var result1 = new Array(); |
var result2 = new Array(); |
var typeComp = 0; |
var mon1, mon2; |
var num1, num2; |
var mon1stats, mon2stats; |
var mon1types, mon2types; |
var mon1abilities, mon2abilities; |
var jsonBody; |
var box1 = document.getElementById('fname1'); |
var box2 = document.getElementById('fname2'); |
var dl = document.createElement('datalist'); |
dl.id = 'dlPkmn'; |
for (var i=0 ; i < ids.length; i += 1) { |
var option = document.createElement('option'); |
if (nameFix.includes(ids[i][0].toLowerCase())) { |
var val = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(ids[i][0].toLowerCase())] |
option.value = val[0].toUpperCase() + val.substring(1) |
} |
else { |
option.value = ids[i][0]; |
} |
dl.appendChild(option); |
} |
box1.appendChild(dl); |
box2.appendChild(dl); |
var pkmn1 = document.getElementById('fname1'); |
pkmn1.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { |
if (event.keyCode === 13) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
document.getElementById("button").click(); |
} |
}); |
var pkmn2 = document.getElementById('fname2'); |
pkmn2.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { |
if (event.keyCode === 13) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
document.getElementById("button").click(); |
} |
}); |
function resetPoke() { |
document.getElementById("fname1").value = null; |
document.getElementById("fname2").value = null; |
document.getElementById("p1").src = "types/unknown.png"; |
document.getElementById("p2").style = "display:none"; |
document.getElementById("p3").src = "types/unknown.png"; |
document.getElementById("p4").style = "display:none"; |
document.getElementById("pic1").src = "question.png"; |
document.getElementById("pic2").src = "question.png"; |
document.getElementById("dexnumber1").innerHTML = " "; |
document.getElementById("dexnumber2").innerHTML = " "; |
document.getElementById("fusionid1").innerHTML = " "; |
document.getElementById("fusionid2").innerHTML = " "; |
document.getElementById("FP1").innerHTML = "mon1/mon2"; |
document.getElementById("FP2").innerHTML = "mon2/mon1"; |
document.getElementById("hp1").innerHTML = "HP: "; |
document.getElementById("atk1").innerHTML = "ATK: "; |
document.getElementById("def1").innerHTML = "DEF: "; |
document.getElementById("spatk1").innerHTML = "SPE.ATK: "; |
document.getElementById("spdef1").innerHTML = "SPE.DEF: "; |
document.getElementById("spe1").innerHTML = "SPEED: "; |
document.getElementById("bs1").innerHTML = "TOTAL: "; |
document.getElementById("ab1").innerHTML = "ABILITY:"; |
document.getElementById("hab1").innerHTML = ""; |
document.getElementById("hp2").innerHTML = "HP: "; |
document.getElementById("atk2").innerHTML = "ATK: "; |
document.getElementById("def2").innerHTML = "DEF: "; |
document.getElementById("spatk2").innerHTML = "SPE.ATK: "; |
document.getElementById("spdef2").innerHTML = "SPE.DEF: "; |
document.getElementById("spe2").innerHTML = "SPEED: "; |
document.getElementById("bs2").innerHTML = "TOTAL: "; |
document.getElementById("ab2").innerHTML = "ABILITY:"; |
document.getElementById("hab2").innerHTML = ""; |
document.getElementById("weak14").innerHTML = "x4: "; |
document.getElementById("weak12").innerHTML = "x2: "; |
document.getElementById("weak11").innerHTML = "x1: "; |
document.getElementById("weak105").innerHTML = "x0.5: "; |
document.getElementById("weak1025").innerHTML = "x0.25: "; |
document.getElementById("weak100").innerHTML = "x0: "; |
document.getElementById("weak24").innerHTML = "x4: "; |
document.getElementById("weak22").innerHTML = "x2: "; |
document.getElementById("weak21").innerHTML = "x1: "; |
document.getElementById("weak205").innerHTML = "x0.5: "; |
document.getElementById("weak2025").innerHTML = "x0.25: "; |
document.getElementById("weak200").innerHTML = "x0: "; |
var L0 = ["hp1","atk1","def1","spatk1","spdef1","spe1","bs1"]; |
var L1 = ["hp2","atk2","def2","spatk2","spdef2","spe2","bs2"]; |
for (var i = 0; i < L0.length; i++) { |
document.getElementById(L0[i]).style.color = ""; |
document.getElementById(L1[i]).style.color = ""; |
} |
} |
function getRandomPokeID(){ |
maxPoke = 420 |
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(maxPoke)); |
} |
function randomBothPoke() {randomPoke(true, true)} |
function randomFirstPoke() {randomPoke(true, false)} |
function randomSecondPoke() {randomPoke(false, true)} |
