Upload 21 files
Browse files- I-效果风格/风格引导/MBE_Style_v2.0.civitai.info +221 -0
- I-/346/225/210/346/236/234/351/243/216/346/240/274//351/243/216/346/240/274/345/274/225/345/257/274/MBE_Style_v2.0.preview.png +0 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/MBE_Style_v2.0.safetensors +3 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/c1b1 - Chibi.civitai.info +327 -0
- I-/346/225/210/346/236/234/351/243/216/346/240/274//351/243/216/346/240/274/345/274/225/345/257/274/c1b1 - Chibi.preview.png +0 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/c1b1 - Chibi.safetensors +3 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/erofigure_v01.04.civitai.info +423 -0
- I-/346/225/210/346/236/234/351/243/216/346/240/274//351/243/216/346/240/274/345/274/225/345/257/274/erofigure_v01.04.preview.png +0 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/erofigure_v01.04.safetensors +3 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/paperchara_v050.civitai.info +167 -0
- I-/346/225/210/346/236/234/351/243/216/346/240/274//351/243/216/346/240/274/345/274/225/345/257/274/paperchara_v050.preview.png +0 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/paperchara_v050.safetensors +3 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/type-chibis-rhfh-v2.civitai.info +234 -0
- I-/346/225/210/346/236/234/351/243/216/346/240/274//351/243/216/346/240/274/345/274/225/345/257/274/type-chibis-rhfh-v2.preview.png +0 -0
- I-效果风格/风格引导/type-chibis-rhfh-v2.safetensors +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
1 |
2 |
"id": 150375,
3 |
"modelId": 136334,
4 |
"name": "v2.0",
5 |
"createdAt": "2023-08-28T15:20:21.240Z",
6 |
"updatedAt": "2023-08-28T15:25:36.731Z",
7 |
"trainedWords": [
8 |
9 |
10 |
"trainingStatus": null,
11 |
"trainingDetails": null,
12 |
"baseModel": "SD 1.5",
13 |
"baseModelType": null,
14 |
"earlyAccessTimeFrame": 0,
15 |
"description": null,
16 |
"stats": {
17 |
"downloadCount": 96,
18 |
"ratingCount": 0,
19 |
"rating": 0
20 |
21 |
"model": {
22 |
"name": "MBE Style",
23 |
"type": "LORA",
24 |
"nsfw": false,
25 |
"poi": false,
26 |
"description": "<h3 id=\"heading-388\"><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">What is MBE style? </span></h3><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">The original creator of MBE style is a French designer MBE, who released it on the dribbble website at the end of 2015. MBE style evolved from wireframe Q-version cartoon drawings. The design uses larger and bolder strokes. Compared to flat-style illustrations without strokes, it removes unnecessary color block differentiations inside, making it more concise, universal, and recognizable. The bold strokes create a clear separation and highlight the content, simplifying complexity. All icons and works of this type are referred to as MBE style.</span></p><p></p><h3 id=\"heading-389\"><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">Model introduction and recommended parameters:</span></h3><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">This is a LoRA model that reproduces the MBE cartoon style. It can easily generate MBE-style UI icons and works with bright colors and bold strokes.</span></p><p></p><ul><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">Trigger word: </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">MBE_style</span></p></li><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">Model weight: </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">0.8-1.2</span></p></li><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">CLIP: </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">2</span></p></li><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">Suggested prompt words: objects, props, please add </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">no humans</span></p></li><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">Recommended resolution: </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">512*512 or 512*768</span></p></li><li><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">Recommended large models: </span><span style=\"color:#fa5252\">AnythingV5, Anything ink, Ghostmix</span><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">, and other second-dimensional flat illustration base models.