in an urban population.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19615731]}
{"claim": "Household and food shopping environments play a role in socioeconomic inequalities in fruit and vegetable consumption.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18801797]}
{"claim": "Birth center care during a woman's first pregnancy has an impact on her future reproduction.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12153648]}
{"claim": "There may be a need for neck dissection due to metastatic carcinoma to the cervical nodes from an unknown head and neck primary site.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17274051]}
{"claim": "\"Epidural analgesia for surgical treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis is a risky technique.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22154448]}
{"claim": "Physicians are meeting the needs of family caregivers of the frail elderly.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8199520]}
{"claim": "The central venous pressure predicts fluid responsiveness.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23774337]}
{"claim": "Antibiotics decrease post-tonsillectomy morbidity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12070552]}
{"claim": "There is an additional value of using Somatostatin Receptor Subtype 2a Immunohistochemistry compared to Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy Uptake in predicting Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26536001]}
{"claim": "Higher rates of depression in women are accounted for by differential symptom reporting.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15052394]}
{"claim": "Clinical predictors are adequate for cervical spine fractures in geriatric blunt trauma patients with low-energy mechanism.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18096128]}
{"claim": "All patients should be optimized to the same preoperative hemoglobin level to avoid transfusion in primary knee arthroplasty.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24684514]}
{"claim": "The prognosis of low-tone sudden deafness does not inevitably progress to Meniere's disease.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18274917]}
{"claim": "Patient-prosthesis mismatch after aortic valve replacement affects survival and quality of life in elderly patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26237424]}
{"claim": "Medical student education in emergency medicine: students meet the national standards for clinical encounters of selected core conditions.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24973051]}
{"claim": "Sternal skin conductance is a reasonable surrogate for hot flash measurement.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23571528]}
{"claim": "Abscesses, phlegmons, or recurrent disease are contraindications for laparoscopic-assisted ileocolic resections in patients with Crohn's disease.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9347843]}
{"claim": "Fluoroscopy is essential for retrieval of lower ureteric stones.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17192736]}
{"claim": "The sequence of clamp application during open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery influences distal embolisation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14652839]}
{"claim": "Overweight children do not necessarily make overweight adults.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18719011]}
{"claim": "A history of unintended pregnancy lessens the likelihood of desire for sterilization reversal.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23621776]}
{"claim": "Increasing blood pH stimulates protein synthesis in dialysis patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19546588]}
{"claim": "Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis is the same disease as adult ankylosing spondylitis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14655021]}
{"claim": "Aspiration Thrombectomy is Beneficial in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26175531]}
{"claim": "Dentists can recognize manipulated digital radiographs.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9446993]}
{"claim": "The treatment of amblyopia normalizes subfoveal choroidal thickness in amblyopic children.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27757987]}
{"claim": "Foreign bodies migrate through the body towards the heart.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19575104]}
{"claim": "Chemoradiation instead of surgery to treat mid and low rectal tumors is safe.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12095973]}
{"claim": "Calibration is the cause of variation in liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry testosterone measurement.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23761381]}
{"claim": "Variations in the use of carotid endarterectomy are explained by population need.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10375486]}
{"claim": "Decompressive surgery is effective for spinal cord sarcoidosis accompanied with compressive cervical myelopathy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20736887]}
{"claim": "The site of access does influence early outcomes in the treatment of small saphenous varicose veins using endovenous laser ablation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22504515]}
{"claim": "The covering of the resection margin after distal pancreatectomy is advantageous.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24073931]}
{"claim": "Patients may be aware of when they do not understand emergency department care and instructions.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18619710]}
{"claim": "Adjuvant radiation of stage III thymoma is necessary.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15919266]}
{"claim": "Transurethral catheterisation is the ideal method of bladder drainage.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20497880]}
{"claim": "The current guidelines for anorectal malformations may not be sufficient to prevent delayed diagnosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20337874]}
{"claim": "Being small for gestational age is a risk factor for retinopathy of prematurity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19198736]}
{"claim": "The Androgen Deficiency of Aging Men (ADAM) questionnaire is useful for the screening of partial androgenic deficiency of aging men.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19481382]}
{"claim": "There is a first night effect on sleep bruxism.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24235894]}
{"claim": "The menopausal transition affects the quality of life.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17429333]}
{"claim": "All human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with end-stage renal disease should be excluded from transplantation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9603166]}
{"claim": "There may or may not be a consensus among breast surgeons regarding attaining negative margins in breast-conservation operations.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19854401]}
{"claim": "Parity increases insulin resistance during pregnancy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16241924]}
{"claim": "Discharging patients earlier from Winnipeg hospitals adversely affects the quality of care.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [7664228]}
{"claim": "The distribution of health care benefits in Kenya meets the principles of universal coverage.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22233470]}
{"claim": "Family history is reliable to choose the ones to screen for cholesterol in school children.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17971187]}
{"claim": "There may be a correlation between humeral and glenoidal lesions in cases of chronic anterior posttraumatic dislocation of the shoulder with bony defects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27394685]}
{"claim": "We need local anesthesia for MR arthrography of the shoulder.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24698298]}
{"claim": "Cognitive function predicts frequency compressed speech recognition in listeners with normal hearing and normal cognition.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23088164]}
{"claim": "Supervised colorectal trainees differ from consultants in terms of quality of TME surgery.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17032327]}
{"claim": "Contrast-enhanced MR imaging of hand and finger joints in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis does not require a full dose of gadobenate dimeglumine for assessing synovial enhancement at 3 T.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23449952]}
{"claim": "There is a need for a pelvic CT scan in cases of renal cell carcinoma.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12090319]}
{"claim": "Oophorectomy is necessary in cases of ovarian torsion in children.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15137012]}
{"claim": "High flow nasal cannulae are noisier than bubble CPAP for preterm infants.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24625433]}
{"claim": "Sub-Saharan Africa's ability to cope with the new \"test and treat\" policy of the World Health Organization in relation to antiretroviral therapy related adverse effects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28196511]}
{"claim": "Ankle/arm pressure is predictive for cardiovascular mortality in older patients living in nursing homes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12855939]}
{"claim": "Nasogastric decompression is useful in the prevention of leaks after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24476003]}
{"claim": "Hypoalbuminemia is an independent prognostic factor in patients with gastric cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20602101]}
{"claim": "The aggressive use of polyvalent antivenin for rattlesnake bites results in serious acute side effects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11483547]}
{"claim": "Base deficit predicts mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26079501]}
{"claim": "Confined placental mosaicism accounts for adverse perinatal outcomes in IVF pregnancies.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18319270]}
{"claim": "The utility of unenhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MRI in children with sickle cell disease can differentiate bone infarcts from acute osteomyelitis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26209118]}
{"claim": "\"Cancer of the buccal mucosa: margins and T-stage are accurate predictors of local control.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11713724]}
{"claim": "Mass drug administration can lead to the sustainable control of schistosomiasis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25070942]}
{"claim": "D-dimer can become a new diagnostic parameter for acute appendicitis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19683101]}
{"claim": "Clinical variables predict pathologic radiographs in the first episode of wheezing.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11862129]}
{"claim": "Feeding tube insertion and its timing improve survival.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23002947]}
{"claim": "Acute changes in heart rate by isoproterenol affect aortic stiffness in patients with hypertension.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15053041]}
{"claim": "An additional antirotation U-Blade (RC) lag screw improves treatment of AO/OTA 31 A1-3 fractures with gamma 3 nail.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27832831]}
{"claim": "Severe pain immediately after spinal augmentation is a predictor of long-term outcomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23598835]}
{"claim": "There may be a role for antiphospholipid antibodies in the risk factors for avascular necrosis of bone in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10834864]}
{"claim": "The target motion differs between the superior and inferior portions of the clinical target volume when using RTOG consensus definitions and daily CT on rails to assess prostate bed target interfractional motion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27909738]}
{"claim": "Short-term treatment with proton pump inhibitors causes rebound aggravation of symptoms.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11500608]}
{"claim": "Ganglionated plexi ablation during Maze IV procedure is beneficial for postoperative long-term stable sinus rhythm.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25985014]}
{"claim": "Double reading of barium enemas is necessary.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14627582]}
{"claim": "Coronary angiography before emergency aortic surgery affects in-hospital mortality.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10732884]}
{"claim": "Bicompartmental knee arthroplasty is more favourable to knee muscle strength and physical performance compared to total knee arthroplasty.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23568387]}
{"claim": "Gout patients know their goal of target serum urate.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26784147]}
{"claim": "There may be an association between recurrent spontaneous abortion and skewed X-inactivation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17403428]}
{"claim": "Income-related differences in active travel are associated with physical environmental characteristics.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26044262]}
{"claim": "We can predict urinary stone composition based on an analysis of microelement concentration in the hair and urine.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23240452]}
{"claim": "Intra-abdominal desmoid disease affects patients with an ileal pouch differently than those with an ileorectal anastomosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21979183]}
{"claim": "Anastomotic leakage affects functional outcome after rectal resection for cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12607120]}
{"claim": "There is awareness of pharmaceutical expenditure in the reformed primary care system.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11334578]}
{"claim": "Women with ovaries of polycystic morphology without any other features of PCOS benefit from short-term metformin co-treatment during IVF.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21593045]}
{"claim": "Mammographic Density has an Impact on the Margin Re-excision Rate After Breast-Conserving Surgery.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26471488]}
{"claim": "Women who are treated for hypothyroidism are at risk for pregnancy complications.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16647887]}
{"claim": "There is still a place for ultrasound in the internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22668712]}
{"claim": "Family physicians know the costs of medical care.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15000338]}
{"claim": "A family meetings intervention prevents depression and anxiety in family caregivers of dementia patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22303473]}