function randomPoke(should_rand1, should_rand2) { |
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button"); |
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
buttons[i].disabled = true; |
}; |
if(should_rand1 || num1 == undefined) {rand1 = getRandomPokeID();} |
else{rand1 = num1 - 1;} |
if(should_rand2 || num2 == undefined) {rand2 = getRandomPokeID();} |
else{rand2 = num2 - 1;} |
var name = ids[rand1][0].toLowerCase(); |
if (nameFix.includes(name)) { |
name = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(name)]; |
} |
document.getElementById("fname1").value = name |
var name2 = ids[rand2][0].toLowerCase(); |
if (nameFix.includes(name2)) { |
name2 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(name2)]; |
} |
document.getElementById("fname2").value = name2 |
fusePoke() |
} |
function getPokemonName(htmlId){ |
var pokemonName = (document.getElementById(htmlId)).value.toLowerCase(); |
pokemonName = pokemonName.replace(/\W/g, ''); |
return pokemonName; |
} |
function fusePoke() { |
mon1 = getPokemonName("fname1"); |
mon2 = getPokemonName("fname2"); |
if (isMissingNames(mon1, mon2)) { |
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button"); |
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
buttons[i].disabled = false; |
}; |
alert("Please fill the two text inputs!"); |
} |
else { |
if(mon1=="nidoran" || mon2 =="nidoran"){ |
alert("Please specify a gender to Nidoran (f or m)"); |
} |
else{ |
if (nameException.includes(mon1)) { |
mon1 = nameFix[nameException.indexOf(mon1)]; |
} |
if (nameException.includes(mon2)) { |
mon2 = nameFix[nameException.indexOf(mon2)]; |
} |
var xhr1a = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
var url1a = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/" + mon1; |
xhr1a.open('GET', url1a, true); |
xhr1a.send(); |
xhr1a.onload = function() { |
jsonBody = xhr1a.responseText; |
if(jsonBody) { |
if(jsonBody != "Not Found"){ |
jp = JSON.parse(jsonBody); |
fuseFirstPoke(jp); |
} |
else{ |
var xhr1b = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
var url1b = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/" + mon1 + "/"; |
xhr1b.open('GET', url1b, true); |
xhr1b.send(); |
xhr1b.onload = function() { |
jsonBody = xhr1b.responseText; |
if(jsonBody) { |
if(jsonBody != "Not Found"){ |
jp = JSON.parse(jsonBody); |
fuseFirstPoke(jp); |
} |
else{ |
alert("First pokemon was misspelled ?"); |
} |
} |
else{ |
alert("PokeAPI is unreachable (1b)"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else{ |
alert("PokeAPI is unreachable (1a)"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function fuseFirstPoke(jsonString){ |
num1 = jsonString.id; |
var id1 = num1; |
var idCheck1 = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){ |
if (ids[i][0] == mon1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon1.slice(1)) { |
idCheck1 = true; |
num1 = ids[i][1]; |
} |
} |
if (idCheck1 == false && id1 >= 252) { |
alert("The first pokemon isn't in the fangame!") |
} |
else { |
var type1 = jsonString.types; |
mon1types = []; |
var compt = 0; |
for (var i = 0; i < typeSwap.length; i++) { |
if (typeSwap[i][2] == mon1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon1.slice(1)) { |
mon1types.push(typeSwap[i][0]); |
mon1types.push(typeSwap[i][1]); |
var compt = 1; |
} |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < typeUni.length; i++) { |
if (typeUni[i][1] == mon1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon1.slice(1)) { |
mon1types.push(typeUni[i][0]); |
var compt = 2; |
} |
} |
if (compt == 0) { |
mon1types.push(type1[0].type.name); |
if (type1.length == 2 && compt != 2) { |
if (type1[0].type.name == "normal" && type1[1].type.name == "flying") { |
mon1types[0] = "flying"; |
} else { |
mon1types.push(type1[1].type.name); |
} |
} |
} |
var stats1; |
if (statsException.includes(mon1)) { |
stats1 = statsFix[statsException.indexOf(mon1)]; |
} else { |
stats1 = jsonString.stats; |
} |
mon1stats = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < stats1.length; i++) { |
mon1stats.push(stats1[i].base_stat); |
} |
var ab1; |
if (abilitiesException.includes(mon1)) { |
ab1 = abilitiesFix[abilitiesException.indexOf(mon1)]; |
} else { |
ab1 = jsonString.abilities; |
} |
mon1abilities = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < ab1.length; i++) { |
mon1abilities.push([ab1[i].ability, ab1[i].is_hidden]); |
} |
