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import einops
import numpy as np
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
from diffusers import ModelMixin
from diffusers.configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
# REf:
OUT_SIZE = 768
IN_SIZE = 2048
def get_emb(sin_inp):
Gets a base embedding for one dimension with sin and cos intertwined
emb = th.stack((sin_inp.sin(), sin_inp.cos()), dim=-1)
return th.flatten(emb, -2, -1)
class PositionalEncoding1D(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels):
:param channels: The last dimension of the tensor you want to apply pos emb to.
super(PositionalEncoding1D, self).__init__()
self.org_channels = channels
channels = int(np.ceil(channels / 2) * 2)
self.channels = channels
inv_freq = 1.0 / (10000 ** (th.arange(0, channels, 2).float() / channels))
self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq)
self.register_buffer("cached_penc", None, persistent=False)
def forward(self, tensor):
:param tensor: A 3d tensor of size (batch_size, x, ch)
:return: Positional Encoding Matrix of size (batch_size, x, ch)
if len(tensor.shape) != 3:
raise RuntimeError("The input tensor has to be 3d!")
if self.cached_penc is not None and self.cached_penc.shape == tensor.shape:
return self.cached_penc
self.cached_penc = None
batch_size, x, orig_ch = tensor.shape
pos_x = th.arange(x, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype)
sin_inp_x = th.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_x, self.inv_freq)
emb_x = get_emb(sin_inp_x)
emb = th.zeros((x, self.channels), device=tensor.device, dtype=tensor.dtype)
emb[:, : self.channels] = emb_x
self.cached_penc = emb[None, :, :orig_ch].repeat(batch_size, 1, 1)
return self.cached_penc
class PositionalEncoding3D(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels):
:param channels: The last dimension of the tensor you want to apply pos emb to.
super(PositionalEncoding3D, self).__init__()
self.org_channels = channels
channels = int(np.ceil(channels / 6) * 2)
if channels % 2:
channels += 1
self.channels = channels
inv_freq = 1.0 / (10000 ** (th.arange(0, channels, 2).float() / channels))
self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq)
self.register_buffer("cached_penc", None, persistent=False)
def forward(self, tensor):
:param tensor: A 5d tensor of size (batch_size, x, y, z, ch)
:return: Positional Encoding Matrix of size (batch_size, x, y, z, ch)
if len(tensor.shape) != 5:
raise RuntimeError("The input tensor has to be 5d!")
if self.cached_penc is not None and self.cached_penc.shape == tensor.shape:
return self.cached_penc
self.cached_penc = None
batch_size, x, y, z, orig_ch = tensor.shape
pos_x = th.arange(x, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype)
pos_y = th.arange(y, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype)
pos_z = th.arange(z, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype)
sin_inp_x = th.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_x, self.inv_freq)
sin_inp_y = th.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_y, self.inv_freq)
sin_inp_z = th.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_z, self.inv_freq)
emb_x = get_emb(sin_inp_x).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)
emb_y = get_emb(sin_inp_y).unsqueeze(1)
emb_z = get_emb(sin_inp_z)
emb = th.zeros(
(x, y, z, self.channels * 3),
emb[:, :, :, : self.channels] = emb_x
emb[:, :, :, self.channels : 2 * self.channels] = emb_y
emb[:, :, :, 2 * self.channels :] = emb_z
self.cached_penc = emb[None, :, :, :, :orig_ch].repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1, 1)
return self.cached_penc
class AnalogyProjector(ModelMixin, ConfigMixin):
def __init__(self):
super(AnalogyProjector, self).__init__()
self.projector = DinoSiglipMixer()
self.pos_embd_1D = PositionalEncoding1D(OUT_SIZE)
self.pos_embd_3D = PositionalEncoding3D(OUT_SIZE)
def forward(self, dino_in, siglip_in, batch_size):
image_embeddings = self.projector(dino_in, siglip_in)
image_embeddings = einops.rearrange(image_embeddings, '(k b) t d -> b k t d', b=batch_size)
image_embeddings = self.position_embd(image_embeddings)
return image_embeddings
def position_embd(self, image_embeddings, concat=False):
canvas_embd = image_embeddings[:, :, 1:, :]
batch_size = canvas_embd.shape[0]
type_size = canvas_embd.shape[1]
xy_size = canvas_embd.shape[2]
x_size = int(xy_size ** 0.5)
canvas_embd = canvas_embd.reshape(batch_size, type_size, x_size, x_size, -1)
if concat:
canvas_embd =[canvas_embd, self.pos_embd_3D(canvas_embd)], -1)
canvas_embd = self.pos_embd_3D(canvas_embd) + canvas_embd
canvas_embd = canvas_embd.reshape(batch_size, type_size, xy_size, -1)
class_embd = image_embeddings[:, :, 0, :]
if concat:
class_embd =[class_embd, self.pos_embd_1D(class_embd)], -1)
class_embd = self.pos_embd_1D(class_embd) + class_embd
all_embd_list = []
for i in range(type_size):
all_embd_list.append(class_embd[:, i:i+1])
all_embd_list.append(canvas_embd[:, i])
image_embeddings =, 1)
return image_embeddings
class HighLowMixer(th.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size=IN_SIZE, out_size=OUT_SIZE):
mid_size = (in_size + out_size) // 2
self.lower_projector = th.nn.Sequential(
self.upper_projector = th.nn.Sequential(
self.projectors = th.nn.ModuleList([
# add layer norm
th.nn.Linear(in_size, mid_size),
th.nn.Linear(mid_size, out_size)
# initialize
for proj in self.projectors:
if isinstance(proj, th.nn.Linear):
def forward(self, lower_in, upper_in, ):
# ALso format lower_in
lower_in = self.lower_projector(lower_in)
upper_in = self.upper_projector(upper_in)
x =[lower_in, upper_in], -1)
for proj in self.projectors:
x = proj(x)
return x
class DinoSiglipMixer(th.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size=OUT_SIZE * 2, out_size=OUT_SIZE):
self.dino_projector = HighLowMixer()
self.siglip_projector = HighLowMixer()
self.projectors = th.nn.Sequential(
th.nn.Linear(in_size, out_size),
# initialize
for proj in self.projectors:
if isinstance(proj, th.nn.Linear):
def forward(self, dino_in, siglip_in):
# ALso format lower_in
lower, upper = th.chunk(dino_in, 2, -1)
dino_out = self.dino_projector(lower, upper)
lower, upper = th.chunk(siglip_in, 2, -1)
siglip_out = self.siglip_projector(lower, upper)
x =[dino_out, siglip_out], -1)
for proj in self.projectors:
x = proj(x)
return x