diff --git "a/batchlinks-downloader.py" "b/batchlinks-downloader.py"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/batchlinks-downloader.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,2266 @@
+import os
+import time
+import gradio as gr
+import urllib.request, subprocess, contextlib #these handle mega.nz
+import http.client
+import requests #this handle civit
+import re
+from tqdm import tqdm
+#from IPython.display import display, clear_output
+import pathlib
+import inspect
+import platform
+import shlex
+import signal
+import sys
+sdless = False
+ from modules import script_callbacks #,scripts
+ from modules.paths import models_path, script_path #, data_path
+ from modules.shared import cmd_opts #check for gradio queue
+except ImportError: #sdless
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ userprofile = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
+ downloadpath = os.path.join(userprofile, "Downloads")
+ script_path = os.path.join(downloadpath, "stable-diffusion-webui")
+ elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ userhome = os.environ['HOME']
+ downloadpath = os.path.join(userhome, "Downloads")
+ script_path = os.path.join(downloadpath, "stable-diffusion-webui")
+ else:
+ script_path = '/content/stable-diffusion-webui'
+ models_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'models')
+ gradio_queue = True
+ ckpt_dir = None
+ import sys
+ import types
+ module = types.ModuleType('cmd_opts')
+ module.gradio_queue = gradio_queue
+ module.ckpt_dir = ckpt_dir
+ sys.modules['cmd_opts'] = module
+ import cmd_opts
+ sdless = True
+script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
+extension_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, "../"))
+#Version checking{
+version_dir = os.path.join(extension_dir, "version.txt")
+with open(version_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ curverall = file.readlines()
+currentversion = curverall[0].strip()
+ versionurl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/etherealxx/batchlinks-webui/main/version.txt"
+ versionresp = requests.get(versionurl)
+ version_lines = versionresp.text.splitlines()
+ latestversion = version_lines[0].strip()
+except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
+ latestversion = '??'
+if latestversion != '??':
+ if currentversion == latestversion:
+ latestversiontext = ""
+ else:
+ latestversiontext = f"[Latest version: {latestversion}]"
+ latestversiontext = ""
+currentverforlink = latestversion.replace('.', '')
+vladmandic = False
+ global gradiostate
+ if cmd_opts.gradio_queue: #automatic1111
+ gradiostate = True
+ else:
+ gradiostate = False
+except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ if not cmd_opts.disable_queue: #vladmandic
+ gradiostate = True
+ else:
+ gradiostate = False
+ vladmandic = True
+ except AttributeError:
+ gradiostate = False #at this point just use onedotsix
+ pass
+typechecker = [
+ "embedding", "embeddings", "embed", "embeds", "textualinversion", "ti",
+ "model", "models", "checkpoint", "checkpoints",
+ "vae", "vaes",
+ "lora", "loras",
+ "hypernetwork", "hypernetworks", "hypernet", "hypernets", "hynet", "hynets",
+ "addnetlora", "loraaddnet", "additionalnetworks", "addnet",
+ "aestheticembedding", "aestheticembed",
+ "controlnet", "cnet",
+ "extension", "extensions", "ext", #obsolete
+ "upscaler", "upscale",
+ "altmodel", "altmodels",
+ "lycoris", "locon", "loha"
+ ]
+typemain = [
+ "model", "altmodel", "vae",
+ "embed", "hynet", "lora",
+ "addnetlora", "aestheticembed", "cnet",
+ "ext", "upscaler", "lycoris"
+countofdefaulthashtags = len(typemain)
+supportedlinks = [
+ "https://mega.nz",
+ "https://huggingface.co",
+ "https://civitai.com/api/download/models",
+ "https://civitai.com/models/",
+ "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments",
+ "https://github.com",
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com",
+ "https://files.catbox.moe",
+ "https://drive.google.com",
+ "https://pixeldrain.com",
+ "https://www.mediafire.com/file",
+ "https://anonfiles.com",
+ "https://www.dropbox.com/s"
+modelpath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/Stable-diffusion")
+embedpath = os.path.join(script_path, "embeddings")
+vaepath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/VAE")
+lorapath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/Lora")
+addnetlorapath = os.path.join(script_path, "extensions/sd-webui-additional-networks/models/lora")
+hynetpath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/hypernetworks")
+aestheticembedpath = os.path.join(script_path, "extensions/stable-diffusion-webui-aesthetic-gradients/aesthetic_embeddings")
+cnetpath = os.path.join(script_path, "extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models")
+extpath = os.path.join(script_path, "extensions") #obsolete
+upscalerpath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/ESRGAN")
+lycorispath = os.path.join(addnetlorapath, "lycoris")
+if vladmandic:
+ cnetpath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/ControlNet")
+ lycorispath = os.path.join(script_path, "models/LyCORIS")
+if cmd_opts.ckpt_dir:
+ altmodelpath = cmd_opts.ckpt_dir
+ currentfolder = altmodelpath
+ altmodelpath = modelpath
+ currentfolder = modelpath
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ for x in typemain:
+ # exec(f"{x}path = os.path.normpath({x}path)")
+ exec(f"{x}path = {x}path.replace('/', '\\\\')")
+ #exec(f"print({x}path)")
+if os.path.exists(addnetlorapath) and not os.path.exists(lycorispath):
+ os.makedirs(lycorispath, exist_ok=True)
+newlines = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']
+currentlink = ''
+finalwrite = []
+currentcondition = ''
+currentsuboutput = ''
+processid = ''
+logging = False
+#currentiterfolder = ''
+prockilled = False
+currentfoldertrack = []
+everyprocessid = []
+remaininglinks = []
+gdownupgraded = False
+mediafireinstalled = False
+prevciviterror = False
+# addedcustompath = []
+# ariamode = False
+globaldebug = False #set this to true to activate every debug features
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ if sys.argv[1] == '--debug':
+ globaldebug = True
+process = ''
+def stopwatch(func): #unused
+ """
+ A function that acts as a stopwatch for another function.
+ Args:
+ func (function): The function to be timed.
+ Returns:
+ The return value of the timed function.
+ """
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not globaldebug:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
+ minutes = int(elapsed_time // 60)
+ seconds = elapsed_time % 60
+ print(f"Time taken by {func.__name__}: {minutes:.0f}m {seconds:.2f}s")
+ return result
+ return wrapper
+ #Hello debuggers! This will track every files when the extension is launched, and
+ #you can remove every downloaded files after with hashtag '@debugresetdownloads', for debugging purposes on colab
+ #(Note: You need to fill the textbox with only a single line of @debugresetdownloads and nothing more)
+ #There's also another feature, '#debugeverymethod', which will download a single link with all four possible methods available.
+import shutil
+snapshot = []
+paths_to_scan = []
+# take a snapshot of the directories
+def take_snapshot():
+ snapshotdir = os.path.join(script_path, 'snapshot.txt')
+ global snapshot
+ global paths_to_scan
+ paths_to_scan = []
+ for x in typemain:
+ exec(f"paths_to_scan.append({x}path)")
+ if os.path.exists(snapshotdir):
+ with open(snapshotdir, 'r') as f:
+ snapshot = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
+ print("Batchlinks extension: snapshot already exist.")
+ return
+ else:
+ snapshot = []
+ for path in paths_to_scan:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ pathtemp = os.listdir(path)
+ for file in pathtemp:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(path, file)
+ snapshot.append(pathoffile)
+ with open(snapshotdir, 'w') as f:
+ for item in snapshot:
+ f.write(f"{item}\n")
+ print("Batchlinks extension: snapshot taken.")
+# rewind everything to a fresh state
+def global_rewind():
+ global paths_to_scan
+ global path
+ global currentsuboutput
+ removedall, removed_files, removed_dirs, new_snapshot = [], [], [], []
+ print('[1;32mDebug rewind initiated...')