{"claim": "The additional cost of radiation and time in routine CT examinations of the abdomen and pelvis makes delayed imaging worth it.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24450673]}
{"claim": "Antiepileptic drug prescription claims have changed following the FDA suicidality warning.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24739448]}
{"claim": "The ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament affects the neurological outcome after traumatic cervical cord injury.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19444061]}
{"claim": "Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit is an adequate public health response to addressing the issue of caregiver burden in end-of-life care.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21592383]}
{"claim": "The resected stomach volume is related to weight loss after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24827404]}
{"claim": "The number of needles does matter in neck pain treatment with acupuncture.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20842006]}
{"claim": "There may be an advantage to using an intramedullary nail for pertrochanteric fractures.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12142826]}
{"claim": "Inhaled prophylactic heparin is useful for prevention and management of pneumonia in ventilated ICU patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27288618]}
{"claim": "The route of delivery affects maternal and perinatal outcome in women with eclampsia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22521460]}
{"claim": "The safety of endoaortic balloon occlusion in the surgical management of the atherosclerotic ascending aorta.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17062234]}
{"claim": "\"Estradiol and Antagonist Pretreatment Prior to Microdose Leuprolide in in Vitro Fertilization improves IVF outcomes in poor responders as compared to oral contraceptive pill.\"", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26126304]}
{"claim": "The patient position during liver surgery influences the risk of venous air embolism.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11438275]}
{"claim": "Indigenous Australians age prematurely.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22513023]}
{"claim": "Oblique views do add value in the diagnosis of spondylolysis in adolescents.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23677366]}
{"claim": "There is interest to perform ultrasonography in boys with undescended testis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16564683]}
{"claim": "Sugars-free medicines are not more erosive than sugars-containing medicines.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17559449]}
{"claim": "32% of liver transplantation programs required patients to discontinue methadone treatment in 2001.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11209177]}
{"claim": "40mg/day dosage of folic acid and 2mg/day dosage of vitamin B12 does not affect chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17848650]}
{"claim": "76-85% of people with severe mental disorder receive no treatment in low and middle income countries.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15173149]}
{"claim": "A breast cancer patient's capacity to metabolize tamoxifen influences treatment outcome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19809024]}
{"claim": "A deficiency of folate increases blood levels of homocysteine.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11231701]}
{"claim": "A diminished ovarian reserve does not solely indicate infertility in an a priori non-infertile population.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29049585]}
{"claim": "A high microerythrocyte count protects against severe anemia in homozygous alpha (+)- thalassemia trait subjects.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18351796]}
{"claim": "A mutation in HNF4A leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes by the age of 14 years.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17407387]}
{"claim": "A single nucleotide variant the gene DGKK is strongly associated with increased risk of hypospadias.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21113153]}
{"claim": "ALDH1 expression is associated with poorer prognosis for breast cancer primary tumors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18371393]}
{"claim": "ART substantially reduces infectiveness of HIV-positive people.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22802730]}
{"claim": "Activated Cdk5 phosphorylates the ATM protein in response to DNA damage.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19151707]}
{"claim": "Activated Cdk5 regulates DNA damage-induced neuronal death.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19151707]}
{"claim": "Activation of the Rac1 homolog CED-10 kills viable cells in SRGP-1 mutant Caenorhabditis elegans.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21170032]}
{"claim": "Active Ly49Q induces neutrophil polarization.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20153219]}
{"claim": "Active caspase-11 participate in regulating phagosome-lysosome fusion.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22658523]}
{"claim": "Active caspase-11 protein promotes pyroptosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22658523]}
{"claim": "Adult tissue-resident macrophages are seeded before birth.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23273845, 25035951]}
{"claim": "Adult tissue-resident macrophages are seeded before birth.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23273845, 25035951]}
{"claim": "Adult tissue-resident macrophages possess a self-renewing capacity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23273845]}
{"claim": "Aggravated inflammation is dependent on NLRP3 inflammasome activation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16407889]}
{"claim": "Amitriptyline is an effective treatment for chronic tension-type headaches.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11325322, 9664750, 8062354]}
{"claim": "An M2-like phenotype in brown adipose tissue macrophages is quickly induced by cold exposure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22101429]}
{"claim": "Androgenetic haploid mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can be derived and genetically manipulated in vitro.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22541431]}
{"claim": "Anthrax spores are very difficult to dispose once they are dispersed.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12472327]}
{"claim": "Anthrax spores remain deadly until affected areas are decontaminated.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12472327]}
{"claim": "Antidepressants reduce the severity of migraines.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20961988]}
{"claim": "Antimicrobial agents are less effective due to the pressure of antimicrobial usage.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16308360]}
{"claim": "Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells has better graft function than induction therapy with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibodies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22436957]}
{"claim": "B cells go though plasmablast differentiation and antibody production by continuous expression of EBI2.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19615922]}
{"claim": "BCL-2 activation antagonizes the apoptotic effects of c-Myc.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15380515]}
{"claim": "BLM gene encodes RecQ-class DNA helicase.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [7585968]}
{"claim": "BRCA 1 mutation carriers' risk of breast and ovarian cancer depends on where the mutation is located.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25849179]}
{"claim": "Bacterial meningitis can be diagnosed on the basis of positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cultures.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17062865]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery increases rates of colorectal cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26694640]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery increases rates of postmenopausal breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26694640]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery leads to positive outcomes in mental health.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26757464]}
{"claim": "Basophils promote disease development in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20512127]}
{"claim": "Binding of p53 to enhancer regions (p53BERs) regulates the activity of p53 transcription and cell cycle arrest through the production of p53-dependent eRNAs.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23273978]}
{"claim": "Blocking the interaction between TDP-43 and respiratory complex I proteins ND3 and ND6 prevents TDP-43-induced neuronal loss.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27348499]}
{"claim": "Bone marrow cells don't contribute to adult macrophage compartments.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23601688]}
{"claim": "Broadly HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibodies (bnAb) 10EB have no affinity for phospholipids.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23151583]}
{"claim": "C2 works synergistically with A-769662 to activate dephosphorylated AMPK.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26952388]}
{"claim": "CCL19 is a ligand for CCR7.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20471289]}
{"claim": "CD28 initiates tonic signaling in conventional T cells, which causes an exhaustion phenotype and limited efficiency.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25939063]}
{"claim": "CD28 signals regulate trafficking of murine auto-reactive T cells into target tissues.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24270545]}
{"claim": "COPI coatmer is involved in lipid homeostasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19067489]}
{"claim": "Ca2+ cycling controls whole-body energy homeostasis in beige fat.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29131158]}
{"claim": "Ca2+ cycling is a UCP1-independent thermogenic mechanism.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29131158]}
{"claim": "Cancer cells can stimulate the accumulation of intra-tumoural myeloid-derived suppressor cells by promoting granulocyte colony stimulating factor production.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27183469]}
{"claim": "Cancers that initially benefit from epidermal growth factor receptor targeted therapies later become refractory through several mechanisms.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24202392]}
{"claim": "Cardiac tissue-resident macrophages directly contribute to electrical activity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28431249]}
{"claim": "Cellular clocks are associated with mitosis timing in NIH 3T3 cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25028488]}
{"claim": "Cellular differentiation of embryonic stem cells is accompanied by changes in replication timing, transcription and nuclear localization.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18842067]}
{"claim": "Charcoal shows no benefit for acute paraquat poisoning.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29456670]}
{"claim": "Chenodeoxycholic acid treatment increases brown adipose tissue activity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26235421]}
{"claim": "Chlamydia trachomatis is most prevalent in the UK among sexually-experienced individuals aged 16 to 24.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24286785]}
{"claim": "Citrullinated proteins externalized in neutrophil extracellular traps act indirectly to perpetuate the inflammatory cycle via induction of autoantibodies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23536012]}
{"claim": "Clathrin stabilizes the spindle fiber apparatus during mitosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15858577]}
{"claim": "Cnn1 recruitment varies with cell cycle timing.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22561345]}
{"claim": "Combination nicotine replacement therapies with varenicline or bupropion are more effective after 12 weeks of reatment compared to varenicline monotherapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24399554]}
{"claim": "Commelina yellow mottle virus (ComYMV) has three typical badnavirus ORFs, capable of encoding proteins 23, 15, and 216 kD.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [1699203]}
{"claim": "Comparative transcriptome analysis identified new platelet proteins with structural features suggesting a role in platelet function.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17192395]}
{"claim": "Converting apoE4 to apoE3 by gene editing prevents the pathology associated with apoE4 in human iPSCderived neurons.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29632371]}
{"claim": "Cost effectiveness evaluations based on cRCT data lack external validity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19997499]}
{"claim": "Cyclin A2 destruction is necessary to switch from unstable to stable kt-mt attachments in mitosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24013174]}
{"claim": "DRD1 proteins enable Pol V transcription in vivo.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19013275]}
{"claim": "DUSP4 increases apoptosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22683778]}
{"claim": "Depletion of T-helper 17 (Th17) cells during simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection increases dissemination of Salmonella Typhimurium from the gut.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18376406]}
{"claim": "Depletion of nitric oxide is responsible for vasospasm.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15784871]}
{"claim": "Deregulation of HAND2 is a crucial step in endometrial carcinogenesis in mice.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24265601]}
{"claim": "Dexamethasone increases risk of postoperative bleeding.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19066382]}
{"claim": "Diabetes remission occurs less in people treated with conventional therapy than in people treated with laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18212316]}
{"claim": "Differentiation of progenitor cells to myeloid cells is skewed when insulin signaling is suppressed.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22407365]}
{"claim": "Drosophila supracellular actomyosin structures are found at boundaries in wing imaginal discs.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19879142, 17013876]}
{"claim": "Dscam1 acts as a hypervariable pattern-recognition receptor for the immune system.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16774454]}
{"claim": "ERAP1 SNPs are epistatic to HLA alleles for ankylosing spondylitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25994336]}
{"claim": "Early patent ductus ateriosus (PDA) screening decreases in-hospital mortality.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26103028]}
{"claim": "Ectopic expression of Sall4, Nanog, Esrrb, and Lin28 generates induced pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic fibroblasts more efficiently than other factor combinations.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25192464]}
