Navigating the RLHF Landscape: From Policy Gradients to PPO, GAE, and DPO for LLM Alignment
Welcome to this blog post! If you’re keen on exploring Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in large language models (LLMs) and want to understand the process from the ground up—from basic policy gradient methods and the classic REINFORCE algorithm, through the derivation of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) using clipping objectives and Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE) to balance bias and variance, and finally to an in-depth discussion on offline methods like DPO—you’ve come to the right place.
In this post, we start with the fundamentals of gradient policy optimization, gradually build up through the well-established REINFORCE algorithm, and then explore how to implement PPO via clipping objectives. We will also examine how GAE helps strike the ideal balance between bias and variance. Later on, we’ll derive and discuss offline training approaches such as DPO, providing insight into the advantages and challenges of each training path.
1. On-Policy vs. Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning
Today, the mainstream RLHF approaches in LLMs can be broadly categorized into two camps:
- On-Policy Methods (exemplified by PPO)
- Off-Policy Methods (exemplified by DPO)
But what exactly distinguishes On-Policy from Off-Policy? Here’s a simple rule of thumb:
- On-Policy: During training, the model actively generates its own data samples.
- Off-Policy: The training relies on pre-collected data (or data produced by another policy), eliminating the need for real-time generation.
Generally speaking, On-Policy methods tend to be more computationally demanding and time-consuming—the main bottleneck being the generation step. For generative tasks, the model must output tokens one at a time, a process that is extremely resource-intensive. Despite this slower pace, On-Policy approaches offer a higher theoretical performance ceiling because they continuously explore and update based on the model’s current state. This advantage will become even clearer when we dive deeper into PPO later.
Let’s first explore the On-Policy approach.
The Essence of On-Policy Learning
At its core, On-Policy learning involves having the model generate its own responses and then scoring those responses to guide subsequent parameter updates. In short, the key idea is to have the model “get in the game” itself.
Imagine you are a model learning to play chess. There are two possible training scenarios:
- Method One: You actively play chess, with a coach providing real-time feedback on every move. When you capture an opponent’s piece, your coach cheers you on; if you make an impulsive mistake that leads to a counterattack, your coach immediately advises you on how to improve.
- Method Two: Instead of playing, you’re given a collection of recordings—some from professional matches and others from subpar games—annotated to show which moves are effective and which are not. You passively learn by mimicking the good moves and avoiding the bad ones.
The fundamental difference between these two methods is whether you’re actually “playing” the game. Method One represents On-Policy training, where the model generates its own actions and learns from them; Method Two embodies Off-Policy training, where learning is solely based on existing data.
Off-Policy methods are generally faster during training because they rely on readily available data without requiring the model to generate new samples on the fly. However, they are highly sensitive to how well the pre-collected data aligns with the model’s current capabilities. If there’s a significant mismatch—whether the data is too challenging or too trivial—the learning process can suffer. On the other hand, On-Policy training sidesteps this issue since the training samples always reflect the model’s current performance level.
Key Components in an On-Policy Framework
In the context of language models, a typical On-Policy algorithm comprises the following components:
- Actor: The model that generates sentences (analogous to you playing chess).
- Critic: Acting like a coach, it provides immediate feedback for each generated output and is updated alongside the Actor as the model’s abilities evolve.
- Reward Model: Serving as the referee, it assigns final scores or preference evaluations. This component usually remains fixed during training.
- Reference Model: A unique element in PPO for large models, it prevents the Actor from straying too far from the original pre-trained distribution, thereby mitigating issues such as reward hacking.
Given that each of these components can be extremely large (often necessitating the simultaneous loading of multiple 70B-parameter models), On-Policy training typically demands enormous computational resources. This is why PPO is often described as being “computationally expensive.”
Next, we will focus on PPO—the most representative On-Policy method—to see how it practically balances training cost with learning efficiency.
2. PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization)
2.1 Starting with Policy Gradient Optimization
Imagine you’re a novice chess player just beginning to learn the game. Your goal is to improve your chances of winning by continuously refining your chess strategy (denoted as , where represents your strategy parameters). Think of each game as a trajectory that you want to optimize in order to secure a higher reward.
More generally, the objective in reinforcement learning is to optimize a policy so as to maximize the expected return:
Formally, the return of a policy is defined over all possible trajectories:
A trajectory is simply a sequence of states and corresponding actions:
In our chess analogy, the state represents the current board configuration, while the action indicates where you decide to move next. The next state is governed by a probability distribution—reflecting, for instance, your opponent’s response:
Thus, the probability of a trajectory is given by:
In reinforcement learning, we frequently discount future rewards—future returns are never as valuable as immediate ones. Therefore, the total return for a trajectory is defined as:
where is the discount factor and is the reward received at time .
