import base64 |
import json |
import os |
import time |
import requests |
import yaml |
import numpy as np |
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer |
from threading import Thread |
from modules.utils import get_available_models |
from modules.models import load_model, unload_model |
from modules.models_settings import (get_model_settings_from_yamls, |
update_model_parameters) |
from modules import shared |
from modules.text_generation import encode, generate_reply |
params = { |
'port': int(os.environ.get('OPENEDAI_PORT')) if 'OPENEDAI_PORT' in os.environ else 5001, |
} |
debug = True if 'OPENEDAI_DEBUG' in os.environ else False |
default_req_params = { |
'max_new_tokens': 200, |
'temperature': 1.0, |
'top_p': 1.0, |
'top_k': 1, |
'repetition_penalty': 1.18, |
'encoder_repetition_penalty': 1.0, |
'suffix': None, |
'stream': False, |
'echo': False, |
'seed': -1, |
'truncation_length': 2048, |
'add_bos_token': True, |
'do_sample': True, |
'typical_p': 1.0, |
'epsilon_cutoff': 0.0, |
'eta_cutoff': 0.0, |
'tfs': 1.0, |
'top_a': 0.0, |
'min_length': 0, |
'no_repeat_ngram_size': 0, |
'num_beams': 1, |
'penalty_alpha': 0.0, |
'length_penalty': 1.0, |
'early_stopping': False, |
'mirostat_mode': 0, |
'mirostat_tau': 5.0, |
'mirostat_eta': 0.1, |
'ban_eos_token': False, |
'skip_special_tokens': True, |
'custom_stopping_strings': '', |
} |
try: |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
except ImportError: |
pass |
st_model = os.environ["OPENEDAI_EMBEDDING_MODEL"] if "OPENEDAI_EMBEDDING_MODEL" in os.environ else "all-mpnet-base-v2" |
embedding_model = None |
def default(dic, key, default): |
val = dic.get(key, default) |
if type(val) != type(default): |
try: |
v = type(default)(val) |
if type(val)(v) == val: |
return v |
except: |
pass |
val = default |
return val |
def clamp(value, minvalue, maxvalue): |
return max(minvalue, min(value, maxvalue)) |
def float_list_to_base64(float_list): |
float_array = np.array(float_list, dtype="float32") |
bytes_array = float_array.tobytes() |
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytes_array) |
ascii_string = encoded_bytes.decode('ascii') |
return ascii_string |
class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): |
def send_access_control_headers(self): |
self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") |
self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") |
self.send_header( |
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods", |
) |
self.send_header( |
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers", |
"Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, " |
"Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, " |
"Authorization" |
) |
def openai_error(self, message, code = 500, error_type = 'APIError', param = '', internal_message = ''): |
self.send_response(code) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
error_resp = { |
'error': { |
'message': message, |
'code': code, |
'type': error_type, |
'param': param, |
} |
} |
if internal_message: |
error_resp['internal_message'] = internal_message |
response = json.dumps(error_resp) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
def do_OPTIONS(self): |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
self.wfile.write("OK".encode('utf-8')) |
def do_GET(self): |
if self.path.startswith('/v1/engines') or self.path.startswith('/v1/models'): |
current_model_list = [ shared.model_name ] |
embeddings_model_list = [ st_model ] if embedding_model else [] |
pseudo_model_list = [ |
'gpt-3.5-turbo', |
'text-curie-001', |
'text-davinci-002' |
] |
is_legacy = 'engines' in self.path |
is_list = self.path in ['/v1/engines', '/v1/models'] |
resp = '' |
if is_legacy and not is_list: |
model_name = self.path[self.path.find('/v1/engines/') + len('/v1/engines/'):] |
resp = { |
"id": model_name, |
"object": "engine", |
"owner": "self", |
"ready": True, |
} |
if model_name not in pseudo_model_list + embeddings_model_list + current_model_list: |
shared.model_name = model_name |
unload_model() |
model_settings = get_model_settings_from_yamls(shared.model_name) |
shared.settings.update(model_settings) |
update_model_parameters(model_settings, initial=True) |
if shared.settings['mode'] != 'instruct': |
shared.settings['instruction_template'] = None |
shared.model, shared.tokenizer = load_model(shared.model_name) |
if not shared.model: |
shared.model_name = "None" |
resp['id'] = "None" |
resp['ready'] = False |
elif is_list: |
available_model_list = get_available_models() |
all_model_list = current_model_list + embeddings_model_list + pseudo_model_list + available_model_list |
models = {} |
if is_legacy: |