{"claim": "Egr2 regulates the homeostasis of B and T cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23021953]}
{"claim": "Egr3 regulates the homeostasis of B and T cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23021953]}
{"claim": "Eilat virus (EILV) produced in mosquitos elicits rapid and long-lasting neutralizing antibodies in nonhuman primates.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27991917]}
{"claim": "Elevated cell-free mitochondrial DNA levels are associated with mortality.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24391478]}
{"claim": "Energy balance requires hypothalamic glutamate neurotransmission.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24315371, 22325203, 17488640, 27026049]}
{"claim": "Environmental factors can influence the development of breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20605201]}
{"claim": "Environmentally-induced senescence is mimicked in disease modeling by adding specific molecules to the culture system.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24315443]}
{"claim": "Excess gestational weight gain is associated with obesity-related pregnancy outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22596383]}
{"claim": "Exercise reduces cancer mortality rates among Chinese citizens.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20856900]}
{"claim": "Female carriers of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) allele have increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11255424]}
{"claim": "Female carriers of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) allele have longer lifetime exposure to estrogen due to an increased reproductive period.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11255424]}
{"claim": "Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects against atherosclerosis by modulating adiponectin and SREBP2 levels.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25794851]}
{"claim": "Forkhead 0 (fox0) transcription factors are involved in apoptosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18371346]}
{"claim": "Forkhead 0 (fox0) transcription factors are involved in cellular differentiation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18371346]}
{"claim": "Foxk2 regulates autophagy genes in muscle cells and fibroblast cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25402684]}
{"claim": "G-CSF increases the expansion and infiltration of MDSCs into tumors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27183469]}
{"claim": "GATA3 regulates cell cycle progression in bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22267605]}
{"claim": "GATA3 regulates self-renewal capacity in bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22267605]}
{"claim": "Gastric infection with Helicobacter pylori increases risk of gastric cancer in humans.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [2059685]}
{"claim": "Genetic deficiency of mast cells leads to decreased weight gain in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19633655]}
{"claim": "Genetic deletion of JAM-A increases gut permeability.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22981539]}
{"claim": "Genomic aberrations of metastases provide information for targeted therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26523969]}
{"claim": "Glial calcium waves influence seizures.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20405049]}
{"claim": "Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is characterized by extensive invasion, rapid growth, necrosis, and angiogenesis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22162832]}
{"claim": "Gpr124 suppresses BBB breakdown in mouse models of ischemic stroke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28288111]}
{"claim": "Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) mediate RhoA activation in response to tensional forces on fibronectin-binding integrins.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21572419]}
{"claim": "H.pylori-mediated gastric cancer occurs due to the accumulation of mutations in host epithelial cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17401375]}
{"claim": "HAND2 methylation is a key step in early endometrial carcinogenesis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24265601]}
{"claim": "Having a main partner improves HIV outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14703538]}
{"claim": "Helicobacter pylori-induced aberrant NF-kB-dependent expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase contributes to the mutagenesis of host DNA.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17401375]}
{"claim": "Helminths interfere with immune system control of coinfections by microbial pathogens 16.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21825018]}
{"claim": "Higher plasma levels of I-carnitine, when associated with trimethylamine N-oxide, are positively correlated with cardiovascular events in humans.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23563705]}
{"claim": "Human embryonic stem cells give rise to cell types from all three embryonic germ layers.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14963337, 11071754, 15270778]}
{"claim": "Human embryonic stem cells have the capacity to give rise to differentiated progeny representative of all three embryonic germ layers.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14963337, 11071754, 15270778]}
{"claim": "IL-10 production by monocytes inhibits CD4 + T cell response.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20208540]}
{"claim": "IL-6 signaling plays a major role in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22421339]}
{"claim": "Immune responses in immune cells are geographically segregated.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27043495]}
{"claim": "Improvements in OER catalysts show stable activity over several hundred hours.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27013427]}
{"claim": "In British Men, haplogroup I increases risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22325189]}
{"claim": "In S. cerevisiae, the absence of RNA surveillance pathways causes sensitivity to high iron conditions.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15989963]}
{"claim": "In a naive state, blocking Wingless-Int-1 secretion from mouse embryonic stem cells inhibits self-renewal of the mouse embryonic stem cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21841791]}
{"claim": "In breast cancer, the loss of myoepithelial cells promotes the transition of ductal carcinoma in situ to invasive carcinoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18455123]}
{"claim": "In pediatric tissue, most T cells are naive T cell emigrants from the thymus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26657141]}
{"claim": "In rhesus macaques, daily subcutaneous injections of tenofovir protects against rectally transmitted simian-human immunodeficiency virus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18254653]}
{"claim": "Incidence of 10/66 dementia is higher than the incidence of DSM-IV dementia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22626851]}
{"claim": "Including pharmacists in rounding teams reduces the incidence of adverse drug events (ADEs).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10422996]}
{"claim": "Increased LDL receptors plays a role in the reduction of plasma Lp(a).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27986651]}
{"claim": "Increased diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24881994]}
{"claim": "Increased microtubule acetylation repairs interference of axonal transport caused by LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutations.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25316291]}
{"claim": "Individuals with Alzheimers who participate in six months of physical activity improve cognitive function for up to 18 months.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18768414]}
{"claim": "Induced hepatic stem cells possess the potential to differentiate into cholangiocytic cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23871605]}
{"claim": "Induced hepatic stem cells possess the potential to differentiate into hepatocytic cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23871605]}
{"claim": "Induction of urokinase receptor signaling in podocytes causes foot process effacement and proteinuria.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18084301]}
{"claim": "Inhibiting HDAC6 increases survival of mice with ARID1A mutated tumors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28737768]}
{"claim": "Inside the body, falciparum parasites reproduce asexually.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23389616]}
{"claim": "Insulin effects appetite via ventral tegmental neurons.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21641553]}
{"claim": "Intake of folic acid (FA) and vitamin B6 (VB6) reduces levels of homocysteine.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9459468]}
{"claim": "Integrated care is successful at tackling multiple comorbidities.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22074851]}
{"claim": "Interleukin-18 plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26099046]}
{"claim": "Intramembrane cleavage by signal peptide peptidase aids in the degradation of proteins with a complex membrane orientation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22795130]}
{"claim": "JMJD6 catalyzes the hydroxylation of C-terminal lysine and supresses transcriptional activity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24667498]}
{"claim": "KRT17 modulates the expression of the transcriptional regulator AIRE in diseased epithelia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26168014]}
{"claim": "Kir7.1 modulates channel activity by the G protein-coupled melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25600267]}
{"claim": "Klf2 is important for proper myeloid cell function.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21565532]}
{"claim": "Klf4 is important for proper myeloid cell differentiation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18390749]}
{"claim": "Knockout proximal tubule-specific deletion of the BMP receptor Alk3 causes epithelial damage.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22306733]}
{"claim": "Knockout proximal tubule-specific deletion of the BMP receptor Alk3 causes fibrosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22306733]}
{"claim": "LDL cholesterol has a causal role in the development of cardiovascular disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18262040]}
{"claim": "Lack of FGF21 in mice leads to atherosclerotic plaque formation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25794851]}
{"claim": "Lack of FGF21 in mice leads to reduced lifespan.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25794851]}
{"claim": "Lice attenuated SIV vaccines induce a stronger antigen-specific T cell response in lymph node cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22961108]}
{"claim": "Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation is associated with lower rates of atopic eczema at 1 year.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22294737]}
{"claim": "Low nucleosome occupancy correlates with high methylation levels across species.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24630728]}
{"claim": "Ly49Q directs the organization of neutrophil polarization by regulating membrane raft functions.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20153219]}
{"claim": "Ly6C hi monocytes have a higher inflammatory capacity than Ly6C lo monocytes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15034056]}
{"claim": "MEK inhibitors are effective treatments in RAS-driven mouse models of cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19029981]}
{"claim": "MFGE8 regulates fat absorption by binding to av-Beta3 and av-Beta5 integrins.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24441829]}
{"claim": "MICAL redox enzymes regulate actin dynamics in many cell types.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17350233, 22331357]}
{"claim": "MUC1-C activates the NF-\u03baB p65 signaling pathway by interacting with I\u03baB kinase \u00df.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18037881]}
{"claim": "MafA phosphorylation enhances its ubiquitination.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18042454]}
{"claim": "MafA ubiquitination increases the recruitment of coavtivator P/CAF by MafA.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18042454]}
{"claim": "Major antigen-induced signals from the T cell receptor and secondary signals from costimulatory receptors are required for T cell activation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27192564]}
{"claim": "Major vault protein (MVP) leads to more aggressive tumors by regulating the sorting of tumor suppressive miR-193a into extracellular vesicles (EVs).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28211508]}
{"claim": "Major vault protein regulates sorting of tumor suppressive miR-193a into EVs.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28211508]}
{"claim": "Mathematical models predict that using Artemisinin-based combination therapy over nongametocytocidal drugs have only a modest impact in reducing malaria transmission.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19067479]}
{"claim": "Medications to treat obesity have unwanted side effects.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18006966]}
{"claim": "Mice that lack Interferon-\u03b3 or its receptor are highly susceptible to experimental autoimmune myocarditis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11136679]}
{"claim": "Microcin J25 inhibits nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) binding.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15200952]}
{"claim": "Microglia are an innate immune cell type of the central nervous system.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24995975]}
{"claim": "Migraine with aura is associated with ischemic stroke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19861375]}
{"claim": "Misunderstandings between doctors and patients can lead to non-adherence.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10678863]}
{"claim": "Mitochondria play a major role in apoptosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16814712]}
{"claim": "Mitochondria play a major role in energy production.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16814712]}
{"claim": "Monoclonal antibody targeting of N-cadherin inhibits castration resistance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21057494]}
{"claim": "Monoclonal antibody targeting of N-cadherin inhibits growth.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21057494]}
{"claim": "Most termination events in Okazaki fragments are dictated by initiation patterns.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23562327]}
{"claim": "Mouse models can be generated using \"artificial spermatids.\"", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22541431]}
{"claim": "Mutant mice lacking SVCT2 have severely reduced ascorbic acid levels in both brain and adrenals.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11984597]}
