from pathlib import Path |
import torch |
from peft import PeftModel |
import modules.shared as shared |
from modules.logging_colors import logger |
from modules.models import reload_model |
def add_lora_to_model(lora_names): |
if 'GPTQForCausalLM' in shared.model.__class__.__name__: |
add_lora_autogptq(lora_names) |
elif shared.model.__class__.__name__ in ['ExllamaModel', 'ExllamaHF']: |
add_lora_exllama(lora_names) |
else: |
add_lora_transformers(lora_names) |
def add_lora_exllama(lora_names): |
try: |
from exllama.lora import ExLlamaLora |
except: |
try: |
from repositories.exllama.lora import ExLlamaLora |
except: |
logger.error("Could not find the file repositories/exllama/lora.py. Make sure that exllama is cloned inside repositories/ and is up to date.") |
return |
if len(lora_names) == 0: |
if shared.model.__class__.__name__ == 'ExllamaModel': |
shared.model.generator.lora = None |
else: |
shared.model.lora = None |
shared.lora_names = [] |
return |
else: |
if len(lora_names) > 1: |
logger.warning('ExLlama can only work with 1 LoRA at the moment. Only the first one in the list will be loaded.') |
lora_path = Path(f"{shared.args.lora_dir}/{lora_names[0]}") |
lora_config_path = lora_path / "adapter_config.json" |
lora_adapter_path = lora_path / "adapter_model.bin" |
logger.info("Applying the following LoRAs to {}: {}".format(shared.model_name, ', '.join([lora_names[0]]))) |
if shared.model.__class__.__name__ == 'ExllamaModel': |
lora = ExLlamaLora(shared.model.model, str(lora_config_path), str(lora_adapter_path)) |
shared.model.generator.lora = lora |
else: |
lora = ExLlamaLora(shared.model.ex_model, str(lora_config_path), str(lora_adapter_path)) |
shared.model.lora = lora |
shared.lora_names = [lora_names[0]] |
return |
def add_lora_autogptq(lora_names): |
try: |
from auto_gptq import get_gptq_peft_model |
from auto_gptq.utils.peft_utils import GPTQLoraConfig |
except: |
logger.error("This version of AutoGPTQ does not support LoRA. You need to install from source or wait for a new release.") |
return |
if len(lora_names) == 0: |
if len(shared.lora_names) > 0: |
reload_model() |
shared.lora_names = [] |
return |
else: |
if len(lora_names) > 1: |
logger.warning('AutoGPTQ can only work with 1 LoRA at the moment. Only the first one in the list will be loaded.') |
peft_config = GPTQLoraConfig( |
inference_mode=True, |
) |
lora_path = Path(f"{shared.args.lora_dir}/{lora_names[0]}") |
logger.info("Applying the following LoRAs to {}: {}".format(shared.model_name, ', '.join([lora_names[0]]))) |
shared.model = get_gptq_peft_model(shared.model, peft_config, lora_path) |
shared.lora_names = [lora_names[0]] |
return |
def add_lora_transformers(lora_names): |
prior_set = set(shared.lora_names) |
added_set = set(lora_names) - prior_set |
removed_set = prior_set - set(lora_names) |
if len(added_set) == 0 and len(removed_set) == 0: |
return |
if len(removed_set) == 0 and len(prior_set) > 0: |
logger.info(f"Adding the LoRA(s) named {added_set} to the model...") |
for lora in added_set: |
shared.model.load_adapter(Path(f"{shared.args.lora_dir}/{lora}"), lora) |
return |
if len(removed_set) > 0: |
shared.model.disable_adapter() |
shared.model = shared.model.base_model.model |
if len(lora_names) > 0: |
params = {} |
if not shared.args.cpu: |
params['dtype'] = shared.model.dtype |
if hasattr(shared.model, "hf_device_map"): |
params['device_map'] = {"base_model.model." + k: v for k, v in shared.model.hf_device_map.items()} |
elif shared.args.load_in_8bit: |
params['device_map'] = {'': 0} |
logger.info("Applying the following LoRAs to {}: {}".format(shared.model_name, ', '.join(lora_names))) |
shared.model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(shared.model, Path(f"{shared.args.lora_dir}/{lora_names[0]}"), adapter_name=lora_names[0], **params) |
for lora in lora_names[1:]: |
shared.model.load_adapter(Path(f"{shared.args.lora_dir}/{lora}"), lora) |
shared.lora_names = lora_names |
if not shared.args.load_in_8bit and not shared.args.cpu: |
shared.model.half() |
if not hasattr(shared.model, "hf_device_map"): |
if torch.has_mps: |
device = torch.device('mps') |
shared.model = shared.model.to(device) |
else: |
shared.model = shared.model.cuda() |