PP / hce_metric_main.py
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## hce_metric.py
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 as cv
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from skimage.morphology import erosion, dilation, disk
from skimage.measure import label
import os
import sys
from tqdm import tqdm
from glob import glob
import pickle as pkl
def filter_bdy_cond(bdy_, mask, cond):
cond = cv.dilate(cond.astype(np.uint8),disk(1))
labels = label(mask) # find the connected regions
lbls = np.unique(labels) # the indices of the connected regions
indep = np.ones(lbls.shape[0]) # the label of each connected regions
indep[0] = 0 # 0 indicate the background region
boundaries = []
h,w = cond.shape[0:2]
ind_map = np.zeros((h,w))
indep_cnt = 0
for i in range(0,len(bdy_)):
tmp_bdies = []
tmp_bdy = []
for j in range(0,bdy_[i].shape[0]):
r, c = bdy_[i][j,0,1],bdy_[i][j,0,0]
if(np.sum(cond[r,c])==0 or ind_map[r,c]!=0):
tmp_bdy = []
ind_map[r,c] = ind_map[r,c] + 1
indep[labels[r,c]] = 0 # indicates part of the boundary of this region needs human correction
# check if the first and the last boundaries are connected
# if yes, invert the first boundary and attach it after the last boundary
first_x, first_y = tmp_bdies[0][0]
last_x, last_y = tmp_bdies[-1][-1]
if((abs(first_x-last_x)==1 and first_y==last_y) or
(first_x==last_x and abs(first_y-last_y)==1) or
(abs(first_x-last_x)==1 and abs(first_y-last_y)==1)
del tmp_bdies[0]
for k in range(0,len(tmp_bdies)):
tmp_bdies[k] = np.array(tmp_bdies[k])[:,np.newaxis,:]
return boundaries, np.sum(indep)
# this function approximate each boundary by DP algorithm
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm
def approximate_RDP(boundaries,epsilon=1.0):
boundaries_ = []
boundaries_len_ = []
pixel_cnt_ = 0
# polygon approximate of each boundary
for i in range(0,len(boundaries)):
# count the control points number of each boundary and the total control points number of all the boundaries
for i in range(0,len(boundaries_)):
pixel_cnt_ = pixel_cnt_ + len(boundaries_[i])
return boundaries_, boundaries_len_, pixel_cnt_
def relax_HCE(gt, rs, gt_ske, relax=5, epsilon=2.0):
# print("max(gt_ske): ", np.amax(gt_ske))
# gt_ske = gt_ske>128
# print("max(gt_ske): ", np.amax(gt_ske))
# Binarize gt
gt = gt[:,:,0]
epsilon_gt = 128#(np.amin(gt)+np.amax(gt))/2.0
gt = (gt>epsilon_gt).astype(np.uint8)
# Binarize rs
rs = rs[:,:,0]
epsilon_rs = 128#(np.amin(rs)+np.amax(rs))/2.0
rs = (rs>epsilon_rs).astype(np.uint8)
Union = np.logical_or(gt,rs)
TP = np.logical_and(gt,rs)
FP = rs - TP
FN = gt - TP
# relax the Union of gt and rs
Union_erode = Union.copy()
Union_erode = cv.erode(Union_erode.astype(np.uint8),disk(1),iterations=relax)
# --- get the relaxed False Positive regions for computing the human efforts in correcting them ---
FP_ = np.logical_and(FP,Union_erode) # get the relaxed FP
for i in range(0,relax):
FP_ = cv.dilate(FP_.astype(np.uint8),disk(1))
FP_ = np.logical_and(FP_, 1-np.logical_or(TP,FN))
FP_ = np.logical_and(FP, FP_)
# --- get the relaxed False Negative regions for computing the human efforts in correcting them ---
FN_ = np.logical_and(FN,Union_erode) # preserve the structural components of FN
## recover the FN, where pixels are not close to the TP borders
for i in range(0,relax):
FN_ = cv.dilate(FN_.astype(np.uint8),disk(1))
FN_ = np.logical_and(FN_,1-np.logical_or(TP,FP))
FN_ = np.logical_and(FN,FN_)
FN_ = np.logical_or(FN_, np.logical_xor(gt_ske,np.logical_and(TP,gt_ske))) # preserve the structural components of FN
## 2. =============Find exact polygon control points and independent regions==============
## find contours from FP_
ctrs_FP, hier_FP = cv.findContours(FP_.astype(np.uint8), cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
## find control points and independent regions for human correction
bdies_FP, indep_cnt_FP = filter_bdy_cond(ctrs_FP, FP_, np.logical_or(TP,FN_))
## find contours from FN_
ctrs_FN, hier_FN = cv.findContours(FN_.astype(np.uint8), cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
## find control points and independent regions for human correction
bdies_FN, indep_cnt_FN = filter_bdy_cond(ctrs_FN, FN_, 1-np.logical_or(np.logical_or(TP,FP_),FN_))
poly_FP, poly_FP_len, poly_FP_point_cnt = approximate_RDP(bdies_FP,epsilon=epsilon)
poly_FN, poly_FN_len, poly_FN_point_cnt = approximate_RDP(bdies_FN,epsilon=epsilon)
return poly_FP_point_cnt, indep_cnt_FP, poly_FN_point_cnt, indep_cnt_FN
def compute_hce(pred_root,gt_root,gt_ske_root):
gt_name_list = glob(pred_root+'/*.png')
gt_name_list = sorted([x.split('/')[-1] for x in gt_name_list])
hces = []
for gt_name in tqdm(gt_name_list, total=len(gt_name_list)):
gt_path = os.path.join(gt_root, gt_name)
pred_path = os.path.join(pred_root, gt_name)
gt = cv.imread(gt_path, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
pred = cv.imread(pred_path, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
ske_path = os.path.join(gt_ske_root,gt_name)
if os.path.exists(ske_path):
ske = cv.imread(ske_path,cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
ske = ske>128
ske = skeletonize(gt>128)
FP_points, FP_indep, FN_points, FN_indep = relax_HCE(gt, pred,ske)
print(gt_path.split('/')[-1],FP_points, FP_indep, FN_points, FN_indep)
hces.append([FP_points, FP_indep, FN_points, FN_indep, FP_points+FP_indep+FN_points+FN_indep])
hce_metric ={'names': gt_name_list,
'hces': hces}
file_metric = open(pred_root+'/hce_metric.pkl','wb')
# file_metrics.write(cmn_metrics)
return np.mean(np.array(hces)[:,-1])
def main():
gt_root = "../DIS5K/DIS-VD/gt"
gt_ske_root = ""
pred_root = "../Results/isnet(ours)/DIS-VD"
print("The average HCE metric: ", compute_hce(pred_root,gt_root,gt_ske_root))
if __name__ == '__main__':