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import launch
from scripts.physton_prompt.get_lang import get_lang
packages = {
"chardet": "chardet",
"fastapi": "fastapi",
"execjs": "PyExecJS",
"lxml": "lxml",
"tqdm": "tqdm",
"pathos": "pathos",
"cryptography": "cryptography",
# The following packages are required for translation service. If you do not need translation service, you can remove them.
# 以下是翻译所需的包,如果不需要翻译服务,可以删除掉它们。
"openai": "openai",
"boto3": "boto3",
"aliyunsdkcore": "aliyun-python-sdk-core",
"aliyunsdkalimt": "aliyun-python-sdk-alimt",
def get_packages_state():
states = []
for package_name in packages:
package = packages[package_name]
item = {
'name': package_name,
'package': package,
'state': False
if launch.is_installed(package) or launch.is_installed(package_name):
item['state'] = True
return states
def install_package(name, package):
result = {'state': False, 'message': ''}
launch.run_pip(f"install {package}", f"sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one: {name}")
result['state'] = True
result['message'] = get_lang('install_success', {'0': package})
except Exception as e:
print(f'Warning: Failed to install {package}, some preprocessors may not work.')
result['message'] = get_lang('install_failed', {'0': package}) + '\n' + str(e)
return result