var xhr2a = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
var url2a = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/" + mon2; |
xhr2a.open('GET', url2a, true); |
xhr2a.send(); |
xhr2a.onload = function() { |
jsonBody = xhr2a.responseText; |
if(jsonBody){ |
if(jsonBody != "Not Found"){ |
jp = JSON.parse(jsonBody); |
fuseSecondPoke(jp); |
} |
else{ |
var xhr2b = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
var url2b = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/" + mon2 + "/"; |
xhr2b.open('GET', url2b, true); |
xhr2b.send(); |
xhr2b.onload = function() { |
jsonBody = xhr2b.responseText; |
if(jsonBody) { |
if(jsonBody != "Not Found"){ |
jp = JSON.parse(jsonBody); |
fuseSecondPoke(jp); |
} |
else{ |
alert("Second pokemon was misspelled ?"); |
} |
} |
else{ |
alert("PokeAPI is unreachable (2b)"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else{ |
alert("PokeAPI is unreachable (2a)"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function fuseSecondPoke(jsonString){ |
num2 = jsonString.id; |
var id2 = num2; |
var idCheck2 = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){ |
if (ids[i][0] == mon2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon2.slice(1)) { |
idCheck2 = true; |
num2 = ids[i][1]; |
} |
} |
if (idCheck2 == false && id2 >= 252) { |
alert("The second pokemon isn't in the fangame!") |
} |
else { |
var type2 = jsonString.types; |
mon2types = []; |
var compt = 0; |
for (var i = 0; i < typeSwap.length; i++) { |
if (typeSwap[i][2] == mon2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon2.slice(1)) { |
mon2types.push(typeSwap[i][0]); |
mon2types.push(typeSwap[i][1]); |
var compt = 1; |
} |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < typeUni.length; i++) { |
if (typeUni[i][1] == mon2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon2.slice(1)) { |
mon2types.push(typeUni[i][0]); |
var compt = 2; |
} |
} |
if (compt == 0) { |
mon2types.push(type2[0].type.name); |
if (type2.length == 2 && compt != 2) { |
if (type2[0].type.name == "normal" && type2[1].type.name == "flying") { |
mon2types[0] = "flying"; |
} else { |
mon2types.push(type2[1].type.name); |
} |
} |
} |
var stats2; |
if (statsException.includes(mon2)) { |
stats2 = statsFix[statsException.indexOf(mon2)]; |
} else { |
stats2 = jsonString.stats; |
} |
mon2stats = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < stats2.length; i++) { |
mon2stats.push(stats2[i].base_stat); |
} |
var ab2; |
if (abilitiesException.includes(mon2)) { |
ab2 = abilitiesFix[abilitiesException.indexOf(mon2)]; |
} else { |
ab2 = jsonString.abilities; |
} |
mon2abilities = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < ab2.length; i++) { |
mon2abilities.push([ab2[i].ability, ab2[i].is_hidden]); |
} |
fuseBothPoke() |
} |
} |
function fuseBothPoke(){ |
if (!nameFix.includes(mon1) && !nameFix.includes(mon2)) { |
var fmon1 = mon1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon1.slice(1); |
var fmon2 = mon2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon2.slice(1); |
} else if (nameFix.includes(mon1) && !nameFix.includes(mon2)) { |
var fmon1 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon1)].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon1)].slice(1); |
var fmon2 = mon2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon2.slice(1); |
} else if (!nameFix.includes(mon1) && nameFix.includes(mon2)) { |
var fmon1 = mon1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mon1.slice(1); |
var fmon2 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon2)].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon2)].slice(1); |
} else if (nameFix.includes(mon1) && nameFix.includes(mon2)) { |
var fmon1 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon1)].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon1)].slice(1); |
var fmon2 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon2)].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + nameException[nameFix.indexOf(mon2)].slice(1); |
} |
var dexnum1 = Math.floor(num1 + (420 * num2)); |
var dexnum2 = Math.floor(num2 + (420 * num1)); |
document.getElementById("dexnumber1").innerHTML = dexnum1; |
document.getElementById("dexnumber2").innerHTML = dexnum2; |
document.getElementById("fusionid1").innerHTML = " (" + num1 + "." + num2 + ")"; |
document.getElementById("fusionid2").innerHTML = " (" + num2 + "." + num1 + ")"; |