</span></p></li></ul><p></p><p></p><hr /><h2 id=\"heading-390\"></h2><h2 id=\"heading-391\"><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">\u4ec0\u4e48\u662fMBE\u98ce\u683c</span></h2><p>MBE\u98ce\u683c\u7684\u539f\u521b\u4f5c\u8005\u662f\u6cd5\u56fd\u8bbe\u8ba1\u5e08MBE\u4e8e2015\u5e74\u5e74\u5e95\u5728dribbble\u7f51\u7ad9\u4e0a\u53d1\u5e03\uff0c\u4ece\u7ebf\u6846\u578bQ\u7248\u5361\u901a\u753b\u6f14\u53d8\u51fa\u6765\u7684MBE\u98ce\u683c\uff0c\u8bbe\u8ba1\u91c7\u7528\u4e86\u66f4\u5927\u66f4\u7c97\u7684\u63cf\u8fb9\uff0c\u76f8\u6bd4\u6ca1\u6709\u63cf\u8fb9\u7684\u6241\u5e73\u5316\u98ce\u683c\u63d2\u753b\u53bb\u9664\u4e86\u91cc\u9762\u4e0d\u5fc5\u8981\u7684\u8272\u5757\u533a\u5206\uff0c\u66f4\u7b80\u6d01\u3001\u66f4\u901a\u7528\u3001\u6613\u8bc6\u522b\u3002\u7c97\u7ebf\u6761\u63cf\u8fb9\u8d77\u5230\u4e86\u5bf9\u754c\u9762\u7684\u7edd\u5bf9\u9694\u7edd\uff0c\u7a81\u663e\u5185\u5bb9\uff0c\u8868\u73b0\u6e05\u6670\uff0c\u5316\u7e41\u4e3a\u7b80\uff1b\u6240\u6709\u6b64\u7c7b\u578b\u7684\u56fe\u6807\u548c\u4f5c\u54c1\u90fd\u88ab\u79f0\u4e3aMBE\u98ce\u683c\u3002</p><h2 id=\"heading-392\"><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">\u6a21\u578b\u4ecb\u7ecd\u53ca\u53c2\u6570\u63a8\u8350</span></h2><p>\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u8fd8\u539fMBE\u5361\u901a\u98ce\u683c\u7684LoRA\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u65b9\u4fbf\u751f\u6210MBE\u98ce\u683c\u7684UI\u56fe\u6807\u548c\u4f5c\u54c1\uff0c\u62e5\u6709\u660e\u4eae\u7684\u989c\u8272\u548c\u7c97\u5927\u7684\u63cf\u8fb9\u3002</p><p><strong>\u89e6\u53d1\u8bcd\uff1a<em><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 77, 79)\">MBE_style</span></em></strong></p><p><strong>\u6a21\u578b\u6743\u91cd\uff1a<em><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 77, 79)\">0.8-1.2</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em>CLIP : <span style=\"color:rgb(255, 77, 79)\">2</span></em></strong></p><p><strong>\u63d0\u793a\u8bcd\u5efa\u8bae\uff1a</strong>\u7269\u54c1\u3001\u9053\u5177\u7c7b\uff0c\u8bf7\u6dfb\u52a0 <strong><em><span style=\"color:rgb(225, 60, 57)\">no humans</span></em></strong></p><p><strong>\u5206\u8fa8\u7387\u5efa\u8bae\uff1a512*512 \u6216\u8005 512*768</strong></p><p><strong>\u5927\u6a21\u578b\u5efa\u8bae\uff1a<em><span style=\"color:rgb(225, 60, 57)\">AnythingV5 , Anything ink , Ghostmix </span><span>\u7b49\u4e8c\u6b21\u5143\u6241\u5e73\u63d2\u753b\u5927\u6a21\u578b</span></em></strong></p><p><em><span style=\"color:#40c057\">QQ\u4ea4\u6d41\u7fa4\u53f7\uff1a</span></em><strong><em><span style=\"color:#40c057\">865046791</span></em></strong></p><p></p><hr /><p><strong><span style=\"color:#228be6\">\u6a21\u578b\u7528\u9014\u58f0\u660e</span></strong></p><p>1. \u60a8\u4e0d\u5f97\u5c06\u6b64\u6a21\u578b\u53ca\u5176\u884d\u751f\u7248\u672c\uff08\u5982\u878d\u5408\u6a21\u578b\u7248\u672c\uff09\u6258\u7ba1\u4e8e\u8ba1\u5212\u8d5a\u53d6\u6536\u5165\u6216\u6350\u8d60\u7684\u7f51\u7ad9/\u5e94\u7528\u7a0b\u5e8f\u3002\u5982\u679c\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u5c06\u6b64\u6a21\u578b\u53ca\u5176\u884d\u751f\u7248\u672c\u7528\u4e8e\u5546\u4e1a\u76ee\u7684\uff08\u5982\u751f\u6210\u5f0f\u670d\u52a1\u3001\u552e\u5356\u56fe\u7247\u3001\u5c06\u56fe\u7247\u7528\u4e8e\u516c\u5f00\u53d1\u8868\u7684\u6587\u7ae0\u6216\u51fa\u7248\u7269\u7b49\uff09\uff0c\u8bf7\u901a\u8fc7\u5fae\u4fe1\u8054\u7cfb\u672c\u4eba\uff08<span style=\"color:#fa5252\">swy198781</span>\uff09\u3002</p><p>2. \u60a8\u4e0d\u5f97\u76f4\u63a5\u552e\u5356\u7531\u6b64\u6a21\u578b\u751f\u6210\u7684\u56fe\u7247\uff0c\u9664\u975e\u60a8\u5bf9\u8be5\u56fe\u7247\u8fdb\u884c\u4e86\u8db3\u591f\u7a0b\u5ea6\u7684\u4eba\u5de5\u4fee\u6539\uff0c\u4f7f\u5176\u5728\u6cd5\u5f8b\u610f\u4e49\u4e0a\u53ef\u4ee5\u88ab\u5b8c\u5168\u5224\u5b9a\u4e3a\u60a8\u7684\u4e2a\u4eba\u4f5c\u54c1\u3002\u5982\u679c\u60a8\u8fdd\u53cd\u672c\u6761\uff0c\u6240\u9020\u6210\u7684\u4e00\u5207\u6cd5\u5f8b\u540e\u679c\u7531\u60a8\u4e2a\u4eba\u627f\u62c5\uff0c\u8bf7\u6055\u672c\u4eba\u6982\u4e0d\u8d1f\u8d23\u3002</p><p>3. \u60a8\u4e0d\u80fd\u4f7f\u7528\u8be5\u6a21\u578b\u6545\u610f\u5236\u4f5c\u6216\u5171\u4eab\u975e\u6cd5\u6216\u6709\u5bb3\u7684\u8f93\u51fa\u6216\u5185\u5bb9\uff0c\u8bf7\u60a8\u9075\u5b88\u516c\u5e8f\u826f\u5fb7\uff0c\u5c06\u6b64\u6a21\u578b\u7528\u4e8e\u79ef\u6781\u6b63\u9762\u7684\u7528\u9014\u3002</p>",
