/* | |
Three different highlighting schemes "mark"|"burk"|"girk"|"birk"|"pirk" are defined in the css highlighter.css | |
The following functions highlight the selected text, according to the scheme chosen by a menu button. More precisely, they replace selected text, both in edit or command mode, by | |
a span tag with a given class and the selected text as data. | |
if no text is selected, then the whole cell is highlighted (using a div tag and a class corresponding to the chosen scheme). A function to remove all hihlightings is also provided. | |
*/ | |
function removeFullCellHighlight(cell_text) { | |
cell_text = cell_text.replace(/<div class=(?:"mark"|"burk"|"girk"|"birk"|"pirk")>\n([\s\S]*?)<\/div><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o "><\/i>/g, function (w, g) { | |
return g | |
}) | |
return cell_text | |
} | |
function fullCellHighlight(cell_text, scheme) { | |
cell_text = removeFullCellHighlight(cell_text); | |
return '<div class=' + '"' + scheme + '"' + '>\n' + cell_text + '</div><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o "><\/i>' | |
} | |
function highlight(text, scheme) { | |
var scheme = scheme; | |
// replace by a span, wile preserving leading and trailing spaces | |
var rep = text.replace(/(\S[\S\s]*\S)/, function (w, internal_text) { | |
return '<span class=' + '"' + scheme + '"' + '>' + internal_text + '</span>' | |
}) | |
return rep | |
//return '<span class='+'"'+scheme+'"'+'>'+text+'</span>' | |
} | |
function add_div(text) { | |
if (text.match(/^<div>([\S\s]*)<\/div>$/) == null) { | |
return '<div>' + text + '</div>' | |
} else { | |
return text | |
} | |
} | |
function rem_div(text) { | |
return text.replace(/^<div>([\S\s]*)<\/div>$/, function (w, g) { | |
return g | |
}) | |
} | |
function highlightInCmdMode(event, scheme) { | |
var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell() | |
var cm = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell().code_mirror | |
var selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); | |
var cell_text = cell.get_text(); | |
if (selectedText.length == 0) { | |
cell_text = fullCellHighlight(cell_text, scheme); | |
} else { | |
var identifiedText = align(selectedText, cell_text); | |
cell_text = cell_text.replace(identifiedText, highlight(identifiedText, scheme)); | |
} | |
cell.set_text(cell_text); | |
cell.render(); | |
return false; | |
} | |
function highlightInEditMode(event, scheme) { | |
var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell() | |
var cm = cell.code_mirror | |
var selectedText = cm.getSelection() | |
if (selectedText.length == 0) { | |
var cell_text = cell.get_text(); | |
cell_text = fullCellHighlight(cell_text, scheme); | |
cell.set_text(cell_text); | |
} else { | |
cm.replaceSelection(highlight(selectedText, scheme)) | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
function removeHighlights() { | |
var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell(); | |
var cell_text = removeFullCellHighlight(cell.get_text()); | |
cell_text = cell_text.replace(/<span class=(?:"mark"|"burk"|"girk"|"birk"|"pirk")>([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/g, | |
function (w, g) { | |
return g | |
} | |
) | |
cell.set_text(cell_text) | |
cell.render(); | |
} | |
//***************************************************************************************** | |
// Utilitary functions for finding a candidate corresponding text from an unformatted selection | |
/* In case of text selection in rendered cells, the returned text retains no formatting | |
therefore, when looking for this text in the actual formatted text, we need to do a | |
kind of "fuzzy" alignment. Though there exists specialized libraries for such task, | |
we have developed here a simple heuristics that should work 90% of the time, | |
but the problem cannot get a perfect solution. | |
A first point is to replace special characters that could be interpreded with | |
a special meaning in regular expressions. Then the idea is to find the exact matches | |
on the longest substring from the beginning of text, then the longest substring | |
from the end of the text. Finally, given the locations of the two substring, | |
we extract the corresponding global match in the original text. | |
*/ | |
function escapeRegExp(str) { | |
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "#"); | |
// return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); | |
return str | |
} | |
// Extract the longest matching substring from the beginning of the text | |
function exsub_up(sub, text) { | |
for (k = 0; k <= sub.length; k++) { | |
if (text.match(sub.substr(0, k)) == null) { | |
k = k - 2 | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
return text.match(sub.substr(0, k + 1)) | |
} | |
// Extract the longest matching substring from the end of the text | |
function exsub_down(sub, text) { | |
var L = sub.length | |
try { | |
for (k = 0; k <= sub.length; k++) { | |
tst = sub.substr(L - k - 1, L); | |
if (text.match(tst) == null) { | |
// console.log(tst) | |
k = k - 1 | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
return text.match(sub.substr(L - k - 1, L)) | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.log('Error', e) | |
return "" | |
} | |
} | |
// Function that tries to find the best match of the unformatted | |
// text in the formatted one. | |
function align(tofind, text) { | |
sub = escapeRegExp(tofind) | |
textModified = escapeRegExp(text) | |
//console.log(textModified.match(sub)) | |
if (textModified.match(sub) == null) { | |
a = exsub_up(sub, textModified) | |
b = exsub_down(sub, textModified) | |
return text.substr(a.index, b.index + b[0].length - a.index) | |
} else { | |
var tmpMatch = textModified.match(sub) | |
return text.substr(tmpMatch.index, tmpMatch[0].length) | |
} | |
} | |
// ***************** Keyboard shortcuts ****************************** | |
var add_cmd_shortcuts = { | |
'Alt-g': { | |
help: 'highlight selected text', | |
help_index: 'ht', | |
handler: function (event) { | |
highlightInCmdMode("", mark); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
'Alt-h': { | |
help: 'highlight selected text', | |
help_index: 'ht', | |
handler: function (event) { | |
