import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from .connector import Connector from .projector import Projector from .tensor_initializer import TensorInitializer from .custom_sfx import CustomSoftMax import numpy as np import warnings from typing import Literal import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UserLearner(nn.Module): k: int # the number of groups llm: nn.Module projectors: list[Projector] u_id_set: set softmax: nn.Module is_partition: bool def __init__( self, k: int, llm: nn.Module, projectors: list[Projector], softmax: nn.Module, is_partition: bool=False, ): super().__init__() self.k = k self.llm = llm self.softmax = softmax # init user_id registration table and user weights dictionary self.u_id_set = set() self.W = nn.ParameterDict() self.tmp_store_user_ideal_points = None # register all k projectors in the moduledict assert len(projectors) == k, f"The num of projectors should match up with num of groups: {k} != {len(projectors)}" self.projectors = nn.ModuleDict() for i in range(k): self.projectors[str(i)] = projectors[i] self.is_partition = is_partition def init_weight(self, u_ids:list, reinit:bool=False): for u_id in u_ids: if u_id not in self.u_id_set or reinit: self.W[u_id] = nn.Parameter( torch.randn((self.k), dtype=torch.float32), requires_grad=True, ).to(next(self.projectors[str(0)].parameters()).device) self.u_id_set.add(u_id) else: logger.warning('👋 wait? same user?') def get_sfx_w(self, u_ids:list): w = torch.stack([self.W[key] for key in u_ids], dim=0) # (bs, k) w = self.softmax(w) return w def get_hardmax_w(self, u_ids:list): w = torch.stack([self.W[key] for key in u_ids], dim=0) w = F.one_hot(w.argmax(dim=1), num_classes=self.k).float() # (bs, k) return w def infer_gk(self, prompt_tokens, rm_cached=None): ''' prompt_tokens: {'input_ids': torch.tensor, 'attention_mask': torch.tensor} If you want to activate rm_cached, please pass in the rm_cached dict or empty dict. ''' input_ids = prompt_tokens['input_ids'] attention_mask = prompt_tokens['attention_mask'] if rm_cached is None: embeds = self.llm( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, ).last_hidden_state else: res = self.llm( input_ids=input_ids[:, -1:], # attention_mask=attention_mask, past_key_values=rm_cached["user_learner"], use_cache=True ) rm_cached["user_learner"] = res.past_key_values embeds = res.last_hidden_state # embeds shape: (bs, seq_len, hid_dim) shape = embeds.shape # only last hidden state start (only use the last token of the prompt) embeds = embeds[:, -1, :] # (bs, seq_len, hid_dim) -> (bs, hid_dim) embeds = embeds.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, shape[1], 1) # (bs, hid_dim) -> (bs, seq_len, hid_dim) # only last hidden state end # logger.critical("using only last hidden state of prompt tokens") embeds = embeds.view(-1, shape[-1]) # (bs*seq_len, hid_dim) # g(embeds) shape: (bs*seq_len, hid_dim) -> (bs*seq_len, pref_dim) logits = torch.stack([g(embeds).view(shape[0], shape[1], -1) for g in self.projectors.values()],dim=1) if rm_cached is None: return logits else: return logits, rm_cached # (bs, k, seq_len, hidden_size) def return_user_ideal_points(self): if self.tmp_store_user_ideal_points == None: raise ValueError('No user ideal points stored') return self.tmp_store_user_ideal_points def forward(self, uid, prompt_tokens, rm_cached=None): # only pass the prompt tokens ''' prompt_tokens: {'input_ids': torch.tensor, 'attention_mask': torch.tensor} ''' if rm_cached is None: prompt_logits = self.infer_gk(prompt_tokens) else: prompt_logits, rm_cached = self.infer_gk(prompt_tokens, rm_cached) bs = prompt_tokens['input_ids'].size(0) w = self.get_sfx_w([uid]*bs) # assert sum(mix_weight) == 1 # w = self.softmax(mix_weight.repeat(bs, 1)) # w = mix_weight.repeat(bs, 1) #"{w=}") #"{w.shape=}") w = w.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) y_hat = (w * prompt_logits).sum(dim=1) self.tmp_store_user_ideal_points = y_hat if rm_cached is None: return y_hat else: return y_hat, rm_cached def eval(self): super().eval() if self.is_partition: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Partition version) is in eval mode: argmax") self.is_argmax = True else: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Mixture version) is in eval mode: sfx") self.is_argmax = False def train(self, mode: bool = True): super().train(mode) if mode: if self.is_partition: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Partition version) is in train mode: sfx") self.is_argmax = False else: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Mixture version) is in train mode: sfx") self.is_argmax = False else: if self.is_partition: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Partition version) is in eval mode: argmax") self.is_argmax = True else: warnings.warn("🤖 UserPromptLearner(Mixture version) is in eval mode: sfx") self.is_argmax = False