In deep learning we typically update parameters by minimizing a loss function using stochastic gradient descent. However, since our goal here is to maximize the return, we use stochastic gradient ascent to update the policy:
Here, is known as the policy gradient. In other words, after each game you review your moves to assess how each one contributed to the final outcome, and then adjust your strategy accordingly. This overall approach is known as a policy gradient algorithm.
However, just as in chess where you must consider all possible moves and board states, computing the exact gradient requires summing or integrating over all possible trajectories. In practice (unless the game is extremely simple), this is computationally infeasible—even if is differentiable—because the long trajectory lengths make auto-differentiation very memory intensive. Therefore, we need to carefully derive a method for computing the policy gradient.
Derivation of the Policy Gradient
To derive a practical expression for the policy gradient—much like reviewing a game move by move—we start with the gradient of the objective function. Viewing each game as a trajectory , the gradient of the objective is:
Step 1: Expand the Expectation
This step is equivalent to considering all possible games by expanding the expectation into an integral over all trajectories:
Step 2: Interchange the Gradient and the Integral
Similar to decomposing the influence of each move, we bring the gradient operator inside the integral:
Step 3: Apply the Log-Derivative Trick
By using a mathematical trick known as the log-derivative (or likelihood ratio) trick—much like breaking down the significance of each move—we have:
Step 4: Return to Expectation Form
Finally, we can rewrite the integral back into the expectation form:
During a game, every move is determined by your decision at that time. If we represent a game trajectory as:
then is the probability of selecting a particular move given the board state . Taking the logarithm and then the gradient, we obtain:
(Note: The opponent’s moves are determined by fixed rules and do not depend on , so their gradients vanish.)
2.2 Final Policy Gradient Formula
Substituting the above result back into our expectation, we arrive at the final policy gradient formula:
In this formula, the decision made at each move (captured by ) influences the overall outcome of the game, independent of the fixed rules governing the opponent’s responses. In practice, we approximate this expectation using Monte Carlo sampling—akin to improving your chess skills through repeated play. The sample-based policy gradient can be approximated as:
If you look closely, you’ll notice that appears directly within the gradient calculation of the policy parameters.
2.3 The REINFORCE Algorithm: Process and Implementation Steps
Let’s now introduce the classic policy gradient method—the REINFORCE algorithm—which is similar to playing games, reviewing your performance, and continuously refining your strategy:
Construct the Policy Network
Build a neural network to define your chess strategy :- Input: The current board state
- Output: A probability distribution over the next moves
Trajectory Sampling
Play games using the current policy to sample trajectories and record the reward received at each move (for example, a reward after winning a game).- You can either set a fixed number of moves per game (say, 100 moves) or play until the game ends.
Gradient Computation
Compute the gradient estimate from the collected dataset of games, much like assessing the contribution of each move in your review:
- Parameter Update
Update your policy parameters using stochastic gradient ascent—just as you would adjust your playing style based on your game reviews:
or equivalently:
- Iterative Optimization
Repeat the cycle of “playing – reviewing – adjusting” until your policy converges and you can consistently perform at a high level.
Explanation of Core Formulas
Gradient Estimate Formula
- Here, we use extensive Monte Carlo sampling to approximate the full expectation.
- The total reward represents the outcome of the entire game, serving as a measure of the cumulative impact of your decisions.
Parameter Update Rule
- The term is the learning rate, analogous to how much you adjust your strategy after reviewing a game; the gradient points in the direction that increases your winning probability.
Algorithm Characteristics
- Key Advantage: This method relies solely on your actual gameplay experience and does not require any prior knowledge of the opponent’s strategy (model-free).
- Computational Requirements: It necessitates a large number of game samples to mitigate the high variance inherent in the gradient estimates.
- Possible Improvements: Later approaches (such as Actor-Critic methods) introduce a value function baseline to stabilize policy updates—similar to receiving professional coaching feedback during your game reviews to accelerate improvement.
2.4 Challenges in Policy Gradient Optimization
A central assumption in policy gradient optimization is that we can reliably estimate the policy gradient using our chosen method. However, when the problem scales up—for instance, when each trajectory becomes very long or the policy model is extremely large—you must sample many trajectories to obtain an accurate gradient estimate; otherwise, you face high variance. Although the gradient estimator in policy gradient algorithms is theoretically unbiased (its expected value converges to the true gradient), its variance can be extremely high. Recall the gradient estimate:
- denotes the size of the dataset ,
- is the current policy (your chess strategy),
- is the total return of the game (trajectory ),
- represent the action and state at time , respectively.
Imagine playing chess and trying to attribute the overall outcome to each move. If you attempt to credit every move with the entire game’s result, the evaluation becomes extremely unstable—that is, it exhibits high variance. Next, we explore methods to reduce this variance in our estimates.
