import os |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
def same_padding(images, ksizes, strides, rates): |
assert len(images.size()) == 4 |
batch_size, channel, rows, cols = images.size() |
out_rows = (rows + strides[0] - 1) // strides[0] |
out_cols = (cols + strides[1] - 1) // strides[1] |
effective_k_row = (ksizes[0] - 1) * rates[0] + 1 |
effective_k_col = (ksizes[1] - 1) * rates[1] + 1 |
padding_rows = max(0, (out_rows-1)*strides[0]+effective_k_row-rows) |
padding_cols = max(0, (out_cols-1)*strides[1]+effective_k_col-cols) |
padding_top = int(padding_rows / 2.) |
padding_left = int(padding_cols / 2.) |
padding_bottom = padding_rows - padding_top |
padding_right = padding_cols - padding_left |
paddings = (padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom) |
images = torch.nn.ZeroPad2d(paddings)(images) |
return images |
def extract_image_patches(images, ksizes, strides, rates, padding='same'): |
""" |
Extract patches from images and put them in the C output dimension. |
:param padding: |
:param images: [batch, channels, in_rows, in_cols]. A 4-D Tensor with shape |
:param ksizes: [ksize_rows, ksize_cols]. The size of the sliding window for |
each dimension of images |
:param strides: [stride_rows, stride_cols] |
:param rates: [dilation_rows, dilation_cols] |
:return: A Tensor |
""" |
assert len(images.size()) == 4 |
assert padding in ['same', 'valid'] |
batch_size, channel, height, width = images.size() |
if padding == 'same': |
images = same_padding(images, ksizes, strides, rates) |
elif padding == 'valid': |
pass |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported padding type: {}.\ |
Only "same" or "valid" are supported.'.format(padding)) |
unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(kernel_size=ksizes, |
dilation=rates, |
padding=0, |
stride=strides) |
patches = unfold(images) |
return patches |
def reduce_mean(x, axis=None, keepdim=False): |
if not axis: |
axis = range(len(x.shape)) |
for i in sorted(axis, reverse=True): |
x = torch.mean(x, dim=i, keepdim=keepdim) |
return x |
def reduce_sum(x, axis=None, keepdim=False): |
if not axis: |
axis = range(len(x.shape)) |
for i in sorted(axis, reverse=True): |
x = torch.sum(x, dim=i, keepdim=keepdim) |
return x |
def flow_to_image(flow): |
""" |
Transfer flow map to image. |
Part of code forked from flownet. |
""" |
out = [] |
maxu = -999. |
maxv = -999. |
minu = 999. |
minv = 999. |
maxrad = -1 |
for i in range(flow.shape[0]): |
u = flow[i, :, :, 0] |
v = flow[i, :, :, 1] |
idxunknow = (abs(u) > 1e7) | (abs(v) > 1e7) |
u[idxunknow] = 0 |
v[idxunknow] = 0 |
maxu = max(maxu, np.max(u)) |
minu = min(minu, np.min(u)) |
maxv = max(maxv, np.max(v)) |
minv = min(minv, np.min(v)) |
rad = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) |
maxrad = max(maxrad, np.max(rad)) |
u = u / (maxrad + np.finfo(float).eps) |
v = v / (maxrad + np.finfo(float).eps) |
img = compute_color(u, v) |
out.append(img) |
return np.float32(np.uint8(out)) |
def pt_flow_to_image(flow): |
""" |
Transfer flow map to image. |
Part of code forked from flownet. |
""" |
out = [] |
maxu = torch.tensor(-999) |
maxv = torch.tensor(-999) |
minu = torch.tensor(999) |
minv = torch.tensor(999) |
maxrad = torch.tensor(-1) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
maxu = maxu.cuda() |
maxv = maxv.cuda() |
minu = minu.cuda() |
minv = minv.cuda() |
maxrad = maxrad.cuda() |
for i in range(flow.shape[0]): |
u = flow[i, 0, :, :] |
v = flow[i, 1, :, :] |
idxunknow = (torch.abs(u) > 1e7) + (torch.abs(v) > 1e7) |
u[idxunknow] = 0 |
v[idxunknow] = 0 |
maxu = torch.max(maxu, torch.max(u)) |
minu = torch.min(minu, torch.min(u)) |
maxv = torch.max(maxv, torch.max(v)) |
minv = torch.min(minv, torch.min(v)) |
rad = torch.sqrt((u ** 2 + v ** 2).float()).to(torch.int64) |
maxrad = torch.max(maxrad, torch.max(rad)) |
u = u / (maxrad + torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps) |
v = v / (maxrad + torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps) |
img = pt_compute_color(u, v) |
out.append(img) |
return torch.stack(out, dim=0) |
def highlight_flow(flow): |
"""Convert flow into middlebury color code image. |
""" |
out = [] |
s = flow.shape |
for i in range(flow.shape[0]): |
img = np.ones((s[1], s[2], 3)) * 144. |
u = flow[i, :, :, 0] |
v = flow[i, :, :, 1] |
for h in range(s[1]): |
for w in range(s[1]): |
ui = u[h, w] |
vi = v[h, w] |
img[ui, vi, :] = 255. |
out.append(img) |
return np.float32(np.uint8(out)) |
def pt_highlight_flow(flow): |
""" |
Convert flow into middlebury color code image. |
""" |
out = [] |
s = flow.shape |
for i in range(flow.shape[0]): |
img = np.ones((s[1], s[2], 3)) * 144. |