models = [{ "id": id, "object": "engine", "owner": "user", "ready": True } for id in all_model_list ] |
if not shared.model: |
models[0]['ready'] = False |
else: |
models = [{ "id": id, "object": "model", "owned_by": "user", "permission": [] } for id in all_model_list ] |
resp = { |
"object": "list", |
"data": models, |
} |
else: |
the_model_name = self.path[len('/v1/models/'):] |
resp = { |
"id": the_model_name, |
"object": "model", |
"owned_by": "user", |
"permission": [] |
} |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
response = json.dumps(resp) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif '/billing/usage' in self.path: |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
response = json.dumps({ |
"total_usage": 0, |
}) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
else: |
self.send_error(404) |
def do_POST(self): |
if debug: |
print(self.headers) |
content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) |
body = json.loads(self.rfile.read(content_length).decode('utf-8')) |
if debug: |
print(body) |
if '/completions' in self.path or '/generate' in self.path: |
if not shared.model: |
self.openai_error("No model loaded.") |
return |
is_legacy = '/generate' in self.path |
is_chat_request = 'chat' in self.path |
resp_list = 'data' if is_legacy else 'choices' |
model = shared.model_name |
created_time = int(time.time()) |
cmpl_id = "chatcmpl-%d" % (created_time) if is_chat_request else "conv-%d" % (created_time) |
req_params = default_req_params.copy() |
stopping_strings = [] |
if 'stop' in body: |
if isinstance(body['stop'], str): |
stopping_strings.extend([body['stop']]) |
elif isinstance(body['stop'], list): |
stopping_strings.extend(body['stop']) |
truncation_length = default(shared.settings, 'truncation_length', 2048) |
truncation_length = clamp(default(body, 'truncation_length', truncation_length), 1, truncation_length) |
default_max_tokens = truncation_length if is_chat_request else 16 |
max_tokens_str = 'length' if is_legacy else 'max_tokens' |
max_tokens = default(body, max_tokens_str, default(shared.settings, 'max_new_tokens', default_max_tokens)) |
req_params['max_new_tokens'] = max_tokens |
req_params['truncation_length'] = truncation_length |
req_params['temperature'] = clamp(default(body, 'temperature', default_req_params['temperature']), 0.001, 1.999) |
req_params['top_p'] = clamp(default(body, 'top_p', default_req_params['top_p']), 0.001, 1.0) |
req_params['top_k'] = default(body, 'best_of', default_req_params['top_k']) |
req_params['suffix'] = default(body, 'suffix', default_req_params['suffix']) |
req_params['stream'] = default(body, 'stream', default_req_params['stream']) |
req_params['echo'] = default(body, 'echo', default_req_params['echo']) |
req_params['seed'] = shared.settings.get('seed', default_req_params['seed']) |
req_params['add_bos_token'] = shared.settings.get('add_bos_token', default_req_params['add_bos_token']) |
is_streaming = req_params['stream'] |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
if is_streaming: |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream') |
self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache') |
else: |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
token_count = 0 |
completion_token_count = 0 |
prompt = '' |
stream_object_type = '' |
object_type = '' |
if is_chat_request: |
stream_object_type = 'chat.completions.chunk' |
object_type = 'chat.completions' |
messages = body['messages'] |
role_formats = { |
'user': 'user: {message}\n', |
'assistant': 'assistant: {message}\n', |
'system': '{message}', |
'context': 'You are a helpful assistant. Answer as concisely as possible.', |
'prompt': 'assistant:', |
} |
if shared.settings['instruction_template']: |
try: |
instruct = yaml.safe_load(open(f"characters/instruction-following/{shared.settings['instruction_template']}.yaml", 'r')) |
template = instruct['turn_template'] |
system_message_template = "{message}" |
system_message_default = instruct['context'] |
bot_start = template.find('<|bot|>') |
user_message_template = template[:bot_start].replace('<|user-message|>', '{message}').replace('<|user|>', instruct['user']) |
bot_message_template = template[bot_start:].replace('<|bot-message|>', '{message}').replace('<|bot|>', instruct['bot']) |
bot_prompt = bot_message_template[:bot_message_template.find('{message}')].rstrip(' ') |
role_formats = { |
'user': user_message_template, |
'assistant': bot_message_template, |
'system': system_message_template, |
'context': system_message_default, |
'prompt': bot_prompt, |
} |
if 'Alpaca' in shared.settings['instruction_template']: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\n###']) |