{"claim": "Mutations in RIM1 decrease levels of IME1 RNA.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8367297]}
{"claim": "Myelin sheaths play a role in action potential propagation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24681598]}
{"claim": "N348I mutations cause resistance to nevirapine.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18052601]}
{"claim": "Natriuretic peptides protect against diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22039354]}
{"claim": "Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) antigens may contain the targeted autoantigens PR3 and MPO.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19448636]}
{"claim": "Neutrophils produce IL-1\u03b2 in response to large particles.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28314592]}
{"claim": "Nonhypertensive people who are 55 years old have a 90% chance of developing hypertension during their lifetime.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11866648]}
{"claim": "Nonsteroidal antinflammatory drugs show potential anticancer indications.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25781442]}
{"claim": "Normal expression of RUNX1 causes tumorsupressing effects.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22366949]}
{"claim": "Normal granulomas form in the absence of TNF in Zebrafish.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18691913]}
{"claim": "Notch signaling occurs between tumor cells and stromal cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16023595, 14726396]}
{"claim": "Oat tolerant coeliac patients may have oat specific inflammatory cells in their small bowel mucosa.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15526039]}
{"claim": "Omnivores produce more trimethylamine N-oxide from dietary I-carnitine than vegetarians.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23563705]}
{"claim": "One in five surgical randomized controlled trials are discontinued early.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25491195]}
{"claim": "PCSK9 inhibitors decrease plasma Lp(a) levels.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27986651]}
{"claim": "PD-1 triggering on monocytes enhances IL-10 production by monocytes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20208540]}
{"claim": "PTEN is a regulator for the transcriptional activity of SRF", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26940659]}
{"claim": "Participants who quit smoking reduce lung cancer risk by approximately 50%.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16189363]}
{"claim": "Patients in stable partnerships have a slower progression from HIV to AIDS.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14703538]}
{"claim": "Patients with common epithelial cancers are more likely to have an emergency event as their first hospital admission if they live in resource-deprived areas.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20075152]}
{"claim": "Patients with microcytosis and higher erythrocyte count were more resistant to severe malarial anaemia when infected with Plasmodium falciparum.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18351796]}
{"claim": "Pediatric SCD patients with vaso-occlusive crisis show increased morphine use after breathing 80 ppm iNO for 4 hours.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12622584]}
{"claim": "Peroxynitrite is required for induction of T cell tolerance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17603493]}
{"claim": "Pharmacist attendance at ward rounds reduces adverse events in wards.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10422996]}
{"claim": "Phase information is useful for predicting donor-recipient matches in organ transplantation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17378697]}
{"claim": "Piezo1 channels are sensors for cell migration in epithelial cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24798994]}
{"claim": "Pioglitazone use is significantly associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26197187]}
{"claim": "Pioglitazone use is significantly associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26197187]}
{"claim": "Pioneer factor OCT3/4 interacts with major chromatin remodeling factors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22083510, 20362541]}
{"claim": "Post-transcriptional handling of mitochondrial transcripts occurs in mitochondrial RNA granules.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23473034, 23473033, 25683708]}
{"claim": "Pre-mRNAs associated with spliceosomal components are more stable than unassociated splicing substrates.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16640457]}
{"claim": "Prescribed exercise training improves quality of life.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19351942]}
{"claim": "Primary cervical cytology screening with HPV detection has higher longitudinal sensitivity to detect severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia than conventional cytology.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20423964, 20089449, 23199969, 22177579]}
{"claim": "Propriospinal interneurons that play a role in the plastic reorganization of spinal circuits are integral for recovery from spinal cord injury.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18157143]}
{"claim": "Pseudogene PTENP1 encodes a transcript that regulates PTEN expression.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20577206]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin deregulates G2/M progression.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin induces checkpoint activation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin induces double-strand breaks accumulation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin reduces proliferation of homologous recombination - defective cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin stabilizes the G - quadruplex in the telomeric region.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "RAD52 is involved in break-induced DNA replication (BIR).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27984746, 28760773, 29662610]}
{"claim": "RANK-RANKL pathway signalling is linked to development of Aire-expressing medullary thymic epithelial cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22425250, 18799149, 17502664]}
{"claim": "RTEL1 interacts with TRF2 through a C4C4 motif", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25620558]}
{"claim": "RUNX1 is downregulated or mutated in TLX1 T-ALL.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22366949]}
{"claim": "Rapamycin delays aging in fruit flies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20074526]}
{"claim": "Rapid phosphotransfer rates are correlated with histidine kinase regulator specificity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20161720]}
{"claim": "Recognition of start codons depends on the translation initiation factor IF3.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27662086]}
{"claim": "Reduced responsiveness to interleukin-2 in regulatory T cells is associated with autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17277778, 22461703]}
{"claim": "Reducing H3k4me3 methylation induces mouse epiblast stem cells to naive pluripotency efficiently.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26996599]}
{"claim": "Reduction of Rpl38 alters the composition of the Hox gene mRNAs translation in mice without lowering overall protein synthesis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21529712]}
{"claim": "Removal of H3K9me3 by ectopic expression of other H3K9 demethylases improves reprogramming efficiency in SCNT experiments.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29453221]}
{"claim": "Removal of H3K9me3 improves reprogramming efficiency in human somatic cell nuclear transfer experiments.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29453221]}
{"claim": "Replacement of histone H2A with H2A.Z accelerates gene activation in yeasts by destabilizing +1 nucleosomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17575053]}
{"claim": "Retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor gamma (ROR\u03b3) is a therapeutic target for castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27019329]}
{"claim": "Rhythmic expression of Cry1 translates directly into a circadian regulation of cAMP signaling in gluconeogenesis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20852621]}
{"claim": "Rhythmic expression of Cry1 translates directly into a circadian regulation of cAMP signaling in hepatic glucose metabolism.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20852621]}
{"claim": "Ribosomopathies have a high degree of cell and tissue specific pathology.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21529712]}
{"claim": "Risk of cardiovascular events can be cut by a third by using antihypertensive drug therapy among hemodialysis patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19273737]}
{"claim": "Risk-adjusted mortality rates are similar in teaching and non-teaching hospitals.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16968119]}
{"claim": "Rotator cuff exercises are more effective than general exercise therapy in reducing pain and improving function of the shoulder.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25213604]}
{"claim": "Scapular stabilizer exercises are more effective than general exercise therapy in reducing pain and improving function of the shoulder.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25213604]}
{"claim": "Sepsis related mortality has remained stable between 2009-2014.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28903154]}
{"claim": "Side effects associated with antidepressants increases risk of stroke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21810886]}
{"claim": "Splenomegaly is observed in knockin mouse lacking the SHP-2 MAPK pathway.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10661409]}
{"claim": "Stiff substrates inhibit mesodermal differentiation by degrading beta-catenin in an integrin-dependent manner.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27452175]}
{"claim": "Students who perform poorly in the early years of medical school are at increased risk for professional misconduct later in their careers.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20423965]}
{"claim": "Suboptimal nutrition is a leading cause of premature death", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27733284, 23842577]}
{"claim": "Surfactin producing cells and exopolymer producing cells cooperate to generate \"Van Gogh\" bundles that have sliding abilities on specialized media.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25894589]}
{"claim": "Surgical treatment is not superior to non-surgical in treating adults with displaced fractures of the proximal humerus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25756440]}
{"claim": "Sympathetic nerve activity is elevated throughout normal pregnancy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11684631, 26139215, 26259593]}
{"claim": "Systemic immunosuppressive (IS) therapy does not enhance the chance of cancer mortality in patients with inflammatory eye disease (IED)", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19578087]}
{"claim": "Systemic lupus erythematosus is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28536104]}
{"claim": "T cell receptor /CD3 microdomains are required to induce the immunologic synapse.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17188005]}
{"claim": "TMEM27 is a marker for beta cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16330324]}
{"claim": "TNFAIP3 is a glioblastoma tumor enhancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20186265]}
{"claim": "TNFAIP3 is a tumor enhancer in glioblastoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20186265]}
{"claim": "TRAP+ osteoclasts regulate mature osteoblast maintenance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25282358]}
{"claim": "Taking 400mg of \u03b1-tocopheryl acetate does not prevent prostate cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19066368]}
{"claim": "Taking anti-depresents is associated with a decrease in the A\u03b2 level in the brain of experimental animals.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25540323]}
{"claim": "Taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages reduced the incidence rate of type II diabetes in India.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24409102]}
{"claim": "Ten percent (10%) of kidney cancers in the UK are attributable to excess weight.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25129328]}
{"claim": "The C-type lectin receptor (CLEC-2) rearranges the actin cytoskeleton in dendritic cells to promote efficient motility along stromal surfaces.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22884313]}
{"claim": "The DESMOND program demonstrates no significant impact on lifestyles outcomes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22539172]}
{"claim": "The DESMOND program demonstrates no significant impact on weight loss.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22539172]}
{"claim": "The M2-phenotype in brown adipose tissue macrophages increases brown adipose tissue thermogenic activity.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22101429]}
{"claim": "The NF-\u03baB essential modulator gene prevents intestinal inflammation by inhibiting receptor-interacting protein (RIP) kinase 1 kinase activity-mediated epithelial cell death.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26982364]}
{"claim": "The PRDM1 gene is a key determinant of primordial germ cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22770244]}
{"claim": "The PRDM1 gene, when combined with the PRDM14 gene, plays an important role during primordial germ cell specification.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22770244]}
{"claim": "The RANK-RANK-Ligand (RANKL) pathway is involved in the development of Aire-expressing medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22425250, 18799149, 18799150, 17502664]}
{"claim": "The Snf1 complex regulates carbon and energy metabolism in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19888214]}
{"claim": "The deamination of cytidine to uridine on the minus strand of viral DNA can inactivate the viral genome by inducing G-to-A mutations.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12808466]}
{"claim": "The density of cytokine receptor bearing cells affects the distance over which cytokines act.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28389069]}
{"claim": "The latent infection of myeloid cells with human cytomegalovirus induces a number of changes in gene expression.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18453089, 18566437]}
{"claim": "The mean suicide rate in women is higher after miscarriage than live birth.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8973229]}
{"claim": "The microtubule-dependent delivery and secretion of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) is partially responsible for the disassembly of adhesion sites.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24859005]}