2.5 Reducing Variance: Focusing Only on the Future
Notice in the gradient estimate above that, regardless of the current step , always includes rewards from the entire trajectory. This isn’t entirely reasonable since a decision should only consider its impact on future outcomes—the past cannot be changed and should not influence the evaluation of the current action.
Returning to our chess example: if every move’s score also factors in earlier moves (good or bad), it obscures the true value of the current decision. In practice, when evaluating the current move, you only need to consider the “future rewards”—the rewards accrued from this move until the game’s end. This concept is known as rewards-to-go.
Mathematically, we adjust our gradient estimate as follows:
Here, represents the total rewards from the current move to the end of the game. This is analogous to reviewing a game by focusing only on the impact of moves from a certain point forward, ignoring what has already transpired.
By eliminating these redundant past rewards, the variance in our gradient estimates naturally decreases.
2.6 Reducing Variance: Introducing a Baseline
To further mitigate fluctuations in our evaluation, we can subtract a baseline value from the future rewards at each step. Mathematically, this baseline is often denoted as (in practice, we commonly use the value function as the baseline). The modified gradient estimate becomes:
Here, serves as a baseline—typically a function of the state —representing the expected return from the current state. The term then reflects the advantage, or the amount by which the actual return exceeds this baseline. In practice, we use this advantage instead of the raw reward in our gradient estimates to reduce variance.
In the context of aligning large language models, an extra linear layer is typically added on top of the language model (i.e., the policy ) to estimate the expected return for a given state. This functions as a benchmark for each state, helping us gauge the true advantage of a decision. For a more intuitive explanation of why a baseline is necessary, see my previous blog post.
2.7 Reducing Variance: Introducing and
Earlier we discussed the concept of rewards-to-go, represented by . In reinforcement learning, this term is known as the Q-function , which captures the total future return when taking action in state . By subtracting the state value , we obtain the advantage function:
Using our chess analogy, the Q-function quantifies the potential outcome of the game after making a move in state , while the state value represents the inherent strength of the board position. Even if the board is favorable, a poor move can reduce your relative advantage. Therefore, it’s important not only to consider the absolute score of a move but also to compare it against the baseline. A positive indicates that the move significantly improves your position, whereas a negative value suggests it is suboptimal.
Ultimately, we can express the policy gradient as:
This formula encapsulates how the relative performance of each move (compared to the average) guides the adjustment of your strategy.
2.8 Explaining the Advantage Function
Simply put, the advantage function tells you how much more likely a specific move in a given state is to improve your chances of winning compared to an average move. If a move yields an expected return significantly above the baseline, its advantage is positive—signaling it as a promising move; if not, it indicates underperformance relative to the norm.
In summary, by focusing solely on future rewards, introducing a baseline, and utilizing the advantage function, we can effectively reduce the variance in our gradient estimates. This approach is akin to reviewing a game by concentrating on the pivotal moves that truly alter the outcome, thereby making the policy updates more stable and targeted.
2.9 Estimating the Advantage Term – Using the Iterative GAE Strategy
There are several ways to estimate the advantage term. For example:
These examples illustrate that by summing over multiple steps, we can balance bias and variance:
- Stopping too early in accumulating actual rewards introduces high bias, because only a small portion of the true return is considered alongside minimal actual rewards.
- Accumulating too many rewards leads to high variance, since relying on a larger number of real samples can make the estimate unstable.
To strike a balance in this bias-variance trade-off, we employ a weighted sum of these terms, known as Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE):
- This is a recursive formula. The advantage estimate at the final time step can be viewed as the first expansion, with each preceding step adding another layer weighted by the decay factor .
- By iteratively accumulating these terms across time steps, we balance the high variance of actual rewards with the high bias introduced by relying solely on the value function.
In the context of aligning large language models, this approach guides the policy (i.e., the language model) to increase the probability of selecting the next token that, on average, yields a reward above the baseline given a specific prompt (state). In other words, the model will tend to choose tokens that are more likely to lead to sequences meeting our desired reward criteria—resulting in outputs that are better aligned with our training data distribution.
2.10 The PPO Loss
In Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), to prevent the policy from changing too drastically during updates, we design a specialized loss function composed of several key components:
Policy Loss
This component is akin to not overhauling your strategy all at once when playing chess. Instead, you prefer to fine-tune your moves gradually so that while you improve your position, you avoid taking reckless steps that could disrupt the overall structure.
Value Function Loss
This term ensures that for every state, your estimated expected return (comparable to predicting how a game might unfold) is as close as possible to the actual returns received.