document.getElementById("FP1").innerHTML = fmon1+ "/" + fmon2; |
document.getElementById("FP2").innerHTML = fmon2 + "/" + fmon1; |
var pic1 = num1 + "." + num2 + ".png"; |
var pic2 = num2 + "." + num1 + ".png"; |
var hp1 = (mon2stats[0]/3) + 2*(mon1stats[0]/3); |
var atk1 = 2*(mon2stats[1]/3) + (mon1stats[1]/3); |
var def1 = 2*(mon2stats[2]/3) + (mon1stats[2]/3); |
var spatk1 = (mon2stats[3]/3) + 2*(mon1stats[3]/3); |
var spdef1 = (mon2stats[4]/3) + 2*(mon1stats[4]/3); |
var spe1 = 2*(mon2stats[5]/3) + (mon1stats[5]/3); |
var bs1 = Math.floor(hp1) + Math.floor(atk1) + Math.floor(def1) + Math.floor(spatk1) + Math.floor(spdef1) + Math.floor(spe1); |
var hp2 = (mon1stats[0]/3) + 2*(mon2stats[0]/3); |
var atk2 = 2*(mon1stats[1]/3) + (mon2stats[1]/3); |
var def2= 2*(mon1stats[2]/3) + (mon2stats[2]/3); |
var spatk2 = (mon1stats[3]/3) + 2*(mon2stats[3]/3); |
var spdef2 = (mon1stats[4]/3) + 2*(mon2stats[4]/3); |
var spe2 = 2*(mon1stats[5]/3) + (mon2stats[5]/3); |
var bs2 = Math.floor(hp2) + Math.floor(atk2) + Math.floor(def2) + Math.floor(spatk2) + Math.floor(spdef2) + Math.floor(spe2); |
var L0 = ["hp1","atk1","def1","spatk1","spdef1","spe1","bs1"]; |
var L1 = ["hp2","atk2","def2","spatk2","spdef2","spe2","bs2"]; |
var L2 = [Math.floor(hp1), Math.floor(atk1), Math.floor(def1), Math.floor(spatk1), Math.floor(spdef1), Math.floor(spe1), Math.floor(bs1)]; |
var L3 = [Math.floor(hp2), Math.floor(atk2), Math.floor(def2), Math.floor(spatk2), Math.floor(spdef2), Math.floor(spe2), Math.floor(bs2)]; |
var L4 = []; |
var L5 = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < L0.length; i++) { |
L4.push(Math.max(L2[i], L3[i])-Math.min(L2[i], L3[i])); |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < L1.length; i++) { |
if (L2[i] < L3[i]) { |
document.getElementById(L0[i]).style.color = "red"; |
document.getElementById(L1[i]).style.color = "green"; |
L5.push(" (+" + L4[i] + ")"); |
L4[i] = " (-" + L4[i] + ")"; |
} else if (L2[i] > L3[i]) { |
document.getElementById(L1[i]).style.color = "red"; |
document.getElementById(L0[i]).style.color = "green"; |
L5.push(" (-" + L4[i] + ")"); |
L4[i] = " (+" + L4[i] + ")"; |
} else { |
document.getElementById(L1[i]).style.color = "orange"; |
document.getElementById(L0[i]).style.color = "orange"; |
L4[i] = " (0)"; |
L5.push(" (0)"); |
} |
document.getElementById(L0[i]).innerHTML = L0[i].slice(-1) + ": " + L2[i]; |
document.getElementById(L1[i]).innerHTML = L1[i].slice(-1) + ": " + L3[i]; |
} |
document.getElementById("hp1").innerHTML = "HP: " + Math.floor(hp1) + L4[0]; |
document.getElementById("atk1").innerHTML = "ATK: " + Math.floor(atk1) + L4[1]; |
document.getElementById("def1").innerHTML = "DEF: " + Math.floor(def1) + L4[2]; |
document.getElementById("spatk1").innerHTML = "SPE.ATK: " + Math.floor(spatk1) + L4[3]; |
document.getElementById("spdef1").innerHTML = "SPE.DEF: " + Math.floor(spdef1) + L4[4]; |
document.getElementById("spe1").innerHTML = "SPEED: " + Math.floor(spe1) + L4[5]; |
document.getElementById("bs1").innerHTML = "TOTAL: " + Math.floor(bs1) + L4[6]; |
document.getElementById("hp2").innerHTML = "HP: " + Math.floor(hp2) + L5[0]; |
document.getElementById("atk2").innerHTML = "ATK: " + Math.floor(atk2) + L5[1]; |
document.getElementById("def2").innerHTML = "DEF: " + Math.floor(def2) + L5[2]; |
document.getElementById("spatk2").innerHTML = "SPE.ATK: " + Math.floor(spatk2) + L5[3]; |
document.getElementById("spdef2").innerHTML = "SPE.DEF: " + Math.floor(spdef2) + L5[4]; |
document.getElementById("spe2").innerHTML = "SPEED: " + Math.floor(spe2) + L5[5]; |
document.getElementById("bs2").innerHTML = "TOTAL: " + Math.floor(bs2) + L5[6]; |
if (abilitySwap.includes(mon1)) { |
[mon1abilities[0], mon1abilities[1]] = [mon1abilities[1], mon1abilities[0]]; |
} |
if (abilitySwap.includes(mon2)) { |
[mon2abilities[0], mon2abilities[1]] = [mon2abilities[1], mon2abilities[0]]; |
} |
var fmonres1 = null; |
var fmonres2 = null; |
if(mon1 == mon2 && selfFusionTypeException.includes(mon1)){ |
fmonres1 = selfFusionTypeFix[selfFusionTypeException.indexOf(mon1)]; |
fmonres2 = fmonres1 |
} |
else{ |
fmonres1 = fusType(mon1types, mon2types); |
fmonres2 = fusType(mon2types, mon1types); |
} |
if (typeComp>0) { |
c = document.getElementsByClassName('monweak'); |
for( b=0; b < c.length; b++ ) |
{ |
defaultValue = c[b].getAttribute('data-default'); |
if (defaultValue) { |
c[b].innerText = defaultValue; |