{"claim": "The minor G allele of FOXO3 downregulates pro-inflammatory cytokines.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24035192]}
{"claim": "The minor G allele of FOXO3 is related to less severe symptoms of Crohn's Disease.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24035192]}
{"claim": "The most prevalent adverse events to Semaglutide are gastrointestinal.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29049653]}
{"claim": "The peak incidence of fractures occurs during pubertal growth spurt in early adolescents.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [13129988]}
{"claim": "The proliferative capacity of neural progenitors differs across species.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27049876]}
{"claim": "The proliferative capacity of progenitors is regulated cell-autonomously.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27049876]}
{"claim": "The recruitment of Wdr5 to its target loci depends on Kat8.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22862943]}
{"claim": "The risk of female prisoners harming themselves is ten times that of male prisoners.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24351319]}
{"claim": "The tissue surrounding the granuloma in an immune cell induces an anti-inflammatory immune response.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27043495]}
{"claim": "There is a relation between Erythromycin use and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24618148]}
{"claim": "There was an estimated 30 million cases of pneumonia in young children worldwide in 2010.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23369797]}
{"claim": "Tirasemtiv targets fast-twitch muscle.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22344294]}
{"claim": "Transcription factor EB induces transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages infected with Staphylococcus aureus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24882217]}
{"claim": "Transplanted human glial progenitor cells can mature in their host animal.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23472873]}
{"claim": "Treatment with a protein named FN restores regenerative abilities of aged muscles.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27376579]}
{"claim": "Tuberculosis-induced granulomas express different immune system protein signatures than the surrounding tissue.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27043495]}
{"claim": "Type 1 Diabetes is associated with subtle perturbations in T reg development.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17676041, 22461703]}
{"claim": "Ultrasound guidance significantly reduces the number of needle insertion attempts necessary for a given procedure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23532866]}
{"claim": "Ultrasound guidance significantly reduces the number of traumatic procedures when attempting needle insertion.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23532866]}
{"claim": "Upon developing tyrosine-kinase inhibitor resistance, new mutations in epidermal growth factor receptors emerge and cause treatment failure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25939061]}
{"claim": "Upon viral challenge, influenza-specific memory CD4+ T cells greatly enhance the early production of inflammatory chemokines in the lung.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20436484]}
{"claim": "Vaccinating the gastrointestinal tract induces protection of rectal and vaginal mucosa.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22797811]}
{"claim": "VgrG (Tssl) protein punctures membranes by forming a spike at the tip of the tube apparatus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23925114]}
{"claim": "Vitamin D deficiency effects birth weight.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23533188]}
{"claim": "Vitamin D is an important factor in the relationship between calcium and parathyroid hormone.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16278362]}
{"claim": "Walking in traffic areas in London did not improve lung function in elderly adults.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29221643]}
{"claim": "Women are more susceptible to death due to pneumonia when compared to men.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10591336]}
{"claim": "YAP/TAZ is required in intestinal regeneration in mouse models of ulcerative colitis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29249464]}
{"claim": "aPKCz causes tumour suppression by affecting glutamine metabolism.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23374352]}
{"claim": "mcm 5 s 2 U is required for proper decoding of NNR codons in eukaryotes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19151091]}
{"claim": "miR-142-5P is a known regulator of raised body temperature.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26825461]}
{"claim": "miR-142-5P is a temperature-sensitive microRNA (miRNA).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26825461]}
{"claim": "siRNA knockdown of A20 slows tumor progression in an in vivo murine xenograft model.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20186265, 19492975]}
{"claim": "\u03b2-sheet opening occurs during pleurotolysin pore formation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25654333]}
{"claim": "ADAR1 binds to Dicer to cleave pre-miRNA.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23622242]}
{"claim": "APOE4 expression in iPSC-derived neurons increases AlphaBeta production and tau phosphorylation causing GABA neuron degeneration.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29632371]}
{"claim": "Activation of PPM1D suppresses p53 function.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24880341, 23242139]}
{"claim": "All hematopoietic stem cells segregate their chromosomes randomly.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17728714]}
{"claim": "Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are associated with increased risk for functional renal insufficiency.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11602506]}
{"claim": "Antibiotic induced alterations in the gut microbiome reduce resistance against Clostridium difficile", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24445449]}
{"claim": "Assembly of invadopodia is triggered by focal generation of phosphatidylinositol-3,4-biphosphate and the activation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Src.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18606851]}
{"claim": "Asymptomatic visual impairment screening in elderly populations does not lead to improved vision.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9522788]}
{"claim": "Auditory entrainment is strengthened when people see congruent visual and auditory information.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26490860]}
{"claim": "Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells causes fewer opportunistic infections than induction therapy with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibodies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22436957]}
{"claim": "Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells has lower rates of rejection than induction therapy with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibodies.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22436957]}
{"claim": "Autophagy declines in aged organisms.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18690243]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery has a positive impact on mental health.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26757464]}
{"claim": "Birth-weight is positively associated with breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18828667, 16823839, 18054879, 18205956]}
{"claim": "CHEK2 is not associated with breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16671833]}
{"claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells promotes T cell survival", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21037587]}
{"claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells promotes airway inflammation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21037587]}
{"claim": "Carriers of the alcohol aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency mutation drink less that non-carries.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18318597]}
{"claim": "Cell autonomous sex determination in somatic cells occurs in Passeriformes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20220842]}
{"claim": "Cellular aging closely links to an older appearance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20008378]}
{"claim": "Chenodeosycholic acid treatment increases whole-body energy expenditure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26235421]}
{"claim": "Chronic aerobic exercise alters endothelial function, improving vasodilating mechanisms mediated by NO.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11560855, 8181157]}
{"claim": "Combining phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase and MEK 1/2 inhibitors is effective at treating KRAS mutant tumors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19029981, 18829560]}
{"claim": "Commelina yellow mottle virus' (ComYMV) genome consists of 7489 baise pairs.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [1699203]}
{"claim": "Crosstalk between dendritic cells (DCs) and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) is important in the regulation of intestinal homeostasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23063332]}
{"claim": "Cytochrome c is released from the mitochondrial intermembrane space to cytosol during apoptosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16697952]}
{"claim": "Deamination of cytidine to uridine on the minus strand of viral DNA results in catastrophic G-to-A mutations in the viral genome.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12808466]}
{"claim": "Deletion of \u03b1v\u03b28 does not result in a spontaneous inflammatory phenotype.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25979421]}
{"claim": "Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome experience increased short-term and long-term risk for bleeding events.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10961966]}
{"claim": "Enhanced early production of inflammatory chemokines improves viral control in the lung.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20436484]}
{"claim": "Epigenetic modulating agents (EMAs) modulate antitumor immune response in a cancer model system.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29195073]}
{"claim": "Errors in peripheral IV drug administration are most common during bolus administration and multiple-step medicine preparations.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12663404]}
{"claim": "Exposure to fine particulate air pollution is relate to anxiety prevalence.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25810495]}
{"claim": "Female carriers of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) allele have increased risk for dementia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [11255424]}
{"claim": "FoxO3a activation in neuronal death is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [14976264]}
{"claim": "Free histones are degraded by a Rad53-dependent mechanism once DNA has been replicated.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19578373]}
{"claim": "GATA-3 is important for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22267605]}
{"claim": "Glycolysis is one of the primary glycometabolic pathways in cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23374344]}
{"claim": "Headaches are not correlated with cognitive impairment.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21245119]}
{"claim": "High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (HSCT-T) dosage may not be diagnostic if the onset of symptoms occurs less than 3 hours before acute myocardial injury (AMI).", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25646632]}
{"claim": "Histone demethylase recruitment and a transient decrease in histone methylation is necessary for ligand-dependent induction of transcription by nuclear receptors.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17289570]}
{"claim": "Hyperfibrinogenemia increases rates of femoropopliteal bypass thrombosis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [2508847]}
{"claim": "Hypocretin neurones induce panicprone state in rats.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20037593]}
{"claim": "Hypoglycemia increases the risk of dementia.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19366776]}
{"claim": "Hypothalamic glutamate neurotransmission is crucial to energy balance.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17488640]}
{"claim": "IRG1 has antiviral effects against neurotropic viruses.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23455712]}
{"claim": "In adult tissue, most T cells are memory T cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26657141]}
{"claim": "In young and middle-aged adults, current or remote uses of ADHD medications do not increase the risk of serious cardiovascular events.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22161946]}
{"claim": "Incidence of heart failure decreased by 10% in women since 1979.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15265849]}
{"claim": "Incidence rates of cervical cancer have decreased.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10231253, 7770247, 18067129]}
{"claim": "Increased microtubule acetylation repairs LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutation induced locomotor deficits.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25316291]}
{"claim": "Inositol lipid 3-phosphatase PTEN converts Ptdlns(3,4)P 2 into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29056325]}
{"claim": "Insomnia can be effectively treated with cognitive behavioral therapy.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16804151]}
{"claim": "Leuko-reduced blood reduces infectious complications in red blood cell transfusion.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12697796]}
{"claim": "Lupus-prone mice infected with curliproducing bacteria have higher autoantibody titers compared to controls.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26084027]}
{"claim": "Ly49Q directs the organization of neutrophil migration to inflammation sites by regulating membrane raft functions.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20153219]}
{"claim": "Lymphadenopathy is observed in knockin mouse lacking the SHP-2 MAPK pathway.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10661409]}
{"claim": "Macrolides have no protective effect against myocardial infarction.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [9952202]}
{"claim": "Macropinocytosis contributes to a cell's supply of amino acids via the intracellular uptake of protein.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26144316]}
{"claim": "Metastatic colorectal cancer treated with a single agent fluoropyrimidines resulted in reduced efficacy and lower quality of life when compared with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in elderly patients.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21570111]}