Entropy Loss
The entropy loss encourages the policy to maintain a level of exploration. Much like a skilled chess player who not only masters known patterns but is also willing to experiment with new ideas to remain adaptable, this term prevents the policy from becoming too deterministic.
Overall PPO Loss
By combining these components, we obtain the total PPO loss. This loss function is designed to improve the win rate (or reward) when updating the policy while ensuring that the policy does not deviate too drastically from its original behavior—thus promoting stable and efficient learning.
2.11 Advantages of Using PPO
- Stability: The clipping operation ensures that policy updates are modest—just as you wouldn’t drastically change your playing style mid-game, each move remains consistent and measured.
- Sample Efficiency: PPO makes effective use of the game data collected, although in large-scale models, a substantial number of samples is still required.
- Intrinsic Safety: With clipping updates and KL-penalties relative to the reference policy, PPO effectively prevents drastic deviations during training, ensuring that generated outputs remain consistent with the pre-trained style.
Overall, just as an experienced chess player continuously improves by playing, reviewing, and fine-tuning their strategy, PPO achieves robust and efficient reinforcement learning through precise gradient updates coupled with restrictions on policy changes.
3. Understanding and Deriving GAE (Generalized Advantage Estimation)
Imagine participating in a high-stakes chess tournament. Every move not only affects the current board state but can also have long-lasting consequences for the rest of the game. To determine how much advantage a particular move provides, you must consider both the immediate score and its potential impact on future positions. Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE) is designed to address exactly this problem—it helps evaluate how much better a certain action in a given state is compared to the average, much like reviewing a game to see whether a move significantly increased your chances of winning.
GAE innovatively combines the ideas of multi-step estimation and temporal difference (TD) learning. By using a series of past errors to predict future returns, it strikes an optimal balance between bias and variance. When used in conjunction with PPO, it’s like a chess player who not only has a robust strategic framework (PPO) but also leverages precise position evaluations (GAE) to continually optimize every move, resulting in more stable and effective overall performance.
3.1 Introducing the Concept of Residuals
When playing chess, you can rarely gauge the full value of a move immediately; instead, you estimate its effect based on your predictions of subsequent moves. The difference between this prediction and the actual outcome is known as the temporal difference (TD) residual.
Why Do We Need Residuals?
Imagine you’re at a critical juncture in a game. Based on experience, you believe that moving left might be advantageous, but after making the move, the outcome isn’t as favorable as anticipated. The discrepancy between your initial prediction and the actual result is the residual—it helps you correct your future estimates to make better decisions later on.
Mathematical Expression of the Residual
For policy gradient methods, the gradient of the value function can be written as:
Here, represents the advantage (the future return after baseline correction) of taking action in state , which we denote as . If we simply define:
then, to more accurately reflect the full impact of the current move on future outcomes, we introduce the TD residual. Specifically, for taking action in state , arriving at state with an immediate reward , we define the TD residual as:
- is like the immediate score you receive after making the move.
- and are your predicted values for the current and next board positions—similar to a coach’s evaluation.
- is the discount factor, indicating that future rewards are gradually de-emphasized.
Intuitive Explanation of the Residual
Suppose you’re playing chess and your current board state is . You choose a move that leads to a new board state and you receive an immediate reward . Your goal is to evaluate the overall impact of that move:
- Your estimate of the current state’s value, , represents the expected return if you continue playing according to your current policy.
- Your estimate for the next state, , reflects the expected return from that point onward.
Ideally, you would have:
That is, the value of the current state should equal the immediate reward plus the discounted future value. In reality, however, may deviate from this ideal, and the TD residual quantifies that error. It tells you how much the actual outcome deviates from your expectation, much like realizing that a particular move had a better or worse impact than you had predicted, thereby providing a basis for adjusting your strategy.
To obtain a more accurate evaluation—just as you would review not just the immediate move but several subsequent moves—we define as the cumulative advantage from time over the next moves:
When tends to infinity:
Based on the definition of the residual, this expands to:
This is analogous to considering all the scores from the current move until the end of the game. Clearly, the more moves you include (larger ), the smaller your bias becomes, but the variance may increase due to more randomness; conversely, focusing only on the immediate moves introduces higher bias but reduces variance.
3.2 The Bias-Variance Tradeoff
In practice, rather than summing rewards over a fixed number of steps , we employ an exponentially weighted approach—this is the core idea behind GAE.
First, we define the TD residual as:
Then, we accumulate the advantage using the recursive formula:
Here, determines how much weight you give to future moves:
- When , you consider the full effect of the entire game (minimal bias but maximal variance).
- When , you rely solely on the immediate information (maximal bias but minimal variance).