27 |
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35 |
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36 |
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37 |
38 |
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40 |
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41 |
"url": "https://civitai-delivery-worker-prod-2023-08-01.5ac0637cfd0766c97916cefa3764fbdf.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/model/1109498/mbeStyleV20.YARs.safetensors",
42 |
"sizeKB": 147572.7109375,
43 |
"name": "MBE_Style_v2.0.safetensors",
44 |
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45 |
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47 |
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49 |
50 |
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52 |
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53 |
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54 |
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55 |
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56 |
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57 |
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62 |
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63 |
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64 |
65 |
66 |
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89 |
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94 |
95 |
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97 |
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98 |
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99 |
"Model": "anything-v5-PrtRE",
100 |
"steps": 20,
101 |
"hashes": {
102 |
"model": "7f96a1a9ca"
103 |
104 |
"prompt": "MBE_style,no humans,simple background,white background,the burger is sandwiched with tomato and beef patties,, masterpiece,high quality,",
105 |
"Version": "v1.4.0",
106 |
"sampler": "Euler a",
107 |
"cfgScale": 7,
108 |
"clipSkip": 2,
109 |
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110 |
111 |
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112 |
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113 |
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116 |
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117 |
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118 |
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120 |
121 |
122 |
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123 |
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124 |
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125 |
"negativePrompt": "(worst quality, low quality:2),NSFW",
126 |
"AddNet Module 1": "LoRA",
127 |
"AddNet Weight A 1": "1",
128 |
"AddNet Weight B 1": "1"
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
"url": "https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/35af7ef7-f656-4dd0-aeb1-09ce195fbbb6/width=450/2245946.jpeg",
133 |
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134 |
"width": 1024,
135 |
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136 |
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137 |
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138 |
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140 |
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141 |
"width": 1024,
142 |
"height": 1536
143 |
144 |
"meta": {
145 |
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146 |
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147 |
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148 |
"seed": 2097833340,
149 |
"Model": "anything-v5-PrtRE",
150 |
"steps": 20,
151 |
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152 |
"model": "7f96a1a9ca"
153 |
154 |
"prompt": "BME_style, 1girl, Mid-autumn festival, ancient Chinese lady, beautiful lines, smile, standing, full body, chibi, <lora:MBE:1>, masterpiece,high quality,",
155 |
"Version": "v1.4.0",
156 |
"sampler": "Euler a",
157 |
"cfgScale": 7,
158 |
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159 |
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160 |
161 |
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162 |
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163 |
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164 |