elif instruct['user']: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\n' + instruct['user'], instruct['user']]) |
if debug: |
print(f"Loaded instruction role format: {shared.settings['instruction_template']}") |
except Exception as e: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\nuser:']) |
print(f"Exception: When loading characters/instruction-following/{shared.settings['instruction_template']}.yaml: {repr(e)}") |
print("Warning: Loaded default instruction-following template for model.") |
else: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\nuser:']) |
print("Warning: Loaded default instruction-following template for model.") |
system_msgs = [] |
chat_msgs = [] |
context_msg = role_formats['system'].format(message=role_formats['context']) if role_formats['context'] else '' |
if context_msg: |
system_msgs.extend([context_msg]) |
if 'prompt' in body: |
prompt_msg = role_formats['system'].format(message=body['prompt']) |
system_msgs.extend([prompt_msg]) |
for m in messages: |
role = m['role'] |
content = m['content'] |
msg = role_formats[role].format(message=content) |
if role == 'system': |
system_msgs.extend([msg]) |
else: |
chat_msgs.extend([msg]) |
system_msg = '\n'.join(system_msgs) |
if system_msg and system_msg[-1] != '\n': |
system_msg = system_msg + '\n' |
system_token_count = len(encode(system_msg)[0]) |
remaining_tokens = truncation_length - system_token_count |
chat_msg = '' |
while chat_msgs: |
new_msg = chat_msgs.pop() |
new_size = len(encode(new_msg)[0]) |
if new_size <= remaining_tokens: |
chat_msg = new_msg + chat_msg |
remaining_tokens -= new_size |
else: |
print(f"Warning: too many messages for context size, dropping {len(chat_msgs) + 1} oldest message(s).") |
break |
prompt = system_msg + chat_msg + role_formats['prompt'] |
token_count = len(encode(prompt)[0]) |
else: |
stream_object_type = 'text_completion.chunk' |
object_type = 'text_completion' |
if is_legacy: |
prompt = body['context'] |
else: |
prompt = body['prompt'] |
if isinstance(prompt, list): |
self.openai_error("API Batched generation not yet supported.") |
return |
token_count = len(encode(prompt)[0]) |
if token_count >= truncation_length: |
new_len = int(len(prompt) * shared.settings['truncation_length'] / token_count) |
prompt = prompt[-new_len:] |
new_token_count = len(encode(prompt)[0]) |
print(f"Warning: truncating prompt to {new_len} characters, was {token_count} tokens. Now: {new_token_count} tokens.") |
token_count = new_token_count |
if truncation_length - token_count < req_params['max_new_tokens']: |
print(f"Warning: Ignoring max_new_tokens ({req_params['max_new_tokens']}), too large for the remaining context. Remaining tokens: {truncation_length - token_count}") |
req_params['max_new_tokens'] = truncation_length - token_count |
print(f"Warning: Set max_new_tokens = {req_params['max_new_tokens']}") |
if is_streaming: |
chunk = { |
"id": cmpl_id, |
"object": stream_object_type, |
"created": created_time, |
"model": shared.model_name, |
resp_list: [{ |
"index": 0, |
"finish_reason": None, |
}], |
} |
if stream_object_type == 'text_completion.chunk': |
chunk[resp_list][0]["text"] = "" |
else: |
chunk[resp_list][0]["message"] = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': ''} |
chunk[resp_list][0]["delta"] = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': ''} |
response = 'data: ' + json.dumps(chunk) + '\r\n\r\n' |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
if debug: |
print({'prompt': prompt, 'req_params': req_params}) |
generator = generate_reply(prompt, req_params, stopping_strings=stopping_strings, is_chat=False) |
answer = '' |
seen_content = '' |
longest_stop_len = max([len(x) for x in stopping_strings] + [0]) |
for a in generator: |
answer = a |
stop_string_found = False |
len_seen = len(seen_content) |
search_start = max(len_seen - longest_stop_len, 0) |
for string in stopping_strings: |
idx = answer.find(string, search_start) |
if idx != -1: |
answer = answer[:idx] |
stop_string_found = True |
if stop_string_found: |
break |
buffer_and_continue = False |
for string in stopping_strings: |
for j in range(len(string) - 1, 0, -1): |
if answer[-j:] == string[:j]: |
buffer_and_continue = True |
break |
else: |
continue |
break |
if buffer_and_continue: |
continue |
if is_streaming: |
new_content = answer[len_seen:] |
if not new_content or chr(0xfffd) in new_content: |
continue |
seen_content = answer |
chunk = { |
"id": cmpl_id, |
"object": stream_object_type, |
"created": created_time, |
"model": shared.model_name, |
resp_list: [{ |
"index": 0, |
"finish_reason": None, |
}], |
} |
if len_seen == 0 and new_content[0] == ' ': |
new_content = new_content[1:] |