Alternatively, we can represent the multi-step advantage as a weighted sum. Define:
Expanding this, we have:
Assuming we sum only the first terms, using the formula for a geometric series we get:
As :
Multiplying both sides by yields:
If we define , we finally obtain:
This formulation clearly shows how adjusting balances the influence of short-term versus long-term rewards. Just as a chess player neither focuses solely on the next move nor attempts to predict every possible outcome, an appropriate choice of allows you to weight near-term and far-term effects optimally:
- When , the advantage estimate includes information from the entire game (minimal bias but high variance):
- When , only the immediate information is considered (maximal bias but minimal variance):
In summary, is a crucial hyperparameter that balances bias and variance:
- A larger means more future observations are taken into account, reducing bias but increasing variance.
- A smaller relies more on the current estimate, leading to higher bias but lower variance.
This method is analogous to a chess player who not only considers the immediate effects of a move but also judiciously weighs the implications of the subsequent moves, thereby making the optimal decision.
4. The Token-per-Token Process for Training LLMs with PPO
Below is a straightforward, token-by-token explanation of what happens when using PPO to train an LLM. This section clarifies the roles of the parameters (\(\theta_{\text{old}}\) and ) and walks through the process of the first update.
4.1 Aligning LLM with PPO
Old Policy Parameters (\(\theta_{\text{old}}\)): These are the model parameters used to generate data (for example, token sequences). Before each PPO update, you sample tokens using these parameters and record the probability of generating each token (typically stored as a log-probability).
Current Policy Parameters (\(\theta\)): These are the parameters being updated during training. Through the PPO algorithm, you adjust these parameters based on the sampled data so that the tokens generated better align with the reward signals. After the update, will differ from .
You can think of as the "old version" of the model, while is the "new version" that, after one training iteration, should perform better (or conform more closely to the reward signal). After each update, the new model becomes the "old model" for the next round of sampling.
2. The "Token-per-Token" Training Process
Assume you already have a pre-trained LLM with its parameters set as . The following outlines the process step by step:
(1) Sampling Phase
Providing a Prompt
You input a prompt into the LLM (using ) to generate text.Generating Tokens One by One
The model generates the next token (action) based on the current context (state). For instance, when generating the t-th token:- The current state consists of the prompt along with the preceding tokens.
- The model selects token as its action and assigns it a probability (typically recorded as a log-probability).
Recording Data
For each token, you log:- The state (the context)
- The action (the generated token)
- The generation probability (or log-probability) under the old policy
- Optionally, any reward information (such as a score from a reward model) and the estimated value .
- This collection forms a trajectory—a sequence of tokens along with their associated data.
(2) Computing the Advantage
In PPO, it is necessary to compute an advantage for each token (using GAE, multi-step, or single-step methods).
- For example, for the t-th token, you might compute:
where is the one-step temporal difference error.
- In practice, because the trajectory is finite, the summation is computed only until the end of the sequence.
(3) Update Phase: From to
Once you have sampled a batch of token data, you update the model parameters using PPO. The token-per-token process unfolds as follows:
Using the Old Policy as Reference
You have recorded the log-probability of each token as generated by , i.e., .Recomputing Probabilities with the Current Policy
With the current model parameters (initially, is identical to , but it changes through successive gradient updates), you recalculate the log-probability for generating the same token given the same state , denoted by .Calculating the Probability Ratio
For each token, compute the ratio:
This ratio indicates the degree to which the new model’s likelihood of generating that token has changed relative to the old model.
- Constructing the PPO Loss (Per-Token Loss)
The goal of PPO is to limit how much the new policy deviates from the old one. For each token, the loss is computed based on the advantage and the probability ratio :
In plain terms:
- If the product of the probability ratio and the advantage falls within the acceptable range (i.e., between and ), that value is used.
- Otherwise, if the ratio is too high or too low, the clipped value is used to prevent excessively large updates.
Averaging Over All Tokens and Updating
The losses for all tokens are averaged to form the overall batch loss. You then update the model parameters using gradient descent (or another optimizer).- At this point, starts to diverge from , meaning the new model has been "improved" over the old one.
After completing a full PPO update (usually over several epochs on the same batch of data), you set to the current to prepare for the next round of sampling.