+ print('[0m')
+ for path in paths_to_scan:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ pathtemp = os.listdir(path)
+ for file in pathtemp:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(path, file)
+ new_snapshot.append(pathoffile)
+ toremoves = [x for x in new_snapshot if x not in snapshot]
+ for fileordir in toremoves:
+ if os.path.exists(fileordir):
+ if os.path.isdir(fileordir):
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(fileordir)
+ removed_dirs.append(fileordir)
+ except PermissionError as e:
+ print("Error: " + str(e))
+ else:
+ os.remove(fileordir)
+ removed_files.append(fileordir)
+ if removed_files or removed_dirs:
+ print("Removed files:")
+ removedall.append("Removed files:")
+ for file in removed_files:
+ print(file)
+ removedall.append(file)
+ print("Removed directories:")
+ removedall.append("Removed directories:")
+ for dir in removed_dirs:
+ print(dir)
+ removedall.append(dir)
+ print('[1;32mrewind completed')
+ print('[0m')
+ return removedall
+# Take a snapshot of the directories
+if globaldebug == True:
+ take_snapshot()
+# }
+def printdebug(toprint):
+ if globaldebug == True:
+ print(toprint)
+def printvardebug(toprint):
+ if globaldebug == True:
+ import inspect
+ caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back
+ try:
+ name = [k for k, v in caller.f_locals.items() if v is toprint][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ name = "idk"
+ if not isinstance(toprint, str):
+ toprint = str(toprint)
+ print(f"debug {name}: {toprint}")
+def runwithsubprocess(rawcommand, folder=None, justrun=False, additionalcontext=''): #@note runwithsubprocess
+ commandtorun = shlex.split(rawcommand) #construct_command(rawcommand)
+ printdebug(f"raw command: {rawcommand}")
+ printdebug(f"merged command: {commandtorun}")
+ global prockilled
+ global everyprocessid
+ # if gradiostate == False and not rawcommand.startswith("aria"):
+ # subprocess.run(commandtorun, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
+ # else:
+ if folder != None:
+ printdebug("debug folderforsavestate: " + str(folder))
+ savestate_folder(folder)
+ printdebug("debug currentfoldertrack: " + str(currentfoldertrack))
+ global process
+ if justrun:
+ process = subprocess.Popen(rawcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
+ else:
+ process = subprocess.Popen(commandtorun, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
+ global processid
+ processid = process.pid
+ everyprocessid.append(processid)
+ printdebug("debug processid: " + str(processid))
+ ariacomplete = False
+ global currentsuboutput
+ while True:
+ # Read the output from the process
+ nextline = process.stdout.readline()
+ if nextline == '' and process.poll() is not None:
+ break
+ # Check if the line contains progress information
+ elif additionalcontext == 'aria2':
+ if 'Download Results' in nextline:
+ ariacomplete = True
+ print('\n')
+ print(nextline, end='')
+ currentsuboutput = nextline
+ else:
+ if not ariacomplete:
+ match = re.search(r'\[[^\]]+\]', nextline)
+ if match:
+ stripnext = match.group().strip()
+ print("\r", end="")
+ print(f"\r{stripnext}", end='')
+ currentsuboutput = stripnext
+ else:
+ print(nextline, end='')
+ currentsuboutput = nextline
+ elif additionalcontext == '7z':
+ sevenzmessage = [
+ "Extracting", "Everything", "ERROR"
+ ]
+ if nextline.strip().startswith(tuple(sevenzmessage)):
+ print(nextline, end=' ')
+ currentsuboutput = nextline
+ else:
+ stripnext = nextline.strip()
+ print("\r", end="")
+ print(f"\r{stripnext}", end='')
+ currentsuboutput = stripnext
+ else:
+ if justrun:
+ print(nextline, end='')
+ else:
+ if "%" in nextline.strip() or rawcommand.startswith("curl"):
+ stripnext = nextline.strip()
+ print("\r", end="")
+ print(f"\r{stripnext}", end='')
+ else:
+ print(nextline, end='')
+ if additionalcontext == 'mega':
+ process.kill()
+ if additionalcontext == 'mega':
+ if nextline.strip().startswith("Download finished:"):
+ _ = subprocess.getoutput("taskkill /f /t /im MEGAcmdServer.exe")
+ printdebug("MEGA server killed")
+ currentsuboutput = nextline
+ process.wait()
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ processid = ''
+ if prockilled == True:
+ printdebug("before rewind folder")
+ printvardebug(folder)
+ rewind_folder(folder)
+ print('[1;31mOperation Cancelled')
+ print('[0m')
+ global currentcondition
+ currentcondition = 'Operation Cancelled'
+ return
+#these code below handle mega.nz
+def unbuffered(proc, stream='stdout'):
+ stream = getattr(proc, stream)
+ with contextlib.closing(stream):
+ while prockilled == False:
+ out = []
+ last = stream.read(1)
+ # Don't loop forever
+ if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
+ break
+ while last not in newlines:
+ # Don't loop forever
+ if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
+ break
+ out.append(last)
+ last = stream.read(1)
+ out = ''.join(out)
+ yield out
+def transfare(todownload, folder, torename=''):
+ #import codecs
+ #decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder("UTF-8")()
+ todownload_s = shlex.quote(todownload)
+ folder_s = shlex.quote(folder)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ savestate_folder(folder)
+ localappdata = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']
+ megagetloc = os.path.join(localappdata, "MEGAcmd", "mega-get.bat")
+ global process
+ process = runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(megagetloc)} {todownload_s} {folder_s}", folder, False, 'mega')
+ else:
+ savestate_folder(folder_s)
+ cmd = ["mega-get", todownload_s, folder_s]
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ )
+ global processid
+ global everyprocessid
+ processid = proc.pid
+ everyprocessid.append(processid)
+ global currentsuboutput
+ for line in unbuffered(proc):
+ if prockilled == False:
+ if not line.startswith("Download"):
+ currentsuboutput = line
+ print(f"\r{line}", end="")
+ else:
+ print(f"\n{line}")
+ _ = subprocess.getoutput("pkill -f \"mega-cmd-server\"")
+ printdebug("MEGA server killed")
+ else:
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ print('[1;31mOperation Cancelled')
+ print('[0m')
+ global currentcondition
+ currentcondition = 'Operation Cancelled'
+ return
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ if torename:
+ listfilenew = os.listdir(folder)
+ newerfoldertrack = []
+ for file in listfilenew:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ newerfoldertrack.append(pathoffile)
+ checkrename = [x for x in newerfoldertrack if x not in currentfoldertrack]
+ if checkrename:
+ # renamedfile = os.path.basename(checkrename[0])
+ # pathtorename = os.path.join(folder, renamedfile)
+ os.rename(checkrename[0], os.path.join(folder, torename))
+def installmega():
+ HOME = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ ocr_file = pathlib.Path(f"{HOME}/.ipython/ocr.py")
+ if not ocr_file.exists():
+ hCode = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biplobsd/" \
+ "OneClickRun/master/res/ocr.py"
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(hCode, str(ocr_file))
+ from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
+ ocr_spec = spec_from_file_location("ocr", str(ocr_file))
+ ocr = module_from_spec(ocr_spec)
+ ocr_spec.loader.exec_module(ocr)
+ if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/mega-cmd"):
+ #ocr.loadingAn()
+ print('[1;32mInstalling MEGA ...')
+ print('[0m')
+ ocr.runSh('sudo apt-get -y update')
+ ocr.runSh('sudo apt-get -y install libmms0 libc-ares2 libc6 libcrypto++6 libgcc1 libmediainfo0v5 libpcre3 libpcrecpp0v5 libssl1.1 libstdc++6 libzen0v5 zlib1g apt-transport-https')
+ ocr.runSh('sudo curl -sL -o /var/cache/apt/archives/MEGAcmd.deb https://mega.nz/linux/MEGAsync/Debian_9.0/amd64/megacmd-Debian_9.0_amd64.deb', output=True)
+ ocr.runSh('sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/MEGAcmd.deb', output=True)
+ print('[1;32mMEGA is installed.')
+ print('[0m')
+def installmegawin():
+ userprofile = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
+ localappdata = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']
+ megagetloc = os.path.join(localappdata, "MEGAcmd", "mega-get.bat")
+ megacmdloc = os.path.join(userprofile, "Downloads", "MEGAcmdSetup64.exe")
+ if not os.path.exists(megagetloc):
+ print('[1;32mInstalling MEGA ...')
+ print('[0m')
+ runwithsubprocess(f"curl -o {shlex.quote(megacmdloc)} https://mega.nz/MEGAcmdSetup64.exe")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(megacmdloc)} /S")
+ time.sleep(4)
+ print('[1;32mMEGA is installed.')
+ print('[0m')
+ #clear_output()
+#these code above handle mega.nz
+def civitdown(url, folder, torename=''):
+ filename = url.split('?')[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] + ".bdgh"
+ pathtodown = os.path.join(folder, filename)
+ max_retries = 5
+ retry_delay = 10
+ # url_s = quote(url)
+ while prockilled == False:
+ downloaded_size = 0
+ headers = {}
+ progress = tqdm(total=1000000000, unit="B", unit_scale=True, desc=f"Downloading {filename}. (will be renamed correctly after downloading)", initial=downloaded_size, leave=False)
+ global currentsuboutput
+ global currentcondition
+ with open(pathtodown, "ab") as f:
+ while prockilled == False:
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)
+ total_size = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0))
+ # if total_size == 0:
+ # total_size = downloaded_size
+ # progress.total = total_size
+ for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
+ if chunk and prockilled == False:
+ f.write(chunk)
+ progress.update(len(chunk))
+ currentsuboutput = str(progress)
+ else:
+ break
+ downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(pathtodown)
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ break
+ except ConnectionError as e:
+ max_retries -= 1
+ if max_retries == 0:
+ raise e
+ time.sleep(retry_delay)
+ progress.close()
+ if prockilled == True:
+ if os.path.exists(pathtodown):
+ os.remove(pathtodown)
+ print('[1;31mOperation Cancelled')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = 'Operation Cancelled'
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ return "Operation Cancelled"
+ if torename:
+ actualfilename = torename
+ else:
+ try:
+ actualfilename = response.headers['Content-Disposition'].split("filename=")[1].strip('"')
+ except KeyError:
+ print('[1;31mLink Error')
+ print('[0m')
+ break
+ #%cd {folder}
+ actualpath = os.path.join(folder, actualfilename)
+ os.rename(pathtodown, actualpath)
+ downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(actualpath)
+ # Check if the download was successful
+ if downloaded_size >= total_size:
+ print(f"{actualfilename} successfully downloaded.")
+ break
+ else:
+ print(f"Error: File download failed. Retrying...")
+def getcivitname(link, frommodeltypechooser=False): #@note getcivitname
+ # searcher = "findstr" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "grep"
+ printdebug("getcivitname:")
+ printvardebug(link)
+ global currentcondition
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Connecting to CivitAI..."
+ try:
+ req = urllib.request.Request(link, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=7)
+ contentdis = response.geturl()
+ # contentdis = [line for line in subprocess.getoutput(f"curl -sI {link} | {searcher} -i content-disposition").splitlines() if line.startswith('location')][0]
+ except Exception as e:
+ errortype = str(type(e))
+ printdebug("Error: " + errortype)
+ if 'TimeoutError' in errortype:
+ print("Unable to connect to CivitAI in 7 seconds. Skipping the link...")
