File size: 5,802 Bytes
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import sys
import os.path
import options
import cv2
import dlib
import numpy as np
import options as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import tqdm
from multiprocessing import Pool
predictor_path = '../pretrain/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat'
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(predictor_path)
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
base = os.path.abspath('..')
image_dir = os.path.join(base, options.images_dir)
anno_dir = os.path.join(base, options.alignments_dir)
crop_dir = os.path.join(base, options.crop_images_dir)
def get_mouth_marks(shape):
marks = np.zeros((2, 20))
co = 0
# Specific for the mouth.
for ii in range(48, 68):
This for loop is going over all mouth-related features.
X and Y coordinates are extracted and stored separately.
X = shape.part(ii)
A = (X.x, X.y)
marks[0, co] = X.x
marks[1, co] = X.y
co += 1
# Get the extreme points(top-left & bottom-right)
X_left, Y_left, X_right, Y_right = [
int(np.amin(marks, axis=1)[0]),
int(np.amin(marks, axis=1)[1]),
int(np.amax(marks, axis=1)[0]),
int(np.amax(marks, axis=1)[1])
return X_left, Y_left, X_right, Y_right
translate_pairs = []
for speaker_no in range(1, 35):
speaker_name = f's{speaker_no}'
speaker_image_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, speaker_name)
speaker_crop_dir = os.path.join(crop_dir, speaker_name)
speaker_anno_dir = os.path.join(anno_dir, speaker_name)
if not os.path.exists(speaker_image_dir):
if not os.path.exists(speaker_crop_dir):
sentence_dirs = os.listdir(speaker_image_dir)
for sentence in sentence_dirs:
anno_filepath = os.path.join(speaker_anno_dir, f'{sentence}.align')
if not os.path.exists(anno_filepath):
translate_pairs.append((speaker_no, sentence))
print('PAIRS', len(translate_pairs))
def extract_mouth_image(speaker_no, sentence):
speaker_name = f's{speaker_no}'
speaker_image_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, speaker_name)
speaker_crop_dir = os.path.join(crop_dir, speaker_name)
img_sentence_dir = os.path.join(speaker_image_dir, sentence)
crop_sentence_dir = os.path.join(speaker_crop_dir, sentence)
filenames = os.listdir(img_sentence_dir)
if not os.path.exists(crop_sentence_dir):
for filename in filenames:
img_filepath = os.path.join(img_sentence_dir, filename)
if not img_filepath.endswith('.jpg'):
crop_filepath = os.path.join(crop_sentence_dir, filename)
image = cv2.imread(img_filepath)
detection_bbox = detector(image, 1)[0]
# (360 x 288 x 3)
width, height, depth = image.shape
shape = predictor(image, detection_bbox)
X_left, Y_left, X_right, Y_right = get_mouth_marks(shape)
# Find the center of the mouth.
X_center = (X_left + X_right) / 2.0
Y_center = (Y_left + Y_right) / 2.0
# Make a boarder for cropping.
X_left_new = X_left - BORDER
Y_left_new = Y_left - BORDER
X_right_new = X_right + BORDER
Y_right_new = Y_right + BORDER
# Width and height for cropping
# (before and after considering the border)
width_new = X_right_new - X_left_new
height_new = Y_right_new - Y_left_new
width_current = X_right - X_left
height_current = Y_right - Y_left
height_crop_max = height_new
width_crop_max = width_new
if width_crop_max % 2 == 1:
width_crop_max += 1
if height_crop_max % 2 == 1:
height_crop_max += 1
if width_crop_max < height_crop_max * 2:
width_crop_max = height_crop_max * 2
height_crop_max = width_crop_max // 2
# Find the cropping points(top-left and bottom-right).
X_left_crop = int(X_center - width_crop_max / 2.0)
X_right_crop = int(X_center + width_crop_max / 2.0)
Y_left_crop = int(Y_center - height_crop_max / 2.0)
Y_right_crop = int(Y_center + height_crop_max / 2.0)
X_left_crop = max(X_left_crop, 0)
Y_left_crop = max(Y_left_crop, 0)
mouth = image[
Y_left_crop:Y_right_crop, X_left_crop:X_right_crop, :
height, width, _ = mouth.shape
if width != height * 2:
mouth = cv2.resize(
mouth, dsize=(height * 2, height),
# print('SHAPE', mouth.shape)
# print('IMG_PATH', img_filepath)
# plt.imshow(mouth);
# print('CF', crop_filepath)
cv2.imwrite(crop_filepath, mouth)
return speaker_no, sentence
def kwargify(**kwargs): return kwargs
pbar = tqdm(translate_pairs)
pool = Pool(processes=12)
jobs = []
def callback(resp):
pbar.desc = str(resp)
for translate_pair in translate_pairs:
speaker_no, sentence = translate_pair
job_kwargs = kwargify(
speaker_no=speaker_no, sentence=sentence
job = pool.apply_async(
extract_mouth_image, kwds=job_kwargs,
# Wait for all tasks to complete
for job in jobs:
for translate_pair in tqdm(translate_pairs):
extract_mouth_image(*translate_pair) |