} |
} |
} |
tyeffid1 = typeId(fmonres1); |
tyeffid2 = typeId(fmonres1); |
for (var i = 0; i < typeName.length; i++) { |
result1[i] = (types[i][tyeffid1[0]] * types[i][tyeffid1[1]]); |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < typeName.length; i++) { |
var image = new Image() |
image.src = "types/" + typeName[i] + ".png"; |
if (result1[i] == 4) { |
document.getElementById("weak14").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result1[i] == 2) { |
document.getElementById("weak12").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result1[i] == 1) { |
document.getElementById("weak11").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result1[i] == 0.5) { |
document.getElementById("weak105").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result1[i] == 0.25) { |
document.getElementById("weak1025").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result1[i] == 0) { |
document.getElementById("weak100").appendChild(image); |
} |
} |
tyeffid1 = typeId(fmonres2); |
tyeffid2 = typeId(fmonres2); |
for (var i = 0; i < typeName.length; i++) { |
result2[i] = (types[i][tyeffid1[0]] * types[i][tyeffid1[1]]); |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < typeName.length; i++) { |
var image = new Image(); |
image.src = "types/" + typeName[i] + ".png"; |
if (result2[i] == 4) { |
document.getElementById("weak24").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result2[i] == 2) { |
document.getElementById("weak22").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result2[i] == 1) { |
document.getElementById("weak21").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result2[i] == 0.5) { |
document.getElementById("weak205").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result2[i] == 0.25) { |
document.getElementById("weak2025").appendChild(image); |
} |
if (result2[i] == 0) { |
document.getElementById("weak200").appendChild(image); |
} |
} |
typeComp += 1; |
document.getElementById("p1").src = "types/" + fmonres1[0] + ".png"; |
if (fmonres1.length!=1 && (fmonres1.length == 2 && fmonres1[0] != fmonres1[1])) { |
document.getElementById("p2").style.display = "inline-block"; |
document.getElementById("p2").src = "types/" + fmonres1[1] + ".png"; |
} else { |
document.getElementById("p2").style.display = "none"; |
} |
document.getElementById("p3").src = "types/" + fmonres2[0] + ".png"; |
if (fmonres2.length!=1 && (fmonres2.length == 2 && fmonres2[0] != fmonres2[1])) { |
document.getElementById("p4").style.display = "inline-block"; |
document.getElementById("p4").src = "types/" + fmonres2[1] + ".png"; |
} else { |
document.getElementById("p4").style.display = "none"; |
} |
showFusion("pic1", pic1, "fusionid1"); |
showFusion("pic2", pic2, "fusionid2"); |
var abilities1 = fusionAbilities(mon1abilities, mon2abilities); |
var hiddenAbilities1 = fusionHiddenAbilities(mon1abilities, mon2abilities, abilities1); |
var abilitiesText1 = "ABILITY: " + sanitizeAbilityList(abilities1); |
var hiddenAbilitiesText1 = sanitizeAbilityList(hiddenAbilities1); |
document.getElementById("ab1").innerHTML = abilitiesText1; |
document.getElementById("hab1").innerHTML = hiddenAbilitiesText1; |
var abilties2 = fusionAbilities(mon2abilities, mon1abilities); |
var hiddenAbilities2 = fusionHiddenAbilities(mon2abilities, mon1abilities, abilties2); |
var abilitiesText2 = "ABILITY: " + sanitizeAbilityList(abilties2); |
var hiddenAbilitiesText2 = sanitizeAbilityList(hiddenAbilities2); |
document.getElementById("ab2").innerHTML = abilitiesText2; |
document.getElementById("hab2").innerHTML = hiddenAbilitiesText2; |
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button"); |
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
buttons[i].disabled = false; |
}; |
} |
function typeId(ftype) { |
var ty1 = typeName.indexOf(ftype[0]); |
if (ftype.length == 2) { |
var ty2 = typeName.indexOf(ftype[1]); |
} else { |
var ty2 = 18; |
} |
return [ty1, ty2]; |
} |
function showFusion(elementId, fusionId, elementFusionId){ |
fusionUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aegide/custom-fusion-sprites/main/CustomBattlers/" + fusionId; |
document.getElementById(elementId).title = fusionId; |
if(doesImageExists(fusionUrl)){ |
document.getElementById(elementId).src = fusionUrl; |
document.getElementById(elementFusionId).style.color = "green"; |
} |
else{ |