{"claim": "MicroRNA is involved in the regulation of Neural Stem Cell (NSC) differentiation and proliferation dynamic homeostasis", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20452318]}
{"claim": "Monoclonal antibody targeting of N-cadherin inhibits metastasis.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21057494]}
{"claim": "Most termination events in Okazaki fragments are sequence specific.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23562327]}
{"claim": "NFAT4 activation requires IP3R-mediated Ca2+ mobilization.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27863227]}
{"claim": "Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are released by ANCA-stimulated neutrophils.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19448636]}
{"claim": "Occupancy of ribosomes by IncRNAs mirror 5 0-UTRs", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23810193]}
{"claim": "PDPN promotes efficient motility along stromal surfaces by activating the C-type lectin receptor to rearrange the actin cytoskeleton in dendritic cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22884313]}
{"claim": "PKG-la plays an essential role in expression of pain hypersensitivity in PGK-la knockout mice.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [22427743]}
{"claim": "Peroxynitrite is required for nitration of TCR/CD8.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17603493]}
{"claim": "Podocytes are motile and migrate in the presence of injury.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [24270544]}
{"claim": "Polymeal nutrition reduces cardiovascular mortality.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15604180]}
{"claim": "Pretreatment with the Arp2/3 inhibitor CK-666 affects lamelliopodia formation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25568343]}
{"claim": "Primary cervical cancer screening with HPV detection has higher longitudinal sensitivity than conventional cytology to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17942872, 20089449, 23199969, 22177579]}
{"claim": "Radioiodine treatment of non-toxic multinodular goitre reduces thyroid volume.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [8401123]}
{"claim": "Rapid phosphotransfer rates govern fidelity in two component systems", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20161720]}
{"claim": "Rapid up-regulation and higher basal expression of interferon-induced genes increase survival of granule cell neurons that are infected by West Nile virus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23455712]}
{"claim": "Recurrent mutations occur frequently within CTCF anchor sites adjacent to oncogenes.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26686465]}
{"claim": "Sildenafil improves erectile function in men who experience sexual dysfunction as a result of the use of SSRI antidepressants.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [12503977]}
{"claim": "Smc5/6 engagment drives the activation of SUMO E3 ligase Mms21 by ATP-dependent remolding.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [25764370]}
{"claim": "Stroke patients with prior use of direct oral anticoagulants have a lower risk of in-hospital mortality than stroke patients with prior use of warfarin.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29372247]}
{"claim": "Subcutaneous fat depots undergo extensive browning processes after cold exposure.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23995282]}
{"claim": "Synaptic activity enhances local release of brain derived neurotrophic factor from postsynaptic dendrites.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27680698]}
{"claim": "TCR/CD3 microdomains are a required to induce the immunologic synapse to activate T cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17188005]}
{"claim": "Tetraspanin-3 is a causative factor in the development of acute myelogenous leukemia", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26212080]}
{"claim": "The DdrB protein from Deinococcus radiodurans is an alternative SSB.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20129942]}
{"claim": "The PRR MDA5 is a sensor of RNA virus infection.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [21616437]}
{"claim": "The US health care system can save up to $750 million if 7% of patients waiting for kidney transplants participate in the optimized national kidney paired donation program.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [15840863]}
{"claim": "The center of the granuloma in an immune cell induces a pro-inflammatory immune response.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [27043495]}
{"claim": "The extracellular domain of TMEM27 is cleaved in human beta cells.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16330324]}
{"claim": "The locus rs647161 is associated with colorectal carcinoma.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23263487]}
{"claim": "The myocardial lineage develops from cardiac progenitors of mesodermal origin.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18432194]}
{"claim": "The repair of Cas9-induced double strand breaks in human DNA is error-prone.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [29804829]}
{"claim": "The risk of breast cancer among parous women increases with placental weight of pregnancies, and this association is strongest for premenopausal breast cancer.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [16287958]}
{"claim": "The severity of cardiac involvement in amyloidosis can be described by the degree of transmurality of late gadolinium enhancement in MRI.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [26362631]}
{"claim": "There is an inverse relationship between hip fractures and statin use.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [10866868]}
{"claim": "Thigh-length graduated compression stockings (GCS) did not reduce deep vein thrombosis in patients admitted to hospital who are immobile because of acute stroke.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [19477503]}
{"claim": "Transplanted human glial cells can differentiate within the host animal.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23472873]}
{"claim": "UCB T cells maintain high TCR diversity after transplantation.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [23435170]}
{"claim": "Ubiquitin ligase UBC13 generates a K63-linked polyubiquitin moiety at PCNA K164.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28886337]}
{"claim": "Upregulation of mosGCTL-1 is induced upon infection with West Nile virus.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [20797779]}
{"claim": "Women with a higher birth weight are more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [18828667, 16823839, 18054879, 18205956]}
{"claim": "cSMAC formation enhances weak ligand signalling.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [17346997]}
{"claim": "mTORC2 regulates intracellular cysteine levels through xCT inhibition.", "verdict": "supports", "evidence": [28648777]}
{"claim": "1 in 5 million in UK have abnormal PrP positivity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24129059]}
{"claim": "A T helper 2 cell (Th2) environment impedes disease development in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20512127]}
{"claim": "APOE4 expression in iPSC-derived neurons results in decreased tau phosphorylation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29632371]}
{"claim": "ART has no effect on the infectiveness of HIV-positive people.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22802730]}
{"claim": "Activation of PPM1D enhances p53 function.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24880341, 23242139]}
{"claim": "Alirocumab treatment reduces apo(a) fractional clearance rate.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27986651]}
{"claim": "Allogeneic mechanical circulatory support is not as effective as autologous mechanical circulatory support for treating acute myocardial infarction.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23117550]}
{"claim": "Alteration of origin firing causes changes in termination zones of Okazaki fragments.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23562327]}
{"claim": "Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is inaccurate at diagnosing hypertension.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21705406, 21868086]}
{"claim": "Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are associated with decreased risk for functional renal insufficiency.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11602506]}
{"claim": "Antidepressants increase the severity of migraines.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20961988]}
{"claim": "Antimicrobial agents are more effective due to the pressure of antimicrobial usage.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16308360]}
{"claim": "Antiretroviral therapy increases rates of tuberculosis across a broad range of CD4 strata.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22911011]}
{"claim": "Asymptomatic visual impairment screening in elderly populations leads to improved vision.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9522788]}
{"claim": "Autophagy deficiency in the liver increases vulnerability to insulin resistance.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23202295]}
{"claim": "BCL-2 promotes the apoptotic effects of c-Myc.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15380515]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery leads to negative outcomes in mental health.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26757464]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery reduces colorectal cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26694640]}
{"claim": "Bariatric surgery reduces postmenopausal breast cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26694640]}
{"claim": "CD44v6 is not associated with constitutive and reprogrammed cancer stem cells driving cancer metastasis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24607406]}
{"claim": "Ca2+ cycling is a UCP1-dependent thermogenic mechanism.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29131158]}
{"claim": "Cellular clocks are not predictive of mitosis timing in NIH 3T3 cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25028488]}
{"claim": "Charcoal is an effective treatment for acute paraquat poisoning.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29456670]}
{"claim": "Chenodeoxycholic acid treatment decreases brown adipose tissue activity.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26235421]}
{"claim": "Citrullinated proteins externalized in neutrophil extracellular traps act indirectly to disrupt the inflammatory cycle.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23536012, 23727635]}
{"claim": "Cognitive behavioral therapy is an ineffective treatment for insomnia", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16804151]}
{"claim": "Commelina yellow mottle virus' (ComYMV) genome consists of 2140 baise pairs.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [1699203]}
{"claim": "Consumption of whole fruits increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23990623]}
{"claim": "Converting apoE4 to apoE3 by gene editing worsens the pathology associated with apoE4 in human iPSCderived neurons.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29632371]}
{"claim": "Cost effectiveness evaluations based on cRCT data accurately reflect prices for patients in actual clinical practice.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19997499]}
{"claim": "Cytochrome c is transferred from cytosol to the mitochondrial intermembrane space during apoptosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16697952]}
{"claim": "DUSP4 decreases apoptosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22683778]}
{"claim": "DUSP4 downregulation deactivates the Ras-ERK pathway", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22683778]}
{"claim": "Decreased diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24881994]}
{"claim": "Deltex has no known interactions with eIF3f.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21124883]}
{"claim": "Deltex interacts with eIF3. There is no known interaction between Deltex and elF3", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21124883]}
{"claim": "Depletion of T-helper 17 (Th17) cells during simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection decreases dissemination of Salmonella Typhimurium from the gut.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18376406]}
{"claim": "Diabetes remission occurs more in people treated with conventional therapy than in people treated with laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18212316]}
{"claim": "Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome experience decreased short-term and long-term risk for bleeding events.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10961966]}
{"claim": "Differentiation of progenitor cells to myeloid cells is skewed upon activation of insulin signaling.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22407365]}
{"claim": "Diminished ovarian reserve is a reliable indicator of infertility in a non-infertile population.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29049585]}
{"claim": "Enhanced early production of inflammatory chemokines damages viral control in the lung.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20436484]}
{"claim": "Exercise increases cancer mortality rates among Chinese citizens.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20856900]}
{"claim": "Exposure to fine particulate air pollution is unrelated to anxiety prevalence.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25810495]}
{"claim": "Female carriers of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) allele have decreased risk for dementia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11255424]}
{"claim": "Female carriers of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) allele have shorter lifetime exposure to estrogen due to a decreased reproductive period.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11255424]}
{"claim": "FoxO3a activation in neuronal death is inhibited by reactive oxygen species (ROS).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14976264]}
{"claim": "Gastric infection with Helicobacter pylori decreases risk of gastric cancer in humans.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [2059685]}
{"claim": "General exercise therapy is more effective than rotator cuff exercises in reducing pain and improving function of the shoulder.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25213604]}
{"claim": "General exercise therapy is more effective than scapular stabilizer exercises in reducing pain and improving function of the shoulder.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25213604]}
{"claim": "Genomic sequences involved in alternative splicing responsible for Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) are abundant in the ''progerinonly'' allele of Lmna knock-in models.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15750600]}
{"claim": "Gpr124 increases BBB breakdown in mouse models of ischemic stroke.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28288111]}
{"claim": "Having a main partner worsens HIV outcomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14703538]}
