--- license: mit --- [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/232596713892872193?logo=discord)](https://discord.gg/2JhHVh7CGu) This is a severely undertrained research network as a POC for the architecture. It was trained on ~700 example images for 2000 epochs reaching a minimal MSE loss of ~0.06. The generation is unconditioned (No text knowledge yet, simply generates something plauible from the flow objective.) This repo is meant only as a demo of a strong, <100M parameter example model that can achieve strong color balance and achieve low loss on pixel diffusion. The next step is scaling up the data. A semi custom network based on the follow paper [Simpler Diffusion (SiD2)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.19324v1) This network uses the optimal transport flow matching objective outlined [Flow Matching for Generative Modeling](https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.02747) xATGLU Layers are used instead of linears for entry into the transformer MLP layer [Expanded Gating Ranges Improve Activation Functions](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.20768) ```python train.py``` will train a new image network on the provided dataset. ```python test_sample.py step_1799.safetensors``` Where step_1799.safetensors is the desired model to test inference on. This will always generate a sample grid of 16x16 images. ![samples](./1.png) ![samples](./2.png) ![samples](./3.png) ![samples](./4.png)