fallbackFusionRepository = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aegide/autogen-fusion-sprites/master/Battlers/" |
headId = fusionId.split(".")[0]; |
fallbackFusionUrl = fallbackFusionRepository + headId + "/" + fusionId; |
document.getElementById(elementId).src = fallbackFusionUrl; |
document.getElementById(elementFusionId).style.color = "red"; |
} |
} |
function doesImageExists(imageUrl){ |
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
http.open('HEAD', imageUrl, false); |
http.send(); |
return http.status != 404; |
} |
function swapPoke(){ |
let auxId = headId; |
let auxFname = document.getElementById("fname1").value; |
headId = bodyId; |
document.getElementById("fname1").value = document.getElementById("fname2").value; |
bodyId = auxId; |
document.getElementById("fname2").value = auxFname; |
showShinies(false, false); |
} |
$("input[id='pic1']").click(function() { |
$("input[id='input_file']").click(); |
}); |
function readURLImage(input) { |
if (typeof headId !== 'undefined' && typeof bodyId !== 'undefined') { |
if (input.files && input.files[0]) { |
var reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.onload = function (e) { |
$('#pic1').attr('src', e.target.result); |
$('#pic2').attr('src', e.target.result); |
document.getElementById("pic2").style.filter |
= "hue-rotate(" + calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, true, false) + "deg)"; |
$('#pic3').attr('src', e.target.result); |
document.getElementById("pic3").style.filter |
= "hue-rotate(" + calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, false, true) + "deg)"; |
$('#pic4').attr('src', e.target.result); |
document.getElementById("pic4").style.filter |
= "hue-rotate(" + calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, true, true) + "deg)"; |
}; |
reader.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]); |
} |
} else { |
alert("Please fill the two text inputs!"); |
} |
} |
function showShinies(randomHead, randomBody){ |
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button"); |
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
buttons[i].disabled = true; |
}; |
document.getElementById("input_file").value = ""; |
if (randomHead) { |
headId = getRandomPokeID(); |
var name = ids[headId][0].toLowerCase(); |
if (nameFix.includes(name)) { |
name = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(name)]; |
} |
document.getElementById("fname1").value = name; |
} else { |
var name = document.getElementById("fname1").value.toLowerCase(); |
if (nameException.includes(name)) { |
name = nameFix[nameException.indexOf(name)]; |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { |
if (name.toUpperCase() == ids[i][0].toUpperCase()) { |
headId = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (randomBody) { |
bodyId = getRandomPokeID(); |
var name2 = ids[bodyId][0].toLowerCase(); |
if (nameFix.includes(name2)) { |
name2 = nameException[nameFix.indexOf(name2)]; |
} |
document.getElementById("fname2").value = name2; |
} else { |
var name2 = document.getElementById("fname2").value.toLowerCase(); |
if (nameException.includes(name2)) { |
name2 = nameFix[nameException.indexOf(name2)]; |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { |
if (name2.toUpperCase() == ids[i][0].toUpperCase()) { |
bodyId = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
document.getElementById("dexnumber1").innerHTML = (bodyId + 1) * 420 + headId + 1; |
document.getElementById("fusionid1").innerHTML = " (" + (headId + 1) + "." + (bodyId + 1) + ")" |
document.getElementById("fusionid1").style.color = "green"; |
picShinySrc = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aegide/custom-fusion-sprites/main/CustomBattlers/" + (headId+1) + "." + (bodyId+1) + ".png"; |
if (!doesImageExists(picShinySrc)) { |
picShinySrc = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aegide/autogen-fusion-sprites/master/Battlers/" + (headId+1) + "/" + (headId+1) + "." + (bodyId+1) + ".png"; |
document.getElementById("fusionid1").style.color = "red"; |
} |
document.getElementById("pic1").src = picShinySrc; |
window.hueShift = []; |
hueShift[0] = calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, true, false) |
let picShiny = document.getElementById("pic2"); |
picShiny.title = picShiny.alt = "Hue shift " + Math.trunc(hueShift[0]); |
hueShift[1] = calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, false, true) |
picShiny = document.getElementById("pic3"); |