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return 'batchlinksskip'
+ else:
+ if frommodeltypechooser:
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return ''
+ else:
+ print("Cannot get the filename. Download will continue with the old slow method.\nReason:" + str(e))
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return 'batchlinksold'
+ if contentdis == "https://civitai.com/":
+ print('[1;31mCivitAI website is currently down ツ')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return 'batchlinksskip'
+ cuttedcontent = contentdis.find('response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22') + 59
+ # filename = str(contentdis[cuttedcontent:]).replace('%22&x-id=GetObject', '') #obsolete since 30-03-2023
+ filename = str(contentdis[cuttedcontent:]).partition('%22&')[0]
+ # filename = contentdis.split('filename=')[-1].split('%22')[1] #this also works i guess
+ filename = civitmodeltypename(filename, link)
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return filename
+def getcivitname2(link):
+ searcher = "findstr" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "grep"
+ try:
+ contentdis = [line for line in subprocess.getoutput(f"curl -sI {link} | {searcher} -i content-disposition").splitlines() if line.startswith('location')][0]
+ cuttedcontent = contentdis.find('response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22') + 59
+ filename = str(contentdis[cuttedcontent:]).replace('%22&x-id=GetObject', '')
+ if filename:
+ return [0, link, filename]
+ except:
+ return []
+def civitmodeltypename(name, filelink):
+ nameonly, extension = os.path.splitext(name)
+ if 'type=Pruned' in filelink:
+ nameonly += "_pruned"
+ if 'format=Safetensor' in filelink:
+ extension = '.safetensors'
+ elif 'format=PickleTensor' in filelink:
+ extension = '.ckpt'
+ nameoffile = nameonly + extension
+ return nameoffile
+def checkcivitconfig(link): #check if the current civit link has a config file (v2.0+) @note checkcivitconfig
+ def getrequest(link2):
+ response = requests.get(link2)
+ return response.status_code
+ params = ['?type=Config','?type=Config&format=Other']
+ for param in params:
+ response = getrequest(link + param)
+ if response == 200:
+ #print('The link exists')
+ return link + param
+ return ''
+def civitmodeltypechooser(modeljson, prunedmodel, torchortensor, linkandnames):
+# prunedorfull = ['?type=Model', '?type=Pruned%20Model']
+# if prunedmodel == 'True':
+ prunedorfull = ['&fp=fp32', '&fp=fp16']
+ if prunedmodel == 'fp16':
+ prunedorfull.reverse()
+ pickleorsafe = ['&format=SafeTensor', '&format=PickleTensor']
+ if torchortensor=='ckpt':
+ pickleorsafe.reverse()
+ defaultlinkurl = [link.get('downloadUrl') for link in modeljson['modelVersions'][0]['files'] if not '?type=' in link.get('downloadUrl')][0]
+ indexlinkname = list()
+ checklater = ''
+ for index, (link, name) in enumerate(linkandnames.items()):
+ if prunedorfull[0] in link:
+ if pickleorsafe[0] in link:
+ indexlinkname.extend([index, link, name])
+ break
+ else:
+ checklater = link
+ continue
+ else:
+ continue
+ if checklater and not indexlinkname:
+ for index, (link, name) in enumerate(linkandnames.items()):
+ if checklater == link:
+ indexlinkname.extend([index, link, name])
+ checklater = ''
+ break
+ if not indexlinkname:
+ indexlinkname = getcivitname(defaultlinkurl+prunedorfull[0]+pickleorsafe[0], True) #@note indexlinkname
+ if indexlinkname == "batchlinksskip" or not indexlinkname:
+ indexlinkname = list()
+ if not indexlinkname:
+ for index, (link, name) in enumerate(linkandnames.items()):
+ if defaultlinkurl == link:
+ indexlinkname.extend([index, link, name])
+ break
+ return indexlinkname
+#thank you @rti7743 for this part {
+def civitdown2_get_json(url):
+ import re
+ m = re.search(r'https://civitai.com/models/(\d+)', url)
+ model_id = m.group(1)
+ api_url = "https://civitai.com/api/v1/models/" + model_id
+ import requests
+ txt = requests.get(api_url).text
+ import json
+ try:
+ return json.loads(txt)
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+ return 'error'
+def civitdown2_get_save_directory(model_type, default_folder):
+ printdebug("model_type: " + model_type)
+ customtypemains = list(typemain[countofdefaulthashtags:])
+ printdebug("customtypemains: " + str(customtypemains))
+ for type in customtypemains:
+ xpath = eval(type + "path")
+ if default_folder == xpath:
+ printdebug("customtype returned")
+ return default_folder
+ if model_type == "Checkpoint":
+ if cmd_opts.ckpt_dir and default_folder == altmodelpath:
+ return altmodelpath
+ else:
+ return modelpath
+ elif model_type == "Hypernetwork":
+ return hynetpath
+ elif model_type == "TextualInversion":
+ return embedpath
+ elif model_type == "AestheticGradient":
+ return aestheticembedpath
+ elif model_type == "VAE":
+ return vaepath
+ elif model_type == "LORA":
+ if default_folder == addnetlorapath:
+ return addnetlorapath
+ else:
+ return lorapath
+ elif model_type == "LoCon":
+ return lycorispath
+ else:
+ printdebug("defaultfolder returned")
+ return default_folder
+def civitdown2_convertimage(imagejpg_save_path, imagepng_save_path):
+ from PIL import Image
+ try:
+ img = Image.open(imagejpg_save_path)
+ img_resized = img.resize((img.width // 2, img.height // 2))
+ img_resized.save(imagepng_save_path)
+ if os.path.exists(imagejpg_save_path):
+ os.remove(imagejpg_save_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Civitai image convertion failed. Reason: " + str(e))
+ pass
+def civitdown2(url, folder, downloader, renamedfilename, isdebugevery, modeldefaulttype, isprunedmodel, isdownvae): #@note civitdown2
+ def civitlinkandnamer(model):
+ linkandname = dict()
+ for i, link in enumerate(model['modelVersions'][0]['files']):
+ name = link.get('name')
+ url = link.get('downloadUrl')
+ if name and url:
+ linkandname[url] = name
+ # print(i, url, name)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return linkandname
+ model = civitdown2_get_json(url)
+ if model == 'error':
+ print('[1;31mFailed retrieving the model data.')
+ print('[1;31mCivitAI website might going down currently.')
+ print('[0m')
+ return
+ if model == {'error': 'Model not found'}:
+ print('[1;31mModel ' + url + ' is not available anymore')
+ print('[0m')
+ return
+ save_directory = civitdown2_get_save_directory(model['type'], folder)
+ if not os.path.exists(save_directory):
+ os.makedirs(save_directory, exist_ok=True)
+ try:
+ parameter = url.split("?")[-1] + "?"
+ except:
+ parameter = ''
+ civitlinkandnames = civitlinkandnamer(model)
+ if model['type'] == "Checkpoint":
+ data_index, data_url, data_filename = civitmodeltypechooser(model, isprunedmodel, modeldefaulttype, civitlinkandnames) #@note
+ data_filename = civitmodeltypename(data_filename, data_url)
+ image_filename = model['modelVersions'][0]['files'][0]['name']
+ else:
+ data_url = model['modelVersions'][0]['files'][0]['downloadUrl']
+ data_filename = model['modelVersions'][0]['files'][0]['name']
+ if "?type=Training%20Data" in data_url:
+ data_url = data_url.partition("?")[0]
+ wannabename = getcivitname(data_url)
+ if wannabename:
+ if wannabename != 'batchlinksskip':
+ data_filename = wannabename
+ else:
+ return ''
+ image_filename = data_filename
+ if renamedfilename:
+ data_filename = renamedfilename
+ image_filename = data_filename
+ image_url = model['modelVersions'][0]['images'][0]['url']
+ printvardebug(data_url)
+ printvardebug(data_filename)
+ printvardebug(image_url)
+ if model['type'] == "TextualInversion":
+ image_filename_jpg = pathlib.PurePath(image_filename).stem + ".preview.jpg"
+ image_filename_png = pathlib.PurePath(image_filename).stem + ".preview.png"
+ else:
+ image_filename_jpg = pathlib.PurePath(image_filename).stem + ".jpg"
+ image_filename_png = pathlib.PurePath(image_filename).stem + ".png"
+ data_save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, data_filename)
+ imagejpg_save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, image_filename_jpg)
+ imagepng_save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, image_filename_png)
+ currentmode = 'civit'
+ if isdebugevery:
+ currentmode = 'civitdebugevery'
+ printdebug(f"debug download_url({data_url}, {data_save_path}, {downloader})")
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(data_url, data_save_path, downloader, currentmode)
+ printdebug("normal download done, now check for the config")
+ config_url = checkcivitconfig(data_url)
+ vae_url, vae_name = '',''
+ for link, name in civitlinkandnames.items():
+ if '?type=VAE' in link:
+ vae_url, vae_name = link, name
+ break
+ if model['type'] == "Checkpoint":
+ if prockilled == False and isdownvae and vae_url:
+ namefile = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[0]
+ vae_name = namefile + '.vae.pt'
+ data_save_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_save_path), vae_name)
+ hfdown(vae_url, data_save_path, downloader, currentmode)
+ if prockilled == False and config_url:
+ namefile = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[0]
+ config_name = namefile + '.yaml'
+ data_save_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_save_path), config_name)
+ hfdown(config_url, data_save_path, downloader, currentmode)
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(image_url, imagejpg_save_path, downloader, currentmode)
+ if os.path.exists(imagejpg_save_path):
+ civitdown2_convertimage(imagejpg_save_path, imagepng_save_path)
+ else:
+ print(imagejpg_save_path + " doesn't exist")
+ if prockilled == False:
+ print(f"{data_save_path} successfully downloaded.")