if stream_object_type == 'text_completion.chunk': |
chunk[resp_list][0]['text'] = new_content |
else: |
chunk[resp_list][0]['message'] = {'content': new_content} |
chunk[resp_list][0]['delta'] = {'content': new_content} |
response = 'data: ' + json.dumps(chunk) + '\r\n\r\n' |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
completion_token_count += len(encode(new_content)[0]) |
if is_streaming: |
chunk = { |
"id": cmpl_id, |
"object": stream_object_type, |
"created": created_time, |
"model": model, |
resp_list: [{ |
"index": 0, |
"finish_reason": "stop", |
}], |
"usage": { |
"prompt_tokens": token_count, |
"completion_tokens": completion_token_count, |
"total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count |
} |
} |
if stream_object_type == 'text_completion.chunk': |
chunk[resp_list][0]['text'] = '' |
else: |
chunk[resp_list][0]['message'] = {'content': ''} |
chunk[resp_list][0]['delta'] = {'content': ''} |
response = 'data: ' + json.dumps(chunk) + '\r\n\r\ndata: [DONE]\r\n\r\n' |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
if debug: |
if answer and answer[0] == ' ': |
answer = answer[1:] |
print({'answer': answer}, chunk) |
return |
if answer and answer[0] == ' ': |
answer = answer[1:] |
if debug: |
print({'response': answer}) |
completion_token_count = len(encode(answer)[0]) |
stop_reason = "stop" |
if token_count + completion_token_count >= truncation_length: |
stop_reason = "length" |
resp = { |
"id": cmpl_id, |
"object": object_type, |
"created": created_time, |
"model": model, |
resp_list: [{ |
"index": 0, |
"finish_reason": stop_reason, |
}], |
"usage": { |
"prompt_tokens": token_count, |
"completion_tokens": completion_token_count, |
"total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count |
} |
} |
if is_chat_request: |
resp[resp_list][0]["message"] = {"role": "assistant", "content": answer} |
else: |
resp[resp_list][0]["text"] = answer |
response = json.dumps(resp) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif '/edits' in self.path: |
if not shared.model: |
self.openai_error("No model loaded.") |
return |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
created_time = int(time.time()) |
instruction = body['instruction'] |
input = body.get('input', '') |
req_params = default_req_params.copy() |
stopping_strings = [] |
default_template = ( |
"Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. " |
"Write a response that appropriately completes the request.\n\n" |
"### Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Input:\n{input}\n\n### Response:\n" |
) |
instruction_template = default_template |
if shared.settings['instruction_template']: |
if 'Alpaca' in shared.settings['instruction_template']: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\n###']) |
else: |
try: |
instruct = yaml.safe_load(open(f"characters/instruction-following/{shared.settings['instruction_template']}.yaml", 'r')) |
template = instruct['turn_template'] |
template = template\ |
.replace('<|user|>', instruct.get('user', ''))\ |
.replace('<|bot|>', instruct.get('bot', ''))\ |
.replace('<|user-message|>', '{instruction}\n{input}') |
instruction_template = instruct.get('context', '') + template[:template.find('<|bot-message|>')].rstrip(' ') |
if instruct['user']: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\n' + instruct['user'], instruct['user'] ]) |
except Exception as e: |
instruction_template = default_template |
print(f"Exception: When loading characters/instruction-following/{shared.settings['instruction_template']}.yaml: {repr(e)}") |
print("Warning: Loaded default instruction-following template (Alpaca) for model.") |
else: |
stopping_strings.extend(['\n###']) |
print("Warning: Loaded default instruction-following template (Alpaca) for model.") |
edit_task = instruction_template.format(instruction=instruction, input=input) |
truncation_length = default(shared.settings, 'truncation_length', 2048) |
token_count = len(encode(edit_task)[0]) |
max_tokens = truncation_length - token_count |
req_params['max_new_tokens'] = max_tokens |
req_params['truncation_length'] = truncation_length |
req_params['temperature'] = clamp(default(body, 'temperature', default_req_params['temperature']), 0.001, 1.999) |
req_params['top_p'] = clamp(default(body, 'top_p', default_req_params['top_p']), 0.001, 1.0) |
req_params['seed'] = shared.settings.get('seed', default_req_params['seed']) |
req_params['add_bos_token'] = shared.settings.get('add_bos_token', default_req_params['add_bos_token']) |
if debug: |
print({'edit_template': edit_task, 'req_params': req_params, 'token_count': token_count}) |
generator = generate_reply(edit_task, req_params, stopping_strings=stopping_strings, is_chat=False) |