u = flow[i, :, :, 0] |
v = flow[i, :, :, 1] |
for h in range(s[1]): |
for w in range(s[1]): |
ui = u[h, w] |
vi = v[h, w] |
img[ui, vi, :] = 255. |
out.append(img) |
return np.float32(np.uint8(out)) |
def compute_color(u, v): |
h, w = u.shape |
img = np.zeros([h, w, 3]) |
nanIdx = np.isnan(u) | np.isnan(v) |
u[nanIdx] = 0 |
v[nanIdx] = 0 |
colorwheel = make_color_wheel() |
ncols = np.size(colorwheel, 0) |
rad = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) |
a = np.arctan2(-v, -u) / np.pi |
fk = (a + 1) / 2 * (ncols - 1) + 1 |
k0 = np.floor(fk).astype(int) |
k1 = k0 + 1 |
k1[k1 == ncols + 1] = 1 |
f = fk - k0 |
for i in range(np.size(colorwheel, 1)): |
tmp = colorwheel[:, i] |
col0 = tmp[k0 - 1] / 255 |
col1 = tmp[k1 - 1] / 255 |
col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1 |
idx = rad <= 1 |
col[idx] = 1 - rad[idx] * (1 - col[idx]) |
notidx = np.logical_not(idx) |
col[notidx] *= 0.75 |
img[:, :, i] = np.uint8(np.floor(255 * col * (1 - nanIdx))) |
return img |
def pt_compute_color(u, v): |
h, w = u.shape |
img = torch.zeros([3, h, w]) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
img = img.cuda() |
nanIdx = (torch.isnan(u) + torch.isnan(v)) != 0 |
u[nanIdx] = 0. |
v[nanIdx] = 0. |
colorwheel = pt_make_color_wheel() |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
colorwheel = colorwheel.cuda() |
ncols = colorwheel.size()[0] |
rad = torch.sqrt((u ** 2 + v ** 2).to(torch.float32)) |
a = torch.atan2(-v.to(torch.float32), -u.to(torch.float32)) / np.pi |
fk = (a + 1) / 2 * (ncols - 1) + 1 |
k0 = torch.floor(fk).to(torch.int64) |
k1 = k0 + 1 |
k1[k1 == ncols + 1] = 1 |
f = fk - k0.to(torch.float32) |
for i in range(colorwheel.size()[1]): |
tmp = colorwheel[:, i] |
col0 = tmp[k0 - 1] |
col1 = tmp[k1 - 1] |
col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1 |
idx = rad <= 1. / 255. |
col[idx] = 1 - rad[idx] * (1 - col[idx]) |
notidx = (idx != 0) |
col[notidx] *= 0.75 |
img[i, :, :] = col * (1 - nanIdx).to(torch.float32) |
return img |
def make_color_wheel(): |
import scipy.misc |
RY, YG, GC, CB, BM, MR = (15, 6, 4, 11, 13, 6) |
ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR |
colorwheel = np.zeros([ncols, 3]) |
col = 0 |
colorwheel[0:RY, 0] = 255 |
colorwheel[0:RY, 1] = np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, RY) / RY)) |
col += RY |
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 0] = 255 - np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, YG) / YG)) |
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 1] = 255 |
col += YG |
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 1] = 255 |
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 2] = np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, GC) / GC)) |
col += GC |
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 1] = 255 - np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, CB) / CB)) |
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 2] = 255 |
col += CB |
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 2] = 255 |
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 0] = np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, BM) / BM)) |
col += + BM |
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 2] = 255 - np.transpose(np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, MR) / MR)) |
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 0] = 255 |
return colorwheel |
def pt_make_color_wheel(): |
RY, YG, GC, CB, BM, MR = (15, 6, 4, 11, 13, 6) |
ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR |
colorwheel = torch.zeros([ncols, 3]) |
col = 0 |
colorwheel[0:RY, 0] = 1. |
colorwheel[0:RY, 1] = torch.arange(0, RY, dtype=torch.float32) / RY |
col += RY |
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 0] = 1. - (torch.arange(0, YG, dtype=torch.float32) / YG) |
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 1] = 1. |
col += YG |
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 1] = 1. |
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 2] = torch.arange(0, GC, dtype=torch.float32) / GC |
col += GC |
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 1] = 1. - (torch.arange(0, CB, dtype=torch.float32) / CB) |
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 2] = 1. |
col += CB |
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 2] = 1. |
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 0] = torch.arange(0, BM, dtype=torch.float32) / BM |
col += BM |
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 2] = 1. - (torch.arange(0, MR, dtype=torch.float32) / MR) |
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 0] = 1. |
return colorwheel |