+ if isdebugevery:
+ additionalname = '-' + downloader
+ if model['type'] == "TextualInversion":
+ image_filename_jpg = pathlib.PurePath(data_filename).stem + additionalname + ".preview.jpg"
+ image_filename_png = pathlib.PurePath(data_filename).stem + additionalname + ".preview.png"
+ else:
+ image_filename_jpg = pathlib.PurePath(data_filename).stem + additionalname + ".jpg"
+ image_filename_png = pathlib.PurePath(data_filename).stem + additionalname + ".png"
+ imagejpg_save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, image_filename_jpg)
+ imagepng_save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, image_filename_png)
+def mediadrivedown(todownload, folder, mode, torename=''): #@note mediadrivedown
+ todownload_s = shlex.quote(todownload)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ folder_s = folder
+ else:
+ folder_s = shlex.quote(folder)
+ prevcurdir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(folder)
+ savestate_folder(folder_s)
+ if mode=='gdrive':
+ runwithsubprocess(f"gdown --fuzzy {todownload_s}", folder_s)
+ elif mode=='mediafire':
+ runwithsubprocess(f"mediafire-dl {todownload_s}", folder_s)
+ os.chdir(prevcurdir)
+ if torename:
+ listfilenew = os.listdir(folder)
+ newerfoldertrack = []
+ for file in listfilenew:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ newerfoldertrack.append(pathoffile)
+ checkrename = [x for x in newerfoldertrack if x not in currentfoldertrack]
+ if checkrename:
+ os.rename(checkrename[0], os.path.join(folder, torename))
+def hfdown(todownload, folder, downloader, mode='default', torename=''): #@note hfdown
+ global currentcondition
+ global prevciviterror
+ prevciviterror = False
+ # global ariamode
+ if mode=='civit' or mode=='civitdebugevery':
+ filename = pathlib.Path(folder).name
+ filename_s = shlex.quote(filename)
+ filepath = folder
+ filepath_s = shlex.quote(folder)
+ todownload_s = todownload
+ folder = os.path.dirname(filepath)
+ # folder_s = pathlib.Path(folder).parent.resolve()
+ folder_s = shlex.quote(folder)
+ folder_win = folder
+ else:
+ if mode=='pixeldrain' or mode=='dropbox':
+ filename = torename
+ else:
+ filename = todownload.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
+ filename_s = shlex.quote(filename)
+ filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename)
+ filepath_s = shlex.quote(filepath)
+ todownload_s = shlex.quote(todownload)
+ folder_s = shlex.quote(folder)
+ folder_win = folder
+ ariafilename_s = filename_s
+ if torename:
+ ariafilename_s = shlex.quote(torename)
+ printvardebug(folder)
+ printvardebug(todownload)
+ printvardebug(filename)
+ printvardebug(filename_s)
+ printvardebug(filepath)
+ printvardebug(filepath_s)
+ printvardebug(todownload_s)
+ printvardebug(folder_s)
+ printvardebug(folder_win)
+ #savestate_folder(folder_s)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows": #@note windows downloader
+ localappdata = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']
+ batchlinksinstallpath = os.path.join(localappdata, "batchlinks")
+ printvardebug(batchlinksinstallpath)
+ wgetpath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "wget-gnutls-x64.exe")
+ ariazippath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "aria2-1.36.0-win-64bit-build2.7z")
+ ariapath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "aria2-1.36.0-win-64bit-build2", "aria2c.exe")
+ os.makedirs(batchlinksinstallpath, exist_ok=True)
+ if os.path.exists(batchlinksinstallpath):
+ printdebug("batchlinksinstallpath created")
+ if downloader=='gdown':
+ global gdownupgraded
+ if gdownupgraded == False:
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Upgrading gdown..."
+ print('[1;32mUpgrading gdown ...')
+ print('[0m')
+ runwithsubprocess(f"pip3 install -q --upgrade --no-cache-dir gdown")
+ print('[1;32mgdown upgraded!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ gdownupgraded = True
+ try:
+ runwithsubprocess(f"gdown {todownload_s} -O {filepath_s}", folder_win)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ import gdown
+ gdown.download(todownload, filepath, quiet=False)
+ elif downloader=='wget':
+ #os.system("python -m wget -o " + os.path.join(folder, filename) + " " + todownload)
+ # import wget
+ # wget.download(todownload, filepath)
+ # checkwget = subprocess.getoutput(wgetpath)
+ # if "is not recognized" in checkwget:
+ if not os.path.exists(wgetpath):
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Installing wget Windows..."
+ print('[1;32mInstalling wget Windows...')
+ print('[0m')
+ wgetwinlink = "https://github.com/webfolderio/wget-windows/releases/download/v1.21.3.june.19.2022/wget-gnutls-x64.exe"
+ print(wgetwinlink)
+ runwithsubprocess("curl -Lo " + shlex.quote(wgetpath) + " " + wgetwinlink, batchlinksinstallpath)
+ print('[1;32mwget Windows installed!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(wgetpath)} -O {filepath_s} {todownload_s} --progress=bar:force", folder_win)
+ elif downloader=='curl':
+ runwithsubprocess(f"curl -Lo {filepath_s} {todownload_s}", folder_win)
+ elif downloader=='aria2':
+ # checkaria = subprocess.getoutput(ariapath)
+ # if "is not recognized" in checkaria or "cannot find the path" in checkaria:
+ if not os.path.exists(ariapath):
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Installing aria2 Windows..."
+ print('[1;32mInstalling aria2 Windows...')
+ print('[0m')
+ ariaziplink = "https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/releases/download/v1.36.0/aria2-1.36.0-win-64bit-build2.7z"
+ print(ariaziplink)
+ runwithsubprocess("curl -Lo " + shlex.quote(ariazippath) + " " + ariaziplink, batchlinksinstallpath)
+ sevenzpath = install7zWin()
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(sevenzpath)} x {shlex.quote(ariazippath)} -o{shlex.quote(batchlinksinstallpath)}", batchlinksinstallpath, False, '7z')
+ print()
+ print('[1;32maria2 Windows installed!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ # ariamode = True
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(ariapath)} --summary-interval=1 --console-log-level=error --check-certificate=false -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M {todownload_s} -d {folder_s} -o {ariafilename_s}", folder_win, False, 'aria2')
+ else: #non-windows
+ if downloader=='gdown':
+ printdebug(f"debug gdown {todownload_s} -O {filepath_s}")
+ runwithsubprocess(f"gdown {todownload_s} -O {filepath_s}", folder_s)
+ elif downloader=='wget':
+ runwithsubprocess(f"wget -O {filepath_s} {todownload_s} --progress=bar:force", folder_s)
+ elif downloader=='curl':
+ runwithsubprocess(f"curl -Lo {filepath_s} {todownload_s}", folder_s)
+ # curdir = os.getcwd()
+ # os.rename(os.path.join(curdir, filename), filepath)
+ elif downloader=='aria2':
+ ariachecker = "dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' aria2"
+ checkaria = subprocess.getoutput(ariachecker)
+ if "no packages found matching aria2" in checkaria:
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Installing aria2..."
+ print('[1;32mInstalling aria2 ...')
+ print('[0m')
+ runwithsubprocess(f"apt -y update -qq")
+ runwithsubprocess(f"apt -y install -qq aria2")
+ print('[1;32maria2 installed!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ # ariamode = True
+ runwithsubprocess(f"aria2c --summary-interval=1 --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M {todownload_s} -d {folder_s} -o {ariafilename_s}", folder_s, False, 'aria2')
+ printdebug("\nmode: " + mode)
+ if mode=='debugevery':
+ time.sleep(2)
+ try:
+ os.rename(filepath, os.path.join(folder, f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}-{downloader}{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}"))
+ printdebug("renamed to " + f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}-{downloader}{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}")
+ except FileNotFoundError or FileExistsError:
+ printdebug("rename failed somehow")
+ pass
+ elif mode=='civitdebugevery':
+ time.sleep(2)
+ printdebug("debug filename: " + str(filename))
+ printdebug("debug filename_s: " + str(filename_s))
+ printdebug("debug filepath: " + str(filepath_s))
+ printdebug("debug todownload_s: " + str(todownload_s))
+ printdebug("debug folder_s: " + str(folder_s))
+ try:
+ os.rename(folder, os.path.join(folder_s, f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}-{downloader}{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}"))
+ printdebug("renamed to " + f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}-{downloader}{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}")
+ except FileNotFoundError or FileExistsError:
+ printdebug("rename failed somehow")
+ pass
+ if torename and prockilled == False and filename != torename and downloader != 'aria2':
+ def saferename(oldpath, newpath):
+ try:
+ os.rename(oldpath, newpath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Rename failed. Reason: " + str(e))
+ pass
+ saferename(filepath, os.path.join(folder, shlex.quote(torename)))
+ if mode=='civit0' and prockilled == False:
+ # if torename:
+ # filepath = os.path.join(folder, torename)
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 5 * 1024:
+ try:
+ with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ if "
We'll be right back | Civitai" in file.read():
+ prevciviterror = True
+ print('[1;31mCivitAI website is currently down ツ')
+ print('[0m')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("File size checking failed. Reason: " + str(e))
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("File size checking failed. Reason: " + str(e))
+ pass
+ if mode=='dropbox' and prockilled == False:
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 1024:
+ print('[1;31mDropbox filesize below 1kb')
+ print("There's a chance that the file got too much traffic and dropbox blocked access to it")
+ print('[0m')
+ # if prockilled == True:
+ # #rewind_folder(folder_s)
+ # pass
+def install7zWin(): #@note install7z
+ #usage: sevenzpath = install7zWin()
+ global currentcondition
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Installing 7z..."
+ localappdata = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']
+ batchlinksinstallpath = os.path.join(localappdata, "batchlinks")
+ sevenzrpath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "7zr.exe")
+ sevenzrlink = "https://www.7-zip.org/a/7zr.exe"
+ svnzpacklink = "https://7-zip.org/a/7z2201-x64.exe"
+ svnzpackpath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "7z2201-x64.exe")
+ svnzexecpath = os.path.join(batchlinksinstallpath, "7z.exe")
+ if not os.path.exists(sevenzrpath):
+ print(sevenzrlink)
+ runwithsubprocess("curl -Lo " + shlex.quote(sevenzrpath) + " " + sevenzrlink, batchlinksinstallpath)
+ if not os.path.exists(svnzpackpath):
+ print(svnzpacklink)
+ runwithsubprocess("curl -Lo " + shlex.quote(svnzpackpath) + " " + svnzpacklink, batchlinksinstallpath)
+ if not os.path.exists(svnzexecpath):
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(sevenzrpath)} x {shlex.quote(svnzpackpath)} -p- -o{shlex.quote(batchlinksinstallpath)} -y -sdel -bb0", batchlinksinstallpath, False, '7z')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ return svnzexecpath
+def savestate_folder(folder):
+ global currentfoldertrack
+ currentfoldertrack = []
+ listfile = os.listdir(folder)
+ for file in listfile:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ currentfoldertrack.append(pathoffile)
+def rewind_folder(folder):
+ listfilenew = os.listdir(folder)
+ newerfoldertrack = []
+ for file in listfilenew:
+ pathoffile = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ newerfoldertrack.append(pathoffile)
+ toremove = [x for x in newerfoldertrack if x not in currentfoldertrack]
+ printdebug("\ndebug toremove: " + str(toremove))
+ print()
+ for fileordir in toremove:
+ if os.path.exists(fileordir):
+ if os.path.isdir(fileordir):
+ shutil.rmtree(fileordir)
+ print("Removed incomplete download: " + fileordir)
+ else:
+ os.remove(fileordir)
+ print("Removed incomplete download: " + fileordir)
+def writeall(olddict, shellonly, custompaths=''):
+ newdict = trackall()
+ global finalwrite
+ finalwrite = []
+ finalwrite.append("All done!")