longest_stop_len = max([len(x) for x in stopping_strings] + [0]) |
answer = '' |
seen_content = '' |
for a in generator: |
answer = a |
stop_string_found = False |
len_seen = len(seen_content) |
search_start = max(len_seen - longest_stop_len, 0) |
for string in stopping_strings: |
idx = answer.find(string, search_start) |
if idx != -1: |
answer = answer[:idx] |
stop_string_found = True |
if stop_string_found: |
break |
if edit_task[-1] != '\n' and answer and answer[0] == ' ': |
answer = answer[1:] |
completion_token_count = len(encode(answer)[0]) |
resp = { |
"object": "edit", |
"created": created_time, |
"choices": [{ |
"text": answer, |
"index": 0, |
}], |
"usage": { |
"prompt_tokens": token_count, |
"completion_tokens": completion_token_count, |
"total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count |
} |
} |
if debug: |
print({'answer': answer, 'completion_token_count': completion_token_count}) |
response = json.dumps(resp) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif '/images/generations' in self.path and 'SD_WEBUI_URL' in os.environ: |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
width, height = [ int(x) for x in default(body, 'size', '1024x1024').split('x') ] |
response_format = default(body, 'response_format', 'url') |
payload = { |
'prompt': body['prompt'], |
'width': width, |
'height': height, |
'batch_size': default(body, 'n', 1) |
} |
resp = { |
'created': int(time.time()), |
'data': [] |
} |
sd_url = f"{os.environ['SD_WEBUI_URL']}/sdapi/v1/txt2img" |
response = requests.post(url=sd_url, json=payload) |
r = response.json() |
for b64_json in r['images']: |
if response_format == 'b64_json': |
resp['data'].extend([{'b64_json': b64_json}]) |
else: |
resp['data'].extend([{'url': f'data:image/png;base64,{b64_json}'}]) |
response = json.dumps(resp) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif '/embeddings' in self.path and embedding_model is not None: |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
input = body['input'] if 'input' in body else body['text'] |
if type(input) is str: |
input = [input] |
embeddings = embedding_model.encode(input).tolist() |
def enc_emb(emb): |
if body.get("encoding_format", "") == "base64": |
return float_list_to_base64(emb) |
else: |
return emb |
data = [{"object": "embedding", "embedding": enc_emb(emb), "index": n} for n, emb in enumerate(embeddings)] |
response = json.dumps({ |
"object": "list", |
"data": data, |
"model": st_model, |
"usage": { |
"prompt_tokens": 0, |
"total_tokens": 0, |
} |
}) |
if debug: |
print(f"Embeddings return size: {len(embeddings[0])}, number: {len(embeddings)}") |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif '/moderations' in self.path: |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
response = json.dumps({ |
"id": "modr-5MWoLO", |
"model": "text-moderation-001", |
"results": [{ |
"categories": { |
"hate": False, |
"hate/threatening": False, |
"self-harm": False, |
"sexual": False, |
"sexual/minors": False, |
"violence": False, |
"violence/graphic": False |
}, |
"category_scores": { |
"hate": 0.0, |
"hate/threatening": 0.0, |
"self-harm": 0.0, |
"sexual": 0.0, |
"sexual/minors": 0.0, |
"violence": 0.0, |
"violence/graphic": 0.0 |
}, |
"flagged": False |
}] |
}) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
elif self.path == '/api/v1/token-count': |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_access_control_headers() |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
self.end_headers() |
tokens = encode(body['prompt'])[0] |
response = json.dumps({ |
'results': [{ |
'tokens': len(tokens) |
}] |
}) |
self.wfile.write(response.encode('utf-8')) |
else: |
print(self.path, self.headers) |
self.send_error(404) |
def run_server(): |
global embedding_model |
try: |
embedding_model = SentenceTransformer(st_model) |
print(f"\nLoaded embedding model: {st_model}, max sequence length: {embedding_model.max_seq_length}") |
except: |
print(f"\nFailed to load embedding model: {st_model}") |
pass |
server_addr = ('' if shared.args.listen else '', params['port']) |
server = ThreadingHTTPServer(server_addr, Handler) |
if shared.args.share: |
try: |
from flask_cloudflared import _run_cloudflared |
public_url = _run_cloudflared(params['port'], params['port'] + 1) |
print(f'Starting OpenAI compatible api at\nOPENAI_API_BASE={public_url}/v1') |
except ImportError: |
print('You should install flask_cloudflared manually') |
else: |
print(f'Starting OpenAI compatible api:\nOPENAI_API_BASE=http://{server_addr[0]}:{server_addr[1]}/v1') |
server.serve_forever() |
def setup(): |
Thread(target=run_server, daemon=True).start() |