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166 |
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167 |
"name": "anything-v5-PrtRE",
168 |
"type": "model"
169 |
170 |
171 |
"Model hash": "7f96a1a9ca",
172 |
"negativePrompt": "(worst quality, low quality:2),NSFW"
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
"url": "https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/6207f066-5347-4d51-b101-163b344db8ab/width=450/2245947.jpeg",
177 |
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178 |
"width": 1024,
179 |
"height": 1536,
180 |
"hash": "UFP$wM#RWB$%?^W.j[X9TeWToMo#n2smWAi^",
181 |
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182 |
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184 |
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185 |
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186 |
"height": 1536
187 |
188 |
"meta": {
189 |
"\"MBE": "e9de4377309d\"",
190 |
"ENSD": "31337",
191 |
"Size": "512x768",
192 |
"seed": 3279688445,
193 |
"Model": "anything-v5-PrtRE",
194 |
"steps": 20,
195 |
"hashes": {
196 |
"model": "7f96a1a9ca"
197 |
198 |
"prompt": "BME_style, 1girl, Mid-autumn festival, ancient Chinese lady, beautiful lines, smile, standing, full body, chibi, <lora:MBE:1>, masterpiece,high quality,",
199 |
"Version": "v1.4.0",
200 |
"sampler": "Euler a",
201 |
"cfgScale": 7,
202 |
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203 |
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204 |
205 |
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206 |
"type": "lora",
207 |
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208 |
209 |
210 |
"hash": "7f96a1a9ca",
211 |
"name": "anything-v5-PrtRE",
212 |
"type": "model"
213 |
214 |
215 |
"Model hash": "7f96a1a9ca",
216 |
"negativePrompt": "(worst quality, low quality:2),NSFW"
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
"downloadUrl": "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/150375"
221 |
![]() |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
2 |
oid sha256:2c4cc9ea09acdcdbeafe5cec3b9eb2cf06abccd6122b6ae912283b06bbf4e8d7
3 |
size 151114456
I-效果风格/风格引导/c1b1 - Chibi.civitai.info
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
1 |
2 |
"id": 148262,
3 |
"modelId": 134588,
4 |
"name": "v1.0",
5 |
"createdAt": "2023-08-25T19:11:18.894Z",
6 |
"updatedAt": "2023-08-25T19:13:33.809Z",
7 |
"trainedWords": [
8 |
9 |
10 |
"baseModel": "SD 1.5",
11 |
"baseModelType": null,
12 |
"earlyAccessTimeFrame": 0,
13 |
"description": null,
14 |
"stats": {
15 |
"downloadCount": 71,
16 |
"ratingCount": 0,
17 |
"rating": 0
18 |
19 |
"model": {
20 |
"name": "Cute Chibi Cat Pattern Style ",
21 |
"type": "LORA",
22 |
"nsfw": false,
23 |
"poi": false,
24 |
"description": "<p>A chibi style model with cats all over the place. Not that huge of a dataset, but surprisingly somewhat flexible. Works great at strength <strong>1</strong></p><p></p><p>Instance token is: <strong>c1b1</strong></p><p></p><p><strong><em>Use the prompt</em></strong>:</p><p><em>chibi, cute</em></p>",
25 |
"tags": [
26 |
27 |
28 |
"concept art",
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
"style art",
36 |
37 |
38 |
"allowNoCredit": true,
39 |
"allowCommercialUse": "Image",
40 |
"allowDerivatives": true,
41 |
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42 |
43 |
"files": [
44 |
45 |
"id": 109963,
46 |
"url": "https://civitai-delivery-worker-prod-2023-08-01.5ac0637cfd0766c97916cefa3764fbdf.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/model/483107/c1b12020chibi.1rm4.safetensors",
47 |
"sizeKB": 73843.1875,
48 |
"name": "c1b1 - Chibi.safetensors",
49 |
"type": "Model",
50 |
"metadata": {
51 |
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52 |
"size": null,
53 |
"format": "SafeTensor"
54 |