+ if custompaths:
+ finalwrite.append("⬇️Custom path added:⬇️")
+ for hashtag, thepath in custompaths.items():
+ finalwrite.append(f"{hashtag} -> {thepath}")
+ finalwrite.append("Downloaded files: ")
+ for oldtype, olddir in olddict.items():
+ for newtype, newdir in newdict.items():
+ if newtype == oldtype:
+ s = set(olddir)
+ trackcompare = [x for x in newdir if x not in s]
+ if len(trackcompare) > 0:
+ exec(f"finalwrite.append('⬇️' + {newtype}path + '⬇️')")
+ for item in trackcompare:
+ finalwrite.append(item)
+ if bool(remaininglinks):
+ finalwrite.append("(There are still some files that have not been downloaded. Click the 'Resume Download' button to load the links that haven't been downloaded.)")
+ printvardebug(finalwrite)
+ if len(finalwrite) > 1 and "Downloaded files:" in finalwrite[1] and len(finalwrite) < 3:
+ finalwrite.append("(Not finding something here? Check the terminal/colab console)")
+ finaloutput = list_to_text(finalwrite)
+ finalwrite = []
+ if shellonly:
+ return "Commands executed successfully."
+ else:
+ return finaloutput
+def writepart(box, path):
+ global finalwrite
+ if len(box) > 0:
+ finalwrite.append("⬇️" + path + "⬇️")
+ for item in box:
+ finalwrite.append(item)
+def trackall():
+ filesdict = dict()
+ for x in typemain:
+ if x == "altmodel" and altmodelpath == modelpath:
+ continue
+ exec(f"os.makedirs({x}path, exist_ok=True)")
+ exec(f"filesdict['{x}'] = os.listdir({x}path)")
+ return filesdict
+def currentfoldertohashtag(folder):
+ for x in typemain:
+ checkpath = str()
+ checkpath = eval(x+'path')
+ printdebug("checkpath: " + checkpath)
+ if str(folder).strip() == checkpath:
+ thehashtag = "#" + x
+ printdebug("thehashtag: " + thehashtag)
+ return thehashtag
+ return "#debug"
+def splitrename(linkcurrent):
+ renamecurrent = ''
+ if ">" in linkcurrent:
+ file_rename = linkcurrent.split(">")
+ file_rename = [file_rename.strip() for file_rename in file_rename]
+ linkcurrent = file_rename[0]
+ if file_rename[1]:
+ renamecurrent = file_rename[1]
+ return linkcurrent, renamecurrent
+def extractcurdir(currentdir): #@note extractcurdir
+ allfileshere = os.listdir(currentdir)
+ szfileall = []
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ sevenzpath = install7zWin()
+ global currentcondition
+ extensiontoextract = [".zip", ".rar", ".7z", ".tar"]
+ for filehere in allfileshere:
+ if filehere.endswith(tuple(extensiontoextract)):
+ szpath = os.path.join(currentdir, filehere)
+ szfileall.append(szpath)
+ for szfile in szfileall:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ # currentcondition = "Extracting" + os.path.basename(szfile) + "..."
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ runwithsubprocess(f"{shlex.quote(sevenzpath)} x {shlex.quote(szfile)} -p- -o{shlex.quote(currentdir)} -y -sdel -bb0", currentdir, False, '7z')
+ else:
+ runwithsubprocess(f"7z x {shlex.quote(szfile)} -p- -o{shlex.quote(currentdir)} -y -sdel -bb0", currentdir, False, '7z')
+#@stopwatch #the decorator mess with the progress bar #@note run
+def run(command, choosedowner, civitdefault, civitpruned, civitvae, progress=gr.Progress()):
+ progress(0.01, desc='')
+ global prockilled
+ prockilled = False
+ global everyprocessid
+ everyprocessid = []
+ everymethod = False
+ global currentcondition
+ resumebuttonvisible = False
+ if command.strip().startswith('https://pastebin.com/') and command.strip().count('\n') == 0:
+ currentcondition = f'Done.'
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ return ["Use the 'Copy from Pastebin' button instead", gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'))] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')),
+ else:
+ return ["Use the 'Copy from Pastebin' button instead", gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom')), gr.Button.update(visible=resumebuttonvisible)] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')),
+ if command.strip() == '@debugresetdownloads' and snapshot != {} and globaldebug == True:
+ currentcondition = f'Removing downloaded files...'
+ removed_files = global_rewind()
+ texttowrite = ["⬇️Removed files⬇️"]
+ for item in removed_files:
+ texttowrite.append(item)
+ writefinal = list_to_text(texttowrite)
+ currentcondition = f'Removing done.'
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ return [writefinal, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'))] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')),
+ else:
+ return [writefinal, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom')), gr.Button.update(visible=resumebuttonvisible)] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')),
+ if not command.strip():
+ currentcondition = "Logging activated."
+ texttowrite = ["The link box is empty."]
+ writefinal = list_to_text(texttowrite)
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ return [writefinal, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'))] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right'))
+ else:
+ return [writefinal, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom')), gr.Button.update(visible=resumebuttonvisible)] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')),
+ oldfilesdict = trackall()
+ if cmd_opts.ckpt_dir:
+ altmodelpath = cmd_opts.ckpt_dir
+ currentfolder = altmodelpath
+ else:
+ altmodelpath = os.path.join(models_path, "Stable-diffusion")
+ currentfolder = modelpath
+ currenthashtag = '#model'
+ os.makedirs(currentfolder, exist_ok=True)
+ currentcondition = 'Extracting links...'
+ links = extract_links(command)
+ isshell = True
+ for listpart in links:
+ if not listpart.startswith('!'):
+ isshell = False
+ break
+ printdebug("links: " + str(links))
+ steps = float(0)
+ totalsteps = float(1)
+ usemega = False
+ usegdrive = False
+ usemediafire = False
+ # global ariamode
+ global gdownupgraded
+ global mediafireinstalled
+ for item in links:
+ if not item.startswith('#'):
+ totalsteps += 1
+ if item.startswith('https://mega.nz'):
+ usemega = True
+ if item.startswith('https://drive.google.com'):
+ usegdrive = True
+ if item.startswith('https://www.mediafire.com/file'):
+ usemediafire = True
+ #break
+ printdebug("totalsteps: " + str(totalsteps))
+ if usemega == True:
+ currentcondition = 'Installing Mega...'
+ progress(0.01, desc='Installing Mega...')
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ installmegawin()
+ else:
+ installmega()
+ if usegdrive == True and gdownupgraded == False:
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Upgrading gdown..."
+ print('[1;32mUpgrading gdown ...')
+ print('[0m')
+ runwithsubprocess(f"pip3 install -q --upgrade --no-cache-dir gdown")
+ print('[1;32mgdown upgraded!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ gdownupgraded = True
+ if usemediafire == True and mediafireinstalled == False:
+ tempcondition = currentcondition
+ currentcondition = "Installing mediafire-dl..."
+ print('[1;32mInstalling mediafire-dl...')
+ print('[0m')
+ runwithsubprocess(f"pip3 install git+https://github.com/Juvenal-Yescas/mediafire-dl")
+ print('[1;32mmediafire-dl installed!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = tempcondition
+ mediafireinstalled = True
+ print('[1;32mBatchLinks Downloads starting...')
+ print('[0m')
+ printdebug('prockilled: ' + str(prockilled))
+ global remaininglinks
+ batchtime = time.time()
+ addedcustompath = dict()
+ downmethod = ['gdown', 'wget', 'curl', 'aria2']
+ hfmethods = [
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com",
+ "https://huggingface.co",
+ "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments"
+ ]
+ global typemain
+ global typechecker
+ for listpart in links:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ currenttorename = ''
+ printdebug("steps: " + str(steps))
+ printdebug("total steps: " + str(totalsteps))
+ printdebug("percentage: " + str(round(steps/totalsteps, 1)))
+ printdebug("currenttypemain: " + str(typemain))
+ # ariamode = False
+ if gradiostate == False:
+ if time.time() - batchtime >= 70:
+ remaininglinks = links[links.index(listpart):]
+ printdebug("remaining links: " + str(remaininglinks))
+ if bool(remaininglinks):
+ printdebug("currentfolder: " + currentfolder)
+ tophashtag = currentfoldertohashtag(currentfolder)
+ printdebug("tophashtag: " + tophashtag)
+ remaininglinks.insert(0, tophashtag)
+ printdebug("remaining links new: " + str(remaininglinks))
+ print()
+ print('[1;33mRuntime was stopped to prevent hangs.')