{"claim": "HbA1c consistently overestimates glycemic control in black individuals with Sickle cell trait (SCT).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28170479]}
{"claim": "Headaches are correlated with cognitive impairment.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21245119]}
{"claim": "Healthy volunteers exhibit rapid and transient increase of cellular ATP after being bolus-injected with fructose.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10553793]}
{"claim": "Higher plasma levels of I-carnitine, when associated with trimethylamine N-oxide, are negatively correlated with cardiovascular events in humans.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23563705]}
{"claim": "Human embryonic stem cells give rise to cell types from the outer embryonic germ layer, but not the other two layers.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14963337, 11071754, 15270778]}
{"claim": "Hypocretin neurones suppress panicprone state in rats.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20037593]}
{"claim": "IFI16 impedes STING phosphorylation and translocation, resulting in reduced activation of STING.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28194029]}
{"claim": "IgA plasma cells that are specific for transglutaminase 2 are scarce in the duodenal mucosa of celiac disease patients when the disease is active.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22366952]}
{"claim": "In British Men, haplogroup I decreases risk of cardiovascular disease.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22325189]}
{"claim": "In S. cerevisiae, the absence of RNA surveillance pathways reduces sensitivity to high iron conditions.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15989963]}
{"claim": "In breast cancer, the loss of myoepithelial cells slows the transition of ductal carcinoma in situ to invasive carcinoma.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18455123]}
{"claim": "In patients with congenital heart defects, \u03b2-blockers significantly improve clinical heart failure outcomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17848651]}
{"claim": "In young and middle-aged adults, current or remote uses of ADHD medications increase the risk of serious cardiovascular events.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22161946]}
{"claim": "Incidence of 10/66 dementia is lower than the incidence of DSM-IV dementia.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22626851]}
{"claim": "Incidence of heart failure increased by 10% in women since 1979.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15265849]}
{"claim": "Incidence of sepsis has fallen substantially from 2009 to 2014.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28903154]}
{"claim": "Including pharmacists in rounding teams does not alter the incidence of adverse drug events (ADEs).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10422996]}
{"claim": "Increased microtubule acetylation exacerbates LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutation induced locomotor deficits.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25316291]}
{"claim": "Increased microtubule acetylation worsens interference of axonal transport caused by LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutations.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25316291]}
{"claim": "Inhibiting focal adhesion formation enables cells to convert mechanical strain into eventual scarring.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22157678]}
{"claim": "Inhibiting focal adhesion formation increases the rate at which cells convert mechanical strain into inflammation and fibrosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22157678]}
{"claim": "Inhibiting glucose-6-phospate dehydrogenase improves lipogenesis by deactivating LKB1-AMPK signaling.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26479318]}
{"claim": "Intake of folic acid (FA) and vitamin B6 (VB6) increases levels of homocysteine.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9459468]}
{"claim": "Integrated care is ineffective at tackling multiple comorbidities.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22074851]}
{"claim": "Klf4 is not required for proper myeloid cell differentiation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18390749]}
{"claim": "Lack of FGF21 in mice increases life expectancy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25794851]}
{"claim": "Lack of FGF21 in mice slows the rate of atherosclerotic plaque formation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25794851]}
{"claim": "MafA phosphorylation decreases its ubiquitination.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18042454]}
{"claim": "Medications to treat obesity are highly effective.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18006966]}
{"claim": "Medications to treat obesity do not have side effects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18006966]}
{"claim": "Men are more susceptible to death due to pneumonia when compared to women.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10591336]}
{"claim": "Metastatic colorectal cancer treated with a single agent fluoropyrimidines resulted in similar efficacy and better quality of life when compared with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in elderly patients.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21570111]}
{"claim": "Mice are incapable of producing neutralizing antibodies in reponse to the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) produced in mosquitos.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27991917]}
{"claim": "Mice lacking Sirt1 in Sf1-expressing neurons are immune to diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21907137]}
{"claim": "Microglia are an innate immune cell type of the peripheral nervous system.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24995975]}
{"claim": "Mitochondria play a trivial role in calcium homeostasis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16814712]}
{"claim": "Monoclonal antibody targeting of N-cadherin encourages castration resistance.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21057494]}
{"claim": "Monoclonal antibody targeting of N-cadherin encourages metastasis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21057494]}
{"claim": "Mutations in RIM1 raise levels of IME1 RNA.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8367297]}
{"claim": "N348I mutations reduce resistance to nevirapine.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18052601]}
{"claim": "NR5A2 does not play a role in development of endometrial tissues.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23817023]}
{"claim": "Natriuretic peptides increase susceptibility to diabetes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22039354]}
{"claim": "Nonhuman primates are incapable of producing neutralizing antibodies in reponse to the Eilat virus (EILV) produced in mosquitos.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27991917]}
{"claim": "Nonsteroidal antinflammatory drugs are ineffective as cancer treatments.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25781442]}
{"claim": "Normal granulomas form in the presence of TNF in Zebrafish.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18691913]}
{"claim": "Omnivores produce less trimethylamine N-oxide from dietary I-carnitine than vegans.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23563705]}
{"claim": "PKG-la does not have a large impact on expression of pain hypersensitivity in PGK-la knockout mice.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22427743]}
{"claim": "PKG-la does not have a large impact on expression of spinal long term potentiation in PGK-la knockout mice.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22427743]}
{"claim": "Patients in stable partnerships progress from HIV to death at the same rate as patients not in partnerships.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14703538]}
{"claim": "Patients with common epithelial cancers are less likely to have an emergency event as their first hospital admission if they live in resource-deprived areas.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20075152]}
{"claim": "Patients with microcytosis and higher erythrocyte count are more vulnerable to severe malarial anaemia when infected with Plasmodium falciparum.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18351796]}
{"claim": "Patients with panic anxiety show decreased CSF levels of hypocretin.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20037593]}
{"claim": "Pharmacist attendance at ward rounds increases adverse events in wards.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10422996]}
{"claim": "Physical activity does not improve cognitive function in individuals with Alzheimers.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18768414]}
{"claim": "Polymeal nutrition increases cardiovascular mortality.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15604180]}
{"claim": "Pre-mRNAs associated with spliceosomal components are less stable than unassociated splicing substrates.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16640457]}
{"claim": "Primary cervical cancer screening with HPV detection has lower longitudinal sensitivity than conventional cytology to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17942872, 20089449, 23199969, 22177579]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin decreases telomere fragility in BRCA2-deficient cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin encourages proliferation of homologous recombination - defective cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin prevents double-strand breaks accumulation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "RANK-RANKL pathway signalling has no known association with development of Aire-expressing medullary thymic epithelial cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22425250, 18799149, 17502664]}
{"claim": "Radioiodine treatment of non-toxic multinodular goitre increases thyroid volume.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8401123]}
{"claim": "Removal of H3K9me3 by ectopic expression of other H3K9 demethylases decreases reprogramming efficiency in SCNT experiments.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29453221]}
{"claim": "Repressing IL-18 has negative effects on atherosclerotic lesion composition and progression.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11581135]}
{"claim": "Risedronate increases risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10527181]}
{"claim": "Satellite cell dysfunction is a key factor in sarcopenia development.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25501907]}
{"claim": "Sepsis related mortality has risen from 2009 to 2014.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28903154]}
{"claim": "Side effects associated with antidepressants do not represent a mortality risk to postmenopausal women.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21810886]}
{"claim": "Sildenafil worsens erectile function in men who experience sexual dysfunction as a result of the use of SSRI antidepressants.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12503977]}
{"claim": "Smc5/6 engagment halts the activation of SUMO E3 ligase Mms21 by ATP-dependent remolding.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [25764370]}
{"claim": "Stiff substrates encourage mesodermal differentiation by degrading beta-catenin in an integrin-dependent manner.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27452175]}
{"claim": "Stroke patients with prior use of direct oral anticoagulants have a higher risk of in-hospital mortality than stroke patients with prior use of warfarin.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29372247]}
{"claim": "Students who perform poorly in the early years of medical school are less likely to commit professional misconduct later in their careers.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20423965]}
{"claim": "Sympathetic nerve activity is reduced throughout normal pregnancy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11684631, 26139215, 26259593]}
{"claim": "Systemic immunosuppressive (IS) therapy increases the chance of cancer mortality in patients with inflammatory eye disease (IED)", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19578087]}
{"claim": "TNFAIP3 is a glioblastoma tumor suppressor.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20186265]}
{"claim": "Taking 400mg of \u03b1-tocopheryl acetate in combination with vitamin C reduces the risk of prostate cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19066368]}
{"claim": "The DESMOND program caused substantial weight loss in most participants.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22539172]}
{"claim": "The NF-\u03baB essential modulator gene induces intestinal inflammation by promoting receptor-interacting protein (RIP) kinase 1 kinase activity-mediated epithelial cell death.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26982364]}
{"claim": "The PDPN gene deactivates the C-type lectin receptor (CLEC-2).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22884313]}
{"claim": "The US health care system can save up to $5 billion if 7% of patients waiting for kidney transplants participate in the optimized national kidney paired donation program.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15840863]}
{"claim": "The combination of physical examinations with C-reactive protein values do not improve the accuracy of radiographic verified pneumonia predictions.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23633005]}
{"claim": "The density of cytokine receptor bearing cells has no effect on the distance over which cytokines act.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28389069]}
{"claim": "The innate immune response struggles to remove small numbers of parasites.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21852493]}
{"claim": "The mean suicide rate in women is lower after miscarriage than live birth.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [8973229]}
{"claim": "The most prevalent adverse events to Semaglutide are cardiovascular.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29049653]}
{"claim": "The myocardial cell lineage originally develops from cardiac progenitors of exclusively endodermal origin.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18432194]}
{"claim": "The one-child policy has created a hospitable environment for female infants.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14656839]}
{"claim": "The peak incidence of fractures occurs in toddlers.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [13129988]}
{"claim": "The relationship between a breast cancer patient's capacity to metabolize tamoxifen and treatment outcome is independent of the patient's genetic make-up.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19809024]}
{"claim": "The removal of reactive oxygen species by activated oncogenes contributes to the increased genomic instability of leukaemia cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15304390]}
{"claim": "The risk of breast cancer among parous women decreases with placental weight of pregnancies.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16287958]}