3. Pseudocode
Below is a pseudocode-style algorithm that outlines the token-per-token PPO update process:
# Initialization: Set the pre-trained LLM parameters as θ_old, and copy them to θ
θ_old = PretrainedLLM.parameters
θ = copy(θ_old)
# Sampling Phase: Generate a batch of data using θ_old
for each prompt in dataset:
trajectory = []
state = prompt
while not end_of_sequence:
token, logpi_old = θ_old.generate_token(state)
# Record the current state, token, and the log-probability under θ_old
trajectory.append( (state, token, logpi_old, reward, V(state)) )
state = state + token # Update the state (append token)
store trajectory
# Compute Advantages (e.g., using GAE)
for each trajectory:
for t from last token downto first:
δ_t = reward[t] + γ * V(state[t+1]) - V(state[t])
A_t = δ_t + γ * λ * A[t+1] # Recursively compute the advantage
# PPO Update Phase: Multiple epochs
for each PPO update epoch:
for each token data (state s_t, token a_t, logpi_old, A_t) in batch:
# 1. Compute the log-probability under the current policy
logpi_current = θ.log_probability(s_t, a_t)
# 2. Calculate the probability ratio
r_t = exp( logpi_current - logpi_old )
# 3. Compute the unclipped and clipped objectives
loss_unclipped = r_t * A_t
loss_clipped = clip(r_t, 1-ε, 1+ε) * A_t
# 4. The token loss is the negative of the minimum of these two values
loss_token = -min(loss_unclipped, loss_clipped)
# 5. Average the loss over all tokens and perform a gradient update
θ = Update(θ, average(loss_token over batch))
# After updating, copy θ to θ_old for the next round of sampling
θ_old = copy(θ)
This pseudocode summarizes the token-per-token PPO update process for training an LLM, illustrating how the old and new policy parameters are used and updated iteratively.
5. DPO: Learning Chess by Studying Chess Manual
Earlier, we discussed how PPO is similar to having a coach on a live chessboard—guiding you in real time as you play and adapt your strategy (i.e., online learning). In contrast, DPO is more like sitting at home and studying a chess manual (i.e., using offline data), where you deduce how to improve your moves based on pre-existing win–loss comparisons. In this section, we will derive the mathematical principles behind DPO (Direct Preference Optimization) and explain its strengths and limitations compared to PPO (or, more generally, other RLHF approaches).
Before we dive in, keep in mind these three key objective functions:
represents the Reward Model.
is the aligned model (policy) we want to train.
is the reference model (which both PPO and DPO rely on to keep the policy from drifting too far).
These three objectives are defined as follows:
- Reward Model Loss:
- PPO Loss:
- DPO Loss:
Here, the KL divergence is defined as:
In essence, while PPO adjusts the policy based on live feedback using a KL penalty to tether the new policy to the reference, DPO leverages pre-collected comparative data (the “chess game records”) to directly optimize the policy based on preference comparisons. This approach has its own advantages and challenges, which we will explore in the following sections.
5.1 Directly Solving for the Optimal Aligned Model from the Optimization Objective
Let’s begin with the PPO loss function and perform a series of mathematical transformations. This is analogous to a chess coach (the Reward Model) providing real-time feedback while applying a KL divergence penalty to prevent your policy from straying too far from a reference model.
- Substitute the KL Divergence Formula:
- Extract the Constant and Apply an Identity Transformation:
- Continue the Transformation:
- Obtain:
At this point, we have constructed a new distribution defined as:
where is a normalization constant that ensures is a proper probability distribution (i.e., the probabilities sum to 1):
In this expression, the numerator represents the expected reward for a given input pair , while the denominator aggregates the reward expectations for all possible outputs given the same input . This structure performs a normalization, confining the values within the interval and thereby satisfying the basic requirement for forming a probability distribution.
Although we do not know the exact form of , we do have the precise expression for the reference distribution . Leveraging this, one can approximate the distribution by feeding the input into the reference model and either iterating over all possible or sampling a sufficient number of values. Note, however, that this approach poses computational challenges in practice, which we will discuss further later on.
- Continue with an Equivalent Transformation of the PPO Loss:
- Simplify:
- Ignore the Term (as It Is Independent of ) to Obtain:
- Express This in the Form of a KL Divergence:
At this point, our objective is reduced to focusing solely on the KL divergence. Since the KL divergence is always non-negative and equals zero only when the two distributions are identical, the optimal condition is achieved when exactly equals . This provides us with an explicit solution: the optimal probability distribution under PPO is precisely .
In other words, if the parameters of the reward model are fixed, then the optimal solution for PPO is
In practice, however, the reward function used in alignment training is not arbitrarily chosen; it is obtained through data-driven training to yield an optimal reward model. That is, we first train an ideal reward model (analogous to a coach scoring a game), and then, based on this optimal reward model, we further train an aligned model that “plays chess well.” Consequently, the optimal reward model and the aligned model it produces, , continue to satisfy the relationship:
- First, we defined an overall optimization objective for aligning with human preferences. This objective function assumes that we have a reward function and seeks to find an aligned model that maximizes this objective. It can be understood as, in a game of chess, striving to adopt a strategy (a way of playing) that maximizes your win rate based on the coach’s (reward function’s) evaluation. Mathematically, this objective is written as:
- Next, starting from this optimization objective, we derived the explicit solution for the aligned model when the reward function is fixed. Analogous to finding the optimal move in a chess game from historical records, this explicit solution is given by:
where the normalization partition function is defined as
- Finally, in practical training, we typically do not train the reward model in isolation. Instead, we train the aligned model directly under the guidance of the optimal reward model . In other words, just as continuous practice and coach feedback eventually yield a strategy that truly wins games, we adjust the above formula slightly to obtain:
These three steps illustrate the entire process—from defining the overall alignment objective, to deriving the optimal policy, and finally linking the reward model with the aligned model. The entire procedure is akin to first establishing the criteria for winning a game (the optimization objective), then deducing the best moves from historical records (the explicit policy solution), and ultimately, through continuous practice and feedback (reward model training), arriving at a strategy that both evaluates correctly and performs effectively.