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"description": "<h1 id=\"heading-6\"><strong><em><span style=\"color:rgb(0, 255, 89)\">Look here!!</span></em></strong></h1><h1 id=\"heading-7\"><br /><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(130, 201, 30)\">Primary cue word</span></strong></h1><p><strong>chibi</strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(130, 201, 30)\">Character cue</span><span style=\"color:rgb(16, 18, 20)\"> word</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">cattype_1</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">cattype_2</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">cattype_3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">cattype_4</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">nottype_1</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">foxtype_1</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">foxtype_2</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">foxtype_3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">girltype_1</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">girltype_2</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">girltype_3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">gruatype</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">nachonekotype</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">shizukutype</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(18, 184, 134)\">nekoparatype</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(130, 201, 30)\">Recommended weight</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(130, 201, 30)\">0.3-0.8</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"color:rgb(190, 75, 219)\">If you think it's good, like it</span></strong></p><h3 id=\"heading-257\"><span style=\"color:rgb(0, 255, 255)\">Figure prompt word picture display</span></h3><p>cattype_1</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/8f799395-e24d-41e1-98df-b356eb4143c5/width=525/8f799395-e24d-41e1-98df-b356eb4143c5.jpeg\" /></p><p>cattype_2</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/60f34b73-6d58-4eb9-ad34-6c14698d0328/width=525/60f34b73-6d58-4eb9-ad34-6c14698d0328.jpeg\" /></p><p>cattype_3</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/f9b92cce-430a-40e6-ae4b-e7201de1b9d0/width=525/f9b92cce-430a-40e6-ae4b-e7201de1b9d0.jpeg\" /></p><p>cattype_4</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/6a771edc-05b5-4f51-a511-de4fbce28288/width=525/6a771edc-05b5-4f51-a511-de4fbce28288.jpeg\" /></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(255, 255, 255)\">foxtype_1</span></p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/a7ea7353-effb-48db-80c0-d313bf07c206/width=525/a7ea7353-effb-48db-80c0-d313bf07c206.jpeg\" /></p><p>foxtype_2<br /><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/06fce32a-47bb-4582-b337-20c1a3416233/width=525/06fce32a-47bb-4582-b337-20c1a3416233.jpeg\" /></p><p>foxtype_3</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/977618e2-60e8-4c69-9c46-507dcd1e2dc9/width=525/977618e2-60e8-4c69-9c46-507dcd1e2dc9.jpeg\" /></p><p>girltype_1<br /><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/aad6ba9a-37ec-4ddd-b3a5-5cbe1a22d359/width=525/aad6ba9a-37ec-4ddd-b3a5-5cbe1a22d359.jpeg\" /></p><p>girltype_2</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/ed63eb57-e4e5-4813-a269-c7d1860ce7bc/width=525/ed63eb57-e4e5-4813-a269-c7d1860ce7bc.jpeg\" /></p><p>girltype_3</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/f12b85a9-3699-4ede-a62f-e7ab208249a2/width=525/f12b85a9-3699-4ede-a62f-e7ab208249a2.jpeg\" /></p><p>gruatype (<strong>I typed the wrong cue word when training the model</strong>)</p><p>i<img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/fa07aae6-8ca8-4e8a-8a07-dc7330bf7cb2/width=525/fa07aae6-8ca8-4e8a-8a07-dc7330bf7cb2.jpeg\" /></p><p>nachonekotype</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/2044321c-9fef-42dd-9138-ea575171a3c7/width=525/2044321c-9fef-42dd-9138-ea575171a3c7.jpeg\" /></p><p>shizukutype</p><p><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/fd58df2b-a4b9-4a4a-b37c-d1b61285d7d7/width=525/fd58df2b-a4b9-4a4a-b37c-d1b61285d7d7.jpeg\" /></p><p></p><p><strong>nekoparatype(v2 model update)</strong></p><p><strong><img src=\"https://image.civitai.com/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/1f9fb451-7d8a-4fb9-9777-63484ab3c528/width=525/1f9fb451-7d8a-4fb9-9777-63484ab3c528.jpeg\" /></strong></p><p></p><p></p><h3 id=\"heading-7\"><span style=\"color:#fd7e14\">There are more training sets, but they are so few that I haven't labeled them, but you can still restore them if you use a lot of prompt words. If you think this model is good, remember to return the picture \"like\" comments ~</span></h3>",
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