+ print("[1;33mCheck the UI and press 'Resume Download' to load the remaining links")
+ print("[1;33mThen click 'Download All!' again")
+ print('[0m')
+ print("These are some links that haven't been downloaded yet.👇")
+ printremains = list_to_text(remaininglinks)
+ print(printremains)
+ resumebuttonvisible = True
+ cancelrun()
+ break
+ if listpart.startswith("https://mega.nz"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading from ' + os.path.basename(currentlink).split('#')[0] + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ transfare(currentlink, currentfolder, currenttorename)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith(tuple(hfmethods)):
+ # elif listpart.startswith("https://huggingface.co") or listpart.startswith("https://raw.githubusercontent.com") or listpart.startswith("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ if everymethod == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'default', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ for xmethod in downmethod:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://www.dropbox.com/s"): #@note dropbox
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ if currentlink.endswith("?dl=0"):
+ currentlink = currentlink.split("?dl=")[0] + "?dl=1"
+ realname = currentlink.split("/")[-1].split("?dl=")[0]
+ if currenttorename == '':
+ currenttorename = realname
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + currenttorename + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'dropbox', currenttorename)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://drive.google.com"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ match = re.search(r'\?id=([^\&]+)\&export|/d/([^\s/]+)/', currentlink)
+ if match:
+ if match.group(1):
+ extracted_string = match.group(1)
+ else:
+ extracted_string = match.group(2)
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading from ' + extracted_string + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ mediadrivedown(currentlink, currentfolder, 'gdrive', currenttorename)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://pixeldrain.com"): #@note pixeldrain
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ if not currentlink.startswith("https://pixeldrain.com/api/file/"):
+ fileid = currentlink.split("/")[-1]
+ currentlink = f"https://pixeldrain.com/api/file/{fileid}"
+ currentcondition = f'Retrieving Pixeldrain link...'
+ searcher = "findstr" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "grep"
+ try:
+ filename = subprocess.getoutput(f"curl -sI {currentlink} | {searcher} -i Content-Disposition").split('filename="', 1)[1].rsplit('"', 1)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ print("Something wrong while retrieving the Pixeldrain link")
+ continue
+ if currenttorename == '':
+ currenttorename = filename
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + currenttorename + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ # if everymethod == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'pixeldrain', currenttorename)
+ # else:
+ # for xmethod in downmethod:
+ # if prockilled == False:
+ # hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://www.mediafire.com/file"): #@note mediafire
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + currentlink.split("/")[-2] + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ # if everymethod == False:
+ mediadrivedown(currentlink, currentfolder, 'mediafire', currenttorename)
+ # else:
+ # for xmethod in downmethod:
+ # if prockilled == False:
+ # hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://anonfiles.com"): #@note anonfiles
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Retrieving anonfiles link...'
+ # print(filename)
+ # Send HTTP request to the website and read the response
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(currentlink)
+ html_content = response.read().decode('utf-8')
+ # Find all links that contain "anonfiles" in them using regular expressions
+ download_links = re.findall(r'href=["\'](https?:\/\/.*?anonfiles.*?)["\']', html_content)
+ currentlink = max(download_links, key=len)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + currentlink.split("/")[-1] + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ if everymethod == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'default', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ for xmethod in downmethod:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://files.catbox.moe"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ try:
+ urllib.request.urlopen(currentlink)
+ except http.client.RemoteDisconnected:
+ print('[1;31mConnection to ' + currentlink + ' failed.')
+ print("This colab session's server might doesn't have access to catbox")
+ print('[0m')
+ continue
+ except urllib.error.URLError as e:
+ print('[1;31mConnection to ' + currentlink + ' failed.')
+ print("This colab session's server might doesn't have access to catbox")
+ print('[0m')
+ continue
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ if everymethod == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'default', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ for xmethod in downmethod:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://civitai.com/api/download/models/"): #@note civit direct
+ usenewmethod = True
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ if currenttorename == '':
+ currenttorename = getcivitname(listpart)
+ if currenttorename == 'batchlinksold':
+ usenewmethod = False
+ elif currenttorename == 'batchlinksskip':
+ continue
+ # print("That CivitAI link no longer exist, or the server is currently down.")
+ # continue
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ if everymethod == False:
+ if usenewmethod:
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + currenttorename + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'civit0', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading model number ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + '...')
+ civitdown(currentlink, currentfolder, currenttorename)
+ if not prevciviterror:
+ configlink = checkcivitconfig(currentlink)
+ if not configlink=='':
+ namefile= os.path.splitext(currenttorename.split('?')[0])[0]
+ currenttorename = namefile + '.yaml'
+ hfdown(configlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'civit0', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ for xmethod in downmethod:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ # civitdown(currentlink, currentfolder, currenttorename)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://github.com"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ if '/raw/' in listpart or '/releases/download/' in listpart:
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ if everymethod == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, 'default', currenttorename)
+ else:
+ for xmethod in downmethod:
+ if prockilled == False:
+ hfdown(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, 'debugevery')
+ else:
+ splits = listpart.split('#')[0].split("/")
+ currentlink = "/".join(splits[:5])
+ foldername = listpart.split('#')[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
+ folderpath = os.path.join(extpath, foldername)
+ currentcondition = f'Cloning {currentlink}...'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Cloning from ' + currentlink.split('/', 3)[-1] + f' into #ext...')
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ runwithsubprocess(f"git clone {currentlink} {shlex.quote(folderpath)}")
+ else:
+ runwithsubprocess(f"git clone {currentlink} {folderpath}")
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("https://civitai.com/models/"):
+ currentlink, currenttorename = splitrename(listpart)
+ print('\n')
+ print(currentlink)
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading {currentlink}...'
+ #customtypemains = list
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + f'...')
+ for tag in tuple((typemain[countofdefaulthashtags:])):
+ if "#" + tag == currenthashtag and gradiostate:
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc='Downloading ' + os.path.basename(currentlink) + f' into {currenthashtag}...')
+ pass
+ break
+ if everymethod == False:
+ civitdown2(currentlink, currentfolder, choosedowner, currenttorename, False, civitdefault, civitpruned, civitvae)
+ # else:
+ # for xmethod in downmethod:
+ # if prockilled == False:
+ # civitdown2(currentlink, currentfolder, xmethod, True)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("!"):
+ commandtorun = listpart[1:]
+ currentcondition = f'Running command: {commandtorun}'
+ progress(round(steps/totalsteps, 3), desc=currentcondition)
+ runwithsubprocess(commandtorun, None, True)
+ steps += 1
+ elif listpart.startswith("@debugeverymethod") and globaldebug == True and gradiostate == True:
+ print('\n')
+ everymethod = True
+ print('[1;32mDebugEveryMethod activated!')
+ print('[1;32mOne link will be downloaded with every possible download method.')
+ print('[0m')
+ elif listpart.startswith("@debugresetdownloads") and snapshot != {} and globaldebug == True:
+ print('\n')
+ currentcondition = f'Removing downloaded files...'
+ removed_files = global_rewind()
+ oldfilesdict = trackall()
+ texttowrite = ["⬇️Removed files⬇️"]
+ for item in removed_files:
+ texttowrite.append(item)
+ writefinal = list_to_text(texttowrite)
+ printdebug(str(writefinal))
+ elif listpart.startswith("@extract"): #@note hashtagextract
+ print('\n')
+ currentcondition = 'Extracting every archive file in current directory...'
+ print('Extracting every archive file in current directory...\n')
+ extractcurdir(currentfolder)
+ elif listpart.startswith("@new"): #@note hashtagcustom
+ newcommand, newhashtag, newpath = shlex.split(listpart)
+ if newcommand and newhashtag and newpath:
+ if newhashtag.startswith("#"):
+ printdebug("making custom hashtag")
+ newtype = newhashtag[1:]
+ #global typemain #moved to top
+ #global typechecker #moved to top
+ if not newtype[0].isdigit():
+ if not newtype in typemain and not newpath in typechecker:
+ try:
+ typemain.append(newtype)
+ printdebug('typemain: ' + str(typemain))
+ typechecker.append(newtype)
+ printdebug('typechecker: ' + str(typechecker))
+ newglobalpath = newtype + "path"
+ printdebug('newglobalpath: ' + newtype + "path")
+ newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(newpath).rstrip(os.sep))
+ os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True)
+ globals()[newglobalpath] = newpath
+ printdebug("modelpath = " + eval(newglobalpath))
+ oldfilesdict[newtype] = os.listdir(newpath)
+ # global addedcustompath
+ addedcustompath[newhashtag] = newpath
+ printdebug("addedcustompath: " + str(addedcustompath))
+ print(f"New custom path added!\n{newhashtag} means {newpath}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Adding custom path failed! Reason: " + str(e))
+ else:
+ print("Adding custom path failed! Reason: Custom hashtag name cannot starts with a number")
+ elif listpart.startswith("@aria") or listpart.startswith("@aria2"): #@note customaria
+ # checkariacommand = ['##', '>']
+ printvardebug(listpart)
+ if "##" in listpart:
+ listpart = listpart.split('##')[0]
+ if ":\\" in listpart: #windows path
+ listpart = listpart.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
+ ariacmd = shlex.split(listpart)
+ printvardebug(ariacmd)
+ arialink, ariarename, ariapath = '', '', ''
+ renamedalready = False
+ custompath = False
+ # startcomment = False
+ if (ariacmd[0] == '@aria2' or ariacmd[0] == '@aria') and len(ariacmd) > 1: #two items. @aria and link
+ if ariacmd[1].startswith('http'):
+ arialink = ariacmd[1]
+ if len(ariacmd) > 2: #three items. @aria, link, and path
+ if ariacmd[2].startswith(">") and len(ariacmd) > 3: #four items. @aria, link, '>', and rename (no custom path)
+ ariarename = shlex.quote(ariacmd[3])
+ renamedalready = True
+ else:
+ if ariacmd[2].startswith('#'): #three items. @aria, link, hashtagpath
+ tobeariapath, _ = hashtagtopath(ariacmd[2])
+ if tobeariapath:
+ ariapath = tobeariapath
+ else: #three items. @aria, link, custompath
+ # ariapath = shlex.quote(ariacmd[2])
+ ariapath = ariacmd[2]
+ custompath = True #message for file downloaded to custom path will be added later
+ # if len(cmd) > 3:
+ # if cmd[3].startswith('>'):
+ # renaming = True
+ # else:
+ # renaming = False
+ if len(ariacmd) > 4 and ariacmd[3].startswith('>') and not renamedalready: #five items. @aria, link, path, '>', and rename
+ ariarename = shlex.quote(ariacmd[4])
+ if not ariapath:
+ ariapath = currentfolder
+ if not ariarename:
+ ariarename = arialink.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
+ #finalcommand = f"aria2c --summary-interval=1 --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M {arialink} -d {ariapath} -o {ariarename}"
+ printvardebug(arialink)
+ printvardebug(ariapath)
+ printvardebug(ariarename)
+ if arialink and not prockilled:
+ try:
+ currentcondition = f'Downloading from {arialink} into {ariapath}...'