5.2 Skipping the Training of the Reward Model
Although we have formally derived
in practice this explicit solution is difficult to apply directly because:
Estimating is challenging: It requires either exhaustively enumerating or adequately sampling all possible responses for a given prompt to compute and accumulate , which is extremely costly.
Our original goal was to bypass training the reward model: We intended to learn an aligned model in one step rather than first training a reward function. However, still depends on the reward function , which is a step away from our desired outcome of directly “learning to play chess well” without an intermediate scoring phase.
This leads us to consider the inverse: if we have the optimal aligned model , can we derive its corresponding reward function ? The answer is affirmative. Starting from
we can equivalently transform it into:
This expression allows us to represent in terms of , thereby bridging the gap between training the reward model and the aligned model.
Summary of this section:
Since we can express the optimal reward model in terms of the optimal aligned model (just as repeated gameplay and analysis can help you deduce the best evaluation criteria for chess moves), we can directly substitute into the reward model’s training objective. In other words, while it may appear that you are training a reward model, you are in fact directly obtaining the optimal aligned model in one fell swoop. This achieves our original goal of “having a model that can both evaluate and play chess well.”
The remaining challenge then shifts to training the reward model itself. Typically, we adopt a preference-ranking approach for data annotation, analogous to having annotated chess game records that indicate which moves are superior. Generally, there are two main methods:
Generating Only Two Responses
For a given prompt (or chess position), generate two responses (moves), for example,<prompt x, chosen y1, reject y2>
. Human annotations indicate which move is better, and our objective is to have the reward model assign a higher score to the chosen move while scoring the rejected move lower.Generating K Responses (K > 2)
For the same prompt , generate multiple responses (moves), such as<prompt x, y1, ..., yK>
. Suppose human annotators provide a preference ranking (e.g.,y2 > y3 > y1 > ... > yK
). We aim for the reward model to give the highest overall score to the true ranking while scoring any other ordering lower.
In some training frameworks (such as ChatGPT’s implementation), when more than two responses are generated, the system breaks them down into pairwise comparisons so that the objective remains consistent with the two-response case. In more general scenarios, however, the entire set of preference rankings is treated as a whole, with the expectation that the true ranking receives the highest score. The derivation of DPO is based on this holistic view of preference ranking, and in the following sections we will derive the final DPO objective function separately for the cases of and .
BT Model: Generating Only Two Responses
Imagine that while playing chess your coach shows you only two candidate moves—one labeled “good” (chosen) and the other “bad” (reject). In this case, your goal is for your “scoring system” (the reward model) to evaluate the good move as significantly superior to the bad one. To model this, we can employ the classic Bradley-Terry (BT) model, originally proposed in 1952 to analyze pairwise comparisons, and widely used in sports, market research, and other fields. For a pair of items and (here representing the chosen and rejected responses), the BT model expresses the probability that beats as:
where and denote their respective strength parameters—analogous to using historical win rates to gauge the strength of chess players. In our context, when and correspond to the chosen and rejected responses, these parameters can be interpreted as the scores given by the reward model.
Our objective is to maximize the probability that beats across the entire annotated dataset . That is, we want the chosen responses to consistently outperform the rejected ones. Accordingly, the overall optimization objective for the reward function can be formulated as:
The final expression above is precisely the reward model optimization objective employed in systems like ChatGPT. Intuitively, this objective encourages the reward model to output scores such that the chosen response clearly outperforms the rejected one.
Assuming we have found the optimal reward model of the form
substituting this optimal reward function into our earlier objective yields:
This result shows that the reward model’s training objective has been transformed into one that depends solely on the aligned model . In effect, by this method, we can bypass separately training the reward model and directly use the annotated pairwise preference data to train the aligned model in one fell swoop—just as you would learn the best moves directly from chess records. Thus, after a minor adjustment and setting our trainable aligned model as , the final objective becomes:
PT Model: Generating K (K > 2) Responses
Now, imagine a chess match where, instead of considering just two candidate moves, you evaluate multiple possible moves simultaneously. For example, at a critical moment your coach might present you with K different moves and ask you to rank them based on their potential outcomes. This scenario corresponds to the RLHF setting in which K responses are generated and ranked by preference.