{"claim": "Therapeutics receiving accelerated approval encounter a lower frequency of post-marketing safety events", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28492899]}
{"claim": "There is a positive correlation between hip fractures and statin use.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10866868]}
{"claim": "There is no increased risk of hypospadias with clomiphene.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15613365]}
{"claim": "There is no known interaction between Pioneer factor OCT3/4 and major chromatin remodeling factors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22083510, 20362541]}
{"claim": "There is no relation between Erythromycin use and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24618148]}
{"claim": "Treatment with a protein named FN impairs regenerative abilities of aged muscles.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27376579]}
{"claim": "Tuberculosis incidence occurs at higher rates in more sparsely populated areas in the UK.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [10521193, 9522427]}
{"claim": "Upon viral challenge, influenza-specific memory CD4+ T cells greatly diminish the early production of inflammatory chemokines in the lung.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20436484]}
{"claim": "Upregulation of dynein in Drosophila neurons increases the number of microtubule plus-ends growing toward the cell body of each neuron.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18758451]}
{"claim": "V-9302 inhibits antitumor responses by decreasing cell death and oxidative stress.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29334372]}
{"claim": "Varenicline monotherapy is more effective after 26 weeks of treatment compared to combination nicotine replacement therapies with varenicline or bupropion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24399554]}
{"claim": "Walking in traffic areas in London improves lung function in elderly adults.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29221643]}
{"claim": "Whole brain radiotherapy increases the occurrence of new brain metastases.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16757720]}
{"claim": "Women with a lower birth weight are more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18828667, 18054879, 18205956]}
{"claim": "cSMAC formation represses weak ligand signalling.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17346997]}
{"claim": "siRNA knockdown of A20 accelerates tumor progression in an in vivo murine xenograft model.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20186265, 19492975]}
{"claim": "A high microerythrocyte count raises vulnerability to severe anemia in homozygous alpha (+)- thalassemia trait subjects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18351796]}
{"claim": "A total of 1,000 people in the UK are asymptomatic carriers of vCJD infection.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24129059]}
{"claim": "ALDH1 expression is associated with better breast cancer outcomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18371393]}
{"claim": "APOE4 expression in iPSC-derived neurons increases AlphaBeta production and tau phosphorylation, delaying GABA neuron degeneration.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [29632371]}
{"claim": "Anthrax spores can be disposed of easily after they are dispersed.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12472327]}
{"claim": "Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells causes a higher rate of opportunistic infections than induction therapy with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibodies.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22436957]}
{"claim": "Blocking the interaction between TDP-43 and respiratory complex I proteins ND3 and ND6 leads to increased TDP-43-induced neuronal loss.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27348499]}
{"claim": "Bone marrow cells contribute to adult macrophage compartments.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23601688]}
{"claim": "Breast cancer development is determined exclusively by genetic factors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20605201]}
{"claim": "CR is associated with higher methylation age.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [28912502]}
{"claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells impairs T cell survival", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21037587]}
{"claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells suppresses airway inflammation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21037587]}
{"claim": "Cell autonomous sex determination in somatic cells does not occur in Galliformes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20220842]}
{"claim": "Chenodeosycholic acid treatment reduces whole-body energy expenditure.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26235421]}
{"claim": "Combination nicotine replacement therapies with varenicline or bupropion lead to significantly higher long-term abstinence rates at 52 weeks than varenicline monotherapy.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24399554]}
{"claim": "Dexamethasone decreases risk of postoperative bleeding.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19066382]}
{"claim": "Gene expression does not vary appreciably across genetically identical cells.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [18957198, 24256735]}
{"claim": "High cardiopulmonary fitness causes increased mortality rate.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16414945]}
{"claim": "High levels of CRP reduces the risk of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23757083]}
{"claim": "In mouse models, the loss of CSF1R facilitates MOZ-TIF2-induced leuekmogenesis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20418886]}
{"claim": "Increased vessel density along with a reduction in fibrosis decreases the efficacy of chemotherapy treatments.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19460966]}
{"claim": "Leuko-increased blood increases infectious complications in red blood cell transfusion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12697796]}
{"claim": "Ly6C hi monocytes have a lower inflammatory capacity than Ly6C lo monocytes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15034056]}
{"claim": "Macrolides protect against myocardial infarction.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [9952202]}
{"claim": "Mathematical models predict that using Artemisinin-based combination therapy over nongametocytocidal drugs have a dramatic impact in reducing malaria transmission.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19067479]}
{"claim": "Mice that lack Interferon-\u03b3 or its receptor exhibit high resistance to experimental autoimmune myocarditis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11136679]}
{"claim": "Mitochondria are uninvolved in apoptosis.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [16814712]}
{"claim": "Mutant mice lacking SVCT2 have greatly increased ascorbic acid levels in both brain and adrenals.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [11984597]}
{"claim": "New drugs for tuberculosis often do not penetrate the necrotic portion of a tuberculosis lesion in high concentrations.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26343800]}
{"claim": "Non-invasive ventilation use should be decreased if there is inadequate response to conventional treatment.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [12727767]}
{"claim": "Normal expression of RUNX1 has tumor-promoting effects.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22366949]}
{"claim": "Obesity is determined solely by environmental factors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [2493303, 6606631, 2336075, 3941707, 3583293]}
{"claim": "Occupancy of ribosomes by IncRNAs do not make functional peptides.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23810193]}
{"claim": "Omnivores produce less trimethylamine N-oxide from dietary I-carnitine than vegetarians.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23563705]}
{"claim": "PD-1 triggering on monocytes reduces IL-10 production by monocytes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [20208540]}
{"claim": "Patients in stable partnerships have a faster progression from HIV to AIDS.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [14703538]}
{"claim": "Pyridostatin destabilizes the G - quadruplex in the telomeric region.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26748828]}
{"claim": "Rapid up-regulation and higher basal expression of interferon-induced genes reduce survival of granule cell neurons that are infected by West Nile virus.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23455712]}
{"claim": "Reduced responsiveness to interleukin-2 in regulatory T cells is associated with greater resistance to autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17277778, 17676041, 22461703]}
{"claim": "Replacement of histone H2A with H2A.Z slows gene activation in yeasts by stabilizing +1 nucleosomes.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [17575053]}
{"claim": "Ribosomopathies have a low degree of cell and tissue specific pathology.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [21529712]}
{"claim": "Silencing of Bcl2 is important for the maintenance and progression of tumors.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [15380515]}
{"claim": "Suboptimal nutrition is not predictive of chronic disease", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [27733284]}
{"claim": "Taking 400mg of \u03b1-tocopheryl acetate helps to prevent prostate cancer.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [19066368]}
{"claim": "Taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages had no effect on the incidence rate of type II diabetes in India.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24409102]}
{"claim": "The genomic aberrations found in matasteses are very similar to those found in the primary tumor.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [26523969]}
{"claim": "The minor G allele of FOXO3 is related to more severe symptoms of Crohn's Disease.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24035192]}
{"claim": "The risk of male prisoners harming themselves is ten times that of female prisoners.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24351319]}
{"claim": "Tirasemtiv has no effect on fast-twitch muscle.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [22344294]}
{"claim": "Transplanted human glial progenitor cells are incapable of forming a neural network with host animals' neurons.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23472873]}
{"claim": "UCB T cells reduce TCR diversity after transplantation.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23435170]}
{"claim": "Ultrasound guidance significantly raises the number of traumatic procedures when attempting needle insertion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23532866]}
{"claim": "Varenicline monotherapy is more effective after 12 weeks of treatment compared to combination nicotine replacement therapies with varenicline or bupropion.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [24399554]}
{"claim": "aPKCz causes tumour enhancement by affecting glutamine metabolism.", "verdict": "refutes", "evidence": [23374352]}
{"claim": "\"Sternal fracture in growing children is a rare and often overlooked fracture.\"", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [25277731]}
{"claim": "Specialised training of phonological awareness is indicated in every preschool child.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [18235194]}
{"claim": "Tumour expression of VEGF is associated with venous invasion and survival in pT3 renal cell carcinoma.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [17489316]}
{"claim": "Normally sighted, visually impaired, and blind pedestrians are accurate and reliable at making street crossing decisions.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [22427593]}
{"claim": "It is Crohn's disease.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [11570976]}
{"claim": "A man would smell a rose and then throw it away.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [24160268]}
{"claim": "French lay people and health professionals find it acceptable to breach confidentiality to protect a patient's wife from a sexually transmitted disease.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [16816043]}
{"claim": "Different follow-up modalities may play a role in the diagnosis of asymptomatic endometrial cancer relapses.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [22706226]}
{"claim": "Chest wall irradiation should be included after mastectomy and negative node breast cancer.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [18243752]}
{"claim": "Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia has the same evolution as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [18714572]}
{"claim": "Patients can be anticoagulated after intracerebral hemorrhage.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [12805495]}
{"claim": "Oncoplastic surgery is not a contraindication for accelerated partial breast radiation using the interstitial multicatheter brachytherapy method.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [24946973]}
{"claim": "Rugby headgear prevents concussion.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [11867487]}
{"claim": "Cutaneous melanoma in a multiethnic population is a different disease.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [15381614]}
{"claim": "Bipolar disorders are underdiagnosed in patients with depressive episodes.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [22954812]}
{"claim": "The lifetime prevalence of impetigo, molluscum, and herpes infection is indeed increased in children with atopic dermatitis.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [20971618]}
{"claim": "Aerobic fitness influences microvascular function in healthy adults at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [15787677]}
{"claim": "Web-based systems are the answer for standardizing care in medical oncology.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [19711462]}
{"claim": "Prophylactic fixation is a cost-effective method to prevent a future contralateral fragility hip fracture.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [20101129]}
{"claim": "Neighbourhood social capital and availability of sports facilities are related to sports participation among Dutch adolescents.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [22849512]}
{"claim": "The scores obtained from combining process indicators to evaluate the quality of care for surgical patients with colorectal cancer are consistent with short-term outcome.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [22491528]}
{"claim": "Ambu self-inflating bag and Neopuff infant resuscitator can provide adequate and safe manual inflations for infants up to 10\u2005kg weight.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [28011794]}
{"claim": "Opioid dependence and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) are documented in the medical record.", "verdict": "nei", "evidence": [19578820]}