+ hfdown(arialink, ariapath, 'aria2', 'default', ariarename)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Custom aria download failed. Reason: {str(e)}")
+ elif listpart.startswith("#") and listpart.endswith(tuple(typemain)): #tuple(typemain[countofdefaulthashtags:])
+ try:
+ printdebug("one of typemain")
+ currenthashtag = listpart
+ currentfolder = eval(listpart[1:] + "path")
+ os.makedirs(currentfolder, exist_ok=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Cannot use hashtag: {str(e)}")
+ else:
+ tobecurrentfolder, tobecurrenthashtag = hashtagtopath(listpart)
+ if tobecurrentfolder:
+ currentfolder = tobecurrentfolder
+ if tobecurrentfolder:
+ currenthashtag = tobecurrenthashtag
+ else:
+ currentcondition = 'Operation cancelled'
+ return "Operation cancelled"
+ currentcondition = 'Writing output...'
+ downloadedfiles = writeall(oldfilesdict, isshell, addedcustompath)
+ for tokill in everyprocessid:
+ try:
+ os.kill(tokill, signal.SIGTERM)
+ except ProcessLookupError:
+ pass
+ except PermissionError:
+ pass
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ print()
+ print('[1;32mBatchLinks Downloads finished!')
+ print('[0m')
+ currentcondition = 'Done!'
+ printdebug(f"this should be the output:\n" + str(downloadedfiles))
+ progress(1.00, desc='')
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ return [downloadedfiles, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'))] #@note dataframe #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')), was here
+ else:
+ return [downloadedfiles, gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom')), gr.Button.update(visible=resumebuttonvisible)] #gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('right')), was here
+def hashtagtopath(thehashtag):
+ hashtagcurrent, foldercurrent = '',''
+ notbreaking = True
+ typemainlocal = []
+ for x in typemain:
+ typemainlocal.append(x)
+ for y in typemainlocal:
+ if thehashtag[1:] == y:
+ printdebug("one of typemain, found on else")
+ hashtagcurrent = thehashtag
+ foldercurrent = eval(thehashtag[1:] + "path")
+ os.makedirs(foldercurrent, exist_ok=True)
+ notbreaking = False
+ for prefix in typechecker:
+ if thehashtag.startswith("#" + prefix) and notbreaking:
+ if prefix in ["embedding", "embeddings", "embed", "embeds","textualinversion", "ti"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#embed'
+ elif prefix in ["model", "models", "checkpoint", "checkpoints"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#model'
+ elif prefix in ["vae", "vaes"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#vae'
+ elif prefix in ["lora", "loras"]:
+ hashtagcurrent ='#lora'
+ elif prefix in ["hypernetwork", "hypernetworks", "hypernet", "hypernets", "hynet", "hynets",]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#hynet'
+ elif prefix in ["addnetlora", "loraaddnet", "additionalnetworks", "addnet"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#addnetlora'
+ elif prefix in ["controlnet", "cnet"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#cnet'
+ elif prefix in ["extension", "extensions", "ext"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#ext'
+ elif prefix in ["aestheticembedding", "aestheticembed"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#aestheticembed'
+ elif prefix in ["upscaler", "upscale"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#upscaler'
+ elif prefix in ["altmodel", "altmodels"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#altmodel'
+ elif prefix in ["lycoris", "locon", "loha"]:
+ hashtagcurrent = '#lycoris'
+ try:
+ foldercurrent = eval(hashtagcurrent[1:] + 'path')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Cannot use hashtag: {e}")
+ continue
+ os.makedirs(foldercurrent, exist_ok=True)
+ return foldercurrent, hashtagcurrent
+wildcardcommand = [
+ "@debugeverymethod", "@debugresetdownloads",
+ "@extract", "@aria", "@aria2", "@new"
+def extract_links(string):
+ links = []
+ lines = string.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.split('##')[0].strip()
+ if line.startswith(tuple(supportedlinks)):
+ links.append(line)
+ elif line.startswith(tuple(wildcardcommand)):
+ links.append(line)
+ elif line.startswith("!"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("#"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ # else:
+ # for prefix in typechecker:
+ # if line.startswith("#" + prefix):
+ # links.append(line)
+ #print(f"links: {links}")
+ return links
+def list_to_text(lst):
+ stripped_list = [item.strip(',').strip('\"') for item in lst]
+ return '\n'.join(stripped_list)
+def uploaded(textpath):
+ if not textpath is None:
+ print(textpath)
+ file_paths = textpath.name
+ print(file_paths)
+ links = []
+ with open(file_paths, 'r') as file:
+ for line in file:
+ if line.startswith(tuple(supportedlinks)):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("!"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith(tuple(wildcardcommand)):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("#"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ # else:
+ # for prefix in typechecker:
+ # if line.startswith("#" + prefix):
+ # links.append(line.strip())
+ text = list_to_text(links)
+ return text
+count = 0
+def keeplog():
+ global currentcondition
+ global currentsuboutput
+ global logging
+ if logging == False:
+ currentcondition = "Logging activated."
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ logging = True
+ return [currentcondition, gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=False)]
+ if currentsuboutput == '':
+ return [currentcondition, gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=False)]
+ else:
+ return [f"{currentcondition}\n{currentsuboutput}", gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=False)]
+def offlog():
+ global currentcondition
+ global currentsuboutput
+ global logging
+ if logging == True:
+ currentcondition = "Logging deactivated."
+ currentsuboutput = ''
+ logging = False
+ return [f"{currentcondition}", gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=True)]
+def empty():
+ return ''
+def cancelrun():
+ global processid
+ global prockilled
+ printdebug("debug processid: " + str(processid))
+ if not processid == '':
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ global process
+ process.terminate()
+ _ = subprocess.getoutput("taskkill /F /T /PID" + str(process.pid))
+ _ = subprocess.getoutput("taskkill /f /t /im MEGAcmdServer.exe")
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.kill(processid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ except ProcessLookupError:
+ pass
+ except PermissionError:
+ pass
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ #os.killpg(os.getpgid(processid.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
+ prockilled = True
+ if prockilled == True and globaldebug == True:
+ print()
+ print("This should kill")
+ print()
+ return ["Operation Cancelled",gr.Dataframe.update(value=buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'))]
+def fillbox():
+ global remaininglinks
+ if bool(remaininglinks):
+ text = list_to_text(remaininglinks)
+ remaininglinks = []
+ return [text, 'Links updated!\nClick Download All! to download the rest of the links', gr.Button.update(visible=False)]
+ return ['', '', gr.Button.update(visible=False)]
+if gradiostate == True:
+ storedstatedownloader = "gdown"
+ storedstatedownloader = "aria2"
+storedstatemodeltype = "safetensors"
+storedstateprecision = "fp16"
+storedstatevae = True
+def grchangedown(downstate):
+ global storedstatedownloader
+ storedstatedownloader = downstate
+ printvardebug(storedstatedownloader)
+def grchangetype(typestate):
+ global storedstatemodeltype
+ storedstatemodeltype = typestate
+ printvardebug(storedstatemodeltype)
+def grchangefp(fpstate):
+ global storedstateprecision
+ storedstateprecision = fpstate
+ printvardebug(storedstateprecision)
+def grchangevae(vaestate):
+ global storedstatevae
+ storedstatevae = vaestate
+ printvardebug(storedstatevae)
+def stretchui(stretch): #outputs=[boxtohide, bottomlist] #outputs=[boxtohide, downbox, civitbox, choose_downloader, civit_default, civit_ispruned, civit_alsodownvae])
+ # if stretch:
+ # return [gr.Box.update(visible=False), gr.Accordion.update(visible=False), gr.Accordion.update(visible=True)]
+ # else:
+ # return [gr.Box.update(visible=True), gr.Accordion.update(visible=True), gr.Accordion.update(visible=False)]
+ global storedstatedownloader
+ global storedstatemodeltype
+ global storedstateprecision
+ global storedstatevae
+ if stretch:
+ return [gr.Box.update(visible=False), gr.Row.update(visible=True), gr.Row.update(visible=True), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstatedownloader), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstatemodeltype), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstateprecision), gr.Checkbox.update(value=storedstatevae)]
+ else:
+ return [gr.Box.update(visible=True), gr.Row.update(visible=False), gr.Row.update(visible=False), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstatedownloader), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstatemodeltype), gr.Radio.update(value=storedstateprecision), gr.Checkbox.update(value=storedstatevae)]
+def hidehelp(hide):
+ if hide:
+ return [gr.Markdown.update(value=titletext), gr.Markdown.update(visible=False)]
+ else:
+ return [gr.Markdown.update(value=introductiontext), gr.Markdown.update(visible=True)]
+# countofdefaulthashtags = len(typemain)
+def buildarrayofhashtags(rightorbottom):
+ printdebug(f"buildarray {rightorbottom} initiated!")
+ # defaultpathtime = True
+ def writingpath(j, path):
+ if path == modelpath:
+ return path + " (default path)"
+ elif path == altmodelpath:
+ return path
+ else:
+ if rightorbottom == 'right' and j < countofdefaulthashtags:
+ return path.replace(script_path, "~")
+ else:
+ return path
+ hashtagandpath = []
+ for i, x in enumerate(typemain):
+ try:
+ xpath = eval(x+"path")
+ if cmd_opts.ckpt_dir:
+ hashtagandpath.append(["#"+x, writingpath(i, xpath)])
+ elif x != "altmodel":
+ hashtagandpath.append(["#"+x, writingpath(i, xpath)])
+ # defaultpathtime = False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ return hashtagandpath
+def copyfrompastebin(boxwithlink):
+ pastebinlink = boxwithlink.strip()
+ if pastebinlink.startswith('https://pastebin.com/'):
+ if pastebinlink.count('\n') == 0:
+ global currentcondition
+ currentcondition = f'Gathering links from Pastebin..'