picShiny.title = picShiny.alt = "Hue shift " + Math.trunc(hueShift[1]); |
hueShift[2] = calcShinyHue(headId, bodyId, true, true) |
picShiny = document.getElementById("pic4"); |
picShiny.title = picShiny.alt = "Hue shift " + Math.trunc(hueShift[2]); |
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button"); |
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
buttons[i].disabled = false; |
}; |
} |
function calcShinyHue(num1, num2, hasShinyHead, hasShinyBody) { |
let offset = 0; |
if (hasShinyHead && hasShinyBody && num1 in shinyColorOffsetsDict && num2 in shinyColorOffsetsDict){ |
offset = shinyColorOffsetsDict[num1] + shinyColorOffsetsDict[num2]; |
} else if (hasShinyHead && num1 in shinyColorOffsetsDict) { |
offset = shinyColorOffsetsDict[num1] |
} else if (hasShinyBody && num2 in shinyColorOffsetsDict) { |
offset = shinyColorOffsetsDict[num2] |
} else { |
offset = calcShinyHueDeafult(num1, num2, hasShinyHead, hasShinyBody); |
} |
return offset; |
} |
function calcShinyHueDeafult(num1, num2, hasShinyHead, hasShinyBody) { |
let dexOffset = num1 + num2 * 420; |
let dexDiff = Math.abs(num2 - num1); |
if (hasShinyHead && !hasShinyBody) { |
dexOffset = num1; |
} else if (!hasShinyHead && hasShinyBody) { |
dexOffset = dexDiff > 20 ? num2 : num2 + 40 |
} |
offset = dexOffset + 75; |
if (offset > 420) offset /= 360; |
if (offset < 40) offset = 40; |
if (Math.abs(360 - offset) < 40) offset = 40; |
return offset; |
} |
function fusionAbilities(headAbilities, bodyAbilities) { |
var B0 = bodyAbilities[0][0].name; |
var H1; |
if(headAbilities.length == 1){ |
H1 = headAbilities[0][0].name; |
} |
else if(headAbilities[1][1] == true){ |
H1 = headAbilities[0][0].name; |
} |
else{ |
H1 = headAbilities[1][0].name; |
} |
return [B0, H1]; |
} |
function fusionHiddenAbilities(headAbilities, bodyAbilities, fusionAbilities){ |
var headAbility, bodyAbility; |
var allAbilities = []; |
var maxAbilities = 3; |
for(var a = 0; a < maxAbilities; a++){ |
if( a < headAbilities.length){ |
headAbility = ability = headAbilities[a][0].name; |
allAbilities.push(headAbility); |
} |
if( a < bodyAbilities.length){ |
bodyAbility = bodyAbilities[a][0].name; |
allAbilities.push(bodyAbility); |
} |
} |
hiddenAbilities = allAbilities.filter(n => !fusionAbilities.includes(n)); |
return hiddenAbilities; |
} |
function removeDuplicates(list){ |
return Array.from(new Set(list)); |
} |
function sanitizeAbilityList(abilityList){ |
if(abilityList.length == 0){ |
return abilityList; |
} |
abilityList = removeDuplicates(abilityList); |
var listAb1 = ""; |
for (var i = 0; i < abilityList.length; i++) { |
listAb1 = listAb1 + abilityList[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + abilityList[i].slice(1) + " / "; |
} |
listAb1 = listAb1.slice(0, listAb1.length - 1); |
listAb1 = listAb1.split("-").join(" ") |
listAb1 = listAb1.split(" ") |
for (var i = 0, x = listAb1.length; i < x; i++) { |
listAb1[i] = listAb1[i][0].toUpperCase() + listAb1[i].substr(1); |
} |
listAb1 = listAb1.join(" ").slice(0, -2); |
return listAb1; |
} |
function fusAb(mon1, mon2) { |
var fabs = []; |
var H0 = mon1[0][0].name; |
if (mon1.length == 3 && mon1[2][1] == true) { |
var H1 = mon1[1][0].name; |
var HH = mon1[2][0].name; |
}else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon1[1][1] == true) { |
var HH = mon1[1][0].name; |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon1[1][1] == false){ |
var H1 = mon1[1][0].name; |
} |
var B0 = mon2[0][0].name; |
if (mon2.length == 3 && mon2[2][1] == true) { |
var B1 = mon2[1][0].name; |
var BH = mon2[2][0].name; |
}else if (mon2.length == 2 && mon2[1][1] == true) { |
var BH = mon2[1][0].name; |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon1[1][1] == false){ |
var B1 = mon2[1][0].name; |
} |
if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 1 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
} else if (H0 != B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 1 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} else if (H0 != B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 1 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B0 || HH == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != B0 && HH != B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 3 && mon2.length == 1 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon1[2][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B0 || B0 == HH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != B0 && HH != B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} else if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.punch(B1); |