Unlike the BT model, which focuses on pairwise comparisons when only two responses are generated, here we use a statistical approach based on the Plackett-Luce model, which can rank multiple candidates. Let denote the ground-truth ranking provided by human annotators—i.e., the ideal ranking of moves determined by the coach. We want this true ranking to outperform any other possible ordering. To this end, we define the probability that the true ranking beats all other orderings as:
Here, denotes the k-th move in the true ranking (for instance, is the most preferred move, is the second best, etc.), and represents the current game state (or prompt). Intuitively, we expect the top-ranked move (\(\tau_1\)) to score highest among all candidates; the second-ranked move (\(\tau_2\)) should score highly among the remaining moves; and so on.
Next, we substitute the optimal reward function into the above equation. First, express as
then the probability becomes
We then express in terms of (note: here can be regarded as a normalization constant independent of and omitted in subsequent analysis), so that the expression can be rewritten as
Finally, for the entire dataset, we desire that the average probability of the true ranking is as high as possible—in other words, our goal is to maximize the probability of the true ranking over the dataset. Thus, for the multi-response case, the DPO objective function can be written as:
5.3 Limitations of DPO
Having derived the mathematical foundations of DPO, we now turn to its limitations. Much like in chess, where merely studying game records without playing does not guarantee that you will play well, DPO aims to train the model to evaluate responses using the reward model rather than directly replicating PPO. This means that during training, the data and loss function are completely aligned with the reward model.
This raises a critical question: Does the model have the capacity to improve both its "evaluation" and "generation" abilities simultaneously? In other words, DPO's training process focuses solely on teaching the model how to "score" responses, akin to learning how to assess moves from game records. However, this does not necessarily ensure that the model will make optimal decisions during actual generation—it does not prove that evaluation ability will seamlessly translate into effective generative performance. If this assumption fails, then the DPO training process loses its purpose. Just as one does not expect to become a chess master solely by reading game records, the validity of this assumption also directly impacts the rationale behind other methods like SPIN and self-reward.
Moreover, because the DPO optimization objective depends exclusively on the reward model's scoring, it only cares about whether the change in scores relative to the reference model meets expectations, not whether the generated sentences are fluent or appealing. In other words, DPO focuses more on enlarging the loss margin rather than on ensuring that the model generates high-quality outputs. This can lead to an awkward phenomenon during DPO training: the losses for both good and bad responses may increase simultaneously, forcing us to adjust hyperparameters or add additional constraints to stabilize training.
From another perspective, the limitations of DPO can be summarized as follows:
Disconnection Between Evaluation and Generation
DPO’s training process teaches the model only to “evaluate”—acting like a static chess move scoring system—without incorporating the online generation process necessary for actual play. In contrast, PPO learns through online generation and trial-and-error, transforming evaluation ability into generative ability. Without this online exploration, a model trained with DPO might score well on offline data yet perform poorly during real generation.Limitations of Offline Training
RLHF is fundamentally an online learning method, as it requires continuous correction of the model’s existing knowledge—much like a chess player must practice regularly to hone their skills. DPO, however, is entirely offline; it forces the model to rely solely on what annotators deem “correct” (e.g., the best moves from game records) and follow a predetermined optimal path, leaving little room for exploration. In practice, techniques such as initial supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on preferred responses or augmenting the preference data with diverse outputs are often used to introduce some elements of online learning and exploration.High Data Quality Requirements
Since DPO training is entirely dependent on offline preference data, its effectiveness is highly sensitive to the quality and coverage of this data. If the training data is not comprehensive or does not match the actual generative distribution, the model may generate responses with the correct relative proportions of positive and negative examples, but the absolute probabilities could be diluted, or even bizarre outputs might emerge that are not present in the training data. For example, in a Q&A scenario, if the positive sample is “Pasta should be mixed with tomato meat sauce” and the negative sample is “Pasta should be mixed with chili oil,” the model after DPO optimization might output “Pasta should be mixed with concrete grade 42.” Such deviations underscore the critical importance of data quality.
In summary, the limitations of DPO stem from its exclusive focus on transferring the reward model’s “scoring” capability to the aligned model, without incorporating actual online generation and exploration. This is analogous to learning chess moves solely by studying game records without playing; consequently, even if you can theoretically evaluate every move accurately, it does not guarantee that you will make the best decisions during live play. Thus, although DPO can directly train an aligned model in one step, its performance often falls short compared to a complete RLHF system (i.e., Reward Model + PPO) if it lacks the complement of online generation and exploration.