+ if not '/raw/' in pastebinlink:
+ pastebinlink = pastebinlink.replace("pastebin.com/", "pastebin.com/raw/")
+ pbinresponse = requests.get(pastebinlink)
+ if pbinresponse.status_code == 200:
+ pbintextlist = pbinresponse.text.splitlines()
+ links = []
+ for line in pbintextlist:
+ if line.startswith(tuple(supportedlinks)):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("!"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("@new"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith(tuple(wildcardcommand)):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ elif line.startswith("#"):
+ links.append(line.strip())
+ currentcondition = f'Done.'
+ finallinks = list_to_text(links)
+ return [finallinks, "Pastebin links retrieved successfully."]
+ else:
+ currentcondition = f'Done.'
+ print("Error retrieving data from pastebin")
+ return [boxwithlink, "Error retrieving data from pastebin"]
+ else:
+ currentcondition = f'Done.'
+ return [boxwithlink, "Pastebin link must be the only one link on the textbox! (And only one pastebin link supported)"]
+ else:
+ currentcondition = f'Done.'
+ return [boxwithlink, "Pastebin link must be the first (and the only) link on the textbox!"]
+titletext = f"""⬇️Batchlinks Downloader ({currentversion}) {latestversiontext}
+introductiontext = f"""
常用模型链接: Huggingface, CivitAI, Github, Google Drive, MEGA, Mediafire.
, #model
, #hypernet
, #lora
, #vae
, #addnetlora
, 等.
对于使用sd-webui附加网络扩展来加载LoRA的colab用户,请使用 #addnetlora
+knowmoretext = f"""
+Click these links for more:
+Readme Page
+Valid Hashtags
+Here's how you can get the direct links
+Report Bug
+testboxplaceholder = f"""#model
+##this is a comment, and these text is just an example
+def on_ui_tabs():
+ with gr.Blocks() as batchlinks:
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ introduction = gr.Markdown(introductiontext)
+ with gr.Box(visible=True):
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
+ command = gr.Textbox(label="Links", placeholder=testboxplaceholder, lines=7, max_lines=7)
+ with gr.Box(visible=True) as boxtohide:
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ with gr.Column(scale=1):
+ choose_downloader = gr.Radio(["gdown", "wget", "curl", "aria2"], value=storedstatedownloader, label="Download method")
+ else:
+ with gr.Column(scale=1):
+ choose_downloader = gr.Radio(["aria2"], value=storedstatedownloader, label="Downloader")
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
+ civit_default = gr.Radio(["ckpt", "safetensors"], value=storedstatemodeltype, label="CivitAI Preferred Model Type", interactive=True)
+ civit_ispruned = gr.Radio(["fp16", "fp32"], value=storedstateprecision, label="Model Precision", interactive=True)
+ civit_alsodownvae = gr.Checkbox(storedstatevae, label="Also Download VAE", interactive=True)
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
+ with gr.Column():
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ logbox = gr.Textbox(label="Log", interactive=False)
+ else:
+ if vladmandic:
+ logbox = gr.Textbox("(remove the --disable-queue args on launch.py to enable optional logging)", label="Log", interactive=False)
+ else:
+ logbox = gr.Textbox("(use --gradio-queue args on launch.py to enable optional logging)", label="Log", interactive=False)
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ with gr.Column():
+ # with gr.Row():
+ # gr.Textbox(value=None, interactive=False, show_label=False)
+ btn_onlog = gr.Button("Turn On Logging", variant="primary", visible=True)
+ # with gr.Row():
+ btn_offlog = gr.Button("Turn Off Logging", visible=False)
+ loggingon = btn_onlog.click(keeplog, outputs=[logbox, btn_offlog, btn_onlog], every=1)
+ btn_offlog.click(offlog, outputs=[logbox, btn_offlog, btn_onlog], cancels=[loggingon])
+ # gr.Textbox(value=None, interactive=False, show_label=False)
+ # logging = gr.Radio(["Turn On Logging"], show_label=False)
+ # logging.change(keeplog, outputs=logbox, every=1)
+ out_text = gr.Textbox(label="Output")
+ else:
+ if vladmandic:
+ print("Batchlinks webui extension: (Optional) Remove the --disable-queue args to enable logging & cancel button on this extension")
+ else:
+ print("Batchlinks webui extension: (Optional) Use --gradio-queue args to enable logging & cancel button on this extension")
+ out_text = gr.Textbox("(If this text disappear, that means a download session is in progress.)", label="Output")
+ # if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ # choose_downloader = gr.Radio(["gdown", "wget", "curl"], value="gdown", label="Download method")
+ # else:
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel', visible=False) as downbox:
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ with gr.Column(scale=1):
+ choose_downloader2 = gr.Radio(["gdown", "wget", "curl", "aria2"], value="gdown", label="Download method")
+ else:
+ with gr.Column(scale=1):
+ choose_downloader2 = gr.Radio(["aria2"], value="aria2", label="Downloader")
+ with gr.Row(variant='panel', visible=False) as civitbox:
+ # with gr.Box():
+ # with gr.Column(scale=1):
+ # with gr.Row():
+ civit_default2 = gr.Radio(["ckpt", "safetensors"], value="safetensors", label="CivitAI Preferred Model Type", interactive=True)
+ civit_ispruned2 = gr.Radio(["fp16", "fp32"], value="fp16", label="Model Precision", interactive=True)
+ # with gr.Row():
+ # civit_ispruned = gr.Checkbox(True, label="Pruned", interactive=True)
+ civit_alsodownvae2 = gr.Checkbox(True, label="Also Download VAE", interactive=True)
+ # def passvaluebetweenradio(newval):
+ # return gr.Radio.update(value=newval)
+ # def passvaluebetweencheckbox(newval):
+ # return gr.Checkbox.update(value=newval)
+ # choose_downloader2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=choose_downloader2, outputs=choose_downloader)
+ # civit_default2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=civit_default2, outputs=civit_default)
+ # civit_ispruned2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=civit_ispruned2, outputs=civit_ispruned)
+ # civit_alsodownvae2.change(passvaluebetweencheckbox, inputs=civit_alsodownvae2, outputs=civit_alsodownvae)
+ with gr.Row():
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
+ btn_run = gr.Button("Download All!", variant="primary")
+ # btn_upload = gr.UploadButton("Upload .txt", file_types="text")
+ # btn_upload.upload(uploaded, btn_upload, file_output)
+ with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
+ file_output = gr.UploadButton(file_types=['.txt'], label='Upload txt')
+ else:
+ btn_run = gr.Button("Download All!", variant="primary")
+ with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
+ file_output = gr.UploadButton(file_types=['.txt'], label='Upload txt')
+ # with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
+ # file_output = gr.UploadButton(file_types=['.txt'], label='Upload txt')
+ # copy_pastebin = gr.Button("Copy from Pastebin")
+ if gradiostate == False:
+ with gr.Row():
+ gr.Markdown(
+ f"""
After clicking the Download All button, it's recommended to inspect the
+ colab console, as every information about the download progress is there.
+ """)
+ if gradiostate == False:
+ btn_resume.click(fillbox, None, outputs=[command, out_text, btn_resume])
+ # file_output = gr.File(file_types=['.txt'], label="you can upload a .txt file containing links here")
+ # file_output.change(uploaded, file_output, command)
+ file_output.upload(uploaded, file_output, command)
+ choose_downloader.change(grchangedown, inputs=choose_downloader)
+ civit_default.change(grchangetype, inputs=civit_default)
+ civit_ispruned.change(grchangefp, inputs=civit_ispruned)
+ civit_alsodownvae.change(grchangevae, inputs=civit_alsodownvae)
+# with gr.Box(visible=True) as boxtohide:
+ # gr.Markdown("""
+ # If you feel the UI is too cramped, click the Stretch UI button above.
+ # """)
+# with gr.Accordion("List of Every Hashtags and its Path", open=False, visible=True) as rightlist:
+# righttable = gr.DataFrame(
+# buildarrayofhashtags('right'),
+# headers=["hashtag", "path"],
+# datatype=["str", "str"],
+# interactive=False
+# )
+ # sidetext = gr.Markdown(knowmoretext, visible=True)
+ def passvaluebetweenradio(newval):
+ return gr.Radio.update(value=newval)
+ def passvaluebetweencheckbox(newval):
+ return gr.Checkbox.update(value=newval)
+ choose_downloader2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=choose_downloader2, outputs=choose_downloader)
+ civit_default2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=civit_default2, outputs=civit_default)
+ civit_ispruned2.change(passvaluebetweenradio, inputs=civit_ispruned2, outputs=civit_ispruned)
+ civit_alsodownvae2.change(passvaluebetweencheckbox, inputs=civit_alsodownvae2, outputs=civit_alsodownvae)
+ finish_audio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, value=os.path.join(extension_dir, "notification.mp3"), elem_id="finish_audio", visible=False)
+ with gr.Accordion("List of Every Hashtags and its Path", open=False, visible=True) as bottomlist:
+ bottomtable = gr.DataFrame(
+ buildarrayofhashtags('bottom'),
+ headers=["hashtag", "path"],
+ datatype=["str", "str"],
+ interactive=False,
+ )
+ gr.Markdown(
+ f"""
+ Made with ❤️ by etherealxx
+ """)
+ if gradiostate == True:
+ run_event = btn_run.click(run, inputs=[command, choose_downloader, civit_default, civit_ispruned, civit_alsodownvae], outputs=[out_text, bottomtable]) #righttable was on output
+ else:
+ btn_run.click(run, inputs=[command, choose_downloader, civit_default, civit_ispruned, civit_alsodownvae], outputs=[out_text, bottomtable, btn_resume]) #righttable was on output
+ if sdless:
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ batchlinks.queue(64).launch(inbrowser=True)
+ else:
+ batchlinks.queue(64).launch(share=True)
+ else:
+ return (batchlinks, "Batchlinks Downloader", "batchlinks"),
+if not sdless:
+ script_callbacks.on_ui_tabs(on_ui_tabs)
+ on_ui_tabs()