highlightInCmdMode("", burk); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
}; | |
var add_edit_shortcuts = { | |
'Alt-g': { | |
help: 'highlight selected text', | |
help_index: 'ht', | |
handler: function (event) { | |
var highlight = mark; | |
highlightInEditMode("", mark); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
'Alt-h': { | |
help: 'highlight selected text', | |
help_index: 'ht', | |
handler: function (event) { | |
var highlight = burk; | |
highlightInEditMode("", burk); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
}; | |
//******Toolbar buttons ************************************************* | |
function highlightText(scheme) { | |
var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell(); | |
var rendered = cell.rendered; | |
if (rendered) highlightInCmdMode("", scheme); | |
else highlightInEditMode("", scheme); | |
} | |
function build_toolbar() { | |
var test = ' <div id="hgl" class="toolbar btn-group" role="toolbar"> \ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-group" id="higlighter_menu" href="#">\ | |
<i id="menu-hgl" class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></button>\ | |
<div id="submenu" class="btn-group" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" > \ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default highlighter-btn burk" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" href="#" id="b1"></button>\ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default highlighter-btn mark" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" href="#" id="b2"></button>\ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default highlighter-btn girk" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" href="#" id="b3"></button>\ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default highlighter-btn birk" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" href="#" id="b4"></button>\ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default highlighter-btn pirk" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0" href="#" id="b5"></button>\ | |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" style="font-weight:bold;margin-left:0"\ | |
href="#" id="remove_highlights">\<i class="fa fa-times highlighter-close"></i> </button></div>\ | |
</div>' | |
$("#maintoolbar-container").append(test); | |
$("#test").css({ | |
'padding': '5px' | |
}); | |
$("#submenu").hide(); // initially hide the submenu | |
//buttons initial css -- shall check if this is really necessary | |
// $("#higlighter_menu").css({ | |
// 'padding': '2px 8px', | |
// 'display': 'inline-block', | |
// 'border': '1px solid', | |
// 'border-color': '#cccccc', | |
// 'font-weight': 'bold', | |
// 'text-align': 'center', | |
// 'vertical-align': 'middle', | |
// 'margin-left': '0px', | |
// 'margin-right': '0px' | |
// }) | |
//Actions | |
$("#higlighter_menu") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
$("#submenu").toggle(); | |
$("#menu-hgl").toggleClass("fa-caret-right") | |
$("#menu-hgl").toggleClass("fa-caret-left") | |
}) | |
.attr('title', 'Highlight Selected Text'); | |
$("#b1") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
highlightText("burk") | |
}) | |
.on('mouseover', function () { | |
$("#b1").removeClass("btn btn-default").addClass("btn burk") | |
//.addClass("burk"); | |
}) //!! | |
.on('mouseout', function () { | |
$("#b1").addClass("btn btn-default") | |
}) | |
$("#b2") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
highlightText("mark") | |
}) | |
.on('mouseover', function () { | |
$("#b2").removeClass("btn btn-default").addClass("btn mark") | |
}) //!! | |
.on('mouseout', function () { | |
$("#b2").addClass("btn btn-default") | |
}) | |
$("#b3") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
highlightText("girk") | |
}) | |
.on('mouseover', function () { | |
$(this).removeClass("btn btn-default").addClass("btn girk") | |
}) //!! | |
.on('mouseout', function () { | |
$(this).addClass("btn btn-default") | |
}) | |
$("#b4") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
highlightText("birk") | |
}) | |
.on('mouseover', function () { | |
$(this).removeClass("btn btn-default").addClass("btn birk") | |
}) //!! | |
.on('mouseout', function () { | |
$(this).addClass("btn btn-default") | |
}) | |
$("#b5") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
highlightText("pirk") | |
}) | |
.on('mouseover', function () { | |
$(this).removeClass("btn btn-default").addClass("btn pirk") | |
}) //!! | |
.on('mouseout', function () { | |
$(this).addClass("btn btn-default") | |
}) | |
$("#remove_highlights") | |
.on('click', function () { | |
removeHighlights() | |
}) | |
.attr('title', 'Remove highlightings in selected cell'); | |
} // end build_toolbar | |
//******************************* MAIN FUNCTION ************************** | |
define(["require", | |
'base/js/namespace' | |
], function (requirejs, Jupyter) { | |
var security = requirejs("base/js/security") | |
var load_css = function (name) { | |
var link = document.createElement("link"); | |
link.type = "text/css"; | |
link.rel = "stylesheet"; | |
link.href = requirejs.toUrl(name); | |
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(link); | |
}; | |
//Load_ipython_extension | |
var load_ipython_extension = requirejs(['base/js/namespace'], function (Jupyter) { | |
"use strict"; | |
if (Jupyter.version[0] < 3) { | |
console.log("This extension requires Jupyter or IPython >= 3.x") | |
return | |
} | |
console.log("[highlighter] Loading highlighter.css"); | |
load_css('./highlighter.css') | |
IPython.keyboard_manager.edit_shortcuts.add_shortcuts(add_edit_shortcuts); | |
IPython.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcuts(add_cmd_shortcuts); | |
build_toolbar(); | |
var _on_reload = true; /* make sure cells render on reload */ | |
//highlighter_init_cells(); /* initialize cells */ | |
/* on reload */ | |
$([]).on('status_started.Kernel', function () { | |
//highlighter_init_cells(); | |
console.log("[highlighter] reload..."); | |
_on_reload = false; | |
}) | |
}); //end of load_ipython_extension function | |
return { | |
load_ipython_extension: load_ipython_extension, | |
}; | |
}); //End of main function | |
console.log("Loading ./highlighter.js"); |