Migrate model card from transformers-repo
Browse filesRead announcement at https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/announcement-all-model-cards-will-be-migrated-to-hf-co-model-repos/2755
Original file history: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/commits/master/model_cards/DeepPavlov/bert-base-bg-cs-pl-ru-cased/README.md
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- bg
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- cs
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- ru
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# bert-base-bg-cs-pl-ru-cased
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SlavicBERT\[1\] \(Slavic \(bg, cs, pl, ru\), cased, 12‑layer, 768‑hidden, 12‑heads, 180M parameters\) was trained on Russian News and four Wikipedias: Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian. Subtoken vocabulary was built using this data. Multilingual BERT was used as an initialization for SlavicBERT.
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\[1\]: Arkhipov M., Trofimova M., Kuratov Y., Sorokin A. \(2019\). [Tuning Multilingual Transformers for Language-Specific Named Entity Recognition](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-3712/). ACL anthology W19-3712.