__author__ = 'Tony Beltramelli - www.tonybeltramelli.com' |
import json |
from classes.Node import * |
class Compiler: |
def __init__(self, dsl_mapping_file_path): |
with open(dsl_mapping_file_path) as data_file: |
self.dsl_mapping = json.load(data_file) |
self.opening_tag = self.dsl_mapping["opening-tag"] |
self.closing_tag = self.dsl_mapping["closing-tag"] |
self.content_holder = self.opening_tag + self.closing_tag |
self.root = Node("body", None, self.content_holder) |
def compile(self, input_file_path, output_file_path, rendering_function=None): |
dsl_file = open(input_file_path) |
current_parent = self.root |
for token in dsl_file: |
token = token.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") |
if token.find(self.opening_tag) != -1: |
token = token.replace(self.opening_tag, "") |
element = Node(token, current_parent, self.content_holder) |
current_parent.add_child(element) |
current_parent = element |
elif token.find(self.closing_tag) != -1: |
current_parent = current_parent.parent |
else: |
tokens = token.split(",") |
for t in tokens: |
element = Node(t, current_parent, self.content_holder) |
current_parent.add_child(element) |
output_html = self.root.render(self.dsl_mapping, rendering_function=rendering_function) |
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file: |
output_file.write(output_html) |