} else if (H0 != B0 && H0 != B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} else if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} else if (H1 != B0 && H1 != B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B1 || HH == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != B1 && HH != B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 3 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon1[2][1] == true && mon2[0][1]==false && mon2[1][1] == false) { |
if (H0 == B1 || HH == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != B1 && HH != B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == true) { |
if (H0 == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} else if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} else if (H0 != B0 && H0 != BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == true) { |
if (H0 == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} else if (H0 == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
fabs.push(H1); |
} else if (H0 != BH && H1 != BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(H1); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1]==true) { |
if (H0 == BH || HH == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != BH && HH != BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 3 && mon2.length == 2 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon1[2][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == true) { |
if (H0 == BH || HH == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 != BH && HH != BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 3 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false && mon2[2][1] == true) { |
if (H0 != B1 && H0 != BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} else if (H0 == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} else if (H0 == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 3 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false && mon2[2][1] == true) { |
if (H0 == B1 || H0 == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} else if (H0 == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(BH); |
} else if (H0 == BH) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(B0); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 3 && mon1[0][1]==false && mon1[1][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false && mon2[2][1] == true) { |
if (H0!=B1 && HH!=B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 == B1 || HH == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 == B0 || HH == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 3 && mon2.length == 3 && mon1[0][1] == false && mon1[1][1] == false && mon1[2][1] == true && mon2[0][1] == false && mon2[1][1] == false && mon2[2][1] == true) { |
if (H0 != B1 && HH != B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 == B1 || HH == B1) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B0); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} else if (H0 == B0 || HH == B0) { |
fabs.push(H0); |
fabs.push(B1); |
fabs.push(HH); |
} |
} |
return fabs |
} |
function fusType(mon1, mon2) { |
var fmon = [] |
if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 1) { |
if (mon1[0] != mon2[0]) { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
fmon.push(mon2[0]) |
} else { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 1) { |
if (mon1[0] != mon2[0]) { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
fmon.push(mon2[0]); |
} else { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 1 && mon2.length == 2) { |
if (mon1[0] != mon2[1]) { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
fmon.push(mon2[1]); |
} else { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]) |
fmon.push(mon2[0]); |
} |
} else if (mon1.length == 2 && mon2.length == 2) { |
if (mon1[0] == mon2[1]) { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
fmon.push(mon2[0]); |
} else { |
fmon.push(mon1[0]); |
fmon.push(mon2[1]); |
} |
} |
return fmon |
} |
function isMissingNames(mon1, mon2){ |
return (mon1 == "" || mon1.length == 0 || mon1 == null) || (mon2 == "" || mon2.length == 0 || mon2 == null) |
} |